Programs & Examples On #Website hosting


How can I enable auto complete support in Notepad++?

The link provided by Mark no longer works, but you can go to:

Notpad++ 6.6.9

  • Settings -> Preferences -> Auto-Completion -> Enable auto-completion on each input.

I find it very annoying though, since a big autocomplete block is always coming up and I would just like to see autocomplete when I press tab or a key combination. I am fairly new to Notepad++ though. If you know of such a key combination, please feel free to reply. I found this question via Google, so we can always help others.enter image description here

How to extract img src, title and alt from html using php?

Just to give a small example of using PHP's XML functionality for the task:

$doc=new DOMDocument();
$doc->loadHTML("<html><body>Test<br><img src=\"myimage.jpg\" title=\"title\" alt=\"alt\"></body></html>");
$xml=simplexml_import_dom($doc); // just to make xpath more simple
foreach ($images as $img) {
    echo $img['src'] . ' ' . $img['alt'] . ' ' . $img['title'];

I did use the DOMDocument::loadHTML() method because this method can cope with HTML-syntax and does not force the input document to be XHTML. Strictly speaking the conversion to a SimpleXMLElement is not necessary - it just makes using xpath and the xpath results more simple.

How to list all databases in the mongo shell?

For database list:

show databases
show dbs

For table/collection list:

show collections
show tables

setting an environment variable in virtualenv

Using only virtualenv (without virtualenvwrapper), setting environment variables is easy through the activate script you sourcing in order to activate the virtualenv.


nano YOUR_ENV/bin/activate

Add the environment variables to the end of the file like this:

export KEY=VALUE

You can also set a similar hook to unset the environment variable as suggested by Danilo Bargen in his great answer above if you need.

Listing only directories using ls in Bash?

Here is what I use for listing only directory names:

ls -1d /some/folder/*/ | awk -F "/" "{print \$(NF-1)}"

Why does Maven have such a bad rep?

Maven does not easily support non-standard operations. The number of useful plugins is though constantly growing. Neither Maven, nor Ant easily/intrinsically support the file dependency concept of Make.

why I can't get value of label with jquery and javascript?

Label's aren't form elements. They don't have a value. They have innerHTML and textContent.


// or


var telefon = document.getElementById('telefon');

If you are starting with your form element, check out the labels list of it. That is,

var el = $('#myformelement');
var label = $( el.prop('labels') );
// label.html();
// el.val();
// blah blah blah you get the idea

How can I remove 3 characters at the end of a string in php?

<?php echo substr($string, 0, strlen($string) - 3); ?>

Programmatically switching between tabs within Swift

Just to update, following iOS 13, we now have SceneDelegates. So one might choose to put the desired tab selection in SceneDelegate.swift as follows:

class SceneDelegate: UIResponder, UIWindowSceneDelegate {

    var window: UIWindow?

    func scene(_ scene: UIScene, 
               willConnectTo session: UISceneSession, 
               options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) {

        guard let _ = (scene as? UIWindowScene) else { return }

        if let tabBarController = self.window!.rootViewController as? UITabBarController {
            tabBarController.selectedIndex = 1


Batch Script to Run as Administrator

You have a couple options.

  1. If you need to do it using only a batch file and native commands, check out How can I auto-elevate my batch file, so that it requests from UAC admin rights if required?.

  2. If 3rd-party utilities are an option, you can use a tool like Elevate. It is an executable that you call with the program you want to run elevated as a parameter.
    Like this: elevate net share ....

How to add a reference programmatically


There are two ways to add references via VBA to your projects

1) Using GUID

2) Directly referencing the dll.

Let me cover both.

But first these are 3 things you need to take care of

a) Macros should be enabled

b) In Security settings, ensure that "Trust Access To Visual Basic Project" is checked

enter image description here

c) You have manually set a reference to `Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility" object

enter image description here

Way 1 (Using GUID)

I usually avoid this way as I have to search for the GUID in the registry... which I hate LOL. More on GUID here.

Topic: Add a VBA Reference Library via code


'Credits: Ken Puls
Sub AddReference()
     'Macro purpose:  To add a reference to the project using the GUID for the
     'reference library

    Dim strGUID As String, theRef As Variant, i As Long

     'Update the GUID you need below.
    strGUID = "{00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"

     'Set to continue in case of error
    On Error Resume Next

     'Remove any missing references
    For i = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.Count To 1 Step -1
        Set theRef = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.Item(i)
        If theRef.isbroken = True Then
            ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.Remove theRef
        End If
    Next i

     'Clear any errors so that error trapping for GUID additions can be evaluated

     'Add the reference
    ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.AddFromGuid _
    GUID:=strGUID, Major:=1, Minor:=0

     'If an error was encountered, inform the user
    Select Case Err.Number
    Case Is = 32813
         'Reference already in use.  No action necessary
    Case Is = vbNullString
         'Reference added without issue
    Case Else
         'An unknown error was encountered, so alert the user
        MsgBox "A problem was encountered trying to" & vbNewLine _
        & "add or remove a reference in this file" & vbNewLine & "Please check the " _
        & "references in your VBA project!", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error!"
    End Select
    On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

Way 2 (Directly referencing the dll)

This code adds a reference to Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5

Option Explicit

Sub AddReference()
    Dim VBAEditor As VBIDE.VBE
    Dim vbProj As VBIDE.VBProject
    Dim chkRef As VBIDE.Reference
    Dim BoolExists As Boolean

    Set VBAEditor = Application.VBE
    Set vbProj = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject

    '~~> Check if "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5" is already added
    For Each chkRef In vbProj.References
        If chkRef.Name = "VBScript_RegExp_55" Then
            BoolExists = True
            GoTo CleanUp
        End If

    vbProj.References.AddFromFile "C:\WINDOWS\system32\vbscript.dll\3"

    If BoolExists = True Then
        MsgBox "Reference already exists"
        MsgBox "Reference Added Successfully"
    End If

    Set vbProj = Nothing
    Set VBAEditor = Nothing
End Sub

Note: I have not added Error Handling. It is recommended that in your actual code, do use it :)

EDIT Beaten by mischab1 :)

How to handle a lost KeyStore password in Android?

If you are a Mac user try checking out the Keychain Access application. My password was saved there under Passwords named$KeyStorePasswordRequestor. Alternatively, you can search in the Keychain Access for android to find the password in the Keychain app.

Not sure how the password ended up there though. But I don't recall myself putting it there. So must be Android Studio. Hope this is helpful.

Note: don't forget to Rebuild Project or Clean Project before you try signing with an updated password. Otherwise, Android Studio may fail to build the apk though the password is correct.

PHP - remove all non-numeric characters from a string

You can use preg_replace in this case;

$res = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", "Every 6 Months" );

$res return 6 in this case.

If want also to include decimal separator or thousand separator check this example:

$res = preg_replace("/[^0-9.]/", "", "$ 123.099");

$res returns "123.099" in this case

Include period as decimal separator or thousand separator: "/[^0-9.]/"

Include coma as decimal separator or thousand separator: "/[^0-9,]/"

Include period and coma as decimal separator and thousand separator: "/[^0-9,.]/"

Set color of TextView span in Android

String text = "I don't like Hasina.";
textView.setText(spannableString(text, 8, 14));

private SpannableString spannableString(String text, int start, int end) {
    SpannableString spannableString = new SpannableString(text);
    ColorStateList redColor = new ColorStateList(new int[][]{new int[]{}}, new int[]{0xffa10901});
    TextAppearanceSpan highlightSpan = new TextAppearanceSpan(null, Typeface.BOLD, -1, redColor, null);

    spannableString.setSpan(highlightSpan, start, end, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
    spannableString.setSpan(new BackgroundColorSpan(0xFFFCFF48), start, end, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
    spannableString.setSpan(new RelativeSizeSpan(1.5f), start, end, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);

    return spannableString;


enter image description here

How do I search for names with apostrophe in SQL Server?

Compare Names containing apostrophe in DB through Java code

String sql="select lastname  from employee where FirstName like '%"+firstName.trim().toLowerCase().replaceAll("'", "''")+"%'"

statement = conn.createStatement();

iterate the results.

How to set up fixed width for <td>?

This combined solution worked for me, I wanted equal width columns

<style type="text/css">

    table {
        table-layout: fixed;
        word-wrap: break-word;

        table th, table td {
            overflow: hidden;


Result :-

enter image description here

Does Java have an exponential operator?

The easiest way is to use Math library.

Use Math.pow(a, b) and the result will be a^b

If you want to do it yourself, you have to use for-loop

// Works only for b >= 1
public static double myPow(double a, int b){
    double res =1;
    for (int i = 0; i < b; i++) {
        res *= a;
    return res;


double base = 2;
int exp = 3;
double whatIWantToKnow = myPow(2, 3);

Error with multiple definitions of function

Here is a highly simplified but hopefully relevant view of what happens when you build your code in C++.

C++ splits the load of generating machine executable code in following different phases -

  1. Preprocessing - This is where any macros - #defines etc you might be using get expanded.

  2. Compiling - Each cpp file along with all the #included files in that file directly or indirectly (together called a compilation unit) is converted into machine readable object code.

    This is where C++ also checks that all functions defined (i.e. containing a body in { } e.g. void Foo( int x){ return Boo(x); }) are referring to other functions in a valid manner.

    The way it does that is by insisting that you provide at least a declaration of these other functions (e.g. void Boo(int); ) before you call it so it can check that you are calling it properly among other things. This can be done either directly in the cpp file where it is called or usually in an included header file.

    Note that only the machine code that corresponds to functions defined in this cpp and included files gets built as the object (binary) version of this compilation unit (e.g. Foo) and not the ones that are merely declared (e.g. Boo).

  3. Linking - This is the stage where C++ goes hunting for stuff declared and called in each compilation unit and links it to the places where it is getting called. Now if there was no definition found of this function the linker gives up and errors out. Similarly if it finds multiple definitions of the same function signature (essentially the name and parameter types it takes) it also errors out as it considers it ambiguous and doesn't want to pick one arbitrarily.

The latter is what is happening in your case. By doing a #include of the fun.cpp file, both fun.cpp and mainfile.cpp have a definition of funct() and the linker doesn't know which one to use in your program and is complaining about it.

The fix as Vaughn mentioned above is to not include the cpp file with the definition of funct() in mainfile.cpp and instead move the declaration of funct() in a separate header file and include that in mainline.cpp. This way the compiler will get the declaration of funct() to work with and the linker would get just one definition of funct() from fun.cpp and will use it with confidence.

json.dump throwing "TypeError: {...} is not JSON serializable" on seemingly valid object?

I wrote a class to normalize the data in my dictionary. The 'element' in the NormalizeData class below, needs to be of dict type. And you need to replace in the __iterate() with either your custom class object or any other object type that you would like to normalize.

class NormalizeData:

    def __init__(self, element):
        self.element = element

    def execute(self):
        if isinstance(self.element, dict):

    def __iterate(self):
        for key in self.element:
            if isinstance(self.element[key], <ClassName>):
                self.element[key] = str(self.element[key])

            node = NormalizeData(self.element[key])

Is there Unicode glyph Symbol to represent "Search"

Displayed correct at Chrome OS - screenshots from this system.

tibetan astrological sign sgra gcan -char rtags U+0F17 ? U+0F17

telephone recorder (U+2315) ? U+2315

lepcha letter gla (U+1C04) ? U+1C04

Multiple files upload (Array) with CodeIgniter 2.0

    public function imageupload() 

      $count = count($_FILES['userfile']['size']);

  $config['upload_path'] = './uploads/';
  $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png|bmp';
  $config['max_size']   = '0';
  $config['max_width']  = '0';
  $config['max_height']  = '0';

  $config['image_library'] = 'gd2';
  $config['create_thumb'] = TRUE;
  $config['maintain_ratio'] = FALSE;
  $config['width'] = 50;
  $config['height'] = 50;

  foreach($_FILES as $key=>$value)
     for($s=0; $s<=$count-1; $s++)
     $_FILES['userfile']['type']    = $value['type'][$s];
     $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'] = $value['tmp_name'][$s]; 
     $_FILES['userfile']['error']       = $value['error'][$s];
     $_FILES['userfile']['size']    = $value['size'][$s];  

         $this->load->library('upload', $config);

         if ($this->upload->do_upload('userfile'))
           $data['userfile'][$i] = $this->upload->data();
       $full_path = $data['userfile']['full_path'];

           $config['source_image'] = $full_path;
           $config['new_image'] = './uploads/resiezedImage';

           $this->load->library('image_lib', $config);

           $data['upload_errors'][$i] = $this->upload->display_errors();

PHP Fatal error: Cannot access empty property

As I see in your code, it seems you are following an old documentation/tutorial about OOP in PHP based on PHP4 (OOP wasn't supported but adapted somehow to be used in a simple ways), since PHP5 an official support was added and the notation has been changed from what it was.

