Programs & Examples On #Sql server administration

How to find sitemap.xml path on websites?

I don't think there's a standard as to the location of the sitemap. That's the reason why you should specify an arbitrary URL to your sitemap when you're adding one using Google's Webmaster Tools.

Why can't I use switch statement on a String?

It's a breeze in Groovy; I embed the groovy jar and create a groovy utility class to do all these things and more which I find exasperating to do in Java (since I am stuck using Java 6 in the enterprise.)

switch ([email protected]()){
   case "choclate":

Override intranet compatibility mode IE8

Had the same problem. It worked by using

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE9" />

How to perform element-wise multiplication of two lists?

Can use enumerate.

a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
b = [2, 3, 4, 5]

ab = [val * b[i] for i, val in enumerate(a)]

Get full URL and query string in Servlet for both HTTP and HTTPS requests

Simply Use:

String Uri = request.getRequestURL()+"?"+request.getQueryString();

Create a zip file and download it

// http headers for zip downloads
header("Pragma: public");
header("Expires: 0");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
header("Cache-Control: public");
header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$filename."\"");
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
header("Content-Length: ".filesize($filepath.$filename));

I found this soludtion here and it work for me

ORA-29283: invalid file operation ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 536

On Windows also check whether the file is not encrypted using EFS. I had the same problem untill I decrypted the file manualy.

jQuery Remove string from string

I assume that the text "username1" is just a placeholder for what will eventually be an actual username. Assuming that,

  • If the username is not allowed to have spaces, then just search for everything before the first space or comma (thus finding both "u1 likes this" and "u1, u2, and u3 like this").
  • If it is allowed to have a space, it would probably be easier to wrap each username in it's own span tag server-side, before sending it to the client, and then just working with the span tags.

SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list

How to reproduce this error:

SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list

This code produces the error:

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-2.1.0.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">


If you run this and look at the error output in firebug, you get this error. The empty function passed into 'ready' is not closed. Fix it like this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-2.1.0.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

  });      //<-- notice the right parenthesis and semicolon

And then the Javascript is interpreted correctly.

How to create a zip archive of a directory in Python?

To add the contents of mydirectory to a new zip file, including all files and subdirectories:

import os
import zipfile

zf = zipfile.ZipFile("", "w")
for dirname, subdirs, files in os.walk("mydirectory"):
    for filename in files:
        zf.write(os.path.join(dirname, filename))

How to use python numpy.savetxt to write strings and float number to an ASCII file?

The currently accepted answer does not actually address the question, which asks how to save lists that contain both strings and float numbers. For completeness I provide a fully working example, which is based, with some modifications, on the link given in @joris comment.

import numpy as np

names  = np.array(['NAME_1', 'NAME_2', 'NAME_3'])
floats = np.array([ 0.1234 ,  0.5678 ,  0.9123 ])

ab = np.zeros(names.size, dtype=[('var1', 'U6'), ('var2', float)])
ab['var1'] = names
ab['var2'] = floats

np.savetxt('test.txt', ab, fmt="%10s %10.3f")

Update: This example also works properly in Python 3 by using the 'U6' Unicode string dtype, when creating the ab structured array, instead of the 'S6' byte string. The latter dtype would work in Python 2.7, but would write strings like b'NAME_1' in Python 3.

What's the difference between Invoke() and BeginInvoke()

Just to give a short, working example to see an effect of their difference

new Thread(foo).Start();

private void foo()
        myTextBox.Text = "bing";

If use BeginInvoke, MessageBox pops simultaneous to the text update. If use Invoke, MessageBox pops after the 3 second sleep. Hence, showing the effect of an asynchronous (BeginInvoke) and a synchronous (Invoke) call.

How do I declare an array variable in VBA?

Generally, you should declare variables of a specific type, rather than Variant. In this example, the test variable should be of type String.

And, because it's an array, you need to indicate that specifically when you declare the variable. There are two ways of declaring array variables:

  1. If you know the size of the array (the number of elements that it should contain) when you write the program, you can specify that number in parentheses in the declaration:

    Dim test(1) As String   'declares an array with 2 elements that holds strings

    This type of array is referred to as a static array, as its size is fixed, or static.

  2. If you do not know the size of the array when you write the application, you can use a dynamic array. A dynamic array is one whose size is not specified in the declaration (Dim statement), but rather is determined later during the execution of the program using the ReDim statement. For example:

    Dim test() As String
    Dim arraySize As Integer
    ' Code to do other things, like calculate the size required for the array
    ' ...
    arraySize = 5
    ReDim test(arraySize)  'size the array to the value of the arraySize variable

Generate a UUID on iOS from Swift

Also you can use it lowercase under below

let uuid = NSUUID().UUIDString.lowercaseString



Thank you !

How to iterate through property names of Javascript object?

In JavaScript 1.8.5, Object.getOwnPropertyNames returns an array of all properties found directly upon a given object.

Object.getOwnPropertyNames ( obj )

and another method Object.keys, which returns an array containing the names of all of the given object's own enumerable properties.

Object.keys( obj )

I used forEach to list values and keys in obj, same as for (var key in obj) ..

Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) {
      console.log( key , obj[key] );

This all are new features in ECMAScript , the mothods getOwnPropertyNames, keys won't supports old browser's.

How do I read configuration settings from Symfony2 config.yml?

In order to be able to expose some configuration parameters for your bundle you should consult the documentation for doing so. It's fairly easy to do :)

Here's the link: How to expose a Semantic Configuration for a Bundle

Convert a JSON String to a HashMap

Using json-simple you can convert data JSON to Map and Map to JSON.

    JSONObject obj11 = new JSONObject();
    obj11.put(1, "Kishan");
    obj11.put(2, "Radhesh");
    obj11.put(3, "Sonal");
    obj11.put(4, "Madhu");

    Map map = new  HashMap();


    map = obj11;


    JSONObject obj12 = new JSONObject();

    obj12 = (JSONObject) map;

catch(Exception e)
    System.err.println("EROR : 01 :"+e);

What is the OR operator in an IF statement

The OR operator is a double pipe:


So it looks like:

if (this || that) 
  //do the other thing

EDIT: The reason that your updated attempt isn't working is because the logical operators must separate valid C# expressions. Expressions have operands and operators and operators have an order of precedence.

In your case, the == operator is evaluated first. This means your expression is being evaluated as (title == "User greeting") || "User name". The || gets evaluated next. Since || requires each operand to be a boolean expression, it fails, because your operands are strings.

Using two separate boolean expressions will ensure that your || operator will work properly.

title == "User greeting" || title == "User name"

Using jQuery to see if a div has a child with a certain class

Simple Way

if ($('#text-field > p.filled-text').length != 0)

How to open SharePoint files in Chrome/Firefox

You can use web-based protocol handlers for the links as per

Basically, just prepend ms-word:ofe|u| to the links to your SharePoint hosted Word documents.

Build error: "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process"

I have overcome this problem by renaming the locked file (using Windows Explorer). I was not allowed to delete the file, but renaming the locked file works!

Check if space is in a string

# The following would be a very simple solution.

string = input("Enter your string :")
noofspacesinstring = 0
for counter in string:
    if counter == " ":
       noofspacesinstring += 1
if noofspacesinstring == 0:
   message = "Your string is a single word" 
   message = "Your string is not a single word"

Bootstrap : TypeError: $(...).modal is not a function

I was getting the same error because of jquery CDN (<script src=""></script>) was added two times in the HTML head.

Java Object Null Check for method

You simply compare your object to null using the == (or !=) operator. E.g.:

public static double calculateInventoryTotal(Book[] books) {
    // First null check - the entire array
    if (books == null) {
        return 0;

    double total = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < books.length; i++) {
        // second null check - each individual element
        if (books[i] != null) {
            total += books[i].getPrice();

    return total;

PDO's query vs execute

Gilean's answer is great, but I just wanted to add that sometimes there are rare exceptions to best practices, and you might want to test your environment both ways to see what will work best.

In one case, I found that query worked faster for my purposes because I was bulk transferring trusted data from an Ubuntu Linux box running PHP7 with the poorly supported Microsoft ODBC driver for MS SQL Server.

I arrived at this question because I had a long running script for an ETL that I was trying to squeeze for speed. It seemed intuitive to me that query could be faster than prepare & execute because it was calling only one function instead of two. The parameter binding operation provides excellent protection, but it might be expensive and possibly avoided if unnecessary.

Given a couple rare conditions:

  1. If you can't reuse a prepared statement because it's not supported by the Microsoft ODBC driver.

  2. If you're not worried about sanitizing input and simple escaping is acceptable. This may be the case because binding certain datatypes isn't supported by the Microsoft ODBC driver.

  3. PDO::lastInsertId is not supported by the Microsoft ODBC driver.

Here's a method I used to test my environment, and hopefully you can replicate it or something better in yours:

To start, I've created a basic table in Microsoft SQL Server

CREATE TABLE performancetest (
    id INT,
    val VARCHAR(100)

And now a basic timed test for performance metrics.

$logs = [];

$test = function (String $type, Int $count = 3000) use ($pdo, &$logs) {
    $start = microtime(true);
    $i = 0;
    while ($i < $count) {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO performancetest (id, val) OUTPUT INSERTED.sid VALUES ($i,'value $i')";
        if ($type === 'query') {
            $smt = $pdo->query($sql);
        } else {
            $smt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
            $smt ->execute();
        $sid = $smt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)['sid'];
    $total = (microtime(true) - $start);
    $logs[$type] []= $total;
    echo "$total $type\n";

$trials = 15;
$i = 0;
while ($i < $trials) {
    if (random_int(0,1) === 0) {
    } else {

foreach ($logs as $type => $log) {
    $total = 0;
    foreach ($log as $record) {
        $total += $record;
    $count = count($log);
    echo "($count) $type Average: ".$total/$count.PHP_EOL;

I've played with multiple different trial and counts in my specific environment, and consistently get between 20-30% faster results with query than prepare/execute

5.8128969669342 prepare
5.8688418865204 prepare
4.2948560714722 query
4.9533629417419 query
5.9051351547241 prepare
4.332102060318 query
5.9672858715057 prepare
5.0667371749878 query
3.8260300159454 query
4.0791549682617 query
4.3775160312653 query
3.6910600662231 query
5.2708210945129 prepare
6.2671611309052 prepare
7.3791449069977 prepare
(7) prepare Average: 6.0673267160143
(8) query Average: 4.3276024162769

I'm curious to see how this test compares in other environments, like MySQL.

How to dynamically create a class?

I know i reopen this old task but with c# 4.0 this task is absolutely painless.

dynamic expando = new ExpandoObject();

//or more dynamic
AddProperty(expando, "Language", "English");

for more see

How to obtain a Thread id in Python?

I created multiple threads in Python, I printed the thread objects, and I printed the id using the ident variable. I see all the ids are same:

<Thread(Thread-1, stopped 140500807628544)>
<Thread(Thread-2, started 140500807628544)>
<Thread(Thread-3, started 140500807628544)>

How to get the innerHTML of selectable jquery element?

Use .val() instead of .innerHTML for getting value of selected option

Use .text() for getting text of selected option

Thanks for correcting :)

How to split strings into text and number?

>>> r = re.compile("([a-zA-Z]+)([0-9]+)")
>>> m = r.match("foobar12345")

So, if you have a list of strings with that format:

import re
r = re.compile("([a-zA-Z]+)([0-9]+)")
strings = ['foofo21', 'bar432', 'foobar12345']
print [r.match(string).groups() for string in strings]


[('foofo', '21'), ('bar', '432'), ('foobar', '12345')]

Using PHP variables inside HTML tags?

You can embed a variable into a double quoted string like my first example, or you can use concantenation(the period) like in my second example:

echo "<a href=\"$param\">Click Here</a>";

echo '<a href="' . $param . '">Click Here</a>';

Notice that I escaped the double quotes inside my first example using a backslash.

Is there any advantage of using map over unordered_map in case of trivial keys?

Significant differences that have not really been adequately mentioned here:

  • map keeps iterators to all elements stable, in C++17 you can even move elements from one map to the other without invalidating iterators to them (and if properly implemented without any potential allocation).
  • map timings for single operations are typically more consistent since they never need large allocations.
  • unordered_map using std::hash as implemented in the libstdc++ is vulnerable to DoS if fed with untrusted input (it uses MurmurHash2 with a constant seed - not that seeding would really help, see
  • Being ordered enables efficient range searches, e.g. iterate over all elements with key = 42.

How can I add items to an empty set in python

>>> d = {}
>>> D = set()
>>> type(d)
<type 'dict'>
>>> type(D)
<type 'set'>

What you've made is a dictionary and not a Set.

