Programs & Examples On #Transformtovisual

How to use regex in String.contains() method in Java

As of Java 11 one can use Pattern#asMatchPredicate which returns Predicate<String>.

String string = "stores%store%product";
String regex = "stores.*store.*product.*";
Predicate<String> matchesRegex = Pattern.compile(regex).asMatchPredicate();

boolean match = matchesRegex.test(string);                   // true

The method enables chaining with other String predicates, which is the main advantage of this method as long as the Predicate offers and, or and negate methods.

String string = "stores$store$product";
String regex = "stores.*store.*product.*";

Predicate<String> matchesRegex = Pattern.compile(regex).asMatchPredicate();
Predicate<String> hasLength = s -> s.length() > 20;

boolean match = hasLength.and(matchesRegex).test(string);    // false

Directly assigning values to C Pointers

First Program with comments

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
    int *ptr;             //Create a pointer that points to random memory address

    *ptr = 20;            //Dereference that pointer, 
                          // and assign a value to random memory address.
                          //Depending on external (not inside your program) state
                          // this will either crash or SILENTLY CORRUPT another 
                          // data structure in your program.  

    printf("%d", *ptr);   //Print contents of same random memory address
                          // May or may not crash, depending on who owns this address

    return 0;             

Second Program with comments

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
    int *ptr;              //Create pointer to random memory address

    int q = 50;            //Create local variable with contents int 50

    ptr = &q;              //Update address targeted by above created pointer to point
                           // to local variable your program properly created

    printf("%d", *ptr);    //Happily print the contents of said local variable (q)
    return 0;

The key is you cannot use a pointer until you know it is assigned to an address that you yourself have managed, either by pointing it at another variable you created or to the result of a malloc call.

Using it before is creating code that depends on uninitialized memory which will at best crash but at worst work sometimes, because the random memory address happens to be inside the memory space your program already owns. God help you if it overwrites a data structure you are using elsewhere in your program.

Get Public URL for File - Google Cloud Storage - App Engine (Python)

You need to use get_serving_url from the Images API. As that page explains, you need to call create_gs_key() first to get the key to pass to the Images API.

Java HashMap: How to get a key and value by index?

You can do:

for(String key: hashMap.keySet()){
    for(String value: hashMap.get(key)) {
        // use the value here

This will iterate over every key, and then every value of the list associated with each key.

Javascript - sort array based on another array

You could try this method.

const sortListByRanking = (rankingList, listToSort) => {
  let result = []

  for (let id of rankingList) {
    for (let item of listToSort) {
      if (item && item[1] === id) {

  return result

Checking if a variable is defined?

WARNING Re: A Common Ruby Pattern

This is the key answer: the defined? method. The accepted answer above illustrates this perfectly.

But there is a shark, lurking beneath the waves...

Consider this type of common ruby pattern:

 def method1
    @x ||= method2

 def method2

method2 always returns nil. The first time you call method1, the @x variable is not set - therefore method2 will be run. and method2 will set @x to nil. That is fine, and all well and good. But what happens the second time you call method1?

Remember @x has already been set to nil. But method2 will still be run again!! If method2 is a costly undertaking this might not be something that you want.

Let the defined? method come to the rescue - with this solution, that particular case is handled - use the following:

  def method1
    return @x if defined? @x
    @x = method2

The devil is in the details: but you can evade that lurking shark with the defined? method.

Rails formatting date

Create an initializer for it:

# config/initializers/time_formats.rb

Add something like this to it:

Time::DATE_FORMATS[:custom_datetime] = "%d.%m.%Y"

And then use it the following way:


?? Your have to restart rails server for this to work.

Check the documentation for more information:

Check if a string contains an element from a list (of strings)

when you construct yours strings it should be like this

bool inact = new string[] { "SUSPENDARE", "DIZOLVARE" }.Any(s=>stare.Contains(s));

How is "mvn clean install" different from "mvn install"?

To stick with the Maven terms:

  • "clean" is a phase of the clean lifecycle
  • "install" is a phase of the default lifecycle

How do I obtain the frequencies of each value in an FFT?

The FFT output coefficients (for complex input of size N) are from 0 to N - 1 grouped as [LOW,MID,HI,HI,MID,LOW] frequency.

I would consider that the element at k has the same frequency as the element at N-k since for real data, FFT[N-k] = complex conjugate of FFT[k].

The order of scanning from LOW to HIGH frequency is





 [N/2] - 1,
 N - ([N/2] - 1) = [N/2]+1,


There are [N/2]+1 groups of frequency from index i = 0 to [N/2], each having the frequency = i * SamplingFrequency / N

So the frequency at bin FFT[k] is:

if k <= [N/2] then k * SamplingFrequency / N
if k >= [N/2] then (N-k) * SamplingFrequency / N

Resource files not found from JUnit test cases

This is actually redundant except in cases where you want to override the defaults. All of these settings are implied defaults.

You can verify that by checking your effective POM using this command

mvn help:effective-pom


For example, if i want to point to a different test resource path or resource path you should use this otherwise you don't.


Font size of TextView in Android application changes on changing font size from native settings

Actually, Settings font size affects only sizes in sp. So all You need to do - define textSize in dp instead of sp, then settings won't change text size in Your app.

Here's a link to the documentation: Dimensions

However please note that the expected behavior is that the fonts in all apps respect the user's preferences. There are many reasons a user might want to adjust the font sizes and some of them might even be medical - visually impaired users. Using dp instead of sp for text might lead to unwillingly discriminating against some of your app's users.



Unexpected token }

You have endless loop in place:

function save() {
    var filename = id('filename').value;
    var name = id('name').value;
    var text = id('text').value;
    save(filename, name, text);

No idea what you're trying to accomplish with that endless loop but first of all get rid of it and see if things are working.

SQLAlchemy: print the actual query

We can use compile method for this purpose. From the docs:

from sqlalchemy.sql import text
from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql

stmt = text("SELECT * FROM users WHERE BETWEEN :x AND :y")
stmt = stmt.bindparams(x="m", y="z")

print(stmt.compile(dialect=postgresql.dialect(),compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True}))



Warning from docs:

Never use this technique with string content received from untrusted input, such as from web forms or other user-input applications. SQLAlchemy’s facilities to coerce Python values into direct SQL string values are not secure against untrusted input and do not validate the type of data being passed. Always use bound parameters when programmatically invoking non-DDL SQL statements against a relational database.

Python Progress Bar

The code below is a quite general solution and also has a time elapsed and time remaining estimate. You can use any iterable with it. The progress bar has a fixed size of 25 characters but it can show updates in 1% steps using full, half, and quarter block characters. The output looks like this:

 18% |¦¦¦¦¦                    | \ [0:00:01, 0:00:06]

Code with example:

import sys, time
from numpy import linspace

def ProgressBar(iterObj):
  def SecToStr(sec):
    m, s = divmod(sec, 60)
    h, m = divmod(m, 60)
    return u'%d:%02d:%02d'%(h, m, s)
  L = len(iterObj)
  steps = {int(x):y for x,y in zip(linspace(0, L, min(100,L), endpoint=False),
                                   linspace(0, 100, min(100,L), endpoint=False))}
  qSteps = ['', u'\u258E', u'\u258C', u'\u258A'] # quarter and half block chars
  startT = time.time()
  timeStr = '   [0:00:00, -:--:--]'
  activity = [' -',' \\',' |',' /']
  for nn,item in enumerate(iterObj):
    if nn in steps:
      done = u'\u2588'*int(steps[nn]/4.0)+qSteps[int(steps[nn]%4)]
      todo = ' '*(25-len(done))
      barStr = u'%4d%% |%s%s|'%(steps[nn], done, todo)
    if nn>0:
      endT = time.time()
      timeStr = ' [%s, %s]'%(SecToStr(endT-startT),
    sys.stdout.write('\r'+barStr+activity[nn%4]+timeStr); sys.stdout.flush()
    yield item
  barStr = u'%4d%% |%s|'%(100, u'\u2588'*25)
  timeStr = '   [%s, 0:00:00]\n'%(SecToStr(time.time()-startT))
  sys.stdout.write('\r'+barStr+timeStr); sys.stdout.flush()

# Example
s = ''
for c in ProgressBar(list('Disassemble and reassemble this string')):
  s += c

Suggestions for improvements or other comments are appreciated. Cheers!

How create a new deep copy (clone) of a List<T>?

If the Array class meets your needs, you could also use the List.ToArray method, which copies elements to a new array.


How to select date from datetime column?

Though all the answers on the page will return the desired result, they all have performance issues. Never perform calculations on fields in the WHERE clause (including a DATE() calculation) as that calculation must be performed on all rows in the table.

The BETWEEN ... AND construct is inclusive for both border conditions, requiring one to specify the 23:59:59 syntax on the end date which itself has other issues (microsecond transactions, which I believe MySQL did not support in 2009 when the question was asked).

The proper way to query a MySQL timestamp field for a particular day is to check for Greater-Than-Equals against the desired date, and Less-Than for the day after, with no hour specified.

WHERE datetime>='2009-10-20' AND datetime<'2009-10-21'

This is the fastest-performing, lowest-memory, least-resource intensive method, and additionally supports all MySQL features and corner-cases such as sub-second timestamp precision. Additionally, it is future proof.

pandas unique values multiple columns

list(set(df[['Col1', 'Col2']].as_matrix().reshape((1,-1)).tolist()[0]))

The output will be ['Mary', 'Joe', 'Steve', 'Bob', 'Bill']

"Initializing" variables in python?

There are several ways to assign the equal variables.

The easiest one:

grade_1 = grade_2 = grade_3 = average = 0.0

With unpacking:

grade_1, grade_2, grade_3, average = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

With list comprehension and unpacking:

>>> grade_1, grade_2, grade_3, average = [0.0 for _ in range(4)]
>>> print(grade_1, grade_2, grade_3, average)
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Default Xmxsize in Java 8 (max heap size)

Like you have mentioned, The default -Xmxsize (Maximum HeapSize) depends on your system configuration.

Java8 client takes Larger of 1/64th of your physical memory for your Xmssize (Minimum HeapSize) and Smaller of 1/4th of your physical memory for your -Xmxsize (Maximum HeapSize).

Which means if you have a physical memory of 8GB RAM, you will have Xmssize as Larger of 8*(1/6) and Smaller of -Xmxsizeas 8*(1/4).

You can Check your default HeapSize with

In Windows:

java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version | findstr /i "HeapSize PermSize ThreadStackSize"

In Linux:

java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version | grep -iE 'HeapSize|PermSize|ThreadStackSize'

These default values can also be overrided to your desired amount.

Jenkins could not run git

I had similar problem, the solution for Windows looks the same (my Jenkins is installed on a Windows machine):

Global settings:

Go to Manage jenkins -> Configure System -> Git installations add there the git exe path (for example: C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe), or you can use environment variable.

For Jenkins version 2.121.3, Go to Manage jenkins -> Global tool configuration -> Git installations -> Path to Git executable: C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe

Jenkins job side:

Go to Source code Management -> select git, add your repository, choose connection to repository (http/ssh) and add credentials and it should work.

JavaScript Array to Set

Just pass the array to the Set constructor. The Set constructor accepts an iterable parameter. The Array object implements the iterable protocol, so its a valid parameter.

var arr = [55, 44, 65];_x000D_
var set = new Set(arr);_x000D_
console.log(set.size === arr.length);_x000D_

See here

Excel to CSV with UTF8 encoding

open .csv fine with notepad++. if you see your encoding is good (you see all characters as they should be) press encoding , then convert to ANSI else - find out what is your current encoding

What is the PHP syntax to check "is not null" or an empty string?

Use empty(). It checks for both empty strings and null.

if (!empty($_POST['user'])) {
  // do stuff

From the manual:

The following things are considered to be empty:

"" (an empty string)  
0 (0 as an integer)  
0.0 (0 as a float)  
"0" (0 as a string)    
array() (an empty array)  
var $var; (a variable declared, but without a value in a class)  

Text vertical alignment in WPF TextBlock

Just for giggles, give this XAML a whirl. It isn't perfect as it is not an 'alignment' but it allows you to adjust text alignment within a paragraph.

    <TextBlock BaselineOffset="30">One</TextBlock>
    <TextBlock BaselineOffset="20">Two</TextBlock>  
    <Run BaselineAlignment="Subscript">Four</Run>   

Is there a JavaScript / jQuery DOM change listener?

Many sites use AJAX/XHR/fetch to add, show, modify content dynamically and window.history API instead of in-site navigation so current URL is changed programmatically. Such sites are called SPA, short for Single Page Application.

Usual JS methods of detecting page changes

  • MutationObserver (docs) to literally detect DOM changes:

  • Event listener for sites that signal content change by sending a DOM event:

  • Periodic checking of DOM via setInterval:
    Obviously this will work only in cases when you wait for a specific element identified by its id/selector to appear, and it won't let you universally detect new dynamically added content unless you invent some kind of fingerprinting the existing contents.

  • Cloaking History API:

    let _pushState = History.prototype.pushState;
    History.prototype.pushState = function (state, title, url) {, state, title, url);
      console.log('URL changed', url)
  • Listening to hashchange, popstate events:

    window.addEventListener('hashchange', e => {
      console.log('URL hash changed', e);
    window.addEventListener('popstate', e => {
      console.log('State changed', e);

Extensions-specific methods

All above-mentioned methods can be used in a content script. Note that content scripts aren't automatically executed by the browser in case of programmatic navigation via window.history in the web page because only the URL was changed but the page itself remained the same (the content scripts run automatically only once in page lifetime).

Now let's look at the background script.

Detect URL changes in a background / event page.

There are advanced API to work with navigation: webNavigation, webRequest, but we'll use simple chrome.tabs.onUpdated event listener that sends a message to the content script:

  • manifest.json:
    declare background/event page
    declare content script
    add "tabs" permission.

  • background.js

    var rxLookfor = /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?google\.(com|\w\w(\.\w\w)?)\/.*?[?#&]q=/;
    chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function (tabId, changeInfo, tab) {
      if (rxLookfor.test(changeInfo.url)) {
        chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, 'url-update');
  • content.js

    chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((msg, sender, sendResponse) => {
      if (msg === 'url-update') {
        // doSomething();

How to remove a column from an existing table?


cartesian product in pandas

I find using pandas MultiIndex to be the best tool for the job. If you have a list of lists lists_list, call pd.MultiIndex.from_product(lists_list) and iterate over the result (or use it in DataFrame index).

postgreSQL - psql \i : how to execute script in a given path

i did try this and its working in windows machine to run a sql file on a specific schema.

psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U username -d databasename -v schema=schemaname < e:\Table.sql

Android error while retrieving information from server 'RPC:s-5:AEC-0' in Google Play?

