[php] How to check if mod_rewrite is enabled in php?

I was wondering if it is possible to check if mod_rewrite is enabled on Apache AND IIS in PHP.

ModRewrite for IIS exists. Check it here.

So, I'm looking for a PHP script that checks for mod_rewrite on Apache and IIS.

Does anyone know such script or can write one?

Especially for Microsoft IIS.


This question is related to php apache mod-rewrite iis

The answer is

You can get a list of installed apache modules, and check against that. Perhaps you can check if its installed by searching for its .dll (or linux equivalent) file.

Another idea, indeed more a dirty hack, regarding mod rewrite is server dependend an not necessary a php issue: Why not, if you have the possibillity, create a test directory put a .htaccess in it rewriting to test.php, call the directory via http and check if you get the expected result you put in test.php.

Indeed, dirty.

don't make it so difficult you can simply find in phpinfo();

enter image description here

Hope helpful!


For IIS heros and heroins:

No need to look for mod_rewrite. Just install Rewrite 2 module and then import .htaccess files.

Actually, just because a module is loaded, it does not necessarily mean that the directives has been enabled in the directory you are placing the .htaccess. What you probably need is to know: Does rewriting work? The only way to find out for sure is to do an actual test: Put some test files on the server and request it with HTTP.

Good news: I created a library for doing exactly this (detecting various .htaccess capabilities). With this library, all you need to do is this:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use HtaccessCapabilityTester\HtaccessCapabilityTester;

$hct = new HtaccessCapabilityTester($baseDir, $baseUrl);
if ($hct->rewriteWorks()) {    
    // rewriting works

(instead of $baseDir and $baseUrl, you must provide the path to where the test files are going to be put and a corresponding URL to where they can be reached)

If you just want to know if the module is loaded, you can do the following:

if ($hct->moduleLoaded('rewrite')) {    
    // mod_rewrite is loaded (tested in a real .htaccess by using the "IfModule" directive)

The library is available here: https://github.com/rosell-dk/htaccess-capability-tester

via command line we in centOs we can do this

httpd -l


Look under Configuration in the apache2handler in the Loaded Modules row.

This is simple and works.

<?php foreach( apache_get_modules() as $module ) echo "$module<br />";  ?>

One more method through exec().

exec('/usr/bin/httpd -M | find "rewrite_module"',$output);

If mod_rewrite is loaded it will return "rewrite_module" in output.

Use this function:

function apache_module_exists($module)
    return in_array($module, apache_get_modules());

I like Christian Roy's solution:

###  .htaccess

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

    # Tell PHP that the mod_rewrite module is ENABLED.

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    # The rest of your rewrite rules here


Then, you can check in your PHP code for

    array_key_exists('HTTP_MOD_REWRITE', $_SERVER);

No idea if this works also with IIS (I have no way to check) but the odds are good.

Two lines of code:

$isEnabled = in_array('mod_rewrite', apache_get_modules());
echo ($isEnabled) ? 'Enabled' : 'Not enabled';

Upload a file called info.php with this code and run it:


Search for mod_rewrite on the page, and see if you can find it under Loaded Modules.

This is my current method of checking if Mod_rewrite enabled for both Apache and IIS

 * --------------------------------------------------------------
 * --------------------------------------------------------------
 *                                        - By A H Abid
 * Define Constant for MOD REWRITE
 * Check if server allows MOD REWRITE. Checks for both 
 * Apache and IIS.
if( function_exists('apache_get_modules') && in_array('mod_rewrite',apache_get_modules()) )
    $mod_rewrite = TRUE;
elseif( isset($_SERVER['IIS_UrlRewriteModule']) )
    $mod_rewrite = TRUE;
    $mod_rewrite = FALSE;
define('MOD_REWRITE', $mod_rewrite);

It works in my local machine and also worked in my IIS based webhost. However, on a particular apache server, it didn't worked for Apache as the apache_get_modules() was disabled but the mod_rewrite was enable in that server.

Copy this piece of code and run it to find out.

 if(!function_exists('apache_get_modules') ){ phpinfo(); exit; }
 $res = 'Module Unavailable';
 $res = 'Module Available';
<title>A mod_rewrite availability check !</title></head>
<p><?php echo apache_get_version(),"</p><p>mod_rewrite $res"; ?></p>

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