The update method in dictionary is used to update the new dictionary from a previous one, like so,

>>> abc = {1: 2}
>>> d.update(abc)
>>> d
{1: 2}

Whereas in sets, it is used to add elements to the set.

>>> D.update([1, 2])
>>> D
set([1, 2])

How can I align text directly beneath an image?

I am not an expert in HTML but here is what worked for me:

<div class="img-with-text-below">
    <img src="your-image.jpg" alt="alt-text" />
    <p><center>Your text</center></p>

Error: Unfortunately you can't have non-Gradle Java modules and > Android-Gradle modules in one project

Had same issue with Android Studio 3.3 Canary 13.

I was able to solve it by following these steps:

  • Go to the module settings and remove your module from the list
  • Edit settings.gradle and remove your module from there also
  • Physically move the module directory out of the project (to your desktop for instance)
  • Then in the module settings again add a module and select as type 'Import Gradle Project' in which you select the module folder you have moved to your desktop (or anywhere else)

When you complete these steps the module will be copied into your project again, AS will start syncing Gradle again and that succeeds without errors :-) Check your GIT status and you will see as soon as you add your module directory to GIT again that nothing has changed to your working directory. So it's purely an issue with AS that gets somehow out-of-sync...

Based my solution on this comment:

How to insert data into elasticsearch

To test and try curl requests from Windows, you can make use of Postman client Chrome extension. It is very simple to use and quite powerful.

Or as suggested you can install the cURL util.

A sample curl request is as follows.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -d '{
"user" : "Arun Thundyill Saseendran",
"post_date" : "2009-03-23T12:30:00",
"message" : "trying out Elasticsearch"
}' ""

I am also getting started with and exploring ES in vast. So please let me know if you have any other doubts.

EDIT: Updated the index name and type name to be fully lowercase to avoid errors and follow convention.

Angularjs $q.all

In javascript there are no block-level scopes only function-level scopes:

Read this article about javaScript Scoping and Hoisting.

See how I debugged your code:

var deferred = $q.defer();
deferred.count = i;

console.log(deferred.count); // 0,1,2,3,4,5 --< all deferred objects

// some code

   console.log(deferred.count); // 5,5,5,5,5,5 --< only the last deferred object
  • When you write var deferred= $q.defer(); inside a for loop it's hoisted to the top of the function, it means that javascript declares this variable on the function scope outside of the for loop.
  • With each loop, the last deferred is overriding the previous one, there is no block-level scope to save a reference to that object.
  • When asynchronous callbacks (success / error) are invoked, they reference only the last deferred object and only it gets resolved, so $q.all is never resolved because it still waits for other deferred objects.
  • What you need is to create an anonymous function for each item you iterate.
  • Since functions do have scopes, the reference to the deferred objects are preserved in a closure scope even after functions are executed.
  • As #dfsq commented: There is no need to manually construct a new deferred object since $http itself returns a promise.

Solution with angular.forEach:

Here is a demo plunker:

UploadService.uploadQuestion = function(questions){

    var promises = [];

    angular.forEach(questions , function(question) {

        var promise = $http({
            url   : 'upload/question',
            method: 'POST',
            data  : question



    return $q.all(promises);

My favorite way is to use Array#map:

Here is a demo plunker:

UploadService.uploadQuestion = function(questions){

    var promises = {

        return $http({
            url   : 'upload/question',
            method: 'POST',
            data  : question


    return $q.all(promises);

The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application. JAVA

You get this exact same error when trying to connect to a MySQL database from MS-Access when the bit version (32 vs 64) of Access doesn't match

  1. the bit version of the ODBC Driver you are using
  2. the bit version of the ODBC Manager you used to set it up.

For those of you trying to connect MS-Access to MySQL on a 64 bit Windows system, I went through sheer torture trying to get it to work with both MS-Access 2010 and MS-Access 2013. Finally got it working, and here are the lessons I've learned along the way:

I bought a new Windows 7, 64 bit laptop, and I have an app which relies on MS-Access using MySQL tables.

  1. I installed the latest version of MySQL, 5.6, using the All In One package install. This allows you to install both the database and ODBC drivers all at once. That's nice, but the ODBC driver it installs seems to be the 64 bit one, so it will not work with 32 bit MS-Access. It also seems a little buggy - not for sure on that one. When you Add a new DSN in the ODBC Manager, this driver appears as "Microsoft ODBC For Oracle". I could not get this one to work. I had to install the 32 bit one, discussed below.

    • MySQL was working fine after the install. I restored my application MySQL database in the usual way. Now I want to connect to it using MS-Access.

  2. I had previously installed Office 2013, which I assumed was 64 bit. But upon checking the version (File, Account, About Access), I see that it is 32 bit. Both Access 2010 and 2013 are most commonly sold as 32-bit versions.

  3. My machine is a 64 bit machine. So by default, when you go to set up your DSN's for MS-Access, and go in the usual way into the ODBC Manager via Control Panel, Administrative Options, you get the 64 bit ODBC manager. You have no way of knowing that! You just can't tell. This is a huge gotcha!! It is impossible to set up a DSN from there and have it successfully connect to MS Access 32 bit. You will get the dreaded error:

    "the specified dsn contains an architecture mismatch..."

  4. You must download and install the 32 bit ODBC driver from MySQL. I used version 3.5.1

  5. You must tell the ODBC Manager in Control Panel to take a hike and must instead explicitly invoke the 32 bit ODBC Manager with this command executed at the Start, Command prompt:


    I created a shortcut to this on my desktop. From here, build your DSN with this manager. Important point: BUILD THEM AS SYSTEM DSNS, NOT USER DSNS! This tripped me up for awhile.

    By the way, the 64 bit version of the ODBC Manager can also be run explicitly as:


  6. Once you've installed the 32-bit ODBC Driver from MySql, when you click Add in the ODBC Manager you will see 2 drivers listed. Choose "MySQL ODBC 5.2 ANSI Driver". I did not try the UNICODE driver.

That does it. Once you have defined your DSN's in the 32 bit ODBC manager, you can connect to MySQL in the usual way from within Access - External Data, ODBC Database, Link to the Database, select Machine Data Source, and the DSN you created to your MySQL database will be there.

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to merge dex in Android Studio 3.0

Enable Multidex through build.gradle of your app module

multiDexEnabled true

Same as below -

android {
    compileSdkVersion 27
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId ""
        minSdkVersion 15
        targetSdkVersion 27
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"
        multiDexEnabled true //Add this
        testInstrumentationRunner ""
    buildTypes {
        release {
            shrinkResources true
            minifyEnabled true
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''

Then follow below steps -

  1. From the Build menu -> press the Clean Project button.
  2. When task completed, press the Rebuild Project button from the Build menu.
  3. From menu File -> Invalidate cashes / Restart

compile is now deprecated so it's better to use implementation or api

Knockout validation

If you don't want to use the KnockoutValidation library you can write your own. Here's an example for a Mandatory field.

Add a javascript class with all you KO extensions or extenders, and add the following:

ko.extenders.required = function (target, overrideMessage) {
    //add some sub-observables to our observable
    target.hasError = ko.observable();
    target.validationMessage = ko.observable();

    //define a function to do validation
    function validate(newValue) {
    target.hasError(newValue ? false : true);
    target.validationMessage(newValue ? "" : overrideMessage || "This field is required");

    //initial validation

    //validate whenever the value changes

    //return the original observable
    return target;

Then in your viewModel extend you observable by:

self.dateOfPayment: ko.observable().extend({ required: "" }),

There are a number of examples online for this style of validation.

Set background image according to screen resolution

Set body css to :

body { 
background: url(../img/background.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed #000; 
-webkit-background-size: cover;
-moz-background-size: cover;
-o-background-size: cover;
background-size: cover;


JQuery Datatables : Cannot read property 'aDataSort' of undefined

You need to switch single quotes ['] to double quotes ["] because of parse

if you are using data-order attribute on the table then use it like this data-order='[[1, "asc"]]'

Function in JavaScript that can be called only once

If you're using Ramda, you can use the function "once".

A quote from the documentation:

once Function (a… ? b) ? (a… ? b) PARAMETERS Added in v0.1.0

Accepts a function fn and returns a function that guards invocation of fn such that fn can only ever be called once, no matter how many times the returned function is invoked. The first value calculated is returned in subsequent invocations.

var addOneOnce = R.once(x => x + 1);
addOneOnce(10); //=> 11
addOneOnce(addOneOnce(50)); //=> 11

CSS: how do I create a gap between rows in a table?

Add following rule to tr and it should work

float: left

Sample (Open it in IE9 offcourse :) ):

EDIT: This isn't a legal or correct solution as pointed out by many, but if you are left with no option and need something this will work in IE9.

So all those who are giving down votes, please let us know correct solution as well

Convert Enum to String

I create a "Description" extension method and attach it to the enum so that i can get truly user-friendly naming that includes spaces and casing. I have never liked using the enum value itself as displayable text because it is something we developers use to create more readable code. It is not intended for UI display purposes. I want to be able to change the UI without going through and changing enums all over.

How to set environment variables in Jenkins?

You can use either of the following ways listed below:

  1. Use Env Inject Plugin for creating environment variables. Follow this for usage and more details
    1. Navigate below and can add

Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Global Properties -> Environment Variables -> Add

enter image description here

Current time formatting with Javascript

2017 update: use toLocaleDateString and toLocaleTimeString to format dates and times. The first parameter passed to these methods is a locale value, such as en-us. The second parameter, where present, specifies formatting options, such as the long form for the weekday.

let date = new Date();  _x000D_
let options = {  _x000D_
    weekday: "long", year: "numeric", month: "short",  _x000D_
    day: "numeric", hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit"  _x000D_
};  _x000D_
console.log(date.toLocaleTimeString("en-us", options)); 

Output : Wednesday, Oct 25, 2017, 8:19 PM

Please refer below link for more details.

Date and Time Strings (JavaScript)

Copy multiple files in Python

If you don't want to copy the whole tree (with subdirs etc), use or glob.glob("path/to/dir/*.*") to get a list of all the filenames, loop over the list and use shutil.copy to copy each file.

for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(source_dir, '*.*')):
    shutil.copy(filename, dest_dir)

Chrome blocks different origin requests

Direct Javascript calls between frames and/or windows are only allowed if they conform to the same-origin policy. If your window and iframe share a common parent domain you can set document.domain to "domain lower") one or both such that they can communicate. Otherwise you'll need to look into something like the postMessage() API.

How to check if a double value has no decimal part

Use number formatter to format the value, as required. Please check this.

How to pass in a react component into another react component to transclude the first component's content?

You can use this.props.children to render whatever children the component contains:

const Wrap = ({ children }) => <div>{children}</div>

export default () => <Wrap><h1>Hello word</h1></Wrap>

How do I import a namespace in Razor View Page?

Finally found the answer.

@using MyNamespace

For VB.Net:

@Imports Mynamespace

Take a look at @ravy amiry's answer if you want to include a namespace across the app.

What's the easiest way to call a function every 5 seconds in jQuery?

You don't need jquery for this, in plain javascript, the following will work!

var intervalId = window.setInterval(function(){
  /// call your function here
}, 5000);

To stop the loop you can use


How to deal with "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" error?

Follow below steps:

  1. Open from tomcat/bin.

  2. Change JAVA_OPTS to

    JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -server -Xms1536m 
    -Xmx1536m -XX:NewSize=256m -XX:MaxNewSize=256m -XX:PermSize=256m 
    -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:+DisableExplicitGC"
  3. Restart your tomcat

How to fix docker: Got permission denied issue

you can follow these steps and this will work for you:

  1. create a docker group sudo groupadd docker
  2. add your user to this group sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
  3. list the groups to make sure that docker group created successfully by running this command groups
  4. run the following command also to change the session for docker group newgrp docker
  5. change the group ownership for file docker.socksudo chown root:docker /var/run/docker.sock
  6. change the ownership for .docker directory sudo chown "$USER":"$USER" /home/"$USER"/.docker -R
  7. finally sudo chmod g+rwx "$HOME/.docker" -R

After that test you can run docker ps -a

Does Arduino use C or C++?

Both are supported. To quote the Arduino homepage,

The core libraries are written in C and C++ and compiled using avr-gcc

Note that C++ is a superset of C (well, almost), and thus can often look very similar. I am not an expert, but I guess that most of what you will program for the Arduino in your first year on that platform will not need anything but plain C.

HTML form input tag name element array with JavaScript

document.form.p_id.length ... not count().

You really should give your form an id

<form id="myform">

Then refer to it using:

var theForm = document.getElementById("myform");

Then refer to the elements like:

for(var i = 0; i < theForm.p_id.length; i++){

Best way to make WPF ListView/GridView sort on column-header clicking?

