Programs & Examples On #Codesignkey

Good beginners tutorial to

To start with Socket.IO I suggest you read first the example on the main page:

On the server side, read the "How to use" on the GitHub source page:

And on the client side:

Finally you need to read this great tutorial:

Hint: At the end of this blog post, you will have some links pointing on source code that could be some help.

AJAX in Chrome sending OPTIONS instead of GET/POST/PUT/DELETE?

Use fetch instead of XHR,then the request will not be prelighted even it's cross-domained.

What is the difference between MOV and LEA?

The difference is subtle but important. The MOV instruction is a 'MOVe' effectively a copy of the address that the TABLE-ADDR label stands for. The LEA instruction is a 'Load Effective Address' which is an indirected instruction, which means that TABLE-ADDR points to a memory location at which the address to load is found.

Effectively using LEA is equivalent to using pointers in languages such as C, as such it is a powerful instruction.

How to run a Python script in the background even after I logout SSH?

Running a Python Script in the Background

First, you need to add a shebang line in the Python script which looks like the following:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

This path is necessary if you have multiple versions of Python installed and /usr/bin/env will ensure that the first Python interpreter in your $$PATH environment variable is taken. You can also hardcode the path of your Python interpreter (e.g. #!/usr/bin/python3), but this is not flexible and not portable on other machines. Next, you’ll need to set the permissions of the file to allow execution:

chmod +x

Now you can run the script with nohup which ignores the hangup signal. This means that you can close the terminal without stopping the execution. Also, don’t forget to add & so the script runs in the background:

nohup /path/to/ &

If you did not add a shebang to the file you can instead run the script with this command:

nohup python /path/to/ &

The output will be saved in the nohup.out file, unless you specify the output file like here:

nohup /path/to/ > output.log &
nohup python /path/to/ > output.log &

If you have redirected the output of the command somewhere else - including /dev/null - that's where it goes instead.

# doesn't create nohup.out

nohup command >/dev/null 2>&1   

If you're using nohup, that probably means you want to run the command in the background by putting another & on the end of the whole thing:

# runs in background, still doesn't create nohup.out

 nohup command >/dev/null 2>&1 &  

You can find the process and its process ID with this command:

ps ax | grep

# or
# list of running processes Python

ps -fA | grep python

ps stands for process status

If you want to stop the execution, you can kill it with the kill command:

kill PID

Attach a file from MemoryStream to a MailMessage in C#

I landed on this question because I needed to attach an Excel file I generate through code and is available as MemoryStream. I could attach it to the mail message but it was sent as 64Bytes file instead of a ~6KB as it was meant. So, the solution that worked for me was this:

MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage();
Attachment attachment = new Attachment(myMemorySteam, new ContentType(MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet));

attachment.ContentDisposition.FileName = "myFile.xlsx";
attachment.ContentDisposition.Size = attachment.Length;


Setting the value of attachment.ContentDisposition.Size let me send messages with the correct size of attachment.

What is the best Java library to use for HTTP POST, GET etc.?

imho: Apache HTTP Client

usage example:

import org.apache.commons.httpclient.*;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.*;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpMethodParams;


public class HttpClientTutorial {

  private static String url = "";

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Create an instance of HttpClient.
    HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

    // Create a method instance.
    GetMethod method = new GetMethod(url);

    // Provide custom retry handler is necessary
            new DefaultHttpMethodRetryHandler(3, false));

    try {
      // Execute the method.
      int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method);

      if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
        System.err.println("Method failed: " + method.getStatusLine());

      // Read the response body.
      byte[] responseBody = method.getResponseBody();

      // Deal with the response.
      // Use caution: ensure correct character encoding and is not binary data
      System.out.println(new String(responseBody));

    } catch (HttpException e) {
      System.err.println("Fatal protocol violation: " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (IOException e) {
      System.err.println("Fatal transport error: " + e.getMessage());
    } finally {
      // Release the connection.

some highlight features:

  • Standards based, pure Java, implementation of HTTP versions 1.0 and 1.1
    • Full implementation of all HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, and TRACE) in an extensible OO framework.
    • Supports encryption with HTTPS (HTTP over SSL) protocol.
    • Granular non-standards configuration and tracking.
    • Transparent connections through HTTP proxies.
    • Tunneled HTTPS connections through HTTP proxies, via the CONNECT method.
    • Transparent connections through SOCKS proxies (version 4 & 5) using native Java socket support.
    • Authentication using Basic, Digest and the encrypting NTLM (NT Lan Manager) methods.
    • Plug-in mechanism for custom authentication methods.
    • Multi-Part form POST for uploading large files.
    • Pluggable secure sockets implementations, making it easier to use third party solutions
    • Connection management support for use in multi-threaded applications. Supports setting the maximum total connections as well as the maximum connections per host. Detects and closes stale connections.
    • Automatic Cookie handling for reading Set-Cookie: headers from the server and sending them back out in a Cookie: header when appropriate.
    • Plug-in mechanism for custom cookie policies.
    • Request output streams to avoid buffering any content body by streaming directly to the socket to the server.
    • Response input streams to efficiently read the response body by streaming directly from the socket to the server.
    • Persistent connections using KeepAlive in HTTP/1.0 and persistance in HTTP/1.1
    • Direct access to the response code and headers sent by the server.
    • The ability to set connection timeouts.
    • HttpMethods implement the Command Pattern to allow for parallel requests and efficient re-use of connections.
    • Source code is freely available under the Apache Software License.

How to check for an empty object in an AngularJS view

A good and effective way is to use a "json pipe" like the following in your HTML file:

   <pre>{{ yourObject | json }}</pre>

which allows you to see clearly if the object is empty or not.

I tried quite a few ways that are showed here, but none of them worked.

How to check if ping responded or not in a batch file

You can ping without "-t" and check the exit code of the ping. It reports failure when there is no answer.

How do I convert a number to a numeric, comma-separated formatted string?

remove the commas with a replace and convert:


where varName is the name of the variable that has numeric values in it with commas

How to mkdir only if a directory does not already exist?

Referring to man page man mkdir for option -p

   -p, --parents
          no error if existing, make parent directories as needed

which will create all directories in a given path, if exists throws no error otherwise it creates all directories from left to right in the given path. Try the below command. the directories newdir and anotherdir doesn't exists before issuing this command

Correct Usage

mkdir -p /tmp/newdir/anotherdir

After executing the command you can see newdir and anotherdir created under /tmp. You can issue this command as many times you want, the command always have exit(0). Due to this reason most people use this command in shell scripts before using those actual paths.

Get the cartesian product of a series of lists?

import itertools
>>> for i in itertools.product([1,2,3],['a','b'],[4,5]):
...         print i
(1, 'a', 4)
(1, 'a', 5)
(1, 'b', 4)
(1, 'b', 5)
(2, 'a', 4)
(2, 'a', 5)
(2, 'b', 4)
(2, 'b', 5)
(3, 'a', 4)
(3, 'a', 5)
(3, 'b', 4)
(3, 'b', 5)

How to change package name in flutter?

To change package name in flutter , you have to do it for all platforms.

To make it easier, I suggest you to use rename package .

Just run this command inside your flutter project root.

pub global run rename --bundleId com.onat.networkApp

Here, com.onat.networkApp is your package name

To target a specific platform use the "-t" option. e.g:

pub global run rename --bundleId -t android

You can learn more about rename package here

JavaScript window resize event

The resize event should never be used directly as it is fired continuously as we resize.

Use a debounce function to mitigate the excess calls.

window.addEventListener('resize',debounce(handler, delay, immediate),false);

Here's a common debounce floating around the net, though do look for more advanced ones as featuerd in lodash.

const debounce = (func, wait, immediate) => {
    var timeout;
    return () => {
        const context = this, args = arguments;
        const later = function() {
            timeout = null;
            if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);
        const callNow = immediate && !timeout;
        timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
        if (callNow) func.apply(context, args);

This can be used like so...

window.addEventListener('resize', debounce(() => console.log('hello'),
200, false), false);

It will never fire more than once every 200ms.

For mobile orientation changes use:

window.addEventListener('orientationchange', () => console.log('hello'), false);

Here's a small library I put together to take care of this neatly.

Convert JSONArray to String Array

Here is the code :

// XXX satisfies only with this particular string format
        String s = "[{\"name\":\"IMG_20130403_140457.jpg\"},{\"name\":\"IMG_20130403_145006.jpg\"},{\"name\":\"IMG_20130403_145112.jpg\"},{\"name\":\"IMG_20130404_085559.jpg\"},{\"name\":\"IMG_20130404_113700.jpg\"},{\"name\":\"IMG_20130404_113713.jpg\"},{\"name\":\"IMG_20130404_135706.jpg\"},{\"name\":\"IMG_20130404_161501.jpg\"},{\"name\":\"IMG_20130405_082413.jpg\"},{\"name\":\"IMG_20130405_104212.jpg\"},{\"name\":\"IMG_20130405_160524.jpg\"},{\"name\":\"IMG_20130408_082456.jpg\"},{\"name\":\"test.jpg\"}]";
        s = s.replace("[", "").replace("]", "");
        s = s.substring(1, s.length() - 1);
        String[] split = s.split("[}][,][{]");
        for (String string : split) {

error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'adSize' in package '' main.xml

Replace xmlns:android="" with xmlns:ads=""

then Rebuild Project

Excel - Using COUNTIF/COUNTIFS across multiple sheets/same column

My first post... UDF I managed quickly to compile. Usage: Select 3D range as normal and enclose is into quotation marks like below...


Advisably sheets to be adjacent to avoid unanticipated results.

Public Function CountIf3D(SheetstoCount As String, CriteriaToUse As Variant)

     Dim sStarSheet As String, sEndSheet As String, sAddress As String
     Dim lColonPos As Long, lExclaPos As Long, cnt As Long

    lColonPos = InStr(SheetstoCount, ":") 'Finding ':' separating sheets
    lExclaPos = InStr(SheetstoCount, "!") 'Finding '!' separating address from the sheets

    sStarSheet = Mid(SheetstoCount, 2, lColonPos - 2) 'Getting first sheet's name
    sEndSheet = Mid(SheetstoCount, lColonPos + 1, lExclaPos - lColonPos - 2) 'Getting last sheet's name

    sAddress = Mid(SheetstoCount, lExclaPos + 1, Len(SheetstoCount) - lExclaPos) 'Getting address

        cnt = 0
   For i = Sheets(sStarSheet).Index To Sheets(sEndSheet).Index
        cnt = cnt + Application.CountIf(Sheets(i).Range(sAddress), CriteriaToUse)

   CountIf3D = cnt

End Function

Get Environment Variable from Docker Container

To view all env variables:

docker exec container env

To get one:

docker exec container env | grep VARIABLE | cut -d'=' -f2

Show ProgressDialog Android

I am using the following code in one of my current projects where i download data from the internet. It is all inside my activity class.

private class GetData extends AsyncTask<String, Void, JSONObject> {

        protected void onPreExecute() {

            progressDialog =,
                    "", "");


        protected JSONObject doInBackground(String... params) {

            String response;

            try {

                HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();

                HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(url);

                HttpResponse responce = httpclient.execute(httppost);

                HttpEntity httpEntity = responce.getEntity();

                response = EntityUtils.toString(httpEntity);

                Log.d("response is", response);

                return new JSONObject(response);

            } catch (Exception ex) {



            return null;

        protected void onPostExecute(JSONObject result) 


            if(result != null)
                    JSONObject jobj = result.getJSONObject("result");

                    String status = jobj.getString("status");

                        JSONArray array = jobj.getJSONArray("data");

                        for(int x = 0; x < array.length(); x++)
                            HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();

                            map.put("name", array.getJSONObject(x).getString("name"));

                            map.put("date", array.getJSONObject(x).getString("date"));

                            map.put("description", array.getJSONObject(x).getString("description"));


                        CalendarAdapter adapter = new CalendarAdapter(Calendar.this, list);

                catch (Exception e) 
                Toast.makeText(Calendar.this, "Network Problem", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


and execute it in OnCreate Method like new GetData().execute();

where Calendar is my calendarActivity and i have also created a CalendarAdapter to set these values to a list view.

How can I wrap text in a label using WPF?

Often you cannot replace a Label with a TextBlock as you want to the use the Target property (which sets focus to the targeted control when using the keyboard e.g. ALT+C in the sample code below), as that's all a Label really offers over a TextBlock.

However, a Label uses a TextBlock to render text (if a string is placed in the Content property, which it typically is); therefore, you can add a style for TextBlock inside the Label like so:

    Content="_Content Text:"
    Target="{Binding ElementName=MyTargetControl}">
        <Style TargetType="TextBlock">
            <Setter Property="TextWrapping" Value="Wrap" />
 <CheckBox x:Name = "MyTargetControl" />

This way you get to keep the functionality of a Label whilst also being able to wrap the text.

fatal: Unable to create temporary file '/home/username/git/myrepo.git/./objects/pack/tmp_pack_XXXXXX': Permission denied

Just try to do this one (through root access) - "chmod -R 777 /home/username/git"

How to install numpy on windows using pip install?

Install miniconda (here)

After installed, open Anaconda Prompt (search this in Start Menu)


pip install numpy

After installed, test:

import numpy as np

Adding a column to a data.frame

If I understand the question correctly, you want to detect when the h_no doesn't increase and then increment the class. (I'm going to walk through how I solved this problem, there is a self-contained function at the end.)


We only care about the h_no column for the moment, so we can extract that from the data frame:

> h_no <- data$h_no

We want to detect when h_no doesn't go up, which we can do by working out when the difference between successive elements is either negative or zero. R provides the diff function which gives us the vector of differences:

> d.h_no <- diff(h_no)
> d.h_no
 [1]  1  1  1 -3  1  1  1  1  1  1 -6  1  1  1

Once we have that, it is a simple matter to find the ones that are non-positive:

> nonpos <- d.h_no <= 0
> nonpos

In R, TRUE and FALSE are basically the same as 1 and 0, so if we get the cumulative sum of nonpos, it will increase by 1 in (almost) the appropriate spots. The cumsum function (which is basically the opposite of diff) can do this.

> cumsum(nonpos)
 [1] 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

But, there are two problems: the numbers are one too small; and, we are missing the first element (there should be four in the first class).

The first problem is simply solved: 1+cumsum(nonpos). And the second just requires adding a 1 to the front of the vector, since the first element is always in class 1:

 > classes <- c(1, 1 + cumsum(nonpos))
 > classes
  [1] 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3

Now, we can attach it back onto our data frame with cbind (by using the class= syntax, we can give the column the class heading):

 > data_w_classes <- cbind(data, class=classes)

And data_w_classes now contains the result.

Final result

We can compress the lines together and wrap it all up into a function to make it easier to use:

classify <- function(data) {
   cbind(data, class=c(1, 1 + cumsum(diff(data$h_no) <= 0)))

Or, since it makes sense for the class to be a factor:

classify <- function(data) {
   cbind(data, class=factor(c(1, 1 + cumsum(diff(data$h_no) <= 0))))

You use either function like:

> classified <- classify(data) # doesn't overwrite data
> data <- classify(data) # data now has the "class" column

(This method of solving this problem is good because it avoids explicit iteration, which is generally recommend for R, and avoids generating lots of intermediate vectors and list etc. And also it's kinda neat how it can be written on one line :) )

How to compare type of an object in Python?

