Programs & Examples On #Mass emails

How to enable bulk permission in SQL Server

Note that the accepted answer or either of these two solutions work for Windows only.

-- OR
ALTER SERVER ROLE [bulkadmin] ADD MEMBER [login_name];

If you run any of them on SQL Server based on a linux machine, you will get these errors:

Msg 16202, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Keyword or statement option 'bulkadmin' is not supported on the 'Linux' platform.
Msg 16202, Level 15, State 3, Line 1
Keyword or statement option 'ADMINISTER BULK OPERATIONS' is not supported on the 'Linux' platform.

Check the docs.

Requires INSERT and ADMINISTER BULK OPERATIONS permissions. In Azure SQL Database, INSERT and ADMINISTER DATABASE BULK OPERATIONS permissions are required. ADMINISTER BULK OPERATIONS permissions or the bulkadmin role is not supported for SQL Server on Linux. Only the sysadmin can perform bulk inserts for SQL Server on Linux.

Solution for Linux

ALTER SERVER ROLE [sysadmin] ADD MEMBER [login_name];

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo

This happened to me when I tried to run an Activity on 2.2 that used imports from Honeycomb not available in older versions of Android and not included in the v4 support package either.

MySQL "incorrect string value" error when save unicode string in Django

Simply alter your table, no need to any thing. just run this query on database. ALTER TABLE table_nameCONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8

it will definately work.

OnItemClickListener using ArrayAdapter for ListView

i'm using arrayadpter ,using this follwed code i'm able to get items

String value = (String)adapter.getItemAtPosition(position);

listView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {

        public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view,
                int position, long id) {
             String string=adapter.getItem(position);
             Log.d("**********", string);


How to display HTML in TextView?

Make a global method like:

public static Spanned stripHtml(String html) {
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(html)) {
                if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
                    return Html.fromHtml(html, Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_COMPACT);
                } else {
                    return Html.fromHtml(html);
            return null;

You can also use it in your Activity/Fragment like:


retrieve links from web page using python and BeautifulSoup

Under the hood BeautifulSoup now uses lxml. Requests, lxml & list comprehensions makes a killer combo.

import requests
import lxml.html

dom = lxml.html.fromstring(requests.get('').content)

[x for x in dom.xpath('//a/@href') if '//' in x and '' not in x]

In the list comp, the "if '//' and '' not in x" is a simple method to scrub the url list of the sites 'internal' navigation urls, etc.

How do I set the selected item in a comboBox to match my string using C#?

I've used an extension method:

public static void SelectItemByValue(this ComboBox cbo, string value)
    for(int i=0; i < cbo.Items.Count; i++)
        var prop = cbo.Items[i].GetType().GetProperty(cbo.ValueMember);
        if (prop!=null && prop.GetValue(cbo.Items[i], null).ToString() == value)
             cbo.SelectedIndex = i;

Then just consume the method:


Converting SVG to PNG using C#

To add to the response from @Anish, if you are having issues with not seeing the text when exporting the SVG to an image, you can create a recursive function to loop through the children of the SVGDocument, try to cast it to a SvgText if possible (add your own error checking) and set the font family and style.

    foreach(var child in svgDocument.Children)

    public void SetFont(SvgElement element)
        foreach(var child in element.Children)
            SetFont(child); //Call this function again with the child, this will loop
                            //until the element has no more children

            var svgText = (SvgText)parent; //try to cast the element as a SvgText
                                           //if it succeeds you can modify the font

            svgText.Font = new Font("Arial", 12.0f);
            svgText.FontSize = new SvgUnit(12.0f);


Let me know if there are questions.

Updating a dataframe column in spark

importing col, when from pyspark.sql.functions and updating fifth column to integer(0,1,2) based on the string(string a, string b, string c) into a new DataFrame.

from pyspark.sql.functions import col, when 

data_frame_temp = data_frame.withColumn("col_5",when(col("col_5") == "string a", 0).when(col("col_5") == "string b", 1).otherwise(2))

How can I test a Windows DLL file to determine if it is 32 bit or 64 bit?

Gory details

A DLL uses the PE executable format, and it's not too tricky to read that information out of the file.

See this MSDN article on the PE File Format for an overview. You need to read the MS-DOS header, then read the IMAGE_NT_HEADERS structure. This contains the IMAGE_FILE_HEADER structure which contains the info you need in the Machine member which contains one of the following values

  • IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 (0x014c)
  • IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64 (0x0200)

This information should be at a fixed offset in the file, but I'd still recommend traversing the file and checking the signature of the MS-DOS header and the IMAGE_NT_HEADERS to be sure you cope with any future changes.

Use ImageHelp to read the headers...

You can also use the ImageHelp API to do this - load the DLL with LoadImage and you'll get a LOADED_IMAGE structure which will contain a pointer to an IMAGE_NT_HEADERS structure. Deallocate the LOADED_IMAGE with ImageUnload.

...or adapt this rough Perl script

Here's rough Perl script which gets the job done. It checks the file has a DOS header, then reads the PE offset from the IMAGE_DOS_HEADER 60 bytes into the file.

It then seeks to the start of the PE part, reads the signature and checks it, and then extracts the value we're interested in.

# usage: petype <exefile>
$exe = $ARGV[0];

open(EXE, $exe) or die "can't open $exe: $!";
if (read(EXE, $doshdr, 64)) {

   ($magic,$skip,$offset)=unpack('a2a58l', $doshdr);
   die("Not an executable") if ($magic ne 'MZ');

   if (read(EXE, $pehdr, 6)){
       ($sig,$skip,$machine)=unpack('a2a2v', $pehdr);
       die("No a PE Executable") if ($sig ne 'PE');

       if ($machine == 0x014c){
            print "i386\n";
       elsif ($machine == 0x0200){
            print "IA64\n";
       elsif ($machine == 0x8664){
            print "AMD64\n";
            printf("Unknown machine type 0x%lx\n", $machine);


Update select2 data without rebuilding the control

Using Select2 4.0 with Meteor you can do something like this:

Template.TemplateName.rendered = ->

    data  : Session.get("select2Data")

  @autorun ->

    # Clear the existing list options. 

    # Re-create with new options.
      data  : Session.get("select2Data")

What's happening:

  1. When Template is rendered...
  2. Init a select2 control with data from Session.
  3. @autorun (this.autorun) function runs every time the value of Session.get("select2Data") changes.
  4. Whenever Session changes, clear existing select2 options and re-create with new data.

This works for any reactive data source - such as a Collection.find().fetch() - not just Session.get().

NOTE: as of Select2 version 4.0 you must remove existing options before adding new onces. See this GitHub Issue for details. There is no method to 'update the options' without clearing the existing ones.

The above is coffeescript. Very similar for Javascript.

Custom method names in ASP.NET Web API

See this article for a longer discussion of named actions. It also shows that you can use the [HttpGet] attribute instead of prefixing the action name with "get".

How do I show a running clock in Excel?

See the below code (taken from this post)

Put this code in a Module in VBA (Developer Tab -> Visual Basic)

Dim TimerActive As Boolean
Sub StartTimer()
End Sub
Private Sub Start_Timer()
    TimerActive = True
    Application.OnTime Now() + TimeValue("00:01:00"), "Timer"
End Sub
Private Sub Stop_Timer()
    TimerActive = False
End Sub
Private Sub Timer()
    If TimerActive Then
        ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = Time
        Application.OnTime Now() + TimeValue("00:01:00"), "Timer"
    End If
End Sub

You can invoke the "StartTimer" function when the workbook opens and have it repeat every minute by adding the below code to your workbooks Visual Basic "This.Workbook" class in the Visual Basic editor.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub

Now, every time 1 minute passes the Timer procedure will be invoked, and set cell A1 equal to the current time.

Font from origin has been blocked from loading by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy

For AWS S3, setting the Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) to the following worked for me:

        "AllowedHeaders": [
        "AllowedMethods": [
        "AllowedOrigins": [
        "ExposeHeaders": []

Java: Sending Multiple Parameters to Method

You can use varargs

public function yourFunction(Parameter... parameters)

See also

Java multiple arguments dot notation - Varargs

How can I make the computer beep in C#?

The solution would be,


How to return JSON with ASP.NET & jQuery

You're not far; you need to do something like this:

public static string GetProducts()
  // instantiate a serializer
  JavaScriptSerializer TheSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

  //optional: you can create your own custom converter
  TheSerializer.RegisterConverters(new JavaScriptConverter[] {new MyCustomJson()});

  var products = context.GetProducts().ToList();   

  var TheJson = TheSerializer.Serialize(products);

  return TheJson;

You can reduce this code further but I left it like that for clarity. In fact, you could even write this:

return context.GetProducts().ToList();

and this would return a json string. I prefer to be more explicit because I use custom converters. There's also but the framework's JavaScriptSerializer works just fine out of the box.

Update one MySQL table with values from another

It depends what is a use of those tables, but you might consider putting trigger on original table on insert and update. When insert or update is done, update the second table based on only one item from the original table. It will be quicker.

How to run Rake tasks from within Rake tasks?

I would suggest not to create general debug and release tasks if the project is really something that gets compiled and so results in files. You should go with file-tasks which is quite doable in your example, as you state, that your output goes into different directories. Say your project just compiles a test.c file to out/debug/test.out and out/release/test.out with gcc you could setup your project like this:

WAYS = ['debug', 'release']
FLAGS = {}
FLAGS['debug'] = '-g'
FLAGS['release'] = '-O'
def out_dir(way)
  File.join('out', way)
def out_file(way)
  File.join(out_dir(way), 'test.out')
WAYS.each do |way|
  desc "create output directory for #{way}"
  directory out_dir(way)

  desc "build in the #{way}-way"
  file out_file(way) => [out_dir(way), 'test.c'] do |t|
    sh "gcc #{FLAGS[way]} -c test.c -o #{}"
desc 'build all ways'
task :all =>{|way|out_file(way)}

task :default => [:all]

This setup can be used like:

rake all # (builds debug and release)
rake debug # (builds only debug)
rake release # (builds only release)

This does a little more as asked for, but shows my points:

  1. output directories are created, as necessary.
  2. the files are only recompiled if needed (this example is only correct for the simplest of test.c files).
  3. you have all tasks readily at hand if you want to trigger the release build or the debug build.
  4. this example includes a way to also define small differences between debug and release-builds.
  5. no need to reenable a build-task that is parametrized with a global variable, because now the different builds have different tasks. the codereuse of the build-task is done by reusing the code to define the build-tasks. see how the loop does not execute the same task twice, but instead created tasks, that can later be triggered (either by the all-task or be choosing one of them on the rake commandline).

Testing Private method using mockito

Here is a small example how to do it with powermock

public class Hello {
    private Hello obj;
    private Integer method1(Long id) {
        return id + 10;

To test method1 use code:

Hello testObj = new Hello();
Integer result = Whitebox.invokeMethod(testObj, "method1", new Long(10L));

To set private object obj use this:

Hello testObj = new Hello();
Hello newObject = new Hello();
Whitebox.setInternalState(testObj, "obj", newObject);

Why does the 260 character path length limit exist in Windows?

You can mount a folder as a drive. From the command line, if you have a path C:\path\to\long\folder you can map it to drive letter X: using:

subst x: \path\to\long\folder

Create a directly-executable cross-platform GUI app using Python

You can use appJar for basic GUI development.

from appJar import gui


def myfcn(btnName):   
    global num
    num +=1
    win.setLabel("mylabel", num)

win = gui('Test')

win.addButtons(["Set"],  [myfcn])
win.addLabel("mylabel", "Press the Button")


GUI when running

See documentation at appJar site.

Installation is made with pip install appjar from command line.

java.lang.RuntimeException: Uncompilable source code - what can cause this?

Organize your code as a maven module. Once done run the command from terminal
$mvn installl
to check if your code builds fine.
Finally import the project in netbeans or eclipse as maven project.

Is a slash ("/") equivalent to an encoded slash ("%2F") in the path portion of an HTTP URL

What to do if :foo in its natural form contains slashes? You wouldn't want it to Isn't that the distinction the recommendation is attempting to preserve? It specifically notes,

The similarity to unix and other disk operating system filename conventions should be taken as purely coincidental, and should not be taken to indicate that URIs should be interpreted as file names.

If one was building an online interface to a backup program, and wished to express the path as a part of the URL path, it would make sense to encode the slashes in the file path, as that is not really part of the hierarchy of the resource - and more importantly, the route. /backups/2016-07-28content//home/dan/ loses the root of the filesystem in the double slash. Escaping the slashes is the appropriate way to distinguish, as I read it.

Display images in mvc

It is possible to use a handler to do this, even in MVC4. Here's an example from one i made earlier:

public class ImageHandler : IHttpHandler
    byte[] bytes;

    public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
        int param;
        if (int.TryParse(context.Request.QueryString["id"], out param))
            using (var db = new MusicLibContext())
                if (param == -1)
                    bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Images/add.png"));

                    context.Response.ContentType = "image/png";
                    var data = (from x in db.Images
                                where x.ImageID == (short)param
                                select x).FirstOrDefault();

                    bytes = data.ImageData;

                    context.Response.ContentType = "image/" + data.ImageFileType;

            //image not found

    public bool IsReusable
            return false;

In the view, i added the ID of the photo to the query string of the handler.

