Programs & Examples On #Isnull

`ISNULL` is a SQL function that replaces NULL with the specified replacement value.

C# equivalent of the IsNull() function in SQL Server

public static T isNull<T>(this T v1, T defaultValue)
    return v1 == null ? defaultValue : v1;

myValue.isNull(new MyValue())

jQuery check if Cookie exists, if not create it

You can set the cookie after having checked if it exists with a value.

      if ($.cookie('cookie')) { //if cookie isset
         //do stuff here like hide a popup when cookie isset
         //document.getElementById("hideElement").style.display = "none";
         var CookieSet = $.cookie('cookie', 'value'); //set cookie

how to check for null with a ng-if values in a view with angularjs?

Here is a simple example that I tried to explain.

    <div *ngIf="product">     <!--If "product" exists-->
      <h2>Product Details</h2><hr>
      <h4>Name: {{ }}</h4>
      <h5>Price: {{ product.price | currency }}</h5>
      <p> Description: {{ product.description }}</p>

    <div *ngIf="!product">     <!--If "product" not exists-->
       *Product not found

Equivalent of SQL ISNULL in LINQ?

You can use the ?? operator to set the default value but first you must set the Nullable property to true in your dbml file in the required field (xx.Online)

var hht = from x in db.HandheldAssets
        join a in db.HandheldDevInfos on x.AssetID equals a.DevName into DevInfo
        from aa in DevInfo.DefaultIfEmpty()
        select new
        AssetID = x.AssetID,
        Status = xx.Online ?? false

PostgreSQL: How to change PostgreSQL user password?

Go to your Postgresql Config and Edit pg_hba.conf

sudo vim /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf

Then Change this Line :

Database administrative login by Unix domain socket
local      all              postgres                                md5

to :

Database administrative login by Unix domain socket
local   all             postgres                                peer

then Restart the PostgreSQL service via SUDO command then

psql -U postgres

You will be now entered and will See the Postgresql terminal

then enter


and enter the NEW Password for Postgres default user, After Successfully changing the Password again go to the pg_hba.conf and revert the change to "md5"

now you will be logged in as

psql -U postgres

with your new Password.

Let me know if you all find any issue in it.

adding noise to a signal in python

... And for those who - like me - are very early in their numpy learning curve,

import numpy as np
pure = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)
noise = np.random.normal(0, 1, 100)
signal = pure + noise

vba pass a group of cells as range to function

As written, your function accepts only two ranges as arguments.

To allow for a variable number of ranges to be used in the function, you need to declare a ParamArray variant array in your argument list. Then, you can process each of the ranges in the array in turn.

For example,

Function myAdd(Arg1 As Range, ParamArray Args2() As Variant) As Double
    Dim elem As Variant
    Dim i As Long
    For Each elem In Arg1
        myAdd = myAdd + elem.Value
    Next elem
    For i = LBound(Args2) To UBound(Args2)
        For Each elem In Args2(i)
            myAdd = myAdd + elem.Value
        Next elem
    Next i
End Function

This function could then be used in the worksheet to add multiple ranges.

myAdd usage

For your function, there is the question of which of the ranges (or cells) that can passed to the function are 'Sessions' and which are 'Customers'.

The easiest case to deal with would be if you decided that the first range is Sessions and any subsequent ranges are Customers.

Function calculateIt(Sessions As Range, ParamArray Customers() As Variant) As Double
    'This function accepts a single Sessions range and one or more Customers
    Dim i As Long
    Dim sessElem As Variant
    Dim custElem As Variant
    For Each sessElem In Sessions
        'do something with sessElem.Value, the value of each
        'cell in the single range Sessions
        Debug.Print "sessElem: " & sessElem.Value
    Next sessElem
    'loop through each of the one or more ranges in Customers()
    For i = LBound(Customers) To UBound(Customers)
        'loop through the cells in the range Customers(i)
        For Each custElem In Customers(i)
            'do something with custElem.Value, the value of
            'each cell in the range Customers(i)
            Debug.Print "custElem: " & custElem.Value
         Next custElem
    Next i
End Function

If you want to include any number of Sessions ranges and any number of Customers range, then you will have to include an argument that will tell the function so that it can separate the Sessions ranges from the Customers range.

This argument could be set up as the first, numeric, argument to the function that would identify how many of the following arguments are Sessions ranges, with the remaining arguments implicitly being Customers ranges. The function's signature would then be:

Function calculateIt(numOfSessionRanges, ParamAray Args() As Variant)

Or it could be a "guard" argument that separates the Sessions ranges from the Customers ranges. Then, your code would have to test each argument to see if it was the guard. The function would look like:

Function calculateIt(ParamArray Args() As Variant)

Perhaps with a call something like:


The program logic might then be along the lines of:

Function calculateIt(ParamArray Args() As Variant) As Double
   'loop through Args
   IsSessionArg = True
   For i = lbound(Args) to UBound(Args)
       'only need to check for the type of the argument
       If TypeName(Args(i)) = "String" Then
          IsSessionArg = False
       ElseIf IsSessionArg Then
          'process Args(i) as Session range
          'process Args(i) as Customer range
       End if
   Next i
   calculateIt = <somevalue>
End Function

Java file path in Linux

I think Todd is correct, but I think there's one other thing you should consider. You can reliably get the home directory from the JVM at runtime, and then you can create files objects relative to that location. It's not that much more trouble, and it's something you'll appreciate if you ever move to another computer or operating system.

File homedir = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"));
File fileToRead = new File(homedir, "java/ex.txt");

How to explicitly obtain post data in Spring MVC?

Spring MVC runs on top of the Servlet API. So, you can use HttpServletRequest#getParameter() for this:

String value1 = request.getParameter("value1");
String value2 = request.getParameter("value2");

The HttpServletRequest should already be available to you inside Spring MVC as one of the method arguments of the handleRequest() method.

How do I find the index of a character within a string in C?

void myFunc(char* str, char c)
    char* ptr;
    int index;

    ptr = strchr(str, c);
    if (ptr == NULL)
        printf("Character not found\n");

    index = ptr - str;

    printf("The index is %d\n", index);
    ASSERT(str[index] == c);  // Verify that the character at index is the one we want.

This code is currently untested, but it demonstrates the proper concept.

Merge some list items in a Python List

On what basis should the merging take place? Your question is rather vague. Also, I assume a, b, ..., f are supposed to be strings, that is, 'a', 'b', ..., 'f'.

>>> x = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g']
>>> x[3:6] = [''.join(x[3:6])]
>>> x
['a', 'b', 'c', 'def', 'g']

Check out the documentation on sequence types, specifically on mutable sequence types. And perhaps also on string methods.

Using jQuery how to get click coordinates on the target element

If MouseEvent.offsetX is supported by your browser (all major browsers actually support it), The jQuery Event object will contain this property.

The MouseEvent.offsetX read-only property provides the offset in the X coordinate of the mouse pointer between that event and the padding edge of the target node.

$("#seek-bar").click(function(event) {
  var x = event.offsetX

Delete all the queues from RabbitMQ?

Here is a way to do it with PowerShell. the URL may need to be updated

$cred = Get-Credential
 iwr -ContentType 'application/json' -Method Get -Credential $cred   'http://localhost:15672/api/queues' | % { 
    ConvertFrom-Json  $_.Content } | % { $_ } | ? { $_.messages -gt 0} | % {
    iwr  -method DELETE -Credential $cred  -uri  $("http://localhost:15672/api/queues/{0}/{1}" -f  [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($_.vhost),  $

Microsoft Azure: How to create sub directory in a blob container

Here's how i do it in CoffeeScript on Node.JS:

blobService.createBlockBlobFromText 'containerName', (path + '$$$.$$$'), '', (err, result)->
    if err
        console.log 'failed to create path', err
        console.log 'created path', path, result

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference PHP 5.4

You should remove the & (ampersand) symbol, so that line 4 will look like this:

$conn = ADONewConnection($config['db_type']);

This is because ADONewConnection already returns an object by reference. As per documentation, assigning the result of a reference to object by reference results in an E_DEPRECATED message as of PHP 5.3.0

Print all but the first three columns

This isn't very far from some of the previous answers, but does solve a couple of issues:

awk -v s=$1 '{for(i=s; i<=NF;i++) printf "%-5s", $i; print "" }'

Which you can now call with an argument that will be the starting column:

$ echo "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14" | ./ 3 
3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10   11   12   13   14


$ echo "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14" | ./ 7 
7    8    9    10   11   12   13   14

This is 1-indexed; if you prefer zero indexed, use i=s + 1 instead.

