Programs & Examples On #Createtextnode

This method is used to create a new text node within the HTML/XML document.

adding text to an existing text element in javascript via DOM

What about this.

var p = document.getElementById("p")_x000D_
p.innerText = p.innerText+" And this is addon."
<p id ="p">This is some text</p>

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null

There isn't an element on your page with the id "mainContent" when your callback is being executed.

In the line:


the section document.getElementById("mainContent") is returning null

Javascript loading CSV file into an array

I highly recommend looking into this plugin:

I used this for a project handling large CSV files and it handles parsing a CSV into an array quite well. You can use this to call a local file that you specify in your code, also, so you are not dependent on a file upload.

Once you include the plugin above, you can essentially parse the CSV using the following:

    url: "pathto/filename.csv",
    async: false,
    success: function (csvd) {
        data = $.csv.toArrays(csvd);
    dataType: "text",
    complete: function () {
        // call a function on complete 

Everything will then live in the array data for you to manipulate as you need. I can provide further examples for handling the array data if you need.

There are a lot of great examples available on the plugin page to do a variety of things, too.

Javascript Uncaught Reference error Function is not defined

Change the wrapping from "onload" to "No wrap - in <body>"

The function defined has a different scope.

how to add new <li> to <ul> onclick with javascript

First you have to create a li(with id and value as you required) then add it to your ul.

Javascript ::

addAnother = function() {
    var ul = document.getElementById("list");
    var li = document.createElement("li");
    var children = ul.children.length + 1
    li.setAttribute("id", "element"+children)
    li.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Element "+children));

Check this example that add li element to ul.

Creating SVG elements dynamically with javascript inside HTML


var svg   = document.documentElement;


var svg = document.createElementNS("", "svg");

so that you create a SVG element.

For the link to be an hyperlink, simply add a href attribute :

h.setAttributeNS(null, 'href', '');


JavaScript Adding an ID attribute to another created Element

You set an element's id by setting its corresponding property: = ID;

jQuery append() vs appendChild()

No longer

now append is a method in JavaScript

MDN documentation on append method

Quoting MDN

The ParentNode.append method inserts a set of Node objects or DOMString objects after the last child of the ParentNode. DOMString objects are inserted as equivalent Text nodes.

This is not supported by IE and Edge but supported by Chrome(54+), Firefox(49+) and Opera(39+).

The JavaScript's append is similar to jQuery's append.

You can pass multiple arguments.

var elm = document.getElementById('div1');
<div id="div1"></div>

Create table using Javascript

I hope you find this helpful.


    <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "test.css">

<script src = "test.js"></script>


var tableString = "<table>",
    body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0],
    div = document.createElement('div');

for (row = 1; row < 101; row += 1) {

    tableString += "<tr>";

    for (col = 1; col < 11; col += 1) {

        tableString += "<td>" + "row [" + row + "]" + "col [" + col + "]" + "</td>";
    tableString += "</tr>";

tableString += "</table>";
div.innerHTML = tableString;

Creating a div element inside a div element in javascript

'b' should be in capital letter in document.getElementById modified code jsfiddle

function test()

var element = document.createElement("div");
element.appendChild(document.createTextNode('The man who mistook his wife for a hat'));

PHP XML how to output nice format

// ##### IN SUMMARY #####

$xmlFilepath = 'test.xml';

 * echo xml in source format
function echoFormattedXML($xmlFilepath) {
    header('Content-Type: text/xml'); // to show source, not execute the xml
    echo formatXML($xmlFilepath); // format the xml to make it readable
} // echoFormattedXML

 * format xml so it can be easily read but will use more disk space
function formatXML($xmlFilepath) {
    $loadxml = simplexml_load_file($xmlFilepath);

    $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0');
    $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
    $dom->formatOutput = true;
    $formatxml = new SimpleXMLElement($dom->saveXML());
    //$formatxml->saveXML("testF.xml"); // save as file

    return $formatxml->saveXML();
} // formatXML

Dynamic creation of table with DOM

It is because you're only creating two td elements and 2 text nodes.

Creating all nodes in a loop

Recreate the nodes inside your loop:

var tablearea = document.getElementById('tablearea'),
    table = document.createElement('table');

for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
    var tr = document.createElement('tr');

    tr.appendChild( document.createElement('td') );
    tr.appendChild( document.createElement('td') );

    tr.cells[0].appendChild( document.createTextNode('Text1') )
    tr.cells[1].appendChild( document.createTextNode('Text2') );



Creating then cloning in a loop

Create them beforehand, and clone them inside the loop:

var tablearea = document.getElementById('tablearea'),
    table = document.createElement('table'),
    tr = document.createElement('tr');

tr.appendChild( document.createElement('td') );
tr.appendChild( document.createElement('td') );

tr.cells[0].appendChild( document.createTextNode('Text1') )
tr.cells[1].appendChild( document.createTextNode('Text2') );

for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
    table.appendChild(tr.cloneNode( true ));


Table factory with text string

Make a table factory:

function populateTable(table, rows, cells, content) {
    if (!table) table = document.createElement('table');
    for (var i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
        var row = document.createElement('tr');
        for (var j = 0; j < cells; ++j) {
            row.cells[j].appendChild(document.createTextNode(content + (j + 1)));
    return table;

And use it like this:

        .appendChild( populateTable(null, 3, 2, "Text") );

Table factory with text string or callback

The factory could easily be modified to accept a function as well for the fourth argument in order to populate the content of each cell in a more dynamic manner.

function populateTable(table, rows, cells, content) {
    var is_func = (typeof content === 'function');
    if (!table) table = document.createElement('table');
    for (var i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
        var row = document.createElement('tr');
        for (var j = 0; j < cells; ++j) {
            var text = !is_func ? (content + '') : content(table, i, j);
    return table;

Used like this:

        .appendChild(populateTable(null, 3, 2, function(t, r, c) {
                        return ' row: ' + r + ', cell: ' + c;

How do I append a node to an existing XML file in java

To append a new data element,just do this...

Document doc = docBuilder.parse(is);        
Node root=doc.getFirstChild();
Element newserver=doc.createElement("new_server");

easy.... 'is' is an InputStream object. rest is similar to your code....tried it just now...

Error on line 2 at column 1: Extra content at the end of the document

On each loop of the result set, you're appending a new root element to the document, creating an XML document like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

An XML document can only have one root element, which is why the error is stating there is "extra content". Create a single root element and add all the mycatch elements to that:

$root = $dom->createElement("root");
// ...
while ($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
  $node = $dom->createElement("mycatch");

Add CSS to <head> with JavaScript?

As you are trying to add a string of CSS to <head> with JavaScript? injecting a string of CSS into a page it is easier to do this with the <link> element than the <style> element.

The following adds p { color: green; } rule to the page.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="data:text/css;charset=UTF-8,p%20%7B%20color%3A%20green%3B%20%7D" />

You can create this in JavaScript simply by URL encoding your string of CSS and adding it the HREF attribute. Much simpler than all the quirks of <style> elements or directly accessing stylesheets.

var linkElement = this.document.createElement('link');
linkElement.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
linkElement.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
linkElement.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/css;charset=UTF-8,' + encodeURIComponent(myStringOfstyles));

This will work in IE 5.5 upwards

The solution you have marked will work but this solution requires fewer dom operations and only a single element.

Get the last item in an array

Not sure if there's a drawback, but this seems quite concise:




Both will return undefined if the array is empty.

Executing <script> elements inserted with .innerHTML

function insertHtml(id, html)  
   var ele = document.getElementById(id);  
   ele.innerHTML = html;  
   var codes = ele.getElementsByTagName("script");   
   for(var i=0;i<codes.length;i++)  

It works in Chrome in my project

Get the string representation of a DOM node


new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(element);

Creating the checkbox dynamically using JavaScript?

The last line should read


Appending the text (label?) to the same container as the checkbox, not the checkbox itself

How do I clear my local working directory in Git?

To switch to another branch, discarding all uncommitted changes (e.g. resulting from Git's strange handling of line endings):

git checkout -f <branchname>

I had a working copy with hundreds of changed files (but empty git diff --ignore-space-at-eol) which I couldn't get rid off with any of the commands I read here, and git checkout <branchname> won't work, either - unless given the -f (or --force) option.

PHP - Getting the index of a element from a array

There is no way to get a position which you really want.
For associative array, to determine last iteration you can use already mentioned counter variable, or determine last item's key first:

$last = key($array);
foreach($array as $key => value)
  if($key == $last) ....

Get all photos from Instagram which have a specific hashtag with PHP

Here's another example I wrote a while ago:

    // Get class for Instagram
    // More examples here:
    require_once 'instagram.class.php';

    // Initialize class with client_id
    // Register at and replace client_id with your own
    $instagram = new Instagram('CLIENT_ID_HERE');

    // Set keyword for #hashtag
    $tag = 'KEYWORD HERE';

    // Get latest photos according to #hashtag keyword
    $media = $instagram->getTagMedia($tag);

    // Set number of photos to show
    $limit = 5;

    // Set height and width for photos
    $size = '100';

    // Show results
    // Using for loop will cause error if there are less photos than the limit
    foreach(array_slice($media->data, 0, $limit) as $data)
        // Show photo
        echo '<p><img src="'.$data->images->thumbnail->url.'" height="'.$size.'" width="'.$size.'" alt="SOME TEXT HERE"></p>';

Associative arrays in Shell scripts

Another non-bash 4 way.


# A pretend Python dictionary with bash 3 
ARRAY=( "cow:moo"
        "bash:rock" )

for animal in "${ARRAY[@]}" ; do
    printf "%s likes to %s.\n" "$KEY" "$VALUE"

echo -e "${ARRAY[1]%%:*} is an extinct animal which likes to ${ARRAY[1]#*:}\n"

You could throw an if statement for searching in there as well. if [[ $var =~ /blah/ ]]. or whatever.

Can't bind to 'ngForOf' since it isn't a known property of 'tr' (final release)

Custom Module Needs common module

import { CommonModule } from "@angular/common";

  imports: [

Kubernetes Pod fails with CrashLoopBackOff

I had similar situation. I found that one of my config maps was duplicated. I had two configmaps for the same namespace. One had the correct namespace reference, the other was pointing to the wrong namespace.

I deleted and recreated the configmap with the correct file (or fixed file). I am only using one, and that seemed to make the particular cluster happier.

So I would check the files for any typos or duplicate items that could be causing conflict.

How to install Flask on Windows?

Assuming you are a PyCharm User, its pretty easy to install Flask This will help users without shell pip access also.

  • Open Settings(Ctrl+Alt+s) >>
  • Goto Project Interpreter>>
  • Double click pip>> Search for flask
  • Select and click Install Package ( Check Install to site users if intending to use Flask for this project alone Done!!!

Cases in which flask is not shown in pip: Open Manage Repository>> Add(+) >> Add this following url

Now back to pip, it will show related packages of flask,

  • select flask>>
  • install package>>


HTML-5 date field shows as "mm/dd/yyyy" in Chrome, even when valid date is set

If you are dealing with a table and one of the dates happens to be null, you can code it like this:

     if (Model.SomeCollection[i].date_due == null)
         <td><input type='date' id="@("dd" + i)" name="dd" /></td>
         <td><input type='date' value="@Model.SomeCollection[i].date_due.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")" id="@("dd" + i)" name="dd" /></td>

jQuery How do you get an image to fade in on load?

This thread seems unnecessarily controversial.

If you really want to solve this question correctly, using jQuery, please see the solution below.

The question is "jQuery How do you get an image to fade in on load?"

First, a quick note.

This is not a good candidate for $(document).ready...

Why? Because the document is ready when the HTML DOM is loaded. The logo image will not be ready at this point - it may still be downloading in fact!

So to answer first the general question "jQuery How do you get an image to fade in on load?" - the image in this example has an id="logo" attribute:

$("#logo").bind("load", function () { $(this).fadeIn(); });

This does exactly what the question asks. When the image has loaded, it will fade in. If you change the source of the image, when the new source has loaded, it will fade in.

There is a comment about using window.onload alongside jQuery. This is perfectly possible. It works. It can be done. However, the window.onload event needs a particular bit of care. This is because if you use it more than once, you overwrite your previous events. Example (feel free to try it...).

function SaySomething(words) {
window.onload = function () { SaySomething("Hello"); };
window.onload = function () { SaySomething("Everyone"); };
window.onload = function () { SaySomething("Oh!"); };

Of course, you wouldn't have three onload events so close together in your code. You would most likely have a script that does something onload, and then add your window.onload handler to fade in your image - "why has my slide show stopped working!!?" - because of the window.onload problem.

One great feature of jQuery is that when you bind events using jQuery, they ALL get added.

So there you have it - the question has already been marked as answered, but the answer seems to be insufficient based on all the comments. I hope this helps anyone arriving from the world's search engines!

What is the Regular Expression For "Not Whitespace and Not a hyphen"

In Java:

    String regex = "[^-\\s]";

    System.out.println("-".matches(regex)); // prints "false"
    System.out.println(" ".matches(regex)); // prints "false"
    System.out.println("+".matches(regex)); // prints "true"

The regex [^-\s] works as expected. [^\s-] also works.

See also

How to return 2 values from a Java method?

You also can send in mutable objects as parameters, if you use methods to modify them then they will be modified when you return from the function. It won't work on stuff like Float, since it is immutable.

public class HelloWorld{

     public static void main(String []args){
        HelloWorld world = new HelloWorld();;

    private class Dog
       private String name;
       public void setName(String s)
           name = s;
       public String getName() { return name;}
       public Dog(String name)

    public void run()
       Dog newDog = new Dog("John");

     public void nameThatDog(Dog dog)

The result is: Rutger

How do I merge dictionaries together in Python?

Trey Hunner has a nice blog post outlining several options for merging multiple dictionaries, including (for python3.3+) ChainMap and dictionary unpacking.

Deleting records before a certain date

This helped me delete data based on different attributes. This is dangerous so make sure you back up database or the table before doing it:

mysqldump -h hotsname -u username -p password database_name > backup_folder/backup_filename.txt

Now you can perform the delete operation:

delete from table_name where column_name < DATE_SUB(NOW() , INTERVAL 1 DAY)

This will remove all the data from before one day. For deleting data from before 6 months:

delete from table_name where column_name < DATE_SUB(NOW() , INTERVAL 6 MONTH)

How can I query a value in SQL Server XML column

I used the below statement to retrieve the values in the XML in the Sql table

with xmlnamespaces(default '')
select * from (
    [RequestXML].value(N'/OnlineContractDS[1]/Properties[1]/Name[1]', 'nvarchar(30)') as [Name]
   ,[RequestXML].value(N'/OnlineContractDS[1]/Properties[1]/Value[1]', 'nvarchar(30)') as [Value]
     ,[RequestXML].value(N'/OnlineContractDS[1]/Locale[1]', 'nvarchar(30)') as [Locale]
from [OnlineContract]) as olc
where olc.Name like '%EMAIL%' and olc.Value like '%EMAIL%' and olc.Locale='UK EN'

Python variables as keys to dict

Based on the answer by mouad, here's a more pythonic way to select the variables based on a prefix:

# All the vars that I want to get start with fruit_
fruit_apple = 1
fruit_carrot = 'f'
rotten = 666

prefix = 'fruit_'
sourcedict = locals()
fruitdict = { v[len(prefix):] : sourcedict[v]
              for v in sourcedict
              if v.startswith(prefix) }
# fruitdict = {'carrot': 'f', 'apple': 1}

You can even put that in a function with prefix and sourcedict as arguments.

Ruby 2.0.0p0 IRB warning: "DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle"

I got this resolution at


This error occurs only on Windows machine with Ruby 2.0.0 version. Until we officially support Ruby 2.0 please downgrade to Ruby 1.9.

On Windows, you can install Ruby 1.9.3 alongside 2.0. Change your %PATH% to c:\ruby193\ or whatever directory you installed to prior to installing the gem.

Module is not available, misspelled or forgot to load (but I didn't)

I had the same error but i resolved it, it was a syntax error in the AngularJS provider

Different CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and SYSDATE in oracle

  1. SYSDATE, systimestamp return datetime of server where database is installed. SYSDATE - returns only date, i.e., "yyyy-mm-dd". systimestamp returns date with time and zone, i.e., "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss:ms timezone"
  2. now() returns datetime at the time statement execution, i.e., "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"
  3. CURRENT_DATE - "yyyy-mm-dd", CURRENT_TIME - "hh:mm:ss", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss timezone". These are related to a record insertion time.

What does the "@" symbol do in SQL?

What you are talking about is the way a parameterized query is written. '@' just signifies that it is a parameter. You can add the value for that parameter during execution process

sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(query,connection);
sqldatareader dr = cmd.executequery();

Using OpenSSL what does "unable to write 'random state'" mean?

