[angularjs] AngularJS: Can't I set a variable value on ng-click?

I have a modal that uses ng-show="prefs" to determine visibility.

My desire is to use the close button in the modal to set $scope.prefs to false and to use an anchor tag to set the value to true. However, all I can find on google uses a checkbox rather than anchor tags.

Is there a way to use ng-click to set a variable to false?

This question is related to angularjs

The answer is

You can use some thing like this

<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
  <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.26/angular.min.js"></script>_x000D_
  <div ng-app="" ng-init="btn1=false" ng-init="btn2=false">_x000D_
      <input type="submit" ng-disabled="btn1||btn2" ng-click="btn1=true" ng-model="btn1" />_x000D_
      <button ng-disabled="btn1||btn2" ng-model="btn2" ng-click="btn2=true">Click Me!</button>_x000D_

If you are using latest versions of Angular (2/5/6) :

In your component.ts

prefs = false;

   this.prefs = true;

While @tymeJV gave a correct answer, the way to do this to be inline with angular would be:


and then in your controller:

$scope.hidePrefs = function() {  
  $scope.prefs = false;