Programs & Examples On #Linq to xml

LINQ-to-XML provides a SQL-like query experience for navigating, parsing, and aggregating data stored in XML documents.

Finding element in XDocument?

You can do it this way:

xml.Descendants().SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name.LocalName == "Name of the node to find")

where xml is a XDocument.

Be aware that the property Name returns an object that has a LocalName and a Namespace. That's why you have to use Name.LocalName if you want to compare by name.

Uses for the '"' entity in HTML

It is impossible, and unnecessary, to know the motivation for using " in element content, but possible motives include: misunderstanding of HTML rules; use of software that generates such code (probably because its author thought it was “safer”); and misunderstanding of the meaning of ": many people seem to think it produces “smart quotes” (they apparently never looked at the actual results).

Anyway, there is never any need to use " in element content in HTML (XHTML or any other HTML version). There is nothing in any HTML specification that would assign any special meaning to the plain character " there.

As the question says, it has its role in attribute values, but even in them, it is mostly simpler to just use single quotes as delimiters if the value contains a double quote, e.g. alt='Greeting: "Hello, World!"' or, if you are allowed to correct errors in natural language texts, to use proper quotation marks, e.g. alt="Greeting: “Hello, World!”"

How to Get XML Node from XDocument

The .Elements operation returns a LIST of XElements - but what you really want is a SINGLE element. Add this:

XElement Contacts = (from xml2 in XMLDoc.Elements("Contacts").Elements("Node")
                    where xml2.Element("ID").Value == variable
                    select xml2).FirstOrDefault();

This way, you tell LINQ to give you the first (or NULL, if none are there) from that LIST of XElements you're selecting.


LINQ to read XML

Try this.

using System.Xml.Linq;

void Main()
    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

    //Load xml
    XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load("data.xml");

    //Run query
    var lv1s = from lv1 in xdoc.Descendants("level1")
               select new { 
                   Header = lv1.Attribute("name").Value,
                   Children = lv1.Descendants("level2")

    //Loop through results
    foreach (var lv1 in lv1s){
            foreach(var lv2 in lv1.Children)
                 result.AppendLine("     " + lv2.Attribute("name").Value);


How to get a json string from url?

AFAIK JSON.Net does not provide functionality for reading from a URL. So you need to do this in two steps:

using (var webClient = new System.Net.WebClient()) {
    var json = webClient.DownloadString(URL);
    // Now parse with JSON.Net

How to change XML Attribute

If the attribute you want to change doesn't exist or has been accidentally removed, then an exception occurs. I suggest you first create a new attribute and send it to a function like the following:

private void SetAttrSafe(XmlNode node,params XmlAttribute[] attrList)
        foreach (var attr in attrList)
            if (node.Attributes[attr.Name] != null)
                node.Attributes[attr.Name].Value = attr.Value;


   XmlAttribute attr = dom.CreateAttribute("name");
   attr.Value = value;
   SetAttrSafe(node, attr);

XDocument or XmlDocument

As mentioned elsewhere, undoubtedly, Linq to Xml makes creation and alteration of xml documents a breeze in comparison to XmlDocument, and the XNamespace ns + "elementName" syntax makes for pleasurable reading when dealing with namespaces.

One thing worth mentioning for xsl and xpath die hards to note is that it IS possible to still execute arbitrary xpath 1.0 expressions on Linq 2 Xml XNodes by including:

using System.Xml.XPath;

and then we can navigate and project data using xpath via these extension methods:

For instance, given the Xml document:

        <baz id="1">10</baz>
        <bar id="2" special="1">baa baa</bar>
        <baz id="3">20</baz>
        <bar id="4" />
        <bar id="5" />
    <foo id="123">Text 1<moo />Text 2

We can evaluate:

var node = xele.XPathSelectElement("/xml/foo[@id='123']");
var nodes = xele.XPathSelectElements(
var sum = xele.XPathEvaluate("sum(//foo[not(moo)]/baz)");

How to put attributes via XElement

Add XAttribute in the constructor of the XElement, like

new XElement("Conn", new XAttribute("Server", comboBox1.Text));

You can also add multiple attributes or elements via the constructor

new XElement("Conn", new XAttribute("Server", comboBox1.Text), new XAttribute("Database", combobox2.Text));

or you can use the Add-Method of the XElement to add attributes

XElement element = new XElement("Conn");
XAttribute attribute = new XAttribute("Server", comboBox1.Text);

How to select a specific node with LINQ-to-XML

I'd use something like:

dim customer = (from c in xmldoc...<Customer> 
                where c.<ID>.Value=22 
                select c).SingleOrDefault 


missed the c# tag, sorry......the example is in VB.NET

Query an XDocument for elements by name at any depth

I am using XPathSelectElements extension method which works in the same way to XmlDocument.SelectNodes method:

using System;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Xml.XPath; // for XPathSelectElements

namespace testconsoleApp
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Parse(

            foreach (var childElem in xdoc.XPathSelectElements("//child"))
                string childName = childElem.Element("name").Value;

how to use XPath with XDocument?

you can use the example from Microsoft - for you without namespace:

using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Xml.XPath;
var e = xdoc.XPathSelectElement("./Report/ReportInfo/Name");     

should do it

Converting XDocument to XmlDocument and vice versa

If you need a Win 10 UWP compatible variant:

using DomXmlDocument = Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument;

    public static class DocumentExtensions
        public static XmlDocument ToXmlDocument(this XDocument xDocument)
            var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
            using (var xmlReader = xDocument.CreateReader())
            return xmlDocument;

        public static DomXmlDocument ToDomXmlDocument(this XDocument xDocument)
            var xmlDocument = new DomXmlDocument();
            using (var xmlReader = xDocument.CreateReader())
            return xmlDocument;

        public static XDocument ToXDocument(this XmlDocument xmlDocument)
            using (var memStream = new MemoryStream())
                using (var w = XmlWriter.Create(memStream))
                memStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                using (var r = XmlReader.Create(memStream))
                    return XDocument.Load(r);

        public static XDocument ToXDocument(this DomXmlDocument xmlDocument)
            using (var memStream = new MemoryStream())
                using (var w = XmlWriter.Create(memStream))
                memStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                using (var r = XmlReader.Create(memStream))
                    return XDocument.Load(r);

Should C# or C++ be chosen for learning Games Programming (consoles)?

Hey, if BASIC is good enough for Gorillas, it's good enough for me.

WPF chart controls

You can get the Silverlight Chart Controls running on WPF, they're quite nice (and free).

Thymeleaf: Concatenation - Could not parse as expression

Note that with | char, you can get a warning with your IDE, for exemple I get warning with the last version of IntelliJ, So the best solution it's to use this syntax:

th:text="${'static_content - ' + you_variable}"

Bootstrap radio button "checked" flag

Assuming you want a default button checked.

<div class="row">
    <h1>Radio Group #2</h1>
    <label for="year" class="control-label input-group">Year</label>
    <div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">
        <label class="btn btn-default">
            <input type="radio" name="year" value="2011">2011
        <label class="btn btn-default">
            <input type="radio" name="year" value="2012">2012
        <label class="btn btn-default active">
            <input type="radio" name="year" value="2013" checked="">2013

Add the active class to the button (label tag) you want defaulted and checked="" to its input tag so it gets submitted in the form by default.

How do I encode URI parameter values?

Jersey's UriBuilder encodes URI components using application/x-www-form-urlencoded and RFC 3986 as needed. According to the Javadoc

Builder methods perform contextual encoding of characters not permitted in the corresponding URI component following the rules of the application/x-www-form-urlencoded media type for query parameters and RFC 3986 for all other components. Note that only characters not permitted in a particular component are subject to encoding so, e.g., a path supplied to one of the path methods may contain matrix parameters or multiple path segments since the separators are legal characters and will not be encoded. Percent encoded values are also recognized where allowed and will not be double encoded.

How to set RelativeLayout layout params in code not in xml?

I hope the below code will help. It will create an EditText and a Log In button. Both placed relatively. All done in

package com.example.atul.allison;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.RelativeLayout;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.util.TypedValue;     
    public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            RelativeLayout atulsLayout = new RelativeLayout(this);

            Button redButton = new Button(this);
            redButton.setText("Log In");

            //Username input
            EditText username =  new EditText(this);


            RelativeLayout.LayoutParams buttonDetails= new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(

            RelativeLayout.LayoutParams usernameDetails= new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(

            //give rules to position widgets


            Resources r = getResources();
            int px = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 200,r.getDisplayMetrics());

            //Add widget to layout(button is now a child of layout)

            //Set these activities content/display to this view

How can I trim beginning and ending double quotes from a string?

I am using something as simple as this :

if(str.startsWith("\"") && str.endsWith("\""))
            str = str.substring(1, str.length()-1);

how to get all markers on google-maps-v3

Google Maps API v3:

I initialized Google Map and added markers to it. Later, I wanted to retrieve all markers and did it simply by accessing the map property "markers".

var map = new GMaps({
    div: '#map',
    lat: 40.730610,
    lng: -73.935242,

var myMarkers = map.markers;

You can loop over it and access all Marker methods listed at Google Maps Reference.

T-SQL: Opposite to string concatenation - how to split string into multiple records

I use this function (SQL Server 2005 and above).

create function [dbo].[Split]
    @string nvarchar(4000),
    @delimiter nvarchar(10)
returns @table table
    [Value] nvarchar(4000)
    declare @nextString nvarchar(4000)
    declare @pos int, @nextPos int

    set @nextString = ''
    set @string = @string + @delimiter

    set @pos = charindex(@delimiter, @string)
    set @nextPos = 1
    while (@pos <> 0)
        set @nextString = substring(@string, 1, @pos - 1)

        insert into @table

        set @string = substring(@string, @pos + len(@delimiter), len(@string))
        set @nextPos = @pos
        set @pos = charindex(@delimiter, @string)

Splitting dataframe into multiple dataframes

You can use the groupby command, if you already have some labels for your data.

 out_list = [group[1] for group in in_series.groupby(label_series.values)]

Here's a detailed example:

Let's say we want to partition a pd series using some labels into a list of chunks For example, in_series is:

2019-07-01 08:00:00   -0.10
2019-07-01 08:02:00    1.16
2019-07-01 08:04:00    0.69
2019-07-01 08:06:00   -0.81
2019-07-01 08:08:00   -0.64
Length: 5, dtype: float64

And its corresponding label_series is:

2019-07-01 08:00:00   1
2019-07-01 08:02:00   1
2019-07-01 08:04:00   2
2019-07-01 08:06:00   2
2019-07-01 08:08:00   2
Length: 5, dtype: float64


out_list = [group[1] for group in in_series.groupby(label_series.values)]

which returns out_list a list of two pd.Series:

[2019-07-01 08:00:00   -0.10
2019-07-01 08:02:00   1.16
Length: 2, dtype: float64,
2019-07-01 08:04:00    0.69
2019-07-01 08:06:00   -0.81
2019-07-01 08:08:00   -0.64
Length: 3, dtype: float64]

Note that you can use some parameters from in_series itself to group the series, e.g.,

Colorized grep -- viewing the entire file with highlighted matches

As grep -E '|pattern' has already been suggested, just wanted to clarify it's possible to highlight the whole line too.

For example tail -f /somelog | grep --color -E '| \[2].*':

Visual Studio keyboard shortcut to automatically add the needed 'using' statement

In Visual Studio 2010 you will find the keyboard command to resolve namespaces in a command called View.ShowSmartTag. Mine was also mapped to Shift + Alt + F10 which is a lot of hassle - so I usually remap that promptly.

On Pete commenting on ReSharper - yes, for anyone with the budget, ReSharper makes life an absolute pleasure. The fact that it is intelligent enough to resolve dependencies outside the current references, and add them both as usings and references will not only save you countless hours, but also make you forget where all framework classes reside ;-) That is how easy it makes development life... Then we have not even started on ReSharper refactorings yet.

DevExpress' CodeRush offers no assistance on this regard; or nothing that is obvious to me - and DevExpress under non-expert mode is quite forthcoming in what it wants to do for you :-)

Last comment - this IDE feature of resolving dependencies is so mature and refined in the Java IDE world that the bulk of the Internet samples don't even show the imports (using) any more.

This said, Microsoft now finally has something to offer on this regard, but it is also clear to me that Microsoft development (for many of us) has now come full circle - the focus went from source, to visual designers right back to focus being on source again - meaning that the time you spend in a source code view / whether it is C#, VB or XAML is on the up and the amount of dragging and dropping onto 'forms' is on the down. With this basic assumption, it is simple to say that Microsoft should start concentrating on making the editor smarter, keyboard shortcuts easier, and code/error checking and evaluation better - the days of a dumb editor leaving you to google a class to find out in which library it resides are gone (or should be in any case) for most of us.