I've finally solved this problem. It was driving me nuts. From a PC, go to Google Play. In my case I had conflicting email accounts and had to create a new email account. Then go to your phone settings. Go to accounts and then Google. Remove your existing email there and add the new one.

The phone will then synchronise and then everything works again. You can then update and download apps; which is what I couldn't do before because of this problem.

ng serve not detecting file changes automatically

In your project dist folder is own by root

Try to use sudo ng serve instead of ng serve.

Another solution

When there is having a large number of files watch not work in linux.There is a Limit at INotify Watches on Linux. So increasing the watches limit

//When live server not work in linux

sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288
sudo sysctl -p --system

ng serve //You can also do sudo **ng serve**

How to get all subsets of a set? (powerset)

I have found the following algorithm very clear and simple:

def get_powerset(some_list):
    """Returns all subsets of size 0 - len(some_list) for some_list"""
    if len(some_list) == 0:
        return [[]]

    subsets = []
    first_element = some_list[0]
    remaining_list = some_list[1:]
    # Strategy: get all the subsets of remaining_list. For each
    # of those subsets, a full subset list will contain both
    # the original subset as well as a version of the subset
    # that contains first_element
    for partial_subset in get_powerset(remaining_list):
        subsets.append(partial_subset[:] + [first_element])

    return subsets

Another way one can generate the powerset is by generating all binary numbers that have n bits. As a power set the amount of number with n digits is 2 ^ n. The principle of this algorithm is that an element could be present or not in a subset as a binary digit could be one or zero but not both.

def power_set(items):
    N = len(items)
    # enumerate the 2 ** N possible combinations
    for i in range(2 ** N):
        combo = []
        for j in range(N):
            # test bit jth of integer i
            if (i >> j) % 2 == 1:
        yield combo

I found both algorithms when I was taking MITx: 6.00.2x Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science, and I consider it is one of the easiest algorithms to understand I have seen.

Javascript .querySelector find <div> by innerTEXT

This solution does the following:

  • Uses the ES6 spread operator to convert the NodeList of all divs to an array.

  • Provides output if the div contains the query string, not just if it exactly equals the query string (which happens for some of the other answers). e.g. It should provide output not just for 'SomeText' but also for 'SomeText, text continues'.

  • Outputs the entire div contents, not just the query string. e.g. For 'SomeText, text continues' it should output that whole string, not just 'SomeText'.

  • Allows for multiple divs to contain the string, not just a single div.

[...document.querySelectorAll('div')]      // get all the divs in an array_x000D_
  .map(div => div.innerHTML)               // get their contents_x000D_
  .filter(txt => txt.includes('SomeText')) // keep only those containing the query_x000D_
  .forEach(txt => console.log(txt));       // output the entire contents of those
<div>SomeText, text continues.</div>_x000D_
<div>Not in this div.</div>_x000D_
<div>Here is more SomeText.</div>

Why is Spring's ApplicationContext.getBean considered bad?

One of Spring premises is avoid coupling. Define and use Interfaces, DI, AOP and avoid using ApplicationContext.getBean() :-)

How to disable Google Chrome auto update?

Sort of "official method" is listed here:

In a nutshell:

1) download

2) install it using gpedit.msc (click on Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates, then select 'Add/Remove Templates...' in 'Action' menu)

3) disable Chrome update in
Computer Configuration
  Administrative Templates
    Classic Administrative Templates
        Google Update
            Google Chrome
by setting 'Update Policy Override' to 'Disabled'

What is the difference between Cloud Computing and Grid Computing?

Cloud Computing is a large group of interconnected computers.The data are hidden form the user. Grid computing is more than one computers interconnected to resolve the problem.grid computing is worked in cloud computing.

Begin, Rescue and Ensure in Ruby?

This is why we need ensure:

def hoge
    raise # raise again
    puts 'ensure' # will be executed
  puts 'end of func' # never be executed

How to open a file / browse dialog using javascript?

I worked it around through this "hiding" div ...

<div STYLE="position:absolute;display:none;"><INPUT type='file' id='file1' name='files[]'></div>

Jackson how to transform JsonNode to ArrayNode without casting?

I would assume at the end of the day you want to consume the data in the ArrayNode by iterating it. For that:

Iterator<JsonNode> iterator = datasets.withArray("datasets").elements();
while (iterator.hasNext()) 
        System.out.print( + " "); 

or if you're into streams and lambda functions:

    .forEach( item -> System.out.print(item.toString()) )

How to keep indent for second line in ordered lists via CSS?

I'm quite fond of this solution myself:

ul {
    list-style-position: inside;
    list-style-type: disc;
    font-size: 12px;
    line-height: 1.4em;
    padding: 0 1em;

ul li {
    margin: 0 0 0 1em;
    padding: 0 0 0 1em;
    text-indent: -2em;

Seaborn Barplot - Displaying Values

A simple way to do so is to add the below code (for Seaborn):

for p in splot.patches:
    splot.annotate(format(p.get_height(), '.1f'), 
                   (p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2., p.get_height()), 
                   ha = 'center', va = 'center', 
                   xytext = (0, 9), 
                   textcoords = 'offset points') 

Example :

splot = sns.barplot(df['X'], df['Y'])
# Annotate the bars in plot
for p in splot.patches:
    splot.annotate(format(p.get_height(), '.1f'), 
                   (p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2., p.get_height()), 
                   ha = 'center', va = 'center', 
                   xytext = (0, 9), 
                   textcoords = 'offset points')

SQL Server: Null VS Empty String

How are the "NULL" and "empty varchar" values stored in SQL Server. Why would you want to know that? Or in other words, if you knew the answer, how would you use that information?

And in case I have no user entry for a string field on my UI, should I store a NULL or a ''? It depends on the nature of your field. Ask yourself whether the empty string is a valid value for your field.

If it is (for example, house name in an address) then that might be what you want to store (depending on whether or not you know that the address has no house name).

If it's not (for example, a person's name), then you should store a null, because people don't have blank names (in any culture, so far as I know).

How to tag docker image with docker-compose

If you specify image as well as build, then Compose names the built image with the webapp and optional tag specified in image:

build: ./dir
image: webapp:tag

This results in an image named webapp and tagged tag, built from ./dir.

In R, how to find the standard error of the mean?

y <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)

sd(y) for standard deviation var(y) for variance.

Both derivations use n-1 in the denominator so they are based on sample data.

Get number of digits with JavaScript

Note : This function will ignore the numbers after the decimal mean dot, If you wanna count with decimal then remove the Math.floor(). Direct to the point check this out!

function digitCount ( num )
     return Math.floor( num.toString()).length;

 digitCount(2343) ;

// ES5+

 const digitCount2 = num => String( Math.floor( Math.abs(num) ) ).length;


Basically What's going on here. toString() and String() same build-in function for converting digit to string, once we converted then we'll find the length of the string by build-in function length.

Alert: But this function wouldn't work properly for negative number, if you're trying to play with negative number then check this answer Or simple put Math.abs() in it;

Cheer You!

grep without showing path/file:line

Just replace -H with -h. Check man grep for more details on options

find . -name '*.bar' -exec grep -hn FOO {} \;

Two color borders

Not possible, but you should check to see if border-style values like inset, outset or some other, accomplished the effect you want.. (i doubt it though..)

CSS3 has the border-image properties, but i do not know about support from browsers yet (more info at

Using scanner.nextLine()

I think your problem is that

int selection = scanner.nextInt();

reads just the number, not the end of line or anything after the number. When you declare

String sentence = scanner.nextLine();

This reads the remainder of the line with the number on it (with nothing after the number I suspect)

Try placing a scanner.nextLine(); after each nextInt() if you intend to ignore the rest of the line.

Convert multiple rows into one with comma as separator

building on mwigdahls answer. if you also need to do grouping here is how to get it to look like

group, csv
'group1', 'paul, john'
'group2', 'mary'

    --drop table #user
create table #user (groupName varchar(25), username varchar(25))

insert into #user (groupname, username) values ('apostles', 'Paul')
insert into #user (groupname, username) values ('apostles', 'John')
insert into #user (groupname, username) values ('family','Mary')

    , stuff((
        select ', ' + g.username
        from #user g        
        where g.groupName = g1.groupname        
        order by g.username
        for xml path('')
    ),1,2,'') as name_csv
from #user g1
group by g1.groupname

Memory address of variables in Java

This is not memory address This is classname@hashcode
Which is the default implementation of Object.toString()

public String toString() {
    return getClass().getName() + "@" + Integer.toHexString(hashCode());


Class name = full qualified name or absolute name (ie package name followed by class name) hashcode = hexadecimal format (System.identityHashCode(obj) or obj.hashCode() will give you hashcode in decimal format).

The confusion root cause is that the default implementation of Object.hashCode() use the internal address of the object into an integer

This is typically implemented by converting the internal address of the object into an integer, but this implementation technique is not required by the Java™ programming language.

And of course, some classes can override both default implementations either for toString() or hashCode()

If you need the default implementation value of hashcode() for a object which overriding it,
You can use the following method System.identityHashCode(Object x)

AngularJS/javascript converting a date String to date object

This is what I did on the controller

var collectionDate = '2002-04-26T09:00:00';
var date = new Date(collectionDate);
//then pushed all my data into an array $scope.rows which I then used in the directive

I ended up formatting the date to my desired pattern on the directive as follows.

var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
                    data.addColumn('date', 'Dates');
                    data.addColumn('number', 'Upper Normal');
                    data.addColumn('number', 'Result');
                    data.addColumn('number', 'Lower Normal');
                    var formatDate = new google.visualization.DateFormat({pattern: "dd/MM/yyyy"});
                    formatDate.format(data, 0);
//set options for the line chart
var options = {'hAxis': format: 'dd/MM/yyyy'}

//Instantiate and draw the chart passing in options
var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart($elm[0]);
                    chart.draw(data, options);

This gave me dates ain the format of dd/MM/yyyy (26/04/2002) on the x axis of the chart.

Impersonate tag in Web.Config

You had the identity node as a child of authentication node. That was the issue. As in the example above, authentication and identity nodes must be children of the system.web node

Java and SSL -

Try instead of the latter isn't mentioned in the JSSE ref guide.

The algorithms you mention should be there by default using the default security providers. NoSuchAlgorithmExceptions are often cause by other underlying exceptions (file not found, wrong password, wrong keystore type, ...). It's useful to look at the full stack trace.

You could also use, or at least,keymanager, to get more debugging information, if the information in the stack trace isn't sufficient.

Accessing a class' member variables in Python?

The answer, in a few words

In your example, itsProblem is a local variable.

Your must use self to set and get instance variables. You can set it in the __init__ method. Then your code would be:

class Example(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.itsProblem = "problem"

theExample = Example()

But if you want a true class variable, then use the class name directly:

class Example(object):
    itsProblem = "problem"

theExample = Example()
print (Example.itsProblem)

But be careful with this one, as theExample.itsProblem is automatically set to be equal to Example.itsProblem, but is not the same variable at all and can be changed independently.

Some explanations

In Python, variables can be created dynamically. Therefore, you can do the following:

class Example(object):

Example.itsProblem = "problem"

e = Example()
e.itsSecondProblem = "problem"

print Example.itsProblem == e.itsSecondProblem 



Therefore, that's exactly what you do with the previous examples.

Indeed, in Python we use self as this, but it's a bit more than that. self is the the first argument to any object method because the first argument is always the object reference. This is automatic, whether you call it self or not.

Which means you can do:

class Example(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.itsProblem = "problem"

theExample = Example()


class Example(object):
    def __init__(my_super_self):
        my_super_self.itsProblem = "problem"

theExample = Example()

It's exactly the same. The first argument of ANY object method is the current object, we only call it self as a convention. And you add just a variable to this object, the same way you would do it from outside.

Now, about the class variables.

When you do:

class Example(object):
    itsProblem = "problem"

theExample = Example()

You'll notice we first set a class variable, then we access an object (instance) variable. We never set this object variable but it works, how is that possible?

Well, Python tries to get first the object variable, but if it can't find it, will give you the class variable. Warning: the class variable is shared among instances, and the object variable is not.

As a conclusion, never use class variables to set default values to object variables. Use __init__ for that.

Eventually, you will learn that Python classes are instances and therefore objects themselves, which gives new insight to understanding the above. Come back and read this again later, once you realize that.

How to read/write from/to file using Go?

With newer Go versions, reading/writing to/from file is easy. To read from a file:

package main

import (

func main() {
    data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("text.txt")
    if err != nil {

To write to a file:

package main

import "os"

func main() {
    file, err := os.Create("text.txt")
    if err != nil {
    defer file.Close()


This will overwrite the content of a file (create a new file if it was not there).

no match for ‘operator<<’ in ‘std::operator

Object is a collection of methods and variables.You can't print the variables in object by just cout operation . if you want to show the things inside the object you have to declare either a getter or a display text method in class.


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class mystruct

    int m_a;
    float m_b;

    mystruct(int x, float y)
            m_a = x;
            m_b = y;
    void getm_aAndm_b()


int main()

    mystruct m = mystruct(5,3.14);

    cout << "my structure " << endl;
    return 0;


Not that this is just a one way of doing it Could not locate executable null\bin\winutils.exe in the Hadoop binaries. spark Eclipse on windows 7

if we see below issue

ERROR Shell: Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path Could not locate executable null\bin\winutils.exe in the Hadoop binaries.

then do following steps

  1. download winutils.exe from win-alpha/winutils.exe.
  2. and keep this under bin folder of any folder you created for.e.g. C:\Hadoop\bin
  3. and in program add following line before creating SparkContext or SparkConf System.setProperty("hadoop.home.dir", "C:\Hadoop");

How to gzip all files in all sub-directories into one compressed file in bash

there are lots of compression methods that work recursively command line and its good to know who the end audience is.

i.e. if it is to be sent to someone running windows then zip would probably be best:

zip -r folder_to_zip


for other linux users or your self tar is great

tar -cvzf filename.tar.gz folder

tar -cvjf filename.tar.bz2 folder  # even more compression

#change the -c to -x to above to extract

One must be careful with tar and how things are tarred up/extracted, for example if I run

cd ~
tar -cvzf passwd.tar.gz /etc/passwd
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names



tar -xvzf passwd.tar.gz

this will create /home/myusername/etc/passwd

unsure if all versions of tar do this:

 Removing leading `/' from member names

How to check if a variable is null or empty string or all whitespace in JavaScript?

    return !str || str.trim() === '';

Java math function to convert positive int to negative and negative to positive?

original *= -1;

Simple line of code, original is any int you want it to be.

