[php] Display an array in a readable/hierarchical format

Here is the code for pulling the data for my array

    $link = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', '', 'mutli_page_form');

    $query = "SELECT * FROM wills_children WHERE will=73";

    $result = mysqli_query($link, $query) or die(mysqli_error($link));

    if ($result = mysqli_query($link, $query)) {

    /* fetch associative array */
    if($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $data = unserialize($row['children']);

    /* free result set */

When I use print_r($data) it reads as:

Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Natural Chlid 1 [1] => Natural Chlid 2 [2] => Natural Chlid 3 ) ) 

I would like it to read as:

Natural Child 1
Natural Child 2
Natural Child 3

This question is related to php sql

The answer is

if someone needs to view arrays so cool ;) use this method.. this will print to your browser console

function console($obj)
    $js = json_encode($obj);

you can use like this..


Output will be like this.. so cool eh !!

enter image description here

This may be a simpler solution:

echo implode('<br>', $data[0]);

Instead of



print "<pre>";
print "</pre>";

I assume one uses print_r for debugging. I would then suggest using libraries like Kint. This allows displaying big arrays in a readable format:

$data = [['Natural Child 1', 'Natural Child 2', 'Natural Child 3']];
Kint::dump($data, $_SERVER);

enter image description here

foreach($array as $v) echo $v, PHP_EOL;

UPDATE: A more sophisticated solution would be:

 $test = [
    'key1' => 'val1',
    'key2' => 'val2',
    'key3' => [
        'subkey1' => 'subval1',
        'subkey2' => 'subval2',
        'subkey3' => [
            'subsubkey1' => 'subsubval1',
            'subsubkey2' => 'subsubval2',
function printArray($arr, $pad = 0, $padStr = "\t") {
    $outerPad = $pad;
    $innerPad = $pad + 1;
    $out = '[' . PHP_EOL;
    foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
        if (is_array($v)) {
            $out .= str_repeat($padStr, $innerPad) . $k . ' => ' . printArray($v, $innerPad) . PHP_EOL;
        } else {
            $out .= str_repeat($padStr, $innerPad) . $k . ' => ' . $v;
            $out .= PHP_EOL;
    $out .= str_repeat($padStr, $outerPad) . ']';
    return $out;

echo printArray($test);

This prints out:

        key1 => val1
        key2 => val2
        key3 => [
            subkey1 => subval1
            subkey2 => subval2
            subkey3 => [
                subsubkey1 => subsubval1
                subsubkey2 => subsubval2


For single arrays you can use implode, it has a cleaner result to print.

$msg = array('msg1','msg2','msg3');
echo implode('<br />',$msg);
echo '<br />----------------------<br/>';

echo nl2br(implode("\n",$msg));
echo '<br />----------------------<br/>';

For multidimensional arrays you need to combine with some sort of loop.

$msgs[] = $msg;
$msgs[] = $msg;
$msgs[] = $msg;
$msgs[] = $msg;
$msgs[] = $msg;
foreach($msgs as $msg) {
    echo implode('<br />',$msg);
    echo '<br />----------------------<br/>';

This tries to improve print_r() output formatting in console applications:

function pretty_printr($array) {

  $string = print_r($array, TRUE);

  foreach (preg_split("/((\r?\n)|(\r\n?))/", $string) as $line) {

    $trimmed_line = trim($line);

    // Skip useless lines.
    if (!$trimmed_line || $trimmed_line === '(' || $trimmed_line === ')' || $trimmed_line === 'Array') {

    // Improve lines ending with empty values.
    if (substr_compare($trimmed_line, '=>', -2) === 0) {
      $line .=  "''";

    print $line . PHP_EOL;


[activity_score] => 0
[allow_organisation_contact] => 1
[cover_media] => Array
        [image] => Array
                [url] => ''
        [video] => Array
                [url] => ''
                [oembed_html] => ''
        [thumb] => Array
                [url] => ''
[created_at] => 2019-06-25T09:50:22+02:00
[description] => example description
[state] => published
[fundraiser_type] => anniversary
[end_date] => 2019-09-25
[event] => Array
[goal] => Array
        [cents] => 40000
        [currency] => EUR
[id] => 37798
[your_reference] => ''

Very nice way to print formatted array in php, using the var_dump function.

 $a = array(1, 2, array("a", "b", "c"));

echo '<pre>';
foreach($data as $entry){
    foreach($entry as $entry2){
        echo $entry2.'<br />';

I use this for getting keys and their values $qw = mysqli_query($connection, $query);

while ( $ou = mysqli_fetch_array($qw) )
    foreach ($ou as $key => $value) 
            echo $key." - ".$value."";
    echo "<br/>";

I think that var_export(), the forgotten brother of var_dump() has the best output - it's more compact:

echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

By the way: it's not allway necessary to use <pre>. var_dump() and var_export() are already formatted when you take a look in the source code of your webpage.

I have a basic function:

function prettyPrint($a) {
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";


EDIT: Optimised function

function prettyPrint($a) {
    echo '<pre>'.print_r($a,1).'</pre>';

EDIT: Moar Optimised function with custom tag support

function prettyPrint($a, $t='pre') {echo "<$t>".print_r($a,1)."</$t>";}

//Make an array readable as string
function array_read($array, $seperator = ', ', $ending = ' and '){
      $opt = count($array);
      return $opt > 1 ? implode($seperator,array_slice($array,0,$opt-1)).$ending.end($array) : $array[0];

I use this to show a pretty printed array to my visitors

One-liner for a quick-and-easy JSON representation:

    echo json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

If using composer for the project already, require symfony/yaml and:

    echo Yaml::dump($data);

print_r() is mostly for debugging. If you want to print it in that format, loop through the array, and print the elements out.

foreach($data as $d){
  foreach($d as $v){
    echo $v."\n";

I would just use online tools.