Exporting to .xlsx using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel SaveAs Error

    public static void ExportToExcel(DataGridView dgView)
        Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application excelApp = null;
            // instantiating the excel application class
            excelApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook currentWorkbook = excelApp.Workbooks.Add(Type.Missing);
            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet currentWorksheet = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)currentWorkbook.ActiveSheet;
            currentWorksheet.Columns.ColumnWidth = 18;

            if (dgView.Rows.Count > 0)
                currentWorksheet.Cells[1, 1] = DateTime.Now.ToString("s");
                int i = 1;
                foreach (DataGridViewColumn dgviewColumn in dgView.Columns)
                    // Excel work sheet indexing starts with 1
                    currentWorksheet.Cells[2, i] = dgviewColumn.Name;
                Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range headerColumnRange = currentWorksheet.get_Range("A2", "G2");
                headerColumnRange.Font.Bold = true;
                headerColumnRange.Font.Color = 0xFF0000;
                int rowIndex = 0;
                for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < dgView.Rows.Count; rowIndex++)
                    DataGridViewRow dgRow = dgView.Rows[rowIndex];
                    for (int cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < dgRow.Cells.Count; cellIndex++)
                        currentWorksheet.Cells[rowIndex + 3, cellIndex + 1] = dgRow.Cells[cellIndex].Value;
                Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range fullTextRange = currentWorksheet.get_Range("A1", "G" + (rowIndex + 1).ToString());
                fullTextRange.WrapText = true;
                fullTextRange.HorizontalAlignment = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignLeft;
                string timeStamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("s");
                timeStamp = timeStamp.Replace(':', '-');
                timeStamp = timeStamp.Replace("T", "__");
                currentWorksheet.Cells[1, 1] = timeStamp;
                currentWorksheet.Cells[1, 2] = "No error occured";
            using (SaveFileDialog exportSaveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog())
                exportSaveFileDialog.Title = "Select Excel File";
                exportSaveFileDialog.Filter = "Microsoft Office Excel Workbook(*.xlsx)|*.xlsx";

                if (DialogResult.OK == exportSaveFileDialog.ShowDialog())
                    string fullFileName = exportSaveFileDialog.FileName;
                   // currentWorkbook.SaveCopyAs(fullFileName);
                    // indicating that we already saved the workbook, otherwise call to Quit() will pop up
                    // the save file dialogue box

                    currentWorkbook.SaveAs(fullFileName, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFileFormat.xlOpenXMLWorkbook, System.Reflection.Missing.Value, Missing.Value, false, false, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlSaveConflictResolution.xlUserResolution, true, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value);
                    currentWorkbook.Saved = true;
                    MessageBox.Show("Error memory exported successfully", "Exported to Excel", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
        catch (Exception ex)
            MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Exception", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            if (excelApp != null)


How do I convert a list into a string with spaces in Python?

So in order to achieve a desired output, we should first know how the function works.

The syntax for join() method as described in the python documentation is as follows:


Things to be noted:

  • It returns a string concatenated with the elements of iterable. The separator between the elements being the string_name.
  • Any non-string value in the iterable will raise a TypeError

Now, to add white spaces, we just need to replace the string_name with a " " or a ' ' both of them will work and place the iterable that we want to concatenate.

So, our function will look something like this:

' '.join(my_list)

But, what if we want to add a particular number of white spaces in between our elements in the iterable ?

We need to add this:

str(number*" ").join(iterable)

here, the number will be a user input.

So, for example if number=4.

Then, the output of str(4*" ").join(my_list) will be how are you, so in between every word there are 4 white spaces.

PHP namespaces and "use"

If you need to order your code into namespaces, just use the keyword namespace:


namespace foo\bar;

In file2.php

$obj = new \foo\bar\myObj();

You can also use use. If in file2 you put

use foo\bar as mypath;

you need to use mypath instead of bar anywhere in the file:

$obj  = new mypath\myObj();

Using use foo\bar; is equal to use foo\bar as bar;.

How to add url parameter to the current url?

It is not elegant but possible to do it as one-liner <a> element

<a href onclick="event.preventDefault(); location+='&like=like'">Like</a>

Http Basic Authentication in Java using HttpClient?

This is the code from the accepted answer above, with some changes made regarding the Base64 encoding. The code below compiles.


import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;

public class HttpBasicAuth {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        try {
            URL url = new URL ("http://ip:port/login");

            Base64 b = new Base64();
            String encoding = b.encodeAsString(new String("test1:test1").getBytes());

            HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
            connection.setRequestProperty  ("Authorization", "Basic " + encoding);
            InputStream content = (InputStream)connection.getInputStream();
            BufferedReader in   = 
                new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (content));
            String line;
            while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
        catch(Exception e) {

Auto logout with Angularjs based on idle user

I think Buu's digest cycle watch is genius. Thanks for sharing. As others have noted $interval also causes the digest cycle to run. We could for the purpose of auto logging the user out use setInterval which will not cause a digest loop.$rootScope) {
    var lastDigestRun = new Date();
    setInterval(function () {
        var now =;
        if (now - lastDigestRun > 10 * 60 * 1000) {
    }, 60 * 1000);

    $rootScope.$watch(function() {
        lastDigestRun = new Date();

Docker: "no matching manifest for windows/amd64 in the manifest list entries"

You are in Windows container mode. So if you're not sure that the image you want to pull is built for the Windows architecture, you need to switch to Linux containers.

Spring Boot JPA - configuring auto reconnect

I assume that boot is configuring the DataSource for you. In this case, and since you are using MySQL, you can add the following to your up to 1.3

spring.datasource.validationQuery=SELECT 1

As djxak noted in the comment, 1.4+ defines specific namespaces for the four connections pools Spring Boot supports: tomcat, hikari, dbcp, dbcp2 (dbcp is deprecated as of 1.5). You need to check which connection pool you are using and check if that feature is supported. The example above was for tomcat so you'd have to write it as follows in 1.4+:

spring.datasource.tomcat.validationQuery=SELECT 1

Note that the use of autoReconnect is not recommended:

The use of this feature is not recommended, because it has side effects related to session state and data consistency when applications don't handle SQLExceptions properly, and is only designed to be used when you are unable to configure your application to handle SQLExceptions resulting from dead and stale connections properly.

How to get base URL in Web API controller?

In .NET Core WebAPI (version 3.0 and above):

var requestUrl = $"{Request.Scheme}://{Request.Host.Value}/";


javax.validation.ValidationException: HV000183: Unable to load 'javax.el.ExpressionFactory'

If you're using spring boot with starters - this dependency adds both tomcat-embed-el and hibernate-validator dependencies:


How to draw interactive Polyline on route google maps v2 android

I've created a couple of map tutorials that will cover what you need

Animating the map describes howto create polylines based on a set of LatLngs. Using Google APIs on your map : Directions and Places describes howto use the Directions API and animate a marker along the path.

Take a look at these 2 tutorials and the Github project containing the sample app.

It contains some tips to make your code cleaner and more efficient:

  • Using Google HTTP Library for more efficient API access and easy JSON handling.
  • Using google-map-utils library for maps-related functions (like decoding the polylines)
  • Animating markers

EXCEL VBA Check if entry is empty or not 'space'

A common trick is to check like this:

trim(TextBox1.Value & vbnullstring) = vbnullstring

this will work for spaces, empty strings, and genuine null values

ImportError: No module named 'encodings'

I had a similar issue. I had both anaconda and python installed on my computer and my python dependencies were from the Anaconda directory. When I uninstalled Anaconda, this error started popping. I added PYTHONPATH but it still didn't go. I checked with python -version and go to know that it was still taking the anaconda path. I had to manually delete Anaconda3 directory and after that python started taking dependencies from PYTHONPATH.
Issue Solved!

Distinct pair of values SQL

If you want to want to treat 1,2 and 2,1 as the same pair, then this will give you the unique list on MS-SQL:

    CASE WHEN a > b THEN a ELSE b END as a,
    CASE WHEN a > b THEN b ELSE a END as b
FROM pairs

Inspired by @meszias answer above

error: Libtool library used but 'LIBTOOL' is undefined

For people using Tiny Core Linux, you also need to install libtool-dev as it has the *.m4 files needed for libtoolize.

Flutter: Setting the height of the AppBar

The easiest way is to use toolbarHeight property in your AppBar

Example :

   title: Text('Flutter is great'),
   toolbarHeight: 100,

You can add flexibleSpace property in your appBar for more flexibility


enter image description here

For more controls , Use the PreferedSize widget to create your own appBar

Example :

appBar: PreferredSize(
     preferredSize: Size(100, 80), //width and height 
          // The size the AppBar would prefer if there were no other constraints.
     child: SafeArea(
       child: Container(
         height: 100,
         child: Center(child: Text('Fluter is great')),

Don't forget to use a SafeArea widget if you don't have a safeArea

Output :

enter image description here

Unrecognized escape sequence for path string containing backslashes

Try this:

string foo = @"D:\Projects\Some\Kind\Of\Pathproblem\wuhoo.xml";

The problem is that in a string, a \ is an escape character. By using the @ sign you tell the compiler to ignore the escape characters.

You can also get by with escaping the \:

string foo = "D:\\Projects\\Some\\Kind\\Of\\Pathproblem\\wuhoo.xml";

Force Intellij IDEA to reread all maven dependencies

Press Ctrl+Shift+A to find actions, and input "reimport", you will find the "Reimport All Maven Projects".

On a Mac, use ?+?+A instead.

Is there a "do ... until" in Python?

No there isn't. Instead use a while loop such as:

while 1:
  if cond:

How to open an Excel file in C#?

You need to have installed Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO).

VSTO can be selected in the Visual Studio installer under Workloads > Web & Cloud > Office/SharePoint Development.

After that create common .NET project and add the reference to Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel via 'Add Reference... > Assemblies' dialog.

Application excel = new Application();
Workbook wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(path);

Missing.Value is a special reflection struct for unnecessary parameters replacement

In newer versions, the assembly reference required is called Microsoft Excel 16.0 Object Library. If you do not have the latest version installed you might have Microsoft Excel 15.0 Object Library, or an older version, but it is the same process to include.

enter image description here

How do I force a vertical scrollbar to appear?

Give your body tag an overflow: scroll;

body {
    overflow: scroll;

or if you only want a vertical scrollbar use overflow-y

body {
    overflow-y: scroll;

Eclipse "cannot find the tag library descriptor" for custom tags (not JSTL!)

For me, this error occurs whenever I try to use a new version of eclipse. Apparently, the new eclipse resets the M2_REPO variable and I get all the tag library error in the Marker view (sometimes with ejb validation errors).

After updating M2_REPO variable to point to actual maven repository location, it takes 2-3 Project -> Clean iterations to get everything working.

And sometimes, there are some xml validation errors(ejb) along with this tag library errors. Manually updating the corresponding XML file, initiates a *.xsd file lookup and the xml validations errors are resolved. Post this, the tag library errors also vanish.

Format Date as "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"

Call the toISOString() method:

var dt = new Date("30 July 2010 15:05 UTC");

// Output:
//  2010-07-30T15:05:00.000Z

Which header file do you include to use bool type in c in linux?

bool is just a macro that expands to _Bool. You can use _Bool with no #include very much like you can use int or double; it is a C99 keyword.

The macro is defined in <stdbool.h> along with 3 other macros.

The macros defined are

  • bool: macro expands to _Bool
  • false: macro expands to 0
  • true: macro expands to 1
  • __bool_true_false_are_defined: macro expands to 1

Line Break in HTML Select Option?

You can use a library called select2

You also can look at this Stackoverflow Question & Answer

<select id="selectBox" style="width: 500px">
  <option value="1" data-desc="this is my <br> multiple line 1">option 1</option>
  <option value="2" data-desc="this is my <br> multiple line 2">option 2</option>

In javascript

    templateResult: formatDesc

  function formatDesc (opt) {
   var optdesc = $(opt.element).attr('data-desc'); 
    var $opt = $(
      '<div><strong>' + opt.text + '</strong></div><div>' + optdesc + '</div>'
    return $opt;

How to delete history of last 10 commands in shell?

I used a combination of solutions shared in this thread to erase the trace in commands history. First, I verified where is saved commands history with:


I edited the history with:

vi <pathToFile>

After that, I flush current session history buffer with:

history -r && exit

Next time you enter to this session, the last command that you will see on command history is the last that you left on pathToFile.

.NET / C# - Convert char[] to string

Use the string constructor which accepts chararray as argument, start position and length of array. Syntax is given below:

string charToString = new string(CharArray, 0, CharArray.Count());

How to find all occurrences of a substring?

src = input() # we will find substring in this string
sub = input() # substring

res = []
pos = src.find(sub)
while pos != -1:
    pos = src.find(sub, pos + 1)

Switch statement for string matching in JavaScript

You can't do it in a switch unless you're doing full string matching; that's doing substring matching. (This isn't quite true, as Sean points out in the comments. See note at the end.)

If you're happy that your regex at the top is stripping away everything that you don't want to compare in your match, you don't need a substring match, and could do:

switch (base_url_string) {
    case "xxx.local":
        // Blah
    case "":
        // Blah

...but again, that only works if that's the complete string you're matching. It would fail if base_url_string were, say, "" whereas your current code would match that in the "xxx.local" branch.

Update: Okay, so technically you can use a switch for substring matching, but I wouldn't recommend it in most situations. Here's how (live example):

function test(str) {
    switch (true) {
      case /xyz/.test(str):
        display("• Matched 'xyz' test");
      case /test/.test(str):
        display("• Matched 'test' test");
      case /ing/.test(str):
        display("• Matched 'ing' test");
        display("• Didn't match any test");

That works because of the way JavaScript switch statements work, in particular two key aspects: First, that the cases are considered in source text order, and second that the selector expressions (the bits after the keyword case) are expressions that are evaluated as that case is evaluated (not constants as in some other languages). So since our test expression is true, the first case expression that results in true will be the one that gets used.

