Programs & Examples On #Cat

The cat command is a standard Unix program used to concatenate and display files. The name is from catenate, a synonym of concatenate.

Can linux cat command be used for writing text to file?

I use the following code to write raw text to files, to update my CPU-settings. Hope this helps out! Script:


cat > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor <<EOF

cat > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_governor <<EOF

This writes the text "performance" to the two files mentioned in the script above. This example overwrite old data in files.

This code is saved as a file ( and to make it executable run:

chmod +x

After that, you can run the script with:


IF you do not want to overwrite the old data in the file, switch out

cat > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_governor <<EOF


cat >> /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_governor <<EOF

This will append your text to the end of the file without removing what other data already is in the file.

Concatenate multiple files but include filename as section headers

I used grep for something similar:

grep "" *.txt

It does not give you a 'header', but prefixes every line with the filename.

How do I read the first line of a file using cat?

There are many different ways:

sed -n 1p file
head -n 1 file
awk 'NR==1' file

Concatenating Files And Insert New Line In Between Files

You may do it using xargs if you like, but the main idea is still the same:

find *.txt | xargs -I{} sh -c "cat {}; echo ''" > finalfile.txt


See below image...

I've added --local-infile=1 to normal mysql command mysql -u root -p

So total line would be :

mysql --local-infile=1 -u root -p

enter image description here

.htaccess redirect www to non-www with SSL/HTTPS

To enforce non-www and https in a single request, you can use the following Rule in your htaccess :

RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\. [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(?:www\.)?(.+)$
RewriteRule ^ https://%1%{REQUEST_URI} [NE,L,R]

This redirects or to ssl non-www .

I am using R Temp Redirect flag for testing purpose and to avoid browser caching. If you want to make the redirect permanent , just change the R flag to R=301 .

PHP error: Notice: Undefined index:

Try this:

$month = ( isset($_POST['month']) ) ? $_POST['month'] : '';

$op = ( isset($_POST['op']) ) ? $_POST['op'] : '';

Launch an app on OS X with command line

In case your app needs to work on files (what you would normally expect to pass as: ./myApp *.jpg), you would do it like this:

open *.jpg -a myApp

Redirecting unauthorized controller in ASP.NET MVC

Perhaps you get a blank page when you run from Visual Studio under development server using Windows authentication (previous topic).

If you deploy to IIS you can configure custom error pages for specific status codes, in this case 401. Add httpErrors under system.webServer:

  <remove statusCode="401" />
  <error statusCode="401" path="/yourapp/error/unauthorized" responseMode="Redirect" />

Then create ErrorController.Unauthorized method and corresponding custom view.

Getting the index of the returned max or min item using max()/min() on a list

Why bother to add indices first and then reverse them? Enumerate() function is just a special case of zip() function usage. Let's use it in appropiate way:

my_indexed_list = zip(my_list, range(len(my_list)))

min_value, min_index = min(my_indexed_list)
max_value, max_index = max(my_indexed_list)

Replace multiple strings at once

For the tags, you should be able to just set the content with .text() instead of .html().


var textarea = $('textarea').val().replace(/<br\s?\/?>/, '\n');


...or if you just wanted to remove the <br> elements, you could get rid of the .replace(), and temporarily make them DOM elements.


var textarea = $('textarea').val();

textarea = $('<div>').html(textarea).find('br').remove().end().html();


ValueError: object too deep for desired array while using convolution

You could try using scipy.ndimage.convolve it allows convolution of multidimensional images. here is the docs

int array to string

The most efficient way is not to convert each int into a string, but rather create one string out of an array of chars. Then the garbage collector only has one new temp object to worry about.

int[] arr = {0,1,2,3,0,1};
string result = new string(Array.ConvertAll<int,char>(arr, x => Convert.ToChar(x + '0')));

How can I delete a service in Windows?

Use services.msc or (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services) to find the service in question. Double-click to see the service name and the path to the executable.

Check the exe version information for a clue as to the owner of the service, and use Add/Remove programs to do a clean uninstall if possible.

Failing that, from the command prompt:

sc stop servicexyz
sc delete servicexyz

No restart should be required.

How to compare variables to undefined, if I don’t know whether they exist?

if (!obj) {
    // object (not class!) doesn't exist yet
else ...

Add image in pdf using jspdf

You defined Base64? If you not defined, occurs this error:

ReferenceError: Base64 is not defined

How can I get the count of milliseconds since midnight for the current?

You can use java.util.Calendar class to get time in milliseconds. Example:

Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
int milliSec = cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND);
// print milliSec

java.util.Date date = cal.getTime();
System.out.println("Output: " +  new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss:SSS").format(date));

Twitter - How to embed native video from someone else's tweet into a New Tweet or a DM

I found a faster way of embedding:

  • Just copy the link.
  • Paste the link and remove the "?s=19" part and add "/video/1"
  • That's it.

Download a file from NodeJS Server using Express


It transfers the file at path as an “attachment”. For instance:

var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();

// ...

router.get('/:id/download', function (req, res, next) {
    var filePath = "/my/file/path/..."; // Or format the path using the `id` rest param
    var fileName = "report.pdf"; // The default name the browser will use, fileName);    

How to disable all <input > inside a form with jQuery?

You can do it like this:

<button type="button" onclick="disableAll()">Disable</button>

//Jquery function
function disableAll() {
    $('form').find(':input:not(:disabled)').prop('disabled', true);

    //$('form').find(':input(:disabled)').prop('disabled', false);

jQuery - Trigger event when an element is removed from the DOM

I like mtkopone's answer using jQuery special events, but note that it doesn't work a) when elements are detached instead of removed or b) when some old non-jquery libraries use innerHTML to destroy your elements

Clone contents of a GitHub repository (without the folder itself)

If the folder is not empty, a slightly modified version of @JohnLittle's answer worked for me:

git init
git remote add origin
git pull origin master

As @peter-cordes pointed out, the only difference is using https protocol instead of git, for which you need to have SSH keys configured.

In AVD emulator how to see sdcard folder? and Install apk to AVD?

These days the location of the emulated SD card is at /storage/emulated/0

How to use `subprocess` command with pipes

You can try the pipe functionality in

import sh
print sh.grep("-ax"), "process_name")

Is it possible to run one logrotate check manually?

logrotate -d [your_config_file] invokes debug mode, giving you a verbose description of what would happen, but leaving the log files untouched.

Get operating system info

Based on the answer by Fred-II I wanted to share my take on the getOS function, it avoids globals, merges both lists and detects the architecture (x32/x64)

 * @param $user_agent null
 * @return string
function getOS($user_agent = null)
    if(!isset($user_agent) && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
        $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];

    $os_array = [
        'windows nt 10'                              =>  'Windows 10',
        'windows nt 6.3'                             =>  'Windows 8.1',
        'windows nt 6.2'                             =>  'Windows 8',
        'windows nt 6.1|windows nt 7.0'              =>  'Windows 7',
        'windows nt 6.0'                             =>  'Windows Vista',
        'windows nt 5.2'                             =>  'Windows Server 2003/XP x64',
        'windows nt 5.1'                             =>  'Windows XP',
        'windows xp'                                 =>  'Windows XP',
        'windows nt 5.0|windows nt5.1|windows 2000'  =>  'Windows 2000',
        'windows me'                                 =>  'Windows ME',
        'windows nt 4.0|winnt4.0'                    =>  'Windows NT',
        'windows ce'                                 =>  'Windows CE',
        'windows 98|win98'                           =>  'Windows 98',
        'windows 95|win95'                           =>  'Windows 95',
        'win16'                                      =>  'Windows 3.11',
        'mac os x 10.1[^0-9]'                        =>  'Mac OS X Puma',
        'macintosh|mac os x'                         =>  'Mac OS X',
        'mac_powerpc'                                =>  'Mac OS 9',
        'linux'                                      =>  'Linux',
        'ubuntu'                                     =>  'Linux - Ubuntu',
        'iphone'                                     =>  'iPhone',
        'ipod'                                       =>  'iPod',
        'ipad'                                       =>  'iPad',
        'android'                                    =>  'Android',
        'blackberry'                                 =>  'BlackBerry',
        'webos'                                      =>  'Mobile',

        '(media center pc).([0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2})'=>'Windows Media Center',

        // Doesn't seem like these are necessary...not totally sure though..
        //'(winnt)([0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2}){0,1}'=>'Windows NT',
        //'(windows nt)(([0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2}){0,1})'=>'Windows NT', // fix by bg

        'Win 9x 4.90'=>'Windows ME',
        'dos x86'=>'DOS',
        'Mac OS X'=>'Mac OS X',
        'Mac_PowerPC'=>'Macintosh PowerPC',
        '(mac|Macintosh)'=>'Mac OS',
        '(risc os)([0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2})'=>'RISC OS',
        'GNU Hurd'=>'GNU Hurd',
        '(fedora)'=>'Linux - Fedora',
        '(kubuntu)'=>'Linux - Kubuntu',
        '(ubuntu)'=>'Linux - Ubuntu',
        '(debian)'=>'Linux - Debian',
        '(CentOS)'=>'Linux - CentOS',
        '(Mandriva).([0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3})?(\.[0-9]{1,3})?)'=>'Linux - Mandriva',
        '(SUSE).([0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3})?(\.[0-9]{1,3})?)'=>'Linux - SUSE',
        '(Dropline)'=>'Linux - Slackware (Dropline GNOME)',
        '(ASPLinux)'=>'Linux - ASPLinux',
        '(Red Hat)'=>'Linux - Red Hat',
        // Loads of Linux machines will be detected as unix.
        // Actually, all of the linux machines I've checked have the 'X11' in the User Agent.
        //'(Linux)([0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,3}(rel\.[0-9]{1,2}){0,1}-([0-9]{1,2}) i([0-9]{1})86){1}'=>'Linux',
        //'(Linux)([0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,3}(rel\.[0-9]{1,2}){0,1} i([0-9]{1}86)){1}'=>'Linux',
        'Dreamcast'=>'Dreamcast OS',
        'ia archiver'=>'Windows',
        'mass downloader'=>'Windows',
        'offline explorer'=>'Windows',
        'web downloader'=>'Windows',

        // delete next line if the script show not the right OS
        'MS FrontPage'=>'Windows',
        'UP.Browser'=>'Windows CE',

    $arch_regex = '/\b(x86_64|x86-64|Win64|WOW64|x64|ia64|amd64|ppc64|sparc64|IRIX64)\b/ix';
    $arch = preg_match($arch_regex, $user_agent) ? '64' : '32';

    foreach ($os_array as $regex => $value) {
        if (preg_match('{\b('.$regex.')\b}i', $user_agent)) {
            return $value.' x'.$arch;

    return 'Unknown';

Is there a Google Keep API?

No there isn't. If you watch the http traffic and dump the page source you can see that there is an API below the covers, but it's not published nor available for 3rd party apps.

Check this link: for updates.

However, there is an unofficial Python API under active development:

Adding sheets to end of workbook in Excel (normal method not working?)

Be sure to fully qualify your sheets with which workbook they are referencing!

 mainWB.Sheets.Add(After:=mainWB.Sheets(mainWB.Sheets.Count)).Name = new_sheet_name

Check if an array item is set in JS

function isset(key){
ret = false;
array_example.forEach(function(entry) {
  if( entry == key ){
    ret = true;
return ret;

alert( isset("key_search") );

How can I add a box-shadow on one side of an element?

Here's a little hack that I did.

<div id="element"><!--element that I want an one-sided inset shadow from the bottom--></div> 
<div class="one_side_shadow"></div>

1. Create a <div class="one_side_shadow"></div> right below the element that I want to create the one-side box shadow (in this case I want a one-sided inset shadow for id="element" coming from the bottom)

2. Then I created a regular box-shadow using a negative vertical offset to push the shadow upwards to one-side.

`box-shadow: 0 -8px 20px 2px #DEDEE3;` Repeater get current index, pointer, or counter

Add a label control to your Repeater's ItemTemplate. Handle OnItemCreated event.


<asp:Repeater ID="rptr" runat="server" OnItemCreated="RepeaterItemCreated">
        <div id="width:50%;height:30px;background:#0f0a0f;">
            <asp:Label ID="lblSr" runat="server" 
               style="width:30%;float:left;text-align:right;text-indent:-2px;" />
               style="width:65%;float:right;text-align:left;text-indent:-2px;" >
            <%# Eval("Item") %>

Code Behind:

    protected void RepeaterItemCreated(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
        Label l = e.Item.FindControl("lblSr") as Label;
        if (l != null)
            l.Text = e.Item.ItemIndex + 1+"";

How to delete/truncate tables from Hadoop-Hive?

Use the following to delete all the tables in a linux environment.

hive -e 'show tables' | xargs -I '{}' hive -e 'drop table {}'

How to programmatically send SMS on the iPhone?

You can use this approach:

[[UIApplication sharedApplication]openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"sms:MobileNumber"]]

iOS will automatically navigate from your app to the messages app's message composing page. Since the URL's scheme starts with sms:, this is identified as a type that is recognized by the messages app and launches it.

python: after installing anaconda, how to import pandas

I'm using python 3.4 and Anaconda3 4.2.

