[javascript] Jquery Chosen plugin - dynamically populate list by Ajax

Im trying to build my dropdown menu using the plugin Chosen for Multiple Select . Here's to behavior I'm based on:


So, instead of having 3 harcoded < option > in my select. I want this list to be the values of a json array populated by an ajax request. This will be triggered by autocomplete.

So, if the user type "car", im sending the letter via an ajax call, and im getting back an array like that:


The code:

$(function() {


$('.chzn-choices input').autocomplete({
   source: function( request, response ) {
          url: "/change/name/autocomplete/"+request.term+"/",
          dataType: "json",
          success: function( data ) {
             response( $.map( data, function( item ) {
                $('ul.chzn-results').append('<li class="active-result">' + item.name + '</li>');



I type "car", in the dropdown Im getting "No result for car" and then I have all my results, as I want.

1. Why I'm I getting the "No result" message, cause I can see in my json array and inside my list that I'm getting results.


When I delete "car" and enter "sam". The results for "sam" are showing after the "car" results. (Basically, I see the result for both, instead of just having the result of my current search)

2. Im I suppose to clear the ul on keyUp?? Thought the plugin was doing that already


When I click on a name to actually select it and add it into the select, Im getting a javascript error inside the chosen.js file

item is undefined
"item.selected = true;" line 732

the link to the plugin: http://harvesthq.github.com/chosen/chosen/chosen.jquery.js

and it's not adding anything inside the select.

3. No idea why this is happening


Do you guys have any idea on what I'm I doing something wrong? I'm completly stuck here...!

Oh and by the way, I dont mind changing the plugin source, as it's the only place where I'm using it....

This question is related to javascript jquery jquery-plugins jquery-chosen

The answer is

If you have two or more selects and use Steve McLenithan's answer, try to replace the first line with:

$('#CHOSENINPUTFIELDID_chosen > div > div input').autocomplete({

not remove suffix: _chosen

Chosen API has changed a lot.

If non of the solution given works for you, you can try this one: https://github.com/goFrendiAsgard/gofrendi.chosen.ajaxify

Here is the function:

// $('#some_input_id').chosen();
// chosen_ajaxify('some_input_id', 'http://some_url.com/contain/');

// REQUEST WILL BE SENT TO THIS URL: http://some_url.com/contain/some_term

// [{"value":"1", "caption":"Go Frendi Gunawan"}, {"value":"2", "caption":"Kira Yamato"}]

function chosen_ajaxify(id, ajax_url){
    console.log($('.chosen-search input').autocomplete);
    $('div#' + id + '_chosen .chosen-search input').keyup(function(){
        var keyword = $(this).val();
        var keyword_pattern = new RegExp(keyword, 'gi');
        $('div#' + id + '_chosen ul.chosen-results').empty();
            url: ajax_url + keyword,
            dataType: "json",
            success: function(response){
                // map, just as in functional programming :). Other way to say "foreach"
                $.map(response, function(item){
                    $('#'+id).append('<option value="' + item.value + '">' + item.caption + '</option>');
                $('div#' + id + '_chosen').removeClass('chosen-container-single-nosearch');
                $('div#' + id + '_chosen .chosen-search input').val(keyword);
                $('div#' + id + '_chosen .chosen-search input').removeAttr('readonly');
                $('div#' + id + '_chosen .chosen-search input').focus();
                // put that underscores
                $('div#' + id + '_chosen .active-result').each(function(){
                    var html = $(this).html();
                    $(this).html(html.replace(keyword_pattern, function(matched){
                        return '<em>' + matched + '</em>';

Here is your HTML:

<select id="ajax_select"></select>

And here is your javasscript:

// This is also how you usually use chosen
$('#ajax_select').chosen({allow_single_deselect:true, width:"200px", search_contains: true});
// And this one is how you add AJAX capability
chosen_ajaxify('ajax_select', 'server.php?keyword=');

For more information, please refer to https://github.com/goFrendiAsgard/gofrendi.chosen.ajaxify#how-to-use

You can dynamically populate a list via AJAX using the excellent Select2 plugin. From my answer to "Is there a way to dynamically ajax add elements through jquery chosen plugin?":

Take a look at the neat Select2 plugin, which is based on Chosen itself and supports remote data sources (aka AJAX data) and infinite scrolling.

If you are generating select tag from ajax, add this inside success function:


Or, If you are generating select tag on clicking add more button then add:


inside the function.

var object = $("#lstValue_chosen").find('.chosen-choices').find('input[type="text"]')[0];
var _KeyCode = event.which || event.keyCode;
if (_KeyCode != 37 && _KeyCode != 38 && _KeyCode != 39 && _KeyCode != 40) { 

    if (object.value != "") {
        var SelectedObjvalue = object.value;
        if (SelectedObjvalue.length > 0) {
            var obj = { value: SelectedObjvalue };
            var SelectedListValue = $('#lstValue').val();
            var Uniqueid = $('#uniqueid').val();

                url: '/Admin/GetUserListBox?SelectedValue=' + SelectedListValue + '&Uniqueid=' + Uniqueid,
                data: { value: SelectedObjvalue },
                type: 'GET',
                async: false,
                success: function (response) {
                    if (response.length > 0) {
                        var options = '';                            
                        $.each(response, function (i, obj) {
                            options += '<option value="' + obj.Value + '">' + obj.Text + '</option>';
                        object.value = SelectedObjvalue;
                error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
                    //jAlert("Error. Please, check the data.", " Deactivate User");