How to hide keyboard in swift on pressing return key?

The return true part of this only tells the text field whether or not it is allowed to return.
You have to manually tell the text field to dismiss the keyboard (or what ever its first responder is), and this is done with resignFirstResponder(), like so:

// Called on 'Return' pressed. Return false to ignore.

func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool { 
    return true

How to check whether an object is a date?

Inspired by this answer, this solution works in my case(I needed to check whether the value recieved from API is a date or not):

!isNaN(Date.parse(new Date(YourVariable)))

This way, if it is some random string coming from a client, or any other object, you can find out if it is a Date-like object.

Check if an apt-get package is installed and then install it if it's not on Linux


apt-cache policy <package_name>

If it is not installed, it will show:

Installed: none

Otherwise it will show:

Installed: version

How to check if a value is not null and not empty string in JS

If you truly want to confirm that a variable is not null and not an empty string specifically, you would write:

if(data !== null && data !== '') {
   // do something

Notice that I changed your code to check for type equality (!==|===).

If, however you just want to make sure, that a code will run only for "reasonable" values, then you can, as others have stated already, write:

if (data) {
  // do something

Since, in javascript, both null values, and empty strings, equals to false (i.e. null == false).

The difference between those 2 parts of code is that, for the first one, every value that is not specifically null or an empty string, will enter the if. But, on the second one, every true-ish value will enter the if: false, 0, null, undefined and empty strings, would not.

Using the slash character in Git branch name

Are you sure branch labs does not already exist (as in this thread)?

You can't have both a file, and a directory with the same name.

You're trying to get git to do basically this:

% cd .git/refs/heads
% ls -l
total 0
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jhe jhe 41 2009-11-14 23:51 labs
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jhe jhe 41 2009-11-14 23:51 master
% mkdir labs
mkdir: cannot create directory 'labs': File exists

You're getting the equivalent of the "cannot create directory" error.
When you have a branch with slashes in it, it gets stored as a directory hierarchy under .git/refs/heads.

Running .sh scripts in Git Bash

Let's say you have a script To run it (using Git Bash), you do the following: [a] Add a "sh-bang" line on the first line (e.g. #!/bin/bash) and then [b]:

# Use ./ (or any valid dir spec):

Note: chmod +x does nothing to a script's executability on Git Bash. It won't hurt to run it, but it won't accomplish anything either.

Error:Execution failed for task ':ProjectName:mergeDebugResources'. > Crunching Cruncher *some file* failed, see logs

I had the same problem, but look at this image and I`m sure u can find the answer in such situation...the problem was in a png file. when I fixed what android studio asked me, it worked. I hope it works for U too. click this photo... it shows where is the problem and what it is

Python: create dictionary using dict() with integer keys?

There are also these 'ways':

>>> dict.fromkeys(range(1, 4))
{1: None, 2: None, 3: None}
>>> dict(zip(range(1, 4), range(1, 4)))
{1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3}

Read environment variables in Node.js

If you want to use a string key generated in your Node.js program, say, var v = 'HOME', you can use process.env[v].

Otherwise, process.env.VARNAME has to be hardcoded in your program.

HTTP Status 500 - Error instantiating servlet class pkg.coreServlet

Have you closed the < web-app > tag in your web.xml? From what you have posted, the closing tag seems to be missing.

How to change ProgressBar's progress indicator color in Android

Just create a style in values/styles.xml.

<style name="ProgressBarStyle">
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/greenLight</item>

Then set this style as your ProgressBar theme.


and doesn't matter your progress bar is horizontal or circular. That's all.

powershell is missing the terminator: "

In your script, why are you using single quotes around the variables? These will not be expanded. Use double quotes for variable expansion or just the variable names themselves.

unzipRelease –Src '$ReleaseFile' -Dst '$Destination'


unzipRelease –Src "$ReleaseFile" -Dst "$Destination"

How to reference static assets within vue javascript

Right after oppening script tag just add import someImage from '../assets/someImage.png' and use it for an icon url iconUrl: someImage

Python Infinity - Any caveats?

You can still get not-a-number (NaN) values from simple arithmetic involving inf:

>>> 0 * float("inf")

Note that you will normally not get an inf value through usual arithmetic calculations:

>>> 2.0**2
>>> _**2
>>> _**2
>>> _**2
>>> _**2
>>> _**2
>>> _**2
>>> _**2
>>> _**2
>>> _**2
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
OverflowError: (34, 'Numerical result out of range')

The inf value is considered a very special value with unusual semantics, so it's better to know about an OverflowError straight away through an exception, rather than having an inf value silently injected into your calculations.

Why am I getting the message, "fatal: This operation must be run in a work tree?"

If none of the above usual ways help you, look at the call trace underneath this error message ("fatal: This operation . . .") and locate the script and line which is raising the actual error. Once you locate that error() call, disable it and see if the operation you are trying completes even with some warnings/messages - ignore them for now. If so, finally after completing it might mention the part of the operation that was not completed successfully. Now, address this part separately as applicable.

Relating above logic to my case, I was getting this error message "fatal: This operation . . ." when I was trying to get the Android-x86 code with repo sync . . .. and the call trace showed raise GitError("cannot initialize work tree") as the error() call causing the above error message ("fatal: . . ."). So, after commenting that GitError() in .repo/repo/, repo sync . . . continued and finally indicated error for three projects that were not properly synced. I just deleted their *.git folders from their relevant paths in the Android-x86 source tree locally and ran repo sync . . . again and tasted success!

how to implement a long click listener on a listview

If you want to do it in the adapter, you can simply do this:

itemView.setOnLongClickListener(new View.OnLongClickListener()
            public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
                Toast.makeText(mContext, "Long pressed on item", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Could not execute menu item (internal error)[Exception] - When changing PHP version from 5.3.1 to 5.2.9

By default , the WAMP server will take 80 as its working port.

You can change that port number as you like ... here are the steps to do that:

  • click on WAMP server tray icon
  • click on apache
  • select http.conf

Here notepad will open ...

  • scroll down and you will see the port number that WAMP server takes ...
  • change that port number to:

    #Listen x.x.x.x:8080
    Listen 8080
  • save that file and restart the services... it will work fine...

  • now check by typing http://localhost:8080/.

Regular expression for extracting tag attributes

I also needed this and wrote a function for parsing attributes, you can get it from here:

(Note: It doesn't use regex)

Export to csv/excel from kibana

To export data to csv/excel from Kibana follow the following steps:-

  1. Click on Visualize Tab & select a visualization (if created). If not created create a visualziation.

  2. Click on caret symbol (^) which is present at the bottom of the visualization.

  3. Then you will get an option of Export:Raw Formatted as the bottom of the page.

Please find below attached image showing Export option after clicking on caret symbol.

Please find below attached image showing Export option after clicking on caret symbol.

The simplest possible JavaScript countdown timer?

If you want a real timer you need to use the date object.

Calculate the difference.

Format your string.

      (function f(){
      r.textContent="Registration closes in "+m+':'+((''+s).length>1?'':'0')+s;



not so precise timer

var time=5*60,r=document.getElementById('r'),tmp=time;

    var c=tmp--,m=(c/60)>>0,s=(c-m*60)+'';
    r.textContent='Registration closes in '+m+':'+(s.length>1?'':'0')+s


static and extern global variables in C and C++

Global variables are not extern nor static by default on C and C++. When you declare a variable as static, you are restricting it to the current source file. If you declare it as extern, you are saying that the variable exists, but are defined somewhere else, and if you don't have it defined elsewhere (without the extern keyword) you will get a link error (symbol not found).

Your code will break when you have more source files including that header, on link time you will have multiple references to varGlobal. If you declare it as static, then it will work with multiple sources (I mean, it will compile and link), but each source will have its own varGlobal.

What you can do in C++, that you can't in C, is to declare the variable as const on the header, like this:

const int varGlobal = 7;

And include in multiple sources, without breaking things at link time. The idea is to replace the old C style #define for constants.

If you need a global variable visible on multiple sources and not const, declare it as extern on the header, and then define it, this time without the extern keyword, on a source file:

Header included by multiple files:

extern int varGlobal;

In one of your source files:

int varGlobal = 7;

Host binding and Host listening

@HostListener is a decorator for the callback/event handler method, so remove the ; at the end of this line:

@HostListener('click', ['$']);

Here's a working plunker that I generated by copying the code from the API docs, but I put the onClick() method on the same line for clarity:

import {Component, HostListener, Directive} from 'angular2/core';

@Directive({selector: 'button[counting]'})
class CountClicks {
  numberOfClicks = 0;
  @HostListener('click', ['$']) onClick(btn) {
    console.log("button", btn, "number of clicks:", this.numberOfClicks++);
  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `<button counting>Increment</button>`,
  directives: [CountClicks]
export class AppComponent {
  constructor() { console.clear(); }

Host binding can also be used to listen to global events:

To listen to global events, a target must be added to the event name. The target can be window, document or body (reference)

@HostListener('document:keyup', ['$event'])
handleKeyboardEvent(kbdEvent: KeyboardEvent) { ... }

Appending to list in Python dictionary

dates_dict[key] = dates_dict.get(key, []).append(date) sets dates_dict[key] to None as list.append returns None.

In [5]: l = [1,2,3]

In [6]: var = l.append(3)

In [7]: print var

You should use collections.defaultdict

import collections
dates_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)

Find and replace specific text characters across a document with JS

Use split and join method

$("#idBut").click(function() {
    $("body").children().each(function() {

here is solution

How do I tell matplotlib that I am done with a plot?

As stated from David Cournapeau, use figure().

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab

x = [1,10]
y = [30, 1000]
plt.loglog(x, y, basex=10, basey=10, ls="-")

x = [10,100]
y = [10, 10000]
plt.loglog(x, y, basex=10, basey=10, ls="-")

Or subplot(121) / subplot(122) for the same plot, different position.

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab

x = [1,10]
y = [30, 1000]
plt.loglog(x, y, basex=10, basey=10, ls="-")

x = [10,100]
y = [10, 10000]
plt.loglog(x, y, basex=10, basey=10, ls="-")

How do I get the path to the current script with Node.js?

So basically you can do this:

fs.readFile(path.resolve(__dirname, 'settings.json'), 'UTF-8', callback);

Use resolve() instead of concatenating with '/' or '\' else you will run into cross-platform issues.

Note: __dirname is the local path of the module or included script. If you are writing a plugin which needs to know the path of the main script it is:


or, to just get the folder name:


Convert array of strings to List<string>

Just use this constructor of List<T>. It accepts any IEnumerable<T> as an argument.

string[] arr = ...
List<string> list = new List<string>(arr);

checking if a number is divisible by 6 PHP

So you want the next multiple of 6, is that it?

You can divide your number by 6, then ceil it, and multiply it again:

$answer = ceil($foo / 6) * 6;

How to open port in Linux

First, you should disable selinux, edit file /etc/sysconfig/selinux so it looks like this:


Save file and restart system.

Then you can add the new rule to iptables:

iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT

and restart iptables with /etc/init.d/iptables restart

If it doesn't work you should check other network settings.

How to merge remote master to local branch

From your feature branch (e.g configUpdate) run:

git fetch
git rebase origin/master

Or the shorter form:

git pull --rebase

Why this works:

  • git merge branchname takes new commits from the branch branchname, and adds them to the current branch. If necessary, it automatically adds a "Merge" commit on top.

  • git rebase branchname takes new commits from the branch branchname, and inserts them "under" your changes. More precisely, it modifies the history of the current branch such that it is based on the tip of branchname, with any changes you made on top of that.

  • git pull is basically the same as git fetch; git merge origin/master.

  • git pull --rebase is basically the same as git fetch; git rebase origin/master.

So why would you want to use git pull --rebase rather than git pull? Here's a simple example:

  • You start working on a new feature.

  • By the time you're ready to push your changes, several commits have been pushed by other developers.

  • If you git pull (which uses merge), your changes will be buried by the new commits, in addition to an automatically-created merge commit.

  • If you git pull --rebase instead, git will fast forward your master to upstream's, then apply your changes on top.

Show constraints on tables command

Try doing:

SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM credentialing1;

The foreign key constraints are listed in the Comment column of the output.

How do I add Git version control (Bitbucket) to an existing source code folder?

The commands are given in your Bitbucket account. When you open the repository in Bitbucket, it gives you the entire list of commands you need to execute in the order. What is missing is where exactly you need to execute those commands (Git CLI, SourceTree terminal).

I struggled with these commands as I was writing these in Git CLI, but we need to execute the commands in the SourceTree terminal window and the repository will be added to Bitbucket.

