[hive] Hive Alter table change Column Name

I am trying to rename a columnName in Hive. Is there a way to rename column name in Hive .

tableA (column1 ,_c1,_c2) to tableA(column1,column2,column3) ??

This question is related to hive alter-table alter

The answer is

Change Column Name/Type/Position/Comment:

ALTER TABLE table_name CHANGE [COLUMN] col_old_name col_new_name column_type [COMMENT col_comment] [FIRST|AFTER column_name]


CREATE TABLE test_change (a int, b int, c int);

// will change column a's name to a1
ALTER TABLE test_change CHANGE a a1 INT;

In the comments @libjack mentioned a point which is really important. I would like to illustrate more into it. First, we can check what are the columns of our table by describe <table_name>; command. enter image description here

there is a double-column called _c1 and such columns are created by the hive itself when we moving data from one table to another. To address these columns we need to write it inside backticks


Finally, the ALTER command will be,

ALTER TABLE <table_namr> CHANGE `<system_genarated_column_name>` <new_column_name> <data_type>;

Command works only if "use" -command has been first used to define the database where working in. Table column renaming syntax using DATABASE.TABLE throws error and does not work. Version: HIVE 0.12.


hive> ALTER TABLE databasename.tablename CHANGE old_column_name new_column_name;

        at org.antlr.runtime.BaseRecognizer.recoverFromMismatchedToken(BaseRecognizer.java:617)
        at org.antlr.runtime.BaseRecognizer.match(BaseRecognizer.java:115)
        at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.HiveParser.alterStatementSuffixExchangePartition(HiveParser.java:11492)

hive> use databasename;

hive> ALTER TABLE tablename CHANGE old_column_name new_column_name;


alter table table_name change old_col_name new_col_name new_col_type;

Here is the example

hive> alter table test change userVisit userVisit2 STRING;      
    Time taken: 0.26 seconds
    hive> describe test;                                      
    uservisit2              string                                      
    category                string                                      
    uuid                    string                                      
    Time taken: 0.213 seconds, Fetched: 3 row(s)