Programs & Examples On mvc 2 validation

The ASP.NET MVC 2 modelstate validation checks if a model is valid. You can define a correct model state and check if the users input matches that validation.

ASP.NET MVC Html.ValidationSummary(true) does not display model errors

If nearly everything seems right, another thing to look out for is to ensure that the validation summary is not being explicitly hidden via some CSS override like this:

.validation-summary-valid {
    display: none;

This may also cause the @Html.ValidationSummary to appear hidden, as the summary is dynamically rendered with the validation-summary-valid class.

ModelState.AddModelError - How can I add an error that isn't for a property?

You can add the model error on any property of your model, I suggest if there is nothing related to create a new property.

As an exemple we check if the email is already in use in DB and add the error to the Email property in the action so when I return the view, they know that there's an error and how to show it up by using

<%: Html.ValidationSummary(true)%>
<%: Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Email) %>


ModelState.AddModelError("Email", Resources.EmailInUse);

Oracle SQL: Update a table with data from another table

Here seems to be an even better answer with 'in' clause that allows for multiple keys for the join:

update fp_active set STATE='E', 
   LAST_DATE_MAJ = sysdate where (client,code) in (select (client,code) from fp_detail
  where valid = 1) ...

The full example is here: - from web archive since link was dead.

The beef is in having the columns that you want to use as the key in parentheses in the where clause before 'in' and have the select statement with the same column names in parentheses. where (column1,column2) in ( select (column1,column2) from table where "the set I want" );

Inserting into Oracle and retrieving the generated sequence ID

Expanding a bit on the answers from @Guru and @Ronnis, you can hide the sequence and make it look more like an auto-increment using a trigger, and have a procedure that does the insert for you and returns the generated ID as an out parameter.

create table batch(batchid number,
    batchname varchar2(30),
    batchtype char(1),
    source char(1),
    intarea number)

create sequence batch_seq start with 1

create trigger batch_bi
before insert on batch
for each row
    select batch_seq.nextval into :new.batchid from dual;

create procedure insert_batch(v_batchname batch.batchname%TYPE,
    v_batchtype batch.batchtype%TYPE,
    v_source batch.source%TYPE,
    v_intarea batch.intarea%TYPE,
    v_batchid out batch.batchid%TYPE)
    insert into batch(batchname, batchtype, source, intarea)
    values(v_batchname, v_batchtype, v_source, v_intarea)
    returning batchid into v_batchid;

You can then call the procedure instead of doing a plain insert, e.g. from an anoymous block:

    l_batchid batch.batchid%TYPE;
    insert_batch(v_batchname => 'Batch 1',
        v_batchtype => 'A',
        v_source => 'Z',
        v_intarea => 1,
        v_batchid => l_batchid);
    dbms_output.put_line('Generated id: ' || l_batchid);

    insert_batch(v_batchname => 'Batch 99',
        v_batchtype => 'B',
        v_source => 'Y',
        v_intarea => 9,
        v_batchid => l_batchid);
    dbms_output.put_line('Generated id: ' || l_batchid);

Generated id: 1
Generated id: 2

You can make the call without an explicit anonymous block, e.g. from SQL*Plus:

variable l_batchid number;
exec insert_batch('Batch 21', 'C', 'X', 7, :l_batchid);

... and use the bind variable :l_batchid to refer to the generated value afterwards:

print l_batchid;
insert into some_table values(:l_batch_id, ...);

What is the difference between localStorage, sessionStorage, session and cookies?

here is a quick review and with a simple and quick understanding

enter image description here

from teacher Beau Carnes from freecodecamp

Path.Combine for URLs?

For anyone who is looking for a one-liner and simply wants to join parts of a path without creating a new method or referencing a new library or construct a URI value and convert that to a string, then...

string urlToImage = String.Join("/", "websiteUrl", "folder1", "folder2", "folder3", "item");

It's pretty basic, but I don't see what more you need. If you're afraid of doubled '/' then you can simply do a .Replace("//", "/") afterward. If you're afraid of replacing the doubled '//' in 'https://', then instead do one join, replace the doubled '/', then join the website url (however I'm pretty sure most browsers will automatically convert anything with 'https:' in the front of it to read in the correct format). This would look like:

string urlToImage = String.Join("/","websiteUrl", String.Join("/", "folder1", "folder2", "folder3", "item").Replace("//","/"));

There are plenty of answers here that will handle all the above, but in my case, I only needed it once in one location and won't need to heavily rely on it. Also, it's really easy to see what is going on here.


SVN Error: Commit blocked by pre-commit hook (exit code 1) with output: Error: n/a (6)

Sounds like have added a pre-commit hook, or have one that is now failing. If it's a free account, it might be you've exceeded some sort of monthly commit or bandwidth limit. Check their terms of service and/or contact them to see what's up.

I've just checked their website, and it looks like the free account is only valid for 30 days, so you might've exceeded that. You may need to pony up the £3.50pcm or find somewhere else (Google Code is one suggestion, though there are others).

Simon Groenewolt makes a good point that you may have changed something in the control panel on their website that has turned on a pre-commit hook but where it's configured incorrectly.

How do I call a function inside of another function?

function function_one()_x000D_
    alert("The function called 'function_one' has been called.")_x000D_
    //Here u would like to call function_two._x000D_
    function_two(); _x000D_
function function_two()_x000D_
    alert("The function called 'function_two' has been called.")_x000D_

Why does 2 mod 4 = 2?


2 mod 4

We can use this little formula I came up with after thinking a bit, maybe it's already defined somewhere I don't know but works for me, and its really useful.

A mod B = C where C is the answer

K * B - A = |C| where K is how many times B fits in A

2 mod 4 would be:

0 * 4 - 2 = |C|

C = |-2| => 2

Hope it works for you :)

How to shutdown my Jenkins safely?

Use http://[jenkins-server]/exit

This page shows how to use URL commands.

long long int vs. long int vs. int64_t in C++

Do you want to know if a type is the same type as int64_t or do you want to know if something is 64 bits? Based on your proposed solution, I think you're asking about the latter. In that case, I would do something like

template<typename T>
bool is_64bits() { return sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT == 64; } // or >= 64

Regular cast vs. static_cast vs. dynamic_cast

dynamic_cast only supports pointer and reference types. It returns NULL if the cast is impossible if the type is a pointer or throws an exception if the type is a reference type. Hence, dynamic_cast can be used to check if an object is of a given type, static_cast cannot (you will simply end up with an invalid value).

C-style (and other) casts have been covered in the other answers.

Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object, when I select a dropdown list


Issue happens because Microsoft Security Update MS11-100 limits number of keys in Forms collection during HTTP POST request. To alleviate this problem you need to increase that number.

This can be done in your application Web.Config in the <appSettings> section (create the section directly under <configuration> if it doesn’t exist). Add 2 lines similar to the lines below to the section:

<add key="aspnet:MaxHttpCollectionKeys" value="2000" />
<add key="aspnet:MaxJsonDeserializerMembers" value="2000" />

The above example set the limit to 2000 keys. This will lift the limitation and the error should go away.

Convert date from 'Thu Jun 09 2011 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)' to 'YYYY-MM-DD' in javascript

You can parse the date using the Date constructor, then spit out the individual time components:

function convert(str) {_x000D_
  var date = new Date(str),_x000D_
    mnth = ("0" + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2),_x000D_
    day = ("0" + date.getDate()).slice(-2);_x000D_
  return [date.getFullYear(), mnth, day].join("-");_x000D_
console.log(convert("Thu Jun 09 2011 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)"))_x000D_
//-> "2011-06-08"

As you can see from the result though, this will parse the date into the local time zone. If you want to keep the date based on the original time zone, the easiest approach is to split the string and extract the parts you need:

function convert(str) {_x000D_
  var mnths = {_x000D_
      Jan: "01",_x000D_
      Feb: "02",_x000D_
      Mar: "03",_x000D_
      Apr: "04",_x000D_
      May: "05",_x000D_
      Jun: "06",_x000D_
      Jul: "07",_x000D_
      Aug: "08",_x000D_
      Sep: "09",_x000D_
      Oct: "10",_x000D_
      Nov: "11",_x000D_
      Dec: "12"_x000D_
    date = str.split(" ");_x000D_
  return [date[3], mnths[date[1]], date[2]].join("-");_x000D_
console.log(convert("Thu Jun 09 2011 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)"))_x000D_
//-> "2011-06-09"

iFrame onload JavaScript event


As of jQuery 3.0, the new syntax is just .on:

see this answer here and the code:

$('iframe').on('load', function() {
    // do stuff 

Having issues with a MySQL Join that needs to meet multiple conditions

also this should work (not tested):

SELECT u.* FROM room u JOIN facilities_r fu ON fu.id_uc = u.id_uc AND u.id_fu IN(4,3) WHERE 1 AND vizibility = 1 GROUP BY id_uc ORDER BY u_premium desc , id_uc desc

If u.id_fu is a numeric field then you can remove the ' around them. The same for vizibility. Only if the field is a text field (data type char, varchar or one of the text-datatype e.g. longtext) then the value has to be enclosed by ' or even ".

Also I and Oracle too recommend to enclose table and field names in backticks. So you won't get into trouble if a field name contains a keyword.

Properly close mongoose's connection once you're done

Just as Jake Wilson said: You can set the connection to a variable then disconnect it when you are done:

let db;
    db = dbConnection;

function afterwards(){

    //do stuff


or if inside Async function:

(async ()=>{
    const db = await mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/somedb', { useMongoClient: 
                  true })

    //do stuff


otherwise when i was checking it in my environment it has an error.

what does "error : a nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object" mean?

Only static functions are called with class name.


Non static functions have to be called using objects.

classname obj;

This is exactly what your error means. Since your function is non static you have to use a object reference to invoke it.

How do I best silence a warning about unused variables?

Using preprocessor directives is considered evil most of the time. Ideally you want to avoid them like the Pest. Remember that making the compiler understand your code is easy, allowing other programmers to understand your code is much harder. A few dozen cases like this here and there makes it very hard to read for yourself later or for others right now.

One way might be to put your parameters together into some sort of argument class. You could then use only a subset of the variables (equivalent to your assigning 0 really) or having different specializations of that argument class for each platform. This might however not be worth it, you need to analyze whether it would fit.

If you can read impossible templates, you might find advanced tips in the "Exceptional C++" book. If the people who would read your code could get their skillset to encompass the crazy stuff taught in that book, then you would have beautiful code which can also be easily read. The compiler would also be well aware of what you are doing (instead of hiding everything by preprocessing)

How do I show a "Loading . . . please wait" message in Winforms for a long loading form?

I know it is wery late, but I fonded this project and I would like to share with you, it is very usefull and sample Simple Display Dialog of Waiting in WinForms

Running Node.js in apache?

Hosting a nodejs site through apache can be organized with apache proxy module.

It's better to start nodejs server on localhost with default port 1337

Enable proxy with a command:

sudo a2enmod proxy proxy_http

Do not enable proxying with ProxyRequests until you have secured your server. Open proxy servers are dangerous both to your network and to the Internet at large. Setting ProxyRequests to Off does not disable use of the ProxyPass directive.

Configure /etc/apche2/sites-availables with

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin [email protected]

    ProxyRequests off

    <Proxy *>
        Order deny,allow
        Allow from all

    <Location />
        ProxyPass http://localhost:1337/
        ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:1337/

and restart apache2 service.

How do I parse JSON into an int?

At first, you create a BufferedReader on a FileReader to the file.

Then, you create a new `JSONParser()´ object that parses the content read from the file.

You cast the parsed Object to a JSONObject and get the id field.

FileReader file=new FileReader("1.json");
BufferedReader write=new BufferedReader(file);
Object obj=new JSONParser().parse(write);
JSONObject jo = (JSONObject) obj;
long id=(long)jo.get("id");

Spring MVC - How to get all request params in a map in Spring controller?

There are two interfaces

  1. org.springframework.web.context.request.WebRequest
  2. org.springframework.web.context.request.NativeWebRequest

Allows for generic request parameter access as well as request/session attribute access, without ties to the native Servlet/Portlet API.


@RequestMapping(value = "/", method = GET)
public List<T> getAll(WebRequest webRequest){
    Map<String, String[]> params = webRequest.getParameterMap();

P.S. There are Docs about arguments which can be used as Controller params.

pandas: find percentile stats of a given column

I figured out below would work:

my_df.dropna().quantile([0.0, .9])

Multiple glibc libraries on a single host

Can you consider using Nix ?

Nix supports multi-user package management: multiple users can share a common Nix store securely, don’t need to have root privileges to install software, and can install and use different versions of a package.

"Can't find Project or Library" for standard VBA functions

I have experienced this exact problem and found, on the users machine, one of the libraries I depended on was marked as "MISSING" in the references dialog. In that case it was some office font library that was available in my version of Office 2007, but not on the client desktop.

The error you get is a complete red herring (as pointed out by divo).

Fortunately I wasn't using anything from the library, so I was able to remove it from the XLA references entirely. I guess, an extension of divo' suggested best practice would be for testing to check the XLA on all the target Office versions (not a bad idea in any case).

Changing file permission in Python

No need to remember flags. Remember that you can always do:["chmod", "a-w", "file/path])

Not portable but easy to write and remember:

  • u - user
  • g - group
  • o - other
  • a - all
  • + or - (add or remove permission)
  • r - read
  • w - write
  • x - execute

Refer man chmod for additional options and more detailed explanation.