Moreover, if you would like to have to arguments for the starting index and end index, change the file to:

awk -v s=$1 -v e=$2 '{for(i=s; i<=e;i++) printf "%-5s", $i; print "" }'

For example:

$ echo "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14" | ./ 7 9 
7    8    9

The %-5s aligns the result as 5-character-wide columns; if this isn't enough, increase the number, or use %s (with a space) instead if you don't care about alignment.

Android: Rotate image in imageview by an angle

here's a nice solution for putting a rotated drawable for an imageView:

Drawable getRotateDrawable(final Bitmap b, final float angle) {
    final BitmapDrawable drawable = new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), b) {
        public void draw(final Canvas canvas) {
            canvas.rotate(angle, b.getWidth() / 2, b.getHeight() / 2);
    return drawable;


Bitmap b=...
float angle=...
final Drawable rotatedDrawable = getRotateDrawable(b,angle);

another alternative:

private Drawable getRotateDrawable(final Drawable d, final float angle) {
    final Drawable[] arD = { d };
    return new LayerDrawable(arD) {
        public void draw(final Canvas canvas) {
            canvas.rotate(angle, d.getBounds().width() / 2, d.getBounds().height() / 2);

also, if you wish to rotate the bitmap, but afraid of OOM, you can use an NDK solution i've made here

'MOD' is not a recognized built-in function name

If using JDBC driver you may use function escape sequence like this:

select {fn MOD(5, 2)}
#Result 1

select  mod(5, 2)
#SQL Error [195] [S00010]: 'mod' is not a recognized built-in function name.

How to set up ES cluster?

It is usually handled automatically.

If autodiscovery doesn't work. Edit the elastic search config file, by enabling unicast discovery

Node 1: mycluster "node1"
    node.master: true true false [""]

Node 2: mycluster "node2"
    node.master: false true false [""]

and so on for node 3,4,5. Make node 1 master, and the rest only as data nodes.

Edit: Please note that by ES rule, if you have N nodes, then by convention, N/2+1 nodes should be masters for fail-over mechanisms They may or may not be data nodes, though.

Also, in case auto-discovery doesn't work, most probable reason is because the network doesn't allow it (and therefore disabled). If too many auto-discovery pings take place across multiple servers, the resources to manage those pings will prevent other services from running correctly.

For ex, think of a 10,000 node cluster and all 10,000 nodes doing the auto-pings.

PHP mail not working for some reason

I'm using this for a while now, don't know if this is still up to date with the actual PHP versions. You can use this in a one file setup, or just split it up in two files like contact.php and index.php

contact.php | Code

error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); 

if(isset($_POST['submitted'])) {

if(trim($_POST['contactName']) === '') {
    $nameError =  '<span style="margin-left:40px;">You have missed your name.</span>'; 
    $hasError = true;
} else {
    $name = trim($_POST['contactName']);

if(trim($_POST['topic']) === '') {
    $topicError = '<span style="margin-left:40px;">You have missed the topic.</span>'; 
    $hasError = true;
} else {
    $topic = trim($_POST['topic']);

$telefon = trim($_POST['phone']);
$company = trim($_POST['company']);

if(trim($_POST['email']) === '')  {
    $emailError = '<span style="margin-left:40px;">You have missed your email adress.</span>';
    $hasError = true;
} else if (!preg_match("/^[[:alnum:]][a-z0-9_.-]*@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/i", trim($_POST['email']))) {
    $emailError = '<span style="margin-left:40px;">You have missspelled your email adress.</span>';
    $hasError = true;
} else {
    $email = trim($_POST['email']);

if(trim($_POST['comments']) === '') {
    $commentError = '<span style="margin-left:40px;">You have missed the comment section.</span>';
    $hasError = true;
} else {
    if(function_exists('stripslashes')) {
        $comments = utf8_encode(stripslashes(trim($_POST['comments'])));
    } else {
        $comments = trim($_POST['comments']);

if(!isset($hasError)) {

    $emailTo = '[email protected]';
    $subject = ' - '.$name.' - '.$betreff;
    $sendCopy = trim($_POST['sendCopy']);
    $body = "\n\n This is an email from \n\nCompany : $company\n\nName : $name \n\nEmail-Adress : $email \n\nPhone-No.. : $phone \n\nTopic : $topic\n\nMessage of the sender: $comments\n\n";
    $headers = "From: $email\r\nReply-To: $email\r\nReturn-Path: $email\r\n";

    mail($emailTo, $subject, $body, $headers);

    $emailSent = true;


.formblock{display:block;padding:5px;margin:8px; margin-left:40px;}
.failed{ margin-left:20px;font-size:18px;color:#C00;}
.alert{border:2px #fc0;padding:8px;text-transform:uppercase;font-weight:bold;}




index.php | FORM CODE

<?php header('Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8'); ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="de">
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>

<form action="contact.php" method="post">

<?php if(isset($emailSent) && $emailSent == true) { ?>

<span class="okay">Thank you for your interest. Your email has been send !</span>



<?php } else { ?>

<?php if(isset($hasError) || isset($captchaError) ) { ?>

<span class="failed">Email not been send. Please check the contact form.</span>



<?php } ?>

<label class="text label">Company</label>


<input type="text" size="30" name="company" id="company" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['company'])) echo $_POST['comnpany'];?>" class="formblock" placeholder="Your Company">

<label class="text label">Your Name <strong class="error">*</strong></label>


<?php if($nameError != '') { ?>

<span class="error"><?php echo $nameError;?></span>

<?php } ?>

<input type="text" size="30" name="contactName" id="contactName" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['contactName'])) echo $_POST['contactName'];?>" class="formblock" placeholder="Your Name">

<label class="text label">- Betreff - Anliegen - <strong class="error">*</strong></label>


<?php if($topicError != '') { ?>

<span class="error"><?php echo $betrError;?></span>

<?php } ?>

<input type="text" size="30" name="topic" id="topic" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['topic'])) echo $_POST['topic'];?>" class="formblock" placeholder="Your Topic">

<label class="text label">Phone-No.</label>


<input type="text" size="30" name="phone" id="phone" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['phone'])) echo $_POST['phone'];?>" class="formblock" placeholder="12345 678910">

<label class="text label">Email-Adress<strong class="error">*</strong></label>


<?php if($emailError != '') { ?>

<span class="error"><?php echo $emailError;?></span>

<?php } ?>

<input type="text" size="30" name="email" id="email" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['email']))  echo $_POST['email'];?>" class="formblock" placeholder="[email protected]">

<label class="text label">Your Message<strong class="error">*</strong></label>


<?php if($commentError != '') { ?>

<span class="error"><?php echo $commentError;?></span>

<?php } ?>

<textarea name="comments" id="commentsText" class="formblock text" placeholder="Leave your message here..."><?php if(isset($_POST['comments'])) { if(function_exists('stripslashes')) { echo stripslashes($_POST['comments']); } else { echo $_POST['comments']; } } ?></textarea>

<button class="formblock" name="submit" type="submit">Send Email</button>
<input type="hidden" name="submitted" id="submitted" value="true">
<?php } ?>



<script type="text/javascript">


$(document).ready(function() {

$('form#contact-us').submit(function() {

$('form#contact-us .error').remove();
var hasError = false;

$('.requiredField').each(function() {

if($.trim($(this).val()) == '') {
var labelText = $(this).prev('label').text();

$(this).parent().append('<br><br><span style="margin-left:20px;">You have missed '+labelText+'.</span>.');

hasError = true;

} else if($(this).hasClass('email')) {

var emailReg = /^([\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4})?$/;
if(!emailReg.test($.trim($(this).val()))) {

var labelText = $(this).prev('label').text();

$(this).parent().append('<br><br><span style="margin-left:20px;">You have entered a wrong '+labelText+' adress.</span>.');

hasError = true;
if(!hasError) {

var formInput = $(this).serialize();

$.post($(this).attr('action'),formInput, function(data){

$('form#contact-us').slideUp("fast", function() {                  
$(this).before('<br><br><strong>Thank You!</strong>Your Email has been send successfuly.');



return false;   





How to debug a Flask app

For Windows users:

Open Powershell and cd into your project directory.

