Programs & Examples On #Uframe

How can I check if two segments intersect?

Calculate the intersection point of the lines laying on your segments (it means basically to solve a linear equation system), then check whether is it between the starting and ending points of your segments.

.Net: How do I find the .NET version?

There is an easier way to get the exact version .NET version installed on your machine from a cmd prompt. Just follow the following instructions;

Open the command prompt (i.e Windows + R ? type “cmd”) and type the following command, all on one line: %windir%\Microsoft.NET\FrameWork, and then navigating to the directory with the latest version number.

Refer to

How can I listen for keypress event on the whole page?

I would use @HostListener decorator within your component:

import { HostListener } from '@angular/core';

export class AppComponent {

  @HostListener('document:keypress', ['$event'])
  handleKeyboardEvent(event: KeyboardEvent) { 
    this.key = event.key;

There are also other options like:

host property within @Component decorator

Angular recommends using @HostListener decorator over host property

  host: {
    '(document:keypress)': 'handleKeyboardEvent($event)'
export class AppComponent {
  handleKeyboardEvent(event: KeyboardEvent) {


import { Component, Renderer2 } from '@angular/core';

export class AppComponent {
  globalListenFunc: Function;

  constructor(private renderer: Renderer2) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    this.globalListenFunc = this.renderer.listen('document', 'keypress', e => {

  ngOnDestroy() {
    // remove listener


import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/fromEvent';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/Subscription';

export class AppComponent {
  subscription: Subscription;

  ngOnInit() {
    this.subscription = Observable.fromEvent(document, 'keypress').subscribe(e => {

  ngOnDestroy() {

node.js TypeError: path must be absolute or specify root to res.sendFile [failed to parse JSON]

The error is pretty clear, you need to specify an absolute (instead of relative) path and/or set root in the config object for res.sendFile(). Examples:

// assuming index.html is in the same directory as this script

res.sendFile(__dirname + '/index.html');

or specify a root (which is used as the base path for the first argument to res.sendFile():

res.sendFile('index.html', { root: __dirname });

Specifying the root path is more useful when you're passing a user-generated file path which could potentially contain malformed/malicious parts like .. (e.g. ../../../../../../etc/passwd). Setting the root path prevents such malicious paths from being used to access files outside of that base path.

ProgressDialog spinning circle

I was using View.INVISIBLE and View.VISIBLE and the ProgressBar would slowly flash instead of constantly being visible, switched to View.GONE and View.VISIBLE and it works perfectly

Google Maps v2 - set both my location and zoom in

The simpliest way to do it is to use CancelableCallback. You should check the first action is complete and then call the second:

mMap.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, size.x, height, 0), new CancelableCallback() {

                public void onFinish() {
                    CameraUpdate cu_scroll = CameraUpdateFactory.scrollBy(0, 500);

                public void onCancel() {

converting a javascript string to a html object

If the browser that you are planning to use is Mozilla (Addon development) (not sure of chrome) you can use the following method in Javascript

function DOM( string )
    var {Cc, Ci} = require("chrome");
    var parser = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIDOMParser);
    console.log("PARSING OF DOM COMPLETED ...");
    return (parser.parseFromString(string, "text/html"));

Hope this helps

How to write a full path in a batch file having a folder name with space?

I made a **

automatic-network-drive connector

** using a batch file.

Suddenly there was a networkdrive called "Data for Analysation", and yeah with the double quotes it works proper!

looks a little bit different but works:

net use y: "\\\Folder\Subfolder\Data for Analysation" /USER:domain\username PW /PERSISTENT:YES

Thx for the Hint :)

Can I connect to SQL Server using Windows Authentication from Java EE webapp?

Unless you have some really compelling reason not to, I suggest ditching the MS JDBC driver.

Instead, use the jtds jdbc driver. Read the README.SSO file in the jtds distribution on how to configure for single-sign-on (native authentication) and where to put the native DLL to ensure it can be loaded by the JVM.

Check cell for a specific letter or set of letters

You can use RegExMatch:


How to remove all white spaces from a given text file

If you want to remove ALL whitespace, even newlines:

perl -pe 's/\s+//g' file

Indirectly referenced from required .class file

I was getting this error:

The type cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files

Doing the following fixed it for me:

Properties -> Java build path -> Libraries -> Server Library[wps.base.v61]unbound -> Websphere Portal v6.1 on WAS 7 -> Finish -> OK

How to convert a Binary String to a base 10 integer in Java

You need to specify the radix. There's an overload of Integer#parseInt() which allows you to.

int foo = Integer.parseInt("1001", 2);

How can I get the source code of a Python function?

If the function is from a source file available on the filesystem, then inspect.getsource(foo) might be of help:

If foo is defined as:

def foo(arg1,arg2):         
    #do something with args 
    a = arg1 + arg2         
    return a  


import inspect
lines = inspect.getsource(foo)


def foo(arg1,arg2):         
    #do something with args 
    a = arg1 + arg2         
    return a                

But I believe that if the function is compiled from a string, stream or imported from a compiled file, then you cannot retrieve its source code.

Make .gitignore ignore everything except a few files

I seem to have found something that worked for me which no one else mentioned.

# Ignore everything

# But not these files...
# etc...

# And if you want to include a sub-directory and all sub-directory and files under it, but not all sub-directories

Basically, it seems to negate a sub-directory from being ignored, you have to have two entries, one for the sub-directory itself !subdir/ and then another one which expands to all files and folders under it !subdir/**/*

Is there a null-coalescing (Elvis) operator or safe navigation operator in javascript?

Javascript's logical OR operator is short-circuiting and can replace your "Elvis" operator:

var displayName = || "Anonymous";

However, to my knowledge there's no equivalent to your ?. operator.

How to check if a radiobutton is checked in a radiogroup in Android?

try to use this



this is java class

public void onRadioButtonClicked(View view) {
        // Is the button now checked?
        boolean checked = ((RadioButton) view).isChecked();

        // Check which radio button was clicked
        switch(view.getId()) {
                if (checked)
                    Toast.makeText(DishActivity.this," standard delivery",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
                if (checked)
                    Toast.makeText(DishActivity.this," midnight delivery",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Unstaged changes left after git reset --hard

Another cause for this might be case-insensitive file systems. If you have multiple folders in your repo on the same level whose names only differ by case, you will get hit by this. Browse the source repository using its web interface (e.g. GitHub or VSTS) to make sure.

For more information:

How can I pass a class member function as a callback?

That doesn't work because a member function pointer cannot be handled like a normal function pointer, because it expects a "this" object argument.

Instead you can pass a static member function as follows, which are like normal non-member functions in this regard:

m_cRedundencyManager->Init(&CLoggersInfra::Callback, this);

The function can be defined as follows

static void Callback(int other_arg, void * this_pointer) {
    CLoggersInfra * self = static_cast<CLoggersInfra*>(this_pointer);

Completely uninstall PostgreSQL 9.0.4 from Mac OSX Lion?

Incase you have multiple versions of Postgres installed on your machine. You can remove all via brew command as:

brew uninstall --force postgresql

Run ssh and immediately execute command

This isn't quite what you're looking for, but I've found it useful in similar circumstances.

I recently added the following to my $HOME/.bashrc (something similar should be possible with shells other than bash):

if [ -f $HOME/.add-screen-to-history ] ; then
    history -s 'screen -dr'

I keep a screen session running on one particular machine, and I've had problems with ssh connections to that machine being dropped, requiring me to re-run screen -dr every time I reconnect.

With that addition, and after creating that (empty) file in my home directory, I automatically have the screen -dr command in my history when my shell starts. After reconnecting, I can just type Control-P Enter and I'm back in my screen session -- or I can ignore it. It's flexible, but not quite automatic, and in your case it's easier than typing tmux list-sessions.

You might want to make the history -s command unconditional.

This does require updating your $HOME/.bashrc on each of the target systems, which might or might not make it unsuitable for your purposes.

How can I clear the NuGet package cache using the command line?

First, download the NuGet command line tool from here.

Next, open a command prompt and cd to the directory to which nuget.exe was downloaded.

You can list the local caches with this command:

nuget locals all -list

You can clear all caches with this command:

nuget locals all -clear


putting a php variable in a HTML form value

You can do it like this,

<input type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo $name;?>" />

But seen as you've taken it straight from user input, you want to sanitize it first so that nothing nasty is put into the output of your page.

<input type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($name);?>" />

Nginx: Job for nginx.service failed because the control process exited

Had this issue when provisioning a new site for VVV in vvv-config.yml with a faulty syntax, vagrant up would throw the error. Deleting and reverting to old configuration, running vagrant provision helped

Android - How to download a file from a webserver

Using Async task

call when you want to download file : new DownloadFileFromURL().execute(file_url);

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

    // Progress Dialog
    private ProgressDialog pDialog;
    public static final int progress_bar_type = 0;

    // File url to download
    private static String file_url = "";

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


        new DownloadFileFromURL().execute(file_url);


     * Showing Dialog
     * */

    protected Dialog onCreateDialog(int id) {
        switch (id) {
        case progress_bar_type: // we set this to 0
            pDialog = new ProgressDialog(this);
            pDialog.setMessage("Downloading file. Please wait...");
            return pDialog;
            return null;

     * Background Async Task to download file
     * */
    class DownloadFileFromURL extends AsyncTask<String, String, String> {

         * Before starting background thread Show Progress Bar Dialog
         * */
        protected void onPreExecute() {

         * Downloading file in background thread
         * */
        protected String doInBackground(String... f_url) {
            int count;
            try {
                URL url = new URL(f_url[0]);
                URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();

                // this will be useful so that you can show a tipical 0-100%
                // progress bar
                int lenghtOfFile = connection.getContentLength();

                // download the file
                InputStream input = new BufferedInputStream(url.openStream(),

                // Output stream
                OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(Environment
                        + "/2011.kml");

                byte data[] = new byte[1024];

                long total = 0;

                while ((count = != -1) {
                    total += count;
                    // publishing the progress....
                    // After this onProgressUpdate will be called
                    publishProgress("" + (int) ((total * 100) / lenghtOfFile));

                    // writing data to file
                    output.write(data, 0, count);

                // flushing output

                // closing streams

            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.e("Error: ", e.getMessage());

            return null;

         * Updating progress bar
         * */
        protected void onProgressUpdate(String... progress) {
            // setting progress percentage

         * After completing background task Dismiss the progress dialog
         * **/
        protected void onPostExecute(String file_url) {
            // dismiss the dialog after the file was downloaded



if not working in 4.0 then add:

StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitAll().build();

HTTP Basic: Access denied fatal: Authentication failed

A simple git fetch/pull command will throw a authentication failed message. But do the same git fetch/pull command second time, and it should prompt a window asking for credential(username/password). Enter your Id and new password and it should save and move on.

ascending/descending in LINQ - can one change the order via parameter?

What about ordering desc by the desired property,

   blah = blah.OrderByDescending(x => x.Property);

And then doing something like

  if (!descending)
       blah = blah.Reverse()
      // Already sorted desc ;)

Is it Reverse() too slow?

SQLite Reset Primary Key Field

If you want to reset every RowId via content provider try this

do {            
            rowId = cursor.getInt(0);
            ContentValues values;
            values = new ContentValues();
            updateData2DB(context, values, rowId);

        while (cursor.moveToNext());

public static void updateData2DB(Context context, ContentValues values, int rowId) {
    Uri uri;
    uri = Uri.parseContentProvider.CONTENT_URI_HEALTH + "/" + rowId);
    context.getContentResolver().update(uri, values, null, null);

Angular.js vs Knockout.js vs Backbone.js

It depends on the nature of your application. And, since you did not describe it in great detail, it is an impossible question to answer. I find Backbone to be the easiest, but I work in Angular all day. Performance is more up to the coder than the framework, in my opinion.

Are you doing heavy DOM manipulation? I would use jQuery and Backbone.

Very data driven app? Angular with its nice data binding.

Game programming? None - direct to canvas; maybe a game engine.

C# send a simple SSH command

I used SSH.Net in a project a while ago and was very happy with it. It also comes with a good documentation with lots of samples on how to use it.

The original package website can be still found here, including the documentation (which currently isn't available on GitHub).

For your case the code would be something like this.

using (var client = new SshClient("hostnameOrIp", "username", "password"))
    client.RunCommand("etc/init.d/networking restart");

How to shrink/purge ibdata1 file in MySQL

When you delete innodb tables, MySQL does not free the space inside the ibdata file, that's why it keeps growing. These files hardly ever shrink.

How to shrink an existing ibdata file:

You can script this and schedule the script to run after a fixed period of time, but for the setup described above it seems that multiple tablespaces are an easier solution.

If you use the configuration option innodb_file_per_table, you create multiple tablespaces. That is, MySQL creates separate files for each table instead of one shared file. These separate files a stored in the directory of the database, and they are deleted when you delete this database. This should remove the need to shrink/purge ibdata files in your case.

More information about multiple tablespaces:

Choosing line type and color in Gnuplot 4.0

Here is the syntax:

  set terminal pdf {monochrome|color|colour}
                   {fname "<font>"} {fsize <fontsize>}
                   {font "<fontname>{,<fontsize>}"}
                   {linewidth <lw>} {rounded|butt}
                   {solid|dashed} {dl <dashlength>}}
                   {size <XX>{unit},<YY>{unit}}

and an example:

set terminal pdfcairo monochrome enhanced font "Times-New-Roman,12" dashed

How to decode a Base64 string?

This page shows up when you google how to convert to base64, so for completeness:

$b  = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("blahblah")

Python, remove all non-alphabet chars from string

The fastest method is regex

#Try with regex first
t0 = timeit.timeit("""
s = r2.sub('', st)

""", setup = """
import re
r2 = re.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', re.MULTILINE)
st = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456789!@#$%^&*()-=_+'
""", number = 1000000)

#Try with join method on filter
t0 = timeit.timeit("""
s = ''.join(filter(str.isalnum, st))

""", setup = """
st = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456789!@#$%^&*()-=_+'
number = 1000000)

#Try with only join
t0 = timeit.timeit("""
s = ''.join(c for c in st if c.isalnum())

""", setup = """
st = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456789!@#$%^&*()-=_+'
""", number = 1000000)

2.6002226710006653 Method 1 Regex
5.739747313000407 Method 2 Filter + Join
6.540099570000166 Method 3 Join

Printing the last column of a line in a file

To print the last column of a line just use $(NF):

awk '{print $(NF)}' 

Display current time in 12 hour format with AM/PM


Let the modern java.time classes of JSR 310 automatically generate localized text, rather than hard-coding 12-hour clock and AM/PM.

LocalTime                                     // Represent a time-of-day, without date, without time zone or offset-from-UTC.
.now(                                         // Capture the current time-of-day as seen in a particular time zone.
    ZoneId.of( "Africa/Casablanca" )          
)                                             // Returns a `LocalTime` object.
.format(                                      // Generate text representing the value in our `LocalTime` object.
    DateTimeFormatter                         // Class responsible for generating text representing the value of a java.time object.
    .ofLocalizedTime(                         // Automatically localize the text being generated.
        FormatStyle.SHORT                     // Specify how long or abbreviated the generated text should be.
    )                                         // Returns a `DateTimeFormatter` object.
    .withLocale( Locale.US )                  // Specifies a particular locale for the `DateTimeFormatter` rather than rely on the JVM’s current default locale. Returns another separate `DateTimeFormatter` object rather than altering the first, per immutable objects pattern.
)                                             // Returns a `String` object.

10:31 AM

Automatically localize

Rather than insisting on 12-hour clock with AM/PM, you may want to let java.time automatically localize for you. Call DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedTime.

To localize, specify:

  • FormatStyle to determine how long or abbreviated should the string be.
  • Locale to determine:
    • The human language for translation of name of day, name of month, and such.
    • The cultural norms deciding issues of abbreviation, capitalization, punctuation, separators, and such.

Here we get the current time-of-day as seen in a particular time zone. Then we generate text to represent that time. We localize to French language in Canada culture, then English language in US culture.

ZoneId z = ZoneId.of( "Asia/Tokyo" ) ;
LocalTime localTime = z ) ;

// Québec
Locale locale_fr_CA = Locale.CANADA_FRENCH ;  // Or `Locale.US`, and so on.
DateTimeFormatter formatterQuébec = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedTime( FormatStyle.SHORT ).withLocale( locale_fr_CA ) ;
String outputQuébec = localTime.format( formatterQuébec ) ;

System.out.println( outputQuébec ) ;

// US
Locale locale_en_US = Locale.US ;  
DateTimeFormatter formatterUS = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedTime( FormatStyle.SHORT ).withLocale( locale_en_US ) ;
String outputUS = localTime.format( formatterUS ) ;

System.out.println( outputUS ) ;

See this code run live at

10 h 31

10:31 AM

Mutex lock threads

Below, code snippet, will help you in understanding the mutex-lock-unlock concept. Attempt dry-run on the code. (further by varying the wait-time and process-time, you can build you understanding).

Code for your reference:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>

void in_progress_feedback(int);

int global = 0;
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
void *compute(void *arg) {

    pthread_t ptid = pthread_self();
    printf("ptid : %08x \n", (int)ptid);    

    int i;
    int lock_ret = 1;   

        lock_ret = pthread_mutex_trylock(&mutex);
            printf("lock failed(%08x :: %d)..attempt again after 2secs..\n", (int)ptid,  lock_ret);
            sleep(2);  //wait time here..
        }else{  //ret =0 is successful lock
            printf("lock success(%08x :: %d)..\n", (int)ptid, lock_ret);

    } while(lock_ret);

        for (i = 0; i < 10*10 ; i++) 

    //do some stuff here
    in_progress_feedback(10);  //processing-time here..

    lock_ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);
    printf("unlocked(%08x :: %d)..!\n", (int)ptid, lock_ret);

     return NULL;

void in_progress_feedback(int prog_delay){

    int i=0;
    printf(". ");


int main(void)
    pthread_t tid0,tid1;
    pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
    pthread_create(&tid0, NULL, compute, NULL);
    pthread_create(&tid1, NULL, compute, NULL);
    pthread_join(tid0, NULL);
    pthread_join(tid1, NULL);
    printf("global = %d\n", global);
          return 0;

Is < faster than <=?

They have the same speed. Maybe in some special architecture what he/she said is right, but in the x86 family at least I know they are the same. Because for doing this the CPU will do a substraction (a - b) and then check the flags of the flag register. Two bits of that register are called ZF (zero Flag) and SF (sign flag), and it is done in one cycle, because it will do it with one mask operation.

APT command line interface-like yes/no input?

A cleaned up Python 3 example:


def confirm_input(question, default="no"):
    """Ask a yes/no question and return their answer.

    "question" is a string that is presented to the user.
    "default" is the presumed answer if the user just hits <Enter>.
        It must be "yes", "no", or None (meaning
        an answer is required of the user).

    The "answer" return value is True for "yes" or False for "no".
    valid = {"yes": True, "y": True, "ye": True,
             "no": False, "n": False}
    if default is None:
        prompt = " [y/n] "
    elif default == "yes":
        prompt = " [Y/n] "
    elif default == "no":
        prompt = " [y/N] "
        raise ValueError("invalid default answer: '{}}'".format(default))

    while True:
        print(question + prompt)
        choice = input().lower()
        if default is not None and choice == '':
            return valid[default]
        elif choice in valid:
            return valid[choice]
            print("Please respond with 'yes' or 'no' "
                             "(or 'y' or 'n').\n")

def main():

    if confirm_input("\nDo you want to continue? "):
        print("You said yes because the function equals true. Continuing.")
        print("Quitting because the function equals false.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

How to permanently add a private key with ssh-add on Ubuntu?

In my case the solution was:

Permissions on the config file should be 600. chmod 600 config

As mentioned in the comments above by generalopinion

No need to touch the config file contents.

VBA macro that search for file in multiple subfolders

I actually just found this today for something I'm working on. This will return file paths for all files in a folder and its subfolders.

Dim colFiles As New Collection
RecursiveDir colFiles, "C:\Users\Marek\Desktop\Makro\", "*.*", True
Dim vFile As Variant

For Each vFile In colFiles
     'file operation here or store file name/path in a string array for use later in the script
     filepath(n) = vFile
     filename = fso.GetFileName(vFile) 'If you want the filename without full path
Next vFile

'These two functions are required
Public Function RecursiveDir(colFiles As Collection, strFolder As String, strFileSpec As String, bIncludeSubfolders As Boolean)
Dim strTemp As String
Dim colFolders As New Collection
Dim vFolderName As Variant
strFolder = TrailingSlash(strFolder)
strTemp = Dir(strFolder & strFileSpec)
Do While strTemp <> vbNullString
    colFiles.Add strFolder & strTemp
    strTemp = Dir
If bIncludeSubfolders Then

    strTemp = Dir(strFolder, vbDirectory)
    Do While strTemp <> vbNullString
        If (strTemp <> ".") And (strTemp <> "..") Then
            If (GetAttr(strFolder & strTemp) And vbDirectory) <> 0 Then
                colFolders.Add strTemp
            End If
        End If
        strTemp = Dir
    'Call RecursiveDir for each subfolder in colFolders
    For Each vFolderName In colFolders
        Call RecursiveDir(colFiles, strFolder & vFolderName, strFileSpec, True)
    Next vFolderName
End If
End Function

Public Function TrailingSlash(strFolder As String) As String
If Len(strFolder) > 0 Then
    If Right(strFolder, 1) = "\" Then
        TrailingSlash = strFolder
        TrailingSlash = strFolder & "\"
    End If
End If
End Function

This is adapted from a post by Ammara Digital Image Solutions.(

Which encoding opens CSV files correctly with Excel on both Mac and Windows?

instead of csv, trying outputting html with an XLS extension and "application/excel" mime-type. I know this will work in Windows, but can't speak for MacOS

Creating an instance using the class name and calling constructor

If class has only one empty constructor (like Activity or Fragment etc, android classes):

Class<?> myClass = Class.forName("com.example.MyClass");    
Constructor<?> constructor = myClass.getConstructors()[0];

Where do I download JDBC drivers for DB2 that are compatible with JDK 1.5?

Right here:

This is what I use for that exact purpose.

EDIT: Usage Examples (minus exceptions):

// Driver initialization
AS400JDBCDriver driver = new;

// JDBC Connection URL
String url = "jdbc:as400://" + ";promt=false" // disable GUI prompting by jt400 library

// Get a Connection object (this is used to create statements, etc)
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, UserString, PassString);

Hope that helps!

Measuring function execution time in R

A slightly nicer way of measuring execution time, is to use the rbenchmark package. This package (easily) allows you to specify how many times to replicate your test and would the relative benchmark should be.

See also a related question at stats.stackexchange

jQuery Call to WebService returns "No Transport" error

None of the proposed answers completely worked for me. My use case is slightly different (doing an ajax get to an S3 .json file in IE9). Setting = true; got rid of the No Transport error but I was still getting Permission denied errors.

What did work for me was to use the jQuery-ajaxTransport-XDomainRequest to force IE9 to use XDomainRequest. Using this did not require setting = true;

TOMCAT - HTTP Status 404

  1. Click on Window > Show view > Server or right click on the server in "Servers" view, select "Properties".
  2. In the "General" panel, click on the "Switch Location" button.
  3. The "Location: [workspace metadata]" should replace by something else.
  4. Open the Overview screen for the server by double clicking it.
  5. In the Server locations tab , select "Use Tomcat location".
  6. Save the configurations and restart the Server.

You may want to follow the steps above before starting the server. Because server location section goes grayed-unreachable.

server Locations in eclipse view

Error executing command 'ant' on Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks when building for Android with PhoneGap/Cordova

As an alternative to homebrew, you could download and install macports. Once you have macports, you can use:

sudo port install apache-ant

How do I join two lines in vi?

Press Shift + 4 ("$") on the first line, then Shift + j ("J").

And if you want help, go into vi, and then press F1.

git pull aborted with error filename too long

As someone that has ran into this problem constantly with java repositories on Windows, the best solution is to install Cygwin ( and use its git installation under all > devel > git.

The reason this is the best solution I have come across is since Cygwin manages the long path names so other provided commands benefit. Ex: find, cp and rm. Trust me, the real problem begins when you have to delete path names that are too long in Windows.

Checking length of dictionary object

What I do is use Object.keys() to return a list of all the keys and then get the length of that


Using HTML5/Canvas/JavaScript to take in-browser screenshots

Here is a complete screenshot example that works with chrome in 2021. The end result is a blob ready to be transmitted. Flow is: request media > grab frame > draw to canvas > transfer to blob. If you want to do it more memory efficient explore OffscreenCanvas or possibly ImageBitmapRenderingContext

// Request media
navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia().then(stream => 
  // Grab frame from stream
  let track = stream.getVideoTracks()[0];
  let capture = new ImageCapture(track);
  capture.grabFrame().then(bitmap => 
    // Stop sharing
    // Draw the bitmap to canvas
    canvas.width = bitmap.width;
    canvas.height = bitmap.height;
    canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(bitmap, 0, 0);
    // Grab blob from canvas
    canvas.toBlob(blob => {
        // Do things with blob here
        console.log('output blob:', blob);
.catch(e => console.log(e));

How to overload __init__ method based on argument type?

with python3, you can use Implementing Multiple Dispatch with Function Annotations as Python Cookbook wrote:

import time

class Date(metaclass=MultipleMeta):
    def __init__(self, year:int, month:int, day:int):
        self.year = year
        self.month = month = day

    def __init__(self):
        t = time.localtime()
        self.__init__(t.tm_year, t.tm_mon, t.tm_mday)

and it works like:

>>> d = Date(2012, 12, 21)
>>> d.year
>>> e = Date()
>>> e.year

PHP create key => value pairs within a foreach

Create key value pairs on the phpsh commandline like this:

php> $keyvalues = array();
php> $keyvalues['foo'] = "bar";
php> $keyvalues['pyramid'] = "power";
php> print_r($keyvalues);
    [foo] => bar
    [pyramid] => power

Get the count of key value pairs:

php> echo count($offerarray);

Get the keys as an array:

php> echo implode(array_keys($offerarray));

How to find when a web page was last updated

No, you cannot know when a page was last updated or last changed or uploaded to a server (which might, depending on interpretation, be three different things) just by accessing the page.

A server may, and should (according to the HTTP 1.1 protocol), send a Last-Modified header, which you can find out in several ways, e.g. using Rex Swain’s HTTP Viewer. However, according to the protocol, this is just

“the date and time at which the origin server believes the variant was last modified”.

And the protocol realistically adds:

“The exact meaning of this header field depends on the implementation of the origin server and the nature of the original resource. For files, it may be just the file system last-modified time. For entities with dynamically included parts, it may be the most recent of the set of last-modify times for its component parts. For database gateways, it may be the last-update time stamp of the record. For virtual objects, it may be the last time the internal state changed.”

In practice, web pages are very often dynamically created from a Content Management System or otherwise, and in such cases, the Last-Modified header typically shows a data stamp of creating the response, which is normally very close to the time of the request. This means that the header is practically useless in such cases.

Even in the case of a “static” page (the server simply picks up a file matching the request and sends it), the Last-Modified date stamp normally indicates just the last write access to the file on the server. This might relate to a time when the file was restored from a backup copy, or a time when the file was edited on the server without making any change to the content, or a time when it was uploaded onto the server, possibly replacing an older identical copy. In these cases, assuming that the time stamp is technically correct, it indicates a time after which the page has not been changed (but not necessarily the time of last change).

HTML Drag And Drop On Mobile Devices

jQuery UI Touch Punch just solves it all.

It's a Touch Event Support for jQuery UI. Basically, it just wires touch event back to jQuery UI. Tested on iPad, iPhone, Android and other touch-enabled mobile devices. I used jQuery UI sortable and it works like a charm.

Traversing text in Insert mode

If you are a vim purist, skip reading this answer. OTOH, if you are new to vim and are looking for a few helpful tips you wont find in the many hundred of vim tutorials and blogs, read on... :-)

A few un-orthodox (vim) ways

It's 2014, and as someone who's recently gone back to vim I can offer a few, potentially contrarian, points of view and tips.

Use shift+left or shift+right to traverse words

While repetition is a powerful concept in vim, I (personally) find it strange that using it either forces me to count (lines, characters, words, etc.) or make guesses. My brain usually works like "I want the cursor there" and not like "I want the cursor _5_words_to_the_left_". Quickly being able to move the cursor, and visually observe where the insertion point this way allows me to keep my mind on what I'm editing instead of having to count how many hops I need to make to get to where I need to edit.

Turn on mouse mode, and use the mouse wheel and clicking navigate large bodies of text.

Most (all) modern computers have a touchpad that is closely integrated with the keyboard (e.g. MacBooks). Industrial designers have spent many man years optimizing these designs so that the old problem of having to move the hand away from the keyboard is no longer a real issue. Okay, it is if you are used to a mouse and don't like to switch, but for anyone new to vim (like those that might find this post via a search), this should not be much of an issue.

As a bonus, click + drag puts you in visual mode

With mouse enabled, clicking and dragging has the effect of switching to visual mode and marking a region for yanking.

And use the scroll wheel

Using the mouse (wheel) to scroll around, and clicking to position the cursor (duh) just works. See for more on this.

And so...

These are what I'd call more modern (using mouse, scroll wheel, etc.) ways of navigating in vim, equally effective depending on your preference of input.


In c, in bool, true == 1 and false == 0?

More accurately anything that is not 0 is true.

So 1 is true, but so is 2, 3 ... etc.

package does not exist ; in Android studio 0.8

@boernard 's answer solves this from the Android Studio IDE, but if you want to understand what's happening under the covers, it's a simple gradle build file update:

You can edit the build.gradle file from within the IDE (left pane: Gradle Scripts -> build.gradle (Module: app)) or use the raw path (<proj_dir>/app/build.gradle) and add/update the following dependency section:

dependencies {
    // IDE setting pulls in the specific version of v4 support you have installed:
    //compile ''

    // generic directive pulls in any available version of v4 support:
    compile ''

Using the above generic compile directive, allows you to ship your code to anyone, provided they have some level of the Android Support Libraries v4 installed.

Error Code 1292 - Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value - Mysql

When I received this error I believe it was a bug, however you should keep in mind that if you do a separate query with a SELECT statement and the same WHERE clause, then you can grab the primary ID's from that SELECT: SELECT CONCAT(primary_id, ',')) statement and insert them into the failed UPDATE query with conditions -> "WHERE [primary_id] IN ([list of comma-separated primary ID's from the SELECT statement)" which allows you to alleviate any issues being caused by the original (failed) query's WHERE clause.

For me, personally, when I was using quotes for the values in the "WHERE ____ IN ([values here])", only 10 of the 300 expected entries were being affected which, in my opinion, seems like a bug.

Getting activity from context in android

an Activity is a specialization of Context so, if you have a Context you already know which activity you intend to use and can simply cast a into c; where a is an Activity and c is a Context.

Activity a = (Activity) c;

Does C# have an equivalent to JavaScript's encodeURIComponent()?

HttpUtility.HtmlEncode / Decode
HttpUtility.UrlEncode / Decode

You can add a reference to the System.Web assembly if it's not available in your project

How to delete an SVN project from SVN repository

It's easy to believe that deleting the whole Subversion repository requires "informing" Subversion that you're going to delete the repository. But Subversion only cares about managing a repository once it's created, not whether the repository exists or not ( if that makes sense ). It goes like this: the Subversion tools and commands are not adversely affected by just deleting your repository directory with the regular operating system utilities (like rm -R). A repository directory is not the same thing as an installed program directory, where deleting a program without uninstalling it might leave behind erratic config files or other dependencies. A repository is 100% self-contained in its directory, and deleting it is harmless (besides losing your project history). You just clean the slate to create a new Subversion repository and import your next project.

What is the JavaScript version of sleep()?

I use the multithread HTML5 Worker which will be able to abort an synchronous XMLHttpRequest pointing to an unresponsive URL. This does not block the browser.

How to set image width to be 100% and height to be auto in react native?

For image tag you can use this type of style, it worked for me:

imageStyle: {
    width: Dimensions.get('window').width - 23,
    resizeMode: "contain",
    height: 211,

Bootstrap 3 Glyphicons are not working

You must to set by this order:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/bootstrap.min.css">
 <style type="text/css">
      @font-face {
  font-family: 'Glyphicons Halflings';
        src: url('../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot');
        src: url('../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),       url('../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff') format('woff'),        url('../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf') format('truetype'),       url('../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg#glyphicons-halflingsregular') format('svg');

java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method on a null object reference

Your app is crashing at:

welcomePlayer.setText("Welcome Back, " + String.valueOf(mPlayer.getName(this)) + " !");

because mPlayer=null.

You forgot to initialize Player mPlayer in your PlayGame Activity.

mPlayer = new Player(context,"");

Check the current number of connections to MongoDb

Sorry because this is an old post and currently there is more options than before.

db.getSiblingDB("admin").aggregate( [
   { $currentOp: { allUsers: true, idleConnections: true, idleSessions: true } }
           ,client:{$arrayElemAt:[ {$split:["$client",":"]}, 0 ] }
  ,{$match:{client:{$ne: null}}}
] )

Output example:

{ "_id" : "", "curr_active" : 0, "curr_inactive" : 1428, "total" : 1428 }
{ "_id" : "", "curr_active" : 0, "curr_inactive" : 1428, "total" : 1428 }
{ "_id" : "", "curr_active" : 0, "curr_inactive" : 1428, "total" : 1428 }
{ "_id" : "", "curr_active" : 0, "curr_inactive" : 1428, "total" : 1428 }
{ "_id" : "", "curr_active" : 0, "curr_inactive" : 1428, "total" : 1428 }
{ "_id" : "", "curr_active" : 0, "curr_inactive" : 1428, "total" : 1428 }
{ "_id" : "", "curr_active" : 0, "curr_inactive" : 510, "total" : 510 }
{ "_id" : "", "curr_active" : 0, "curr_inactive" : 459, "total" : 459 }
{ "_id" : "", "curr_active" : 0, "curr_inactive" : 459, "total" : 459 }
{ "_id" : "", "curr_active" : 0, "curr_inactive" : 408, "total" : 408 }
{ "_id" : "", "curr_active" : 1, "curr_inactive" : 11, "total" : 12 }
{ "_id" : "", "curr_active" : 1, "curr_inactive" : 7, "total" : 8 }
{ "_id" : "", "curr_active" : 0, "curr_inactive" : 8, "total" : 8 }
{ "_id" : "", "curr_active" : 0, "curr_inactive" : 8, "total" : 8 }
{ "_id" : "", "curr_active" : 0, "curr_inactive" : 6, "total" : 6 }
{ "_id" : "", "curr_active" : 1, "curr_inactive" : 0, "total" : 1 }
{ "_id" : "", "curr_active" : 0, "curr_inactive" : 1, "total" : 1 }

nano error: Error opening terminal: xterm-256color

I, too, have this problem on an older Mac that I upgraded to Lion.

Before reading the terminfo tip, I was able to get vi and less working by doing "export TERM=xterm".

After reading the tip, I grabbed /usr/share/terminfo from a newer Mac that has fresh install of Lion and does not exhibit this problem.

Now, even though echo $TERM still yields xterm-256color, vi and less now work fine.

Create table in SQLite only if it doesn't exist already

Am going to try and add value to this very good question and to build on @BrittonKerin's question in one of the comments under @David Wolever's fantastic answer. Wanted to share here because I had the same challenge as @BrittonKerin and I got something working (i.e. just want to run a piece of code only IF the table doesn't exist).

        # for completeness lets do the routine thing of connections and cursors
        conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file, timeout=1000) 

        cursor = conn.cursor() 

        # get the count of tables with the name  
        tablename = 'KABOOM' 
        cursor.execute("SELECT count(name) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=? ", (tablename, ))

        print(cursor.fetchone()) # this SHOULD BE in a tuple containing count(name) integer.

        # check if the db has existing table named KABOOM
        # if the count is 1, then table exists 
        if cursor.fetchone()[0] ==1 : 
            print('Table exists. I can do my custom stuff here now.... ')
           # then table doesn't exist. 
           custRET = myCustFunc(foo,bar) # replace this with your custom logic

jQuery - how can I find the element with a certain id?

I don't know if this solves your problem but instead of:

$("#tbIntervalos").find("td").attr("id", horaInicial);

you can just do:

$("#tbIntervalos td#" + horaInicial);

How to get first and last element in an array in java?

Check this

double[] myarray = ...;
System.out.println(myarray[myarray.length-1]); //last
System.out.println(myarray[0]); //first

Mod of negative number is melting my brain

Please note that C# and C++'s % operator is actually NOT a modulo, it's remainder. The formula for modulo that you want, in your case, is:

float nfmod(float a,float b)
    return a - b * floor(a / b);

You have to recode this in C# (or C++) but this is the way you get modulo and not a remainder.

How does ApplicationContextAware work in Spring?

When spring instantiates beans, it looks for a couple of interfaces like ApplicationContextAware and InitializingBean. If they are found, the methods are invoked. E.g. (very simplified)

Class<?> beanClass = beanDefinition.getClass();
Object bean = beanClass.newInstance();
if (bean instanceof ApplicationContextAware) {
    ((ApplicationContextAware) bean).setApplicationContext(ctx);

Note that in newer version it may be better to use annotations, rather than implementing spring-specific interfaces. Now you can simply use:

@Inject // or @Autowired
private ApplicationContext ctx;

When to use static methods

After reading Misko's articles I believe that static methods are bad from a testing point of view. You should have factories instead(maybe using a dependency injection tool like Guice).

how do I ensure that I only have one of something

only have one of something The problem of “how do I ensure that I only have one of something” is nicely sidestepped. You instantiate only a single ApplicationFactory in your main, and as a result, you only instantiate a single instance of all of your singletons.

The basic issue with static methods is they are procedural code

The basic issue with static methods is they are procedural code. I have no idea how to unit-test procedural code. Unit-testing assumes that I can instantiate a piece of my application in isolation. During the instantiation I wire the dependencies with mocks/friendlies which replace the real dependencies. With procedural programing there is nothing to "wire" since there are no objects, the code and data are separate.

Pandas: create two new columns in a dataframe with values calculated from a pre-existing column

The top answer is flawed in my opinion. Hopefully, no one is mass importing all of pandas into their namespace with from pandas import *. Also, the map method should be reserved for those times when passing it a dictionary or Series. It can take a function but this is what apply is used for.

So, if you must use the above approach, I would write it like this

df["A1"], df["A2"] = zip(*df["a"].apply(calculate))

There's actually no reason to use zip here. You can simply do this:

df["A1"], df["A2"] = calculate(df['a'])

This second method is also much faster on larger DataFrames

df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1,2,3] * 100000, 'b': [2,3,4] * 100000})

DataFrame created with 300,000 rows

%timeit df["A1"], df["A2"] = calculate(df['a'])
2.65 ms ± 92.4 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

%timeit df["A1"], df["A2"] = zip(*df["a"].apply(calculate))
159 ms ± 5.24 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

60x faster than zip

In general, avoid using apply

Apply is generally not much faster than iterating over a Python list. Let's test the performance of a for-loop to do the same thing as above

A1, A2 = [], []
for val in df['a']:

df['A1'] = A1
df['A2'] = A2

298 ms ± 7.14 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

So this is twice as slow which isn't a terrible performance regression, but if we cythonize the above, we get much better performance. Assuming, you are using ipython:

%load_ext cython

cpdef power(vals):
    A1, A2 = [], []
    cdef double val
    for val in vals:

    return A1, A2

%timeit df['A1'], df['A2'] = power(df['a'])
72.7 ms ± 2.16 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

Directly assigning without apply

You can get even greater speed improvements if you use the direct vectorized operations.

%timeit df['A1'], df['A2'] = df['a'] ** 2, df['a'] ** 3
5.13 ms ± 320 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

This takes advantage of NumPy's extremely fast vectorized operations instead of our loops. We now have a 30x speedup over the original.

The simplest speed test with apply

The above example should clearly show how slow apply can be, but just so its extra clear let's look at the most basic example. Let's square a Series of 10 million numbers with and without apply

s = pd.Series(np.random.rand(10000000))

%timeit s.apply(calc)
3.3 s ± 57.4 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

Without apply is 50x faster

%timeit s ** 2
66 ms ± 2 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

if (select count(column) from table) > 0 then


The oracle tag was not on the question when this answer was offered, and apparently it doesn't work with oracle, but it does work with at least postgres and mysql

No, just use the value directly:

  if (select count(*) from table) > 0 then
     update table
  end if;

Note there is no need for an "else".


You can simply do it all within the update statement (ie no if construct):

update table
set ...
where ...
and exists (select 'x' from table where ...)

mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in

That query is failing and returning false.

Put this after mysqli_query() to see what's going on.

if (!$check1_res) {
    printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($con));

For more information:

What is JNDI? What is its basic use? When is it used?

I will use one example to explain how JNDI can be used to configure database without any application developer knowing username and password of the database.

1) We have configured the data source in JBoss server's standalone-full.xml. Additionally, we can configure pool details also.

 <datasource jta="false" jndi-name="java:/DEV.DS" pool-name="DEV" enabled="true" use-ccm="false">



enter image description here

Now, this jndi-name and its associated datasource object will be available for our application.application.

2) We can retrieve this datasource object using JndiDataSourceLookup class.

enter image description here

Spring will instantiate the datasource bean, after we provide the jndi-name.

Now, we can change the pool size, user name or password as per our environment or requirement, but it will not impact the application.

Note : encryptedSecurityDomain, we need to configure it separately in JBoss server like

<security-domain name="encryptedSecurityDomain" cache-type="default">
                        <login-module code="" flag="required">
                            <module-option name="username" value="<usernamefordb>"/>
                            <module-option name="password" value="894c8a6aegc8d028ce169c596d67afd0"/>

This is one of the use cases. Hope it clarifies.

Conda: Installing / upgrading directly from github

The answers are outdated. You simply have to conda install pip and git. Then you can use pip normally:

  1. Activate your conda environment source activate myenv

  2. conda install git pip

  3. pip install git+git://

Can there be an apostrophe in an email address?

Yes, according to RFC 3696 apostrophes are valid as long as they come before the @ symbol.

use localStorage across subdomains

This is how:

[November 2020 Update: This solution relies on being able to set document.domain. The ability to do that has now been deprecated, unfortunately.]

For sharing between subdomains of a given superdomain (e.g., there's a technique you can use in that situation. It can be applied to localStorage, IndexedDB, SharedWorker, BroadcastChannel, etc, all of which offer shared functionality between same-origin pages, but for some reason don't respect any modification to document.domain that would let them use the superdomain as their origin directly.

(1) Pick one "main" domain to for the data to belong to: i.e. either or will hold your localStorage data. Let's say you pick

(2) Use localStorage normally for that chosen domain's pages.

(3) On all pages (the other domain), use javascript to set document.domain = "";. Then also create a hidden <iframe>, and navigate it to some page on the chosen domain (It doesn't matter what page, as long as you can insert a very little snippet of javascript on there. If you're creating the site, just make an empty page specifically for this purpose. If you're writing an extension or a Greasemonkey-style userscript and so don't have any control over pages on the server, just pick the most lightweight page you can find and insert your script into it. Some kind of "not found" page would probably be fine).

(4) The script on the hidden iframe page need only (a) set document.domain = "";, and (b) notify the parent window when this is done. After that, the parent window can access the iframe window and all its objects without restriction! So the minimal iframe page is something like:

<!doctype html>
    document.domain = "";
    window.parent.iframeReady();  // function defined & called on parent window

If writing a userscript, you might not want to add externally-accessible functions such as iframeReady() to your unsafeWindow, so instead a better way to notify the main window userscript might be to use a custom event:

    window.parent.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("iframeReady"));

Which you'd detect by adding a listener for the custom "iframeReady" event to your main page's window.

(NOTE: You need to set document.domain = "" even if the iframe's domain is already Assigning a value to document.domain implicitly sets the origin's port to null, and both ports must match for the iframe and its parent to be considered same-origin. See the note here:

(5) Once the hidden iframe has informed its parent window that it's ready, script in the parent window can just use iframe.contentWindow.localStorage, iframe.contentWindow.indexedDB, iframe.contentWindow.BroadcastChannel, iframe.contentWindow.SharedWorker instead of window.localStorage, window.indexedDB, etc. ...and all these objects will be scoped to the chosen origin - so they'll have the this same shared origin for all of your pages!

The most awkward part of this technique is that you have to wait for the iframe to load before proceeding. So you can't just blithely start using localStorage in your DOMContentLoaded handler, for example. Also you might want to add some error handling to detect if the hidden iframe fails to load correctly.

Obviously, you should also make sure the hidden iframe is not removed or navigated during the lifetime of your page... OTOH I don't know what the result of that would be, but very likely bad things would happen.

And, a caveat: setting/changing document.domain can be blocked using the Feature-Policy header, in which case this technique will not be usable as described.

However, there is a significantly more-complicated generalization of this technique, that can't be blocked by Feature-Policy, and that also allows entirely unrelated domains to share data, communications, and shared workers (i.e. not just subdomains off a common superdomain). @Mayank Jain already described it in their answer, namely:

The general idea is that, just as above, you create a hidden iframe to provide the correct origin for access; but instead of then just grabbing the iframe window's properties directly, you use script inside the iframe to do all of the work, and you communicate between the iframe and your main window only using postMessage() and addEventListener("message",...).

This works because postMessage() can be used even between different-origin windows. But it's also significantly more complicated because you have to pass everything through some kind of messaging infrastructure that you create between the iframe and the main window, rather than just using the localStorage, IndexedDB, etc. APIs directly in your main window's code.

Eclipse comment/uncomment shortcut?

Ctrl + Shift + C . Works great on .java, .xhtml, .properties and maybe on others but I only tested these ones. Can comment single or multiple lines.

How to run wget inside Ubuntu Docker image?

I had this problem recently where apt install wget does not find anything. As it turns out apt update was never run.

apt update
apt install wget

After discussing this with a coworker we mused that apt update is likely not run in order to save both time and space in the docker image.

/lib/ bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory

looks to me yum install glibc.i686 should have worked. Unless Peter was not root. He has the 64 bit glib installed, he is installing a 32 bit package that requires the 32 bit glib which is glib.i686 for intel processors.

How to show PIL Image in ipython notebook

Use IPython display to render PIL images in a notebook.

from PIL import Image               # to load images
from IPython.display import display # to display images

pil_im ='path/to/image.jpg')

Measuring Query Performance : "Execution Plan Query Cost" vs "Time Taken"

The results of the execution time directly contradict the results of the Query Cost, but I'm having difficulty determining what "Query Cost" actually means.

Query cost is what optimizer thinks of how long your query will take (relative to total batch time).

The optimizer tries to choose the optimal query plan by looking at your query and statistics of your data, trying several execution plans and selecting the least costly of them.

Here you may read in more detail about how does it try to do this.

As you can see, this may differ significantly of what you actually get.

The only real query perfomance metric is, of course, how long does the query actually take.

How to count how many values per level in a given factor?

One more approach would be to apply n() function which is counting the number of observations

data %>% 
  group_by(columnName) %>%
  summarise(Count = n())

Resize Cross Domain Iframe Height

You need to have access as well on the site that you will be iframing. i found the best solution here:


<script type='text/javascript' src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
  // Size the parent iFrame
  function iframeResize() {
    var height = $('body').outerHeight(); // IMPORTANT: If body's height is set to 100% with CSS this will not work.

  $(document).ready(function() {
    // Resize iframe
    setInterval(iframeResize, 1000);

your website with iframe

<iframe src='example.html' id='edh-iframe'></iframe>
<script type='text/javascript'>
  // Listen for messages sent from the iFrame
  var eventMethod = window.addEventListener ? "addEventListener" : "attachEvent";
  var eventer = window[eventMethod];
  var messageEvent = eventMethod == "attachEvent" ? "onmessage" : "message";

  eventer(messageEvent,function(e) {
    // If the message is a resize frame request
    if ('resize::') != -1) {
      var height ='resize::', '');
      document.getElementById('edh-iframe').style.height = height+'px';
  } ,false);

What is "with (nolock)" in SQL Server?

WITH (NOLOCK) is the equivalent of using READ UNCOMMITED as a transaction isolation level. So, you stand the risk of reading an uncommitted row that is subsequently rolled back, i.e. data that never made it into the database. So, while it can prevent reads being deadlocked by other operations, it comes with a risk. In a banking application with high transaction rates, it's probably not going to be the right solution to whatever problem you're trying to solve with it IMHO.

SQL Server Operating system error 5: "5(Access is denied.)"

Very Simple Solution.

  1. Login with System admin
  2. copy your mdf and ldf files in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA" Where all other data file recides.
  3. Now attach from there it will work

How to make google spreadsheet refresh itself every 1 minute?

If you are only looking for a refresh rate for the GOOGLEFINANCE function, keep in mind that data delays can be up to 20 minutes (per Google Finance Disclaimer).

Single-symbol refresh rate (using GoogleClock)

Here is a modified version of the refresh action, taking the data delay into consideration, to save on unproductive refresh cycles.


For example, with:

  • DATA DELAY: 15 (minutes)



Results in a dynamic data-based refresh rate of:


Multi-symbol refresh rate (using GoogleClock)

If your sheet contains a number of rows of symbols, you could add a datadelay column for each symbol and use the lowest value, for example:


Where dataDelayValuesNamedRange is the absolute reference or named reference of the range of cells that contain the data delay values for each symbol (assuming these values are different).

Without GoogleClock()

The GoogleClock() function was removed in 2014 and replaced with settings setup for refreshing sheets. At present, I have confirmed that replacement settings is only on available in Sheets from when accessed from a desktop browser, not the mobile app (I'm using Google's mobile Sheets app updated 2016-03-14).

(This part of the answer is based on, and portions copied from, Google Docs Help)

To change how often "some" Google Sheets functions update:

  1. Open a spreadsheet. Click File > Spreadsheet settings.
  2. In the RECALCULATION section, choose a setting from the drop-down menu.
  3. Setting options are:
    • On change
    • On change and every minute
    • On change and every hour

NOTE External data functions recalculate at the following intervals:

  • ImportRange: 30 minutes
  • ImportHtml, ImportFeed, ImportData, ImportXml: 1 hour
  • GoogleFinance: 2 minutes

The references in earlier sections to the display and use of the datadelay attribute still apply, as well as the concepts for more efficient coding of sheets.

On a positive note, the new refresh option continues to be refreshed by Google servers regardless of whether you have the sheet loaded or not. That's a positive for shared sheets for sure; even more so for Google Apps Scripts (GAS), where GAS is used in workflow code or referenced data is used as a trigger for an event.

[*] in my understanding so far (I am currently testing this)

What is the convention in JSON for empty vs. null?

Empty array for empty collections and null for everything else.

SQL query for a carriage return in a string and ultimately removing carriage return

this will be slow, but if it is a one time thing, try...

select * from parameters where name like '%'+char(13)+'%' or name like '%'+char(10)+'%'

Note that the ANSI SQL string concatenation operator is "||", so it may need to be:

select * from parameters where name like '%' || char(13) || '%' or name like '%' || char(10) || '%'

Convert dataframe column to 1 or 0 for "true"/"false" values and assign to dataframe

Even when you asked finally for the opposite, to reform 0s and 1s into Trues and Falses, however, I post an answer about how to transform falses and trues into ones and zeros (1s and 0s), for a whole dataframe, in a single line.

Example given

df <- structure(list(p1_1 = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, NA, TRUE, FALSE, 
                NA), p1_2 = c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, NA, FALSE, NA, 
                TRUE), p1_3 = c(TRUE, 
                TRUE, FALSE, NA, NA, FALSE, TRUE), p1_4 = c(FALSE, NA, 
                FALSE,  FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, NA), p1_5 = c(TRUE, NA, 
                FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, NA, TRUE), p1_6 = c(TRUE, NA, 
                FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, NA, TRUE), p1_7 = c(TRUE, NA, 
                FALSE, TRUE, NA, FALSE, TRUE), p1_8 = c(FALSE, 
                FALSE, NA, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, NA), p1_9 = c(TRUE, 
                FALSE,  NA, FALSE, FALSE, NA, TRUE), p1_10 = c(TRUE, 
                FALSE, NA, FALSE, FALSE, NA, TRUE), p1_11 = c(FALSE, 
                FALSE, NA, FALSE, NA, FALSE, TRUE)), .Names = 
                c("p1_1", "p1_2", "p1_3", "p1_4", "p1_5", "p1_6", 
                "p1_7", "p1_8", "p1_9", "p1_10", "p1_11"), row.names = 
                 c(NA, -7L), class = "data.frame")

   p1_1  p1_2  p1_3  p1_4  p1_5  p1_6  p1_7  p1_8  p1_9 p1_10 p1_11

Then by running that: df * 1 all Falses and Trues are trasnformed into 1s and 0s. At least, this was happen in the R version that I have (R version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15) ).

> df*1
  p1_1 p1_2 p1_3 p1_4 p1_5 p1_6 p1_7 p1_8 p1_9 p1_10 p1_11
1    1    0    1    0    1    1    1    0    1     1     0
2    0    1    1   NA   NA   NA   NA    0    0     0     0
3    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   NA   NA    NA    NA
4   NA   NA   NA    0    1    1    1    0    0     0     0
5    1    0   NA    1    0    0   NA    1    0     0    NA
6    0   NA    0    0   NA   NA    0    0   NA    NA     0
7   NA    1    1   NA    1    1    1   NA    1     1     1

I do not know if it a total "safe" command, under all different conditions / dfs.

Syntax error near unexpected token 'fi'

The first problem with your script is that you have to put a space after the [.
Type type [ to see what is really happening. It should tell you that [ is an alias to test command, so [ ] in bash is not some special syntax for conditionals, it is just a command on its own. What you should prefer in bash is [[ ]]. This common pitfall is greatly explained here and here.