How to select distinct rows in a datatable and store into an array

You can use like that:

data is DataTable

data.DefaultView.ToTable(true, "Id", "Name", "Role", "DC1", "DC2", "DC3", "DC4", "DC5", "DC6", "DC7");  

but performance will be down. try to use below code:


For Performance ;

Android Studio - ADB Error - "...device unauthorized. Please check the confirmation dialog on your device."

In my case the problem was about permissions. I use Ubuntu 19.04 When running Android Studio in root user it would prompt my phone about permission requirements. But with normal user it won't do this.

So the problem was about adb not having enough permission. I made my user owner of Android folder on home directory.

sudo chown -R orkhan ~/Android

Could not find main class HelloWorld

I have also faced same problem....

Actually this problem is raised due to the fact that your program .class files are not saved in that directory. Remove your CLASSPATH from your environment variable (you do no need to set classpath for simple Java programs) and reopen cmd prompt, then compile and execute.

If you observe carefully your .class file will save in the same location. (I am not an expert, I am also basic programer if there is any mistake in my sentences please ignore it :-))

Tensorflow set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES within jupyter

You can also enable multiple GPU cores, like so:

import os

Angular 2 : No NgModule metadata found

Using ngcWebpack Plugin I got this error when not specifying a mainPath or entryModule.

Detect browser or tab closing

onunload is the answer. Crossbrowser too.

window.onunload = function(){
    alert("The window is closing now!");

onunload executes only on page close:

These events fire when the window is unloading its content and resources.

I tested it on chrome, it doesn't execute even on page refresh and on navigating to a different page.

The alert may not display because of how javascript executes code.. but it will definitely hit the code.

All ASP.NET Web API controllers return 404

Add following line


in Application_Start() function in Global.ascx.cs file.

Correct way to push into state array

Using es6 it can be done like this:

this.setState({ myArray: [...this.state.myArray, 'new value'] }) //simple value
this.setState({ myArray: [...this.state.myArray, ...[1,2,3] ] }) //another array

Spread syntax

Check if inputs form are empty jQuery

I'd suggest to add an class='denominationcomune' to all elements that you want to check and then use the following:

function are_elements_emtpy(class_name)
  return ($('.' + class_name).filter(function() { return $(this).val() == ''; }).length == 0)

iPhone Debugging: How to resolve 'failed to get the task for process'?

I have had problems debugging binaries on the device via XCode when the app includes an Entitlements.plist file, which is not necessary to install onto the device for debugging. In general, then, I have included this file for release builds (where it is required for the App Store) and removed it for debugging (so I can debug the app from XCode). That may be your problem here.

Update: As of (at least) August 2010 (iPhone 4.1 SDK) the Entitlements.plist is no longer necessary to include in your application in many cases (e.g., distribution through the App Store.) See here for more information on the cases when Entitlements.plist is required:

IMPORTANT: An Entitlements file is generally only needed when building for Ad Hoc Distribution or enabling Keychain data sharing. If neither of these is true, delete the entry in Code Signing Entitlements. (emphasis mine)

Command to get latest Git commit hash from a branch

git log -n 1 [branch_name]

branch_name (may be remote or local branch) is optional. Without branch_name, it will show the latest commit on the current branch.

For example:

git log -n 1
git log -n 1 origin/master
git log -n 1 some_local_branch

git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%H"  #To get only hash value of commit

How to include "zero" / "0" results in COUNT aggregate?

You must use LEFT JOIN instead of INNER JOIN

SELECT person.person_id, COUNT(appointment.person_id) AS "number_of_appointments"
FROM person 
LEFT JOIN appointment ON person.person_id = appointment.person_id
GROUP BY person.person_id;

How to convert file to base64 in JavaScript?

JavaScript btoa() function can be used to convert data into base64 encoded string

how to set default method argument values?

If your arguments are the same type you could use varargs:

public int something(int... args) {
    int a = 0;
    int b = 0;
    if (args.length > 0) {
      a = args[0];
    if (args.length > 1) {
      b = args[1];
    return a + b

but this way you lose the semantics of the individual arguments, or

have a method overloaded which relays the call to the parametered version

public int something() {
  return something(1, 2);

or if the method is part of some kind of initialization procedure, you could use the builder pattern instead:

class FoodBuilder {
   int saltAmount;
   int meatAmount;
   FoodBuilder setSaltAmount(int saltAmount) {
       this.saltAmount = saltAmount;
       return this;
   FoodBuilder setMeatAmount(int meatAmount) {
       this.meatAmount = meatAmount;
       return this;
   Food build() {
       return new Food(saltAmount, meatAmount);

Food f = new FoodBuilder().setSaltAmount(10).build();
Food f2 = new FoodBuilder().setSaltAmount(10).setMeatAmount(5).build();

Then work with the Food object

int doSomething(Food f) {
    return f.getSaltAmount() + f.getMeatAmount();

The builder pattern allows you to add/remove parameters later on and you don't need to create new overloaded methods for them.

Recommended way of making React component/div draggable

I implemented react-dnd, a flexible HTML5 drag-and-drop mixin for React with full DOM control.

Existing drag-and-drop libraries didn't fit my use case so I wrote my own. It's similar to the code we've been running for about a year on, but rewritten to take advantage of React and Flux.

Key requirements I had:

  • Emit zero DOM or CSS of its own, leaving it to the consuming components;
  • Impose as little structure as possible on consuming components;
  • Use HTML5 drag and drop as primary backend but make it possible to add different backends in the future;
  • Like original HTML5 API, emphasize dragging data and not just “draggable views”;
  • Hide HTML5 API quirks from the consuming code;
  • Different components may be “drag sources” or “drop targets” for different kinds of data;
  • Allow one component to contain several drag sources and drop targets when needed;
  • Make it easy for drop targets to change their appearance if compatible data is being dragged or hovered;
  • Make it easy to use images for drag thumbnails instead of element screenshots, circumventing browser quirks.

If these sound familiar to you, read on.


Simple Drag Source

First, declare types of data that can be dragged.

These are used to check “compatibility” of drag sources and drop targets:

// ItemTypes.js
module.exports = {
  BLOCK: 'block',
  IMAGE: 'image'

(If you don't have multiple data types, this libary may not be for you.)

Then, let's make a very simple draggable component that, when dragged, represents IMAGE:

var { DragDropMixin } = require('react-dnd'),
    ItemTypes = require('./ItemTypes');

var Image = React.createClass({
  mixins: [DragDropMixin],

  configureDragDrop(registerType) {

    // Specify all supported types by calling registerType(type, { dragSource?, dropTarget? })
    registerType(ItemTypes.IMAGE, {

      // dragSource, when specified, is { beginDrag(), canDrag()?, endDrag(didDrop)? }
      dragSource: {

        // beginDrag should return { item, dragOrigin?, dragPreview?, dragEffect? }
        beginDrag() {
          return {
            item: this.props.image

  render() {

    // {...this.dragSourceFor(ItemTypes.IMAGE)} will expand into
    // { draggable: true, onDragStart: (handled by mixin), onDragEnd: (handled by mixin) }.

    return (
      <img src={this.props.image.url}
           {...this.dragSourceFor(ItemTypes.IMAGE)} />

By specifying configureDragDrop, we tell DragDropMixin the drag-drop behavior of this component. Both draggable and droppable components use the same mixin.

Inside configureDragDrop, we need to call registerType for each of our custom ItemTypes that component supports. For example, there might be several representations of images in your app, and each would provide a dragSource for ItemTypes.IMAGE.

A dragSource is just an object specifying how the drag source works. You must implement beginDrag to return item that represents the data you're dragging and, optionally, a few options that adjust the dragging UI. You can optionally implement canDrag to forbid dragging, or endDrag(didDrop) to execute some logic when the drop has (or has not) occured. And you can share this logic between components by letting a shared mixin generate dragSource for them.

Finally, you must use {...this.dragSourceFor(itemType)} on some (one or more) elements in render to attach drag handlers. This means you can have several “drag handles” in one element, and they may even correspond to different item types. (If you're not familiar with JSX Spread Attributes syntax, check it out).

Simple Drop Target

Let's say we want ImageBlock to be a drop target for IMAGEs. It's pretty much the same, except that we need to give registerType a dropTarget implementation:

var { DragDropMixin } = require('react-dnd'),
    ItemTypes = require('./ItemTypes');

var ImageBlock = React.createClass({
  mixins: [DragDropMixin],

  configureDragDrop(registerType) {

    registerType(ItemTypes.IMAGE, {

      // dropTarget, when specified, is { acceptDrop(item)?, enter(item)?, over(item)?, leave(item)? }
      dropTarget: {
        acceptDrop(image) {
          // Do something with image! for example,
          DocumentActionCreators.setImage(this.props.blockId, image);

  render() {

    // {...this.dropTargetFor(ItemTypes.IMAGE)} will expand into
    // { onDragEnter: (handled by mixin), onDragOver: (handled by mixin), onDragLeave: (handled by mixin), onDrop: (handled by mixin) }.

    return (
      <div {...this.dropTargetFor(ItemTypes.IMAGE)}>
        {this.props.image &&
          <img src={this.props.image.url} />

Drag Source + Drop Target In One Component

Say we now want the user to be able to drag out an image out of ImageBlock. We just need to add appropriate dragSource to it and a few handlers:

var { DragDropMixin } = require('react-dnd'),
    ItemTypes = require('./ItemTypes');

var ImageBlock = React.createClass({
  mixins: [DragDropMixin],

  configureDragDrop(registerType) {

    registerType(ItemTypes.IMAGE, {

      // Add a drag source that only works when ImageBlock has an image:
      dragSource: {
        canDrag() {
          return !!this.props.image;

        beginDrag() {
          return {
            item: this.props.image

      dropTarget: {
        acceptDrop(image) {
          DocumentActionCreators.setImage(this.props.blockId, image);

  render() {

    return (
      <div {...this.dropTargetFor(ItemTypes.IMAGE)}>

        {/* Add {...this.dragSourceFor} handlers to a nested node */}
        {this.props.image &&
          <img src={this.props.image.url}
               {...this.dragSourceFor(ItemTypes.IMAGE)} />

What Else Is Possible?

I have not covered everything but it's possible to use this API in a few more ways:

  • Use getDragState(type) and getDropState(type) to learn if dragging is active and use it to toggle CSS classes or attributes;
  • Specify dragPreview to be Image to use images as drag placeholders (use ImagePreloaderMixin to load them);
  • Say, we want to make ImageBlocks reorderable. We only need them to implement dropTarget and dragSource for ItemTypes.BLOCK.
  • Suppose we add other kinds of blocks. We can reuse their reordering logic by placing it in a mixin.
  • dropTargetFor(...types) allows to specify several types at once, so one drop zone can catch many different types.
  • When you need more fine-grained control, most methods are passed drag event that caused them as the last parameter.

For up-to-date documentation and installation instructions, head to react-dnd repo on Github.

Using GPU from a docker container?

Use x11docker by mviereck: says

Hardware acceleration

Hardware acceleration for OpenGL is possible with option -g, --gpu.

This will work out of the box in most cases with open source drivers on host. Otherwise have a look at wiki: feature dependencies. Closed source NVIDIA drivers need some setup and support less x11docker X server options.

This script is really convenient as it handles all the configuration and setup. Running a docker image on X with gpu is as simple as

x11docker --gpu imagename

Getting "project" nuget configuration is invalid error

Simply restarting Visual Studio worked for me.

Find Process Name by its Process ID

The basic one, ask tasklist to filter its output and only show the indicated process id information

tasklist /fi "pid eq 4444" 

To only get the process name, the line must be splitted

for /f "delims=," %%a in ('
    tasklist /fi "pid eq 4444" /nh /fo:csv
') do echo %%~a

In this case, the list of processes is retrieved without headers (/nh) in csv format (/fo:csv). The commas are used as token delimiters and the first token in the line is the image name

note: In some windows versions (one of them, my case, is the spanish windows xp version), the pid filter in the tasklist does not work. In this case, the filter over the list of processes must be done out of the command

for /f "delims=," %%a in ('
    tasklist /fo:csv /nh ^| findstr /b /r /c:"[^,]*,\"4444\","
') do echo %%~a

This will generate the task list and filter it searching for the process id in the second column of the csv output.

edited: alternatively, you can suppose what has been made by the team that translated the OS to spanish. I don't know what can happen in other locales.

tasklist /fi "idp eq 4444" 

change text of button and disable button in iOS

Assuming that the button is a UIButton:

UIButton *button = …;
[button setEnabled:NO]; // disables
[button setTitle:@"Foo" forState:UIControlStateNormal]; // sets text

See the documentation for UIButton.

How do I use the built in password reset/change views with my own templates

Another, perhaps simpler, solution is to add your override template directory to the DIRS entry of the TEMPLATES setting in (I think this setting is new in Django 1.8. It may have been called TEMPLATE_DIRS in previous Django versions.)