HTML inside Twitter Bootstrap popover

you can use attribute data-html="true":

<a href="#" id="example"  rel="popover" 
    data-content="<div>This <b>is</b> your div content</div>" 
    data-html="true" data-original-title="A Title">popover</a>

How to find an object in an ArrayList by property

You can't without an iteration.

Option 1

Carnet findCarnet(String codeIsIn) {
    for(Carnet carnet : listCarnet) {
        if(carnet.getCodeIsIn().equals(codeIsIn)) {
            return carnet;
    return null;

Option 2

Override the equals() method of Carnet.

Option 3

Storing your List as a Map instead, using codeIsIn as the key:

HashMap<String, Carnet> carnets = new HashMap<>();
// setting map
Carnet carnet = carnets.get(codeIsIn);

jquery select option click handler

you can attach a focus event to select

$('#select_id').focus(function() {
    console.log('Handler for .focus() called.');

Javascript setInterval not working

That's because you should pass a function, not a string:

function funcName() {

setInterval(funcName, 10000);

Your code has two problems:

  • var func = funcName(); calls the function immediately and assigns the return value.
  • Just "func" is invalid even if you use the bad and deprecated eval-like syntax of setInterval. It would be setInterval("func()", 10000) to call the function eval-like.

Passing data between controllers in Angular JS?

From the description, seems as though you should be using a service. Check out and AngularJS Service Passing Data Between Controllers to see some examples.

You could define your product service (as a factory) as such:

app.factory('productService', function() {
  var productList = [];

  var addProduct = function(newObj) {

  var getProducts = function(){
      return productList;

  return {
    addProduct: addProduct,
    getProducts: getProducts


Dependency inject the service into both controllers.

In your ProductController, define some action that adds the selected object to the array:

app.controller('ProductController', function($scope, productService) {
    $scope.callToAddToProductList = function(currObj){

In your CartController, get the products from the service:

app.controller('CartController', function($scope, productService) {
    $scope.products = productService.getProducts();

Angular2 set value for formGroup

Yes you can use setValue to set value for edit/update purpose.

      address: {

You can refer to understand how to use Reactive forms for add/edit feature by using setValue. It saved my time

How to get POSTed JSON in Flask?

The following codes can be used:

@app.route('/api/add_message/<uuid>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def add_message(uuid):
  content = request.json['text']
  print content
  return uuid

Here is a screenshot of me getting the json data:

enter image description here

You can see that what is returned is a dictionary type of data.

How to make a node.js application run permanently?

Another way is creating a system unit for your app. create a "XXX.service" file in "/etc/systemd/system" folder, similar to this:


ExecStart=/usr/bin/http-server /home/swagger/swagger-editor &


A benefit is the app will run as a service, it automatically restarts if it crashed.

You can also use sytemctl to manage it:

systemctl start XXX to start the service, systemctl stop XXX to stop it and systemctl enable XXX to automatically start the app when system boots.

Disabling Chrome Autofill

So apparently the best fixes/hacks for this are now no longer working, again. Version of Chrome I use is Version 49.0.2623.110 m and my account creation forms now show a saved username and password that have nothing to do with the form. Thanks Chrome! Other hacks seemed horrible, but this hack is less horrible...

Why we need these hacks working is because these forms are generally to be account creation forms i.e. not a login forms which should be allowed to fill in password. Account creation forms you don't want the hassle of deleting username and passwords. Logically that means the password field will never be populated on render. So I use a textbox instead along with a bit of javascript.

<input type="text" id="password" name="password" />

    setTimeout(function() {
        $("#password").prop("type", "password");
    }, 100); 
    // time out required to make sure it is not set as a password field before Google fills it in. You may need to adjust this timeout depending on your page load times.

I find this acceptable as a user won't get to a password field within the short period of time, and posting back to the server makes no difference if the field is a password field as it is sent back plain text anyway.

Caveat: If, like me, you use the same creation form as an update form things might get tricky. I use mvc.asp c# and when I use @Html.PasswordFor() the password is not added to the input box. This is a good thing. I have coded around this. But using @Html.TextBoxFor() and the password will be added to the input box, and then hidden as a password. However as my passwords are hashed up, the password in the input box is the hashed up password and should never be posted back to the server - accidentally saving a hashed up hashed password would be a pain for someone trying to log in. Basically... remember to set the password to an empty string before the input box is rendered if using this method.

Get the current date in java.sql.Date format

A java.util.Date is not a java.sql.Date. It's the other way around. A java.sql.Date is a java.util.Date.

You'll need to convert it to a java.sql.Date by using the constructor that takes a long that a java.util.Date can supply.

java.sql.Date sqlDate = new java.sql.Date(utilDate.getTime());

Using multiple IF statements in a batch file

Batch files have really very limited logic powers so the best you can hope to come up with is a good workaround that indirectly achieves what you want. That's not to say that you should feel they are inferior to a real language - they still demand the same attention to detail and manual debugging as a real application. It's just that you'll need to work a lot harder to make them do what you want in a robust manner.

For the OP's question it sounds like you require two specific files to exist. Just use a tally:

IF EXIST somefile.txt (
    set /a file1_status=1

IF EXIST someotehrfile.txt (
    set /a file2_status=1

set /a file_status_result=file1_status + file2_status

if %file_status_result% equ 2 (
    goto somefileexists

goto exit

IF EXIST someotherfile.txt SET var=...


My example uses 3 variables, but you could just add 1 to file_result_status if the file exists. But if you want more granular control later in your batch file you can record the result for each file as I have done so you don't have to keep checking if a file exists later on.

Is calculating an MD5 hash less CPU intensive than SHA family functions?

As someone who's spent a bit of time optimizing MD5 performance, I thought I'd supply more of a technical explanation than the benchmarks provided here, to anyone who happens to find this in the future.

MD5 does less "work" than SHA1 (e.g. fewer compression rounds), so one may think it should be faster. However, the MD5 algorithm is mostly one big dependency chain, which means that it doesn't exploit modern superscalar processors particularly well (i.e. exhibits low instructions-per-clock). SHA1 has more parallelism available, so despite needing more "computational work" done, it often ends up being faster than MD5 on modern superscalar processors.
If you do the MD5 vs SHA1 comparison on older processors or ones with less superscalar "width" (such as a Silvermont based Atom CPU), you'll generally find MD5 is faster than SHA1.

SHA2 and SHA3 are even more compute intensive than SHA1, and generally much slower.
One thing to note, however, is that some new x86 and ARM CPUs have instructions to accelerate SHA1 and SHA256, which obviously helps these algorithms greatly if the instructions are being used.

As an aside, SHA256 and SHA512 performance may exhibit similarly curious behaviour. SHA512 does more "work" than SHA256, however a key difference between the two is that SHA256 operates using 32-bit words, whilst SHA512 operates using 64-bit words. As such, SHA512 will generally be faster than SHA256 on a platform with a 64-bit word size, as it's processing twice the amount of data at once. Conversely, SHA256 should outperform SHA512 on a platform with a 32-bit word size.

Note that all of the above only applies to single buffer hashing (by far the most common use case). If you're fancy and computing multiple hashes in parallel, i.e. a multi-buffer SIMD approach, the behaviour changes somewhat.

Passing Javascript variable to <a href >

If you use internationalization (i18n), and after switch to another language, something like ?locale=fror ?fr might be added at the end of the url. But when you go to another page on click event, translation switch wont be stable.

For this kind of cases a DOM click event handler function must be produced to handle all the a.href attributes by storing the switch state as a variable and add it to all a tags’ tail.

How to query for today's date and 7 days before data?

Try this way:

select * from tab
where DateCol between DateAdd(DD,-7,GETDATE() ) and GETDATE() 

Creating a class object in c++

1) What is the difference between both the way of creating class objects.

a) pointer

Example* example=new Example();
// you get a pointer, and when you finish it use, you have to delete it:

delete example;

b) Simple declaration

Example example;

you get a variable, not a pointer, and it will be destroyed out of scope it was declared.

2) Singleton C++

This SO question may helps you

Difference between npx and npm?

Here's an example of NPX in action: npx cowsay hello

If you type that into your bash terminal you'll see the result. The benefit of this is that npx has temporarily installed cowsay. There is no package pollution since cowsay is not permanently installed. This is great for one off packages where you want to avoid package pollution.

As mentioned in other answers, npx is also very useful in cases where (with npm) the package needs to be installed then configured before running. E.g. instead of using npm to install and then configure the json.package file and then call the configured run command just use npx instead. A real example: npx create-react-app my-app

How to get all elements which name starts with some string?

HTML DOM querySelectorAll() method seems apt here.

W3School Link given here

Syntax (As given in W3School)

document.querySelectorAll(CSS selectors)

So the answer.




Considering FLX's suggestion adding link to MDN here

Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of null

As others have said problem is that script is executed before the page (and in particular the target element) is loaded.

But I don't like the solution of reordering the content.

Preferred solution is to put an event handler on page onload event and set the Listener there. That will ensure the page and the target element is loaded before the assignment is executed. eg

    function onLoadFunct(){
            // set Listener here, also using suggested test for null

    <body onload="onLoadFunct()" ....>

Link a .css on another folder

I dont get it clearly, do you want to link an external css as the structure of files you defined above? If yes then just use the link tag :

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="file.css">

so basically for files that are under your website folder (folder containing your index) you directly call it. For each successive folder use the "/" for example in your case :

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Fonts/Font1/file name">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Fonts/Font2/file name">

How to automatically update an application without ClickOnce?

A Lay men's way is

on Main() rename the executing assembly file .exe to some thing else check date and time of created. and the updated file date time and copy to the application folder.

//Rename he executing file
System.IO.FileInfo file = new System.IO.FileInfo(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);

System.IO.File.Move(file.FullName, file.DirectoryName + "\\" + file.Name.Replace(file.Extension,"") + "-1" + file.Extension);

then do the logic check and copy the new file to executing folder

Python name 'os' is not defined

The problem is that you forgot to import os. Add this line of code:

import os

And everything should be fine. Hope this helps!

Import Excel Spreadsheet Data to an EXISTING sql table?

You can copy-paste data from en excel-sheet to an SQL-table by doing so:

  • Select the data in Excel and press Ctrl + C
  • In SQL Server Management Studio right click the table and choose Edit Top 200 Rows
  • Scroll to the bottom and select the entire empty row by clicking on the row header
  • Paste the data by pressing Ctrl + V

Note: Often tables have a first column which is an ID-column with an auto generated/incremented ID. When you paste your data it will start inserting the leftmost selected column in Excel into the leftmost column in SSMS thus inserting data into the ID-column. To avoid that keep an empty column at the leftmost part of your selection in order to skip that column in SSMS. That will result in SSMS inserting the default data which is the auto generated ID.

Furthermore you can skip other columns by having empty columns at the same ordinal positions in the Excel sheet selection as those columns to be skipped. That will make SSMS insert the default value (or NULL where no default value is specified).

sqlalchemy: how to join several tables by one query?

Try this

q = Session.query(
         User, Document, DocumentPermissions,
    ).filter( ==,
    ).filter( == DocumentPermissions.document,
    ).filter( == 'someemail',

What is the difference between Scala's case class and class?

Some of the key features of case classes are listed below

  1. case classes are immutable.
  2. You can instantiate case classes without new keyword.
  3. case classes can be compared by value

Sample scala code on scala fiddle, taken from the scala docs.

AlertDialog.Builder with custom layout and EditText; cannot access view

Change this:

EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(;

to this:

EditText editText = (EditText)  v.findViewById(;

How to change the font on the TextView?

You might want to create static class which will contain all the fonts. That way, you won't create the font multiple times which might impact badly on performance. Just make sure that you create a sub-folder called "fonts" under "assets" folder.

Do something like:

public class CustomFontsLoader {

public static final int FONT_NAME_1 =   0;
public static final int FONT_NAME_2 =   1;
public static final int FONT_NAME_3 =   2;

private static final int NUM_OF_CUSTOM_FONTS = 3;

private static boolean fontsLoaded = false;

private static Typeface[] fonts = new Typeface[3];

private static String[] fontPath = {

 * Returns a loaded custom font based on it's identifier. 
 * @param context - the current context
 * @param fontIdentifier = the identifier of the requested font
 * @return Typeface object of the requested font.
public static Typeface getTypeface(Context context, int fontIdentifier) {
    if (!fontsLoaded) {
    return fonts[fontIdentifier];

private static void loadFonts(Context context) {
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_CUSTOM_FONTS; i++) {
        fonts[i] = Typeface.createFromAsset(context.getAssets(), fontPath[i]);
    fontsLoaded = true;


This way, you can get the font from everywhere in your application.

How do I format {{$timestamp}} as MM/DD/YYYY in Postman?

In PostMan we have ->Pre-request Script. Paste the Below snippet.

const dateNow = new Date();
postman.setGlobalVariable("todayDate", dateNow.toLocaleDateString());

And now we are ready to use.

