Here is how to clear all trash & caches (without other private data in browsers) by a command line. This is a command line batch script that takes care of all trash (as of April 2014):
erase "%TEMP%\*.*" /f /s /q
for /D %%i in ("%TEMP%\*") do RD /S /Q "%%i"
erase "%TMP%\*.*" /f /s /q
for /D %%i in ("%TMP%\*") do RD /S /Q "%%i"
erase "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\TEMP\*.*" /f /s /q
for /D %%i in ("%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\TEMP\*") do RD /S /Q "%%i"
erase "%SystemRoot%\TEMP\*.*" /f /s /q
for /D %%i in ("%SystemRoot%\TEMP\*") do RD /S /Q "%%i"
@rem Clear IE cache - (Deletes Temporary Internet Files Only)
RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 8
erase "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Tempor~1\*.*" /f /s /q
for /D %%i in ("%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Tempor~1\*") do RD /S /Q "%%i"
@rem Clear Google Chrome cache
erase "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\*.*" /f /s /q
for /D %%i in ("%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\*") do RD /S /Q "%%i"
@rem Clear Firefox cache
erase "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*.*" /f /s /q
for /D %%i in ("%LOCALAPPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*") do RD /S /Q "%%i"
I am pretty sure it will run for some time when you first run it :) Enjoy!