Convert String to Integer in XSLT 1.0

XSLT 1.0 does not have an integer data type, only double. You can use number() to convert a string to a number.

How to change color of the back arrow in the new material theme?

We were running into the same problem and all we wanted was to set the


attribute in the toolbar in the end, which we did not find since it is not very well documented :)

         app:collapseIcon="@drawable/collapseBackIcon" />

How to run regasm.exe from command line other than Visual Studio command prompt?

By dragging and dropping the dll onto 'regasm' you can register it. You can open two 'Window Explorer' windows. One will contain the dll you wish to register. The 2nd window will be the location of the 'regasm' application. Scroll down in both windows so that you have a view of both the dll and 'regasm'. It helps to reduce the size of the two windows so they are side-by-side. Be sure to drag the dll over the 'regasm' that is labeled 'application'. There are several 'regasm' files but you only want the application.

Should I use Python 32bit or Python 64bit

Machine learning packages like tensorflow 2.x are designed to work only on 64 bit Python as they are memory intensive.

HTML 'td' width and height

Following width worked well in HTML5: -

<table >
    <th style="min-width:120px">Month</th>
    <th style="min-width:60px">Savings</th>

Please note that

  • TD tag is without CSS style.

Matplotlib make tick labels font size smaller

Another alternative

I have two plots side by side and would like to adjust tick labels separately.

The above solutions were close however they were not working out for me. I found my solution from this matplotlib page.


This did the trick and was straight to the point. For my use case, it was the plot on the right that needed to be adjusted. For the plot on the left since I was creating new tick labels I was able to adjust the font in the same process as seting the labels.


ax1.set_xticklabels(ax1_x, fontsize=15)
ax1.set_yticklabels(ax1_y, fontsize=15)

thus I used for the right plot,


A minor subtlety... I know... but I hope this helps someone :)

Bonus points if anyone knows how to adjust the font size of the order of magnitude label.

enter image description here

jQuery: more than one handler for same event

There is a workaround to guarantee that one handler happens after another: attach the second handler to a containing element and let the event bubble up. In the handler attached to the container, you can look at and do something if it's the one you're interested in.

Crude, maybe, but it definitely should work.

Add JVM options in Tomcat

Set it in the JAVA_OPTS variable in [path to tomcat]/bin/ Under windows there is a console where you can set it up or you use the catalina.bat.

JAVA_OPTS=-agentpath:C:\calltracer\jvmti\calltracer5.dll=traceFile-C:\calltracer\call.trace,filterFile-C:\calltracer\filters.txt,outputType-xml,usage-uncontrolled -Djava.library.path=C:\calltracer\jvmti -Dcalltracerlib=calltracer5

Sorting by date & time in descending order?

If you want the last 5 rows, ordered in ascending order, you need a subquery:

    ( SELECT id, name, form_id, DATE(updated_at) AS updated_date, updated_at
      FROM wp_frm_items
      WHERE user_id = 11 
        AND form_id=9
      ORDER BY updated_at DESC
      LIMIT 5
    ) AS tmp
ORDER BY updated_at

After reading the question for 10th time, this may be (just maybe) what you want. Order by Date descending and then order by time (on same date) ascending:

SELECT id, name, form_id, DATE(updated_at) AS updated_date
FROM wp_frm_items
WHERE user_id = 11 
  AND form_id=9
ORDER BY DATE(updated_at) DESC
       , updated_at ASC

Make javascript alert Yes/No Instead of Ok/Cancel

In an attempt to solve a similar situation I've come across this example and adapted it. It uses JQUERY UI Dialog as Nikhil D suggested. Here is a look at the code:


<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<input type="button" id="box" value="Confirm the thing?" />
<div id="dialog-confirm"></div>


$('#box').click(function buttonAction() {
  $("#dialog-confirm").html("Do you want to do the thing?");

  // Define the Dialog and its properties.
    resizable: false,
    modal: true,
    title: "Do the thing?",
    height: 250,
    width: 400,
    buttons: {
      "Yes": function() {
        alert("Yes, do the thing");
      "No": function() {
        alert("Nope, don't do the thing");


I have a few more tweaks I need to do to make this example work for my application. Will update this if I see it fit into the answer. Hope this helps someone.

How to display Toast in Android?

For displaying Toast use the following code:

Toast toast = new Toast(getApplicationContext());

toast.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL, 0, 0);


Bootstrap 3.0 - Fluid Grid that includes Fixed Column Sizes

Updated 2018

IMO, the best way to approach this in Bootstrap 3 would be using media queries that align with Bootstrap's breakpoints so that you only use the fixed width columns are larger screens and then let the layout stack responsively on smaller screens. This way you keep the responsiveness...

@media (min-width:768px) {
  #sidebar {
      width: inherit;
      min-width: 240px;
      max-width: 240px;
      min-height: 100%;
  #sidebar2 {
      min-width: 160px;
      max-width: 160px;
      min-height: 100%;
  #main {
      width:calc(100% - 400px);

Working Bootstrap Fixed-Fluid Demo

Bootstrap 4 will has flexbox so layouts like this will be much easier:

How do I parse a string into a number with Dart?

You can parse a string into an integer with int.parse(). For example:

var myInt = int.parse('12345');
assert(myInt is int);
print(myInt); // 12345

Note that int.parse() accepts 0x prefixed strings. Otherwise the input is treated as base-10.

You can parse a string into a double with double.parse(). For example:

var myDouble = double.parse('123.45');
assert(myDouble is double);
print(myDouble); // 123.45

parse() will throw FormatException if it cannot parse the input.

Call a Subroutine from a different Module in VBA

Prefix the call with Module2 (ex. Module2.IDLE). I'm assuming since you asked this that you have IDLE defined multiple times in the project, otherwise this shouldn't be necessary.

Generate 'n' unique random numbers within a range

You could use the random.sample function from the standard library to select k elements from a population:

import random
random.sample(range(low, high), n)

In case of a rather large range of possible numbers, you could use itertools.islice with an infinite random generator:

import itertools
import random

def random_gen(low, high):
    while True:
        yield random.randrange(low, high)

gen = random_gen(1, 100)
items = list(itertools.islice(gen, 10))  # Take first 10 random elements

After the question update it is now clear that you need n distinct (unique) numbers.

import itertools
import random

def random_gen(low, high):
    while True:
        yield random.randrange(low, high)

gen = random_gen(1, 100)

items = set()

# Try to add elem to set until set length is less than 10
for x in itertools.takewhile(lambda x: len(items) < 10, gen):

Run php script as daemon process

I was looking for a simple solution without having to install additional stuff and compatible with common hostings that allow SSH access.

I've ended up with this setup for my chat server:

-rwxr-xr-x  1 crazypoems psacln   309 ene 30 14:01
-rw-r--r--  1 crazypoems psacln  3018 ene 30 13:12 class.chathandler.php
-rw-r--r--  1 crazypoems psacln    29 ene 30 14:05 cron.log
-rw-r--r--  1 crazypoems psacln  2560 ene 29 08:04 index.php
-rw-r--r--  1 crazypoems psacln  2672 ene 30 13:29 php-socket.php
-rwxr-xr-x  1 crazypoems psacln   310 ene 30 14:04
-rwxr-xr-x  1 crazypoems psacln   122 ene 30 13:28
-rwxr-xr-x  1 crazypoems psacln   224 ene 30 13:56

And the scripts:

nohup /opt/plesk/php/5.6/bin/php -q /var/www/vhosts/ > /dev/null &

PID=`ps -eaf | grep '/var/www/vhosts/' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`
if [[ "" !=  "$PID" ]]; then
  echo "killing $PID"
  kill -9 $PID
  echo "not running"

PID=`ps -eaf | grep '/var/www/vhosts/' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`
if [[ "" !=  "$PID" ]]; then
  echo "killing $PID"
  kill -9 $PID
  echo "not running"
echo "Starting again"

And last but not least, I have put this last script on a cron job, to check if the "chat server is running", and if not, to start it:

Cron job every minute

-bash-4.1$ crontab -l
*       *       *       *       * /var/www/vhosts/ > /var/www/vhosts/

PID=`ps -eaf | grep '/var/www/vhosts/' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`
if [[ "" !=  "$PID" ]]; then
  echo "Chat server running on $PID"
  echo "Not running, going to start it"

So with this setup:

  • I manually can control the service with the scripts when needed (eg: maintenance)
  • The cron job will start the server on reboot, or on crash

Git error: "Host Key Verification Failed" when connecting to remote repository

You can use your "git url" in 'https" URL format in the Jenkinsfile or wherever you want.

git url: ''

Determine distance from the top of a div to top of window with javascript

I used this:

                              myElement = document.getElemenById("xyz");
Get_Offset_From_Start       ( myElement );  // returns positions from website's start position
Get_Offset_From_CurrentView ( myElement );  // returns positions from current scrolled view's TOP and LEFT


function Get_Offset_From_Start (object, offset) { 
    offset = offset || {x : 0, y : 0};
    offset.x += object.offsetLeft;       offset.y += object.offsetTop;
    if(object.offsetParent) {
        offset = Get_Offset_From_Start (object.offsetParent, offset);
    return offset;

function Get_Offset_From_CurrentView (myElement) {
    if (!myElement) return;
    var offset = Get_Offset_From_Start (myElement);
    var scrolled = GetScrolled (myElement.parentNode);
    var posX = offset.x - scrolled.x;   var posY = offset.y - scrolled.y;
    return {lefttt: posX , toppp: posY };
function GetScrolled (object, scrolled) {
    scrolled = scrolled || {x : 0, y : 0};
    scrolled.x += object.scrollLeft;    scrolled.y += object.scrollTop;
    if (object.tagName.toLowerCase () != "html" && object.parentNode) { scrolled=GetScrolled (object.parentNode, scrolled); }
    return scrolled;

    // live monitoring
    window.addEventListener('scroll', function (evt) {
        var Positionsss =  Get_Offset_From_CurrentView(myElement);  

Is the order of elements in a JSON list preserved?

The order of elements in an array ([]) is maintained. The order of elements (name:value pairs) in an "object" ({}) is not, and it's usual for them to be "jumbled", if not by the JSON formatter/parser itself then by the language-specific objects (Dictionary, NSDictionary, Hashtable, etc) that are used as an internal representation.

What uses are there for "placement new"?

I have one more idea (it is valid for C++11).

Let's look at the following example:

#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdio>

int main() {
    struct alignas(0x1000) A {
        char data[0x1000];

    printf("max_align_t: %zu\n", alignof(max_align_t));

    A a;
    printf("a: %p\n", &a);

    A *ptr = new A;
    printf("ptr: %p\n", ptr);
    delete ptr;

With C++11 standard, GCC gives the following output:

max_align_t: 16
a: 0x7ffd45e6f000
ptr: 0x1fe3ec0

ptr is not aligned properly.

With C++17 standard and further, GCC gives the following output:

max_align_t: 16
a: 0x7ffc924f6000
ptr: 0x9f6000

ptr is aligned properly.

As I know, C++ standard didn't support over-aligned new before C++17 came, and if your structure has alignment greater than max_align_t, you can have problems. To bypass this issue in C++11, you can use aligned_alloc.

#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <new>

int main() {
    struct alignas(0x1000) A {
        char data[0x1000];

    printf("max_align_t: %zu\n", alignof(max_align_t));

    A a;
    printf("a: %p\n", &a);

    void *buf = aligned_alloc(alignof(A), sizeof(A));
    if (buf == nullptr) {
        printf("aligned_alloc() failed\n");
    A *ptr = new(buf) A();
    printf("ptr: %p\n", ptr);

ptr is aligned in this case.

max_align_t: 16
a: 0x7ffe56b57000
ptr: 0x2416000

How to set width of a p:column in a p:dataTable in PrimeFaces 3.0?

This worked for me

<p:column headerText="name" style="width:20px;"/>

send bold & italic text on telegram bot with html

For JS:

First, if you haven't installed telegram bot just install with the command

npm i messaging-api-telegram

Now, initialize its client with

const client = new TelegramClient({
    accessToken: process.env.<TELEGRAM_ACCESS_TOKEN>

Then, to send message use sendMessage() async function like below -

    const resp = await client.sendMessage(chatId, msg, {
        disableWebPagePreview: false,
        disableNotification: false,
        parseMode: "HTML"

Here parse mode by default would be plain text but with parseOptions parseMode we can do 1. "HTML" and "MARKDOWN" to let use send messages in stylish way. Also get your access token of bot from telegram page and chatId or group chat Id from same.

How to find the lowest common ancestor of two nodes in any binary tree?

Although this has been answered already, this is my approach to this problem using C programming language. Although the code shows a binary search tree (as far as insert() is concerned), but the algorithm works for a binary tree as well. The idea is to go over all nodes that lie from node A to node B in inorder traversal, lookup the indices for these in the post order traversal. The node with maximum index in post order traversal is the lowest common ancestor.