"firstName": "SANKAR",
"lastName": "B",
"email": "[email protected]",
"creationDate": "{{todayDate}}"

If you are using JPA Entity classes then use the below snippet

    @Column(name = "creation_date")
    private Date creationDate;

enter image description here enter image description here

Appending a line to a file only if it does not already exist

If you want to run this command using a python script within a Linux terminal...

import os,sys
LINE = 'include '+ <insert_line_STRING>
FILE = <insert_file_path_STRING>                                
os.system('grep -qxF $"'+LINE+'" '+FILE+' || echo $"'+LINE+'" >> '+FILE)

The $ and double quotations had me in a jungle, but this worked. Thanks everyone

Downloading a Google font and setting up an offline site that uses it

You need to download the font and reference it locally.

Download the CSS from the link you posted, then download all of the WOFF files and (if needed) convert them to TTF.

Then change the CSS from the link you posted to include the fonts locally.





Voila! There might be some more you need to do but the above is the basics. This article explains a little better.

How to copy a file to another path?

Old Question,but I would like to add complete Console Application example, considering you have files and proper permissions for the given folder, here is the code

 class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        //path of file
        string pathToOriginalFile = @"E:\C-sharp-IO\test.txt";

        //duplicate file path 
        string PathForDuplicateFile = @"E:\C-sharp-IO\testDuplicate.txt";
          //provide source and destination file paths
        File.Copy(pathToOriginalFile, PathForDuplicateFile);



Source: File I/O in C# (Read, Write, Delete, Copy file using C#)

How to copy the first few lines of a giant file, and add a line of text at the end of it using some Linux commands?

I am assuming what you are trying to achieve is to insert a line after the first few lines of of a textfile.

head -n10 file.txt >> newfile.txt
echo "your line >> newfile.txt
tail -n +10 file.txt >> newfile.txt

If you don't want to rest of the lines from the file, just skip the tail part.

clear cache of browser by command line

You can run Rundll32.exe for IE Options control panel applet and achieve following tasks.

Deletes ALL History - RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 255

Deletes History Only - RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 1

Deletes Cookies Only - RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 2

Deletes Temporary Internet Files Only - RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 8

Deletes Form Data Only - RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 16

Deletes Password History Only - RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 32

Build the full path filename in Python

This works fine:

os.path.join(dir_name, base_filename + "." + filename_suffix)

Keep in mind that os.path.join() exists only because different operating systems use different path separator characters. It smooths over that difference so cross-platform code doesn't have to be cluttered with special cases for each OS. There is no need to do this for file name "extensions" (see footnote) because they are always connected to the rest of the name with a dot character, on every OS.

If using a function anyway makes you feel better (and you like needlessly complicating your code), you can do this:

os.path.join(dir_name, '.'.join((base_filename, filename_suffix)))

If you prefer to keep your code clean, simply include the dot in the suffix:

suffix = '.pdf'
os.path.join(dir_name, base_filename + suffix)

That approach also happens to be compatible with the suffix conventions in pathlib, which was introduced in python 3.4 after this question was asked. New code that doesn't require backward compatibility can do this:

suffix = '.pdf'
pathlib.PurePath(dir_name, base_filename + suffix)

You might prefer the shorter Path instead of PurePath if you're only handling paths for the local OS.

Warning: Do not use pathlib's with_suffix() for this purpose. That method will corrupt base_filename if it ever contains a dot.

Footnote: Outside of Micorsoft operating systems, there is no such thing as a file name "extension". Its presence on Windows comes from MS-DOS and FAT, which borrowed it from CP/M, which has been dead for decades. That dot-plus-three-letters that many of us are accustomed to seeing is just part of the file name on every other modern OS, where it has no built-in meaning.

How to add subject alernative name to ssl certs?

When generating CSR is possible to specify -ext attribute again to have it inserted in the CSR

keytool -certreq -file test.csr -keystore test.jks -alias testAlias -ext

complete example here: How to create CSR with SANs using keytool

How should I use Outlook to send code snippets?

If you have notepad++ installed in your pc, then you can copy text as RTF (Rich Text Format) and paste it in your outlook mail.

1) Paste you code snippet into notepad++

2) From Menu bar navigate to "Plugins -> NppExport -> Copy RTF to clipboard"

3) Paste into your email

4) Done

What is com.sun.proxy.$Proxy

  1. Proxies are classes that are created and loaded at runtime. There is no source code for these classes. I know that you are wondering how you can make them do something if there is no code for them. The answer is that when you create them, you specify an object that implements InvocationHandler, which defines a method that is invoked when a proxy method is invoked.

  2. You create them by using the call

    Proxy.newProxyInstance(classLoader, interfaces, invocationHandler)

    The arguments are:

    1. classLoader. Once the class is generated, it is loaded with this class loader.
    2. interfaces. An array of class objects that must all be interfaces. The resulting proxy implements all of these interfaces.
    3. invocationHandler. This is how your proxy knows what to do when a method is invoked. It is an object that implements InvocationHandler. When a method from any of the supported interfaces, or hashCode, equals, or toString, is invoked, the method invoke is invoked on the handler, passing the Method object for the method to be invoked and the arguments passed.

    For more on this, see the documentation for the Proxy class.

  3. Every implementation of a JVM after version 1.3 must support these. They are loaded into the internal data structures of the JVM in an implementation-specific way, but it is guaranteed to work.

Move / Copy File Operations in Java

Not yet, but the New NIO (JSR 203) will have support for these common operations.

In the meantime, there are a few things to keep in mind.

File.renameTo generally works only on the same file system volume. I think of this as the equivalent to a "mv" command. Use it if you can, but for general copy and move support, you'll need to have a fallback.

When a rename doesn't work you will need to actually copy the file (deleting the original with File.delete if it's a "move" operation). To do this with the greatest efficiency, use the FileChannel.transferTo or FileChannel.transferFrom methods. The implementation is platform specific, but in general, when copying from one file to another, implementations avoid transporting data back and forth between kernel and user space, yielding a big boost in efficiency.

Difference between "and" and && in Ruby?

The Ruby Style Guide says it better than I could:

Use &&/|| for boolean expressions, and/or for control flow. (Rule of thumb: If you have to use outer parentheses, you are using the wrong operators.)

# boolean expression
if some_condition && some_other_condition

# control flow
document.saved? or!

VBA copy cells value and format

Instead of setting the value directly you can try using copy/paste, so instead of:

Worksheets(2).Cells(a, 15) = Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 3).Value

Try this:

Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 3).Copy
Worksheets(2).Cells(a, 15).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
Worksheets(2).Cells(a, 15).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

To just set the font to bold you can keep your existing assignment and add this:

If Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 3).Font.Bold = True Then
  Worksheets(2).Cells(a, 15).Font.Bold = True
End If

Using GSON to parse a JSON array

public static <T> List<T> toList(String json, Class<T> clazz) {
    if (null == json) {
        return null;
    Gson gson = new Gson();
    return gson.fromJson(json, new TypeToken<T>(){}.getType());

sample call:

List<Specifications> objects = GsonUtils.toList(products, Specifications.class);

jQuery remove selected option from this

$('#some_select_box option:selected').remove();

A url resource that is a dot (%2E)

It's actually not really clearly stated in the standard (RFC 3986) whether a percent-encoded version of . or .. is supposed to have the same this-folder/up-a-folder meaning as the unescaped version. Section 3.3 only talks about “The path segments . and ..”, without clarifying whether they match . and .. before or after pct-encoding.

Personally I find Firefox's interpretation that %2E does not mean . most practical, but unfortunately all the other browsers disagree. This would mean that you can't have a path component containing only . or ...

I think the only possible suggestion is “don't do that”! There are other path components that are troublesome too, typically due to server limitations: %2F, %00 and %5C sequences in paths may also be blocked by some web servers, and the empty path segment can also cause problems. So in general it's not possible to fit all possible byte sequences into a path component.

Regex to test if string begins with http:// or https://

Your use of [] is incorrect -- note that [] denotes a character class and will therefore only ever match one character. The expression [(http)(https)] translates to "match a (, an h, a t, a t, a p, a ), or an s." (Duplicate characters are ignored.)

Try this:


If you really want to use alternation, use this syntax instead:


How to insert current_timestamp into Postgres via python

from datetime import datetime as dt

then use this in your code:

cur.execute('INSERT INTO my_table (dt_col) VALUES (%s)', (,))

Component is not part of any NgModule or the module has not been imported into your module

I ran into this error message on 2 separate occasions, with lazy loading in Angular 7 and the above did not help. For both of the below to work you MUST stop and restart ng serve for it to completely update correctly.

1) First time I had somehow incorrectly imported my AppModule into the lazy loaded feature module. I removed this import from the lazy loaded module and it started working again.

2) Second time I had a separate CoreModule that I was importing into the AppModule AND same lazy loaded module as #1. I removed this import from the lazy loaded module and it started working again.

Basically, check your hierarchy of imports and pay close attention to the order of the imports (if they are imported where they should be). Lazy loaded modules only need their own route component / dependencies. App and parent dependencies will be passed down whether they are imported into AppModule, or imported from another feature module that is NOT-lazy loaded and already imported in a parent module.

Java: parse int value from a char

Try the following:

int x=str1.charAt(2)-'0';
//here x=4;

if u subtract by char '0', the ASCII value needs not to be known.

Java and SSL -

Try instead of the latter isn't mentioned in the JSSE ref guide.

The algorithms you mention should be there by default using the default security providers. NoSuchAlgorithmExceptions are often cause by other underlying exceptions (file not found, wrong password, wrong keystore type, ...). It's useful to look at the full stack trace.

You could also use, or at least,keymanager, to get more debugging information, if the information in the stack trace isn't sufficient.

Why "Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1." for XML Document?

I can give you two advices:

  1. It seems you are using "LoadXml" instead of "Load" method. In some cases, it helps me.
  2. You have an encoding problem. Could you check the encoding of the XML file and write it?

Running a cron every 30 seconds

Currently i'm using the below method. Works with no issues.

* * * * * /bin/bash -c ' for i in {1..X}; do YOUR_COMMANDS ; sleep Y ; done '

If you want to run every N seconds then X will be 60/N and Y will be N.

How do I add an element to array in reducer of React native redux?

If you need to insert into a specific position in the array, you can do this:

case ADD_ITEM :
    return { 
        arr: [
            ...state.arr.slice(0, action.pos),

Difference between dict.clear() and assigning {} in Python

Mutating methods are always useful if the original object is not in scope:

def fun(d):
    d["b"] = 2

d={"a": 2}
d          # {'b': 2}

Re-assigning the dictionary would create a new object and wouldn't modify the original one.

Split string and get first value only

These are the two options I managed to build, not having the luxury of working with var type, nor with additional variables on the line:

string f = "aS.".Substring(0, "aS.".IndexOf("S"));

string s = "aS.".Split("S".ToCharArray(),StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0];

This is what it gets:

enter image description here

Negative matching using grep (match lines that do not contain foo)

grep -v is your friend:

grep --help | grep invert  

-v, --invert-match select non-matching lines

Also check out the related -L (the complement of -l).

-L, --files-without-match only print FILE names containing no match

Python 'list indices must be integers, not tuple"

To create list of lists, you need to separate them with commas, like this

coin_args = [
    ["pennies", '2.5', '50.0', '.01'],
    ["nickles", '5.0', '40.0', '.05'],
    ["dimes", '2.268', '50.0', '.1'],
    ["quarters", '5.67', '40.0', '.25']

Import pfx file into particular certificate store from command line

For Windows 10:

Import certificate to Trusted Root Certification Authorities for Current User:

certutil -f -user -p oracle -importpfx root "example.pfx"

Import certificate to Trusted People for Current User:

certutil -f -user -p oracle -importpfx TrustedPeople "example.pfx"

Import certificate to Trusted Root Certification Authorities on Local Machine:

certutil -f -user -p oracle -enterprise -importpfx root "example.pfx"

Import certificate to Trusted People on Local Machine:

certutil -f -user -p oracle -enterprise -importpfx TrustedPeople "example.pfx"

How to fix 'Object arrays cannot be loaded when allow_pickle=False' for imdb.load_data() function?

The error also can occur if you try to save a python list of numpy arrays with and load with np.load. I am only saying it for the sake of googler's to check out that this is not the issue. Also using allow_pickle=True fixed the issue if a list is indeed what you meant to save and load.

How do I parse JSON with Ruby on Rails?

Here is an update for 2013.


Ruby 1.9 has a default JSON gem with C extensions. You can use it with

require 'json'
JSON.parse ''{ "x": "y" }'
# => {"x"=>"y"}

The parse! variant can be used for safe sources. There are also other gems, which may be faster than the default implementation. Please refer to multi_json for the list.