I use MVVM, so I created some attached properties of my own, using Thomas's as a reference. It does sorting on one column at a time when you click on the header, toggling between Ascending and Descending. It sorts from the very beginning using the first column. And it shows Win7/8 style glyphs.

Normally, all you have to do is set the main property to true (but you have to explicitly declare the GridViewColumnHeaders):

<Window xmlns:local="clr-namespace:MyProjectNamespace">
    <ListView local:App.EnableGridViewSort="True" ItemsSource="{Binding LVItems}">
          <GridViewColumn DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Property1}">
            <GridViewColumnHeader Content="Prop 1" />
          <GridViewColumn DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Property2}">
            <GridViewColumnHeader Content="Prop 2" />

If you want to sort on a different property than the display, than you have to declare that:

<GridViewColumn DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Property3}"
    <GridViewColumnHeader Content="Prop 3" />

Here's the code for the attached properties, I like to be lazy and put them in the provided App.xaml.cs:

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data.
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;

namespace MyProjectNamespace
  public partial class App : Application
      #region GridViewSort
      public static DependencyProperty GridViewSortPropertyNameProperty =
              new UIPropertyMetadata(null)

      public static string GetGridViewSortPropertyName(GridViewColumn gvc)
          return (string)gvc.GetValue(GridViewSortPropertyNameProperty);

      public static void SetGridViewSortPropertyName(GridViewColumn gvc, string n)
          gvc.SetValue(GridViewSortPropertyNameProperty, n);

      public static DependencyProperty CurrentSortColumnProperty =
              new UIPropertyMetadata(
                  new PropertyChangedCallback(CurrentSortColumnChanged)

      public static GridViewColumn GetCurrentSortColumn(GridView gv)
          return (GridViewColumn)gv.GetValue(CurrentSortColumnProperty);

      public static void SetCurrentSortColumn(GridView gv, GridViewColumn value)
          gv.SetValue(CurrentSortColumnProperty, value);

      public static void CurrentSortColumnChanged(
          object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
          GridViewColumn gvcOld = e.OldValue as GridViewColumn;
          if (gvcOld != null)
              CurrentSortColumnSetGlyph(gvcOld, null);

      public static void CurrentSortColumnSetGlyph(GridViewColumn gvc, ListView lv)
          ListSortDirection lsd;
          Brush brush;
          if (lv == null)
              lsd = ListSortDirection.Ascending;
              brush = Brushes.Transparent;
              SortDescriptionCollection sdc = lv.Items.SortDescriptions;
              if (sdc == null || sdc.Count < 1) return;
              lsd = sdc[0].Direction;
              brush = Brushes.Gray;

          FrameworkElementFactory fefGlyph = 
              new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(Path));
          fefGlyph.Name = "arrow";
          fefGlyph.SetValue(Path.StrokeThicknessProperty, 1.0);
          fefGlyph.SetValue(Path.FillProperty, brush);

          int s = 4;
          if (lsd == ListSortDirection.Ascending)
              PathFigure pf = new PathFigure();
              pf.IsClosed = true;
              pf.StartPoint = new Point(0, s);
              pf.Segments.Add(new LineSegment(new Point(s * 2, s), false));
              pf.Segments.Add(new LineSegment(new Point(s, 0), false));

              PathGeometry pg = new PathGeometry();

              fefGlyph.SetValue(Path.DataProperty, pg);
              PathFigure pf = new PathFigure();
              pf.IsClosed = true;
              pf.StartPoint = new Point(0, 0);
              pf.Segments.Add(new LineSegment(new Point(s, s), false));
              pf.Segments.Add(new LineSegment(new Point(s * 2, 0), false));

              PathGeometry pg = new PathGeometry();

              fefGlyph.SetValue(Path.DataProperty, pg);

          FrameworkElementFactory fefTextBlock = 
              new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(TextBlock));
          fefTextBlock.SetValue(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding());

          FrameworkElementFactory fefDockPanel = 
              new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(StackPanel));

          DataTemplate dt = new DataTemplate(typeof(GridViewColumn));
          dt.VisualTree = fefDockPanel;

          gvc.HeaderTemplate = dt;

      public static DependencyProperty EnableGridViewSortProperty =
              new UIPropertyMetadata(
                  new PropertyChangedCallback(EnableGridViewSortChanged)

      public static bool GetEnableGridViewSort(ListView lv)
          return (bool)lv.GetValue(EnableGridViewSortProperty);

      public static void SetEnableGridViewSort(ListView lv, bool value)
          lv.SetValue(EnableGridViewSortProperty, value);

      public static void EnableGridViewSortChanged(
          object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
          ListView lv = sender as ListView;
          if (lv == null) return;

          if (!(e.NewValue is bool)) return;
          bool enableGridViewSort = (bool)e.NewValue;

          if (enableGridViewSort)
                  new RoutedEventHandler(EnableGridViewSortGVHClicked)
              if (lv.View == null)
                  lv.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(EnableGridViewSortLVLoaded);
                  new RoutedEventHandler(EnableGridViewSortGVHClicked)

      public static void EnableGridViewSortLVLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
          ListView lv = e.Source as ListView;
          lv.Loaded -= new RoutedEventHandler(EnableGridViewSortLVLoaded);

      public static void EnableGridViewSortLVInitialize(ListView lv)
          GridView gv = lv.View as GridView;
          if (gv == null) return;

          bool first = true;
          foreach (GridViewColumn gvc in gv.Columns)
              if (first)
                  EnableGridViewSortApplySort(lv, gv, gvc);
                  first = false;
                  CurrentSortColumnSetGlyph(gvc, null);

      public static void EnableGridViewSortGVHClicked(
          object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
          GridViewColumnHeader gvch = e.OriginalSource as GridViewColumnHeader;
          if (gvch == null) return;
          GridViewColumn gvc = gvch.Column;
          if(gvc == null) return;            
          ListView lv = VisualUpwardSearch<ListView>(gvch);
          if (lv == null) return;
          GridView gv = lv.View as GridView;
          if (gv == null) return;

          EnableGridViewSortApplySort(lv, gv, gvc);

      public static void EnableGridViewSortApplySort(
          ListView lv, GridView gv, GridViewColumn gvc)
          bool isEnabled = GetEnableGridViewSort(lv);
          if (!isEnabled) return;

          string propertyName = GetGridViewSortPropertyName(gvc);
          if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName))
              Binding b = gvc.DisplayMemberBinding as Binding;
              if (b != null && b.Path != null)
                  propertyName = b.Path.Path;

              if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName)) return;

          ApplySort(lv.Items, propertyName);
          SetCurrentSortColumn(gv, gvc);
          CurrentSortColumnSetGlyph(gvc, lv);

      public static void ApplySort(ICollectionView view, string propertyName)
          if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName)) return;

          ListSortDirection lsd = ListSortDirection.Ascending;
          if (view.SortDescriptions.Count > 0)
              SortDescription sd = view.SortDescriptions[0];
              if (sd.PropertyName.Equals(propertyName))
                  if (sd.Direction == ListSortDirection.Ascending)
                      lsd = ListSortDirection.Descending;
                      lsd = ListSortDirection.Ascending;

          view.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription(propertyName, lsd));

      public static T VisualUpwardSearch<T>(DependencyObject source) 
          where T : DependencyObject
          return VisualUpwardSearch(source, x => x is T) as T;

      public static DependencyObject VisualUpwardSearch(
                          DependencyObject source, Predicate<DependencyObject> match)
          DependencyObject returnVal = source;

          while (returnVal != null && !match(returnVal))
              DependencyObject tempReturnVal = null;
              if (returnVal is Visual || returnVal is Visual3D)
                  tempReturnVal = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(returnVal);
              if (tempReturnVal == null)
                  returnVal = LogicalTreeHelper.GetParent(returnVal);
                  returnVal = tempReturnVal;

          return returnVal;

How to set shadows in React Native for android?

You can use my react-native-simple-shadow-view

  • This enables almost identical shadow in Android as in iOS
  • No need to use elevation, works with the same shadow parameters of iOS (shadowColor, shadowOpacity, shadowRadius, offset, etc.) so you don't need to write platform specific shadow styles
  • Can be used with semi-transparent views
  • Supported in android 18 and up

What is the string concatenation operator in Oracle?

There's also concat, but it doesn't get used much

select concat('a','b') from dual;

How do I create a constant in Python?

We can create a descriptor object.

class Constant:
  def __init__(self,value=None):
    self.value = value
  def __get__(self,instance,owner):
    return self.value
  def __set__(self,instance,value):
    raise ValueError("You can't change a constant")

1) If we wanted to work with constants at the instance level then:

class A:
  NULL = Constant()
  NUM = Constant(0xFF)

class B:
  NAME = Constant('bar')
  LISTA = Constant([0,1,'INFINITY'])

>>> obj=A()
>>> print(obj.NUM)  #=> 255
>>> obj.NUM =100

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: You can't change a constant

2) if we wanted to create constants only at the class level, we could use a metaclass that serves as a container for our constants (our descriptor objects); all the classes that descend will inherit our constants (our descriptor objects) without any risk that can be modified.

# metaclass of my class Foo
class FooMeta(type): pass

# class Foo
class Foo(metaclass=FooMeta): pass

# I create constants in my metaclass
FooMeta.NUM = Constant(0xff)
FooMeta.NAME = Constant('FOO')

>>> Foo.NUM   #=> 255
>>> Foo.NAME  #=> 'FOO'
>>> Foo.NUM = 0 #=> ValueError: You can't change a constant

If I create a subclass of Foo, this class will inherit the constant without the possibility of modifying them

class Bar(Foo): pass

>>> Bar.NUM  #=> 255
>>> Bar.NUM = 0  #=> ValueError: You can't change a constant

Is there a native jQuery function to switch elements?

Many of these answers are simply wrong for the general case, others are unnecessarily complicated if they in fact even work. The jQuery .before and .after methods do most of what you want to do, but you need a 3rd element the way many swap algorithms work. It's pretty simple - make a temporary DOM element as a placeholder while you move things around. There is no need to look at parents or siblings, and certainly no need to clone...

$.fn.swapWith = function(that) {
  var $this = this;
  var $that = $(that);

  // create temporary placeholder
  var $temp = $("<div>");

  // 3-step swap

  return $this;

1) put the temporary div temp before this

2) move this before that

3) move that after temp

3b) remove temp

Then simply



Default parameters with C++ constructors

One thing bothering me with default parameters is that you can't specify the last parameters but use the default values for the first ones. For example, in your code, you can't create a Foo with no name but a given age (however, if I remember correctly, this will be possible in C++0x, with the unified constructing syntax). Sometimes, this makes sense, but it can also be really awkward.

In my opinion, there is no rule of thumb. Personnaly, I tend to use multiple overloaded constructors (or methods), except if only the last argument needs a default value.

Instagram: Share photo from webpage

The short answer is: No. The only way to post images is through the mobile app.

From the Instagram API documentation:

At this time, uploading via the API is not possible. We made a conscious choice not to add this for the following reasons:

  • Instagram is about your life on the go – we hope to encourage photos from within the app. However, in the future we may give whitelist access to individual apps on a case by case basis.
  • We want to fight spam & low quality photos. Once we allow uploading from other sources, it's harder to control what comes into the Instagram ecosystem.

All this being said, we're working on ways to ensure users have a consistent and high-quality experience on our platform.

Linux command line howto accept pairing for bluetooth device without pin

follow steps (CentOs):

  1. bluetoothctl
  2. devices
  3. scan on
  4. pair 34:88:5D:51:5A:95 (34:88:5D:51:5A:95 is my device code,replace it with yours)
  5. trust 34:88:5D:51:5A:95
  6. connect 34:88:5D:51:5A:95

If you want more details

General error: 1364 Field 'user_id' doesn't have a default value


'user_id' => auth()->id

'user_id' => Auth::user()->id

instead of

'user_id' => auth()->id()

Querying data by joining two tables in two database on different servers

You'll need to use sp_addlinkedserver to create a server link. See the reference documentation for usage. Once the server link is established, you'll construct the query as normal, just prefixing the database name with the other server. I.E:

FROM [MyDatabaseOnDB1].[dbo].[MyTable] tab1
    INNER JOIN [DB2].[MyDatabaseOnDB2].[dbo].[MyOtherTable] tab2
        ON tab1.ID = tab2.ID

Once the link is established, you can also use OPENQUERY to execute a SQL statement on the remote server and transfer only the data back to you. This can be a bit faster, and it will let the remote server optimize your query. If you cache the data in a temporary (or in-memory) table on DB1 in the example above, then you'll be able to query it just like joining a standard table. For example:

-- Fetch data from the other database server
INTO #myTempTable
FROM OPENQUERY([DB2], 'SELECT * FROM [MyDatabaseOnDB2].[dbo].[MyOtherTable]')

-- Now I can join my temp table to see the data
SELECT * FROM [MyDatabaseOnDB1].[dbo].[MyTable] tab1
    INNER JOIN #myTempTable tab2 ON tab1.ID = tab2.ID

Check out the documentation for OPENQUERY to see some more examples. The example above is pretty contrived. I would definitely use the first method in this specific example, but the second option using OPENQUERY can save some time and performance if you use the query to filter out some data.