Use these commandos in Powershell, all the other stuff won't work in Powershell.

$env:FLASK_APP = "app"  
$env:FLASK_ENV = "development"

How can I get the last 7 characters of a PHP string?

umh.. like that?

$newstring = substr($dynamicstring, -7);

I want to delete all bin and obj folders to force all projects to rebuild everything

I think you can right click to your solution/project and click "Clean" button.

As far as I remember it was working like that. I don't have my VS.NET with me now so can't test it.

Drag and drop menuitems

jQuery UI draggable and droppable are the two plugins I would use to achieve this effect. As for the insertion marker, I would investigate modifying the div (or container) element that was about to have content dropped into it. It should be possible to modify the border in some way or add a JavaScript/jQuery listener that listens for the hover (element about to be dropped) event and modifies the border or adds an image of the insertion marker in the right place.

How to determine tables size in Oracle

If you don't have DBA rights then you can use user_segments table:

select bytes/1024/1024 MB from user_segments where segment_name='Table_name'

Remove an entire column from a data.frame in R

You can set it to NULL.

> Data$genome <- NULL
> head(Data)
   chr region
1 chr1    CDS
2 chr1   exon
3 chr1    CDS
4 chr1   exon
5 chr1    CDS
6 chr1   exon

As pointed out in the comments, here are some other possibilities:

Data[2] <- NULL    # Wojciech Sobala
Data[[2]] <- NULL  # same as above
Data <- Data[,-2]  # Ian Fellows
Data <- Data[-2]   # same as above

You can remove multiple columns via:

Data[1:2] <- list(NULL)  # Marek
Data[1:2] <- NULL        # does not work!

Be careful with matrix-subsetting though, as you can end up with a vector:

Data <- Data[,-(2:3)]             # vector
Data <- Data[,-(2:3),drop=FALSE]  # still a data.frame

Using Keras & Tensorflow with AMD GPU

I'm writing an OpenCL 1.2 backend for Tensorflow at

This fork of tensorflow for OpenCL has the following characteristics:

  • it targets any/all OpenCL 1.2 devices. It doesnt need OpenCL 2.0, doesnt need SPIR-V, or SPIR. Doesnt need Shared Virtual Memory. And so on ...
  • it's based on an underlying library called 'cuda-on-cl',
    • cuda-on-cl targets to be able to take any NVIDIA® CUDA™ soure-code, and compile it for OpenCL 1.2 devices. It's a very general goal, and a very general compiler
  • for now, the following functionalities are implemented:
  • it is developed on Ubuntu 16.04 (using Intel HD5500, and NVIDIA GPUs) and Mac Sierra (using Intel HD 530, and Radeon Pro 450)

This is not the only OpenCL fork of Tensorflow available. There is also a fork being developed by Codeplay , using Computecpp, Their fork has stronger requirements than my own, as far as I know, in terms of which specific GPU devices it works on. You would need to check the Platform Support Notes (at the bottom of hte computecpp page), to determine whether your device is supported. The codeplay fork is actually an official Google fork, which is here:

VueJs get url query

I think you can simple call like this, this will give you result value.


Look image $route is object in Vue Instance and you can access with this keyword and next you can select object properties like above one :

enter image description here

Have a look Vue-router document for selecting queries value :

Vue Router Object

What is the best open-source java charting library? (other than jfreechart)

There aren't a lot of them because they would be in competition with JFreeChart, and it's awesome. You can get documentation and examples by downloading the developer's guide. There are also tons of free online tutorials if you search for them.


Various types of joins, for illustration

There are a couple of methods for full mysql FULL [OUTER] JOIN.

  1. UNION a left join and right join. UNION will remove duplicates by performing an ORDER BY operation. So depending on your data, it may not be performant.

       LEFT JOIN B ON A.key = B.key 
       RIGHT JOIN B ON A.key = B.key
  2. UNION ALL a left join and right EXCLUDING join (that's the lower right figure in the diagram). UNION ALL will not remove duplicates. Sometimes this might be the behaviour that you want. You also want to use RIGHT EXCLUDING to avoid duplicating common records from selection A and selection B - i.e Left join has already included common records from selection B, lets not repeat that again with the right join.

       LEFT JOIN B ON A.key = B.key 
       RIGHT JOIN B ON A.key = B.key
       WHERE A.key IS NULL

How do I specify row heights in CSS Grid layout?

One of the Related posts gave me the (simple) answer.

Apparently the auto value on the grid-template-rows property does exactly what I was looking for.

.grid {
    grid-template-columns: 1fr 1.5fr 1fr;
    grid-template-rows: auto auto 1fr 1fr 1fr auto auto;
    height: calc(100vh - 10px);

Moving all files from one directory to another using Python

def copy_myfile_dirOne_to_dirSec(src, dest, ext): 

    if not os.path.exists(dest):    # if dest dir is not there then we create here
    for item in os.listdir(src):
        if item.endswith(ext):
            s = os.path.join(src, item);
            fd = open(s, 'r');
            data =;
            fname = str(item); #just taking file name to make this name file is destination dir     
            d = os.path.join(dest, fname);
            fd = open(d, 'w');
    print("Files are copyed successfully")

How to detect if a string contains at least a number?

SET @str = 'PONIES!!...pon1es!!...p0n1es!!'

IF PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', @str) > 0
   PRINT 'YES, The string has numbers'
   PRINT 'NO, The string does not have numbers' 

Javascript: How to check if a string is empty?

This should work:

if (variable === "") {


Get 2 Digit Number For The Month

CONVERT(char(2), getdate(), 101)

command to remove row from a data frame

eldNew <- eld[-14,]

See ?"[" for a start ...

For ‘[’-indexing only: ‘i’, ‘j’, ‘...’ can be logical vectors, indicating elements/slices to select. Such vectors are recycled if necessary to match the corresponding extent. ‘i’, ‘j’, ‘...’ can also be negative integers, indicating elements/slices to leave out of the selection.

(emphasis added)

edit: looking around I notice How to delete the first row of a dataframe in R? , which has the answer ... seems like the title should have popped to your attention if you were looking for answers on SO?

edit 2: I also found How do I delete rows in a data frame? , searching SO for delete row data frame ...


How to enter special characters like "&" in oracle database?

For special character set, you need to check UNICODE Charts. After choose your character, you can use sql statement below,

SELECT COMPOSE('do' || UNISTR('\0304' || 'TTTT')) FROM dual;



iFrame onload JavaScript event


As of jQuery 3.0, the new syntax is just .on:

see this answer here and the code:

$('iframe').on('load', function() {
    // do stuff 

Array initialization in Perl

To produce the output in your comment to your post, this will do it:

use strict;
use warnings;

my @other_array = (0,0,0,1,2,2,3,3,3,4);
my @array;
my %uniqs;

$uniqs{$_}++ for @other_array;

foreach (keys %uniqs) { $array[$_]=$uniqs{$_} }

print "array[$_] = $array[$_]\n" for (0..$#array);


   array[0] = 3
   array[1] = 1
   array[2] = 2
   array[3] = 3
   array[4] = 1

This is different than your stated algorithm of producing a parallel array with zero values, but it is a more Perly way of doing it...

If you must have a parallel array that is the same size as your first array with the elements initialized to 0, this statement will dynamically do it: @array=(0) x scalar(@other_array); but really, you don't need to do that.

Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

I have fixed a few things here, the "DB_HOST" defined here should be also DB_HOST down there, and the "DB_USER" is called "DB_USER" down there too, check the code always that those are the same.

    define("DB_HOST", "localhost");
    define("DB_USER", "root");
    define("DB_PASSWORD", "");
    define("DB_DATABASE", "");

    $db = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE);

Phone: numeric keyboard for text input

You can use inputmode html attribute:

<input type="text" inputmode="numeric" />

For more details, check-out the MDN document on inputmode.