What's the console.log() of java?

Use the Android logging utility.

Log has a bunch of static methods for accessing the different log levels. The common thread is that they always accept at least a tag and a log message.

Tags are a way of filtering output in your log messages. You can use them to wade through the thousands of log messages you'll see and find the ones you're specifically looking for.

You use the Log functions in Android by accessing the Log.x objects (where the x method is the log level). For example:

Log.d("MyTagGoesHere", "This is my log message at the debug level here");
Log.e("MyTagGoesHere", "This is my log message at the error level here");

I usually make it a point to make the tag my class name so I know where the log message was generated too. Saves a lot of time later on in the game.

You can see your log messages using the logcat tool for android:

adb logcat

Or by opening the eclipse Logcat view by going to the menu bar

Window->Show View->Other then select the Android menu and the LogCat view

Printing Python version in output


python --version 


python -V

This will return a current python version in terminal.

Android emulator-5554 offline

If you are on Linux or Mac, and assuming the offline device is 'emulator-5554', you can run the following:

netstat -tulpn|grep 5554

Which yields the following output:

tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      4848/emulator64-x86
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      4848/emulator64-x86

This tells me that the process id 4848 (yours will likely be different) is still listening on port 5554. You can now kill that process with:

sudo kill -9 4848

and the ghost offline-device is no more!

Reference member variables as class members

Is there a name to describe this idiom?

There is no name for this usage, it is simply known as "Reference as class member".

I am assuming it is to prevent the possibly large overhead of copying a big complex object?

Yes and also scenarios where you want to associate the lifetime of one object with another object.

Is this generally good practice? Are there any pitfalls to this approach?

Depends on your usage. Using any language feature is like "choosing horses for courses". It is important to note that every (almost all) language feature exists because it is useful in some scenario.
There are a few important points to note when using references as class members:

  • You need to ensure that the referred object is guaranteed to exist till your class object exists.
  • You need to initialize the member in the constructor member initializer list. You cannot have a lazy initialization, which could be possible in case of pointer member.
  • The compiler will not generate the copy assignment operator=() and you will have to provide one yourself. It is cumbersome to determine what action your = operator shall take in such a case. So basically your class becomes non-assignable.
  • References cannot be NULL or made to refer any other object. If you need reseating, then it is not possible with a reference as in case of a pointer.

For most practical purposes (unless you are really concerned of high memory usage due to member size) just having a member instance, instead of pointer or reference member should suffice. This saves you a whole lot of worrying about other problems which reference/pointer members bring along though at expense of extra memory usage.

If you must use a pointer, make sure you use a smart pointer instead of a raw pointer. That would make your life much easier with pointers.

How can I see the entire HTTP request that's being sent by my Python application?

A simple method: enable logging in recent versions of Requests (1.x and higher.)

Requests uses the http.client and logging module configuration to control logging verbosity, as described here.


Code excerpted from the linked documentation:

import requests
import logging

# These two lines enable debugging at httplib level (requests->urllib3->http.client)
# You will see the REQUEST, including HEADERS and DATA, and RESPONSE with HEADERS but without DATA.
# The only thing missing will be the response.body which is not logged.
    import http.client as http_client
except ImportError:
    # Python 2
    import httplib as http_client
http_client.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1

# You must initialize logging, otherwise you'll not see debug output.
requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests.packages.urllib3")
requests_log.propagate = True


Example Output

$ python 
INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
send: 'GET /headers HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, compress\r\nAccept: */*\r\nUser-Agent: python-requests/1.2.0 CPython/2.7.3 Linux/3.2.0-48-generic\r\n\r\n'
reply: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
header: Content-Type: application/json
header: Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 11:19:34 GMT
header: Server: gunicorn/0.17.4
header: Content-Length: 226
header: Connection: keep-alive
DEBUG:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:"GET /headers HTTP/1.1" 200 226

How to rollback a specific migration?

To roll back all migrations up to a particular version (e.g. 20181002222222), use:

rake db:migrate VERSION=20181002222222

(Note that this uses db:migrate -- not db:migrate:down as in other answers to this question.)

Assuming the specified migration version is older than the current version, this will roll back all migrations up to, but not including, the specified version.

For example, if rake db:migrate:status initially displays:

  (... some older migrations ...)
  up      20181001002039  Some migration description
  up      20181002222222  Some migration description
  up      20181003171932  Some migration description
  up      20181004211151  Some migration description
  up      20181005151403  Some migration description


rake db:migrate VERSION=20181002222222

Will result in:

  (... some older migrations ...)
  up      20181001002039  Some migration description
  up      20181002222222  Some migration description
  down    20181003171932  Some migration description
  down    20181004211151  Some migration description
  down    20181005151403  Some migration description


Align image in center and middle within div

For center horizontally Just put

#over img {
    display: block;
    margin: 0 auto;

Another method:

#over img {
    display: inline-block;
    text-align: center;

For center vertically Just put:

   #over img {

           vertical-align: middle;

Perform Segue programmatically and pass parameters to the destination view

In case if you use new swift version.

override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
        if segue.identifier == "ChannelMoreSegue" {


How to flush route table in windows?

From command prompt as admin run:

netsh interface ip delete destinationcache

Works on Win7.

How to read a PEM RSA private key from .NET

For people who don't want to use Bouncy, and are trying some of the code included in other answers, I've found that the code works MOST of the time, but trips up on some RSA private strings, such as the one I've included below. By looking at the bouncy code, I tweaked the code provided by wprl to

    RSAparams.D = ConvertRSAParametersField(D, MODULUS.Length);
    RSAparams.DP = ConvertRSAParametersField(DP, P.Length);
    RSAparams.DQ = ConvertRSAParametersField(DQ, Q.Length);
    RSAparams.InverseQ = ConvertRSAParametersField(IQ, Q.Length);

    private static byte[] ConvertRSAParametersField(byte[] bs, int size)
        if (bs.Length == size)
            return bs;

        if (bs.Length > size)
            throw new ArgumentException("Specified size too small", "size");

        byte[] padded = new byte[size];
        Array.Copy(bs, 0, padded, size - bs.Length, bs.Length);
        return padded;


"A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods"

The snippet you're showing doesn't seem to be directly responsible for the error.

This is how you can CAUSE the error:

namespace MyNameSpace

   class MyClass

If you don't immediately see what is "outside" the class, this may be due to misplaced or extra closing bracket(s) }.

Setting href attribute at runtime

Small performance test comparision for three solutions:

  1. $(".link").prop('href',"")
  2. $(".link").attr('href',"")
  3. document.querySelector(".link").href="";

enter image description here

Here you can perform test by yourself

We can read href values in following ways

  1. let href = $(selector).prop('href');
  2. let href = $(selector).attr('href');
  3. let href = document.querySelector(".link").href;

enter image description here

Here you can perform test by yourself

Getting the last element of a split string array

var title = 'fdfdsg dsgdfh dgdh dsgdh tyu hjuk yjuk uyk hjg fhjg hjj tytutdfsf sdgsdg dsfsdgvf dfgfdhdn dfgilkj,n, jhk jsu wheiu sjldsf dfdsf hfdkdjf dfhdfkd hsfd ,dsfk dfjdf ,yier djsgyi kds';
var shortText = $.trim(title).substring(1000, 150).split(" ").slice(0, -1).join(" ") + "...More >>";

How to get the full url in Express?

You can use this function in the route like this

app.get('/one/two', function (req, res) {
    const url = getFullUrl(req);

 * Gets the self full URL from the request
 * @param {object} req Request
 * @returns {string} URL
const getFullUrl = (req) => `${req.protocol}://${}${req.originalUrl}`;

req.protocol will give you http or https, will give you the full host name like, req.originalUrl will give the rest pathName(in your case /one/two)

Remove the first character of a string

Depending on the structure of the string, you can use lstrip:

str = str.lstrip(':')

But this would remove all colons at the beginning, i.e. if you have ::foo, the result would be foo. But this function is helpful if you also have strings that do not start with a colon and you don't want to remove the first character then.

ASP.NET MVC3 - textarea with @Html.EditorFor

Declare in your Model with

  public string urString { get; set; }

Then in .cshtml can make use of editor as below. you can make use of @cols and @rows for TextArea size

     @Html.EditorFor(model => model.urString, new { htmlAttributes = new { @class = "",@cols = 35, @rows = 3 } })

Thanks !

rewrite a folder name using .htaccess

mod_rewrite can only rewrite/redirect requested URIs. So you would need to request /apple/… to get it rewritten to a corresponding /folder1/….

Try this:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^apple/(.*) folder1/$1

This rule will rewrite every request that starts with the URI path /apple/… internally to /folder1/….

Edit    As you are actually looking for the other way round:

RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^GET\ /folder1/
RewriteRule ^folder1/(.*) /apple/$1 [L,R=301]

This rule is designed to work together with the other rule above. Requests of /folder1/… will be redirected externally to /apple/… and requests of /apple/… will then be rewritten internally back to /folder1/….

javascript object max size limit

you have to put this in web.config :

        <jsonSerialization maxJsonLength="50000000" />

What is the purpose of the return statement?

return means, "output this value from this function".

print means, "send this value to (generally) stdout"

In the Python REPL, a function return will be output to the screen by default (this isn't quite the same as print).

This is an example of print:

>>> n = "foo\nbar" #just assigning a variable. No output
>>> n #the value is output, but it is in a "raw form"
>>> print n #the \n is now a newline

This is an example of return:

>>> def getN():
...    return "foo\nbar"
>>> getN() #When this isn't assigned to something, it is just output
>>> n = getN() # assigning a variable to the return value. No output
>>> n #the value is output, but it is in a "raw form"
>>> print n #the \n is now a newline

How can I avoid Java code in JSP files, using JSP 2?

A lot of the answers here go the "use a framework" route. There's zero wrong with that. However I don't think it really answers your question, because frameworks may or may not use JSPs, nor are they designed in any way with removing java use in JSPs as a primary goal.

The only good answer to your question "how do I avoid using Java in a JSP" is: you can't.

That's what JSPs are for - using Java to render HTML with dynamic data/logic. The follow up question might be, how much java should I use in my JSPs.
Before we answer that question, you should also ponder, "do I need to use JSPs to build web content using Java?" The answer to that last one is, no. There are many alternatives to JSPs for developing web facing applications using Java. Struts for example does not force you to use JSPs - don't get me wrong, you can use them and many implementations do, but you don't absolutely have to. Struts doesn't even force you to use any HTML. A JSP doesn't either, but let's be honest, a JSP producing no HTML is kinda weird. Servlets, famously, allow you to serve any kind of content you like over HTTP dynamically. They are the primary tech behind pretty much everything java web - JSPs are just HTML templates for servlets, really.
So the answer to how much java you should put in a JSP is, "as little as possible". I of course have java in my JSPs, but it consists exclusively of tag library definitions, session and client variables, and beans encapsulating server side objects. The <%%> tags in my HTML are almost exclusively property calls or variable expressions. Rare exceptions include ultra-specific calculations pertaining to a single page and unlikely to ever be reused; bugfixes stemming from page-specific issues only applying to one page; last minute concatenations and arithmetic stemming from unusual requirements limited in scope to a single page; and other similar cases. In a code set of 1.5 million lines, 3000 JSPs and 5000 classes, there are maybe 100 instances of such unique snippets. It would have been quite possible to make these changes in classes or tag library definitions, but it would have been inordinately complex due to the specificity of each case, taken longer to write and debug, and taken more time as a result to get to my users. It's a judgement call. But make no mistake, you cannot write JSPs of any meaning with "no java" nor would you want to. The capability is there for a reason.

How to set host_key_checking=false in ansible inventory file?

In /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg uncomment the line:

host_key_check = False

and in /etc/ansible/hosts uncomment the line

client_ansible ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_user=root ansible_ssh_pass=12345678

That's all

How to build a 'release' APK in Android Studio?

Click \Build\Select Build Variant... in Android Studio. And choose release.

Difference between git pull and git pull --rebase

Sometimes we have an upstream that rebased/rewound a branch we're depending on. This can be a big problem -- causing messy conflicts for us if we're downstream.

The magic is git pull --rebase

A normal git pull is, loosely speaking, something like this (we'll use a remote called origin and a branch called foo in all these examples):

# assume current checked out branch is "foo"
git fetch origin
git merge origin/foo

At first glance, you might think that a git pull --rebase does just this:

git fetch origin
git rebase origin/foo

But that will not help if the upstream rebase involved any "squashing" (meaning that the patch-ids of the commits changed, not just their order).

Which means git pull --rebase has to do a little bit more than that. Here's an explanation of what it does and how.

Let's say your starting point is this:

a---b---c---d---e  (origin/foo) (also your local "foo")

Time passes, and you have made some commits on top of your own "foo":

a---b---c---d---e---p---q---r (foo)

Meanwhile, in a fit of anti-social rage, the upstream maintainer has not only rebased his "foo", he even used a squash or two. His commit chain now looks like this:

a---b+c---d+e---f  (origin/foo)

A git pull at this point would result in chaos. Even a git fetch; git rebase origin/foo would not cut it, because commits "b" and "c" on one side, and commit "b+c" on the other, would conflict. (And similarly with d, e, and d+e).

What git pull --rebase does, in this case, is:

git fetch origin
git rebase --onto origin/foo e foo

This gives you:

 a---b+c---d+e---f---p'---q'---r' (foo)

You may still get conflicts, but they will be genuine conflicts (between p/q/r and a/b+c/d+e/f), and not conflicts caused by b/c conflicting with b+c, etc.