Like so:

        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
        # allow overriding templates from other installed apps                                                                                                
        'DIRS': ['my_app/templates'],
        'APP_DIRS': True,

Then put your override template files under my_app/templates. So the overridden password reset template would be my_app/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html

How can I use jQuery to move a div across the screen

In jQuery 1.2 and newer you no longer have to position the element absolutely; you can use normal relative positioning and use += or -= to add to or subtract from properties, e.g.

        marginLeft: "+=250px",
    }, 1000 );

And to echo the guy who answered first's advice: Javascript is not performant. Don't overuse animations, or expect things than run nice and fast on your high performance PC on Chrome to look good on a bog-standard PC running IE. Test it, and make sure it degrades well!

Lazy Loading vs Eager Loading

Eager Loading When you are sure that want to get multiple entities at a time, for example you have to show user, and user details at the same page, then you should go with eager loading. Eager loading makes single hit on database and load the related entities.

Lazy loading When you have to show users only at the page, and by clicking on users you need to show user details then you need to go with lazy loading. Lazy loading make multiple hits, to get load the related entities when you bind/iterate related entities.

Matplotlib 2 Subplots, 1 Colorbar

Using make_axes is even easier and gives a better result. It also provides possibilities to customise the positioning of the colorbar. Also note the option of subplots to share x and y axes.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=True)
for ax in axes.flat:
    im = ax.imshow(np.random.random((10,10)), vmin=0, vmax=1)

cax,kw = mpl.colorbar.make_axes([ax for ax in axes.flat])
plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax, **kw)

Get product id and product type in magento?

Try below code to get currently loaded product id:

$product_id = $this->getProduct()->getId();

When you don’t have access to $this, you can use Magento registry:

$product_id = Mage::registry('current_product')->getId();

Also for product type i think

$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product_id); 

$productType = $product->getTypeId();

where is gacutil.exe?

On Windows 2012 R2, you can't install Visual Studio or SDK. You can use powershell to register assemblies into GAC. It didn't need any special installation for me.

Set-location "C:\Temp"
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("System.EnterpriseServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")
$publish = New-Object System.EnterpriseServices.Internal.Publish

If you need to get the name and PublicKeyToken see this question.

Facebook database design?

Take a look at these articles describing how LinkedIn and Digg are built:

There's also "Big Data: Viewpoints from the Facebook Data Team" that might be helpful:

Also, there's this article that talks about non-relational databases and how they're used by some companies:

You'll see that these companies are dealing with data warehouses, partitioned databases, data caching and other higher level concepts than most of us never deal with on a daily basis. Or at least, maybe we don't know that we do.

There are a lot of links on the first two articles that should give you some more insight.

UPDATE 10/20/2014

Murat Demirbas wrote a summary on

  • TAO: Facebook's distributed data store for the social graph (ATC'13)
  • F4: Facebook's warm BLOB storage system (OSDI'14)


Get CPU Usage from Windows Command Prompt

typeperf gives me issues when it randomly doesn't work on some computers (Error: No valid counters.) or if the account has insufficient rights. Otherwise, here is a way to extract just the value from its output. It still needs rounding though:

@for /f "delims=, tokens=2" %p in ('typeperf "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -sc 3 ^| find ":"') do @echo %~p%

Powershell has two cmdlets to get the percent utilization for all CPUs: Get-Counter (preferred) or Get-WmiObject:

Powershell "Get-Counter '\Processor(*)\% Processor Time' | Select -Expand Countersamples | Select InstanceName, CookedValue"


Powershell "Get-WmiObject Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor | Select Name, PercentProcessorTime"

To get the overall CPU load with formatted output exactly like the question:

Powershell "[string][int](Get-Counter '\Processor(*)\% Processor Time').Countersamples[0].CookedValue + '%'"


 Powershell "gwmi Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor | Select -First 1 | %{'{0}%' -f $_.PercentProcessorTime}"

Postgres manually alter sequence

Use select setval('payments_id_seq', 21, true);

setval contains 3 parameters:

  • 1st parameter is sequence_name
  • 2nd parameter is Next nextval
  • 3rd parameter is optional.

The use of true or false in 3rd parameter of setval is as follows:

SELECT setval('payments_id_seq', 21);           // Next nextval will return 22
SELECT setval('payments_id_seq', 21, true);     // Same as above 
SELECT setval('payments_id_seq', 21, false);    // Next nextval will return 21

The better way to avoid hard-coding of sequence name, next sequence value and to handle empty column table correctly, you can use the below way:

SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('table_name', 'id'), coalesce(max(id), 0)+1 , false) FROM table_name;

where table_name is the name of the table, id is the primary key of the table

Execute combine multiple Linux commands in one line

What is the utility of an only one Ampersand? This morning, I made a launcher in the XFCE panel (in Manjaro+XFCE) to launch 2 passwords managers simultaneously:

sh -c "keepassx && password-gorilla"
sh -c "keepassx; password-gorilla"

But it does not work as I want. I.E., the first app starts but the second starts only when the previous is closed

However, I found that (with only one ampersand):

sh -c "keepassx & password-gorilla"

and it works as I want now...

$apply already in progress error

Just resolved this issue. Its documented here.

I was calling $rootScope.$apply twice in the same flow. All I did is wrapped the content of the service function with a setTimeout(func, 1).

When should I use GC.SuppressFinalize()?

That method must be called on the Dispose method of objects that implements the IDisposable, in this way the GC wouldn't call the finalizer another time if someones calls the Dispose method.

See: GC.SuppressFinalize(Object) Method - Microsoft Docs

Use jQuery to change a second select list based on the first select list option

Store all #select2's options in a variable, filter them according to the value of the chosen option in #select1, and set them using .html() in #select2:

var $select1 = $( '#select1' ),
    $select2 = $( '#select2' ),
    $options = $select2.find( 'option' );

$select1.on('change', function() {
    $select2.html($options.filter('[value="' + this.value + '"]'));

Here's a fiddle

Adjusting the Xcode iPhone simulator scale and size

With Xcode 9 - Simulator, you can pick & drag any corner of simulator to resize it and set according to your requirement.

Look at this snapshot.

enter image description here

Note: With Xcode 9.1+, Simulator scale options are changed.

Keyboard short-keys:
According to Xcode 9.1+

Physical Size       ? 1      command + 1
Pixel Accurate      ? 2      command + 2

According to Xcode 9

50% Scale           ? 1      command + 1
100% Scale          ? 2      command + 2
200% Scale          ? 3      command + 3

Simulator scale options from Xcode Menu:

Xcode 9.1+:
Menubar ? Window ? "Here, options available change simulator scale" (Physical Size & Pixel Accurate)

Pixel Accurate: Resizes your simulator to actual (Physical) device's pixels, if your mac system display screen size (pixel) supports that much high resolution, else this option will remain disabled.

Tip: rotate simulator ( ? + ? or ? + ? ), if Pixel Accurate is disabled. It may be enabled (if it fits to screen) in landscape.

enter image description here

Xcode 9.0
Menubar ? Window ? Scale ? "Here, options available change simulator scale"

enter image description here

Tip: How do you get screen shot with 100% (a scale with actual device size) that can be uploaded on AppStore?

Disable 'Optimize Rendering for Window scale' from Debug menu, before you take a screen shot (See here: How to take screenshots in the iOS simulator)

There is an option

Menubar ? Debug ? Disable "Optimize Rendering for Window scale"

enter image description here

Here is Apple's document: Resize a simulator window

How to transition to a new view controller with code only using Swift

For those using a second view controller with a storyboard in a .xib file, you will want to use the name of the .xib file in your constructor (without the.xib suffix).

let settings_dialog:SettingsViewController = SettingsViewController(nibName: "SettingsViewController", bundle: nil)
self.presentViewController(settings_dialog, animated: true, completion: nil)

Why does C++ code for testing the Collatz conjecture run faster than hand-written assembly?

Even without looking at assembly, the most obvious reason is that /= 2 is probably optimized as >>=1 and many processors have a very quick shift operation. But even if a processor doesn't have a shift operation, the integer division is faster than floating point division.

Edit: your milage may vary on the "integer division is faster than floating point division" statement above. The comments below reveal that the modern processors have prioritized optimizing fp division over integer division. So if someone were looking for the most likely reason for the speedup which this thread's question asks about, then compiler optimizing /=2 as >>=1 would be the best 1st place to look.

On an unrelated note, if n is odd, the expression n*3+1 will always be even. So there is no need to check. You can change that branch to

   n = (n*3+1) >> 1;
   count += 2;

So the whole statement would then be

if (n & 1)
    n = (n*3 + 1) >> 1;
    count += 2;
    n >>= 1;

Custom format for time command

Use the bash built-in variable SECONDS. Each time you reference the variable it will return the elapsed time since the script invocation.


echo "Start $SECONDS"
sleep 10
echo "Middle $SECONDS"
sleep 10
echo "End $SECONDS"


Start 0
Middle 10
End 20

Using CSS to align a button bottom of the screen using relative positions

This will work for any resolution,

    bottom: 5%;

Twitter Bootstrap Multilevel Dropdown Menu

Since Bootstrap 3 removed the submenu part and we need to adapt ourselves the style, I think it's better to go with SmartMenu Bootstrap:

That would save us time on mobile responsive and style.

This plugin also very promising.

Find the similarity metric between two strings

There are many metrics to define similarity and distance between strings as mentioned above. I will give my 5 cents by showing an example of Jaccard similarity with Q-Grams and an example with edit distance.

The libraries

from nltk.metrics.distance import jaccard_distance
from nltk.util import ngrams
from nltk.metrics.distance  import edit_distance

Jaccard Similarity

1-jaccard_distance(set(ngrams('Apple', 2)), set(ngrams('Appel', 2)))

and we get:


And for the Apple and Mango

1-jaccard_distance(set(ngrams('Apple', 2)), set(ngrams('Mango', 2)))

and we get:


Edit Distance

edit_distance('Apple', 'Appel')

and we get:


And finally,

edit_distance('Apple', 'Mango')

and we get:


Cosine Similarity on Q-Grams (q=2)

Another solution is to work with the textdistance library. I will provide an example of Cosine Similarity

import textdistance
1-textdistance.Cosine(qval=2).distance('Apple', 'Appel')

and we get:


How do you UDP multicast in Python?

Better use:

sock.bind((MCAST_GRP, MCAST_PORT))

instead of:

sock.bind(('', MCAST_PORT))

because, if you want to listen to multiple multicast groups on the same port, you'll get all messages on all listeners.

How do I detect IE 8 with jQuery?

You can easily detect which type and version of the browser, using this jquery

 if ( $.browser.msie ){
    if($.browser.version == '6.0')
    {   $('html').addClass('ie6');
    else if($.browser.version == '7.0')
    {   $('html').addClass('ie7');
    else if($.browser.version == '8.0')
    {   $('html').addClass('ie8');
    else if($.browser.version == '9.0')
    {   $('html').addClass('ie9');
 else if ( $.browser.webkit )
 { $('html').addClass('webkit');
 else if ( $.browser.mozilla )
 { $('html').addClass('mozilla');
 else if ( $.browser.opera )
 { $('html').addClass('opera');

How do I get rid of the b-prefix in a string in python?

Although the question is very old, I think it may be helpful to who is facing the same problem. Here the texts is a string like below:

text= "b'I posted a new photo to Facebook'"

Thus you can not remove b by encoding it because it's not a byte. I did the following to remove it.

cleaned_text = text.split("b'")[1]

which will give "I posted a new photo to Facebook"

Sending a file over TCP sockets in Python

you may change your loop condition according to following code, when length of l is smaller than buffer size it means that it reached end of file

while (True):
    print "Receiving..."
    l = c.recv(1024)        
    if len(l) < 1024:

Best way to show a loading/progress indicator?

ProgressDialog is deprecated from Android Oreo. Use ProgressBar instead

ProgressDialog progress = new ProgressDialog(this);
progress.setMessage("Wait while loading...");
progress.setCancelable(false); // disable dismiss by tapping outside of the dialog;
// To dismiss the dialog

OR, "Loading", "Wait while loading...");

Read more here.

By the way, Spinner has a different meaning in Android. (It's like the select dropdown in HTML)

How to show data in a table by using psql command line interface?

Newer versions: (from 8.4 - mentioned in release notes)

TABLE mytablename;

Longer but works on all versions:

SELECT * FROM mytablename;

You may wish to use \x first if it's a wide table, for readability.

For long data:

SELECT * FROM mytable LIMIT 10;

or similar.

For wide data (big rows), in the psql command line client, it's useful to use \x to show the rows in key/value form instead of tabulated, e.g.

SELECT * FROM mytable LIMIT 10;

Note that in all cases the semicolon at the end is important.

Remove and Replace Printed items

Just use CR to go to beginning of the line.

import time
for x in range (0,5):  
    b = "Loading" + "." * x
    print (b, end="\r")

Display array values in PHP

There is foreach loop in php. You have to traverse the array.

foreach($array as $key => $value)
  echo $key." has the value". $value;

If you simply want to add commas between values, consider using implode

echo $string;

Styling every 3rd item of a list using CSS?

Yes, you can use what's known as :nth-child selectors.

In this case you would use:

li:nth-child(3n) {
// Styling for every third element here.


3(0) = 0
3(1) = 3
3(2) = 6
3(3) = 9
3(4) = 12

:nth-child() is compatible in Chrome, Firefox, and IE9+.

For a work around to use :nth-child() amongst other pseudo-classes/attribute selectors in IE6 through to IE8, see this link.

Error in data frame undefined columns selected

Are you meaning?

data2 <- data1[good,]



you're selecting columns in a wrong way (using a logical vector of complete rows).