The problem for me was that I had .rnd in my home directory but it was owned by root. Deleting it and reissuing the openssl command fixed this.

How to encode Doctrine entities to JSON in Symfony 2.0 AJAX application?

in Symfony 2.3


    # ?????? ??????????????? ???????? ? ???????, json, xml ? ???????
        enabled: true

        class: Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\GetSetMethodNormalizer
        # ???????? ? ???? ????????? ???? ??????, ??? ??. ?????, ?.?. ????? ???????? ?? ?????
          - { name: serializer.normalizer }

and example for your controller:

 * ????? ???????? ?? ?? ??????? ? ?? ?????
 * @Route("/search/", name="orgunitSearch")
public function orgunitSearchAction()
    $array = $this->get('request')->query->all();

    $entity = $this->getDoctrine()

    $serializer = $this->get('serializer');
    //$json = $serializer->serialize($entity, 'json');
    $array = $serializer->normalize($entity);

    return new JsonResponse( $array );

but the problems with the field type \DateTime will remain.

How do I ignore an error on 'git pull' about my local changes would be overwritten by merge?

git reset --hard && git clean -df

Caution: This will reset and delete any untracked files.

How to check task status in Celery?

  • First,in your celery APP:

vi my_celery_apps/

app = Celery(worker_name)
  • and next, change to the task file,import app from your celery app module.

vi tasks/

from my_celery_apps.app1 import app


   if task.state.lower() != "success":
    """ do something """

PHP calculate age

I find this works and is simple.

Subtract from 1970 because strtotime calculates time from 1970-01-01 (

function getAge($date) {
    return intval(date('Y', time() - strtotime($date))) - 1970;


Current Time: 2015-10-22 10:04:23

getAge('2005-10-22') // => 10
getAge('1997-10-22 10:06:52') // one 1s before  => 17
getAge('1997-10-22 10:06:50') // one 1s after => 18
getAge('1985-02-04') // => 30
getAge('1920-02-29') // => 95

Call two functions from same onclick

You can create a single function that calls both of those, and then use it in the event.

function myFunction(){

And then, for the button:

<input id="btn" type="button" value="click" onclick="myFunction();"/>

Reasons for using the set.seed function

Just adding some addition aspects. Need for setting seed: In the academic world, if one claims that his algorithm achieves, say 98.05% performance in one simulation, others need to be able to reproduce it.


Going through the help file of this function, these are some interesting facts:

(1) set.seed() returns NULL, invisible

(2) "Initially, there is no seed; a new one is created from the current time and the process ID when one is required. Hence different sessions will give different simulation results, by default. However, the seed might be restored from a previous session if a previously saved workspace is restored.", this is why you would want to call set.seed() with same integer values the next time you want a same sequence of random sequence.

Android Studio AVD - Emulator: Process finished with exit code 1

There might be several reasons for this.

  1. first of all, check whether the legacy mode is enabled in your bios settings. if it is not enabled, ensure to make it enabled in BIOS settings.
    1. and then In AVD Manager -> Edit -> Show Advanced Settings -> Boot Options (Select Cold boot). That fixed my issue. I hope it will fix your problem.

jquery stop child triggering parent event

Better way by using on() with chaining like,

    }).on('click','a',function(e) {

SQL SERVER, SELECT statement with auto generate row id

If you are making use of GUIDs this should be nice and easy, if you are looking for an integer ID, you will have to wait for another answer.

SELECT newId() AS ColId, Col1, Col2, Col3 FROM table1

The newId() will generate a new GUID for you that you can use as your automatically generated id column.

Pointers in JavaScript?

Javascript should just put pointers into the mix coz it solves a lot of problems. It means code can refer to an unknown variable name or variables that were created dynamically. It also makes modular coding and injection easy.

This is what i see as the closest you can come to c pointers in practice

in js:

var a = 78;       // creates a var with integer value of 78 
var pointer = 'a' // note it is a string representation of the var name
eval (pointer + ' = 12'); // equivalent to: eval ('a = 12'); but changes value of a to 12

in c:

int a = 78;       // creates a var with integer value of 78 
int pointer = &a; // makes pointer  to refer to the same address mem as a
*pointer = 12;   // changes the value of a to 12

IIS 500.19 with 0x80070005 The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid error

I was getting this error when running my project from my local machine using visual studio 2017

Not one of these solutions worked for me. At the end of the day, the fix that worked for me was the following:

  1. Right click on the project -> Properties -> Web -> Project Url
  2. In the project Url text box, I incremented my port number by one and then clicked on Create Virtual Directory button.
  3. Save your changes and then run the project again.

Bring element to front using CSS

Another Note: z-index must be considered when looking at children objects relative to other objects.

For example

<div class="container">
    <div class="branch_1">
        <div class="branch_1__child"></div>
    <div class="branch_2">
        <div class="branch_2__child"></div>

If you gave branch_1__child a z-index of 99 and you gave branch_2__child a z-index of 1, but you also gave your branch_2 a z-index of 10 and your branch_1 a z-index of 1, your branch_1__child still will not show up in front of your branch_2__child

Anyways, what I'm trying to say is; if a parent of an element you'd like to be placed in front has a lower z-index than its relative, that element will not be placed higher.

The z-index is relative to its containers. A z-index placed on a container farther up in the hierarchy basically starts a new "layer"


Here's a fiddle to play around:

How to specify legend position in matplotlib in graph coordinates

According to the matplotlib legend documentation:

The location can also be a 2-tuple giving the coordinates of the lower-left corner of the legend in axes coordinates (in which case bbox_to_anchor will be ignored).

Thus, one could use:

plt.legend(loc=(x, y))

to set the legend's lower left corner to the specified (x, y) position.

make iframe height dynamic based on content inside- JQUERY/Javascript

Rather than using javscript/jquery the easiest way I found is:

<iframe style="min-height:98vh" src="" width="100%"></iframe>

Here 1vh = 1% of Browser window height. So the theoretical value of height to be set is 100vh but practically 98vh did the magic.

Entity Framework Provider type could not be loaded?

I finally resolved this. Turns out, I had an erroneous implementation of IDIsposable in my repository class. I fixed that. The erroneous implementation caused a stackoverflow exception since I wasn't disposing off resources properly. This caused VS not to run the tests and the test execution engine crashed.

I filed it with Microsoft here ( this was before I got the correct solution).

Anyway, the builds now run fine on teamcity. ALthough, I am still curious why neither VS Test execution engine had a graceful way of telling me what was happening not Team City.

I discovered the root cause by manually debugging the test ( which I only realised after so many days , the fix took me 5 seconds).

Hopefully this will help someone who comes across such issues.

How do you set the max number of characters for an EditText in Android?

use this function anywhere easily:

 public static void setEditTextMaxLength(EditText editText, int length) {
    InputFilter[] FilterArray = new InputFilter[1];
    FilterArray[0] = new InputFilter.LengthFilter(length);

Convert the values in a column into row names in an existing data frame

in one line

> samp.with.rownames <- data.frame(samp[,-1], row.names=samp[,1])

Cross-platform way of getting temp directory in Python

I use:

from pathlib import Path
import platform
import tempfile

tempdir = Path("/tmp" if platform.system() == "Darwin" else tempfile.gettempdir())

This is because on MacOS, i.e. Darwin, tempfile.gettempdir() and os.getenv('TMPDIR') return a value such as '/var/folders/nj/269977hs0_96bttwj2gs_jhhp48z54/T'; it is one that I do not always want.

In bootstrap how to add borders to rows without adding up?

you can add the 1px border to just the sides and bottom of each row. the first value is the top border, the second is the right border, the third is the bottom border, and the fourth is the left border.

div.row {
  border: 0px 1px 1px 1px solid;

Is 'bool' a basic datatype in C++?

C is meant to be a step above assembly language. The C if-statement is really just syntactical sugar for "branch-if-zero", so the idea of booleans as an independent datatype was a foreign concept at the time. (1)

Even now, C/C++ booleans are usually little more than an alias for a single byte data type. As such, it's really more of a purposing label than an independent datatype.

(1) Of course, modern compilers are a bit more advanced in their handling of if statements. This is from the standpoint of C as a new language.

How do I resolve "Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create object"?

The file msrdo20.dll is missing from the installation.

According to the Support Statement for Visual Basic 6.0 on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7 this file should be distributed with the application.

I'm not sure why it isn't, but my solution is to place the file somewhere on the machine, and register it using regsvr32 in the command line, eg:

regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\msrdo20.dll

In an ideal world you would package this up with the redistributable.

PHP & localStorage;

localStorage is something that is kept on the client side. There is no data transmitted to the server side.

You can only get the data with JavaScript and you can send it to the server side with Ajax.

Are nested try/except blocks in Python a good programming practice?

While in Java it's indeed a bad practice to use exceptions for flow control (mainly because exceptions force the JVM to gather resources (more here)), in Python you have two important principles: duck typing and EAFP. This basically means that you are encouraged to try using an object the way you think it would work, and handle when things are not like that.

In summary, the only problem would be your code getting too much indented. If you feel like it, try to simplify some of the nestings, like lqc suggested in the suggested answer above.

Get querystring from URL using jQuery

Have a look at this Stack Overflow answer.

 function getParameterByName(name, url) {
     if (!url) url = window.location.href;
     name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&");
     var regex = new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"),
         results = regex.exec(url);
     if (!results) return null;
     if (!results[2]) return '';
     return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " "));

You can use the method to animate:


var thequerystring = getParameterByName("location");
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $("div#" + thequerystring).offset().top}, 500);

SQL: Combine Select count(*) from multiple tables

I'm surprised no one has suggested this variation:

  SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM foo1 WHERE ID = '00123244552000258'
  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM foo2 WHERE ID = '00123244552000258'
  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM foo3 WHERE ID = '00123244552000258'

In Swift how to call method with parameters on GCD main thread?

Swift 3+ & Swift 4 version:

DispatchQueue.main.async {

Swift 3 and Xcode 9.2:

dispatch_async_on_main_queue {

Convert command line arguments into an array in Bash

Easier Yet, you can operate directly on $@ ;)

Here is how to do pass a a list of args directly from the prompt:

function echoarg { for stuff in "$@" ; do echo $stuff ; done ; } 
    echoarg Hey Ho Lets Go

Use a cell value in VBA function with a variable

No need to activate or selection sheets or cells if you're using VBA. You can access it all directly. The code:

Dim rng As Range
For Each rng In Sheets("Feuil2").Range("A1:A333")
    Sheets("Classeur2.csv").Cells(rng.Value, rng.Offset(, 1).Value) = "1"
Next rng

is producing the same result as Joe's code.

If you need to switch sheets for some reasons, use Application.ScreenUpdating = False at the beginning of your macro (and Application.ScreenUpdating=True at the end). This will remove the screenflickering - and speed up the execution.

JavaScript before leaving the page

<!DOCTYPE html>
<body onbeforeunload="return myFunction()">

<p>Close this window, press F5 or click on the link below to invoke the onbeforeunload event.</p>

<a href="">Click here to go to</a>

function myFunction() {
    return "Write something clever here...";


make image( not background img) in div repeat?

Not with CSS you can't. You need to use JS. A quick example copying the img to the background:

var $el = document.getElementById( 'rightflower' )
  , $img = $el.getElementsByTagName( 'img' )[0]
  , src  = $img.src

$el.innerHTML = "";
$ = "url( " + src + " ) repeat-y;"

Or you can actually repeat the image, but how many times?

var $el = document.getElementById( 'rightflower' )
  , str = ""
  , imgHTML = $el.innerHTML
  , i, i2;
for( i=0,i2=10; i<i2; i++ ){
    str += imgHTML;
$el.innerHTML = str;

How to create custom config section in app.config?

Import namespace :

using System.Configuration;

Create ConfigurationElement Company :

public class Company : ConfigurationElement

        [ConfigurationProperty("name", IsRequired = true)]
        public string Name
                return this["name"] as string;
            [ConfigurationProperty("code", IsRequired = true)]
        public string Code
                return this["code"] as string;


public class Companies
        : ConfigurationElementCollection
        public Company this[int index]
                return base.BaseGet(index) as Company ;
                if (base.BaseGet(index) != null)
                this.BaseAdd(index, value);

       public new Company this[string responseString]
            get { return (Company) BaseGet(responseString); }
                if(BaseGet(responseString) != null)

        protected override System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement()
            return new Company();

        protected override object GetElementKey(System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement element)
            return ((Company)element).Name;

and ConfigurationSection:

public class RegisterCompaniesConfig
        : ConfigurationSection

        public static RegisterCompaniesConfig GetConfig()
            return (RegisterCompaniesConfig)System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.GetSection("RegisterCompanies") ?? new RegisterCompaniesConfig();

            [ConfigurationCollection(typeof(Companies), AddItemName = "Company")]
        public Companies Companies
                object o = this["Companies"];
                return o as Companies ;


and you must also register your new configuration section in web.config (app.config):

          <section name="Companies" type="blablabla.RegisterCompaniesConfig" ..>

then you load your config with

var config = RegisterCompaniesConfig.GetConfig();
foreach(var item in config.Companies)
   do something ..

What can lead to "IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor" during os.system()?

You get this error message if a Python file was closed from "the outside", i.e. not from the file object's close() method:

>>> f = open(".bashrc")
>>> os.close(f.fileno())
>>> del f
close failed in file object destructor:
IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor

The line del f deletes the last reference to the file object, causing its destructor file.__del__ to be called. The internal state of the file object indicates the file is still open since f.close() was never called, so the destructor tries to close the file. The OS subsequently throws an error because of the attempt to close a file that's not open.

Since the implementation of os.system() does not create any Python file objects, it does not seem likely that the system() call is the origin of the error. Maybe you could show a bit more code?

Laravel - Return json along with http status code

return response(['title' => trans('web.errors.duplicate_title')], 422); //Unprocessable Entity

Hope my answer was helpful.

PHP: trying to create a new line with "\n"

This works perfectly for me...

echo nl2br("\n");


Hope it helps :)

Is there a way to word-wrap long words in a div?

Most of the previous answer didn't work for me in Firefox 38.0.5. This did...

<div style='padding: 3px; width: 130px; word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word;'>
    // Content goes here


How to let PHP to create subdomain automatically for each user?

You're looking to create a custom A record.

I'm pretty sure that you can use wildcards when specifying A records which would let you do something like this:

*       IN  A would be the IP address of your webserver. The method of actually adding the record will depend on your host.

Doing it like would be a lot easier to set up if it's an option.

Then you could just add a .htaccess file that looks like this:

Options +FollowSymLinks

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([aA-zZ])$  dostuff.php?username=$1

In the above, usernames are limited to the characters a-z

The rewrite rule for grabbing the subdomain would look like this:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(^.*)\
RewriteRule (.*)  dostuff.php?username=%1

However, you don't really need any rewrite rules. The HTTP_HOST header is available in PHP as well, so you can get it already, like

$username = strtok($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], ".");

What is a callback?

I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But here's my number (delegate),
So if something happens (event),
Call me, maybe (callback)?

Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging

Everything is fine.Good example of activity/service communication using Messenger.

One comment : the method MyService.isRunning() is not required.. bindService() can be done any number of times. no harm in that.

If MyService is running in a different process then the static function MyService.isRunning() will always return false. So there is no need of this function.

MySQL high CPU usage

First I'd say you probably want to turn off persistent connections as they almost always do more harm than good.

Secondly I'd say you want to double check your MySQL users, just to make sure it's not possible for anyone to be connecting from a remote server. This is also a major security thing to check.

Thirdly I'd say you want to turn on the MySQL Slow Query Log to keep an eye on any queries that are taking a long time, and use that to make sure you don't have any queries locking up key tables for too long.

Some other things you can check would be to run the following query while the CPU load is high:


This will show you any queries that are currently running or in the queue to run, what the query is and what it's doing (this command will truncate the query if it's too long, you can use SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST to see the full query text).

You'll also want to keep an eye on things like your buffer sizes, table cache, query cache and innodb_buffer_pool_size (if you're using innodb tables) as all of these memory allocations can have an affect on query performance which can cause MySQL to eat up CPU.

You'll also probably want to give the following a read over as they contain some good information.

It's also a very good idea to use a profiler. Something you can turn on when you want that will show you what queries your application is running, if there's duplicate queries, how long they're taking, etc, etc. An example of something like this is one I've been working on called PHP Profiler but there are many out there. If you're using a piece of software like Drupal, Joomla or Wordpress you'll want to ask around within the community as there's probably modules available for them that allow you to get this information without needing to manually integrate anything.