I had the same problem, but it worked (the import pandas works now anyway) for me to install pandas with pip by writing:

python -m pip install pandas

Good luck!

Nested Git repositories?

You may be looking for the Git feature called submodules. This feature helps you manage dependent repositories that are nested inside your main repository.

how to run the command mvn eclipse:eclipse

I don't think one needs it any more. The latest versions of Eclipse have Maven plugin enabled. So you will just need to import a Maven project into Eclipse and no more as an existing project. Eclipse will create the needed .project, .settings, .classpath files based on your pom.xml and environment settings (installed Java version, etc.) . The earlier versions of Eclipse needed to have run the command mvn eclipse:eclipse which produced the same result.

Rename a file in C#

public static class ImageRename
    public static void ApplyChanges(string fileUrl,
                                    string temporaryImageName,
                                    string permanentImageName)
        var currentFileName = Path.Combine(fileUrl,

        if (!File.Exists(currentFileName))
            throw new FileNotFoundException();

        var extention = Path.GetExtension(temporaryImageName);
        var newFileName = Path.Combine(fileUrl,

        if (File.Exists(newFileName))

        File.Move(currentFileName, newFileName);

Enable vertical scrolling on textarea

Maybe a fixed height and overflow-y: scroll;

How do I disable the security certificate check in Python requests

If you want to send exactly post request with verify=False option, fastest way is to use this code:

import requests

requests.api.request('post', url, data={'bar':'baz'}, json=None, verify=False)

jQuery - checkbox enable/disable

$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
  $('#InventoryMasterError').click(function(event) { //on click_x000D_
    if (this.checked) { // check select status_x000D_
      $('.checkerror').each(function() { //loop through each checkbox_x000D_
        $('#selecctall').attr('disabled', 'disabled');_x000D_
    } else {_x000D_
      $('.checkerror').each(function() { //loop through each checkbox_x000D_
        $('#selecctall').removeAttr('disabled', 'disabled');_x000D_
$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
  $('#selecctall').click(function(event) { //on click_x000D_
    if (this.checked) { // check select status_x000D_
      $('.checkbox1').each(function() { //loop through each checkbox_x000D_
        $('#InventoryMasterError').attr('disabled', 'disabled');_x000D_
    } else {_x000D_
      $('.checkbox1').each(function() { //loop through each checkbox_x000D_
        $('#InventoryMasterError').removeAttr('disabled', 'disabled');_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" id="selecctall" name="selecctall" value="All" />_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" name="data[InventoryMaster][error]" label="" value="error" id="InventoryMasterError" />_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" name="checkid[]" class="checkbox1" value="1" id="InventoryMasterId" />_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" name="checkid[]" class="checkbox1" value="2" id="InventoryMasterId" />

How to change CSS using jQuery?

$(function(){ _x000D_
"border":"1px solid #EFEFEF",_x000D_
"margin":"0 auto",_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="bordered">_x000D_
<p id="myParagraph">This is some paragraph text</p>_x000D_

initialize a vector to zeros C++/C++11

Initializing a vector having struct, class or Union can be done this way

std::vector<SomeStruct> someStructVect(length);
memset(, 0, sizeof(SomeStruct)*length);

random number generator between 0 - 1000 in c#

Use this:

static int RandomNumber(int min, int max)
    Random random = new Random(); return random.Next(min, max);


This is example for you to modify and use in your application.

How do I search for a pattern within a text file using Python combining regex & string/file operations and store instances of the pattern?

Doing it in one bulk read:

import re

textfile = open(filename, 'r')
filetext =
matches = re.findall("(<(\d{4,5})>)?", filetext)

Line by line:

import re

textfile = open(filename, 'r')
matches = []
reg = re.compile("(<(\d{4,5})>)?")
for line in textfile:
    matches += reg.findall(line)

But again, the matches that returns will not be useful for anything except counting unless you added an offset counter:

import re

textfile = open(filename, 'r')
matches = []
offset = 0
reg = re.compile("(<(\d{4,5})>)?")
for line in textfile:
    matches += [(reg.findall(line),offset)]
    offset += len(line)

But it still just makes more sense to read the whole file in at once.

Professional jQuery based Combobox control?

Sexy-Combo has been deprecated. Further development exists in the Unobtrusive Fast-Filter Dropdown project. Looks promising, as i have similar requirements.

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ERROR

There is likely whitespace outside of your php tags.

*ngIf else if in template

To avoid nesting and ngSwitch, there is also this possibility, which leverages the way logical operators work in Javascript:

<ng-container *ngIf="foo === 1; then first; else (foo === 2 && second) || (foo === 3 && third)"></ng-container>
  <ng-template #first>First</ng-template>
  <ng-template #second>Second</ng-template>
  <ng-template #third>Third</ng-template>

How do I pass command-line arguments to a WinForms application?

static void Main(string[] args)
  // For the sake of this example, we're just printing the arguments to the console.
  for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) {
    Console.WriteLine("args[{0}] == {1}", i, args[i]);

The arguments will then be stored in the args string array:

$ AppB.exe firstArg secondArg thirdArg
args[0] == firstArg
args[1] == secondArg
args[2] == thirdArg

python : list index out of range error while iteratively popping elements

What Mark Rushakoff said is true, but if you iterate in the opposite direction, it is possible to remove elements from the list in the for-loop as well. E.g.,

x = [1,2,3,0,0,1]
for i in range(len(x)-1, -1, -1):
    if x[i] == 0:

It's like a tall building that falls from top to bottom: even if it is in the middle of collapse, you still can "enter" into it and visit yet-to-be-collapsed floors.

Should I put input elements inside a label element?

If you include the input tag in the label tag, you don't need to use the 'for' attribute.

That said, I don't like to include the input tag in my labels because I think they're separate, not containing, entities.

Why specify @charset "UTF-8"; in your CSS file?

One reason to always include a character set specification on every page containing text is to avoid cross site scripting vulnerabilities. In most cases the UTF-8 character set is the best choice for text, including HTML pages.

OpenSSL: PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:703:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE

  1. Since you are on Windows, make sure that your certificate in Windows "compatible", most importantly that it doesn't have ^M in the end of each line

    If you open it it will look like this:


    To solve "this" open it with Write or Notepad++ and have it convert it to Windows "style"

  2. Try to run openssl x509 -text -inform DER -in server_cert.pem and see what the output is, it is unlikely that a private/secret key would be untrusted, trust only is needed if you exported the key from a keystore, did you?


Although Other Answers work well, i want to give you alternate short version which i use very often:

        ->leftJoin('orders', '', '=', 'orders.customer_id')

And as in laravel version 5.3 added one more feature which will make your work even simpler look below for example:


What is the Gradle artifact dependency graph command?

In recent versions of Gradle (ie. 5+), if you run your build with the --scan flag, it tells you all kinds of useful information, including dependencies, in a browser where you can click around.

gradlew --scan clean build

It will analyze the crap out of what's going on in that build. It's pretty neat.

Simulating Key Press C#

Instead of forcing an F5 keypress when you're just trying to get the page to postback, you can call a postback based on a JS event (even mousemove or timer_tick if you want it to fire all the time). Use the code at as a reference.

Make multiple-select to adjust its height to fit options without scroll bar

I guess you can use the size attribute. It works in all recent browsers.

<select name="courses" multiple="multiple" size="30" style="height: 100%;">

Recover SVN password from local cache

Just use this this decrypter to decrypt your locally cached username & password.

By default, TortoiseSVN stores your cached credentials inside files in the %APPDATA%\Subversion\auth\svn.simple directory. The passwords are encrypted using the Windows Data Protection API, with a key tied to your user account. This tool reads the files and uses the API to decrypt your passwords

svn password decryptor

XMLHttpRequest Origin null is not allowed Access-Control-Allow-Origin for file:/// to file:/// (Serverless)

If you only need to access the files locally then you can include the exact path to the file, rather than using




The reason CORS is happening is because you are trying to traverse to another directory within a webpage, by including the direct path you are not changing directory, you are pulling from a direct location.

Vba macro to copy row from table if value in table meets condition

Try it like this:

Sub testIt()
Dim r As Long, endRow as Long, pasteRowIndex As Long

endRow = 10 ' of course it's best to retrieve the last used row number via a function
pasteRowIndex = 1

For r = 1 To endRow 'Loop through sheet1 and search for your criteria

    If Cells(r, Columns("B").Column).Value = "YourCriteria" Then 'Found

            'Copy the current row

            'Switch to the sheet where you want to paste it & paste

            'Next time you find a match, it will be pasted in a new row
            pasteRowIndex = pasteRowIndex + 1

           'Switch back to your table & continue to search for your criteria
    End If
Next r
End Sub

fitting data with numpy

Unfortunately, np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit returns the coefficients in the opposite order of that for np.polyfit and np.polyval (or, as you used np.poly1d). To illustrate:

In [40]: np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(x, y, 4)
array([  84.29340848, -100.53595376,   44.83281408,   -8.85931101,

In [41]: np.polyfit(x, y, 4)
array([   0.65459882,   -8.859311  ,   44.83281407, -100.53595375,

In general: np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit returns coefficients [A, B, C] to A + Bx + Cx^2 + ..., while np.polyfit returns: ... + Ax^2 + Bx + C.

So if you want to use this combination of functions, you must reverse the order of coefficients, as in:

ffit = np.polyval(coefs[::-1], x_new)

However, the documentation states clearly to avoid np.polyfit, np.polyval, and np.poly1d, and instead to use only the new(er) package.

You're safest to use only the polynomial package:

import numpy.polynomial.polynomial as poly

coefs = poly.polyfit(x, y, 4)
ffit = poly.polyval(x_new, coefs)
plt.plot(x_new, ffit)

Or, to create the polynomial function:

ffit = poly.Polynomial(coefs)    # instead of np.poly1d
plt.plot(x_new, ffit(x_new))

fit and data plot

How to get current timestamp in milliseconds since 1970 just the way Java gets

use <sys/time.h>

struct timeval tp;
gettimeofday(&tp, NULL);
long int ms = tp.tv_sec * 1000 + tp.tv_usec / 1000;

refer this.

How to access parameters in a RESTful POST method

Your @POST method should be accepting a JSON object instead of a string. Jersey uses JAXB to support marshaling and unmarshaling JSON objects (see the jersey docs for details). Create a class like:

public class MyJaxBean {
    @XmlElement public String param1;
    @XmlElement public String param2;

Then your @POST method would look like the following:

@POST @Consumes("application/json")
public void create(final MyJaxBean input) {
    System.out.println("param1 = " + input.param1);
    System.out.println("param2 = " + input.param2);

This method expects to receive JSON object as the body of the HTTP POST. JAX-RS passes the content body of the HTTP message as an unannotated parameter -- input in this case. The actual message would look something like:

POST /create HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 35


Using JSON in this way is quite common for obvious reasons. However, if you are generating or consuming it in something other than JavaScript, then you do have to be careful to properly escape the data. In JAX-RS, you would use a MessageBodyReader and MessageBodyWriter to implement this. I believe that Jersey already has implementations for the required types (e.g., Java primitives and JAXB wrapped classes) as well as for JSON. JAX-RS supports a number of other methods for passing data. These don't require the creation of a new class since the data is passed using simple argument passing.


The parameters would be annotated using @FormParam:

public void create(@FormParam("param1") String param1,
                   @FormParam("param2") String param2) {

The browser will encode the form using "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". The JAX-RS runtime will take care of decoding the body and passing it to the method. Here's what you should see on the wire:

POST /create HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 25


The content is URL encoded in this case.

If you do not know the names of the FormParam's you can do the following:

@POST @Consumes("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
public void create(final MultivaluedMap<String, String> formParams) {

HTTP Headers

You can using the @HeaderParam annotation if you want to pass parameters via HTTP headers:

public void create(@HeaderParam("param1") String param1,
                   @HeaderParam("param2") String param2) {

Here's what the HTTP message would look like. Note that this POST does not have a body.

POST /create HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 0
param1: hello
param2: world

I wouldn't use this method for generalized parameter passing. It is really handy if you need to access the value of a particular HTTP header though.

HTTP Query Parameters

This method is primarily used with HTTP GETs but it is equally applicable to POSTs. It uses the @QueryParam annotation.

public void create(@QueryParam("param1") String param1,
                   @QueryParam("param2") String param2) {

Like the previous technique, passing parameters via the query string does not require a message body. Here's the HTTP message:

POST /create?param1=hello&param2=world HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 0

You do have to be particularly careful to properly encode query parameters on the client side. Using query parameters can be problematic due to URL length restrictions enforced by some proxies as well as problems associated with encoding them.

HTTP Path Parameters

Path parameters are similar to query parameters except that they are embedded in the HTTP resource path. This method seems to be in favor today. There are impacts with respect to HTTP caching since the path is what really defines the HTTP resource. The code looks a little different than the others since the @Path annotation is modified and it uses @PathParam:

public void create(@PathParam("param1") String param1,
                   @PathParam("param2") String param2) {

The message is similar to the query parameter version except that the names of the parameters are not included anywhere in the message.