This is a working C code to implement a function to find the lowest common ancestor in a binary tree. I am providing all the utility functions etc. as well, but jump to CommonAncestor() for quick understanding.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

static inline int min (int a, int b)
    return ((a < b) ? a : b);
static inline int max (int a, int b)
    return ((a > b) ? a : b);

typedef struct node_ {
    int value;
    struct node_ * left;
    struct node_ * right;
} node;

#define MAX 12

int IN_ORDER[MAX] = {0};
int POST_ORDER[MAX] = {0};

createNode(int value) 
    node * temp_node = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
    temp_node->left = temp_node->right = NULL;
    temp_node->value = value;
    return temp_node;

node *
insert(node * root, int value)
    if (!root) {
        return createNode(value);

    if (root->value > value) {
        root->left = insert(root->left, value);
    } else {
        root->right = insert(root->right, value);

    return root;

/* Builds inorder traversal path in the IN array */
inorder(node * root, int * IN)
    static int i = 0;

    if (!root) return;

    inorder(root->left, IN);
    IN[i] = root->value;
    inorder(root->right, IN);

/* Builds post traversal path in the POST array */

postorder (node * root, int * POST)
    static int i = 0;

    if (!root) return;

    postorder(root->left, POST);
    postorder(root->right, POST);
    POST[i] = root->value;

findIndex(int * A, int value)
    int i = 0;
    for(i = 0; i< MAX; i++) {
        if(A[i] == value) return i;
CommonAncestor(int val1, int val2)
    int in_val1, in_val2;
    int post_val1, post_val2;
    int j=0, i = 0; int max_index = -1;

    in_val1 = findIndex(IN_ORDER, val1);
    in_val2 = findIndex(IN_ORDER, val2);
    post_val1 = findIndex(POST_ORDER, val1);
    post_val2 = findIndex(POST_ORDER, val2);

    for (i = min(in_val1, in_val2); i<= max(in_val1, in_val2); i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < MAX; j++) {
            if (IN_ORDER[i] == POST_ORDER[j]) {
                if (j > max_index) {
                    max_index = j;
    printf("\ncommon ancestor of %d and %d is %d\n", val1, val2, POST_ORDER[max_index]);
    return max_index;
int main()
    node * root = NULL; 

    /* Build a tree with following values */
    //40, 20, 10, 30, 5, 15, 25, 35, 1, 80, 60, 100
    root = insert(root, 40);
    insert(root, 20);
    insert(root, 10);
    insert(root, 30);
    insert(root, 5);
    insert(root, 15);
    insert(root, 25);
    insert(root, 35);
    insert(root, 1);
    insert(root, 80);
    insert(root, 60);
    insert(root, 100);

    /* Get IN_ORDER traversal in the array */
    inorder(root, IN_ORDER);

    /* Get post order traversal in the array */
    postorder(root, POST_ORDER);

    CommonAncestor(1, 100);


AngularJS ngClass conditional

I see great examples above but they all start with curly brackets (json map). Another option is to return a result based on computation. The result can also be a list of css class names (not just map). Example:

ng-class="(status=='active') ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'"


ng-class="(status=='active') ? ['enabled'] : ['disabled', 'alik']"

Explanation: If the status is active, the class enabled will be used. Otherwise, the class disabled will be used.

The list [] is used for using multiple classes (not just one).

How to set index.html as root file in Nginx?

in your location block you can do:

location / {
  try_files $uri $uri/index.html;

which will tell ngingx to look for a file with the exact name given first, and if none such file is found it will try uri/index.html. So if a request for comes it it would look for an exact file match first, and not finding that would then check for index.html

CentOS 7 and Puppet unable to install nc

yum install nmap-ncat.x86_64

resolved my problem

Switch statement equivalent in Windows batch file

I searched switch / case in batch files today and stumbled upon this. I used this solution and extended it with a goto exit.

IF "%1"=="red" echo "one selected" & goto exit
IF "%1"=="two" echo "two selected" & goto exit

echo "Options: [one | two | ...]


Which brings in the default state (echo line) and no extra if's when the choice is found.

How to make canvas responsive

There's a better way to do this in modern browsers using the vh and vw units.

vh is the viewport height.

So you can try something like this:

canvas {
  border: solid 2px purple;
  background-color: green;
  width: 100%;
  height: 80vh;

This will distort the aspect ration.

You can keep the aspect ratio by using the same unit for each. Here's an example with a 2:1 aspect ratio:

canvas {
  width: 40vh;
  height: 80vh;

django change default runserver port

Actually the easiest way to change (only) port in development Django server is just like:

python runserver 7000

that should run development server on

How do I pick 2 random items from a Python set?

Use the random module:

import random
random.sample(set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]), 2)

This samples the two values without replacement (so the two values are different).

How to change Android usb connect mode to charge only?

Nothing worked until I went this way: Settings>Developer options>Default USB configuration now you can choose your default USB connection purpose.

process.env.NODE_ENV is undefined

You can also set it by code, for example:

process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test';

Regex pattern to match at least 1 number and 1 character in a string

This RE will do:


Explanation of RE:

  • Match either of the following:
    1. At least one number, then one letter or
    2. At least one letter, then one number plus
  • Any remaining numbers and letters

  • (?:...) creates an unreferenced group
  • /i is the ignore-case flag, so that a-z == a-zA-Z.

How to add LocalDB to Visual Studio 2015 Community's SQL Server Object Explorer?

My App.config looks as below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- For more information on Entity Framework configuration, visit -->
    <section name="entityFramework" type="System.Data.Entity.Internal.ConfigFile.EntityFrameworkSection, EntityFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" requirePermission="false" />
    <defaultConnectionFactory type="System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.LocalDbConnectionFactory, EntityFramework">
        <parameter value="v11.0" />
      <provider invariantName="System.Data.SqlClient" type="System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServer" />

I noticed that there is localDB in the path that you mentioned above and has the version v11.0. So I entered (LocalDB\V11.0) in Add Connection dialogue and it worked for me.

Setting up Gradle for api 26 (Android)

Appears to be resolved by Android Studio 3.0 Canary 4 and Gradle 3.0.0-alpha4.

Get startup type of Windows service using PowerShell

You can use also:

(Get-Service 'winmgmt').StartType

It returns just the startup type, for example, disabled.

C++ correct way to return pointer to array from function

A variable referencing an array is basically a pointer to its first element, so yes, you can legitimately return a pointer to an array, because thery're essentially the same thing. Check this out yourself:

#include <assert.h>

int main() {
  int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; 

  int* pArr = a;
  int* pFirstElem = &(a[0]);

  assert(a == pArr);
  assert(a == pFirstElem);

  return 0;

This also means that passing an array to a function should be done via pointer (and not via int in[5]), and possibly along with the length of the array:

int* test(int* in, int len) {
    int* out = in;
    return out;

That said, you're right that using pointers (without fully understanding them) is pretty dangerous. For example, referencing an array that was allocated on the stack and went out of scope yields undefined behavior:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
  int* pArr = 0;
    int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    pArr = a; // or test(a) if you wish
  // a[] went out of scope here, but pArr holds a pointer to it

  // all bets are off, this can output "1", output 1st chapter
  // of "Romeo and Juliet", crash the program or destroy the
  // universe
  cout << pArr[0] << endl; // WRONG!

  return 0;

So if you don't feel competent enough, just use std::vector.

[answer to the updated question]

The correct way to write your test function is either this:

void test(int* a, int* b, int* c, int len) {
  for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) c[i] = a[i] + b[i];
int main() {
   int a[5] = {...}, b[5] = {...}, c[5] = {};
   test(a, b, c, 5);
   // c now holds the result

Or this (using std::vector):

#include <vector>

vector<int> test(const vector<int>& a, const vector<int>& b) {
  vector<int> result(a.size());
  for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i) {
    result[i] = a[i] + b[i];
  return result; // copy will be elided

How to initialize/instantiate a custom UIView class with a XIB file in Swift

And this is the answer of Frederik on Swift 3.0

 - make your CustomeView class and inherit from this one
 - in your Xib file make the file owner is your CustomeView class
 - *Important* the root view in your Xib file must be of type UIView
 - link all outlets to the file owner
class NibLoadingView: UIView {

    @IBOutlet weak var view: UIView!

    override init(frame: CGRect) {
        super.init(frame: frame)

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)

    private func nibSetup() {
        backgroundColor = .clear

        view = loadViewFromNib()
        view.frame = bounds
        view.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]
        view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = true


    private func loadViewFromNib() -> UIView {
        let bundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self))
        let nib = UINib(nibName: String(describing: type(of: self)), bundle: bundle)
        let nibView = nib.instantiate(withOwner: self, options: nil).first as! UIView

        return nibView

COPYing a file in a Dockerfile, no such file or directory?

Similar and thanks to tslegaitis's answer, after

gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml . 

it shows

Check the gcloud log [/home/USER/.config/gcloud/logs/2020.05.24/21.12.04.NUMBERS.log] to see which files and the contents of the
default gcloudignore file used (see `$ gcloud topic gcloudignore` to learn

Checking that log, it says that docker will use .gitignore:

DATE Using default gcloudignore file:
# This file specifies files that are *not* uploaded to Google Cloud Platform
# using gcloud. It follows the same syntax as .gitignore, with the addition of
# "#!include" directives (which insert the entries of the given .gitignore-style
# file at that point).
# ...


So I fixed my .gitignore (I use it as whitelist instead) and docker copied the file.

[I added the answer because I have not enough reputation to comment]

Understanding the main method of python

If you import the module (.py) file you are creating now from another python script it will not execute the code within

if __name__ == '__main__':

If you run the script directly from the console, it will be executed.

Python does not use or require a main() function. Any code that is not protected by that guard will be executed upon execution or importing of the module.

This is expanded upon a little more at

Android: Vertical alignment for multi line EditText (Text area)

Use this:




Undocumented NSURLErrorDomain error codes (-1001, -1003 and -1004) using StoreKit

I found a new error code which is not documented above: CFNetworkErrorCode -1022

Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1022 "The resource could not be loaded because the App Transport Security policy requires the use of a secure connection."

XML Schema How to Restrict Attribute by Enumeration

you need to create a type and make the attribute of that type:

<xs:simpleType name="curr">
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:enumeration value="pounds" />
    <xs:enumeration value="euros" />
    <xs:enumeration value="dollars" />


    <xs:attribute name="currency" type="curr"/>

How to have PHP display errors? (I've added ini_set and error_reporting, but just gives 500 on errors)

I have had this problem when using PHP5.4 and Plesk 11.5

Somehow, the error reporting and display error settings in the Plesk domain configuration page were completely overriding any local settings in .htaccess or the PHP scripts. I have not found a way to prevent this happening, so use the Plesk settings to turn error reporting on and off.

You may have settings in your php.ini that prevents the local site from overriding these settings, perhaps enforced by the control panel used on your server.

Link a .css on another folder

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
.tree-view-com ul li {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  list-style: none;_x000D_
.tree-view-com .tree-view-child > li{_x000D_
  padding-bottom: 30px;_x000D_
.tree-view-com .tree-view-child > li:last-of-type{_x000D_
  padding-bottom: 0px;_x000D_
.tree-view-com ul li a .c-icon {_x000D_
  margin-right: 10px;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  top: 2px;_x000D_
.tree-view-com ul > li > ul {_x000D_
  margin-top: 20px;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
.tree-view-com > ul > li:before {_x000D_
  content: "";_x000D_
  border-left: 1px dashed #ccc;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  height: calc(100% - 30px - 5px);_x000D_
  z-index: 1;_x000D_
  left: 8px;_x000D_
  top: 30px;_x000D_
.tree-view-com > ul > li > ul > li:before {_x000D_
  content: "";_x000D_
  border-top: 1px dashed #ccc;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  width: 25px;_x000D_
  left: -32px;_x000D_
  top: 12px;_x000D_
<div class="tree-view-com">_x000D_
    <ul class="tree-view-parent">_x000D_
            <a href=""><i class="fa fa-folder c-icon c-icon-list" aria-hidden="true"></i> folder</a>_x000D_
            <ul class="tree-view-child">_x000D_
                    <a href="" class="document-title">_x000D_
                        <i class="fa fa-folder c-icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>_x000D_
                        sub folder 1_x000D_
                    <a href="" class="document-title">_x000D_
                        <i class="fa fa-folder c-icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>_x000D_
                        sub folder 2_x000D_
                    <a href="" class="document-title">_x000D_
                        <i class="fa fa-folder c-icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>_x000D_
                        sub folder 3_x000D_

How can I convert integer into float in Java?

You just need to transfer the first value to float, before it gets involved in further computations:

float z = x * 1.0 / y;

Bluetooth pairing without user confirmation

If you are asking if you can pair two devices without the user EVER approving the pairing, no it cannot be done, it is a security feature. If you are paired over Bluetooth there is no need to exchange data over NFC, just exchange data over the Bluetooth link.

I don't think you can circumvent Bluetooth security by passing an authentication packet over NFC, but I could be wrong.

Bypass popup blocker on when JQuery event.preventDefault() is set

I am using this method to avoid the popup blocker in my React code. it will work in all other javascript codes also.