Please see this code review here:

class my_class{

    public $my_value = array();

    function __construct( $value ) { // the constructor name is __construct instead of the class name
        $this->my_value[] = $value;
    function set_value ($value){
    // Error occurred from here as Undefined variable: my_value
        $this->my_value = $value; // remove the $ sign


$a = new my_class ('a');
$a->my_value[] = 'b';
$a->set_value ('c'); // your array variable here will be replaced by a simple string 
// $a->my_class('d'); // you can call this if you mean calling the contructor 

// at this stage you can't loop on the variable since it have been replaced by a simple string ('c')
foreach ($a->my_value as &$value) { // look for foreach samples to know how to use it well
    echo $value;


I hope it helps

Create Generic method constraining T to an Enum

You can define a static constructor for the class that will check that the type T is an enum and throw an exception if it is not. This is the method mentioned by Jeffery Richter in his book CLR via C#.

internal sealed class GenericTypeThatRequiresAnEnum<T> {
    static GenericTypeThatRequiresAnEnum() {
        if (!typeof(T).IsEnum) {
        throw new ArgumentException("T must be an enumerated type");

Then in the parse method, you can just use Enum.Parse(typeof(T), input, true) to convert from string to the enum. The last true parameter is for ignoring case of the input.

Generate SHA hash in C++ using OpenSSL library

C version of @Nayfe code, generating SHA1 hash from file:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <openssl/sha.h>

static const int K_READ_BUF_SIZE = { 1024 * 16 };
unsigned char* calculateSHA1(char *filename)
    if (!filename) {
        return NULL;

    FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
    if (fp == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    unsigned char* sha1_digest = malloc(sizeof(char)*SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH);
    SHA_CTX context;

        return NULL;

    unsigned char buf[K_READ_BUF_SIZE];
    while (!feof(fp))
        size_t total_read = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp);
        if(!SHA1_Update(&context, buf, total_read))
            return NULL;

    if(!SHA1_Final(sha1_digest, &context))
        return NULL;

    return sha1_digest;

It can be used as follows:

unsigned char *sha1digest = calculateSHA1("/tmp/file1");

The res variable contains the sha1 hash.

You can print it on the screen using the following for-loop:

char *sha1hash = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 41);
sha1hash[41] = '\0';
int i;
for (i = 0; i < SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++)
    sprintf(&sha1hash[i*2], "%02x", sha1digest[i]);
printf("SHA1 HASH: %s\n", sha1hash);

Is there a foreach loop in Go?

I have jus implement this library: This is an example about how to use the Foreach loop:

package main

import (

    col ""

type user struct {
    name string
    age  int
    id   int

func main() {
    newList := col.ListType{user{"Alvaro", 6, 1}, user{"Sofia", 3, 2}}
    newList = append(newList, user{"Mon", 0, 3})

    if err := newList.Foreach(simpleLoopWithError); err != nil{
        fmt.Printf("This error >>> %v <<< was produced", err )  

var simpleLoop col.FnForeachList = func(mapper interface{}, index int) {
    fmt.Printf("%d.- item:%v\n", index, mapper)

var simpleLoopWithError col.FnForeachList = func(mapper interface{}, index int) {
    if index > 1{
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("Error produced with index == %d\n", index))
    fmt.Printf("%d.- item:%v\n", index, mapper)

The result of this execution should be:

0.- item:{Alvaro 6 1}
1.- item:{Sofia 3 2}
2.- item:{Mon 0 3}
0.- item:{Alvaro 6 1}
1.- item:{Sofia 3 2}
Recovered in f Error produced with index == 2

ERROR: Error produced with index == 2
This error >>> Error produced with index == 2
 <<< was produced

Try this code in playGrounD

Delete all rows in a table based on another table

Referencing MSDN T-SQL DELETE (Example D):

FROM Tabel1 t1
   INNER JOIN Table2 t2 on t1.ID = t2.ID

Getting current directory in VBScript


scriptdir = replace(WScript.ScriptFullName,WScript.ScriptName,"")

How can I escape a double quote inside double quotes?

Add "\" before double quote to escape it, instead of \

#! /bin/csh -f

set dbtable = balabala

set dbload = "load data local infile "\""'gfpoint.csv'"\"" into table $dbtable FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"\""' LINES TERMINATED BY "\""'\n'"\"" IGNORE 1 LINES"

echo $dbload
# load data local infile "'gfpoint.csv'" into table balabala FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY "''" IGNORE 1 LINES

Make a number a percentage

@xtrem's answer is good, but I think the toFixed and the makePercentage are common use. Define two functions, and we can use that at everywhere.

const R = require('ramda')
const RA = require('ramda-adjunct')

const fix = R.invoker(1, 'toFixed')(2)

const makePercentage = R.when(
  R.compose(R.flip(R.concat)('%'), fix, R.multiply(100)),

let a = 0.9988
let b = null

makePercentage(b) // -> null
makePercentage(a) // -> ?????99.88%?????

What are the main differences between JWT and OAuth authentication?

OAuth 2.0 defines a protocol, i.e. specifies how tokens are transferred, JWT defines a token format.

OAuth 2.0 and "JWT authentication" have similar appearance when it comes to the (2nd) stage where the Client presents the token to the Resource Server: the token is passed in a header.

But "JWT authentication" is not a standard and does not specify how the Client obtains the token in the first place (the 1st stage). That is where the perceived complexity of OAuth comes from: it also defines various ways in which the Client can obtain an access token from something that is called an Authorization Server.

So the real difference is that JWT is just a token format, OAuth 2.0 is a protocol (that may use a JWT as a token format).

How to solve "sign_and_send_pubkey: signing failed: agent refused operation"?

Run ssh-add on the client machine, that will add the SSH key to the agent.

Confirm with ssh-add -l (again on the client) that it was indeed added.

How should strace be used?

Strace Overview
strace can be seen as a light weight debugger. It allows a programmer / user to quickly find out how a program is interacting with the OS. It does this by monitoring system calls and signals.

Good for when you don't have source code or don't want to be bothered to really go through it.
Also, useful for your own code if you don't feel like opening up GDB, but are just interested in understanding external interaction.

A good little introduction
I ran into this intro to strace use just the other day: strace hello world

how do I loop through a line from a csv file in powershell

A slightly other way of iterating through each column of each line of a CSV-file would be

$path = "d:\scratch\export.csv"
$csv = Import-Csv -path $path

foreach($line in $csv)
    $properties = $line | Get-Member -MemberType Properties
    for($i=0; $i -lt $properties.Count;$i++)
        $column = $properties[$i]
        $columnvalue = $line | Select -ExpandProperty $column.Name

        # doSomething $column.Name $columnvalue 
        # doSomething $i $columnvalue 

so you have the choice: you can use either $column.Name to get the name of the column, or $i to get the number of the column

Why use $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] instead of ""

There is no difference. The $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] just makes the execution time slower by like 0.000001 second.

How to add a title to a html select tag

I think that this would help:

<select name="select_1">
    <optgroup label="First optgroup category">
      <option selected="selected" value="0">Select element</option>
      <option value="2">Option 1</option>
      <option value="3">Option 2</option>
      <option value="4">Option 3</option>
    <optgroup label="Second optgroup category">
      <option value="5">Option 4</option>
      <option value="6">Option 5</option>
      <option value="7">Option 6</option>

How to style CSS role

please use :

   your style here

Difference between using Makefile and CMake to compile the code

The statement about CMake being a "build generator" is a common misconception.

It's not technically wrong; it just describes HOW it works, but not WHAT it does.

In the context of the question, they do the same thing: take a bunch of C/C++ files and turn them into a binary.

So, what is the real difference?

  • CMake is much more high-level. It's tailored to compile C++, for which you write much less build code, but can be also used for general purpose build. make has some built-in C/C++ rules as well, but they are useless at best.

  • CMake does a two-step build: it generates a low-level build script in ninja or make or many other generators, and then you run it. All the shell script pieces that are normally piled into Makefile are only executed at the generation stage. Thus, CMake build can be orders of magnitude faster.

  • The grammar of CMake is much easier to support for external tools than make's.

  • Once make builds an artifact, it forgets how it was built. What sources it was built from, what compiler flags? CMake tracks it, make leaves it up to you. If one of library sources was removed since the previous version of Makefile, make won't rebuild it.

  • Modern CMake (starting with version 3.something) works in terms of dependencies between "targets". A target is still a single output file, but it can have transitive ("public"/"interface" in CMake terms) dependencies. These transitive dependencies can be exposed to or hidden from the dependent packages. CMake will manage directories for you. With make, you're stuck on a file-by-file and manage-directories-by-hand level.

You could code up something in make using intermediate files to cover the last two gaps, but you're on your own. make does contain a Turing complete language (even two, sometimes three counting Guile); the first two are horrible and the Guile is practically never used.

To be honest, this is what CMake and make have in common -- their languages are pretty horrible. Here's what comes to mind:

  • They have no user-defined types;
  • CMake has three data types: string, list, and a target with properties. make has one: string;
  • you normally pass arguments to functions by setting global variables.
    • This is partially dealt with in modern CMake - you can set a target's properties: set_property(TARGET helloworld APPEND PROPERTY INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}");
  • referring to an undefined variable is silently ignored by default;

How do I get git to default to ssh and not https for new repositories

You may have accidentally cloned the repository in https instead of ssh. I've made this mistake numerous times on github. Make sure that you copy the ssh link in the first place when cloning, instead of the https link.

What order are the Junit @Before/@After called?

If you turn things around, you can declare your base class abstract, and have descendants declare setUp and tearDown methods (without annotations) that are called in the base class' annotated setUp and tearDown methods.

Java SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'") gives timezone as IST


The other Answers are outmoded as of Java 8.

Instant                           // Represent a moment in UTC. 
.parse( "2013-09-29T18:46:19Z" )  // Parse text in standard ISO 8601 format where the `Z` means UTC, pronounces “Zulu”.
.atZone(                          // Adjust from UTC to a time zone. 
    ZoneId.of( "Asia/Kolkata" )
)                                 // Returns a `ZonedDateTime` object. 

ISO 8601

Your string format happens to comply with the ISO 8601 standard. This standard defines sensible formats for representing various date-time values as text.


The old java.util.Date/.Calendar and java.text.SimpleDateFormat classes have been supplanted by the java.time framework built into Java 8 and later. See Tutorial. Avoid the old classes as they have proven to be poorly designed, confusing, and troublesome.

Part of the poor design in the old classes has bitten you, where the toString method applies the JVM's current default time zone when generating a text representation of the date-time value that is actually in UTC (GMT); well-intentioned but confusing.

The java.time classes use ISO 8601 formats by default when parsing/generating textual representations of date-time values. So no need to specify a parsing pattern.

An Instant is a moment on the timeline in UTC.

Instant instant = Instant.parse( "2013-09-29T18:46:19Z" );

You can apply a time zone as needed to produce a ZonedDateTime object.

ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" );
ZonedDateTime zdt = instant.atZone( zoneId );

Table of date-time types in Java, both modern and legacy

How does functools partial do what it does?

short answer, partial gives default values to the parameters of a function that would otherwise not have default values.

from functools import partial

def foo(a,b):
    return a+b

bar = partial(foo, a=1) # equivalent to: foo(a=1, b)
#11 = 1+10
bar(a=101, b=10)

How do I create sql query for searching partial matches?

First of all, this approach won't scale in the large, you'll need a separate index from words to item (like an inverted index).

If your data is not large, you can do

SELECT DISTINCT(name) FROM mytable WHERE name LIKE '%mall%' OR description LIKE '%mall%'

using OR if you have multiple keywords.

How to test web service using command line curl

In addition to existing answers it is often desired to format the REST output (typically JSON and XML lacks indentation). Try this:

$ curl  | xmllint --format -
$ curl | python -mjson.tool

Tested on Ubuntu 11.0.4/11.10.

Another issue is the desired content type. Twitter uses .xml/.json extension, but more idiomatic REST would require Accept header:

$ curl -H "Accept: application/json"

CSS width of a <span> tag

spans default to inline style, which you can't specify the width of.

display: inline-block;

would be a good way, except IE doesn't support it

you can, however, hack a multiple browser solution

Global npm install location on windows?

These are typical npm paths if you install a package globally:

Windows XP -             %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\npm\node_modules
Newer Windows Versions - %AppData%\npm\node_modules
or -                     %AppData%\roaming\npm\node_modules

jQuery - Getting form values for ajax POST

var data={
 userName: $('#userName').val(),
 email: $('#email').val(),
 //add other properties similarly


        type: "POST",
        url: "",
        data: data

        success: function(html)

You dont have to bother about anything else. jquery will handle the serialization etc. also you can append the submit query string parameter submit=1 into the data json object.

Python creating a dictionary of lists

Personally, I just use JSON to convert things to strings and back. Strings I understand.

import json
s = [('yellow', 1), ('blue', 2), ('yellow', 3), ('blue', 4), ('red', 1)]
mydict = {}
hash = json.dumps(s)
mydict[hash] = "whatever"
print mydict
#{'[["yellow", 1], ["blue", 2], ["yellow", 3], ["blue", 4], ["red", 1]]': 'whatever'}

How to access Spring MVC model object in javascript file?

   public ModelAndView method(Map<String, Object> model) {
       model.put("att", "helloooo");
       return new ModelAndView("dom/op");

In your .js

    var valVar = [[${att}]];

How to have git log show filenames like svn log -v

For full path names of changed files:

git log --name-only

For full path names and status of changed files:

git log --name-status

For abbreviated pathnames and a diffstat of changed files:

git log --stat

There's a lot more options, check out the docs.