Consider that parameter pollutant is not used; is it a column name that you want to extract? if so it should be something like

data2 <- data1[good, pollutant]

Furthermore consider that you have to rbind the data.frames inside the for loop, otherwise you get only the last data.frame (its completed.cases)

And last but not least, i'd prefer generating filenames eg with

id <- 1:322
paste0( directory, "/", gsub(" ", "0", sprintf("%3d",id)), ".csv")

A little modified chunk of ?sprintf

The string fmt (in our case "%3d") contains normal characters, which are passed through to the output string, and also conversion specifications which operate on the arguments provided through .... The allowed conversion specifications start with a % and end with one of the letters in the set aAdifeEgGosxX%. These letters denote the following types:

  • d: integer

Eg a more general example

    sprintf("I am %10d years old", 25)
[1] "I am         25 years old"
          |        |
          1       10

How to call gesture tap on UIView programmatically in swift

Complete answer for Swift 4

Step 1: create an outlet for the view

@IBOutlet weak var rightViewOutlet: UIView!

Step 2: define a tap gesture

var tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer()

Step 3: create ObjC function (called when view tapped)

@objc func rightViewTapped(_ recognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) {
    print("Right button is tapped")

Step 4: add the following within viewDidLoad()

let rightTap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(ViewController.rightViewTapped(_:)))

How should I load files into my Java application?

The short answer

Use one of these two methods:

For example:

InputStream inputStream = YourClass.class.getResourceAsStream("image.jpg");


The long answer

Typically, one would not want to load files using absolute paths. For example, don’t do this if you can help it:

File file = new File("C:\\Users\\Joe\\image.jpg");

This technique is not recommended for at least two reasons. First, it creates a dependency on a particular operating system, which prevents the application from easily moving to another operating system. One of Java’s main benefits is the ability to run the same bytecode on many different platforms. Using an absolute path like this makes the code much less portable.

Second, depending on the relative location of the file, this technique might create an external dependency and limit the application’s mobility. If the file exists outside the application’s current directory, this creates an external dependency and one would have to be aware of the dependency in order to move the application to another machine (error prone).

Instead, use the getResource() methods in the Class class. This makes the application much more portable. It can be moved to different platforms, machines, or directories and still function correctly.

How do I format currencies in a Vue component?

You can use this example

formatPrice(value) {
  return value.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,');

SQLiteDatabase.query method

Where clause and args work together to form the WHERE statement of the SQL query. So say you looking to express

WHERE Column1 = 'value1' AND Column2 = 'value2'

Then your whereClause and whereArgs will be as follows

String whereClause = "Column1 =? AND Column2 =?";
String[] whereArgs = new String[]{"value1", "value2"};

If you want to select all table columns, i believe a null string passed to tableColumns will suffice.

'Field required a bean of type that could not be found.' error spring restful API using mongodb

For anybody who was brought here by googling the generic bean error message, but who is actually trying to add a feign client to their Spring Boot application via the @FeignClient annotation on your client interface, none of the above solutions will work for you.

To fix the problem, you need to add the @EnableFeignClients annotation to your Application class, like so:

// ... (other pre-existing annotations) ...
@EnableFeignClients // <------- THE IMPORTANT ONE
public class Application {

In this way, the fix is similar to the @EnableMongoRepositories fix mentioned above. It's a shame that this generic error message requires such a tailored fix for every type of circumstance...

Java - How Can I Write My ArrayList to a file, and Read (load) that file to the original ArrayList?

As an exercise, I would suggest doing the following:

public void save(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException {
    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileName));
    for (Club club : clubs)

This will write the name of each club on a new line in your file.


I'll leave the loading to you. Hint: You wrote one line at a time, you can then read one line at a time.

Every class in Java extends the Object class. As such you can override its methods. In this case, you should be interested by the toString() method. In your Club class, you can override it to print some message about the class in any format you'd like.

public String toString() {
    return "Club:" + name;

You could then change the above code to:

public void save(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException {
    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileName));
    for (Club club : clubs)
         pw.println(club); // call toString() on club, like club.toString()

How to count the number of occurrences of a character in an Oracle varchar value?

Here's an idea: try replacing everything that is not a dash char with empty string. Then count how many dashes remained.

select length(regexp_replace('123-345-566', '[^-]', '')) from dual

python: restarting a loop

Changing the index variable i from within the loop is unlikely to do what you expect. You may need to use a while loop instead, and control the incrementing of the loop variable yourself. Each time around the for loop, i is reassigned with the next value from range(). So something like:

i = 2
while i < n:
        do something
        do something else
        i = 2 # restart the loop
    i += 1

In my example, the continue statement jumps back up to the top of the loop, skipping the i += 1 statement for that iteration. Otherwise, i is incremented as you would expect (same as the for loop).

How to create Android Facebook Key Hash?

to generate your key hash on your local computer, run Java's keytool utility (which should be on your console's path) against the Android debug keystore. This is, by default, in your home .android directory). On OS X, run:

keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64

On Windows, use:-

keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore %HOMEPATH%\.android\debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64

hope this will help you

Ref - developer facebook site

Changing one character in a string

Don't modify strings.

Work with them as lists; turn them into strings only when needed.

>>> s = list("Hello zorld")
>>> s
['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'z', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd']
>>> s[6] = 'W'
>>> s
['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'W', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd']
>>> "".join(s)
'Hello World'

Python strings are immutable (i.e. they can't be modified). There are a lot of reasons for this. Use lists until you have no choice, only then turn them into strings.

How to customize the background/border colors of a grouped table view cell?

To change the table view border color:


#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>

In .m:

tableView.layer.borderWidth = 1.0f;
tableView.layer.borderColor = [UIColor whiteColor].CGColor;

Reduce git repository size

In my case, I pushed several big (> 100Mb) files and then proceeded to remove them. But they were still in the history of my repo, so I had to remove them from it as well.

What did the trick was:

bfg -b 100M  # To remove all blobs from history, whose size is superior to 100Mb
git reflog expire --expire=now --all
git gc --prune=now --aggressive

Then, you need to push force on your branch:

git push origin <your_branch_name> --force

Note: bfg is a tool that can be installed on Linux and macOS using brew:

brew install bfg

jQuery, simple polling example

function make_call()
  // do the request

  }, 5000);

$(document).ready(function() {

How to include() all PHP files from a directory?

If you want include all in a directory AND its subdirectories:

$dir = "classes/";
$dh  = opendir($dir);
$dir_list = array($dir);
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) {
        array_push($dir_list, $dir.$filename."/");
foreach ($dir_list as $dir) {
    foreach (glob($dir."*.php") as $filename)
        require_once $filename;

Don't forget that it will use alphabetic order to include your files.

DropDownList's SelectedIndexChanged event not firing

Set DropDownList AutoPostBack property to true.


<asp:DropDownList ID="logList" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" 

What's the difference between a Python module and a Python package?

First, keep in mind that, in its precise definition, a module is an object in the memory of a Python interpreter, often created by reading one or more files from disk. While we may informally call a disk file such as a/b/ a "module," it doesn't actually become one until it's combined with information from several other sources (such as sys.path) to create the module object.

(Note, for example, that two modules with different names can be loaded from the same file, depending on sys.path and other settings. This is exactly what happens with python -m my.module followed by an import my.module in the interpreter; there will be two module objects, __main__ and my.module, both created from the same file on disk, my/

A package is a module that may have submodules (including subpackages). Not all modules can do this. As an example, create a small module hierarchy:

$ mkdir -p a/b
$ touch a/b/

Ensure that there are no other files under a. Start a Python 3.4 or later interpreter (e.g., with python3 -i) and examine the results of the following statements:

import a
a                ? <module 'a' (namespace)>
a.b              ? AttributeError: module 'a' has no attribute 'b'
import a.b.c
a.b              ? <module 'a.b' (namespace)>
a.b.c            ? <module 'a.b.c' from '/home/cjs/a/b/'>

Modules a and a.b are packages (in fact, a certain kind of package called a "namespace package," though we wont' worry about that here). However, module a.b.c is not a package. We can demonstrate this by adding another file, a/ to the directory structure above and starting a fresh interpreter:

import a.b.c
? ImportError: No module named 'a.b.c'; 'a.b' is not a package
import a.b
a                ? <module 'a' (namespace)>
a.__path__       ? _NamespacePath(['/.../a'])
a.b              ? <module 'a.b' from '/home/cjs/tmp/a/'>
a.b.__path__     ? AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '__path__'

Python ensures that all parent modules are loaded before a child module is loaded. Above it finds that a/ is a directory, and so creates a namespace package a, and that a/ is a Python source file which it loads and uses to create a (non-package) module a.b. At this point you cannot have a module a.b.c because a.b is not a package, and thus cannot have submodules.

You can also see here that the package module a has a __path__ attribute (packages must have this) but the non-package module a.b does not.

How to upgrade docker-compose to latest version

If you installed with pip, to upgrade you can just use:

 pip install --upgrade docker-compose

or as Mariyo states with pip3 explicitly:

 pip3 install --upgrade docker-compose

Enable ASP.NET ASMX web service for HTTP POST / GET requests

Actually, I found a somewhat quirky way to do this. Add the protocol to your web.config, but inside a location element. Specify the webservice location as the path attribute, like so:

<location path="YourWebservice.asmx">
        <add name="HttpGet"/>
        <add name="HttpPost"/>

How to read and write into file using JavaScript?

here's the mozilla proposal

this is implemented with a compilation switch in spidermonkey, and also in adobe's extendscript. Additionally (I think) you get the File object in firefox extensions.

rhino has a (rather rudementary) readFile function

for more complex file operations in rhino, you can use methods.

you won't get any of this stuff in the browser though. For similar functionality in a browser you can use the SQL database functions from HTML5, clientside persistence, cookies, and flash storage objects.

Mockito : doAnswer Vs thenReturn

doAnswer and thenReturn do the same thing if:

  1. You are using Mock, not Spy
  2. The method you're stubbing is returning a value, not a void method.

Let's mock this BookService

public interface BookService {
    String getAuthor();
    void queryBookTitle(BookServiceCallback callback);

You can stub getAuthor() using doAnswer and thenReturn.

BookService service = mock(BookService.class);
// or..
doAnswer(new Answer() {
    public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
        return "Joshua";

Note that when using doAnswer, you can't pass a method on when.

// Will throw UnfinishedStubbingException
doAnswer(invocation -> "Joshua").when(service.getAuthor());

So, when would you use doAnswer instead of thenReturn? I can think of two use cases:

  1. When you want to "stub" void method.

Using doAnswer you can do some additionals actions upon method invocation. For example, trigger a callback on queryBookTitle.

BookServiceCallback callback = new BookServiceCallback() {
    public void onSuccess(String bookTitle) {
        assertEquals("Effective Java", bookTitle);
doAnswer(new Answer() {
    public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
        BookServiceCallback callback = (BookServiceCallback) invocation.getArguments()[0];
        callback.onSuccess("Effective Java");
        // return null because queryBookTitle is void
        return null;
  1. When you are using Spy instead of Mock

When using when-thenReturn on Spy Mockito will call real method and then stub your answer. This can cause a problem if you don't want to call real method, like in this sample:

List list = new LinkedList();
List spy = spy(list);
// Will throw java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
assertEquals("java", spy.get(0));

Using doAnswer we can stub it safely.

List list = new LinkedList();
List spy = spy(list);
doAnswer(invocation -> "java").when(spy).get(0);
assertEquals("java", spy.get(0));

Actually, if you don't want to do additional actions upon method invocation, you can just use doReturn.

List list = new LinkedList();
List spy = spy(list);
assertEquals("java", spy.get(0));

How to send HTML-formatted email?

Best way to send html formatted Email

This code will be in "Customer.htm"

            Dealer's Company Name

Read HTML file Using System.IO.File.ReadAllText. get all HTML code in string variable.

string Body = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("EmailTemplates/Customer.htm"));

Replace Particular string to your custom value.

Body = Body.Replace("#DealerCompanyName#", _lstGetDealerRoleAndContactInfoByCompanyIDResult[0].CompanyName);

call SendEmail(string Body) Function and do procedure to send email.

 public static void SendEmail(string Body)
            MailMessage message = new MailMessage();
            message.From = new MailAddress(Session["Email"].Tostring());
            message.Subject = "Request from " + SessionFactory.CurrentCompany.CompanyName + " to add a new supplier";
            message.IsBodyHtml = true;
            message.Body = Body;

            SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient();
            smtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = true;

            smtpClient.Host = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["SMTP"].ToString();
            smtpClient.Port = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["PORT"].ToString());
            smtpClient.EnableSsl = true;
            smtpClient.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["USERNAME"].ToString(), ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["PASSWORD"].ToString());

How to compare variables to undefined, if I don’t know whether they exist?

