[extjs] How to retrieve JSON Data Array from ExtJS Store

Is there a method allowing me to return my stored data in an ExtJS Grid Panel exactly the way I loaded it using:

var data = ["value1", "value2"]

I would like to have a user option to reload the Grid, but changes to the store need to be taken into account. The user can make changes and the grid is dynamically updated, but if I reload the grid, the data that was originally loaded is shown even though the database has been updated with the new changes. I would prefer not to reload the page and just let them reload the grid data itself with the newly changed store.

I guess I'm looking for something like this:

var data = Store.getData();
//data = ["value1", "value2"]

after its all said and done. Or is there a different way to refresh the grid with new data that I am not aware of. Even using the proxy still uses the "original" data, not the new store.

This question is related to extjs

The answer is

Try this one line code it worked for me like charm:

var data = (store.getData().getSource() || store.getData()).getRange();

As suggested above I tried below one with fail.


But below one worked for me


If you want to get the data exactly like what you get by Writer (for example ignoring fields with persist:false config), use the following code (Note: I tested it in Ext 5.1)

  var arr = [];   

    this.store.each(function (record) {

You don't need to make any loops and collect/reprocess data. The json object you need is here:

var jsonData = store.proxy.reader.jsonData;

A one-line approach:

var jsonData = Ext.encode(Ext.pluck(store.data.items, 'data'));

Not very pretty, but quite short.

proxy: {
        type: 'ajax',
        actionMethods: {
            read: 'POST',
            update: 'POST'
        api: {
            read: '/bcm/rest/gcl/fetch',
            update: '/bcm/rest/gcl/save'
        paramsAsJson: true,
        reader: {
            rootProperty: 'data',
            type: 'json'
        writer: {
            allowSingle: false,
            writeAllFields: true,
            type: 'json'

Use allowSingle it will convert into array

Here is another simple clean way:

var jsonArr = [];
grid.getStore().each( function (model) {

A better (IMO) one-line approach, works on ExtJS 4, not sure about 3:


A simple way to do this is

var jsonArray = store.data.items

So if your JSON store is

[{"text": "ABC"}, {"text": "DEF"},{"text": "GHI"},{"text": "JKL"}]

Then you can retreive "DEF" as


In the following code, I noticed that it converts each and every character into an array item.

var jsonData = Ext.encode(Ext.pluck(store.data.items, 'data'));

In my case I wanted a javascript jagged array e.g. [["row1Cell1", "row1cell2"],["row2Cell1", "row2cell2"]] based on the contents of the Ext grid store.

The javascript as below will create such an array, dropping the id key in the object which I didn't need.

var tableDataArray = [];
    var thisRecordArray = [];
    for (var key in record.data) {
        if (key != 'id') {

Try this:

myStore.each( function (model) {
    console.log( model.get('name') ); 

 function getJsonOfStore(store){
        var datar = new Array();
        var jsonDataEncode = "";
        var records = store.getRange();
        for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
        jsonDataEncode = Ext.util.JSON.encode(datar);

        return jsonDataEncode;

I always use store.proxy.reader.jsonData or store.proxy.reader.rawData

For example - this return the items nested into a root node called 'data':

var some_store = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('some_store_id');
Ext.each(some_store.proxy.reader.rawData.data, function(obj, i){

This only works immediately after a store read-operation (while not been manipulated yet).

I run into my share of trouble trying to access data from store without binding it to a component, and most of it was because store was loaded trough ajax, so it took to use the load event in order to read the data. This worked:

store.on('load', function(store, records) {
    for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {