[angularjs] `ui-router` $stateParams vs. $state.params

An interesting observation I made while passing previous state params from one route to another is that $stateParams gets hoisted and overwrites the previous route's state params that were passed with the current state params, but using $state.params doesn't.

When using $stateParams:

var stateParams        = {};
stateParams.nextParams = $stateParams; //{item_id:123}
stateParams.next       = $state.current.name;

$state.go('app.login', stateParams);
//$stateParams.nextParams on app.login is now:
//{next:'app.details', nextParams:{next:'app.details'}}

When using $state.params:

var stateParams        = {};
stateParams.nextParams = $state.params; //{item_id:123}
stateParams.next       = $state.current.name;

$state.go('app.login', stateParams);
//$stateParams.nextParams on app.login is now:
//{next:'app.details', nextParams:{item_id:123}}