!undefined is true in javascript, so if you want to know whether your variable or object is undefined and want to take actions, you could do something like this:

if(<object or variable>) {
     //take actions if object is not undefined
} else {
     //take actions if object is undefined

Shell script to send email

#set -x

FROM="[email protected]"
TO="[email protected]"
SUBJECT="test é"
FILES="fic1.pdf fic2.pdf"

SUB_CHARSET=$(echo ${SUBJECT} | file -bi - | cut -d"=" -f2)
SUB_B64=$(echo ${SUBJECT} | uuencode --base64 - | tail -n+2 | head -n+1)

NB_FILES=$(echo ${FILES} | wc -w)
cat <<EOF | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t
From: ${FROM}
To: ${TO}
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=frontier
Subject: =?${SUB_CHARSET}?B?${SUB_B64}?=

Content-Type: $(echo ${MSG} | file -bi -)
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

$(test $NB_FILES -eq 0 && echo "--frontier--" || echo "--frontier")
$(for file in ${FILES} ; do
        let NB=${NB}+1
        FILE_NAME="$(basename $file)"
        echo "Content-Type: $(file -bi $file); name=\"${FILE_NAME}\""
        echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64"
        echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"${FILE_NAME}\""
        #echo ""
        uuencode --base64 ${file} ${FILE_NAME}
        test ${NB} -eq ${NB_FILES} && echo "--frontier--" || echo 

How do I change the default port (9000) that Play uses when I execute the "run" command?

You can also set the HTTP port in .sbtopts in the project directory:


Then you do not have to remember to add it to the run task every time.

Tested with Play 2.1.1.

What is the Java equivalent for LINQ?

There is an alternate solution, Coollection.

Coolection has not pretend to be the new lambda, however we're surrounded by old legacy Java projects where this lib will help. It's really simple to use and extend, covering only the most used actions of iteration over collections, like that:

from(people).where("name", eq("Arthur")).first();
from(people).where("age", lessThan(20)).all();
from(people).where("name", not(contains("Francine"))).all();

How to make a radio button look like a toggle button

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('#divType button').click(function () {
        $('#<%= hidType.ClientID%>').val($(this).data('value'));
<div class="col-xs-12">
    <div class="form-group">
        <asp:HiddenField ID="hidType" runat="server" />
        <div class="btn-group" role="group" aria-label="Selection type" id="divType">
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-default BtnType" data-value="1">Food</button>                        
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-default BtnType" data-value="2">Drink</button>

Modify the legend of pandas bar plot

To change the labels for Pandas df.plot() use ax.legend([...]):

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
df = pd.DataFrame({'A':26, 'B':20}, index=['N'])
df.plot(kind='bar', ax=ax)
#ax = df.plot(kind='bar') # "same" as above
ax.legend(["AAA", "BBB"]);

enter image description here

Another approach is to do the same by plt.legend([...]):

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.legend(["AAA", "BBB"]);

enter image description here

How to perform a real time search and filter on a HTML table

I found dfsq's answer its comments extremely useful. I made some minor modifications applicable to me (and I'm posting it here, in case it is of some use to others).

  1. Using class as hooks, instead of table elements tr
  2. Searching/comparing text within a child class while showing/hiding parent
  3. Making it more efficient by storing the $rows text elements into an array only once (and avoiding $rows.length times computation)

var $rows = $('.wrapper');
var rowsTextArray = [];

var i = 0;
$.each($rows, function () {
    rowsTextArray[i] = ($(this).find('.number').text() + $(this).find('.fruit').text())
        .replace(/\s+/g, '')

$('#search').keyup(function() {
  var val = $.trim($(this).val()).replace(/\s+/g, '').toLowerCase();
  $ {
    return (rowsTextArray[index].indexOf(val) === -1);
span {
  margin-right: 0.2em;
<input type="text" id="search" placeholder="type to search" />

<div class="wrapper"><span class="number">one</span><span class="fruit">apple</span></div>
<div class="wrapper"><span class="number">two</span><span class="fruit">banana</span></div>
<div class="wrapper"><span class="number">three</span><span class="fruit">cherry</span></div>
<div class="wrapper"><span class="number">four</span><span class="fruit">date</span></div>
<script src=""></script>

Android Log.v(), Log.d(), Log.i(), Log.w(), Log.e() - When to use each one?

I think the point of those different types of logging is if you want your app to basically self filter its own logs. So Verbose could be to log absolutely everything of importance in your app, then the debug level would log a subset of the verbose logs, and then Info level will log a subset of the debug logs. When you get down to the Error logs, then you just want to log any sort of errors that may have occured. There is also a debug level called Fatal for when something really hits the fan in your app.

In general, you're right, it's basically arbitrary, and it's up to you to define what is considered a debug log versus informational, versus and error, etc. etc.

How to use if-else option in JSTL

In addition with skaffman answer, simple if-else you can use ternary operator like this

<c:set value="34" var="num"/>
<c:out value="${num % 2 eq 0 ? 'even': 'odd'}"/>

What does 'useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy' do in the .NET 4 config?

After a bit of time (and more searching), I found this blog entry by Jomo Fisher.

One of the recent problems we’ve seen is that, because of the support for side-by-side runtimes, .NET 4.0 has changed the way that it binds to older mixed-mode assemblies. These assemblies are, for example, those that are compiled from C++\CLI. Currently available DirectX assemblies are mixed mode. If you see a message like this then you know you have run into the issue:

Mixed mode assembly is built against version 'v1.1.4322' of the runtime and cannot be loaded in the 4.0 runtime without additional configuration information.


The good news for applications is that you have the option of falling back to .NET 2.0 era binding for these assemblies by setting an app.config flag like so:

<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
  <supportedRuntime version="v4.0"/>

So it looks like the way the runtime loads mixed-mode assemblies has changed. I can't find any details about this change, or why it was done. But the useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy attribute reverts back to CLR 2.0 loading.

pythonw.exe or python.exe?

See here:

pythonw.exe "This suppresses the terminal window on startup."

Best way to determine user's locale within browser

This article suggests the following properties of the browser's navigator object:

  • navigator.language (Netscape - Browser Localization)
  • navigator.browserLanguage (IE-Specific - Browser Localized Language)
  • navigator.systemLanguage (IE-Specific - Windows OS - Localized Language)
  • navigator.userLanguage

Roll these into a javascript function and you should be able to guess the right language, in most circumstances. Be sure to degrade gracefully, so have a div containing your language choice links, so that if there is no javascript or the method doesn't work, the user can still decide. If it does work, just hide the div.

The only problem with doing this on the client side is that either you serve up all the languages to the client, or you have to wait until the script has run and detected the language before requesting the right version. Perhaps serving up the most popular language version as a default would irritate the fewest people.

Edit: I'd second Ivan's cookie suggestion, but make sure the user can always change the language later; not everyone prefers the language their browser defaults to.

How do I include a file over 2 directories back?

I saw your answers and I used include path with syntax

require_once '../file.php'; // server internal error 500

and http server (Apache 2.4.3) returned internal error 500.

When I changed the path to

require_once '/../file.php'; // OK

everything is fine.

Sending HTTP POST Request In Java

Call HttpURLConnection.setRequestMethod("POST") and HttpURLConnection.setDoOutput(true); Actually only the latter is needed as POST then becomes the default method.

What would be the Unicode character for big bullet in the middle of the character?

Here's full list of black dotlikes from unicode

● - &#9679; - Black Circle
⏺ - &#9210; - Black Circle for Record
⚫ - &#9899; - Medium Black Circle
⬤ - &#11044; - Black Large Circle
⧭ - &#10733; - Black Circle with Down Arrow
🞄 - &#128900; - Black Slightly Small Circle
• - &#8226; - Bullet (also • - &#149; - Message Waiting)
∙ - &#8729; - Bullet Operator
⋅ - &#8901; - Dot Operator (also · - &#183; - Middle Dot)
🌑 - &#127761; - New Moon Symbol

Presenting a UIAlertController properly on an iPad using iOS 8

Update for Swift 3.0 and higher

    let actionSheetController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "SomeTitle", message: nil, preferredStyle: .actionSheet)

    let editAction: UIAlertAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Edit Details", style: .default) { action -> Void in

        print("Edit Details")

    let deleteAction: UIAlertAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Delete Item", style: .default) { action -> Void in

        print("Delete Item")

    let cancelAction: UIAlertAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: .cancel) { action -> Void in }


//        present(actionSheetController, animated: true, completion: nil)   // doesn't work for iPad

    actionSheetController.popoverPresentationController?.sourceView = yourSourceViewName // works for both iPhone & iPad

    present(actionSheetController, animated: true) {
        print("option menu presented")

Double precision floating values in Python?

Decimal datatype

  • Unlike hardware based binary floating point, the decimal module has a user alterable precision (defaulting to 28 places) which can be as large as needed for a given problem.

If you are pressed by performance issuses, have a look at GMPY

Python list directory, subdirectory, and files

Couldn't comment so writing answer here. This is the clearest one-line I have seen:

import os
[os.path.join(path, name) for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(root) for name in files]

Read only the first line of a file?

Lots of other answers here, but to answer precisely the question you asked (before @MarkAmery went and edited the original question and changed the meaning):

>>> f = open('myfile.txt')
>>> data =
>>> # I'm assuming you had the above before asking the question
>>> first_line = data.split('\n', 1)[0]

In other words, if you've already read in the file (as you said), and have a big block of data in memory, then to get the first line from it efficiently, do a split() on the newline character, once only, and take the first element from the resulting list.

Note that this does not include the \n character at the end of the line, but I'm assuming you don't want it anyway (and a single-line file may not even have one). Also note that although it's pretty short and quick, it does make a copy of the data, so for a really large blob of memory you may not consider it "efficient". As always, it depends...

trying to animate a constraint in swift

It's very important to point out that view.layoutIfNeeded() applies to the view subviews only.

Therefore to animate the view constraint, it is important to call it on the view-to-animate superview as follows:

    topConstraint.constant = heightShift

    UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3) {

        // request layout on the *superview*

An example for a simple layout as follows:

class MyClass {

    /// Container view
    let container = UIView()
        /// View attached to container
        let view = UIView()

    /// Top constraint to animate
    var topConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint()

    /// Create the UI hierarchy and constraints
    func createUI() {

        // Create the top constraint
        topConstraint = view.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: container.topAnchor, constant: 0)

        view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false

        // Activate constaint(s)

    /// Update view constraint with animation
    func updateConstraint(heightShift: CGFloat) {
        topConstraint.constant = heightShift

        UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3) {

            // request layout on the *superview*

How to drop all user tables?

Another answer that worked for me is (credit to


FOR c IN (SELECT table_name FROM user_tables) LOOP

FOR s IN (SELECT sequence_name FROM user_sequences) LOOP
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('DROP SEQUENCE ' || s.sequence_name);


Note that this works immediately after you run it. It does NOT produce a script that you need to paste somewhere (like other answers here). It runs directly on the DB.

What is the strict aliasing rule?

According to the C89 rationale, the authors of the Standard did not want to require that compilers given code like:

int x;
int test(double *p)
  *p = 1.0;
  return x;

should be required to reload the value of x between the assignment and return statement so as to allow for the possibility that p might point to x, and the assignment to *p might consequently alter the value of x. The notion that a compiler should be entitled to presume that there won't be aliasing in situations like the above was non-controversial.

Unfortunately, the authors of the C89 wrote their rule in a way that, if read literally, would make even the following function invoke Undefined Behavior:

void test(void)
  struct S {int x;} s;
  s.x = 1;

because it uses an lvalue of type int to access an object of type struct S, and int is not among the types that may be used accessing a struct S. Because it would be absurd to treat all use of non-character-type members of structs and unions as Undefined Behavior, almost everyone recognizes that there are at least some circumstances where an lvalue of one type may be used to access an object of another type. Unfortunately, the C Standards Committee has failed to define what those circumstances are.

Much of the problem is a result of Defect Report #028, which asked about the behavior of a program like:

int test(int *ip, double *dp)
  *ip = 1;
  *dp = 1.23;
  return *ip;
int test2(void)
  union U { int i; double d; } u;
  return test(&u.i, &u.d);

Defect Report #28 states that the program invokes Undefined Behavior because the action of writing a union member of type "double" and reading one of type "int" invokes Implementation-Defined behavior. Such reasoning is nonsensical, but forms the basis for the Effective Type rules which needlessly complicate the language while doing nothing to address the original problem.

The best way to resolve the original problem would probably be to treat the footnote about the purpose of the rule as though it were normative, and made the rule unenforceable except in cases which actually involve conflicting accesses using aliases. Given something like:

 void inc_int(int *p) { *p = 3; }
 int test(void)
   int *p;
   struct S { int x; } s;
   s.x = 1;
   p = &s.x;
   return s.x;

There's no conflict within inc_int because all accesses to the storage accessed through *p are done with an lvalue of type int, and there's no conflict in test because p is visibly derived from a struct S, and by the next time s is used, all accesses to that storage that will ever be made through p will have already happened.

If the code were changed slightly...

 void inc_int(int *p) { *p = 3; }
 int test(void)
   int *p;
   struct S { int x; } s;
   p = &s.x;
   s.x = 1;  //  !!*!!
   *p += 1;
   return s.x;

Here, there is an aliasing conflict between p and the access to s.x on the marked line because at that point in execution another reference exists that will be used to access the same storage.

Had Defect Report 028 said the original example invoked UB because of the overlap between the creation and use of the two pointers, that would have made things a lot more clear without having to add "Effective Types" or other such complexity.

How to scroll UITableView to specific position

Use [tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:indexPath atScrollPosition:scrollPosition animated:YES]; Scrolls the receiver until a row identified by index path is at a particular location on the screen.



Scrolls the table view so that the selected row nearest to a specified position in the table view is at that position.