For other types, check out the types module:

>>> import types
>>> x = "mystring"
>>> isinstance(x, types.StringType)
>>> x = 5
>>> isinstance(x, types.IntType)
>>> x = None
>>> isinstance(x, types.NoneType)

P.S. Typechecking is a bad idea.

How do I make my ArrayList Thread-Safe? Another approach to problem in Java?


private ArrayList finishingOrder;

//Make an ArrayList to hold RaceCar objects to determine winners
finishingOrder = Collections.synchronizedCollection(new ArrayList(numberOfRaceCars)


private List finishingOrder;

//Make an ArrayList to hold RaceCar objects to determine winners
finishingOrder = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList(numberOfRaceCars)

List is a supertype of ArrayList so you need to specify that.

Otherwise, what you're doing seems fine. Other option is you can use Vector, which is synchronized, but this is probably what I would do.

In a javascript array, how do I get the last 5 elements, excluding the first element?

You can call:

arr.slice(Math.max(arr.length - 5, 1))

If you don't want to exclude the first element, use

arr.slice(Math.max(arr.length - 5, 0))

How to make a simple popup box in Visual C#?

In Visual Studio 2015 (community edition), System.Windows.Forms is not available and hence we can't use MessageBox.Show("text").

Use this Instead:

var Msg = new MessageDialog("Some String here", "Title of Message Box");    
await Msg.ShowAsync();

Note: Your function must be defined async to use above await Msg.ShowAsync().

Embed ruby within URL : Middleman Blog

<%= link_to "" + article_url(article, :text => article.title), :class => "btn btn-primary" do %>   <i class="fa fa-facebook">     Facebook Share    </i> <%end%> 

I am assuming that current_article_url is

How Can I Resolve:"can not open 'git-upload-pack' " error in eclipse?

I had the same problem when my network config was incorrect and DNS was not resolving. In other words the issue could arise when there is no Network Access.

In Tensorflow, get the names of all the Tensors in a graph

I think this will do too:


But compared with Salvado and Yaroslav's answers, I don't know which one is better.

Python Set Comprehension

You can get clean and clear solutions by building the appropriate predicates as helper functions. In other words, use the Python set-builder notation the same way you would write the answer with regular mathematics set-notation.

The whole idea behind set comprehensions is to let us write and reason in code the same way we do mathematics by hand.

With an appropriate predicate in hand, problem 1 simplifies to:

 low_primes = {x for x in range(1, 100) if is_prime(x)}

And problem 2 simplifies to:

 low_prime_pairs = {(x, x+2) for x in range(1,100,2) if is_prime(x) and is_prime(x+2)}

Note how this code is a direct translation of the problem specification, "A Prime Pair is a pair of consecutive odd numbers that are both prime."

P.S. I'm trying to give you the correct problem solving technique without actually giving away the answer to the homework problem.

Convert UTC/GMT time to local time

I had the problem with it being in a data set being pushed across the wire (webservice to client) that it would automatically change because the DataColumn's DateType field was set to local. Make sure you check what the DateType is if your pushing DataSets across.

If you don't want it to change, set it to Unspecified

Googlemaps API Key for Localhost

Where it says "Accept requests from these HTTP referrers (websites) (Optional)" you don't need to have any referrer listed. So click the X beside localhost on this page but continue to use your key.

It should then work after a few minutes.

Changes made can sometimes take a few minutes to take effect so wait a few minutes before testing again.

Get total size of file in bytes

You don't need FileInputStream to calculate file size, new File(path_to_file).length() is enough. Or, if you insist, use fileinputstream.getChannel().size().

How change List<T> data to IQueryable<T> data

var list = new List<string>();
var queryable = list.AsQueryable();

Add a reference to: System.Linq

JavaScript code to stop form submission

Just use a simple button instead of a submit button. And call a JavaScript function to handle form submit:

<input type="button" name="submit" value="submit" onclick="submit_form();"/>

Function within a script tag:

function submit_form() {
    if (conditions) {
    else {

You can also try window.history.forward(-1);

CSS centred header image

you don't need to set the width of header in css, just put the background image as center using this code:

background: url("images/logo.png") no-repeat top center;

or you can just use img tag and put align="center" in the div

AngularJS Directive Restrict A vs E


  1. Using your own html element like <my-directive></my-directive> wont work on IE8 without workaround (
  2. Using your own html elements will make html validation fail.
  3. Directives with equal one parameter can done like this:

<div data-my-directive="ValueOfTheFirstParameter"></div>

Instead of this:

<my-directive my-param="ValueOfTheFirstParameter"></my-directive>

We dont use custom html elements, because if this 2 facts.

Every directive by third party framework can be written in two ways:



<div data-my-directive></div>

does the same.

check if file exists on remote host with ssh

You're missing ;s. The general syntax if you put it all in one line would be:

if thing ; then ... ; else ... ; fi

The thing can be pretty much anything that returns an exit code. The then branch is taken if that thing returns 0, the else branch otherwise.

[ isn't syntax, it's the test program (check out ls /bin/[, it actually exists, man test for the docs – although can also have a built-in version with different/additional features.) which is used to test various common conditions on files and variables. (Note that [[ on the other hand is syntax and is handled by your shell, if it supports it).

For your case, you don't want to use test directly, you want to test something on the remote host. So try something like:

if ssh user@host test -e "$file" ; then ... ; else ... ; fi

Get text from pressed button

Button btn=(Button)findViewById(;
String btnText=btn.getText().toString();

Later this btnText can be used .

For example:

if(btnText == "Text for comparison")

Creating a new DOM element from an HTML string using built-in DOM methods or Prototype


  • Create a Template
  • Set the Template's innerHTML to your string .trim()
  • Create an Array of Template's children
  • Return children, child, or

function toElement(s='',c,t=document.createElement('template'),l='length'){
t.innerHTML=s.trim();c=[...t.content.childNodes];return c[l]>1?c:c[0]||'';}

console.log(toElement('    '));
console.log(toElement('<td>With td</td>'));
console.log(toElement('<tr><td>With t</td></tr>'));
console.log(toElement('<div><span>nested</span> <span>stuff</span></div>'));

How can I stop Chrome from going into debug mode?

You've accidentally set "Pause on Exceptions" to all/uncaught exceptions.

Go to the "Sources" tab. At the bottom toolbar, toggle the button that looks like the pause symbol surrounded by a circle (4th button from the left) until the color of the circle turns black to turn it off.

CSS Image size, how to fill, but not stretch?

I think it's quite late for this answer. Anyway hope this will help somebody in the future. I faced the problem positioning the cards in angular. There are cards displayed for array of events. If image width of the event is big for card, the image should be shown by cropping from two sides and height of 100 %. If image height is long, images' bottom part is cropped and width is 100 %. Here is my pure css solution for this:

enter image description here


 <span class="block clear img-card b-b b-light text-center" [ngStyle]="{'background-image' : 'url('+event.image+')'}"></span>


.img-card {
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
background-position: 50% 50%;
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;

What is the easiest way to parse an INI File in C++?

I ended up using inipp which is not mentioned in this thread.

Was a MIT licensed header only implementation which was simple enough to add to a project and 4 lines to use.

In Python, how do you convert seconds since epoch to a `datetime` object?

From the docs, the recommended way of getting a timezone aware datetime object from seconds since epoch is:

Python 3:

from datetime import datetime, timezone
datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, timezone.utc)

Python 2, using pytz:

from datetime import datetime
import pytz
datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, pytz.utc)

How to create a data file for gnuplot?

I had the same issue when tried to open the file using Plot->Data filename... option provided in the version for Windows 7 (by the way, it worked fine on another computer with the same version of the OP system).

Then I tried to change directory and save the .plt file, but it didn't work either. Finally, I tried to tape manually as it was showed for Linux earlier in this queue of posts:

gnuplot > plot "./datafile.dat"

and it worked!

Cannot connect to MySQL Workbench on mac. Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61) Mac Macintosh

I am using those commands on MacOs after getting the same error

sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server start

sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server stop

sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server restart

Updating user data - ASP.NET Identity

I have tried the functionality in the same way and when i call UserManager.Updateasync method it succeeds but there is no update in the database. After spending some time i found another solution to update the data in aspnetusers table which is following:

1) you need to create UserDbContext class inheriting from IdentityDbContext class like this:

public class UserDbContext:IdentityDbContext<UserInfo>
    public UserDbContext():
        this.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;

2) then in Account controller update user information like this:

UserDbContext userDbContext = new UserDbContext();
userDbContext.Entry(user).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
await userDbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

where user is your updated entity.

hope this will help you.

Storage permission error in Marshmallow

Check multiple Permission in API level 23 Step 1:

 String[] permissions = new String[]{

Step 2:

 private boolean checkPermissions() {
    int result;
    List<String> listPermissionsNeeded = new ArrayList<>();
    for (String p : permissions) {
        result = ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, p);
        if (result != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
    if (!listPermissionsNeeded.isEmpty()) {
        ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, listPermissionsNeeded.toArray(new String[listPermissionsNeeded.size()]), 100);
        return false;
    return true;

Step 3:

public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String permissions[], int[] grantResults) {
    if (requestCode == 100) {
        if (grantResults.length > 0
                && grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
            // do something

Step 4: in onCreate of Activity checkPermissions();

month name to month number and vice versa in python

Here's yet another way to do it.


    return {
            'jan' : 1,
            'feb' : 2,
            'mar' : 3,
            'apr' : 4,
            'may' : 5,
            'jun' : 6,
            'jul' : 7,
            'aug' : 8,
            'sep' : 9, 
            'oct' : 10,
            'nov' : 11,
            'dec' : 12

CSS: Background image and padding

You can be more precise with CSS background-origin:

background-origin: content-box;

This will make image respect the padding of the box.

EditorFor() and html properties

Because the question is for EditorFor not TextBoxFor WEFX's suggestion doesn't work.

For changing individual input boxes, you can process the output of the EditorFor method:

<%: new HtmlString(Html.EditorFor(m=>m.propertyname).ToString().Replace("class=\"text-box single-line\"", "class=\"text-box single-line my500pxWideClass\"")) %>

It is also possible to change ALL your EditorFors as it turns out MVC sets the class of EditorFor text boxes with .text-box, therefore you can just override this style, in your stylesheet or on the page.

.text-box {
    width: 80em;

Additionally, you could set the style for

input[type="text"] {
    width: 200px;
  • this overrides .text-box and will change all input text boxes, EditorFor or otherwise.

How can I copy columns from one sheet to another with VBA in Excel?

If you have merged cells,

Sub OneCell()
    Sheets("Sheet2").range("B1:B3").value = Sheets("Sheet1").range("A1:A3").value
End Sub

that doesn't copy cells as they are, where previous code does copy exactly as they look like (merged).

How do I specify C:\Program Files without a space in it for programs that can't handle spaces in file paths?

You can just create a folder ProgramFiles at local D or local C to install those apps that can be install to a folder name which has a SPACES / Characters on it.

Get the element triggering an onclick event in jquery?

It's top google stackoverflow question, but all answers are not jQuery related!

        console.log(event, this);

'event' contains 2 important values:

event.currentTarget - element to which event is triggered ('.someclass' element) - element clicked (in case when inside '.someclass' [div] are other elements and you clicked on of them)

this - is set to triggered element ('.someclass'), but it's JavaScript element, not jQuery element, so if you want to use some jQuery function on it, you must first change it to jQuery element: $(this)

When your refresh the page and reload the scripts again; this method not work. You have to use jquery "unbind" method.

Where are Docker images stored on the host machine?

As answered here, if you're on Mac, it is located at


Loop over html table and get checked checkboxes (JQuery)

use .filter(':has(:checkbox:checked)' ie:

$('#mytable tr').filter(':has(:checkbox:checked)').each(function() {

extract month from date in python

import datetime

a = '2010-01-31'

datee = datetime.datetime.strptime(a, "%Y-%m-%d")

Out[9]: 1

Out[10]: 2010
Out[11]: 31

jQuery-- Populate select from json

A solution is to create your own jquery plugin that take the json map and populate the select with it.

(function($) {     
     $.fn.fillValues = function(options) {
         var settings = $.extend({
             datas : null, 
             complete : null,
         }, options);

         this.each( function(){
            var datas = settings.datas;
            if(datas !=null) {
                for(var key in datas){
                    $(this).append('<option value="'+key+'"+>'+datas[key]+'</option>');



You can call it by doing this :


The advantages is that anywhere you will face the same problem you just call


Et voila !

You can add functions in your plugin as you like

how to "execute" make file

As paxdiablo said make -f would execute the makefile, if you directly execute it by typing ./, then you would get syntax error.

Also you can just type make if your file name is makefile/Makefile.

Suppose you have two files named makefile and Makefile in the same directory then makefile is executed if make alone is given. You can even pass arguments to makefile.

Check out more about makefile at this Tutorial : Basic understanding of Makefile

What permission do I need to access Internet from an Android application?

Just put below code in AndroidManifest :

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> 
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>

Changing the image source using jQuery

IF there is not only jQuery or other resource killing frameworks - many kb to download each time by each user just for a simple trick - but also native JavaScript(!):

<img src="img1_on.jpg" 
<img src="img2_on.jpg" 

This can be written general and more elegant:

function switchImg(img){
    img.src = img.src.match(/_on/) ? 
        img.src.replace(/_on/, "_off") : 
        img.src.replace(/_off/, "_on");
    <img src="img1_on.jpg" onclick="switchImg(this)">
    <img src="img2_on.jpg" onclick="switchImg(this)">

How to increase Neo4j's maximum file open limit (ulimit) in Ubuntu?

I did it like this

echo "NEO4J_ULIMIT_NOFILE=50000" >> neo4j
mv neo4j /etc/default/

Resize Cross Domain Iframe Height

Minimum crossdomain set I've used for embedding fitted single iframe on a page.

On embedding page (containing iframe):

<iframe frameborder="0" id="sizetracker" src="" width="100%"></iframe>
<script type="text/javascript">
  // Create browser compatible event handler.
  var eventMethod = window.addEventListener ? "addEventListener" : "attachEvent";
  var eventer = window[eventMethod];
  var messageEvent = eventMethod == "attachEvent" ? "onmessage" : "message";
  // Listen for a message from the iframe.
  eventer(messageEvent, function(e) {
    if (isNaN( return;

    // replace #sizetracker with what ever what ever iframe id you need
    document.getElementById('sizetracker').style.height = + 'px';

  }, false);

On embedded page (iframe):

<script type="text/javascript">
function sendHeight()
        // replace #wrapper with element that contains 
        // actual page content
        var height= document.getElementById('wrapper').offsetHeight;
        parent.postMessage(height, '*');

// Create browser compatible event handler.
var eventMethod = window.addEventListener ? "addEventListener" : "attachEvent";
var eventer = window[eventMethod];
var messageEvent = eventMethod == "attachEvent" ? "onmessage" : "message";

// Listen for a message from the iframe.
eventer(messageEvent, function(e) {

    if (isNaN( return;



How to downgrade php from 5.5 to 5.3

Long answer: it is possible!

