Programs & Examples On #Coderush xpress

CodeRush Xpress is a free Visual Studio code refactoring add-in for C# developers

Rounding to 2 decimal places in SQL

Try to avoid formatting in your query. You should return your data in a raw format and let the receiving application (e.g. a reporting service or end user app) do the formatting, i.e. rounding and so on.

Formatting the data in the server makes it harder (or even impossible) for you to further process your data. You usually want export the table or do some aggregation as well, like sum, average etc. As the numbers arrive as strings (varchar), there is usually no easy way to further process them. Some report designers will even refuse to offer the option to aggregate these 'numbers'.

Also, the end user will see the country specific formatting of the server instead of his own PC.

Also, consider rounding problems. If you round the values in the server and then still do some calculations (supposing the client is able to revert the number-strings back to a number), you will end up getting wrong results.

mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in

That query is failing and returning false.

Put this after mysqli_query() to see what's going on.

if (!$check1_res) {
    printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($con));

For more information:

Submitting form and pass data to controller method of type FileStreamResult

This is because you have specified the form method as GET

Change code in the view to this:

using (@Html.BeginForm("myMethod", "Home", FormMethod.Post, new { id = @item.JobId })){

Running a cron job at 2:30 AM everyday

30 2 * * * wget

The first part is for setting cron job and the next part to call your function.

How do I call a non-static method from a static method in C#?

You can use call method by like this : Foo.Data2()

public class Foo
    private static Foo _Instance;

    private Foo()

    public static Foo GetInstance()
        if (_Instance == null)
            _Instance = new Foo();
        return _Instance;

    protected void Data1()

    public static void Data2()

What is the difference between ports 465 and 587?

I don't want to name names, but someone appears to be completely wrong. The referenced standards body stated the following: submissions 465 tcp Message Submission over TLS protocol [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2017-12-12 [RFC8314]

If you are so inclined, you may wish to read the referenced RFC.

This seems to clearly imply that port 465 is the best way to force encrypted communication and be sure that it is in place. Port 587 offers no such guarantee.

java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found

For whatever reason, the Scanner class also issues this same exception if it encounters special characters it cannot read. Beyond using the hasNextLine() method before each call to nextLine(), make sure the correct encoding is passed to the Scanner constructor, e.g.:

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(filePath), "UTF-8");

How to evaluate a boolean variable in an if block in bash?

Note that the if $myVar; then ... ;fi construct has a security problem you might want to avoid with

case $myvar in
  (true)    echo "is true";;
  (false)   echo "is false";;
  (rm -rf*) echo "I just dodged a bullet";;

You might also want to rethink why if [ "$myvar" = "true" ] appears awkward to you. It's a shell string comparison that beats possibly forking a process just to obtain an exit status. A fork is a heavy and expensive operation, while a string comparison is dead cheap. Think a few CPU cycles versus several thousand. My case solution is also handled without forks.

Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener

If you are sure you haven't messed the jar, then please clean the project and perform mvn clean install. This should solve the problem.

Several ports (8005, 8080, 8009) required by Tomcat Server at localhost are already in use

Easiest solution

Single line command for killing multiple ports:

kill $(lsof -t -i:8005,8080,8009) // 8005, 8080 and 8009 are the ports to be freed.

How to remove default mouse-over effect on WPF buttons?

This Link helped me alot

Define a style in UserControl.Resources or Window.Resources

        <Style x:Key="MyButton" TargetType="Button">
            <Setter Property="OverridesDefaultStyle" Value="True" />
            <Setter Property="Cursor" Value="Hand" />
            <Setter Property="Template">
                    <ControlTemplate TargetType="Button">
                        <Border Name="border" BorderThickness="0" BorderBrush="Black" Background="{TemplateBinding Background}">
                            <ContentPresenter HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
                            <Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True">
                                <Setter Property="Opacity" Value="0.8" />

Then add the style to your button this way Style="{StaticResource MyButton}"

<Button Name="btnSecond" Width="350" Height="120" Margin="15" Style="{StaticResource MyButton}">
        <ImageBrush ImageSource="/Remove_Default_Button_Effect;component/Images/WithStyle.jpg"></ImageBrush>

What are WSDL, SOAP and REST?

SOAP stands for Simple (sic) Object Access Protocol. It was intended to be a way to do Remote Procedure Calls to remote objects by sending XML over HTTP.

WSDL is Web Service Description Language. A request ending in '.wsdl' to an endpoint will result in an XML message describing request and response that a use can expect. It descibes the contract between service & client.

REST uses HTTP to send messages to services.

SOAP is a spec, REST is a style.

How do I install g++ on MacOS X?

Download Xcode, which is free with an ADC online membership (also free):

Check if xdebug is working

in your question you mentioned that your phpinfo was stating that apache was loading xdebug's configuration in /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/xdebug.ini In many of the instructions online you may note that they ask you to put xdebug config in php.ini (and that is what I did) HOWEVER, if the configuration is set to /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/xdebug.ini, then you should remove the [XDebug] configuration settings from /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and put it in /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/xdebug.ini INSTEAD. Once I removed from /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and put in /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/xdebug.ini instead, and restarted apache, it worked!!

Therefore, in your /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/xdebug.ini, put the following:



then remove this from the /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini if you put it there as well.

Then do:

sudo service apache2 restart

Then it should work!!!

Http post and get request in angular 6

For reading full response in Angular you should add the observe option:

{ observe: 'response' }
    return this.http.get(`${environment.serverUrl}/api/posts/${postId}/comments/?page=${page}&size=${size}`, { observe: 'response' });

Display TIFF image in all web browser

You can try converting your image from tiff to PNG, here is how to do it:

import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;

public class ImgConvTiffToPng {

    public static byte[] convert(byte[] tiff) throws Exception {

        byte[] out = new byte[0];
        InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(tiff);

        TIFFDecodeParam param = null;

        ImageDecoder dec = ImageCodec.createImageDecoder("tiff", inputStream, param);
        RenderedImage op = dec.decodeAsRenderedImage(0);

        ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

        PNGEncodeParam jpgparam = null;
        ImageEncoder en = ImageCodec.createImageEncoder("png", outputStream, jpgparam);
        outputStream = (ByteArrayOutputStream) en.getOutputStream();
        out = outputStream.toByteArray();

        return out;


No module named pkg_resources

ImportError: No module named pkg_resources: the solution is to reinstall python pip using the following Command are under.

Step: 1 Login in root user.

sudo su root

Step: 2 Uninstall python-pip package if existing.

apt-get purge -y python-pip

Step: 3 Download files using wget command(File download in pwd )


Step: 4 Run python file.

python ./

Step: 5 Finaly exicute installation command.

apt-get install python-pip

Note: User must be root.

jQuery Show-Hide DIV based on Checkbox Value

You might consider using the :checked selector, provided by jQuery. Something like this:

$('.pChk').click(function() {
    if( $('.pChk:checked').length > 0 ) {
    } else {

How to increase dbms_output buffer?

When buffer size gets full. There are several options you can try:

1) Increase the size of the DBMS_OUTPUT buffer to 1,000,000

2) Try filtering the data written to the buffer - possibly there is a loop that writes to DBMS_OUTPUT and you do not need this data.

3) Call ENABLE at various checkpoints within your code. Each call will clear the buffer.

DBMS_OUTPUT.ENABLE(NULL) will default to 20000 for backwards compatibility Oracle documentation on dbms_output

You can also create your custom output display.something like below snippets

create or replace procedure cust_output(input_string in varchar2 )

   out_string_in long default in_string; 
   string_lenth number; 
   loop_count number default 0; 


   str_len := length(out_string_in);

   while loop_count < str_len
      dbms_output.put_line( substr( out_string_in, loop_count +1, 255 ) ); 
      loop_count := loop_count +255; 
   end loop; 

Link -Ref :Alternative to dbms_output.putline @ By: Alexander

How do I read the first line of a file using cat?

This may not be possible with cat. Is there a reason you have to use cat?

If you simply need to do it with a bash command, this should work for you:

head -n 1 file.txt

The "backspace" escape character '\b': unexpected behavior?

If you want a destructive backspace, you'll need something like

"\b \b"

i.e. a backspace, a space, and another backspace.

Dynamically update values of a chartjs chart

I don't think it's possible right now.

However that's a feature which should come soon, as the author hinted here:

There isn't anything to compare. Nothing to compare, branches are entirely different commit histories

You can force update your master branch as follows:

git checkout upstreambranch  
git branch master upstreambranch -f    
git checkout master  
git push origin master -f

For the ones who have problem to merge into main branch (Which is the new default one in Github) you can use the following:

git checkout master  
git branch main master -f    
git checkout main  
git push origin main -f

The following command will force both branches to have the same history:

git branch [Branch1] [Branch2] -f 

Spring Boot: Cannot access REST Controller on localhost (404)

You need to modify the Starter-Application class as shown below.





public class InventoryApp extends SpringBootServletInitializer {..........

And update the Controller, Service and Repository packages structure as I mentioned below.

Example: REST-Controller

package com.nice.controller; --> It has to be modified as
package com.nice.application.controller;

You need to follow proper package structure for all packages which are in Spring Boot MVC flow.

So, If you modify your project bundle package structures correctly then your spring boot app will work correctly.

Setting Icon for wpf application (VS 08)

Note: (replace file.ico with your actual icon filename)

  1. Add the icon to the project with build action of "Resource".
  2. In the Project Properties, set the Application Icon to file.ico
  3. In the main Window XAML set: Icon=".\file.ico" on the Window

How to find foreign key dependencies in SQL Server?

One that I really like to use is called SQL Dependency Tracker by Red Gate Software. You can put in any database object(s) such as tables, stored procedures, etc. and it will then automatically draw the relationship lines between all the other objects that rely on your selected item(s).

Gives a very good graphical representation of the dependencies in your schema.

Select rows from a data frame based on values in a vector

Have a look at ?"%in%".

dt[dt$fct %in% vc,]
   fct X
1    a 2
3    c 3
5    c 5
7    a 7
9    c 9
10   a 1
12   c 2
14   c 4

You could also use ?is.element:

dt[is.element(dt$fct, vc),]

Encode String to UTF-8

A quick step-by-step guide how to configure NetBeans default encoding UTF-8. In result NetBeans will create all new files in UTF-8 encoding.

NetBeans default encoding UTF-8 step-by-step guide

  • Go to etc folder in NetBeans installation directory

  • Edit netbeans.conf file

  • Find netbeans_default_options line

  • Add -J-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 inside quotation marks inside that line

    (example: netbeans_default_options="-J-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8")

  • Restart NetBeans

You set NetBeans default encoding UTF-8.

Your netbeans_default_options may contain additional parameters inside the quotation marks. In such case, add -J-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 at the end of the string. Separate it with space from other parameters.


netbeans_default_options="-J-client -J-Xss128m -J-Xms256m -J-XX:PermSize=32m -J-Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true -J-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -J-Dsun.java2d.dpiaware=true -J-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"

here is link for Further Details

.NET End vs Form.Close() vs Application.Exit Cleaner way to close one's app

In .Net 1.1 and earlier, Application.Exit was not a wise choice and the MSDN docs specifically recommended against it because all message processing stopped immediately.

In later versions however, calling Application.Exit will result in Form.Close being called on all open forms in the application, thus giving you a chance to clean up after yourself, or even cancel the operation all together.

Pass a string parameter in an onclick function

<!----  script ---->
function myFunction(x) {
  document.getElementById("demo").style.backgroundColor = x; 

<!---- source ---->
<p id="demo" style="width:20px;height:20px;border:1px solid #ccc"></p>

<!----  buttons & function call ----> 
<a  onClick="myFunction('red')" />RED</a> 
<a  onClick="myFunction('blue')" />BLUE</a> 
<a  onClick="myFunction('black')" />BLACK</a>

What generates the "text file busy" message in Unix?

If you are running the .sh from a ssh connection with a tool like MobaXTerm, and if said tool has an autosave utility to edit remote file from local machine, that will lock the file.

Closing and reopening the SSH session solves it.


The error means that your are trying to look up JNDI name, that is not attached to any EJB component - the component with that name does not exist.

As far as dir structure is concerned: you have to create a JAR file with EJB components. As I understand you want to play with EJB 2.X components (at least the linked example suggests that) so the structure of the JAR file should be:

/com/mypackage/MyEJB.class /com/mypackage/MyEJBInterface.class /com/mypackage/etc... etc... java classes /META-INF/ejb-jar.xml /META-INF/jboss.xml

The JAR file is more or less ZIP file with file extension changed from ZIP to JAR.

BTW. If you use JBoss 5, you can work with EJB 3.0, which are much more easier to configure. The simplest component is

public class MyEJB implements MyEJBInterface{
   public void bussinesMethod(){


No ejb-jar.xml, jboss.xml is needed, just EJB JAR with MyEJB and MyEJBInterface compiled classes.

Now in your client code you need to lookup "MyComponentName".

Executing a batch file in a remote machine through PsExec

You have an extra -c you need to get rid of:

psexec -u administrator -p force \\ -s -d cmd.exe /c "C:\Amitra\bogus.bat"

How to obtain the start time and end time of a day?

Shortest answer, given your timezone being TZ:

LocalDateTime start =
LocalDateTime end = start.plusDays(1)

Compare using isAfter() and isBefore() methods, or convert it using toEpochSecond() or toInstant() methods.