How to undo local changes to a specific file

You don't want git revert. That undoes a previous commit. You want git checkout to get git's version of the file from master.

git checkout -- filename.txt

In general, when you want to perform a git operation on a single file, use -- filename.

2020 Update

Git introduced a new command git restore in version 2.23.0. Therefore, if you have git version 2.23.0+, you can simply git restore filename.txt - which does the same thing as git checkout -- filename.txt. The docs for this command do note that it is currently experimental.

How to detect a USB drive has been plugged in?

Here is a code that works for me, which is a part from the website above combined with my early trials:

This basically makes your form listen to windows messages, filters for usb drives and (cd-dvds), grabs the lparam structure of the message and extracts the drive letter.

protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)

        if (m.Msg == WM_DEVICECHANGE)
            DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME vol = (DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME)Marshal.PtrToStructure(m.LParam, typeof(DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME));
            if ((m.WParam.ToInt32() == DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) &&  (vol.dbcv_devicetype == DBT_DEVTYPVOLUME) )
            if ((m.WParam.ToInt32() == DBT_DEVICEREMOVALCOMPLETE) && (vol.dbcv_devicetype == DBT_DEVTYPVOLUME))
                MessageBox.Show("usb out");
        base.WndProc(ref m);

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] //Same layout in mem
    public struct DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME
        public int dbcv_size;
        public int dbcv_devicetype;
        public int dbcv_reserved;
        public int dbcv_unitmask;

    private static char DriveMaskToLetter(int mask)
        char letter;
        string drives = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; //1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = C
        int cnt = 0;
        int pom = mask / 2;
        while (pom != 0)    // while there is any bit set in the mask shift it right        
            pom = pom / 2;
        if (cnt < drives.Length)
            letter = drives[cnt];
            letter = '?';
        return letter;

Do not forget to add this:

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

and the following constants:

    const int WM_DEVICECHANGE = 0x0219; //see msdn site
    const int DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL = 0x8000;
    const int DBT_DEVICEREMOVALCOMPLETE = 0x8004;
    const int DBT_DEVTYPVOLUME = 0x00000002;  

How do I debug a stand-alone VBScript script?

Click the mse7.exe installed along with Office typically at \Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11.

This will open up the debugger, open the file and then run the debugger in the GUI mode.

How can I use mySQL replace() to replace strings in multiple records?

At a very generic level


SET StringColumn = REPLACE (StringColumn, 'SearchForThis', 'ReplaceWithThis')

WHERE SomeOtherColumn LIKE '%PATTERN%'

In your case you say these were escaped but since you don't specify how they were escaped, let's say they were escaped to GREATERTHAN


SET StringColumn = REPLACE (StringColumn, 'GREATERTHAN', '>')


Since your query is actually going to be working inside the string, your WHERE clause doing its pattern matching is unlikely to improve any performance - it is actually going to generate more work for the server. Unless you have another WHERE clause member that is going to make this query perform better, you can simply do an update like this:

SET StringColumn = REPLACE (StringColumn, 'GREATERTHAN', '>')

You can also nest multiple REPLACE calls

SET StringColumn = REPLACE (REPLACE (StringColumn, 'GREATERTHAN', '>'), 'LESSTHAN', '<')

You can also do this when you select the data (as opposed to when you save it).

So instead of :

SELECT MyURLString From MyTable

You could do

SELECT REPLACE (MyURLString, 'GREATERTHAN', '>') as MyURLString From MyTable

How to set downloading file name in ASP.NET Web API

You need to set the Content-Disposition header on the HttpResponseMessage:

HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage();
response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK;
response.Content = new StreamContent(result);
response.Content.Headers.ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("attachment")
    FileName = "foo.txt"

How to add a second css class with a conditional value in razor MVC 4

You can add property to your model as follows:

    public string DetailsClass { get { return Details.Count > 0 ? "show" : "hide" } }

and then your view will be simpler and will contain no logic at all:

    <div class="details @Model.DetailsClass"/>

This will work even with many classes and will not render class if it is null:

    <div class="@Model.Class1 @Model.Class2"/>

with 2 not null properties will render:

    <div class="class1 class2"/>

if class1 is null

    <div class=" class2"/>

fatal: Unable to create temporary file '/home/username/git/myrepo.git/./objects/pack/tmp_pack_XXXXXX': Permission denied

A possibility is that the git server you are pushing to is down/crashed, and the solution lies in restarting the git server.

Most efficient way to prepend a value to an array

f you need to preserve the old array, slice the old one and unshift the new value(s) to the beginning of the slice.

var oldA=[4,5,6];


/*  returned value:

Swift 3 URLSession.shared() Ambiguous reference to member 'dataTask(with:completionHandler:) error (bug)

In my case error was in NSURL

let url = NSURL(string: urlString)

In Swift 3 you must write just URL:

let url = URL(string: urlString)

Java reverse an int value without using array

If you wanna reverse any number like 1234 and you want to revers this number to let it looks like 4321. First of all, initialize 3 variables int org ; int reverse = 0; and int reminder ; then put your logic like

    Scanner input = new Scanner (;
    System.out.println("Enter number to reverse ");
    int org = input.nextInt();
    int getReminder;
    int r = 0;
    int count = 0;

    while (org !=0){
        getReminder = org%10;
         r = 10 * r + getReminder;
         org = org/10;



How to get the max of two values in MySQL?

To get the maximum value of a column across a set of rows:

SELECT MAX(column1) FROM table; -- expect one result

To get the maximum value of a set of columns, literals, or variables for each row:

SELECT GREATEST(column1, 1, 0, @val) FROM table; -- expect many results

Preventing iframe caching in browser

As you said, the issue here is not iframe content caching, but iframe url caching.

As of September 2018, it seems the issue still occurs in Chrome but not in Firefox.

I've tried many things (adding a changing GET parameter, clearing the iframe url in onbeforeunload, detecting a "reload from cache" using a cookie, setting up various response headers) and here are the only two solutions that worked from me:

1- Easy way: create your iframe dynamically from javascript

For example:

const iframe = document.createElement('iframe') = ...
iframe.src = myIFrameUrl 

2- Convoluted way

Server-side, as explained here, disable content caching for the content you serve for the iframe OR for the parent page (either will do).


Set the iframe url from javascript with an additional changing search param, like this:

const url = myIFrameUrl + '?timestamp=' + new Date().getTime()
document.getElementById('my-iframe-id').src = url

(simplified version, beware of other search params)

Get event listeners attached to node using addEventListener

Chrome DevTools, Safari Inspector and Firebug support getEventListeners(node).


How can I change the default Mysql connection timeout when connecting through python?

I know this is an old question but just for the record this can also be done by passing appropriate connection options as arguments to the _mysql.connect call. For example,

con = _mysql.connect(host='localhost', user='dell-pc', passwd='', db='test',

Notice the use of keyword parameters (host, passwd, etc.). They improve the readability of your code.

For detail about different arguments that you can pass to _mysql.connect, see MySQLdb API documentation

Convert timestamp to date in Oracle SQL

I'd go with the following:

Select max(start_ts) 
from db 
where trunc(start_ts) =  date'13-may-2016'

Five equal columns in twitter bootstrap

A solution that do not require a lot of CSS, nor tweaking bootstrap default 12col layout:


<div class="stretch">
  <div class="col-lg-2"></div>
  <div class="col-lg-2"></div>
  <div class="col-lg-2"></div>
  <div class="col-lg-2"></div>
  <div class="col-lg-2"></div>


@media (min-width: 1200px) { /*if not lg, change this criteria*/
    width: 120%; /*the actual trick*/

Jquery Chosen plugin - dynamically populate list by Ajax

The chosen answer is outdated, same goes to meltingice /ajax-chosen plugin.

With Select2 plugin got many bugs which is i can't resolve it.

Here my answer for this question.

I integrated my solution with function trigger after user type. Thanks to this answer :

//setup before functions
  var typingTimer;                //timer identifier
  var doneTypingInterval = 2000;  //time in ms (2 seconds)
  var selectID = 'YourSelectId';    //Hold select id
  var selectData = [];           // data for unique id array

  //on keyup, start the countdown
  $('#' + selectID + '_chosen .chosen-choices input').keyup(function(){

      // Change No Result Match text to Searching.
      $('#' + selectID + '_chosen .no-results').html('Searching = "'+ $('#' + selectID + '_chosen .chosen-choices input').val() + '"');

      clearTimeout(typingTimer);  //Refresh Timer on keyup 
      if ($('#' + selectID + '_chosen .chosen-choices input').val()) {

           typingTimer = setTimeout(doneTyping, doneTypingInterval);  //Set timer back if got value on input



  //user is "finished typing," do something
  function doneTyping () {

      var inputData = $('#' + selectID + '_chosen .chosen-choices input').val();  //get input data

        url: "YourUrl",
         data: {data: inputData},
        dataType: "json",
        beforeSend: function(){
          // Change No Result Match to Getting Data beforesend
          $('#' + selectID + '_chosen .no-results').html('Getting Data = "'+$('#' + selectID + '_chosen .chosen-choices input').val()+'"');
        success: function( data ) { 

          // iterate data before append
          $.map( data, function( item ) {

            // matching data eg: by id or something unique; if data match: <option> not append - else: append <option>
            // This will prevent from select the same thing twice.
            if($.inArray(item.attr_hash,selectData) == -1){

              // if not match then append in select
              $('#' + selectID ).append('<option id="''" data-id = "''">' + + '</option>');



          // Update chosen again after append <option>
          $('#' + selectID ).trigger("chosen:updated");



  // Chosen event listen on input change eg: after select data / deselect this function will be trigger
  $('#' + selectID ).on('change', function() {

    // get select jquery object
    var domArray = $('#' + selectID ).find('option:selected');

    // empty array data
    selectData = [];

    for (var i = 0, length = domArray.length; i < length; i++ ){

      // Push unique data to array (for matching purpose)
      selectData.push( $(domArray[i]).data('id') );


    // Replace select <option> to only selected option
    $('#' + selectID ).html(domArray);

    // Update chosen again after replace selected <option>
    $('#' + selectID ).trigger("chosen:updated");


How to create a temporary directory and get the path / file name in Python

If I get your question correctly, you want to also know the names of the files generated inside the temporary directory? If so, try this:

import os
import tempfile

with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
    # generate some random files in it
     files_in_dir = os.listdir(tmp_dir)

Background color of text in SVG

You can combine filter with the text.

<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
    <meta charset=utf-8 />_x000D_
    <title>SVG colored patterns via mask</title>_x000D_
    <svg viewBox="0 0 300 300" xmlns="">_x000D_
        <filter x="0" y="0" width="1" height="1" id="bg-text">_x000D_
          <feFlood flood-color="white"/>_x000D_
          <feComposite in="SourceGraphic" operator="xor" />_x000D_
   <!-- something has already existed -->_x000D_
    <rect fill="red" x="150" y="20" width="100" height="50" />_x000D_
    <circle cx="50"  cy="50" r="50" fill="blue"/>_x000D_
      <!-- Text render here -->_x000D_
      <text filter="url(#bg-text)" fill="black" x="20" y="50" font-size="30">text with color</text>_x000D_
      <text fill="black" x="20" y="50" font-size="30">text with color</text>_x000D_

How to find cube root using Python?

You could use x ** (1. / 3) to compute the (floating-point) cube root of x.

The slight subtlety here is that this works differently for negative numbers in Python 2 and 3. The following code, however, handles that:

def is_perfect_cube(x):
    x = abs(x)
    return int(round(x ** (1. / 3))) ** 3 == x

print(is_perfect_cube(2146689000)) # no other currently posted solution
                                   # handles this correctly

This takes the cube root of x, rounds it to the nearest integer, raises to the third power, and finally checks whether the result equals x.

The reason to take the absolute value is to make the code work correctly for negative numbers across Python versions (Python 2 and 3 treat raising negative numbers to fractional powers differently).

Is there a way to take the first 1000 rows of a Spark Dataframe?

The method you are looking for is .limit.

Returns a new Dataset by taking the first n rows. The difference between this function and head is that head returns an array while limit returns a new Dataset.

