[angularjs] How to send and retrieve parameters using $state.go toParams and $stateParams?

Not sure if it will work with AngularJS v1.2.0-rc.2 with ui-router v0.2.0. I have tested this solution on AngularJS v1.3.14 with ui-router v0.2.13.

I just realize that is not necessary to pass the parameter in the URL as gwhn recommends.

Just add your parameters with a default value on your state definition. Your state can still have an Url value.

$stateProvider.state('state1', {
    url : '/url',
    templateUrl : "new.html",
    controller : 'TestController',
    params: {new_param: null}

and add the param to $state.go()

$state.go('state1',{new_param: "Going places!"});