Another problem is that you didn't quote "$f" which might become a problem later. This is explained here

You can use arithmetic expressions in if, so you don't have to use [ ] or [[ ]] at all in some cases. More info here

Also there's no need to use \n in every echo, because echo places newlines by default. If you want TWO newlines to appear, then use echo -e 'start\n' or echo $'start\n' . This $'' syntax is explained here

To make it completely perfect you should place -- before arbitrary filenames, otherwise rm might treat it as a parameter if the file name starts with dashes. This is explained here.

So here's your script:

echo "start"
for f in *.jpg
    echo "fname is $fname"
    if (( fname % 2 == 1 )); then
        echo "removing $fname"
        rm -- "$f"

How Do I Make Glyphicons Bigger? (Change Size?)

For ex .. add class:

btn-lg - LARGE

btn-sm - SMALL

btn-xs - Very small

<button type=button class="btn btn-default btn-lg">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star" aria-hidden=true></span> Star

<button type=button class="btn btn-default">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star" aria-hidden=true></span>Star

 <button type=button class="btn btn-default btn-sm">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star" aria-hidden=true></span> Star

<button type=button class="btn btn-default btn-xs">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star" aria-hidden=true></span> Star

Ref link Bootstrap : Glyphicons Bootstrap

How to determine an interface{} value's "real" type?

Type switches can also be used with reflection stuff:

var str = "hello!"
var obj = reflect.ValueOf(&str)

switch obj.Elem().Interface().(type) {
case string:
    log.Println("obj contains a pointer to a string")
    log.Println("obj contains something else")

Deserialize JSON to ArrayList<POJO> using Jackson

I am also having the same problem. I have a json which is to be converted to ArrayList.

Account looks like this.

  Person p ;
  Related r ;


    String Name ;
    Address a ;

All of the above classes have been annotated properly. I have tried TypeReference>() {} but is not working.

It gives me Arraylist but ArrayList has a linkedHashMap which contains some more linked hashmaps containing final values.

My code is as Follows:

public T unmarshal(String responseXML,String c)
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

    AnnotationIntrospector introspector = new JacksonAnnotationIntrospector();


      this.targetclass = (T) mapper.readValue(responseXML,  new TypeReference<ArrayList<T>>() {});
    catch (JsonParseException e)
    catch (JsonMappingException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {

    return this.targetclass;

I finally solved the problem. I am able to convert the List in Json String directly to ArrayList as follows:


     T targetClass ;

     public ArrayList<T> unmarshal(String jsonString)
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

        AnnotationIntrospector introspector = new JacksonAnnotationIntrospector();


        JavaType type = mapper.getTypeFactory().
                    constructCollectionType(ArrayList.class, targetclass.getClass()) ;
        Class c1 = this.targetclass.getClass() ;
        Class c2 = this.targetclass1.getClass() ;
            ArrayList<T> temp = (ArrayList<T>) mapper.readValue(jsonString,  type);
        return temp ;
       catch (JsonParseException e)
       catch (JsonMappingException e) {
       } catch (IOException e) {

     return null ;


pandas: How do I split text in a column into multiple rows?

Differently from Dan, I consider his answer quite elegant... but unfortunately it is also very very inefficient. So, since the question mentioned "a large csv file", let me suggest to try in a shell Dan's solution:

time python -c "import pandas as pd;
df = pd.DataFrame(['a b c']*100000, columns=['col']);
print df['col'].apply(lambda x : pd.Series(x.split(' '))).head()"

... compared to this alternative:

time python -c "import pandas as pd;
from scipy import array, concatenate;
df = pd.DataFrame(['a b c']*100000, columns=['col']);
print pd.DataFrame(concatenate(df['col'].apply( lambda x : [x.split(' ')]))).head()"

... and this:

time python -c "import pandas as pd;
df = pd.DataFrame(['a b c']*100000, columns=['col']);
print pd.DataFrame(dict(zip(range(3), [df['col'].apply(lambda x : x.split(' ')[i]) for i in range(3)]))).head()"

The second simply refrains from allocating 100 000 Series, and this is enough to make it around 10 times faster. But the third solution, which somewhat ironically wastes a lot of calls to str.split() (it is called once per column per row, so three times more than for the others two solutions), is around 40 times faster than the first, because it even avoids to instance the 100 000 lists. And yes, it is certainly a little ugly...

EDIT: this answer suggests how to use "to_list()" and to avoid the need for a lambda. The result is something like

time python -c "import pandas as pd;
df = pd.DataFrame(['a b c']*100000, columns=['col']);
print pd.DataFrame(df.col.str.split().tolist()).head()"

which is even more efficient than the third solution, and certainly much more elegant.

EDIT: the even simpler

time python -c "import pandas as pd;
df = pd.DataFrame(['a b c']*100000, columns=['col']);
print pd.DataFrame(list(df.col.str.split())).head()"

works too, and is almost as efficient.

EDIT: even simpler! And handles NaNs (but less efficient):

time python -c "import pandas as pd;
df = pd.DataFrame(['a b c']*100000, columns=['col']);
print df.col.str.split(expand=True).head()"

Git - Ignore node_modules folder everywhere

Add below line to your .gitignore


This will ignore all node_modules in your current directory as well as subdirectory.

Functional programming vs Object Oriented programming

  1. If you're in a heavily concurrent environment, then pure functional programming is useful. The lack of mutable state makes concurrency almost trivial. See Erlang.

  2. In a multiparadigm language, you may want to model some things functionally if the existence of mutable state is must an implementation detail, and thus FP is a good model for the problem domain. For example, see list comprehensions in Python or std.range in the D programming language. These are inspired by functional programming.

Summarizing count and conditional aggregate functions on the same factor

Assuming that your original dataset is similar to the one you created (i.e. with NA as character. You could specify na.strings while reading the data using read.table. But, I guess NAs would be detected automatically.

The price column is factor which needs to be converted to numeric class. When you use as.numeric, all the non-numeric elements (i.e. "NA", FALSE) gets coerced to NA) with a warning.

df %>%
     mutate(price=as.numeric(as.character(price))) %>%  
     group_by(company, year, product) %>%
               max.price=max(price, na.rm=TRUE))


I am using the same dataset (except the ... row) that was showed.

df = tbl_df(data.frame(company=c("Acme", "Meca", "Emca", "Acme", "Meca","Emca"),
 year=c("2011", "2010", "2009", "2011", "2010", "2013"), product=c("Wrench", "Hammer",
 "Sonic Screwdriver", "Fairy Dust", "Kindness", "Helping Hand"), price=c("5.67",
 "7.12", "12.99", "10.99", "NA",FALSE)))

How to get the number of characters in a string

There is a way to get count of runes without any packages by converting string to []rune as len([]rune(YOUR_STRING)):

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    russian := "??????? ? ??????"
    english := "Sputnik & pogrom"

    fmt.Println("count of bytes:",

    fmt.Println("count of runes:",


count of bytes 30 16

count of runes 16 16

Creating a JSON response using Django and Python

This is my preferred version using a class based view. Simply subclass the basic View and override the get()-method.

import json

class MyJsonView(View):

    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
        resp = {'my_key': 'my value',}
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(resp), mimetype="application/json" )

moment.js 24h format

HH used 24 hour format while hh used for 12 format

XmlSerializer: remove unnecessary xsi and xsd namespaces

I'm using:

public class Person
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        const string DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = "";
        var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Person), DEFAULT_NAMESPACE);
        var namespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
        namespaces.Add("", DEFAULT_NAMESPACE);

        using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
            var someone = new Person
                FirstName = "Donald",
                LastName = "Duck"
            serializer.Serialize(stream, someone, namespaces);
            stream.Position = 0;
            using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))

To get the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Person xmlns="">

If you don't want the namespace, just set DEFAULT_NAMESPACE to "".

How to select data where a field has a min value in MySQL?

This is how I would do it (assuming I understand the question)


If you are trying to select multiple rows where each of them may have the same price (which is the minimum) then @JohnWoo's answer should suffice.

Basically here we are just ordering the results by the price in ASCending order (increasing) and taking the first row of the result.

PHP: How to get current time in hour:minute:second?

Anytime you have a question about a particular function in PHP, the easiest way to get quick answers is by visiting, which has great documentation on all of the language's capabilities.

Looking up a function is easy, just visit<function name> and it will forward you to the appropriate place. For the date function, we'll visit

We immediately learn a couple things about this function by examining its signature:

string date ( string $format [, int $timestamp = time() ] )

First, it returns a string. That's what the first string in the above code means. Secondly, the first parameter is expected to be a string containing the format. There is an optional second parameter for passing in your own timestamp (to construct strings from some time other than now).

date("d-m-Y") // produces something like 03-12-2012

In this code, d represents the day of the month (with a leading 0 is necessary). m represents the month, again with a leading zero if necessary. And Y represents the full 4-digit year. All of these are documented in the aforementioned link.

To satisfy your request of getting the hours, minutes, and seconds, we need to give a quick look at the documentation to see which characters represents those particular units of time. When we do that, we find the following:

h   12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros    01 through 12
i   Minutes with leading zeros                      00 to 59
s   Seconds, with leading zeros                     00 through 59

With this in mind, we can no create a new format string:

date("d-m-Y h:i:s"); // produces something like 03-12-2012 03:29:13

Hope this is helpful, and I hope you find the documentation has benefiting to your development as I have to mine.

How do I export (and then import) a Subversion repository?

Excerpt from my Blog-Note-to-myself:

Now you can import a dump file e.g. if you are migrating between machines / subversion versions. e.g. if I had created a dump file from the source repository and load it into the new repository as shown below.

Commands for Unix-like systems (from terminal):

svnadmin dump /path/to/your/old/repo > backup.dump
svnadmin load /path/to/your/new/repo < backup.dump.dmp

Commands for Microsoft Windows systems (from cmd shell):

svnadmin dump C:\path\to\your\old\repo > backup.dump
svnadmin load C:\path\to\your\old\repo < backup.dump

Generate a random letter in Python

All previous answers are correct, if you are looking for random characters of various types (i.e. alphanumeric and special characters) then here is an script that I created to demonstrate various types of creating random functions, it has three functions one for numbers, alpha- characters and special characters. The script simply generates passwords and is just an example to demonstrate various ways of generating random characters.

import string
import random
import sys

#make sure it's 3.7 or above

def create_str(str_length):
    return random.sample(string.ascii_letters, str_length)

def create_num(num_length):
    digits = []
    for i in range(num_length):
        digits.append(str(random.randint(1, 100)))

    return digits

def create_special_chars(special_length):
    stringSpecial = []
    for i in range(special_length):

    return stringSpecial

print("how many characters would you like to use ? (DO NOT USE LESS THAN 8)")
str_cnt = input()
print("how many digits would you like to use ? (DO NOT USE LESS THAN 2)")
num_cnt = input()
print("how many special characters would you like to use ? (DO NOT USE LESS THAN 1)")
s_chars_cnt = input()
password_values = create_str(int(str_cnt)) +create_num(int(num_cnt)) + create_special_chars(int(s_chars_cnt))

#shuffle/mix the values

print("generated password is: ")


enter image description here

Subtract two dates in SQL and get days of the result

SELECT (to_date('02-JAN-2013') - to_date('02-JAN-2012')) days_between
FROM dual

How to find all trigger associated with a table with SQL Server?

find triggers on table:

select, text
from sysobjects so, syscomments sc
where type = 'TR'
and =
and text like '%TableName%'

and you can find store procedure which has reference of table:

FROM sys.procedures

Angular 2 router.navigate

If the first segment doesn't start with / it is a relative route. router.navigate needs a relativeTo parameter for relative navigation

Either you make the route absolute:

this.router.navigate(['/foo-content', 'bar-contents', 'baz-content', 'page'], this.params.queryParams)

or you pass relativeTo

this.router.navigate(['../foo-content', 'bar-contents', 'baz-content', 'page'], {queryParams: this.params.queryParams, relativeTo: this.currentActivatedRoute})

See also

How to define dimens.xml for every different screen size in android?

we want to see the changes of required view size in different screens.

We need to create a different values folders for different screens and put dimens.xml file based on screen densities.

I have taken one TextView and observed the changes when i changed dimens.xml in different values folders.