POST /create/hello/world HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 0

This method shares the same encoding woes that the query parameter version. Path segments are encoded differently so you do have to be careful there as well.

As you can see, there are pros and cons to each method. The choice is usually decided by your clients. If you are serving FORM-based HTML pages, then use @FormParam. If your clients are JavaScript+HTML5-based, then you will probably want to use JAXB-based serialization and JSON objects. The MessageBodyReader/Writer implementations should take care of the necessary escaping for you so that is one fewer thing that can go wrong. If your client is Java based but does not have a good XML processor (e.g., Android), then I would probably use FORM encoding since a content body is easier to generate and encode properly than URLs are. Hopefully this mini-wiki entry sheds some light on the various methods that JAX-RS supports.

Note: in the interest of full disclosure, I haven't actually used this feature of Jersey yet. We were tinkering with it since we have a number of JAXB+JAX-RS applications deployed and are moving into the mobile client space. JSON is a much better fit that XML on HTML5 or jQuery-based solutions.

How to empty a char array?

I'd go with

members_in_use = 0;

Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run next command `npm update caniuse-lite browserslist`

For Angular Developers

Although, I'm answering this very late. I have a bad habit of checking changelogs of every library I use and while checking the release notes of Angular CLI, I figured out that they released a new patch yesterday (9th Jan 2020) which fixes this issue.

So when you will run ng update, you should get updates for @angular/cli:

enter image description here

And running ng update @angular/cli will fix this warning.


Text-align class for inside a table

Here is the simplest solution

You can assign the classes like text-center, left or right. The text will align accordingly to these classes. You do not have to make classes separately. These classes are inbuilt in BootStrap 3

    <h1 class="text-center"> Heading 1 </h1> 
    <h1 class="text-left"> Heading 2 </h1> 
    <h1 class="text-right"> Heading 3 </h1>

Check here: Demo

Correct way to use StringBuilder in SQL

When you already have all the "pieces" you wish to append, there is no point in using StringBuilder at all. Using StringBuilder and string concatenation in the same call as per your sample code is even worse.

This would be better:

return "select id1, " + " id2 " + " from " + " table";

In this case, the string concatenation is actually happening at compile-time anyway, so it's equivalent to the even-simpler:

return "select id1, id2 from table";

Using new StringBuilder().append("select id1, ").append(" id2 ")....toString() will actually hinder performance in this case, because it forces the concatenation to be performed at execution time, instead of at compile time. Oops.

If the real code is building a SQL query by including values in the query, then that's another separate issue, which is that you should be using parameterized queries, specifying the values in the parameters rather than in the SQL.

I have an article on String / StringBuffer which I wrote a while ago - before StringBuilder came along. The principles apply to StringBuilder in the same way though.

Don't understand why UnboundLocalError occurs (closure)

try this

counter = 0

def increment():
  global counter
  counter += 1


Modifying CSS class property values on the fly with JavaScript / jQuery

You should really rethink your approach to this issue. Using a well crafted selector and attaching the class may be a more elegant solution to this approach. As far as I know you cannot modify external CSS.

How to return value from function which has Observable subscription inside?

For example this is my html template:

<select class="custom-select d-block w-100" id="genre" name="genre"
            <option value="">Choose...</option>
            <option *ngFor="let genre of genres;" [value]="genre.value">{{}}</option>

This is the field that binded with template from my Component:

  // Genres of films like action or drama that will populate dropdown list.
  genres: Genre[];

I fetch genres of films from server dynamically. In order do communicate with server I have created FilmService

This is the method which communicate server:

 fetchGenres(): Observable<Genre[]> {
    return this.client.get(WebUtils.RESOURCE_HOST_API + 'film' + '/genre') as Observable<Genre[]>;

Why this method returns Observable<Genre[]> not something like Genre[]?

JavaScript is async and it does not wait for a method to return value after an expensive process. With expensive I mean a process that take a time to return value. Like fetching data from server. So you have to return reference of Observable and subscribe it.

For example in my Component :

ngOnInit() {
      val => this.genres = val

Internet Explorer 11 disable "display intranet sites in compatibility view" via meta tag not working

Add the below property into the web.config file for IIS sites. This worked for me on my intranet in IE11.

      <clear />
      <add name="X-UA-Compatible" value="IE=edge" />

Index of Currently Selected Row in DataGridView

You can try this code :

int columnIndex = dataGridView.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex;
int rowIndex = dataGridView.CurrentCell.RowIndex;

How do I block or restrict special characters from input fields with jquery?

[User below code to restrict special character also    

$(h.txtAmount).keydown(function (event) {
        if (event.shiftKey) {
        if (event.keyCode == 46 || event.keyCode == 8) {
        else {
            if (event.keyCode < 95) {
                if (event.keyCode < 48 || event.keyCode > 57) {
            else {
                if (event.keyCode < 96 || event.keyCode > 105) {


Disable password authentication for SSH


service ssh restart

instead of

/etc/init.d/ssh restart

This might work.

How To Execute SSH Commands Via PHP

Use the ssh2 functions. Anything you'd do via an exec() call can be done directly using these functions, saving you a lot of connections and shell invocations.

What does `void 0` mean?

What does void 0 mean?

void[MDN] is a prefix keyword that takes one argument and always returns undefined.


void 0
void (0)
void "hello"
void (new Date())
//all will return undefined

What's the point of that?

It seems pretty useless, doesn't it? If it always returns undefined, what's wrong with just using undefined itself?

In a perfect world we would be able to safely just use undefined: it's much simpler and easier to understand than void 0. But in case you've never noticed before, this isn't a perfect world, especially when it comes to Javascript.

The problem with using undefined was that undefined is not a reserved word (it is actually a property of the global object [wtfjs]). That is, undefined is a permissible variable name, so you could assign a new value to it at your own caprice.

alert(undefined); //alerts "undefined"
var undefined = "new value";
alert(undefined) // alerts "new value"

Note: This is no longer a problem in any environment that supports ECMAScript 5 or newer (i.e. in practice everywhere but IE 8), which defines the undefined property of the global object as read-only (so it is only possible to shadow the variable in your own local scope). However, this information is still useful for backwards-compatibility purposes.

alert(window.hasOwnProperty('undefined')); // alerts "true"
alert(window.undefined); // alerts "undefined"
alert(undefined === window.undefined); // alerts "true"
var undefined = "new value";
alert(undefined); // alerts "new value"
alert(undefined === window.undefined); // alerts "false"

void, on the other hand, cannot be overidden. void 0 will always return undefined. undefined, on the other hand, can be whatever Mr. Javascript decides he wants it to be.

Why void 0, specifically?

Why should we use void 0? What's so special about 0? Couldn't we just as easily use 1, or 42, or 1000000 or "Hello, world!"?

And the answer is, yes, we could, and it would work just as well. The only benefit of passing in 0 instead of some other argument is that 0 is short and idiomatic.

Why is this still relevant?

Although undefined can generally be trusted in modern JavaScript environments, there is one trivial advantage of void 0: it's shorter. The difference is not enough to worry about when writing code but it can add up enough over large code bases that most code minifiers replace undefined with void 0 to reduce the number of bytes sent to the browser.

Get Wordpress Category from Single Post

For the lazy and the learning, to put it into your theme, Rfvgyhn's full code

<?php $category = get_the_category();
$firstCategory = $category[0]->cat_name; echo $firstCategory;?>

Why Visual Studio 2015 can't run exe file (ucrtbased.dll)?

The problem was solved by reinstalling Visual Studio 2015.

EXTRACT() Hour in 24 Hour format

select to_char(tran_datetime,'HH24') from test;


Fixed point vs Floating point number

A fixed point number just means that there are a fixed number of digits after the decimal point. A floating point number allows for a varying number of digits after the decimal point.

For example, if you have a way of storing numbers that requires exactly four digits after the decimal point, then it is fixed point. Without that restriction it is floating point.

Often, when fixed point is used, the programmer actually uses an integer and then makes the assumption that some of the digits are beyond the decimal point. For example, I might want to keep two digits of precision, so a value of 100 means actually means 1.00, 101 means 1.01, 12345 means 123.45, etc.

Floating point numbers are more general purpose because they can represent very small or very large numbers in the same way, but there is a small penalty in having to have extra storage for where the decimal place goes.

how to get current datetime in SQL?

For SQL Server use GetDate() or current_timestamp. You can format the result with the Convert(dataType,value,format). Tag your question with the correct Database Server.

Forward request headers from nginx proxy server

If you want to pass the variable to your proxy backend, you have to set it with the proxy module.

location / {
    proxy_pass            ;
    proxy_set_header                Host;
    proxy_set_header                HTTP_Country-Code $geoip_country_code;
    proxy_pass_request_headers      on;

And now it's passed to the proxy backend.

Drawing an image from a data URL to a canvas

Just to add to the other answers: In case you don't like the onload callback approach, you can "promisify" it like so:

let url = "...";
let img = new Image();
await new Promise(r => img.onload=r, img.src=url);
// now do something with img

Rails - Could not find a JavaScript runtime?

Add following gems in your gem file

gem 'therubyracer'
gem 'execjs'

and run

bundle install


Install Node.js to fix it permanently for all projects.

jQuery Validation plugin: validate check box

You can validate group checkbox and radio button without extra js code, see below example.

Your JS should be look like:


You can play with HTML tag and attributes: eg. group checkbox [minlength=2 and maxlength=4]

<fieldset class="col-md-12">
  <div class="form-row">
    <div class="col-12 col-md-12 form-group">
        <label class="checkbox-inline">
          <input type="checkbox" name="daysgroup[]" value="1" required="required" data-msg-required="This value is required." minlength="2" maxlength="4" data-msg-maxlength="Max should be 4">Monday
        <label class="checkbox-inline">
          <input type="checkbox" name="daysgroup[]" value="2">Tuesday
        <label class="checkbox-inline">
          <input type="checkbox" name="daysgroup[]" value="3">Wednesday
        <label class="checkbox-inline">
          <input type="checkbox" name="daysgroup[]" value="4">Thursday
        <label class="checkbox-inline">
          <input type="checkbox" name="daysgroup[]" value="5">Friday
        <label class="checkbox-inline">
          <input type="checkbox" name="daysgroup[]" value="6">Saturday
        <label class="checkbox-inline">
          <input type="checkbox" name="daysgroup[]" value="7">Sunday
        <label for="daysgroup[]" class="error">Your error message will be display here.</label>

You can see here first or any one input should have required, minlength="2" and maxlength="4" attributes. minlength/maxlength as per your requirement.

eg. group radio button:

<fieldset class="col-md-12">
  <div class="form-row">
    <div class="col-12 col-md-12 form-group">
        <label class="form-check-inline">
          <input type="radio" name="gendergroup[]" value="m" required="required" data-msg-required="This value is required.">man
        <label class="form-check-inline">
          <input type="radio" name="gendergroup[]" value="w">woman
        <label class="form-check-inline">
          <input type="radio" name="gendergroup[]" value="o">other
        <label for="gendergroup[]" class="error">Your error message will be display here.</label>

You can check working example here.

  • jQuery v3.3.x
  • jQuery Validation Plugin - v1.17.0

can you host a private repository for your organization to use with npm?

This post talks about how to setup a private registry

  • make sure couchdb is installed in your system
  • Replicating use the following command

    curl -X POST -d '{"source":"", "target":"registry", "continuous":true, "create_target":true}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Note there is "continuous":true in the command, this utilises CouchDB’s _changes API and will pull any new changes when this API is notified.

If you ever want to stop these replications, you can easily add "cancel":true. Then the script would be

    curl -X POST -d '{"source":"", "target":"registry", "continuous":true, "create_target":true, "cancel":true}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Then go to readme to install npm (make sure nodejs and git is installed). Blow is all the steps

git clone git://
sudo npm install -g couchapp 
npm install couchapp 
npm install semver 
couchapp push registry/app.js http://localhost:5984/registry 
couchapp push www/app.js http://localhost:5984/registry 

XAMPP - MySQL shutdown unexpectedly

My Xampp MySQL worked just follows as below:

01.Go to mysql/data/ directory
02. delete the ibdata1 & ib_logfile*(ib_logfile0,ib_logfile1,ib_logfile101) file
03. restart xampp server

How do you open an SDF file (SQL Server Compact Edition)?

Download and install LINQPad, it works for SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite and also SDF (SQL CE 4.0).

Steps for open SDF Files:

  1. Click Add Connection

  2. Select Build data context automatically and Default (LINQ to SQL), then Next.

  3. Under Provider choose SQL CE 4.0.

  4. Under Database with Attach database file selected, choose Browse to select your .sdf file.

  5. Click OK.

How to change the default collation of a table?

It sets the default collation for the table; if you create a new column, that should be collated with latin_general_ci -- I think. Try specifying the collation for the individual column and see if that works. MySQL has some really bizarre behavior in regards to the way it handles this.

Determining image file size + dimensions via Javascript?

You can get the dimensions using getElement(...).width and ...height.