Angular 2 - Redirect to an external URL and open in a new tab

onNavigate(){"", "_blank");

How to calculate age in T-SQL with years, months, and days

declare @BirthDate datetime
declare @TotalYear int
declare @TotalMonths int
declare @TotalDays int
declare @TotalWeeks int
declare @TotalHours int
declare @TotalMinute int
declare @TotalSecond int
declare @CurrentDtTime datetime
set @BirthDate='1998/01/05 05:04:00'  -- Set Your date here
set @TotalYear= FLOOR(DATEDIFF(DAY, @BirthDate, GETDATE()) / 365.25)
set @TotalMonths= FLOOR(DATEDIFF(DAY,DATEADD(year, @TotalYear,@BirthDate),GetDate()) / 30.436875E)
set @TotalDays= FLOOR(DATEDIFF(DAY, DATEADD(month, @TotalMonths,DATEADD(year, 
    @TotalYear,@BirthDate)), GETDATE()))
set @CurrentDtTime=CONVERT(datetime,CONVERT(varchar(50), DATEPART(year, 
    GetDate()))+'/' +CONVERT(varchar(50), DATEPART(MONTH, GetDate()))
    +'/'+ CONVERT(varchar(50),DATEPART(DAY, GetDate()))+' '
    + CONVERT(varchar(50),DATEPART(HOUR, @BirthDate))+':'+ 
     CONVERT(varchar(50),DATEPART(MINUTE, @BirthDate))+
   ':'+ CONVERT(varchar(50),DATEPART(Second, @BirthDate)))
set @TotalHours = DATEDIFF(hour, @CurrentDtTime, GETDATE())
if(@TotalHours < 0)
   set @TotalHours = DATEDIFF(hour,DATEADD(Day,-1, @CurrentDtTime), GETDATE())
   set @TotalDays= @TotalDays -1  
 if(@TotalMinute < 0)

set @TotalSecond= DATEPART(Second, GETDATE())-DATEPART(Second, @BirthDate)

 Print 'Your age are'+ CHAR(13)
 + CONVERT(varchar(50), @TotalYear)+' Years, ' +
   CONVERT(varchar(50),@TotalMonths) +' Months, ' +
   CONVERT(varchar(50),@TotalDays)+' Days, ' +
   CONVERT(varchar(50),@TotalHours)+' Hours, ' +
   CONVERT(varchar(50),@TotalMinute)+' Minutes, ' + 
   CONVERT(varchar(50),@TotalSecond)+' Seconds. ' +char(13)+
     'Your are born at day of week was - ' + CONVERT(varchar(50),DATENAME(dw , 
     @BirthDate ))
+'Your Birthdate to till date your '+ CHAR(13)
+'Years - ' + CONVERT(varchar(50), FLOOR(DATEDIFF(DAY, @BirthDate, GETDATE()) / 
+' , Months - ' + CONVERT(varchar(50),DATEDIFF(MM,@BirthDate,getdate())) 
+' , Weeks - ' + CONVERT(varchar(50),DATEDIFF(wk,@BirthDate,getdate()))
+' , Days - ' + CONVERT(varchar(50),DATEDIFF(dd,@BirthDate,getdate()))+char(13)+
+'Hours - ' + CONVERT(varchar(50),DATEDIFF(HH,@BirthDate,getdate()))
+' , Minutes - ' + CONVERT(varchar(50),DATEDIFF(mi,@BirthDate,getdate()))
+' , Seconds - ' + CONVERT(varchar(50),DATEDIFF(ss,@BirthDate,getdate()))


Your age are
22 Years, 0 Months, 2 Days, 11 Hours, 30 Minutes, 16 Seconds. 
Your are born at day of week was - Monday

Your Birthdate to till date your 
Years - 22 , Months - 264 , Weeks - 1148 , Days - 8037
Hours - 192899 , Minutes - 11573970 , Seconds - 694438216

Callback when DOM is loaded in react.js

Looks like a combination of componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate will get the job done. The first is called after the initial rendering, when the DOM is available, the second is called after any subsequent renderings, once the updated DOM is available. In my case, I both have them delegate to a common function to do the same thing.

ERROR 1064 (42000) in MySQL

If the line before your error contains COMMENT '' either populate the comment in the script or remove the empty comment definition. I've found this in scripts generated by MySQL Workbench.

How to extract epoch from LocalDate and LocalDateTime?

Look at this method to see which fields are supported. You will find for LocalDateTime:


The field INSTANT_SECONDS is - of course - not supported because a LocalDateTime cannot refer to any absolute (global) timestamp. But what is helpful is the field EPOCH_DAY which counts the elapsed days since 1970-01-01. Similar thoughts are valid for the type LocalDate (with even less supported fields).

If you intend to get the non-existing millis-since-unix-epoch field you also need the timezone for converting from a local to a global type. This conversion can be done much simpler, see other SO-posts.

Coming back to your question and the numbers in your code:

The result 1605 is correct
  => (2014 - 1970) * 365 + 11 (leap days) + 31 (in january 2014) + 3 (in february 2014)
The result 71461 is also correct => 19 * 3600 + 51 * 60 + 1

16105L * 86400 + 71461 = 1391543461 seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00 (attention, no timezone) Then you can subtract the timezone offset (watch out for possible multiplication by 1000 if in milliseconds).

UPDATE after given timezone info:

local time = 1391543461 secs
offset = 3600 secs (Europe/Oslo, winter time in february)
utc = 1391543461 - 3600 = 1391539861

As JSR-310-code with two equivalent approaches:

long secondsSinceUnixEpoch1 =
  LocalDateTime.of(2014, 2, 4, 19, 51, 1).atZone(ZoneId.of("Europe/Oslo")).toEpochSecond();

long secondsSinceUnixEpoch2 =
    .of(2014, 2, 4)
    .atTime(19, 51, 1)

How do I install a custom font on an HTML site

For the best possible browser support, your CSS code should look like this :

@font-face {
  font-family: 'MyWebFont';
  src: url('webfont.eot'); /* IE9 Compat Modes */
  src: url('webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), /* IE6-IE8 */
       url('webfont.woff2') format('woff2'), /* Super Modern Browsers */
       url('webfont.woff') format('woff'), /* Pretty Modern Browsers */
       url('webfont.ttf')  format('truetype'), /* Safari, Android, iOS */
       url('webfont.svg#svgFontName') format('svg'); /* Legacy iOS */

body {
  font-family: 'MyWebFont', Fallback, sans-serif;

For more info, see the article Using @font-face at

Javascript - Track mouse position

The mouse's position is reported on the event object received by a handler for the mousemove event, which you can attach to the window (the event bubbles):

(function() {
    document.onmousemove = handleMouseMove;
    function handleMouseMove(event) {
        var eventDoc, doc, body;

        event = event || window.event; // IE-ism

        // If pageX/Y aren't available and clientX/Y are,
        // calculate pageX/Y - logic taken from jQuery.
        // (This is to support old IE)
        if (event.pageX == null && event.clientX != null) {
            eventDoc = ( && || document;
            doc = eventDoc.documentElement;
            body = eventDoc.body;

            event.pageX = event.clientX +
              (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) -
              (doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0);
            event.pageY = event.clientY +
              (doc && doc.scrollTop  || body && body.scrollTop  || 0) -
              (doc && doc.clientTop  || body && body.clientTop  || 0 );

        // Use event.pageX / event.pageY here

(Note that the body of that if will only run on old IE.)

Example of the above in action - it draws dots as you drag your mouse over the page. (Tested on IE8, IE11, Firefox 30, Chrome 38.)

If you really need a timer-based solution, you combine this with some state variables:

(function() {
    var mousePos;

    document.onmousemove = handleMouseMove;
    setInterval(getMousePosition, 100); // setInterval repeats every X ms

    function handleMouseMove(event) {
        var dot, eventDoc, doc, body, pageX, pageY;

        event = event || window.event; // IE-ism

        // If pageX/Y aren't available and clientX/Y are,
        // calculate pageX/Y - logic taken from jQuery.
        // (This is to support old IE)
        if (event.pageX == null && event.clientX != null) {
            eventDoc = ( && || document;
            doc = eventDoc.documentElement;
            body = eventDoc.body;

            event.pageX = event.clientX +
              (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) -
              (doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0);
            event.pageY = event.clientY +
              (doc && doc.scrollTop  || body && body.scrollTop  || 0) -
              (doc && doc.clientTop  || body && body.clientTop  || 0 );

        mousePos = {
            x: event.pageX,
            y: event.pageY
    function getMousePosition() {
        var pos = mousePos;
        if (!pos) {
            // We haven't seen any movement yet
        else {
            // Use pos.x and pos.y

As far as I'm aware, you can't get the mouse position without having seen an event, something which this answer to another Stack Overflow question seems to confirm.

Side note: If you're going to do something every 100ms (10 times/second), try to keep the actual processing you do in that function very, very limited. That's a lot of work for the browser, particularly older Microsoft ones. Yes, on modern computers it doesn't seem like much, but there is a lot going on in browsers... So for example, you might keep track of the last position you processed and bail from the handler immediately if the position hasn't changed.

How to split a string into an array of characters in Python?

>>> s = "foobar"
>>> list(s)
['f', 'o', 'o', 'b', 'a', 'r']

You need list

How to adjust gutter in Bootstrap 3 grid system?

(Posted on behalf of the OP).

I believe I figured it out.

In my case, I added [class*="col-"] {padding: 0 7.5px;};.

Then added .row {margin: 0 -7.5px;}.

This works pretty well, except there is 1px margin on both sides. So I just make .row {margin: 0 -7.5px;} to .row {margin: 0 -8.5px;}, then it works perfectly.

I have no idea why there is a 1px margin. Maybe someone can explain it?

See the sample I created:


How to delete selected text in the vi editor

When using a terminal like PuTTY, usually mouse clicks and selections are not transmitted to the remote system. So, vi has no idea that you just selected some text. (There are exceptions to this, but in general mouse actions aren't transmitted.)

To delete multiple lines in vi, use something like 5dd to delete 5 lines.

If you're not using Vim, I would strongly recommend doing so. You can use visual selection, where you press V to start a visual block, move the cursor to the other end, and press d to delete (or any other editing command, such as y to copy).

Remove all values within one list from another list?

I was looking for fast way to do the subject, so I made some experiments with suggested ways. And I was surprised by results, so I want to share it with you.

Experiments were done using pythonbenchmark tool and with

a = range(1,50000) # Source list
b = range(1,15000) # Items to remove


 def comprehension(a, b):
     return [x for x in a if x not in b]

5 tries, average time 12.8 sec

def filter_function(a, b):
    return filter(lambda x: x not in b, a)

5 tries, average time 12.6 sec

def modification(a,b):
    for x in b:
        except ValueError:
    return a

5 tries, average time 0.27 sec

def set_approach(a,b):
    return list(set(a)-set(b))

5 tries, average time 0.0057 sec

Also I made another measurement with bigger inputs size for the last two functions

a = range(1,500000)
b = range(1,100000)

And the results:

For modification (remove method) - average time is 252 seconds For set approach - average time is 0.75 seconds

So you can see that approach with sets is significantly faster than others. Yes, it doesn't keep similar items, but if you don't need it - it's for you. And there is almost no difference between list comprehension and using filter function. Using 'remove' is ~50 times faster, but it modifies source list. And the best choice is using sets - it's more than 1000 times faster than list comprehension!

How to display special characters in PHP

This works for me. Try this one before the start of HTML. I hope it will also work for you.

<?php header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-15'); ?>_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<html lang="en-US">_x000D_

div hover background-color change?

if you want the color to change when you have simply add the :hover pseudo

div.e:hover {

How can I decrypt MySQL passwords

If a proper encryption method was used, it's not going to be possible to easily retrieve them.

Just reset them with new passwords.

Edit: The string looks like it is using PASSWORD():

UPDATE user SET password = PASSWORD("newpassword");

Where does gcc look for C and C++ header files?

`gcc -print-prog-name=cc1plus` -v

This command asks gcc which C++ preprocessor it is using, and then asks that preprocessor where it looks for includes.

You will get a reliable answer for your specific setup.

Likewise, for the C preprocessor:

`gcc -print-prog-name=cpp` -v

How to update Identity Column in SQL Server?

If you specifically need to change the primary key value to a different number (ex 123 -> 1123). The identity property blocks changing a PK value. Set Identity_insert isn't going to work. Doing an Insert/Delete is not advisable if you have cascading deletes (unless you turn off referential integrity checking).

EDIT: Newer versions of SQL don't allow changing the syscolumns entity, so part of my solution has to be done the hard way. Refer to this SO on how to remove Identity from a primary key instead: Remove Identity from a column in a table This script will turn off identity on a PK:


sp_configure 'allow update', 1
reconfigure with override

update syscolumns set colstat = 0 --turn off bit 1 which indicates identity column
where id = object_id('table_name') and name = 'column_name'

exec sp_configure 'allow update', 0
reconfigure with override


Next, you can set the relationships so they'll update the foreign key references. Or else you need to turn off relationship enforcement. This SO link shows how: How can foreign key constraints be temporarily disabled using T-SQL?

Now, you can do your updates. I wrote a short script to write all my update SQL based on the same column name (in my case, I needed to increase the CaseID by 1,000,000:

'update ['+c.table_name+'] SET ['+Column_Name+']=['+Column_Name+']+1000000'
from Information_Schema.Columns as c
JOIN Information_Schema.Tables as t ON t.table_Name=c.table_name and t.Table_Schema=c.table_schema and t.table_type='BASE TABLE'
where Column_Name like 'CaseID' order by Ordinal_position

Lastly, re-enable referential integrity and then re-enable the Identity column on the primary key.

Note: I see some folks on these questions ask WHY. In my case, I have to merge data from a second production instance into a master DB so I can shut down the second instance. I just need all the PK/FKs of operations data to not collide. Meta-data FKs are identical.

Remove insignificant trailing zeros from a number?

I had a similar instance where I wanted to use .toFixed() where necessary, but I didn't want the padding when it wasn't. So I ended up using parseFloat in conjunction with toFixed.

toFixed without padding


Another option that does almost the same thing
This answer may help your decision


toFixed will round/pad the number to a specific length, but also convert it to a string. Converting that back to a numeric type will not only make the number safer to use arithmetically, but also automatically drop any trailing 0's. For example:

var n = "1.234000";
    n = parseFloat(n);
 // n is 1.234 and in number form

Because even if you define a number with trailing zeros they're dropped.

var n = 1.23000;
 // n == 1.23;

Why does visual studio 2012 not find my tests?

Visual Studio Professional 2012, update 4 here. Having Interop function definitions (DllImport/extern) in the same project as test classes confused Test Explorer. Moving Interop into a separate project, resolved the issue.

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'MyController':

Copied from the stacktrace:

BeanInstantiationException: Could not instantiate bean class [com.gestEtu.project.model.dao.CompteDAOHib]: No default constructor found; nested exception is java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: com.gestEtu.project.model.dao.CompteDAOHib.<init>()

By default, Spring will try to instantiate beans by calling a default (no-arg) constructor. The problem in your case is that the implementation of the CompteDAOHib has a constructor with a SessionFactory argument. By adding the @Autowired annotation to a constructor, Spring will attempt to find a bean of matching type, SessionFactory in your case, and provide it as a constructor argument, e.g.

public CompteDAOHib(SessionFactory sessionFactory) {
    // ...

How to close the command line window after running a batch file?

If you only need to execute only one command all by itself and no wait needed, you should try "cmd /c", this works for me!

cmd /c start iexplore "http://your/url.html"

cmd /c means executing a command and then exit.

You can learn the functions of your switches by typing in your command prompt

anycmd /?

How do I list all remote branches in Git 1.7+?

The best command to run is git remote show [remote]. This will show all branches, remote and local, tracked and untracked.

Here's an example from an open source project:

> git remote show origin
* remote origin
  Fetch URL:
  Push  URL:
  HEAD branch: master
  Remote branches:
    amazon-rc2                   new (next fetch will store in remotes/origin)
    amazon-rc3                   new (next fetch will store in remotes/origin)
    arrivalStyleBDefault         new (next fetch will store in remotes/origin)
    develop                      tracked
    master                       tracked
    refs/remotes/origin/branding stale (use 'git remote prune' to remove)
  Local branches configured for 'git pull':
    develop merges with remote develop
    master  merges with remote master
  Local refs configured for 'git push':
    develop pushes to develop (local out of date)
    master  pushes to master  (up to date)

If we just want to get the remote branches, we can use grep. The command we'd want to use would be:

grep "\w*\s*(new|tracked)" -E

With this command:

> git remote show origin | grep "\w*\s*(new|tracked)" -E
    amazon-rc2                   new (next fetch will store in remotes/origin)
    amazon-rc3                   new (next fetch will store in remotes/origin)
    arrivalStyleBDefault         new (next fetch will store in remotes/origin)
    develop                      tracked
    master                       tracked

You can also create an alias for this:

git config --global alias.branches "!git remote show origin | grep \w*\s*(new|tracked) -E"

Then you can just run git branches.