Show a popup/message box from a Windows batch file

This way your batch file will create a VBS script and show a popup. After it runs, the batch file will delete that intermediate file.

The advantage of using MSGBOX is that it is really customaziable (change the title, the icon etc) while MSG.exe isn't as much.

echo MSGBOX "YOUR MESSAGE" > %temp%\TEMPmessage.vbs
call %temp%\TEMPmessage.vbs
del %temp%\TEMPmessage.vbs /f /q

How can I join on a stored procedure?

insert the result of the SP into a temp table, then join:

    TenantID int, 
    TenantBalance int

EXEC TheStoredProc

SELECT t.TenantName, t.CarPlateNumber, t.CarColor, t.Sex, t.SSNO, t.Phone, t.Memo,
    u.UnitNumber, p.PropertyName
FROM tblTenant t
INNER JOIN #Temp ON t.TenantID = #Temp.TenantID

How to draw a path on a map using kml file?

In above code, you don't pass the kml data to your mapView anywhere in your code, as far as I can see. To display the route, you should parse the kml data i.e. via SAX parser, then display the route markers on the map.

See the code below for an example, but it's not complete though - just for you as a reference and get some idea.

This is a simple bean I use to hold the route information I will be parsing.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;

public class NavigationDataSet { 

private ArrayList<Placemark> placemarks = new ArrayList<Placemark>();
private Placemark currentPlacemark;
private Placemark routePlacemark;

public String toString() {
    String s= "";
    for (Iterator<Placemark> iter=placemarks.iterator();iter.hasNext();) {
        Placemark p = (Placemark);
        s += p.getTitle() + "\n" + p.getDescription() + "\n\n";
    return s;

public void addCurrentPlacemark() {

public ArrayList<Placemark> getPlacemarks() {
    return placemarks;

public void setPlacemarks(ArrayList<Placemark> placemarks) {
    this.placemarks = placemarks;

public Placemark getCurrentPlacemark() {
    return currentPlacemark;

public void setCurrentPlacemark(Placemark currentPlacemark) {
    this.currentPlacemark = currentPlacemark;

public Placemark getRoutePlacemark() {
    return routePlacemark;

public void setRoutePlacemark(Placemark routePlacemark) {
    this.routePlacemark = routePlacemark;


And the SAX Handler to parse the kml:


import android.util.Log;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;


public class NavigationSaxHandler extends DefaultHandler{ 

 // =========================================================== 
 // Fields 
 // =========================================================== 

 private boolean in_kmltag = false; 
 private boolean in_placemarktag = false; 
 private boolean in_nametag = false;
 private boolean in_descriptiontag = false;
 private boolean in_geometrycollectiontag = false;
 private boolean in_linestringtag = false;
 private boolean in_pointtag = false;
 private boolean in_coordinatestag = false;

 private StringBuffer buffer;

 private NavigationDataSet navigationDataSet = new NavigationDataSet(); 

 // =========================================================== 
 // Getter & Setter 
 // =========================================================== 

 public NavigationDataSet getParsedData() {
      return this.navigationDataSet; 

 // =========================================================== 
 // Methods 
 // =========================================================== 
 public void startDocument() throws SAXException { 
      this.navigationDataSet = new NavigationDataSet(); 

 public void endDocument() throws SAXException { 
      // Nothing to do

 /** Gets be called on opening tags like: 
  * <tag> 
  * Can provide attribute(s), when xml was like: 
  * <tag attribute="attributeValue">*/ 
 public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, 
           String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException { 
      if (localName.equals("kml")) { 
           this.in_kmltag = true;
      } else if (localName.equals("Placemark")) { 
           this.in_placemarktag = true; 
           navigationDataSet.setCurrentPlacemark(new Placemark());
      } else if (localName.equals("name")) { 
           this.in_nametag = true;
      } else if (localName.equals("description")) { 
          this.in_descriptiontag = true;
      } else if (localName.equals("GeometryCollection")) { 
          this.in_geometrycollectiontag = true;
      } else if (localName.equals("LineString")) { 
          this.in_linestringtag = true;              
      } else if (localName.equals("point")) { 
          this.in_pointtag = true;          
      } else if (localName.equals("coordinates")) {
          buffer = new StringBuffer();
          this.in_coordinatestag = true;                        

 /** Gets be called on closing tags like: 
  * </tag> */ 
 public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) 
           throws SAXException { 
       if (localName.equals("kml")) {
           this.in_kmltag = false; 
       } else if (localName.equals("Placemark")) { 
           this.in_placemarktag = false;

       if ("Route".equals(navigationDataSet.getCurrentPlacemark().getTitle())) 
        else navigationDataSet.addCurrentPlacemark();

       } else if (localName.equals("name")) { 
           this.in_nametag = false;           
       } else if (localName.equals("description")) { 
           this.in_descriptiontag = false;
       } else if (localName.equals("GeometryCollection")) { 
           this.in_geometrycollectiontag = false;
       } else if (localName.equals("LineString")) { 
           this.in_linestringtag = false;              
       } else if (localName.equals("point")) { 
           this.in_pointtag = false;          
       } else if (localName.equals("coordinates")) { 
           this.in_coordinatestag = false;

 /** Gets be called on the following structure: 
  * <tag>characters</tag> */ 
public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) { 
        if (navigationDataSet.getCurrentPlacemark()==null) navigationDataSet.setCurrentPlacemark(new Placemark());
        navigationDataSet.getCurrentPlacemark().setTitle(new String(ch, start, length));            
    } else 
        if (navigationDataSet.getCurrentPlacemark()==null) navigationDataSet.setCurrentPlacemark(new Placemark());
        navigationDataSet.getCurrentPlacemark().setDescription(new String(ch, start, length));          
    } else
        if (navigationDataSet.getCurrentPlacemark()==null) navigationDataSet.setCurrentPlacemark(new Placemark());
        //navigationDataSet.getCurrentPlacemark().setCoordinates(new String(ch, start, length));
        buffer.append(ch, start, length);

and a simple placeMark bean:


public class Placemark {

String title;
String description;
String coordinates;
String address;

public String getTitle() {
    return title;
public void setTitle(String title) {
    this.title = title;
public String getDescription() {
    return description;
public void setDescription(String description) {
    this.description = description;
public String getCoordinates() {
    return coordinates;
public void setCoordinates(String coordinates) {
    this.coordinates = coordinates;
public String getAddress() {
    return address;
public void setAddress(String address) {
    this.address = address;


Finally the service class in my model that calls the calculation:



import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;

import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;

import android.util.Log;

public class MapService {

public static final int MODE_ANY = 0;
public static final int MODE_CAR = 1;
public static final int MODE_WALKING = 2;

public static String inputStreamToString (InputStream in) throws IOException {
    StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
    byte[] b = new byte[4096];
    for (int n; (n = != -1;) {
        out.append(new String(b, 0, n));
    return out.toString();

public static NavigationDataSet calculateRoute(Double startLat, Double startLng, Double targetLat, Double targetLng, int mode) {
    return calculateRoute(startLat + "," + startLng, targetLat + "," + targetLng, mode);

public static NavigationDataSet calculateRoute(String startCoords, String targetCoords, int mode) {
    String urlPedestrianMode = "" + "saddr=" + startCoords + "&daddr="
            + targetCoords + "&sll=" + startCoords + "&dirflg=w&hl=en&ie=UTF8&z=14&output=kml";

    Log.d(myapp.APP, "urlPedestrianMode: "+urlPedestrianMode);

    String urlCarMode = "" + "saddr=" + startCoords + "&daddr="
            + targetCoords + "&sll=" + startCoords + "&hl=en&ie=UTF8&z=14&output=kml";

    Log.d(myapp.APP, "urlCarMode: "+urlCarMode);

    NavigationDataSet navSet = null;
    // for mode_any: try pedestrian route calculation first, if it fails, fall back to car route
    if (mode==MODE_ANY||mode==MODE_WALKING) navSet = MapService.getNavigationDataSet(urlPedestrianMode);
    if (mode==MODE_ANY&&navSet==null||mode==MODE_CAR) navSet = MapService.getNavigationDataSet(urlCarMode);
    return navSet;

