[python] How to get MD5 sum of a string using python?

In the Flickr API docs, you need to find the MD5 sum of a string to generate the [api_sig] value.

How does one go about generating an MD5 sum from a string?

Flickr's example:

string: 000005fab4534d05api_key9a0554259914a86fb9e7eb014e4e5d52permswrite

MD5 sum: a02506b31c1cd46c2e0b6380fb94eb3d

This question is related to python md5 flickr

The answer is

Try This 
import hashlib
user = input("Enter text here ")
h = hashlib.md5(user.encode())
h2 = h.hexdigest()

Use hashlib.md5 in Python 3.

import hashlib

source = '000005fab4534d05api_key9a0554259914a86fb9e7eb014e4e5d52permswrite'.encode()
md5 = hashlib.md5(source).hexdigest() # returns a str
print(md5) # a02506b31c1cd46c2e0b6380fb94eb3d

If you need byte type output, use digest() instead of hexdigest().

You can Try with

import hashlib
rawdata = "put your data here"
sha = hashlib.sha256(str(rawdata).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() #For Sha256 hash
mdpass = hashlib.md5(str(sha).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() #For MD5 hash

You can use b character in front of a string literal:

import hashlib
print(hashlib.md5(b"Hello MD5").hexdigest())
print(hashlib.md5("Hello MD5".encode('utf-8')).hexdigest())



Have you tried using the MD5 implementation in hashlib? Note that hashing algorithms typically act on binary data rather than text data, so you may want to be careful about which character encoding is used to convert from text to binary data before hashing.

The result of a hash is also binary data - it looks like Flickr's example has then been converted into text using hex encoding. Use the hexdigest function in hashlib to get this.

You can do the following:

Python 2.x

import hashlib
print hashlib.md5("whatever your string is").hexdigest()

Python 3.x

import hashlib
print(hashlib.md5("whatever your string is".encode('utf-8')).hexdigest())

However in this case you're probably better off using this helpful Python module for interacting with the Flickr API:

... which will deal with the authentication for you.

Official documentation of hashlib