Please follow the process

normal - xhdpi \ dimens.xml

The below devices can change the sizes of screens when we change the normal - xhdpi \ dimens.xml

nexus 5X ( 5.2" * 1080 * 1920 : 420dpi )

nexus 6P ( 5.7" * 1440 * 2560 : 560dpi)

nexus 6 ( 6.0" * 1440 * 2560 : 560dpi)

nexus 5 (5.0", 1080 1920 : xxhdpi)

nexus 4 (4.7", 768 * 1280 : xhdpi)

Galaxy nexus (4.7", 720 * 1280 : xhdpi)

4.65" 720p ( 720 * 1280 : xhdpi )

4.7" WXGA ( 1280 * 720 : Xhdpi )

Xlarge - xhdpi \ dimens.xml

The below devices can change the sizes of screens when we change the Xlarge - xhdpi \ dimens.xml

nexus 9 ( 8.9", 2048 * 1556 : xhdpi)

nexus 10 (10.1", 2560 * 1600 : xhdpi)

large - xhdpi \ dimens.xml

The below devices can change the sizes of screens when we change the large - xhdpi \ dimens.xml

nexus 7 ( 7.0", 1200 * 1920: xhdpi)

nexus 7 (2012) (7.0", 800 * 1280 : tvdpi)

The below screens are visible in " Search Generic Phones and Tablets "

large - mdpi \ dimens.xml

The below devices can change the sizes of screens when we change the large - mdpi \ dimens.xml

5.1" WVGA ( 480 * 800 : mdpi )

5.4" FWVGA ( 480 * 854 : mdpi )

7.0" WSVGA (Tablet) ( 1024 * 600 : mdpi )

normal - hdpi \ dimens.xml

The below devices can change the sizes of screens when we change the normal - hdpi \ dimens.xml

nexus s ( 4.0", 480 * 800 : hdpi )

nexus one ( 3.7", 480 * 800: hdpi)

small - ldpi \ dimens.xml

The below devices can change the sizes of screens when we change the small - ldpi \ dimens.xml

2.7" QVGA Slider ( 240 * 320 : ldpi )

2.7" QVGA ( 240 * 320 : ldpi )

xlarge - mdpi \ dimens.xml

The below devices can change the sizes of screens when we change the xlarge - mdpi \ dimens.xml

10.1" WXGA ( tABLET) ( 1280 * 800 : MDPI )

normal - ldpi \ dimens.xml

The below devices can change the sizes of screens when we change the normal - ldpi \ dimens.xml

3.3" WQVGA ( 240 * 400 : LDPI )

3.4" WQVGA ( 240 * 432 : LDPI )

normal - hdpi \ dimens.xml

The below devices can change the sizes of screens when we change the normal - hdpi \ dimens.xml

4.0" WVGA ( 480 * 800 : hdpi )

3.7" WVGA ( 480 * 800 : hdpi )

3.7" FWVGA Slider ( 480 * 854 : hdpi )

normal - mdpi \ dimens.xml

The below devices can change the sizes of screens when we change the normal - mdpi \ dimens.xml

3.2" HVGA Slider ( ADP1 ) ( 320 * 480 : MDPI )

3.2" QVGA ( ADP2 ) ( 320 * 480 : MDPI )

Failed to install *.apk on device 'emulator-5554': EOF

In my case I have used a tab size(7") emulator to test the application.But It gave me "Failed to install xxxxx.apk on device 'emulator-5554! " and launch cancelled.

The only worked solution to me was set the emulator ram size bit high(1512Mb) and VM Heap size to 36.

After that It worked like charm.

Thank You.

What is tail call optimization?

TCO (Tail Call Optimization) is the process by which a smart compiler can make a call to a function and take no additional stack space. The only situation in which this happens is if the last instruction executed in a function f is a call to a function g (Note: g can be f). The key here is that f no longer needs stack space - it simply calls g and then returns whatever g would return. In this case the optimization can be made that g just runs and returns whatever value it would have to the thing that called f.

This optimization can make recursive calls take constant stack space, rather than explode.

Example: this factorial function is not TCOptimizable:

def fact(n):
    if n == 0:
        return 1
    return n * fact(n-1)

This function does things besides call another function in its return statement.

This below function is TCOptimizable:

def fact_h(n, acc):
    if n == 0:
        return acc
    return fact_h(n-1, acc*n)

def fact(n):
    return fact_h(n, 1)

This is because the last thing to happen in any of these functions is to call another function.

Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_ALREADY_EXISTS] when I tried to update my application

With my Android 5 tablet, every time I attempt to use adb, to install a signed release apk, I get the [INSTALL_FAILED_ALREADY_EXISTS] error.

I have to uninstall the debug package first. But, I cannot uninstall using the device's Application Manager!

If do uninstall the debug version with the Application Manager, then I have to re-run the debug build variant from Android Studio, then uninstall it using adb uninstall com.example.mypackagename

Finally, I can use adb install myApp.apk to install the signed release apk.

angularjs getting previous route path

You'll need to couple the event listener to $rootScope in Angular 1.x, but you should probably future proof your code a bit by not storing the value of the previous location on $rootScope. A better place to store the value would be a service:

var app = angular.module('myApp', [])
.service('locationHistoryService', function(){
    return {
        previousLocation: null,

        store: function(location){
            this.previousLocation = location;

        get: function(){
            return this.previousLocation;
.run(['$rootScope', 'locationHistoryService', function($location, locationHistoryService){
    $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function(e, newLocation, oldLocation){;

Failed to load ApplicationContext from Unit Test: FileNotFound

I added the spring folder to the build path and, after clean&build, it worked.

How to get the Power of some Integer in Swift language?

Sometimes, casting an Int to a Double is not a viable solution. At some magnitudes there is a loss of precision in this conversion. For example, the following code does not return what you might intuitively expect.

Double(Int.max - 1) < Double(Int.max) // false!

If you need precision at high magnitudes and don't need to worry about negative exponents — which can't be generally solved with integers anyway — then this implementation of the tail-recursive exponentiation-by-squaring algorithm is your best bet. According to this SO answer, this is "the standard method for doing modular exponentiation for huge numbers in asymmetric cryptography."

// using Swift 5.0
func pow<T: BinaryInteger>(_ base: T, _ power: T) -> T {
    func expBySq(_ y: T, _ x: T, _ n: T) -> T {
        precondition(n >= 0)
        if n == 0 {
            return y
        } else if n == 1 {
            return y * x
        } else if n.isMultiple(of: 2) {
            return expBySq(y, x * x, n / 2)
        } else { // n is odd
            return expBySq(y * x, x * x, (n - 1) / 2)

    return expBySq(1, base, power) 

Note: in this example I've used a generic T: BinaryInteger. This is so you can use Int or UInt or any other integer-like type.

How do I specify different layouts for portrait and landscape orientations?

Create a new directory layout-land, then create xml file with same name in layout-land as it was layout directory and align there your content for Landscape mode.

Note that id of content in both xml is same.

How to handle errors with boto3?

In case you have to deal with the arguably unfriendly logs client (CloudWatch Logs put-log-events), this is what I had to do to properly catch Boto3 client exceptions:

    ### Boto3 client code here...

except boto_exceptions.ClientError as error:
    Log.warning("Catched client error code %s",

    if error.response['Error']['Code'] in ["DataAlreadyAcceptedException",
            "Fetching sequence_token from boto error response['Error']['Message'] %s",
        # NOTE: apparently there's no sequenceToken attribute in the response so we have
        # to parse response["Error"]["Message"] string
        sequence_token = error.response["Error"]["Message"].split(":")[-1].strip(" ")
        Log.debug("Setting sequence_token to %s", sequence_token)

This works both at first attempt (with empty LogStream) and subsequent ones.

Error - Unable to access the IIS metabase

Thank you to everyone that answered. Since this was closed for a long time I couldn't provide much feedback, but I did eventually fix my problem. I tried many of these other solutions and they didn't fix my issue, but I'm sure they help when the root cause is different.

My Solution

I solved this problem by turning off the IIS and .Net Framework features within Windows 7 and then turning them back on. It seems like this re-installation is what fixed my issue. I still don't know what caused the problem, but at least one other developer on my team had the same issue.

How to export JSON from MongoDB using Robomongo


mongoexport --db test --collection traffic --out traffic.json<br><br>

enter image description here

database -> mock-server
collection name -> api_defs
output file name -> childChoreRequest.json

Select all child elements recursively in CSS

The rule is as following :

A B 

B as a descendant of A

A > B 

B as a child of A


div.dropdown *

and not

div.dropdown > *

How to dismiss AlertDialog in android

There are two ways of closing an alert dialog.

Option 1:


Option 2:

The DialogInterface#dismiss();

Out of the box, the framework calls DialogInterface#dismiss(); when you define event listeners for the buttons:

  1. AlertDialog#setNegativeButton();
  2. AlertDialog#setPositiveButton();
  3. AlertDialog#setNeutralButton();

for the Alert dialog.

How to change UINavigationBar background color from the AppDelegate

To change the background color and not the tint the following piece of code will work:

[self.navigationController.navigationBar setBarTintColor:[UIColor greenColor]];
[self.navigationController.navigationBar setTranslucent:NO];

How do I find out which settings.xml file maven is using

Use the Maven debug option, ie mvn -X :

Apache Maven 3.0.3 (r1075438; 2011-02-28 18:31:09+0100)
Maven home: /usr/java/apache-maven-3.0.3
Java version: 1.6.0_12, vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
Java home: /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_12/jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "2.6.32-32-generic", arch: "i386", family: "unix"
[INFO] Error stacktraces are turned on.
[DEBUG] Reading global settings from /usr/java/apache-maven-3.0.3/conf/settings.xml
[DEBUG] Reading user settings from /home/myhome/.m2/settings.xml

In this output, you can see that the settings.xml is loaded from /home/myhome/.m2/settings.xml.

How to solve ADB device unauthorized in Android ADB host device?

If anyone has similar issue of having a phone with a cracked screen and has a need to access adb:

  1. Root your phone (mine was already rooted, so I was blessed at least with that).

If you forgot to enable developers mode and your adb isn't running, then do the following:

  1. Reboot your phone into recovery.
  2. Connect the phone with a cable.
  3. Open terminal.
  4. If you type adb devices you should see the device in the list.
  5. If so, type:

    adb shell mount /system
    abd shell
    echo "persist.service.adb.enable=1" >> default.prop 
    echo "persist.service.debuggable=1" >> default.prop
    echo "persist.sys.usb.config=mtp,adb" >> default.prop
    echo "persist.service.adb.enable=1" >> /system/build.prop 
    echo "persist.service.debuggable=1" >> /system/build.prop
    echo "persist.sys.usb.config=mtp,adb" >> /system/build.prop

Now if you are going to reboot into your phone android will tell you "oh your adb is working but please tap on this OK button, so we can trust your PC". And obviously if we can't tap on the phone stay in the recovery mode and do the following (assuming you are not in the adb shell mode, if so first type exit):

cd ~/.android
adb push /data/misc/adb/adb_keys
  1. Hurray, it all should be hunky-dory now! Just reboot the phone and you should be able to access adb when the phone is running:

    adb shell reboot

P.S. Was using OS X and Moto X Style that's with the cracked screen.

Leap year calculation

Return true if the input year is a leap year

Basic modern day code:

  If year mod 4 = 0, then leap year
  if year mod 100 then normal year
  if year mod 400 then leap year
  else normal year

Todays rule started 1582 AD Julian calendar rule with every 4th year started 46BC but is not coherent before 10 AD as declared by Cesar. They did however add some leap years every 3rd year now and then in the years before: Leap years were therefore 45 BC, 42 BC, 39 BC, 36 BC, 33 BC, 30 BC, 27 BC, 24 BC, 21 BC, 18 BC, 15 BC, 12 BC, 9 BC, 8 AD, 12 AD Before year 45BC leap year was not added.

The year 0 do not exist as it is ...2BC 1BC 1AD 2AD... for some calculation this can be an issue.

function isLeapYear(year: Integer): Boolean;
  result := false;
  if year > 1582 then // Todays calendar rule was started in year 1582 
    result := ((year mod 4 = 0) and (not(year mod 100 = 0))) or (year mod 400 = 0)
  else if year > 10 then // Between year 10 and year 1582 every 4th year was a leap year 
    result := year mod 4 = 0
  else //Between year -45 and year 10 only certain years was leap year, every 3rd year but the entire time
    case year of
      -45, -42, -39, -36, -33, -30, -27, -24, -21, -18, -15, -12, -9:
        result := true;

How to find all occurrences of an element in a list

Using filter() in python2.

>>> q = ['Yeehaw', 'Yeehaw', 'Googol', 'B9', 'Googol', 'NSM', 'B9', 'NSM', 'Dont Ask', 'Googol']
>>> filter(lambda i: q[i]=="Googol", range(len(q)))
[2, 4, 9]

How do I use grep to search the current directory for all files having the a string "hello" yet display only .h and .cc files?

find . -name \*.cc -print0 -or -name \*.h -print0 | xargs -0 grep "hello".

Check the manual pages for find and xargs for details.

Environment variable substitution in sed

?. bad way: change delimiter

sed 's/xxx/'"$PWD"'/'
sed 's:xxx:'"$PWD"':'
sed 's@xxx@'"$PWD"'@'

maybe those not the final answer,

you can not known what character will occur in $PWD, / : OR @.

the good way is replace(escape) the special character in $PWD.

?. good way: escape delimiter

for example: try to replace URL as $url (has : / in content)

in string $tmp

<a href="URL">URL</a>

A. use / as delimiter

escape / as \/ in var (before use in sed expression)

echo ${url//\//\\/}\/aa\/bb\/aa.js   #escape fine

echo ${url//\//\/}      #escape not success

echo "${url//\//\/}"\/aa\/bb\/aa.js   #escape fine, notice `"`

echo $tmp | sed "s/URL/${url//\//\\/}/"
<a href="">URL</a>

echo $tmp | sed "s/URL/${url//\//\/}/"
<a href="">URL</a>


B. use : as delimiter (more readable than /)

escape : as \: in var (before use in sed expression)

echo ${url//:/\:}     #escape not success

echo "${url//:/\:}"\:80/aa/bb/aa.js    #escape fine, notice `"`

echo $tmp | sed "s:URL:${url//:/\:}:g"
<a href=""></a>

regex match any whitespace

Your regex should work 'as-is'. Assuming that it is doing what you want it to.

wordA(\s*)wordB(?! wordc)

This means match wordA followed by 0 or more spaces followed by wordB, but do not match if followed by wordc. Note the single space between ?! and wordc which means that wordA wordB wordc will not match, but wordA wordB wordc will.

Here are some example matches and the associated replacement output:

enter image description here

Note that all matches are replaced no matter how many spaces. There are a couple of other points: -

  • (?! wordc) is a negative lookahead, so you wont match lines wordA wordB wordc which is assume is intended (and is why the last line is not matched). Currently you are relying on the space after ?! to match the whitespace. You may want to be more precise and use (?!\swordc). If you want to match against more than one space before wordc you can use (?!\s*wordc) for 0 or more spaces or (?!\s*+wordc) for 1 or more spaces depending on what your intention is. Of course, if you do want to match lines with wordc after wordB then you shouldn't use a negative lookahead.