Example usage:


Laravel Mail::send() sending to multiple to or bcc addresses

This works great - i have access to the request object and the email array

        $emails = ['[email protected]', '[email protected]'];
        Mail::send('emails.lead', ['name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'phone' => $phone], function ($message) use ($request, $emails)
            $message->from('[email protected]', 'Joe Smoe');
//            $message->to( $request->input('email') );
            $message->to( $emails);
            //Add a subject
            $message->subject("New Email From Your site");

How to write to a JSON file in the correct format

With formatting

require 'json'
tempHash = {
    "key_a" => "val_a",
    "key_b" => "val_b"
}"public/temp.json","w") do |f|



Forward host port to docker container

You could also create an ssh tunnel.



version: '2'

    image: "kibana:4.5.1"
      - elasticsearch
      - ./config/kibana:/opt/kibana/config:ro

      context: .
      dockerfile: ./docker/Dockerfile.tunnel
    entrypoint: ssh
    command: "-N elasticsearch -L"


FROM buildpack-deps:jessie

RUN apt-get update && \
    DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
    apt-get -y install ssh && \
    apt-get clean && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

COPY ./config/ssh/id_rsa /root/.ssh/id_rsa
COPY ./config/ssh/config /root/.ssh/config
COPY ./config/ssh/known_hosts /root/.ssh/known_hosts
RUN chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa && \
    chmod 600 /root/.ssh/config && \
    chown $USER:$USER -R /root/.ssh


# Elasticsearch Server
Host elasticsearch
    User czerasz
    ForwardAgent yes
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

This way the elasticsearch has a tunnel to the server with the running service (Elasticsearch, MongoDB, PostgreSQL) and exposes port 9200 with that service.

The type WebMvcConfigurerAdapter is deprecated

I have been working on Swagger equivalent documentation library called Springfox nowadays and I found that in the Spring 5.0.8 (running at present), interface WebMvcConfigurer has been implemented by class WebMvcConfigurationSupport class which we can directly extend.

import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.WebMvcConfigurationSupport;

public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport { }

And this is how I have used it for setting my resource handling mechanism as follows -

public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {


Use <Image> with a local file

If loading images dynamically one can create a .js file like following and do require in it.

export const data = [
    id: "1",
    text: "blablabla1",
    imageLink: require('../assets/first-image.png')
    id: "2",
    text: "blablabla2",
    imageLink: require('../assets/second-image.png')

In your component .js file

import {data} from './js-u-created-above';

function UsageExample({item}) {
     <Image style={...} source={item.imageLink} /> 

function ComponentName() {
   const elements = => <UsageExample key={} item={item}/> );
   return (...);

How to automatically start a service when running a docker container?

This not works CMD service mysql start && /bin/bash

This not works CMD service mysql start ; /bin/bash ;

-- i guess interactive mode would not support foreground.

This works !! CMD service nginx start ; while true ; do sleep 100; done;

This works !! CMD service nginx start && tail -F /var/log/nginx/access.log

beware you should using docker run -p 80:80 nginx_bash without command parameter.

How to click on hidden element in Selenium WebDriver?

You have two approaches. Selenium has been specifically written to NOT allow interaction with hidden elements. The rational is that if a person cannot perform that action, then neither should Selenium. Therefore, to perform the click via Selenium, you must perform the action a user would do to make that button visible (e.g mouse over event, click another element, etc) then perform the click once visible.

However, Selenium does allow you to execute Javascript within the context of an element, so you could write Javascript to perform the click event even if it is hidden.

My preference is to always try and perform the actions to make the button visible

How to make a round button?

Create an xml file named roundedbutton.xml in drawable folder

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android="" 
    <solid android:color="#eeffffff" />
    <corners android:bottomRightRadius="8dp"

Finally set that as background to your Button as android:background = "@drawable/roundedbutton"

If you want to make it completely rounded, alter the radius and settle for something that is ok for you.

gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found

Managed to resolve it. separated the command in to two commands and used directly the file name which was downloaded example -

wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key    add -

can be separated into

  1. wget -q -O -
  2. sudo apt-key add

Update Jenkins from a war file

Mine is installed under /usr/share/jenkins I thought it was installed via apt-get so might want to check there as well.

Ubuntu 12.04.1

Checkout old commit and make it a new commit

It sounds like you just want to reset to C; that is make the tree:


You can do that with reset:

git reset --hard HEAD~3

(Note: You said three commits ago so that's what I wrote; in your example C is only two commits ago, so you might want to use HEAD~2)

You can also use revert if you want, although as far as I know you need to do the reverts one at a time:

git revert HEAD     # Reverts E
git revert HEAD~2   # Reverts D

That will create a new commit F that's the same contents as D, and G that's the same contents as C. You can rebase to squash those together if you want

What are the aspect ratios for all Android phone and tablet devices?

In case anyone wanted more of a visual reference:


Decimal approximations reference table:

¦       aspect ratio       ¦     decimal approx.    ¦     decimal approx.    ¦
¦ [long edge x short edge] ¦ [short edge/long edge] ¦ [long edge/short edge] ¦
¦         19.5 x 9         ¦        0.462...        ¦        2.167...        ¦
¦          19 x 9          ¦        0.474...        ¦         2.11...        ¦
¦        ~18.7 x 9         ¦        0.482...        ¦        2.074...        ¦
¦         18.5 x 9         ¦        0.486...        ¦        2.056...        ¦
¦          18 x 9          ¦           0.5          ¦            2           ¦
¦          19 x 10         ¦        0.526...        ¦           1.9          ¦
¦          16 x 9          ¦         0.5625         ¦        1.778...        ¦
¦           5 x 3          ¦           0.6          ¦        1.667...        ¦
¦          16 x 10         ¦          0.625         ¦           1.6          ¦
¦           3 x 2          ¦        0.667...        ¦           1.5          ¦
¦           4 x 3          ¦          0.75          ¦        1.333...        ¦


  • May 2018: Added 56x27 === ~18.7x9 (Huawei P20), 19x9 (Nokia X6 2018) and 19.5x9 (LG G7 ThinQ)
  • May 2017: Added 19x10 (Essential Phone)
  • March 2017: Added 18.5x9 (Samsung Galaxy S8) and 18x9 (LG G6)

PostgreSQL Crosstab Query

You can use the crosstab() function of the additional module tablefunc - which you have to install once per database. Since PostgreSQL 9.1 you can use CREATE EXTENSION for that:


In your case, I believe it would look something like this:

CREATE TABLE t (Section CHAR(1), Status VARCHAR(10), Count integer);

INSERT INTO t VALUES ('A', 'Active',   1);
INSERT INTO t VALUES ('A', 'Inactive', 2);
INSERT INTO t VALUES ('B', 'Active',   4);
INSERT INTO t VALUES ('B', 'Inactive', 5);

SELECT row_name AS Section,
       category_1::integer AS Active,
       category_2::integer AS Inactive
FROM crosstab('select section::text, status, count::text from t',2)
            AS ct (row_name text, category_1 text, category_2 text);

Set up DNS based URL forwarding in Amazon Route53

I was able to use nginx to handle the 301 redirect to the aws signin page.

Go to your nginx conf folder (in my case it's /etc/nginx/sites-available in which I create a symlink to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled for the enabled conf files).

Then add a redirect path

server {
  listen 80;
  return 301;

If you are using nginx, you will most likely have additional server blocks (virtualhosts in apache terminology) to handle your zone apex ( or however you have it setup. Make sure that you have one of them set to be your default server.

server {
  listen 80 default_server;
  # rest of config ...

In Route 53, add an A record for and set the value to the same IP used for your zone apex.

How do you run `apt-get` in a dockerfile behind a proxy?

As Tim Potter pointed out, setting proxy in dockerfile is horrible. When building the image, you add proxy for your corporate network but you may be deploying in cloud or a DMZ where there is no need for proxy or the proxy server is different.

Also, you cannot share your image with others outside your corporate n/w.

What are and

Simple example

Shamelessly adapted from: and tested on Ubuntu 14.04 Automake 1.14.1.

dist_doc_DATA =

Some doc.

AC_INIT([automake_hello_world], [1.0], [[email protected]])
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([-Wall -Werror foreign])


bin_PROGRAMS = autotools_hello_world
autotools_hello_world_SOURCES = main.c


#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main (void) {
  puts ("Hello world from " PACKAGE_STRING);
  return 0;


autoreconf --install
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install
sudo make uninstall

This outputs:

Hello world from automake_hello_world 1.0


  • autoreconf --install generates several template files which should be tracked by Git, including It only needs to be run the first time.

  • make install installs:

    • the binary to /usr/local/bin
    • to /usr/local/share/doc/automake_hello_world

On GitHub for you to try it out.

When to use MongoDB or other document oriented database systems?

Like said previously, you can choose between a lot of choices, take a look at all those choices:

What I suggest is to find your best combination: MySQL + Memcache is really great if you need ACID and you want to join some tables MongoDB + Redis is perfect for document store Neo4J is perfect for graph database

What i do: I start with MySQl + Memcache because I'm use to, then I start using others database framework. In a single project, you can combine MySQL and MongoDB for instance !

Select a Dictionary<T1, T2> with LINQ

var dictionary = (from x in y 
                  select new SomeClass
                      prop1 = value1,
                      prop2 = value2
                  ).ToDictionary(item => item.prop1);

That's assuming that SomeClass.prop1 is the desired Key for the dictionary.

Why is PHP session_destroy() not working?

Perhaps is way too late to respond but, make sure your session is initialized before destroying it.

session_start() ;
session_destroy() ;

i.e. you cannot destroy a session in logout.php if you initialized your session in index.php. You must start the session in logout.php before destroying it.

How to create a temporary directory?

For a more robust solution i use something like the following. That way the temp dir will always be deleted after the script exits.

The cleanup function is executed on the EXIT signal. That guarantees that the cleanup function is always called, even if the script aborts somewhere.


# the directory of the script
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"

# the temp directory used, within $DIR
# omit the -p parameter to create a temporal directory in the default location
WORK_DIR=`mktemp -d -p "$DIR"`

# check if tmp dir was created
if [[ ! "$WORK_DIR" || ! -d "$WORK_DIR" ]]; then
  echo "Could not create temp dir"
  exit 1

# deletes the temp directory
function cleanup {      
  rm -rf "$WORK_DIR"
  echo "Deleted temp working directory $WORK_DIR"

# register the cleanup function to be called on the EXIT signal
trap cleanup EXIT

# implementation of script starts here

Directory of bash script from here.

Bash traps.

Javascript to open popup window and disable parent window

Hi the answer that @anu posted is right, but it wont completely work as required. By making a slight change to child_open() function it works properly.

<script type="text/javascript">

var popupWindow=null;

function child_open()
if(popupWindow && !popupWindow.closed)
   popupWindow'new.jsp',"_blank","directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=no,width=600, height=280,top=200,left=200");

function parent_disable() {
  if(popupWindow && !popupWindow.closed)
  <body onFocus="parent_disable();" onclick="parent_disable();">
     <a href="javascript:child_open()">Click me</a>

How to pipe list of files returned by find command to cat to view all the files

Are you trying to find text in files? You can simply use grep for that...

grep searchterm *

Java: Multiple class declarations in one file

Just FYI, if you are using Java 11+, there is an exception to this rule: if you run your java file directly (without compilation). In this mode, there is no restriction on a single public class per file. However, the class with the main method must be the first one in the file.

Difference between fprintf, printf and sprintf?

printf(...) is equivalent to fprintf(stdout,...).

fprintf is used to output to stream.

sprintf(buffer,...) is used to format a string to a buffer.

Note there is also vsprintf, vfprintf and vprintf

WebApi's {"message":"an error has occurred"} on IIS7, not in IIS Express

I always come to this question when I hit an error in the test environment and remember, "I've done this before, but I can do it straight in the web.config without having to modify code and re-deploy to the test environment, but it takes 2 changes... what was it again?"

For future reference

   <customErrors mode="Off"></customErrors>


  <httpErrors errorMode="Detailed" existingResponse="PassThrough"></httpErrors>

How to view kafka message

On server where your admin run kafka find by command find . -name then go to that directory and run for read message from your topic

./ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test --from-beginning --max-messages 10

note that in topic may be many messages in that case I use --max-messages key

Is it possible to specify the schema when connecting to postgres with JDBC?

If it is possible in your environment, you could also set the user's default schema to your desired schema:

ALTER USER user_name SET search_path to 'schema'

Proper usage of .net MVC Html.CheckBoxFor

That isn't the proper syntax

The first parameter is not checkbox value but rather view model binding for the checkbox hence:

@Html.CheckBoxFor(m => m.SomeBooleanProperty, new { @checked = "checked" });

The first parameter must identify a boolean property within your model (it's an Expression not an anonymous method returning a value) and second property defines any additional HTML element attributes. I'm not 100% sure that the above attribute will initially check your checkbox, but you can try. But beware. Even though it may work you may have issues later on, when loading a valid model data and that particular property is set to false.