Ansible: copy a directory content to another directory

EDIT: This solution worked when the question was posted. Later Ansible deprecated recursive copying with remote_src

Ansible Copy module by default copies files/dirs from control machine to remote machine. If you want to copy files/dirs in remote machine and if you have Ansible 2.0, set remote_src to yes

- name: copy html file
  copy: src=/home/vagrant/dist/ dest=/usr/share/nginx/html/ remote_src=yes directory_mode=yes

Warning: mysqli_select_db() expects exactly 2 parameters, 1 given in C:\

mysqli_select_db() should have 2 parameters, the connection link and the database name -

mysqli_select_db($con, 'phpcadet') or die(mysqli_error($con));

Using mysqli_error in the die statement will tell you exactly what is wrong as opposed to a generic error message.

How to catch segmentation fault in Linux?

Sometimes we want to catch a SIGSEGV to find out if a pointer is valid, that is, if it references a valid memory address. (Or even check if some arbitrary value may be a pointer.)

One option is to check it with isValidPtr() (worked on Android):

int isValidPtr(const void*p, int len) {
    if (!p) {
    return 0;
    int ret = 1;
    int nullfd = open("/dev/random", O_WRONLY);
    if (write(nullfd, p, len) < 0) {
    ret = 0;
    /* Not OK */
    return ret;
int isValidOrNullPtr(const void*p, int len) {
    return !p||isValidPtr(p, len);

Another option is to read the memory protection attributes, which is a bit more tricky (worked on Android):


#include <errno.h>
#include <malloc.h>
//#define PAGE_SIZE 4096
#include "dlog.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "re_mprot.h"

struct buffer {
    int pos;
    int size;
    char* mem;

char* _buf_reset(struct buffer*b) {
    b->mem[b->pos] = 0;
    b->pos = 0;
    return b->mem;

struct buffer* _new_buffer(int length) {
    struct buffer* res = malloc(sizeof(struct buffer)+length+4);
    res->pos = 0;
    res->size = length;
    res->mem = (void*)(res+1);
    return res;

int _buf_putchar(struct buffer*b, int c) {
    b->mem[b->pos++] = c;
    return b->pos >= b->size;

void show_mappings(void)
    int a;
    FILE *f = fopen("/proc/self/maps", "r");
    struct buffer* b = _new_buffer(1024);
    while ((a = fgetc(f)) >= 0) {
    if (_buf_putchar(b,a) || a == '\n') {
        DLOG("/proc/self/maps: %s",_buf_reset(b));
    if (b->pos) {
    DLOG("/proc/self/maps: %s",_buf_reset(b));

unsigned int read_mprotection(void* addr) {
    int a;
    unsigned int res = MPROT_0;
    FILE *f = fopen("/proc/self/maps", "r");
    struct buffer* b = _new_buffer(1024);
    while ((a = fgetc(f)) >= 0) {
    if (_buf_putchar(b,a) || a == '\n') {
        char*end0 = (void*)0;
        unsigned long addr0 = strtoul(b->mem, &end0, 0x10);
        char*end1 = (void*)0;
        unsigned long addr1 = strtoul(end0+1, &end1, 0x10);
        if ((void*)addr0 < addr && addr < (void*)addr1) {
            res |= (end1+1)[0] == 'r' ? MPROT_R : 0;
            res |= (end1+1)[1] == 'w' ? MPROT_W : 0;
            res |= (end1+1)[2] == 'x' ? MPROT_X : 0;
            res |= (end1+1)[3] == 'p' ? MPROT_P
                 : (end1+1)[3] == 's' ? MPROT_S : 0;
    return res;

int has_mprotection(void* addr, unsigned int prot, unsigned int prot_mask) {
    unsigned prot1 = read_mprotection(addr);
    return (prot1 & prot_mask) == prot;

char* _mprot_tostring_(char*buf, unsigned int prot) {
    buf[0] = prot & MPROT_R ? 'r' : '-';
    buf[1] = prot & MPROT_W ? 'w' : '-';
    buf[2] = prot & MPROT_X ? 'x' : '-';
    buf[3] = prot & MPROT_S ? 's' : prot & MPROT_P ? 'p' :  '-';
    buf[4] = 0;
    return buf;


#include <alloca.h>
#include "re_bits.h"
#include <sys/mman.h>

void show_mappings(void);

enum {
    MPROT_0 = 0, // not found at all
    MPROT_R = PROT_READ,                                 // readable
    MPROT_W = PROT_WRITE,                                // writable
    MPROT_X = PROT_EXEC,                                 // executable
    MPROT_P = MPROT_S<<1,                                // private

// returns a non-zero value if the address is mapped (because either MPROT_P or MPROT_S will be set for valid addresses)
unsigned int read_mprotection(void* addr);

// check memory protection against the mask
// returns true if all bits corresponding to non-zero bits in the mask
// are the same in prot and read_mprotection(addr)
int has_mprotection(void* addr, unsigned int prot, unsigned int prot_mask);

// convert the protection mask into a string. Uses alloca(), no need to free() the memory!
#define mprot_tostring(x) ( _mprot_tostring_( (char*)alloca(8) , (x) ) )
char* _mprot_tostring_(char*buf, unsigned int prot);

PS DLOG() is printf() to the Android log. FIRST_UNUSED_BIT() is defined here.

PPS It may not be a good idea to call alloca() in a loop -- the memory may be not freed until the function returns.

Visual Studio Community 2015 expiration date

In case you had enabled 2-Step verification for your Microsoft account disable it when updating the VS License using the 'Check for Updated License' option provided in the window.

How to convert int to char with leading zeros?

Works in SQLServer

declare @myNumber int = 123
declare @leadingChar varchar(1) = '0'
declare @numberOfLeadingChars int = 5

select right(REPLICATE ( @leadingChar , @numberOfLeadingChars ) + cast(@myNumber as varchar(max)), @numberOfLeadingChars)


Python wildcard search in string

Easy method is try os.system:

import os
text = 'this is text'
os.system("echo %s | grep 't*'" % text)

Format JavaScript date as yyyy-mm-dd

When ES2018 rolls around (works in chrome) you can simply regex it

(new Date())


Or if you'd like something pretty versatile with no libraries whatsoever

(new Date())

Which results in extracting the following

    H: "8"
    HH: "08"
    M: "45"
    MM: "45"
    S: "42"
    SS: "42"
    SSS: "42.855"
    d: "14"
    dd: "14"
    m: "7"
    mm: "07"
    timezone: "Z"
    yy: "20"
    yyyy: "2020"

Which you can use like so with replace(..., '$<d>/$<m>/\'$<yy> @ $<H>:$<MM>') as at the top instead of .match(...).groups to get

14/7/'20 @ 8:45

Angular2 *ngIf check object array length in template

Maybe slight overkill but created library ngx-if-empty-or-has-items it checks if an object, set, map or array is not empty. Maybe it will help somebody. It has the same functionality as ngIf (then, else and 'as' syntax is supported).

arrayOrObjWithData = ['1'] || {id: 1}

<h1 *ngxIfNotEmpty="arrayOrObjWithData">
  You will see it

 // store the result of async pipe in variable
 <h1 *ngxIfNotEmpty="arrayOrObjWithData$ | async as obj">


noData = [] || {}
<h1 *ngxIfHasItems="noData">
   You will NOT see it

Hive Alter table change Column Name

In the comments @libjack mentioned a point which is really important. I would like to illustrate more into it. First, we can check what are the columns of our table by describe <table_name>; command. enter image description here

there is a double-column called _c1 and such columns are created by the hive itself when we moving data from one table to another. To address these columns we need to write it inside backticks


Finally, the ALTER command will be,

ALTER TABLE <table_namr> CHANGE `<system_genarated_column_name>` <new_column_name> <data_type>;

What do pty and tty mean?

tty: teletype. Usually refers to the serial ports of a computer, to which terminals were attached.

pty: pseudoteletype. Kernel provided pseudoserial port connected to programs emulating terminals, such as xterm, or screen.

Creating SVG graphics using Javascript?

No not all browsers support SVG. I believe IE needs a plugin to use them. Since svg is just an xml document, JavaScript can create them. I am not certain about loading it into the browser though. I haven't tried that.

This link has information about javascript and svg:

System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable' does not contain any definition for 'ToList'

In my case, I had copied some code from another project that was using Automapper - took me ages to work that one out. Just had to add automapper nuget package to project.

Evaluate list.contains string in JSTL

<c:if test="${fn:contains(task.subscribers, customer)}">

This works fine for me.

In Visual Studio C++, what are the memory allocation representations?

Regarding 0xCC and 0xCD in particular, these are relics from the Intel 8088/8086 processor instruction set back in the 1980s. 0xCC is a special case of the software interrupt opcode INT 0xCD. The special single-byte version 0xCC allows a program to generate interrupt 3.

Although software interrupt numbers are, in principle, arbitrary, INT 3 was traditionally used for the debugger break or breakpoint function, a convention which remains to this day. Whenever a debugger is launched, it installs an interrupt handler for INT 3 such that when that opcode is executed the debugger will be triggered. Typically it will pause the currently running programming and show an interactive prompt.

Normally, the x86 INT opcode is two bytes: 0xCD followed by the desired interrupt number from 0-255. Now although you could issue 0xCD 0x03 for INT 3, Intel decided to add a special version--0xCC with no additional byte--because an opcode must be only one byte in order to function as a reliable 'fill byte' for unused memory.

The point here is to allow for graceful recovery if the processor mistakenly jumps into memory that does not contain any intended instructions. Multi-byte instructions aren't suited this purpose since an erroneous jump could land at any possible byte offset where it would have to continue with a properly formed instruction stream.

Obviously, one-byte opcodes work trivially for this, but there can also be quirky exceptions: for example, considering the fill sequence 0xCDCDCDCD (also mentioned on this page), we can see that it's fairly reliable since no matter where the instruction pointer lands (except perhaps the last filled byte), the CPU can resume executing a valid two-byte x86 instruction CD CD, in this case for generating software interrupt 205 (0xCD).

Weirder still, whereas CD CC CD CC is 100% interpretable--giving either INT 3 or INT 204--the sequence CC CD CC CD is less reliable, only 75% as shown, but generally 99.99% when repeated as an int-sized memory filler.

page from contemporaneous 8088/8086 instruction set manual showing INT instruction
Macro Assembler Reference, 1987

How to obtain the chat_id of a private Telegram channel?

I found the way to write in private channels.

  1. You should convert it to public with some @channelName
  2. Send message to this channel through Bot API

  3. As response you will get info with chat_id of your channel.

    { "ok" : true, "result" : { "chat" : { "id" : -1001005582487, "title" : "Test Private Channel", "type" : "channel" }, "date" : 1448245538, "message_id" : 7, "text" : "123ds" } }

  4. Now you can convert Channel back to private (by deleting channel's link) and send message directly to this chat_id "-1001005582487"

How to copy only a single worksheet to another workbook using vba

The much longer example below combines some of the useful snippets above:

  • You can specify any number of sheets you want to copy across
  • You can copy entire sheets, i.e. like dragging the tab across, or you can copy over the contents of cells as values-only but preserving formatting.

It could still do with a lot of work to make it better (better error-handling, general cleaning up), but it hopefully provides a good start.

Note that not all formatting is carried across because the new sheet uses its own theme's fonts and colours. I can't work out how to copy those across when pasting as values only.

 Option Explicit

Sub copyDataToNewFile()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    ' Allow different ways of copying data:
    ' sheet = copy the entire sheet
    ' valuesWithFormatting = create a new sheet with the same name as the
    '                        original, copy values from the cells only, then
    '                        apply original formatting. Formatting is only as
    '                        good as the Paste Special > Formats command - theme
    '                        colours and fonts are not preserved.
    Dim copyMethod As String
    copyMethod = "valuesWithFormatting"

    Dim newFilename As String           ' Name (+optionally path) of new file
    Dim themeTempFilePath As String     ' To temporarily save the source file's theme

    Dim sourceWorkbook As Workbook      ' This file
    Set sourceWorkbook = ThisWorkbook

    Dim newWorkbook As Workbook         ' New file

    Dim sht As Worksheet                ' To iterate through sheets later on.
    Dim sheetFriendlyName As String     ' To store friendly sheet name
    Dim sheetCount As Long              ' To avoid having to count multiple times

    ' Sheets to copy over, using internal code names as more reliable.
    Dim colSheetObjectsToCopy As New Collection
    colSheetObjectsToCopy.Add Sheet1
    colSheetObjectsToCopy.Add Sheet2

    ' Get filename of new file from user.
        newFilename = InputBox("Please Specify the name of your new workbook." & vbCr & vbCr & "Either enter a full path or just a filename, in which case the file will be saved in the same location (" & sourceWorkbook.Path & "). Don't use the name of a workbook that is already open, otherwise this script will break.", "New Copy")
        If newFilename = "" Then MsgBox "You must enter something.", vbExclamation, "Filename needed"
    Loop Until newFilename > ""

    ' If they didn't supply a path, assume same location as the source workbook.
    ' Not perfect - simply assumes a path has been supplied if a path separator
    ' exists somewhere. Could still be a badly-formed path. And, no check is done
    ' to see if the path actually exists.
    If InStr(1, newFilename, Application.PathSeparator, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
        newFilename = sourceWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & newFilename
    End If

    ' Create a new workbook and save as the user requested.
    ' NB This fails if the filename is the same as a workbook that's
    ' already open - it should check for this.
    Set newWorkbook = Application.Workbooks.Add(xlWBATWorksheet)
    newWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=newFilename, _

    ' Theme fonts and colours don't get copied over with most paste-special operations.
    ' This saves the theme of the source workbook and then loads it into the new workbook.
    ' BUG: Doesn't work!
    'themeTempFilePath = Environ("temp") & Application.PathSeparator & sourceWorkbook.Name & " - Theme.xml"
    'sourceWorkbook.Theme.ThemeFontScheme.Save themeTempFilePath
    'sourceWorkbook.Theme.ThemeColorScheme.Save themeTempFilePath
    'newWorkbook.Theme.ThemeFontScheme.Load themeTempFilePath
    'newWorkbook.Theme.ThemeColorScheme.Load themeTempFilePath
    'On Error Resume Next
    'Kill themeTempFilePath  ' kill = delete in VBA-speak
    'On Error GoTo 0

    ' getWorksheetNameFromObject returns null if the worksheet object doens't
    ' exist
    For Each sht In colSheetObjectsToCopy
        sheetFriendlyName = getWorksheetNameFromObject(sourceWorkbook, sht)
        Application.StatusBar = "VBL Copying " & sheetFriendlyName
        If Not IsNull(sheetFriendlyName) Then
            Select Case copyMethod
                Case "sheet"
                    sourceWorkbook.Sheets(sheetFriendlyName).Copy _
                Case "valuesWithFormatting"
                    newWorkbook.Sheets.Add After:=newWorkbook.Sheets(newWorkbook.Sheets.count), _
                    sheetCount = newWorkbook.Sheets.count
                    newWorkbook.Sheets(sheetCount).Name = sheetFriendlyName
                    ' Copy all cells in current source sheet to the clipboard. Could copy straight
                    ' to the new workbook by specifying the Destination parameter but in this case
                    ' we want to do a paste special as values only and the Copy method doens't allow that.
                    sourceWorkbook.Sheets(sheetFriendlyName).Cells.Copy ' Destination:=newWorkbook.Sheets(newWorkbook.Sheets.Count).[A1]
                    newWorkbook.Sheets(sheetCount).[A1].PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues
                    newWorkbook.Sheets(sheetCount).[A1].PasteSpecial Paste:=xlFormats
                    newWorkbook.Sheets(sheetCount).Tab.Color = sourceWorkbook.Sheets(sheetFriendlyName).Tab.Color
                    Application.CutCopyMode = False
            End Select
        End If
    Next sht

    Application.StatusBar = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Laravel Migration table already exists, but I want to add new not the older

After rollback check your tables , be sure of deletion.

If there is a problem delete tables manually from database application like phpmyadmin ( I'm using sequel pro for mac ).

Correct your down methods in the migration .

Note : Do rollback then migrate .. Don't use migrate:refresh to notice where is the error been .

After that you may test with new db for testing. to detect where is the problem.

Also try reading this question

iOS 8 removed "minimal-ui" viewport property, are there other "soft fullscreen" solutions?

I want to comment/partially answer/share my thoughts. I am using the overflow-y:scroll technique for a big upcoming project of mine. Using it has two MAJOR advantages.

a) You can use a drawer with action buttons from the bottom of the screen; if the document scrolls and the bottom bar disappears, tapping on a button located at the bottom of the screen will first make the bottom bar appear, and then be clickable. Also, the way this thing works, causes trouble with modals that have buttons at the far bottom.

b) When using an overflown element, the only things that are repainted in case of major css changes are the ones in the viewable screen. This gave me a huge performance boost when using javascript to alter css of multiple elements on the fly. For example, if you have a list of 20 elements you need repainted and only two of them are on-screen in the overflown element, only those are repainted while the rest are repainted when scrolling. Without it all 20 elements are repainted.

