[android] How do I set up Android Studio to work completely offline?

I have very slow bandwidth, so I'm trying to keep all the required files on the local machine to work with Android Studio completely offline. When I click on "New Project" it always tries to download a file named gradle-1.6-bin.zip which I downloaded and tried to install locally via the plugin manager but it gives me an error:

fail to load plugin descriptor from file gradle-1.6-bin.zip

So what other files do I need to download and how do I install them properly to work offline with Android Studio?

This question is related to android android-studio

The answer is

For enabling Offline mode Android Studio Version Above 3.6, refer the following answer.


On Android 0.5.1 you can find the offline option in the File / Settings / Gradle (in the Project Settings section)/ Offline work

I'm using Android Studio 0.5.4 (Mavericks).

Preferences ? Gradle ? Global Gradle Settings ? Offline work

File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Gradle > Offline work

Android Studio 1.3.1 has neither

Gradle > Global Gradle settings > Offline work

nor a


menu. To access the compiler menu, go to :

File > Settings > Build, Execution & Deployment > Compiler > Compiler

and de-select Configure on demand

The above still uses data but is faster, I was able to load images and maps. However, in addition, if you want to be completely offline, you need to do the following:

 File -> Settings ->Build, Execution,Deployment -> Build Tools -> Gradle -> 

check Offline work

Click the OK button.

For Android Studio 2.0 it is the same procedure.

Not sure if it was removed before, I heard it was kinda buggy in 0.5.8 but in AS 0.5.9 the settings is there:

Gradle > Global Gradle settings > Offline work

Android Studio Version < 3.6:

For Windows:

File -> Settings ->Build, Execution,Deployment -> Build Tools -> Gradle

For Mac OS:

Preferences ->Build, Execution,Deployment -> Build Tools -> Gradle

Check/UnCheck Offline work checkbox as per your need.

Android Studio Version >= 3.6:

follow steps in the image:

enter image description here

You can enable from File->Build, Execution, Deployment->Build Tools-> Gradle-> Offline Work.

It seems as though gradle was not installed for me. Going to Android/Sdk/tools/templates/gradle/wrapper and running ./gradlew tasks --debug has resulted in it downloading.

for a complete offline android studio 3.5.0 installation - you need to download all these below components

android studio, gradle, android gradle plugin and sdk.

here is a detailed step by step Stackoverflow answer for the question

how to install android studio full offline

Android Studio 0.4.0 now includes support for offline:


"You can now open the Compiler > Gradle options and enable Offline mode, which will tell Gradle to ignore update-to-date checks"

Updated Nov 2018: Now you can Open preferences, then search for "offline" and in the results select gradle and click "Offline work"

Just as an assist if you go with Android Studio 0.4.x offline mode (because this thread is one of the main ones that google throws up when querying this issue).

From Alex Ruiz (Google+):

If you specify dependency versions using "+" (e.g. 0.8.+) Gradle (not Android Studio) will check that you have the latest version of such dependency periodically (every 24 hours,) even in offline mode

You need to take the plus out.