 * Retrieve navigation data set from either remote URL or String
 * @param url
 * @return navigation set
public static NavigationDataSet getNavigationDataSet(String url) {

    // urlString = "";
    Log.d(myapp.APP,"urlString -->> " + url);
    NavigationDataSet navigationDataSet = null;
        final URL aUrl = new URL(url);
        final URLConnection conn = aUrl.openConnection();
        conn.setReadTimeout(15 * 1000);  // timeout for reading the google maps data: 15 secs

        /* Get a SAXParser from the SAXPArserFactory. */
        SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); 
        SAXParser sp = spf.newSAXParser(); 

        /* Get the XMLReader of the SAXParser we created. */
        XMLReader xr = sp.getXMLReader();

        /* Create a new ContentHandler and apply it to the XML-Reader*/ 
        NavigationSaxHandler navSax2Handler = new NavigationSaxHandler(); 

        /* Parse the xml-data from our URL. */ 
        xr.parse(new InputSource(aUrl.openStream()));

        /* Our NavigationSaxHandler now provides the parsed data to us. */ 
        navigationDataSet = navSax2Handler.getParsedData(); 

        /* Set the result to be displayed in our GUI. */ 
        Log.d(myapp.APP,"navigationDataSet: "+navigationDataSet.toString());

    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Log.e(myapp.APP, "error with kml xml", e);
        navigationDataSet = null;

    return navigationDataSet;



 * Does the actual drawing of the route, based on the geo points provided in the nav set
 * @param navSet     Navigation set bean that holds the route information, incl. geo pos
 * @param color      Color in which to draw the lines
 * @param mMapView01 Map view to draw onto
public void drawPath(NavigationDataSet navSet, int color, MapView mMapView01) {

    Log.d(myapp.APP, "map color before: " + color);        

    // color correction for dining, make it darker
    if (color == Color.parseColor("#add331")) color = Color.parseColor("#6C8715");
    Log.d(myapp.APP, "map color after: " + color);

    Collection overlaysToAddAgain = new ArrayList();
    for (Iterator iter = mMapView01.getOverlays().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
        Object o =;
        Log.d(myapp.APP, "overlay type: " + o.getClass().getName());
        if (!RouteOverlay.class.getName().equals(o.getClass().getName())) {
            // mMapView01.getOverlays().remove(o);

    String path = navSet.getRoutePlacemark().getCoordinates();
    Log.d(myapp.APP, "path=" + path);
    if (path != null && path.trim().length() > 0) {
        String[] pairs = path.trim().split(" ");

        Log.d(myapp.APP, "pairs.length=" + pairs.length);

        String[] lngLat = pairs[0].split(","); // lngLat[0]=longitude lngLat[1]=latitude lngLat[2]=height

        Log.d(myapp.APP, "lnglat =" + lngLat + ", length: " + lngLat.length);

        if (lngLat.length<3) lngLat = pairs[1].split(","); // if first pair is not transferred completely, take seconds pair //TODO 

        try {
            GeoPoint startGP = new GeoPoint((int) (Double.parseDouble(lngLat[1]) * 1E6), (int) (Double.parseDouble(lngLat[0]) * 1E6));
            mMapView01.getOverlays().add(new RouteOverlay(startGP, startGP, 1));
            GeoPoint gp1;
            GeoPoint gp2 = startGP;

            for (int i = 1; i < pairs.length; i++) // the last one would be crash
                lngLat = pairs[i].split(",");

                gp1 = gp2;

                if (lngLat.length >= 2 && gp1.getLatitudeE6() > 0 && gp1.getLongitudeE6() > 0
                        && gp2.getLatitudeE6() > 0 && gp2.getLongitudeE6() > 0) {

                    // for GeoPoint, first:latitude, second:longitude
                    gp2 = new GeoPoint((int) (Double.parseDouble(lngLat[1]) * 1E6), (int) (Double.parseDouble(lngLat[0]) * 1E6));

                    if (gp2.getLatitudeE6() != 22200000) { 
                        mMapView01.getOverlays().add(new RouteOverlay(gp1, gp2, 2, color));
                        Log.d(myapp.APP, "draw:" + gp1.getLatitudeE6() + "/" + gp1.getLongitudeE6() + " TO " + gp2.getLatitudeE6() + "/" + gp2.getLongitudeE6());
                // Log.d(myapp.APP,"pair:" + pairs[i]);
            //routeOverlays.add(new RouteOverlay(gp2,gp2, 3));
            mMapView01.getOverlays().add(new RouteOverlay(gp2, gp2, 3));
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            Log.e(myapp.APP, "Cannot draw route.", e);
    // mMapView01.getOverlays().addAll(routeOverlays); // use the default color

This is the RouteOverlay class:




public class RouteOverlay extends Overlay { 

private GeoPoint gp1;
private GeoPoint gp2;
private int mRadius=6;
private int mode=0;
private int defaultColor;
private String text="";
private Bitmap img = null;

public RouteOverlay(GeoPoint gp1,GeoPoint gp2,int mode) { // GeoPoint is a int. (6E)
    this.gp1 = gp1;
    this.gp2 = gp2;
    this.mode = mode;
    defaultColor = 999; // no defaultColor

public RouteOverlay(GeoPoint gp1,GeoPoint gp2,int mode, int defaultColor) {
    this.gp1 = gp1;
    this.gp2 = gp2;
    this.mode = mode;
    this.defaultColor = defaultColor;

public void setText(String t) {
    this.text = t;

public void setBitmap(Bitmap bitmap) { 
    this.img = bitmap;

public int getMode() {
    return mode;

public boolean draw (Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow, long when) {
    Projection projection = mapView.getProjection();
    if (shadow == false) {
        Paint paint = new Paint();
        Point point = new Point();
        projection.toPixels(gp1, point);
        // mode=1&#65306;start
        if(mode==1) {
            paint.setColor(Color.BLACK); // Color.BLUE
            RectF oval=new RectF(point.x - mRadius, point.y - mRadius,
            point.x + mRadius, point.y + mRadius);
            // start point
            canvas.drawOval(oval, paint);
        // mode=2&#65306;path
        else if(mode==2) {
            Point point2 = new Point();
            projection.toPixels(gp2, point2);
            canvas.drawLine(point.x, point.y, point2.x,point2.y, paint);
        /* mode=3&#65306;end */
        else if(mode==3) {
            /* the last path */

                paint.setColor(Color.BLACK);  // Color.GREEN

            Point point2 = new Point();
            projection.toPixels(gp2, point2);
            canvas.drawLine(point.x, point.y, point2.x,point2.y, paint);
            RectF oval=new RectF(point2.x - mRadius,point2.y - mRadius,
            point2.x + mRadius,point2.y + mRadius);
            /* end point */
            canvas.drawOval(oval, paint);
    return super.draw(canvas, mapView, shadow, when);


Can jQuery read/write cookies to a browser?

You'll need the cookie plugin, which provides several additional signatures to the cookie function.

$.cookie('cookie_name', 'cookie_value') stores a transient cookie (only exists within this session's scope, while $.cookie('cookie_name', 'cookie_value', 'cookie_expiration") creates a cookie that will last across sessions - see for more information on the JQuery cookie plugin.

If you want to set cookies that are used for the entire site, you'll need to use JavaScript like this:

document.cookie = "name=value; expires=date; domain=domain; path=path; secure"

How to compare if two structs, slices or maps are equal?

If you're comparing them in unit test, a handy alternative is EqualValues function in testify.

How to use a ViewBag to create a dropdownlist?

I do the following

In my action method

    Dictionary<string, string> dictAccounts = ViewModelDropDown.GetAccounts(id);
    ViewBag.accounts = dictAccounts;

In my View Code

 Dictionary<string, string> accounts = (Dictionary<string, string>)ViewBag.accounts;
 @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.AccountId, new SelectList(accounts, "Value", "Key"), new { style = "width:310px; height: 30px; padding 5px; margin: 5px 0 6px; background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF; vertical-align:middle;" })

Angular is automatically adding 'ng-invalid' class on 'required' fields

Thanks to this post, I use this style to remove the red border that appears automatically with bootstrap when a required field is displayed, but user didn't have a chance to input anything already: {
    -webkit-box-shadow: none;
    -ms-box-shadow: none;

Check if Key Exists in NameValueCollection

If the collection size is small you could go with the solution provided by rich.okelly. However, a large collection means that the generation of the dictionary may be noticeably slower than just searching the keys collection.