Overflow:hidden dots at the end

Most of solutions use static width here. But it can be sometimes wrong for some reasons.

Example: I had table with many columns. Most of them are narrow (static width). But the main column should be as wide as possible (depends on screen size).


<table style="width: 100%">
    <td style="width: 60px;">narrow</td>
      <span class="cutwrap" data-cutwrap="dynamic column can have really long text which can be wrapped on two rows, but we just need not wrapped texts using as much space as possible">
        dynamic column can have really long text which can be wrapped on two rows
        but we just need not wrapped texts using as much space as possible


.cutwrap {
  position: relative;
  overflow: hidden;
  display: block;
  width: 100%;
  height: 18px;
  white-space: normal;
  color: transparent !important;
.cutwrap::selection {
  color: transparent !important;
.cutwrap:before {
  content: attr(data-cutwrap);
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  overflow: hidden;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;
  white-space: nowrap;
  color: #333;
/* different styles for links */
a.cutwrap:before {
  text-decoration: underline;
  color: #05c;

Change Placeholder Text using jQuery

change placeholder text using jquery

try this

$('#selector').attr("placeholder", "Type placeholder");

Predict() - Maybe I'm not understanding it

To avoid error, an important point about the new dataset is the name of independent variable. It must be the same as reported in the model. Another way is to nest the two function without creating a new dataset

model <- lm(Coupon ~ Total, data=df)
predict(model, data.frame(Total=c(79037022, 83100656, 104299800)))

Pay attention on the model. The next two commands are similar, but for predict function, the first work the second don't work.

model <- lm(Coupon ~ Total, data=df) #Ok
model <- lm(df$Coupon ~ df$Total) #Ko

How to call a asp:Button OnClick event using JavaScript?

If you're open to using jQuery:

<script type="text/javascript">
 function fncsave()
    $('#<%= savebtn.ClientID %>').click();

Also, if you are using .NET 4 or better you can make the ClientIDMode == static and simplify the code:

<script type="text/javascript">
 function fncsave()

Reference: MSDN Article for Control.ClientIDMode

Get current rowIndex of table in jQuery

Since "$(this).parent().index();" and "$(this).parent('table').index();" don't work for me, I use this code instead:

   var row_index = $(this).closest("tr").index();
   var col_index = $(this).index();

How do I find if a string starts with another string in Ruby?

puts 'abcdefg'.start_with?('abc')  #=> true

[edit] This is something I didn't know before this question: start_with takes multiple arguments.

'abcdefg'.start_with?( 'xyz', 'opq', 'ab')

Git checkout: updating paths is incompatible with switching branches

Could your issue be linked to this other SO question "checkout problem"?

i.e.: a problem related to:

  • an old version of Git
  • a curious checkout syntax, which should be: git checkout -b [<new_branch>] [<start_point>], with [<start_point>] referring to the name of a commit at which to start the new branch, and 'origin/remote-name' is not that.
    (whereas git branch does support a start_point being the name of a remote branch)

Note: what the script says is:

  if test '' != "$newbranch$force$merge"
    die "git checkout: updating paths is incompatible with switching branches/forcing$hint"

It is like the syntax git checkout -b [] [remote_branch_name] was both renaming the branch and resetting the new starting point of the new branch, which is deemed incompatible.

Regex match everything after question mark?

Try this:


The parentheses are a capturing group that you can use to extract the part of the string you are interested in.

If the string can contain new lines you may have to use the "dot all" modifier to allow the dot to match the new line character. Whether or not you have to do this, and how to do this, depends on the language you are using. It appears that you forgot to mention the programming language you are using in your question.

Another alternative that you can use if your language supports fixed width lookbehind assertions is:


Passing variable from Form to Module in VBA

Don't declare the variable in the userform. Declare it as Public in the module.

Public pass As String

In the Userform

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    pass = UserForm1.TextBox1
    Unload UserForm1
End Sub

In the Module

Public pass As String

Public Sub Login()
    '~~> Rest of the code
    driver.findElementByName("PASSWORD").SendKeys pass
    '~~> Rest of the code
End Sub

You might want to also add an additional check just before calling the driver.find... line?

If Len(Trim(pass)) <> 0 Then

This will ensure that a blank string is not passed.

How to push JSON object in to array using javascript


  • If there is a single object and you want to push whole object into an array then no need to iterate the object.

Try this :

var feed = {created_at: "2017-03-14T01:00:32Z", entry_id: 33358, field1: "4", field2: "4", field3: "0"};_x000D_
var data = [];_x000D_

Instead of :

var my_json = {created_at: "2017-03-14T01:00:32Z", entry_id: 33358, field1: "4", field2: "4", field3: "0"};_x000D_
var data = [];_x000D_
for(var i in my_json) {_x000D_

Add padding on view programmatically

While padding programmatically, convert to density related values by converting pixel to Dp.

return query based on date

Find with a specific date:

db.getCollection('CollectionName').find({"DepartureDate" : new ISODate("2019-06-21T00:00:00.000Z")})

Find with greater gte or little lt :

db.getCollection('CollectionName').find({"DepartureDate" : { $gte : new ISODate("2019-06-11T00:00:00.000Z") }})

Find by range:

    "DepartureDate": { 
        $lt: new Date(), 
        $gte: new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate()-15))

Difference between the annotations @GetMapping and @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)

@GetMapping is a composed annotation that acts as a shortcut for @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET).

@GetMapping is the newer annotaion. It supports consumes

Consume options are :

consumes = "text/plain"
consumes = {"text/plain", "application/*"}

For Further details see: GetMapping Annotation

or read: request mapping variants

RequestMapping supports consumes as well

GetMapping we can apply only on method level and RequestMapping annotation we can apply on class level and as well as on method level

Fixing a systemd service 203/EXEC failure (no such file or directory)

I think I found the answer:

In the .service file, I needed to add /bin/bash before the path to the script.

For example, for backup.service:

ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/user/.scripts/

As opposed to:


I'm not sure why. Perhaps fish. On the other hand, I have another script running for my email, and the service file seems to run fine without /bin/bash. It does use instead, though.

Most of the tutorials I came across don't prepend /bin/bash, but I then saw this SO answer which had it, and figured it was worth a try.

The service file executes the script, and the timer is listed in systemctl --user list-timers, so hopefully this will work.

Update: I can confirm that everything is working now.

Cloning a private Github repo

If the newly used computer has different credentials running this command

git clone

directly will not work. Git will attempt to use the stored credentials and will not prompt you for the username and the password. Since the credentials mismatch, git will output Repository not found and the clone operation fails. The way I solved it was by deleting the old credentials, since I don't use them anymore, and ran the the above mentioned command again and entered the required username and password and cloned the private repo.

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'int'

For future reference Python is strongly typed. Unlike other dynamic languages, it will not automagically cast objects from one type or the other (say from str to int) so you must do this yourself. You'll like that in the long-run, trust me!

How can I call a function using a function pointer?

Declare your function pointer like this:

bool (*f)();
f = A;

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_strlen()

On Centos, RedHat, Fedora and other yum-my systems it is much simpler than the PHP manual suggests:

yum install php-mbstring
service httpd restart

Good ways to manage a changelog using git?

A more to-the-point CHANGELOG.

git log --since=1/11/2011 --until=28/11/2011 --no-merges --format=%B

How to read a file into a variable in shell?

As Ciro Santilli notes using command substitutions will drop trailing newlines. Their workaround adding trailing characters is great, but after using it for quite some time I decided I needed a solution that didn't use command substitution at all.

My approach now uses read along with the printf builtin's -v flag in order to read the contents of stdin directly into a variable.

# Reads stdin into a variable, accounting for trailing newlines. Avoids
# needing a subshell or command substitution.
# Note that NUL bytes are still unsupported, as Bash variables don't allow NULs.
# See
read_input() {
  # Use unusual variable names to avoid colliding with a variable name
  # the user might pass in (notably "contents")
  : "${1:?Must provide a variable to read into}"
  if [[ "$1" == '_line' || "$1" == '_contents' ]]; then
    echo "Cannot store contents to $1, use a different name." >&2
    return 1

  local _line _contents=()
   while IFS='' read -r _line; do
   # include $_line once more to capture any content after the last newline
   printf -v "$1" '%s' "${_contents[@]}" "$_line"

This supports inputs with or without trailing newlines.

Example usage:

$ read_input file_contents < /tmp/file
# $file_contents now contains the contents of /tmp/file

Changing the interval of SetInterval while it's running

You could use an anonymous function:

var counter = 10;
var myFunction = function(){
    counter *= 10;
    interval = setInterval(myFunction, counter);
var interval = setInterval(myFunction, counter);

UPDATE: As suggested by A. Wolff, use setTimeout to avoid the need for clearInterval.

var counter = 10;
var myFunction = function() {
    counter *= 10;
    setTimeout(myFunction, counter);
setTimeout(myFunction, counter);

Most efficient way to append arrays in C#?

Here is a usable class based on what Constantin said:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        FastConcat<int> i = new FastConcat<int>();
        i.Add(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 });
        i.Add(new int[] { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 });

        foreach (int val in i)


class FastConcat<T> : IEnumerable<T>
    LinkedList<T[]> _items = new LinkedList<T[]>();
    int _count;

    public int Count
            return _count;

    public void Add(T[] items)
        if (items == null)
        if (items.Length == 0)

        _count += items.Length;

    private T[] GetItemIndex(int realIndex, out int offset)
        offset = 0; // Offset that needs to be applied to realIndex.
        int currentStart = 0; // Current index start.

        foreach (T[] items in _items)
            currentStart += items.Length;
            if (currentStart > realIndex)
                return items;
            offset = currentStart;
        return null;

    public T this[int index]
            int offset;
            T[] i = GetItemIndex(index, out offset);
            return i[index - offset];
            int offset;
            T[] i = GetItemIndex(index, out offset);
            i[index - offset] = value;

    #region IEnumerable<T> Members

    public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
        foreach (T[] items in _items)
            foreach (T item in items)
                yield return item;


    #region IEnumerable Members

    System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        return GetEnumerator();


Resolving instances with ASP.NET Core DI from within ConfigureServices

The IServiceCollection interface is used for building a dependency injection container. After it's fully built, it gets composed to an IServiceProvider instance which you can use to resolve services. You can inject an IServiceProvider into any class. The IApplicationBuilder and HttpContext classes can provide the service provider as well, via their ApplicationServices or RequestServices properties respectively.

IServiceProvider defines a GetService(Type type) method to resolve a service:

var service = (IFooService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IFooService));

There are also several convenience extension methods available, such as serviceProvider.GetService<IFooService>() (add a using for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection).

Resolving services inside the startup class

Injecting dependencies

The runtime's hosting service provider can inject certain services into the constructor of the Startup class, such as IConfiguration, IWebHostEnvironment (IHostingEnvironment in pre-3.0 versions), ILoggerFactory and IServiceProvider. Note that the latter is an instance built by the hosting layer and contains only the essential services for starting up an application.

The ConfigureServices() method does not allow injecting services, it only accepts an IServiceCollection argument. This makes sense because ConfigureServices() is where you register the services required by your application. However you can use services injected in the startup's constructor here, for example:

public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
    Configuration = configuration;

public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // Use Configuration here

Any services registered in ConfigureServices() can then be injected into the Configure() method; you can add an arbitrary number of services after the IApplicationBuilder parameter:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IFooService fooService)

Manually resolving dependencies

If you need to manually resolve services, you should preferably use the ApplicationServices provided by IApplicationBuilder in the Configure() method:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
    var serviceProvider = app.ApplicationServices;
    var hostingEnv = serviceProvider.GetService<IHostingEnvironment>();

It is possible to pass and directly use an IServiceProvider in the constructor of your Startup class, but as above this will contain a limited subset of services, and thus has limited utility:

public Startup(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
    var hostingEnv = serviceProvider.GetService<IWebHostEnvironment>();

If you must resolve services in the ConfigureServices() method, a different approach is required. You can build an intermediate IServiceProvider from the IServiceCollection instance which contains the services which have been registered up to that point:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddSingleton<IFooService, FooService>();

    // Build the intermediate service provider
    var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider();

    // This will succeed.
    var fooService = sp.GetService<IFooService>();
    // This will fail (return null), as IBarService hasn't been registered yet.
    var barService = sp.GetService<IBarService>();

Please note: Generally you should avoid resolving services inside the ConfigureServices() method, as this is actually the place where you're configuring the application services. Sometimes you just need access to an IOptions<MyOptions> instance. You can accomplish this by binding the values from the IConfiguration instance to an instance of MyOptions (which is essentially what the options framework does):

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    var myOptions = new MyOptions();

Manually resolving services (aka Service Locator) is generally considered an anti-pattern. While it has its use-cases (for frameworks and/or infrastructure layers), you should avoid it as much as possible.

C# Interfaces. Implicit implementation versus Explicit implementation

In addition to excellent answers already provided, there are some cases where explicit implementation is REQUIRED for the compiler to be able to figure out what is required. Take a look at IEnumerable<T> as a prime example that will likely come up fairly often.

Here's an example:

public abstract class StringList : IEnumerable<string>
    private string[] _list = new string[] {"foo", "bar", "baz"};

    // ...