SQL Server - inner join when updating

SET R.status = '0' 
FROM dbo.ProductReviews AS R
INNER JOIN dbo.products AS P 
       ON = 
WHERE = '17190' 
  AND P.shopkeeper = '89137';

Push existing project into Github

I know, this is an old question but I'm trying to explain every step, so it may help others. This is how I add an existing source to git:

  1. Create the repo on the git, so you'll have the ssh || https where you're gonna remote add you source code.
  2. In your terminal go to the path of your project.
  3. Run git init (here you initiate the project as a git one).
  4. Run git add * (here you add all the files and folders from you project).
  5. Run git commit -m "Initial Commit." (here you commit your files and folders added in step #4; keep in mention that you can't push your changes without committing them).
  6. Run git remote add origin https://[email protected]/your_username/project-name.git (here you add a remote project where your source it's gonna be pushed; replace my link with your ssh || https from the step #1).
  7. Run git push -u origin master (here you push your source into the git repository).

Note: Those are simple steps for pushing your source into the master branch.

Difference between xcopy and robocopy

The differences I could see is that Robocopy has a lot more options, but I didn't find any of them particularly helpful unless I'm doing something special.

I did some benchmarking of several copy routines and found XCOPY and ROBOCOPY to be the fastest, but to my surprise, XCOPY consistently edged out Robocopy.

It's ironic that robocopy retries a copy that fails, but it also failed a lot in my benchmark tests, where xcopy never did.

I did full file (byte by byte) file compares after my benchmark tests.

Here are the switches I used with robocopy in my tests:

 **"/E /R:1 /W:1 /NP /NFL /NDL"**.  

If anyone knows a faster combination (other than removing /E, which I need), I'd love to hear.

Another interesting/disappointing thing with robocopy is that if a copy does fail, by default it retries 1,000,000 times with a 30 second delay between each try. If you are running a long batch file unattended, you may be very disappointed when you come back after a few hours to find it's still trying to copy a particular file.

The /R and /W switches let you change this behavior.

  • With /R you can tell it how many times to retry,
  • /W let's you specify the wait time before retries.

If there's a way to attach files here, I can share my results.

  • My tests were all done on the same computer and
  • copied files from one external drive to another external,
  • both on USB 3.0 ports.

I also included FastCopy and Windows Copy in my tests and each test was run 10 times. Note, the differences were pretty significant. The 95% confidence intervals had no overlap.

Jenkins - How to access BUILD_NUMBER environment variable

For Groovy script in the Jenkinsfile using the $BUILD_NUMBER it works.

Select a Dictionary<T1, T2> with LINQ

var dictionary = (from x in y 
                  select new SomeClass
                      prop1 = value1,
                      prop2 = value2
                  ).ToDictionary(item => item.prop1);

That's assuming that SomeClass.prop1 is the desired Key for the dictionary.

How to start anonymous thread class

Not exactly sure this is what you are asking but you can do something like:

new Thread() {
    public void run() {

Notice the start() method at the end of the anonymous class. You create the thread object but you need to start it to actually get another running thread.

Better than creating an anonymous Thread class is to create an anonymous Runnable class:

new Thread(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {

Instead overriding the run() method in the Thread you inject a target Runnable to be run by the new thread. This is a better pattern.

How to set min-font-size in CSS

AFAIK it's not possible with plain CSS,
but you can do a pretty expensive jQuery operation like:

jsBin demo

$('*').css('fontSize', function(i, fs){
  if(parseInt(fs, 10) < 12 ) return = "12px";

Instead of using the Global Selector * I'd suggest you (if possible) to be more specific with your selectors.

Adding two Java 8 streams, or an extra element to a stream

If you don't mind using 3rd Party Libraries cyclops-react has an extended Stream type that will allow you to do just that via the append / prepend operators.

Individual values, arrays, iterables, Streams or reactive-streams Publishers can be appended and prepended as instance methods.

Stream stream = ReactiveSeq.of(1,2)
                           .filter(x -> x!=0)
                           .filter(x -> x!=1)
                           .filter(x -> x!=2);

[Disclosure I am the lead developer of cyclops-react]

Overlay a background-image with an rgba background-color

Ideally the background property would allow us to layer various backgrounds similar to the background image layering detailed at Unfortunately, at least in Chrome (40.0.2214.115), adding an rgba background alongside a url() image background seems to break the property.

The solution I've found is to render the rgba layer as a 1px*1px Base64 encoded image and inline it.

.the-div:hover {
  background-image:url(), url("the-image.png");

for base64 encoded 1*1 pixel images I used

Here is your jsfiddle with these changes made. (I also swapped the image to one that still exists on the internet)

Insert all data of a datagridview to database at once

You have a syntax error Please try the following syntax as given below:

string StrQuery="INSERT INTO tableName VALUES ('" + dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value + "',' " + dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value + "', '" + dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value + "', '" + dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value + "',' " + dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value + "')";

How do you determine what SQL Tables have an identity column programmatically

This query seems to do the trick:

SELECT AS table_name, AS column_name
FROM sys.columns JOIN sys.objects 
    ON sys.columns.object_id=sys.objects.object_id
    sys.objects.type in (N'U')

Dart/Flutter : Converting timestamp

Assuming the field in timestamp firestore is called timestamp, in dart you could call the toDate() method on the returned map.

// Map from firestore
// Using flutterfire package hence the returned data()
Map<String, dynamic> data =;
DateTime _timestamp = data['timestamp'].toDate();

Versioning SQL Server database

To make the dump to a source code control system that little bit faster, you can see which objects have changed since last time by using the version information in sysobjects.

Setup: Create a table in each database you want to check incrementally to hold the version information from the last time you checked it (empty on the first run). Clear this table if you want to re-scan your whole data structure.

IF ISNULL(OBJECT_ID('last_run_sysversions'), 0) <> 0 DROP TABLE last_run_sysversions
CREATE TABLE last_run_sysversions (
    name varchar(128), 
    id int, base_schema_ver int,
    schema_ver int,
    type char(2)

Normal running mode: You can take the results from this sql, and generate sql scripts for just the ones you're interested in, and put them into a source control of your choice.

IF ISNULL(OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#tmp'), 0) <> 0 DROP TABLE #tmp
    name varchar(128), 
    id int, base_schema_ver int,
    schema_ver int,
    type char(2)


-- Insert the values from the end of the last run into #tmp
INSERT #tmp (name, id, base_schema_ver, schema_ver, type) 
SELECT name, id, base_schema_ver, schema_ver, type FROM last_run_sysversions

DELETE last_run_sysversions
INSERT last_run_sysversions (name, id, base_schema_ver, schema_ver, type)
SELECT name, id, base_schema_ver, schema_ver, type FROM sysobjects

-- This next bit lists all differences to scripts.

SELECT 'renamed' AS ChangeType,, AS extra_info, 1 AS Priority
FROM sysobjects o INNER JOIN #tmp t ON =
AND o.type IN ('TR', 'P' ,'U' ,'V')

--Changed (using alter)
SELECT 'changed' AS ChangeType, /*COLLATE*/, 
       'altered' AS extra_info, 2 AS Priority
FROM sysobjects o INNER JOIN #tmp t ON = 
   o.base_schema_ver <> t.base_schema_ver
OR o.schema_ver      <> t.schema_ver
AND  o.type IN ('TR', 'P' ,'U' ,'V')
         FROM sysobjects oi INNER JOIN #tmp ti ON =
         WHERE <> /*COLLATE*/
         AND oi.type IN ('TR', 'P' ,'U' ,'V')) 

--Changed (actually dropped and recreated [but not renamed])
SELECT 'changed' AS ChangeType,, 'dropped' AS extra_info, 2 AS Priority
FROM #tmp t
         WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects oi
                           WHERE =
AND IN ( SELECT /*COLLATE*/ FROM sysobjects oi
         WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #tmp ti
                           WHERE =
         AND   oi.type  IN ('TR', 'P' ,'U' ,'V'))

SELECT 'deleted' AS ChangeType,, '' AS extra_info, 0 AS Priority
FROM #tmp t
                  WHERE =
AND NOT IN (  SELECT /*COLLATE*/ FROM sysobjects oi
         WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #tmp ti
                           WHERE =
         AND   oi.type  IN ('TR', 'P' ,'U' ,'V'))

SELECT 'added' AS ChangeType, /*COLLATE*/, '' AS extra_info, 4 AS Priority
FROM sysobjects o
                  WHERE =
AND      o.type  IN ('TR', 'P' ,'U' ,'V')
         WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects oi
                           WHERE =

Note: If you use a non-standard collation in any of your databases, you will need to replace /* COLLATE */ with your database collation. i.e. COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI

Automatic exit from Bash shell script on error

One idiom is:

cd some_dir && ./configure --some-flags && make && make install

I realize that can get long, but for larger scripts you could break it into logical functions.

What is syntax for selector in CSS for next element?

You can use the sibling selector ~:

h1.hc-reform ~ p{

This selects all the p elements that come after .hc-reform, not just the first one.

Python socket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused

The problem obviously was (as you figured it out) that port 36250 wasn't open on the server side at the time you tried to connect (hence connection refused). I can see the server was supposed to open this socket after receiving SEND command on another connection, but it apparently was "not opening [it] up in sync with the client side".

Well, the main reason would be there was no synchronisation whatsoever. Calling:

cs.send("SEND " + FILE)

would just place the data into a OS buffer; close would probably flush the data and push into the network, but it would almost certainly return before the data would reach the server. Adding sleep after close might mitigate the problem, but this is not synchronisation.

The correct solution would be to make sure the server has opened the connection. This would require server sending you some message back (for example OK, or better PORT 36250 to indicate where to connect). This would make sure the server is already listening.

The other thing is you must check the return values of send to make sure how many bytes was taken from your buffer. Or use sendall.

(Sorry for disturbing with this late answer, but I found this to be a high traffic question and I really didn't like the sleep idea in the comments section.)

Count length of array and return 1 if it only contains one element

declare you array as:

$car = array("bmw")


now with powershell syntax:)

$car = [array]"bmw"

How to pause in C?

Under POSIX systems, the best solution seems to use:

#include <unistd.h>

pause ();

If the process receives a signal whose effect is to terminate it (typically by typing Ctrl+C in the terminal), then pause will not return and the process will effectively be terminated by this signal. A more advanced usage is to use a signal-catching function, called when the corresponding signal is received, after which pause returns, resuming the process.

Note: using getchar() will not work is the standard input is redirected; hence this more general solution.

What does 'git blame' do?

From GitHub:

The blame command is a Git feature, designed to help you determine who made changes to a file.

Despite its negative-sounding name, git blame is actually pretty innocuous; its primary function is to point out who changed which lines in a file, and why. It can be a useful tool to identify changes in your code.

Basically, git-blame is used to show what revision and author last modified each line of a file. It's like checking the history of the development of a file.

How to download a file over HTTP?

I wrote the following, which works in vanilla Python 2 or Python 3.

import sys
    import urllib.request
    python3 = True
except ImportError:
    import urllib2
    python3 = False

def progress_callback_simple(downloaded,total):
        "\r" +
        (len(str(total))-len(str(downloaded)))*" " + str(downloaded) + "/%d"%total +
        " [%3.2f%%]"%(100.0*float(downloaded)/float(total))

def download(srcurl, dstfilepath, progress_callback=None, block_size=8192):
    def _download_helper(response, out_file, file_size):
        if progress_callback!=None: progress_callback(0,file_size)
        if block_size == None:
            buffer =

            if progress_callback!=None: progress_callback(file_size,file_size)
            file_size_dl = 0
            while True:
                buffer =
                if not buffer: break

                file_size_dl += len(buffer)

                if progress_callback!=None: progress_callback(file_size_dl,file_size)
    with open(dstfilepath,"wb") as out_file:
        if python3:
            with urllib.request.urlopen(srcurl) as response:
                file_size = int(response.getheader("Content-Length"))
            response = urllib2.urlopen(srcurl)
            meta =
            file_size = int(meta.getheaders("Content-Length")[0])

import traceback


  • Supports a "progress bar" callback.
  • Download is a 4 MB test .zip from my website.

How to solve : SQL Error: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1

One possible explanation is a database trigger that fires for each DROP TABLE statement. To find the trigger, query the _TRIGGERS dictionary views:

select * from all_triggers
where trigger_type in ('AFTER EVENT', 'BEFORE EVENT')

disable any suspicious trigger with

   alter trigger <trigger_name> disable;

and try re-running your DROP TABLE statement

What is the purpose for using OPTION(MAXDOP 1) in SQL Server?

As Kaboing mentioned, MAXDOP(n) actually controls the number of CPU cores that are being used in the query processor.

On a completely idle system, SQL Server will attempt to pull the tables into memory as quickly as possible and join between them in memory. It could be that, in your case, it's best to do this with a single CPU. This might have the same effect as using OPTION (FORCE ORDER) which forces the query optimizer to use the order of joins that you have specified. IN some cases, I have seen OPTION (FORCE PLAN) reduce a query from 26 seconds to 1 second of execution time.

Books Online goes on to say that possible values for MAXDOP are:

0 - Uses the actual number of available CPUs depending on the current system workload. This is the default value and recommended setting.

1 - Suppresses parallel plan generation. The operation will be executed serially.

2-64 - Limits the number of processors to the specified value. Fewer processors may be used depending on the current workload. If a value larger than the number of available CPUs is specified, the actual number of available CPUs is used.

I'm not sure what the best usage of MAXDOP is, however I would take a guess and say that if you have a table with 8 partitions on it, you would want to specify MAXDOP(8) due to I/O limitations, but I could be wrong.