Redirect to a page/URL after alert button is pressed

window.location = mypage.href is a direct command for the browser to dump it's contents and start loading up some more. So for better clarification, here's what's happening in your PHP script:

echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; 
echo 'alert("review your answer");'; 
echo 'window.location = "index.php";';
echo '</script>';

1) prepare to accept a modification or addition to the current Javascript cache. 2) show the alert 3) dump everything in browser memory and get ready for some more (albeit an older method of loading a new URL (AND NOTICE that there are no "\n" (new line) indicators between the lines and is therefore causing some havoc in the JS decoder.

Let me suggest that you do this another way..

echo '<script type="text/javascript">\n'; 
echo 'alert("review your answer");\n'; 
echo 'document.location.href = "index.php";\n';
echo '</script>\n';

1) prepare to accept a modification or addition to the current Javascript cache. 2) show the alert 3) dump everything in browser memory and get ready for some more (in a better fashion than before) And WOW - it all works because the JS decoder can see that each command is anow a new line.

Best of luck!

Linux: copy and create destination dir if it does not exist

As suggested above by help_asap and spongeman you can use the 'install' command to copy files to existing directories or create create new destination directories if they don't already exist.

Option 1 install -D filename some/deep/directory/filename
copies file to a new or existing directory and gives filename default 755 permissions

Option 2 install -D filename -m640 some/deep/directory/filename
as per Option 1 but gives filename 640 permissions.

Option 3 install -D filename -m640 -t some/deep/directory/
as per Option 2 but targets filename into target directory so filename does not need to be written in both source and target.

Option 4 install -D filena* -m640 -t some/deep/directory/
as per Option 3 but uses a wildcard for multiple files.

It works nicely in Ubuntu and combines two steps (directory creation then file copy) into one single step.

Set variable with multiple values and use IN

Ideally you shouldn't be splitting strings in T-SQL at all.

Barring that change, on older versions before SQL Server 2016, create a split function:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.SplitStrings
    @List      nvarchar(max), 
    @Delimiter nvarchar(2)
      SELECT CONVERT(xml, N'<root><i>' 
        + REPLACE(@List, @Delimiter, N'</i><i>') 
        + N'</i></root>')
    SELECT Item = LTRIM(RTRIM(i.i.value(N'.',N'nvarchar(max)')))
      FROM x CROSS APPLY x.nodes(N'//root/i') AS i(i)

Now you can say:

DECLARE @Values varchar(1000);

SET @Values = 'A, B, C';

  INNER JOIN dbo.SplitStrings(@Values, ',') AS s
    ON s.Item = foo.myField;

On SQL Server 2016 or above (or Azure SQL Database), it is much simpler and more efficient, however you do have to manually apply LTRIM() to take away any leading spaces:

DECLARE @Values varchar(1000) = 'A, B, C';

    ON LTRIM(s.value) = foo.myField;

D3.js: How to get the computed width and height for an arbitrary element?

For SVG elements

Using something like selection.node().getBBox() you get values like

    height: 5, 
    width: 5, 
    y: 50, 
    x: 20

For HTML elements

Use selection.node().getBoundingClientRect()

In ASP.NET, when should I use Session.Clear() rather than Session.Abandon()?

I had this issue and tried both, but had to settle for removing crap like "pageEditState", but not removing user info lest I have to look it up again.

public static void RemoveEverythingButUserInfo()
    foreach (String o in HttpContext.Current.Session.Keys)
        if (o != "UserInfoIDontWantToAskForAgain")

C++ template constructor

You could do this:

class C 
    template <typename T> C(T*);
template <typename T> T* UseType() 

Then to create an object of type C using int as the template parameter to the constructor:

C obj(UseType<int>());

Since you can't pass template parameters to a constructor, this solution essentially converts the template parameter to a regular parameter. Using the UseType<T>() function when calling the constructor makes it clear to someone looking at the code that the purpose of that parameter is to tell the constructor what type to use.

One use case for this would be if the constructor creates a derived class object and assigns it to a member variable that is a base class pointer. (The constructor needs to know which derived class to use, but the class itself doesn't need to be templated since the same base class pointer type is always used.)

How to get number of rows using SqlDataReader in C#

You can't get a count of rows directly from a data reader because it's what is known as a firehose cursor - which means that the data is read on a row by row basis based on the read being performed. I'd advise against doing 2 reads on the data because there's the potential that the data has changed between doing the 2 reads, and thus you'd get different results.

What you could do is read the data into a temporary structure, and use that in place of the second read. Alternatively, you'll need to change the mechanism by which you retrieve the data and use something like a DataTable instead.

Rails: Can't verify CSRF token authenticity when making a POST request

If you only want to skip CSRF protection for one or more controller actions (instead of the entire controller), try this

skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token, only [:webhook, :index, :create]

Where [:webhook, :index, :create] will skip the check for those 3 actions, but you can change to whichever you want to skip

How to decode encrypted wordpress admin password?

just edit wp_user table with your phpmyadmin, and choose MD5 on Function field then input your new password, save it (go button). enter image description here

What's the best way to do a backwards loop in C/C#/C++?

// this is how I always do it
for (i = n; --i >= 0;){

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute

The problem is in your playerMovement method. You are creating the string name of your room variables (ID1, ID2, ID3):

letsago = "ID" + str(self.dirDesc.values())

However, what you create is just a str. It is not the variable. Plus, I do not think it is doing what you think its doing:


If you REALLY needed to find the variable this way, you could use the eval function:

>>>foo = 'Hello World!'
'Hello World!'

or the globals function:

class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Foo, self).__init__()
    def test(self, name):

foo = Foo()
bar = 'Hello World!'

However, instead I would strongly recommend you rethink you class(es). Your userInterface class is essentially a Room. It shouldn't handle player movement. This should be within another class, maybe GameManager or something like that.

What's an object file in C?

An object file is the real output from the compilation phase. It's mostly machine code, but has info that allows a linker to see what symbols are in it as well as symbols it requires in order to work. (For reference, "symbols" are basically names of global objects, functions, etc.)

A linker takes all these object files and combines them to form one executable (assuming that it can, ie: that there aren't any duplicate or undefined symbols). A lot of compilers will do this for you (read: they run the linker on their own) if you don't tell them to "just compile" using command-line options. (-c is a common "just compile; don't link" option.)

How to give ASP.NET access to a private key in a certificate in the certificate store?

Note on granting permissions via MMC, Certs, Select Cert, right-click, all-tasks, "Manage Private Keys"

Manage Private Keys is only on the menu list for Personal... So if you've put your cert in Trusted People, etc. you're out of luck.

We found a way around this which worked for us. Drag and drop the cert to Personal, do the Manage Private Keys thing to grant permissions. Remember to set to use object-type built-ins and use the local machine not domain. We granted rights to the DefaultAppPool user and left it at that.

Once you're done, drag and drop the cert back where ever you originally had it. Presto.

Convert JSONObject to Map

This is what worked for me:

    public static Map<String, Object> toMap(JSONObject jsonobj)  throws JSONException {
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        Iterator<String> keys = jsonobj.keys();
        while(keys.hasNext()) {
            String key =;
            Object value = jsonobj.get(key);
            if (value instanceof JSONArray) {
                value = toList((JSONArray) value);
            } else if (value instanceof JSONObject) {
                value = toMap((JSONObject) value);
            map.put(key, value);
        }   return map;

    public static List<Object> toList(JSONArray array) throws JSONException {
        List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
        for(int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) {
            Object value = array.get(i);
            if (value instanceof JSONArray) {
                value = toList((JSONArray) value);
            else if (value instanceof JSONObject) {
                value = toMap((JSONObject) value);
        }   return list;

Most of this is from this question: How to convert JSONObject to new Map for all its keys using iterator java

Install npm (Node.js Package Manager) on Windows (w/o using Node.js MSI)

Download the latest Node.js MSI (4.x or 5.x) installer and run the following via command line:

msiexec /a node-v4.4.3-x64.msi /qb TARGETDIR="C:\Node.js"

This will extract the binaries into C:\Node.js\nodejs.

Then you will want to add C:\Node.js\nodejs PATH environment variable.

To update NPM, do the following:

cd C:\Node.js\nodejs
npm install npm@latest

After that completes, you should be able to check the versions:

node --version
npm --version

Node should be 4.4.3+ (whichever you installed) and npm should be 3.8.7+.

Get resultset from oracle stored procedure

Hi I know this was asked a while ago but I've just figured this out and it might help someone else. Not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for but this is how I call a stored proc and view the output using SQL Developer.
In SQL Developer when viewing the proc, right click and choose 'Run' or select Ctrl+F11 to bring up the Run PL/SQL window. This creates a template with the input and output params which you need to modify. My proc returns a sys_refcursor. The tricky part for me was declaring a row type that is exactly equivalent to the select stmt / sys_refcursor being returned by the proc:

  v_Return sys_refcursor;
  type t_row is record (CAE_SEC_ID NUMBER,FM_SEC_CODE VARCHAR2(7),rownum number, v_total_count number);
  v_rec t_row;

  P_PAGE_INDEX := 0;
  P_PAGE_SIZE := 25;

    P_FOF_SEC_REFCUR => v_Return
  -- Modify the code to output the variable
    fetch v_Return into v_rec;
    exit when v_Return%notfound;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('sec_id = ' || v_rec.CAE_SEC_ID || 'sec code = ' ||v_rec.FM_SEC_CODE);
  end loop;


kill -3 to get java thread dump

The thread dump is written to the system out of the VM on which you executed the kill -3. If you are redirecting the console output of the JVM to a file, the thread dump will be in that file. If the JVM is running in an open console, then the thread dump will be displayed in its console.

Optimum way to compare strings in JavaScript?

You can use the comparison operators to compare strings. A strcmp function could be defined like this:

function strcmp(a, b) {
    if (a.toString() < b.toString()) return -1;
    if (a.toString() > b.toString()) return 1;
    return 0;

Edit    Here’s a string comparison function that takes at most min { length(a), length(b) } comparisons to tell how two strings relate to each other:

function strcmp(a, b) {
    a = a.toString(), b = b.toString();
    for (var i=0,n=Math.max(a.length, b.length); i<n && a.charAt(i) === b.charAt(i); ++i);
    if (i === n) return 0;
    return a.charAt(i) > b.charAt(i) ? -1 : 1;

Relative path to absolute path in C#?

This worked.

var s = Path.Combine(@"C:\some\location", @"..\other\file.txt");
s = Path.GetFullPath(s);

Best way to require all files from a directory in ruby?

Dir.glob(File.join('path', '**', '*.rb'), &method(:require))

or alternatively, if you want to scope the files to load to specific folders:

Dir.glob(File.join('path', '{folder1,folder2}', '**', '*.rb'), &method(:require))


Dir.glob takes a block as argument.

method(:require) will return the require method.

&method(:require) will convert the method to a bloc.

python: Appending a dictionary to a list - I see a pointer like behavior

Also with dict

a = []
b = {1:'one'}

print a
print a


[{1: 'one'}]
[{1: 'one'}]

Bootstrap 3: Using img-circle, how to get circle from non-square image?

use this in css

  border:inherit 8px #000000;
  -moz-border-radius-topleft: 75px;

<img class="logo-center"  src="NBC-Logo.png" height="60" width="60">

Foreign Key to non-primary key

As others have pointed out, ideally, the foreign key would be created as a reference to a primary key (usually an IDENTITY column). However, we don't live in an ideal world, and sometimes even a "small" change to a schema can have significant ripple effects to the application logic.

Consider the case of a Customer table with a SSN column (and a dumb primary key), and a Claim table that also contains a SSN column (populated by business logic from the Customer data, but no FK exists). The design is flawed, but has been in use for several years, and three different applications have been built on the schema. It should be obvious that ripping out Claim.SSN and putting in a real PK-FK relationship would be ideal, but would also be a significant overhaul. On the other hand, putting a UNIQUE constraint on Customer.SSN, and adding a FK on Claim.SSN, could provide referential integrity, with little or no impact on the applications.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for normalization, but sometimes pragmatism wins over idealism. If a mediocre design can be helped with a band-aid, surgery might be avoided.

ubuntu "No space left on device" but there is tons of space

It's possible that you've run out of memory or some space elsewhere and it prompted the system to mount an overflow filesystem, and for whatever reason, it's not going away.

Try unmounting the overflow partition:

umount /tmp


umount overflow

How to cast ArrayList<> from List<>

Just try this :

ArrayList<SomeClass> arrayList;

 public SomeConstructor(List<SomeClass> listData) {

bash: shortest way to get n-th column of output

Note, that file path does not have to be in second column of svn st output. For example if you modify file, and modify it's property, it will be 3rd column.

See possible output examples in:

svn help st

Example output:

 M     wc/bar.c
A  +   wc/qax.c

I suggest to cut first 8 characters by:

svn st | cut -c8- | while read FILE; do echo whatever with "$FILE"; done

If you want to be 100% sure, and deal with fancy filenames with white space at the end for example, you need to parse xml output:

svn st --xml | grep -o 'path=".*"' | sed 's/^path="//; s/"$//'

Of course you may want to use some real XML parser instead of grep/sed.

ngrok command not found

For installation in Windows : Download and extract to any directory (lets say c drive)

  • Then double click on the extracted ngrok.exe file and you'll be able to see the command prompt.