Modern versions of Rails use multi_json, a gem that automatically uses the fastest JSON gem available. Thus, the recommended way is to use

object = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode json_string

Please refer to ActiveSupport::JSON for more information. In particular, the important line in the method source is

data = MultiJson.load(json, options)

Then in your Gemfile, include the gems you want to use. For example,

group :production do
  gem 'oj'

Detect click outside element

I use this code:

show-hide button

 <a @click.stop="visualSwitch()"> show hide </a>

show-hide element

<div class="dialog-popup" v-if="visualState" @click.stop=""></div>


data () { return {
    visualState: false,
methods: {
    visualSwitch() {
        this.visualState = !this.visualState;
        if (this.visualState)
            document.addEventListener('click', this.visualState);
            document.removeEventListener('click', this.visualState);

Update: remove watch; add stop propagation

How to register multiple servlets in web.xml in one Spring application

I know this is a bit old but the answer in short would be <load-on-startup> both occurrences have given the same id which is 1 twice. This may confuse loading sequence.

MaxJsonLength exception in ASP.NET MVC during JavaScriptSerializer

You can put this code in cshtml if you are returning view from controller and you want to increase the length of view bag data while encoding in json in cshtml

    var jss = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();
    jss.MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue;
    var userInfoJson = jss.Serialize(ViewBag.ActionObj);

var dataJsonOnActionGrid1 = @Html.Raw(userInfoJson);

Now, dataJsonOnActionGrid1 will be accesible on js page and you will get proper result.


CSS selector for disabled input type="submit"

I used @jensgram solution to hide a div that contains a disabled input. So I hide the entire parent of the input.

Here is the code :

div:has(>input[disabled=disabled]) {
    display: none;

Maybe it could help some of you.

Add new column in Pandas DataFrame Python

The easiest way that I found for adding a column to a DataFrame was to use the "add" function. Here's a snippet of code, also with the output to a CSV file. Note that including the "columns" argument allows you to set the name of the column (which happens to be the same as the name of the np.array that I used as the source of the data).

#  now to create a PANDAS data frame
df = pd.DataFrame(data = FF_maxRSSBasal, columns=['FF_maxRSSBasal'])
# from here on, we use the trick of creating a new dataframe and then "add"ing it
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data = FF_maxRSSPrism, columns=['FF_maxRSSPrism'])
df = df.add( df2, fill_value=0 )
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data = FF_maxRSSPyramidal, columns=['FF_maxRSSPyramidal'])
df = df.add( df2, fill_value=0 )
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data = deltaFF_strainE22, columns=['deltaFF_strainE22'])
df = df.add( df2, fill_value=0 )
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data = scaled, columns=['scaled'])
df = df.add( df2, fill_value=0 )
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data = deltaFF_orientation, columns=['deltaFF_orientation'])
df = df.add( df2, fill_value=0 )

How to add an onchange event to a select box via javascript?

Here's another way of attaching the event based on W3C DOM Level 2 Events Specification:

     function() { toggleSelect(; },

How to get terminal's Character Encoding

locale command with no arguments will print the values of all of the relevant environment variables except for LANGUAGE.

For current encoding:

locale charmap

For available locales:

locale -a

For available encodings:

locale -m

Nesting queries in SQL

You need to join the two tables and then filter the result in where clause:

SELECT as country, country.headofstate 
from country
inner join city on =
where city.population > 100000
and country.headofstate like 'A%'

There is an error in XML document (1, 41)

In my case I had a float value expected where xml had a null value so be sure to search for float and int data type in your xsd map

Getting an attribute value in xml element

I think I got it. I have to use org.w3c.dom.Element explicitly. I had a different Element field too.

Checking on a thread / remove from list

The answer has been covered, but for simplicity...

# To filter out finished threads
threads = [t for t in threads if t.is_alive()]

# Same thing but for QThreads (if you are using PyQt)
threads = [t for t in threads if t.isRunning()]

Selecting last element in JavaScript array

This worked:


Why is jquery's .ajax() method not sending my session cookie?

If you are developing on localhost or a port on localhost such as localhost:8080, in addition to the steps described in the answers above, you also need to ensure that you are not passing a domain value in the Set-Cookie header.
You cannot set the domain to localhost in the Set-Cookie header - that's incorrect - just omit the domain.

See Cookies on localhost with explicit domain and Why won't create cookies in localhost?

How to make layout with rounded corners..?

I think a better way to do it is to merge 2 things:

  1. make a bitmap of the layout, as shown here.

  2. make a rounded drawable from the bitmap, as shown here

  3. set the drawable on an imageView.

This will handle cases that other solutions have failed to solve, such as having content that has corners.

I think it's also a bit more GPU-friendly, as it shows a single layer instead of 2 .

The only better way is to make a totally customized view, but that's a lot of code and might take a lot of time. I think that what I suggested here is the best of both worlds.

Here's a snippet of how it can be done:

 * shows a bitmap as if it had rounded corners. based on :
 * easy alternative from support library: RoundedBitmapDrawableFactory.create( ...) ; 
public class RoundedCornersDrawable extends BitmapDrawable {

    private final BitmapShader bitmapShader;
    private final Paint p;
    private final RectF rect;
    private final float borderRadius;

    public RoundedCornersDrawable(final Resources resources, final Bitmap bitmap, final float borderRadius) {
        super(resources, bitmap);
        bitmapShader = new BitmapShader(getBitmap(), Shader.TileMode.CLAMP, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP);
        final Bitmap b = getBitmap();
        p = getPaint();
        final int w = b.getWidth(), h = b.getHeight();
        rect = new RectF(0, 0, w, h);
        this.borderRadius = borderRadius < 0 ? 0.15f * Math.min(w, h) : borderRadius;

    public void draw(final Canvas canvas) {
        canvas.drawRoundRect(rect, borderRadius, borderRadius, p);

public class CustomView extends ImageView {
    private View mMainContainer;
    private boolean mIsDirty=false;

    // TODO for each change of views/content, set mIsDirty to true and call invalidate

    protected void onDraw(final Canvas canvas) {
        if (mIsDirty) {
            mIsDirty = false;

     * draws the view's content to a bitmap. code based on :
    public static Bitmap drawToBitmap(final View viewToDrawFrom, final int width, final int height) {
        // Create a new bitmap and a new canvas using that bitmap
        final Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bmp);
        // Supply measurements
        viewToDrawFrom.measure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(canvas.getWidth(), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY),
                MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(canvas.getHeight(), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY));
        // Apply the measures so the layout would resize before drawing.
        viewToDrawFrom.layout(0, 0, viewToDrawFrom.getMeasuredWidth(), viewToDrawFrom.getMeasuredHeight());
        // and now the bmp object will actually contain the requested layout
        canvas.drawBitmap(viewToDrawFrom.getDrawingCache(), 0, 0, new Paint());
        return bmp;

    private void drawContent() {
        if (getMeasuredWidth() <= 0 || getMeasuredHeight() <= 0)
        final Bitmap bitmap = drawToBitmap(mMainContainer, getMeasuredWidth(), getMeasuredHeight());
        final RoundedCornersDrawable drawable = new RoundedCornersDrawable(getResources(), bitmap, 15);


EDIT: found a nice alternative, based on "RoundKornersLayouts" library. Have a class that will be used for all of the layout classes you wish to extend, to be rounded:

//based on
class CanvasRounder(cornerRadius: Float, cornerStrokeColor: Int = 0, cornerStrokeWidth: Float = 0F) {
    private val path =
    private lateinit var rectF: RectF
    private var strokePaint: Paint?
    var cornerRadius: Float = cornerRadius
        set(value) {
            field = value

    init {
        if (cornerStrokeWidth <= 0)
            strokePaint = null
        else {
            strokePaint = Paint()
            strokePaint!!.style = Paint.Style.STROKE
            strokePaint!!.isAntiAlias = true
            strokePaint!!.color = cornerStrokeColor
            strokePaint!!.strokeWidth = cornerStrokeWidth

    fun round(canvas: Canvas, drawFunction: (Canvas) -> Unit) {
        val save =
        if (strokePaint != null)
            canvas.drawRoundRect(rectF, cornerRadius, cornerRadius, strokePaint)

    fun updateSize(currentWidth: Int, currentHeight: Int) {
        rectF =, 0f, currentWidth.toFloat(), currentHeight.toFloat())

    private fun resetPath() {
        path.addRoundRect(rectF, cornerRadius, cornerRadius, Path.Direction.CW)


Then, in each of your customized layout classes, add code similar to this one:

class RoundedConstraintLayout : ConstraintLayout {
    private lateinit var canvasRounder: CanvasRounder

    constructor(context: Context) : super(context) {
        init(context, null, 0)

    constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet) : super(context, attrs) {
        init(context, attrs, 0)

    constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet, defStyle: Int) : super(context, attrs, defStyle) {
        init(context, attrs, defStyle)

    private fun init(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?, defStyle: Int) {
        val array = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.RoundedCornersView, 0, 0)
        val cornerRadius = array.getDimension(R.styleable.RoundedCornersView_corner_radius, 0f)
        val cornerStrokeColor = array.getColor(R.styleable.RoundedCornersView_corner_stroke_color, 0)
        val cornerStrokeWidth = array.getDimension(R.styleable.RoundedCornersView_corner_stroke_width, 0f)
        canvasRounder = CanvasRounder(cornerRadius,cornerStrokeColor,cornerStrokeWidth)
            setLayerType(FrameLayout.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null)

    override fun onSizeChanged(currentWidth: Int, currentHeight: Int, oldWidth: Int, oldheight: Int) {
        super.onSizeChanged(currentWidth, currentHeight, oldWidth, oldheight)
        canvasRounder.updateSize(currentWidth, currentHeight)

    override fun draw(canvas: Canvas) = canvasRounder.round(canvas) { super.draw(canvas) }

    override fun dispatchDraw(canvas: Canvas) = canvasRounder.round(canvas) { super.dispatchDraw(canvas) }


If you wish to support attributes, use this as written on the library:

  <declare-styleable name="RoundedCornersView">
      <attr name="corner_radius" format="dimension"/>
      <attr name="corner_stroke_width" format="dimension"/>
      <attr name="corner_stroke_color" format="color"/>

Another alternative, which might be easier for most uses: use MaterialCardView . It allows customizing the rounded corners, stroke color and width, and elevation.


    xmlns:android="" xmlns:app=""
    xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="match_parent"
    android:layout_height="match_parent" android:clipChildren="false" android:clipToPadding="false"

        android:layout_width="100dp" android:layout_height="100dp" android:layout_gravity="center"
        app:cardCornerRadius="8dp" app:cardElevation="8dp" app:strokeColor="#f00" app:strokeWidth="2dp">

            android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:background="#0f0"/>



And the result:

enter image description here

Do note that there is a slight artifacts issue at the edges of the stroke (leaves some pixels of the content there), if you use it. You can notice it if you zoom in. I've reported about this issue here.

EDIT: seems to be fixed, but not on the IDE. Reported here.

How to call webmethod in C#

Necro'ing this Question ;)

You need to change the data being sent as Stringified JSON, that way you can modularize the Ajax call into a single supportable function.

First Step: Extract data construction

 * This helper is used to call WebMethods from the page WebMethods.aspx
 * @method - String value; the name of the Web Method to execute
 * @data - JSON Object; the JSON structure data to pass, it will be Stringified
 *      before sending
 * @beforeSend - Function(xhr, sett)
 * @success - Function(data, status, xhr)
 * @error - Function(xhr, status, err)
function AddToCartAjax(method, data, beforeSend, success, error) {
        url: 'AddToCart.aspx/', + method,
        data: JSON.stringify(data),
        type: "POST",
        dataType: "json",
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        beforeSend: beforeSend,
        success: success,
        error: error

Second Step: Generalize WebMethod

public static string AddTo_Cart ( object items ) {
    var js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
    var json = js.ConvertToType<Dictionary<string , int>>( items );

    SpiritsShared.ShoppingCart.AddItem(json["itemId"], json["quantity"]);      
    return "Add";

Third Step: Call it where you need it

This can be called just about anywhere, JS-file, HTML-file, or Server-side construction.

var items = { "quantity": total_qty, "itemId": itemId };

AddToCartAjax("AddTo_Cart", items,
    function (xhr, sett) {  // @beforeSend
    }, function (data, status, xhr) {   // @success
    }, function(xhr, status, err){  // @error

Copy-item Files in Folders and subfolders in the same directory structure of source server using PowerShell

This can be done just using Copy-Item. No need to use Get-Childitem. I think you are just overthinking it.

Copy-Item -Path C:\MyFolder -Destination \\Server\MyFolder -recurse -Force

I just tested it and it worked for me.

edit: included suggestion from the comments

# Add wildcard to source folder to ensure consistent behavior
Copy-Item -Path $sourceFolder\* -Destination $targetFolder -Recurse

Can I run a 64-bit VMware image on a 32-bit machine?

It boils down to whether the CPU in your machine has the the VT bit (Virtualization), and the BIOS enables you to turn it on. For instance, my laptop is a Core 2 Duo which is capable of using this. However, my BIOS doesn't enable me to turn it on.

Note that I've read that turning on this feature can slow normal operations down by 10-12%, which is why it's normally turned off.

How do I get hour and minutes from NSDate?