Here are a few quick links I found about MAXDOP:

Books Online: Degree of Parallelism

General guidelines to use to configure the MAXDOP option

jQuery return ajax result into outside variable

You are missing a comma after

'data': { 'request': "", 'target': 'arrange_url', 'method': 'method_target' }

Also, if you want return_first to hold the result of your anonymous function, you need to make a function call:

var return_first = function () {
    var tmp = null;
        'async': false,
        'type': "POST",
        'global': false,
        'dataType': 'html',
        'url': "ajax.php?first",
        'data': { 'request': "", 'target': 'arrange_url', 'method': 'method_target' },
        'success': function (data) {
            tmp = data;
    return tmp;

Note () at the end.

Checking if float is an integer

if (f <= LONG_MIN || f >= LONG_MAX || f == (long)f) /* it's an integer */

How to resize image automatically on browser width resize but keep same height?

changing the width of the image will automatically change the height...

how many pictures do you want to have this functionality? If it's a lot and they all have DIFFERENT Heights you should probably just let the height change as well.

Lets say you have 5 images that have height 400px , in your html give those five tags the class of fixed

.fixed { width: 100%; height: 500px !important }

This should let the width change but keep the height the same.

Laravel Eloquent "WHERE NOT IN"

The whereNotIn method verifies that the given column's value is not contained in the given array:

$users = DB::table('users')
                    ->whereNotIn('id', [1, 2, 3])

How to change collation of database, table, column?

Note, after changing the charset for database/table/column, you might need to actually convert the existing data (if you see, for example, something like "مطلوب توريد جÙ") with something like this:

update country set name = convert(cast(convert(name using latin1) as binary) using utf8), cn_flag = convert(cast(convert(cn_flag using latin1) as binary) using utf8), and so on..

While for converting database, tables and fields, I would suggest this answer from this thread which would generate a big set of queries that you will just copy at paste, here I couldn't find an automatic solution yet. Also be warned, if you will convert the same field twice you will get unrecoverable question marks: "???". You will also get this question marks if you will convert data before converting fields/tables.

Center-align a HTML table

For your design, it is common practice to use divs rather than a table. This way, your layout will be more maintainable and changeable through proper styling. It does take some getting used to, but it will help you a ton in the long run and you will learn a lot about how styling works. However, I will provide you with a solution to the problem at hand.

In your stylesheets you have margins and padding set to 0 pixels. This overrides your align="center" attribute. I would recommend taking these settings out of your CSS as you don't normally want all of your elements to be affected in this manner. If you already know what's going on in the CSS, and you want to keep it that way, then you have to apply a style to your table to override the previous sets. You could either give the table a class or you can put the style inline with the HTML. Here are the two options:

  1. With a class:

    <table class="centerTable"></table>

In your style.css file you would have something like this:

.centerTable { margin: 0px auto; }
  1. Inline with your HTML:

    <table style="margin: 0px auto;"></table>

If you decide to wipe out the margins and padding being set to 0px, then you can keep align="center" on your <td> tags for whatever column you wish to align.

WP -- Get posts by category?

Check here :

Note: The category parameter needs to be the ID of the category, and not the category name.

How to pass dictionary items as function arguments in python?

If you want to use them like that, define the function with the variable names as normal:

def my_function(school, standard, city, name):
    schoolName  = school
    cityName = city
    standardName = standard
    studentName = name

Now you can use ** when you call the function:

data = {'school':'DAV', 'standard': '7', 'name': 'abc', 'city': 'delhi'}


and it will work as you want.

P.S. Don't use reserved words such as class.(e.g., use klass instead)

How do I pretty-print existing JSON data with Java?

In one line:

String niceFormattedJson = JsonWriter.formatJson(jsonString)



The json-io libray ( is a small (75K) library with no other dependencies than the JDK.

In addition to pretty-printing JSON, you can serialize Java objects (entire Java object graphs with cycles) to JSON, as well as read them in.

reading external sql script in python

Your code already contains a beautiful way to execute all statements from a specified sql file

# Open and read the file as a single buffer
fd = open('ZooDatabase.sql', 'r')
sqlFile =

# all SQL commands (split on ';')
sqlCommands = sqlFile.split(';')

# Execute every command from the input file
for command in sqlCommands:
    # This will skip and report errors
    # For example, if the tables do not yet exist, this will skip over
    # the DROP TABLE commands
    except OperationalError, msg:
        print "Command skipped: ", msg

Wrap this in a function and you can reuse it.

def executeScriptsFromFile(filename):
    # Open and read the file as a single buffer
    fd = open(filename, 'r')
    sqlFile =

    # all SQL commands (split on ';')
    sqlCommands = sqlFile.split(';')

    # Execute every command from the input file
    for command in sqlCommands:
        # This will skip and report errors
        # For example, if the tables do not yet exist, this will skip over
        # the DROP TABLE commands
        except OperationalError, msg:
            print "Command skipped: ", msg

To use it


You said you were confused by

result = c.execute("SELECT * FROM %s;" % table);

In Python, you can add stuff to a string by using something called string formatting.

You have a string "Some string with %s" with %s, that's a placeholder for something else. To replace the placeholder, you add % ("what you want to replace it with") after your string


a = "Hi, my name is %s and I have a %s hat" % ("Azeirah", "cool")
>>> Hi, my name is Azeirah and I have a Cool hat

Bit of a childish example, but it should be clear.

Now, what

result = c.execute("SELECT * FROM %s;" % table);

means, is it replaces %s with the value of the table variable.

(created in)

for table in ['ZooKeeper', 'Animal', 'Handles']:

# for loop example

for fruit in ["apple", "pear", "orange"]:
    print fruit
>>> apple
>>> pear
>>> orange

If you have any additional questions, poke me.

Using JsonConvert.DeserializeObject to deserialize Json to a C# POCO class

Here is a working example.

Keypoints are:

  • Declaration of Accounts
  • Use of JsonProperty attribute


using (WebClient wc = new WebClient())
    var json = wc.DownloadString("");
    var user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<User>(json);


public class User
    /// <summary>
    /// A User's username. eg: "sergiotapia, mrkibbles, matumbo"
    /// </summary>
    public string Username { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// A User's name. eg: "Sergio Tapia, John Cosack, Lucy McMillan"
    /// </summary>
    public string Name { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// A User's location. eh: "Bolivia, USA, France, Italy"
    /// </summary>
    public string Location { get; set; }

    public int Endorsements { get; set; } //Todo.

    public string Team { get; set; } //Todo.

    /// <summary>
    /// A collection of the User's linked accounts.
    /// </summary>
    public Account Accounts { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// A collection of the User's awarded badges.
    /// </summary>
    public List<Badge> Badges { get; set; }

public class Account
    public string github;

public class Badge
    public string Name;
    public string Description;
    public string Created;
    public string BadgeUrl;

How do I select and store columns greater than a number in pandas?

Sample DF:

In [79]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(5, 15, (10, 3)), columns=list('abc'))

In [80]: df
    a   b   c
0   6  11  11
1  14   7   8
2  13   5  11
3  13   7  11
4  13   5   9
5   5  11   9
6   9   8   6
7   5  11  10
8   8  10  14
9   7  14  13

present only those rows where b > 10

In [81]: df[df.b > 10]
   a   b   c
0  6  11  11
5  5  11   9
7  5  11  10
9  7  14  13

Minimums (for all columns) for the rows satisfying b > 10 condition

In [82]: df[df.b > 10].min()
a     5
b    11
c     9
dtype: int32

Minimum (for the b column) for the rows satisfying b > 10 condition

In [84]: df.loc[df.b > 10, 'b'].min()
Out[84]: 11

UPDATE: starting from Pandas 0.20.1 the .ix indexer is deprecated, in favor of the more strict .iloc and .loc indexers.

Get HTML5 localStorage keys

I like to create an easily visible object out of it like this.

Object.keys(localStorage).reduce(function(obj, str) { 
    obj[str] = localStorage.getItem(str); 
    return obj
}, {});

I do a similar thing with cookies as well.

document.cookie.split(';').reduce(function(obj, str){ 
    var s = str.split('='); 
    obj[s[0].trim()] = s[1];
    return obj;
}, {});

add new row in gridview after binding C#,

try using the cloning technique.

    DataGridViewRow row = (DataGridViewRow)yourdatagrid.Rows[0].Clone();
    // then for each of the values use a loop like below.
    int cc = yourdatagrid.Columns.Count;
    for (int i2 = 0; i < cc; i2++)
        row.Cells[i].Value = yourdatagrid.Rows[0].Cells[i].Value;

This should work. I'm not sure about how the binding works though. Hopefully it won't prevent this from working.

How to import data from one sheet to another

Saw this thread while looking for something else and I know it is super old, but I wanted to add my 2 cents.

NEVER USE VLOOKUP. It's one of the worst performing formulas in excel. Use index match instead. It even works without sorting data, unless you have a -1 or 1 in the end of the match formula (explained more below)

Here is a link with the appropriate formulas.

The Sheet 2 formula would be this: =IF(A2="","",INDEX(Sheet1!B:B,MATCH($A2,Sheet1!$A:$A,0)))

  • IF(A2="","", means if A2 is blank, return a blank value
  • INDEX(Sheet1!B:B, is saying INDEX B:B where B:B is the data you want to return. IE the name column.
  • Match(A2, is saying to Match A2 which is the ID you want to return the Name for.
  • Sheet1!A:A, is saying you want to match A2 to the ID column in the previous sheet
  • ,0)) is specifying you want an exact value. 0 means return an exact match to A2, -1 means return smallest value greater than or equal to A2, 1 means return the largest value that is less than or equal to A2. Keep in mind -1 and 1 have to be sorted.

More information on the Index/Match formula

Other fun facts: $ means absolute in a formula. So if you specify $B$1 when filling a formula down or over keeps that same value. If you over $B1, the B remains the same across the formula, but if you fill down, the 1 increases with the row count. Likewise, if you used B$1, filling to the right will increment the B, but keep the reference of row 1.

I also included the use of indirect in the second section. What indirect does is allow you to use the text of another cell in a formula. Since I created a named range sheet1!A:A = ID, sheet1!B:B = Name, and sheet1!C:C=Price, I can use the column name to have the exact same formula, but it uses the column heading to change the search criteria.

Good luck! Hope this helps.

What is Node.js?

Well, I understand that

  • Node's goal is to provide an easy way to build scalable network programs.
  • Node is similar in design to and influenced by systems like Ruby's Event Machine or Python's Twisted.
  • Evented I/O for V8 javascript.

For me that means that you were correct in all three assumptions. The library sure looks promising!

How to make Java work with SQL Server?

Do not put both the old sqljdbc.jar and the new sqljdbc4.jar in your classpath - this will make it (more or less) unpredictable which classes are being used, if both of those JARs contain classes with the same qualified names.

You said you put sqljdbc4.jar in your classpath - did you remove the old sqljdbc.jar from the classpath? You said "it didn't work", what does that mean exactly? Are you sure you don't still have the old JAR in your classpath somewhere (maybe not explicitly)?

How to check if element in groovy array/hash/collection/list?

If you really want your includes method on an ArrayList, just add it:

ArrayList.metaClass.includes = { i -> i in delegate }

How to get value of checked item from CheckedListBox?


  foreach (var item in chlCompanies.CheckedItems){
     item.Value //ID
     item.Text //CompanyName

How is Pythons glob.glob ordered?

Order is arbitrary, but you can sort them yourself

If you want sorted by name:


sorted by modification time:

import os
sorted(glob.glob('*.png'), key=os.path.getmtime)

sorted by size:

import os
sorted(glob.glob('*.png'), key=os.path.getsize)


The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request

You should look for the error in the file error_log in the log directory. Maybe there are differences between your local and server configuration (db user/password etc.etc.)

usually the log file is in




ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis

ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis

This is one of several generic error messages which indicate our code contains one or more syntax errors. Sometimes it may mean we literally have omitted a right bracket; that's easy enough to verify if we're using an editor which has a match bracket capability (most text editors aimed at coders do). But often it means the compiler has come across a keyword out of context. Or perhaps it's a misspelled word, a space instead of an underscore or a missing comma.

Unfortunately the possible reasons why our code won't compile is virtually infinite and the compiler just isn't clever enough to distinguish them. So it hurls a generic, slightly cryptic, message like ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis and leaves it to us to spot the actual bloomer.

The posted script has several syntax errors. First I will discuss the error which triggers that ORA-0097 but you'll need to fix them all.

Foreign key constraints can be declared in line with the referencing column or at the table level after all the columns have been declared. These have different syntaxes; your scripts mix the two and that's why you get the ORA-00907.

In-line declaration doesn't have a comma and doesn't include the referencing column name.

CREATE TABLE historys_T    (
    history_record    VARCHAR2 (8),
    customer_id       VARCHAR2 (8) 
    order_id           VARCHAR2 (10) NOT NULL,
          CONSTRAINT fk_order_id_orders REFERENCES orders ON DELETE CASCADE)

Table level constraints are a separate component, and so do have a comma and do mention the referencing column.