  • And just type ngrok http 4040 // here I am exposing [port 4040]

Android fade in and fade out with ImageView

For infinite Fade In and Out

AlphaAnimation fadeIn=new AlphaAnimation(0,1);

AlphaAnimation fadeOut=new AlphaAnimation(1,0);

final AnimationSet set = new AnimationSet(false);


set.setAnimationListener(new Animation.AnimationListener() {
    public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) { }
    public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) { }
    public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {

Giving graphs a subtitle in matplotlib

I don't think there is anything built-in, but you can do it by leaving more space above your axes and using figtext:

figtext(.5,.9,'Foo Bar', fontsize=18, ha='center')
figtext(.5,.85,'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit',fontsize=10,ha='center')

ha is short for horizontalalignment.

How to get the selected date value while using Bootstrap Datepicker?

Try this using HTML like here:

var myDate = window.document.getElementById("startdate").value;

How to clear all <div>s’ contents inside a parent <div>?




Works Fine to remove contents inside a div

Python - Create list with numbers between 2 values?

Use list comprehension in python. Since you want 16 in the list too.. Use x2+1. Range function excludes the higher limit in the function.

list=[x for x in range(x1,x2+1)]

Elasticsearch: Failed to connect to localhost port 9200 - Connection refused

I experienced a similar issue.

Here's how I solved it

Run the service command below to start ElasticSearch

sudo service elasticsearch start


sudo systemctl start elasticsearch

If you still get the error

curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Run the service command below to check the status of ElasticSearch

sudo service elasticsearch status


sudo systemctl status elasticsearch

If you get a response (Active: active (running)) like the one below then you ElasticSearch is active and running

? elasticsearch.service - Elasticsearch Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Sat 2019-09-21 11:22:21 WAT; 3s ago

You can then test that your Elasticsearch node is running by sending an HTTP request to port 9200 on localhost using the command below:

curl http://localhost:9200

Else, if you get a response a different response, you may have to debug further to fix it, but the running the command below, will help you detect what caveats are holding ElasticSearch service from starting.

sudo service elasticsearch status


sudo systemctl status elasticsearch

If you want to stop the ElasticSearch service, simply run the service command below;

sudo service elasticsearch stop


sudo systemctl stop elasticsearch

N/B: You may have to run the command sudo service elasticsearch status OR sudo systemctl status elasticsearch each time you encounter the error, in order to tell the state of the ElasticSearch service.

This also applies for Kibana, run the command sudo service kibana status OR sudo systemctl status kibana each time you encounter the error, in order to tell the state of the Kibana service.

That's all.

I hope this helps.

How can I remove a key and its value from an associative array?

You may need two or more loops depending on your array:

$arr[$key1][$key2][$key3]=$value1; // ....etc

foreach ($arr as $key1 => $values) {
  foreach ($key1 as $key2 => $value) {

Better way to revert to a previous SVN revision of a file?

What you're looking for is called a "reverse merge". You should consult the docs regarding the merge function in the SVN book (as luapyad, or more precisely the first commenter on that post, points out). If you're using Tortoise, you can also just go into the log view and right-click and choose "revert changes from this revision" on the one where you made the mistake.

How to retrieve JSON Data Array from ExtJS Store

If you want to get the data exactly like what you get by Writer (for example ignoring fields with persist:false config), use the following code (Note: I tested it in Ext 5.1)

  var arr = []; (record) {

How to get file creation date/time in Bash/Debian?

As @mikyra explained, creation date time is not stored anywhere.

All the methods above are nice, but if you want to quickly get only last modify date, you can type:

ls -lit /path

with -t option you list all file in /path odered by last modify date.

nginx error connect to php5-fpm.sock failed (13: Permission denied)

I just got this error again today as I updated my machine (with updates for PHP) running Ubuntu 14.04. The distribution config file /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf is fine and doesn't require any changes currently.

I found the following errors:

dmesg | grep php
[ 4996.801789] traps: php5-fpm[23231] general protection ip:6c60d1 sp:7fff3f8c68f0 error:0 in php5-fpm[400000+800000]
[ 6788.335355] traps: php5-fpm[9069] general protection ip:6c5d81 sp:7fff98dd9a00 error:0 in php5-fpm[400000+7ff000]

The strange thing was that I have 2 sites running that utilize PHP-FPM on this machine one was running fine and the other (a Tiny Tiny RSS installation) gave me a 502, where both have been running fine before.

I compared both configuration files and found that fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; was missing for the affected site.

Both configuration files now contain the following block and are running fine again:

location ~ \.php$ {
        fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;
        include /etc/nginx/snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;


It should be noted that Ubuntu ships two fastcgi related parameter files and also a configuration snippet which is available since Vivid and also in the PPA version. The solution was updated accordingly.

Diff of the fastcgi parameter files:

$ diff -up fastcgi_params fastcgi.conf
--- fastcgi_params      2015-07-22 01:42:39.000000000 +0200
+++ fastcgi.conf        2015-07-22 01:42:39.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@

+fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME    $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
 fastcgi_param  QUERY_STRING       $query_string;
 fastcgi_param  REQUEST_METHOD     $request_method;
 fastcgi_param  CONTENT_TYPE       $content_type;

Configuration snippet in /etc/nginx/snippets/fastcgi-php.conf

# regex to split $uri to $fastcgi_script_name and $fastcgi_path
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;

# Check that the PHP script exists before passing it
try_files $fastcgi_script_name =404;

# Bypass the fact that try_files resets $fastcgi_path_info
# see:
set $path_info $fastcgi_path_info;
fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $path_info;

fastcgi_index index.php;
include fastcgi.conf;

Adding :default => true to boolean in existing Rails column

Also, as per the doc:

default cannot be specified via command line

So there is no ready-made rails generator. As specified by above answers, you have to fill manually your migration file with the change_column_default method.

You could create your own generator:

How can I shuffle an array?

Use the modern version of the Fisher–Yates shuffle algorithm:

 * Shuffles array in place.
 * @param {Array} a items An array containing the items.
function shuffle(a) {
    var j, x, i;
    for (i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
        j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
        x = a[i];
        a[i] = a[j];
        a[j] = x;
    return a;

ES2015 (ES6) version

 * Shuffles array in place. ES6 version
 * @param {Array} a items An array containing the items.
function shuffle(a) {
    for (let i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
        const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
        [a[i], a[j]] = [a[j], a[i]];
    return a;

Note however, that swapping variables with destructuring assignment causes significant performance loss, as of October 2017.


var myArray = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'];

Implementing prototype

Using Object.defineProperty (method taken from this SO answer) we can also implement this function as a prototype method for arrays, without having it show up in loops such as for (i in arr). The following will allow you to call arr.shuffle() to shuffle the array arr:

Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'shuffle', {
    value: function() {
        for (let i = this.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
            const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
            [this[i], this[j]] = [this[j], this[i]];
        return this;

How to set combobox default value?

You can do something like this:

    public myform()
         InitializeComponent(); // this will be called in ComboBox ComboBox = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'myDataSet.someTable' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
        comboBox1.SelectedItem = null;
        comboBox1.SelectedText = "--select--";           

Import CSV file into SQL Server

You first need to create a table in your database in which you will be importing the CSV file. After the table is created, follow the steps below.

• Log into your database using SQL Server Management Studio

• Right click on your database and select Tasks -> Import Data...

• Click the Next > button

• For the Data Source, select Flat File Source. Then use the Browse button to select the CSV file. Spend some time configuring how you want the data to be imported before clicking on the Next > button.

• For the Destination, select the correct database provider (e.g. for SQL Server 2012, you can use SQL Server Native Client 11.0). Enter the Server name. Check the Use SQL Server Authentication radio button. Enter the User name, Password, and Database before clicking on the Next > button.

• On the Select Source Tables and Views window, you can Edit Mappings before clicking on the Next > button.

• Check the Run immediately check box and click on the Next > button.

• Click on the Finish button to run the package.

The above was found on this website (I have used it and tested):

Convert multidimensional array into single array

Despite that array_column will work nice here, in case you need to flatten any array no matter of it's internal structure you can use this array library to achieve it without ease:

$flattened = Arr::flatten($array);

which will produce exactly the array you want.

CSS @font-face not working with Firefox, but working with Chrome and IE

I'll just leave this here because my co-worker found a solution for a related "font-face not working on firefox but everywhere else" problem.

The problem was just Firefox messing up with the font-family declaration, this ended up fixing it:

body{ font-family:"MyFont" !important; }

PS: I was also using html5boilerplate.

Calculating days between two dates with Java

// date format, it will be like "2015-01-01"
private static final String DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd";

// convert a string to java.util.Date
public static Date convertStringToJavaDate(String date)
        throws ParseException {
    DateFormat dataFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT);
    return dataFormat.parse(date);

// plus days to a date
public static Date plusJavaDays(Date date, int days) {
    // convert to jata-time
    DateTime fromDate = new DateTime(date);
    DateTime toDate = fromDate.plusDays(days);
    // convert back to java.util.Date
    return toDate.toDate();

// return a list of dates between the fromDate and toDate
public static List<Date> getDatesBetween(Date fromDate, Date toDate) {
    List<Date> dates = new ArrayList<Date>(0);
    Date date = fromDate;
    while (date.before(toDate) || date.equals(toDate)) {
        date = plusJavaDays(date, 1);
    return dates;

White spaces are required between publicId and systemId

If you're working from some network that requires you to use a proxy in your browser to connect to the internet (likely an office building), that might be it. I had the same issue and adding the proxy configs to the network settings solved it.

  • Go to your preferences (Eclipse -> Preferences on a Mac, or Window -> Preferences on a Windows)
  • Then -> General -> expand to view the list underneath -> Select Network Connections (don't expand)
  • At the top of the page that appears there is a drop down, select "Manual."
  • Then select "HTTP" in the list directly below the drop down (which now should have all it's options checked) and then click the "Edit" button to the right of the list.
  • Enter in the proxy url and port you need to connect to the internet in your web browser normally.
  • Repeat for "HTTPS."

If you don't know the proxy url and port, talk to your network admin.

Print all key/value pairs in a Java ConcurrentHashMap

Work 100% sure try this code for the get all hashmap key and value

static HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();

map.put("one"  " a " );
map.put("two"  " b " );
map.put("three"  " c " );
map.put("four"  " d " );

just call this method whenever you want to show the HashMap value

 private void ShowHashMapValue() {

         * get the Set Of keys from HashMap
        Set setOfKeys = map.keySet();

 * get the Iterator instance from Set
        Iterator iterator = setOfKeys.iterator();

 * Loop the iterator until we reach the last element of the HashMap
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
 * next() method returns the next key from Iterator instance.
 * return type of next() method is Object so we need to do DownCasting to String
            String key = (String);

 * once we know the 'key', we can get the value from the HashMap
 * by calling get() method
            String value = map.get(key);

            System.out.println("Key: " + key + ", Value: " + value);

Greater than and less than in one statement

java is not python.

you can't do anything like this

if(0 < i < 5) or if(i in range(0,6))

you mentioned the easiest way :

int i = getFilesSize();
if(0 < i && i < 5){



   if(0 < i){
       if(i < 5){

How to read until end of file (EOF) using BufferedReader in Java?

With text files, maybe the EOF is -1 when using, char by char. I made a test with BufferReader.readLine()!=null and it worked properly.

How to make a 3-level collapsing menu in Bootstrap?

Bootstrap 3 dropped native support for nested collapsing menus, but there's a way to re-enable it with a 3rd party script. It's called SmartMenus. It means adding three new resources to your page, but it seamlessly supports Bootstrap 3.x with multiple levels of menus for nested <ul>/<li> elements with class="dropdown-menu". It automatically displays the proper caret indicator as well.

   <script src=".../jquery.smartmenus.min.js"></script>
   <script src=".../jquery.smartmenus.bootstrap.min.js"></script>
   <link rel="stylesheet" href=".../jquery.smartmenus.bootstrap.min.css"/>

Here's a demo page:

Accessing JSON elements

Here's an alternative solution using requests:

import requests
wjdata = requests.get('url').json()
print wjdata['data']['current_condition'][0]['temp_C']

What is the difference between old style and new style classes in Python?

Here's a very practical, true/false difference. The only difference between the two versions of the following code is that in the second version Person inherits from object. Other than that, the two versions are identical, but with different results:

  1. Old-style classes

    class Person():
        _names_cache = {}
        def __init__(self,name):
   = name
        def __new__(cls,name):
            return cls._names_cache.setdefault(name,object.__new__(cls,name))
    ahmed1 = Person("Ahmed")
    ahmed2 = Person("Ahmed")
    print ahmed1 is ahmed2
    print ahmed1
    print ahmed2
    >>> False
    <__main__.Person instance at 0xb74acf8c>
    <__main__.Person instance at 0xb74ac6cc>
  2. New-style classes

    class Person(object):
        _names_cache = {}
        def __init__(self,name):
   = name
        def __new__(cls,name):
            return cls._names_cache.setdefault(name,object.__new__(cls,name))
    ahmed1 = Person("Ahmed")
    ahmed2 = Person("Ahmed")
    print ahmed2 is ahmed1
    print ahmed1
    print ahmed2
    >>> True
    <__main__.Person object at 0xb74ac66c>
    <__main__.Person object at 0xb74ac66c>

Function in JavaScript that can be called only once

Replace it with a reusable NOOP (no operation) function.