Use an NSDateFormatter to convert string1 into an NSDate, then get the required NSDateComponents:


NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:@"<your date format goes here"];
NSDate *date = [dateFormatter dateFromString:string1];
NSCalendar *calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [calendar components:(NSCalendarUnitHour | NSCalendarUnitMinute) fromDate:date];
NSInteger hour = [components hour];
NSInteger minute = [components minute];

Swift 1 and 2:

let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "Your date Format"
let date = dateFormatter.dateFromString(string1)
let calendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar()
let comp = calendar.components([.Hour, .Minute], fromDate: date)
let hour = comp.hour
let minute = comp.minute

Swift 3:

let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "Your date Format"
let date = string1)
let calendar = Calendar.current
let comp = calendar.dateComponents([.hour, .minute], from: date)
let hour = comp.hour
let minute = comp.minute

More about the dateformat is on the official unicode site

Excel vba - convert string to number

If, for example, x = 5 and is stored as string, you can also just:

x = x + 0

and the new x would be stored as a numeric value.

Visual Studio Code compile on save

If you want to avoid having to use CTRL+SHIFT+B and instead want this to occur any time you save a file, you can bind the command to the same short-cut as the save action:

        "key": "ctrl+s",          
        "command": "" 

This goes in your keybindings.json - (head to this using File -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts).

Bulk package updates using Conda

Before you proceed to conda update --all command, first update conda with conda update conda command if you haven't update it for a long time. It happent to me (Python 2.7.13 on Anaconda 64 bits).

Mac zip compress without __MACOSX folder?

This is how i avoid the __MACOSX directory when compress files with tar command:

$ cd dir-you-want-to-archive $ find . | xargs xattr -l # <- list all files with special xattr attributes ... ./conf/clamav: 0083;5a9018b1;Safari;9DCAFF33-C7F5-4848-9A87-5E061E5E2D55 ./conf/global: 0083;5a9018b1;Safari;9DCAFF33-C7F5-4848-9A87-5E061E5E2D55 ./conf/web_server: 0083;5a9018b1;Safari;9DCAFF33-C7F5-4848-9A87-5E061E5E2D55

Delete the attribute first:

find . | xargs xattr -d

Run find . | xargs xattr -l again, make sure no any file has the xattr attribute. then you're good to go:

tar cjvf file.tar.bz2 dir

What could cause an error related to npm not being able to find a file? No contents in my node_modules subfolder. Why is that?

I had the SAME issue today and it was driving me nuts!!! What I had done was upgrade to node 8.10 and upgrade my NPM to the latest I uninstalled angular CLI

npm uninstall -g angular-cli
npm uninstall --save-dev angular-cli

I then verified my Cache from NPM if it wasn't up to date I cleaned it and ran the install again if npm version is < 5 then use npm cache clean --force

npm install -g @angular/cli@latest

and created a new project file and create a new angular project.

Angular: How to download a file from HttpClient?

After spending much time searching for a response to this answer: how to download a simple image from my API restful server written in Node.js into an Angular component app, I finally found a beautiful answer in this web Angular HttpClient Blob. Essentially it consist on:

API Node.js restful:

   /* After routing the path you want ..*/
  public getImage( req: Request, res: Response) {

    // Check if file exist...
    if (!req.params.file) {
      return res.status(httpStatus.badRequest).json({
        ok: false,
        msg: 'File param not found.'
    const absfile = path.join(STORE_ROOT_DIR,IMAGES_DIR, req.params.file);

    if (!fs.existsSync(absfile)) {
      return res.status(httpStatus.badRequest).json({
        ok: false,
        msg: 'File name not found on server.'

Angular 6 tested component service (EmployeeService on my case):

  downloadPhoto( name: string) : Observable<Blob> {
    const url = environment.api_url + '/storer/employee/image/' + name;

    return this.http.get(url, { responseType: 'blob' })
        takeWhile( () => this.alive),
        filter ( image => !!image));


 <img [src]="" class="custom-photo" #photo>

Component subscriber and use:

@ViewChild('photo') image: ElementRef;

public LoadPhoto( name: string) {
          .subscribe( image => {
            const url= window.URL.createObjectURL(image);
            this.image.nativeElement.src= url;
          }, error => {
            console.log('error downloading: ', error);

Converting java date to Sql timestamp

I suggest using DateUtils from apache.commons library.

long millis = DateUtils.truncate(utilDate, Calendar.MILLISECOND).getTime();
java.sql.Timestamp sq = new java.sql.Timestamp(millis );

Edit: Fixed Calendar.MILISECOND to Calendar.MILLISECOND

Convert datetime value into string

Try this:

  • 10 char on date field based on full date yyyy-MM-dd.

  • 8 char on time field based on full time hh:mm:ss.

It depends on the format you want it. normally you can use script above and you can concat another field or string as you want it.

Because actually date and time field tread as string if you read it. But of course you will got error while update or insert it.

Commenting in a Bash script inside a multiline command

As DigitalRoss pointed out, the trailing backslash is not necessary when the line woud end in |. And you can put comments on a line following a |:

 cat ${MYSQLDUMP} |         # Output MYSQLDUMP file
 sed '1d' |                 # skip the top line
 tr ",;" "\n" | 
 sed -e 's/[asbi]:[0-9]*[:]*//g' -e '/^[{}]/d' -e 's/""//g' -e '/^"{/d' |
 sed -n -e '/^"/p' -e '/^print_value$/,/^option_id$/p' |
 sed -e '/^option_id/d' -e '/^print_value/d' -e 's/^"\(.*\)"$/\1/' |
 tr "\n" "," |
 sed -e 's/,\([0-9]*-[0-9]*-[0-9]*\)/\n\1/g' -e 's/,$//' |   # hate phone numbers
 sed -e 's/^/"/g' -e 's/$/"/g' -e 's/,/","/g' >> ${CSV}

ORA-12528: TNS Listener: all appropriate instances are blocking new connections. Instance "CLRExtProc", status UNKNOWN

I had this error message with boot2docker on windows with the docker-oracle-xe-11g image (

The reason was that the virtual box disk was full (check with boot2docker.exe ssh df). Deleting old images and restarting the container solved the problem.

How to use ADB Shell when Multiple Devices are connected? Fails with "error: more than one device and emulator"

Here's a shell script I made for myself:

#! /bin/sh

for device in `adb devices | awk '{print $1}'`; do
  if [ ! "$device" = "" ] && [ ! "$device" = "List" ]
    echo " "
    echo "adb -s $device $@"
    echo "------------------------------------------------------"
    adb -s $device $@

Disable Buttons in jQuery Mobile

Based on my findings...

This Javascript error occurs when you execute button() on an element with a selector and try to use a function/method of button() with a different selector on the same element.

For example, here is the HTML:

<input type="submit" name="continue" id="mybuttonid" class="mybuttonclass" value="Continue" />

So you execute button() on it:

jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('.mybuttonclass').button(); });

Then you try to disable it, this time not using the class as you initiated it but rather using the ID, then you'll get the error as this thread is titled:

jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#mybuttonid').button('option', 'disabled', true); });

So rather use the class again as you initiated it, that'll resolve the problem.

Jmeter - Run .jmx file through command line and get the summary report in a excel

Navigate to the jmeter/bin directory from command line and

jmeter -n -t <YourTestScript.jmx> -l <TestScriptsResults.jtl>

Eliminate space before \begin{itemize}

Use \vspace{-\topsep} before \begin{itemize}.

Use \setlength{\parskip}{0pt} \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt plus 1pt} after \begin{itemize}.

And for the space after the list, use \vspace{-\topsep} after \end{itemize}.

  \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt plus 1pt}
  \item ...
  \item ...

ESRI : Failed to parse source map

While the chosen answer is a good answer to hide the error, it doesn't make the error go away, it's just that you can't see it in the inspector. The other way would be to download the missing map file and put it in the assets/lib directory. So, for example, I was missing file and I went here (to the correct version of angular) and downloaded the missing file. The error didn't disappear right away, possibly because of caching, but once I went to the actual file in the browser it worked. http://sitename.localhost/assets/lib/ Now the inspector no longer displays the error even with source maps enabled.

how do you insert null values into sql server


Changing website favicon dynamically

I would use Greg's approach and make a custom handler for favicon.ico Here is a (simplified) handler that works:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Web;

namespace FaviconOverrider
    public class IcoHandler : IHttpHandler
    public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
        context.Response.ContentType = "image/x-icon";
        byte[] imageData = imageToByteArray(context.Server.MapPath("/ear.ico"));

    public bool IsReusable
        get { return true; }

    public byte[] imageToByteArray(string imagePath)
        byte[] imageByteArray;
        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(imagePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
        imageByteArray = new byte[fs.Length];
        fs.Read(imageByteArray, 0, imageByteArray.Length);

        return imageByteArray;

Then you can use that handler in the httpHandlers section of the web config in IIS6 or use the 'Handler Mappings' feature in IIS7.

Trigger change event <select> using jquery

You can try below code to solve your problem:

By default, first option select: jQuery('.select').find('option')[0].selected=true;

Thanks, Ketan T

How to Allow Remote Access to PostgreSQL database

After set listen_addresses = '*' in postgresql.conf

Edit the pg_hba.conf file and add the following entry at the very end of file:

host    all             all                           md5
host    all             all              ::/0                            md5

For finding the config files this link might help you.

Create a zip file and download it

// http headers for zip downloads
header("Pragma: public");
header("Expires: 0");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
header("Cache-Control: public");
header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$filename."\"");
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
header("Content-Length: ".filesize($filepath.$filename));

I found this soludtion here and it work for me

How to get MD5 sum of a string using python?

Try This 
import hashlib
user = input("Enter text here ")
h = hashlib.md5(user.encode())
h2 = h.hexdigest()

Eclipse Error: "Failed to connect to remote VM"

I've encountered like this in Hybris.

  1. Check your port in Resource Monitor > Network. Check if other service is using your port.

1.2 If yes, then you need to change your properties in

1.3 Change your address, any available address. In my case, I changed from 8000 to 8080. then save.

java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=8080,suspend=n yourServer
  1. In your console, rebuild your ant using command 'ant all'

  2. Then debug again, using the command 'hybrisserver.bat debug'

How can I determine the current CPU utilization from the shell?

You need to sample the load average for several seconds and calculate the CPU utilization from that. If unsure what to you, get the sources of "top" and read it.

Gradle Build Android Project "Could not resolve all dependencies" error

Try to turn off your firewall, it works for me. It seems that android studio wants to download some dependencies and our firewall prevents it from downloading it, just be aware that turning your firewall off may lower the security of your computer. If you have more time you can manually allow your android studio to bypass your firewall, this way you can turn on your firewall while allowing android studio to download anything that it wants.

Delete all rows in a table based on another table

This will delete all rows in Table1 that match the criteria:

DELETE Table1 
FROM Table2 
WHERE Table1.JoinColumn = Table2.JoinColumn And Table1.SomeStuff = 'SomeStuff'

How to indent a few lines in Markdown markup?

Please use hard (non-breaking) spaces

Why use another markup language? (I Agree with @c z above).
One goal of Markdown is to make the documents readable even in a plain text editor.

Same result two approaches

The code

Sample code
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5th position in an really ugly code  
    5th position in a clear an readable code  
    Again using non-breaking spaces :)

The result

Sample code
    5th position in an really ugly code
    5th position in a clear an readable code
    Again using non-breaking spaces :)

The visual representation of a non-breaking space (or hard space) is usually a normal space " ", however, its Unicode representation is U+00A0.
The Unicode representation of the ordinary space is U+0020 (32 in the ASCII Table).
Thus, text processors may behave differently while the visual representation remains the same.

Insert a hard space

| OS        | Input method                      |
|===========| ==================================|
| macOS     | OPTION+SPACE (ALT+SPACE)          |
| Linux     | Compose Space Space or AltGr+Space|
| Windows   | Alt+0+1+6+0                       |

Some text editor use Ctrl+Shift+Space.


Some text editors can convert hard spaces to common spaces in copying and pasting operations, so be careful.

Validation of radio button group using jQuery validation plugin

With newer releases of jquery (1.3+ I think), all you have to do is set one of the members of the radio set to be required and jquery will take care of the rest:

<input type="radio" name="myoptions" value="blue" class="required"> Blue<br />
<input type="radio" name="myoptions" value="red"> Red<br />
<input type="radio" name="myoptions" value="green"> Green

The above would require at least 1 of the 3 radio options w/ the name of "my options" to be selected before proceeding.

The label suggestion by Mahes, btw, works wonderfully!

Calling a rest api with username and password - how to

You can also use the RestSharp library for example

var userName = "myuser";
var password = "mypassword";
var host = "";
var client = new RestClient("https://" + host + "/method1");            
client.Authenticator = new HttpBasicAuthenticator(userName, password);            
var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST); 
request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json");
request.AddHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");            
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);

Removing credits link

credits : null

also works to disable the credits

How to print strings with line breaks in java

Use String buffer.

  final StringBuffer mText = new StringBuffer("SHOP MA\n"
        + "----------------------------\n"
        + "Pannampitiya\n"
        + "09-10-2012 harsha  no: 001\n"
        + "No  Item  Qty  Price  Amount\n"
        + "1 Bread 1 50.00  50.00\n"
        + "____________________________\n");

Extract code country from phone number [libphonenumber]

Use a try catch block like below:

try { 

const phoneNumber = this.phoneUtil.parseAndKeepRawInput(value, this.countryCode);


Hide Show content-list with only CSS, no javascript used

I used a hidden checkbox to persistent view of some message. The checkbox could be hidden (display:none) or not. This is a tiny code that I could write.

