Well my client side (a cshtml file) was using DataTables to display a grid (now using Infragistics control which are great). And once the user clicked on the row, I captured the row event and the date associated with that record in order to go back to the server and make additional server-side requests for trades, etc. And no - I DID NOT stringify it...
The DataTables def started as this (leaving lots of stuff out), and the click event is seen below where I PUSH onto my Json object :
oTablePf = $('#pftable').dataTable({ // INIT CODE
"aaData": PfJsonData,
'aoColumnDefs': [
{ "sTitle": "Pf Id", "aTargets": [0] },
{ "sClass": "**td_nodedate**", "aTargets": [3] }
$("#pftable").delegate("tbody tr", "click", function (event) { // ROW CLICK EVT!!
var rownum = $(this).index();
var thisPfId = $(this).find('.td_pfid').text(); // Find Port Id and Node Date
var thisDate = $(this).find('.td_nodedate').text();
var nodeDatesJson = {
// omitting some code here...
var dateArry = thisDate.split("/");
var nodeDate = dateArry[2] + "-" + dateArry[0] + "-" + dateArry[1];
nodeDatesJson.nodedatelist.push({ nodedate: nodeDate });
getTradeContribs(thisPfId, nodeDatesJson); // GET TRADE CONTRIBUTIONS