CREATE TABLE historys_T    (
    history_record    VARCHAR2 (8),
    customer_id       VARCHAR2 (8),    
    order_id           VARCHAR2 (10) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT historys_T_FK FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES T_customers ON DELETE CASCADE,   
   CONSTRAINT fk_order_id_orders FOREIGN KEY (order_id) REFERENCES orders ON DELETE CASCADE)

Here is a list of other syntax errors:

  1. The referenced table (and the referenced primary key or unique constraint) must already exist before we can create a foreign key against them. So you cannot create a foreign key for HISTORYS_T before you have created the referenced ORDERS table.
  2. You have misspelled the names of the referenced tables in some of the foreign key clauses (LIBRARY_T and FORMAT_T).
  3. You need to provide an expression in the DEFAULT clause. For DATE columns that is usually the current date, DATE DEFAULT sysdate.

Looking at our own code with a cool eye is a skill we all need to gain to be successful as developers. It really helps to be familiar with Oracle's documentation. A side-by-side comparison of your code and the examples in the SQL Reference would have helped you resolved these syntax errors in considerably less than two days. Find it here (11g) and here (12c).

As well as syntax errors, your scripts contain design mistakes. These are not failures, but bad practice which should not become habits.

  1. You have not named most of your constraints. Oracle will give them a default name but it will be a horrible one, and makes the data dictionary harder to understand. Explicitly naming every constraint helps us navigate the physical database. It also leads to more comprehensible error messages when our SQL trips a constraint violation.
  2. Name your constraints consistently. HISTORY_T has constraints called historys_T_FK and fk_order_id_orders, neither of which is helpful. A useful convention is <child_table>_<parent_table>_fk. So history_customer_fk and history_order_fk respectively.
  3. It can be useful to create the constraints with separate statements. Creating tables then primary keys then foreign keys will avoid the problems with dependency ordering identified above.
  4. You are trying to create cyclic foreign keys between LIBRARY_T and FORMATS. You could do this by creating the constraints in separate statement but don't: you will have problems when inserting rows and even worse problems with deletions. You should reconsider your data model and find a way to model the relationship between the two tables so that one is the parent and the other the child. Or perhaps you need a different kind of relationship, such as an intersection table.
  5. Avoid blank lines in your scripts. Some tools will handle them but some will not. We can configure SQL*Plus to handle them but it's better to avoid the need.
  6. The naming convention of LIBRARY_T is ugly. Try to find a more expressive name which doesn't require a needless suffix to avoid a keyword clash.
  7. T_CUSTOMERS is even uglier, being both inconsistent with your other tables and completely unnecessary, as customers is not a keyword.

Naming things is hard. You wouldn't believe the wrangles I've had about table names over the years. The most important thing is consistency. If I look at a data dictionary and see tables called T_CUSTOMERS and LIBRARY_T my first response would be confusion. Why are these tables named with different conventions? What conceptual difference does this express? So, please, decide on a naming convention and stick to. Make your table names either all singular or all plural. Avoid prefixes and suffixes as much as possible; we already know it's a table, we don't need a T_ or a _TAB.

How to comment a block in Eclipse?

There are two possibilities:

Every line prepended with //

ctrl + / to comment
ctrl + \ to uncomment

Note: on recent eclipse cdt, ctrl + / is used to toggle comments (and ctrl + \ has no more effect)

Complete block surrounded with block comments /*

ctrl + shift + / to comment
ctrl + shift + \ to remove

Update using LINQ to SQL

AdventureWorksDataContext db = new AdventureWorksDataContext();
db.Log = Console.Out;

// Get hte first customer record
Customer c = from cust in db.Customers select cust where id = 5;
c.CustomerType = 'I';
db.SubmitChanges(); // Save the changes away

How to delete a selected DataGridViewRow and update a connected database table?

Try this:

if (dgv.SelectedRows.Count>0)

Eclipse No tests found using JUnit 5 caused by NoClassDefFoundError for LauncherFactory

I used actually spring-tool-suite-4-4.5.1 and I had this bug when I want run a test class. and the solution was to add to 'java build path', 'junit5' in Libraries

enter image description here

Get a list of resources from classpath directory

With Spring it's easy. Be it a file, or folder, or even multiple files, there are chances, you can do it via injection.

This example demonstrates the injection of multiple files located in x/y/z folder.

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

public class StackoverflowService {
    private Resource[] resources;

    public List<String> getResourceNames() {

It does work for resources in the filesystem as well as in JARs.

Bootstrap 3 Carousel Not Working

For me, the carousel wasn't working in the DreamWeaver CC provided the code in the "template" page I am playing with. I needed to add the data-ride="carousel" attribute to the carousel div in order for it to start working. Thanks to Adarsh for his code snippet which highlighted the missing attribute.

How to get current class name including package name in Java?

Use this.getClass().getCanonicalName() to get the full class name.

Note that a package / class name ("a.b.C") is different from the path of the .class files (a/b/C.class), and that using the package name / class name to derive a path is typically bad practice. Sets of class files / packages can be in multiple different class paths, which can be directories or jar files.

Generating a PNG with matplotlib when DISPLAY is undefined

I got the error while using matplotlib through Spark. matplotlib.use('Agg') doesn't work for me. In the end, the following code works for me. More here

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt.

Converting between strings and ArrayBuffers

In case you have binary data in a string (obtained from nodejs + readFile(..., 'binary'), or cypress + cy.fixture(..., 'binary'), etc), you can't use TextEncoder. It supports only utf8. Bytes with values >= 128 are each turned into 2 bytes.


a = Uint8Array.from(s, x => x.charCodeAt(0))

Uint8Array(33) [2, 134, 140, 186, 82, 70, 108, 182, 233, 40, 143, 247, 29, 76, 245, 206, 29, 87, 48, 160, 78, 225, 242, 56, 236, 201, 80, 80, 152, 118, 92, 144, 48

s = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, a)

"ºRFl¶é(÷LõÎW0 Náò8ìÉPPv\0"

Simple GUI Java calculator

What you need is something that calculates the result of the infix notated calculation, have a look at the Shunting-Yard Algorithm.

There's an example in C++ on Wikipedia's page, but it shouldn't be too hard to implement it in Java.
And since it's the primary function of your calculator, I would advise you to not grab some codez from the Web in this Case (except all you want to do is building calculator GUIs).

What is a regex to match ONLY an empty string?

Based on the most-approved answer, here is yet another way:

var result = !/[\d\D]/.test(string);  //[\d\D] will match any character

HTML Script tag: type or language (or omit both)?

The type attribute is used to define the MIME type within the HTML document. Depending on what DOCTYPE you use, the type value is required in order to validate the HTML document.

The language attribute lets the browser know what language you are using (Javascript vs. VBScript) but is not necessarily essential and, IIRC, has been deprecated.

git returns http error 407 from proxy after CONNECT

I encountered the same issue when using Git Bash. When I did the same thing in Command Prompt it worked perfectly.

How to make vim paste from (and copy to) system's clipboard?

Following on from Conner's answer, which was great, but C-R C-p + and C-R C-p * in insert mode is a bit inconvenient. Ditto "*p and "+p from command mode.

a VIM guru suggested the following to map C-v to what C-r C-p + does.

You could have :inoremap <C-v> <C-o>"+p for insert mode only

if you really wanted to override blockwise visual mode (not recommended by him as visual mode is good) you could have map <C-v> "+p

Relative imports in Python 3

TLDR; Append Script path to the System Path by adding following in the entry point of your python script.

import os.path
import sys
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.expanduser(__file__))))
sys.path.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, PACKAGE_PARENT)))

Thats it now you can run your project in PyCharma as well as from Terminal!!

Python: pandas merge multiple dataframes

@dannyeuu's answer is correct. pd.concat naturally does a join on index columns, if you set the axis option to 1. The default is an outer join, but you can specify inner join too. Here is an example:

x = pd.DataFrame({'a': [2,4,3,4,5,2,3,4,2,5], 'b':[2,3,4,1,6,6,5,2,4,2], 'val': [1,4,4,3,6,4,3,6,5,7], 'val2': [2,4,1,6,4,2,8,6,3,9]})
x.set_index(['a','b'], inplace=True)

y = x.__deepcopy__()
y.loc[(14,14),:] = [3,1]

y.sort_values('val', inplace=True)

z = x.__deepcopy__()
z.loc[(15,15),:] = [3,4]


Write to custom log file from a Bash script

I did it by using a filter. Most linux systems use rsyslog these days. The config files are located at /etc/rsyslog.conf and /etc/rsyslog.d.

Whenever I run the command logger -t SRI some message, I want "some message" to only show up in /var/log/sri.log.

To do this I added the file /etc/rsyslog.d/00-sri.conf with the following content.

# Filter all messages whose tag starts with SRI
# Note that 'isequal, "SRI:"' or 'isequal "SRI"' will not work.
:syslogtag, startswith, "SRI" /var/log/sri.log

# The stop command prevents this message from getting processed any further.
# Thus the message will not show up in /var/log/messages.
& stop

Then restart the rsyslogd service:

systemctl restart rsyslog.service

Here is a shell session showing the results:

[root@rpm-server html]# logger -t SRI Hello World!
[root@rpm-server html]# cat /var/log/sri.log
Jun  5 10:33:01 rpm-server SRI[11785]: Hello World!
[root@rpm-server html]#
[root@rpm-server html]# # see that nothing shows up in /var/log/messages
[root@rpm-server html]# tail -10 /var/log/messages | grep SRI
[root@rpm-server html]#

Python: print a generator expression?

>>> list(x for x in string.letters if x in (y for y in "BigMan on campus"))
['a', 'c', 'g', 'i', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 's', 'u', 'B', 'M']

filters on ng-model in an input

If you are using read only input field, you can use ng-value with filter.

for example:

ng-value="price | number:8"

How to convert a String to a Date using SimpleDateFormat?

Very Simple Example is.

SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
                Date date = new Date();
                Date date1 = new Date();
            try {
                System.out.println("Date1:   "+date1);
                System.out.println("date" + date);

                date = simpleDateFormat.parse("01-01-2013");
                date1 = simpleDateFormat.parse("06-15-2013");

                System.out.println("Date1 is:"+date1);
                System.out.println("date" + date);

            } catch (Exception e) {

SQL Insert Query Using C#


String query = "INSERT INTO dbo.SMS_PW (id,username,password,email) VALUES (@id,@username, @password, @email)";
using(SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using(SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, connection))
    //a shorter syntax to adding parameters
    command.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.NChar).Value = "abc";

    command.Parameters.Add("@username", SqlDbType.NChar).Value = "abc";

    //a longer syntax for adding parameters
    command.Parameters.Add("@password", SqlDbType.NChar).Value = "abc";

    command.Parameters.Add("@email", SqlDbType.NChar).Value = "abc";

    //make sure you open and close(after executing) the connection

How to know if two arrays have the same values

Sort the arrays and compare their values one by one.

function arrayCompare(_arr1, _arr2) {
    if (
      || !Array.isArray(_arr2)
      || _arr1.length !== _arr2.length
      ) {
        return false;
    // .concat() to not mutate arguments
    const arr1 = _arr1.concat().sort();
    const arr2 = _arr2.concat().sort();
    for (let i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) {
        if (arr1[i] !== arr2[i]) {
            return false;
    return true;

Java using scanner enter key pressed

This works using java.util.Scanner and will take multiple "enter" keystrokes:

    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
    String readString = scanner.nextLine();
    while(readString!=null) {

        if (readString.isEmpty()) {
            System.out.println("Read Enter Key.");

        if (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
            readString = scanner.nextLine();
        } else {
            readString = null;

To break it down:

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
String readString = scanner.nextLine();

These lines initialize a new Scanner that is reading from the standard input stream (the keyboard) and reads a single line from it.

    while(readString!=null) {

While the scanner is still returning non-null data, print each line to the screen.

        if (readString.isEmpty()) {
            System.out.println("Read Enter Key.");

If the "enter" (or return, or whatever) key is supplied by the input, the nextLine() method will return an empty string; by checking to see if the string is empty, we can determine whether that key was pressed. Here the text Read Enter Key is printed, but you could perform whatever action you want here.

        if (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
            readString = scanner.nextLine();
        } else {
            readString = null;

Finally, after printing the content and/or doing something when the "enter" key is pressed, we check to see if the scanner has another line; for the standard input stream, this method will "block" until either the stream is closed, the execution of the program ends, or further input is supplied.

In C can a long printf statement be broken up into multiple lines?

If you want to break a string literal onto multiple lines, you can concatenate multiple strings together, one on each line, like so:

printf("name: %s\t"
"args: %s\t"
"value %d\t"
"arraysize %d\n", 

Difference between FetchType LAZY and EAGER in Java Persistence API?

The main difference between the two types of fetching is a moment when data gets loaded into a memory.
I have attached 2 photos to help you understand this.