Since JavaScript can't access anything on the local disk for security reasons, you can't examine local files. This is also true for files in the browser's cache.

You really need a server which can process AJAX requests. On that server, install a service that downloads the image and saves the data stream in a dummy output which just counts the bytes. Note that you can't always rely on the Content-length header field since the image data might be encoded. Otherwise, it would be enough to send a HTTP HEAD request.

Is there a way to ignore a single FindBugs warning?

Update Gradle

dependencies {
    compile group: 'findbugs', name: 'findbugs', version: '1.0.0'

Locate the FindBugs Report


Find the specific message

find bugs

Import the correct version of the annotation

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings;

Add the annotation directly above the offending code


See here for more info: findbugs Spring Annotation

How to scale Docker containers in production

Panamax: Docker Management for Humans.

Fig: Fast, isolated development environments using Docker.

How to keep one variable constant with other one changing with row in excel

For future visitors - use this for range: ($A$1:$A$10)


Overriding !important style

If you want to update / add single style in DOM Element style attribute you can use this function:

function setCssTextStyle(el, style, value) {
  var result = RegExp("(?:[;\\s]|^)(" +
      style.replace("-", "\\-") + "\\s*:(.*?)(;|$))")),
  if (result) {
    idx = result.index + result[0].indexOf(result[1]); =, idx) +
      style + ": " + value + ";" + + result[1].length);
  } else { += " " + style + ": " + value + ";";

style.cssText is supported for all major browsers.

Use case example:

var elem = document.getElementById("elementId");
setCssTextStyle(elem, "margin-top", "10px !important");

Here is link to demo

Why does Eclipse complain about @Override on interface methods?

I understood your problem, change your jdk from your jdk to greaterthan 1.5

"A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time" using WebClient

setting the proxy address explicitly in web.config solved my problem

            <proxy usesystemdefault = "false" proxyaddress="http://address:port" bypassonlocal="false"/> 

Resolving the “TCP error code 10060: A connection attempt failed…” while consuming a web service

Formatting a double to two decimal places

I would recomment the Fixed-Point ("F") format specifier (as mentioned by Ehsan). See the Standard Numeric Format Strings.

With this option you can even have a configurable number of decimal places:

public string ValueAsString(double value, int decimalPlaces)
    return value.ToString($"F{decimalPlaces}");

How to write UPDATE SQL with Table alias in SQL Server 2008?

You can always take the CTE, (Common Tabular Expression), approach.

;WITH updateCTE AS
    WHERE ID = 101


Java Best Practices to Prevent Cross Site Scripting

My preference is to encode all non-alphaumeric characters as HTML numeric character entities. Since almost, if not all attacks require non-alphuneric characters (like <, ", etc) this should eliminate a large chunk of dangerous output.

Format is &#N;, where N is the numeric value of the character (you can just cast the character to an int and concatenate with a string to get a decimal value). For example:

// java-ish pseudocode
StringBuffer safestrbuf = new StringBuffer(string.length()*4);
foreach(char c : string.split() ){  
  if( Character.isAlphaNumeric(c) ) safestrbuf.append(c);
  else safestrbuf.append(""+(int)symbol);

You will also need to be sure that you are encoding immediately before outputting to the browser, to avoid double-encoding, or encoding for HTML but sending to a different location.

Unable to locate an executable at "/usr/bin/java/bin/java" (-1)

For those using newer versions of java: jhat has been removed since Java 9. Source:

That same article recommends using Java VisualVM instead.

SQL Server: Invalid Column Name

Following procedure helped me solve this issue but i don't know why.

  1. Cut the code in question given by the lines in the message
  2. Save the query (e.g. to file)
  3. Paste the code to where it was before
  4. Again save the query

Even if it seems to be the same query executing it did not throw this error

How to verify element present or visible in selenium 2 (Selenium WebDriver)


How to format x-axis time scale values in Chart.js v2

You could format the dates before you add them to your array. That is how I did. I used AngularJS

//convert the date to a standard format

var dt = new Date(date);

//take only the date and month and push them to your label array

$rootScope.charts.mainChart.labels.push(dt.getDate() + "-" + (dt.getMonth() + 1));

Use this array in your chart presentation

Google Play Services Missing in Emulator (Android 4.4.2)

google play service is just a library to create application but in order to use application that use google play service library , you need to install google play in your emulator.and for that it need the unique device id. and device id is only on the real device not have on emulator. so for testing it , you need real android device.

How can I commit files with git?

in standart Vi editor in this situation you should

  1. press Esc
  2. type ":wq" (without quotes)
  3. Press Enter

Factory Pattern. When to use factory methods?

UML from

enter image description here

Product: It defines an interface of the objects the Factory method creates.

ConcreteProduct: Implements Product interface

Creator: Declares the Factory method

ConcreateCreator: Implements the Factory method to return an instance of a ConcreteProduct

Problem statement: Create a Factory of Games by using Factory Methods, which defines the game interface.

Code snippet:

import java.util.HashMap;

/* Product interface as per UML diagram */
interface Game{
    /* createGame is a complex method, which executes a sequence of game steps */
    public void createGame();

/* ConcreteProduct implementation as per UML diagram */
class Chess implements Game{
    public Chess(){

    public void createGame(){
        System.out.println("Create Chess game");
        System.out.println("Define 64 blocks");
        System.out.println("Place 16 pieces for White opponent");
        System.out.println("Place 16 pieces for Black opponent");
        System.out.println("Start Chess game");
class Checkers implements Game{
    public Checkers(){

    public void createGame(){
        System.out.println("Create Checkers game");
        System.out.println("Opponents:2 or 3 or 4 or 6");
        System.out.println("For each opponent, place 10 coins");
        System.out.println("Start Checkers game");
class Ludo implements Game{
    public Ludo(){

    public void createGame(){
        System.out.println("Create Ludo game");
        System.out.println("Opponents:2 or 3 or 4");
        System.out.println("For each opponent, place 4 coins");
        System.out.println("Create two dices with numbers from 1-6");
        System.out.println("Start Ludo game");

/* Creator interface as per UML diagram */
interface IGameFactory {
    public Game getGame(String gameName);

/* ConcreteCreator implementation as per UML diagram */
class GameFactory implements IGameFactory {

     HashMap<String,Game> games = new HashMap<String,Game>();
        Since Game Creation is complex process, we don't want to create game using new operator every time.
        Instead we create Game only once and store it in Factory. When client request a specific game, 
        Game object is returned from Factory instead of creating new Game on the fly, which is time consuming

    public GameFactory(){

        games.put(Chess.class.getName(),new Chess());
        games.put(Checkers.class.getName(),new Checkers());
        games.put(Ludo.class.getName(),new Ludo());        
    public Game getGame(String gameName){
        return games.get(gameName);

public class NonStaticFactoryDemo{
    public static void main(String args[]){
        if ( args.length < 1){
            System.out.println("Usage: java FactoryDemo gameName");

        GameFactory factory = new GameFactory();
        Game game = factory.getGame(args[0]);
        if ( game != null ){                    
            System.out.println(args[0]+  " Game does not exists in factory");


java NonStaticFactoryDemo Chess
Create Chess game
Define 64 blocks
Place 16 pieces for White opponent
Place 16 pieces for Black opponent
Start Chess game

This example shows a Factory class by implementing a FactoryMethod.

  1. Game is the interface for all type of games. It defines complex method: createGame()

  2. Chess, Ludo, Checkers are different variants of games, which provide implementation to createGame()

  3. public Game getGame(String gameName) is FactoryMethod in IGameFactory class

  4. GameFactory pre-creates different type of games in constructor. It implements IGameFactory factory method.

  5. game Name is passed as command line argument to NotStaticFactoryDemo

  6. getGame in GameFactory accepts a game name and returns corresponding Game object.


Creates objects without exposing the instantiation logic to the client.


Define an interface for creating an object, but let the subclasses decide which class to instantiate. The Factory method lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses

Use case:

When to use: Client doesn't know what concrete classes it will be required to create at runtime, but just wants to get a class that will do the job.

<!--[if !IE]> not working

This works for me across all browsers greater than version 6 (IE7, 8, 9, 10, etc, Chrome 3 up to what it is now, and FF ver 3 up to what it is now):

//test if running in IE or not
        function isIE () {
            var myNav = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
            return (myNav.indexOf('msie') != -1 || myNav.indexOf('trident') != -1) ? true : false;

How to Make A Chevron Arrow Using CSS?

Here's a different approach:

1) Use the multiplication character: &times; ×

2) Hide half of it with overflow:hidden

3) Then add a triangle as a pseudo element for the tip.

The advantage here is that no transforms are necessary. (It will work in IE8+)


.arrow {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
.arrow:before {_x000D_
  content: '×';_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  font-size: 240px;_x000D_
  font-weight: bold;_x000D_
  font-family: verdana;_x000D_
  width: 103px;_x000D_
  height: 151px;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  line-height: 117px;_x000D_
.arrow:after {_x000D_
  content: '';_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  left: 101px;_x000D_
  top: 51px;_x000D_
  width: 0;_x000D_
  height: 0;_x000D_
  border-style: solid;_x000D_
  border-width: 25px 0 25px 24px;_x000D_
  border-color: transparent transparent transparent black;_x000D_
<div class="arrow"></div>

How to watch and reload ts-node when TypeScript files change

you could use ts-node-dev

It restarts target node process when any of required files changes (as standard node-dev) but shares Typescript compilation process between restarts.


yarn add ts-node-dev --dev

and your package.json could be like this

"scripts": {
  "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
  "tsc": "tsc",
  "dev": "ts-node-dev --respawn --transpileOnly ./src/index.ts",
  "prod": "tsc && node ./build/index.js"

How can I convert a string with dot and comma into a float in Python

Better solution for different currency formats:

def text_currency_to_float(text):
  t = text
  dot_pos = t.rfind('.')
  comma_pos = t.rfind(',')
  if comma_pos > dot_pos:
    t = t.replace(".", "")
    t = t.replace(",", ".")
    t = t.replace(",", "")


How to determine whether a substring is in a different string

enter image description here

Instead Of using find(), One of the easy way is the Use of 'in' as above.

if 'substring' is present in 'str' then if part will execute otherwise else part will execute.

Converting a double to an int in Javascript without rounding

There is no such thing as an int in Javascript. All Numbers are actually doubles behind the scenes* so you can't rely on the type system to issue a rounding order for you as you can in C or C#.

You don't need to worry about precision issues (since doubles correctly represent any integer up to 2^53) but you really are stuck with using Math.floor (or other equivalent tricks) if you want to round to the nearest integer.

*Most JS engines use native ints when they can but all in all JS numbers must still have double semantics.

best way to get the key of a key/value javascript object

You can access each key individually without iterating as in:

var obj = { first: 'someVal', second: 'otherVal' };
alert(Object.keys(obj)[0]); // returns first
alert(Object.keys(obj)[1]); // returns second

How do you create a dictionary in Java?

This creates dictionary of text (string):

Map<String, String> dictionary = new HashMap<String, String>();

you then use it as a:

dictionary.put("key", "value");
String value = dictionary.get("key");

Works but gives an error you need to keep the constructor class same as the declaration class. I know it inherits from the parent class but, unfortunately it gives an error on runtime.

Map<String, String> dictionary = new Map<String, String>();

This works properly.

No output to console from a WPF application?

Although John Leidegren keeps shooting down the idea, Brian is correct. I've just got it working in Visual Studio.

To be clear a WPF application does not create a Console window by default.

You have to create a WPF Application and then change the OutputType to "Console Application". When you run the project you will see a console window with your WPF window in front of it.

It doesn't look very pretty, but I found it helpful as I wanted my app to be run from the command line with feedback in there, and then for certain command options I would display the WPF window.

The Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion launcher jar windows

open eclipse.ini and replace with this ~


this work for me, good luck ~

Java, How to get number of messages in a topic in apache kafka

Excerpts from Kafka docs

Deprecations in

The ( has been deprecated. Going forward, please use (kafka.admin.ConsumerGroupCommand) for this functionality.

I am running Kafka broker with SSL enabled for both server and client. Below command I use --bootstrap-server Broker_IP:Port --list --command-config /tmp/ssl_config --bootstrap-server Broker_IP:Port --command-config /tmp/ssl_config --describe --group group_name_x

where /tmp/ssl_config is as below


Strangest language feature

RSL programming language is used in one strange banking system. There is built-in class TArray for arrays. But if you inherit from it every instance variable become an element of the array.

class (TArray) DerivedArray
  var someField = 56;

var a = DerivedArray();
PrintLn(a.Size);     // => 1
PrintLn(a[0]);       // => 56 

Cron and virtualenv

I've added the following script as inside my Django project, it sources the virtualenv and then runs the script with whatever arguments you pass to it. It makes it very easy in general to run commands inside the virtualenv (cron, systemd units, basically anywhere):

#! /bin/bash

# this is a convenience script that first sources the venv (assumed to be in
# ../venv) and then executes with whatever arguments you supply the
# script with. this is useful if you need to execute the from
# somewhere where the venv isn't sourced (e.g. system scripts)

# get the script's location
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"

source $DIR/../venv/bin/activate

# run script
$DIR/ "$@"

Then in your cron entry you can just run:

0 3 * * * /home/user/project/ command arg

Just remember that you need to make the script executable

Why is Java's SimpleDateFormat not thread-safe?

