[c#] How do I jump out of a foreach loop in C#?

How do I break out of a foreach loop in C# if one of the elements meets the requirement?

For example:

foreach(string s in sList){
       //jump foreach loop and return true
    //no item equals to "ok" then return false

This question is related to c# .net foreach

The answer is

It's not a direct answer to your question but there is a much easier way to do what you want. If you are using .NET 3.5 or later, at least. It is called Enumerable.Contains

bool found = sList.Contains("ok");

Either return straight out of the loop:

foreach(string s in sList){
      return true;

// if you haven't returned by now, no items are "ok"
return false;

Or use break:

bool isOk = false;
foreach(string s in sList){
      isOk = true;
      break; // jump out of the loop

    // do something

However, in your case it might be better to do something like this:

    // at least one element is "ok"
   // no elements are "ok"

You could avoid explicit loops by taking the LINQ route:

sList.Any(s => s.Equals("ok"))

var ind=0;
foreach(string s in sList){
        return true;
if (ind==sList.length){
    return false;

Use break; and this will exit the foreach loop

foreach (var item in listOfItems) {
  if (condition_is_met)
    // Any processing you may need to complete here...
    break; // return true; also works if you're looking to
           // completely exit this function.

Should do the trick. The break statement will just end the execution of the loop, while the return statement will obviously terminate the entire function. Judging from your question you may want to use the return true; statement.

how about:


That should do the trick if all you want to do is check for an "ok" and return the answer ...

foreach(string s in sList)
             return true;
return false;

Use the 'break' statement. I find it humorous that the answer to your question is literally in your question! By the way, a simple Google search could have given you the answer.

You can use break which jumps out of the closest enclosing loop, or you can just directly return true

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