[vim] Go to beginning of line without opening new line in VI

For ages now I've used SHIFTO and SHIFT$ to move to the beginning and end of a line in vi.

However SHIFTO is more for opening a new line above the cursor.

Is there any command which just takes you to the start of a line?

This question is related to vim vi

The answer is

You can use 0 or ^ to move to beginning of the line.
And can use Shift+I to move to the beginning and switch to editing mode (Insert).

Move the cursor to the begining or end with insert mode

  • I - Moves the cursor to the first non blank character in the current line and enables insert mode.
  • A - Moves the cursor to the last character in the current line and enables insert mode.

Here I is equivalent to ^ + i. Similarly A is equivalent to $ + a.

Just moving the cursor to the begining or end

  • ^ - Moves the cursor to the first non blank character in the current line
  • 0 - Moves the cursor to the first character in the current line
  • $ - Moves the cursor to the last character in the current line

You can also use


This sets the cursor at the present line (blank here) at the 0 column.

Type "^". And get a good "Vi" tutorial :)

A simple 0 takes you to the beginning of a line.

:help 0 for more information

I just found 0(zero) and shift+0 works on vim.

0 Takes you to the beginning of the line

Shift 0 Takes you to the end of the line

Try this Vi/Vim cheatsheet solution to many problems.

For normal mode :
0 - [zero] to beginning of line, first column.
$ - to end of line

There is another way:


That is the "pipe" - the symbol found under the backspace in ANSI layout.

Vim quickref (:help quickref) describes it as:

N      |      to column N (default: 1)

What about wrapped lines?

If you have wrap lines enabled, 0 and | will no longer take you to the beginning of the screen line. In that case use:


Again, vim quickref doc:

 g0   to first character in screen line (differs from "0"
      when lines wrap)