Here is a code example that proves the fault in the class. I've checked: the problem occurs when using parse and also when you are only using format.

How to install JQ on Mac by command-line?

You can install any application/packages with brew on mac. If you want to know the exact command just search your package on and you will get the set of commands needed to install that package.

First open terminal and install brew

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null

Now Install jq

brew install jq

Why is "throws Exception" necessary when calling a function?

Java requires that you handle or declare all exceptions. If you are not handling an Exception using a try/catch block then it must be declared in the method's signature.

For example:

class throwseg1 {
    void show() throws Exception {
        throw new Exception();

Should be written as:

class throwseg1 {
    void show() {
        try {
            throw new Exception();
        } catch(Exception e) {
            // code to handle the exception

This way you can get rid of the "throws Exception" declaration in the method declaration.

PHP - regex to allow letters and numbers only

try this way .eregi("[^A-Za-z0-9.]", $value)

C# - How to get Program Files (x86) on Windows 64 bit

The function below will return the x86 Program Files directory in all of these three Windows configurations:

  • 32 bit Windows
  • 32 bit program running on 64 bit Windows
  • 64 bit program running on 64 bit windows


static string ProgramFilesx86()
    if( 8 == IntPtr.Size 
        || (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432"))))
        return Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles(x86)");

    return Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles");

mappedBy reference an unknown target entity property

The mappedBy attribute is referencing customer while the property is mCustomer, hence the error message. So either change your mapping into:

/** The collection of stores. */
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "mCustomer", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Collection<Store> stores;

Or change the entity property into customer (which is what I would do).

The mappedBy reference indicates "Go look over on the bean property named 'customer' on the thing I have a collection of to find the configuration."

Android Button click go to another xml page

Write below code in your file instead of your code.

public class MainActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Button mBtn1 = (Button) findViewById(;

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
        getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
        return true;

    public void onClick(View v) {
        Log.i("clicks","You Clicked B1");
        Intent i=new Intent(MainActivity.this, MainActivity2.class);

And Declare MainActivity2 into your Androidmanifest.xml file using below code.


How do I determine file encoding in OS X?

vim -c 'execute "silent !echo " . &fileencoding | q' {filename}

aliased somewhere in my bash configuration as

alias vic="vim -c 'execute \"silent \!echo \" . &fileencoding | q'"

so I just type

vic {filename}

On my vanilla OSX Yosemite, it yields more precise results than "file -I":

$ file -I pdfs/udocument0.pdf
pdfs/udocument0.pdf: application/pdf; charset=binary
$ vic pdfs/udocument0.pdf
$ file -I pdfs/t0.pdf
pdfs/t0.pdf: application/pdf; charset=us-ascii
$ vic pdfs/t0.pdf

How do you make sure email you send programmatically is not automatically marked as spam?

In addition to all of the other answers, if you are sending HTML emails that contain URLs as linking text, make sure that the URL matches the linking text. I know that Thunderbird automatically flags them as being a scam if not.

The wrong way:

Go to your account now: <a href=""></a>

The right way:

Go to your account now: <a href=""></a>

Or use an unrelated linking text instead of a URL:

<a href="">Click here to go to your account</a>

Set color of TextView span in Android

Below works perfectly for me

    tvPrivacyPolicy = (TextView) findViewById(;
    String originalText = (String)tvPrivacyPolicy.getText();
    int startPosition = 15;
    int endPosition = 31;

    SpannableString spannableStr = new SpannableString(originalText);
    UnderlineSpan underlineSpan = new UnderlineSpan();
    spannableStr.setSpan(underlineSpan, startPosition, endPosition, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);

    ForegroundColorSpan backgroundColorSpan = new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.BLUE);
    spannableStr.setSpan(backgroundColorSpan, startPosition, endPosition, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);

    StyleSpan styleSpanItalic  = new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD);

    spannableStr.setSpan(styleSpanItalic, startPosition, endPosition, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);


Output for above code

enter image description here

Skip rows during csv import pandas

skip[1] will skip second line, not the first one.

How do I get the offset().top value of an element without using jQuery?

Seems you can just use the prop method on the angular element:

var top = $el.prop('offsetTop');

Works for me. Does anyone know any downside to this?

Cannot implicitly convert type 'int?' to 'int'.


(i == null) ? i.Value : 0;

Get the index of a certain value in an array in PHP

Here is a function that will work for numeric or string indices. Pass the array as first parameter, then the index to the element that needs to be moved and finally set the direction to -1 to move the element up and to 1 to move it down. Example: Move(['first'=>'Peter','second'=>'Paul','third'=>'Kate'],'second',-1) will move Paul up and Peter down.

function Move($a,$element,$direction)

$temp = [];
$index = 0;

foreach($a as $key=>$value)
    $temp[$index++] = $key;

$index = array_search($element,$temp);

$newpos = $index+$direction;

        $value2 = $temp[$newpos];
    # move is not possible
    return $a; # returns the array unchanged

$final = [];

foreach($temp as $next)

return $final;


How to use MD5 in javascript to transmit a password

I would suggest you to use CryptoJS in this case.

Basically CryptoJS is a growing collection of standard and secure cryptographic algorithms implemented in JavaScript using best practices and patterns. They are fast, and they have a consistent and simple interface.

So In case you want calculate hash(MD5) of your password string then do as follows :

<script src=""></script>
    var passhash = CryptoJS.MD5(password).toString();

      { user: username, pass: passhash },
      'json' );

So this script will post hash of your password string to the server.

For further info and support on other hash calculating algorithms you can visit at:

Ways to insert javascript into URL?

old question that I stumbled into that I believe deserves an update... You can infact execute javascript from the URL, and you can get creative about it too. I recently made a members only area that I wanted to remind someone what their password was, so I was looking for a non-local alert...of course you can embed an alert into the page itself, but then its public. the difference here is I can create a link and slip some JS into the href so clicking on the link will generate the alert.

here is what I mean >>

<a href="javascript:alert('the secret is to ask.');window.location.replace('');">You can have anything</a>

and so upon clicking the link, the user is given an alert with the info, then they are taken to the new page.

obviously you could also write an onClick, but the href works just fine when you slip it through the URL, just remember to prepend it with "javascript:"

*works in chrome, didnt check anything else.

const to Non-const Conversion in C++

Changing a constant type will lead to an Undefined Behavior.

However, if you have an originally non-const object which is pointed to by a pointer-to-const or referenced by a reference-to-const then you can use const_cast to get rid of that const-ness.

Casting away constness is considered evil and should not be avoided. You should consider changing the type of the pointers you use in vector to non-const if you want to modify the data through it.

How to hide "Showing 1 of N Entries" with the dataTables.js library

Now, this seems to work:

  "info": false

it hides that div, altogether

Plot Normal distribution with Matplotlib

Note: This solution is using pylab, not matplotlib.pyplot

You may try using hist to put your data info along with the fitted curve as below:

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import pylab as pl

h = sorted([186, 176, 158, 180, 186, 168, 168, 164, 178, 170, 189, 195, 172,
     187, 180, 186, 185, 168, 179, 178, 183, 179, 170, 175, 186, 159,
     161, 178, 175, 185, 175, 162, 173, 172, 177, 175, 172, 177, 180])  #sorted

fit = stats.norm.pdf(h, np.mean(h), np.std(h))  #this is a fitting indeed


pl.hist(h,normed=True)      #use this to draw histogram of your data                   #use may also need add this 

enter image description here

Inserting a Python datetime.datetime object into MySQL

Use Python method datetime.strftime(format), where format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'.

import datetime

now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

cursor.execute("INSERT INTO table (name, id, datecolumn) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)",
               ("name", 4, now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))


If timezones are a concern, the MySQL timezone can be set for UTC as follows:

cursor.execute("SET time_zone = '+00:00'")

And the timezone can be set in Python:

now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)

MySQL Documentation

MySQL recognizes DATETIME and TIMESTAMP values in these formats:

As a string in either 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' or 'YY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format. A “relaxed” syntax is permitted here, too: Any punctuation character may be used as the delimiter between date parts or time parts. For example, '2012-12-31 11:30:45', '2012^12^31 11+30+45', '2012/12/31 11*30*45', and '2012@12@31 11^30^45' are equivalent.

The only delimiter recognized between a date and time part and a fractional seconds part is the decimal point.

The date and time parts can be separated by T rather than a space. For example, '2012-12-31 11:30:45' '2012-12-31T11:30:45' are equivalent.

As a string with no delimiters in either 'YYYYMMDDHHMMSS' or 'YYMMDDHHMMSS' format, provided that the string makes sense as a date. For example, '20070523091528' and '070523091528' are interpreted as '2007-05-23 09:15:28', but '071122129015' is illegal (it has a nonsensical minute part) and becomes '0000-00-00 00:00:00'.

As a number in either YYYYMMDDHHMMSS or YYMMDDHHMMSS format, provided that the number makes sense as a date. For example, 19830905132800 and 830905132800 are interpreted as '1983-09-05 13:28:00'.

Getting checkbox values on submit

(It's not action="get" or action="post" it's method="get" or method="post"

Try to do it using post method:

<form action="third.php" method="POST">
    Red<input type="checkbox" name="color[]" id="color" value="red">
    Green<input type="checkbox" name="color[]" id="color" value="green">
    Blue<input type="checkbox" name="color[]" id="color" value="blue">
    Cyan<input type="checkbox" name="color[]" id="color" value="cyan">
    Magenta<input type="checkbox" name="color[]" id="color" value="Magenta">
    Yellow<input type="checkbox" name="color[]" id="color" value="yellow">
    Black<input type="checkbox" name="color[]" id="color" value="black">
    <input type="submit" value="submit">

and in third.php

or for a pericular field you colud get value in:

$_POST['color'][0] //for RED
$_POST['color'][1] // for GREEN

convert float into varchar in SQL server without scientific notation

Try this:

  1. Casting as DECIMAL will put decimal point on every value, whether it had one before or not.
  2. Casting as VARCHAR allows you to use the REPLACE function
  3. First REPLACE zeros with spaces, then RTRIM to get rid of all trailing spaces (formerly zeros), then REPLACE remaining spaces with zeros.
  4. Then do the same for the period to get rid of it for numbers with no decimal values.

Is bool a native C type?

stdbool.h was introduced in c99

How do I loop through a date range?

you have to be careful here not to miss the dates when in the loop a better solution would be.

this gives you the first date of startdate and use it in the loop before incrementing it and it will process all the dates including the last date of enddate hence <= enddate.

so the above answer is the correct one.

while (startdate <= enddate)
    // do something with the startdate
    startdate = startdate.adddays(interval);

Double Iteration in List Comprehension

This flatten_nlevel function calls recursively the nested list1 to covert to one level. Try this out

def flatten_nlevel(list1, flat_list):
    for sublist in list1:
        if isinstance(sublist, type(list)):        
            flatten_nlevel(sublist, flat_list)

list1 = [1,[1,[2,3,[4,6]],4],5]

items = []


[1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 4, 5]

Creating a button in Android Toolbar

ToolBar with Button Tutorial

1 - Add library compatibility inside build.gradle

dependencies {
    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
    compile ''

2 - Create a file name color.xml to define the Toolbar colors

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <color name="ColorPrimary">#FF5722</color>
    <color name="ColorPrimaryDark">#E64A19</color>

3 - Modify your style.xml file

    <!-- Base application theme. -->
    <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">

        <item name="colorPrimary">@color/ColorPrimary</item>
        <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/ColorPrimaryDark</item>
        <!-- Customize your theme here. -->

4 - Create a xml file like tool_bar.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    android:elevation="4dp" />

5 - Include the Toolbar into your main_activity.xml

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""

        layout="@layout/tool_bar" />

        android:text="@string/hello_world" />


6 - Then, put it inside your MainActivity class

package com.example.hp1.materialtoolbar;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuItem;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Toast;

/* When using AppCompat support library                                                             
 * (you need to extend Main Activity to                                                            
 * ActionBarActivity)
 * ActionBarActivity has deprecated, use AppCompatActivity
public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity { 
    // Declaring the Toolbar Object
    private Toolbar toolbar;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // Attaching the layout to the toolbar object
        toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;
        // Setting toolbar as the ActionBar with setSupportActionBar() call

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
        getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
        return true;

    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
        // Handle action bar item clicks here. The action bar will
        // automatically handle clicks on the Home/Up button, so long
        // as you specify a parent activity in AndroidManifest.xml.
        int id = item.getItemId();

        //noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement
        if (id == {
            return true;

        return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

7 - And finally, add your "Button Items" to the menu_main.xml inside of /res/menu/ directory

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            app:showAsAction="never" />
            app:showAsAction="ifRoom" />        

! [rejected] master -> master (fetch first)

Please try this command to solve it -

git push origin master --force


 git push origin master -f

Difference between "on-heap" and "off-heap"

The heap is the place in memory where your dynamically allocated objects live. If you used new then it's on the heap. That's as opposed to stack space, which is where the function stack lives. If you have a local variable then that reference is on the stack. Java's heap is subject to garbage collection and the objects are usable directly.