..of course it depends on the project and if you need any of the functionality I mentioned. Google uses overflown elements for gmail to use the functionality I described on a). Imo, it's worth the while, even considering the small height in older iphones (372px as you said).

Change the fill color of a cell based on a selection from a Drop Down List in an adjacent cell

In Excel 2010 it is easy, just takes a few more steps for each list items.

The following steps must be completed for each item within the validation list. (Have the worksheet open to where the drop down was created)

1) Click on cell with drop down list.
2) Select which answer to apply format to.
3) Click on "Home" tab, then click the "Styles" tool button on the ribbon.
4) Click "Conditional Formatting", in drop down list click the "*New Rule" option.
5) Select a Rule Type: "Format only cells that contain"
6) Edit the Rule Description: "Cell Value", "equal to", click the cell formula icon in the formula bar (far right), select which worksheet the validation list was created in, select the cell within the list to which you wish to apply the formatting.

Formula should look something like: ='Workbook Data'!$A$2

7) Click the formula icon again to return to format menu.
8) Click on Format button beside preview pane.
9) Select all format options desired.
10) Press "OK" twice.

You are finished with only one item within list. Repeat steps 1 thru 10 until all drop down list items are finished.

get the value of input type file , and alert if empty

There should be


but not $('.upload')

Best way to work with transactions in MS SQL Server Management Studio

I want to add a point that you can also (and should if what you are writing is complex) add a test variable to rollback if you are in test mode. Then you can execute the whole thing at once. Often I also add code to see the before and after results of various operations especially if it is a complex script.

Example below:

USE AdventureWorks;
DECLARE @TEST INT = 1--1 is test mode, use zero when you are ready to execute

     IF @TEST= 1
            SELECT *FROM Production.Product
                WHERE ProductID = 980;
    -- Generate a constraint violation error.
    DELETE FROM Production.Product
    WHERE ProductID = 980;

     IF @TEST= 1
            SELECT *FROM Production.Product
                WHERE ProductID = 980;
            IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0

        ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber
        ,ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity
        ,ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState
        ,ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure
        ,ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine
        ,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage;

    IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0


Memcache Vs. Memcached

(PartlyStolen from ServerFault)

I think that both are functionally the same, but they simply have different authors, and the one is simply named more appropriately than the other.

Here is a quick backgrounder in naming conventions (for those unfamiliar), which explains the frustration by the question asker: For many *nix applications, the piece that does the backend work is called a "daemon" (think "service" in Windows-land), while the interface or client application is what you use to control or access the daemon. The daemon is most often named the same as the client, with the letter "d" appended to it. For example "imap" would be a client that connects to the "imapd" daemon.

This naming convention is clearly being adhered to by memcache when you read the introduction to the memcache module (notice the distinction between memcache and memcached in this excerpt):

Memcache module provides handy procedural and object oriented interface to memcached, highly effective caching daemon, which was especially designed to decrease database load in dynamic web applications.

The Memcache module also provides a session handler (memcache).

More information about memcached can be found at »

The frustration here is caused by the author of the PHP extension which was badly named memcached, since it shares the same name as the actual daemon called memcached. Notice also that in the introduction to memcached (the php module), it makes mention of libmemcached, which is the shared library (or API) that is used by the module to access the memcached daemon:

memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load.

This extension uses libmemcached library to provide API for communicating with memcached servers. It also provides a session handler (memcached).

Information about libmemcached can be found at »

Can't fix Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 even after fixing compatibility

Hi I found this link that helped me understand the issue. Hope it is useful. Version released so far are

  • Java SE 8 = 52,
  • Java SE 7 = 51,
  • Java SE 6.0 = 50,
  • Java SE 5.0 = 49,
  • JDK 1.4 = 48,
  • JDK 1.3 = 47,
  • JDK 1.2 = 46,
  • JDK 1.1 = 45

and from thata data it simply means

Many people think why do you get a version mismatch error if Java is backward compatible. Well, its true that Java is backward compatible, which means you can run a Java class file or Java binary (JAR file) compiled in lower version (java 6) into higher version e.g. Java 8, but it doesn't mean that you can run a class compiled using Java 7 into Java 5, Why? because higher version usually have features which are not supported by lower version.

Sometimes you may have more than one version of Java installed in you machine. Make sure the application you are running is pointing to the right or highest version available.

Correct use of flush() in JPA/Hibernate

Can em.flush() cause any harm when using it within a transaction?

Yes, it may hold locks in the database for a longer duration than necessary.

Generally, When using JPA you delegates the transaction management to the container (a.k.a CMT - using @Transactional annotation on business methods) which means that a transaction is automatically started when entering the method and commited / rolled back at the end. If you let the EntityManager handle the database synchronization, sql statements execution will be only triggered just before the commit, leading to short lived locks in database. Otherwise your manually flushed write operations may retain locks between the manual flush and the automatic commit which can be long according to remaining method execution time.

Notes that some operation automatically triggers a flush : executing a native query against the same session (EM state must be flushed to be reachable by the SQL query), inserting entities using native generated id (generated by the database, so the insert statement must be triggered thus the EM is able to retrieve the generated id and properly manage relationships)

How can I get a specific number child using CSS?

For IE 7 & 8 (and other browsers without CSS3 support not including IE6) you can use the following to get the 2nd and 3rd children:

2nd Child:

td:first-child + td

3rd Child:

td:first-child + td + td

Then simply add another + td for each additional child you wish to select.

If you want to support IE6 that can be done too! You simply need to use a little javascript (jQuery in this example):

$(function() {
    $(".table-class tr").each(function() {

Then in your css you simply use those class selectors to make whatever changes you like:

table td.firstChild { /*stuff here*/ }
table td.secondChild { /*stuff to apply to second td in each row*/ }

How to default to other directory instead of home directory

(Please read warning below)

Really simple way to do this in Windows (works with git bash, possibly others) is to create an environmental variable called HOME that points to your desired home directory.

  1. Right click on my computer, and choose properties
  2. Choose advanced system settings (location varies by Windows version)
  3. Within system properties, choose the advanced tab
  4. On the advanced tab, choose Environmental Variables (bottom button)
  5. Under "system variable" check to see if you already have a variable called HOME. If so, edit that variable by highlighting the variable name and clicking edit. Make the new variable name the desired path.
  6. If HOME does not already exist, click "new" under system variables and create a new variable called HOME whose value is desired path.

Environmental Variable

NOTE: This may change the way other things work. For example, for me it changes where my .ssh config files live. In my case, I wanted my home to be U:\, because that's my main place that I put project work and application settings (i.e. it really is my "home" directory).

EDIT June 23, 2017: This answer continues to get occasional upvotes, and I want to warn people that although this may "work", I agree with @AnthonyRaymond that it's not recommended. This is more of a temporary fix or a fix if you don't care if other things break. Changing your home won't cause active damage (like deleting your hard drive) but it's likely to cause insidious annoyances later. When you do start to have annoying problems down the road, you probably won't remember this change... so you're likely to be scratching your head later on!

Print new output on same line

Lets take an example where you want to print numbers from 0 to n in the same line. You can do this with the help of following code.

    print i,
    i = i+1

At input, n = 5

Output : 0 1 2 3 4 

Deleting a SQL row ignoring all foreign keys and constraints

Temporarily disable constraints on a table T-SQL, SQL Server






  SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; -- Disable foreign key checking. 



How to get the squared symbol (²) to display in a string

I create equations with random numbers in VBA and for x squared put in x^2.

I read each square (or textbox) text into a string.

I then read each character in the string in turn and note the location of the ^ ("hats")'s in each.

Say the hats were at positions 4, 8 and 12.

I then "chop out" the first hat - the position of the character to be superscripted is now 4, the position of the other hats is now 7 and 11. I chop out the second hat, the character to superscript is now at 7 and the hat has moved to 10. I chop out the last hat .. the superscript character is now position 10.

I now select each character in turn and change the font to superscript.

Thus I can fill a whole spreadsheet with algebra using ^ and then call a routine to tidy it up.

For big powers like x to the 23 I build x^2^3 and the above routine does it.

Why do you need to put #!/bin/bash at the beginning of a script file?

It can be useful to someone that uses a different system that does not have that library readily available. If that is not declared and you have some functions in your script that are not supported by that system, you should declare #/bin/bash. I've ran into this problem before at work and now I just include it as a practice.

Cross field validation with Hibernate Validator (JSR 303)

Cross fields validations can be done by creating custom constraints.

Example:- Compare password and confirmPassword fields of User instance.


public @interface CompareStrings {
    String[] propertyNames();
    StringComparisonMode matchMode() default EQUAL;
    boolean allowNull() default false;
    String message() default "";
    Class<?>[] groups() default {};
    Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};


public enum StringComparisonMode {


public class CompareStringsValidator implements ConstraintValidator<CompareStrings, Object> {

    private String[] propertyNames;
    private StringComparisonMode comparisonMode;
    private boolean allowNull;

    public void initialize(CompareStrings constraintAnnotation) {
        this.propertyNames = constraintAnnotation.propertyNames();
        this.comparisonMode = constraintAnnotation.matchMode();
        this.allowNull = constraintAnnotation.allowNull();

    public boolean isValid(Object target, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
        boolean isValid = true;
        List<String> propertyValues = new ArrayList<String> (propertyNames.length);
        for(int i=0; i<propertyNames.length; i++) {
            String propertyValue = ConstraintValidatorHelper.getPropertyValue(String.class, propertyNames[i], target);
            if(propertyValue == null) {
                if(!allowNull) {
                    isValid = false;
            } else {

        if(isValid) {
            isValid = ConstraintValidatorHelper.isValid(propertyValues, comparisonMode);

        if (!isValid) {
           * if custom message was provided, don't touch it, otherwise build the
           * default message
          String message = context.getDefaultConstraintMessageTemplate();
          message = (message.isEmpty()) ?  ConstraintValidatorHelper.resolveMessage(propertyNames, comparisonMode) : message;

          ConstraintViolationBuilder violationBuilder = context.buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate(message);
          for (String propertyName : propertyNames) {
            NodeBuilderDefinedContext nbdc = violationBuilder.addNode(propertyName);

        return isValid;


public abstract class ConstraintValidatorHelper {

public static <T> T getPropertyValue(Class<T> requiredType, String propertyName, Object instance) {
        if(requiredType == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid argument. requiredType must NOT be null!");
        if(propertyName == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid argument. PropertyName must NOT be null!");
        if(instance == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid argument. Object instance must NOT be null!");
        T returnValue = null;
        try {
            PropertyDescriptor descriptor = new PropertyDescriptor(propertyName, instance.getClass());
            Method readMethod = descriptor.getReadMethod();
            if(readMethod == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Property '" + propertyName + "' of " + instance.getClass().getName() + " is NOT readable!");
            if(requiredType.isAssignableFrom(readMethod.getReturnType())) {
                try {
                    Object propertyValue = readMethod.invoke(instance);
                    returnValue = requiredType.cast(propertyValue);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    e.printStackTrace(); // unable to invoke readMethod
        } catch (IntrospectionException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property '" + propertyName + "' is NOT defined in " + instance.getClass().getName() + "!", e);
        return returnValue; 

    public static boolean isValid(Collection<String> propertyValues, StringComparisonMode comparisonMode) {
        boolean ignoreCase = false;
        switch (comparisonMode) {
        case EQUAL_IGNORE_CASE:
            ignoreCase = true;

        List<String> values = new ArrayList<String> (propertyValues.size());
        for(String propertyValue : propertyValues) {
            if(ignoreCase) {
            } else {

        switch (comparisonMode) {
        case EQUAL:
        case EQUAL_IGNORE_CASE:
            Set<String> uniqueValues = new HashSet<String> (values);
            return uniqueValues.size() == 1 ? true : false;
        case NOT_EQUAL:
            Set<String> allValues = new HashSet<String> (values);
            return allValues.size() == values.size() ? true : false;

        return true;

    public static String resolveMessage(String[] propertyNames, StringComparisonMode comparisonMode) {
        StringBuffer buffer = concatPropertyNames(propertyNames);
        buffer.append(" must");
        switch(comparisonMode) {
        case EQUAL:
        case EQUAL_IGNORE_CASE:
            buffer.append(" be equal");
        case NOT_EQUAL:
            buffer.append(" not be equal");
        return buffer.toString();

    private static StringBuffer concatPropertyNames(String[] propertyNames) {
        //TODO improve concating algorithm
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
        for(String propertyName : propertyNames) {
            char firstChar = Character.toUpperCase(propertyName.charAt(0));
            buffer.append(", ");
        buffer.delete(buffer.length()-2, buffer.length());
        return buffer;


@CompareStrings(propertyNames={"password", "confirmPassword"})
public class User {
    private String password;
    private String confirmPassword;

    public String getPassword() { return password; }
    public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; }
    public String getConfirmPassword() { return confirmPassword; }
    public void setConfirmPassword(String confirmPassword) { this.confirmPassword =  confirmPassword; }


    public void test() {
        User user = new User();
        Set<ConstraintViolation<User>> violations = beanValidator.validate(user);
        for(ConstraintViolation<User> violation : violations) {
            logger.debug("Message:- " + violation.getMessage());
        Assert.assertEquals(violations.size(), 1);

Output Message:- [Password, ConfirmPassword] must be equal.

By using the CompareStrings validation constraint, we can also compare more than two properties and we can mix any of four string comparison methods.


@CompareStrings(propertyNames={"color1", "color2", "color3"}, matchMode=StringComparisonMode.NOT_EQUAL, message="Please choose three different colors.")
public class ColorChoice {

    private String color1;
    private String color2;
    private String color3;


ColorChoice colorChoice = new ColorChoice();
        Set<ConstraintViolation<ColorChoice>> colorChoiceviolations = beanValidator.validate(colorChoice);
        for(ConstraintViolation<ColorChoice> violation : colorChoiceviolations) {
            logger.debug("Message:- " + violation.getMessage());

Output Message:- Please choose three different colors.

Similarly, we can have CompareNumbers, CompareDates, etc cross-fields validation constraints.

P.S. I have not tested this code under production environment (though I tested it under dev environment), so consider this code as Milestone Release. If you find a bug, please write a nice comment. :)

Is there a Python caching library?

keyring is the best python caching library. You can use


json_res= keyring.get_password("service","jsonkey")

json_res= keyring.core.delete_password("service","jsonkey")

How to reset postgres' primary key sequence when it falls out of sync?

before I had not tried yet the code : in the following I post the version for the sql-code for both Klaus and user457226 solutions which worked on my pc [Postgres 8.3], with just some little adjustements for the Klaus one and of my version for the user457226 one.

Klaus solution :

drop function IF EXISTS rebuilt_sequences() RESTRICT;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION  rebuilt_sequences() RETURNS integer as
  DECLARE sequencedefs RECORD; c integer ;
    FOR sequencedefs IN Select
      constraint_column_usage.table_name as tablename,
      constraint_column_usage.table_name as tablename, 
      constraint_column_usage.column_name as columnname,
      replace(replace(columns.column_default,'''::regclass)',''),'nextval(''','') as sequencename
      from information_schema.constraint_column_usage, information_schema.columns
      where constraint_column_usage.table_schema ='public' AND 
      columns.table_schema = 'public' AND columns.table_name=constraint_column_usage.table_name
      AND constraint_column_usage.column_name = columns.column_name
      AND columns.column_default is not null
      EXECUTE 'select max('||sequencedefs.columnname||') from ' || sequencedefs.tablename INTO c;
      IF c is null THEN c = 0; END IF;
      IF c is not null THEN c = c+ 1; END IF;
      EXECUTE 'alter sequence ' || sequencedefs.sequencename ||' restart  with ' || c;

$body$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

select rebuilt_sequences();

user457226 solution :

--drop function IF EXISTS reset_sequence (text,text) RESTRICT;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "reset_sequence" (tablename text,columnname text) RETURNS bigint --"pg_catalog"."void"
  DECLARE seqname character varying;
          c integer;
    select tablename || '_' || columnname || '_seq' into seqname;
    EXECUTE 'SELECT max("' || columnname || '") FROM "' || tablename || '"' into c;
    if c is null then c = 0; end if;
    c = c+1; --because of substitution of setval with "alter sequence"
    --EXECUTE 'SELECT setval( "' || seqname || '", ' || cast(c as character varying) || ', false)'; DOES NOT WORK!!!
    EXECUTE 'alter sequence ' || seqname ||' restart with ' || cast(c as character varying);
    RETURN nextval(seqname)-1;
$body$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

select sequence_name, PG_CLASS.relname, PG_ATTRIBUTE.attname,
join information_schema.sequences
     on information_schema.sequences.sequence_name = PG_CLASS.relname || '_' || PG_ATTRIBUTE.attname || '_seq'
where sequence_schema='public';

AngularJS: Can't I set a variable value on ng-click?