When you are making an async call on click event, just open a blank window first and then write the URL in that later when an async call will complete.

const popupWindow ="", "_blank");
popupWindow.document.write("<div>Loading, Plesae wait...</div>")

on async call's success, write the following


Count the number of occurrences of each letter in string

After Accept Answer

A method that meets these specs: (IMO, the other answers do not meet all)

  1. It is practical/efficient when char has a wide range. Example: CHAR_BIT is 16 or 32, so no use of bool Used[1 << CHAR_BIT];

  2. Works for very long strings (use size_t rather than int).

  3. Does not rely on ASCII. ( Use Upper[] )

  4. Defined behavior when a char < 0. is...() functions are defined for EOF and unsigned char

    static const char Upper[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
    static const char Lower[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
    void LetterOccurrences(size_t *Count, const char *s) {
      memset(Count, 0, sizeof *Count * 26);
      while (*s) {
        unsigned char ch = *s;
        if (isalpha(ch)) {
          const char *caseset = Upper;
          char *p = strchr(caseset, ch);
          if (p == NULL) {
            caseset = Lower;
            p = strchr(caseset, ch);
          if (p != NULL) {
            Count[p - caseset]++;
    // sample usage
    char *s = foo();
    size_t Count[26];
    LetterOccurrences(Count, s);
    for (int i=0; i<26; i++)
      printf("%c : %zu\n", Upper[i], Count[i]);

Set NOW() as Default Value for datetime datatype?

My solution


Generating Unique Random Numbers in Java

I re-factored Anand's answer to make use not only of the unique properties of a Set but also use the boolean false returned by the set.add() when an add to the set fails.

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;

public class randomUniqueNumberGenerator {

    public static final int SET_SIZE_REQUIRED = 10;
    public static final int NUMBER_RANGE = 100;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Random random = new Random();

        Set set = new HashSet<Integer>(SET_SIZE_REQUIRED);

        while(set.size()< SET_SIZE_REQUIRED) {
            while (set.add(random.nextInt(NUMBER_RANGE)) != true)
        assert set.size() == SET_SIZE_REQUIRED;

Python | change text color in shell

curses will allow you to use colors properly for the type of terminal that is being used.

Android Studio - Failed to notify project evaluation listener error

It is interesting but as for me help this:

 File -> Setting -> Gradle -> disable offline work

JavaScript hard refresh of current page

Try to use:


When this method receives a true value as argument, it will cause the page to always be reloaded from the server. If it is false or not specified, the browser may reload the page from its cache.

More info:

Is there a decorator to simply cache function return values?

I implemented something like this, using pickle for persistance and using sha1 for short almost-certainly-unique IDs. Basically the cache hashed the code of the function and the hist of arguments to get a sha1 then looked for a file with that sha1 in the name. If it existed, it opened it and returned the result; if not, it calls the function and saves the result (optionally only saving if it took a certain amount of time to process).

That said, I'd swear I found an existing module that did this and find myself here trying to find that module... The closest I can find is this, which looks about right:

The only problem I see with that is it wouldn't work well for large inputs since it hashes str(arg), which isn't unique for giant arrays.

It would be nice if there were a unique_hash() protocol that had a class return a secure hash of its contents. I basically manually implemented that for the types I cared about.

Is there a better way to refresh WebView?

Override onFormResubmission in WebViewClient

public void onFormResubmission(WebView view, Message dontResend, Message resend){

Python Regex - How to Get Positions and Values of Matches

For Python 3.x

from re import finditer
for match in finditer("pattern", "string"):

You shall get \n separated tuples (comprising first and last indices of the match, respectively) and the match itself, for each hit in the string.

How do you convert a jQuery object into a string?

I assume you're asking for the full HTML string. If that's the case, something like this will do the trick:


This is explained in more depth here, but essentially you make a new node to wrap the item of interest, do the manipulations, remove it, and grab the HTML.

If you're just after a string representation, then go with new String(obj).


I wrote the original answer in 2009. As of 2014, most major browsers now support outerHTML as a native property (see, for example, Firefox and Internet Explorer), so you can do:



This was a fresh linux Mint xfce machine

I have been battling this for a about a week. I'm trying to learn Java on Netbeans IDE and so naturally I get the combo file straight from Oracle. Which is a package of the JDK and the Netbeans IDE together in a tar file located here.

located file name JDK 8u25 with NetBeans 8.0.1

after installing them (or so I thought) I would make/compile a simple program like "hello world" and that would spit out a jar file that you would be able to run in a terminal. Keep in mind that the program ran in the Netbeans IDE.

I would end up with this error: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError:

Even though I ran the file from oracle website I still had the old version of the Java runtime which was not compatible to run my jar file which was compiled with the new java runtime.

After messing with stuff that was mostly over my head from setting Paths to editing .bashrc with no remedy.

I came across a solution that was easy enough for even me. I have come across something that auto installs java and configures it on your system and it works with the latest 1.8.*

One of the steps is adding a PPA wasn't sure about this at first but seems ok as it has worked for me

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

domenic@domenic-AO532h ~ $ java -version java version "1.8.0_25" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_25-b17) Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 25.25-b02, mixed mode)

I think it also configures the browser java as well.

I hope this helps others.

JS file gets a net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)

As mentionned in comments: you need a way to send your static files to the client. This can be achieved with a reverse proxy like Nginx, or simply using express.static().

Put all your "static" (css, js, images) files in a folder dedicated to it, different from where you put your "views" (html files in your case). I'll call it static for the example. Once it's done, add this line in your server code:

app.use("/static", express.static('./static/'));

This will effectively serve every file in your "static" folder via the /static route.

Querying your index.js file in the client thus becomes:

<script src="static/index.js"></script>

Check if a string isn't nil or empty in Lua

Can this code be simplified in one if test instead two?

nil and '' are different values. If you need to test that s is neither, IMO you should just compare against both, because it makes your intent the most clear.

That and a few alternatives, with their generated bytecode:

if not foo or foo == '' then end
     GETGLOBAL       0 -1    ; foo
     TEST            0 0 0
     JMP             3       ; to 7
     GETGLOBAL       0 -1    ; foo
     EQ              0 0 -2  ; - ""
     JMP             0       ; to 7

if foo == nil or foo == '' then end
    GETGLOBAL       0 -1    ; foo
    EQ              1 0 -2  ; - nil
    JMP             3       ; to 7
    GETGLOBAL       0 -1    ; foo
    EQ              0 0 -3  ; - ""
    JMP             0       ; to 7

if (foo or '') == '' then end
   GETGLOBAL       0 -1    ; foo
   TEST            0 0 1
   JMP             1       ; to 5
   LOADK           0 -2    ; ""
   EQ              0 0 -2  ; - ""
   JMP             0       ; to 7

The second is fastest in Lua 5.1 and 5.2 (on my machine anyway), but difference is tiny. I'd go with the first for clarity's sake.

Interesting 'takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)' Python error

Am I getting it because the act of calling it via e.extractAll("th") also passes in self as an argument?

Yes, that's precisely it. If you like, the first parameter is the object name, e that you are calling it with.

And if so, by removing the self in the call, would I be making it some kind of class method that can be called like Extractor.extractAll("th")?

Not quite. A classmethod needs the @classmethod decorator, and that accepts the class as the first paramater (usually referenced as cls). The only sort of method that is given no automatic parameter at all is known as a staticmethod, and that again needs a decorator (unsurprisingly, it's @staticmethod). A classmethod is used when it's an operation that needs to refer to the class itself: perhaps instantiating objects of the class; a staticmethod is used when the code belongs in the class logically, but requires no access to class or instance.

But yes, both staticmethods and classmethods can be called by referencing the classname as you describe: Extractor.extractAll("th").

Awk if else issues

You forgot braces around the if block, and a semicolon between the statements in the block.

awk '{if($3 != 0) {a = ($3/$4); print $0, a;} else if($3==0) print $0, "-" }' file > out

How to make bootstrap column height to 100% row height?

You can solve that using display table.

Here is the updated JSFiddle that solves your problem.


.body {
    display: table;
    background-color: green;

.left-side {
    background-color: blue;
    float: none;
    display: table-cell;
    border: 1px solid;

.right-side {
    background-color: red;
    float: none;
    display: table-cell;
    border: 1px solid;


<div class="row body">
        <div class="col-xs-9 left-side">
        <div class="col-xs-3 right-side">

Angular EXCEPTION: No provider for Http

I just add both these in my app.module.ts:

"import { HttpClientModule }    from '@angular/common/http'; 


import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http';"

Now its works fine.... And dont forget to add in the

@NgModule => Imports:[] array

How to install beautiful soup 4 with python 2.7 on windows

You don't need pip for installing Beautiful Soup - you can just download it and run python install from the directory that you have unzipped BeautifulSoup in (assuming that you have added Python to your system PATH - if you haven't and you don't want to you can run C:\Path\To\Python27\python "C:\Path\To\BeautifulSoup\" install)

However, you really should install pip - see How to install pip on Windows for how to do that best (via @MartijnPieters comment)

How do you comment an MS-access Query?

You can add a comment to an MSAccess query as follows: Create a dummy field in the query. Not elegant but is self-documentating and contained in the query, which makes cheking it into source code control alot more feasible! Jere's an example. Go into SQL view and add the dummy field (you can do from design view too):

SELECT  "2011-01-21;JTR;Added FIELD02;;2011-01-20;JTR;Added qryHISTORY;;" as qryHISTORY, of query here...

Run the query:

qryHISTORY                           FIELD01 FIELD02 ...
2011-01-21;JTR;Added FIELD02;;2011-01-20;JTR;Added qryHISTORY;;"  0000001  ABCDEF ...

Note the use of ";" as field delimiter in qryHISTORY field, and ";;" as an end of comment, and use of ISO date format and intials, as well as comment. Have tested this with up to 646 characters in the qryHISTORY field.

Git diff --name-only and copy that list

The following should work fine:

git diff -z --name-only commit1 commit2 | xargs -0 -IREPLACE rsync -aR REPLACE /home/changes/protected/

To explain further:

  • The -z to with git diff --name-only means to output the list of files separated with NUL bytes instead of newlines, just in case your filenames have unusual characters in them.

  • The -0 to xargs says to interpret standard input as a NUL-separated list of parameters.

  • The -IREPLACE is needed since by default xargs would append the parameters to the end of the rsync command. Instead, that says to put them where the later REPLACE is. (That's a nice tip from this Server Fault answer.)

  • The -a parameter to rsync means to preserve permissions, ownership, etc. if possible. The -R means to use the full relative path when creating the files in the destination.

Update: if you have an old version of xargs, you'll need to use the -i option instead of -I. (The former is deprecated in later versions of findutils.)

FIX CSS <!--[if lt IE 8]> in IE

I found cascading it works great for multibrowser detection.

This code was used to change a fade to show/hide in ie 8 7 6.

    if(jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version.substring(0, 1) == 8.0)
            $('#shop').hover(function() {
    }, function() {
         { if(jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version.substring(0, 1) == 7.0)
            $('#shop').hover(function() {
    }, function() {
         {if(jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version.substring(0, 1) == 6.0)
            $('#shop').hover(function() {
    }, function() {
         { $('#shop').hover(function() {
        $(".glow").stop(true).fadeTo("400ms", 1);
    }, function() {
        $(".glow").stop(true).fadeTo("400ms", 0.2);});

Why is not Element in Typescript?

@Bangonkali provide the right answer, but this syntax seems more readable and just nicer to me:

eventChange($event: KeyboardEvent): void {

What is jQuery Unobtrusive Validation?

jQuery Validation Unobtrusive Native is a collection of ASP.Net MVC HTML helper extensions. These make use of jQuery Validation's native support for validation driven by HTML 5 data attributes. Microsoft shipped jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js back with MVC 3. It provided a way to apply data model validations to the client side using a combination of jQuery Validation and HTML 5 data attributes (that's the "unobtrusive" part).

jQuery scroll() detect when user stops scrolling

please check the jquery mobile scrollstop event

  alert("Stopped scrolling!");

How to install Guest addition in Mac OS as guest and Windows machine as host

You can use SSH and SFTP as suggested here.

  1. In the Guest OS (Mac OS X), open System Preferences > Sharing, then activate Remote Login; note the ip address specified in the Remote Login instructions, e.g. ssh [email protected]
  2. In VirtualBox, open Devices > Network > Network Settings > Advanced > Port Forwarding and specify Host IP =, Host Port 2222, Guest IP, Guest Port 22
  3. On the Host OS, run the following command sftp -P 2222 [email protected]; if you prefer a graphical interface, you can use FileZilla

Replace user and with the appropriate values relevant to your configuration.

How can one check to see if a remote file exists using PHP?

This works for me to check if a remote file exist in PHP:

$url = '';
    $header_response = get_headers($url, 1);

    if ( strpos( $header_response[0], "404" ) !== false ) {
        echo 'File does NOT exist';
        } else {
        echo 'File exists';

Spring Boot - inject map from application.yml

You can make it even simplier, if you want to avoid extra structures.

    key1: value1
    key2: value2
public class ServiceConfigurationProperties {

  @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "service.mappings")
  public Map<String, String> serviceMappings() {
    return new HashMap<>();


And then use it as usual, for example with a constructor:

public class Foo {

  private final Map<String, String> serviceMappings;

  public Foo(Map<String, String> serviceMappings) {
    this.serviceMappings = serviceMappings;


Display number with leading zeros




Drop view if exists

DROP VIEW if exists {ViewName}
CREATE View {ViewName} AS 
SELECT * from {TableName}  

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

When you open a file with the name address.csv, you are telling the open() function that your file is in the current working directory. This is called a relative path.

To give you an idea of what that means, add this to your code:

import os

cwd = os.getcwd()  # Get the current working directory (cwd)
files = os.listdir(cwd)  # Get all the files in that directory
print("Files in %r: %s" % (cwd, files))

That will print the current working directory along with all the files in it.

