[scala] What is the difference between Scala's case class and class?

To have the ultimate understanding of what is a case class:

let's assume the following case class definition:

case class Foo(foo:String, bar: Int)

and then do the following in the terminal:

$ scalac -print src/main/scala/Foo.scala

Scala 2.12.8 will output:

case class Foo extends Object with Product with Serializable {

  <caseaccessor> <paramaccessor> private[this] val foo: String = _;

  <stable> <caseaccessor> <accessor> <paramaccessor> def foo(): String = Foo.this.foo;

  <caseaccessor> <paramaccessor> private[this] val bar: Int = _;

  <stable> <caseaccessor> <accessor> <paramaccessor> def bar(): Int = Foo.this.bar;

  <synthetic> def copy(foo: String, bar: Int): Foo = new Foo(foo, bar);

  <synthetic> def copy$default$1(): String = Foo.this.foo();

  <synthetic> def copy$default$2(): Int = Foo.this.bar();

  override <synthetic> def productPrefix(): String = "Foo";

  <synthetic> def productArity(): Int = 2;

  <synthetic> def productElement(x$1: Int): Object = {
    case <synthetic> val x1: Int = x$1;
        (x1: Int) match {
            case 0 => Foo.this.foo()
            case 1 => scala.Int.box(Foo.this.bar())
            case _ => throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(scala.Int.box(x$1).toString())

  override <synthetic> def productIterator(): Iterator = scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime.typedProductIterator(Foo.this);

  <synthetic> def canEqual(x$1: Object): Boolean = x$1.$isInstanceOf[Foo]();

  override <synthetic> def hashCode(): Int = {
     <synthetic> var acc: Int = -889275714;
     acc = scala.runtime.Statics.mix(acc, scala.runtime.Statics.anyHash(Foo.this.foo()));
     acc = scala.runtime.Statics.mix(acc, Foo.this.bar());
     scala.runtime.Statics.finalizeHash(acc, 2)

  override <synthetic> def toString(): String = scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime._toString(Foo.this);

  override <synthetic> def equals(x$1: Object): Boolean = Foo.this.eq(x$1).||({
      case <synthetic> val x1: Object = x$1;
          if (x1.$isInstanceOf[Foo]())
        matchEnd4(x: Boolean){
      <synthetic> val Foo$1: Foo = x$1.$asInstanceOf[Foo]();

  def <init>(foo: String, bar: Int): Foo = {
    Foo.this.foo = foo;
    Foo.this.bar = bar;

<synthetic> object Foo extends scala.runtime.AbstractFunction2 with Serializable {

  final override <synthetic> def toString(): String = "Foo";

  case <synthetic> def apply(foo: String, bar: Int): Foo = new Foo(foo, bar);

  case <synthetic> def unapply(x$0: Foo): Option =
     if (x$0.==(null))
        new Some(new Tuple2(x$0.foo(), scala.Int.box(x$0.bar())));

  <synthetic> private def readResolve(): Object = Foo;

  case <synthetic> <bridge> <artifact> def apply(v1: Object, v2: Object): Object = Foo.this.apply(v1.$asInstanceOf[String](), scala.Int.unbox(v2));

  def <init>(): Foo.type = {

As we can see Scala compiler produces a regular class Foo and companion-object Foo.

Let's go through the compiled class and comment on what we have got:

  • the internal state of the Foo class, immutable:
val foo: String
val bar: Int
  • getters:
def foo(): String
def bar(): Int
  • copy methods:
def copy(foo: String, bar: Int): Foo
def copy$default$1(): String
def copy$default$2(): Int
  • implementing scala.Product trait:
override def productPrefix(): String
def productArity(): Int
def productElement(x$1: Int): Object
override def productIterator(): Iterator
  • implementing scala.Equals trait for make case class instances comparable for equality by ==:
def canEqual(x$1: Object): Boolean
override def equals(x$1: Object): Boolean
  • overriding java.lang.Object.hashCode for obeying the equals-hashcode contract:
override <synthetic> def hashCode(): Int
  • overriding java.lang.Object.toString :
override def toString(): String
  • constructor for instantiation by new keyword:
def <init>(foo: String, bar: Int): Foo 

Object Foo: - method apply for instantiation without new keyword:

case <synthetic> def apply(foo: String, bar: Int): Foo = new Foo(foo, bar);
  • extractor method unupply for using case class Foo in pattern matching:
case <synthetic> def unapply(x$0: Foo): Option
  • method to protect object as singleton from deserialization for not letting produce one more instance:
<synthetic> private def readResolve(): Object = Foo;
  • object Foo extends scala.runtime.AbstractFunction2 for doing such trick:
scala> case class Foo(foo:String, bar: Int)
defined class Foo

scala> Foo.tupled
res1: ((String, Int)) => Foo = scala.Function2$$Lambda$224/1935637221@9ab310b

tupled from object returns a funtion to create a new Foo by applying a tuple of 2 elements.

So case class is just syntactic sugar.