// this function does nothing
function noop() {};

function foo() {
    foo = noop; // swap the functions

    // do your thing

function bar() {
    bar = noop; // swap the functions

    // do your thing

How to convert a DataTable to a string in C#?

Late but this is what I use

 public static string ConvertDataTableToString(DataTable dataTable)
        var output = new StringBuilder();

        var columnsWidths = new int[dataTable.Columns.Count];

        // Get column widths
        foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.Rows)
           for(int i = 0; i < dataTable.Columns.Count; i++)
               var length = row[i].ToString().Length;
               if (columnsWidths[i] < length)
                   columnsWidths[i] = length;

        // Get Column Titles
        for (int i = 0; i < dataTable.Columns.Count; i++)
            var length = dataTable.Columns[i].ColumnName.Length;
               if (columnsWidths[i] < length)
                   columnsWidths[i] = length;

        // Write Column titles
        for (int i = 0; i < dataTable.Columns.Count; i++)
            var text = dataTable.Columns[i].ColumnName;
            output.Append("|" + PadCenter(text, columnsWidths[i] + 2));
        output.Append("|\n" + new string('=', output.Length) + "\n");

        // Write Rows
        foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.Rows)
            for (int i = 0; i < dataTable.Columns.Count; i++)
                var text = row[i].ToString();
                output.Append("|" + PadCenter(text,columnsWidths[i] + 2));
        return output.ToString();

    private static string PadCenter(string text, int maxLength)
        int diff = maxLength - text.Length;
        return new string(' ', diff/2) + text + new string(' ', (int) (diff / 2.0 + 0.5));


Get an OutputStream into a String

Here's what I ended up doing:

Obj.writeToStream(toWrite, os);
try {
    String out = new String(os.toByteArray(), "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncondingException e) {
    fail("Caught exception: " + e.getMessage());

Where os is a ByteArrayOutputStream.

How to delete a selected DataGridViewRow and update a connected database table?

Well, this is how I usually delete checked rows by the user from a DataGridView, if you are associating it with a DataTable from a Dataset (ex: DataGridView1.DataSource = Dataset1.Tables["x"]), then once you will make any updates (delete, insert,update) in the Dataset, it will automatically happen in your DataGridView.

if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this record(s)", "confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)
                for (int i = dgv_Championnat.RowCount -1; i > -1; i--)
                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(dgv_Championnat.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value) == true)
                Program.command = new SqlCommandBuilder(Program.AdapterChampionnat);
                if (Program.AdapterChampionnat.Update(Program.TableChampionnat) > 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Well Deleted");
            catch (SqlException ex)

How to detect online/offline event cross-browser?

you can detect offline cross-browser way easily like below

var randomValue = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000)

      type: "HEAD",
      url: "" + randomValue,
      contentType: "application/json",
      error: function(response) { return response.status == 0; },
      success: function() { return true; }

you can replace by document.location.pathname.

The crux of the solution is, try to connect to your domain name, if you are not able to connect - you are offline. works cross browser.

Algorithm to calculate the number of divisors of a given number

Before you commit to a solution consider that the Sieve approach might not be a good answer in the typical case.

A while back there was a prime question and I did a time test--for 32-bit integers at least determining if it was prime was slower than brute force. There are two factors going on:

1) While a human takes a while to do a division they are very quick on the computer--similar to the cost of looking up the answer.

2) If you do not have a prime table you can make a loop that runs entirely in the L1 cache. This makes it faster.

Java regex email

you can use a simple regular expression for validating email id,

public boolean validateEmail(String email){
  return Pattern.matches("[_a-zA-Z1-9]+(\\.[A-Za-z0-9]*)*@[A-Za-z0-9]+\\.[A-Za-z0-9]+(\\.[A-Za-z0-9]*)*", email)

Description :

  1. [_a-zA-Z1-9]+ - it will accept all A-Z,a-z, 0-9 and _ (+ mean it must be occur)
  2. (\.[A-Za-z0-9]) - it's optional which will accept . and A-Z, a-z, 0-9( * mean its optional)
  3. @[A-Za-z0-9]+ - it wil accept @ and A-Z,a-z,0-9
  4. \.[A-Za-z0-9]+ - its for . and A-Z,a-z,0-9
  5. (\.[A-Za-z0-9]) - it occur, . but its optional

Check if all checkboxes are selected

This is how I achieved it in my code:

if($('.citiescheckbox:checked').length == $('.citiescheckbox').length){

How to redirect on another page and pass parameter in url from table?

Do this :

<script type="text/javascript">
function showDetails(username)
   window.location = '/player_detail?username='+username;

<input type="button" name="theButton" value="Detail" onclick="showDetails('username');">

Is there a way to add/remove several classes in one single instruction with classList?

Another polyfill for element.classList is here. I found it via MDN.

I include that script and use element.classList.add("first","second","third") as it's intended.

Blade if(isset) is not working Laravel

{{ $usersType or '' }} is working fine. The problem here is your foreach loop:

@foreach( $usersType as $type )
    <input type="checkbox" class='default-checkbox'> <span>{{ $type->type }}</span> &nbsp; 

I suggest you put this in an @if():

    @foreach( $usersType as $type )
        <input type="checkbox" class='default-checkbox'> <span>{{ $type->type }}</span> &nbsp; 

You can also use @forelse. Simple and easy.

@forelse ($users as $user)
   <li>{{ $user->name }}</li>
   <p>No users</p>

Mock HttpContext.Current in Test Init Method

Below Test Init will also do the job.

public void TestInit()
  HttpContext.Current = new HttpContext(new HttpRequest(null, "", null), new HttpResponse(null));
  YourControllerToBeTestedController = GetYourToBeTestedController();

Mockito verify order / sequence of method calls

Note that you can also use the InOrder class to verify that various methods are called in order on a single mock, not just on two or more mocks.

Suppose I have two classes Foo and Bar:

public class Foo {
  public void first() {}
  public void second() {}

public class Bar {
  public void firstThenSecond(Foo foo) {

I can then add a test class to test that Bar's firstThenSecond() method actually calls first(), then second(), and not second(), then first(). See the following test code:

public class BarTest {
  public void testFirstThenSecond() {
    Bar bar = new Bar();
    Foo mockFoo = Mockito.mock(Foo.class);

    InOrder orderVerifier = Mockito.inOrder(mockFoo);
    // These lines will PASS

    // These lines will FAIL
    // orderVerifier.verify(mockFoo).second();
    // orderVerifier.verify(mockFoo).first();

HTML.HiddenFor value set

Necroing this question because I recently ran into the problem myself, when trying to add a related property to an existing entity. I just ended up making a nice extension method:

    public static MvcHtmlString HiddenFor<TModel, TProperty>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper, Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression, TProperty value)
        string expressionText = ExpressionHelper.GetExpressionText(expression);
        string propertyName = htmlHelper.ViewContext.ViewData.TemplateInfo.GetFullHtmlFieldName(expressionText);

        return htmlHelper.Hidden(propertyName, value);

Use like so:

@Html.HiddenFor(m => m.RELATED_ID, Related.Id)

Note that this has a similar signature to the built-in HiddenFor, but uses generic typing, so if Value is of type System.Object, you'll actually be invoking the one built into the framework. Not sure why you'd be editing a property of type System.Object in your views though...

Looping over a list in Python

Do this instead:

values = [[1,2,3],[4,5]]
for x in values:
    if len(x) == 3:

How to get memory usage at runtime using C++?


maxrss states the maximum available memory for the process. 0 means that no limit is put upon the process. What you probably want is unshared data usage ru_idrss.

New: It seems that the above does not actually work, as the kernel does not fill most of the values. What does work is to get the information from proc. Instead of parsing it oneself though, it is easier to use libproc (part of procps) as follows:

// getrusage.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <proc/readproc.h>

int main() {
  struct proc_t usage;
  printf("usage: %lu\n", usage.vsize);

Compile with "gcc -o getrusage getrusage.c -lproc"

C# compiler error: "not all code paths return a value"

class Program
    double[] a = new double[] { 1, 3, 4, 8, 21, 38 };
    double[] b = new double[] { 1, 7, 19, 3, 2, 24 };
    double[] result;

    public double[] CheckSorting()
        for(int i = 1; i < a.Length; i++)
            if (a[i] < a[i - 1])
                result = b;
                result = a;
        return result;

    static void Main(string[] args)
        Program checkSorting = new Program();

This should work, otherwise i got the error that not all codepaths return a value. Therefor i set the result as the returned value, which is set as either B or A depending on which is true

laravel select where and where condition

Here is shortest way of doing it.

$userRecord = Model::where(['email'=>$email, 'password'=>$password])->first();

Warning: comparison with string literals results in unspecified behaviour

I ran across this issue today working with a clients program. The program works FINE in VS6.0 using the following: (I've changed it slightly)

// This is the one include file that every user-written Nextest programs needs.
// Patcom-generated files will also look for this file.
#include "stdio.h"
#define IS_NONE( a_key )   ( ( a_key == "none" || a_key == "N/A" ) ? TRUE : FALSE )

// Note in my environment we have output() which is printf which adds /n at the end
main {
    char *psNameNone = "none";
    char *psNameNA   = "N/A";
    char *psNameCAT  = "CAT";

    if (IS_NONE(psNameNone) ) {
        output("psNameNone Matches NONE");
        output("%s psNameNoneAddr 0x%x  \"none\" addr 0x%X",
    } else {
        output("psNameNone Does Not Match None");
        output("%s psNameNoneAddr 0x%x  \"none\" addr 0x%X",

    if (IS_NONE(psNameNA) ) {
        output("psNameNA Matches N/A");
        output("%s psNameNA 0x%x  \"N/A\" addr 0x%X",
    } else {
        output("psNameNone Does Not Match N/A");
        output("%s psNameNA 0x%x  \"N/A\" addr 0x%X",
    if (IS_NONE(psNameCAT)) {
        output("psNameNA Matches CAT");
        output("%s psNameNA 0x%x  \"CAT\" addr 0x%X",
    } else {
        output("psNameNA does not match CAT");
        output("%s psNameNA 0x%x  \"CAT\" addr 0x%X",

If built in VS6.0 with Program Database with Edit and Continue. The compares APPEAR to work. With this setting STRING pooling is enabled, and the compiler optimizes all STRING pointers to POINT TO THE SAME ADDRESSS, so this can work. Any strings created on the fly after compile time will have DIFFERENT addresses so will fail the compare. Where Compiler settings are Changing the setting to Program Database only will build the program so that it will fail.

Are nested try/except blocks in Python a good programming practice?

According to the documentation, it is better to handle multiple exceptions through tuples or like this:

import sys

    f = open('myfile.txt')
    s = f.readline()
    i = int(s.strip())
except IOError as e:
    print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)
except ValueError:
    print "Could not convert data to an integer."
    print "Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0]

Connecting PostgreSQL 9.2.1 with Hibernate

This is the hibernate.cfg.xml file to connect postgresql 9.5 and this is help to you basic configuration.

 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

  ~ Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
  ~ License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
  ~ See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <>.
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration SYSTEM
        <!-- Database connection settings -->
        <property name="connection.driver_class">org.postgresql.Driver</property>
        <property name="connection.url">jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5433/hibernatedb</property>
        <property name="connection.username">postgres</property>
        <property name="connection.password">password</property>

        <!-- JDBC connection pool (use the built-in) -->
        <property name="connection.pool_size">1</property>

        <!-- SQL dialect -->
        <property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect</property>

        <!-- Enable Hibernate's automatic session context management -->
        <property name="current_session_context_class">thread</property>

        <!-- Disable the second-level cache  -->
        <property name="cache.provider_class">org.hibernate.cache.internal.NoCacheProvider</property>

        <!-- Echo all executed SQL to stdout -->
        <property name="show_sql">true</property>

        <!-- Drop and re-create the database schema on startup -->
        <property name="">create</property>
        <mapping class="com.waseem.UserDetails"/>

Make sure File Location should be under src/main/resources/hibernate.cfg.xml

Globally catch exceptions in a WPF application?

Example code using NLog that will catch exceptions thrown from all threads in the AppDomain, from the UI dispatcher thread and from the async functions:

App.xaml.cs :

public partial class App : Application
    private static Logger _logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

    protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)


    private void SetupExceptionHandling()
        AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (s, e) =>
            LogUnhandledException((Exception)e.ExceptionObject, "AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException");

        DispatcherUnhandledException += (s, e) =>
            LogUnhandledException(e.Exception, "Application.Current.DispatcherUnhandledException");
            e.Handled = true;

        TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException += (s, e) =>
            LogUnhandledException(e.Exception, "TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException");

    private void LogUnhandledException(Exception exception, string source)
        string message = $"Unhandled exception ({source})";
            System.Reflection.AssemblyName assemblyName = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName();
            message = string.Format("Unhandled exception in {0} v{1}", assemblyName.Name, assemblyName.Version);
        catch (Exception ex)
            _logger.Error(ex, "Exception in LogUnhandledException");
            _logger.Error(exception, message);

Error: EACCES: permission denied, access '/usr/local/lib/node_modules'

It is work 100%

sudo chown -R $(whoami) $(npm config get prefix)/{lib/node_modules,bin,share}

What are the differences between stateless and stateful systems, and how do they impact parallelism?

