[javascript] How to know if two arrays have the same values

Why your code didn't work

JavaScript has primitive data types and non-primitive data types.

For primitive data types, == and === check whether the things on either side of the bars have the same value. That's why 1 === 1 is true.

For non-primitive data types like arrays, == and === check for reference equality. That is, they check whether arr1 and arr2 are the same object. In your example, the two arrays have the same objects in the same order, but are not equivalent.


Two arrays, arr1 and arr2, have the same members if and only if:

  • Everything in arr2 is in arr1


  • Everything in arr1 is in arr2

So this will do the trick (ES2016):

const containsAll = (arr1, arr2) => 
                arr2.every(arr2Item => arr1.includes(arr2Item))

const sameMembers = (arr1, arr2) => 
                        containsAll(arr1, arr2) && containsAll(arr2, arr1);

sameMembers(arr1, arr2); // `true`

This second solution using Underscore is closer to what you were trying to do:


_.isEqual(arr1, arr2); // `true`

It works because isEqual checks for "deep equality," meaning it looks at more than just reference equality and compares values.

A solution to your third question

You also asked how to find out which things in arr1 are not contained in arr2.

This will do it (ES2015):

const arr1 = [1, 2, 3, 4];
const arr2 = [3, 2, 1];

arr1.filter(arr1Item => !arr2.includes(arr1Item)); // `[4]`

You could also use Underscore's difference: method:

_.difference(arr1, arr2); // `[4]`


See @Redu's comment—my solution is for sameMembers, but what you may have in mind is sameMembersInOrder also-known-as deepEquals.


If you don't care about the order of the members of the arrays, ES2015+'s Set may be a better data structure than Array. See the MDN notes on how to implement isSuperset and difference using dangerous monkey-patching.

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