[javascript] How to push JSON object in to array using javascript

I am trying to fetch the JSON data from an url.It is in the form of object i have to push the object data into array.

var my_json;
$.getJSON("https://api.thingspeak.com/channels/"+did+"/feeds.json?api_key="+apikey+"&results=300", function(json1) {
    console.log("\n The details of " + i + "th Object are :  \nCreated_at: " + feed.created_at + "\nEntry_id:" + feed.entry_id + "\nField1:" + feed.field1 + "\nField2:" + feed.field2+"\nField3:" + feed.field3);      
    my_json = feed;
    console.log(my_json); //Object {created_at: "2017-03-14T01:00:32Z", entry_id: 33358, field1: "4", field2: "4", field3: "0"}
    var data = [];
    for(var i in my_json)
    data.push(my_json [i]);
    console.log(data); //["2017-03-14T01:00:32Z", 33358, "4", "4", "0"]

I have tried as above in my_json var i have the json data in the form of object now i have to store that object in to var data as an array in the below format

        "created_at": "2017-03-14T01:00:32Z",
        "entry_id": 33358,
        "field1": "4",
        "field2": "4",
        "field3": "0"
        "created_at": "2017-03-14T22:54:43Z",
        "entry_id": 33398,
        "field1": "84",
        "field2": "32",
        "field3": "0"

Can anyone help me how to do it??Thankyou

This question is related to javascript json

The answer is

var postdata = {created_at: "2017-03-14T01:00:32Z", entry_id: 33358, field1: "4", field2: "4", field3: "0"};

var data = [];


can you try something like this. You have to put each json in the data not json[i], because in the way you are doing it you are getting and putting only the properties of each json. Put the whole json instead in the data

 var my_json;
    $.getJSON("https://api.thingspeak.com/channels/"+did+"/feeds.json?api_key="+apikey+"&results=300", function(json1) {
        var data = [];
        console.log("\n The details of " + i + "th Object are :  \nCreated_at: " + feed.created_at + "\nEntry_id:" + feed.entry_id + "\nField1:" + feed.field1 + "\nField2:" + feed.field2+"\nField3:" + feed.field3);      
        my_json = feed;
        console.log(my_json); //Object {created_at: "2017-03-14T01:00:32Z", entry_id: 33358, field1: "4", field2: "4", field3: "0"}

You need to have the 'data' array outside of the loop, otherwise it will get reset in every loop and also you can directly push the json. Find the solution below:-

var my_json;
$.getJSON("https://api.thingspeak.com/channels/"+did+"/feeds.json?api_key="+apikey+"&results=300", function(json1) {
var data = [];
    console.log("\n The details of " + i + "th Object are :  \nCreated_at: " + feed.created_at + "\nEntry_id:" + feed.entry_id + "\nField1:" + feed.field1 + "\nField2:" + feed.field2+"\nField3:" + feed.field3);      
    my_json = feed;
    console.log(my_json); //Object {created_at: "2017-03-14T01:00:32Z", entry_id: 33358, field1: "4", field2: "4", field3: "0"}
     //["2017-03-14T01:00:32Z", 33358, "4", "4", "0"]