A stateful server keeps state between connections. A stateless server does not.

So, when you send a request to a stateful server, it may create some kind of connection object that tracks what information you request. When you send another request, that request operates on the state from the previous request. So you can send a request to "open" something. And then you can send a request to "close" it later. In-between the two requests, that thing is "open" on the server.

When you send a request to a stateless server, it does not create any objects that track information regarding your requests. If you "open" something on the server, the server retains no information at all that you have something open. A "close" operation would make no sense, since there would be nothing to close.

HTTP and NFS are stateless protocols. Each request stands on its own.

Sometimes cookies are used to add some state to a stateless protocol. In HTTP (web pages), the server sends you a cookie and then the browser holds the state, only to send it back to the server on a subsequent request.

SMB is a stateful protocol. A client can open a file on the server, and the server may deny other clients access to that file until the client closes it.

Change some value inside the List<T>

You could use ForEach, but you have to convert the IEnumerable<T> to a List<T> first.

list.Where(w => w.Name == "height").ToList().ForEach(s => s.Value = 30);

Why is pydot unable to find GraphViz's executables in Windows 8?

I used conda install python-graphviz then conda install pydot and then conda install pydot plus and then it worked.


conda install python-graphviz
conda install pydot
conda install pydotplus

catch specific HTTP error in python

Tims answer seems to me as misleading. Especially when urllib2 does not return expected code. For example this Error will be fatal (believe or not - it is not uncommon one when downloading urls):

AttributeError: 'URLError' object has no attribute 'code'

Fast, but maybe not the best solution would be code using nested try/except block:

import urllib2
    urllib2.urlopen("some url")
except urllib2.HTTPError, err:
        if err.code == 404:
            # Handle the error

More information to the topic of nested try/except blocks Are nested try/except blocks in python a good programming practice?

How to write to the Output window in Visual Studio?

OutputDebugString function will do it.

example code

    void CClass::Output(const char* szFormat, ...)
    char szBuff[1024];
    va_list arg;
    va_start(arg, szFormat);
    _vsnprintf(szBuff, sizeof(szBuff), szFormat, arg);


Merge PDF files

Merge all pdf files that are present in a dir

Put the pdf files in a dir. Launch the program. You get one pdf with all the pdfs merged.

import os
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileMerger

x = [a for a in os.listdir() if a.endswith(".pdf")]

merger = PdfFileMerger()

for pdf in x:
    merger.append(open(pdf, 'rb'))

with open("result.pdf", "wb") as fout:

SSIS Connection not found in package

The previous remarks about deleting or removing a connection are absolutely a possibility. But you can also get this error when you attempt to invoke a package that uses project level connections (instead of package level connections).

If you are using project level connections and still want to use dtexec, never fear there is a way. I would not recommend converting them to package level connections (assuming you created them as project level connections for a good reason).

You will need to deploy your SSIS project. Your SSIS server will need to have a catalog created ( Once you have the catalog, in your SSIS project select Project->Deploy and follow the wizard. The result will be a *.ispac file generated in your SSIS solution folder/bin/Development

Now for the money command, instead of invoking your package with a simple: dtexec.exe /f "package.dtsx"

instead call it this way: dtexec.exe /project "<...>/project.ispac" /package "<...>/package.dtsx"

The ispac file has the project level connection info that is needed to execute your package and you should be set!

What do numbers using 0x notation mean?

Literals that start with 0x are hexadecimal integers. (base 16)

The number 0x6400 is 25600.

6 * 16^3 + 4 * 16^2 = 25600

For an example including letters (also used in hexadecimal notation where A = 10, B = 11 ... F = 15)

The number 0x6BF0 is 27632.

6 * 16^3 + 11 * 16^2 + 15 * 16^1 = 27632
24576    + 2816      + 240       = 27632

How do I `jsonify` a list in Flask?

Solved, no fuss. You can be lazy and use jsonify, all you need to do is pass in items=[your list].

Take a look here for the solution

How to convert Rows to Columns in Oracle?

You can do it with a pivot query, like this:

select * from (
   from my_table t
   for DOCUMENT_TYPE in ('Voters ID','Pan card','Drivers licence')

Here is a demo on

How do I "commit" changes in a git submodule?

You can treat a submodule exactly like an ordinary repository. To propagate your changes upstream just commit and push as you would normally within that directory.

How do you convert WSDLs to Java classes using Eclipse?

Options are:

Read through the above links before taking a call

Stopping a windows service when the stop option is grayed out

As Aaron mentioned above, some services do not accept SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP messages, by the time it was developed. And that is hard coded into the executable. Period. A workaroud would be not to have it started, and as you cannot change its properties, forcibly do the following:

  1. Boot into safe mode (Windows 10 users might need msconfig > boot > safe boot)
  2. Regedit into HKLM > System > ControlSet001 > Services
  3. Locate your service entry
  4. Change 'Start' key to 3 (manual startup) or 4 (disabled)

If you cannot change the entry, right-click on your service name on the left pane, select 'Permissions', check that 'Everyone' has full access and try step 4 again.

Don't forget to disable safe boot from msconfig again, and reboot !

How to print an exception in Python?

Python 3: logging

Instead of using the basic print() function, the more flexible logging module can be used to log the exception. The logging module offers a lot extra functionality, e.g. logging messages into a given log file, logging messages with timestamps and additional information about where the logging happened. (For more information check out the official documentation.)

Logging an exception can be done with the module-level function logging.exception() like so:

import logging

except BaseException:
    logging.exception("An exception was thrown!")


ERROR:root:An exception was thrown!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".../Desktop/", line 4, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero 


  • the function logging.exception() should only be called from an exception handler

  • the logging module should not be used inside a logging handler to avoid a RecursionError (thanks @PrakharPandey)

Alternative log-levels

It's also possible to log the exception with another log-level by using the keyword argument exc_info=True like so:

logging.debug("An exception was thrown!", exc_info=True)"An exception was thrown!", exc_info=True)
logging.warning("An exception was thrown!", exc_info=True)

How to set JAVA_HOME in Linux for all users

Step 1 - check the current java version by "echo $JAVA_HOME"

Step 2 - vim /etc/profile

Step 3 - At the end of file you will find export JAVA_HOME, we need to provide the new path here, make sure that it is not relative.

Step 4 - Save and exit :wq

Step 5 - "source /etc/profile/", this would execute the change

Step 6 - Again do a echo $JAVA_HOME - change would have been reflected.

How do I use a regex in a shell script?

the problem is you're trying to use regex features not supported by grep. namely, your \d won't work. use this instead:

echo "$1" | grep -qE "${REGEX_DATE}"
echo $?

you need the -E flag to get ERE in order to use {#} style.

Difference between drop table and truncate table?

The answers here match up to the question, but I'm going to answer the question you didn't ask. "Should I use truncate or delete?" If you are removing all rows from a table, you'll typically want to truncate, since it's much much faster. Why is it much faster? At least in the case of Oracle, it resets the high water mark. This is basically a dereferencing of the data and allows the db to reuse it for something else.

Splitting a continuous variable into equal sized groups

Here's another solution using the bin_data() function from the mltools package.


# Resulting bins have an equal number of observations in each group
das[, "wt2"] <- bin_data(das$wt, bins=3, binType = "quantile")

# Resulting bins are equally spaced from min to max
das[, "wt3"] <- bin_data(das$wt, bins=3, binType = "explicit")

# Or if you'd rather define the bins yourself
das[, "wt4"] <- bin_data(das$wt, bins=c(-Inf, 250, 322, Inf), binType = "explicit")

   anim    wt                                  wt2                                  wt3         wt4
1     1 181.0              [179, 200.333333333333)              [179, 250.666666666667) [-Inf, 250)
2     2 179.0              [179, 200.333333333333)              [179, 250.666666666667) [-Inf, 250)
3     3 180.5              [179, 200.333333333333)              [179, 250.666666666667) [-Inf, 250)
4     4 201.0 [200.333333333333, 245.466666666667)              [179, 250.666666666667) [-Inf, 250)
5     5 201.5 [200.333333333333, 245.466666666667)              [179, 250.666666666667) [-Inf, 250)
6     6 245.0 [200.333333333333, 245.466666666667)              [179, 250.666666666667) [-Inf, 250)
7     7 246.4              [245.466666666667, 394]              [179, 250.666666666667) [-Inf, 250)
8     8 189.3              [179, 200.333333333333)              [179, 250.666666666667) [-Inf, 250)
9     9 301.0              [245.466666666667, 394] [250.666666666667, 322.333333333333)  [250, 322)
10   10 354.0              [245.466666666667, 394]              [322.333333333333, 394]  [322, Inf]
11   11 369.0              [245.466666666667, 394]              [322.333333333333, 394]  [322, Inf]
12   12 205.0 [200.333333333333, 245.466666666667)              [179, 250.666666666667) [-Inf, 250)
13   13 199.0              [179, 200.333333333333)              [179, 250.666666666667) [-Inf, 250)
14   14 394.0              [245.466666666667, 394]              [322.333333333333, 394]  [322, Inf]
15   15 231.3 [200.333333333333, 245.466666666667)              [179, 250.666666666667) [-Inf, 250)

What does the C++ standard state the size of int, long type to be?

The C++ Standard says it like this:

3.9.1, §2:

There are five signed integer types : "signed char", "short int", "int", "long int", and "long long int". In this list, each type provides at least as much storage as those preceding it in the list. Plain ints have the natural size suggested by the architecture of the execution environment (44); the other signed integer types are provided to meet special needs.

(44) that is, large enough to contain any value in the range of INT_MIN and INT_MAX, as defined in the header <climits>.

The conclusion: It depends on which architecture you're working on. Any other assumption is false.

How to remove all .svn directories from my application directories

What you wrote sends a list of newline separated file names (and paths) to rm, but rm doesn't know what to do with that input. It's only expecting command line parameters.

xargs takes input, usually separated by newlines, and places them on the command line, so adding xargs makes what you had work:

find . -name .svn | xargs rm -fr

xargs is intelligent enough that it will only pass as many arguments to rm as it can accept. Thus, if you had a million files, it might run rm 1,000,000/65,000 times (if your shell could accept 65,002 arguments on the command line {65k files + 1 for rm + 1 for -fr}).

As persons have adeptly pointed out, the following also work:

find . -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} \;
find . -depth -name .svn -exec rm -fr {} \;
find . -type d -name .svn -print0|xargs -0 rm -rf

The first two -exec forms both call rm for each folder being deleted, so if you had 1,000,000 folders, rm would be invoked 1,000,000 times. This is certainly less than ideal. Newer implementations of rm allow you to conclude the command with a + indicating that rm will accept as many arguments as possible:

find . -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} +

The last find/xargs version uses print0, which makes find generate output that uses \0 as a terminator rather than a newline. Since POSIX systems allow any character but \0 in the filename, this is truly the safest way to make sure that the arguments are correctly passed to rm or the application being executed.

In addition, there's a -execdir that will execute rm from the directory in which the file was found, rather than at the base directory and a -depth that will start depth first.

How to make div appear in front of another?

You can set the z-index in css

<div style="z-index: -1"></div>

Convert UTC dates to local time in PHP


Convert the UTC datetime to America/Denver

// create a $dt object with the UTC timezone
$dt = new DateTime('2016-12-12 12:12:12', new DateTimeZone('UTC'));

// change the timezone of the object without changing it's time
$dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('America/Denver'));

// format the datetime
$dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s T');


time() returns the unix timestamp, which is a number, it has no timezone.

date('Y-m-d H:i:s T') returns the date in the current locale timezone.

gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s T') returns the date in UTC

date_default_timezone_set() changes the current locale timezone

to change a time in a timezone

// create a $dt object with the America/Denver timezone
$dt = new DateTime('2016-12-12 12:12:12', new DateTimeZone('America/Denver'));

// change the timezone of the object without changing it's time
$dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));

// format the datetime
$dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s T');

here you can see all the available timezones

here are all the formatting options

Update PHP timezone DB (in linux)

sudo pecl install timezonedb

Correlation heatmap

If your data is in a Pandas DataFrame, you can use Seaborn's heatmap function to create your desired plot.

import seaborn as sns

Var_Corr = df.corr()
# plot the heatmap and annotation on it
sns.heatmap(Var_Corr, xticklabels=Var_Corr.columns, yticklabels=Var_Corr.columns, annot=True)

Correlation plot

From the question, it looks like the data is in a NumPy array. If that array has the name numpy_data, before you can use the step above, you would want to put it into a Pandas DataFrame using the following:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(numpy_data)

How to bind list to dataGridView?

Using DataTable is valid as user927524 stated. You can also do it by adding rows manually, which will not require to add a specific wrapping class:

List<string> filenamesList = ...;
foreach(string filename in filenamesList)
      gvFilesOnServer.Rows.Add(new object[]{filename});

In any case, thanks user927524 for clearing this weird behavior!!

How to convert a time string to seconds?

