[html] How to add url parameter to the current url?

Currently I'm at


and I want to make a link to


by not defining the current url. Like <a href="&like=like">Like</a>. However this last one shows me http://example.com/&like=like

This question is related to html url

The answer is

Maybe you can write a function as follows:

var addParams = function(key, val, url) {
  var arr = url.split('?');
  if(arr.length == 1) {
    return url + '?' + key + '=' + val;
  else if(arr.length == 2) {
    var params = arr[1].split('&');
    var p = {};
    var a = [];
    var strarr = [];
    $.each(params, function(index, element) {
      a = element.split('=');
      p[a[0]] = a[1];
    p[key] = val;
    for(var o in p) {
      strarr.push(o + '=' + p[o]);
    var str = strarr.join('&');
    return(arr[0] + '?' + str);

If you wish to use "like" as a parameter your link needs to be:

<a href="/topic.php?like=like">Like</a>

More likely though is that you want:

<a href="/topic.php?id=14&like=like">Like</a>

I know I'm late to the game, but you can just do ?id=14&like=like by using http build query as follows:

http_build_query(array_merge($_GET, array("like"=>"like")))

Whatever GET parameters you had will still be there and if like was a parameter before it will be overwritten, otherwise it will be included at the end.

In case you want to add the URL parameter in JavaScript, see this answer. As suggested there, you can use the URLSeachParams API in modern browsers as follows:

function addUrlParameter(name, value) {
  var searchParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search)
  searchParams.set(name, value)
  window.location.search = searchParams.toString()

  <a onclick="addUrlParameter('like', 'like')">Like this page</a>

It is not elegant but possible to do it as one-liner <a> element

<a href onclick="event.preventDefault(); location+='&like=like'">Like</a>

function currentUrl() {
    $protocol = strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']),'https') === FALSE ? 'http' : 'https';
    $host     = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    $script   = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
    $params   = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];

    return $protocol . '://' . $host . $script . '?' . $params;

Then add your value with something like;

echo currentUrl().'&value=myVal';