I have taken this and various other comments and created a bit more advanced function for running an application and getting the output.
Example to Call Function: Will output the DIR list of C:\ for Directories only. The output will be returned to the variable CommandResults as well as remain in C:\OUTPUT.TXT.
CommandResults = vFn_Sys_Run_CommandOutput("CMD.EXE /C DIR C:\ /AD",1,1,"C:\OUTPUT.TXT",0,1)
Function vFn_Sys_Run_CommandOutput (Command, Wait, Show, OutToFile, DeleteOutput, NoQuotes)
'Run Command similar to the command prompt, for Wait use 1 or 0. Output returned and
'stored in a file.
'Command = The command line instruction you wish to run.
'Wait = 1/0; 1 will wait for the command to finish before continuing.
'Show = 1/0; 1 will show for the command window.
'OutToFile = The file you wish to have the output recorded to.
'DeleteOutput = 1/0; 1 deletes the output file. Output is still returned to variable.
'NoQuotes = 1/0; 1 will skip wrapping the command with quotes, some commands wont work
' if you wrap them in quotes.
On Error Resume Next
'On Error Goto 0
Set f_objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set f_objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
If OutToFile = "" Then OutToFile = "TEMP.TXT"
tCommand = Command
If Left(Command,1)<>"""" And NoQuotes <> 1 Then tCommand = """" & Command & """"
tOutToFile = OutToFile
If Left(OutToFile,1)<>"""" Then tOutToFile = """" & OutToFile & """"
If Wait = 1 Then tWait = True
If Wait <> 1 Then tWait = False
If Show = 1 Then tShow = 1
If Show <> 1 Then tShow = 0
f_objShell.Run tCommand & ">" & tOutToFile, tShow, tWait
Set f_objFile = f_objFso.OpenTextFile(OutToFile, 1)
tMyOutput = f_objFile.ReadAll
Set f_objFile = Nothing
If DeleteOutput = 1 Then
Set f_objFile = f_objFso.GetFile(OutToFile)
Set f_objFile = Nothing
End If
vFn_Sys_Run_CommandOutput = tMyOutput
If Err.Number <> 0 Then vFn_Sys_Run_CommandOutput = "<0>"
On Error Goto 0
Set f_objFile = Nothing
Set f_objShell = Nothing
End Function