If you are using latest versions of Angular (2/5/6) :

In your component.ts

prefs = false;

   this.prefs = true;

Compiling C++ on remote Linux machine - "clock skew detected" warning

Make checks if the result of the compilation, e.g. somefile.o, is older than the source, e.g. somefile.c. The warning above means that something about the timestaps of the files is strange. Probably the system clocks of the University server differs from your clock and you e.g. push at 1 pm a file with modification date 2 pm. You can see the time at the console by typing date.

What's the best way to parse a JSON response from the requests library?

Since you're using requests, you should use the response's json method.

import requests

response = requests.get(...)
data = response.json()

It autodetects which decoder to use.

Jmeter - Run .jmx file through command line and get the summary report in a excel

This worked for me on mac os High sierra 10.13.6, java 8 64-bit, jmeter 4.0

$  jmeter -n --testfile /path/to/Test_Plan.jmx

Sample output:

Creating summariser <summary>
Created the tree successfully using ./src/test/jmeter/Test_Plan.jmx
Starting the test @ Fri Aug 24 17:18:18 PDT 2018 (1535156298333)
Waiting for possible Shutdown/StopTestNow/Heapdump message on port 4445
summary =     10 in 00:00:09 =    1.1/s Avg:  6666 Min:  1000 Max:  8950 Err:     
0 (0.00%)
Tidying up ...    @ Fri Aug 24 17:18:28 PDT 2018 (1535156308049)
... end of run

How can JavaScript save to a local file?

If you are using FireFox you can use the File HandleAPI

I had just tested it out and it works!

Check if key exists in JSON object using jQuery

if you have an array

var subcategories=[{name:"test",desc:"test"}];

function hasCategory(nameStr) {
        for(let i=0;i<subcategories.length;i++){
                return true;
        return false;

if you have an object

var category={name:"asd",test:""};

   return true;
   return false;

Sending SOAP request using Python Requests

It is indeed possible.

Here is an example calling the Weather SOAP Service using plain requests lib:

import requests
#headers = {'content-type': 'application/soap+xml'}
headers = {'content-type': 'text/xml'}
body = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:ns1="" 
            xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">

response =,data=body,headers=headers)
print response.content

Some notes:

  • The headers are important. Most SOAP requests will not work without the correct headers. application/soap+xml is probably the more correct header to use (but the weatherservice prefers text/xml
  • This will return the response as a string of xml - you would then need to parse that xml.
  • For simplicity I have included the request as plain text. But best practise would be to store this as a template, then you can load it using jinja2 (for example) - and also pass in variables.

For example:

from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader
env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('myapp', 'templates'))
template = env.get_template('soaprequests/WeatherSericeRequest.xml')
body = template.render()

Some people have mentioned the suds library. Suds is probably the more correct way to be interacting with SOAP, but I often find that it panics a little when you have WDSLs that are badly formed (which, TBH, is more likely than not when you're dealing with an institution that still uses SOAP ;) ).

You can do the above with suds like so:

from suds.client import Client
client = Client(url)
print client ## shows the details of this service

result = client.service.GetWeatherInformation() 
print result 

Note: when using suds, you will almost always end up needing to use the doctor!

Finally, a little bonus for debugging SOAP; TCPdump is your friend. On Mac, you can run TCPdump like so:

sudo tcpdump -As 0 

This can be helpful for inspecting the requests that actually go over the wire.

The above two code snippets are also available as gists:

How do I get Month and Date of JavaScript in 2 digit format?

        var today = new Date();
        var dateTime =  today.getFullYear()+'-'+
                        (today.getHours()<10?("0"+today.getHours()):today.getHours())+ ":" +
                        (today.getMinutes()<10?("0"+today.getMinutes()):today.getMinutes())+ ":" +
            return dateTime;

SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method IE

This issue may be occurred due to improper jquery version. like 1.4 etc. where done method is not supported

Draw a curve with css

You could use an asymmetrical border to make curves with CSS.

border-radius: 50%/100px 100px 0 0;


.box {_x000D_
  width: 500px; _x000D_
  height: 100px;  _x000D_
  border: solid 5px #000;_x000D_
  border-color: #000 transparent transparent transparent;_x000D_
  border-radius: 50%/100px 100px 0 0;_x000D_
<div class="box"></div>

Using Javascript's atob to decode base64 doesn't properly decode utf-8 strings

There's a great article on Mozilla's MDN docs that describes exactly this issue:

The "Unicode Problem" Since DOMStrings are 16-bit-encoded strings, in most browsers calling window.btoa on a Unicode string will cause a Character Out Of Range exception if a character exceeds the range of a 8-bit byte (0x00~0xFF). There are two possible methods to solve this problem:

  • the first one is to escape the whole string (with UTF-8, see encodeURIComponent) and then encode it;
  • the second one is to convert the UTF-16 DOMString to an UTF-8 array of characters and then encode it.

A note on previous solutions: the MDN article originally suggested using unescape and escape to solve the Character Out Of Range exception problem, but they have since been deprecated. Some other answers here have suggested working around this with decodeURIComponent and encodeURIComponent, this has proven to be unreliable and unpredictable. The most recent update to this answer uses modern JavaScript functions to improve speed and modernize code.

If you're trying to save yourself some time, you could also consider using a library:

Encoding UTF8 ? base64

function b64EncodeUnicode(str) {
    // first we use encodeURIComponent to get percent-encoded UTF-8,
    // then we convert the percent encodings into raw bytes which
    // can be fed into btoa.
    return btoa(encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g,
        function toSolidBytes(match, p1) {
            return String.fromCharCode('0x' + p1);

b64EncodeUnicode('? à la mode'); // "4pyTIMOgIGxhIG1vZGU="
b64EncodeUnicode('\n'); // "Cg=="

Decoding base64 ? UTF8

function b64DecodeUnicode(str) {
    // Going backwards: from bytestream, to percent-encoding, to original string.
    return decodeURIComponent(atob(str).split('').map(function(c) {
        return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2);

b64DecodeUnicode('4pyTIMOgIGxhIG1vZGU='); // "? à la mode"
b64DecodeUnicode('Cg=='); // "\n"

The pre-2018 solution (functional, and though likely better support for older browsers, not up to date)

Here is the the current recommendation, direct from MDN, with some additional TypeScript compatibility via @MA-Maddin:

// Encoding UTF8 ? base64

function b64EncodeUnicode(str) {
    return btoa(encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, function(match, p1) {
        return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(p1, 16))

b64EncodeUnicode('? à la mode') // "4pyTIMOgIGxhIG1vZGU="
b64EncodeUnicode('\n') // "Cg=="

// Decoding base64 ? UTF8

function b64DecodeUnicode(str) {
    return decodeURIComponent(, function(c) {
        return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2)

b64DecodeUnicode('4pyTIMOgIGxhIG1vZGU=') // "? à la mode"
b64DecodeUnicode('Cg==') // "\n"

The original solution (deprecated)

This used escape and unescape (which are now deprecated, though this still works in all modern browsers):

function utf8_to_b64( str ) {
    return window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent( str )));

function b64_to_utf8( str ) {
    return decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob( str )));

// Usage:
utf8_to_b64('? à la mode'); // "4pyTIMOgIGxhIG1vZGU="
b64_to_utf8('4pyTIMOgIGxhIG1vZGU='); // "? à la mode"

And one last thing: I first encountered this problem when calling the GitHub API. To get this to work on (Mobile) Safari properly, I actually had to strip all white space from the base64 source before I could even decode the source. Whether or not this is still relevant in 2017, I don't know:

function b64_to_utf8( str ) {
    str = str.replace(/\s/g, '');    
    return decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob( str )));

Table variable error: Must declare the scalar variable "@temp"

You should use hash (#) tables, That you actually looking for because variables value will remain till that execution only. e.g. -

declare @TEMP table (ID int, Name varchar(max))
insert into @temp SELECT ID, Name FROM Table

When above two and below two statements execute separately.


The error will show because the value of variable lost when you execute the batch of query second time. It definitely gives o/p when you run an entire block of code.

The hash table is the best possible option for storing and retrieving the temporary value. It last long till the parent session is alive.

What is apache's maximum url length?

The official length according to the offical Apache docs is 8,192, but many folks have run into trouble at ~4,000.

MS Internet Explorer is usually the limiting factor anyway, as it caps the maximum URL size at 2,048.

How to use table variable in a dynamic sql statement?

I don't think that is possible (though refer to the update below); as far as I know a table variable only exists within the scope that declared it. You can, however, use a temp table (use the create table syntax and prefix your table name with the # symbol), and that will be accessible within both the scope that creates it and the scope of your dynamic statement.

UPDATE: Refer to Martin Smith's answer for how to use a table-valued parameter to pass a table variable in to a dynamic SQL statement. Also note the limitation mentioned: table-valued parameters are read-only.

youtube: link to display HD video by default

via Is there a way to link someone to a YouTube Video in HD 1080p quality?

Yes there is:

options are:

default|none: vq=auto;
Code for auto: vq=auto;
Code for 2160p: vq=hd2160;
Code for 1440p: vq=hd1440;
Code for 1080p: vq=hd1080;
Code for 720p: vq=hd720;
Code for 480p: vq=large;
Code for 360p: vq=medium;
Code for 240p: vq=small;

As mentioned, you have to use the /embed/ or /v/ URL.

Note: Some copyrighted content doesn't support be played in this way

ToggleButton in C# WinForms

Changing a CheckBox appearance to Button will give you difficulty in adjustments. You cannot change its dimensions because its size depends on the size of your text or image.

You can try this: (initialize the count variable first to 1 | int count = 1)

private void settingsBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        if (count % 2 == 0)

It's very simple but it works.

Warning: This will work well with buttons that are occasionally used (i.e. settings), the value of count in int/long may be overloaded when used more than it's capacity without closing the app's process. (Check data type ranges:

The Good News: If you're running an app that is not intended for use 24/7 all-year round, I think this is helpful. Important thing is that when the app's process ended and you run it again, the count will reset to 1.

How to add spacing between UITableViewCell

You can simply use constraint in code like this :

class viewCell : UITableViewCell 

@IBOutlet weak var container: UIView!

func setShape() {
    self.container.backgroundColor = .blue
    self.container.layer.cornerRadius = 20
    container.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
    self.container.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo:contentView.widthAnchor , constant: -40).isActive = true
           self.container.heightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentView.heightAnchor,constant: -20).isActive = true
           self.container.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentView.centerXAnchor).isActive = true
           self.container.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentView.centerYAnchor).isActive = true


it's important to add subview (container) and put other elements in it.

Show current assembly instruction in GDB

GDB Dashboard

This GDB configuration uses the official GDB Python API to show us whatever we want whenever GDB stops after for example next, much like TUI.

However I have found that this implementation is a more robust and configurable alternative to the built-in GDB TUI mode as explained at: gdb split view with code

For example, we can configure GDB Dashboard to show disassembly, source, registers and stack with:

dashboard -layout source assembly registers stack

Here is what it looks like if you enable all available views instead:

enter image description here

Related questions:

Datatable vs Dataset

When you are only dealing with a single table anyway, the biggest practical difference I have found is that DataSet has a "HasChanges" method but DataTable does not. Both have a "GetChanges" however, so you can use that and test for null.

Select rows which are not present in other table

this can also be tried...

SELECT l.ip, tbl2.ip as ip2, tbl2.hostname
FROM   login_log l 
LEFT   JOIN (SELECT ip_location.ip, ip_location.hostname
             FROM ip_location
             WHERE ip_location.ip is null)tbl2

PivotTable's Report Filter using "greater than"

I know this is a bit late, but if this helps anybody, I think you could add a column to your data that calculates if the probability is ">='PivotSheet'$D$2" (reference a cell on the pivot table sheet).

Then, add that column to your pivot table and use the new column as a true/false filter.

You can then change the value stored in the referenced cell to update your probability threshold.

If I understood your question right, this may get you what you wanted. The filter value would be displayed on the sheet with the pivot and can be changed to suit any quick changes to your probability threshold. The T/F Filter can be labeled "Above/At Probability Threshold" or something like that.

I've used this to do something similar. It was handy to have the cell reference on the Pivot table sheet so I could update the value and refresh the pivot to quickly modify the results. The people I did that for couldn't make up their minds on what that threshold should be.

How to set an HTTP proxy in Python 2.7?

For installing pip with behind a proxy I went with the steps below. My server was even behind a jump server.

From the jump server:

ssh -R 18080:proxy-server:8080 my-python-server

On the "python-server"

export https_proxy=https://localhost:18080 ; export http_proxy=http://localhost:18080 ; export ftp_proxy=$http_proxy


Simple two column html layout without using tables

<div id"content">
<div id"contentLeft"></div>
<div id"contentRight"></div>

#content {
clear: both;
width: 950px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
#contentLeft {
float: left;
width: 630px;
margin: 10px;
#contentRight {
float: right;
width: 270px;

Obviously you will need to adjust the size of the columns to suit your site as well as colours etc but that should do it. You also need to make sure that your ContentLeft and ContentRight widths do not exceed the Contents width (including margins).

How to connect to Mysql Server inside VirtualBox Vagrant?

This worked for me: Connect to MySQL in Vagrant

username: vagrant password: vagrant

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install build-essential zlib1g-dev
git-core sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev sudo aptitude install mysql-server

sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf change: bind-address            =

mysql -u root -p

use mysql GRANT ALL ON *.* to root@'' IDENTIFIED BY
'jarvis'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; exit

sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart

# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby : do |config| = "lucid32"

  config.vm.box_url = ""

  #config.vm.boot_mode = :gui

  # Assign this VM to a host-only network IP, allowing you to access
it   # via the IP. Host-only networks can talk to the host machine as
well as   # any other machines on the same network, but cannot be
accessed (through this   # network interface) by any external
networks.   # :hostonly, ""

  # Assign this VM to a bridged network, allowing you to connect
directly to a   # network using the host's network device. This makes
the VM appear as another   # physical device on your network.   # :bridged

  # Forward a port from the guest to the host, which allows for
outside   # computers to access the VM, whereas host only networking
does not.   # config.vm.forward_port 80, 8080

  config.vm.forward_port 3306, 3306 :hostonly, ""


ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found

I had the same issue with importing matplotlib.pylab with Python 3.5.1 on Win 64. Installing the Visual C++ Redistributable für Visual Studio 2015 from this links: fixed the missing DLLs.

I find it better and easier than downloading and pasting DLLs.

Global variables in Java

without static this is possible too:

class Main {
  String globalVar = "Global Value";

  class Class1 {
    Class1() {
      System.out.println("Class1: "+globalVar);
      globalVar += " - changed";
  } }
  class Class2 {
    Class2() {
      System.out.println("Class2: "+globalVar);
  } }

  public static void main(String[] args) {  
    Main m = new Main();
  void mainCode() {
    Class1 o1 = new Class1();
    Class2 o2 = new Class2();

Class1: Global Value
Class2: Global Value - changed

JavaFX - create custom button with image

There are a few different ways to accomplish this, I'll outline my favourites.

Use a ToggleButton and apply a custom style to it. I suggest this because your required control is "like a toggle button" but just looks different from the default toggle button styling.

My preferred method is to define a graphic for the button in css:

.toggle-button {
  -fx-graphic: url('');

.toggle-button:selected {
  -fx-graphic: url('');

OR use the attached css to define a background image.

// file imagetogglebutton.css deployed in the same package as ToggleButtonImage.class
.toggle-button {
  -fx-background-image: url('');
  -fx-background-repeat: no-repeat;
  -fx-background-position: center;

.toggle-button:selected {
  -fx-background-image: url('');

I prefer the -fx-graphic specification over the -fx-background-* specifications as the rules for styling background images are tricky and setting the background does not automatically size the button to the image, whereas setting the graphic does.

And some sample code:

import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.*;
import javafx.scene.control.ToggleButton;
import javafx.scene.layout.StackPaneBuilder;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

public class ToggleButtonImage extends Application {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { launch(args); }
  @Override public void start(final Stage stage) throws Exception {
    final ToggleButton toggle = new ToggleButton();
    toggle.setMinSize(148, 148); toggle.setMaxSize(148, 148);
    stage.setScene(new Scene(
        .style("-fx-padding:10; -fx-background-color: cornsilk;")

Some advantages of doing this are:

  1. You get the default toggle button behavior and don't have to re-implement it yourself by adding your own focus styling, mouse and key handlers etc.
  2. If your app gets ported to different platform such as a mobile device, it will work out of the box responding to touch events rather than mouse events, etc.
  3. Your styling is separated from your application logic so it is easier to restyle your application.