Answer taken from (and slightly modified):

Access-Control-Allow-Origin error sending a jQuery Post to Google API's

I solved the Access-Control-Allow-Origin error modifying the dataType parameter to dataType:'jsonp' and adding a crossDomain:true


    url: ''+key,
    data: myData,
    type: 'GET',
    crossDomain: true,
    dataType: 'jsonp',
    success: function() { alert("Success"); },
    error: function() { alert('Failed!'); },
    beforeSend: setHeader

How to remove close button on the jQuery UI dialog?

Robert MacLean's answer did not work for me.

This however does work for me:

   open: function() { $(".ui-dialog-titlebar-close").hide(); }

Draw horizontal rule in React Native

import {Dimensions} from 'react-native'

const { width, height } = Dimensions.get('window')

         borderBottomColor: '#1D3E5E',
         borderBottomWidth: 1,
         width : width , 

How do I get the current location of an iframe?

Does this help?

I only tested this in firefox, but if you have something like this:

<iframe name='myframe' id='myframe' src=''></iframe>

You can get its address by using:


Not sure if I understood your question correctly but anyways :)

Why is setState in reactjs Async instead of Sync?

setState is asynchronous. You can see in this documentation by Reactjs

React intentionally “waits” until all components call setState() in their event handlers before starting to re-render. This boosts performance by avoiding unnecessary re-renders.

However, you might still be wondering why React doesn’t just update this.state immediately without re-rendering.

The reason is this would break the consistency between props and state, causing issues that are very hard to debug.

You can still perform functions if it is dependent on the change of the state value:

Option 1: Using callback function with setState

   value: newValue
   // It is an callback function.
   // Here you can access the update value

Option 2: using componentDidUpdate This function will be called whenever the state of that particular class changes.

componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState){
    //Here you can check if value of your desired variable is same or not.
    if(this.state.value !== prevState.value){
        // this part will execute if your desired variable updates

Update rows in one table with data from another table based on one column in each being equal

merge into t2 t2 
using (select * from t1) t1
on (t2.user_id = t1.user_id)
when matched then update
   t2.c1 = t1.c1
,  t2.c2 = t1.c2

Range of values in C Int and Long 32 - 64 bits

It is better to include stdlib.h. Since without stdlibg it takes long as long

Daylight saving time and time zone best practices

Just wanted to point out two things that seem inaccurate or at least confusing:

Always persist time according to a unified standard that is not affected by daylight savings. GMT and UTC have been mentioned by different people, though UTC seems to be mentioned most often.

For (almost) all practical computing purposes, UTC is, in fact, GMT. Unless you see a timestamps with a fractional second, you're dealing with GMT which makes this distinction redundant.

Include the local time offset as is (including DST offset) when storing timestamps.

A timestamp is always represented in GMT and thus has no offset.

Java: random long number in 0 <= x < n range

How about this:

public static long nextLong(@NonNull Random r, long min, long max) {
    if (min > max)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("min>max");
    if (min == max)
        return min;
    long n = r.nextLong();
    //abs (use instead of Math.abs, which might return min value) :
    n = n == Long.MIN_VALUE ? 0 : n < 0 ? -n : n;
    //limit to range:
    n = n % (max - min);
    return min + n;


Remove local git tags that are no longer on the remote repository

TortoiseGit can compare tags now.

Left log is on remote, right is at local.

enter image description here

Using the Compare tags feature of Sync dialog:

enter image description here

Also see TortoiseGit issue 2973

Why is the apt-get function not working in the terminal on Mac OS X v10.9 (Mavericks)?

Mac OS X doesn't have apt-get. There is a package manager called Homebrew that is used instead.

This command would be:

brew install python

Use Homebrew to install packages that you would otherwise use apt-get for.

The page I linked to has an up-to-date way of installing homebrew, but at present, you can install Homebrew as follows:

Type the following in your Mac OS X terminal:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

After that, usage of Homebrew is brew install <package>.

One of the prerequisites for Homebrew are the XCode command line tools.

  1. Install XCode from the App Store.
  2. Follow the directions in this Stack Overflow answer to install the XCode Command Line Tools.


A package manager (like apt-get or brew) just gives your system an easy and automated way to install packages or libraries. Different systems use different programs. apt and its derivatives are used on Debian based linux systems. Red Hat-ish Linux systems use rpm (or at least they did many, many, years ago). yum is also a package manager for RedHat based systems.

Alpine based systems use apk.


As of 25 April 2016, homebrew opts the user in to sending analytics by default. This can be opted out of in two ways:

Setting an environment variable:

  1. Open your favorite environment variable editor.
  2. Set the following: HOMEBREW_NO_ANALYTICS=1 in whereever you keep your environment variables (typically something like ~/.bash_profile)
  3. Close the file, and either restart the terminal or source ~/.bash_profile.

Running the following command:

brew analytics off

the analytics status can then be checked with the command:

brew analytics

Can I get the name of the current controller in the view?

If you want to use all stylesheet in your app just adds this line in application.html.erb. Insert it inside <head> tag

  <%= stylesheet_link_tag  controller.controller_name , media: 'all', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>

Also, to specify the same class CSS on a different controller
Add this line in the body of application.html.erb

  <body class="<%= controller.controller_name %>-<%= controller.action_name %>">

So, now for example I would like to change the p tag in 'home' controller and 'index' action. Inside index.scss file adds.

.nameOfController-nameOfAction <tag> { }

 .home-index p {
        color:red !important;

Clear dropdownlist with JQuery

<select id="ddlvalue" name="ddlvaluename">
<option value='0' disabled selected>Select Value</option>
<option value='1' >Value 1</option>
<option value='2' >Value 2</option>

<input type="submit" id="btn_submit" value="click me"/>


How to add a footer to the UITableView?

Swift 2.1.1 below works:

func tableView(tableView: UITableView, viewForFooterInSection section: Int) -> UIView? {
        let v = UIView()
        v.backgroundColor = UIColor.RGB(53, 60, 62)
        return v

    func tableView(tableView: UITableView, heightForFooterInSection section: Int) -> CGFloat {
        return 80

If use self.theTable.tableFooterView = tableFooter there is a space between last row and tableFooterView.

How to convert a ruby hash object to JSON?

You can also use JSON.generate:

require 'json'

JSON.generate({ foo: "bar" })
=> "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}"

Or its alias, JSON.unparse:

require 'json'

JSON.unparse({ foo: "bar" })
=> "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}"

Can't bind to 'formControl' since it isn't a known property of 'input' - Angular2 Material Autocomplete issue

Another reason this can happen:

The component you are using formControl in is not declared in a module that imports the ReactiveFormsModule.

So check the module that declares the component that throws this error.

Is there a decent wait function in C++?

Please note that the code above was tested on Code::Blocks 12.11 and Visual Studio 2012
on Windows 7.

For forcing your programme stop or wait, you have several options :

  • sleep(unsigned int)

The value has to be a positive integer in millisecond. That means that if you want your programme wait for 2 seconds, enter 2000.

Here's an example :

#include <iostream>     //for using cout
#include <stdlib.h>     //for using the function sleep

using namespace std;    //for using cout

int main(void)         
   cout << "test" << endl;
   sleep(5000);         //make the programme waiting for 5 seconds
   cout << "test" << endl;
   sleep(2000);         // wait for 2 seconds before closing

   return 0;

If you wait too long, that probably means the parameter is in seconds. So change it to this:


For those who get error message or problem using sleep try to replace it by _sleep or Sleep especially on Code::Bloks.
And if you still getting problems, try to add of one this library on the beginning of the code.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <windows.h>

  • system("PAUSE")

A simple "Hello world" programme on windows console application would probably close before you can see anything. That the case where you can use system("Pause").

#include <iostream>    

using namespace std;   

int main(void)         
    cout << "Hello world!" << endl;


    return 0;

If you get the message "error: 'system' was not declared in this scope" just add the following line at the biggining of the code :

#include <cstdlib>

  • cin.ignore()

The same result can be reached by using cin.ignore() :

#include <iostream>     

using namespace std;    

int main(void)         
    cout << "Hello world!" << endl;


    return 0;

  • cin.get()

example :

#include <iostream>     

using namespace std;    

int main(void)         
    cout << "Hello world!" << endl;


    return 0;

  • getch()

Just don't forget to add the library conio.h :

#include <iostream>     
#include <conio.h>    //for using the function getch()

using namespace std;    

int main(void)

    cout << "Hello world!" << endl;


    return 0;

You can have message telling you to use _getch() insted of getch

Converting string to numeric

As csgillespie said. stringsAsFactors is default on TRUE, which converts any text to a factor. So even after deleting the text, you still have a factor in your dataframe.

Now regarding the conversion, there's a more optimal way to do so. So I put it here as a reference :

> x <- factor(sample(4:8,10,replace=T))
> x
 [1] 6 4 8 6 7 6 8 5 8 4
Levels: 4 5 6 7 8
> as.numeric(levels(x))[x]
 [1] 6 4 8 6 7 6 8 5 8 4

To show it works.

The timings :

> x <- factor(sample(4:8,500000,replace=T))
> system.time(as.numeric(as.character(x)))
   user  system elapsed 
   0.11    0.00    0.11 
> system.time(as.numeric(levels(x))[x])
   user  system elapsed 
      0       0       0 

It's a big improvement, but not always a bottleneck. It gets important however if you have a big dataframe and a lot of columns to convert.

Mail multipart/alternative vs multipart/mixed

Building on Iain's example, I had a similar need to compose these emails with separate plaintext, HTML and multiple attachments, but using PHP. Since we are using Amazon SES to send emails with attachments, the API currently requires you to build the email from scratch using the sendRawEmail(...) function.

After much investigation (and greater than normal frustration), the problem was solved and the PHP source code posted so that it may help others experiencing a similar problem. Hope this help someone out - the troop of monkeys I forced to work on this problem are now exhausted.

PHP Source Code for sending emails with attachments using Amazon SES.



use Aws\Ses\SesClient;

 * SESUtils is a tool to make it easier to work with Amazon Simple Email Service
 * Features:
 * A client to prepare emails for use with sending attachments or not
 * There is no warranty - use this code at your own risk.  
 * @author sbossen with assistance from Michael Deal
 * Update: Error checking and new params input array provided by Michael Deal
 * Update2: Corrected for allowing to send multiple attachments and plain text/html body
 *   Ref: Http://
class SESUtils {

    const version = "1.0";
    const AWS_KEY = "YOUR-KEY";
    const AWS_SEC = "YOUR-SECRET";
    const AWS_REGION = "us-east-1";

     * Usage:
        $params = array(
          "to" => "[email protected]",
          "subject" => "Some subject",
          "message" => "<strong>Some email body</strong>",
          "from" => "sender@verifiedbyaws",
          "replyTo" => "[email protected]",
          "files" => array(
            1 => array(
               "name" => "filename1", 
              "filepath" => "/path/to/file1.txt", 
              "mime" => "application/octet-stream"
            2 => array(
               "name" => "filename2", 
              "filepath" => "/path/to/file2.txt", 
              "mime" => "application/octet-stream"

      $res = SESUtils::sendMail($params);

     * NOTE: When sending a single file, omit the key (ie. the '1 =>') 
     * or use 0 => array(...) - otherwise the file will come out garbled
     * ie. use:
     *    "files" => array(
     *        0 => array( "name" => "filename", "filepath" => "path/to/file.txt",
     *        "mime" => "application/octet-stream")
     * For the 'to' parameter, you can send multiple recipiants with an array
     *    "to" => array("[email protected]", "[email protected]")
     * use $res->success to check if it was successful
     * use $res->message_id to check later with Amazon for further processing
     * use $res->result_text to look for error text if the task was not successful
     * @param array $params - array of parameters for the email
     * @return \ResultHelper
    public static function sendMail($params) {

        $to = self::getParam($params, 'to', true);
        $subject = self::getParam($params, 'subject', true);
        $body = self::getParam($params, 'message', true);
        $from = self::getParam($params, 'from', true);
        $replyTo = self::getParam($params, 'replyTo');
        $files = self::getParam($params, 'files');

        $res = new ResultHelper();

        // get the client ready
        $client = SesClient::factory(array(
                    'key' => self::AWS_KEY,
                    'secret' => self::AWS_SEC,
                    'region' => self::AWS_REGION

        // build the message
        if (is_array($to)) {
            $to_str = rtrim(implode(',', $to), ',');
        } else {
            $to_str = $to;

        $msg = "To: $to_str\n";
        $msg .= "From: $from\n";

        if ($replyTo) {
            $msg .= "Reply-To: $replyTo\n";

        // in case you have funny characters in the subject
        $subject = mb_encode_mimeheader($subject, 'UTF-8');
        $msg .= "Subject: $subject\n";
        $msg .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
        $msg .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n";
        $boundary = uniqid("_Part_".time(), true); //random unique string
        $boundary2 = uniqid("_Part2_".time(), true); //random unique string
        $msg .= " boundary=\"$boundary\"\n";
        $msg .= "\n";

        // now the actual body
        $msg .= "--$boundary\n";

        //since we are sending text and html emails with multiple attachments
        //we must use a combination of mixed and alternative boundaries
        //hence the use of boundary and boundary2
        $msg .= "Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\n";
        $msg .= " boundary=\"$boundary2\"\n";
        $msg .= "\n";
        $msg .= "--$boundary2\n";

        // first, the plain text
        $msg .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n";
        $msg .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n";
        $msg .= "\n";
        $msg .= strip_tags($body); //remove any HTML tags
        $msg .= "\n";

        // now, the html text
        $msg .= "--$boundary2\n";
        $msg .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n";
        $msg .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n";
        $msg .= "\n";
        $msg .= $body; 
        $msg .= "\n";
        $msg .= "--$boundary2--\n";

        // add attachments
        if (is_array($files)) {
            $count = count($files);
            foreach ($files as $file) {
                $msg .= "\n";
                $msg .= "--$boundary\n";
                $msg .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n";
                $clean_filename = self::clean_filename($file["name"], self::MAX_ATTACHMENT_NAME_LEN);
                $msg .= "Content-Type: {$file['mime']}; name=$clean_filename;\n";
                $msg .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$clean_filename;\n";
                $msg .= "\n";
                $msg .= base64_encode(file_get_contents($file['filepath']));
                $msg .= "\n--$boundary";
            // close email
            $msg .= "--\n";

        // now send the email out
        try {
            $ses_result = $client->sendRawEmail(
                'RawMessage' => array(
                    'Data' => base64_encode($msg)
                    ), array(
                'Source' => $from,
                'Destinations' => $to_str
            if ($ses_result) {
                $res->message_id = $ses_result->get('MessageId');
            } else {
                $res->success = false;
                $res->result_text = "Amazon SES did not return a MessageId";
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $res->success = false;
            $res->result_text = $e->getMessage().
                    " - To: $to_str, Sender: $from, Subject: $subject";
        return $res;

    private static function getParam($params, $param, $required = false) {
        $value = isset($params[$param]) ? $params[$param] : null;
        if ($required && empty($value)) {
            throw new Exception('"'.$param.'" parameter is required.');
        } else {
            return $value;

    Clean filename function - to get a file friendly 
    public static function clean_filename($str, $limit = 0, $replace=array(), $delimiter='-') {
        if( !empty($replace) ) {
            $str = str_replace((array)$replace, ' ', $str);

        $clean = iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', $str);
        $clean = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\/_| -]/", '', $clean);
        $clean = preg_replace("/[\/| -]+/", '-', $clean);

        if ($limit > 0) {
            //don't truncate file extension
            $arr = explode(".", $clean);
            $size = count($arr);
            $base = "";
            $ext = "";
            if ($size > 0) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
                    if ($i < $size - 1) { //if it's not the last item, add to $bn
                        $base .= $arr[$i];
                        //if next one isn't last, add a dot
                        if ($i < $size - 2)
                            $base .= ".";
                    } else {
                        if ($i > 0)
                            $ext = ".";
                        $ext .= $arr[$i];
            $bn_size = mb_strlen($base);
            $ex_size = mb_strlen($ext);
            $bn_new = mb_substr($base, 0, $limit - $ex_size);
            // doing again in case extension is long
            $clean = mb_substr($bn_new.$ext, 0, $limit); 
        return $clean;


class ResultHelper {

    public $success = true;
    public $result_text = "";
    public $message_id = "";



When does a process get SIGABRT (signal 6)?