EHCache's off-heap storage takes your regular object off the heap, serializes it, and stores it as bytes in a chunk of memory that EHCache manages. It's like storing it to disk but it's still in RAM. The objects are not directly usable in this state, they have to be deserialized first. Also not subject to garbage collection.

Automatically get loop index in foreach loop in Perl

Yes. I have checked so many books and other blogs... The conclusion is, there isn't any system variable for the loop counter. We have to make our own counter. Correct me if I'm wrong.

How can I get a list of all classes within current module in Python?

This is the line that I use to get all of the classes that have been defined in the current module (ie not imported). It's a little long according to PEP-8 but you can change it as you see fit.

import sys
import inspect

classes = [name for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass) 
          if obj.__module__ is __name__]

This gives you a list of the class names. If you want the class objects themselves just keep obj instead.

classes = [obj for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass)
          if obj.__module__ is __name__]

This is has been more useful in my experience.

Firebase: how to generate a unique numeric ID for key?

Use transactions and keep a number in the database somewhere that you can increase by one. This way you can get a nice numeric and simple id.

Materialize CSS - Select Doesn't Seem to Render

First, make sure you initialize it in document.ready like this:

$(document).ready(function () {

Then, populate it with your data in the way you want. My example:

    function FillMySelect(myCustomData) {

        $.each(myCustomData, function (key, value) {
           $("#mySelect").append("<option value='" + "'>" + + "</option>");

Make sure after you are done with the population, to trigger this contentChanged like this:


How can I change the date format in Java?

Or you could go the regex route:

String date = "10/07/2010";
String newDate = date.replaceAll("(\\d+)/(\\d+)/(\\d+)", "$3/$2/$1");

It works both ways too. Of course this won't actually validate your date and will also work for strings like "21432/32423/52352". You can use "(\\d{2})/(\\d{2})/(\\d{4}" to be more exact in the number of digits in each group, but it will only work from dd/MM/yyyy to yyyy/MM/dd and not the other way around anymore (and still accepts invalid numbers in there like 45). And if you give it something invalid like "blabla" it will just return the same thing back.

JSON character encoding - is UTF-8 well-supported by browsers or should I use numeric escape sequences?

Reading the json rfc ( it is clear that the preferred encoding is utf-8.

FYI, RFC 4627 is no longer the official JSON spec. It was obsoleted in 2014 by RFC 7159, which was then obsoleted in 2017 by RFC 8259, which is the current spec.

RFC 8259 states:

8.1. Character Encoding

JSON text exchanged between systems that are not part of a closed ecosystem MUST be encoded using UTF-8 [RFC3629].

Previous specifications of JSON have not required the use of UTF-8 when transmitting JSON text. However, the vast majority of JSON-based software implementations have chosen to use the UTF-8 encoding, to the extent that it is the only encoding that achieves interoperability.

Implementations MUST NOT add a byte order mark (U+FEFF) to the beginning of a networked-transmitted JSON text. In the interests of interoperability, implementations that parse JSON texts MAY ignore the presence of a byte order mark rather than treating it as an error.

Checking if an Android application is running in the background

There are few ways to detect whether your application is running in the background, but only one of them is completely reliable:

  1. The right solution (credits go to Dan, CommonsWare and NeTeInStEiN)
    Track visibility of your application by yourself using Activity.onPause, Activity.onResume methods. Store "visibility" status in some other class. Good choices are your own implementation of the Application or a Service (there are also a few variations of this solution if you'd like to check activity visibility from the service).
    Implement custom Application class (note the isActivityVisible() static method):

    public class MyApplication extends Application {
      public static boolean isActivityVisible() {
        return activityVisible;
      public static void activityResumed() {
        activityVisible = true;
      public static void activityPaused() {
        activityVisible = false;
      private static boolean activityVisible;

    Register your application class in AndroidManifest.xml:

        android:label="@string/app_name" >

    Add onPause and onResume to every Activity in the project (you may create a common ancestor for your Activities if you'd like to, but if your activity is already extended from MapActivity/ListActivity etc. you still need to write the following by hand):

    protected void onResume() {
    protected void onPause() {

    ActivityLifecycleCallbacks were added in API level 14 (Android 4.0). You can use them to track whether an activity of your application is currently visible to the user. Check Cornstalks' answer below for the details.

  2. The wrong one
    I used to suggest the following solution:

    You can detect currently foreground/background application with ActivityManager.getRunningAppProcesses() which returns a list of RunningAppProcessInfo records. To determine if your application is on the foreground check RunningAppProcessInfo.importance field for equality to RunningAppProcessInfo.IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND while RunningAppProcessInfo.processName is equal to your application package name.

    Also if you call ActivityManager.getRunningAppProcesses() from your application UI thread it will return importance IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND for your task no matter whether it is actually in the foreground or not. Call it in the background thread (for example via AsyncTask) and it will return correct results.

    While this solution may work (and it indeed works most of the time) I strongly recommend to refrain from using it. And here's why. As Dianne Hackborn wrote:

    These APIs are not there for applications to base their UI flow on, but to do things like show the user the running apps, or a task manager, or such.

    Yes there is a list kept in memory for these things. However, it is off in another process, managed by threads running separately from yours, and not something you can count on (a) seeing in time to make the correct decision or (b) have a consistent picture by the time you return. Plus the decision about what the "next" activity to go to is always done at the point where the switch is to happen, and it is not until that exact point (where the activity state is briefly locked down to do the switch) that we actually know for sure what the next thing will be.

    And the implementation and global behavior here is not guaranteed to remain the same in the future.

    I wish I had read this before I posted an answer on the SO, but hopefully it's not too late to admit my error.

  3. Another wrong solution
    Droid-Fu library mentioned in one of the answers uses ActivityManager.getRunningTasks for its isApplicationBroughtToBackground method. See Dianne's comment above and don't use that method either.

How to create NSIndexPath for TableView

Obligatory answer in Swift : NSIndexPath(forRow:row, inSection: section)

You will notice that NSIndexPath.indexPathForRow(row, inSection: section) is not available in swift and you must use the first method to construct the indexPath.

How do I get a UTC Timestamp in JavaScript?

You generally don't need to do much of "Timezone manipulation" on the client side. As a rule I try to store and work with UTC dates, in the form of ticks or "number of milliseconds since midnight of January 1, 1970." This really simplifies storage, sorting, calculation of offsets, and most of all, rids you of the headache of the "Daylight Saving Time" adjustments. Here's a little JavaScript code that I use.

To get the current UTC time:

function getCurrentTimeUTC()
    //      = number of milliseconds between current UTC time and midnight of January 1, 1970
    var tmLoc = new Date();
    //The offset is in minutes -- convert it to ms
    return tmLoc.getTime() + tmLoc.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;

Then what you'd generally need is to format date/time for the end-user for their local timezone and format. The following takes care of all the complexities of date and time formats on the client computer:

function formatDateTimeFromTicks(nTicks)
    //'nTicks' = number of milliseconds since midnight of January 1, 1970
    //      = Formatted date/time
    return new Date(nTicks).toLocaleString();

function formatDateFromTicks(nTicks)
    //'nTicks' = number of milliseconds since midnight of January 1, 1970
    //      = Formatted date
    return new Date(nTicks).toLocaleDateString();

function formatTimeFromTicks(nTicks)
    //'nTicks' = number of milliseconds since midnight of January 1, 1970
    //      = Formatted time
    return new Date(nTicks).toLocaleTimeString();

So the following example:

var ticks = getCurrentTimeUTC();  //Or get it from the server

var __s = "ticks=" + ticks + 
    ", DateTime=" + formatDateTimeFromTicks(ticks) +
    ", Date=" + formatDateFromTicks(ticks) +
    ", Time=" + formatTimeFromTicks(ticks);

document.write("<span>" + __s + "</span>");

Returns the following (for my U.S. English locale):

ticks=1409103400661, DateTime=8/26/2014 6:36:40 PM, Date=8/26/2014, Time=6:36:40 PM

SqlBulkCopy - The given value of type String from the data source cannot be converted to type money of the specified target column

Make sure that the column values u added in entity class having get set properties also in the same order which is present in target table.

show loading icon until the page is load?

HTML, CSS, JS are all good as given in above answers. However they won't stop user from clicking the loader and visiting page. And if page time is large, it looks broken and defeats the purpose.

So in CSS consider adding

pointer-events: none;
cursor: default;

Also, instead of using gif files, if you are using fontawesome which everybody uses now a days, consider using in your html

<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin">

Count the number occurrences of a character in a string

An alternative way to get all the character counts without using Counter(), count and regex

counts_dict = {}
for c in list(sentence):
  if c not in counts_dict:
    counts_dict[c] = 0
  counts_dict[c] += 1

for key, value in counts_dict.items():
    print(key, value)

What is the difference between Document style and RPC style communication?

I think what you are asking is the difference between RPC Literal, Document Literal and Document Wrapped SOAP web services.

Note that Document web services are delineated into literal and wrapped as well and they are different - one of the primary difference is that the latter is BP 1.1 compliant and the former is not.

Also, in Document Literal the operation to be invoked is not specified in terms of its name whereas in Wrapped, it is. This, I think, is a significant difference in terms of easily figuring out the operation name that the request is for.

In terms of RPC literal versus Document Wrapped, the Document Wrapped request can be easily vetted / validated against the schema in the WSDL - one big advantage.

I would suggest using Document Wrapped as the web service type of choice due to its advantages.

SOAP on HTTP is the SOAP protocol bound to HTTP as the carrier. SOAP could be over SMTP or XXX as well. SOAP provides a way of interaction between entities (client and servers, for example) and both entities can marshal operation arguments / return values as per the semantics of the protocol.

If you were using XML over HTTP (and you can), it is simply understood to be XML payload on HTTP request / response. You would need to provide the framework to marshal / unmarshal, error handling and so on.

A detailed tutorial with examples of WSDL and code with emphasis on Java: SOAP and JAX-WS, RPC versus Document Web Services

Detecting TCP Client Disconnect

If you're using overlapped (i.e. asynchronous) I/O with completion routines or completion ports, you will be notified immediately (assuming you have an outstanding read) when the client side closes the connection.

Sanitizing strings to make them URL and filename safe?

I don't think having a list of chars to remove is safe. I would rather use the following:

For filenames: Use an internal ID or a hash of the filecontent. Save the document name in a database. This way you can keep the original filename and still find the file.

For url parameters: Use urlencode() to encode any special characters.

"Cannot evaluate expression because the code of the current method is optimized" in Visual Studio 2010

It sounds like you are debugging an optimised / release build, despite having the optimised box un-checked. Things you can try are:

  • Do a complete rebuild of your solution file (right click on the solution and select Rebuild all)
  • While debugging open up the modules window (Debug -> Windows -> Modules) and find your assembly in the list of loaded modules. Check that the Path listed against your loaded assembly is what you expect it to be, and that the modified timestamp of the file indicates that the assembly was actually rebuilt.
  • The modules window should also tell you whether or not the loaded module is optimised or not - make sure that the modules window indicates that it is not optimised.

If you cant't see the Modules menu item in the Debug -> Windows menu then you may need to add it in the "Customise..." menu.

Excel- compare two cell from different sheet, if true copy value from other cell

In your destination field you want to use VLOOKUP like so:


VLOOKUP Arguments:

  1. The set fields you want to lookup.
  2. The table range you want to lookup up your value against. The first column of your defined table should be the column you want compared against your lookup field. The table range should also contain the value you want to display (Column F).
  3. This defines what field you want to display upon a match.
  4. FALSE tells VLOOKUP to do an exact match.

Is there a better way to iterate over two lists, getting one element from each list for each iteration?

Another way to do this would be to by using map.

>>> a
[1, 2, 3]
>>> b
[4, 5, 6]
>>> for i,j in map(None,a,b):
    ...   print i,j
1 4
2 5
3 6

One difference in using map compared to zip is, with zip the length of new list is
same as the length of shortest list. For example:

>>> a
[1, 2, 3, 9]
>>> b
[4, 5, 6]
>>> for i,j in zip(a,b):
    ...   print i,j
1 4
2 5
3 6

Using map on same data:

>>> for i,j in map(None,a,b):
    ...   print i,j

    1 4
    2 5
    3 6
    9 None

Is there a "theirs" version of "git merge -s ours"?

I think what you actually want is:

git checkout -B mergeBranch branchB
git merge -s ours branchA
git checkout branchA
git merge mergeBranch
git branch -D mergeBranch

This seems clumsy, but it should work. The only think I really dislike about this solution is the git history will be confusing... But at least the history will be completely preserved and you won't need to do something special for deleted files.

How can I stop python.exe from closing immediately after I get an output?