  1. Temporarily rename existing xampp folder
  2. Install xampp 1.7.7 into xampp folder name
  3. Folder containing just installed 1.7.7 distribution rename to different name and previously existing xampp folder rename back just to xampp.
  4. In xampp folder rename php and apache folders to different names (I propose php_prev and apache_prev) so you can after switch back to them by renaming them back.
  5. Copy apache and php folders from folder with xampp 1.7.7 into xampp directory
  6. In xampp directory comment line apache/conf/httpd.conf:458

    #Include "conf/extra/httpd-perl.conf"

  7. In xampp directory do next replaces in files:



"C:\xampp\php\.\php.exe" -f "\xampp\php\pci" -- %*


set XAMPPPHPDIR=C:\xampp\php "%XAMPPPHPDIR%\php.exe" -f "%XAMPPPHPDIR%\pci" -- %*



"C:\xampp\php\.\php.exe" -f "\xampp\php\pciconf" -- %*


set XAMPPPHPDIR=C:\xampp\php "%XAMPPPHPDIR%\.\php.exe" -f "%XAMPPPHPDIR%\pciconf" -- %*



IF "%PHP_PEAR_PHP_BIN%"=="" SET "PHP_PEAR_PHP_BIN=C:\xampp\php\.\php.exe"


IF "%PHP_PEAR_PHP_BIN%"=="" SET "PHP_PEAR_PHP_BIN=C:\xampp\php\php.exe"



IF "%PHP_PEAR_PHP_BIN%"=="" SET "PHP_PEAR_PHP_BIN=C:\xampp\php\.\php.exe"


IF "%PHP_PEAR_PHP_BIN%"=="" SET "PHP_PEAR_PHP_BIN=C:\xampp\php\php.exe"



IF "%PHP_PEAR_BIN_DIR%"=="" SET "PHP_PEAR_BIN_DIR=C:\xampp\php" IF "%PHP_PEAR_PHP_BIN%"=="" SET "PHP_PEAR_PHP_BIN=C:\xampp\php\.\php.exe"


IF "%PHP_PEAR_BIN_DIR%"=="" SET "PHP_PEAR_BIN_DIR=C:\xampp\php\" IF "%PHP_PEAR_PHP_BIN%"=="" SET "PHP_PEAR_PHP_BIN=C:\xampp\php\php.exe"



%~dp0php.exe %~dp0pharcommand.phar %*


"%~dp0php.exe" "%~dp0pharcommand.phar" %*

Enjoy new XAMPP with PHP 5.3

Checked by myself in XAMPP 5.6.31, 7.0.15 & 7.1.1 with XAMPP Control Panel v3.2.2

Getting the last argument passed to a shell script

Found this when looking to separate the last argument from all the previous one(s). Whilst some of the answers do get the last argument, they're not much help if you need all the other args as well. This works much better:


Note that this is bash-only.

Submitting a form on 'Enter' with jQuery?

In HTML codes:

<form action="POST" onsubmit="ajax_submit();return false;">
    <b>First Name:</b> <input type="text" name="firstname" id="firstname">
    <b>Last Name:</b> <input type="text" name="lastname" id="lastname">
    <input type="submit" name="send" onclick="ajax_submit();">

In Js codes:

function ajax_submit()
        url: "submit.php",
        type: "POST",
        data: {
            firstname: $("#firstname").val(),
            lastname: $("#lastname").val()
        dataType: "JSON",
        success: function (jsonStr) {
            // another codes when result is success

What is the difference between `` and `Enum.toString()`?

The main difference between name() and toString() is that name() is a final method, so it cannot be overridden. The toString() method returns the same value that name() does by default, but toString() can be overridden by subclasses of Enum.

Therefore, if you need the name of the field itself, use name(). If you need a string representation of the value of the field, use toString().

For instance:

public enum WeekDay {

    public String toString() {
        return name().charAt(0) + name().substring(1).toLowerCase();

In this example, returns "MONDAY", and WeekDay.MONDAY.toString() returns "Monday".

WeekDay.valueOf( returns WeekDay.MONDAY, but WeekDay.valueOf(WeekDay.MONDAY.toString()) throws an IllegalArgumentException.

How to obtain the query string from the current URL with JavaScript?

I think it is way more safer to rely on the browser than any ingenious regex:

const parseUrl = function(url) { _x000D_
  const a = document.createElement('a')_x000D_
  a.href = url_x000D_
  return {_x000D_
    protocol: a.protocol ? a.protocol : null,_x000D_
    hostname: a.hostname ? a.hostname : null,_x000D_
    port: a.port ? a.port : null,_x000D_
    path: a.pathname ? a.pathname : null,_x000D_
    query: ? : null,_x000D_
    hash: a.hash ? a.hash : null,_x000D_
    host: ? : null  _x000D_
console.log( parseUrl(window.location.href) ) //stacksnippet_x000D_
//to obtain a query_x000D_
console.log( parseUrl( '').query )

When must we use NVARCHAR/NCHAR instead of VARCHAR/CHAR in SQL Server?

Josh says: "....Something to keep in mind when you are using Unicode although you can store different languages in a single column you can only sort using a single collation. There are some languages that use latin characters but do not sort like other latin languages. Accents is a good example of this, I can't remeber the example but there was a eastern european language whose Y didn't sort like the English Y. Then there is the spanish ch which spanish users expet to be sorted after h."

I'm a native Spanish Speaker and "ch" is not a letter but two "c" and "h" and the Spanish alphabet is like: abcdefghijklmn ñ opqrstuvwxyz We don't expect "ch" after "h" but "i" The alphabet is the same as in English except for the ñ or in HTML "&ntilde ;"


Linq Query Group By and Selecting First Items

See LINQ: How to get the latest/last record with a group by clause

var firstItemsInGroup = from b in mainButtons
                 group b by b.category into g
select g.First();

I assume that mainButtons are already sorted correctly.

If you need to specify custom sort order, use OrderBy override with Comparer.

var firstsByCompareInGroups = from p in rows
        group p by p.ID into grp
        select grp.OrderBy(a => a, new CompareRows()).First();

See an example in my post "Select First Row In Group using Custom Comparer"

How to change node.js's console font color?

This somewhat depends on what platform you are on. The most common way to do this is by printing ANSI escape sequences. For a simple example, here's some python code from the blender build scripts:

// This is a object for use ANSI escape to color the text in the terminal
const bColors = {
    HEADER    : '\033[95m',
    OKBLUE    : '\033[94m',
    OKGREEN   : '\033[92m',
    WARNING   : '\033[93m',
    FAIL      : '\033[91m',
    ENDC      : '\033[0m', 
    BOLD      : '\033[1m',   
    UNDERLINE : '\033[4m'

To use code like this, you can do something like

console.log(`${bColors.WARNING} My name is sami ${bColors.ENDC}`)

How to apply two CSS classes to a single element

Separate 'em with a space.

<div class="c1 c2"></div>

How to save a base64 image to user's disk using JavaScript?

This Works

function saveBase64AsFile(base64, fileName) {
    var link = document.createElement("a");
    link.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
    link.href = "data:text/plain;base64," + base64; = fileName;;  

Based on the answer above but with some changes


If your application needs to react on request of type post, use this:

if(strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) === 'POST') { // if form submitted with post method
    // validate request, 
    // manage post request differently, 
    // log or don't log request,
    // redirect to avoid resubmition on F5 etc

If your application needs to react on any data received through post request, use this:

if(!empty($_POST)) {  // if received any post data
   // process $_POST values, 
   // save data to DB,
   // ... 

if(!empty($_FILES)) { // if received any "post" files
   // validate uploaded FILES
   // move to uploaded dir
   // ...

It is implementation specific, but you a going to use both, + $_FILES superglobal.

Progress Bar with HTML and CSS

Using setInterval.

var totalelem = document.getElementById("total");_x000D_
var progresselem = document.getElementById("progress");_x000D_
var interval = setInterval(function(){_x000D_
    }_x000D_ = progresselem.offsetWidth+1+"px";_x000D_
    width: 200px;_x000D_
    height: 15px;_x000D_
    background: red;_x000D_
    width: 0px;_x000D_
    height: 15px;_x000D_
    background: green;_x000D_
<div id="total" class="outer">_x000D_
    <div id="progress" class="inner"></div>_x000D_

Using CSS Transtitions.

function loading()_x000D_
    width: 200px;_x000D_
    height: 15px;_x000D_
    background: red;_x000D_
    width: 0px;_x000D_
    height: 15px;_x000D_
    background: green;_x000D_
    -webkit-transition:width 3s linear;_x000D_
    transition: width 3s linear;_x000D_
<div id="total" class="outer">_x000D_
    <div id="progress" class="inner"></div>_x000D_
<button id="load" onclick="loading()">Load</button>

Convert MySQL to SQlite

I found the perfect solution

First, you need this script (put it into a file called ''):

if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then
  echo "Usage: $0 <dumpname>"

cat $1 |
grep -v ' KEY "' |
grep -v ' UNIQUE KEY "' |
grep -v ' PRIMARY KEY ' |
sed '/^SET/d' |
sed 's/ unsigned / /g' |
sed 's/ auto_increment/ primary key autoincrement/g' |
sed 's/ smallint([0-9]*) / integer /g' |
sed 's/ tinyint([0-9]*) / integer /g' |
sed 's/ int([0-9]*) / integer /g' |
sed 's/ character set [^ ]* / /g' |
sed 's/ enum([^)]*) / varchar(255) /g' |
sed 's/ on update [^,]*//g' |
sed 's/\\r\\n/\\n/g' |
sed 's/\\"/"/g' |
perl -e 'local $/;$_=<>;s/,\n\)/\n\)/gs;print "begin;\n";print;print "commit;\n"' |
perl -pe '
if (/^(INSERT.+?)\(/) {
' > $1.sql
cat $1.sql | sqlite3 $1.db > $1.err
ERRORS=`cat $1.err | wc -l`
if [ $ERRORS == 0 ]; then
  echo "Conversion completed without error. Output file: $1.db"
  rm $1.sql
  rm $1.err
  echo "There were errors during conversion.  Please review $1.err and $1.sql for details."

Then, dump a copy of your database:

you@prompt:~$ mysqldump -u root -p --compatible=ansi --skip-opt generator > dumpfile

And now, run the conversion:

you@prompt:~$ dumpfile

And if all goes well, you should now have a dumpfile.db which can be used via sqlite3.

you@prompt:~$ sqlite3 dumpfile.db 
SQLite version 3.6.10
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> .tables
dg_cities                 dg_forms                  dg_surnames             
dg_counties               dg_provinces              dg_user_accounts        
dg_countries              dg_provinces_netherlands
dg_first_names            dg_states

Getting Lat/Lng from Google marker

// show the marker position //

console.log( );
console.log( objMarker.position.lng() );

// create a new point based into marker position //

var deltaLat = 1.002;
var deltaLng = -1.003;

var objPoint = new google.maps.LatLng( 
  parseFloat( ) + deltaLat, 
  parseFloat( objMarker.position.lng() ) + deltaLng

// now center the map using the new point //

objMap.setCenter( objPoint );

Query to list all users of a certain group

And the more complex query if you need to search in a several groups:

(&(objectCategory=user)(|(memberOf=CN=GroupOne,OU=Security Groups,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com)(memberOf=CN=GroupTwo,OU=Security Groups,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com)(memberOf=CN=GroupThree,OU=Security Groups,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com)))

The same example with recursion:

(&(objectCategory=user)(|(memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=GroupOne,OU=Security Groups,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com)(memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=GroupTwo,OU=Security Groups,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com)(memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=GroupThree,OU=Security Groups,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com)))

Using Keras & Tensorflow with AMD GPU

This is an old question, but since I spent the last few weeks trying to figure it out on my own:

  1. OpenCL support for Theano is hit and miss. They added a libgpuarray back-end which appears to still be buggy (i.e., the process runs on the GPU but the answer is wrong--like 8% accuracy on MNIST for a DL model that gets ~95+% accuracy on CPU or nVidia CUDA). Also because ~50-80% of the performance boost on the nVidia stack comes from the CUDNN libraries now, OpenCL will just be left in the dust. (SEE BELOW!) :)
  2. ROCM appears to be very cool, but the documentation (and even a clear declaration of what ROCM is/what it does) is hard to understand. They're doing their best, but they're 4+ years behind. It does NOT NOT NOT work on an RX550 (as of this writing). So don't waste your time (this is where 1 of the weeks went :) ). At first, it appears ROCM is a new addition to the driver set (replacing AMDGPU-Pro, or augmenting it), but it is in fact a kernel module and set of libraries that essentially replace AMDGPU-Pro. (Think of this as the equivalent of Nvidia-381 driver + CUDA some libraries kind of). (Honestly I still haven't tested the performance or tried to get it to work with more recent Mesa drivers yet. I will do that sometime.
  3. Add MiOpen to ROCM, and that is essentially CUDNN. They also have some pretty clear guides for migrating. But better yet.
  4. They created "HIP" which is an automagical translator from CUDA/CUDNN to MiOpen. It seems to work pretty well since they lined the API's up directly to be translatable. There are concepts that aren't perfect maps, but in general it looks good.

Now, finally, after 3-4 weeks of trying to figure out OpenCL, etc, I found this tutorial to help you get started quickly. It is a step-by-step for getting hipCaffe up and running. Unlike nVidia though, please ensure you have supported hardware!!!! Think you can get it working without their supported hardware? Good luck. You've been warned. Once you have ROCM up and running (AND RUN THE VERIFICATION TESTS), here is the hipCaffe tutorial--if you got ROCM up you'll be doing an MNIST validation test within 10 minutes--sweet!

Regular expression include and exclude special characters

For the allowed characters you can use

^[a-zA-Z0-9~@#$^*()_+=[\]{}|\\,.?: -]*$

to validate a complete string that should consist of only allowed characters. Note that - is at the end (because otherwise it'd be a range) and a few characters are escaped.

For the invalid characters you can use


to check for them.

To combine both into a single regex you can use

^(?=[a-zA-Z0-9~@#$^*()_+=[\]{}|\\,.?: -]*$)(?!.*[<>'"/;`%])

but you'd need a regex engine that allows lookahead.

Adding close button in div to close the box

jQuery("#your_div_id").remove(); will completely remove the corresponding elements from the HTML DOM. So if you want to show the div on another event without a refresh, it will not be possible to retrieve the removed elements back unless you use AJAX.

jQuery("#your_div_id").toggle("slow"); will also could make unexpected results. As an Example when you select some element on your div which generates another div with a close button(which uses the same close functionality just as your previous div) it could make undesired behaviour.

