Here's the code that works for me everytime (for Outlook emails):
#to read Subjects and Body of email in a folder (or subfolder)
import win32com.client
#import package
outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI")
#create object
#get to the desired folder ([email protected] is my root folder)
root_folder =
outlook.Folders['[email protected]'].Folders['Inbox'].Folders['SubFolderName']
#('Inbox' and 'SubFolderName' are the subfolders)
messages = root_folder.Items
for message in messages:
if message.Unread == True: # gets only 'Unread' emails
subject_content = message.subject
# to store subject lines of mails
body_content = message.body
# to store Body of mails
message.Unread = True # mark the mail as 'Read'
message = messages.GetNext() #iterate over mails