A case when process get SIGABRT from itself: Hrvoje mentioned about a buried pure virtual being called from ctor generating an abort, i recreated an example for this. Here when d is to be constructed, it first calls its base class A ctor, and passes inside pointer to itself. the A ctor calls pure virtual method before table was filled with valid pointer, because d is not constructed yet.

using namespace std;
class A {
 A(A *pa){pa->f();}
 virtual void f()=0;
class D : public A {
 virtual void f() {cout<<"D::f\n";}
int main(){
 D d;
 A *pa = &d;
 return 0;

compile: g++ -o aa aa.cpp

ulimit -c unlimited

run: ./aa

pure virtual method called
terminate called without an active exception
Aborted (core dumped)

now lets quickly see the core file, and validate that SIGABRT was indeed called:

gdb aa core

see regs:

i r
rdx            0x6      6
rsi            0x69a    1690
rdi            0x69a    1690
rip            0x7feae3170c37

check code:

disas 0x7feae3170c37

mov    $0xea,%eax  = 234  <- this is the kill syscall, sends signal to process
syscall   <-----

234 sys_tgkill pid_t tgid pid_t pid int sig = 6 = SIGABRT


How to initialize private static members in C++?

What about a set_default() method?

class foo
        static void set_default(int);
        static int i;

void foo::set_default(int x) {
    i = x;

We would only have to use the set_default(int x) method and our static variable would be initialized.

This would not be in disagreement with the rest of the comments, actually it follows the same principle of initializing the variable in a global scope, but by using this method we make it explicit (and easy to see-understand) instead of having the definition of the variable hanging there.

Exit Shell Script Based on Process Exit Code

If you want to work with $?, you'll need to check it after each command, since $? is updated after each command exits. This means that if you execute a pipeline, you'll only get the exit code of the last process in the pipeline.

Another approach is to do this:

set -e
set -o pipefail

If you put this at the top of the shell script, it looks like Bash will take care of this for you. As a previous poster noted, "set -e" will cause Bash to exit with an error on any simple command. "set -o pipefail" will cause Bash to exit with an error on any command in a pipeline as well.

See here or here for a little more discussion on this problem. Here is the Bash manual section on the set builtin.

select from one table, insert into another table oracle sql query

try this query below:

Insert into tab1 (tab1.column1,tab1.column2) 
select tab2.column1, 'hard coded  value' 
from tab2 
where tab2.column='value';

Deploy a project using Git push

Update: I'm now using Lloyd Moore solution with the key agent ssh -A .... Pushing to a main repo and then pulling from it in parallel from all your machines is a bit faster and requires less setup on those machines.

Not seeing this solution here. just push via ssh if git is installed on the server.

You'll need the following entry in your local .git/config

[remote "amazon"]
    url = amazon:/path/to/project.git
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/amazon/*

But hey, whats that with amazon:? In your local ~/.ssh/config you'll need to add the following entry:

Host amazon
    Hostname <YOUR_IP>
    User <USER>
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/amazon-private-key

now you can call

git push amazon master
ssh <USER>@<YOUR_IP> 'cd /path/to/project && git pull'

(BTW: /path/to/project.git is different to the actual working directory /path/to/project)

how to refresh Select2 dropdown menu after ajax loading different content?

Select 3.*

Please see Update select2 data without rebuilding the control as this may be a duplicate. Another way is to destroy and then recreate the select2 element.



If you are having problems with resetting the state/region on country change try clearing the current value with

$("#dropdown").select2("val", "");

You can view the documentation here that outlines nearly/all features. Select2 supports events such as change that can be used to update the subsequent dropdowns.

$("#dropdown").on("change", function(e) {});

Select 4.* Update

You can now update the data/list without rebuilding the control using:

    data: fromAccountData

Cannot use a CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate on table or indexed view because it is not full-text indexed

Select * from table
where CONTAINS([Column], '"A00*"')  

will act as % same as

where [Column] Like 'A00%'

Why does the order in which libraries are linked sometimes cause errors in GCC?

I have seen this a lot, some of our modules link in excess of a 100 libraries of our code plus system & 3rd party libs.

Depending on different linkers HP/Intel/GCC/SUN/SGI/IBM/etc you can get unresolved functions/variables etc, on some platforms you have to list libraries twice.

For the most part we use structured hierarchy of libraries, core, platform, different layers of abstraction, but for some systems you still have to play with the order in the link command.

Once you hit upon a solution document it so the next developer does not have to work it out again.

My old lecturer used to say, "high cohesion & low coupling", it’s still true today.

How to embed images in email

Correct way of embedding images into Outlook and avoiding security problems is the next:

  1. Use interop for Outlook 2003;
  2. Create new email and set it save folder;
  3. Do not use base64 embedding, outlook 2007 does not support it; do not reference files on your disk, they won't be send; do not use word editor inspector because you will get security warnings on some machines;
  4. Attachment must have png/jpg extension. If it will have for instance tmp extension - Outlook will warn user;
  5. Pay attention how CID is generated without mapi;
  6. Do not access properties via getters or you will get security warnings on some machines.

    public static void PrepareEmail()
        var attachFile = Path.Combine(
            Application.StartupPath, "mySuperImage.png"); // pay attention that image must not contain spaces, because Outlook cannot inline such images
        Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application outlook = null;
        NameSpace space = null;
        MAPIFolder folder = null;
        MailItem mail = null;
        Attachment attachment = null;
            outlook = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application();
            space = outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI");
            space.Logon(null, null, true, true);
            folder = space.GetDefaultFolder(OlDefaultFolders.olFolderSentMail);
            mail = (MailItem) outlook.CreateItem(OlItemType.olMailItem);
            mail.SaveSentMessageFolder = folder;
            mail.Subject = "Hi Everyone";
            mail.Attachments.Add(attachFile, OlAttachmentType.olByValue, 0, Type.Missing); 
            // Last Type.Missing - is for not to show attachment in attachments list.
            string attachmentId = Path.GetFileName(attachFile);
            mail.BodyFormat = OlBodyFormat.olFormatHTML;
             mail.HTMLBody = string.Format("<br/><img src=\'cid:{0}\' />", attachmentId);
            ReleaseComObject(outlook, space, folder, mail, attachment);

Selector on background color of TextView

Even this works.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
    <item android:state_pressed="true" android:drawable="@color/dim_orange_btn_pressed" />
    <item android:state_focused="true" android:drawable="@color/dim_orange_btn_pressed" />
    <item android:drawable="@android:color/white" />

I added the android:drawable attribute to each item, and their values are colors.

By the way, why do they say that color is one of the attributes of selector? They don't write that android:drawable is required.

Color State List Resource

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="" >
        android:state_pressed=["true" | "false"]
        android:state_focused=["true" | "false"]
        android:state_selected=["true" | "false"]
        android:state_checkable=["true" | "false"]
        android:state_checked=["true" | "false"]
        android:state_enabled=["true" | "false"]
        android:state_window_focused=["true" | "false"] />

Error running android: Gradle project sync failed. Please fix your project and try again

if you have this failure and have other failures too, like "Unsupported Modules Detected: Compilation is not supported for following modules” maybe you need to solve them first and then it will be solved too. that's what happened to me.

json_decode to array

json_decode($data, true); // Returns data in array format 

json_decode($data); // Returns collections 

So, If want an array than you can pass the second argument as 'true' in json_decode function.

How can I bind to the change event of a textarea in jQuery?

.delegate is the only one that is working to me with jQuery JavaScript Library v2.1.1

 $(document).delegate('#textareaID','change', function() {

Return from lambda forEach() in java

I suggest you to first try to understand Java 8 in the whole picture, most importantly in your case it will be streams, lambdas and method references.

You should never convert existing code to Java 8 code on a line-by-line basis, you should extract features and convert those.

What I identified in your first case is the following:

  • You want to add elements of an input structure to an output list if they match some predicate.

Let's see how we do that, we can do it with the following:

List<Player> playersOfTeam =
    .filter(player -> player.getTeam().equals(teamName))

What you do here is:

  1. Turn your input structure into a stream (I am assuming here that it is of type Collection<Player>, now you have a Stream<Player>.
  2. Filter out all unwanted elements with a Predicate<Player>, mapping every player to the boolean true if it is wished to be kept.
  3. Collect the resulting elements in a list, via a Collector, here we can use one of the standard library collectors, which is Collectors.toList().

This also incorporates two other points:

  1. Code against interfaces, so code against List<E> over ArrayList<E>.
  2. Use diamond inference for the type parameter in new ArrayList<>(), you are using Java 8 after all.

Now onto your second point:

You again want to convert something of legacy Java to Java 8 without looking at the bigger picture. This part has already been answered by @IanRoberts, though I think that you need to do over what he suggested.

GCC C++ Linker errors: Undefined reference to 'vtable for XXX', Undefined reference to 'ClassName::ClassName()'

This error will also occur when we simply declare a virtual function without any definition in the base class.

For example:

class Base
    virtual void method1(); // throws undefined reference error.


Change the above declaration to the below one, it will work fine.

class Base
    virtual void method1()

What is the iPhone 4 user-agent?

  • Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/7D11
  • Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7
  • Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A306 Safari/6531.22.7
  • Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B5097d Safari/6531.22.7
  • Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2 like Mac OS X; en_us) AppleWebKit/525.18.1 (KHTML, like Gecko)
  • Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5

...for now

Does Java read integers in little endian or big endian?

Java is 'Big-endian' as noted above. That means that the MSB of an int is on the left if you examine memory (on an Intel CPU at least). The sign bit is also in the MSB for all Java integer types.
Reading a 4 byte unsigned integer from a binary file stored by a 'Little-endian' system takes a bit of adaptation in Java. DataInputStream's readInt() expects Big-endian format.
Here's an example that reads a four byte unsigned value (as displayed by HexEdit as 01 00 00 00) into an integer with a value of 1:

 // Declare an array of 4 shorts to hold the four unsigned bytes
 short[] tempShort = new short[4];
 for (int b = 0; b < 4; b++) {
    tempShort[b] = (short)dIStream.readUnsignedByte();           
 int curVal = convToInt(tempShort);

 // Pass an array of four shorts which convert from LSB first 
 public int convToInt(short[] sb)
   int answer = sb[0];
   answer += sb[1] << 8;
   answer += sb[2] << 16;
   answer += sb[3] << 24;
   return answer;        

How can I scale the content of an iframe?

You don't need to wrap the iframe with an additional tag. Just make sure you increase the width and height of the iframe by the same amount you scale down the iframe.

e.g. to scale the iframe content to 80% :

#frame { /* Example size! */
    height: 400px; /* original height */
    width: 100%; /* original width */
#frame {
    height: 500px; /* new height (400 * (1/0.8) ) */
    width: 125%; /* new width (100 * (1/0.8) )*/

    transform: scale(0.8); 
    transform-origin: 0 0;

Basically, to get the same size iframe you need to scale the dimensions.

HTML5 validation when the input type is not "submit"

I may be late, but the way I did it was to create a hidden submit input, and calling it's click handler upon submit. Something like (using jquery for simplicity):

<input type="text" id="example" name="example" value="" required>
<button type="button"  onclick="submitform()" id="save">Save</button>
<input id="submit_handle" type="submit" style="display: none">

function submitform() {

Comment out HTML and PHP together

PHP parser will search your entire code for <?php (or <? if short_open_tag = On), so HTML comment tags have no effect on PHP parser behavior & if you don't want to parse your PHP code, you have to use PHP commenting directives(/* */ or //).

Connecting to remote MySQL server using PHP

I just solved this kind of a problem. What I've learned is:

  1. you'll have to edit the my.cnf and set the bind-address = your.mysql.server.address under [mysqld]
  2. comment out skip-networking field
  3. restart mysqld
  4. check if it's running

    mysql -u root -h your.mysql.server.address –p 
  5. create a user (usr or anything) with % as domain and grant her access to the database in question.

    mysql> CREATE USER 'usr'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'some_pass';
    mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON testDb.* TO 'monty'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION;
  6. open firewall for port 3306 (you can use iptables. make sure to open port for eithe reveryone, or if you're in tight securety, then only allow the client address)

  7. restart firewall/iptables

you should be able to now connect mysql server form your client server php script.

How to do a scatter plot with empty circles in Python?