So without using AJAX, a good solution for the close button would be as follows


<div id="your_div_id">
<span class="close_div" onclick="close_div(1)">&#10006</span>


function close_div(id) {
    if(id === 1) {

Now you can show the div, when another event occures as you wish... :-)

Android "gps requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" error, even though my manifest file contains this

ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION, ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE are all part of the Android 6.0 runtime permission system. In addition to having them in the manifest as you do, you also have to request them from the user at runtime (using requestPermissions()) and see if you have them (using checkSelfPermission()).

One workaround in the short term is to drop your targetSdkVersion below 23.

But, eventually, you will want to update your app to use the runtime permission system.

For example, this activity works with five permissions. Four are runtime permissions, though it is presently only handling three (I wrote it before WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE was added to the runtime permission roster).

 Copyright (c) 2015 CommonsWare, LLC
 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
 of the License at Unless required
 by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
 OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
 language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

 From _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_


import android.Manifest;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuItem;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {
  private static final String[] INITIAL_PERMS={
  private static final String[] CAMERA_PERMS={
  private static final String[] CONTACTS_PERMS={
  private static final String[] LOCATION_PERMS={
  private static final int INITIAL_REQUEST=1337;
  private static final int CAMERA_REQUEST=INITIAL_REQUEST+1;
  private static final int CONTACTS_REQUEST=INITIAL_REQUEST+2;
  private static final int LOCATION_REQUEST=INITIAL_REQUEST+3;
  private TextView location;
  private TextView camera;
  private TextView internet;
  private TextView contacts;
  private TextView storage;

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    if (!canAccessLocation() || !canAccessContacts()) {
      requestPermissions(INITIAL_PERMS, INITIAL_REQUEST);

  protected void onResume() {


  public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);


  public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    switch(item.getItemId()) {
        if (canAccessCamera()) {
        else {
          requestPermissions(CAMERA_PERMS, CAMERA_REQUEST);

        if (canAccessContacts()) {
        else {
          requestPermissions(CONTACTS_PERMS, CONTACTS_REQUEST);

        if (canAccessLocation()) {
        else {
          requestPermissions(LOCATION_PERMS, LOCATION_REQUEST);


  public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String[] permissions, int[] grantResults) {

    switch(requestCode) {
      case CAMERA_REQUEST:
        if (canAccessCamera()) {
        else {

        if (canAccessContacts()) {
        else {

        if (canAccessLocation()) {
        else {

  private void updateTable() {

  private boolean canAccessLocation() {

  private boolean canAccessCamera() {

  private boolean canAccessContacts() {

  private boolean hasPermission(String perm) {

  private void bzzzt() {
    Toast.makeText(this, R.string.toast_bzzzt, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

  private void doCameraThing() {
    Toast.makeText(this, R.string.toast_camera, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

  private void doContactsThing() {
    Toast.makeText(this, R.string.toast_contacts, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

  private void doLocationThing() {
    Toast.makeText(this, R.string.toast_location, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

(from this sample project)

For the requestPermissions() function, should the parameters just be "ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"? Or should I include the full name "android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"?

I would use the constants defined on Manifest.permission, as shown above.

Also, what is the request code?

That will be passed back to you as the first parameter to onRequestPermissionsResult(), so you can tell one requestPermissions() call from another.

Pass Javascript variable to PHP via ajax

Pass the data like this to the ajax call (

data: { userID : userID }

And in your PHP do this:

    $uid = $_POST['userID'];

    // Do whatever you want with the $uid

isset() function's purpose is to check wheter the given variable exists, not to get its value.

What is the difference between Cloud, Grid and Cluster?

Cloud: the hardware running the application scales to meet the demand (potentially crossing multiple machines, networks, etc).

Grid: the application scales to take as much hardware as possible (for example in the hope of finding extra-terrestrial intelligence).

Cluster: this is an old term referring to one OS instance or one DB instance installed across multiple machines. It was done with special OS handling, proprietary drivers, low latency network cards with fat cables, and various hardware bedfellows.

(We love you SGI, but notice that "Cloud" and "Grid" are available to the little guy and your NUMAlink never has been...)

show/hide a div on hover and hover out

<script type="text/javascript">
    var IdAry=['reports1'];
    window.onload=function() {
     for (var zxc0=0;zxc0<IdAry.length;zxc0++){
      var el=document.getElementById(IdAry[zxc0]);
      if (el){
       el.onmouseover=function() {
       el.onmouseout=function() {
    function changeText(obj,cl1,cl2) {

ur html should look like this

<p id="reports1">
                <span id="span1">Test Content</span>
                <span class="hide">

                    <br /> <br /> This is the content that appears when u hover on the it

Conflict with dependency ''. Resolved versions for app (23.1.0) and test app (23.0.1) differ

Chang your application level build.gradle file's:

implementation ''


 implementation ''

"use database_name" command in PostgreSQL

When you get a connection to PostgreSQL it is always to a particular database. To access a different database, you must get a new connection.

Using \c in psql closes the old connection and acquires a new one, using the specified database and/or credentials. You get a whole new back-end process and everything.

limit text length in php and provide 'Read more' link

<?php $string = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.";
if (strlen($string) > 25) {
$trimstring = substr($string, 0, 25). ' <a href="#">readmore...</a>';
} else {
$trimstring = $string;
echo $trimstring;
//Output : Lorem Ipsum is simply dum [readmore...][1]

Can I have multiple Xcode versions installed?

Can I have multiple Xcode versions installed?

Actually as many of the above answers says, it is possible. Even according to the following Oracle Mobile Platform Blog, you can install more than one XCodes in the same Mac. The reason why you need to do that may vary according to you.

You might have installed only one version of XCode for now. Mostly the one release behind the latest XCode version which is available through App Store (mine I've Xcode 6.3.2 and I needed to keep it and also install Xcode 7 which is available through App Store).

For Ex:-

You have already installed XCode 6.x, and App Store has XCode 7 already given by App Store. For any reason you need to keep that Older XCode 6.x(as you know it is stable for some time now) and also you need to install and try out new XCode 7

So number one question might be, How and Where could you download the Mac OS X installable DMG file for XCode 7 (or may be if you wanna try out an older XCode version)? Ok, here is the direct link apple downloads (you might have to log into Apple Developer account before viewing this link correctly), or else following is a StackOverflow Q&A link which gives the answer to where to download DMG files for XCode IDEs.

So now let's assume that you have obtained any of the DMG file for the XCode version you require to install as secondarily?

Follow the steps given bellow which I got from the above given first link of Oracles Mobile Platform Blog.

  1. Close Xcode if running
  2. Rename /Applications/ to /Applications/
  3. Enter the admin password when prompted
  4. Double click the DMG file of your required, pre-downloaded Xcode and install it
  5. Once installed it, before running it, change the new /Applications/ that was just installed to (according to my above given example) /Application/


[Please patiently read this section until the next Note] When you have two versions of Xcode installed, your workstation has two versions of Command Line Tool (xcodebuild) installed too. The question is what your Terminal and Xcode build command will use to when you are building your iOS App. Because along with the Command Line Tool, iOS SDK which is being used to build your app also depends on.

My experience was I've had two Xcode versions. Xcode 10 (Old one with iOS12.0 - iphoneos12.0), and Xcode 10.1 (New one with iOS 12.1 - iphoneos12.1). So obviously the settings for Command Line Tool was selected to use xcodebuild tool from the Old app. I had to manually select it in Xcode preference window.

Where to set Command Line Tool in Xcode Preference Window?

  • Select the Locations tab and there, you can select all the installed versions of Command Line Tools (which is xcodebuild).

How to figure out which version of iOS SDK is being used to build your iOS App?

  • On your Terminal issue following command: $> xcodebuild -showsdks
  • Above command should print out all the SDK details which your current Xcode configuration uses to build your Apps. And by seeing the results you will understand that your iOS/iphoneos SDK version depends on changing Command Line Tool (xcodebuild) setting on your Xcode.

Above given Apple Downloads link and Oracles MPF blog post links might change and/or unavailable in the future.

So I hope that my this answer might be helpful to somebody else out there!

Get MIME type from filename extension

Inspired by Samuel's answer, I wrote an improved version:

  • Also works when extension is uppercase.
  • Take filename as input, handle files without extensions gracefully.
  • Don't include "." in keys.
  • List from Apache, for which I wrote a small transformation script.

The resulting source code is over 30K characters so I can't post it here, check it on Github.

Using ExcelDataReader to read Excel data starting from a particular cell

To be more clear, I will begin at the beginning.

I will rely on the sample code found in, but with some modifications to avoid inconveniences.

The following code detects the file format, either xls or xlsx.

FileStream stream = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
IExcelDataReader excelReader;

//1. Reading Excel file
if (Path.GetExtension(filePath).ToUpper() == ".XLS")
    //1.1 Reading from a binary Excel file ('97-2003 format; *.xls)
    excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateBinaryReader(stream);
    //1.2 Reading from a OpenXml Excel file (2007 format; *.xlsx)
    excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateOpenXmlReader(stream);

//2. DataSet - The result of each spreadsheet will be created in the result.Tables
DataSet result = excelReader.AsDataSet();

//3. DataSet - Create column names from first row
excelReader.IsFirstRowAsColumnNames = false;

Now we can access the file contents in a more convenient way. I use DataTable for this. The following is an example to access a specific cell, and print its value in the console:

DataTable dt = result.Tables[0];

If you do not want to do a DataTable, you can do the same as follows:


It is important not try to read beyond the limits of the table, for this you can see the number of rows and columns as follows:


Finally, when you're done, you should close the reader and free resources:

//5. Free resources (IExcelDataReader is IDisposable)

I hope you find it useful.

(I understand that the question is old, but I make this contribution to enhance the knowledge base, because there is little material about particular implementations of this library).

java.nio.file.Path for a classpath resource

It turns out you can do this, with the help of the built-in Zip File System provider. However, passing a resource URI directly to Paths.get won't work; instead, one must first create a zip filesystem for the jar URI without the entry name, then refer to the entry in that filesystem:

static Path resourceToPath(URL resource)
throws IOException,
       URISyntaxException {

    Objects.requireNonNull(resource, "Resource URL cannot be null");
    URI uri = resource.toURI();

    String scheme = uri.getScheme();
    if (scheme.equals("file")) {
        return Paths.get(uri);

    if (!scheme.equals("jar")) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert to Path: " + uri);

    String s = uri.toString();
    int separator = s.indexOf("!/");
    String entryName = s.substring(separator + 2);
    URI fileURI = URI.create(s.substring(0, separator));

    FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(fileURI,
        Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap());
    return fs.getPath(entryName);


It’s been rightly pointed out that the above code contains a resource leak, since the code opens a new FileSystem object but never closes it. The best approach is to pass a Consumer-like worker object, much like how Holger’s answer does it. Open the ZipFS FileSystem just long enough for the worker to do whatever it needs to do with the Path (as long as the worker doesn’t try to store the Path object for later use), then close the FileSystem.

Why does an image captured using camera intent gets rotated on some devices on Android?

The selected answer uses the most common method answered to this and similar questions. However, it does not work with both front and back cameras on Samsung. For those looking for a solution which works across both front and back cameras for Samsung and other major manufacturers, this answer by nvhausid is awesome:

For those who don't want to click through, the relevant magic is to use the CameraInfo rather then relying on EXIF.

Bitmap realImage = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.length);
android.hardware.Camera.CameraInfo info = new android.hardware.Camera.CameraInfo();
android.hardware.Camera.getCameraInfo(mCurrentCameraId, info);
Bitmap bitmap = rotate(realImage, info.orientation);

Full code in the link.

Calling jQuery method from onClick attribute in HTML

you forgot to add this in your function : change to this :

<input type="button" value="ahaha"  onclick="$(this).MessageBox('msg');" />

Difference between HashMap and Map in Java..?

HashMap is an implementation of Map. Map is just an interface for any type of map.

React Native TextInput that only accepts numeric characters

You can remove non numeric characters using regex

onTextChanged (text) {
        myNumber: text.replace(/\D/g, ''),

What's the most elegant way to cap a number to a segment?

If you don’t want to define any function, writing it like Math.min(Math.max(x, a), b) isn’t that bad.

On linux SUSE or RedHat, how do I load Python 2.7

You have to leave Python 2.4 installed on RHEL/Centos; otherwise, tools start breaking. You can do a dual-install, though; I talk about this here:

The post is about 2.6, but applies equally to 2.7.

LEFT JOIN in LINQ to entities?

Ah, got it myselfs.
The quirks and quarks of LINQ-2-entities.
This looks most understandable:

var query2 = (
    from users in Repo.T_Benutzer
    from mappings in Repo.T_Benutzer_Benutzergruppen
        .Where(mapping => mapping.BEBG_BE == users.BE_ID).DefaultIfEmpty()
    from groups in Repo.T_Benutzergruppen
        .Where(gruppe => gruppe.ID == mappings.BEBG_BG).DefaultIfEmpty()
    //where users.BE_Name.Contains(keyword)
    // //|| mappings.BEBG_BE.Equals(666)  
    //|| mappings.BEBG_BE == 666 
    //|| groups.Name.Contains(keyword)

    select new
         UserId = users.BE_ID
        ,UserName = users.BE_User
        ,UserGroupId = mappings.BEBG_BG
        ,GroupName = groups.Name


var xy = (query2).ToList();

Remove the .DefaultIfEmpty(), and you get an inner join.
That was what I was looking for.

Excel VBA - Range.Copy transpose paste

WorksheetFunction Transpose()

Instead of copying, pasting via PasteSpecial, and using the Transpose option you can simply type a formula


or if you prefer VBA:

    Dim v
    v = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Sheet1.Range("A1:A5"))
    Sheet2.Range("A1").Resize(1, UBound(v)) = v

Note: alternatively you could use late-bound Application.Transpose instead.

MS help reference states that having a current version of Microsoft 365, one can simply input the formula in the top-left-cell of the target range, otherwise the formula must be entered as a legacy array formula via Ctrl+Shift+Enter to confirm it.

Versions Excel vers. 2007+, Mac since 2011, Excel for Microsoft 365

What is the difference between Step Into and Step Over in a debugger

step into will dig into method calls
step over will just execute the line and go to the next one

Add timer to a Windows Forms application

Bit more detail:

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Timer MyTimer = new Timer();
        MyTimer.Interval = (45 * 60 * 1000); // 45 mins
        MyTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(MyTimer_Tick);

    private void MyTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        MessageBox.Show("The form will now be closed.", "Time Elapsed");

How do you deploy Angular apps?

In order to deploy your Angular2 app to a production server, first and foremost, ensure your app runs locally on your machine.

Angular2 app can also be deployed as a node app.

So, create a node entry point file server.js/app.js (my example uses express)

var express = require('express'),
    path = require('path'),
    fs = require('fs');

var app = express();
var staticRoot = __dirname + '/';

app.set('port', (process.env.PORT || 3000));


app.use(function(req, res, next){

    // if the request is not html then move along
    var accept = req.accepts('html', 'json', 'xml');
    if(accept !== 'html'){
        return next();

    // if the request has a '.' assume that it's for a file, move along
    var ext = path.extname(req.path);
    if (ext !== ''){
        return next();

    fs.createReadStream(staticRoot + 'index.html').pipe(res);


app.listen(app.get('port'), function() {
    console.log('app running on port', app.get('port'));

Also add express as a dependency in your package.json file.