    #region IEnumerable<string> Members
    public IEnumerator<string> GetEnumerator()
        foreach (string s in _list)
        { yield return s; }

    #region IEnumerable Members
    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        return this.GetEnumerator();

Here, IEnumerable<string> implements IEnumerable, hence we need to too. But hang on, both the generic and the normal version both implement functions with the same method signature (C# ignores return type for this). This is completely legal and fine. How does the compiler resolve which to use? It forces you to only have, at most, one implicit definition, then it can resolve whatever it needs to.


StringList sl = new StringList();

// uses the implicit definition.
IEnumerator<string> enumerableString = sl.GetEnumerator();
// same as above, only a little more explicit.
IEnumerator<string> enumerableString2 = ((IEnumerable<string>)sl).GetEnumerator();
// returns the same as above, but via the explicit definition
IEnumerator enumerableStuff = ((IEnumerable)sl).GetEnumerator();

PS: The little piece of indirection in the explicit definition for IEnumerable works because inside the function the compiler knows that the actual type of the variable is a StringList, and that's how it resolves the function call. Nifty little fact for implementing some of the layers of abstraction some of the .NET core interfaces seem to have accumulated.

Oracle Add 1 hour in SQL

select sysdate + 1/24 from dual;

sysdate is a function without arguments which returns DATE type
+ 1/24 adds 1 hour to a date

select to_char(to_date('2014-10-15 03:30:00 pm', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS pm') + 1/24, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS pm') from dual;

Set default host and port for ng serve in config file

Angular CLI 6+

In the latest version of Angular, this is set in the angular.json config file. Example:

    "$schema": "./node_modules/@angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json",
    "projects": {
        "my-project": {
            "architect": {
                "serve": {
                    "options": {
                        "port": 4444

You can also use ng config to view/edit values:

ng config projects["my-project"].architect["serve"].options {port:4444}

Angular CLI <6

In previous versions, this was set in angular-cli.json underneath the defaults element:

  "defaults": {
    "serve": {
      "port": 4444,
      "host": ""

How can I escape a double quote inside double quotes?

Bash allows you to place strings adjacently, and they'll just end up being glued together.

So this:

$ echo "Hello"', world!'


Hello, world!

The trick is to alternate between single and double-quoted strings as required. Unfortunately, it quickly gets very messy. For example:

$ echo "I like to use" '"double quotes"' "sometimes"


I like to use "double quotes" sometimes

In your example, I would do it something like this:

$ dbtable=example
$ dbload='load data local infile "'"'gfpoint.csv'"'" into '"table $dbtable FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"'"'"' LINES "'TERMINATED BY "'"'\n'"'" IGNORE 1 LINES'
$ echo $dbload

which produces the following output:

load data local infile "'gfpoint.csv'" into table example FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY "'\n'" IGNORE 1 LINES

It's difficult to see what's going on here, but I can annotate it using Unicode quotes. The following won't work in bash – it's just for illustration:

dbload=load data local infile "’“'gfpoint.csv'”‘" into’“table $dbtable FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '”‘"’“' LINES”‘TERMINATED BY "’“'\n'”‘" IGNORE 1 LINES

The quotes like “ ‘ ’ ” in the above will be interpreted by bash. The quotes like " ' will end up in the resulting variable.

If I give the same treatment to the earlier example, it looks like this:

$ echoI like to use"double quotes"sometimes

exporting multiple modules in react.js

You can have only one default export which you declare like:

export default App; or export default class App extends React.Component {...

and later do import App from './App'

If you want to export something more you can use named exports which you declare without default keyword like:

export {


export About;
export Contact;


export const About = class About extends React.Component {....
export const Contact = () => (<div> ... </div>);

and later you import them like:

import App, { About, Contact } from './App';


There is a mistake in the tutorial as it is not possible to make 3 default exports in the same main.js file. Other than that why export anything if it is no used outside the file?. Correct main.js :

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Router, Route, Link, browserHistory, IndexRoute  } from 'react-router'

class App extends React.Component {

class Home extends React.Component {

class About extends React.Component {

class Contact extends React.Component {

   <Router history = {browserHistory}>
      <Route path = "/" component = {App}>
         <IndexRoute component = {Home} />
         <Route path = "home" component = {Home} />
         <Route path = "about" component = {About} />
         <Route path = "contact" component = {Contact} />

), document.getElementById('app'))


another thing is that this tutorial is based on react-router-V3 which has different api than v4.

How to resize datagridview control when form resizes

For me, anchoring works only if I set it to all four sides:

Anchoring: Top, Bottom, Left, Right

Setting anchoring just to Left, Bottom moves the whole object when the form is resized in bottom, left side. Setting all four sizes really resizes the object, when parent is resized.

set default schema for a sql query

SETUSER could work, having a user, even an orphaned user in the DB with the default schema needed. But SETUSER is on the legacy not supported for ever list. So a similar alternative would be to setup an application role with the needed default schema, as long as no cross DB access is needed, this should work like a treat.

long long in C/C++

The letters 100000000000 make up a literal integer constant, but the value is too large for the type int. You need to use a suffix to change the type of the literal, i.e.

long long num3 = 100000000000LL;

The suffix LL makes the literal into type long long. C is not "smart" enough to conclude this from the type on the left, the type is a property of the literal itself, not the context in which it is being used.

Difference between $(window).load() and $(document).ready() functions

$(document).ready happens when all the elements are present in the DOM, but not necessarily all content.

$(document).ready(function() {
    alert("document is ready");

window.onload or $(window).load() happens after all the content resources (images, etc) have been loaded.

$(window).load(function() {
    alert("window is loaded");

java.sql.SQLException Parameter index out of range (1 > number of parameters, which is 0)

You will get this error when you call any of the setXxx() methods on PreparedStatement, while the SQL query string does not have any placeholders ? for this.

For example this is wrong:

String sql = "INSERT INTO tablename (col1, col2, col3) VALUES (val1, val2, val3)";
// ...

preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
preparedStatement.setString(1, val1); // Fail.
preparedStatement.setString(2, val2);
preparedStatement.setString(3, val3);

You need to fix the SQL query string accordingly to specify the placeholders.

String sql = "INSERT INTO tablename (col1, col2, col3) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
// ...

preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
preparedStatement.setString(1, val1);
preparedStatement.setString(2, val2);
preparedStatement.setString(3, val3);

Note the parameter index starts with 1 and that you do not need to quote those placeholders like so:

String sql = "INSERT INTO tablename (col1, col2, col3) VALUES ('?', '?', '?')";

Otherwise you will still get the same exception, because the SQL parser will then interpret them as the actual string values and thus can't find the placeholders anymore.

See also:

TCPDF Save file to folder?

This worked for me, saving to child dir(temp_pdf) under the root:

$sFilePath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '//temp_pdf/file.pdf' ;
$pdf->Output( $sFilePath , 'F');

Remember to make the dir writeable.

How to make div appear in front of another?

In order an element to appear in front of another you have to give higher z-index to the front element, and lower z-index to the back element, also you should indicate position: absolute/fixed...


<div style="z-index:100; position: fixed;">Hello</div>
<div style="z-index: -1;">World</div>

How do I increase modal width in Angular UI Bootstrap?

You can specify custom width for .modal-lg class specifically for your popup for wider viewport resolution. Here is how to do it:


@media (min-width: 1400px){

   .my-modal-popup .modal-lg {
       width: 1308px;



var modal = ${
    animation: true,
    templateUrl: 'modalTemplate.html',
    controller: 'modalController',
    size: 'lg',
    windowClass: 'my-modal-popup'

How do you format an unsigned long long int using printf?

For long long (or __int64) using MSVS, you should use %I64d:

__int64 a;
time_t b;
fprintf(outFile,"%I64d,%I64d\n",a,b);    //I is capital i

Access PHP variable in JavaScript

You can't, you'll have to do something like

<script type="text/javascript">
   var php_var = "<?php echo $php_var; ?>";

You can also load it with AJAX

rhino is right, the snippet lacks of a type for the sake of brevity.

Also, note that if $php_var has quotes, it will break your script. You shall use addslashes, htmlentities or a custom function.

Angular: Cannot Get /

For me the issue was with @Component Selector path was pointing to wrong path. After changing it solved the issue.

selector: 'app-fetch-data',
templateUrl: './fetch-data.component.html',
providers: [ToolbarService, GroupService, FilterService, PageService, ExcelExportService, PdfExportService]

How do I 'git diff' on a certain directory?

If you're comparing different branches, you need to use -- to separate a Git revision from a filesystem path. For example, with two local branches, master and bryan-working:

$ git diff master -- AFolderOfCode/ bryan-working -- AFolderOfCode/

Or from a local branch to a remote:

$ git diff master -- AFolderOfCode/ origin/master -- AFolderOfCode/

Why does JS code "var a = document.querySelector('a[data-a=1]');" cause error?

From the selectors specification:

Attribute values must be CSS identifiers or strings.

Identifiers cannot start with a number. Strings must be quoted.

1 is therefore neither a valid identifier nor a string.

Use "1" (which is a string) instead.

var a = document.querySelector('a[data-a="1"]');

Django ManyToMany filter()

another way to do this is by going through the intermediate table. I'd express this within the Django ORM like this:

UserZone = User.zones.through

# for a single zone
users_in_zone = User.objects.filter(

# for multiple zones
users_in_zones = User.objects.filter(
  id__in=UserZone.objects.filter(zone__in=[zone1, zone2, zone3]).values('user'))

it would be nice if it didn't need the .values('user') specified, but Django (version 3.0.7) seems to need it.

the above code will end up generating SQL that looks something like:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (SELECT user_id FROM userzones WHERE zone_id IN (1,2,3))

which is nice because it doesn't have any intermediate joins that could cause duplicate users to be returned

How merge two objects array in angularjs?

This works for me :

$scope.array1 = $scope.array1.concat(array2)

In your case it would be :

$ = $

Sending HTML email using Python

Here's a working example to send plain text and HTML emails from Python using smtplib along with the CC and BCC options.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import smtplib
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText

def send_mail(params, type_):
      email_subject = params['email_subject']
      email_from = "[email protected]"
      email_to = params['email_to']
      email_cc = params.get('email_cc')
      email_bcc = params.get('email_bcc')
      email_body = params['email_body']

      msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
      msg['To'] = email_to
      msg['CC'] = email_cc
      msg['Subject'] = email_subject
      mt_html = MIMEText(email_body, type_)

      server = smtplib.SMTP('YOUR_MAIL_SERVER.DOMAIN.COM')
      toaddrs = [email_to] + [email_cc] + [email_bcc]
      server.sendmail(email_from, toaddrs, msg.as_string())

# Calling the mailer functions
params = {
    'email_to': '[email protected]',
    'email_cc': '[email protected]',
    'email_bcc': '[email protected]',
    'email_subject': 'Test message from python library',
    'email_body': '<h1>Hello World</h1>'
for t in ['plain', 'html']:
    send_mail(params, t)

How to read from stdin with fgets()?

You have a wrong idea of what fgets returns. Take a look at this:

It returns null when it finds an EOF character. Try running the program above and pressing CTRL+D (or whatever combination is your EOF character), and the loop will exit succesfully.

How do you want to detect the end of the input? Newline? Dot (you said sentence xD)?

How to enable PHP's openssl extension to install Composer?

After editting the "right" files (all php.ini's). i had still the issue. My solution was:

  1. Adding a System variable: OPENSSL_CONF

    the value of OPENSSL_CONF should be the openssl.cnf file of your current php version.

for me it was:

  • C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.6.12\extras\ssl\openssl.cnf

-> Restart WAMP -> should work now


Find by key deep in a nested array

If you want to get the first element whose id is 1 while object is being searched, you can use this function:

function customFilter(object){
    if(object.hasOwnProperty('id') && object["id"] == 1)
        return object;

    for(var i=0; i<Object.keys(object).length; i++){
        if(typeof object[Object.keys(object)[i]] == "object"){
            var o = customFilter(object[Object.keys(object)[i]]);
            if(o != null)
                return o;

    return null;

If you want to get all elements whose id is 1, then (all elements whose id is 1 are stored in result as you see):

function customFilter(object, result){
    if(object.hasOwnProperty('id') && == 1)

    for(var i=0; i<Object.keys(object).length; i++){
        if(typeof object[Object.keys(object)[i]] == "object"){
            customFilter(object[Object.keys(object)[i]], result);

offsetting an html anchor to adjust for fixed header

I was looking for a solution to this as well. In my case, it was pretty easy.

I have a list menu with all the links:

<li><a href="#one">one</a></li>
<li><a href="#two">two</a></li>
<li><a href="#three">three</a></li>
<li><a href="#four">four</a></li>

And below that the headings where it should go to.

<p>text here</p>

<p>text here</p>

<p>text here</p>

<p>text here</p>

Now because I have a fixed menu at the top of my page I can't just make it go to my tag because that would be behind the menu.

Instead, I put a span tag inside my tag with the proper id.

<h3><span id="one"></span>one</h3>

Now use 2 lines of CSS to position them properly.

h3{ position:relative; }
h3 span{ position:absolute; top:-200px;}

Change the top value to match the height of your fixed header (or more). Now I assume this would work with other elements as well.

Force IE8 Into IE7 Compatiblity Mode

This can be done in IIS:

Read the comments as well: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 8:57 AM by John Moore

A quick follow-up. This worked great for my site as long as I use the IE=EmulateIE7 value. Trying to use the IE=7 resulted in my site essentially hanging when run on IE8.