You can see and test the demo on JSFiddle


<input type=checkbox id="show">
<label for="show">Help?</label>
<span id="content">Do you need some help?</span>



Run code snippet:

<input id="show" type=checkbox>_x000D_
<label for="show">Click for Help</label>_x000D_
<span  id="content">Do you need some help?</span>

SQL count rows in a table

The index statistics likely need to be current, but this will return the number of rows for all tables that are not MS_SHIPPED.

select, i.rowcnt 
from sys.objects o join sys.sysindexes i 
on o.object_id =
where o.is_ms_shipped = 0
and i.rowcnt > 0
order by

What is an attribute in Java?

Attribute is a synonym of field for array.length

What is a None value?

This is what the Python documentation has got to say about None:

The sole value of types.NoneType. None is frequently used to represent the absence of a value, as when default arguments are not passed to a function.

Changed in version 2.4: Assignments to None are illegal and raise a SyntaxError.

Note The names None and debug cannot be reassigned (assignments to them, even as an attribute name, raise SyntaxError), so they can be considered “true” constants.

  1. Let's confirm the type of None first

    print type(None)
    print None.__class__


    <type 'NoneType'>
    <type 'NoneType'>

Basically, NoneType is a data type just like int, float, etc. You can check out the list of default types available in Python in 8.15. types — Names for built-in types.

  1. And, None is an instance of NoneType class. So we might want to create instances of None ourselves. Let's try that

    print types.IntType()
    print types.NoneType()


    TypeError: cannot create 'NoneType' instances

So clearly, cannot create NoneType instances. We don't have to worry about the uniqueness of the value None.

  1. Let's check how we have implemented None internally.

    print dir(None)


    ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__getattribute__', 
     '__hash__', '__init__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__',
     '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__']

Except __setattr__, all others are read-only attributes. So, there is no way we can alter the attributes of None.

  1. Let's try and add new attributes to None

    setattr(types.NoneType, 'somefield', 'somevalue')
    setattr(None, 'somefield', 'somevalue')
    None.somefield = 'somevalue'


    TypeError: can't set attributes of built-in/extension type 'NoneType'
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'somefield'
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'somefield'

The above seen statements produce these error messages, respectively. It means that, we cannot create attributes dynamically on a None instance.

  1. Let us check what happens when we assign something None. As per the documentation, it should throw a SyntaxError. It means, if we assign something to None, the program will not be executed at all.

    None = 1


    SyntaxError: cannot assign to None

We have established that

  1. None is an instance of NoneType
  2. None cannot have new attributes
  3. Existing attributes of None cannot be changed.
  4. We cannot create other instances of NoneType
  5. We cannot even change the reference to None by assigning values to it.

So, as mentioned in the documentation, None can really be considered as a true constant.

Happy knowing None :)

HTML+CSS: How to force div contents to stay in one line?

div {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row; 

was the solution that worked for me. In some cases with div-lists this is needed.

some alternative direction values are row-reverse, column, column-reverse, unset, initial, inherit which do the things you expect them to do

wampserver doesn't go green - stays orange

the cause could be a variety of reasons. It might not show up in the log files. I had the case where the log showed Apache started, then all threads shut down, and absolutely no explanation why. Here's a tip for solving this problem everybody seems to have missed. The log file should show the full command line used to start apache, something like:

httpd -d C:/wamp/bin/apache/apache2.4.9

Do this: open a cmd window, cd to the apache bin directory, and run the command manually:

c:\> cd C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\bin
C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\bin> httpd -d C:/wamp/bin/apache/apache2.4.9

It blurted out the error stright away; problem solved in 5 minutes:

AH00526: Syntax error on line 609 of C:/wamp/bin/apache/apache2.4.9/conf/httpd.conf:
CustomLog takes two or three arguments, a file name, a custom log format string or format name, and an optional "env=" or "expr=" clause (see docs)

this happened due to a syntax error I put in 'httpd.conf' while trying to make my wampserver multi-homed. But why didn't the apache people write this in the log file?

How to plot data from multiple two column text files with legends in Matplotlib?

Assume your file looks like this and is named test.txt (space delimited):

1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8



import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

with open("test.txt") as f:
    data =

data = data.split('\n')

x = [row.split(' ')[0] for row in data]
y = [row.split(' ')[1] for row in data]

fig = plt.figure()

ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)

ax1.set_title("Plot title...")    
ax1.set_xlabel('your x label..')
ax1.set_ylabel('your y label...')

ax1.plot(x,y, c='r', label='the data')

leg = ax1.legend()

Example plot:

I find that browsing the gallery of plots on the matplotlib site helpful for figuring out legends and axes labels.

gson throws MalformedJsonException

From my recent experience, JsonReader#setLenient basically makes the parser very tolerant, even to allow malformed JSON data.

But for certain data retrieved from your trusted RESTful API(s), this error might be caused by trailing white spaces. In such cases, simply trim the data would avoid the error:

String trimmed = result1.trim();

Then gson.fromJson(trimmed, T) might work. Surely this only covers a special case, so YMMV.

Python: How to convert datetime format?

@Tim's answer only does half the work -- that gets it into a datetime.datetime object.

To get it into the string format you require, you use datetime.strftime:

print(datetime.strftime('%b %d,%Y'))

Flushing footer to bottom of the page, twitter bootstrap

Keep it simple.

footer {
  bottom: 0;
  position: absolute;

You may need to also offset the height of the footer by adding a margin-bottom equivalent to the footer height to the body.

How to manually install a pypi module without pip/easy_install?

Even though Sheena's answer does the job, pip doesn't stop just there.

From Sheena's answer:

  1. Download the package
  2. unzip it if it is zipped
  3. cd into the directory containing
  4. If there are any installation instructions contained in documentation contained herein, read and follow the instructions OTHERWISE
  5. type in python install

At the end of this, you'll end up with a .egg file in site-packages. As a user, this shouldn't bother you. You can import and uninstall the package normally. However, if you want to do it the pip way, you can continue the following steps.

In the site-packages directory,

  1. unzip <.egg file>
  2. rename the EGG-INFO directory as <pkg>-<version>.dist-info
  3. Now you'll see a separate directory with the package name, <pkg-directory>
  4. find <pkg-directory> > <pkg>-<version>.dist-info/RECORD
  5. find <pkg>-<version>.dist-info >> <pkg>-<version>.dist-info/RECORD. The >> is to prevent overwrite.

Now, looking at the site-packages directory, you'll never realize you installed without pip. To uninstall, just do the usual pip uninstall <pkg>.

unary operator expected in shell script when comparing null value with string

Why all people want to use '==' instead of simple '=' ? It is bad habit! It used only in [[ ]] expression. And in (( )) too. But you may use just = too! It work well in any case. If you use numbers, not strings use not parcing to strings and then compare like strings but compare numbers. like that

let -i i=5 # garantee that i is nubmber
test $i -eq 5 && echo "$i is equal 5" || echo "$i not equal 5"

It's match better and quicker. I'm expert in C/C++, Java, JavaScript. But if I use bash i never use '==' instead '='. Why you do so?

How to create XML file with specific structure in Java

There is no need for any External libraries, the JRE System libraries provide all you need.

I am infering that you have a org.w3c.dom.Document object you would like to write to a file

To do that, you use a javax.xml.transform.Transformer:

import org.w3c.dom.Document
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; 

public class XMLWriter {
    public static void writeDocumentToFile(Document document, File file) {

        // Make a transformer factory to create the Transformer
        TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();

        // Make the Transformer
        Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer();

        // Mark the document as a DOM (XML) source
        DOMSource source = new DOMSource(document);

        // Say where we want the XML to go
        StreamResult result = new StreamResult(file);

        // Write the XML to file
        transformer.transform(source, result);


Display an array in a readable/hierarchical format

This may be a simpler solution:

echo implode('<br>', $data[0]);

Setting POST variable without using form

you can do it using ajax or by sending http headers+content like:

POST /xyz.php HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 27
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


SQL keys, MUL vs PRI vs UNI

Walkthough on what is MUL, PRI and UNI in MySQL?

From the MySQL 5.7 documentation:

  • If Key is PRI, the column is a PRIMARY KEY or is one of the columns in a multiple-column PRIMARY KEY.
  • If Key is UNI, the column is the first column of a UNIQUE index. (A UNIQUE index permits multiple NULL values, but you can tell whether the column permits NULL by checking the Null field.)
  • If Key is MUL, the column is the first column of a nonunique index in which multiple occurrences of a given value are permitted within the column.

Live Examples

Control group, this example has neither PRI, MUL, nor UNI:

mysql> create table penguins (foo INT);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> desc penguins;
| Field | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| foo   | int(11) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

A table with one column and an index on the one column has a MUL:

mysql> create table penguins (foo INT, index(foo));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> desc penguins;
| Field | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| foo   | int(11) | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

A table with a column that is a primary key has PRI

mysql> create table penguins (foo INT primary key);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql> desc penguins;
| Field | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| foo   | int(11) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

A table with a column that is a unique key has UNI:

mysql> create table penguins (foo INT unique);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> desc penguins;
| Field | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| foo   | int(11) | YES  | UNI | NULL    |       |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

A table with an index covering foo and bar has MUL only on foo:

mysql> create table penguins (foo INT, bar INT, index(foo, bar));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> desc penguins;
| Field | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| foo   | int(11) | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |
| bar   | int(11) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

A table with two separate indexes on two columns has MUL for each one

mysql> create table penguins (foo INT, bar int, index(foo), index(bar));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> desc penguins;
| Field | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| foo   | int(11) | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |
| bar   | int(11) | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

A table with an Index spanning three columns has MUL on the first:

mysql> create table penguins (foo INT, 
       bar INT, 
       baz INT, 
       INDEX name (foo, bar, baz));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> desc penguins;
| Field | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| foo   | int(11) | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |
| bar   | int(11) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| baz   | int(11) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

A table with a foreign key that references another table's primary key is MUL

mysql> create table penguins(id int primary key);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> create table skipper(id int, foreign key(id) references penguins(id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> desc skipper;
| Field | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id    | int(11) | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> desc penguins;
| Field | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id    | int(11) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Stick that in your neocortex and set the dial to "frappe".

How to refresh app upon shaking the device?

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import android.content.Context;
    import android.hardware.Sensor;
    import android.hardware.SensorEvent;
    import android.hardware.SensorEventListener;
    import android.hardware.SensorManager;

    public class Shaker implements SensorEventListener{

        private static final String SENSOR_SERVICE = Context.SENSOR_SERVICE;
        private SensorManager sensorMgr;
        private Sensor mAccelerometer;
        private boolean accelSupported;
        private long timeInMillis;
        private long threshold;
        private OnShakerTreshold listener;
        ArrayList<Float> valueStack;

        public Shaker(Context context, OnShakerTreshold listener, long timeInMillis, long threshold) {
            try {
                this.timeInMillis = timeInMillis;
                this.threshold = threshold;
                this.listener = listener;
                if (timeInMillis<100){
                    throw new Exception("timeInMillis < 100ms");
                valueStack = new ArrayList<Float>((int)(timeInMillis/100));
                sensorMgr = (SensorManager) context.getSystemService(SENSOR_SERVICE);
                mAccelerometer = sensorMgr.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER);

            } catch (Exception e){

        public void start() {
            try {
                accelSupported = sensorMgr.registerListener(this, mAccelerometer, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME); 
                if (!accelSupported) {
                    throw new Exception("Sensor is not supported");
            } catch (Exception e){

        public void stop(){
            try {
                sensorMgr.unregisterListener(this, mAccelerometer);
            } catch (Exception e){

        protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e){

        long lastUpdate = 0;
        private float last_x;
        private float last_y;
        private float last_z;

public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
    try {
        if (event.sensor == mAccelerometer) {
            long curTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if ((curTime-lastUpdate)>getNumberOfMeasures()){

                lastUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis();
                float[] values = event.values;
                if (valueStack.size()>(int)getNumberOfMeasures())
                float x = (int)(values[SensorManager.DATA_X]);
                float y = (int)(values[SensorManager.DATA_Y]);
                float z = (int)(values[SensorManager.DATA_Z]);
                float speed = Math.abs((x+y+z) - (last_x + last_y + last_z));


                String posText = String.format("X:%4.0f Y:%4.0f Z:%4.0f", (x-last_x), (y-last_y), (z-last_z));

                last_x = (x);
                last_y = (y);
                last_z = (z);

                float sumOfValues = 0;
                float avgOfValues = 0;

                for (float f : valueStack){
                        sumOfValues = (sumOfValues+f);
                avgOfValues = sumOfValues/(int)getNumberOfMeasures();

                if (avgOfValues>=threshold){

                System.out.println(String.format("M: %+4d A: %5.0f V: %4.0f %s", valueStack.size(),avgOfValues,speed,posText));

    } catch (Exception e){

        private long getNumberOfMeasures() {
            return timeInMillis/100;

        public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {}

        public interface OnShakerTreshold {
            public void onTreshold();

public class MainActivity extends Activity implements OnShakerTreshold{

    private Shaker s;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        s = new Shaker(getApplicationContext(), this, 5000, 20);
        // 5000 = 5 second of shaking
        // 20 = minimal threshold (very angry shaking :D)
        // beware screen rotation reset counter

    protected void onResume() {

    protected void onPause() {

    public void onTreshold() {
        System.out.println("FIRE LISTENER");
        RingtoneManager.getRingtone(getApplicationContext(), RingtoneManager.getDefaultUri(RingtoneManager.TYPE_NOTIFICATION)).play();


Have fun.