Then deploy it on your preferred environment.

I have put together a small blog for deployment on IIS. follow link

Http 415 Unsupported Media type error with JSON

If you get this in React RSAA middleware or similar, Add the headers:

  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  body: JSON.stringify(model),

checking memory_limit in PHP

Here is another simpler way to check that.

$memory_limit = return_bytes(ini_get('memory_limit'));
if ($memory_limit < (64 * 1024 * 1024)) {
    // Memory insufficient      

* Converts shorthand memory notation value to bytes
* From
* @param $val Memory size shorthand notation string
function return_bytes($val) {
    $val = trim($val);
    $last = strtolower($val[strlen($val)-1]);
    $val = substr($val, 0, -1);
    switch($last) {
        // The 'G' modifier is available since PHP 5.1.0
        case 'g':
            $val *= 1024;
        case 'm':
            $val *= 1024;
        case 'k':
            $val *= 1024;
    return $val;

Adding a new array element to a JSON object

In my case, my JSON object didn't have any existing Array in it, so I had to create array element first and then had to push the element.

  elementToPush = [1, 2, 3]
  if (!obj.arr) this.$set(obj, "arr", [])

(This answer may not be relevant to this particular question, but may help someone else)

Last non-empty cell in a column

This works in Excel 2003 (& later with minor edit, see below). Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter (not just Enter) to enter this as an array formula.


Be aware that Excel 2003 is unable to apply an array formula to an entire column. Doing so yields #NUM!; unpredictable results may occur! (EDIT: Conflicting information from Microsoft: The same may or may not be true about Excel 2007; problem may have been fixed in 2010.)

That's why I apply the array formula to range A1:A65535 and give special treatment to the last cell, which is A65536 in Excel 2003. Can't just say A:A or even A1:A65536 as the latter automatically reverts to A:A.

If you're absolutely sure A65536 is blank, then you can skip the IF part:


Note that if you're using Excel 2007 or 2010, the last row number is 1048576 not 65536, so adjust the above as appropriate.

If there are no blank cells in the middle of your data, then I would just use the simpler formula, =INDEX(A:A,COUNTA(A:A)).

How do I force Robocopy to overwrite files?

I did this for a home folder where all the folders are on the desktops of the corresponding users, reachable through a shortcut which did not have the appropriate permissions, so that users couldn't see it even if it was there. So I used Robocopy with the parameter to overwrite the file with the right settings:

FOR /F "tokens=*" %G IN ('dir /b') DO robocopy  "\\server02\Folder with shortcut" "\\server02\home\%G\Desktop" /S /A /V /log+:C:\RobocopyShortcut.txt /XF *.url *.mp3 *.hta *.htm *.mht *.js *.IE5 *.css *.temp *.html *.svg *.ocx *.3gp *.opus *.zzzzz *.avi *.bin *.cab *.mp4 *.mov *.mkv *.flv *.tiff *.tif *.asf *.webm *.exe *.dll *.dl_ *.oc_ *.ex_ *.sy_ *.sys *.msi *.inf *.ini *.bmp *.png *.gif *.jpeg *.jpg *.mpg *.db *.wav *.wma *.wmv *.mpeg *.tmp *.old *.vbs *.log *.bat *.cmd *.zip /SEC /IT /ZB /R:0

As you see there are many file types which I set to ignore (just in case), just set them for your needs or your case scenario.

It was tested on Windows Server 2012, and every switch is documented on Microsoft's sites and others.

Why does C++ compilation take so long?

The slowdown is not necessarily the same with any compiler.

I haven't used Delphi or Kylix but back in the MS-DOS days, a Turbo Pascal program would compile almost instantaneously, while the equivalent Turbo C++ program would just crawl.

The two main differences were a very strong module system and a syntax that allowed single-pass compilation.

It's certainly possible that compilation speed just hasn't been a priority for C++ compiler developers, but there are also some inherent complications in the C/C++ syntax that make it more difficult to process. (I'm not an expert on C, but Walter Bright is, and after building various commercial C/C++ compilers, he created the D language. One of his changes was to enforce a context-free grammar to make the language easier to parse.)

Also, you'll notice that generally Makefiles are set up so that every file is compiled separately in C, so if 10 source files all use the same include file, that include file is processed 10 times.

With CSS, use "..." for overflowed block of multi-lines

I found a javascript trick, but you have to use the length of the string. Lets say you want 3 lines of width 250px, you can calculate the length per line i.e.

//get the total character length.
//Haha this might vary if you have a text with lots of "i" vs "w"
var totalLength = (width / yourFontSize) * yourNumberOfLines

//then ellipsify
function shorten(text, totalLength) {
    var ret = text;
    if (ret.length > totalLength) {
        ret = ret.substr(0, totalLength-3) + "...";
    return ret;

*ngIf and *ngFor on same element causing error

As @Zyzle mentioned, and @Günter mentioned in a comment (, this is not supported.


<ul *ngIf="show">
  <li *ngFor="let thing of stuff">

there are no empty <li> elements when the list is empty. Even the <ul> element does not exist (as expected).

When the list is populated, there are no redundant container elements.

The github discussion (4792) that @Zyzle mentioned in his comment also presents another solution using <template> (below I'm using your original markup ‐ using <div>s):

<template [ngIf]="show">
  <div *ngFor="let thing of stuff">

This solution also does not introduce any extra/redundant container elements.

Get the selected option id with jQuery

You can get it using the :selected selector, like this:

$("#my_select").change(function() {
  var id = $(this).children(":selected").attr("id");

Check for column name in a SqlDataReader object

This code corrects the issues that Levitikon had with their code: (adapted from: [1]:

public List<string> GetColumnNames(SqlDataReader r)
    List<string> ColumnNames = new List<string>();
    DataTable schemaTable = r.GetSchemaTable();
    DataRow row = schemaTable.Rows[0];
    foreach (DataColumn col in schemaTable.Columns)
        if (col.ColumnName == "ColumnName") 
    return ColumnNames;

The reason for getting all of those useless column names and not the name of the column from your table... Is because your are getting the name of schema column (i.e. the column names for the Schema table)

NOTE: this seems to only return the name of the first column...

EDIT: corrected code that returns the name of all columns, but you cannot use a SqlDataReader to do it

public List<string> ExecuteColumnNamesReader(string command, List<SqlParameter> Params)
    List<string> ColumnNames = new List<string>();
    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter();
    string connection = ""; // your sql connection string
    SqlCommand sqlComm = new SqlCommand(command, connection);
    foreach (SqlParameter p in Params) { sqlComm.Parameters.Add(p); }
    da.SelectCommand = sqlComm;
    DataTable dt = new DataTable();
    DataRow row = dt.Rows[0];
    for (int ordinal = 0; ordinal < dt.Columns.Count; ordinal++)
        string column_name = dt.Columns[ordinal].ColumnName;
    return ColumnNames; // you can then call .Contains("name") on the returned collection

How to prevent downloading images and video files from my website?

Images must be downloaded in order to be viewed by the client. Videos are a similar case, in many scenarios. You can setup proxy scripts to serve the files out, but that doesn't really solve the issue of preventing the user from getting their own copy. For a more thorough discussion of this topic, see the question How can I prevent/make it hard to download my flash video?

Reactive forms - disabled attribute

You can enable/disable a form control by using the following methods:

control.disable() or control.enable()

If that did not work for you can use a directive

import { NgControl } from '@angular/forms';

  selector: '[disableControl]'
export class DisableControlDirective {

  @Input() set disableControl( condition : boolean ) {
    const action = condition ? 'disable' : 'enable';

  constructor( private ngControl : NgControl ) {


Then you could use it like this

<input [formControl]="formControl" [disableControl]="disable">
<button (click)="disable = true">Disable</button>
<button (click)="disable = false">Enable</button>

This technique is described here:

Hope it helps

How to draw a line in android

or if you just want a line

TextView line = new TextView(this);
            line.setHeight((int) Utility.convertDpToPixel(1,this));

gem install: Failed to build gem native extension (can't find header files)

If you have gem installed and ruby and not able to install rails, then install ruby dev lib.

sudo apt-get install ruby-dev

It works for me. I have tried the different solution.

Number of days between past date and current date in Google spreadsheet

The following seemed to work well for me:

=DATEDIF(B2, Today(), "D")

How can I clear the input text after clicking

To remove the default text, on clicking the element:


I would, though, suggest using focus() instead:


Which responds to keyboard events too (the tab key, for example). Also, you could use the placeholder attribute in the element:

<input type="text" placeholder="default text" />

Which will clear on focus of the element, and reappear if the element remains empty/user doesn't input anything.

Showing the stack trace from a running Python application

In case you need to do this with uWSGI, it has Python Tracebacker built-in and it's just matter of enabling it in the configuration (number is attached to the name for each worker):


Once you have done this, you can print backtrace simply by connecting to the socket:

uwsgi --connect-and-read /var/run/uwsgi/pytrace1

How to pass parameters in GET requests with jQuery

You can use the $.ajax(), and if you don't want to put the parameters directly into the URL, use the data:. That's appended to the URL


Bitwise operation and usage

the following bitwise operators: &, |, ^, and ~ return values (based on their input) in the same way logic gates affect signals. You could use them to emulate circuits.

Remove 'b' character do in front of a string literal in Python 3

Here u Go

f = open('test.txt','rb+')

How do you specify table padding in CSS? ( table, not cell padding )

The easiest/best supported method is to use <table cellspacing="10">

The css way: border-spacing (not supported by IE I don't think)

    <!-- works in firefox, opera, safari, chrome -->_x000D_
    <style type="text/css">_x000D_
    table.foobar {_x000D_
     border: solid black 1px;_x000D_
     border-spacing: 10px;_x000D_
    table.foobar td {_x000D_
     border: solid black 1px;_x000D_
    <table class="foobar" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">_x000D_

Edit: if you just want to pad the cell content, and not space them you can simply use

<table cellpadding="10">


td {
    padding: 10px;

How can I get a specific field of a csv file?

import csv
inf = csv.reader(open('yourfile.csv','r'))
for row in inf:
  print row[1]

Synchronous XMLHttpRequest warning and <script>

Browsers now warn for the use of synchronous XHR. MDN says this was implemented recently:

Starting with Gecko 30.0 (Firefox 30.0 / Thunderbird 30.0 / SeaMonkey 2.27)

Here's how the change got implemented in Firefox and Chromium:

As for Chrome people report this started happening somewhere around version 39. I'm not sure how to link a revision/changeset to a particular version of Chrome.

Yes, it happens when jQuery appends markup to the page including script tags that load external js files. You can reproduce it with something like this:

$('body').append('<script src="foo.js"></script>');

I guess jQuery will fix this in some future version. Until then we can either ignore it or use A. Wolff's suggestion above.

Create new user in MySQL and give it full access to one database

To create a user and grant all privileges on a database.

Log in to MySQL:

mysql -u root

Now create and grant

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dbTest.* To 'user'@'hostname' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

Anonymous user (for local testing only)

Alternately, if you just want to grant full unrestricted access to a database (e.g. on your local machine for a test instance, you can grant access to the anonymous user, like so:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dbTest.* To ''@'hostname'

Be aware

This is fine for junk data in development. Don't do this with anything you care about.

Differences between "java -cp" and "java -jar"?

Like already said, the -cp is just for telling the jvm in the command line which class to use for the main thread and where it can find the libraries (define classpath). In -jar it expects the class-path and main-class to be defined in the jar file manifest. So other is for defining things in command line while other finding them inside the jar manifest. There is no difference in performance. You can't use them at the same time, -jar will override the -cp.

Though even if you use -cp, it will still check the manifest file. So you can define some of the class-paths in the manifest and some in the command line. This is particularly useful when you have a dependency on some 3rd party jar, which you might not provide with your build or don't want to provide (expecting it to be found already in the system where it's to be installed for example). So you can use it to provide external jars. It's location may vary between systems or it may even have a different version on different system (but having the same interfaces). This way you can build the app with other version and add the actual 3rd party dependency to class-path on the command line when running it on different systems.

How to remove any URL within a string in Python

I wasn't able to find any that handled my particular situation, which was removing urls in the middle of tweets that also have whitespaces in the middle of urls so I made my own:


here's an explanation:
(https?:\/\/) matches http:// or https://
(\s)* optional whitespaces
(www\.)? optionally matches www.
(\s)* optionally matches whitespaces
((\w|\s)+\.)* matches 0 or more of one or more word characters followed by a period
([\w\-\s]+\/)* matches 0 or more of one or more words(or a dash or a space) followed by '\'
([\w\-]+) any remaining path at the end of the url followed by an optional ending
((\?)?[\w\s]*=\s*[\w\%&]*)* matches ending query params (even with white spaces,etc)

test this out here:

How to run regasm.exe from command line other than Visual Studio command prompt?

If you created the DLL using .net 4.5 , then copy and paste this command on command prompt.

 %SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\regasm.exe MyAssembly.dll

What's the difference between __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __FUNCTION__, __func__?

For those, who wonder how it goes in VS.

MSVC 2015 Update 1, cl.exe version 19.00.24215.1:

#include <iostream>

template<typename X, typename Y>
struct A
  template<typename Z>
  static void f()
    std::cout << "from A::f():" << std::endl
      << __FUNCTION__ << std::endl
      << __func__ << std::endl
      << __FUNCSIG__ << std::endl;

void main()
  std::cout << "from main():" << std::endl
    << __FUNCTION__ << std::endl
    << __func__ << std::endl
    << __FUNCSIG__ << std::endl << std::endl;

  A<int, float>::f<bool>();


from main():
int __cdecl main(void)

from A::f():
void __cdecl A<int,float>::f<bool>(void)

Using of __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ triggers undeclared identifier error, as expected.

enum to string in modern C++11 / C++14 / C++17 and future C++20

Back in 2011 I spent a weekend fine-tuning a macro-based solution and ended up never using it.

My current procedure is to start Vim, copy the enumerators in an empty switch body, start a new macro, transform the first enumerator into a case statement, move the cursor to the beginning of the next line, stop the macro and generate the remaining case statements by running the macro on the other enumerators.

Vim macros are more fun than C++ macros.

Real-life example:

enum class EtherType : uint16_t
    ARP   = 0x0806,
    IPv4  = 0x0800,
    VLAN  = 0x8100,
    IPv6  = 0x86DD

I will create this:

std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, EtherType ethertype)
    switch (ethertype)
        case EtherType::ARP : return os << "ARP" ;
        case EtherType::IPv4: return os << "IPv4";
        case EtherType::VLAN: return os << "VLAN";
        case EtherType::IPv6: return os << "IPv6";
        // omit default case to trigger compiler warning for missing cases
    return os << static_cast<std::uint16_t>(ethertype);

And that's how I get by.