The correct way

Although my proper suggestion would be to provide initialized model to your view with that particular boolean property initialized to true.

Property types

As per MVC HtmlHelper extension methods and inner working, checkboxes need to bind to boolean values and not integers what seems that you'd like to do. In that case a hidden field could store the id.

Other helpers

There are of course other helper methods that you can use to get greater flexibility about checkbox values and behaviour:

@Html.CheckBox("templateId", new { value = item.TemplateID, @checked = true });

Note: checked is an HTML element boolean property and not a value attribute which means that you can assign any value to it. The correct HTML syntax doesn't include any assignments, but there's no way of providing an anonymous C# object with undefined property that would render as an HTML element property.

String to HashMap JAVA

You can to use split to do it:

 String[] elements = s.split(",");
 for(String s1: elements) {
     String[] keyValue = s1.split(":");
     myMap.put(keyValue[0], keyValue[1]);

Nevertheless, myself I will go for guava based solution.

How to change Navigation Bar color in iOS 7?

To make Rajneesh071's code complete, you may also want to set the navigation bar's title color (and font, if you want) since the default behavior changed from iOS 6 to 7:

NSArray *ver = [[UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
if ([[ver objectAtIndex:0] intValue] >= 7)
    self.navigationController.navigationBar.barTintColor = [UIColor blackColor];
    self.navigationController.navigationBar.translucent = NO;
    NSMutableDictionary *textAttributes = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary:mainNavController.navigationBar.titleTextAttributes];
    [textAttributes setValue:[UIColor whiteColor] forKey:UITextAttributeTextColor];
    self.navigationController.navigationBar.titleTextAttributes = textAttributes;
    self.navigationController.navigationBar.tintColor = [UIColor blackColor];

How to style child components from parent component's CSS file?

let 'parent' be the class-name of parent and 'child' be the class-name of child

.parent .child{
//css definition for child inside parent components

you can use this format to define CSS format to 'child' component inside the 'parent'

Printing list elements on separated lines in Python

sys.path returns the list of paths



A list of strings that specifies the search path for modules. Initialized from the environment variable PYTHONPATH, plus an installation-dependent default.

As initialized upon program startup, the first item of this list, path[0], is the directory containing the script that was used to invoke the Python interpreter. If the script directory is not available (e.g. if the interpreter is invoked interactively or if the script is read from standard input), path[0] is the empty string, which directs Python to search modules in the current directory first. Notice that the script directory is inserted before the entries inserted as a result of PYTHONPATH.

import sys
for path in dirs:

or you can print only first path by


How to replace four spaces with a tab in Sublime Text 2?

Bottom right hand corner on the status bar, click Spaces: N (or Tab Width: N, where N is an integer), ensure it says Tab Width: 4 for converting from four spaces, and then select Convert Indentation to Tabs from the contextual menu that will appear from the initial click.

Similarly, if you want to do the opposite, click the Spaces or Tab Width text on the status bar and select from the same menu.

enter image description hereenter image description here

Can not deserialize instance of java.util.ArrayList out of VALUE_STRING

Setting this attribute to ObjectMapper instance works,


How to send email to multiple recipients with addresses stored in Excel?

Both answers are correct. If you user .TO -method then the semicolumn is OK - but not for the addrecipients-method. There you need to split, e.g. :

                Dim Splitter() As String
                Splitter = Split(AddrMail, ";")
                For Each Dest In Splitter
                    .Recipients.Add (Trim(Dest))

LEFT INNER JOIN vs. LEFT OUTER JOIN - Why does the OUTER take longer?

1) in a query window in SQL Server Management Studio, run the command:


2) run your slow query

3) your query will not run, but the execution plan will be returned. store this output

4) run your fast version of the query

5) your query will not run, but the execution plan will be returned. store this output

6) compare the slow query version output to the fast query version output.

7) if you still don't know why one is slower, post both outputs in your question (edit it) and someone here can help from there.

Running command line silently with VbScript and getting output?

Dim path As String = GetFolderPath(SpecialFolder.ApplicationData)
 Dim filepath As String = path + "\" + "your.bat"
    ' Create the file if it does not exist. 
    If File.Exists(filepath) = False Then
    End If
    Dim attributes As FileAttributes
    attributes = File.GetAttributes(filepath)
    If (attributes And FileAttributes.ReadOnly) = FileAttributes.ReadOnly Then
        ' Remove from Readonly the file.
        attributes = RemoveAttribute(attributes, FileAttributes.ReadOnly)
        File.SetAttributes(filepath, attributes)
        Console.WriteLine("The {0} file is no longer RO.", filepath)
    End If
    If (attributes And FileAttributes.Hidden) = FileAttributes.Hidden Then
        ' Show the file.
        attributes = RemoveAttribute(attributes, FileAttributes.Hidden)
        File.SetAttributes(filepath, attributes)
        Console.WriteLine("The {0} file is no longer Hidden.", filepath)
    End If
    Dim sr As New StreamReader(filepath)
    Dim input As String = sr.ReadToEnd()
    Dim output As String = "@echo off"
    Dim output1 As String = vbNewLine + "your 1st cmd code"
    Dim output2 As String = vbNewLine + "your 2nd cmd code "
    Dim output3 As String = vbNewLine + "exit"
    Dim sw As New StreamWriter(filepath)
    If (attributes And FileAttributes.Hidden) = FileAttributes.Hidden Then
        ' Hide the file.
        File.SetAttributes(filepath, File.GetAttributes(filepath) Or FileAttributes.Hidden)
        Console.WriteLine("The {0} file is now hidden.", filepath)
    End If
    Dim procInfo As New ProcessStartInfo(path + "\" + "your.bat")
    procInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized
    procInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
    procInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
    procInfo.FileName = path + "\" + "your.bat"
    procInfo.Verb = "runas"

it saves your .bat file to "Appdata of current user" ,if it does not exist and remove the attributes and after that set the "hidden" attributes to file after writing your cmd code and run it silently and capture all output saves it to file so if u wanna save all output of cmd to file just add your like this

code > C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\output.txt

just replace word "code" with your .bat file code or command and after that the directory of output file I found one code recently after searching alot if u wanna run .bat file in vb or c# or simply just add this in the same manner in which i have written

C compiling - "undefined reference to"?

As stated by a few others, this is a linking error. The section of code where this function is being called doesn't know what this function is. It either needs to be declared in a header file an defined in its own source file, or defined or declared in the same source file, above where it's being called.

Edit: In older versions of C, C89/C90, function declarations weren't actually required. So, you could just add the definition anywhere in the file in which you're using the function, even after the call and the compiler would infer the declaration. For example,

int main()
  int a = func();

int func()
   return 1;

However, this isn't good practice today and most languages, C++ for example, won't allow it. One way to get away with defining the function in the same source file in which you're using it, is to declare it at the beginning of the file. So, the previous example would look like this instead.

int func();

int main()
   int a = func();

int func()
  return 1;

Deny all, allow only one IP through htaccess

This can be improved by using the directive designed for that task.

ErrorDocument 403 /specific_page.html
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from 111.222.333.444

Where 111.222.333.444 is your static IP address.

When using the "Order Allow,Deny" directive the requests must match either Allow or Deny, if neither is met, the request is denied.

Replace all whitespace characters

I've used the "slugify" method from underscore.string and it worked like a charm:

The cool thing is that you can really just import this method, don't need to import the entire library.

Maximum length of HTTP GET request

You are asking two separate questions here:

What's the maximum length of an HTTP GET request?

As already mentioned, HTTP itself doesn't impose any hard-coded limit on request length; but browsers have limits ranging on the 2 KB - 8 KB (255 bytes if we count very old browsers).

Is there a response error defined that the server can/should return if it receives a GET request exceeds this length?

That's the one nobody has answered.

HTTP 1.1 defines status code 414 Request-URI Too Long for the cases where a server-defined limit is reached. You can see further details on RFC 2616.

For the case of client-defined limits, there isn't any sense on the server returning something, because the server won't receive the request at all.

How to create tar.gz archive file in Windows?

tar.gz file is just a tar file that's been gzipped. Both tar and gzip are available for windows.

If you like GUIs (Graphical user interface), 7zip can pack with both tar and gzip.

http://localhost:8080/ Access Error: 404 -- Not Found Cannot locate document: /

When I had an error Access Error: 404 -- Not Found I fixed it by doing the following:

  1. Open command prompt and type "netstat -aon" (without the quotes)
  2. Search for port 8080 and look at its PID number/code.
  3. Open Task Manager (CTRL+ALT+DELETE), go to Services tab, and find the service with the exact PID number. Then right click it and stop the process.

How can I get customer details from an order in WooCommerce?

This is happening because the WC_Customer abstract doesn't hold hold address data (among other data) apart from within a session. This data is stored via the cart/checkout pages, but again—only in the session (as far as the WC_Customer class goes).

If you take a look at how the checkout page gets the customer data, you'll follow it to the WC_Checkout class method get_value, which pulls it directly out of user meta. You'd do well to follow the same pattern :-)

OpenCV TypeError: Expected cv::UMat for argument 'src' - What is this?

Sometimes I have this error when videostream from imutils package doesn't recognize frame or give an empty frame. In that case, solution will be figuring out why you have such a bad frame or use a standard VideoCapture(0) method from opencv2

Matplotlib/pyplot: How to enforce axis range?

Calling p.plot after setting the limits is why it is rescaling. You are correct in that turning autoscaling off will get the right answer, but so will calling xlim() or ylim() after your plot command.

I use this quite a lot to invert the x axis, I work in astronomy and we use a magnitude system which is backwards (ie. brighter stars have a smaller magnitude) so I usually swap the limits with

lims = xlim()
xlim([lims[1], lims[0]]) 

Why does Oracle not find oci.dll?

I was using SQLTool where I was getting oci.dll was not found then I downloaded instantclient-basic-nt- extracted it and added the folder till oci.dll file in path variable

eg.: Path: .;D:\Softwares\Oracle Instant Client\instantclient_12_2

It resolve my issue, now I am able to open the SQLTool

How to add text to JFrame?

when I create my JLabel and enter the text to it, there is no wordwrap or anything

HTML formatting can be used to cause word wrap in any Swing component that offers styled text. E.G. as demonstrated in this answer.

JavaScript Nested function

function x() {}

is equivalent (or very similar) to

var x = function() {}

unless I'm mistaken.

So there is nothing funny going on.

Why is IoC / DI not common in Python?

In my opinion, things like dependency injection are symptoms of a rigid and over-complex framework. When the main body of code becomes much too weighty to change easily, you find yourself having to pick small parts of it, define interfaces for them, and then allowing people to change behaviour via the objects that plug into those interfaces. That's all well and good, but it's better to avoid that sort of complexity in the first place.

It's also the symptom of a statically-typed language. When the only tool you have to express abstraction is inheritance, then that's pretty much what you use everywhere. Having said that, C++ is pretty similar but never picked up the fascination with Builders and Interfaces everywhere that Java developers did. It is easy to get over-exuberant with the dream of being flexible and extensible at the cost of writing far too much generic code with little real benefit. I think it's a cultural thing.

Typically I think Python people are used to picking the right tool for the job, which is a coherent and simple whole, rather than the One True Tool (With A Thousand Possible Plugins) that can do anything but offers a bewildering array of possible configuration permutations. There are still interchangeable parts where necessary, but with no need for the big formalism of defining fixed interfaces, due to the flexibility of duck-typing and the relative simplicity of the language.

Html- how to disable <a href>?

You can use CSS to accomplish this:

.disabled {
  pointer-events: none;
  cursor: default;
<a href="somelink.html" class="disabled">Some link</a>

Or you can use JavaScript to prevent the default action like this:


How can I convert a string to a float in mysql?

mysql> SELECT CAST(4 AS DECIMAL(4,3));
| CAST(4 AS DECIMAL(4,3)) |
|                   4.000 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT CAST('4.5s' AS DECIMAL(4,3));
| CAST('4.5s' AS DECIMAL(4,3)) |
|                        4.500 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT CAST('a4.5s' AS DECIMAL(4,3));
| CAST('a4.5s' AS DECIMAL(4,3)) |
|                         0.000 |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

How to change JDK version for an Eclipse project

Eclipse - specific Project change JDK Version -

If you want to change any jdk version of A specific project than you have to click ---> Project --> JRE System Library --> Properties ---> Inside Classpath Container (JRE System Library) change the Execution Environment to which ever version you want e.g. 1.7 or 1.8.