Also, if your usage scenario is searching for keys in different points in time, where the NameValueCollection may have been modified, generating the dictionary each time may, again, be slower than just searching the keys collection.

Symbolicating iPhone App Crash Reports

I use Airbrake in my apps, which does a fairly good job of remote error logging.

Here's how I symbolicate them with atos if the backtrace needs it:

  1. In Xcode (4.2) go to the organizer, right click on the archive from which the .ipa file was generated.

  2. In Terminal, cd into the xcarchive for instance MyCoolApp 10-27-11 1.30 PM.xcarchive

  3. Enter the following atos -arch armv7 -o ''/'MyCoolApp' (don't forget the single quotes)

  4. I don't include my symbol in that call. What you get is a block cursor on an empty line.

  5. Then I copy/paste my symbol code at that block cursor and press enter. You'll see something like:

    -[MyCoolVC dealloc] (in MyCoolApp) (MyCoolVC.m:34)

  6. You're back to a block cursor and you can paste in other symbols.

Being able to go through your backtrace one item without re-entering the first bit is a nice time saver.


For loop in Oracle SQL

You are pretty confused my friend. There are no LOOPS in SQL, only in PL/SQL. Here's a few examples based on existing Oracle table - copy/paste to see results:

-- Numeric FOR loop --
set serveroutput on -->> do not use in TOAD --
  k NUMBER:= 0;
  FOR i IN 1..10 LOOP
    k:= k+1;
    dbms_output.put_line(i||' '||k);

-- Cursor FOR loop --
set serveroutput on
   CURSOR c1 IS SELECT * FROM scott.emp;
   i NUMBER:= 0;
  FOR e_rec IN c1 LOOP
  i:= i+1;

-- SQL example to generate 10 rows --
SELECT 1 + LEVEL-1 idx
  FROM dual

How to remove commits from a pull request

This is what helped me:

  1. Create a new branch with the existing one. Let's call the existing one branch_old and new as branch_new.

  2. Reset branch_new to a stable state, when you did not have any problem commit at all. For example, to put it at your local master's level do the following:

    git reset —hard master git push —force origin

  3. cherry-pick the commits from branch_old into branch_new

  4. git push

Enable ASP.NET ASMX web service for HTTP POST / GET requests

Actually, I found a somewhat quirky way to do this. Add the protocol to your web.config, but inside a location element. Specify the webservice location as the path attribute, like so:

<location path="YourWebservice.asmx">
        <add name="HttpGet"/>
        <add name="HttpPost"/>

Write output to a text file in PowerShell

Another way this could be accomplished is by using the Start-Transcript and Stop-Transcript commands, respectively before and after command execution. This would capture the entire session including commands.



For this particular case Out-File is probably your best bet though.

Using different Web.config in development and production environment

On one project where we had 4 environments (development, test, staging and production) we developed a system where the application selected the appropriate configuration based on the machine name it was deployed to.

This worked for us because:

  • administrators could deploy applications without involving developers (a requirement) and without having to fiddle with config files (which they hated);
  • machine names adhered to a convention. We matched names using a regular expression and deployed to multiple machines in an environment; and
  • we used integrated security for connection strings. This means we could keep account names in our config files at design time without revealing any passwords.

It worked well for us in this instance, but probably wouldn't work everywhere.

Changing datagridview cell color based on condition

//After Done Binding DataGridView Data
foreach(DataGridViewRow DGVR in DGV_DETAILED_DEF.Rows)
    if(DGVR.Index != -1)
        if(DGVR.Cells[0].Value.ToString() == "???????")
            CurrRType = "???????";
            DataGridViewCellStyle CS = DGVR.DefaultCellStyle;
            CS.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0,175,100);
            CS.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(0,32,15);

            CS.Font = new Font("Times New Roman",12,FontStyle.Bold);
            CS.SelectionBackColor = Color.FromArgb(0,175,100);
            CS.SelectionForeColor = Color.FromArgb(0,32,15);
            DataGridViewCellStyle LCS = DGVR.Cells[DGVR.Cells.Count - 1].Style;
            LCS.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(50,50,50);
            LCS.SelectionBackColor = Color.FromArgb(50,50,50);
        else if(DGVR.Cells[0].Value.ToString() == "???????????")
            CurrRType = "???????????";
            DataGridViewCellStyle CS = DGVR.DefaultCellStyle;
            CS.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(175,0,50);
            CS.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(32,0,0);
            CS.Font = new Font("Times New Roman",12,FontStyle.Bold);
            CS.SelectionBackColor = Color.FromArgb(175,0,50);
            CS.SelectionForeColor = Color.FromArgb(32,0,0);
            DataGridViewCellStyle LCS = DGVR.Cells[DGVR.Cells.Count - 1].Style;
            LCS.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(50,50,50);
            LCS.SelectionBackColor = Color.FromArgb(50,50,50);

How to insert a string which contains an "&"

There's always the chr() function, which converts an ascii code to string.

ie. something like: INSERT INTO table VALUES ( CONCAT( 'J', CHR(38), 'J' ) )

Double precision - decimal places

It is because it's being converted from a binary representation. Just because it has printed all those decimal digits doesn't mean it can represent all decimal values to that precision. Take, for example, this in Python:

>>> 0.14285714285714285
>>> 0.14285714285714286

Notice how I changed the last digit, but it printed out the same number anyway.

How to subtract X days from a date using Java calendar?

int x = -1;
Calendar cal = ...;
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, x);

See java.util.Calendar#add(int,int)

HSL to RGB color conversion

C# Code from Mohsen's answer.

Here is the code from Mohsen's answer in C# if anyone else wants it. Note: Color is a custom class and Vector4 is from OpenTK. Both are easy to replace with something else of your choosing.

Hsl To Rgba

/// <summary>
/// Converts an HSL color value to RGB.
/// Input: Vector4 ( X: [0.0, 1.0], Y: [0.0, 1.0], Z: [0.0, 1.0], W: [0.0, 1.0] )
/// Output: Color ( R: [0, 255], G: [0, 255], B: [0, 255], A: [0, 255] )
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hsl">Vector4 defining X = h, Y = s, Z = l, W = a. Ranges [0, 1.0]</param>
/// <returns>RGBA Color. Ranges [0, 255]</returns>
public static Color HslToRgba(Vector4 hsl)
    float r, g, b;

    if (hsl.Y == 0.0f)
        r = g = b = hsl.Z;

        var q = hsl.Z < 0.5f ? hsl.Z * (1.0f + hsl.Y) : hsl.Z + hsl.Y - hsl.Z * hsl.Y;
        var p = 2.0f * hsl.Z - q;
        r = HueToRgb(p, q, hsl.X + 1.0f / 3.0f);
        g = HueToRgb(p, q, hsl.X);
        b = HueToRgb(p, q, hsl.X - 1.0f / 3.0f);

    return new Color((int)(r * 255), (int)(g * 255), (int)(b * 255), (int)(hsl.W * 255));

// Helper for HslToRgba
private static float HueToRgb(float p, float q, float t)
    if (t < 0.0f) t += 1.0f;
    if (t > 1.0f) t -= 1.0f;
    if (t < 1.0f / 6.0f) return p + (q - p) * 6.0f * t;
    if (t < 1.0f / 2.0f) return q;
    if (t < 2.0f / 3.0f) return p + (q - p) * (2.0f / 3.0f - t) * 6.0f;
    return p;

Rgba To Hsl

/// <summary>
/// Converts an RGB color value to HSL.
/// Input: Color ( R: [0, 255], G: [0, 255], B: [0, 255], A: [0, 255] )
/// Output: Vector4 ( X: [0.0, 1.0], Y: [0.0, 1.0], Z: [0.0, 1.0], W: [0.0, 1.0] )
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rgba"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Vector4 RgbaToHsl(Color rgba)
    float r = rgba.R / 255.0f;
    float g = rgba.G / 255.0f;
    float b = rgba.B / 255.0f;

    float max = (r > g && r > b) ? r : (g > b) ? g : b;
    float min = (r < g && r < b) ? r : (g < b) ? g : b;

    float h, s, l;
    h = s = l = (max + min) / 2.0f;

    if (max == min)
        h = s = 0.0f;

        float d = max - min;
        s = (l > 0.5f) ? d / (2.0f - max - min) : d / (max + min);

        if (r > g && r > b)
            h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6.0f : 0.0f);

        else if (g > b)
            h = (b - r) / d + 2.0f;

            h = (r - g) / d + 4.0f;

        h /= 6.0f;

    return new Vector4(h, s, l, rgba.A / 255.0f);

How to assign a select result to a variable?