Eager fetch
 Eager fetch

Lazy fetch Lazy fetch

Extract number from string with Oracle function

If you are looking for 1st Number with decimal as string has correct decimal places, you may try regexp_substr function like this:

regexp_substr('stack12.345overflow', '\.*[[:digit:]]+\.*[[:digit:]]*')

Sass - Converting Hex to RGBa for background opacity

The rgba() function can accept a single hex color as well decimal RGB values. For example, this would work just fine:

@mixin background-opacity($color, $opacity: 0.3) {
    background: $color; /* The Fallback */
    background: rgba($color, $opacity);

element {
     @include background-opacity(#333, 0.5);

If you ever need to break the hex color into RGB components, though, you can use the red(), green(), and blue() functions to do so:

$red: red($color);
$green: green($color);
$blue: blue($color);

background: rgb($red, $green, $blue); /* same as using "background: $color" */

Postgresql query between date ranges

From PostreSQL 9.2 Range Types are supported. So you can write this like:

SELECT user_id
FROM user_logs
WHERE '[2014-02-01, 2014-03-01]'::daterange @> login_date

this should be more efficient than the string comparison

Jquery function return value

The return statement you have is stuck in the inner function, so it won't return from the outer function. You just need a little more code:

function getMachine(color, qty) {
    var returnValue = null;
    $("#getMachine li").each(function() {
        var thisArray = $(this).text().split("~");
        if(thisArray[0] == color&& qty>= parseInt(thisArray[1]) && qty<= parseInt(thisArray[2])) {
            returnValue = thisArray[3];
            return false; // this breaks out of the each
    return returnValue;

var retval = getMachine(color, qty);

LinearLayout not expanding inside a ScrollView

All the answers here didn't work (completely) for me. Just to recap what we wanna do for a complete answer: We have a ScrollView, supposedly filling the device's viewport, thus we set fillViewport to "true" in the layout xml. Then, inside the ScrollView, we have a LinearLayout containing everything else, and that LinearLayout should be at least as high as its parent ScrollView, so stuff that's supposed to be on the bottom (of the LinearLayout) is actually, as we want it, at the bottom of the screen (or at the bottom of the ScrollView, in case the LinearLayout's content has more hight than the screen.

Example activity_main.xml layout:

...content which might or might not be higher than screen height...

Then, in the activity's onCreate, we "wait" for the LinearLayout's layouting to be done (implying it's parent's layouting is also already done) and then set it's minimum height to the ScrollView's height. Thus it also works in case the ScrollView does not occupy the whole screen height. Whether you call .post(...) on the ScrollView or the inner LinearLayout should not make that much of a difference, if one doesn't work for you, try the other.

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

@Override // Activity
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    LinearLayout linearLayoutWrapper = findViewById(;

    ... -> {

Sadly, it's not an xml-only solution, but it works well enough for me, hope it also helps some other tortured android dev scouring the interwebs in search for a solution to this problem ;D

How to represent a DateTime in Excel

Some versions of Excel don't have date-time formats available in the standard pick lists, but you can just enter a custom format string such as yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss by:

  1. Right click -> Format Cells
  2. Number tab
  3. Choose Category Custom
  4. Enter your custom format string into the "Type" field

This works on my Excel 2010

Use String.split() with multiple delimiters

Try this code:

var string = '';
array = string.split(/[,.]/);

Make the console wait for a user input to close

In Java this would be

Rename master branch for both local and remote Git repositories

What about:

git checkout old-branch-name
git push remote-name new-branch-name
git push remote-name :old-branch-name
git branch -m new-branch-name

Is it possible to wait until all javascript files are loaded before executing javascript code?

You can use

$(window).on('load', function() {
    // your code here

Which will wait until the page is loaded. $(document).ready() waits until the DOM is loaded.

In plain JS:

window.addEventListener('load', function() {
    // your code here

Websocket onerror - how to read error description?

Alongside nmaier's answer, as he said you'll always receive code 1006. However, if you were to somehow theoretically receive other codes, here is code to display the results (via RFC6455).

you will almost never get these codes in practice so this code is pretty much pointless

var websocket;
if ("WebSocket" in window)
    websocket = new WebSocket("ws://");

    websocket.onopen = function (event) {
        $("#thingsThatHappened").html($("#thingsThatHappened").html() + "<br />" + "The connection was opened");
    websocket.onclose = function (event) {
        var reason;
        // See
        if (event.code == 1000)
            reason = "Normal closure, meaning that the purpose for which the connection was established has been fulfilled.";
        else if(event.code == 1001)
            reason = "An endpoint is \"going away\", such as a server going down or a browser having navigated away from a page.";
        else if(event.code == 1002)
            reason = "An endpoint is terminating the connection due to a protocol error";
        else if(event.code == 1003)
            reason = "An endpoint is terminating the connection because it has received a type of data it cannot accept (e.g., an endpoint that understands only text data MAY send this if it receives a binary message).";
        else if(event.code == 1004)
            reason = "Reserved. The specific meaning might be defined in the future.";
        else if(event.code == 1005)
            reason = "No status code was actually present.";
        else if(event.code == 1006)
           reason = "The connection was closed abnormally, e.g., without sending or receiving a Close control frame";
        else if(event.code == 1007)
            reason = "An endpoint is terminating the connection because it has received data within a message that was not consistent with the type of the message (e.g., non-UTF-8 [] data within a text message).";
        else if(event.code == 1008)
            reason = "An endpoint is terminating the connection because it has received a message that \"violates its policy\". This reason is given either if there is no other sutible reason, or if there is a need to hide specific details about the policy.";
        else if(event.code == 1009)
           reason = "An endpoint is terminating the connection because it has received a message that is too big for it to process.";
        else if(event.code == 1010) // Note that this status code is not used by the server, because it can fail the WebSocket handshake instead.
            reason = "An endpoint (client) is terminating the connection because it has expected the server to negotiate one or more extension, but the server didn't return them in the response message of the WebSocket handshake. <br /> Specifically, the extensions that are needed are: " + event.reason;
        else if(event.code == 1011)
            reason = "A server is terminating the connection because it encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.";
        else if(event.code == 1015)
            reason = "The connection was closed due to a failure to perform a TLS handshake (e.g., the server certificate can't be verified).";
            reason = "Unknown reason";

        $("#thingsThatHappened").html($("#thingsThatHappened").html() + "<br />" + "The connection was closed for reason: " + reason);
    websocket.onmessage = function (event) {
        $("#thingsThatHappened").html($("#thingsThatHappened").html() + "<br />" + "New message arrived: " +;
    websocket.onerror = function (event) {
        $("#thingsThatHappened").html($("#thingsThatHappened").html() + "<br />" + "There was an error with your websocket.");
    alert("Websocket is not supported by your browser");

websocket.send("Yo wazzup");



Curl error: Operation timed out

$curl = curl_init();

  curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => "", // Server Path
  CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 3000, // increase this
  CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "{\"email\":\"[email protected]\",\"password\":\"markus William\",\"username\":\"Daryl Brown\",\"mobile\":\"013132131112\","msg":"No more SSRIs." }",
    "Content-Type: application/json",
    "Postman-Token: 4867c7a3-2b3d-4e9a-9791-ed6dedb046b1",
    "cache-control: no-cache"

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
  echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
  echo $response;

initialize array index "CURLOPT_TIMEOUT" with a value in seconds according to time required for response .

What's causing my Connection reset?

FWIW, I was getting this error when I was accidentally making a GET request to an endpoint that was expecting a POST request. Presumably that was just that particular servers way of handling the problem.

jQuery OR Selector?

If you're looking to use the standard construct of element = element1 || element2 where JavaScript will return the first one that is truthy, you could do exactly that:

element = $('#someParentElement .somethingToBeFound') || $('#someParentElement .somethingElseToBeFound');

which would return the first element that is actually found. But a better way would probably be to use the jQuery selector comma construct (which returns an array of found elements) in this fashion:

element = $('#someParentElement').find('.somethingToBeFound, .somethingElseToBeFound')[0];

which will return the first found element.

I use that from time to time to find either an active element in a list or some default element if there is no active element. For example:

element = $('ul#someList').find(', li:first')[0] 

which will return any li with a class of active or, should there be none, will just return the last li.

Either will work. There are potential performance penalties, though, as the || will stop processing as soon as it finds something truthy whereas the array approach will try to find all elements even if it has found one already. Then again, using the || construct could potentially have performance issues if it has to go through several selectors before finding the one it will return, because it has to call the main jQuery object for each one (I really don't know if this is a performance hit or not, it just seems logical that it could be). In general, though, I use the array approach when the selector is a rather long string.

How to set MimeBodyPart ContentType to "text/html"?

Using "<h1>STRING<h1>".getBytes(); you can create a ByteArrayDataSource with content-type and set setDataHandler in your MimeBodyPart


String html "Test JavaMail API example. <br><br> Regards, <br>Ivonei Jr"
byte[] bytes = html.getBytes(); 
DataSource dataSourceHtml= new ByteArrayDataSource(bytes, "text/html");
MimeBodyPart bodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
bodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(dataSourceHtml));

MimeMultipart mimeMultipart = new MimeMultipart();

How to draw circle in html page?

The followings are my 9 solutions. Feel free to insert text into the divs or svg elements.

  1. border-radius
  2. clip-path
  3. html entity
  4. pseudo element
  5. radial-gradient
  6. svg circle & path
  7. canvas arc()
  8. img tag
  9. pre tag

var c = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
var ctx = c.getContext('2d');
ctx.arc(50, 50, 50, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.fillStyle = '#B90136';
#circle1 {
  background-color: #B90136;
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  border-radius: 50px;

#circle2 {
  background-color: #B90136;
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  clip-path: circle();

#circle3 {
  color: #B90136;
  font-size: 100px;
  line-height: 100px;

#circle4::before {
  content: "";
  display: block;
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  border-radius: 50px;
  background-color: #B90136;

#circle5 {
  background-image: radial-gradient(#B90136 70%, transparent 30%);
  height: 100px;
  width: 100px;
<h3>1 border-radius</h3>
<div id="circle1"></div>
<h3>2 clip-path</h3>
<div id="circle2"></div>
<h3>3 html entity</h3>
<div id="circle3">&#11044;</div>
<h3>4 pseudo element</h3>
<div id="circle4"></div>
<h3>5 radial-gradient</h3>
<div id="circle5"></div>
<h3>6 svg circle & path</h3>
<svg width="100" height="100">
  <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="50" fill="#B90136" />
<h3>7 canvas arc()</h3>
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="100" height="100"></canvas>
<h3>8 img tag</h3>
&nbsp; &nbsp; &lt;img src="circle.png" width="100" height="100" /&gt;
<h3>9 pre tag</h3>
<pre style="line-height:8px;">

What is a NullPointerException, and how do I fix it?

NullPointerExceptions are exceptions that occur when you try to use a reference that points to no location in memory (null) as though it were referencing an object. Calling a method on a null reference or trying to access a field of a null reference will trigger a NullPointerException. These are the most common, but other ways are listed on the NullPointerException javadoc page.

Probably the quickest example code I could come up with to illustrate a NullPointerException would be:

public class Example {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Object obj = null;


On the first line inside main, I'm explicitly setting the Object reference obj equal to null. This means I have a reference, but it isn't pointing to any object. After that, I try to treat the reference as though it points to an object by calling a method on it. This results in a NullPointerException because there is no code to execute in the location that the reference is pointing.

(This is a technicality, but I think it bears mentioning: A reference that points to null isn't the same as a C pointer that points to an invalid memory location. A null pointer is literally not pointing anywhere, which is subtly different than pointing to a location that happens to be invalid.)

text-overflow: ellipsis not working

Just a headsup for anyone who may stumble across this... My h2 was inheriting

text-rendering: optimizelegibility; 
//Changed to text-rendering: none; for fix

which was not allowing ellipsis. Apparently this is very finickey eh?

Using SSH keys inside docker container

Expanding Peter Grainger's answer I was able to use multi-stage build available since Docker 17.05. Official page states:

With multi-stage builds, you use multiple FROM statements in your Dockerfile. Each FROM instruction can use a different base, and each of them begins a new stage of the build. You can selectively copy artifacts from one stage to another, leaving behind everything you don’t want in the final image.

Keeping this in mind here is my example of Dockerfile including three build stages. It's meant to create a production image of client web application.

# Stage 1: get sources from npm and git over ssh
FROM node:carbon AS sources
RUN mkdir -p /root/.ssh && \
    chmod 0700 /root/.ssh && \
    ssh-keyscan > /root/.ssh/known_hosts && \
    echo "${SSH_KEY}" > /root/.ssh/id_rsa && \
    chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa
COPY package*.json yarn.lock /app/
RUN eval `ssh-agent -s` && \
    printf "${SSH_KEY_PASSPHRASE}\n" | ssh-add $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa && \
    yarn --pure-lockfile --mutex file --network-concurrency 1 && \
    rm -rf /root/.ssh/

# Stage 2: build minified production code
FROM node:carbon AS production
COPY --from=sources /app/ /app/
COPY . /app/
RUN yarn build:prod

# Stage 3: include only built production files and host them with Node Express server
FROM node:carbon
RUN yarn add express
COPY --from=production /app/dist/ /app/dist/
COPY server.js /app/
EXPOSE 33330
CMD ["node", "server.js"]

.dockerignore repeats contents of .gitignore file (it prevents node_modules and resulting dist directories of the project from being copied):


Command example to build an image:

$ docker build -t ezze/geoport:0.6.0 \
  --build-arg SSH_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa)" \
  --build-arg SSH_KEY_PASSPHRASE="my_super_secret" \

If your private SSH key doesn't have a passphrase just specify empty SSH_KEY_PASSPHRASE argument.

This is how it works:

1). On the first stage only package.json, yarn.lock files and private SSH key are copied to the first intermediate image named sources. In order to avoid further SSH key passphrase prompts it is automatically added to ssh-agent. Finally yarn command installs all required dependencies from NPM and clones private git repositories from Bitbucket over SSH.