How do I express "if value is not empty" in the VBA language?

Alexphi's suggestion is good. You can also hard code this by first creating a variable as a Variant and then assigning it to Empty. Then do an if/then with to possibly fill it. If it gets filled, it's not empty, if it doesn't, it remains empty. You check this then with IsEmpty.

Sub TestforEmpty()

    Dim dt As Variant
    dt = Empty

    Dim today As Date
    today = Date
    If today = Date Then
        dt = today
    End If

    If IsEmpty(dt) Then
        MsgBox "It not is today"
        MsgBox "It is today"
    End If

End Sub

Laravel 5 - artisan seed [ReflectionException] Class SongsTableSeeder does not exist

You probably specify the .php extension and It don't found your class.

What I was doing :

php artisan db:seed --class=RolesPermissionsTableSeeder.php

What solved my problem : What I was doing :

php artisan db:seed --class=RolesPermissionsTableSeeder

SQL Server: the maximum number of rows in table

Partition the table monthly.That is the best way to handle tables with large daily influx ,be it oracle or MSSQL.

Autocompletion of @author in Intellij

One more option, not exactly what you asked, but can be useful:

Go to Settings -> Editor -> File and code templates -> Includes tab (on the right). There is a template header for the new files, you can use the username here:

 * @author myname

For system username use:

 * @author ${USER}

Screen shot from Intellij 2016.02

How do I obtain the frequencies of each value in an FFT?

I have used the following:

public static double Index2Freq(int i, double samples, int nFFT) {
  return (double) i * (samples / nFFT / 2.);

public static int Freq2Index(double freq, double samples, int nFFT) {
  return (int) (freq / (samples / nFFT / 2.0));

The inputs are:

  • i: Bin to access
  • samples: Sampling rate in Hertz (i.e. 8000 Hz, 44100Hz, etc.)
  • nFFT: Size of the FFT vector

How to check if mod_rewrite is enabled in php?

don't make it so difficult you can simply find in phpinfo();

enter image description here

Hope helpful!


How to maximize the browser window in Selenium WebDriver (Selenium 2) using C#?

For me, none of the solutions above worked when working with Selenium Web Driver C# + Chrome:

  • window.resizeTo(1024, 768); - I want to use the whole screen
  • --start-maximized - it is ignored
  • driver.manage().window().maximize(); - does not work because it requires some extension and I am not allowed to use Chrome extensions

I managed to get it working using InputSimulator:

var inputSim = new InputSimulator();
// WinKey + UP = Maximize focused window
inputSim.Keyboard.ModifiedKeyStroke(VirtualKeyCode.LWIN, VirtualKeyCode.UP);

Execute PHP function with onclick

Solution without page reload

  function removeday() { echo 'Day removed'; }

  if (isset($_GET['remove'])) { return removeday(); }

<!DOCTYPE html><html><title>Days</title><body>

  <a href="" onclick="removeday(event)" class="deletebtn">Delete</a>

  async function removeday(e) {
    document.body.innerHTML+= '<br>'+ await(await fetch('?remove=1')).text();


Using If/Else on a data frame

Use ifelse:

frame$twohouses <- ifelse(frame$data>=2, 2, 1)
   data twohouses
1     0         1
2     1         1
3     2         2
4     3         2
5     4         2
16    0         1
17    2         2
18    1         1
19    2         2
20    0         1
21    4         2

The difference between if and ifelse:

  • if is a control flow statement, taking a single logical value as an argument
  • ifelse is a vectorised function, taking vectors as all its arguments.

The help page for if, accessible via ?"if" will also point you to ?ifelse

Any way to select without causing locking in MySQL?

You may want to read this page of the MySQL manual. How a table gets locked is dependent on what type of table it is.

MyISAM uses table locks to achieve a very high read speed, but if you have an UPDATE statement waiting, then future SELECTS will queue up behind the UPDATE.

InnoDB tables use row-level locking, and you won't have the whole table lock up behind an UPDATE. There are other kind of locking issues associated with InnoDB, but you might find it fits your needs.

How do I find the width & height of a terminal window?

There are some cases where your rows/LINES and columns do not match the actual size of the "terminal" being used. Perhaps you may not have a "tput" or "stty" available.

Here is a bash function you can use to visually check the size. This will work up to 140 columns x 80 rows. You can adjust the maximums as needed.

function term_size
    local i=0 digits='' tens_fmt='' tens_args=()
    for i in {80..8}
        echo $i $(( i - 2 ))
    echo "If columns below wrap, LINES is first number in highest line above,"
    echo "If truncated, LINES is second number."
    for i in {1..14}
        tens_args=("${tens_args[@]}" $i)
    printf "$tens_fmt\n" "${tens_args[@]}"
    echo "$digits"

What is the default Precision and Scale for a Number in Oracle?

The NUMBER type can be specified in different styles:

                Resulting  Resulting  Precision
Specification   Precision  Scale      Check      Comment
NUMBER          NULL       NULL       NO         'maximum range and precision',
                                                 values are stored 'as given'
NUMBER(P, S)    P          S          YES        Error code: ORA-01438
NUMBER(P)       P          0          YES        Error code: ORA-01438
NUMBER(*, S)    38         S          NO

Where the precision is the total number of digits and scale is the number of digits right or left (negative scale) of the decimal point.

Oracle specifies ORA-01438 as

value larger than specified precision allowed for this column

As noted in the table, this integrity check is only active if the precision is explicitly specified. Otherwise Oracle silently rounds the inserted or updated value using some unspecified method.

How to end a session in ExpressJS


delete req.session.yoursessionname;

Moving Panel in Visual Studio Code to right side

As of June 2019 this setting can be found through searching 'Panel' - if you want to change the default there is an option for it as shown in the screenshot:enter image description here

"dd/mm/yyyy" date format in excel through vba

Your issue is with attempting to change your month by adding 1. 1 in date serials in Excel is equal to 1 day. Try changing your month by using the following:

NewDate = Format(DateAdd("m",1,StartDate),"dd/mm/yyyy")

Python Requests - No connection adapters

You need to include the protocol scheme:


Without the http:// part, requests has no idea how to connect to the remote server.

Note that the protocol scheme must be all lowercase; if your URL starts with HTTP:// for example, it won’t find the http:// connection adapter either.

Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [WinError 5] Access is denied:

If you are using windows, Change folder security settings by giving fully controlled to the current user. It's worked for me.


How to redirect to another page using PHP

That's the problem. I've outputted a bunch of information (including the HTML to build the login page itself). So how do I redirect the user from one page to the next?

This means your application design is pretty broken. You shouldn't be doing output while your business logic is running. Go an use a template engine (like Smarty) or quickfix it by using output buffering).

Another option (not a good one though!) would be outputting JavaScript to redirect:

<script type="text/javascript">location.href = 'newurl';</script>

Android Studio SDK location


The location I found it in for Windows 8.1. I think the default SDK folder. AppData is a hidden folder, so you will not locate it unless you type it in once you get into your C:\Users\ folder.

Redirect to Action by parameter mvc

This should work!

public ActionResult RedirectToImages(int id)
    return RedirectToAction("Index", "ProductImageManeger", new  { id = id });

public ViewResult Index(int id)
    return View(_db.ProductImages.Where(rs => rs.ProductId == id).ToList());

Notice that you don't have to pass the name of view if you are returning the same view as implemented by the action.

Your view should inherit the model as this:

@model <Your class name>

You can then access your model in view as:


how does int main() and void main() work

Neither main() or void main() are standard C. The former is allowed as it has an implicit int return value, making it the same as int main(). The purpose of main's return value is to return an exit status to the operating system.

In standard C, the only valid signatures for main are:

int main(void)


int main(int argc, char **argv)

The form you're using: int main() is an old style declaration that indicates main takes an unspecified number of arguments. Don't use it - choose one of those above.

Keep getting No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' error with XMLHttpRequest

We see this a lot with OAuth2 integrations. We provide API services to our Customers, and they'll naively try to put their private key into an AJAX call. This is really poor security. And well-coded API Gateways, backends for frontend, and other such proxies, do not allow this. You should get this error.

I will quote @aspillers comment and change a single word: "Access-Control-Allow-Origin is a header sent in a server response which indicates IF the client is allowed to see the contents of a result".

ISSUE: The problem is that a developer is trying to include their private key inside a client-side (browser) JavaScript request. They will get an error, and this is because they are exposing their client secret.

SOLUTION: Have the JavaScript web application talk to a backend service that holds the client secret securely. That backend service can authenticate the web app to the OAuth2 provider, and get an access token. Then the web application can make the AJAX call.

Call to undefined function mysql_connect

Check your php.ini, I'm using Apache2.2 + php 5.3. and I had the same problem and after modify the php.ini in order to set the libraries directory of PHP, it worked correctly. The problem is the default extension_dir configuration value.

The default (and WRONG) value for my work enviroment is

; extension_dir="ext"

without any full path and commented with a semicolon.

There are two solution that worked fine for me.

1.- Including this line at php.ini file


Where X: is your drive letter instalation (normally C: or D: )

2.- You can try to simply uncomment, deleting semicolon. Include the next line at php.ini file


Both ways worked fine for me but choose yours. Don't forget restart Apache before try again.

I hope this help you.

issue ORA-00001: unique constraint violated coming in INSERT/UPDATE

This ORA error is occurred because of violation of unique constraint.

ORA-00001: unique constraint (constraint_name) violated

This is caused because of trying to execute an INSERT or UPDATE statement that has created a duplicate value in a field restricted by a unique index.

You can resolve this either by

  • changing the constraint to allow duplicates, or
  • drop the unique constraint or you can change your SQL to avoid duplicate inserts

Calculate percentage saved between two numbers?

This is function with inverted option

It will return:

  • 'change' - string that you can use for css class in your template
  • 'result' - plain result
  • 'formatted' - formatted result

function getPercentageChange( $oldNumber , $newNumber , $format = true , $invert = false ){

    $value      = $newNumber - $oldNumber;

    $change     = '';
    $sign       = '';

    $result     = 0.00;

    if ( $invert ) {
         if ( $value > 0 ) {
        //  going UP
            $change             = 'up';
            $sign               = '+';
            if ( $oldNumber > 0 ) {
                $result         = ($newNumber / $oldNumber) * 100;
            } else {
                $result     = 100.00;

        }elseif ( $value < 0 ) {        
        //  going DOWN
            $change             = 'down';
            //$value                = abs($value);
            $result             = ($oldNumber / $newNumber) * 100;
            $result             = abs($result);
            $sign               = '-';

        }else {
        //  no changes


        if ( $newNumber > $oldNumber ) {

            //  increase
            $change             = 'up';

            if ( $oldNumber > 0 ) {

                $result = ( ( $newNumber / $oldNumber ) - 1 )* 100;

                $result = 100.00;

            $sign               = '+';

        }elseif ( $oldNumber > $newNumber ) {

            //  decrease
            $change             = 'down';

            if ( $oldNumber > 0 ) {

                $result = ( ( $newNumber / $oldNumber ) - 1 )* 100;

            } else {
                $result = 100.00;

            $sign               = '-';


            //  no change


        $result = abs($result);


    $result_formatted       = number_format($result, 2);

    if ( $invert ) {
        if ( $change == 'up' ) {
            $change = 'down';
        }elseif ( $change == 'down' ) {
            $change = 'up';

        if ( $sign == '+' ) {
            $sign = '-';
        }elseif ( $sign == '-' ) {
            $sign = '+';
    if ( $format ) {
        $formatted          = '<span class="going '.$change.'">'.$sign.''.$result_formatted.' %</span>';
    } else{
        $formatted          = $result_formatted;

    return array( 'change' => $change , 'result' => $result , 'formatted' => $formatted );

Non-resolvable parent POM for Could not find artifact and 'parent.relativePath' points at wrong local POM

Make sure you have settings.xml. I had the same problem when I've deleted it by mistake.

Kotlin: How to get and set a text to TextView in Android using Kotlin?

        android:text="Google "

usage.text="hello world"

How to position a table at the center of div horizontally & vertically

Just add margin: 0 auto; to your table. No need of adding any property to div

<div style="background-color:lightgrey">_x000D_
 <table width="80%" style="margin: 0 auto; border:1px solid;text-align:center">_x000D_
      <th>Name </th>_x000D_
      <td>US </td>_x000D_
      <td>India </td>_x000D_

Note: Added background color to div to visualize the alignment of table to its center

Remove quotes from String in Python

You can replace "quote" characters with an empty string, like this:

>>> a = '"sajdkasjdsak" "asdasdasds"' 
>>> a
'"sajdkasjdsak" "asdasdasds"'
>>> a = a.replace('"', '')
>>> a
'sajdkasjdsak asdasdasds'

In your case, you can do the same for out variable.

fix Read timed out

Here are few pointers/suggestions for investigation

  1. I see that every time you vote, you call vote method which creates a fresh HTTP connection.
  2. This might be a problem. I would suggest to use a single HttpClient instance to post to the server. This way it wont create too many connections from the client side.
  3. At the end of everything, HttpClient needs to be shut and hence call httpclient.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); to release the resources used by the connections.