In windows, if Python is installed into the default directory (For me it is):

cd C:\Python27

You then proceed to type

"python.exe "[FULLPATH]\[name].py" 

to run your Python script in Command Prompt

How Do I 'git fetch' and 'git merge' from a Remote Tracking Branch (like 'git pull')

Selecting just one branch: fetch/merge vs. pull

People often advise you to separate "fetching" from "merging". They say instead of this:

    git pull remoteR branchB

do this:

    git fetch remoteR
    git merge remoteR branchB

What they don't mention is that such a fetch command will actually fetch all branches from the remote repo, which is not what that pull command does. If you have thousands of branches in the remote repo, but you do not want to see all of them, you can run this obscure command:

    git fetch remoteR refs/heads/branchB:refs/remotes/remoteR/branchB
    git branch -a  # to verify
    git branch -t branchB remoteR/branchB

Of course, that's ridiculously hard to remember, so if you really want to avoid fetching all branches, it is better to alter your .git/config as described in ProGit.


The best explanation of all this is in Chapter 9-5 of ProGit, Git Internals - The Refspec (or via github). That is amazingly hard to find via Google.

First, we need to clear up some terminology. For remote-branch-tracking, there are typically 3 different branches to be aware of:

  1. The branch on the remote repo: refs/heads/branchB inside the other repo
  2. Your remote-tracking branch: refs/remotes/remoteR/branchB in your repo
  3. Your own branch: refs/heads/branchB inside your repo

Remote-tracking branches (in refs/remotes) are read-only. You do not modify those directly. You modify your own branch, and then you push to the corresponding branch at the remote repo. The result is not reflected in your refs/remotes until after an appropriate pull or fetch. That distinction was difficult for me to understand from the git man-pages, mainly because the local branch (refs/heads/branchB) is said to "track" the remote-tracking branch when .git/config defines branch.branchB.remote = remoteR.

Think of 'refs' as C++ pointers. Physically, they are files containing SHA-digests, but basically they are just pointers into the commit tree. git fetch will add many nodes to your commit-tree, but how git decides what pointers to move is a bit complicated.

As mentioned in another answer, neither

    git pull remoteR branchB


    git fetch remoteR branchB

would move refs/remotes/branches/branchB, and the latter certainly cannot move refs/heads/branchB. However, both move FETCH_HEAD. (You can cat any of these files inside .git/ to see when they change.) And git merge will refer to FETCH_HEAD, while setting MERGE_ORIG, etc.

Gradle - Could not target platform: 'Java SE 8' using tool chain: 'JDK 7 (1.7)'

Although this question specifically asks about IntelliJ, this was the first result I received on Google, so I believe that many Eclipse users may have the same problem using Buildship.

You can set your Gradle JVM in Eclipse by going to Gradle Tasks (in the default view, down at the bottom near the console), right-clicking on the specific task you are trying to run, clicking "Open Gradle Run Configuration..." and moving to the Java Home tab and picking the correct JVM for your project.

C/C++ maximum stack size of program

In Visual Studio the default stack size is 1 MB i think, so with a recursion depth of 10,000 each stack frame can be at most ~100 bytes which should be sufficient for a DFS algorithm.

Most compilers including Visual Studio let you specify the stack size. On some (all?) linux flavours the stack size isn't part of the executable but an environment variable in the OS. You can then check the stack size with ulimit -s and set it to a new value with for example ulimit -s 16384.

Here's a link with default stack sizes for gcc.

DFS without recursion:

std::stack<Node> dfs;
do {
    Node top =;
    if (top is what we are looking for) {
    for (outgoing nodes from top) {
        dfs.push(outgoing node);
} while (!dfs.empty())

How can I force input to uppercase in an ASP.NET textbox?

Use the text-transform CSS for the front-end and then use the toUpper method on your string server-side before you validate.

Initializing a member array in constructor initializer

C++98 doesn't provide a direct syntax for anything but zeroing (or for non-POD elements, value-initializing) the array. For that you just write C(): arr() {}.

I thing Roger Pate is wrong about the alleged limitations of C++0x aggregate initialization, but I'm too lazy to look it up or check it out, and it doesn't matter, does it? EDIT: Roger was talking about "C++03", I misread it as "C++0x". Sorry, Roger. ?

A C++98 workaround for your current code is to wrap the array in a struct and initialize it from a static constant of that type. The data has to reside somewhere anyway. Off the cuff it can look like this:

class C 
    C() : arr( arrData ) {}

     struct Arr{ int elem[3]; };
     Arr arr;
     static Arr const arrData;

C::Arr const C::arrData = {{1, 2, 3}};

php variable in html no other way than: <?php echo $var; ?>

Use the HEREDOC syntax. You can mix single and double quotes, variables and even function calls with unaltered / unescaped html markup.

echo <<<MYTAG
  <tr><td> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="$var1" ></td></tr>
  <tr><td> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="$var2" ></td></tr>
  <tr><td> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="$var3" ></td></tr>
  <tr><td> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="$var4" ></td></tr>

How to get MD5 sum of a string using python?

Use hashlib.md5 in Python 3.

import hashlib

source = '000005fab4534d05api_key9a0554259914a86fb9e7eb014e4e5d52permswrite'.encode()
md5 = hashlib.md5(source).hexdigest() # returns a str
print(md5) # a02506b31c1cd46c2e0b6380fb94eb3d

If you need byte type output, use digest() instead of hexdigest().

Save bitmap to file function

implementation save bitmap and load bitmap directly. fast and ease on mfc class

void CMRSMATH1Dlg::Loadit(TCHAR *destination, CDC &memdc)
CImage img;
CBitmap bm;     
CFile file2;
file2.Open(destination, CFile::modeRead | CFile::typeBinary);
file2.Read(&bFileHeader, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
file2.Read(&Info, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));    
BYTE ch;
int width = Info.biWidth;
int height = Info.biHeight;
if (height < 0)height = -height;
int size1 = width*height * 3;
int size2 = ((width * 24 + 31) / 32) * 4 * height;
int widthnew = (size2 - size1) / height;
BYTE * buffer = (BYTE *)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, size2);
unsigned char alpha = 0;    
int z = 0;  
z = 0;
int gap = (size2 - size1) / height;
for (int y = 0;y < height;y++)
    for (int x = 0;x < width*3;x++)
        file2.Read(&ch, 1);
        buffer[z] = ch;
    for (int z1 = 0;z1 <gap;z1++)
bm.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&memdc, width, height);
old = memdc.SelectObject(&bm);   
 //bm.SetBitmapBits(size1, buffer);     
 GetDC()->BitBlt(1, 95, width, height, &memdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
 void CMRSMATH1Dlg::saveit(CBitmap &bit1, CDC &memdc, TCHAR *destination)
CFile file1;
            CSize size = bit1.GetBitmap(&bm);
 int z = 0;  
 BYTE ch = 0; = bm.bmWidth; = bm.bmHeight;
 int width =;    
 int size1 = (*(;
 int size2 = size1 * 3;  
 size1 = (( * 24 + 31) / 32) *4*;     
 BYTE * buffer = (BYTE *)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, size2);               
 bFileHeader.bfType = 'B' + ('M' << 8); 
 bFileHeader.bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
 bFileHeader.bfSize = bFileHeader.bfOffBits + size1;
 bFileHeader.bfReserved1 = 0;
 bFileHeader.bfReserved2 = 0;   
 Info.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
 Info.biPlanes = 1;
 Info.biBitCount = 24;//bm.bmBitsPixel;//bitsperpixel///////////////////32
 Info.biCompression = BI_RGB;
 Info.biWidth =bm.bmWidth;
 Info.biHeight =-bm.bmHeight;///reverse pic if negative height
 Info.biSizeImage =size1;
 Info.biClrImportant = 0;
 if (bm.bmBitsPixel <= 8)
     Info.biClrUsed = 1 << bm.bmBitsPixel;
 Info.biClrUsed = 0;
 Info.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
 Info.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
 bit1.GetBitmapBits(size2, buffer);      
 file1.Open(destination, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite |CFile::typeBinary,0);
 file1.Write(&bFileHeader, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
 file1.Write(&Info, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
 unsigned char alpha = 0;    
 for (int y = 0;y<;y++)
     for (int x = 0;x<;x++)
         //for reverse picture below
         //z = ((( - 1 - y)* + (x)) * 3;          
     z = (((y)* + (x)) * 3;
     file1.Write(&buffer[z], 1);
     file1.Write(&buffer[z + 1], 1);
     file1.Write(&buffer[z + 2], 1);
     for (int z = 0;z < (size1 - size2) /;z++)
         file1.Write(&alpha, 1);
 file1.m_hFile = NULL;

Fastest way to check if a value exists in a list

Be aware that the in operator tests not only equality (==) but also identity (is), the in logic for lists is roughly equivalent to the following (it's actually written in C and not Python though, at least in CPython):

for element in s:
    if element is target:
        # fast check for identity implies equality
        return True
    if element == target:
        # slower check for actual equality
        return True
return False

In most circumstances this detail is irrelevant, but in some circumstances it might leave a Python novice surprised, for example, numpy.NAN has the unusual property of being not being equal to itself:

>>> import numpy
>>> numpy.NAN == numpy.NAN
>>> numpy.NAN is numpy.NAN
>>> numpy.NAN in [numpy.NAN]

To distinguish between these unusual cases you could use any() like:

>>> lst = [numpy.NAN, 1 , 2]
>>> any(element == numpy.NAN for element in lst)
>>> any(element is numpy.NAN for element in lst)

Note the in logic for lists with any() would be:

any(element is target or element == target for element in lst)

However, I should emphasize that this is an edge case, and for the vast majority of cases the in operator is highly optimised and exactly what you want of course (either with a list or with a set).

How to check if a file exists before creating a new file

Try this (copied-ish from Erik Garrison:

#include <sys/stat.h>

bool FileExists(char* filename) 
    struct stat fileInfo;
    return stat(filename, &fileInfo) == 0;

stat returns 0 if the file exists and -1 if not.

C# create simple xml file

I'd recommend serialization,

public class Person
      public  string FirstName;
      public  string MI;
      public  string LastName;

static void Serialize()
      clsPerson p = new Person();
      p.FirstName = "Jeff";
      p.MI = "A";
      p.LastName = "Price";
      System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer x = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(p.GetType());
      x.Serialize(System.Console.Out, p);
      System.Console.WriteLine(" --- Press any key to continue --- ");

You can further control serialization with attributes.
But if it is simple, you could use XmlDocument:

using System;
using System.Xml;

public class GenerateXml {
    private static void Main() {
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
        XmlNode docNode = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", null);

        XmlNode productsNode = doc.CreateElement("products");

        XmlNode productNode = doc.CreateElement("product");
        XmlAttribute productAttribute = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
        productAttribute.Value = "01";

        XmlNode nameNode = doc.CreateElement("Name");
        XmlNode priceNode = doc.CreateElement("Price");

        // Create and add another product node.
        productNode = doc.CreateElement("product");
        productAttribute = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
        productAttribute.Value = "02";
        nameNode = doc.CreateElement("Name");
        priceNode = doc.CreateElement("Price");


And if it needs to be fast, use XmlWriter:

public static void WriteXML()
    // Create an XmlWriterSettings object with the correct options.
    System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings settings = new System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings();
    settings.Indent = true;
    settings.IndentChars = "    "; //  "\t";
    settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = false;
    settings.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;

    using (System.Xml.XmlWriter writer = System.Xml.XmlWriter.Create("data.xml", settings))


        for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
            writer.WriteElementString("item", "Book "+ (i+1).ToString());


    } // End Using writer 


And btw, the fastest way to read XML is XmlReader:

public static void ReadXML()
    using (System.Xml.XmlReader xmlReader = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(""))
        while (xmlReader.Read())
            if ((xmlReader.NodeType == System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element) && (xmlReader.Name == "Cube"))
                if (xmlReader.HasAttributes)
                    System.Console.WriteLine(xmlReader.GetAttribute("currency") + ": " + xmlReader.GetAttribute("rate"));

        } // Whend 

    } // End Using xmlReader


And the most convenient way to read XML is to just deserialize the XML into a class.
This also works for creating the serialization classes, btw.
You can generate the class from XML with Xml2CSharp:

Concatenating two std::vectors

If your goal is simply to iterate over the range of values for read-only purposes, an alternative is to wrap both vectors around a proxy (O(1)) instead of copying them (O(n)), so they are promptly seen as a single, contiguous one.

std::vector<int> A{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
std::vector<int> B{ 10, 20, 30 };

VecProxy<int> AB(A, B);  // ----> O(1)!

for (size_t i = 0; i < AB.size(); i++)
    std::cout << AB[i] << " ";  // ----> 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30

Refer to for more details, including the 'VecProxy' implementation as well as pros & cons.

How to unzip files programmatically in Android?

This is my unzip method, which I use:

private boolean unpackZip(String path, String zipname)
     InputStream is;
     ZipInputStream zis;
         is = new FileInputStream(path + zipname);
         zis = new ZipInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(is));          
         ZipEntry ze;

         while((ze = zis.getNextEntry()) != null) 
             ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
             byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
             int count;

             String filename = ze.getName();
             FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(path + filename);

             // reading and writing
             while((count = != -1) 
                 baos.write(buffer, 0, count);
                 byte[] bytes = baos.toByteArray();


     catch(IOException e)
         return false;

    return true;

Getting request payload from POST request in Java servlet

If you are able to send the payload in JSON, this is a most convenient way to read the playload:

Example data class:

public class Person {
    String firstName;
    String lastName;
    // Getters and setters ...