Basend on the example of Gary Kerr and as proposed here one may create empty circles related to specified values with following code:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import numpy as np 
from matplotlib.markers import MarkerStyle

x = np.random.randn(60) 
y = np.random.randn(60)
z = np.random.randn(60)

g=plt.scatter(x, y, s=80, c=z)

Find package name for Android apps to use Intent to launch Market app from web

Adding to the above answers: To find the package name of installed apps on any android device: Go to Storage/Android/data/< package-name >

Add a thousands separator to a total with Javascript or jQuery?

Use toLocaleString()
In your case do:

return "Total Pounds Entered : " + tot.toLocaleString(); 

How can I use the apply() function for a single column?

Let me try a complex computation using datetime and considering nulls or empty spaces. I am reducing 30 years on a datetime column and using apply method as well as lambda and converting datetime format. Line if x != '' else x will take care of all empty spaces or nulls accordingly.

df['Date'] = df['Date'].fillna('')
df['Date'] = df['Date'].apply(lambda x : ((datetime.datetime.strptime(str(x), '%m/%d/%Y') - datetime.timedelta(days=30*365)).strftime('%Y%m%d')) if x != '' else x)

How to find time complexity of an algorithm

I know this question goes a way back and there are some excellent answers here, nonetheless I wanted to share another bit for the mathematically-minded people that will stumble in this post. The Master theorem is another usefull thing to know when studying complexity. I didn't see it mentioned in the other answers.

Convert Pixels to Points

There are 72 points per inch; if it is sufficient to assume 96 pixels per inch, the formula is rather simple:

points = pixels * 72 / 96

There is a way to get the configured pixels per inch of your display in Windows using GetDeviceCaps. Microsoft has a guide called "Developing DPI-Aware Applications", look for the section "Creating DPI-Aware Fonts".

The W3C has defined the pixel measurement px as exactly 1/96th of 1in regardless of the actual resolution of your display, so the above formula should be good for all web work.

How to make a char string from a C macro's value?


see here

jQuery - how can I find the element with a certain id?

I don't know if this solves your problem but instead of:

$("#tbIntervalos").find("td").attr("id", horaInicial);

you can just do:

$("#tbIntervalos td#" + horaInicial);

HTTP response header content disposition for attachments

This has nothing to do with the MIME type, but the Content-Disposition header, which should be something like:

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=genome.jpeg;

Make sure it is actually correctly passed to the client (not filtered by the server, proxy or something). Also you could try to change the order of writing headers and set them before getting output stream.

How to SFTP with PHP?

PHP has ssh2 stream wrappers (disabled by default), so you can use sftp connections with any function that supports stream wrappers by using ssh2.sftp:// for protocol, e.g.

file_get_contents('ssh2.sftp://user:[email protected]:22/path/to/filename');

or - when also using the ssh2 extension

$connection = ssh2_connect('', 22);
ssh2_auth_password($connection, 'username', 'password');
$sftp = ssh2_sftp($connection);
$stream = fopen("ssh2.sftp://$sftp/path/to/file", 'r');


On a side note, there is also quite a bunch of questions about this topic already:

Exploitable PHP functions

One source of interesting exploits has not been mentioned. PHP allows strings to have 0x00 bytes in them. Underlying (libc) functions treat this as the end of a string.

This allows for situations where (poorly implemented) sanity-checking in PHP can be fooled, e.g. in a situation like:

/// note: proof of principle code, don't use
$include = $_GET['file'];
if ( preg_match("/\\.php$/",$include) ) include($include);

This might include any file - not just those ending in .php - by calling script.php?file=somefile%00.php

So any function that will not obey PHP's string length may lead to some vulnerability.

How can bcrypt have built-in salts?

This is bcrypt:

Generate a random salt. A "cost" factor has been pre-configured. Collect a password.

Derive an encryption key from the password using the salt and cost factor. Use it to encrypt a well-known string. Store the cost, salt, and cipher text. Because these three elements have a known length, it's easy to concatenate them and store them in a single field, yet be able to split them apart later.

When someone tries to authenticate, retrieve the stored cost and salt. Derive a key from the input password, cost and salt. Encrypt the same well-known string. If the generated cipher text matches the stored cipher text, the password is a match.

Bcrypt operates in a very similar manner to more traditional schemes based on algorithms like PBKDF2. The main difference is its use of a derived key to encrypt known plain text; other schemes (reasonably) assume the key derivation function is irreversible, and store the derived key directly.

Stored in the database, a bcrypt "hash" might look something like this:


This is actually three fields, delimited by "$":

  • 2a identifies the bcrypt algorithm version that was used.
  • 10 is the cost factor; 210 iterations of the key derivation function are used (which is not enough, by the way. I'd recommend a cost of 12 or more.)
  • vI8aWBnW3fID.ZQ4/zo1G.q1lRps.9cGLcZEiGDMVr5yUP1KUOYTa is the salt and the cipher text, concatenated and encoded in a modified Base-64. The first 22 characters decode to a 16-byte value for the salt. The remaining characters are cipher text to be compared for authentication.

This example is taken from the documentation for Coda Hale's ruby implementation.

What is the use of "assert"?

As other answers have noted, assert is similar to throwing an exception if a given condition isn't true. An important difference is that assert statements get ignored if you compile your code with the optimization option -O. The documentation says that assert expression can better be described as being equivalent to

if __debug__:
   if not expression: raise AssertionError

This can be useful if you want to thoroughly test your code, then release an optimized version when you're happy that none of your assertion cases fail - when optimization is on, the __debug__ variable becomes False and the conditions will stop getting evaluated. This feature can also catch you out if you're relying on the asserts and don't realize they've disappeared.

What is the javascript filename naming convention?

There is no official, universal, convention for naming JavaScript files.

There are some various options:

  • scriptName.js
  • script-name.js
  • script_name.js

are all valid naming conventions, however I prefer the jQuery suggested naming convention (for jQuery plugins, although it works for any JS)

  • jquery.pluginname.js

The beauty to this naming convention is that it explicitly describes the global namespace pollution being added.

  • foo.js adds
  • adds

Because I left out versioning: it should come after the full name, preferably separated by a hyphen, with periods between major and minor versions:

  • foo-1.2.1.js
  • foo-1.2.2.js
  • ...
  • foo-2.1.24.js

JSON date to Java date?

Note that SimpleDateFormat format pattern Z is for RFC 822 time zone and pattern X is for ISO 8601 (this standard supports single letter time zone names like Z for Zulu).

So new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSX") produces a format that can parse both "2013-03-11T01:38:18.309Z" and "2013-03-11T01:38:18.309+0000" and will give you the same result.

Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, you can't get this format to generate the Z for Zulu version, which is annoying.

I actually have more trouble on the JavaScript side to deal with both formats.

Bytes of a string in Java

There's a method called getBytes(). Use it wisely .

Is it possible to hide/encode/encrypt php source code and let others have the system?

Yes, you can definitely hide/encode/encrypt the php source code and 'others' can install it on their machine. You could use the below tools to achieve the same.

But these 'others' can also decode/decrypt the source code using other tools and services found online. So you cannot 100% protect your code, what you can do is, make it tougher for someone to reverse engineer your code.

Most of these tools above support Encoding and Obfuscating.

  • Encoding will hide your code by encrypting it.
  • Obfuscating will make your code difficult to understand.

You can choose to use both (Encoding and Obfuscating) or either one, depending on your needs.

executing shell command in background from script

For example you have a start program named to start it working at background do the following command line. ./ &>/dev/null &

Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind its remote counterpart

This is how I solved my problem

Let's assume the upstream branch is the one that you forked from and origin is your repo and you want to send an MR/PR to the upstream branch.

You already have let's say about 4 commits and you are getting Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind.

Here is what I did

First, squash all your 4 commits

git rebase -i HEAD~4

You'll get a list of commits with pick written on them. (opened in an editor)


pick fda59df commit 1
pick x536897 commit 2
pick c01a668 commit 3
pick c011a77 commit 4


pick fda59df commit 1
squash x536897 commit 2
squash c01a668 commit 3
squash c011a77 commit 4

After that, you can save your combined commit


You'll need to stash your commit

Here's how

git reset --soft HEAD~1
git stash

now rebase with your upstream branch

git fetch upstream beta && git rebase upstream/beta

Now pop your stashed commit

git stash pop

commit these changes and push them

git add -A
git commit -m "[foo] - foobar commit"
git push origin fix/#123 -f

add item to dropdown list in html using javascript

Try this

<script type="text/javascript">
    function AddItem()
        // Create an Option object       
        var opt = document.createElement("option");        

        // Assign text and value to Option object
        opt.text = "New Value";
        opt.value = "New Value";

        // Add an Option object to Drop Down List Box
<script />

The Value will append to the drop down list.

How to get the first 2 letters of a string in Python?

All previous examples will raise an exception in case your string is not long enough.

Another approach is to use 'yourstring'.ljust(100)[:100].strip().

This will give you first 100 chars. You might get a shorter string in case your string last chars are spaces.

Formatting a Date String in React Native

The Date constructor is very picky about what it allows. The string you pass in must be supported by Date.parse(), and if it is unsupported, it will return NaN. Different versions of JavaScript do support different formats, if those formats deviate from the official ISO documentation.

See the examples here for what is supported:

refresh div with jquery

I tried the first solution and it works but the end user can easily identify that the div's are refreshing as it is fadeIn(), without fade in i tried .toggle().toggle() and it works perfect. you can try like this


it works perfectly for me as i'm developing a messenger and need to minimize and maximize the chat box's and this does it best rather than the above code.

Direct method from SQL command text to DataSet

public DataSet GetDataSet(string ConnectionString, string SQL)
    SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);
    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter();
    SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
    cmd.CommandText = SQL;
    da.SelectCommand = cmd;
    DataSet ds = new DataSet();


    return ds;

select into in mysql

In MySQL, It should be like this

INSERT INTO this_table_archive (col1, col2, ..., coln)
SELECT col1, col2, ..., coln
FROM this_table
WHERE entry_date < '2011-01-01 00:00:00';

MySQL Documentation

Get time difference between two dates in seconds

The Code

var startDate = new Date();
// Do your operations
var endDate   = new Date();
var seconds = (endDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime()) / 1000;

Or even simpler (endDate - startDate) / 1000 as pointed out in the comments unless you're using typescript.

The explanation

You need to call the getTime() method for the Date objects, and then simply subtract them and divide by 1000 (since it's originally in milliseconds). As an extra, when you're calling the getDate() method, you're in fact getting the day of the month as an integer between 1 and 31 (not zero based) as opposed to the epoch time you'd get from calling the getTime() method, representing the number of milliseconds since January 1st 1970, 00:00


Depending on what your date related operations are, you might want to invest in integrating a library such as date.js or moment.js which make things so much easier for the developer, but that's just a matter of personal preference.

For example in moment.js we would do moment1.diff(moment2, "seconds") which is beautiful.

Useful docs for this answer

Using Java generics for JPA findAll() query with WHERE clause

This will work, and if you need where statement you can add it as parameter.

class GenericDAOWithJPA<T, ID extends Serializable> {


public List<T> findAll() {
            return entityManager.createQuery("Select t from " + persistentClass.getSimpleName() + " t").getResultList();

What is the difference between UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1?

One more important thing to realise: if you see iso-8859-1, it probably refers to Windows-1252 rather than ISO/IEC 8859-1. They differ in the range 0x80–0x9F, where ISO 8859-1 has the C1 control codes, and Windows-1252 has useful visible characters instead.

For example, ISO 8859-1 has 0x85 as a control character (in Unicode, U+0085, ``), while Windows-1252 has a horizontal ellipsis (in Unicode, U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS, ).

The WHATWG Encoding spec (as used by HTML) expressly declares iso-8859-1 to be a label for windows-1252, and web browsers do not support ISO 8859-1 in any way: the HTML spec says that all encodings in the Encoding spec must be supported, and no more.

Also of interest, HTML numeric character references essentially use Windows-1252 for 8-bit values rather than Unicode code points; per, &#x85; will produce U+2026 rather than U+0085.

SonarQube not picking up Unit Test Coverage

Based on, the following POM works for me:

  • Setting the destination file to the report path ensures that Sonar reads exactly the file JaCoCo generates.
  • The report path should be outside the projects' directories to take cross-project coverage into account (e.g. in case of Tycho where the convention is to have separate projects for tests).
  • The reuseReports setting prevents the deletion of the JaCoCo report file before it is read! (Since 4.3, this is the default and is deprecated.)

Then I just run

mvn clean install
mvn sonar:sonar

Git copy changes from one branch to another

This is 2 step process

  • git checkout BranchB ( destination branch is BranchB, so we need the head on this branch)
  • git merge BranchA (it will merge BranchB with BranchA. Here you have merged code in branch B)

If you want to push your branch code to remote repo then do

  • git push origin master (it will push your BranchB code to remote repo)

Insert data into a view (SQL Server)

What about naming your column?

INSERT INTO dbo.rLicenses (name) VALUES ('test')

It's been years since I tried updating via a view so YMMV as HLGEM mentioned.