I just had the same problem and...

declare @userId uniqueidentifier
set @userId = (select top 1 UserId from aspnet_Users)

or even shorter:

declare @userId uniqueidentifier
SELECT TOP 1 @userId = UserId FROM aspnet_Users

'was not declared in this scope' error

The scope of a variable is always the block it is inside. For example if you do something like

     int y = 5; //y is created
} //y leaves scope, since the block ends.
     int y = 8; //y is created
} //y leaves scope, since the block ends.

cout << y << endl; //Gives error since y is not defined.

The solution is to define y outside of the if blocks

int y; //y is created

     y = 5;
     y = 8;

cout << y << endl; //Ok

In your program you have to move the definition of y and c out of the if blocks into the higher scope. Your Function then would look like this:

//Using the Gaussian algorithm
int dayofweek(int date, int month, int year )
    int y, c;
    int d=date;

    if (month==1||month==2)
int m=(month+9)%12+1;
int product=(d+(2.6*m-0.2)+y+y/4+c/4-2*c);
return product%7;

Proper way to concatenate variable strings

As simple as joining lists in python itself.

ansible -m debug -a msg="{{ '-'.join(('list', 'joined', 'together')) }}" localhost

localhost | SUCCESS => {
  "msg": "list-joined-together" }

Works the same way using variables:

ansible -m debug -a msg="{{ '-'.join((var1, var2, var3)) }}" localhost

Check if a variable is a string in JavaScript

function isString (obj) {
  return ( === '[object String]');

I saw that here:

Is it possible only to declare a variable without assigning any value in Python?

If I'm understanding your example right, you don't need to refer to 'value' in the if statement anyway. You're breaking out of the loop as soon as it could be set to anything.

value = None
for index in sequence:
   if conditionMet:
       value = index

Two decimal places using printf( )

For %d part refer to this How does this program work? and for decimal places use %.2f

How to download dependencies in gradle

Downloading java dependencies is possible, if you actually really need to download them into a folder.


apply plugin: 'java'

dependencies {
  runtime group: '', name: 'exhibitor-standalone', version: '1.5.2'
  runtime group: 'org.apache.zookeeper',  name: 'zookeeper', version: '3.4.6'

repositories { mavenCentral() }

task getDeps(type: Copy) {
  from sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
  into 'runtime/'

Download the dependencies (and their dependencies) into the folder runtime when you execute gradle getDeps.

Return first N key:value pairs from dict

Were d is your dictionary and n is the printing number:

for idx, (k, v) in enumerate(d):
  if idx == n: break
  print((k, v))

Casting your dictionary to list can be slow. Your dictionary may be too large and you don't need to cast all of it just for printing a few of the first.

mongodb/mongoose findMany - find all documents with IDs listed in array

Both node.js and MongoChef force me to convert to ObjectId. This is what I use to grab a list of users from the DB and fetch a few properties. Mind the type conversion on line 8.

// this will complement the list with userName and userPhotoUrl based on userId field in each item
augmentUserInfo = function(list, callback){
        var userIds = [];
        var users = [];         // shortcut to find them faster afterwards
        for (l in list) {       // first build the search array
            var o = list[l];
            if (o.userId) {
                userIds.push( new mongoose.Types.ObjectId( o.userId ) );           // for the Mongo query
                users[o.userId] = o;                                // to find the user quickly afterwards
        db.collection("users").find( {_id: {$in: userIds}} ).each(function(err, user) {
            if (err) callback( err, list);
            else {
                if (user && user._id) {
                    users[user._id].userName = user.fName;
                    users[user._id].userPhotoUrl = user.userPhotoUrl;
                } else {                        // end of list
                    callback( null, list );

What are my options for storing data when using React Native? (iOS and Android)

Folks above hit the right notes for storage, though if you also need to consider any PII data that needs to be stored then you can also stash into the keychain using something like since ASyncStorage is unencrypted. It can be applied as part of the persist configuration in something like redux-persist.

Real differences between "java -server" and "java -client"?

The most visible immediate difference in older versions of Java would be the memory allocated to a -client as opposed to a -server application. For instance, on my Linux system, I get:

$ java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version 2>&1 | grep -i -E 'heapsize|permsize|version'
uintx AdaptivePermSizeWeight               = 20               {product}
uintx ErgoHeapSizeLimit                    = 0                {product}
uintx InitialHeapSize                     := 66328448         {product}
uintx LargePageHeapSizeThreshold           = 134217728        {product}
uintx MaxHeapSize                         := 1063256064       {product}
uintx MaxPermSize                          = 67108864         {pd product}
uintx PermSize                             = 16777216         {pd product}
java version "1.6.0_24"

as it defaults to -server, but with the -client option I get:

$ java -client -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version 2>&1 | grep -i -E 'heapsize|permsize|version'
uintx AdaptivePermSizeWeight               = 20               {product}
uintx ErgoHeapSizeLimit                    = 0                {product}
uintx InitialHeapSize                     := 16777216         {product}
uintx LargePageHeapSizeThreshold           = 134217728        {product}
uintx MaxHeapSize                         := 268435456        {product}
uintx MaxPermSize                          = 67108864         {pd product}
uintx PermSize                             = 12582912         {pd product}
java version "1.6.0_24"

so with -server most of the memory limits and initial allocations are much higher for this java version.

These values can change for different combinations of architecture, operating system and jvm version however. Recent versions of the jvm have removed flags and re-moved many of the distinctions between server and client.

Remember too that you can see all the details of a running jvm using jvisualvm. This is useful if you have users who or modules which set JAVA_OPTS or use scripts which change command line options. This will also let you monitor, in real time, heap and permgen space usage along with lots of other stats.

Can I install the "app store" in an IOS simulator?

You can install other builds but not Appstore build.

From Xcode 8.2,drag and drop the build to simulator for the installation.

How to run a class from Jar which is not the Main-Class in its Manifest file

This answer is for Spring-boot users:

If your JAR was from a Spring-boot project and created using the command mvn package spring-boot:repackage, the above "-cp" method won't work. You will get:

Error: Could not find or load main class your.alternative.class.path

even if you can see the class in the JAR by jar tvf yours.jar.

In this case, run your alternative class by the following command:

java -cp yours.jar -Dloader.main=your.alternative.class.path org.springframework.boot.loader.PropertiesLauncher

As I understood, the Spring-boot's org.springframework.boot.loader.PropertiesLauncher class serves as a dispatching entrance class, and the -Dloader.main parameter tells it what to run.


How to plot a subset of a data frame in R?

with(dfr[dfr$var3 < 155,], plot(var1, var2)) should do the trick.

Edit regarding multiple conditions:

with(dfr[(dfr$var3 < 155) & (dfr$var4 > 27),], plot(var1, var2))

In Javascript, how do I check if an array has duplicate values?

Well I did a bit of searching around the internet for you and I found this handy link.

Easiest way to find duplicate values in a JavaScript array

You can adapt the sample code that is provided in the above link, courtesy of "swilliams" to your solution.

Add padding on view programmatically

Using TypedValue is a much cleaner way of converting to pixels compared to manually calculating:

float paddingDp = 10f;
// Convert to pixels
int paddingPx = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, paddingDp, context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics());
view.setPadding(paddingPx, paddingPx, paddingPx, paddingPx);

Essentially, TypedValue.applyDimension converts the desired padding into pixels appropriately depending on the current device's display properties.