2). The second stage builds and minifies source code of web application and places it in dist directory of the next intermediate image named production. Note that source code of installed node_modules is copied from the image named sources produced on the first stage by this line:

COPY --from=sources /app/ /app/

Probably it also could be the following line:

COPY --from=sources /app/node_modules/ /app/node_modules/

We have only node_modules directory from the first intermediate image here, no SSH_KEY and SSH_KEY_PASSPHRASE arguments anymore. All the rest required for build is copied from our project directory.

3). On the third stage we reduce a size of the final image that will be tagged as ezze/geoport:0.6.0 by including only dist directory from the second intermediate image named production and installing Node Express for starting a web server.

Listing images gives an output like this:

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
ezze/geoport        0.6.0               8e8809c4e996        3 hours ago         717MB
<none>              <none>              1f6518644324        3 hours ago         1.1GB
<none>              <none>              fa00f1182917        4 hours ago         1.63GB
node                carbon              b87c2ad8344d        4 weeks ago         676MB

where non-tagged images correpsond to the first and the second intermediate build stages.

If you run

$ docker history ezze/geoport:0.6.0 --no-trunc

you will not see any mentions of SSH_KEY and SSH_KEY_PASSPHRASE in the final image.

How to index into a dictionary?

You can't, since dict is unordered. you can use .popitem() to get an arbitrary item, but that will remove it from the dict.

Is the LIKE operator case-sensitive with MSSQL Server?

You can change from the property of every item.

case sensitive

MySQL: Delete all rows older than 10 minutes

The answer is right in the MYSQL manual itself.

"DELETE FROM `table_name` WHERE `time_col` < ADDDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL -1 HOUR)"

Convert RGB values to Integer

int rgb = new Color(r, g, b).getRGB();

Java equivalent of unsigned long long?

Depending on the operations you intend to perform, the outcome is much the same, signed or unsigned. However, unless you are using trivial operations you will end up using BigInteger.

Gradients on UIView and UILabels On iPhone

You can use Core Graphics to draw the gradient, as pointed to in Mike's response. As a more detailed example, you could create a UIView subclass to use as a background for your UILabel. In that UIView subclass, override the drawRect: method and insert code similar to the following:

- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect 
    CGContextRef currentContext = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();

    CGGradientRef glossGradient;
    CGColorSpaceRef rgbColorspace;
    size_t num_locations = 2;
    CGFloat locations[2] = { 0.0, 1.0 };
    CGFloat components[8] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.35,  // Start color
         1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.06 }; // End color

    rgbColorspace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
    glossGradient = CGGradientCreateWithColorComponents(rgbColorspace, components, locations, num_locations);

    CGRect currentBounds = self.bounds;
    CGPoint topCenter = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(currentBounds), 0.0f);
    CGPoint midCenter = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(currentBounds), CGRectGetMidY(currentBounds));
    CGContextDrawLinearGradient(currentContext, glossGradient, topCenter, midCenter, 0);


This particular example creates a white, glossy-style gradient that is drawn from the top of the UIView to its vertical center. You can set the UIView's backgroundColor to whatever you like and this gloss will be drawn on top of that color. You can also draw a radial gradient using the CGContextDrawRadialGradient function.

You just need to size this UIView appropriately and add your UILabel as a subview of it to get the effect you desire.

EDIT (4/23/2009): Per St3fan's suggestion, I have replaced the view's frame with its bounds in the code. This corrects for the case when the view's origin is not (0,0).

Refresh image with a new one at the same url

What I ended up doing was having the server map any request for an image at that directory to the source that I was trying to update. I then had my timer append a number onto the end of the name so the DOM would see it as a new image and load it.



will request the same image generation code but it will look like different images to the browser.

var newImage = new Image();
newImage.src = "http://localhost/image.jpg";
var count = 0;
function updateImage()
    if(newImage.complete) {
        document.getElementById("theText").src = newImage.src;
        newImage = new Image();
        newImage.src = "http://localhost/image/id/image" + count++ + ".jpg";
    setTimeout(updateImage, 1000);

Cannot read property 'map' of undefined

You need to put the data before render

Should be like this:

var data = [
  {author: "Pete Hunt", text: "This is one comment"},
  {author: "Jordan Walke", text: "This is *another* comment"}

  <CommentBox data={data}/>,

Instead of this:

  <CommentBox data={data}/>,

var data = [
  {author: "Pete Hunt", text: "This is one comment"},
  {author: "Jordan Walke", text: "This is *another* comment"}

Getting cursor position in Python

Using pyautogui

To install

pip install pyautogui

and to find the location of the mouse pointer

import pyautogui

This will give the pixel location to which mouse pointer is at.

Combine or merge JSON on node.js without jQuery

Here is simple solution, to merge JSON. I did the following.

  • Convert each of the JSON to strings using JSON.stringify(object).
  • Concatenate all the JSON strings using + operator.
  • Replace the pattern /}{/g with ","
  • Parse the result string back to JSON object

    var object1 = {name: "John"};
    var object2 = {location: "San Jose"};
    var merged_object = JSON.parse((JSON.stringify(object1) + JSON.stringify(object2)).replace(/}{/g,","))

The resulting merged JSON will be

{name: "John", location: "San Jose"}

jQuery: get data attribute

Change IDs and data attributes as you wish!

  <select id="selectVehicle">
       <option value="1" data-year="2011">Mazda</option>
       <option value="2" data-year="2015">Honda</option>
       <option value="3" data-year="2008">Mercedes</option>
       <option value="4" data-year="2005">Toyota</option>

$("#selectVehicle").change(function () {

Here is the working example:

What does the ??!??! operator do in C?

??! is a trigraph that translates to |. So it says:

!ErrorHasOccured() || HandleError();

which, due to short circuiting, is equivalent to:

if (ErrorHasOccured())

Guru of the Week (deals with C++ but relevant here), where I picked this up.

Possible origin of trigraphs or as @DwB points out in the comments it's more likely due to EBCDIC being difficult (again). This discussion on the IBM developerworks board seems to support that theory.

From ISO/IEC 9899:1999 §, footnote 12 (h/t @Random832):

The trigraph sequences enable the input of characters that are not defined in the Invariant Code Set as described in ISO/IEC 646, which is a subset of the seven-bit US ASCII code set.

Could not load file or assembly '' or one of its dependencies

Not sure if this might help.

Check that the Assembly name and the Default namespace in the Properies in your asemblies match. This resolved my issue which yielded the same error.

Can not change UILabel text color

May be the better way is

UIColor *color = [UIColor greenColor];
[self.myLabel setTextColor:color];

Thus we have colored text

How to initialize std::vector from C-style array?

Don't forget that you can treat pointers as iterators:

w_.assign(w, w + len);

How to say no to all "do you want to overwrite" prompts in a batch file copy?

I use XCOPY with the following parameters for copying .NET assemblies:

/D /Y /R /H 

/D:m-d-y - Copies files changed on or after the specified date. If no date is given, copies only those files whose source time is newer than the destination time.

/Y - Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing destination file.

/R - Overwrites read-only files.

/H - Copies hidden and system files also.

C - error: storage size of ‘a’ isn’t known

Say it like this: struct xyx a;

Javascript how to parse JSON array

You should use a datastore and proxy in ExtJs. There are plenty of examples of this, and the JSON reader automatically parses the JSON message into the model you specified.

There is no need to use basic Javascript when using ExtJs, everything is different, you should use the ExtJs ways to get everything right. Read there documentation carefully, it's good.

By the way, these examples also hold for Sencha Touch (especially v2), which is based on the same core functions as ExtJs.

Turn off constraints temporarily (MS SQL)

Disabling and Enabling All Foreign Keys

CREATE PROCEDURE pr_Disable_Triggers_v2
    @disable BIT = 1
    DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(500)
        ,   @tableName VARCHAR(128)
        ,   @tableSchema VARCHAR(128)

    -- List of all tables
    DECLARE triggerCursor CURSOR FOR
        SELECT  t.TABLE_NAME AS TableName
            ,   t.TABLE_SCHEMA AS TableSchema

    OPEN    triggerCursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM triggerCursor INTO @tableName, @tableSchema
    WHILE ( @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 )

        SET @sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @tableSchema + '.[' + @tableName + '] '
        IF @disable = 1
            SET @sql = @sql + ' DISABLE TRIGGER ALL'
            SET @sql = @sql + ' ENABLE TRIGGER ALL'

        PRINT 'Executing Statement - ' + @sql
        EXECUTE ( @sql )

        FETCH NEXT FROM triggerCursor INTO @tableName, @tableSchema


    CLOSE triggerCursor
    DEALLOCATE triggerCursor

First, the foreignKeyCursor cursor is declared as the SELECT statement that gathers the list of foreign keys and their table names. Next, the cursor is opened and the initial FETCH statement is executed. This FETCH statement will read the first row's data into the local variables @foreignKeyName and @tableName. When looping through a cursor, you can check the @@FETCH_STATUS for a value of 0, which indicates that the fetch was successful. This means the loop will continue to move forward so it can get each successive foreign key from the rowset. @@FETCH_STATUS is available to all cursors on the connection. So if you are looping through multiple cursors, it is important to check the value of @@FETCH_STATUS in the statement immediately following the FETCH statement. @@FETCH_STATUS will reflect the status for the most recent FETCH operation on the connection. Valid values for @@FETCH_STATUS are:

0 = FETCH was successful
-1 = FETCH was unsuccessful
-2 = the row that was fetched is missing

Inside the loop, the code builds the ALTER TABLE command differently depending on whether the intention is to disable or enable the foreign key constraint (using the CHECK or NOCHECK keyword). The statement is then printed as a message so its progress can be observed and then the statement is executed. Finally, when all rows have been iterated through, the stored procedure closes and deallocates the cursor.

see Disabling Constraints and Triggers from MSDN Magazine


For anyone who is using anaconda, you would install the certifi package, see more at:

To install, type this line in your terminal:

conda install -c anaconda certifi

Why is System.Web.Mvc not listed in Add References?

I didn't get System.Web.Mvc in VS 2012 but I got it in VS 2013. Using AddReference Dialog, enter image description here

Or, You can find this in your project path,


Getting realtime output using subprocess

Complete solution:

import contextlib
import subprocess

# Unix, Windows and old Macintosh end-of-line
newlines = ['\n', '\r\n', '\r']
def unbuffered(proc, stream='stdout'):
    stream = getattr(proc, stream)
    with contextlib.closing(stream):
        while True:
            out = []
            last =
            # Don't loop forever
            if last == '' and proc.poll() is not None:
            while last not in newlines:
                # Don't loop forever
                if last == '' and proc.poll() is not None:
                last =
            out = ''.join(out)
            yield out

def example():
    cmd = ['ls', '-l', '/']
    proc = subprocess.Popen(
        # Make all end-of-lines '\n'
    for line in unbuffered(proc):
        print line


How do I shutdown, restart, or log off Windows via a bat file?

Original answer: Oct. 2008

You also got all the "rundll32.exe shell32.dll" serie:

(see update below)

  • rundll32.exe user.exe,**ExitWindows** [Fast Shutdown of Windows]
  • rundll32.exe user.exe,**ExitWindowsExec** [Restart Windows]

    rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx n

where n stands for:

  • 0 - LOGOFF
  • 1 - SHUTDOWN
  • 2 - REBOOT
  • 4 - FORCE
  • 8 - POWEROFF

(can be combined -> 6 = 2+4 FORCE REBOOT)

Update April 2015 (6+ years later):

1800 INFORMATION kindly points out in the comments:

Don't use rundll32.exe for this purpose. It expects that the function you passed on the command line has a very specific method signature - it doesn't match the method signature of ExitWindows.

Raymond CHEN wrote:

The function signature required for functions called by rundll32.exe is:

void CALLBACK ExitWindowsEx(HWND hwnd, HINSTANCE hinst,
       LPSTR pszCmdLine, int nCmdShow);

That hasn't stopped people from using rundll32 to call random functions that weren't designed to be called by rundll32, like user32 LockWorkStation or user32 ExitWindowsEx.


The actual function signature for ExitWindowsEx is:

BOOL WINAPI ExitWindowsEx(UINT uFlags, DWORD dwReserved);

And to make it crystal-clear:

Rundll32 is a leftover from Windows 95, and it has been deprecated since at least Windows Vista because it violates a lot of modern engineering guidelines.

Count number of files within a directory in Linux?

this is one:

ls -l . | egrep -c '^-'


ls -1 | wc -l

Which means: ls: list files in dir

-1: (that's a ONE) only one entry per line. Change it to -1a if you want hidden files too

|: pipe output onto...

wc: "wordcount"

-l: count lines.

When to use async false and async true in ajax function in jquery

  1. When async setting is set to false, a Synchronous call is made instead of an Asynchronous call.
  2. When the async setting of the jQuery AJAX function is set to true then a jQuery Asynchronous call is made. AJAX itself means Asynchronous JavaScript and XML and hence if you make it Synchronous by setting async setting to false, it will no longer be an AJAX call.
  3. for more information please refer this link

Axios get access to response header fields

For Spring Boot 2 if you don't want to use global CORS configuration, you can do it by method or class/controller level using @CrossOrigin adnotation with exposedHeaders atribute.

For example, to add header authorization for YourController methods:

@CrossOrigin(exposedHeaders = "authorization")
public class YourController {

Amazon S3 - HTTPS/SSL - Is it possible?