I would consider an "INSTEAD OF" trigger on the view to allow a simple INSERT dbo.Licenses (ie the table) in the trigger

How to use WPF Background Worker

  1. Add using
using System.ComponentModel;
  1. Declare Background Worker:
private readonly BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker();
  1. Subscribe to events:
worker.DoWork += worker_DoWork;
worker.RunWorkerCompleted += worker_RunWorkerCompleted;
  1. Implement two methods:
private void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
  // run all background tasks here

private void worker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, 
                                           RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
  //update ui once worker complete his work
  1. Run worker async whenever your need.
  1. Track progress (optional, but often useful)

    a) subscribe to ProgressChanged event and use ReportProgress(Int32) in DoWork

    b) set worker.WorkerReportsProgress = true; (credits to @zagy)

Change navbar color in Twitter Bootstrap

Just add an id to the HTML navbar, such as:

<nav id="navbar-yellow" class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation">

With this id you can style the navbar color, but also the links and dropdowns

Examples applied to different types of navbars




Red (Cherry)


Here is the CSS

 * Black navbar style
#navbar-black.navbar-default { /* #3C3C3C - #222222 */
    font-size: 14px;
    background-color: rgba(34, 34, 34, 1);
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(60, 60, 60, 1) 0%, rgba(34, 34, 34, 1) 100%);
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(60, 60, 60, 1) 0%, rgba(34, 34, 34, 1) 100%);
    border: 0px;
    border-radius: 0;
#navbar-black.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a:hover,
#navbar-black.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a:focus,
#navbar-black.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>ul>li>a:hover,
#navbar-black.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>ul>li>a:focus,
#navbar-black.navbar-default .navbar-nav>.active>a,
#navbar-black.navbar-default .navbar-nav>.active>a:hover,
#navbar-black.navbar-default .navbar-nav>.active>a:focus {
    color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) 100%);
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) 100%);
#sidebar-black, #column-black {
      background-color: #222222;
#navbar-black.navbar-default .navbar-toggle {
    border-color: #222222;
#navbar-black.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:hover,
#navbar-black.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:focus {
    background-color: #3C3C3C;
#navbar-black.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a,
#navbar-black.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>ul>li>a,
#navbar-black.navbar-default .navbar-brand {
    color: #999999;
#navbar-black.navbar-default .navbar-toggle .icon-bar,
#navbar-black.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:hover .icon-bar,
#navbar-black.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:focus .icon-bar {
    background-color: #ffffff;

 * Red navbar style
#navbar-red.navbar-default { /* #990033 - #cc0033 */
    font-size: 14px;
    background-color: rgba(153, 0, 51, 1);
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(204, 0, 51, 1) 0%, rgba(153, 0, 51, 1) 100%);
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(204, 0, 51, 1) 0%, rgba(153, 0, 51, 1) 100%);
    border: 0px;
    border-radius: 0;
#navbar-red.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a:hover,
#navbar-red.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a:focus,
#navbar-red.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>ul>li>a:hover,
#navbar-red.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>ul>li>a:focus,
#navbar-red.navbar-default .navbar-nav>.active>a,
#navbar-red.navbar-default .navbar-nav>.active>a:hover,
#navbar-red.navbar-default .navbar-nav>.active>a:focus {
    color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 1);
    background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 100%);
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 100%);
#sidebar-red, #column-red {
      background-color: #990033;
#navbar-red.navbar-default .navbar-toggle {
    border-color: #990033;
#navbar-red.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:hover,
#navbar-red.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:focus {
    background-color: #cc0033;
#navbar-red.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a,
#navbar-red.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>ul>li>a,
#navbar-red.navbar-default .navbar-brand {
    color: #999999;
#navbar-red.navbar-default .navbar-toggle .icon-bar,
#navbar-red.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:hover .icon-bar,
#navbar-red.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:focus .icon-bar {
    background-color: #ffffff;

 * Darkblue navbar style
#navbar-darkblue.navbar-default { /* #003399 - #0033cc */
    font-size: 14px;
    background-color: rgba(51, 51, 153, 1);
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(51, 51, 204, 1) 0%, rgba(51, 51, 153, 1) 100%);
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(51, 51, 204, 1) 0%, rgba(51, 51, 153, 1) 100%);
    border: 0px;
    border-radius: 0;
#navbar-darkblue.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a:hover,
#navbar-darkblue.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a:focus,
#navbar-darkblue.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>ul>li>a:hover,
#navbar-darkblue.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>ul>li>a:focus,
#navbar-darkblue.navbar-default .navbar-nav>.active>a,
#navbar-darkblue.navbar-default .navbar-nav>.active>a:hover,
#navbar-darkblue.navbar-default .navbar-nav>.active>a:focus {
    color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 1);
    background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 100%);
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 100%);
#sidebar-darkblue, #column-darkblue {
    background-color: #333399;
#navbar-darkblue.navbar-default .navbar-toggle {
    border-color: #333399;
#navbar-darkblue.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:hover,
#navbar-darkblue.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:focus {
    background-color: #3333cc;
#navbar-darkblue.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a,
#navbar-darkblue.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>ul>li>a,
#navbar-darkblue.navbar-default .navbar-brand {
    color: #999999;
#navbar-darkblue.navbar-default .navbar-toggle .icon-bar,
#navbar-darkblue.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:hover .icon-bar,
#navbar-darkblue.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:focus .icon-bar {
    background-color: #ffffff;

 * Darkgreen navbar style
#navbar-darkgreen.navbar-default { /* #006633 - #009933 */
    font-size: 14px;
    background-color: rgba(0, 102, 51, 1);
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 153, 51, 1) 0%, rgba(0, 102, 51, 1) 100%);
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 153, 51, 1) 0%, rgba(0, 102, 51, 1) 100%);
    border: 0px;
    border-radius: 0;
#navbar-darkgreen.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a:hover,
#navbar-darkgreen.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a:focus,
#navbar-darkgreen.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>ul>li>a:hover,
#navbar-darkgreen.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>ul>li>a:focus,
#navbar-darkgreen.navbar-default .navbar-nav>.active>a,
#navbar-darkgreen.navbar-default .navbar-nav>.active>a:hover,
#navbar-darkgreen.navbar-default .navbar-nav>.active>a:focus {
    color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 1);
    background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 100%);
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 100%);
#sidebar-darkgreen, #column-darkgreen {
    background-color: #006633;
#navbar-darkgreen.navbar-default .navbar-toggle {
    border-color: #006633;
#navbar-darkgreen.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:hover,
#navbar-darkgreen.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:focus {
    background-color: #009933;
#navbar-darkgreen.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a,
#navbar-darkgreen.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>ul>li>a,
#navbar-darkgreen.navbar-default .navbar-brand {
    color: #999999;
#navbar-darkgreen.navbar-default .navbar-toggle .icon-bar,
#navbar-darkgreen.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:hover .icon-bar,
#navbar-darkgreen.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:focus .icon-bar {
    background-color: #ffffff;

 * Yellow navbar style
#navbar-yellow.navbar-default { /* #99ff00 - #ccff00 */
    font-size: 14px;
    background-color: rgba(153, 255, 0, 1);
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(204, 255, 0, 1) 0%, rgba(153, 255, 0, 1) 100%);
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(204, 255, 0, 1) 0%, rgba(153, 255, 0, 1) 100%);
    border: 0px;
    border-radius: 0;
#navbar-yellow.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a:hover,
#navbar-yellow.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a:focus,
#navbar-yellow.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>ul>li>a:hover,
#navbar-yellow.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>ul>li>a:focus,
#navbar-yellow.navbar-default .navbar-nav>.active>a,
#navbar-yellow.navbar-default .navbar-nav>.active>a:hover,
#navbar-yellow.navbar-default .navbar-nav>.active>a:focus {
    color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 1);
    background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 100%);
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 100%);
#sidebar-yellow, #column-yellow {
    background-color: #99ff00;
#navbar-yellow.navbar-default .navbar-toggle {
    border-color: #99ff00;
#navbar-yellow.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:hover,
#navbar-yellow.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:focus {
    background-color: #ccff00;
#navbar-yellow.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a,
#navbar-yellow.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>ul>li>a,
#navbar-yellow.navbar-default .navbar-brand {
    color: #999999;
#navbar-yellow.navbar-default .navbar-toggle .icon-bar,
#navbar-yellow.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:hover .icon-bar,
#navbar-yellow.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:focus .icon-bar {
    background-color: #ffffff;

Replacing last character in a String with java

To get the required result you can do following:

fieldName = fieldName.trim();
fieldName = fieldName.substring(0,fieldName.length() - 1);

Android: How to use webcam in emulator?


In Android Studio AVD:

  1. Open AVD Manager:

AVD menu

  1. Add/Edit AVD:

Specific AVD strip

  1. Click Advanced Settings in the bottom of the screen:

AVD Advanced Settings

  1. Set your camera of choice as the front/back cameras:

AVD Camera Settings


I found 2 reason for this issue:

  1. Sometimes its because of multiple included libraries. For example you add

    compile 'com.nineoldandroids:library:2.4.0'

in your gradle and add another library that it also use "nineoldandroids" in it's gradle!

  1. As Android Developer Official website said:

If you have built an Android app and received this error, then congratulations, you have a lot of code!

So, why?

The Dalvik Executable specification limits the total number of methods that can be referenced within a single DEX file to 65,536, including Android framework methods, library methods, and methods in your own code. Getting past this limit requires that you configure your app build process to generate more than one DEX file, known as a multidex configuration.

Then what should you do?

  • Avoiding the 65K Limit - How?

    1. Review your app's direct and transitive dependencies - Ensure any large library dependency you include in your app is used in a manner that outweighs the amount of code being added to the application. A common anti-pattern is to include a very large library because a few utility methods were useful. Reducing your app code dependencies can often help you avoid the dex reference limit.
    2. Remove unused code with ProGuard - Configure the ProGuard settings for your app to run ProGuard and ensure you have shrinking enabled for release builds. Enabling shrinking ensures you are not shipping unused code with your APKs.
  • Configuring Your App for Multidex with Gradle - How? 1.Change your Gradle build configuration to enable multidex.


multiDexEnabled true

in the defaultConfig, buildType, or productFlavor sections of your Gradle build file.

2.In your manifest add the MultiDexApplication class from the multidex support library to the application element.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""

Note: If your app uses extends the Application class, you can override the attachBaseContext() method and call MultiDex.install(this) to enable multidex. For more information, see the MultiDexApplication reference documentation.

Also this code may help you:

dexOptions {
    javaMaxHeapSize "4g"

Put in your gradle(android{ ... } ).

Cast IList to List

    public async Task<List<TimeAndAttendanceShift>> FindEntitiesByExpression(Expression<Func<TimeAndAttendanceShift, bool>> predicate)
        IList<TimeAndAttendanceShift> result = await _dbContext.Set<TimeAndAttendanceShift>().Where(predicate).ToListAsync<TimeAndAttendanceShift>();

        return result.ToList<TimeAndAttendanceShift>();

std::vector versus std::array in C++

If you are considering using multidimensional arrays, then there is one additional difference between std::array and std::vector. A multidimensional std::array will have the elements packed in memory in all dimensions, just as a c style array is. A multidimensional std::vector will not be packed in all dimensions.

Given the following declarations:

int cConc[3][5];
std::array<std::array<int, 5>, 3> aConc;
int **ptrConc;      // initialized to [3][5] via new and destructed via delete
std::vector<std::vector<int>> vConc;    // initialized to [3][5]

A pointer to the first element in the c-style array (cConc) or the std::array (aConc) can be iterated through the entire array by adding 1 to each preceding element. They are tightly packed.

A pointer to the first element in the vector array (vConc) or the pointer array (ptrConc) can only be iterated through the first 5 (in this case) elements, and then there are 12 bytes (on my system) of overhead for the next vector.

This means that a std::vector> array initialized as a [3][1000] array will be much smaller in memory than one initialized as a [1000][3] array, and both will be larger in memory than a std:array allocated either way.

This also means that you can't simply pass a multidimensional vector (or pointer) array to, say, openGL without accounting for the memory overhead, but you can naively pass a multidimensional std::array to openGL and have it work out.

How can I get all a form's values that would be submitted without submitting

Depending on the type of input types you're using on your form, you should be able to grab them using standard jQuery expressions.


// change forms[0] to the form you're trying to collect elements from...  or remove it, if you need all of them
var input_elements = $("input, textarea", document.forms[0]);

Check out the documentation for jQuery expressions on their site for more info:

Remove rows not .isin('X')

You can use the method:

In [1]: df = pd.DataFrame([[1,2],[3,4]], index=['A','B'])

In [2]: df
   0  1
A  1  2
B  3  4

In [3]: L = ['A']

In [4]: x: x in L)
   0  1
A  1  2

Seeding the random number generator in Javascript

I have written a function that returns a seeded random number, it uses Math.sin to have a long random number and uses the seed to pick numbers from that.

Use :

seedRandom("k9]:2@", 15)

it will return your seeded number the first parameter is any string value ; your seed. the second parameter is how many digits will return.

     function seedRandom(inputSeed, lengthOfNumber){

           var output = "";
           var seed = inputSeed.toString();
           var newSeed = 0;
           var characterArray = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','y','x','z','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','U','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','!','@','#','$','%','^','&','*','(',')',' ','[','{',']','}','|',';',':',"'",',','<','.','>','/','?','`','~','-','_','=','+'];
           var longNum = "";
           var counter = 0;
           var accumulator = 0;

           for(var i = 0; i < seed.length; i++){
                var a = seed.length - (i+1);
                for(var x = 0; x < characterArray.length; x++){
                     var tempX = x.toString();
                     var lastDigit = tempX.charAt(tempX.length-1);
                     var xOutput = parseInt(lastDigit);
                     addToSeed(characterArray[x], xOutput, a, i); 

                function addToSeed(character, value, a, i){
                     if(seed.charAt(i) === character){newSeed = newSeed + value * Math.pow(10, a)}
                newSeed = newSeed.toString();

                var copy = newSeed;
           for(var i=0; i<lengthOfNumber*9; i++){
                newSeed = newSeed + copy;
                var x = Math.sin(20982+(i)) * 10000;
                var y = Math.floor((x - Math.floor(x))*10);
                longNum = longNum + y.toString()

           for(var i=0; i<lengthOfNumber; i++){
                output = output + longNum.charAt(accumulator);
                accumulator = accumulator + parseInt(newSeed.charAt(counter));

unsigned APK can not be installed

I cannot install an apk build with "Export Unsigned Application Package" Android SDK feature, but i can install an apk browsing the bin directory of my project after the project buid. I put this apk on my sd on my HTC Wildfire phone, select it and the application install correctly. You need to allow your phone to install unsigned apk. Good Luck.

How can I run multiple npm scripts in parallel?

npm install npm-run-all --save-dev


"scripts": {
  "start-watch": "...",
  "wp-server": "...",
  "dev": "npm-run-all --parallel start-watch wp-server"

More info:

Count number of rows per group and add result to original data frame

Using data.table:

dt =

# or coerce to data.table by reference:
# setDT(df)

dt[ , count := .N, by = .(name, type)]

For pre-data.table 1.8.2 alternative, see edit history.