Inspired by sverrir-sigmundarson's comment:

def time_to_sec(time_str):
    return sum(x * int(t) for x, t in zip([1, 60, 3600], reversed(time_str.split(":"))))

What is the optimal way to compare dates in Microsoft SQL server?

You could add a calculated column that includes only the date without the time. Between the two options, I'd go with the BETWEEN operator because it's 'cleaner' to me and should make better use of indexes. Comparing execution plans would seem to indicate that BETWEEN would be faster; however, in actual testing they performed the same.

How do I jump out of a foreach loop in C#?

Use the 'break' statement. I find it humorous that the answer to your question is literally in your question! By the way, a simple Google search could have given you the answer.

How to change the version of the 'default gradle wrapper' in IntelliJ IDEA?

In build.gradle add wrapper { gradleVersion = '6.0' }

Delete commit on gitlab

We've had similar problem and it was not enough to only remove commit and force push to GitLab.
It was still available in GitLab interface using url:<group>/<project>/commit/<commit hash>

We've had to remove project from GitLab and recreate it to get rid of this commit in GitLab UI.

How do I test which class an object is in Objective-C?

You can also check run time. Put one breakpoint in code and inside (lldb) console write

(lldb) po [yourObject class]

Like this..

enter image description here

Get keys of a Typescript interface as array of strings

You will need to make a class that implements your interface, instantiate it and then use Object.keys(yourObject) to get the properties.

export class YourClass implements IMyTable {


let yourObject:YourClass = new YourClass();
Object.keys(yourObject).forEach((...) => { ... });

Is it valid to have a html form inside another html form?

A. It is not valid HTML nor XHTML

In the official W3C XHTML specification, Section B. "Element Prohibitions", states that:

"form must not contain other form elements."

As for the older HTML 3.2 spec, the section on the FORMS element states that:

"Every form must be enclosed within a FORM element. There can be several forms in a single document, but the FORM element can't be nested."

B. The Workaround

There are workarounds using JavaScript without needing to nest form tags.

"How to create a nested form." (despite title this is not nested form tags, but a JavaScript workaround).

Answers to this StackOverflow question

Note: Although one can trick the W3C Validators to pass a page by manipulating the DOM via scripting, it's still not legal HTML. The problem with using such approaches is that the behavior of your code is now not guaranteed across browsers. (since it's not standard)

How to get the month name in C#?

Supposing your date is today. Hope this helps you.

DateTime dt = DateTime.Today;

string thisMonth= dt.ToString("MMMM");


Can we locate a user via user's phone number in Android?

The answer is: you can't only through sms, i have tried that approach before.

You could fetch the base station IDs, but this won't help you a lot without the location of the base station itself and this informations are really hard to retrieve from the providers.

I have looked through the 3 apps you have listed in your question:

  1. The App uses WiFi and GPRS location service, quite the same approach as Google uses on the phone. phonesavvy maybe has a base station location database or uses a database retrieved e.g. from OpenStreetMap or some similar crowd-based project.
  2. The app analyzes just the number for country code and city code. No location there.
  3. Dito.

Create an ISO date object in javascript

Try using the ISO string

var isodate = new Date().toISOString()

See also: method definition at MDN.

How can you zip or unzip from the script using ONLY Windows' built-in capabilities?


With Shell.Application you can emulate the way explorer.exe zips files and folders The script is called zipjs.bat:

:: unzip content of a zip to given folder.content of the zip will be not preserved (-keep no).Destination will be not overwritten (-force no)
call zipjs.bat unzip -source C:\myDir\ -destination C:\MyDir -keep no -force no

:: lists content of a zip file and full paths will be printed (-flat yes)
call zipjs.bat list -source C:\\inZipDir -flat yes

:: lists content of a zip file and the content will be list as a tree (-flat no)
call zipjs.bat list -source C:\ -flat no

:: prints uncompressed size in bytes
zipjs.bat getSize -source C:\

:: zips content of folder without the folder itself
call zipjs.bat zipDirItems -source C:\myDir\ -destination C:\ -keep yes -force no

:: zips file or a folder (with the folder itslelf)
call zipjs.bat zipItem -source C:\myDir\myFile.txt -destination C:\ -keep yes -force no

:: unzips only part of the zip with given path inside
call zipjs.bat unZipItem -source C:\myDir\\InzipDir\InzipFile -destination C:\OtherDir -keep no -force yes
call zipjs.bat unZipItem -source C:\myDir\\InzipDir -destination C:\OtherDir 

:: adds content to a zip file
call zipjs.bat addToZip -source C:\some_file -destination C:\myDir\\InzipDir -keep no
call zipjs.bat addToZip -source  C:\some_file -destination C:\myDir\


Makecab is the default compressing tool coming with windows. Though it can use different compression algorithms (including zip) file format is always a .cab file. With some extensions it can be used on linux machines too.

compressing a file:

makecab file.txt ""

Compressing an entire folder needs a little bit more work. Here a directory is compressed with cabDir.bat:

call cabDir.bat ./myDir

Uncompressing is rather easy with expand command:

EXPAND cabfile -F:* .

More hackier way is by creating self-extracting executable with extrac32 command:

copy /b "%windir%\system32\extrac32.exe"+"" "expandable.exe"
call expandable.exe


With the build 17063 of windows we have the tar command:

::compress directory
tar -cvf archive.tar c:\my_dir
::extract to dir
tar -xvf archive.tar.gz -C c:\data

.NET tools

.net (and powershell) offers a lot of ways to compress and uncompress files. The most straightforward is with gzip stream. The script is called gzipjs.bat:

call gzipjs.bat -c my.file
call gzipjs.bat -u my.file

How do I search a Perl array for a matching string?

For just a boolean match result or for a count of occurrences, you could use:

use 5.014; use strict; use warnings;
my @foo=('hello', 'world', 'foo', 'bar', 'hello world', 'HeLlo');
my $patterns=join(',',@foo);
for my $str (qw(quux world hello hEllO)) {
    my $count=map {m/^$str$/i} @foo;
    if ($count) {
        print "I found '$str' $count time(s) in '$patterns'\n";
    } else {
        print "I could not find '$str' in the pattern list\n"


I could not find 'quux' in the pattern list
I found 'world' 1 time(s) in 'hello,world,foo,bar,hello world,HeLlo'
I found 'hello' 2 time(s) in 'hello,world,foo,bar,hello world,HeLlo'
I found 'hEllO' 2 time(s) in 'hello,world,foo,bar,hello world,HeLlo'

Does not require to use a module.
Of course it's less "expandable" and versatile as some code above.
I use this for interactive user answers to match against a predefined set of case unsensitive answers.

Convert String to Type in C#

You can only use just the name of the type (with its namespace, of course) if the type is in mscorlib or the calling assembly. Otherwise, you've got to include the assembly name as well:

Type type = Type.GetType("Namespace.MyClass, MyAssembly");

If the assembly is strongly named, you've got to include all that information too. See the documentation for Type.GetType(string) for more information.

Alternatively, if you have a reference to the assembly already (e.g. through a well-known type) you can use Assembly.GetType:

Assembly asm = typeof(SomeKnownType).Assembly;
Type type = asm.GetType(namespaceQualifiedTypeName);

how to use html2canvas and jspdf to export to pdf in a proper and simple way

I have made a jsfiddle for you.

 <canvas id="canvas" width="480" height="320"></canvas> 
      <button id="download">Download Pdf</button>


        html2canvas($("#canvas"), {
            onrendered: function(canvas) {         
                var imgData = canvas.toDataURL(
                var doc = new jsPDF('p', 'mm');
                doc.addImage(imgData, 'PNG', 10, 10);


Tested in Chrome38, IE11 and Firefox 33. Seems to have issues with Safari. However, Andrew got it working in Safari 8 on Mac OSx by switching to JPEG from PNG. For details, see his comment below.

Faking an RS232 Serial Port

Another alternative, even though the OP did not ask for it:

There exist usb-to-serial adapters. Depending on the type of adapter, you may also need a nullmodem cable, too.

They are extremely easy to use under linux, work under windows, too, if you have got working drivers installed.

That way you can work directly with the sensors, and you do not have to try and emulate data. That way you are maybe even save from building an anemic system. (Due to your emulated data inputs not covering all cases, leading you to a brittle system.)

Its often better to work with the real stuff.

Radio button validation in javascript

1st: If you know that your code isn't right, you should fix it before do anything!

You could do something like this:

function validateForm() {
    var radios = document.getElementsByName("yesno");
    var formValid = false;

    var i = 0;
    while (!formValid && i < radios.length) {
        if (radios[i].checked) formValid = true;

    if (!formValid) alert("Must check some option!");
    return formValid;

See it in action:

lvalue required as left operand of assignment error when using C++

It is just a typo(I guess)-


instead of p +1=p; is required .

As name suggest lvalue expression should be left-hand operand of the assignment operator.

How to enter special characters like "&" in oracle database?

We can use another way as well for example to insert the value with special characters 'Java_22 & Oracle_14' into db we can use the following format..

'Java_22 '||'&'||' Oracle_14'

Though it consider as 3 different tokens we dont have any option as the handling of escape sequence provided in the oracle documentation is incorrect.

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xa0' in position 20: ordinal not in range(128)

A subtle problem causing even print to fail is having your environment variables set wrong, eg. here LC_ALL set to "C". In Debian they discourage setting it: Debian wiki on Locale

$ echo $LANG
$ echo $LC_ALL 
$ python -c "print (u'voil\u00e0')"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe0' in position 4: ordinal not in range(128)
$ export LC_ALL='en_US.utf8'
$ python -c "print (u'voil\u00e0')"
$ unset LC_ALL
$ python -c "print (u'voil\u00e0')"

Zabbix server is not running: the information displayed may not be current

In my case, this occurred because the password in the server config file was commented out.

Open the server config file: # sudo vim /etc/zabbix/zabbix-server.conf

Scroll down to db user and below there will be the password with a # commenting out. Remove the hash and insert your DB password.

How to use <DllImport> in VB.NET?

I know this has already been answered, but here is an example for the people who are trying to use SQL Server Types in a vb project:

            Imports System
            Imports System.IO
            Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

            Namespace SqlServerTypes
                Public Class Utilities

                    <DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, SetLastError:=True)>
                    Public Shared Function LoadLibrary(ByVal libname As String) As IntPtr

                    End Function

                    Public Shared Sub LoadNativeAssemblies(ByVal rootApplicationPath As String)
                        Dim nativeBinaryPath = If(IntPtr.Size > 4, Path.Combine(rootApplicationPath, "SqlServerTypes\x64\"), Path.Combine(rootApplicationPath, "SqlServerTypes\x86\"))
                        LoadNativeAssembly(nativeBinaryPath, "msvcr120.dll")
                        LoadNativeAssembly(nativeBinaryPath, "SqlServerSpatial140.dll")
                    End Sub

                    Private Shared Sub LoadNativeAssembly(ByVal nativeBinaryPath As String, ByVal assemblyName As String)
                        Dim path = System.IO.Path.Combine(nativeBinaryPath, assemblyName)
                        Dim ptr = LoadLibrary(path)

                        If ptr = IntPtr.Zero Then
                            Throw New Exception(String.Format("Error loading {0} (ErrorCode: {1})", assemblyName, Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()))
                        End If
                    End Sub
                End Class
            End Namespace

What's the difference between “mod” and “remainder”?

Modulus, in modular arithmetic as you're referring, is the value left over or remaining value after arithmetic division. This is commonly known as remainder. % is formally the remainder operator in C / C++. Example:

7 % 3 = 1  // dividend % divisor = remainder

What's left for discussion is how to treat negative inputs to this % operation. Modern C and C++ produce a signed remainder value for this operation where the sign of the result always matches the dividend input without regard to the sign of the divisor input.

Find and replace with a newline in Visual Studio Code

On my mac version of VS Code, I select the section, then the shortcut is Ctrl+j to remove line breaks.

IF EXIST C:\directory\ goto a else goto b problems windows XP batch files

@echo off

rmdir temporary
IF EXIST "temporary\." (echo The temporary directory exists) else echo The temporary directory doesn't exist
dir temporary /A:D

echo Note the directory is not found
echo Press any key to make a temporary directory, cls, and test again

Mkdir temporary
IF EXIST "temporary\." (echo The temporary directory exists) else echo The temporary directory doesn't exist
dir temporary /A:D
echo press any key to goto START and remove temporary directory 

goto START

SQL Server FOR EACH Loop

SQL is primarily a set-orientated language - it's generally a bad idea to use a loop in it.

In this case, a similar result could be achieved using a recursive CTE:

with cte as
(select 1 i union all
 select i+1 i from cte where i < 5)
select dateadd(d, i-1, '2010-01-01') from cte

Check whether user has a Chrome extension installed

You could have the extension set a cookie and have your websites JavaScript check if that cookie is present and update accordingly. This and probably most other methods mentioned here could of course be cirvumvented by the user, unless you try and have the extension create custom cookies depending on timestamps etc, and have your application analyze them server side to see if it really is a user with the extension or someone pretending to have it by modifying his cookies.

Jquery Open in new Tab (_blank)

Setting links on the page woud require a combination of @Ravi and @ncksllvn's answers:

// Find link in $(".product-item") and set "target" attribute to "_blank".
$(this).find("a").attr("target", "_blank");

For opening the page in another window, see this question: jQuery click _blank And see this reference for options for customization.