This is a response I got from their Premium Services


This is actually a issue with the way SSL validates names containing a period, '.', > character. We've documented this behavior here:

The only straight-forward fix for this is to use a bucket name that does not contain that character. You might instead use a bucket named 'furniture-retailcatalog-us'. This would allow you use HTTPS with

You could, of course, put a CNAME DNS record to make that more friendly. For example, IN CNAME

Hope that helps. Let us know if you have any other questions.

Amazon Web Services

Unfortunately your "friendly" CNAME will cause host name mismatch when validating the certificate, therefore you cannot really use it for a secure connection. A big missing feature of S3 is accepting custom certificates for your domains.

UPDATE 10/2/2012

From @mpoisot:

The link Amazon provided no longer says anything about https. I poked around in the S3 docs and finally found a small note about it on the Virtual Hosting page:

UPDATE 6/17/2013

From @Joseph Lust:

Just got it! Check it out and sign up for an invite:

How to set the allowed url length for a nginx request (error code: 414, uri too large)

For anyone having issues with this on, I managed to get this to work using a compilation of SO answers;

You will need the sudo password.

sudo nano /etc/nginx/conf.d/uploads.conf

Replace contents with the following;

fastcgi_buffers 8 16k;
fastcgi_buffer_size 32k;

client_max_body_size 24M;
client_body_buffer_size 128k;

client_header_buffer_size 5120k;
large_client_header_buffers 16 5120k;

Bootstrap datetimepicker is not a function

The problem is that you have not included bootstrap.min.css. Also, the sequence of imports could be causing issue. Please try rearranging your resources as following:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>                       
<script src=""></script>


How to get HttpClient to pass credentials along with the request?

OK, so thanks to all of the contributors above. I am using .NET 4.6 and we also had the same issue. I spent time debugging System.Net.Http, specifically the HttpClientHandler, and found the following:

    if (ExecutionContext.IsFlowSuppressed())
      IWebProxy webProxy = (IWebProxy) null;
      if (this.useProxy)
        webProxy = this.proxy ?? WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy;
      if (this.UseDefaultCredentials || this.Credentials != null || webProxy != null && webProxy.Credentials != null)

So after assessing that the ExecutionContext.IsFlowSuppressed() might have been the culprit, I wrapped our Impersonation code as follows:

using (((WindowsIdentity)ExecutionContext.Current.Identity).Impersonate())
using (System.Threading.ExecutionContext.SuppressFlow())
    // HttpClient code goes here!

The code inside of SafeCaptureIdenity (not my spelling mistake), grabs WindowsIdentity.Current() which is our impersonated identity. This is being picked up because we are now suppressing flow. Because of the using/dispose this is reset after invocation.

It now seems to work for us, phew!

Turn off axes in subplots

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2)

To turn off axes for all subplots, do either:

[axi.set_axis_off() for axi in ax.ravel()]


map(lambda axi: axi.set_axis_off(), ax.ravel())

Java Generics With a Class & an Interface - Together

You can't do it with "anonymous" type parameters (ie, wildcards that use ?), but you can do it with "named" type parameters. Simply declare the type parameter at method or class level.

import java.util.List;
interface A{}
interface B{}
public class Test<E extends B & A, T extends List<E>> {
    T t;

python request with authentication (access_token)

>>> import requests
>>> response = requests.get('', headers={'Authorization': 'access_token myToken'})

If the above doesnt work , try this:

>>> import requests
>>> response = requests.get('', headers={ 'Authorization': 'Bearer <your_token>' })
>>> print response.json()

Disable webkit's spin buttons on input type="number"?

You can also hide spinner with following trick :

input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {

How to send and retrieve parameters using $state.go toParams and $stateParams?

The solution we came to having a state that took 2 parameters was changing:

.state('somestate', {
  url: '/somestate',
  views: {...}


.state('somestate', {
  url: '/somestate?id=:&sub=:',
  views: {...}

How can I know if a process is running?

Despite of supported API from .Net frameworks regarding checking existing process by process ID, those functions are very slow. It costs a huge amount of CPU cycles to run Process.GetProcesses() or Process.GetProcessById/Name().

A much quicker method to check a running process by ID is to use native API OpenProcess(). If return handle is 0, the process doesn't exist. If handle is different than 0, the process is running. There's no guarantee this method would work 100% at all time due to permission.

What is the difference between syntax and semantics in programming languages?

Wikipedia has the answer. Read syntax (programming languages) & semantics (computer science) wikipages.

Or think about the work of any compiler or interpreter. The first step is lexical analysis where tokens are generated by dividing string into lexemes then parsing, which build some abstract syntax tree (which is a representation of syntax). The next steps involves transforming or evaluating these AST (semantics).

Also, observe that if you defined a variant of C where every keyword was transformed into its French equivalent (so if becoming si, do becoming faire, else becoming sinon etc etc...) you would definitely change the syntax of your language, but you won't change much the semantics: programming in that French-C won't be easier!

MySQL error 1241: Operand should contain 1 column(s)

Just remove the ( and the ) on your SELECT statement:

insert into table2 (Name, Subject, student_id, result)
select Name, Subject, student_id, result
from table1;

Python : How to parse the Body from a raw email , given that raw email does not have a "Body" tag or anything

Here's the code that works for me everytime (for Outlook emails):

#to read Subjects and Body of email in a folder (or subfolder)

import win32com.client  
#import package

outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI")  
#create object

#get to the desired folder ([email protected] is my root folder)

root_folder = 
outlook.Folders['[email protected]'].Folders['Inbox'].Folders['SubFolderName']

#('Inbox' and 'SubFolderName' are the subfolders)

messages = root_folder.Items

for message in messages:
if message.Unread == True:    # gets only 'Unread' emails
    subject_content = message.subject
# to store subject lines of mails

    body_content = message.body
# to store Body of mails


    message.Unread = True         # mark the mail as 'Read'
    message = messages.GetNext()  #iterate over mails

Create request with POST, which response codes 200 or 201 and content

The output is actually dependent on the content type being requested. However, at minimum you should put the resource that was created in Location. Just like the Post-Redirect-Get pattern.

In my case I leave it blank until requested otherwise. Since that is the behavior of JAX-RS when using Response.created().

However, just note that browsers and frameworks like Angular do not follow 201's automatically. I have noted the behaviour in

MS SQL 2008 - get all table names and their row counts in a DB

to get all tables in a database:


to get all columns in a database:

select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns

to get all views in a db:

select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where table_type = 'view'

How to check if a Docker image with a specific tag exist locally?

In case you are trying to search for a docker image from a docker registry, I guess the easiest way to check if a docker image is present is by using the Docker V2 REST API Tags list service


curl $CURLOPTS -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" ""

if the above result returns 200Ok with a list of image tags, then we know that image exists


else if you see something like

{"errors":[{"code":"NAME_UNKNOWN","message":"repository name not known to registry","detail":{"name":"your-repo-name"}}]} 

then you know for sure that image doesn't exist.

Find number of decimal places in decimal value regardless of culture

I used Joe's way to solve this issue :)

decimal argument = 123.456m;
int count = BitConverter.GetBytes(decimal.GetBits(argument)[3])[2];

How to create JSON object using jQuery

A "JSON object" doesn't make sense : JSON is an exchange format based on the structure of Javascript object declaration.

If you want to convert your javascript object to a json string, use JSON.stringify(yourObject);

If you want to create a javascript object, simply do it like this :

var yourObject = {
          test:'test 1',
          testData: [ 
                {testName: 'do',testId:''}

How to Navigate from one View Controller to another using Swift

let storyBoard: UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let home = storyBoard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "HOMEVC") as! HOMEVC
navigationController?.pushViewController(home, animated: true);

How can I print out C++ map values?

for(map<string, pair<string,string> >::const_iterator it = myMap.begin();
    it != myMap.end(); ++it)
    std::cout << it->first << " " << it->second.first << " " << it->second.second << "\n";

In C++11, you don't need to spell out map<string, pair<string,string> >::const_iterator. You can use auto

for(auto it = myMap.cbegin(); it != myMap.cend(); ++it)
    std::cout << it->first << " " << it->second.first << " " << it->second.second << "\n";

Note the use of cbegin() and cend() functions.

Easier still, you can use the range-based for loop:

for(auto elem : myMap)
   std::cout << elem.first << " " << elem.second.first << " " << elem.second.second << "\n";

How can I change all input values to uppercase using Jquery?

Try like below,

$('input[type=text]').val (function () {
    return this.value.toUpperCase();

You should use input[type=text] instead of :input or input as I believe your intention are to operate on textbox only.

How to make a transparent HTML button?

Setting its background image to none also works:

button {
    background-image: none;

SQL server query to get the list of columns in a table along with Data types, NOT NULL, and PRIMARY KEY constraints

The stored procedure sp_columns returns detailed table information.

exec sp_columns MyTable

Shortcut for echo "<pre>";print_r($myarray);echo "</pre>";

This is the shortest:

echo '<pre>',print_r($arr,1),'</pre>';

The closing tag can also be omitted.

How to access iOS simulator camera

It's not possible to access camera of your development machine to be used as simulator camera. Camera functionality is not available in any iOS version and any Simulator. You will have to use device for testing camera purpose.

getOutputStream() has already been called for this response

I got the same error by using response.getWriter() before a request.getRequestDispatcher(path).forward(request, response);. So start works fine when I replace it by response.getOutputStream()

The property 'value' does not exist on value of type 'HTMLElement'

Based on Tomasz Nurkiewiczs answer, the "problem" is that typescript is typesafe. :) So the document.getElementById() returns the type HTMLElement which does not contain a value property. The subtype HTMLInputElement does however contain the value property.

So a solution is to cast the result of getElementById() to HTMLInputElement like this:

var inputValue = (<HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById(elementId)).value;

<> is the casting operator in typescript. See the question TypeScript: casting HTMLElement.

The resulting javascript from the line above looks like this:

inputValue = (document.getElementById(elementId)).value;

i.e. containing no type information.

Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on null

put this line in parent construct : $this->load->database();

function  __construct() {

this way.. it should work..

How to keep onItemSelected from firing off on a newly instantiated Spinner?

My solution uses onTouchListener but doesn't restricts from its use. It creates a wrapper for onTouchListener if necessary where setup onItemSelectedListener.

public class Spinner extends android.widget.Spinner {
    /* ...constructors... */

    private OnTouchListener onTouchListener;
    private OnItemSelectedListener onItemSelectedListener;

    public void setOnItemSelectedListener(OnItemSelectedListener listener) {
        onItemSelectedListener = listener;
        super.setOnTouchListener(wrapTouchListener(onTouchListener, onItemSelectedListener));

    public void setOnTouchListener(OnTouchListener listener) {
        onTouchListener = listener;
        super.setOnTouchListener(wrapTouchListener(onTouchListener, onItemSelectedListener));

    private OnTouchListener wrapTouchListener(final OnTouchListener onTouchListener, final OnItemSelectedListener onItemSelectedListener) {
        return onItemSelectedListener != null ? new OnTouchListener() {
            public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent motionEvent) {
                return onTouchListener != null && onTouchListener.onTouch(view, motionEvent);
        } : onTouchListener;

.aspx vs .ashx MAIN difference

.aspx uses a full lifecycle (Init, Load, PreRender) and can respond to button clicks etc.
An .ashx has just a single ProcessRequest method.

How to parse XML using vba

You can use a XPath Query:

Dim objDom As Object        '// DOMDocument
Dim xmlStr As String, _
    xPath As String

xmlStr = _
    "<PointN xsi:type='typens:PointN' " & _
    "xmlns:xsi='' " & _
    "xmlns:xs=''> " & _
    "    <X>24.365</X> " & _
    "    <Y>78.63</Y> " & _

Set objDom = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")     '// Using MSXML 3.0

'/* Load XML */
objDom.LoadXML xmlStr

' * XPath Query
' */        

'/* Get X */
xPath = "/PointN/X"
Debug.Print objDom.SelectSingleNode(xPath).text

'/* Get Y */
xPath = "/PointN/Y"
Debug.Print objDom.SelectSingleNode(xPath).text

Python: count repeated elements in the list

You can do that using count:

my_dict = {i:MyList.count(i) for i in MyList}

>>> print my_dict     #or print(my_dict) in python-3.x
{'a': 3, 'c': 3, 'b': 1}

Or using collections.Counter:

from collections import Counter

a = dict(Counter(MyList))

>>> print a           #or print(a) in python-3.x
{'a': 3, 'c': 3, 'b': 1}

How to use OrderBy with findAll in Spring Data

Yes you can sort using query method in Spring Data.

Ex:ascending order or descending order by using the value of the id field.


  public interface StudentDAO extends JpaRepository<StudentEntity, Integer> {
    public findAllByOrderByIdAsc();   

alternative solution:

public class StudentServiceImpl implements StudentService {
    private StudentDAO studentDao;

    public List<Student> findAll() {
        return studentDao.findAll(orderByIdAsc());
private Sort orderByIdAsc() {
    return new Sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, "id")
                .and(new Sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, "name"));

Spring Data Sorting: Sorting

How to print table using Javascript?

My fellows,

In January 2019 I used a code made before:

 <script type="text/javascript">   
    function imprimir() {
        var divToPrint=document.getElementById("ConsutaBPM");

To undestand: ConsutaBPM is a DIV which contains inside phrases and tables. I wanted to print ALL, titles, table, and others. The problem was when TRIED to print the TABLE...

The table mas be defined with BORDER and CELLPADDING:

<table border='1' cellpadding='1' id='Tablbpm1' >

It worked fine!!!