An alternate is to not use css and still use a ToggleButton, but set the image graphic in code:

import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings;
import javafx.scene.*;
import javafx.scene.control.ToggleButton;
import javafx.scene.image.*;
import javafx.scene.layout.StackPaneBuilder;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

public class ToggleButtonImageViaGraphic extends Application {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { launch(args); }
  @Override public void start(final Stage stage) throws Exception {
    final ToggleButton toggle      = new ToggleButton();
    final Image        unselected  = new Image(
    final Image        selected    = new Image(
    final ImageView    toggleImage = new ImageView();

    stage.setScene(new Scene(
        .style("-fx-padding:10; -fx-background-color: cornsilk;")

The code based approach has the advantage that you don't have to use css if you are unfamilar with it.

For best performance and ease of porting to unsigned applet and webstart sandboxes, bundle the images with your app and reference them by relative path urls rather than downloading them off the net.

Eclipse Build Path Nesting Errors

Try this:

From the libraries tab:

Eclipse -> right click on project name in sidebar -> configure build path -> Libraries

Remove your web app libraries:

click on "Web App Libraries" -> click "remove"

Add them back in:

click "Add Library" -> click to highlight "Web App Libraries" -> click "next" -> confirm your desired project is the selected option -> click "Finish"

Highlighting "Web App Libraries":

Highlighting "Web App Libraries"

What is the difference between SQL and MySQL?

SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and is the basis for which all Relational Database Management Systems allow the user to add, remove, update, or select records. Things like MySQ are the actual Management Systems which allow you to store and retrieve your data, whereas SQL is the actual language to do so.

The basic SQL is somewhat universal - Selects usually look the same, Inserts, Updates, Deletes, etc. Once you get beyond the basics, the commands and abilities of your individual Databases vary, and this is where you get people who are Oracle experts, MySQL, SQL Server, etc.

Basically, MySQL is one of many books holding everything, and SQL is how you go about reading that book.

JavaScript "cannot read property "bar" of undefined

You can safeguard yourself either of these two ways:

function myFunc(thing) {
    if (thing && && {
        // safe to use here

function myFunc(thing) {
    try {
        var x =;
        // do something with x
    } catch(e) {
        // do whatever you want when didn't work

In the first example, you explicitly check all the possible elements of the variable you're referencing to make sure it's safe before using it so you don't get any unplanned reference exceptions.

In the second example, you just put an exception handler around it. You just access assuming it exists. If it does exist, then the code runs normally. If it doesn't exist, then it will throw an exception which you will catch and ignore. The end result is the same. If exists, your code using it executes. If it doesn't exist that code does not execute. In all cases, the function runs normally.

The if statement is faster to execute. The exception can be simpler to code and use in complex cases where there may be many possible things to protect against and your code is structured so that throwing an exception and handling it is a clean way to skip execution when some piece of data does not exist. Exceptions are a bit slower when the exception is thrown.

HTTP Error 404 when running Tomcat from Eclipse

If you changed the location, using option 'Use custom location (does not modify Tomcat installation)' and the deployed directory is "wtpwebapps" then you'll have to:

  1. Swtich Location from [workspace metadata] to /Servers/Tomcat v...., click Apply, OK.
  2. Retart server and if you find 404 error message than the server is working, it just doesn't have the startup file at the web-server location you have chosen. If you traverse to that location, you'll find a bunch of directories that was created. One of which is wtpwebapps, under which there is ROOT. This is your web-server's directory. You will need to go back to installed Tomcat directory and copy the content of <tomcat's installed dir>/web-apps/ROOT to your wtpwebapps. Restart the webserver and you should see the tomcat default page.
  3. For Server Status, Manager Apps and Host Manager to work, you'll have to copy other subdirectories from <tomcat's installed dir>/webapps (ie. docs, examples, host-manager, manager) to your "webapps" (NOT the wtpwebapps) directory.
  4. Edit the '<your web directory>/conf/tomcat-users.xml' and enter something like:
  5.       <role rolename="manager-gui"/>
          <role rolename="manager-status"/>
          <role rolename="manager-jmx"/>
          <role rolename="manager-script"/>
          <role rolename="admin-gui"/>
          <role rolename="admin"/>
          <user username="admin" password="yourpassword" roles="admin, admin-gui, manager-gui"/>
  6. Then edit the '<your web directory>/conf/server.xml', add the attribute:
    into the <Resource/> key of the <GlobalNamingResources/> group.
  7. Restart the server and try to login with the configured credentials.
NOTE: if you change the server configuration, say if you like to compare the default configuration (use tomcat installation directory) and the 'new directory', when switching back to the 'new directory' this 'tomcat-users.xml' will be overwritten by the default file, so SAVE THE CONTENT OF THIS FILE somewhere before doing that, then copy it back. If you only give the the username "admin" role, you will be prompted of help messages. It says: you should not grant the admin-gui, or manager-gui role the 'manager-jmx' and 'manager-script' roles.

Which is more efficient, a for-each loop, or an iterator?

If you are just wandering over the collection to read all of the values, then there is no difference between using an iterator or the new for loop syntax, as the new syntax just uses the iterator underwater.

If however, you mean by loop the old "c-style" loop:

for(int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) {
   Object o = list.get(i);

Then the new for loop, or iterator, can be a lot more efficient, depending on the underlying data structure. The reason for this is that for some data structures, get(i) is an O(n) operation, which makes the loop an O(n2) operation. A traditional linked list is an example of such a data structure. All iterators have as a fundamental requirement that next() should be an O(1) operation, making the loop O(n).

To verify that the iterator is used underwater by the new for loop syntax, compare the generated bytecodes from the following two Java snippets. First the for loop:

List<Integer>  a = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (Integer integer : a)
// Byte code
 INVOKEINTERFACE java/util/List.iterator()Ljava/util/Iterator;
 CHECKCAST java/lang/Integer
 INVOKEVIRTUAL java/lang/Integer.toString()Ljava/lang/String;
 INVOKEINTERFACE java/util/Iterator.hasNext()Z

And second, the iterator:

List<Integer>  a = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (Iterator iterator = a.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
  Integer integer = (Integer);
// Bytecode:
 INVOKEINTERFACE java/util/List.iterator()Ljava/util/Iterator;
 CHECKCAST java/lang/Integer
 INVOKEVIRTUAL java/lang/Integer.toString()Ljava/lang/String;
 INVOKEINTERFACE java/util/Iterator.hasNext()Z

As you can see, the generated byte code is effectively identical, so there is no performance penalty to using either form. Therefore, you should choose the form of loop that is most aesthetically appealing to you, for most people that will be the for-each loop, as that has less boilerplate code.

Send raw ZPL to Zebra printer via USB

Found amazing simple solution - working for Chrome (Windows, not tested on Mac)

Zebra ZP 450

  1. Go here Zebra Generic Text
  2. Go precisely by the manual
  3. No COM1 or any other ports needed - USB is enough
  4. When done (named the printer ZTEXT), does not matter if it won't print a test page
  5. Turn of Spooling and enable direct printing in Printer Preferences - 1 note here 1 printer is ZP450 CPT and other ZP450 only - on the other one I do not even need to turn off spooling and it worked.
  6. Go to Chrome and printing ZPL from there with Chrome Print Dialog Box by selecting the ZTEXT printer (Generic / Text) Printer (Do not choose Windows Dialog Box) - we needed this for Chrome to be working

How can I get all a form's values that would be submitted without submitting

The jquery form plugin offers an easy way to iterate over your form elements and put them in a query string. It might also be useful for whatever else you need to do with these values.

var queryString = $('#myFormId').formSerialize();


Or using straight jquery:

var queryString = $('#myFormId').serialize();

How to format DateTime in Flutter , How to get current time in flutter?

Use this function

todayDate() {
    var now = new;
    var formatter = new DateFormat('dd-MM-yyyy');
    String formattedTime = DateFormat('kk:mm:a').format(now);
    String formattedDate = formatter.format(now);



How to fix Cannot find module 'typescript' in Angular 4?

This should do the trick,

npm install -g typescript

How do you add a scroll bar to a div?

If you want to add a scroll bar using jquery the following will work. If your div had a id of 'mydiv' you could us the following jquery id selector with css property:

jQuery('#mydiv').css("overflow-y", "scroll");

disable all form elements inside div

Following will disable all the input but will not able it to btn class and also added class to overwrite disable css.

$('#EditForm :input').not('.btn').attr("disabled", true).addClass('disabledClass');

css class

  background-color: rgb(235, 235, 228) !important;

JSON encode MySQL results

we could simplify Paolo Bergantino answer like this

$sth = mysql_query("SELECT ...");
print json_encode(mysql_fetch_assoc($sth));

Change auto increment starting number?

You can also do it using phpmyadmin. Just select the table than go to actions. And change the Auto increment below table options. Don't forget to click on start Auto increment in phpmyadmin

An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details

In my case, I messed up the connectionString property in a publish profile, trying to access the wrong database (Initial Catalog). Entity Framework then complains that the entities do not match the database, and rightly so.

Full Screen Theme for AppCompat

Your "workaround" (hiding the actionBar yourself) is the normal way. But google recommands to always hide the ActionBar when the TitleBar is hidden. Have a look here:

How to make a vertical line in HTML

You can also make a vertical line using HTML horizontal line <hr />

html, body{height: 100%;}_x000D_
hr.vertical {_x000D_
  width: 0px;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  /* or height in PX */_x000D_
<hr class="vertical" />

Checking if an object is a number in C#

If your requirement is really

.ToString() would result in a string containing digits and +,-,.

and you want to use double.TryParse then you need to use the overload that takes a NumberStyles parameter, and make sure you are using the invariant culture.

For example for a number which may have a leading sign, no leading or trailing whitespace, no thousands separator and a period decimal separator, use:

NumberStyles style = 
   NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign | 
   NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint | 
double.TryParse(input, style, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out result);

jQuery UI Dialog Box - does not open after being closed

You're actually supposed to use $("#terms").dialog({ autoOpen: false }); to initialize it. Then you can use $('#terms').dialog('open'); to open the dialog, and $('#terms').dialog('close'); to close it.

How to use S_ISREG() and S_ISDIR() POSIX Macros?

You're using S_ISREG() and S_ISDIR() correctly, you're just using them on the wrong thing.

In your while((dit = readdir(dip)) != NULL) loop in main, you're calling stat on currentPath over and over again without changing currentPath:

if(stat(currentPath, &statbuf) == -1) {
    return errno;

Shouldn't you be appending a slash and dit->d_name to currentPath to get the full path to the file that you want to stat? Methinks that similar changes to your other stat calls are also needed.

Styling of Select2 dropdown select boxes

This is how i changed placeholder arrow color, the 2 classes are for dropdown open and dropdown closed, you need to change the #fff to the color you want:

.select2-container--default.select2-container--open .select2-selection--single .select2-selection__arrow b {
    border-color: transparent transparent #fff transparent !important;
  .select2-container--default .select2-selection--single .select2-selection__arrow b {
    border-color: #fff transparent transparent transparent !important;

Spring transaction REQUIRED vs REQUIRES_NEW : Rollback Transaction

If you really need to do it in separate transaction you need to use REQUIRES_NEW and live with the performance overhead. Watch out for dead locks.

I'd rather do it the other way:

  • Validate data on Java side.
  • Run everyting in one transaction.
  • If anything goes wrong on DB side -> it's a major error of DB or validation design. Rollback everything and throw critical top level error.
  • Write good unit tests.

How to make a link open multiple pages when clicked

If you prefer to inform the visitor which links will be opened, you can use a JS function reading links from an html element. You can even let the visitor write/modify the links as seen below:

<script type="text/javascript"> 
    function open_all_links() {
        var x = document.getElementById('my_urls').value.split('\n');
        for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++)
            if (x[i].indexOf('.') > 0)
            if (x[i].indexOf('://') < 0)
      'http://' + x[i]);

<form method="post" name="input" action=""> 
    <textarea id="my_urls" rows="4" placeholder="enter links in each row..."></textarea>
    <input value="open all now" type="button" onclick="open_all_links();">

How to access the services from RESTful API in my angularjs page?

Option 1: $http service

AngularJS provides the $http service that does exactly what you want: Sending AJAX requests to web services and receiving data from them, using JSON (which is perfectly for talking to REST services).

To give an example (taken from the AngularJS documentation and slightly adapted):

$http({ method: 'GET', url: '/foo' }).
  success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
    // ...
  error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
    // ...

Option 2: $resource service

Please note that there is also another service in AngularJS, the $resource service which provides access to REST services in a more high-level fashion (example again taken from AngularJS documentation):

var Users = $resource('/user/:userId', { userId: '@id' });
var user = Users.get({ userId: 123 }, function () { = true;

Option 3: Restangular

Moreover, there are also third-party solutions, such as Restangular. See its documentation on how to use it. Basically, it's way more declarative and abstracts more of the details away from you.

How do you handle a form change in jQuery?

Looking at the updated question try something like

$('input, textarea, select').each(function(){
    $(this).data("val", $(this).val());
$('#button').click(function() {
    $('input, textarea, select').each(function(){
        if($(this).data("val")!==$(this).val()) alert("Things Changed");

For the original question use something like

$('input').change(function() {
    alert("Things have changed!");

UIButton title text color

swift 5 version:

By using default inbuilt color:

  1. button.setTitleColor(, for: .normal)


You can use your custom color by using RGB method:

  1. button.setTitleColor(UIColor(displayP3Red: 0.0/255.0, green: 180.0/255.0, blue: 2.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0), for: .normal)

Getting data from selected datagridview row and which event?

You can use SelectionChanged event since you are using FullRowSelect selection mode. Than inside the handler you can access SelectedRows property and get data from it. Example:

private void dataGridView_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 
    foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView.SelectedRows) 
        string value1 = row.Cells[0].Value.ToString();
        string value2 = row.Cells[1].Value.ToString();

You can also walk through the column collection instead of typing indexes...

How to set the default value for radio buttons in AngularJS?

Set a default value for people with ngInit

<div ng-app>
    <div ng-init="people=1" />
        <input type="radio" ng-model="people" value="1"><label>1</label>
        <input type="radio" ng-model="people" value="2"><label>2</label>
        <input type="radio" ng-model="people" value="3"><label>3</label>

Demo: Fiddle

How to hide "Showing 1 of N Entries" with the dataTables.js library

Now, this seems to work:

  "info": false

it hides that div, altogether

How can I make a "color map" plot in matlab?

Note that both pcolor and "surf + view(2)" do not show the last row and the last column of your 2D data.

On the other hand, using imagesc, you have to be careful with the axes. The surf and the imagesc examples in gevang's answer only (almost -- apart from the last row and column) correspond to each other because the 2D sinc function is symmetric.

To illustrate these 2 points, I produced the figure below with the following code:

[x, y] = meshgrid(1:10,1:5);
z      = x.^3 + y.^3;

imagesc(flipud(z)), axis equal tight, colorbar
set(gca, 'YTick', 1:5, 'YTickLabel', 5:-1:1);

surf(x,y,z,'EdgeColor','None'), view(2), axis equal tight, colorbar
title('surf with view(2)')

imagesc(flipud(z)), axis equal tight, colorbar
axis([0.5 9.5 1.5 5.5])
set(gca, 'YTick', 1:5, 'YTickLabel', 5:-1:1);
title('imagesc cropped')

colormap jet

surf vs imagesc

As you can see the 10th row and 5th column are missing in the surf plot. (You can also see this in images in the other answers.)

Note how you can use the "set(gca, 'YTick'..." (and Xtick) command to set the x and y tick labels properly if x and y are not 1:1:N.

Also note that imagesc only makes sense if your z data correspond to xs and ys are (each) equally spaced. If not you can use surf (and possibly duplicate the last column and row and one more "(end,end)" value -- although that's a kind of a dirty approach).

