Both old and accepted, however, I'll just leave this here:
function dump(){
echo (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') ? '<pre>' : '';
foreach(func_get_args() as $arg){
echo preg_replace('#\n{2,}#', "\n", print_r($arg, true));
echo (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') ? '</pre>' : '';
Takes an arbitrary number of arguments, and wraps each in <pre>
for CGI requests. In CLI requests it skips the <pre>
tag generation for clean output.
dump(array('foo'), array('bar', 'zip'));
CGI request CLI request
<pre> Array
Array (
( [0] => foo
[0] => foo )
) Array
</pre> (
<pre> [0] => bar
Array [1] => zip
( )
[0] => bar
[0] => zip