Another way to tell the open() function where your file is located is by using an absolute path, e.g.:

f = open("/Users/foo/address.csv")

How to prevent browser to invoke basic auth popup and handle 401 error using Jquery?

Use X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest with your request header. So the response header will not contain WWW-Authenticate:Basic.

beforeSend: function (xhr) {
                    xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', ("Basic "
                    xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');

Choosing the default value of an Enum type without having to change values

An enum's default is whatever enumeration equates to zero. I don't believe this is changeable by attribute or other means.

(MSDN says: "The default value of an enum E is the value produced by the expression (E)0.")

How can I mark a foreign key constraint using Hibernate annotations?

@Column is not the appropriate annotation. You don't want to store a whole User or Question in a column. You want to create an association between the entities. Start by renaming Questions to Question, since an instance represents a single question, and not several ones. Then create the association:

@Table(name = "UserAnswer")
public class UserAnswer {

    // this entity needs an ID:
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    private Long id;

    @JoinColumn(name = "user_id")
    private User user;

    @JoinColumn(name = "question_id")
    private Question question;

    @Column(name = "response")
    private String response;

    //getter and setter 

The Hibernate documentation explains that. Read it. And also read the javadoc of the annotations.

Vue equivalent of setTimeout?

It is likely a scope issue. Try the following instead:

addToBasket: function(){
    item =;
    this.$'/api/buy/addToBasket', item);
    this.basketAddSuccess = true;
    var self = this;
        self.basketAddSuccess = false;
    }, 2000);

document.getElementById().value and document.getElementById().checked not working for IE

Jin Yong - IE has an issue with polluting the global scope with object references to any DOM elements with a "name" or "id" attribute set on the "initial" page load.

Thus you may have issues due to your variable name.

Try this and see if it works.

var someOtherName="abc";
//  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
document.getElementById('msg').value = someOtherName;
document.getElementById('sp_100').checked = true;

There is a chance (in your original code) that IE attempts to set the value of the input to a reference to that actual element (ignores the error) but leaves you with no new value.

Keep in mind that in IE6/IE7 case doesn't matter for naming objects. IE believes that "foo" "Foo" and "FOO" are all the same object.

Mysql where id is in array

$array=array_map('intval', explode(',', $string));
$array = implode("','",$array);
$query=mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT name FROM users WHERE id IN ('".$array."')");

NB: the syntax is:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE column IN('value1','value2','value3')

How can I convert an Integer to localized month name in Java?

Try to use this a very simple way and call it like your own func

public static String convertnumtocharmonths(int m){
         String charname=null;
         return charname;

What is the difference between a definition and a declaration?

There are interesting edge cases in C++ (some of them in C too). Consider

T t;

That can be a definition or a declaration, depending on what type T is:

typedef void T();
T t; // declaration of function "t"

struct X { 
  T t; // declaration of function "t".

typedef int T;
T t; // definition of object "t".

In C++, when using templates, there is another edge case.

template <typename T>
struct X { 
  static int member; // declaration

template<typename T>
int X<T>::member; // definition

int X<bool>::member; // declaration!

The last declaration was not a definition. It's the declaration of an explicit specialization of the static member of X<bool>. It tells the compiler: "If it comes to instantiating X<bool>::member, then don't instantiate the definition of the member from the primary template, but use the definition found elsewhere". To make it a definition, you have to supply an initializer

int X<bool>::member = 1; // definition, belongs into a .cpp file.

How to replace a set of tokens in a Java String?

With Apache Commons Library, you can simply use Stringutils.replaceEach:

public static String replaceEach(String text,
                             String[] searchList,
                             String[] replacementList)

From the documentation:

Replaces all occurrences of Strings within another String.

A null reference passed to this method is a no-op, or if any "search string" or "string to replace" is null, that replace will be ignored. This will not repeat. For repeating replaces, call the overloaded method.

 StringUtils.replaceEach(null, *, *)        = null

  StringUtils.replaceEach("", *, *)          = ""

  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", null, null) = "aba"

  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[0], null) = "aba"

  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", null, new String[0]) = "aba"

  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{"a"}, null)  = "aba"

  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{"a"}, new String[]{""})  = "b"

  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{null}, new String[]{"a"})  = "aba"

  StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"w", "t"})  = "wcte"
  (example of how it does not repeat)

StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "t"})  = "dcte"

Using git to get just the latest revision

Use git clone with the --depth option set to 1 to create a shallow clone with a history truncated to the latest commit.

For example:

git clone --depth 1

To also initialize and update any nested submodules, also pass --recurse-submodules and to clone them shallowly, also pass --shallow-submodules.

For example:

git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules --shallow-submodules

release Selenium chromedriver.exe from memory

I came here initially thinking surely this would have been answered/resolved but after reading all the answers I was a bit surprised no one tried to call all three methods together:

    driver.Close(); // Close the chrome window
    driver.Quit(); // Close the console app that was used to kick off the chrome window
    driver.Dispose(); // Close the chromedriver.exe

I was only here to look for answers and didn't intend to provide one. So the above solution is based on my experience only. I was using chrome driver in a C# console app and I was able to clean up the lingering processes only after calling all three methods together.

Vue 2 - Mutating props vue-warn

Vue.component('task', {
    template: '#task-template',
    props: ['list'],
    computed: {
      middleData() {
        return this.list
    watch: {
      list(newVal, oldVal) {
        this.newList = newVal
    data() {
      return {
        newList: {}
new Vue({
    el: '.container'

Maybe this will meet your needs.

Convert HTML string to image

Thanks all for your responses. I used HtmlRenderer external dll (library) to achieve the same and found below code for the same.

Here is the code for this

public void ConvertHtmlToImage()
   Bitmap m_Bitmap = new Bitmap(400, 600);
   PointF point = new PointF(0, 0);
   SizeF maxSize = new System.Drawing.SizeF(500, 500);
                                           "<html><body><p>This is some html code</p>"
                                           + "<p>This is another html line</p></body>",
                                            point, maxSize);

   m_Bitmap.Save(@"C:\Test.png", ImageFormat.Png);


You have mixed 2 standard.

The error is in $header = "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary='123456f'";

The function http_build_query($filedata) is only for "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded", or none.

Get the short Git version hash

git log -1 --abbrev-commit

will also do it.

git log --abbrev-commit

will list the log entries with abbreviated SHA-1 checksum.

How can I get the last day of the month in C#?

public static class DateTimeExtensions
    public static DateTime LastDayOfMonth(this DateTime date)
        return date.AddDays(1-(date.Day)).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);

How to pad a string with leading zeros in Python 3

I suggest this ugly method but it works:

length = 1
lenghtafterpadding = 3
newlength = '0' * (lenghtafterpadding - len(str(length))) + str(length)

I came here to find a lighter solution than this one!

JOptionPane Yes or No window

You are writing if(true) so it will always show "Hello " message.

You should take decision on the basis of value of n returned.

Getting Class type from String

It should be:

Class.forName(String classname)

Converting Integers to Roman Numerals - Java

I like using a Chain of Responsiblity pattern myself. I think it makes a lot of sense for this scenario.

public abstract class NumberChainOfResponsibility {
    protected NumberChainOfResponsibility next;
    protected int decimalValue;
    protected String romanNumeralValue;

    public NumberChainOfResponsibility() {

    public String convert(int decimal) {
        int remainder = decimal;
        StringBuilder numerals = new StringBuilder();
        while (remainder != 0) {
            if (remainder >= this.decimalValue) {
                remainder -= this.decimalValue;
            } else {
                remainder = 0;
        return numerals.toString();

Then I create a class extending this one for every roman numeral (1/5/10/50/100/500/1000 as well as 4/9/40/90/400/900).


public class Cor1000 extends NumberChainOfResponsibility {
    public Cor1000() {
        this.decimalValue = 1000;
        this.romanNumeralValue = "M"; = new Cor900();


public class Cor1 extends NumberChainOfResponsibility {
    public Cor1() {
        this.decimalValue = 1;
        this.romanNumeralValue = "I"; = null;

A class serving as an "interface" to the converter, exposing a method to convert a specific number.

public class Converter {
    private static int MAX_VALUE = 5000;
    private static int MIN_VALUE = 0;
    private static String ERROR_TOO_BIG = "Value is too big!";
    private static String ERROR_TOO_SMALL = "Value is too small!";

    public String convertThisIntToRomanNumerals(int decimal) {
        Cor1000 startingCor = new Cor1000();
        if (decimal >= MAX_VALUE)
            return ERROR_TOO_BIG;
        if (decimal <= MIN_VALUE)
            return ERROR_TOO_SMALL;

        String numeralsWithoutConversion = startingCor.convert(decimal);
        return numeralsWithoutConversion;

And the client code (in my case a JUnit test).

public void assertConversionWorks() {
    Assert.assertEquals("MMMMCMXCIX", converter.convertThisIntToRomanNumerals(4999));
    Assert.assertEquals("CMXCIX", converter.convertThisIntToRomanNumerals(999));
    Assert.assertEquals("CMLXXXIX", converter.convertThisIntToRomanNumerals(989));
    Assert.assertEquals("DCXXVI", converter.convertThisIntToRomanNumerals(626));
    Assert.assertEquals("DCXXIV", converter.convertThisIntToRomanNumerals(624));
    Assert.assertEquals("CDXCVIII", converter.convertThisIntToRomanNumerals(498));
    Assert.assertEquals("CXXIII", converter.convertThisIntToRomanNumerals(123));
    Assert.assertEquals("XCIX", converter.convertThisIntToRomanNumerals(99));
    Assert.assertEquals("LI", converter.convertThisIntToRomanNumerals(51));
    Assert.assertEquals("XLIX", converter.convertThisIntToRomanNumerals(49));

See the whole example on my Github account.

Random float number generation

In my opinion the above answer do give some 'random' float, but none of them is truly a random float (i.e. they miss a part of the float representation). Before I will rush into my implementation lets first have a look at the ANSI/IEEE standard format for floats:

|sign (1-bit)| e (8-bits) | f (23-bit) |

the number represented by this word is (-1 * sign) * 2^e * 1.f

note the the 'e' number is a biased (with a bias of 127) number thus ranging from -127 to 126. The most simple (and actually most random) function is to just write the data of a random int into a float, thus

int tmp = rand();
float f = (float)*((float*)&tmp);

note that if you do float f = (float)rand(); it will convert the integer into a float (thus 10 will become 10.0).

So now if you want to limit the maximum value you can do something like (not sure if this works)

int tmp = rand();
float f = *((float*)&tmp);
tmp = (unsigned int)f       // note float to int conversion!
tmp %= max_number;
f -= tmp;

but if you look at the structure of the float you can see that the maximum value of a float is (approx) 2^127 which is way larger as the maximum value of an int (2^32) thus ruling out a significant part of the numbers that can be represented by a float. This is my final implementation:

 * Function generates a random float using the upper_bound float to determine 
 * the upper bound for the exponent and for the fractional part.
 * @param min_exp sets the minimum number (closest to 0) to 1 * e^min_exp (min -127)
 * @param max_exp sets the maximum number to 2 * e^max_exp (max 126)
 * @param sign_flag if sign_flag = 0 the random number is always positive, if 
 *              sign_flag = 1 then the sign bit is random as well
 * @return a random float
float randf(int min_exp, int max_exp, char sign_flag) {
    assert(min_exp <= max_exp);

    int min_exp_mod = min_exp + 126;

    int sign_mod = sign_flag + 1;
    int frac_mod = (1 << 23);

    int s = rand() % sign_mod;  // note x % 1 = 0
    int e = (rand() % max_exp) + min_exp_mod;
    int f = rand() % frac_mod;

    int tmp = (s << 31) | (e << 23) | f;

    float r = (float)*((float*)(&tmp));

    /** uncomment if you want to see the structure of the float. */
//    printf("%x, %x, %x, %x, %f\n", (s << 31), (e << 23), f, tmp, r);

    return r;

using this function randf(0, 8, 0) will return a random number between 0.0 and 255.0

Mixing C# & VB In The Same Project

Why don't you just compile your VB code into a library(.dll).Reference it later from your code and that's it. Managed dlls contain MSIL to which both c# and vb are compiled.

GitHub - error: failed to push some refs to '[email protected]:myrepo.git'

$ git fetch --unshallow origin
$ git push you remote name

Subset data to contain only columns whose names match a condition

Just in case for data.table users, the following works for me:

df[, grep("ABC", names(df)), with = FALSE]

php timeout - set_time_limit(0); - don't work

ini_set('max_execution_time', 300);

use this

error: (-215) !empty() in function detectMultiScale

You may find such kind of errors when you did not define the complete path of your XML file. Try this one if you are using opencv3.1.0 in raspberrypi 3: "faceCascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('/home/pi/opencv-3.1.0/data/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml')"

How to get all possible combinations of a list’s elements?

Using list comprehension:

def selfCombine( list2Combine, length ):
    listCombined = str( ['list2Combine[i' + str( i ) + ']' for i in range( length )] ).replace( "'", '' ) \
                     + 'for i0 in range(len( list2Combine ) )'
    if length > 1:
        listCombined += str( [' for i' + str( i ) + ' in range( i' + str( i - 1 ) + ', len( list2Combine ) )' for i in range( 1, length )] )\
            .replace( "', '", ' ' )\
            .replace( "['", '' )\
            .replace( "']", '' )

    listCombined = '[' + listCombined + ']'
    listCombined = eval( listCombined )

    return listCombined

list2Combine = ['A', 'B', 'C']
listCombined = selfCombine( list2Combine, 2 )

Output would be:

['A', 'A']
['A', 'B']
['A', 'C']
['B', 'B']
['B', 'C']
['C', 'C']

How can I change Eclipse theme?