MySQL Daemon Failed to Start - centos 6

run this :

chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql

and try again!

What is a web service endpoint?

This is a shorter and hopefully clearer answer... Yes, the endpoint is the URL where your service can be accessed by a client application. The same web service can have multiple endpoints, for example in order to make it available using different protocols.

How to open child forms positioned within MDI parent in VB.NET?

Try adding a button on mdi parent and add this code' to set your mdi child inside the mdi parent. change the yourchildformname to your MDI Child's form name and see if this works.

    Dim NewMDIChild As New yourchildformname()
    'Set the Parent Form of the Child window.
    NewMDIChild.MdiParent = Me
    'Display the new form.

How to run single test method with phpunit?

If you're using an XML configuration file, you can add the following inside the phpunit tag:



jquery datatables hide column

var example = $('#exampleTable').DataTable({
    "columnDefs": [
            "targets": [0],
            "visible": false,
            "searchable": false

Target attribute defines the position of the column.Visible attribute responsible for visibility of the column.Searchable attribute responsible for searching facility.If it set to false that column doesn't function with searching.

HTML favicon won't show on google chrome

Since you have a leading / in your href, you are referencing a file that will be in the root-folder. In case you have your page in a folder on your computer, not serving it from a local webserver, the leading / will tell the browser to look in the root folder of your filesystem. So the browser expect the file to be at C:/favicon.ico or similar, which is probably not what you've expected.

If you have the favicon.ico in the same folder as the web page, you could just remove the leading slash, and the icon should be visible.

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" />


As a debug option, your could try to add a tag that you know works. I borrowed this snippet from the StackOverflow source. Try replacing your link tag with this and see if you get the SO logo as your favicon.

<link rel="shortcut icon" 

Update 2:

It appears that there is a bug reported on Chromium where the favicon isn't displayed if the file is loaded locally, without being served through a webserver.

Location of hibernate.cfg.xml in project?

My problem was that i had a exculding patern in the resorces folder. After removing it the


worked for me. With the structure src/java/ and cfg file under src/resources.

Unable to ping vmware guest from another vmware guest

I just ran into the exact same problem while configuring my server 2008 and windows 7 vm's in VMware workstation 9. what helped is disabling the firewall and running the following command at the windows command prompt

netsh firewall set icmpsetting 8 enable

at that point I was able to ping one VM then both once I performed the command on both. this differnce between our scenarios is I have my VM configured using Bridged connections

Can I use conditional statements with EJS templates (in JMVC)?

Yes , You can use conditional statement with EJS like if else , ternary operator or even switch case also

For Example

Ternary operator : <%- role == 'Admin' ? 'Super Admin' : role == 'subAdmin' ? 'Sub Admin' : role %>

Switch Case

<% switch (role) {
case 'Admin' : %>
        Super Admin
        <% break;

case 'eventAdmin' : %>
        Event Admin
        <% break;

case 'subAdmin' : %>
        Sub Admin
        <% break;

} %>

Using Linq to group a list of objects into a new grouped list of list of objects

var groupedCustomerList = userList
    .GroupBy(u => u.GroupID)
    .Select(grp => grp.ToList())

How to dismiss keyboard for UITextView with return key?

Try this .

NSInteger lengthOfText = [[textView.text stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]] length];

What is the iPhone 4 user-agent?

You can use:

To find your user agent (Google: "What is my user agent" gives this answer)

How can you make a custom keyboard in Android?

First of all you will need a keyboard.xml file which will be placed in the res/xml folder (if the folder does not exist, created it).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<Keyboard xmlns:android=""
    android:keyHeight="15%p" >

        <Key android:codes="1"    android:keyLabel="1" android:horizontalGap="4%p"/>
        <Key android:codes="2"    android:keyLabel="2" android:horizontalGap="4%p"/>
        <Key android:codes="3"    android:keyLabel="3" android:horizontalGap="4%p" />
        <Key android:codes="4"    android:keyLabel="4" android:horizontalGap="4%p" />
        <Key android:codes="5"    android:keyLabel="5" android:horizontalGap="4%p" />
        <Key android:codes="6"    android:keyLabel="6" android:horizontalGap="4%p"/>
        <Key android:codes="7"    android:keyLabel="7" android:horizontalGap="4%p"/>
        <Key android:codes="8"    android:keyLabel="8" android:horizontalGap="4%p" />
        <Key android:codes="9"    android:keyLabel="9" android:horizontalGap="4%p" />
        <Key android:codes="0"    android:keyLabel="0" android:horizontalGap="4%p" />

        <Key android:codes="-1"    android:keyIcon="@drawable/backspace" android:keyWidth="34%p" android:horizontalGap="4%p"/>
        <Key android:codes="100"    android:keyLabel="Enter" android:keyWidth="53%p" android:horizontalGap="4%p"/>

**Note that you will have to create the backspace drawable and place it in the res/drawable-ldpi folder with a very small size (like 18x18 pixels)

Then in the xml file that you want it to be used (where your TextView is in) you should add the following code:





**Note that the xml file that you will place the android.inputmethodservice.KeyboardView in, has to be RelativeLayout in order to be able to set the alignParentBottom="true" (Usually the keyboards are presented in the bottom of the screen)

Then you need to add the following code in the onCreate function of the Activity that handles the TextView you want to attach the keyboard to

    // Create the Keyboard
    mKeyboard= new Keyboard(this,R.xml.keyboard);

    // Lookup the KeyboardView
    mKeyboardView= (KeyboardView)findViewById(;
    // Attach the keyboard to the view
    mKeyboardView.setKeyboard( mKeyboard );
    // Do not show the preview balloons
    // Install the key handler

**Note that mKeyboard and mKeyboardView are private class variables that you have to create.

Then you need the following function for opening the keyboard ( you must associate it with the TextView through the onClick xml property)

    public void openKeyboard(View v)
       if( v!=null)((InputMethodManager)getSystemService(Activity.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE)).hideSoftInputFromWindow(v.getWindowToken(), 0);

And finally you need the OnKeyboardActionListener that will handle your events

private OnKeyboardActionListener mOnKeyboardActionListener = new OnKeyboardActionListener() {
    @Override public void onKey(int primaryCode, int[] keyCodes) 
         //Here check the primaryCode to see which key is pressed 
         //based on the android:codes property
            Log.i("Key","You just pressed 1 button");

    @Override public void onPress(int arg0) {

    @Override public void onRelease(int primaryCode) {

    @Override public void onText(CharSequence text) {

    @Override public void swipeDown() {

    @Override public void swipeLeft() {

    @Override public void swipeRight() {

    @Override public void swipeUp() {

Hope that helps!!!

Most of the code found here



Since KeyboardView is depreciated since API level 29, you can find its code in this website and create a class in your code before implementing the keyboard as described above.

How to convert C# nullable int to int


retrieves the value of the object. If it is null, it returns the default value of int , which is 0.


v2= v1.GetValueOrDefault();

how to make a whole row in a table clickable as a link?

Here is simple solution..

<tr style='cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;' onclick="window.location='';"></tr>

How to test if a double is zero?

In Java, 0 is the same as 0.0, and doubles default to 0 (though many advise always setting them explicitly for improved readability). I have checked and foo.x == 0 and foo.x == 0.0 are both true if foo.x is zero

Python: pandas merge multiple dataframes

There are 2 solutions for this, but it return all columns separately:

import functools

dfs = [df1, df2, df3]

df_final = functools.reduce(lambda left,right: pd.merge(left,right,on='date'), dfs)
print (df_final)
          date     a_x   b_x       a_y      b_y   c_x         a        b   c_y
0  May 15,2017  900.00  0.2%  1,900.00  1000000  0.2%  2,900.00  2000000  0.2%

k = np.arange(len(dfs)).astype(str)
df = pd.concat([x.set_index('date') for x in dfs], axis=1, join='inner', keys=k)
df.columns ='_'.join)
print (df)
                0_a   0_b       1_a      1_b   1_c       2_a      2_b   2_c
May 15,2017  900.00  0.2%  1,900.00  1000000  0.2%  2,900.00  2000000  0.2%

How can I set a DateTimePicker control to a specific date?

You can set the "value" property

dateTimePicker1.Value = DateTime.Today;

What is a callback?

callback work steps:

1) we have to implement ICallbackEventHandler Interface

2) Register the client script :

 String cbReference = Page.ClientScript.GetCallbackEventReference(this, "arg", "ReceiveServerData", "context");
    String callbackScript = "function UseCallBack(arg, context)" + "{ " + cbReference + ";}";
    Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "UseCallBack", callbackScript, true);

1) from UI call Onclient click call javascript function for EX:- builpopup(p1,p2,p3...)

var finalfield= p1,p2,p3; UseCallBack(finalfield, ""); data from the client passed to server side by using UseCallBack

2) public void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument) In eventArgument we get the passed data //do some server side operation and passed to "callbackResult"

3) GetCallbackResult() // using this method data will be passed to client(ReceiveServerData() function) side


4) Get the data at client side: ReceiveServerData(text) , in text server response , we wil get.

Add / Change parameter of URL and redirect to the new URL

var updateQueryStringParameter = function (key, value) {

    var baseUrl = [location.protocol, '//',, location.pathname].join(''),
        urlQueryString =,
        newParam = key + '=' + value,
        params = '?' + newParam;

    // If the "search" string exists, then build params from it
    if (urlQueryString) {
        var updateRegex = new RegExp('([\?&])' + key + '[^&]*');
        var removeRegex = new RegExp('([\?&])' + key + '=[^&;]+[&;]?');

        if( typeof value == 'undefined' || value == null || value == '' ) { 
            params = urlQueryString.replace(removeRegex, "$1");
            params = params.replace( /[&;]$/, "" );

        } else if (urlQueryString.match(updateRegex) !== null) { 
            params = urlQueryString.replace(updateRegex, "$1" + newParam);

        } else {
            params = urlQueryString + '&' + newParam;

    // no parameter was set so we don't need the question mark
    params = params == '?' ? '' : params;

    window.history.replaceState({}, "", baseUrl + params);

How to link html pages in same or different folders?

This worked for me <a href="preferedfile name.html">to be clicked <a/>

How to use Class<T> in Java?

It is confusing in the beginning. But it helps in the situations below :

class SomeAction implements Action {

// Later in the code.
Class<Action> actionClass = Class.forName("SomeAction"); 
Action action = actionClass.newInstance();
// Notice you get an Action instance, there was no need to cast.

What is the exact meaning of Git Bash?

Bash is a Command Line Interface that was created over twenty-seven years ago by Brian Fox as a free software replacement for the Bourne Shell. A shell is a specific kind of Command Line Interface. Bash is "open source" which means that anyone can read the code and suggest changes. Since its beginning, it has been supported by a large community of engineers who have worked to make it an incredible tool. Bash is the default shell for Linux and Mac. For these reasons, Bash is the most used and widely distributed shell.

Windows has a different Command Line Interface, called Command Prompt. While this has many of the same features as Bash, Bash is much more popular. Because of the strength of the open source community and the tools they provide, mastering Bash is a better investment than mastering Command Prompt.

To use Bash on a Windows computer, we need to download and install a program called Git Bash. Git Bash (Is the Bash for windows) allows us to easily access Bash as well as another tool called Git, inside the Windows environment.

How to call a function, PostgreSQL

We can have two ways of calling the functions written in pgadmin for postgre sql database.

Suppose we have defined the function as below:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION helloWorld(name text) RETURNS void AS $helloWorld$
    RAISE LOG 'Hello, %', name;
$helloWorld$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

We can call the function helloworld in one of the following way:

SELECT "helloworld"('myname');

SELECT public.helloworld('myname')

req.query and req.param in ExpressJS

Passing params

GET request to "/cars/honda" 

returns a list of Honda car models

Passing query

GET request to "/car/honda?color=blue"

returns a list of Honda car models, but filtered so only models with an stock color of blue are returned.

It doesn't make sense to add those filters into the URL parameters (/car/honda/color/blue) because according to REST, that would imply that we want to get a bunch of information about the color "blue". Since what we really want is a filtered list of Honda models, we use query strings to filter down the results that get returned.

Notice that the query strings are really just { key: value } pairs in a slightly different format: ?key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3.