Example payload (request body):

{ "firstName" : "John", "lastName" : "Doe" }

Code to read payload in servlet (requires*):

Person person = new Gson().fromJson(request.getReader(), Person.class);

That's all. Nice, easy and clean. Don't forget to set the content-type header to application/json.

LINQ Group By and select collection

you can achive it with group join

var result = (from c in Customers
          join oi in OrderItems on c.Id equals oi.Order.Customer.Id into g
          Select new { customer = c, orderItems = g});

c is Customer and g is the customers order items.

Why "no projects found to import"?

In new updated eclipse the option "create project from existing source" is found here, File>New>Project>Android>Android Project from Existing Code. Then browse to root directory.

enter image description here

How to export a CSV to Excel using Powershell

I had some problem getting the other examples to work.

EPPlus and other libraries produces OpenDocument Xml format, which is not the same as you get when you save from Excel as xlsx.

macks example with open CSV and just re-saving didn't work, I never managed to get the ',' delimiter to be used correctly.

Ansgar Wiechers example has some slight error which I found the answer for in the commencts.

Anyway, this is a complete working example. Save this in a File CsvToExcel.ps1

param (

$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$excel.Visible = $false

$wb = $excel.Workbooks.Add()
$ws = $wb.Sheets.Item(1)

$ws.Cells.NumberFormat = "@"

write-output "Opening $inputfile"

$i = 1
Import-Csv $inputfile | Foreach-Object { 
    $j = 1
    foreach ($prop in $_.PSObject.Properties)
        if ($i -eq 1) {
            $ws.Cells.Item($i, $j) = $prop.Name
        } else {
            $ws.Cells.Item($i, $j) = $prop.Value

write-output "Success"

Execute with:

.\CsvToExcel.ps1 -inputfile "C:\Temp\X\data.csv" -outputfile "C:\Temp\X\data.xlsx"

How can I use a local image as the base image with a dockerfile?

You can use it without doing anything special. If you have a local image called blah you can do FROM blah. If you do FROM blah in your Dockerfile, but don't have a local image called blah, then Docker will try to pull it from the registry.

In other words, if a Dockerfile does FROM ubuntu, but you have a local image called ubuntu different from the official one, your image will override it.

Where to place JavaScript in an HTML file?

Your javascript links can got either in the head or at the end of the body tag, it is true that performance improves by putting the link at the end of your body tag, but unless performance is an issue, placing them in the head is nicer for people to read and you know where the links are located and can reference them easier.

Oracle DB : java.sql.SQLException: Closed Connection

You have to validate the connection.

If you use Oracle it is likely that you use Oracle´s Universal Connection Pool. The following assumes that you do so.

The easiest way to validate the connection is to tell Oracle that the connection must be validated while borrowing it. This can be done with


But it works only if you hold the connection for a short period. If you borrow the connection for a longer time, it is likely that the connection gets broken while you hold it. In that case you have to validate the connection explicitly with

if (connection == null || !((ValidConnection) connection).isValid())

See the Oracle documentation for further details.

Edit and replay XHR chrome/firefox etc?

No need to install 3rd party extensions!

There exists the javascript-snippet, which you can add as browser-bookmark and then activate on any site to track & modify the requests. It looks like:

enter image description here

For further instructions, review the github page.

Edit Crystal report file without Crystal Report software

This may be a long shot, but Crystal Reports for Eclipse is free. I'm not sure if it will work, but if all you need is to edit some static text, you could get that version of CR and get the job done.

On postback, how can I check which control cause postback in Page_Init event

I see that there is already some great advice and methods suggest for how to get the post back control. However I found another web page (Mahesh blog) with a method to retrieve post back control ID.

I will post it here with a little modification, including making it an extension class. Hopefully it is more useful in that way.

/// <summary>
/// Gets the ID of the post back control.
/// See:
/// </summary>
/// <param name = "page">The page.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string GetPostBackControlId(this Page page)
    if (!page.IsPostBack)
        return string.Empty;

    Control control = null;
    // first we will check the "__EVENTTARGET" because if post back made by the controls
    // which used "_doPostBack" function also available in Request.Form collection.
    string controlName = page.Request.Params["__EVENTTARGET"];
    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(controlName))
        control = page.FindControl(controlName);
        // if __EVENTTARGET is null, the control is a button type and we need to
        // iterate over the form collection to find it

        // ReSharper disable TooWideLocalVariableScope
        string controlId;
        Control foundControl;
        // ReSharper restore TooWideLocalVariableScope

        foreach (string ctl in page.Request.Form)
            // handle ImageButton they having an additional "quasi-property" 
            // in their Id which identifies mouse x and y coordinates
            if (ctl.EndsWith(".x") || ctl.EndsWith(".y"))
                controlId = ctl.Substring(0, ctl.Length - 2);
                foundControl = page.FindControl(controlId);
                foundControl = page.FindControl(ctl);

            if (!(foundControl is IButtonControl)) continue;

            control = foundControl;

    return control == null ? String.Empty : control.ID;

Update (2016-07-22): Type check for Button and ImageButton changed to look for IButtonControl to allow postbacks from third party controls to be recognized.

Load JSON text into class object in c#

copy your Json and paste at textbox on and click on Generate button,

A cs class will be generated use that cs file as below:

var generatedcsResponce = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(yourJson);

where RootObject is the name of the generated cs file;

splitting a string based on tab in the file

You can use regexp to do this:

import re
patt = re.compile("[^\t]+")

s = "a\t\tbcde\t\tef"
['a', 'bcde', 'ef']  

PermissionError: [Errno 13] in python

When doing;

a_file = open('E:\Python Win7-64-AMD 3.3\Test', encoding='utf-8')'re trying to open a directory as a file, which may (and on most non UNIX file systems will) fail.

Your other example though;

a_file = open('E:\Python Win7-64-AMD 3.3\Test\a.txt', encoding='utf-8')

should work well if you just have the permission on a.txt. You may want to use a raw (r-prefixed) string though, to make sure your path does not contain any escape characters like \n that will be translated to special characters.

a_file = open(r'E:\Python Win7-64-AMD 3.3\Test\a.txt', encoding='utf-8')

C# - Create SQL Server table programmatically

For managing DataBase Objects in SQL Server i would suggest using Server Management Objects

How to show image using ImageView in Android

Drag image from your hard drive to Drawable folder in your project and in code use it like this:

ImageView image;

image = (ImageView) findViewById(;

Putting images with options in a dropdown list

Checkout And Run The Following Code. It will help you...

 $( function() {_x000D_
    $.widget( "custom.iconselectmenu", $.ui.selectmenu, {_x000D_
      _renderItem: function( ul, item ) {_x000D_
        var li = $( "<li>" ),_x000D_
          wrapper = $( "<div>", { text: item.label } );_x000D_
        if ( item.disabled ) {_x000D_
          li.addClass( "ui-state-disabled" );_x000D_
        $( "<span>", {_x000D_
          style: item.element.attr( "data-style" ),_x000D_
          "class": "ui-icon " + item.element.attr( "data-class" )_x000D_
          .appendTo( wrapper );_x000D_
        return li.append( wrapper ).appendTo( ul );_x000D_
    $( "#filesA" )_x000D_
      .iconselectmenu( "menuWidget" )_x000D_
        .addClass( "ui-menu-icons" );_x000D_
    $( "#filesB" )_x000D_
      .iconselectmenu( "menuWidget" )_x000D_
        .addClass( "ui-menu-icons customicons" );_x000D_
    $( "#people" )_x000D_
      .iconselectmenu( "menuWidget")_x000D_
        .addClass( "ui-menu-icons avatar" );_x000D_
  } );_x000D_
    h2 {_x000D_
      margin: 30px 0 0 0;_x000D_
    fieldset {_x000D_
      border: 0;_x000D_
      display: block;_x000D_
    /* select with custom icons */_x000D_
    .ui-selectmenu-menu .ui-menu.customicons .ui-menu-item-wrapper {_x000D_
      padding: 0.5em 0 0.5em 3em;_x000D_
    .ui-selectmenu-menu .ui-menu.customicons .ui-menu-item .ui-icon {_x000D_
      height: 24px;_x000D_
      width: 24px;_x000D_
      top: 0.1em;_x000D_
    }_x000D_ {_x000D_
      background: url("images/24-video-square.png") 0 0 no-repeat;_x000D_
    .ui-icon.podcast {_x000D_
      background: url("images/24-podcast-square.png") 0 0 no-repeat;_x000D_
    .ui-icon.rss {_x000D_
      background: url("images/24-rss-square.png") 0 0 no-repeat;_x000D_
    /* select with CSS avatar icons */_x000D_
    option.avatar {_x000D_
      background-repeat: no-repeat !important;_x000D_
      padding-left: 20px;_x000D_
    .avatar .ui-icon {_x000D_
      background-position: left top;_x000D_
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<!doctype html>_x000D_
<html lang="en">_x000D_
  <meta charset="utf-8">_x000D_
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">_x000D_
  <title>jQuery UI Selectmenu - Custom Rendering</title>_x000D_
<div class="demo">_x000D_
<form action="#">_x000D_
  <h2>Selectmenu with framework icons</h2>_x000D_
    <label for="filesA">Select a File:</label>_x000D_
    <select name="filesA" id="filesA">_x000D_
      <option value="jquery" data-class="ui-icon-script">jQuery.js</option>_x000D_
      <option value="jquerylogo" data-class="ui-icon-image">jQuery Logo</option>_x000D_
      <option value="jqueryui" data-class="ui-icon-script">ui.jQuery.js</option>_x000D_
      <option value="jqueryuilogo" selected="selected" data-class="ui-icon-image">jQuery UI Logo</option>_x000D_
      <option value="somefile" disabled="disabled" data-class="ui-icon-help">Some unknown file</option>_x000D_
  <h2>Selectmenu with custom icon images</h2>_x000D_
    <label for="filesB">Select a podcast:</label>_x000D_
    <select name="filesB" id="filesB">_x000D_
      <option value="mypodcast" data-class="podcast">John Resig Podcast</option>_x000D_
      <option value="myvideo" data-class="video">Scott González Video</option>_x000D_
      <option value="myrss" data-class="rss">jQuery RSS XML</option>_x000D_
  <h2>Selectmenu with custom avatar 16x16 images as CSS background</h2>_x000D_
    <label for="people">Select a Person:</label>_x000D_
    <select name="people" id="people">_x000D_
      <option value="1" data-class="avatar" data-style="background-image: url(&apos;;r=g&amp;s=16&apos;);">John Resig</option>_x000D_
      <option value="2" data-class="avatar" data-style="background-image: url(&apos;;r=g&amp;s=16&apos;);">Tauren Mills</option>_x000D_
      <option value="3" data-class="avatar" data-style="background-image: url(&apos;;r=g&amp;s=16&apos;);">Jane Doe</option>_x000D_

Could not autowire field:RestTemplate in Spring boot application

Depending on what technologies you're using and what versions will influence how you define a RestTemplate in your @Configuration class.

Spring >= 4 without Spring Boot

Simply define an @Bean:

public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
    return new RestTemplate();

Spring Boot <= 1.3

No need to define one, Spring Boot automatically defines one for you.

Spring Boot >= 1.4

Spring Boot no longer automatically defines a RestTemplate but instead defines a RestTemplateBuilder allowing you more control over the RestTemplate that gets created. You can inject the RestTemplateBuilder as an argument in your @Bean method to create a RestTemplate:

public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder builder) {
   // Do any additional configuration here

Using it in your class

private RestTemplate restTemplate;


How to get the file path from HTML input form in Firefox 3

Have a look at XPCOM, there might be something that you can use if Firefox 3 is used by a client.

CSS3 Box Shadow on Top, Left, and Right Only

The following code did it for me to make a shadow inset of the right side:

-moz-box-shadow: inset -10px 0px 10px -10px #000;
-webkit-box-shadow: inset -10px 0px 10px -10px #000;
box-shadow: inset -10px 0px 10px -10px #000;

Hope it will help!!!!

How to convert an array of strings to an array of floats in numpy?

Well, if you're reading the data in as a list, just do np.array(map(float, list_of_strings)) (or equivalently, use a list comprehension). (In Python 3, you'll need to call list on the map return value if you use map, since map returns an iterator now.)

However, if it's already a numpy array of strings, there's a better way. Use astype().

import numpy as np
x = np.array(['1.1', '2.2', '3.3'])
y = x.astype(np.float)

Sending JSON to PHP using ajax

Lose the contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",. You're not sending JSON to the server, you're sending a normal POST query (that happens to contain a JSON string).

That should make what you have work.

Thing is, you don't need to use JSON.stringify or json_decode here at all. Just do:

data: {myData:postData},

Then in PHP:

$obj = $_POST['myData'];