The best way to Install new themes in any Eclipse platform is to use the Eclipse Marketplace.

1.Go to Help > Eclipse Marketplace

2.Search for "Color Themes"

3.Install and Restart

4.Go to Window > Preferences > General > Appearance > Color Themes

5.Select anyone and Apply. Restart.

Setting timezone to UTC (0) in PHP

Is 'UTC' a valid timezone identifier on your system?

if (date_default_timezone_set('UTC')){
    echo "UTC is a valid time zone";
    echo "The system doesn't know WTFUTC.  Maybe try updating tzinfo with your package manager?";

replacing text in a file with Python

Reading from standard input, write '' as follows:

import sys

rep = {'zero':'0', 'temp':'bob', 'garbage':'nothing'}

for line in sys.stdin:
    for k, v in rep.iteritems():
        line = line.replace(k, v)
    print line

Then, execute the script with redirection or piping (

python < infile > outfile

PHP $_POST not working?

Dump the global variable to find out what you have in the page scope:


This will tell you the "what" and "where" regarding the data on your page.

"Sources directory is already netbeans project" error when opening a project from existing sources

  1. copy an existing netbeans project folder in to your new project and manually edit the xml project name.

  2. reinstall netbeans

  3. copy/move all files/folders (except nbproject/ folder) to a new folder for your project, with a new name.

What is the difference between and localhost

The main difference is that the connection can be made via Unix Domain Socket, as stated here: localhost vs.

Run Python script at startup in Ubuntu

In similar situations, I've done well by putting something like the following into /etc/rc.local:

cd /path/to/my/script
./ &
cd -
echo `date +%Y-%b-%d_%H:%M:%S` > /tmp/ran_rc_local  # check that rc.local ran

This has worked on multiple versions of Fedora and on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, for both python and perl scripts.

How to input a regex in string.replace?

str.replace() does fixed replacements. Use re.sub() instead.

how to create dynamic two dimensional array in java?

Try to make Treemap < Integer, Treemap<Integer, obj> >

In java, Treemap is sorted map. And the number of item in row and col wont screw the 2D-index you want to set. Then you can get a col-row table like structure.

jQuery Datepicker with text input that doesn't allow user input

Or you could, for example, use a hidden field to store the value...

        <asp:HiddenField ID="hfDay" runat="server" />

and in the $("#my_txtbox").datepicker({ options:

        onSelect: function (dateText, inst) {
            $("#<% =hfDay.ClientID %>").val(dateText);

When using .net MVC RadioButtonFor(), how do you group so only one selection can be made?

The first parameter of Html.RadioButtonFor() should be the property name you're using, and the second parameter should be the value of that specific radio button. Then they'll have the same name attribute value and the helper will select the given radio button when/if it matches the property value.


<div class="editor-field">
    <%= Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.Gender, "M" ) %> Male
    <%= Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.Gender, "F" ) %> Female

Here's a more specific example:

I made a quick MVC project named "DeleteMeQuestion" (DeleteMe prefix so I know that I can remove it later after I forget about it).

I made the following model:

namespace DeleteMeQuestion.Models
    public class QuizModel
        public int ParentQuestionId { get; set; }
        public int QuestionId { get; set; }
        public string QuestionDisplayText { get; set; }
        public List<Response> Responses { get; set; }

        [Range(1,999, ErrorMessage = "Please choose a response.")]
        public int SelectedResponse { get; set; }

    public class Response
        public int ResponseId { get; set; }
        public int ChildQuestionId { get; set; }
        public string ResponseDisplayText { get; set; }

There's a simple range validator in the model, just for fun. Next up, I made the following controller:

namespace DeleteMeQuestion.Controllers
    public class HomeController : Controller
        public ActionResult Index(int? id)
            // TODO: get question to show based on method parameter 
            var model = GetModel(id);
            return View(model);

        public ActionResult Index(int? id, QuizModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                var freshModel = GetModel(id);
                return View(freshModel);

            // TODO: save selected answer in database
            // TODO: get next question based on selected answer (hard coded to 999 for now)

            var nextQuestionId = 999;
            return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new {id = nextQuestionId});

        private QuizModel GetModel(int? questionId)
            // just a stub, in lieu of a database

            var model = new QuizModel
                QuestionDisplayText = questionId.HasValue ? "And so on..." : "What is your favorite color?",
                QuestionId = 1,
                Responses = new List<Response>
                                                    new Response
                                                            ChildQuestionId = 2,
                                                            ResponseId = 1,
                                                            ResponseDisplayText = "Red"
                                                    new Response
                                                            ChildQuestionId = 3,
                                                            ResponseId = 2,
                                                            ResponseDisplayText = "Blue"
                                                    new Response
                                                            ChildQuestionId = 4,
                                                            ResponseId = 3,
                                                            ResponseDisplayText = "Green"

            return model;

Finally, I made the following view that makes use of the model:

<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<DeleteMeQuestion.Models.QuizModel>" %>

<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="TitleContent" runat="server">
    Home Page

<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">

    <% using (Html.BeginForm()) { %>


            <h1><%: Model.QuestionDisplayText %></h1>

            <% foreach (var item in Model.Responses) { %>
                    <%= Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.SelectedResponse, item.ResponseId, new {id="Response" + item.ResponseId}) %>
                    <label for="Response<%: item.ResponseId %>"><%: item.ResponseDisplayText %></label>
            <% } %>

            <%= Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.SelectedResponse) %>


        <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

    <% } %>


As I understand your context, you have questions with a list of available answers. Each answer will dictate the next question. Hopefully that makes sense from my model and TODO comments.

This gives you the radio buttons with the same name attribute, but different ID attributes.

Groovy Shell warning "Could not open/create prefs root node ..."

The problem is indeed the register key that is missing. It can be created manually


it can be created automagically by running the program as administrator once. That will give the program the permissions required, and when it will be ran as normal it will still work correctly.

How to list the properties of a JavaScript object?

if you are trying to get the elements only but not the functions then this code can help you

this.getKeys = function() {

    var keys = new Array();
    for(var key in this) {

        if( typeof this[key] !== 'function') {

    return keys;

this is part of my implementation of the HashMap and I only want the keys, "this" is the hashmap object that contains the keys

How to change option menu icon in the action bar?

The following lines should be updated in app -> main -> res -> values -> Styles.xml

 <!-- Application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="AppBaseTheme">
    <!-- All customizations that are NOT specific to a particular API-level can go here. -->
    <item name="android:actionOverflowButtonStyle">@style/MyActionButtonOverflow</item>

<!-- Style to replace actionbar overflow icon. set item 'android:actionOverflowButtonStyle' in AppTheme -->
<style name="MyActionButtonOverflow" parent="android:style/Widget.Holo.Light.ActionButton.Overflow">
    <item name="android:src">@drawable/ic_launcher</item>
    <item name="android:background">?android:attr/actionBarItemBackground</item>
    <item name="android:contentDescription">"Lala"</item>

This is how it can be done. If you want to change the overflow icon in action bar

Using a string variable as a variable name

You can use exec for that:

>>> foo = "bar"
>>> exec(foo + " = 'something else'")
>>> print bar
something else

ICommand MVVM implementation

I've just created a little example showing how to implement commands in convention over configuration style. However it requires Reflection.Emit() to be available. The supporting code may seem a little weird but once written it can be used many times.


public class SampleViewModel: BaseViewModelStub
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public void HelloWorld()
        MessageBox.Show("Hello World!");

    public void Print()
        MessageBox.Show(String.Concat("Hello, ", Name, "!"), "SampleViewModel");

    public bool CanPrint()
        return !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Name);


UPDATE: now there seem to exist some libraries like that solve the problem of ICommand boilerplate code.

Multiple simultaneous downloads using Wget?

They always say it depends but when it comes to mirroring a website The best exists httrack. It is super fast and easy to work. The only downside is it's so called support forum but you can find your way using official documentation. It has both GUI and CLI interface and it Supports cookies just read the docs This is the best.(Be cureful with this tool you can download the whole web on your harddrive)

httrack -c8 [url]

By default maximum number of simultaneous connections limited to 8 to avoid server overload

Searching word in vim?

  1. vim filename
  2. press /
  3. type word which you want to search
  4. press Enter

How to generate UML diagrams (especially sequence diagrams) from Java code?

I am one of the authors, so the answer can be biased. It is open-source (Apache 2.0), but the plugin is not free. You don't have to pay (obviously) if you clone and build it locally.

On Intellij IDEA, ZenUML can generate sequence diagram from Java code. enter image description here

Check it out at

Source code:

Calculate age based on date of birth

$getyear = explode("-", $value['users_dob']);
$dob = date('Y') - $getyear[0];

$value['users_dob'] is the database value with format yyyy-mm-dd

What do these operators mean (** , ^ , %, //)?

You can find all of those operators in the Python language reference, though you'll have to scroll around a bit to find them all. As other answers have said:

  • The ** operator does exponentiation. a ** b is a raised to the b power. The same ** symbol is also used in function argument and calling notations, with a different meaning (passing and receiving arbitrary keyword arguments).
  • The ^ operator does a binary xor. a ^ b will return a value with only the bits set in a or in b but not both. This one is simple!
  • The % operator is mostly to find the modulus of two integers. a % b returns the remainder after dividing a by b. Unlike the modulus operators in some other programming languages (such as C), in Python a modulus it will have the same sign as b, rather than the same sign as a. The same operator is also used for the "old" style of string formatting, so a % b can return a string if a is a format string and b is a value (or tuple of values) which can be inserted into a.
  • The // operator does Python's version of integer division. Python's integer division is not exactly the same as the integer division offered by some other languages (like C), since it rounds towards negative infinity, rather than towards zero. Together with the modulus operator, you can say that a == (a // b)*b + (a % b). In Python 2, floor division is the default behavior when you divide two integers (using the normal division operator /). Since this can be unexpected (especially when you're not picky about what types of numbers you get as arguments to a function), Python 3 has changed to make "true" (floating point) division the norm for division that would be rounded off otherwise, and it will do "floor" division only when explicitly requested. (You can also get the new behavior in Python 2 by putting from __future__ import division at the top of your files. I strongly recommend it!)

How to write one new line in Bitbucket markdown?

Feb 3rd 2020:

  • Atlassian Bitbucket v5.8.3 local installation.
  • I wanted to add a new line around an horizontal line. --- did produce the line, but I could not get new lines to work with suggestions above.
  • note: I did not want to use the [space][space] suggestion, since my editor removes trailing spaces on save, and I like this feature on.

I ended up doing this:


Resulting in:

----------------- AN HORIZONTAL LINE ----------------

How to update column value in laravel

Version 1:

// Update data of question values with $data from formulay
$Q1 = Question::find($id);

Version 2:

$Q1 = Question::find($id);
$Q1->field = 'YOUR TEXT OR VALUE';

In case of answered question you can use them:

$page = Page::find($id);
$page2update = $page->where('image', $path);
$page2update->image = 'IMGVALUE';

How to get a value from the last inserted row?

With PostgreSQL you can do it via the RETURNING keyword:


INSERT INTO mytable( field_1, field_2,... )
VALUES ( value_1, value_2 ) RETURNING anyfield

It will return the value of "anyfield". "anyfield" may be a sequence or not.

To use it with JDBC, do:

ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("INSERT ... RETURNING ID");;

Force browser to refresh css, javascript, etc

If you want to be sure that these files are properly refreshed by Chrome for all users, then you need to have must-revalidate in the Cache-Control header. This will make Chrome re-check files to see if they need to be re-fetched.

Recommend the following response header:

Cache-Control: must-validate

This tells Chrome to check with the server, and see if there is a newer file. If there is a newer file, it will receive it in the response. If not, it will receive a 304 response, and the assurance that the one in the cache is up to date.

If you do NOT set this header, then in the absence of any other setting that invalidates the file, Chrome will never check with the server to see if there is a newer version.

Here is a blog post that discusses the issue further.

Proper usage of .net MVC Html.CheckBoxFor

I had trouble getting this to work and added another solution for anyone wanting/ needing to use FromCollection.

Instead of:

@Html.CheckBoxFor(model => true, item.TemplateId) 

Format html helper like so:

@Html.CheckBoxFor(model => model.SomeProperty, new { @class = "form-control", Name = "SomeProperty"})

Then in the viewmodel/model wherever your logic is:

public void Save(FormCollection frm)
    // to do instantiate object.

    instantiatedItem.SomeProperty = (frm["SomeProperty"] ?? "").Equals("true", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

    // to do and save changes in database.

Error: Unable to run mksdcard SDK tool

For UBUNTU 15.04,15.10,16.04 LTS, Debian 8 & Debian 9 Try this command:

sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6

Spring Boot Java Config Set Session Timeout

You should be able to set the server.session.timeout in your file.