  • * will match 0 or more spaces so it will match wordAwordB. You may want to consider + if you want at least one space.

  • (\s*) - the brackets indicate a capturing group. Are you capturing the whitespace to a group for a reason? If not you could just remove the brackets, i.e. just use \s.

Update based on comment

Hello the problem is not the expression but the HTML out put   that are not considered as whitespace. it's a Joomla website.

Preserving your original regex you can use:


The only difference is that not the regex matches whitespace OR &nbsp;. I replaced wordc with \swordc since that is more explicit. Note as I have already pointed out that the negative lookahead ?! will not match when wordB is followed by a single whitespace and wordc. If you want to match multiple whitespaces then see my comments above. I also preserved the capture group around the whitespace, if you don't want this then remove the brackets as already described above.

Example matches:

enter image description here

tr:hover not working

Also try thistr:hover td {color: aqua;} `

Why use deflate instead of gzip for text files served by Apache?

mod_deflate requires fewer resources on your server, although you may pay a small penalty in terms of the amount of compression.

If you are serving many small files, I'd recommend benchmarking and load testing your compressed and uncompressed solutions - you may find some cases where enabling compression will not result in savings.

Python unicode equal comparison failed

You may use the == operator to compare unicode objects for equality.

>>> s1 = u'Hello'
>>> s2 = unicode("Hello")
>>> type(s1), type(s2)
(<type 'unicode'>, <type 'unicode'>)
>>> s1==s2
>>> s3='Hello'.decode('utf-8')
>>> type(s3)
<type 'unicode'>
>>> s1==s3

But, your error message indicates that you aren't comparing unicode objects. You are probably comparing a unicode object to a str object, like so:

>>> u'Hello' == 'Hello'
>>> u'Hello' == '\x81\x01'
__main__:1: UnicodeWarning: Unicode equal comparison failed to convert both arguments to Unicode - interpreting them as being unequal

See how I have attempted to compare a unicode object against a string which does not represent a valid UTF8 encoding.

Your program, I suppose, is comparing unicode objects with str objects, and the contents of a str object is not a valid UTF8 encoding. This seems likely the result of you (the programmer) not knowing which variable holds unicide, which variable holds UTF8 and which variable holds the bytes read in from a file.

I recommend, especially the advice to create a "Unicode Sandwich."

Access multiple viewchildren using @viewchild

Use the @ViewChildren decorator combined with QueryList. Both of these are from "@angular/core"

@ViewChildren(CustomComponent) customComponentChildren: QueryList<CustomComponent>;

Doing something with each child looks like: this.customComponentChildren.forEach((child) => { child.stuff = 'y' })

There is further documentation to be had at, specifically:!#sts=Parent%20calls%20a%20ViewChild

How do I get the current date and time in PHP?

simply use: date("Y-m-d H:i:s") this will give you your date and time like '2020-08-22 12:20:30' this . add date_default_timezone_set("your time zone") before date() function to get the time date of your area/zone. here you can find you time zone

Understanding React-Redux and mapStateToProps()

You got the first part right:

Yes mapStateToProps has the Store state as an argument/param (provided by react-redux::connect) and its used to link the component with certain part of the store state.

By linking I mean the object returned by mapStateToProps will be provided at construction time as props and any subsequent change will be available through componentWillReceiveProps.

If you know the Observer design pattern it's exactly that or small variation of it.

An example would help make things clearer:

import React, {
} from 'react-native';

class ItemsContainer extends Component {
    constructor(props) {

        this.state = {
            items: props.items, //provided by connect@mapStateToProps
            filteredItems: this.filterItems(props.items, props.filters),

    componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
            filteredItems: this.filterItems(this.state.items, nextProps.filters),

    filterItems = (items, filters) => { /* return filtered list */ }

    render() {
        return (
                // display the filtered items

module.exports = connect(
    (state) => ({
        items: state.App.Items.List,
        filters: state.App.Items.Filters,
        //the State.App & state.App.Items.List/Filters are reducers used as an example.
    // mapDispatchToProps,  that's another subject

There can be another react component called itemsFilters that handle the display and persisting the filter state into Redux Store state, the Demo component is "listening" or "subscribed" to Redux Store state filters so whenever filters store state changes (with the help of filtersComponent) react-redux detect that there was a change and notify or "publish" all the listening/subscribed components by sending the changes to their componentWillReceiveProps which in this example will trigger a refilter of the items and refresh the display due to the fact that react state has changed.

Let me know if the example is confusing or not clear enough to provide a better explanation.

As for: This means that the state as consumed by your target component can have a wildly different structure from the state as it is stored on your store.

I didn't get the question, but just know that the react state (this.setState) is totally different from the Redux Store state!

The react state is used to handle the redraw and behavior of the react component. The react state is contained to the component exclusively.

The Redux Store state is a combination of Redux reducers states, each is responsible of managing a small portion app logic. Those reducers attributes can be accessed with the help of react-redux::connect@mapStateToProps by any component! Which make the Redux store state accessible app wide while component state is exclusive to itself.

How to append multiple values to a list in Python

letter = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
letter.extend(["e", "f", "g", "h"])
letter.extend(("e", "f", "g", "h"))
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h']

Android : Capturing HTTP Requests with non-rooted android device

You can use fiddler as webdebugger

Fiddler is a debugging tool from telerik software, which helps you to intercept every request that is initiated from your machine.

How to set thymeleaf th:field value from other variable

So what you need to do is replace th:field with th:name and add th:value, th:value will have the value of the variable you're passing across.

<div class="col-auto">
        <input type="text" th:value="${}" th:name="clientName" 
        class="form control">

Dump a mysql database to a plaintext (CSV) backup from the command line

You can dump a whole database in one go with mysqldump's --tab option. You supply a directory path and it creates one .sql file with the CREATE TABLE DROP IF EXISTS syntax and a .txt file with the contents, tab separated. To create comma separated files you could use the following:

mysqldump --password  --fields-optionally-enclosed-by='"' --fields-terminated-by=',' --tab /tmp/path_to_dump/ database_name

That path needs to be writable by both the mysql user and the user running the command, so for simplicity I recommend chmod 777 /tmp/path_to_dump/ first.

What's the difference between nohup and ampersand

The nohup command is a signal masking utility and catches the hangup signal. Where as ampersand doesn’t catch the hang up signals. The shell will terminate the sub command with the hang up signal when running a command using & and exiting the shell. This can be prevented by using nohup, as it catches the signal. Nohup command accept hang up signal which can be sent to a process by the kernel and block them. Nohup command is helpful in when a user wants to start long running application log out or close the window in which the process was initiated. Either of these actions normally prompts the kernel to hang up on the application, but a nohup wrapper will allow the process to continue. Using the ampersand will run the command in a child process and this child of the current bash session. When you exit the session, all of the child processes of that process will be killed. The ampersand relates to job control for the active shell. This is useful for running a process in a session in the background.

How to Run the Procedure?

In SQL Plus:

EXEC gokul_proc(1,'GOKUL', :rc);
print rc

How to convert DateTime to/from specific string format (both ways, e.g. given Format is "yyyyMMdd")?

String to yyyy-MM-dd date format: Example:

TxtCalStDate.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(objItem["StartDate"]).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");   

How to duplicate a whole line in Vim?

I like to use this mapping:

:nnoremap yp Yp

because it makes it consistent to use alongside the native YP command.

iOS - Calling App Delegate method from ViewController

In 2020, iOS13, xCode 11.3. What is working for Objective-C is:

#import "AppDelegate.h"

AppDelegate *appDelegate = (AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];

It's working for me, i hope the same to you! :D

What is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is an open-source Javascript framework developed by the team at Twitter. It is a combination of HTML, CSS, and Javascript code designed to help build user interface components. Bootstrap was also programmed to support both HTML5 and CSS3.

Also it is called Front-end-framework.

Bootstrap is a free collection of tools for creating a websites and web applications.

It contains HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions.

Some Reasons for programmers preferred Bootstrap Framework

  1. Easy to get started

  2. Great grid system

  3. Base styling for most HTML elements(Typography,Code,Tables,Forms,Buttons,Images,Icons)

  4. Extensive list of components

  5. Bundled Javascript plugins

Taken from About Bootstrap Framework

Thymeleaf: how to use conditionals to dynamically add/remove a CSS class

Just in case someone is using Bootstrap, I was able to add more than one class:

<a href="" class="baseclass" th:classappend="${isAdmin} ?: 'text-danger font-italic' "></a>

how to convert from int to char*?

You also can use casting.


string s;
int value = 3;
s.push_back((char)('0' + value));

How to Generate Unique Public and Private Key via RSA

The RSACryptoServiceProvider(CspParameters) constructor creates a keypair which is stored in the keystore on the local machine. If you already have a keypair with the specified name, it uses the existing keypair.

It sounds as if you are not interested in having the key stored on the machine.

So use the RSACryptoServiceProvider(Int32) constructor:

public static void AssignNewKey(){
    RSA rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(2048); // Generate a new 2048 bit RSA key

    string publicPrivateKeyXML = rsa.ToXmlString(true);
    string publicOnlyKeyXML = rsa.ToXmlString(false);
    // do stuff with keys...


Alternatively try setting the PersistKeyInCsp to false:

public static void AssignNewKey(){
    const int PROVIDER_RSA_FULL = 1;
    const string CONTAINER_NAME = "KeyContainer";
    CspParameters cspParams;
    cspParams = new CspParameters(PROVIDER_RSA_FULL);
    cspParams.KeyContainerName = CONTAINER_NAME;
    cspParams.Flags = CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore;
    cspParams.ProviderName = "Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider";
    rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(cspParams);

    rsa.PersistKeyInCsp = false;

    string publicPrivateKeyXML = rsa.ToXmlString(true);
    string publicOnlyKeyXML = rsa.ToXmlString(false);
    // do stuff with keys...

Current time in microseconds in java

Use Instant to compute microseconds since Epoch:

val instant =;
val currentTimeMicros = instant.getEpochSecond() * 1000_000 + instant.getNano() / 1000;

Query for documents where array size is greater than 1


For mongodb versions 2.2+ more efficient way to do this described by @JohnnyHK in another answer.

1.Using $where

db.accommodations.find( { $where: " > 1" } );


Javascript executes more slowly than the native operators listed on this page, but is very flexible. See the server-side processing page for more information.

2.Create extra field NamesArrayLength, update it with names array length and then use in queries:

db.accommodations.find({"NamesArrayLength": {$gt: 1} });

It will be better solution, and will work much faster (you can create index on it).

How large is a DWORD with 32- and 64-bit code?

No ... on all Windows platforms DWORD is 32 bits. LONGLONG or LONG64 is used for 64 bit types.

How can I pair socks from a pile efficiently?

This is asking the wrong question. The right question to ask is, why am I spending time sorting socks? How much does it cost on yearly basis, when you value your free time for X monetary units of your choice?

And more often than not, this is not just any free time, it's morning free time, which you could be spending in bed, or sipping your coffee, or leaving a bit early and not being caught in the traffic.

It's often good to take a step back, and think a way around the problem.

And there is a way!

Find a sock you like. Take all relevant features into account: colour in different lighting conditions, overall quality and durability, comfort in different climatic conditions, and odour absorption. Also important is, they should not lose elasticity in storage, so natural fabrics are good, and they should be available in a plastic wrapping.

It's better if there's no difference between left and right foot socks, but it's not critical. If socks are left-right symmetrical, finding a pair is O(1) operation, and sorting the socks is approximate O(M) operation, where M is the number of places in your house, which you have littered with socks, ideally some small constant number.

If you chose a fancy pair with different left and right sock, doing a full bucket sort to left and right foot buckets take O(N+M), where N is the number of socks and M is same as above. Somebody else can give the formula for average iterations of finding the first pair, but worst case for finding a pair with blind search is N/2+1, which becomes astronomically unlikely case for reasonable N. This can be sped up by using advanced image recognition algorithms and heuristics, when scanning the pile of unsorted socks with Mk1 Eyeball.

So, an algorithm for achieving O(1) sock pairing efficiency (assuming symmetrical sock) is:

  1. You need to estimate how many pairs of socks you will need for the rest of your life, or perhaps until you retire and move to warmer climates with no need to wear socks ever again. If you are young, you could also estimate how long it takes before we'll all have sock-sorting robots in our homes, and the whole problem becomes irrelevant.

  2. You need to find out how you can order your selected sock in bulk, and how much it costs, and do they deliver.

  3. Order the socks!

  4. Get rid of your old socks.

An alternative step 3 would involve comparing costs of buying the same amount of perhaps cheaper socks a few pairs at a time over the years and adding the cost of sorting socks, but take my word for it: buying in bulk is cheaper! Also, socks in storage increase in value at the rate of stock price inflation, which is more than you would get on many investments. Then again there is also storage cost, but socks really do not take much space on the top shelf of a closet.

Problem solved. So, just get new socks, throw/donate your old ones away, and live happily ever after knowing you are saving money and time every day for the rest of your life.

php how to go one level up on dirname(__FILE__)

You could use PHP's dirname function. <?php echo dirname(__DIR__); ?>. That will give you the name of the parent directory of __DIR__, which stores the current directory.

Why do I need to do `--set-upstream` all the time?

You can also do git push -u origin $(current_branch)

How to parse a JSON Input stream

use jackson to convert json input stream to the map or object

there are also some other usefull libraries for json, you can google: json java

What does jQuery.fn mean?

fn literally refers to the jquery prototype.

This line of code is in the source code:

jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
 //list of functions available to the jQuery api

But the real tool behind fn is its availability to hook your own functionality into jQuery. Remember that jquery will be the parent scope to your function, so this will refer to the jquery object.