Native support for enum stringification would be much better though. I'm very interested to see the results of the reflection workgroup in C++17.

An alternative way to do it was posted by @sehe in the comments.

How to select/get drop down option in Selenium 2

A similar option to what was posted above by janderson would be so simply use the .GetAttribute method in selenium 2. Using this, you can grab any item that has a specific value or label that you are looking for. This can be used to determine if an element has a label, style, value, etc. A common way to do this is to loop through the items in the drop down until you find the one that you want and select it. In C#

int items = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//path_to_drop_Down")).Count(); 
for(int i = 1; i <= items; i++)
    string value = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//path_to_drop_Down/option["+i+"]")).GetAttribute("Value1");
        //Clicked on the index of the that has your label / value

What is the default encoding of the JVM?

It's going to be locale-dependent. Different locale, different default encoding.

Get drop down value

Use the value property of the <select> element. For example:

var value = document.getElementById('your_select_id').value;

Determine if variable is defined in Python

'a' in vars() or 'a' in globals()

if you want to be pedantic, you can check the builtins too
'a' in vars(__builtins__)

javascript onclick increment number

Yes! You can definitely use onclick or you can also use addEventListener to listen a click event. In this code sample the onclick event is in action(use).

HTML code:

<div class="container">
<p><output id="output">0</output></p>
<p><button type="button" id="btn">Increment</button></p>

Javascript code:

(function() {
 var button = document.getElementById("btn")
 var output = document.getElementById("output")
 var number
 var counter

 function init() {
 // Convert string to primitve number using parseInt()
  number = parseInt(output.innerText)
 * Start counter by adding any number to start counting.
 * In this case the output starts from 0 so to immediately
 * invoke the button to increment the counter add 1 to start 
 * counting in natural number (counting numbers).
 */  counter = number + 1
  function increment() {
    // Increment counter
    value = counter++
    output.innerText = value
   // Output the increment value for every click
    button.onclick = increment

 window.onload = init


java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget - Android

It sounds like you have a memory leak. The problem isn't handling many images, it's that your images aren't getting deallocated when your activity is destroyed.

It's difficult to say why this is without looking at your code. However, this article has some tips that might help:

In particular, using static variables is likely to make things worse, not better. You might need to add code that removes callbacks when your application redraws -- but again, there's not enough information here to say for sure.

Android SDK Setup under Windows 7 Pro 64 bit

I tried this registry change with no success (though many others have said it works)

I download the .zip version and used SDK Manager.exe in the end.

HTTP response code for POST when resource already exists

"302 Found" sounds logical for me. And the RFC 2616 says that it CAN be answered for other requests than GET and HEAD (and this surely includes POST)

But it still keeps the visitor going to this URL to get this "Found" resource, by the RFC. To make it to go directly to the real "Found" URL one should be using "303 See Other", which makes sense, but forces another call to GET its following URL. On the good side, this GET is cacheable.

I think that I would use "303 See Other". I dont know if I can respond with the "thing" found in the body, but I would like to do so to save one roundtrip to the server.

UPDATE: After re-reading the RFC, I still think that an inexistent "4XX+303 Found" code should be the correct. However, the "409 Conflict" is the best existing answer code (as pointed by @Wrikken), maybe including a Location header pointing to the existing resource.

Best way to "negate" an instanceof

You can achieve by doing below way.. just add a condition by adding bracket if(!(condition with instanceOf)) with the whole condition by adding ! operator at the start just the way mentioned in below code snippets.

if(!(str instanceof String)) { /* do Something */ } // COMPILATION WORK

instead of

if(str !instanceof String) { /* do Something */ } // COMPILATION FAIL

Using if(isset($_POST['submit'])) to not display echo when script is open is not working

You must give a name to your submit button

<input type="submit" value"Submit" name="login">

Then you can call the button with $_POST['login']

Java generating non-repeating random numbers

HashSet<Integer>hashSet=new HashSet<>();
Random random = new Random();
//now add random number to this set

Node.js: close client connection

There is no such thing as connection on server side and/or browser side. There is only one connection. If one of the sides closes it, then it is closed (and you cannot push data to a connection that is closed obviously).

Now a browser closes the connection when you leave the page (it does not depend on the library/language/OS you are using on the sever-side). This is at least true for WebSockets (it might not be true for long polling because of keep-alive but hopefuly handles this correctly).

If a problem like this happens, then I'm pretty sure that there's a bug in your own code (on the server side). Possibly you are stacking some event handlers where you should not.

Java Equivalent of C# async/await?

I make and released Java async/await library.

This library don't need compiler extension, and realize stackless IO processing in Java.

    async Task<int> AccessTheWebAsync(){ 
        HttpClient client= new HttpClient();
        var urlContents= await client.GetStringAsync("");
       return urlContents.Length;


    BlockingQueue<Integer> AccessTheWebAsync() {
       HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
       return awaiter.await(
            () -> client.GetStringAsync(""),
            urlContents -> {
                return urlContents.length();
    public void doget(){
        BlockingQueue<Integer> lengthQueue=AccessTheWebAsync();

CSS rotation cross browser with jquery.animate()

this is my solution:

var matrixRegex = /(?:matrix\(|\s*,\s*)([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+(?:[e][-+]?[0-9]+)?)/gi;

var getMatches = function(string, regex) {
    regex || (regex = matrixRegex);
    var matches = [];
    var match;
    while (match = regex.exec(string)) {
    return matches;

$.cssHooks['rotation'] = {
    get: function(elem) {
        var $elem = $(elem);
        var matrix = getMatches($elem.css('transform'));
        if (matrix.length != 6) {
            return 0;
        return Math.atan2(parseFloat(matrix[1]), parseFloat(matrix[0])) * (180/Math.PI);
    set: function(elem, val){
        var $elem = $(elem);
        var deg = parseFloat(val);
        if (!isNaN(deg)) {
            $elem.css({ transform: 'rotate(' + deg + 'deg)' });
$.cssNumber.rotation = true;
$.fx.step.rotation = function(fx) {
    $.cssHooks.rotation.set(fx.elem, + fx.unit);

then you can use it in the default animate fkt:

//rotate to 90 deg cw
$('selector').animate({ rotation: 90 });

//rotate to -90 deg ccw
$('selector').animate({ rotation: -90 });

//rotate 90 deg cw from current rotation
$('selector').animate({ rotation: '+=90' });

//rotate 90 deg ccw from current rotation
$('selector').animate({ rotation: '-=90' });

Understanding .get() method in Python

The get method of a dict (like for example characters) works just like indexing the dict, except that, if the key is missing, instead of raising a KeyError it returns the default value (if you call .get with just one argument, the key, the default value is None).

So an equivalent Python function (where calling myget(d, k, v) is just like d.get(k, v) might be:

def myget(d, k, v=None):
  try: return d[k]
  except KeyError: return v

The sample code in your question is clearly trying to count the number of occurrences of each character: if it already has a count for a given character, get returns it (so it's just incremented by one), else get returns 0 (so the incrementing correctly gives 1 at a character's first occurrence in the string).

UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte X in position Y: character maps to <undefined>

for me encoding with utf16 worked

file = open('filename.csv', encoding="utf16")

What is the difference between ExecuteScalar, ExecuteReader and ExecuteNonQuery?

ExecuteNonQuery method will return number of rows effected with INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE operations. This ExecuteNonQuery method will be used only for insert, update and delete, Create, and SET statements. (Read More)

ExecuteScalar will return single row single column value i.e. single value, on execution of SQL Query or Stored procedure using command object. It’s very fast to retrieve single values from database. (Read More)

ExecuteReader will be used to return the set of rows, on execution of SQL Query or Stored procedure using command object. This one is forward only retrieval of records and it is used to read the table values from first to last. (Read More)

If Else in LINQ

 var result = _context.Employees
                .Where(x => !x.IsDeleted)
                .Where(x => x.ClientId > (clientId > 0 ? clientId - 1 : -1))
                .Where(x => x.ClientId < (clientId > 0 ? clientId + 1 : 1000))
                .Where(x => x.ContractorFlag == employeeFlag);
            return result;

If clientId = 0 we want ALL employees,. but for any clientId between 1 and 999 we want only clients with that ID. I was having issues with seperate LINQ statements not being the same (Deleted/Clients filters need to be on all queries), so by add these two lines it works (all be it until we have 999+ clients - which would be a happy re-factor day!!

data.table vs dplyr: can one do something well the other can't or does poorly?

We need to cover at least these aspects to provide a comprehensive answer/comparison (in no particular order of importance): Speed, Memory usage, Syntax and Features.

My intent is to cover each one of these as clearly as possible from data.table perspective.

Note: unless explicitly mentioned otherwise, by referring to dplyr, we refer to dplyr's data.frame interface whose internals are in C++ using Rcpp.

The data.table syntax is consistent in its form - DT[i, j, by]. To keep i, j and by together is by design. By keeping related operations together, it allows to easily optimise operations for speed and more importantly memory usage, and also provide some powerful features, all while maintaining the consistency in syntax.

1. Speed

Quite a few benchmarks (though mostly on grouping operations) have been added to the question already showing data.table gets faster than dplyr as the number of groups and/or rows to group by increase, including benchmarks by Matt on grouping from 10 million to 2 billion rows (100GB in RAM) on 100 - 10 million groups and varying grouping columns, which also compares pandas. See also updated benchmarks, which include Spark and pydatatable as well.

On benchmarks, it would be great to cover these remaining aspects as well:

  • Grouping operations involving a subset of rows - i.e., DT[x > val, sum(y), by = z] type operations.

  • Benchmark other operations such as update and joins.

  • Also benchmark memory footprint for each operation in addition to runtime.

2. Memory usage

  1. Operations involving filter() or slice() in dplyr can be memory inefficient (on both data.frames and data.tables). See this post.

    Note that Hadley's comment talks about speed (that dplyr is plentiful fast for him), whereas the major concern here is memory.

  2. data.table interface at the moment allows one to modify/update columns by reference (note that we don't need to re-assign the result back to a variable).

    # sub-assign by reference, updates 'y' in-place
    DT[x >= 1L, y := NA]

    But dplyr will never update by reference. The dplyr equivalent would be (note that the result needs to be re-assigned):

    # copies the entire 'y' column
    ans <- DF %>% mutate(y = replace(y, which(x >= 1L), NA))

    A concern for this is referential transparency. Updating a data.table object by reference, especially within a function may not be always desirable. But this is an incredibly useful feature: see this and this posts for interesting cases. And we want to keep it.

    Therefore we are working towards exporting shallow() function in data.table that will provide the user with both possibilities. For example, if it is desirable to not modify the input data.table within a function, one can then do:

    foo <- function(DT) {
        DT = shallow(DT)          ## shallow copy DT
        DT[, newcol := 1L]        ## does not affect the original DT 
        DT[x > 2L, newcol := 2L]  ## no need to copy (internally), as this column exists only in shallow copied DT
        DT[x > 2L, x := 3L]       ## have to copy (like base R / dplyr does always); otherwise original DT will 
                                  ## also get modified.

    By not using shallow(), the old functionality is retained:

    bar <- function(DT) {
        DT[, newcol := 1L]        ## old behaviour, original DT gets updated by reference
        DT[x > 2L, x := 3L]       ## old behaviour, update column x in original DT.

    By creating a shallow copy using shallow(), we understand that you don't want to modify the original object. We take care of everything internally to ensure that while also ensuring to copy columns you modify only when it is absolutely necessary. When implemented, this should settle the referential transparency issue altogether while providing the user with both possibilties.

    Also, once shallow() is exported dplyr's data.table interface should avoid almost all copies. So those who prefer dplyr's syntax can use it with data.tables.

    But it will still lack many features that data.table provides, including (sub)-assignment by reference.

  3. Aggregate while joining:

    Suppose you have two data.tables as follows:

    DT1 = data.table(x=c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2), y=c("a", "a", "b", "b"), z=1:8, key=c("x", "y"))
    #    x y z
    # 1: 1 a 1
    # 2: 1 a 2
    # 3: 1 b 3
    # 4: 1 b 4
    # 5: 2 a 5
    # 6: 2 a 6
    # 7: 2 b 7
    # 8: 2 b 8
    DT2 = data.table(x=1:2, y=c("a", "b"), mul=4:3, key=c("x", "y"))
    #    x y mul
    # 1: 1 a   4
    # 2: 2 b   3

    And you would like to get sum(z) * mul for each row in DT2 while joining by columns x,y. We can either:

    • 1) aggregate DT1 to get sum(z), 2) perform a join and 3) multiply (or)

      # data.table way
      DT1[, .(z = sum(z)), keyby = .(x,y)][DT2][, z := z*mul][]
      # dplyr equivalent
      DF1 %>% group_by(x, y) %>% summarise(z = sum(z)) %>% 
          right_join(DF2) %>% mutate(z = z * mul)
    • 2) do it all in one go (using by = .EACHI feature):

      DT1[DT2, list(z=sum(z) * mul), by = .EACHI]

    What is the advantage?

    • We don't have to allocate memory for the intermediate result.

    • We don't have to group/hash twice (one for aggregation and other for joining).

    • And more importantly, the operation what we wanted to perform is clear by looking at j in (2).

    Check this post for a detailed explanation of by = .EACHI. No intermediate results are materialised, and the join+aggregate is performed all in one go.

    Have a look at this, this and this posts for real usage scenarios.

    In dplyr you would have to join and aggregate or aggregate first and then join, neither of which are as efficient, in terms of memory (which in turn translates to speed).

  4. Update and joins:

    Consider the data.table code shown below:

    DT1[DT2, col := i.mul]

    adds/updates DT1's column col with mul from DT2 on those rows where DT2's key column matches DT1. I don't think there is an exact equivalent of this operation in dplyr, i.e., without avoiding a *_join operation, which would have to copy the entire DT1 just to add a new column to it, which is unnecessary.

    Check this post for a real usage scenario.

To summarise, it is important to realise that every bit of optimisation matters. As Grace Hopper would say, Mind your nanoseconds!

3. Syntax

Let's now look at syntax. Hadley commented here:

Data tables are extremely fast but I think their concision makes it harder to learn and code that uses it is harder to read after you have written it ...

I find this remark pointless because it is very subjective. What we can perhaps try is to contrast consistency in syntax. We will compare data.table and dplyr syntax side-by-side.

We will work with the dummy data shown below:

DT = data.table(x=1:10, y=11:20, z=rep(1:2, each=5))
DF =
  1. Basic aggregation/update operations.

