[html] Line Break in HTML Select Option?

An idea could be to use the optgroup. In my case found it better than the disabled approach. It's less confusing for the user than seeing the disabled option I think.

<select id="q1" v-model="selected" v-on:change="setCPost1(selected)">
  <option value="0"></option>
    v-for="(child, idx) in getLevel1"

  <optgroup v-bind:value="child.id" :key="idx"

  <option v-bind:value="child.id" :key="idx"  v-if="!child.label_line_two"
  {{ child.label }}  

  <option v-bind:value="child.id" :key="idx" v-if="child.label_line_two"
  {{ child.label_line_two }}


An external component sounds cool like Vue Select, but I wanted to stick with the native html select at the moment.