Getting coordinates of marker in Google Maps API

Also, you can display current position by "drag" listener and write it to visible or hidden field. You may also need to store zoom. Here's copy&paste from working tool:

            function map_init() {
            var lt=48.451778;
            var lg=31.646305;

            var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lt,lg);
            var mapOptions = {
                center: new google.maps.LatLng(lt,lg),
                zoom: 6,
                mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP

            var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'),mapOptions);   
            var marker = new google.maps.Marker({

                function() {
                    document.getElementById('lat1').innerHTML =;
                    document.getElementById('lng1').innerHTML = marker.position.lng().toFixed(6);
                    document.getElementById('zoom').innerHTML = mapObject.getZoom();

                    // Dynamically show it somewhere if needed


assign value using linq

It can be done this way as well

foreach (Company company in listofCompany.Where(d => d.Id = 1)).ToList())
                    //do your stuff here
                    company.Id= 2;
                    company.Name= "Sample"

React eslint error missing in props validation

the problem is in flow annotation in handleClick, i removed this and works fine thanks @alik

Select top 1 result using JPA

Try like this

String sql = "SELECT t FROM table t";
Query query = em.createQuery(sql);
List result = query.getResultList();

It should work


You can also try like this


List all column except for one in R

In addition to tcash21's numeric indexing if OP may have been looking for negative indexing by name. Here's a few ways I know, some are risky than others to use:

mtcars[, -which(names(mtcars) == "carb")]  #only works on a single column
mtcars[, names(mtcars) != "carb"]          #only works on a single column
mtcars[, !names(mtcars) %in% c("carb", "mpg")] 
mtcars[, -match(c("carb", "mpg"), names(mtcars))] 
mtcars2 <- mtcars; mtcars2$hp <- NULL         #lost column (risky)

remove.vars(mtcars2, names=c("mpg", "carb"), info=TRUE) 

Generally I use:

mtcars[, !names(mtcars) %in% c("carb", "mpg")] 

because I feel it's safe and efficient.

Disabling Warnings generated via _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE

The best way to do this is by a simple check and assess. I usually do something like this:

#ifndef _DEPRECATION_DISABLE   /* One time only */
#define _DEPRECATION_DISABLE   /* Disable deprecation true */
#if (_MSC_VER >= 1400)         /* Check version */
#pragma warning(disable: 4996) /* Disable deprecation */
#endif /* #if defined(NMEA_WIN) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) */
#endif /* #ifndef _DEPRECATION_DISABLE */

All that is really required is the following:

#pragma warning(disable: 4996)

Hasn't failed me yet; Hope this helps

How to run a PowerShell script without displaying a window?

I was having this problem when running from c#, on Windows 7, the "Interactive Services Detection" service was popping up when running a hidden powershell window as the SYSTEM account.

Using the "CreateNoWindow" parameter prevented the ISD service popping up it's warning.

process.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("powershell.exe",
    String.Format(@" -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -encodedCommand ""{0}""",encodedCommand))
   WorkingDirectory = executablePath,
   UseShellExecute = false,
   CreateNoWindow = true

Creating a node class in Java

Welcome to Java! This Nodes are like a blocks, they must be assembled to do amazing things! In this particular case, your nodes can represent a list, a linked list, You can see an example here:

public class ItemLinkedList {
    private ItemInfoNode head;
    private ItemInfoNode tail;
    private int size = 0;

    public int getSize() {
        return size;

    public void addBack(ItemInfo info) {
        if (head == null) {
            head = new ItemInfoNode(info, null, null);
            tail = head;
        } else {
            ItemInfoNode node = new ItemInfoNode(info, null, tail);
            this.tail = node;

    public void addFront(ItemInfo info) {
        if (head == null) {
            head = new ItemInfoNode(info, null, null);
            tail = head;
        } else {
            ItemInfoNode node = new ItemInfoNode(info, head, null);
            this.head.prev = node;
            this.head = node;

    public ItemInfo removeBack() {
        ItemInfo result = null;
        if (head != null) {
            result =;
            if (tail.prev != null) {
       = null;
                tail = tail.prev;
            } else {
                head = null;
                tail = null;
        return result;

    public ItemInfo removeFront() {
        ItemInfo result = null;
        if (head != null) {
            result =;
            if ( != null) {
       = null;
                head =;
            } else {
                head = null;
                tail = null;
        return result;

    public class ItemInfoNode {

        private ItemInfoNode next;
        private ItemInfoNode prev;
        private ItemInfo info;

        public ItemInfoNode(ItemInfo info, ItemInfoNode next, ItemInfoNode prev) {
   = info;
   = next;
            this.prev = prev;

        public void setInfo(ItemInfo info) {
   = info;

        public void setNext(ItemInfoNode node) {
            next = node;

        public void setPrev(ItemInfoNode node) {
            prev = node;

        public ItemInfo getInfo() {
            return info;

        public ItemInfoNode getNext() {
            return next;

        public ItemInfoNode getPrev() {
            return prev;


Declare ItemInfo as this:

public class ItemInfo {
    private String name;
    private String rfdNumber;
    private double price;
    private String originalPosition;

    public ItemInfo(){

    public ItemInfo(String name, String rfdNumber, double price, String originalPosition) { = name;
        this.rfdNumber = rfdNumber;
        this.price = price;
        this.originalPosition = originalPosition;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public String getRfdNumber() {
        return rfdNumber;

    public void setRfdNumber(String rfdNumber) {
        this.rfdNumber = rfdNumber;

    public double getPrice() {
        return price;

    public void setPrice(double price) {
        this.price = price;

    public String getOriginalPosition() {
        return originalPosition;

    public void setOriginalPosition(String originalPosition) {
        this.originalPosition = originalPosition;

Then, You can use your nodes inside the linked list like this:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    ItemLinkedList list = new ItemLinkedList();
    for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
        list.addBack(new ItemInfo("name-"+i, "rfd"+i, i, String.valueOf(i)));

    while (list.size() > 0){

What is the difference between venv, pyvenv, pyenv, virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper, pipenv, etc?

Jan 2020 Update

@Flimm has explained all the differences very well. Generally, we want to know the difference between all tools because we want to decide what's best for us. So, the next question would be: which one to use? I suggest you choose one of the two official ways to manage virtual environments:

How to declare Return Types for Functions in TypeScript

You can read more about function types in the language specification in sections and 3.5.5.

The TypeScript compiler will infer types when it can, and this is done you do not need to specify explicit types. so for the greeter example, greet() returns a string literal, which tells the compiler that the type of the function is a string, and no need to specify a type. so for instance in this sample, I have the greeter class with a greet method that returns a string, and a variable that is assigned to number literal. the compiler will infer both types and you will get an error if you try to assign a string to a number.

class Greeter {
    greet() {
        return "Hello, ";  // type infered to be string

var x = 0; // type infered to be number

// now if you try to do this, you will get an error for incompatable types
x = new Greeter().greet(); 

Similarly, this sample will cause an error as the compiler, given the information, has no way to decide the type, and this will be a place where you have to have an explicit return type.

function foo(){
    if (true)
        return "string"; 
        return 0;

This, however, will work:

function foo() : any{
    if (true)
        return "string"; 
        return 0;

How can I copy the output of a command directly into my clipboard?

Linux & Windows (WSL)

When using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (e.g. Ubuntu/Debian on WSL) the xclip solution won't work. Instead you need to use clip.exe and powershell.exe to copy into and paste from the Windows clipboard.


This solution works on "real" Linux-based systems (i.e. Ubuntu, Debian) as well as on WSL systems. Just put the following code into your .bashrc:

if grep -q -i microsoft /proc/version; then
    # on WSL
    alias copy="clip.exe"
    alias paste="powershell.exe Get-Clipboard"
    # on "normal" linux
    alias copy="xclip -sel clip"
    alias paste="xclip -sel clip -o"

How it works

The file /proc/version contains information about the currently running OS. When the system is running in WSL mode, then this file additionally contains the string Microsoft which is checked by grep.


To copy:

cat file | copy

And to paste:

paste > new_file

How to store standard error in a variable

If you want to bypass the use of a temporary file you may be able to use process substitution. I haven't quite gotten it to work yet. This was my first attempt:

$ 2> >( ERROR=$(<) )
-bash: command substitution: line 42: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
-bash: command substitution: line 42: `<)'

Then I tried

$ ./ 2> >( ERROR=$( cat <() )  )
This Is Output
$ echo $ERROR   # $ERROR is empty


$ ./ 2> >( cat <() > asdf.txt )
This Is Output
$ cat asdf.txt
This Is Error

So the process substitution is doing generally the right thing... unfortunately, whenever I wrap STDIN inside >( ) with something in $() in an attempt to capture that to a variable, I lose the contents of $(). I think that this is because $() launches a sub process which no longer has access to the file descriptor in /dev/fd which is owned by the parent process.

Process substitution has bought me the ability to work with a data stream which is no longer in STDERR, unfortunately I don't seem to be able to manipulate it the way that I want.

Is there a way to specify a default property value in Spring XML? points out that "local properties" defined on the bean itself will be considered defaults to be overridden by values read from files:

<bean id="propertyConfigurer"class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">  
  <property name="location"><value></value></property>  
  <property name="properties">  
      <prop key="entry.1">123</prop>  

How can I switch word wrap on and off in Visual Studio Code?

If you want to use text word wrap in your Visual Studio Code editor, you have to press button Alt + Z for text word wrap. Its word wrap is toggled between text wrap or unwrap.

document.createElement("script") synchronously

This is way late but for future reference to anyone who'd like to do this, you can use the following:

function require(file,callback){
    var head=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
    var script=document.createElement('script');
    //real browsers
    //Internet explorer
    script.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (this.readyState == 'complete') {

I did a short blog post on it some time ago

Why is vertical-align: middle not working on my span or div?

This is a modern approach and it utilizes the CSS Flexbox functionality. You can now vertically align the content within your parent container by just adding these styles to the .main container

.main {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
        justify-content: center;

And you are good to go!

Multi-statement Table Valued Function vs Inline Table Valued Function

Your examples, I think, answer the question very well. The first function can be done as a single select, and is a good reason to use the inline style. The second could probably be done as a single statement (using a sub-query to get the max date), but some coders may find it easier to read or more natural to do it in multiple statements as you have done. Some functions just plain can't get done in one statement, and so require the multi-statement version.

I suggest using the simplest (inline) whenever possible, and using multi-statements when necessary (obviously) or when personal preference/readability makes it wirth the extra typing.

Angular exception: Can't bind to 'ngForIn' since it isn't a known native property

In my case, WebStrom auto-complete inserted lowercased *ngfor, even when it looks like you choose the right camel cased one (*ngFor).

How to debug "ImagePullBackOff"?

I faced the similar situation and it turned out that with the actualisation of Docker Desktop I was signed out and after I signed back in all works fine again.

Difference between string and StringBuilder in C#

A String is an immutable type. This means that whenever you start concatenating strings with each other you're creating new strings each time. If you do so many times you end up with a lot of heap overhead and the risk of running out of memory.

A StringBuilder instance is used to be able to append strings to the same instance, creating a string when you call the ToString method on it.

Due to the overhead of instantiating a StringBuilder object it's said by Microsoft that it's useful to use when you have more than 5-10 string concatenations.

For sample code I suggest you take a look here:

Check object empty

I suggest you add separate overloaded method and add them to your projects Utility/Utilities class.

To check for Collection be empty or null

public static boolean isEmpty(Collection obj) {
    return obj == null || obj.isEmpty();

or use Apache Commons CollectionUtils.isEmpty()

To check if Map is empty or null

public static boolean isEmpty(Map<?, ?> value) {
    return value == null || value.isEmpty();

or use Apache Commons MapUtils.isEmpty()

To check for String empty or null

public static boolean isEmpty(String string) {
    return string == null || string.trim().isEmpty();

or use Apache Commons StringUtils.isBlank()

To check an object is null is easy but to verify if it's empty is tricky as object can have many private or inherited variables and nested objects which should all be empty. For that All need to be verified or some isEmpty() method be in all objects which would verify the objects emptiness.

android EditText - finished typing event

A different approach ... here is an example: If the user has a delay of 600-1000ms when is typing you may consider he's stopped.

 myEditText.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {_x000D_
            private String s;_x000D_
            private long after;_x000D_
   private Thread t;_x000D_
            private Runnable runnable_EditTextWatcher = new Runnable() {_x000D_
                public void run() {_x000D_
                    while (true) {_x000D_
                        if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - after) > 600)_x000D_
                            Log.d("Debug_EditTEXT_watcher", "(System.currentTimeMillis()-after)>600 ->  " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - after) + " > " + s);_x000D_
                            // Do your stuff_x000D_
                            t = null;_x000D_
            public void onTextChanged(CharSequence ss, int start, int before, int count) {_x000D_
                s = ss.toString();_x000D_
            public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {_x000D_
            public void afterTextChanged(Editable ss) {_x000D_
                after = System.currentTimeMillis();_x000D_
                if (t == null)_x000D_
                    t = new Thread(runnable_EditTextWatcher);_x000D_

Add/remove HTML inside div using JavaScript

You can do something like this.

function addRow() {
  const div = document.createElement('div');

  div.className = 'row';

  div.innerHTML = `
    <input type="text" name="name" value="" />
    <input type="text" name="value" value="" />
      <input type="checkbox" name="check" value="1" /> Checked? 
    <input type="button" value="-" onclick="removeRow(this)" />


function removeRow(input) {

How to list the size of each file and directory and sort by descending size in Bash?


du -h --max-depth=0 * | sort -hr


3,5M    asdf.6000.gz
3,4M    asdf.4000.gz
3,2M    asdf.2000.gz
2,5M    xyz.PT.gz
136K    xyz.6000.gz
116K    xyz.6000p.gz
88K test.4000.gz
76K test.4000p.gz
44K test.2000.gz
8,0K    desc.common.tcl
8,0K    wer.2000p.gz
8,0K    wer.2000.gz
4,0K    ttree.3


  • du displays "disk usage"
  • h is for "human readable" (both, in sort and in du)
  • max-depth=0 means du will not show sizes of subfolders (remove that if you want to show all sizes of every file in every sub-, subsub-, ..., folder)
  • r is for "reverse" (biggest file first)


When I came to this question, I wanted to clean up my file system. The command line tool ncdu is way better suited to this task.

Installation on Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install ncdu


Just type ncdu [path] in the command line. After a few seconds for analyzing the path, you will see something like this:

$ ncdu 1.11 ~ Use the arrow keys to navigate, press ? for help
--- / ---------------------------------------------------------
.  96,1 GiB [##########] /home
.  17,7 GiB [#         ] /usr
.   4,5 GiB [          ] /var
    1,1 GiB [          ] /lib
  732,1 MiB [          ] /opt
. 275,6 MiB [          ] /boot
  198,0 MiB [          ] /storage
. 153,5 MiB [          ] /run
.  16,6 MiB [          ] /etc
   13,5 MiB [          ] /bin
   11,3 MiB [          ] /sbin
.   8,8 MiB [          ] /tmp
.   2,2 MiB [          ] /dev
!  16,0 KiB [          ] /lost+found
    8,0 KiB [          ] /media
    8,0 KiB [          ] /snap
    4,0 KiB [          ] /lib64
e   4,0 KiB [          ] /srv
!   4,0 KiB [          ] /root
e   4,0 KiB [          ] /mnt
e   4,0 KiB [          ] /cdrom
.   0,0   B [          ] /proc
.   0,0   B [          ] /sys
@   0,0   B [          ]  initrd.img.old
@   0,0   B [          ]  initrd.img
@   0,0   B [          ]  vmlinuz.old
@   0,0   B [          ]  vmlinuz

Delete the currently highlighted element with d, exit with CTRL + c

How do I remove a property from a JavaScript object?

Old question, modern answer. Using object destructuring, an ECMAScript 6 feature, it's as simple as:

const { a, } = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };

Or with the questions sample:

const myObject = {"ircEvent": "PRIVMSG", "method": "newURI", "regex": "^http://.*"};
const { regex, ...newObject } = myObject;

You can see it in action in the Babel try-out editor.


To reassign to the same variable, use a let:

let myObject = {"ircEvent": "PRIVMSG", "method": "newURI", "regex": "^http://.*"};
({ regex, ...myObject } = myObject);

How to call MVC Action using Jquery AJAX and then submit form in MVC?

Assuming that your button is in a form, you are not preventing the default behaviour of the button click from happening i.e. Your AJAX call is made in addition to the form submission; what you're very likely seeing is one of

  1. the form submission happens faster than the AJAX call returns
  2. the form submission causes the browser to abort the AJAX request and continues with submitting the form.

So you should prevent the default behaviour of the button click

$('#btnSave').click(function (e) {

    // prevent the default event behaviour    

        url: "/Home/SaveDetailedInfo",
        type: "POST",
        data: JSON.stringify({ 'Options': someData}),
        dataType: "json",
        traditional: true,
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        success: function (data) {

            // perform your save call here

            if (data.status == "Success") {
            } else {
                alert("Error occurs on the Database level!");
        error: function () {
            alert("An error has occured!!!");

How can I see the raw SQL queries Django is running?

I believe this ought to work if you are using PostgreSQL:

from django.db import connections
from app_name import models
from django.utils import timezone

# Generate a queryset, use your favorite filter, QS objects, and whatnot.

# Get a cursor tied to the default database

# Get the query SQL and parameters to be passed into psycopg2, then pass
# those into mogrify to get the query that would have been sent to the backend
# and print it out. Note F-strings require python 3.6 or later.

Content Type text/xml; charset=utf-8 was not supported by service

I was facing the similar issue when using the Channel Factory. it was actually due to wrong Contract specified in the endpoint.