How to print variables in Perl

You should always include all relevant code when asking a question. In this case, the print statement that is the center of your question. The print statement is probably the most crucial piece of information. The second most crucial piece of information is the error, which you also did not include. Next time, include both of those.

print $ids should be a fairly hard statement to mess up, but it is possible. Possible reasons:

  1. $ids is undefined. Gives the warning undefined value in print
  2. $ids is out of scope. With use strict, gives fatal warning Global variable $ids needs explicit package name, and otherwise the undefined warning from above.
  3. You forgot a semi-colon at the end of the line.
  4. You tried to do print $ids $nIds, in which case perl thinks that $ids is supposed to be a filehandle, and you get an error such as print to unopened filehandle.


1: Should not happen. It might happen if you do something like this (assuming you are not using strict):

my $var;
while (<>) {
    $Var .= $_;
print $var;

Gives the warning for undefined value, because $Var and $var are two different variables.

2: Might happen, if you do something like this:

if ($something) {
    my $var = "something happened!";
print $var;

my declares the variable inside the current block. Outside the block, it is out of scope.

3: Simple enough, common mistake, easily fixed. Easier to spot with use warnings.

4: Also a common mistake. There are a number of ways to correctly print two variables in the same print statement:

print "$var1 $var2";  # concatenation inside a double quoted string
print $var1 . $var2;  # concatenation
print $var1, $var2;   # supplying print with a list of args

Lastly, some perl magic tips for you:

use strict;
use warnings;

# open with explicit direction '<', check the return value
# to make sure open succeeded. Using a lexical filehandle.
open my $fh, '<', 'file.txt' or die $!;

# read the whole file into an array and
# chomp all the lines at once
chomp(my @file = <$fh>);
close $fh;

my $ids  = join(' ', @file);
my $nIds = scalar @file;
print "Number of lines: $nIds\n";
print "Text:\n$ids\n";

Reading the whole file into an array is suitable for small files only, otherwise it uses a lot of memory. Usually, line-by-line is preferred.


  • print "@file" is equivalent to $ids = join(' ',@file); print $ids;
  • $#file will return the last index in @file. Since arrays usually start at 0, $#file + 1 is equivalent to scalar @file.

You can also do:

my $ids;
do {
    local $/;
    $ids = <$fh>;

By temporarily "turning off" $/, the input record separator, i.e. newline, you will make <$fh> return the entire file. What <$fh> really does is read until it finds $/, then return that string. Note that this will preserve the newlines in $ids.

Line-by-line solution:

open my $fh, '<', 'file.txt' or die $!; # btw, $! contains the most recent error
my $ids;
while (<$fh>) {
    $ids .= "$_ "; # concatenate with string
my $nIds = $.; # $. is Current line number for the last filehandle accessed.

Powershell script to see currently logged in users (domain and machine) + status (active, idle, away)

Since we're in the PowerShell area, it's extra useful if we can return a proper PowerShell object ...

I personally like this method of parsing, for the terseness:

((quser) -replace '^>', '') -replace '\s{2,}', ',' | ConvertFrom-Csv

Note: this doesn't account for disconnected ("disc") users, but works well if you just want to get a quick list of users and don't care about the rest of the information. I just wanted a list and didn't care if they were currently disconnected.

If you do care about the rest of the data it's just a little more complex:

(((quser) -replace '^>', '') -replace '\s{2,}', ',').Trim() | ForEach-Object {
    if ($_.Split(',').Count -eq 5) {
        Write-Output ($_ -replace '(^[^,]+)', '$1,')
    } else {
        Write-Output $_
} | ConvertFrom-Csv

I take it a step farther and give you a very clean object on my blog.

I ended up making this into a module.

error NG6002: Appears in the NgModule.imports of AppModule, but could not be resolved to an NgModule class

i simply change my import from import from { AngularFirestore} from '@angular/fire/firestore'; to import { AngularFirestoreModule } from '@angular/fire/firestore';

and it's working fine

how to convert string into time format and add two hours

You can use SimpleDateFormat to convert the String to Date. And after that you have two options,

  • Make a Calendar object and and then use that to add two hours, or
  • get the time in millisecond from that date object, and add two hours like, (2 * 60 * 60 * 1000)

    SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
    // replace with your start date string
    Date d = df.parse("2008-04-16 00:05:05"); 
    Calendar gc = new GregorianCalendar();
    gc.add(Calendar.HOUR, 2);
    Date d2 = gc.getTime();


    SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
    // replace with your start date string
    Date d = df.parse("2008-04-16 00:05:05");
    Long time = d.getTime();
    time +=(2*60*60*1000);
    Date d2 = new Date(time);

Have a look to these tutorials.

How to make <input type="file"/> accept only these types?

for image write this

<input type=file accept="image/*">

For other, You can use the accept attribute on your form to suggest to the browser to restrict certain types. However, you'll want to re-validate in your server-side code to make sure. Never trust what the client sends you

Warning: #1265 Data truncated for column 'pdd' at row 1

As the message error says, you need to Increase the length of your column to fit the length of the data you are trying to insert (0000-00-00)


Following your comment, I run a test table:

mysql> create table testDate(id int(2) not null auto_increment, pdd date default null, primary key(id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.20 sec)


mysql> insert into testDate values(1,'0000-00-00');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)


So, aparently you want to insert a NULL value to pdd field as your comment states ? You can do that in 2 ways like this:

Method 1:

mysql> insert into testDate values(2,'');
Query OK, 1 row affected, 1 warning (0.06 sec)

Method 2:

mysql> insert into testDate values(3,NULL);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.07 sec)


You failed to change the default value of pdd field. Here is the syntax how to do it (in my case, I set it to NULL in the start, now I will change it to NOT NULL)

mysql> alter table testDate modify pdd date not null;
Query OK, 3 rows affected, 1 warning (0.60 sec)
Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 1

Getting rid of all the rounded corners in Twitter Bootstrap

Bootstrap has it's own classes for borders including .rounded-0 to get rid of rounded corners on any element including buttons

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<a class="btn btn-primary">Regular Rounded Corners</a>_x000D_
<a class="btn btn-primary rounded-pill">Pill Corners</a>_x000D_
<a class="btn btn-primary rounded-0">Square Corners</a>

Temporary table in SQL server causing ' There is already an object named' error

I usually put these lines at the beginning of my stored procedure, and then at the end.

It is an "exists" check for #temp tables.

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#MyCoolTempTable') IS NOT NULL
        drop table #MyCoolTempTable

Full Example:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspTempTableSuperSafeExample]

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#MyCoolTempTable') IS NOT NULL
            DROP TABLE #MyCoolTempTable

    CREATE TABLE #MyCoolTempTable (
        MyCoolTempTableKey INT IDENTITY(1,1),
        MyValue VARCHAR(128)

    INSERT INTO #MyCoolTempTable (MyValue)
        SELECT LEFT(@@VERSION, 128)
        UNION ALL SELECT TOP 10 LEFT(name, 128) from sysobjects

    SELECT MyCoolTempTableKey, MyValue FROM #MyCoolTempTable

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#MyCoolTempTable') IS NOT NULL
            DROP TABLE #MyCoolTempTable


Simulate Keypress With jQuery

This works:

var event = jQuery.Event('keypress');
event.which = 13; 
event.keyCode = 13; //keycode to trigger this for simulating enter

The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'id' of non-nullable type 'System.Int32'

I was facing the Same Error.

Solution: The name of the variable in the View through which we are passing value to Controller should Match the Name of Variable on Controller Side.

.csHtml (View) :

@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit" , new { id=item.EmployeeId })

.cs (Controller Method):

            public ActionResult Edit(int id)
                EmployeeContext employeeContext = new EmployeeContext();
                Employee employee = employeeContext.Employees.Where(emp => emp.EmployeeId == id).First();
                return View(employee);

Troubleshooting misplaced .git directory (nothing to commit)

Go to your workspace folder

  1. find .git folder
  2. delete the folder and its contents
  3. use git init command to initialize.

Now it will show what all the files can be committed.

ORACLE and TRIGGERS (inserted, updated, deleted)

The NEW values (or NEW_BUFFER as you have renamed them) are only available when INSERTING and UPDATING. For DELETING you would need to use OLD (OLD_BUFFER). So your trigger would become:

  REFERENCING OLD AS old_buffer NEW AS new_buffer 
  FOR EACH ROW WHEN (new_buffer.field1 = 'HBP00' OR old_buffer.field1 = 'HBP00') 

You may need to add logic inside the trigger to cater for code that updates field1 from 'HBP000' to something else.

How do I format a date as ISO 8601 in moment.js?

var date = moment(new Date(), moment.ISO_8601);

Serial Port (RS -232) Connection in C++

For the answer above, the default serial port is

        serialParams.BaudRate = 9600;
        serialParams.ByteSize = 8;
        serialParams.StopBits = TWOSTOPBITS;
        serialParams.Parity = NOPARITY;

How to find all occurrences of an element in a list

You can use a list comprehension:

indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(my_list) if x == "whatever"]

How do I view Android application specific cache?

Here is the code: replace package_name by your specific package name.

Intent i = new Intent(android.provider.Settings.ACTION_APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS);

Check whether a value is a number in JavaScript or jQuery

function isNumber(n) {
  return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);

Text overwrite in visual studio 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2013 and Win 8.1. It was Shift + 0 (0 is my insert key) on the number pad of my laptop.

What is two way binding?

Two-way binding means that any data-related changes affecting the model are immediately propagated to the matching view(s), and that any changes made in the view(s) (say, by the user) are immediately reflected in the underlying model. When app data changes, so does the UI, and conversely.

This is a very solid concept to build a web application on top of, because it makes the "Model" abstraction a safe, atomic data source to use everywhere within the application. Say, if a model, bound to a view, changes, then its matching piece of UI (the view) will reflect that, no matter what. And the matching piece of UI (the view) can safely be used as a mean of collecting user inputs/data, so as to maintain the application data up-to-date.

A good two-way binding implementation should obviously make this connection between a model and some view(s) as simple as possible, from a developper point of view.

It is then quite untrue to say that Backbone does not support two-way binding: while not a core feature of the framework, it can be performed quite simply using Backbone's Events though. It costs a few explicit lines of code for the simple cases; and can become quite hazardous for more complex bindings. Here is a simple case (untested code, written on the fly just for the sake of illustration):

Model = Backbone.Model.extend
    data: ''

View = Backbone.View.extend
  template: _.template("Edit the data: <input type='text' value='<%= data %>' />")

    # Listen for user inputs, and edit the model.
    'change input': @setData

  initialize: (options) ->
    # Listen for model's edition, and trigger UI update
    @listenTo @model, 'change:data', @render

  render: ->
    @$el.html @template(@model.attributes)

  setData: (e) =>
    @model.set 'data', $(e.currentTarget).value()

model: new Model()
view = new View {el: $('.someEl'), model: model}

This is a pretty typical pattern in a raw Backbone application. As one can see, it requires a decent amount of (pretty standard) code.

AngularJS and some other alternatives (Ember, Knockout…) provide two-way binding as a first-citizen feature. They abstract many edge-cases under some DSL, and do their best at integrating two-way binding within their ecosystem. Our example would look something like this with AngularJS (untested code, see above):

<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="MainCtrl">
  Edit the data:
  <input name="" ng-model="">
angular.module('app', [])
  .controller 'MainCtrl', ($scope) ->
    $scope.mymodel = {data: ''}

Rather short!

But, be aware that some fully-fledged two-way binding extensions do exist for Backbone as well (in raw, subjective order of decreasing complexity): Epoxy, Stickit, ModelBinder

One cool thing with Epoxy, for instance, is that it allows you to declare your bindings (model attributes <-> view's DOM element) either within the template (DOM), or within the view implementation (JavaScript). Some people strongly dislike adding "directives" to the DOM/template (such as the ng-* attributes required by AngularJS, or the data-bind attributes of Ember).

Taking Epoxy as an example, one can rework the raw Backbone application into something like this (…):

Model = Backbone.Model.extend
    data: ''

View = Backbone.Epoxy.View.extend
  template: _.template("Edit the data: <input type='text' />")
  # or, using the inline form: <input type='text' data-bind='value:data' />

    'input': 'value:data'

  render: ->
    @$el.html @template(@model.attributes)

model: new Model()
view = new View {el: $('.someEl'), model: model}

All in all, pretty much all "mainstream" JS frameworks support two-way binding. Some of them, such as Backbone, do require some extra work to make it work smoothly, but those are the same which do not enforce a specific way to do it, to begin with. So it is really about your state of mind.

Also, you may be interested in Flux, a different architecture for web applications promoting one-way binding through a circular pattern. It is based on the concept of fast, holistic re-rendering of UI components upon any data change to ensure cohesiveness and make it easier to reason about the code/dataflow. In the same trend, you might want to check the concept of MVI (Model-View-Intent), for instance Cycle.

Display curl output in readable JSON format in Unix shell script

Check out curljson

$ pip install curljson
$ curljson -i <the-json-api-url>

100% Min Height CSS layout

As mentioned in Afshin Mehrabani's answer, you should set body and html's height to 100%, but to get the footer there, calculate the height of the wrapper:

/* Firefox */
height: -moz-calc(100% - 100px); /*assume i.e. your header above the wrapper is 80 and the footer bellow is 20*/
/* WebKit */
height: -webkit-calc(100% - 100px);
/* Opera */
height: -o-calc(100% - 100px);
/* Standard */
height: calc(100% - 100px);

Vim: faster way to select blocks of text in visual mode

} means move cursor to next paragraph. so, use v} to select entire paragraph.