How to retrieve SQL result column value using column name in Python?

python 2.7

import pymysql

conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', port=3306, user='root', passwd='password', db='sakila')

cur = conn.cursor()

n = cur.execute('select * from actor')
c = cur.fetchall()

for i in c:
    print i[1]

Checking if an object is a given type in Swift

If you have Response Like This:

  "registeration_method": "email",
  "is_stucked": true,
  "individual": {
    "id": 24099,
    "first_name": "ahmad",
    "last_name": "zozoz",
    "email": null,
    "mobile_number": null,
    "confirmed": false,
    "avatar": "",
    "doctor_request_status": 0
  "max_number_of_confirmation_trials": 4,
  "max_number_of_invalid_confirmation_trials": 12

and you want to check for value is_stucked which will be read as AnyObject, all you have to do is this

if let isStucked = response["is_stucked"] as? Bool{
  if isStucked{
      print("is Stucked")
      print("Not Stucked")

Convert column classes in data.table


dt <- data.table(A = c(1:5), 
                 B= c(11:15))

x <- ncol(dt)

for(i in 1:x) 
     dt[[i]] <- as.character(dt[[i]])

malloc an array of struct pointers

I agree with @maverik above, I prefer not to hide the details with a typedef. Especially when you are trying to understand what is going on. I also prefer to see everything instead of a partial code snippet. With that said, here is a malloc and free of a complex structure.

The code uses the ms visual studio leak detector so you can experiment with the potential leaks.

#include "stdafx.h"

#include <string.h>
#include "msc-lzw.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <crtdbg.h> 

// 32-bit version
int hash_fun(unsigned int key, int try_num, int max) {
    return (key + try_num) % max;  // the hash fun returns a number bounded by the number of slots.

// this hash table has
// key is int
// value is char buffer
struct key_value_pair {
    int key; // use this field as the key
    char *pValue;  // use this field to store a variable length string

struct hash_table {
    int max;
    int number_of_elements;
    struct key_value_pair **elements;  // This is an array of pointers to mystruct objects

int hash_insert(struct key_value_pair *data, struct hash_table *hash_table) {

    int try_num, hash;
    int max_number_of_retries = hash_table->max;

    if (hash_table->number_of_elements >= hash_table->max) {
        return 0; // FULL

    for (try_num = 0; try_num < max_number_of_retries; try_num++) {

        hash = hash_fun(data->key, try_num, hash_table->max);

        if (NULL == hash_table->elements[hash]) { // an unallocated slot
            hash_table->elements[hash] = data;
            return RC_OK;
    return RC_ERROR;

// returns the corresponding key value pair struct
// If a value is not found, it returns null
// 32-bit version
struct key_value_pair *hash_retrieve(unsigned int key, struct hash_table *hash_table) {

    unsigned int try_num, hash;
    unsigned int max_number_of_retries = hash_table->max;

    for (try_num = 0; try_num < max_number_of_retries; try_num++) {

        hash = hash_fun(key, try_num, hash_table->max);

        if (hash_table->elements[hash] == 0) {
            return NULL; // Nothing found

        if (hash_table->elements[hash]->key == key) {
            return hash_table->elements[hash];
    return NULL;

// Returns the number of keys in the dictionary
// The list of keys in the dictionary is returned as a parameter.  It will need to be freed afterwards
int keys(struct hash_table *pHashTable, int **ppKeys) {

    int num_keys = 0;

    *ppKeys = (int *) malloc( pHashTable->number_of_elements * sizeof(int) );

    for (int i = 0; i < pHashTable->max; i++) {
        if (NULL != pHashTable->elements[i]) {
            (*ppKeys)[num_keys] = pHashTable->elements[i]->key;
    return num_keys;

// The dictionary will need to be freed afterwards
int allocate_the_dictionary(struct hash_table *pHashTable) {

    // Allocate the hash table slots
    pHashTable->elements = (struct key_value_pair **) malloc(pHashTable->max * sizeof(struct key_value_pair));  // allocate max number of key_value_pair entries
    for (int i = 0; i < pHashTable->max; i++) {
        pHashTable->elements[i] = NULL;

    // alloc all the slots
    //struct key_value_pair *pa_slot;
    //for (int i = 0; i < pHashTable->max; i++) {
    //  // all that he could see was babylon
    //  pa_slot = (struct key_value_pair *)  malloc(sizeof(struct key_value_pair));
    //  if (NULL == pa_slot) {
    //      printf("alloc of slot failed\n");
    //      while (1);
    //  }
    //  pHashTable->elements[i] = pa_slot;
    //  pHashTable->elements[i]->key = 0;

    return RC_OK;

// This will make a dictionary entry where
//   o  key is an int
//   o  value is a character buffer
// The buffer in the key_value_pair will need to be freed afterwards
int make_dict_entry(int a_key, char * buffer, struct key_value_pair *pMyStruct) {

    // determine the len of the buffer assuming it is a string
    int len = strlen(buffer);

    // alloc the buffer to hold the string
    pMyStruct->pValue = (char *) malloc(len + 1); // add one for the null terminator byte
    if (NULL == pMyStruct->pValue) {
        printf("Failed to allocate the buffer for the dictionary string value.");
        return RC_ERROR;
    strcpy(pMyStruct->pValue, buffer);
    pMyStruct->key = a_key;

    return RC_OK;

// Assumes the hash table has already been allocated.
int add_key_val_pair_to_dict(struct hash_table *pHashTable, int key, char *pBuff) {

    int rc;
    struct key_value_pair *pKeyValuePair;

    if (NULL == pHashTable) {
        printf("Hash table is null.\n");
        return RC_ERROR;

    // Allocate the dictionary key value pair struct
    pKeyValuePair = (struct key_value_pair *) malloc(sizeof(struct key_value_pair));
    if (NULL == pKeyValuePair) {
        printf("Failed to allocate key value pair struct.\n");
        return RC_ERROR;

    rc = make_dict_entry(key, pBuff, pKeyValuePair);  // a_hash_table[1221] = "abba"
    if (RC_ERROR == rc) {
        printf("Failed to add buff to key value pair struct.\n");
        return RC_ERROR;

    rc = hash_insert(pKeyValuePair, pHashTable);
    if (RC_ERROR == rc) {
        printf("insert has failed!\n");
        return RC_ERROR;

    return RC_OK;

void dump_hash_table(struct hash_table *pHashTable) {

    // Iterate the dictionary by keys
    char * pValue;
    struct key_value_pair *pMyStruct;
    int *pKeyList;
    int num_keys;

    num_keys = keys(pHashTable, &pKeyList);
    for (int i = 0; i < num_keys; i++) {
        pMyStruct = hash_retrieve(pKeyList[i], pHashTable);
        pValue = pMyStruct->pValue;
        printf("%d\t%d\t%s\n", i, pKeyList[i], pValue);

    // Free the key list


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    int rc;
    int i;

    struct hash_table a_hash_table;
    a_hash_table.max = 20;   // The dictionary can hold at most 20 entries.
    a_hash_table.number_of_elements = 0;  // The intial dictionary has 0 entries.

    rc = add_key_val_pair_to_dict(&a_hash_table, 1221, "abba");
    if (RC_ERROR == rc) {
        printf("insert has failed!\n");
        return RC_ERROR;
    rc = add_key_val_pair_to_dict(&a_hash_table, 2211, "bbaa");
    if (RC_ERROR == rc) {
        printf("insert has failed!\n");
        return RC_ERROR;
    rc = add_key_val_pair_to_dict(&a_hash_table, 1122, "aabb");
    if (RC_ERROR == rc) {
        printf("insert has failed!\n");
        return RC_ERROR;
    rc = add_key_val_pair_to_dict(&a_hash_table, 2112, "baab");
    if (RC_ERROR == rc) {
        printf("insert has failed!\n");
        return RC_ERROR;
    rc = add_key_val_pair_to_dict(&a_hash_table, 1212, "abab");
    if (RC_ERROR == rc) {
        printf("insert has failed!\n");
        return RC_ERROR;
    rc = add_key_val_pair_to_dict(&a_hash_table, 2121, "baba");
    if (RC_ERROR == rc) {
        printf("insert has failed!\n");
        return RC_ERROR;

    // Iterate the dictionary by keys

    // Free the individual slots
    for (i = 0; i < a_hash_table.max; i++) {
        // all that he could see was babylon
        if (NULL != a_hash_table.elements[i]) {
            free(a_hash_table.elements[i]->pValue);  // free the buffer in the struct
            free(a_hash_table.elements[i]);  // free the key_value_pair entry
            a_hash_table.elements[i] = NULL;

    // Free the overall dictionary

    return 0;

How to express a NOT IN query with ActiveRecord/Rails?

Piggybacking off of jonnii:

Topic.find(:all, :conditions => ['forum_id not in (?)', @forums.pluck(:id)])

using pluck rather than mapping over the elements

found via railsconf 2012 10 things you did not know rails could do

Get URL query string parameters

The function parse_str() automatically reads all query parameters into an array.

For example, if the URL is, the code

$queries = array();
parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $queries);

will store parameters into the $queries array ($queries['x']=100, $queries['y']=200).

Look at documentation of parse_str


According to the PHP documentation, parse_str() should only be used with a second parameter. Using parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) on this URL will create variables $x and $y, which makes the code vulnerable to attacks such as

Java 8 - Best way to transform a list: map or foreach?

If using 3rd Pary Libaries is ok cyclops-react defines Lazy extended collections with this functionality built in. For example we could simply write

ListX myListToParse;

ListX myFinalList = myListToParse.filter(elt -> elt != null) .map(elt -> doSomething(elt));

myFinalList is not evaluated until first access (and there after the materialized list is cached and reused).

[Disclosure I am the lead developer of cyclops-react]

how to create virtual host on XAMPP

I have added below configuration to the httpd.conf and restarted the lampp service and it started working. Thanks to all the above posts, which helped me to resolve issues one by one.

Listen 8080
<VirtualHost *:8080>
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    DocumentRoot "/opt/lampp/docs/"
    ServerName localhost:8080
    ErrorLog "logs/"
    CustomLog "logs/" common
    <Directory "/opt/lampp/docs/">
        Require all granted 

how to bind datatable to datagridview in c#

Even better:

DataTable DTable = new DataTable();
BindingSource SBind = new BindingSource();
SBind.DataSource = DTable;
DataGridView ServersTable = new DataGridView();

ServersTable.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
ServersTable.DataSource = DTable;

ServersTable.DataSource = SBind;

You're telling the bindable source that it's bound to the DataTable, in-turn you need to tell your DataGridView not to auto-generate columns, so it will only pull the data in for the columns you've manually input into the control... lastly refresh the control to update the databind.

Set start value for column with autoincrement

Also note that you cannot normally set a value for an IDENTITY column. You can, however, specify the identity of rows if you set IDENTITY_INSERT to ON for your table. For example:


-- do inserts here


This insert will reset the identity to the last inserted value. From MSDN:

If the value inserted is larger than the current identity value for the table, SQL Server automatically uses the new inserted value as the current identity value.

Installing TensorFlow on Windows (Python 3.6.x)

I was having Python 3.6 and was facing the issue as "No module named tensorflow" on "pip install tensorflow". Turned out as my machine was of 64 bit while the Python 3.6 version installed was for 32 bit. Uninstalled it, reinstalled the Python 3.6 x64 version, pip installed tensorflow, problem solved.

non static method cannot be referenced from a static context

You are calling nextInt statically by using Random.nextInt.

Instead, create a variable, Random r = new Random(); and then call r.nextInt(10).

It would be definitely worth while to check out:


You really should replace this line,

Random Random = new Random(); 

with something like this,

Random r = new Random();

If you use variable names as class names you'll run into a boat load of problems. Also as a Java convention, use lowercase names for variables. That might help avoid some confusion.

Generate getters and setters in NetBeans

Position the cursor inside the class, then press ALT + Ins and select Getters and Setters from the contextual menu.