ImportError: No module named site on Windows

I've been looking into this problem for myself for almost a day and finally had a breakthrough. Try this:

  1. Setting the PYTHONPATH / PYTHONHOME variables

    Right click the Computer icon in the start menu, go to properties. On the left tab, go to Advanced system settings. In the window that comes up, go to the Advanced tab, then at the bottom click Environment Variables. Click in the list of user variables and start typing Python, and repeat for System variables, just to make certain that you don't have mis-set variables for PYTHONPATH or PYTHONHOME. Next, add new variables (I did in System rather than User, although it may work for User too): PYTHONPATH, set to C:\Python27\Lib. PYTHONHOME, set to C:\Python27.

Hope this helps!

How can I programmatically invoke an onclick() event from a anchor tag while keeping the ‘this’ reference in the onclick function?

To trigger an event you basically just call the event handler for that element. Slight change from your code.

var a = document.getElementById("element");
var evnt = a["onclick"];

if (typeof(evnt) == "function") {;

Unicode via CSS :before

In CSS, FontAwesome unicode works only when the correct font family is declared (version 4 or less):

font-family: "FontAwesome";
content: "\f066";

Update - Version 5 has different names:


font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free"


font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Pro"


font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Brands"

See this related answer:

As per comment (BuddyZ) some more info here

How to export the Html Tables data into PDF using Jspdf

Here is an example I think that will help you

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="js/min.js"></script>
<script src="js/pdf.js"></script>
         var doc = new jsPDF();
    var specialElementHandlers = {
        '#editor': function (element, renderer) {
            return true;

   $('#cmd').click(function () {

        var table = tableToJson($('#StudentInfoListTable').get(0))
        var doc = new jsPDF('p','pt', 'a4', true);
        $.each(table, function (i, row){
            $.each(row, function (j, cell){
                doc.cell(10, 50,120, 50, cell, i);  // 2nd parameter=top margin,1st=left margin 3rd=row cell width 4th=Row height
    function tableToJson(table) {
    var data = [];

    // first row needs to be headers
    var headers = [];
    for (var i=0; i<table.rows[0].cells.length; i++) {
        headers[i] = table.rows[0].cells[i].innerHTML.toLowerCase().replace(/ /gi,'');

    // go through cells
    for (var i=0; i<table.rows.length; i++) {

        var tableRow = table.rows[i];
        var rowData = {};

        for (var j=0; j<tableRow.cells.length; j++) {

            rowData[ headers[j] ] = tableRow.cells[j].innerHTML;



    return data;
<div id="table">
<table id="StudentInfoListTable">
                        <th>S.S.C Roll</th>
                        <th>S.S.C Division</th>
                        <th>H.S.C Roll</th>
                        <th>H.S.C Division</th>


                            <td>alimon  </td>
<button id="cmd">Submit</button>

Here the output

enter image description here

Getting the actual usedrange

This function gives all 4 limits of the used range:

Function FindUsedRangeLimits()
    Set Sheet = ActiveSheet

    ' Display the range's rows and columns.
    row_min = Sheet.UsedRange.Row
    row_max = row_min + Sheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1
    col_min = Sheet.UsedRange.Column
    col_max = col_min + Sheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count - 1

    MsgBox "Rows " & row_min & " - " & row_max & vbCrLf & _
           "Columns: " & col_min & " - " & col_max
    LastCellBeforeBlankInColumn = True
End Function

Java 8 lambda Void argument

Add a static method inside your functional interface

package example;

interface Action<T, U> {
       U execute(T t);
       static  Action<Void,Void> invoke(Runnable runnable){
           return (v) -> {
                return null;

public class Lambda {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Action<Void, Void> a = Action.invoke(() -> System.out.println("Do nothing!"));
        Void t = null;



Do nothing!

How do I log a Python error with debug information?

If you can cope with the extra dependency then use twisted.log, you don't have to explicitly log errors and also it returns the entire traceback and time to the file or stream.

How can I run a PHP script in the background after a form is submitted?

As I know you cannot do this in easy way (see fork exec etc (don't work under windows)), may be you can reverse the approach, use the background of the browser posting the form in ajax, so if the post still work you've no wait time.
This can help even if you have to do some long elaboration.

About sending mail it's always suggest to use a spooler, may be a local & quick smtp server that accept your requests and the spool them to the real MTA or put all in a DB, than use a cron that spool the queue.
The cron may be on another machine calling the spooler as external url:

* * * * * wget -O /dev/null

How to trigger a phone call when clicking a link in a web page on mobile phone

Most modern devices support the tel: scheme. So use <a href="tel:555-555-5555">555-555-5555</a> and you should be good to go.

If you want to use it for an image, the <a> tag can handle the <img/> placed in it just like other normal situations with : <a href="tel:555-555-5555"><img src="path/to/phone/icon.jpg" /></a>

HTML5 : Iframe No scrolling?

In HTML5 there is no scrolling attribute because "its function is better handled by CSS" see for other changes. Well and the CSS solution:

CSS solution:

HTML4's scrolling="no" is kind of an alias of the CSS's overflow: hidden, to do so it is important to set size attributes width/height:

  width: 250px; /*or any other size*/
  height: 300px; /*or any other size*/
  overflow: hidden;

Add this class to your iframe and you're done:

<iframe src="" class="noScrolling"></iframe>

! IMPORTANT NOTE ! : overflow: hidden for <iframe> is not fully supported by all modern browsers yet(even chrome doesn't support it yet) so for now (2013) it's still better to use Transitional version and use scrolling="no" and overflow:hidden at the same time :)

UPDATE 2020: the above is still true, oveflow for iframes is still not supported by all majors

Why I cannot cout a string?

You do not have to reference std::cout or std::endl explicitly.
They are both included in the namespace std. using namespace std instead of using scope resolution operator :: every time makes is easier and cleaner.

using namespace std;

Docker: "no matching manifest for windows/amd64 in the manifest list entries"

Consider the applications that you are pulling - are they Windows based? If not, you need to run a Linux container.

Without using the experimental mode, you can only use Docker in one style of container vs the other. If you activate the experimental mode as mentioned above, you can use Windows and Linux containers as required by the applications you are pulling in the compose file.

Key note: Experimental - still in development by Docker.

Checking to see if one array's elements are in another array in PHP

Performance test for in_array vs array_intersect:

$a1 = array(2,4,8,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20);

$a2 = array(3,20);

$intersect_times = array();
$in_array_times = array();
for($j = 0; $j < 10; $j++)
    /***** TEST ONE array_intersect *******/
    $t = microtime(true);
    for($i = 0; $i < 100000; $i++)
        $x = array_intersect($a1,$a2);
        $x = empty($x);
    $intersect_times[] = microtime(true) - $t;

    /***** TEST TWO in_array *******/
    $t2 = microtime(true);
    for($i = 0; $i < 100000; $i++)
        $x = false;
        foreach($a2 as $v){
                $x = true;
    $in_array_times[] = microtime(true) - $t2;

echo '<hr><br>'.implode('<br>',$intersect_times).'<br>array_intersect avg: '.(array_sum($intersect_times) / count($intersect_times));
echo '<hr><br>'.implode('<br>',$in_array_times).'<br>in_array avg: '.(array_sum($in_array_times) / count($in_array_times));

Here are the results:

array_intersect avg: 0.16692011356354

in_array avg: 0.029640197753906

in_array is at least 5 times faster. Note that we "break" as soon as a result is found.

What does $1 mean in Perl?

Since you asked about the capture groups, you might want to know about $+ too... Pretty useful...

use Data::Dumper;
$text = "hiabc ihabc ads byexx eybxx";
while ($text =~ /(hi|ih)abc|(bye|eyb)xx/igs)
    print Dumper $+;

$VAR1 = 'hi';
$VAR1 = 'ih';
$VAR1 = 'bye';
$VAR1 = 'eyb';

How to find the index of an element in an array in Java?

I am providing the proper method to do this one

     * Method to get the index of the given item from the list
     * @param stringArray
     * @param name
     * @return index of the item if item exists else return -1
    public static int getIndexOfItemInArray(String[] stringArray, String name) {
        if (stringArray != null && stringArray.length > 0) {
            ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(stringArray));
            int index = list.indexOf(name);
            return index;
        return -1;

How do I execute a program from Python? os.system fails due to spaces in path

I suspect it's the same problem as when you use shortcuts in Windows... Try this:

import os;
os.system("\"C:\\Temp\\a b c\\Notepad.exe\" C:\\test.txt");

How to send email via Django?

Late, but:

In addition to the DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL fix others have mentioned, and allowing less-secure apps to access the account, I had to navigate to while signed in as the account in question to get Django to finally authenticate.

I went to that URL through a SSH tunnel to the web server to make sure the IP address was the same; I'm not totally sure if that's necessary but it can't hurt. You can do that like so: ssh -D 8080 -fN <username>@<host>, then set your web browser to use localhost:8080 as a SOCKS proxy.

Getting a "This application is modifying the autolayout engine from a background thread" error?

I had the same issue when trying to update error message in UILabel in the same ViewController (it takes a little while to update data when trying to do that with normal coding). I used DispatchQueue in Swift 3 Xcode 8 and it works.

C#: Dynamic runtime cast

You can use the expression pipeline to achieve this:

 public static Func<object, object> Caster(Type type)
    var inputObject = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
    return Expression.Lambda<Func<object,object>>(Expression.Convert(inputObject, type), inputPara).Compile();

which you can invoke like:

object objAsDesiredType = Caster(desiredType)(obj);

Drawbacks: The compilation of this lambda is slower than nearly all other methods mentioned already

Advantages: You can cache the lambda, then this should be actually the fastest method, it is identical to handwritten code at compile time

Sequelize, convert entity to plain object

For those coming across this question more recently, .values is deprecated as of Sequelize 3.0.0. Use .get() instead to get the plain javascript object. So the above code would change to:

var nodedata = node.get({ plain: true });

Sequelize docs here

Float right and position absolute doesn't work together

Generally speaking, float is a relative positioning statement, since it specifies the position of the element relative to its parent container (floating to the right or left). This means it's incompatible with the position:absolute property, because position:absolute is an absolute positioning statement. You can either float an element and allow the browser to position it relative to its parent container, or you can specify an absolute position and force the element to appear in a certain position regardless of its parent. If you want an absolutely-positioned element to appear on the right side of the screen, you can use position: absolute; right: 0;, but this will cause the element to always appear on the right edge of the screen regardless of how wide its parent div is (so it won't be "at the right of its parent div").

How to make a div with a circular shape?

.circle {
    border-radius: 50%;
    width: 500px;
    height: 500px;
    background: red;

<div class="circle"></div>

see this FIDDLE

File tree view in Notepad++

open notepad++, then drag and drop the folder you want to open as tree view.


File ->open folder as workspace , select the file you want.

Correct way to import lodash

import has from 'lodash/has'; is better because lodash holds all it's functions in a single file, so rather than import the whole 'lodash' library at 100k, it's better to just import lodash's has function which is maybe 2k.

Simplest way to throw an error/exception with a custom message in Swift 2?

The simplest way is to make String conform to Error:

extension String: Error {}

Then you can just throw a string:

throw "Some Error"

To make the string itself be the localizedString of the error you can instead extend LocalizedError:

extension String: LocalizedError {
    public var errorDescription: String? { return self }

Validate that a string is a positive integer

(~~a == a) where a is the string.

Is there a limit on number of tcp/ip connections between machines on linux?

Yep, the limit is set by the kernel; check out this thread on Stack Overflow for more details: Increasing the maximum number of tcp/ip connections in linux

How to style the parent element when hovering a child element?

This is extremely easy to do in Sass! Don't delve into JavaScript for this. The & selector in sass does exactly this.

Task not serializable: when calling function outside closure only on classes not objects

I'm not entirely certain that this applies to Scala but, in Java, I solved the NotSerializableException by refactoring my code so that the closure did not access a non-serializable final field.

SQL Server : converting varchar to INT

This question has got 91,000 views so perhaps many people are looking for a more generic solution to the issue in the title "error converting varchar to INT"

If you are on SQL Server 2012+ one way of handling this invalid data is to use TRY_CAST

FROM   audit 

On previous versions you could use

         WHEN ISNUMERIC(RTRIM(userID) + '.0e0') = 1
              AND LEN(userID) <= 11
           THEN CAST(userID AS INT)
FROM   audit 

Both return NULL if the value cannot be cast.

In the specific case that you have in your question with known bad values I would use the following however.

CAST(REPLACE(userID COLLATE Latin1_General_Bin, CHAR(0),'') AS INT)

Trying to replace the null character is often problematic except if using a binary collation.

Get TimeZone offset value from TimeZone without TimeZone name

I know this is old, but I figured I'd give my input. I had to do this for a project at work and this was my solution.

I have a Building object that includes the Timezone using the TimeZone class and wanted to create zoneId and offset fields in a new class.

So what I did was create:

private String timeZoneId;
private String timeZoneOffset;

Then in the constructor I passed in the Building object and set these fields like so:

this.timeZoneId = building.getTimeZone().getID();
this.timeZoneOffset = building.getTimeZone().toZoneId().getId();

So timeZoneId might equal something like "EST" And timeZoneOffset might equal something like "-05:00"

I would like to not that you might not