I followed this multi-step process to move code to the parent directory and retained history.
Step 0: Created a branch 'history' from 'master' for safekeeping
Step 1: Used git-filter-repo tool to rewrite history. This command below moved folder 'FolderwithContentOfInterest' to one level up and modified the relevant commit history
git filter-repo --path-rename ParentFolder/FolderwithContentOfInterest/:FolderwithContentOfInterest/ --force
Step 2: By this time the GitHub repository lost its remote repository path. Added remote reference
git remote add origin [email protected]:MyCompany/MyRepo.git
Step 3: Pull information on repository
git pull
Step 4: Connect the local lost branch with the origin branch
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/history history
Step 5: Address merge conflict for the folder structure if prompted
Step 6: Push!!
git push
Note: The modified history and moved folder appear to already be committed. enter code here
Done. Code moves to the parent / desired directory keeping history intact!