[html] Adding form action in html in laravel

I am unable to pass url in views html form action tag.

<form method="post" action="??what to write here??" accept-charset="UTF-8">

I want to set it's action to WelcomeController@log_in function in WelcomeController file in controllers.

Here are my routes:

Route::post('/', array('as' => 'log_in', 'uses' => 'WelcomeController@log_in'));
Route::get('home', 'HomeController@index');

After submitting it keeps the same url


And the main error line

Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

After that there is 1/1 TokenMismatchException in compiled.php line 2440:

This question is related to html forms url laravel action

The answer is

Form Post Action :

<form method="post" action="{{url('login')}}" accept-charset="UTF-8">

Change your Route : In Routes -> Web.php


For Laravel 2020. Ok, an example:

<form class="modal-content animate" action="{{ url('login_kun')  }}" method="post">
  @csrf   // !!! attention - this string is a must 

And then in web.php:

Route::post("/login_kun", "LoginController@login");

And one more in new created LoginController:

 public function login(Request $request){

and you are done my friend.

Your form is also missing '{{csrf_field()}}'

Laravel 5.8 Step 1: Go to the path routes/api.php add: Route::post('welcome/login', 'WelcomeController@login')->name('welcome.login'); Step2: Go to the path file view

<form method="POST" action="{{ route('welcome.login') }}">

Result html

<form method="POST" action="http://localhost/api/welcome/login">


You need to set a name to your Routes. Like this:

    Route::post('/', array('as' => 'log_in', 'uses' => 'WelcomeController@log_in'))->name('welcome.log_in');
    Route::get('home', 'HomeController@index')->name('home.index');

I just put name on Routes that need this. In my case, to call from tag form at blade template. Like this:

<form action="{{ route('home.index') }}" >

Or, You can do this:

<form action="/" >

You can use the action() helper to generate an URL to your route:

<form method="post" action="{{ action('WelcomeController@log_in') }}" accept-charset="UTF-8">

Note that the Laravel 5 default installation already comes with views and controllers for the whole authentication process. Just go to /home on a fresh install and you should get redirected to a login page.

Also make sure to read the Authentication section in the docs

The error you're getting now (TokenMismatchException) is because Laravel has CSRF protection out of the box

To make use of it (and make the error go away) add a hidden field to your form:

<input name="_token" type="hidden" value="{{ csrf_token() }}"/>

Alternatively you can also disable CSRF protection by removing 'App\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken' from the $middleware array in app/Http/Kernel.php

if you want to call controller from form action that time used following code:

<form action="{{ action('SchoolController@getSchool') }}"  >

Here SchoolController is a controller name and getSchool is a method name, you must use get or post before method name which should be same as in form tag.

1) In Laravel 5 , form helper is removed .You need to first install laravel collective .

Refer link: https://laravelcollective.com/docs/5.1/html

{!! Form::open(array('route' => 'log_in')) !!}


{!! Form::open(array('route' => '/')) !!}

2) For laravel 4, form helper is already there

{{ Form::open(array('url' => '/')) }}

The following should work.

{{  Form::open( array('url' => action('WelcomeController@log_in'), 'files'=>true,'method'=>'post') )  }}

{{ Form::close() }}

Use action="{{ action('WelcomeController@log_in') }}"

however TokenMismatchException means that you are missing a CSRF token in your form.

You can add this by using <input name="_token" type="hidden" value="{{ csrf_token() }}">

I wanted to store a post in my application, so I created a controller of posts (PostsController) with the resources included:

php artisan make:controller PostsController --resource

The controller was created with all the methods needed to do a CRUD app, then I added the following code to the web.php in the routes folder :

Route::resource('posts', 'PostsController');

I solved the form action problem by doing this:

  1. I checked my routing list by doing php artisan route:list
  2. I searched for the route name of the store method in the result table in the terminal and I found it under the name of posts.store
  3. I added this to the action attribute of my form: action="{{route('posts.store')}}" instead of action="??what to write here??"

{{ Form::open(array('action' => "WelcomeController@log_in")) }}
{{ Form::close() }}

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