[vbscript] How do I rename a file using VBScript?

I am trying to rename a file and was using the below code but it does not seem to work. Can someone please tell me why? What is the correct way to rename a file from VBScript?

FSO.GetFile("MyFile.txt).Name = "Hello.txt"

I am using this thread for reference: Rename files without copying in same folder

This question is related to vbscript

The answer is

I see only one reason your code to not work, missed quote after file name string:


FSO.GetFile("MyFile.txt[missed_quote_here]).Name = "Hello.txt"

Below code absolutely worked for me to update File extension.

Ex: abc.pdf to abc.txt

Filepath = "Pls mention your Filepath"

Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'' Below line of code is to get the object for Folder where list of files are located 
Set objFolder = objFso.GetFolder(Filepath)

'' Below line of code used to get the collection object to hold list of files located in the Filepath.
Set FileCollection = objFolder.Files

For Each file In FileCollection

    WScript.Echo "File name ->" + file.Name
    ''Instr used to Return the position of the first occurrence of "." within the File name
    s = InStr(1, file.Name, ".",1)
    WScript.Echo s
    WScript.Echo "Extn --> " + Mid(file.Name, s, Len(file.Name))

    'Left(file.Name,s-1) = Used to fetch the file name without extension
    ' Move method is used to move the file in the Desitnation folder you mentioned
    file.Move(Filepath & Left(file.Name,s-1)&".txt") 


Yes you can do that.
Here I am renaming a .exe file to .txt file

rename a file

Dim objFso  
Set objFso= CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")  
objFso.MoveFile "D:\testvbs\autorun.exe", "D:\testvbs\autorun.txt"

From what I understand, your context is to download from ALM. In this case, ALM saves the files under: C:/Users/user/AppData/Local/Temp/TD_80/ALM_VERSION/random_string/Attach/artefact_type/ID

where :

ALM_VERSION is the version of your alm installation, e.g

artefact_type is the type of the artefact, e.g : REQ

ID is the ID of the artefact

Herebelow a code sample which connects to an instance of ALM, domain 'DEFAUT', project 'MY_PROJECT', gets all the attachments from a REQ with id 6 and saves them in c:/tmp. It's ruby code, but it's easy to transcribe to VBSctript

require 'win32ole'
require 'fileutils'

# login to ALM and domain/project 
tdc = WIN32OLE.new('TDApiOle80.TDConnection')
username, password = ENV['ALM_CREDENTIALS'].split(':')
tdc.Login(username, password)
tdc.Connect('DEFAULT', 'MY_PROJECT')

# get a handle for the Requirements 
reqFact = tdc.ReqFactory

# get Requirement with ID=6
req = reqFact.item(6)

# get a handle for the attachment of REQ 
att = req.Attachments

# get a handle for the list of attachements
attList = att.NewList("")

thePath= 'c:/tmp'

# for each attachment:
attList.each do |el|
  clientPath = nil

  # download the attachment to its default location
  el.Load true, clientPath

  baseName = File.basename(el.FileName)
  dirName = File.dirname(el.FileName)
  puts "file downloaded as : #{baseName}\n in Folder #{dirName}"  
  FileUtils.mkdir_p thePath
  puts "now moving #{baseName} to #{thePath}"  
  FileUtils.mv el.FileName, thePath

The output:

=> file downloaded as : REQ_6_20191112_143346.png

=> in Folder C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\TD_80\\e68ab622\Attach\REQ\6

=> now moving REQ_6_20191112_143346.png to c:/tmp

Rename filename by searching the last character of name. For example, 

Original Filename: TestFile.txt_001
Begin Character need to be removed: _
Result: TestFile.txt

Option Explicit

Dim oWSH
Dim vbsInterpreter
Dim arg1 'As String
Dim arg2 'As String
Dim newFilename 'As string

Set oWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
vbsInterpreter = "cscript.exe"


arg1 = WScript.Arguments(0)
arg2 = WScript.Arguments(1)

WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "This is a test script."
Dim result 
result = InstrRev(arg1, arg2, -1)
If result > 0 then
    newFilename = Mid(arg1, 1, result - 1)
    Dim Fso
    Set Fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Fso.MoveFile arg1, newFilename
    WScript.StdOut.WriteLine newFilename
End If

Function ForceConsole()
    If InStr(LCase(WScript.FullName), vbsInterpreter) = 0 Then
        oWSH.Run vbsInterpreter & " //NoLogo " & Chr(34) &     WScript.ScriptFullName & Chr(34)
    End If
 End Function

Rename File using VB SCript.

  1. Create Folder Source and Archive in D : Drive. [You can choose other drive but make change in code from D:\Source to C:\Source in case you create folder in C: Drive]
  2. Save files in Source folder to be renamed.
  3. Save below code and save it as .vbs e.g ChangeFileName.vbs
  4. Run file and the file will be renamed with existing file name and current date

    Option Explicit

    Dim fso,sfolder,fs,f1,CFileName,strRename,NewFilename,GFileName,CFolderName,CFolderName1,Dfolder,afolder

    Dim myDate

    myDate =Date

    Function pd(n, totalDigits)

        if totalDigits > len(n) then 
            pd = String(totalDigits-len(n),"0") & n 
            pd = n 
        end if 

    End Function

    myDate= Pd(DAY(date()),2) & _

    Pd(Month(date()),2) & _


    'MsgBox ("Create Folders 'Source' 'Destination ' and 'Archive' in D drive. Save PDF files into Source Folder ")




    Set fso= CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set fs= fso.GetFolder(sfolder)

    For each f1 in fs.files

            CFileName=sfolder & f1.name
            CFolderName=Replace(CFolderName1,"." & fso.GetExtensionName(f1.Path),"")
            'Msgbox CFileName 
            'MsgBox CFolderName 
            'MsgBox myDate
            'strRename="DA009B_"& CFolderName &"_20032019"
            strRename= "DA009B_"& CFolderName &"_"& myDate &""
            'fso.CopyFile CFolderName1 , afolder
            fso.MoveFile CFileName , NewFilename
            'fso.CopyFile CFolderName, Dfolder


    MsgBox "File Renamed Successfully !!! "

    Set fso= Nothing

    Set fs=Nothing