[caching] AngularJS disable partial caching on dev machine

I found that the HTTP interceptor method works pretty nicely, and allows additional flexibility & control. Additionally, you can cache-bust for each production release by using a release hash as the buster variable.

Here is what the dev cachebusting method looks like using Date.

app.factory('cachebustInjector', function(conf) {   
    var cachebustInjector = {
        request: function(config) {    
            // new timestamp will be appended to each new partial .html request to prevent caching in a dev environment               
            var buster = new Date().getTime();

            if (config.url.indexOf('static/angular_templates') > -1) {
                config.url += ['?v=', buster].join('');
            return config;
    return cachebustInjector;

app.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {

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Examples related to angularjs

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Examples related to browser-cache

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