$.fn.myExtension = function(){
 var currentjQueryObject = this;
 //work with currentObject
 return this;//you can include this if you would like to support chaining

So here is a simple example of that. Lets say I want to make two extensions, one which puts a blue border, and which colors the text blue, and I want them chained.

jsFiddle Demo

$.fn.blueBorder = function(){
  $(this).css("border","solid blue 2px");
 return this;
$.fn.blueText = function(){
 return this;

Now you can use those against a class like this:


(I know this is best done with css such as applying different class names, but please keep in mind this is just a demo to show the concept)

This answer has a good example of a full fledged extension.

How do you fix a MySQL "Incorrect key file" error when you can't repair the table?

Change to MyISAM engine and run this command


How to use a link to call JavaScript?

And, why not unobtrusive with jQuery:

  $(function() {
    $("#unobtrusive").click(function(e) {
      e.preventDefault(); // if desired...
      // other methods to call...


<a id="unobtrusive" href="">jquery</a>

How to execute an external program from within Node.js?

From the Node.js documentation:

Node provides a tri-directional popen(3) facility through the ChildProcess class.


Export data from Chrome developer tool

To get this in excel or csv format- right click the folder and select "copy response"- paste to excel and use text to columns.

Why does an onclick property set with setAttribute fail to work in IE?

Have you considered an event listener rather than setting the attribute? Among other things, it lets you pass parameters, which was a problem I ran into when trying to do this. You still have to do it twice for IE and Mozilla:

function makeEvent(element, callback, param, event) {
    function local() {
        return callback(param);

    if (element.addEventListener) {
    } else if (element.attachEvent) {

makeEvent(execBtn, alert, "hey buddy, what's up?", "click");

Just let event be a name like "click" or "mouseover".

How to sum a variable by group

Since dplyr 1.0.0, the across() function could be used:

df %>%
 group_by(Category) %>%
 summarise(across(Frequency, sum))

  Category Frequency
  <chr>        <int>
1 First           30
2 Second           5
3 Third           34

If interested in multiple variables:

df %>%
 group_by(Category) %>%
 summarise(across(c(Frequency, Frequency2), sum))

  Category Frequency Frequency2
  <chr>        <int>      <int>
1 First           30         55
2 Second           5         29
3 Third           34        190

And the selection of variables using select helpers:

df %>%
 group_by(Category) %>%
 summarise(across(starts_with("Freq"), sum))

  Category Frequency Frequency2 Frequency3
  <chr>        <int>      <int>      <dbl>
1 First           30         55        110
2 Second           5         29         58
3 Third           34        190        380

Sample data:

df <- read.table(text = "Category Frequency Frequency2 Frequency3
                 1    First        10         10         20
                 2    First        15         30         60
                 3    First         5         15         30
                 4   Second         2          8         16
                 5    Third        14         70        140
                 6    Third        20        120        240
                 7   Second         3         21         42",
                 header = TRUE,
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE) with target "_blank" in Chrome

As Dennis says, you can't control how the browser chooses to handle target=_blank.

If you're wondering about the inconsistent behavior, probably it's pop-up blocking. Many browsers will forbid new windows from being opened apropos of nothing, but will allow new windows to be spawned as the eventual result of a mouse-click event.

How to Read and Write from the Serial Port

SerialPort (RS-232 Serial COM Port) in C# .NET
This article explains how to use the SerialPort class in .NET to read and write data, determine what serial ports are available on your machine, and how to send files. It even covers the pin assignments on the port itself.

Example Code:

using System;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace SerialPortExample
  class SerialPortProgram
    // Create the serial port with basic settings
    private SerialPort port = new SerialPort("COM1",
      9600, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);

    static void Main(string[] args)
      // Instatiate this class
      new SerialPortProgram();

    private SerialPortProgram()
      Console.WriteLine("Incoming Data:");

      // Attach a method to be called when there
      // is data waiting in the port's buffer
      port.DataReceived += new 

      // Begin communications

      // Enter an application loop to keep this thread alive

    private void port_DataReceived(object sender,
      SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
      // Show all the incoming data in the port's buffer

What is the difference between print and puts?

A big difference is if you are displaying arrays. Especially ones with NIL. For example:

print [nil, 1, 2]


[nil, 1, 2]


puts [nil, 1, 2]



Note, no appearing nil item (just a blank line) and each item on a different line.

Multiplication on command line terminal

I have a simple script I use for this:

me@mycomputer:~$ cat /usr/local/bin/c


echo "$*" | sed 's/x/\*/g' | bc -l

It changes x to * since * is a special character in the shell. Use it as follows:

  • c 5x5
  • c 5-4.2 + 1
  • c '(5 + 5) * 30' (you still have to use quotes if the expression contains any parentheses).

What to do with commit made in a detached head

Maybe not the best solution, (will rewrite history) but you could also do git reset --hard <hash of detached head commit>.

Easiest way to copy a single file from host to Vagrant guest?

Since you ask for the easiest way, I suggest using vagrant-scp. It adds a scp command to vagrant, so you can copy files to your VM like you would normally do with scp.

Install via:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-scp

Use it like so:

vagrant scp <some_local_file_or_dir> [vm_name]:<somewhere_on_the_vm>

How to make a DIV always float on the screen in top right corner?

Use position: fixed, and anchor it to the top and right sides of the page:

#fixed-div {
    position: fixed;
    top: 1em;
    right: 1em;

IE6 does not support position: fixed, however. If you need this functionality in IE6, this purely-CSS solution seems to do the trick. You'll need a wrapper <div> to contain some of the styles for it to work, as seen in the stylesheet.

How do I copy items from list to list without foreach?

OK this is working well From the suggestions above GetRange( ) does not work for me with a list as an sweetening things up a bit from posts above: ( thanks everyone :)

/*  Where __strBuf is a string list used as a dumping ground for data  */
public List < string > pullStrLst( )
    List < string > lst;

    lst = __strBuf.GetRange( 0, __strBuf.Count );     

    __strBuf.Clear( );

    return( lst );

How to add Button over image using CSS?

<div class="content"> 
  Counter-Strike 1.6 Steam 
     <img src="images/CSsteam.png">
     <a href="#">Koupit</a>

/*Use this css*/
content {
width: 182px; /*328 co je 1/3 - 20margin left*/
height: 121px;
line-height: 20px;
margin-top: 0px;
margin-left: 9px;
content a{

Deserialize a json string to an object in python

If you want to save lines of code and leave the most flexible solution, we can deserialize the json string to a dynamic object:

p = lambda:None
p.__dict__ = json.loads('{"action": "print", "method": "onData", "data": "Madan Mohan"}')

>>>> p.action
output: u'print'

>>>> p.method
output: u'onData'

Check if a variable is a string in JavaScript

I also found that this works fine too, and its a lot shorter than the other examples.

if (myVar === myVar + '') {
   //its string
} else {
   //its something else

By concatenating on empty quotes it turns the value into a string. If myVar is already a string then the if statement is successful.

Sending Multipart File as POST parameters with RestTemplate requests

You have to add the FormHttpMessageConverter to your applicationContext.xml to be able to post multipart files.

<bean id="restTemplate" class="org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate">
    <property name="messageConverters">
            <bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.StringHttpMessageConverter" />
            <bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.FormHttpMessageConverter" />

See for examples.

Use VBA to Clear Immediate Window?

For cleaning Immediate window I use (VBA Excel 2016) next function:

Private Sub ClrImmediate()
   With Application.VBE.Windows("Immediate")
       Application.SendKeys "^g", True
       Application.SendKeys "^a", True
       Application.SendKeys "{DEL}", True
   End With
End Sub

But direct call of ClrImmediate() like this:

Sub ShowCommandBarNames()
 '--   DoEvents    
    Debug.Print "next..."
End Sub

works only if i put the breakpoint on Debug.Print, otherwise the clearing will be done after execution of ShowCommandBarNames() - NOT before Debug.Print. Unfortunately, call of DoEvents() did not help me... And no matter: TRUE or FALSE is set for SendKeys.

To solve this I use next couple of calls:

Sub ShowCommandBarNames()
 '--    ClrImmediate
    Debug.Print "next..."
End Sub

Sub start_ShowCommandBarNames()
   Application.OnTime Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1), "ShowCommandBarNames"
End Sub

It seems to me that using Application.OnTime might be very useful in programming for VBA IDE. In this case it's can be used even TimeSerial(0, 0, 0).

how to clear the screen in python

If you mean the screen where you have that interpreter prompt >>> you can do CTRL+L on Bash shell can help. Windows does not have equivalent. You can do

import os
os.system('cls')  # on windows


os.system('clear')  # on linux / os x

How to set the UITableView Section title programmatically (iPhone/iPad)?

Note that -(NSString *)tableView: titleForHeaderInSection: is not called by UITableView if - (UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section is implemented in delegate of UITableView;

How to do a SUM() inside a case statement in SQL server

If you're using SQL Server 2005 or above, you can use the windowing function SUM() OVER ().

when test1.TotalType = 'Average' then Test2.avgscore
when test1.TotalType = 'PercentOfTot' then (cnt/SUM(test1.qrank) over ())
else cnt
end as displayscore

But it'll be better if you show your full query to get context of what you actually need.

Is Java a Compiled or an Interpreted programming language ?

Java is compiled to bytecode, which then goes into the Java VM, which interprets it.

Setting new value for an attribute using jQuery

Works fine for me

See example here.

Make sure your jquery is inside $(document).ready function or similar.

Also you can improve your code by using jquery data


<div id="amount" data-min=""></div>


A working example of your full code (pretty much) here.

FirstOrDefault returns NullReferenceException if no match is found

Simply use the question mark trick for null checks:

string displayName = Dictionary.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.ID == long.Parse(options.ID))?.Value.DisplayName ?? "DEFINE A DEFAULT DISPLAY NAME HERE";

Check if cookie exists else set cookie to Expire in 10 days

You need to read and write document.cookie

if (document.cookie.indexOf("visited=") >= 0) {
  // They've been here before.
  alert("hello again");
else {
  // set a new cookie
  expiry = new Date();
  expiry.setTime(expiry.getTime()+(10*60*1000)); // Ten minutes

  // Date()'s toGMTSting() method will format the date correctly for a cookie
  document.cookie = "visited=yes; expires=" + expiry.toGMTString();
  alert("this is your first time");

symfony 2 No route found for "GET /"

This work for me:

cache:clear --env=prod

Selecting rows where remainder (modulo) is 1 after division by 2?

select * from table where value % 2 = 1 works fine in mysql.

Remove lines that contain certain string

The else is only connected to the last if. You want elif:

if 'bad' in line:
elif 'naughty' in line:

Also note that I removed the line substitution, as you don't write those lines anyway.

What are rvalues, lvalues, xvalues, glvalues, and prvalues?

I guess this document might serve as a not so short introduction : n3055

The whole massacre began with the move semantics. Once we have expressions that can be moved and not copied, suddenly easy to grasp rules demanded distinction between expressions that can be moved, and in which direction.

From what I guess based on the draft, the r/l value distinction stays the same, only in the context of moving things get messy.

Are they needed? Probably not if we wish to forfeit the new features. But to allow better optimization we should probably embrace them.

Quoting n3055:

  • An lvalue (so-called, historically, because lvalues could appear on the left-hand side of an assignment expression) designates a function or an object. [Example: If E is an expression of pointer type, then *E is an lvalue expression referring to the object or function to which E points. As another example, the result of calling a function whose return type is an lvalue reference is an lvalue.]
  • An xvalue (an “eXpiring” value) also refers to an object, usually near the end of its lifetime (so that its resources may be moved, for example). An xvalue is the result of certain kinds of expressions involving rvalue references. [Example: The result of calling a function whose return type is an rvalue reference is an xvalue.]
  • A glvalue (“generalized” lvalue) is an lvalue or an xvalue.
  • An rvalue (so-called, historically, because rvalues could appear on the right-hand side of an assignment expression) is an xvalue, a temporary object or subobject thereof, or a value that is not associated with an object.
  • A prvalue (“pure” rvalue) is an rvalue that is not an xvalue. [Example: The result of calling a function whose return type is not a reference is a prvalue]

The document in question is a great reference for this question, because it shows the exact changes in the standard that have happened as a result of the introduction of the new nomenclature.

HTML 'td' width and height

The width attribute of <td> is deprecated in HTML 5.

Use CSS. e.g.

 <td style="width:100px">

in detail, like this:

<table >
    <td style="width:70%">January</td>
    <td style="width:30%">$100</td>

Create Excel file in Java

To create a spreadsheet and format a cell using POI, see the Working with Fonts example, and use:


POI works very well. There are some things you can't do (e.g. create VBA macros), but it'll read/write spreadsheets with macros, so you can create a suitable template sheet, read it and manipulate it with POI, and then write it out.

ClassNotFoundException: org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

I had the same on Android. This is how i fixed it:

including ONLY the file:


in my libs/ folder

Having any additional slf4j* file, caused the NoClassDefFoundError.

Obviously, the rest of the libs can be there (android-support-v4, etc)

Versions: Eclipse Kepler 2013 06 14 - 02 29 ADT 22.3 Android SDK: 4.4.2

Hope someone saves the time i wasted thanks to this!

Spring: How to inject a value to static field?

This is my sample code for load static variable

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class OnelinkConfig {
    public static int MODULE_CODE;
    public static int DEFAULT_PAGE;
    public static int DEFAULT_SIZE;

    public void loadOnelinkConfig(@Value("${onelink.config.exception.module.code}") int code,
            @Value("${}") int page, @Value("${onelink.config.default.size}") int size) {
        MODULE_CODE = code;
        DEFAULT_PAGE = page;
        DEFAULT_SIZE = size;