Wow! Thank you for that answer! I added some features to it to create a "datatable to json" converter that I share with you.
Public Shared Sub dt2json(ByVal _dt As DataTable, ByVal _sb As StringBuilder)
Dim t As System.Type
Dim oList(_dt.Rows.Count - 1) As Object
Dim jss As New JavaScriptSerializer()
Dim i As Integer = 0
t = CompileResultType(_dt)
For Each dr As DataRow In _dt.Rows
Dim o As Object = Activator.CreateInstance(t)
For Each col As DataColumn In _dt.Columns
setvalue(o, col.ColumnName, dr.Item(col.ColumnName))
oList(i) = o
i += 1
jss = New JavaScriptSerializer()
jss.Serialize(oList, _sb)
End Sub
And in "compileresulttype" sub, I changed that:
For Each column As DataColumn In _dt.Columns
CreateProperty(tb, column.ColumnName, column.DataType)
Private Shared Sub setvalue(ByVal _obj As Object, ByVal _propName As String, ByVal _propValue As Object)
Dim pi As PropertyInfo
pi = _obj.GetType.GetProperty(_propName)
If pi IsNot Nothing AndAlso pi.CanWrite Then
If _propValue IsNot DBNull.Value Then
pi.SetValue(_obj, _propValue, Nothing)
Select Case pi.PropertyType.ToString
Case "System.String"
pi.SetValue(_obj, String.Empty, Nothing)
Case Else
'let the serialiser use javascript "null" value.
End Select
End If
End If
End Sub