You would need something along:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $(".product-item").click(function() {
    var productLink = $(this).find("a");

    productLink.attr("target", "_blank");"href"));

    return false;

Note the usage of .attr():

$element.attr("attribute_name")                   // Get value of attribute.
$element.attr("attribute_name", attribute_value)  // Set value of attribute.

How to reset a timer in C#?

I always do ...


... is that a hack? :)

Per comment, on Threading.Timer, it's the Change method ...

dueTime Type: System.Int32 The amount of time to delay before the invoking the callback method specified when the Timer was constructed, in milliseconds. Specify Timeout.Infinite to prevent the timer from restarting. Specify zero (0) to restart the timer immediately.

What is the bit size of long on 64-bit Windows?

The easiest way to get to know it for your compiler/platform:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
  std::cout << sizeof(long)*8 << std::endl;

Themultiplication by 8 is to get bits from bytes.

When you need a particular size, it is often easiest to use one of the predefined types of a library. If that is undesirable, you can do what often happens with autoconf software and have the configuration system determine the right type for the needed size.

Creating your own header file in C


#ifndef FOO_H_   /* Include guard */
#define FOO_H_

int foo(int x);  /* An example function declaration */

#endif // FOO_H_


#include "foo.h"  /* Include the header (not strictly necessary here) */

int foo(int x)    /* Function definition */
    return x + 5;


#include <stdio.h>
#include "foo.h"  /* Include the header here, to obtain the function declaration */

int main(void)
    int y = foo(3);  /* Use the function here */
    printf("%d\n", y);
    return 0;

To compile using GCC

gcc -o my_app main.c foo.c

How can I set a custom date time format in Oracle SQL Developer?

With Oracle SQL Developer, i managed to set the custom format for the type DATE this way :

In : Tools > Preferences > Database > NLS

Or : Outils > Préférences > Base de donées > NLS


Settings Menu screenshot

Note that the following format does not worked for me :


As a result, it keeps the default format, without any error.

Rotate a div using javascript

To rotate a DIV we can add some CSS that, well, rotates the DIV using CSS transform rotate.

To toggle the rotation we can keep a flag, a simple variable with a boolean value that tells us what way to rotate.

var rotated = false;

document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {
    var div = document.getElementById('div'),
        deg = rotated ? 0 : 66; = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)';    = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)';     = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)';      = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)';       = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; 

    rotated = !rotated;

var rotated = false;_x000D_
document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {_x000D_
    var div = document.getElementById('div'),_x000D_
        deg = rotated ? 0 : 66;_x000D_
_x000D_ = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_    = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_     = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_      = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_       = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_
    rotated = !rotated;_x000D_
#div {_x000D_
    position:relative; _x000D_
    height: 200px; _x000D_
    width: 200px; _x000D_
    margin: 30px;_x000D_
    background: red;_x000D_
<button id="button">rotate</button>_x000D_
<br /><br />_x000D_
<div id="div"></div>

To add some animation to the rotation all we have to do is add CSS transitions

div {
    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;
    -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;
    -o-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;
    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;

var rotated = false;_x000D_
document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {_x000D_
    var div = document.getElementById('div'),_x000D_
        deg = rotated ? 0 : 66;_x000D_
_x000D_ = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_    = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_     = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_      = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_       = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_
    rotated = !rotated;_x000D_
#div {_x000D_
    position:relative; _x000D_
    height: 200px; _x000D_
    width: 200px; _x000D_
    margin: 30px;_x000D_
    background: red;_x000D_
    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    -o-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
<button id="button">rotate</button>_x000D_
<br /><br />_x000D_
<div id="div"></div>

Another way to do it is using classes, and setting all the styles in a stylesheet, thus keeping them out of the javascript

document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {

document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {_x000D_
#div {_x000D_
    position:relative; _x000D_
    height: 200px; _x000D_
    width: 200px; _x000D_
    margin: 30px;_x000D_
    background: red;_x000D_
    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    -o-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
#div.rotated {_x000D_
    -webkit-transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
    -moz-transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
    -ms-transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
    -o-transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
    transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
<button id="button">rotate</button>_x000D_
<br /><br />_x000D_
<div id="div"></div>

concat scope variables into string in angular directive expression

I've created a working CodePen example demonstrating how to do this.

Relevant HTML:

<section ng-app="app" ng-controller="MainCtrl">
  <a href="#" ng-click="doSomething('#/path/{{obj.val1}}/{{obj.val2}}')">Click Me</a><br>
  debug: {{debug.val}}

Relevant javascript:

var app = angular.module('app', []);

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
  $scope.obj = {
    val1: 'hello',
    val2: 'world'

  $scope.debug = {
    val: ''

  $scope.doSomething = function(input) {
    $scope.debug.val = input;

Android Recyclerview GridLayoutManager column spacing

The selected answer is almost perfect, but depending on the space, items width can be not equal. (In my case it was critical). So i've ended up with this code which increases space a little bit, so items are all the same width.

   class GridSpacingItemDecoration(private val columnCount: Int, @Px preferredSpace: Int, private val includeEdge: Boolean): RecyclerView.ItemDecoration() {

     * In this algorithm space should divide by 3 without remnant or width of items can have a difference
     * and we want them to be exactly the same
    private val space = if (preferredSpace % 3 == 0) preferredSpace else (preferredSpace + (3 - preferredSpace % 3))

    override fun getItemOffsets(outRect: Rect, view: View, parent: RecyclerView, state: RecyclerView.State?) {
        val position = parent.getChildAdapterPosition(view)

        if (includeEdge) {

            when {
                position % columnCount == 0 -> {
                    outRect.left = space
                    outRect.right = space / 3
                position % columnCount == columnCount - 1 -> {
                    outRect.right = space
                    outRect.left = space / 3
                else -> {
                    outRect.left = space * 2 / 3
                    outRect.right = space * 2 / 3

            if (position < columnCount) {
       = space

            outRect.bottom = space

        } else {

            when {
                position % columnCount == 0 -> outRect.right = space * 2 / 3
                position % columnCount == columnCount - 1 -> outRect.left = space * 2 / 3
                else -> {
                    outRect.left = space / 3
                    outRect.right = space / 3

            if (position >= columnCount) {
       = space


What does InitializeComponent() do, and how does it work in WPF?

The call to InitializeComponent() (which is usually called in the default constructor of at least Window and UserControl) is actually a method call to the partial class of the control (rather than a call up the object hierarchy as I first expected).

This method locates a URI to the XAML for the Window/UserControl that is loading, and passes it to the System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent() static method. LoadComponent() loads the XAML file that is located at the passed in URI, and converts it to an instance of the object that is specified by the root element of the XAML file.

In more detail, LoadComponent creates an instance of the XamlParser, and builds a tree of the XAML. Each node is parsed by the XamlParser.ProcessXamlNode(). This gets passed to the BamlRecordWriter class. Some time after this I get a bit lost in how the BAML is converted to objects, but this may be enough to help you on the path to enlightenment.

Note: Interestingly, the InitializeComponent is a method on the System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector interface, of which Window/UserControl implement in the partial generated class.

Hope this helps!

Using StringWriter for XML Serialization

One problem with StringWriter is that by default it doesn't let you set the encoding which it advertises - so you can end up with an XML document advertising its encoding as UTF-16, which means you need to encode it as UTF-16 if you write it to a file. I have a small class to help with that though:

public sealed class StringWriterWithEncoding : StringWriter
    public override Encoding Encoding { get; }

    public StringWriterWithEncoding (Encoding encoding)
        Encoding = encoding;

Or if you only need UTF-8 (which is all I often need):

public sealed class Utf8StringWriter : StringWriter
    public override Encoding Encoding => Encoding.UTF8;

As for why you couldn't save your XML to the database - you'll have to give us more details about what happened when you tried, if you want us to be able to diagnose/fix it.

Check that an email address is valid on iOS

Good cocoa function:

-(BOOL) NSStringIsValidEmail:(NSString *)checkString
   BOOL stricterFilter = NO; // Discussion
   NSString *stricterFilterString = @"^[A-Z0-9a-z\\._%+-]+@([A-Za-z0-9-]+\\.)+[A-Za-z]{2,4}$";
   NSString *laxString = @"^.+@([A-Za-z0-9-]+\\.)+[A-Za-z]{2}[A-Za-z]*$";
   NSString *emailRegex = stricterFilter ? stricterFilterString : laxString;
   NSPredicate *emailTest = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF MATCHES %@", emailRegex];
   return [emailTest evaluateWithObject:checkString];

Discussion on Lax vs. Strict -

And because categories are just better, you could also add an interface:

@interface NSString (emailValidation) 
  - (BOOL)isValidEmail;


@implementation NSString (emailValidation)
  BOOL stricterFilter = NO; // Discussion
  NSString *stricterFilterString = @"^[A-Z0-9a-z\\._%+-]+@([A-Za-z0-9-]+\\.)+[A-Za-z]{2,4}$";
  NSString *laxString = @"^.+@([A-Za-z0-9-]+\\.)+[A-Za-z]{2}[A-Za-z]*$";
  NSString *emailRegex = stricterFilter ? stricterFilterString : laxString;
  NSPredicate *emailTest = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF MATCHES %@", emailRegex];
  return [emailTest evaluateWithObject:self];

And then utilize:

if([@"[email protected]" isValidEmail]) { /* True */ }
if([@"InvalidEmail@notreallyemailbecausenosuffix" isValidEmail]) { /* False */ }

Get ASCII value at input word

char (with a lower-case c) is a numeric type. It already holds the ascii value of the char. Just cast it to an integer to display it as a numeric value rather than a textual value:

System.out.println("char " + ch + " has the following value : " + (int) ch);

Convert String XML fragment to Document Node in Java

* Convert a string to a Document Object
* @param xml The xml to convert
* @return A document Object
* @throws IOException
* @throws SAXException
* @throws ParserConfigurationException
public static Document string2Document(String xml) throws IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException {

    if (xml == null)
    return null;

    return inputStream2Document(new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes()));


* Convert an inputStream to a Document Object
* @param inputStream The inputstream to convert
* @return a Document Object
* @throws IOException
* @throws SAXException
* @throws ParserConfigurationException
public static Document inputStream2Document(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException {
    DocumentBuilderFactory newInstance = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    Document parse = newInstance.newDocumentBuilder().parse(inputStream);
    return parse;

Interactive shell using Docker Compose

Using docker-compose, I found the easiest way to do this is to do a docker ps -a (after starting my containers with docker-compose up) and get the ID of the container I want to have an interactive shell in (let's call it xyz123).

Then it's a simple matter to execute docker exec -ti xyz123 /bin/bash

and voila, an interactive shell.

Run bash command on jenkins pipeline

For multi-line shell scripts or those run multiple times, I would create a new bash script file (starting from #!/bin/bash), and simply run it with sh from Jenkinsfile:

sh 'chmod +x ./'
sh './'

Display loading image while post with ajax

make sure to change in ajax call

async: true,
type: "GET",
dataType: "html",

Do while loop in SQL Server 2008

Only While Loop is officially supported by SQL server. Already there is answer for DO while loop. I am detailing answer on ways to achieve different types of loops in SQL server.

If you know, you need to complete first iteration of loop anyway, then you can try DO..WHILE or REPEAT..UNTIL version of SQL server.



WAY:  --> Here the  DO statement


  SET @X += 1;




WAY:  -- Here the REPEAT statement


  SET @X += 1;


FOR Loop

DECLARE @cnt INT = 0;

WHILE @cnt < 10
   PRINT 'Inside FOR LOOP';
   SET @cnt = @cnt + 1;



get value from DataTable

You can try changing it to this:

If myTableData.Rows.Count > 0 Then
  For i As Integer = 0 To myTableData.Rows.Count - 1
    ''Dim DataType() As String = myTableData.Rows(i).Item(1)
End If

Note: Your loop needs to be one less than the row count since it's a zero-based index.

Refresh Page C# ASP.NET


Finding the next available id in MySQL

    SELECT ID from TABLE1 
    WHERE ID>100 order by ID
) "X" 
WHERE not exists (
    WHERE t2.ID=X.ID+1

In Mongoose, how do I sort by date? (node.js)

You can also sort by the _id field. For example, to get the most recent record, you can do,

const mostRecentRecord = await db.collection.findOne().sort({ _id: -1 });

It's much quicker too, because I'm more than willing to bet that your date field is not indexed.

How do you select the entire excel sheet with Range using VBA?

Maybe this might work:

Sh.Range("A1", Sh.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))

SyntaxError: non-default argument follows default argument

You can't have a non-keyword argument after a keyword argument.

Make sure you re-arrange your function arguments like so:

def a(len1,til,hgt=len1,col=0):
    system('mode con cols='+len1,'lines='+hgt)


Python set to list

Your code does work (tested with cpython 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.1 and 3.2):

>>> a = set(["Blah", "Hello"])
>>> a = list(a) # You probably wrote a = list(a()) here or list = set() above
>>> a
['Blah', 'Hello']

Check that you didn't overwrite list by accident:

>>> assert list == __builtins__.list

Regular expression for excluding special characters

Even in 2009, it seems too many had a very limited idea of what designing for the WORLDWIDE web involved. In 2015, unless designing for a specific country, a blacklist is the only way to accommodate the vast number of characters that may be valid.