    # case (a)
    DT[, sum(y), by = z]                       ## data.table syntax
    DF %>% group_by(z) %>% summarise(sum(y)) ## dplyr syntax
    DT[, y := cumsum(y), by = z]
    ans <- DF %>% group_by(z) %>% mutate(y = cumsum(y))
    # case (b)
    DT[x > 2, sum(y), by = z]
    DF %>% filter(x>2) %>% group_by(z) %>% summarise(sum(y))
    DT[x > 2, y := cumsum(y), by = z]
    ans <- DF %>% group_by(z) %>% mutate(y = replace(y, which(x > 2), cumsum(y)))
    # case (c)
    DT[, if(any(x > 5L)) y[1L]-y[2L] else y[2L], by = z]
    DF %>% group_by(z) %>% summarise(if (any(x > 5L)) y[1L] - y[2L] else y[2L])
    DT[, if(any(x > 5L)) y[1L] - y[2L], by = z]
    DF %>% group_by(z) %>% filter(any(x > 5L)) %>% summarise(y[1L] - y[2L])
    • data.table syntax is compact and dplyr's quite verbose. Things are more or less equivalent in case (a).

    • In case (b), we had to use filter() in dplyr while summarising. But while updating, we had to move the logic inside mutate(). In data.table however, we express both operations with the same logic - operate on rows where x > 2, but in first case, get sum(y), whereas in the second case update those rows for y with its cumulative sum.

      This is what we mean when we say the DT[i, j, by] form is consistent.

    • Similarly in case (c), when we have if-else condition, we are able to express the logic "as-is" in both data.table and dplyr. However, if we would like to return just those rows where the if condition satisfies and skip otherwise, we cannot use summarise() directly (AFAICT). We have to filter() first and then summarise because summarise() always expects a single value.

      While it returns the same result, using filter() here makes the actual operation less obvious.

      It might very well be possible to use filter() in the first case as well (does not seem obvious to me), but my point is that we should not have to.

  2. Aggregation / update on multiple columns

    # case (a)
    DT[, lapply(.SD, sum), by = z]                     ## data.table syntax
    DF %>% group_by(z) %>% summarise_each(funs(sum)) ## dplyr syntax
    DT[, (cols) := lapply(.SD, sum), by = z]
    ans <- DF %>% group_by(z) %>% mutate_each(funs(sum))
    # case (b)
    DT[, c(lapply(.SD, sum), lapply(.SD, mean)), by = z]
    DF %>% group_by(z) %>% summarise_each(funs(sum, mean))
    # case (c)
    DT[, c(.N, lapply(.SD, sum)), by = z]     
    DF %>% group_by(z) %>% summarise_each(funs(n(), mean))
    • In case (a), the codes are more or less equivalent. data.table uses familiar base function lapply(), whereas dplyr introduces *_each() along with a bunch of functions to funs().

    • data.table's := requires column names to be provided, whereas dplyr generates it automatically.

    • In case (b), dplyr's syntax is relatively straightforward. Improving aggregations/updates on multiple functions is on data.table's list.

    • In case (c) though, dplyr would return n() as many times as many columns, instead of just once. In data.table, all we need to do is to return a list in j. Each element of the list will become a column in the result. So, we can use, once again, the familiar base function c() to concatenate .N to a list which returns a list.

    Note: Once again, in data.table, all we need to do is return a list in j. Each element of the list will become a column in result. You can use c(), as.list(), lapply(), list() etc... base functions to accomplish this, without having to learn any new functions.

    You will need to learn just the special variables - .N and .SD at least. The equivalent in dplyr are n() and .

  3. Joins

    dplyr provides separate functions for each type of join where as data.table allows joins using the same syntax DT[i, j, by] (and with reason). It also provides an equivalent function as an alternative.

    setkey(DT1, x, y)
    # 1. normal join
    DT1[DT2]            ## data.table syntax
    left_join(DT2, DT1) ## dplyr syntax
    # 2. select columns while join    
    DT1[DT2, .(z, i.mul)]
    left_join(select(DT2, x, y, mul), select(DT1, x, y, z))
    # 3. aggregate while join
    DT1[DT2, .(sum(z) * i.mul), by = .EACHI]
    DF1 %>% group_by(x, y) %>% summarise(z = sum(z)) %>% 
        inner_join(DF2) %>% mutate(z = z*mul) %>% select(-mul)
    # 4. update while join
    DT1[DT2, z := cumsum(z) * i.mul, by = .EACHI]
    # 5. rolling join
    DT1[DT2, roll = -Inf]
    # 6. other arguments to control output
    DT1[DT2, mult = "first"]
    • Some might find a separate function for each joins much nicer (left, right, inner, anti, semi etc), whereas as others might like data.table's DT[i, j, by], or merge() which is similar to base R.

    • However dplyr joins do just that. Nothing more. Nothing less.

    • data.tables can select columns while joining (2), and in dplyr you will need to select() first on both data.frames before to join as shown above. Otherwise you would materialiase the join with unnecessary columns only to remove them later and that is inefficient.

    • data.tables can aggregate while joining (3) and also update while joining (4), using by = .EACHI feature. Why materialse the entire join result to add/update just a few columns?

    • data.table is capable of rolling joins (5) - roll forward, LOCF, roll backward, NOCB, nearest.

    • data.table also has mult = argument which selects first, last or all matches (6).

    • data.table has allow.cartesian = TRUE argument to protect from accidental invalid joins.

Once again, the syntax is consistent with DT[i, j, by] with additional arguments allowing for controlling the output further.

  1. do()...

    dplyr's summarise is specially designed for functions that return a single value. If your function returns multiple/unequal values, you will have to resort to do(). You have to know beforehand about all your functions return value.

    DT[, list(x[1], y[1]), by = z]                 ## data.table syntax
    DF %>% group_by(z) %>% summarise(x[1], y[1]) ## dplyr syntax
    DT[, list(x[1:2], y[1]), by = z]
    DF %>% group_by(z) %>% do(data.frame(.$x[1:2], .$y[1]))
    DT[, quantile(x, 0.25), by = z]
    DF %>% group_by(z) %>% summarise(quantile(x, 0.25))
    DT[, quantile(x, c(0.25, 0.75)), by = z]
    DF %>% group_by(z) %>% do(data.frame(quantile(.$x, c(0.25, 0.75))))
    DT[, as.list(summary(x)), by = z]
    DF %>% group_by(z) %>% do(data.frame(as.list(summary(.$x))))
    • .SD's equivalent is .

    • In data.table, you can throw pretty much anything in j - the only thing to remember is for it to return a list so that each element of the list gets converted to a column.

    • In dplyr, cannot do that. Have to resort to do() depending on how sure you are as to whether your function would always return a single value. And it is quite slow.

Once again, data.table's syntax is consistent with DT[i, j, by]. We can just keep throwing expressions in j without having to worry about these things.

Have a look at this SO question and this one. I wonder if it would be possible to express the answer as straightforward using dplyr's syntax...

To summarise, I have particularly highlighted several instances where dplyr's syntax is either inefficient, limited or fails to make operations straightforward. This is particularly because data.table gets quite a bit of backlash about "harder to read/learn" syntax (like the one pasted/linked above). Most posts that cover dplyr talk about most straightforward operations. And that is great. But it is important to realise its syntax and feature limitations as well, and I am yet to see a post on it.

data.table has its quirks as well (some of which I have pointed out that we are attempting to fix). We are also attempting to improve data.table's joins as I have highlighted here.

But one should also consider the number of features that dplyr lacks in comparison to data.table.

4. Features

I have pointed out most of the features here and also in this post. In addition:

  • fread - fast file reader has been available for a long time now.

  • fwrite - a parallelised fast file writer is now available. See this post for a detailed explanation on the implementation and #1664 for keeping track of further developments.

  • Automatic indexing - another handy feature to optimise base R syntax as is, internally.

  • Ad-hoc grouping: dplyr automatically sorts the results by grouping variables during summarise(), which may not be always desirable.

  • Numerous advantages in data.table joins (for speed / memory efficiency and syntax) mentioned above.

  • Non-equi joins: Allows joins using other operators <=, <, >, >= along with all other advantages of data.table joins.

  • Overlapping range joins was implemented in data.table recently. Check this post for an overview with benchmarks.

  • setorder() function in data.table that allows really fast reordering of data.tables by reference.

  • dplyr provides interface to databases using the same syntax, which data.table does not at the moment.

  • data.table provides faster equivalents of set operations (written by Jan Gorecki) - fsetdiff, fintersect, funion and fsetequal with additional all argument (as in SQL).

  • data.table loads cleanly with no masking warnings and has a mechanism described here for [.data.frame compatibility when passed to any R package. dplyr changes base functions filter, lag and [ which can cause problems; e.g. here and here.


  • On databases - there is no reason why data.table cannot provide similar interface, but this is not a priority now. It might get bumped up if users would very much like that feature.. not sure.

  • On parallelism - Everything is difficult, until someone goes ahead and does it. Of course it will take effort (being thread safe).

    • Progress is being made currently (in v1.9.7 devel) towards parallelising known time consuming parts for incremental performance gains using OpenMP.

Select all columns except one in MySQL?

I use this work around although it may be "Off topic" - using mysql workbench and the query builder -

  1. Open the columns view
  2. Shift select all the columns you want in your query (in your case all but one which is what i do)
  3. Right click and select send to SQL Editor-> name short.
  4. Now you have the list and you can then copy paste the query to where ever.

enter image description here

Replace duplicate spaces with a single space in T-SQL

update mytable
set myfield = replace (myfield, '  ',  ' ')
where charindex('  ', myfield) > 0 

Replace will work on all the double spaces, no need to put in multiple replaces. This is the set-based solution.

Random strings in Python

Since this question is fairly, uh, random, this may work for you:

>>> import uuid
>>> print uuid.uuid4()

Subtracting 1 day from a timestamp date

Use the INTERVAL type to it. E.g:


--Unrelated to the question, but PostgreSQL also supports some shortcuts:
SELECT 'yesterday'::TIMESTAMP, 'tomorrow'::TIMESTAMP, 'allballs'::TIME;

Then you can do the following on your query:

    count(accounts) AS COUNT,
    ((date_at) - INTERVAL '1 DAY') AS dateat
    date_at <= now() - INTERVAL '130 DAYS'


Tip 1

You can append multiple operands. E.g.: how to get last day of current month?


Tip 2

You can also create an interval using make_interval function, useful when you need to create it at runtime (not using literals):

SELECT make_interval(days => 10 + 2);
SELECT make_interval(days => 1, hours => 2);
SELECT make_interval(0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0.0);

More info:

Date/Time Functions and Operators

datatype-datetime (Especial values).

CardView background color always white

You can do it either in XML or programmatically:





How to initialize List<String> object in Java?

List is an interface, and you can not initialize an interface. Instantiate an implementing class instead.


List<String> abc = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> xyz = new LinkedList<String>();

Python concatenate text files

def concatFiles():
    path = 'input/'
    files = os.listdir(path)
    for idx, infile in enumerate(files):
        print ("File #" + str(idx) + "  " + infile)
    concat = ''.join([open(path + f).read() for f in files])
    with open("output_concatFile.txt", "w") as fo:
        fo.write(path + concat)

if __name__ == "__main__":

What are the rules for calling the superclass constructor?

: CBase(...), iCount(0)  //this is the initialisation list. You can initialise member variables here too. (e.g. iCount := 0)
    //construct body

How can you integrate a custom file browser/uploader with CKEditor?

I spent a while trying to figure this one out and here is what I did. I've broken it down very simply as that is what I needed.

Directly below your ckeditor text area, enter the upload file like this >>>>

<form action="welcomeeditupload.asp" method="post" name="deletechecked">
    <div align="center">
        <br />
        <br />
        <textarea class="ckeditor" cols="80" id="editor1" name="editor1" rows="10"><%=(rslegschedule.Fields.Item("welcomevar").Value)%></textarea>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1',
                filebrowserUploadUrl : 'updateimagedone.asp'
        <br />
        <br />
        <br />
        <input type="submit" value="Update">

'and then add your upload file, here is mine which is written in ASP. If you're using PHP, etc. simply replace the ASP with your upload script but make sure the page outputs the same thing.

    if Request("CKEditorFuncNum")=1 then
        Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload")
        Upload.OverwriteFiles = False
        Upload.SetMaxSize 5000000, True
        Upload.CodePage = 65001

        On Error Resume Next
        Upload.Save "d:\hosting\belaullach\senate\legislation"

        Dim picture
        For Each File in Upload.Files
            Ext = UCase(Right(File.Path, 3))
            If Ext <> "JPG" Then
                    If Ext <> "BMP" Then
                    Response.Write "File " & File.Path & " is not a .jpg or .bmp file." & "<BR>"
                    Response.write "You can only upload .jpg or .bmp files." & "<BR>" & "<BR>"
                    End if
                File.SaveAs Server.MapPath(("/senate/legislation") & "/" & File.fileName)
            End If
    End if

    imgop = "<html><body><script type=""text/javascript"">'1','"&fnm&"');</script></body></html>;"
    Response.write imgop

Android Drawing Separator/Divider Line in Layout?

I usually use this code:

    android:background="#aa000000" />

if you have an object in your layout and you want set line below that use this attribute in ImageView:


What is the significance of url-pattern in web.xml and how to configure servlet?

Servlet-mapping has two child tags, url-pattern and servlet-name. url-pattern specifies the type of urls for which, the servlet given in servlet-name should be called. Be aware that, the container will use case-sensitive for string comparisons for servlet matching.

First specification of url-pattern a web.xml file for the server context on the servlet container at server .com matches the pattern in <url-pattern>/status/*</url-pattern> as follows:               = Matches    = Matches                        = Matches                = Does not match

Second specification of url-pattern A context located at the path /examples on the Agent at matches the pattern in <url-pattern>*.map</url-pattern> as follows:    = Matches     = Matches          = Matches    = Does not match, the extension is uppercase  =Does not match, the extension is mapi rather than map`

Third specification of url-mapping,A mapping that contains the pattern <url-pattern>/</url-pattern> matches a request if no other pattern matches. This is the default mapping. The servlet mapped to this pattern is called the default servlet.

The default mapping is often directed to the first page of an application. Explicitly providing a default mapping also ensures that malformed URL requests into the application return are handled by the application rather than returning an error.

The servlet-mapping element below maps the server servlet instance to the default mapping.


For the context that contains this element, any request that is not handled by another mapping is forwarded to the server servlet.

And Most importantly we should Know about Rule for URL path mapping

  1. The container will try to find an exact match of the path of the request to the path of the servlet. A successful match selects the servlet.
  2. The container will recursively try to match the longest path-prefix. This is done by stepping down the path tree a directory at a time, using the ’/’ character as a path separator. The longest match determines the servlet selected.
  3. If the last segment in the URL path contains an extension (e.g. .jsp), the servlet container will try to match a servlet that handles requests for the extension. An extension is defined as the part of the last segment after the last ’.’ character.
  4. If neither of the previous three rules result in a servlet match, the container will attempt to serve content appropriate for the resource requested. If a “default” servlet is defined for the application, it will be used.

Reference URL Pattern

How to send an HTTP request with a header parameter?