The solution of @Ashivad mostly fixed my problem, but I needed to make this one-line addition to prevent the input to be erased after the results dropdown is displayed:

in success callback of the autocomplete added this line after triggering chosen:updated:


Complete listing:

var $combosearch = $('[data-combosearch]');
if (!$combosearch.length) {

var options = $combosearch.data('options');
console.log('combosearch', $combosearch, options);

  no_results_text: "Oops, nothing found!",
  width: "60%"

// actual chosen container
var $combosearchChosen = $combosearch.next();

  source: function( request, response ) {
      url: options.remote_source + "&query=" + request.term,
      dataType: "json",
      beforeSend: function(){
      success: function( data ) {
        response( $.map( data, function( item, index ) {
          $combosearch.append('<option value="' + item.id + '">' + item.label + '</option>');

The chosen answer is outdated, same goes to meltingice /ajax-chosen plugin.

With Select2 plugin got many bugs which is i can't resolve it.

Here my answer for this question.

I integrated my solution with function trigger after user type. Thanks to this answer : https://stackoverflow.com/a/5926782/4319179.

//setup before functions
  var typingTimer;                //timer identifier
  var doneTypingInterval = 2000;  //time in ms (2 seconds)
  var selectID = 'YourSelectId';    //Hold select id
  var selectData = [];           // data for unique id array

  //on keyup, start the countdown
  $('#' + selectID + '_chosen .chosen-choices input').keyup(function(){

      // Change No Result Match text to Searching.
      $('#' + selectID + '_chosen .no-results').html('Searching = "'+ $('#' + selectID + '_chosen .chosen-choices input').val() + '"');

      clearTimeout(typingTimer);  //Refresh Timer on keyup 
      if ($('#' + selectID + '_chosen .chosen-choices input').val()) {

           typingTimer = setTimeout(doneTyping, doneTypingInterval);  //Set timer back if got value on input



  //user is "finished typing," do something
  function doneTyping () {

      var inputData = $('#' + selectID + '_chosen .chosen-choices input').val();  //get input data

        url: "YourUrl",
         data: {data: inputData},
        dataType: "json",
        beforeSend: function(){
          // Change No Result Match to Getting Data beforesend
          $('#' + selectID + '_chosen .no-results').html('Getting Data = "'+$('#' + selectID + '_chosen .chosen-choices input').val()+'"');
        success: function( data ) { 

          // iterate data before append
          $.map( data, function( item ) {

            // matching data eg: by id or something unique; if data match: <option> not append - else: append <option>
            // This will prevent from select the same thing twice.
            if($.inArray(item.attr_hash,selectData) == -1){

              // if not match then append in select
              $('#' + selectID ).append('<option id="'+item.id+'" data-id = "'+item.id+'">' + item.data + '</option>');



          // Update chosen again after append <option>
          $('#' + selectID ).trigger("chosen:updated");



  // Chosen event listen on input change eg: after select data / deselect this function will be trigger
  $('#' + selectID ).on('change', function() {

    // get select jquery object
    var domArray = $('#' + selectID ).find('option:selected');

    // empty array data
    selectData = [];

    for (var i = 0, length = domArray.length; i < length; i++ ){

      // Push unique data to array (for matching purpose)
      selectData.push( $(domArray[i]).data('id') );


    // Replace select <option> to only selected option
    $('#' + selectID ).html(domArray);

    // Update chosen again after replace selected <option>
    $('#' + selectID ).trigger("chosen:updated");


This might be helpful. You have to just trigger an event.


Where "DropDownID" is ID of <select>.

More info here: http://harvesthq.github.com/chosen/

The Chosen plugin does not automatically update its list of options when the OPTION elements in the DOM change. You have to send it an event to trigger the update:

Pre Chosen 1.0: $('.chzn-select').trigger("liszt:updated");

Chosen 1.0 $('.chosen-select').trigger("chosen:updated");

If you are dynamically managing the OPTION elements, then you'll have to do this whenever the OPTIONs change. The way you do this will vary - in AngularJS, try something like this:

  function() {
    return element.find('option').map(function() { return this.value }).get().join();
  function() {

Like Vicky suggested, Select2 comes with the AJAX features inbuilt and looks like a great plugin.

If you dont want to switch from Chosen, try AJAX-Chosen https://github.com/meltingice/ajax-chosen

Ashirvad's answer no longer works. Note the class name changes and using the option element instead of the li element. I've updated my answer to not use the deprecated "success" event, instead opting for .done():

$('.chosen-search input').autocomplete({
    minLength: 3,
    source: function( request, response ) {
            url: "/some/autocomplete/url/"+request.term,
            dataType: "json",
            beforeSend: function(){ $('ul.chosen-results').empty(); $("#CHOSEN_INPUT_FIELDID").empty(); }
        }).done(function( data ) {
                response( $.map( data, function( item ) {
                    $('#CHOSEN_INPUT_FIELDID').append('<option value="blah">' + item.name + '</option>');


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