The characters to blacklist then need to be chosen according what is illegal for the purpose for which the data is required.

However, sometimes it pays to break down the requirements, and handle each separately. Here look-ahead is your friend. These are sections bounded by (?=) for positive, and (?!) for negative, and effectively become AND blocks, because when the block is processed, if not failed, the regex processor will begin at the start of the text with the next block. Effectively, each look-ahead block will be preceded by the ^, and if its pattern is greedy, include up to the $. Even the ancient VB6/VBA (Office) 5.5 regex engine supports look-ahead.

So, to build up a full regular expression, start with the look-ahead blocks, then add the blacklisted character block before the final $.

For example, to limit the total numbers of characters, say between 3 and 15 inclusive, start with the positive look-ahead block (?=^.{3,15}$). Note that this needed its own ^ and $ to ensure that it covered all the text.

Now, while you might want to allow _ and -, you may not want to start or end with them, so add the two negative look-ahead blocks, (?!^[_-].+) for starts, and (?!.+[_-]$) for ends.

If you don't want multiple _ and -, add a negative look-ahead block of (?!.*[_-]{2,}). This will also exclude _- and -_ sequences.

If there are no more look-ahead blocks, then add the blacklist block before the $, such as [^<>[\]{\}|\\\/^~%# :;,$%?\0-\cZ]+, where the \0-\cZ excludes null and control characters, including NL (\n) and CR (\r). The final + ensures that all the text is greedily included.

Within the Unicode domain, there may well be other code-points or blocks that need to be excluded as well, but certainly a lot less than all the blocks that would have to be included in a whitelist.

The whole regex of all of the above would then be

(?=^.{3,15}$)(?!^[_-].+)(?!.+[_-]$)(?!.*[_-]{2,})[^<>[\]{}|\\\/^~%# :;,$%?\0-\cZ]+$

which you can check out live on, for pcre (php), javascript and python regex engines. I don't know where the java regex fits in those, but you may need to modify the regex to cater for its idiosyncrasies.

If you want to include spaces, but not _, just swap them every where in the regex.

The most useful application for this technique is for the pattern attribute for HTML input fields, where a single expression is required, returning a false for failure, thus making the field invalid, allowing input:invalid css to highlight it, and stopping the form being submitted.

Entity Framework: There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command

Alternatively to using MARS (MultipleActiveResultSets) you can write your code so you dont open multiple result sets.

What you can do is to retrieve the data to memory, that way you will not have the reader open. It is often caused by iterating through a resultset while trying to open another result set.

Sample Code:

public class MyContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<Blog> Blogs { get; set; }
    public DbSet<Post> Posts { get; set; }

public class Blog
    public int BlogID { get; set; }
    public virtual ICollection<Post> Posts { get; set; }

public class Post
    public int PostID { get; set; }
    public virtual Blog Blog { get; set; }
    public string Text { get; set; }

Lets say you are doing a lookup in your database containing these:

var context = new MyContext();

//here we have one resultset
var largeBlogs = context.Blogs.Where(b => b.Posts.Count > 5); 

foreach (var blog in largeBlogs) //we use the result set here
     //here we try to get another result set while we are still reading the above set.
    var postsWithImportantText = blog.Posts.Where(p=>p.Text.Contains("Important Text"));

We can do a simple solution to this by adding .ToList() like this:

var largeBlogs = context.Blogs.Where(b => b.Posts.Count > 5).ToList();

This forces entityframework to load the list into memory, thus when we iterate though it in the foreach loop it is no longer using the data reader to open the list, it is instead in memory.

I realize that this might not be desired if you want to lazyload some properties for example. This is mostly an example that hopefully explains how/why you might get this problem, so you can make decisions accordingly

Is JVM ARGS '-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m' still useful in Java 8?

Due to PermGen removal some options were removed (like -XX:MaxPermSize), but options -Xms and -Xmx work in Java 8. It's possible that under Java 8 your application simply needs somewhat more memory. Try to increase -Xmx value. Alternatively you can try to switch to G1 garbage collector using -XX:+UseG1GC.

Note that if you use any option which was removed in Java 8, you will see a warning upon application start:

$ java -XX:MaxPermSize=128M -version
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=128M; support was removed in 8.0
java version "1.8.0_25"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_25-b18)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.25-b02, mixed mode)

How to Decrease Image Brightness in CSS

OP wants to decrease brightness, not increase it. Opacity makes the image look brighter, not darker.

You can do this by overlaying a black div over the image and setting the opacity of that div.

#container {
    position: relative;
div.overlay {
    opacity: .9;
    background-color: black;
    position: absolute;
    left: 0; top: 0; height: 256px; width: 256px;

Normal:<br />
<img src="">
<br />
Decreased brightness:<br />
<div id="container">
    <div class="overlay"></div>
    <img src="">


Twitter Bootstrap Responsive Background-Image inside Div

This should work

background: url("youimage.png") no-repeat center center fixed;
-webkit-background-size: 100% auto;
-moz-background-size: 100% auto;
-o-background-size: 100% auto;
 background-size: 100% auto;

Can't use method return value in write context

The alternative way to check if an array is empty could be:


It works for me without that error

An implementation of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) in C#

The guy that did AForge did a fairly good job but it's not commercial quality. It's great to learn from but you can tell he was learning too so he has some pretty serious mistakes like assuming the size of an image instead of using the correct bits per pixel.

I'm not knocking the guy, I respect the heck out of him for learning all that and show us how to do it. I think he's a Ph.D now or at least he's about to be so he's really smart it's just not a commercially usable library.

The Math.Net library has its own weirdness when working with Fourier transforms and complex images/numbers. Like, if I'm not mistaken, it outputs the Fourier transform in human viewable format which is nice for humans if you want to look at a picture of the transform but it's not so good when you are expecting the data to be in a certain format (the normal format). I could be mistaken about that but I just remember there was some weirdness so I actually went to the original code they used for the Fourier stuff and it worked much better. (ExocortexDSP v1.2 also had some other funkyness I didn't like when dealing with the data from the FFT, I can't remember what it was I just know it was much easier to get what I wanted out of the ExoCortex DSP library. I'm not a mathematician or engineer though; to those guys it might make perfect sense.

So! I use the FFT code yanked from ExoCortex, which Math.Net is based on, without anything else and it works great.

And finally, I know it's not C#, but I've started looking at using FFTW ( And this guy already made a C# wrapper so I was going to check it out but haven't actually used it yet. (

OH! I don't know if you are doing this for school or work but either way there is a GREAT free lecture series given by a Stanford professor on iTunes University.

check if a key exists in a bucket in s3 using boto3

I'm not a big fan of using exceptions for control flow. This is an alternative approach that works in boto3:

import boto3

s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
bucket = s3.Bucket('my-bucket')
key = 'dootdoot.jpg'
objs = list(bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=key))
if any([w.key == path_s3 for w in objs]):
    print("Doesn't exist")

correct way of comparing string jquery operator =

No. = sets somevar to have that value. use === to compare value and type which returns a boolean that you need.

Never use or suggest == instead of ===. its a recipe for disaster. e.g 0 == "" is true but "" == '0' is false and many more.

More information also in this great answer

How can I plot data with confidence intervals?

Here is a solution using functions plot(), polygon() and lines().

 df <- data.frame(x =1:10,
                 F =runif(10,1,2),
                 L =runif(10,0,1),
                 U =runif(10,2,3))

 plot(df$x, df$F, ylim = c(0,4), type = "l")
 #make polygon where coordinates start with lower limit and 
 # then upper limit in reverse order
 polygon(c(df$x,rev(df$x)),c(df$L,rev(df$U)),col = "grey75", border = FALSE)
 lines(df$x, df$F, lwd = 2)
 #add red lines on borders of polygon
 lines(df$x, df$U, col="red",lty=2)
 lines(df$x, df$L, col="red",lty=2)

enter image description here

Now use example data provided by OP in another question:

   Lower <- c(0.418116841, 0.391011834, 0.393297710,
        0.531378573, 0.311448219, 0.392045751,0.153614913, 0.366684097,
        0.161100849,0.700274810,0.629714150, 0.661641288, 0.533404093,
        0.412427559, 0.432905333, 0.525306427,0.224292061,
        0.28893064,0.099543648, 0.342995605,0.086973739,0.289030388,
        0.081230826,0.164505624, -0.031290586,0.148383474,0.070517523,0.009686605,
        -0.052703529,0.475924192,0.253382210, 0.354011010,0.130295355,0.102253218,
        0.335833224,0.037258467, 0.141312363,0.361392799,0.129791998,

 Upper.limit <- c(0.6446223,0.6177311, 0.6034427, 0.5726503,
      0.7644718, 0.4585430, 0.8205418, 0.7154043,0.7370033,
      0.5285199, 0.5973728, 0.3764209, 0.5818298,
      0.3960867,0.8972357, 0.8370151, 0.8359921, 0.7449118,
      0.6152879, 0.6200704, 0.7041068, 0.4541011, 0.5222653,
      0.3472364, 0.5956551, 0.3068065, 0.5112895, 0.3081448,
      0.3745473, 0.1931089, 0.3890704, 0.3031025, 0.2472591,
      0.1976092, 0.6906118, 0.4736644, 0.5770463, 0.3528607,
      0.3307651, 0.6681629, 0.7476231, 0.5959025, 0.7128883,
      0.3451623, 0.5609742, 0.4739216, 0.3694883, 0.5609220,
      0.6343219, 0.3647751, 0.4247147, 0.6996334, 0.5562876,
      0.2586490, 0.3750040, 0.5922248, 0.3626322, 0.5243285,
      0.5548211, 0.7409648, 0.5820070, 0.5530232, 0.6863703,
      0.7206998, 0.4952387, 0.4993264, 0.3527727, 0.2203694,
      0.2583149, 0.3035342, 0.3462009, 0.3003602, 0.4506054,
      0.3359478, 0.4834151, 0.4391330, 0.5273411, 0.3947622,
      0.4133769, 0.5288060, 0.7492071, 0.5381701, 0.4825456,
      0.6121942, 0.6192227, 0.3784870, 0.2574025, 0.3704140,
      0.2945623, 0.6532694, 0.2697202, 0.3652230, 0.3696383,
      0.5268808, 0.1545602, 0.2221450, 0.3553377, 0.5204076,

  Fitted.values<- c(0.53136955, 0.50437146, 0.49837019,
  0.46939721, 0.66721423, 0.34165926, 0.70985388, 0.61383696,
  0.63419092, 0.41998407, 0.49470927, 0.26501789, 0.47425695,
  0.27859380, 0.79875525, 0.73336461, 0.74881668, 0.63915795,
  0.51385774, 0.52648789, 0.61470661, 0.33919656, 0.40559797,
  0.22339000, 0.46932536, 0.19689011, 0.40015996, 0.19468781,
  0.26952645, 0.08090917, 0.26872696, 0.18680999, 0.12847285,
  0.07245286, 0.58326799, 0.36352329, 0.46552867, 0.24157804,
  0.21650915, 0.55738088, 0.64797691, 0.49494416, 0.59728999,
  0.22848680, 0.45030036, 0.37087676, 0.25147426, 0.45445930,
  0.52339711, 0.24922310, 0.30184215, 0.59185198, 0.44606040,
  0.14795374, 0.25815819, 0.47680880, 0.24621212, 0.40404398,
  0.44435727, 0.65524894, 0.48363255, 0.45461258, 0.58409323,
  0.62599114, 0.38418264, 0.38357103, 0.24545011, 0.11461756,
  0.13821664, 0.19183886, 0.23203127, 0.18702881, 0.34030391,
  0.22090140, 0.37289121, 0.32846615, 0.40822456, 0.27801706,
  0.31652008, 0.41746184, 0.64364785, 0.42944100, 0.37347037,
  0.50412786, 0.50828681, 0.26510696, 0.15302635, 0.25116438,
  0.18559609, 0.53955941, 0.16920626, 0.26018389, 0.25378867,
  0.41439675, 0.04157232, 0.09600163, 0.23739430, 0.41666762,

Assemble into a data frame (no x provided, so using indices)

 df2 <- data.frame(x=seq(length(Fitted.values)),
 #make polygon where coordinates start with lower limit and then upper limit in reverse order
 with(df2,polygon(c(x,rev(x)),c(lwr,rev(upr)),col = "grey75", border = FALSE))

enter image description here

Callback after all asynchronous forEach callbacks are completed

 var counter = 0;
 var listArray = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4];
 function callBack() {
     if (listArray.length === counter) {
         console.log('All Done')
     counter = counter + 1;

Best practice for instantiating a new Android Fragment

use this code 100% fix your problem

enter this code in firstFragment

public static yourNameParentFragment newInstance() {

    Bundle args = new Bundle();
    YourFragment fragment = new YourFragment();
    return fragment;

this sample send boolean data

and in SecendFragment

yourNameParentFragment name =yourNameParentFragment.newInstance();
   Bundle bundle;
  boolean a= bundle.getBoolean("yourKey");

must value in first fragment is static

happy code

Get the latest record with filter in Django

latest is really designed to work with date fields (it probably does work with other total-ordered types too, but not sure). And the only way you can use it without specifying the field name is by setting the get_latest_by meta attribute, as mentioned here.