With your own Code and a Slight Change withou jQuery,

function testingAPI(){ 
    var key = "8a1c6a354c884c658ff29a8636fd7c18"; 
    var url = "";

function httpGet(url,key){
    var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", url, false );
    return xmlHttp.responseText;

Thank You

C#: How do you edit items and subitems in a listview?

private void listView1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    li = listView1.GetItemAt(e.X, e.Y);
    X = e.X;
    Y = e.Y;

private void listView1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    int nStart = X;
    int spos = 0;
    int epos = listView1.Columns[1].Width;
    for (int i = 0; i < listView1.Columns.Count; i++)
        if (nStart > spos && nStart < epos)
            subItemSelected = i;

        spos = epos;
        epos += listView1.Columns[i].Width;
    li.SubItems[subItemSelected].Text = "9";

paint() and repaint() in Java

Difference between Paint() and Repaint() method


This method holds instructions to paint this component. Actually, in Swing, you should change paintComponent() instead of paint(), as paint calls paintBorder(), paintComponent() and paintChildren(). You shouldn't call this method directly, you should call repaint() instead.


This method can't be overridden. It controls the update() -> paint() cycle. You should call this method to get a component to repaint itself. If you have done anything to change the look of the component, but not its size ( like changing color, animating, etc. ) then call this method.

How to read Excel cell having Date with Apache POI?

You can use CellDateFormatter to fetch the Date in the same format as in excel cell. See the following code:

CellValue cv = formulaEv.evaluate(cell);
double dv = cv.getNumberValue();
if (HSSFDateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(cell)) {
    Date date = HSSFDateUtil.getJavaDate(dv);

    String df = cell.getCellStyle().getDataFormatString();

    strValue = new CellDateFormatter(df).format(date); 

What is the instanceof operator in JavaScript?

On the question "When is it appropriate and when not?", my 2 cents:

instanceof is rarely useful in production code, but useful in tests where you want to assert that your code returns / creates objects of the correct types. By being explicit about the kinds of objects your code is returning / creating, your tests become more powerful as a tool for understanding and documenting your code.

"Could not find bundler" error

The system might be running "rootless". Try to set the firmware nvram variable boot-args to "rootless=0". Try to run set of commands:

sudo nvram boot-args="rootless=0"; 
sudo reboot

After reboot completes, run:

sudo gem install bundler

Excel 2013 VBA Clear All Filters macro

You must select range of the table first before using ActiveSheet.ShowAllData

Easy way to turn JavaScript array into comma-separated list?

As of Chrome 72, it's possible to use Intl.ListFormat:

const vehicles = ['Motorcycle', 'Bus', 'Car'];_x000D_
const formatter = new Intl.ListFormat('en', { style: 'long', type: 'conjunction' });_x000D_
// expected output: "Motorcycle, Bus, and Car"_x000D_
const formatter2 = new Intl.ListFormat('de', { style: 'short', type: 'disjunction' });_x000D_
// expected output: "Motorcycle, Bus oder Car"_x000D_
const formatter3 = new Intl.ListFormat('en', { style: 'narrow', type: 'unit' });_x000D_
// expected output: "Motorcycle Bus Car"

Please note that this way is in its very earlier stage, so as of the date of posting this answer, expect incompatibility with older versions of Chrome and other browsers.

Can I escape a double quote in a verbatim string literal?

For adding some more information, your example will work without the @ symbol (it prevents escaping with \), this way:

string foo = "this \"word\" is escaped!";

It will work both ways but I prefer the double-quote style for it to be easier working, for example, with filenames (with lots of \ in the string).

JavaScript function to add X months to a date

Easiest solution is:

const todayDate =;
return new Date(todayDate + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30* X); 

where X is the number of months we want to add.

How do I add 24 hours to a unix timestamp in php?

As you have said if you want to add 24 hours to the timestamp for right now then simply you can do:

 <?php echo strtotime('+1 day'); ?>

Above code will add 1 day or 24 hours to your current timestamp.

in place of +1 day you can take whatever you want, As php manual says strtotime can Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp.

examples from the manual are as below:

     echo strtotime("now"), "\n";
     echo strtotime("10 September 2000"), "\n";
     echo strtotime("+1 day"), "\n";
     echo strtotime("+1 week"), "\n";
     echo strtotime("+1 week 2 days 4 hours 2 seconds"), "\n";
     echo strtotime("next Thursday"), "\n";
     echo strtotime("last Monday"), "\n";

Adding div element to body or document in JavaScript

Using Javascript

var elemDiv = document.createElement('div'); = 'position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;opacity:0.3;z-index:100;background:#000;';

Using jQuery

$('body').append('<div style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;opacity:0.3;z-index:100;background:#000;"></div>');

Twitter Bootstrap vs jQuery UI?

We have used both and we like Bootstrap for its simplicity and the pace at which it's being developed and enhanced. The problem with jQuery UI is that it's moving at a snail's pace. It's taking years to roll out common features like Menubar, Tree control and DataGrid which are in planning/development stage for ever. We waited waited waited and finally given up and used other libraries like ExtJS for our product

Bootstrap has come up with quite a comprehensive set of features in a very short period of time and I am sure it will outpace jQuery UI pretty soon.

So I see no point in using something that will eventually be outdated...

How do I tell Spring Boot which main class to use for the executable jar?

Add your start class in your pom:

    <!-- The main class to start by executing java -jar -->



laravel the requested url was not found on this server

First enable a2enmod rewrite next restart the apache

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

click here for answer these question

IndentationError expected an indented block

I got the same error, This is what i did to solve the issue.

Before Indentation:

enter image description here

Indentation Error: expected an indented block.

After Indentation:

enter image description here

Working fine. After TAB space.

Get width height of remote image from url

Get image size with jQuery
(depending on which formatting method is more suitable for your preferences):

function getMeta(url){
        src: url,
        on: {
            load: (e) => {
                console.log('image size:', $(, $(;


function getMeta(url){
        src: url,
        load: (e) => {
            console.log('image size:', $(, $(;

CSS Input with width: 100% goes outside parent's bound

You also have an error in your css with the exclamation point in this line:

background:rgb(242, 242, 242);!important;

remove the semi-colon before it. However, !important should be used rarely and can largely be avoided.

Node.js fs.readdir recursive directory search

Here's a recursive method of getting all files including subdirectories.

const FileSystem = require("fs");
const Path = require("path");


function getFiles(directory) {
    directory = Path.normalize(directory);
    let files = FileSystem.readdirSync(directory).map((file) => directory + Path.sep + file);

    files.forEach((file, index) => {
        if (FileSystem.statSync(file).isDirectory()) {
            Array.prototype.splice.apply(files, [index, 1].concat(getFiles(file)));

    return files;

How to find third or n?? maximum salary from salary table?

select *  from emp x where &no=(select count(*) from emp y where y.sal>=x.sal);

this will give take input from user and then will tell the nth maximum number.I have taken example of emp table in oracle and to display nth maximum salaried employee info

Output Enter value for no: 5

 EMPNO ENAME      JOB       MGR        HIREDATE  SAL        COMM       DEPTNO
 ----- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------
 7698  BLAKE      MANAGER   7839       01-MAY-81 3000                  30
 7788  SCOTT      ANALYST   7566       19-APR-87 3000                  20
 7902  FORD       ANALYST   7566       03-DEC-81 3000                  20

Enter value for no: 14

 EMPNO ENAME      JOB       MGR        HIREDATE  SAL        COMM       DEPTNO
 ----- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------
 7369  SMITH      CLERK     7902       17-DEC-80 800                   20

Random record from MongoDB

Do a count of all records, generate a random number between 0 and the count, and then do:


How can I use the MS JDBC driver with MS SQL Server 2008 Express?

You have the wrong URL.

I don't know what you mean by "JDBC 2005". When I looked on the microsoft site, I found something called the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver 2.0. You're going to want that one - it includes lots of fixes and some perf improvements. [edit: you're probably going to want the latest driver. As of March 2012, the latest JDBC driver from Microsoft is JDBC 4.0]

Check the release notes. For this driver, you want:

URL:  jdbc:sqlserver://server:port;DatabaseName=dbname
Class name:

It seems you have the class name correct, but the URL wrong.

Microsoft changed the class name and the URL after its initial release of a JDBC driver. The URL you are using goes with the original JDBC driver from Microsoft, the one MS calls the "SQL Server 2000 version". But that driver uses a different classname.

For all subsequent drivers, the URL changed to the form I have here.

This is in the release notes for the JDBC driver.

SQL Current month/ year question

select * from your_table where MONTH(mont_year) = MONTH(NOW()) and YEAR(mont_year) = YEAR(NOW());

Note: (month_year) means your column that contain date format. I think that will solve your problem. Let me know if that query doesn't works.

Prevent cell numbers from incrementing in a formula in Excel

row lock = A$5
column lock = $A5
Both = $A$5

Below are examples of how to use the Excel lock reference $ when creating your formulas

To prevent increments when moving from one row to another put the $ after the column letter and before the row number. e.g. A$5

To prevent increments when moving from one column to another put the $ before the row number. e.g. $A5

To prevent increments when moving from one column to another or from one row to another put the $ before the row number and before the column letter. e.g. $A$5

Using the lock reference will also prevent increments when dragging cells over to duplicate calculations.

Angularjs - simple form submit

var app = angular.module( "myApp", [] );_x000D_
app.controller( "myCtrl", ["$scope", function($scope) {_x000D_
    $scope.submit_form = function(formData) {_x000D_
        $scope.formData = formData;_x000D_
        console.log(formData); // object_x000D_
        console.log(JSON.stringify(formData)); // string_x000D_
        $scope.form = {}; // clear ng-model form_x000D_
}] );
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">_x000D_
    <form ng-submit="submit_form(form)" >_x000D_
        Firstname: <input type="text" ng-model="form.firstname" /><br />_x000D_
        Lastname: <input type="text" ng-model="form.lastname" /><br />_x000D_
        <hr />_x000D_
        <input type="submit" value="Submit" />_x000D_
    <hr />          _x000D_
    <p>Firstname: {{ form.firstname }}</p>_x000D_
    <p>Lastname: {{ form.lastname }}</p>_x000D_
    <pre>Submit Form: {{ formData }} </pre>_x000D_


Undefined Symbols error when integrating Apptentive iOS SDK via Cocoapods

We have found that adding the Apptentive cocoa pod to an existing Xcode project may potentially not include some of our required frameworks.

Check your linker flags:

Target > Build Settings > Other Linker Flags 

You should see -lApptentiveConnect listed as a linker flag:

... -ObjC -lApptentiveConnect ... 

You should also see our required Frameworks listed:

  • Accelerate
  • CoreData
  • CoreText
  • CoreGraphics
  • CoreTelephony
  • Foundation
  • QuartzCore
  • StoreKit
  • SystemConfiguration
  • UIKit

    -ObjC -lApptentiveConnect -framework Accelerate -framework CoreData -framework CoreGraphics -framework CoreText -framework Foundation -framework QuartzCore -framework SystemConfiguration -framework UIKit -framework CoreTelephony -framework StoreKit  

Check if a radio button is checked jquery

First of all, have only one id="test"

Secondly, try this:

if ($('[name="test"]').is(':checked'))

Is it possible to create a File object from InputStream

You need to create new file and copy contents from InputStream to that file:

File file = //...
try(OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file)){
    IOUtils.copy(inputStream, outputStream);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    // handle exception here
} catch (IOException e) {
    // handle exception here

I am using convenient IOUtils.copy() to avoid manual copying of streams. Also it has built-in buffering.

In CSS what is the difference between "." and "#" when declaring a set of styles?

A couple of quick extensions on what has already been said...

An id must be unique, but you can use the same id to make different styles more specific.

For example, given this HTML extract:

<div id="sidebar">
    <ul class="menu">
<div id="content">
<div id="footer">
    <ul class="menu">

You could apply different styles with these:

#sidebar h2
{ ... }

#sidebar .menu
{ ... }

#content h2
{ ... }

#footer .menu
{ ... }

Another useful thing to know: you can have multiple classes on an element, by space-delimiting them...

<ul class="main menu">...</ul>
<ul class="other menu">...</ul>

Which allows you to have common styling in .menu with specific styles using and

{ ... }
{ ... }
{ ... }

MySQL InnoDB not releasing disk space after deleting data rows from table

Year back i also faced same problem on mysql5.7 version and ibdata1 occupied 150 Gb. so i added undo tablespaces

Take Mysqldump backup
Stop mysql service
Remove all data from data dir
Add below undo tablespace parameter in current my.cnf

 #undo tablespace
  innodb_undo_directory =  /var/lib/mysql/
  innodb_rollback_segments = 128 
  innodb_undo_tablespaces = 3
  innodb_undo_logs = 128  
  innodb_undo_log_truncate = ON

Start mysql service
store mysqldump backup

Problem resolved !!

Converting ArrayList to HashMap

The general methodology would be to iterate through the ArrayList, and insert the values into the HashMap. An example is as follows:

HashMap<String, Product> productMap = new HashMap<String, Product>();
for (Product product : productList) {
   productMap.put(product.getProductCode(), product);

css3 text-shadow in IE9

I was looking for a cross-browser text-stroke solution that works when overlaid on background images. think I have a solution for this that doesn't involve extra mark-up, js and works in IE7-9 (I haven't tested 6), and doesn't cause aliasing problems.

This is a combination of using CSS3 text-shadow, which has good support except IE (, then using a combination of filters for IE. CSS3 text-stroke support is poor at the moment.

IE Filters

The glow filter ( looks terrible, so I didn't use that.

David Hewitt's answer involved adding dropshadow filters in a combination of directions. ClearType is then removed unfortunately so we end up with badly aliased text.

I then combined some of the elements suggested on useragentman with the dropshadow filters.

Putting it together

This example would be black text with a white stroke. I'm using conditional html classes by the way to target IE (

#myelement {
    color: #000000;
    -1px -1px 0 #ffffff,  
    1px -1px 0 #ffffff,
    -1px 1px 0 #ffffff,
    1px 1px 0 #ffffff;

html.ie7 #myelement,
html.ie8 #myelement,
html.ie9 #myelement {
    background-color: white;
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Chroma(color='white') progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=100) progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(color=#ffffff,offX=1,offY=1) progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(color=#ffffff,offX=-1,offY=1) progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(color=#ffffff,offX=1,offY=-1) progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(color=#ffffff,offX=-1,offY=-1);
    zoom: 1;

How do I append a node to an existing XML file in java

You can parse the existing XML file into DOM and append new elements to the DOM. Very similar to what you did with creating brand new XML. I am assuming you do not have to worry about duplicate server. If you do have to worry about that, you will have to go through the elements in the DOM to check for duplicates.

DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();

/* parse existing file to DOM */
Document document = documentBuilder.parse(new File("exisgint/xml/file"));

Element root = document.getDocumentElement();

for (Server newServer : Collection<Server> bunchOfNewServers){
  Element server = Document.createElement("server");
  /* create and setup the server node...*/


/* use whatever method to output DOM to XML (for example, using transformer like you did).*/

How to get a value from a cell of a dataframe?

The quickest/easiest options I have found are the following. 501 represents the row index.[501,'column_name']

Stupid error: Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CACHE_MISS

It only appeared in my Chrome browser a few days ago too. I checked a few websites I developed in the past that haven't been changed and they also show the same error. So I'd suggest it's not down to your coding, rather a bug in the latest Chrome release.