Using dplyr:

df %>%
  group_by(name, type) %>%
  mutate(count = n())

Or simply:

add_count(df, name, type)

Using plyr:

plyr::ddply(df, .(name, type), transform, count = length(num))

How to display count of notifications in app launcher icon

It works in samsung touchwiz launcher

public static void setBadge(Context context, int count) {
    String launcherClassName = getLauncherClassName(context);
    if (launcherClassName == null) {
    Intent intent = new Intent("android.intent.action.BADGE_COUNT_UPDATE");
    intent.putExtra("badge_count", count);
    intent.putExtra("badge_count_package_name", context.getPackageName());
    intent.putExtra("badge_count_class_name", launcherClassName);

public static String getLauncherClassName(Context context) {

    PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();

    Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);

    List<ResolveInfo> resolveInfos = pm.queryIntentActivities(intent, 0);
    for (ResolveInfo resolveInfo : resolveInfos) {
        String pkgName = resolveInfo.activityInfo.applicationInfo.packageName;
        if (pkgName.equalsIgnoreCase(context.getPackageName())) {
            String className =;
            return className;
    return null;

Google drive limit number of download

It looks like that this limitation can be avoided if you use the following URL pattern:

For your case the download URL will look like this -

Please keep in mind that this method works only if file is shared with "Public on the web" option.

How to edit log message already committed in Subversion?

Here's a handy variation that I don't see mentioned in the faq. You can return the current message for editing by specifying a text editor.

svn propedit svn:log --revprop -r N --editor-cmd vim

Save a list to a .txt file

If you have more then 1 dimension array

with open("file.txt", 'w') as output:
    for row in values:
        output.write(str(row) + '\n')

Code to write without '[' and ']'

with open("file.txt", 'w') as file:
        for row in values:
            s = " ".join(map(str, row))

Pure CSS to make font-size responsive based on dynamic amount of characters

You might be interested in the calc approach:

font-size: calc(4vw + 4vh + 2vmin);

done. Tweak values till matches your taste.


svn: E155004: ..(path of resource).. is already locked

I had the same problem

The problem is that with Subversion 1.7 this doesn't work anymore. The good news is there is a better way to do this - and what it appears I should have been doing this all along. All you need is:

svn cleanup

found the solution here

How can I set the focus (and display the keyboard) on my EditText programmatically

showSoftInput was not working for me at all.

I figured I needed to set the input mode : android:windowSoftInputMode="stateVisible" (here in the Activity component in the manifest)

Hope this help!

Set windows environment variables with a batch file


:: %HOMEPATH% = \Users\Ruben
:: %system32% ??
:: No spaces in paths
:: Program Files > ProgramFiles
:: cls = clear screen
:: CMD reads the system environment variables when it starts. To re-read those variables you need to restart CMD
:: Use console 2

:: Assign all Path variables
SET PHP="%HOMEDRIVE%\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.16"
SET SYSTEM32=";%HOMEDRIVE%\Windows\System32"
SET ANT=";%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\Downloads\apache-ant-1.9.0-bin\apache-ant-1.9.0\bin"
SET GRADLE=";%HOMEDRIVE%\tools\gradle-1.6\bin;"
SET ADT=";%HOMEDRIVE%\tools\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20130219\eclipse\jre\bin"
SET ADTTOOLS=";%HOMEDRIVE%\tools\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20130219\sdk\tools"
SET ADTP=";%HOMEDRIVE%\tools\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20130219\sdk\platform-tools"
SET YII=";%HOMEDRIVE%\wamp\www\yii\framework"
SET NODEJS=";%HOMEDRIVE%\ProgramFiles\nodejs"
SET CURL=";%HOMEDRIVE%\tools\curl_734_0_ssl"
SET COMPOSER=";%HOMEDRIVE%\ProgramData\ComposerSetup\bin"
SET GIT=";%HOMEDRIVE%\Program Files\Git\cmd"

:: Set Path variable

:: Set Java variable
setx JAVA_HOME "%HOMEDRIVE%\ProgramFiles\Java\jdk1.7.0_21" /m


How do I initialize a TypeScript Object with a JSON-Object?

This is my approach (very simple):

const jsonObj: { [key: string]: any } = JSON.parse(jsonStr);

for (const key in jsonObj) {
  if (!jsonObj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {

  console.log(key); // Key
  console.log(jsonObj[key]); // Value
  // Your logic...

Export data from R to Excel

writexl, without Java requirement:

# install.packages("writexl")
tempfile <- write_xlsx(iris)

filedialog, tkinter and opening files

I had to specify individual commands first and then use the * to bring all in command.

from tkinter import filedialog
from tkinter import *

Preventing HTML and Script injections in Javascript

A one-liner:

var encodedMsg = $('<div />').text(message).html();

See it work:

Multi-select dropdown list in ASP.NET

HTML does not support a dropdown list with checkboxes. You can have a dropdown list, or a checkbox list. You could possibly fake a dropdowncheckbox list using javascript and hiding divs, but that would be less reliable than just a standard checkbox list.

There are of course 3rd party controls that look like a dropdown checkboxlist, but they are using the div tricks.

you could also use a double listbox, which handles multi select by moving items back and forth between two lists. This has the added benefit of being easily to see all the selected items at once, even though the list of total items is long

(Imagine a list of every city in the world, with only the first and last selected)

How do I get monitor resolution in Python?

In Windows, you can also use ctypes with GetSystemMetrics():

import ctypes
user32 = ctypes.windll.user32
screensize = user32.GetSystemMetrics(0), user32.GetSystemMetrics(1)

so that you don't need to install the pywin32 package; it doesn't need anything that doesn't come with Python itself.

For multi-monitor setups, you can retrieve the combined width and height of the virtual monitor:

import ctypes
user32 = ctypes.windll.user32
screensize = user32.GetSystemMetrics(78), user32.GetSystemMetrics(79)

How to make the main content div fill height of screen with css

This question is a duplicate of Make a div fill the height of the remaining screen space and the correct answer is to use the flexbox model.

All major browsers and IE11+ support Flexbox. For IE 10 or older, or Android 4.3 and older, you can use the FlexieJS shim.

Note how simple the markup and the CSS are. No table hacks or anything.

html, body {
  height: 100%;
  margin: 0; padding: 0;  /* to avoid scrollbars */

#wrapper {
  display: flex;  /* use the flex model */
  min-height: 100%;
  flex-direction: column;  /* learn more: */

#header {
  background: yellow;
  height: 100px;  /* can be variable as well */

#body {
  flex: 1;
  border: 1px solid orange;

  background: lime;
<div id="wrapper">
  <div id="header">Title</div>
  <div id="body">Body</div>
  <div id="footer">

In the CSS above, the flex property shorthands the flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis properties to establish the flexibility of the flex items. Mozilla has a good introduction to the flexible boxes model.

ASP.Net MVC: How to display a byte array image from model

I recommend something along these lines, even if the image lives inside of your model.

I realize you are asking for a direct way to access it right from the view and many others have answered that and told you what is wrong with that approach so this is just another way that will load the image in an async fashion for you and I think is a better approach.

Sample Model:

[Bind(Exclude = "ID")]
public class Item
    public int ID { get; set; }

    public String Name { get; set; }

    public byte[] InternalImage { get; set; } //Stored as byte array in the database.

Sample Method in the Controller:

public async Task<ActionResult> RenderImage(int id)
    Item item = await db.Items.FindAsync(id);

    byte[] photoBack = item.InternalImage;

    return File(photoBack, "image/png");


@model YourNameSpace.Models.Item

    ViewBag.Title = "Details";


<hr />
<dl class="dl-horizontal">
    <img src="@Url.Action("RenderImage", new { id = Model.ID})" />
<dl class="dl-horizontal">
        @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Name)

        @Html.DisplayFor(model => model.Name)

Android: why is there no maxHeight for a View?

My MaxHeightScrollView custom view

public class MaxHeightScrollView extends ScrollView {
    private int maxHeight;

    public MaxHeightScrollView(Context context) {
        this(context, null);

    public MaxHeightScrollView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        this(context, attrs, 0);

    public MaxHeightScrollView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);
        init(context, attrs);

    private void init(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        TypedArray styledAttrs =
                context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.MaxHeightScrollView);
        try {
            maxHeight = styledAttrs.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.MaxHeightScrollView_mhs_maxHeight, 0);
        } finally {

    protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
        if (maxHeight > 0) {
            heightMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(maxHeight, MeasureSpec.AT_MOST);
        super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);


<declare-styleable name="MaxHeightScrollView">
    <attr name="mhs_maxHeight" format="dimension" />





Javascript array search and remove string?

Simple solution (ES6)

If you don't have duplicate element

Array.prototype.remove = function(elem) {
  var indexElement = this.findIndex(el => el === elem);
  if (indexElement != -1)
    this.splice(indexElement, 1);
  return this;

Online demo (fiddle)

Bootstrap 3: Text overlay on image

try the following example. Image overlay with text on image. demo

<div class="thumbnail">
  <img src="" alt="..."   />
  <div class="caption post-content">  
  <div class="details">
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p>   


.post-content {
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) none repeat scroll 0 0;
    opacity: 0.5;
    min-width: 500px;
    min-height: 500px; 
    position: absolute;
    color: #ffffff; 


.details {
    position: absolute; 
    z-index: 2; 
    top: 0;
    color: #ffffff; 

check if a key exists in a bucket in s3 using boto3

I'm not a big fan of using exceptions for control flow. This is an alternative approach that works in boto3:

import boto3

s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
bucket = s3.Bucket('my-bucket')
key = 'dootdoot.jpg'
objs = list(bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=key))
if any([w.key == path_s3 for w in objs]):
    print("Doesn't exist")

jQuery table sort

My vote! jquery.sortElements.js and simple jquery
Very simple, very easy, thanks nandhp...

            $('th').live('click', function(){

            var th = $(this), thIndex = th.index(), var table = $(this).parent().parent();

                case 'false': inverse = true; break;
                case 'true:': inverse = false; break;
                default: inverse = false; break;

                return $(this).index() === thIndex;
            }).sortElements(function(a, b){
                return $.text([a]) > $.text([b]) ?
                    inverse ? -1 : 1
                    : inverse ? 1 : -1;
            }, function(){
                // parentNode is the element we want to move
                return this.parentNode; 
            inverse = !inverse;     

Dei uma melhorada do código
One cod better! Function for All tables in all Th in all time... Look it!

How to split a string of space separated numbers into integers?

Here is my answer for python 3.

some_string = "2 3 8 61 "

list(map(int, some_string.strip().split()))

css3 transition animation on load?

If anyone else had problems doing two transitions at once, here's what I did. I needed text to come from top to bottom on page load.


<body class="existing-class-name" onload="document.body.classList.add('loaded')">


<div class="image-wrapper">
    <img src="db-image.jpg" alt="db-image-name">
    <span class="text-over-image">DB text</span>


.text-over-image {
    position: absolute;
    background-color: rgba(110, 186, 115, 0.8);
    color: #eee;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    padding: 10px;
    opacity: 0;
    bottom: 100%;
    -webkit-transition: opacity 2s, bottom 2s;
    -moz-transition: opacity 2s, bottom 2s;
    -o-transition: opacity 2s, bottom 2s;
    transition: opacity 2s, bottom 2s;

body.loaded .text-over-image {
    bottom: 0;
    opacity: 1;

Don't know why I kept trying to use 2 transition declarations in 1 selector and (not really) thinking it would use both.

How to get an array of specific "key" in multidimensional array without looping

If id is the first key in the array, this'll do:

$ids = array_map('current', $users);

You should not necessarily rely on this though. :)

Access a URL and read Data with R

In the simplest case, just do

X <- read.csv(url(""))

plus which ever options read.csv() may need.

Edit in Sep 2020 or 9 years later:

For a few years now R also supports directly passing the URL to read.csv:

X <- read.csv("")

End of 2020 edit. Original post continutes.

Long answer: Yes this can be done and many packages have use that feature for years. E.g. the tseries packages uses exactly this feature to download stock prices from Yahoo! for almost a decade:

R> library(tseries)
Loading required package: quadprog
Loading required package: zoo

    ‘tseries’ version: 0.10-24

    ‘tseries’ is a package for time series analysis and computational finance.

    See ‘library(help="tseries")’ for details.

R> get.hist.quote("IBM")
trying URL '    ## manual linebreak here
Content type 'text/csv' length unknown
opened URL
.......... .......... .......... .......... ..........
.......... .......... .......... .......... ..........
.......... .......... .......... .......... ..........
.......... .......... .......... .......... ..........
.......... .......... .......... .......... ..........
downloaded 258 Kb

             Open   High    Low  Close
1991-01-02 112.87 113.75 112.12 112.12
1991-01-03 112.37 113.87 112.25 112.50
1991-01-04 112.75 113.00 111.87 112.12
1991-01-07 111.37 111.87 110.00 110.25
1991-01-08 110.37 110.37 108.75 109.00
1991-01-09 109.75 110.75 106.75 106.87

This is all exceedingly well documented in the manual pages for help(connection) and help(url). Also see the manul on 'Data Import/Export' that came with R.

Java, How to implement a Shift Cipher (Caesar Cipher)

The warning is due to you attempting to add an integer (int shift = 3) to a character value. You can change the data type to char if you want to avoid that.

A char is 16 bits, an int is 32.

char shift = 3;
// ...
eMessage[i] = (message[i] + shift) % (char)letters.length;

As an aside, you can simplify the following:

char[] message = {'o', 'n', 'c', 'e', 'u', 'p', 'o', 'n', 'a', 't', 'i', 'm', 'e'}; 


char[] message = "onceuponatime".toCharArray();

Checking on a thread / remove from list

mythreads = threading.enumerate()

Enumerate returns a list of all Thread objects still alive.

Regular cast vs. static_cast vs. dynamic_cast

FYI, I believe Bjarne Stroustrup is quoted as saying that C-style casts are to be avoided and that you should use static_cast or dynamic_cast if at all possible.

Barne Stroustrup's C++ style FAQ

Take that advice for what you will. I'm far from being a C++ guru.

Scroll / Jump to id without jQuery

Maybe You should try scrollIntoView.


This will scroll to your Element.

Summing elements in a list

You can use map function and pythons inbuilt sum() function. It simplifies the solution. And reduces the complexity.

How to redirect siteA to siteB with A or CNAME records

You can do this a number of non-DNS ways. The landing page at can have an HTTP redirect. The webserver at can be configured to redirect (easy in Apache, not sure about IIS), etc.

How to call external JavaScript function in HTML

If a <script> has a src then the text content of the element will be not be executed as JS (although it will appear in the DOM).

You need to use multiple script elements.

  1. a <script> to load the external script
  2. a <script> to hold your inline code (with the call to the function in the external script)