For more info see: TypedValue.applyDimension Docs.

find filenames NOT ending in specific extensions on Unix?

find  /data1/batch/source/export   -type f -not  -name "*.dll" -not -name "*.exe"

How to Execute SQL Server Stored Procedure in SQL Developer?

Select * from Table name ..i.e(are you save table name in sql(TEST) k.

Select * from TEST then you will execute your project.

Converting string "true" / "false" to boolean value

You could simply have: var result = (str == "true").

How to replace captured groups only?

A simplier option is to just capture the digits and replace them.

const name = 'preceding_text_0_following_text';_x000D_
const matcher = /(\d+)/;_x000D_
// Replace with whatever you would like_x000D_
const newName = name.replace(matcher, 'NEW_STUFF');_x000D_
console.log("Full replace", newName);_x000D_
// Perform work on the match and replace using a function_x000D_
// In this case increment it using an arrow function_x000D_
const incrementedName = name.replace(matcher, (match) => ++match);_x000D_
console.log("Increment", incrementedName);


How can I view the Git history in Visual Studio Code?

GitLens has a nice Git history browser. Install GitLens from the extensions marketplace, and then run "Show GitLens Explorer" from the command palette.

Add a new line to a text file in MS-DOS

echo "text to echo" > file.txt

What is the difference between absolute and relative xpaths? Which is preferred in Selenium automation testing?

Absolute Xpath: It uses Complete path from the Root Element to the desire element.

Relative Xpath: You can simply start by referencing the element you want and go from there.

Relative Xpaths are always preferred as they are not the complete paths from the root element. (//html//body). Because in future, if any webelement is added/removed, then the absolute Xpath changes. So Always use Relative Xpaths in your Automation.

Below are Some Links which you can Refer for more Information on them.

How to make for loops in Java increase by increments other than 1

If you have a for loop like this:

for(j = 0; j<=90; j++){}

In this loop you are using shorthand provided by java language which means a postfix operator(use-then-change) which is equivalent to j=j+1 , so the changed value is initialized and used for next operation.

for(j = 0; j<=90; j+3){}

In this loop you are just increment your value by 3 but not initializing it back to j variable, so the value of j remains changed.

Simple C example of doing an HTTP POST and consuming the response

Jerry's answer is great. However, it doesn't handle large responses. A simple change to handle this:

memset(response, 0, sizeof(response));
total = sizeof(response)-1;
received = 0;
do {
    printf("RESPONSE: %s\n", response);
    memset(response, 0, sizeof(response));
    bytes = recv(sockfd, response, 1024, 0);
    if (bytes < 0)
        printf("ERROR reading response from socket");
    if (bytes == 0)
} while (1); 

How to check if object property exists with a variable holding the property name?

Thank you for everyone's assistance and pushing to get rid of the eval statement. Variables needed to be in brackets, not dot notation. This works and is clean, proper code.

Each of these are variables: appChoice, underI, underObstr.

if(typeof tData.tonicdata[appChoice][underI][underObstr] !== "undefined"){
    //enter code here

How can I extract the folder path from file path in Python?


One should consider using pathlib for new development. It is in the stdlib for Python3.4, but available on PyPI for earlier versions. This library provides a more object-orented method to manipulate paths <opinion> and is much easier read and program with </opinion>.

>>> import pathlib
>>> existGDBPath = pathlib.Path(r'T:\Data\DBDesign\DBDesign_93_v141b.mdb')
>>> wkspFldr = existGDBPath.parent
>>> print wkspFldr


Use the os.path module:

>>> import os
>>> existGDBPath = r'T:\Data\DBDesign\DBDesign_93_v141b.mdb'
>>> wkspFldr = os.path.dirname(existGDBPath)
>>> print wkspFldr 

You can go ahead and assume that if you need to do some sort of filename manipulation it's already been implemented in os.path. If not, you'll still probably need to use this module as the building block.

DropdownList DataSource

Refer to example at this link. It may be help to you.

void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)

     // Load data for the DropDownList control only once, when the 
     // page is first loaded.

        // Specify the data source and field names for the Text 
        // and Value properties of the items (ListItem objects) 
        // in the DropDownList control.
        ColorList.DataSource = CreateDataSource();
        ColorList.DataTextField = "ColorTextField";
        ColorList.DataValueField = "ColorValueField";

        // Bind the data to the control.

        // Set the default selected item, if desired.
        ColorList.SelectedIndex = 0;



void Selection_Change(Object sender, EventArgs e)

     // Set the background color for days in the Calendar control
     // based on the value selected by the user from the 
     // DropDownList control.
     Calendar1.DayStyle.BackColor = 


How to see an HTML page on Github as a normal rendered HTML page to see preview in browser, without downloading?

It's really easy to do with github pages, it's just a bit weird the first time you do it. Sorta like the first time you had to juggle 3 kittens while learning to knit. (OK, it's not all that bad)

You need a gh-pages branch:

Basically looks for a gh-pages branch of the repository. It will serve all HTML pages it finds in here as normal HTML directly to the browser.

How do I get this gh-pages branch?

Easy. Just create a branch of your github repo called gh-pages. Specify --orphan when you create this branch, as you don't actually want to merge this branch back into your github branch, you just want a branch that contains your HTML resources.

$ git checkout --orphan gh-pages

What about all the other gunk in my repo, how does that fit in to it?

Nah, you can just go ahead and delete it. And it's safe to do now, because you've been paying attention and created an orphan branch which can't be merged back into your main branch and remove all your code.

I've created the branch, now what?

You need to push this branch up to, so that their automation can kick in and start hosting these pages for you.

git push -u origin gh-pages

But.. My HTML is still not being served!

It takes a few minutes for github to index these branches and fire up the required infrastructure to serve up the content. Up to 10 minutes according to github.

The steps layed out by

Set the layout weight of a TextView programmatically

This work for me, and I hope it will work for you also

Set the LayoutParams for the parent view first:

myTableLayout.setLayoutParams(new TableLayout.LayoutParams(TableLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT,

then set for the TextView (child):

 TableLayout.LayoutParams textViewParam = new TableLayout.LayoutParams
     //-- set components margins
     textViewParam.setMargins(5, 0, 5,0);

How can I validate a string to only allow alphanumeric characters in it?

^\w+$ will allow a-zA-Z0-9_

Use ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$ to disallow underscore.

Note that both of these require the string not to be empty. Using * instead of + allows empty strings.

Key Value Pair List

Using one of the subsets method in this question

var list = new List<KeyValuePair<string, int>>() { 
    new KeyValuePair<string, int>("A", 1),
    new KeyValuePair<string, int>("B", 0),
    new KeyValuePair<string, int>("C", 0),
    new KeyValuePair<string, int>("D", 2),
    new KeyValuePair<string, int>("E", 8),

int input = 11;
var items = SubSets(list).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Sum(y => y.Value)==input);


a full console application:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var list = new List<KeyValuePair<string, int>>() { 
                new KeyValuePair<string, int>("A", 1),
                new KeyValuePair<string, int>("B", 2),
                new KeyValuePair<string, int>("C", 3),
                new KeyValuePair<string, int>("D", 4),
                new KeyValuePair<string, int>("E", 5),
                new KeyValuePair<string, int>("F", 6),

            int input = 12;
            var alternatives = list.SubSets().Where(x => x.Sum(y => y.Value) == input);

            foreach (var res in alternatives)
                Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", res.Select(x => x.Key)));

    public static class Extenions
        public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> SubSets<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable)
            List<T> list = enumerable.ToList();
            ulong upper = (ulong)1 << list.Count;

            for (ulong i = 0; i < upper; i++)
                List<T> l = new List<T>(list.Count);
                for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(ulong) * 8; j++)
                    if (((ulong)1 << j) >= upper) break;

                    if (((i >> j) & 1) == 1)

                yield return l;

error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '_MSC_VER': value '1600' doesn't match value '1700' in CppFile1.obj

I upgraded from 2010 to 2013 and after changing all the projects' Platform Toolset, I need to right-click on the Solution and choose Retarget... to make it work.

Array to Hash Ruby

Ruby 2.1.0 introduced a to_h method on Array that does what you require if your original array consists of arrays of key-value pairs:

[[:foo, :bar], [1, 2]].to_h
# => {:foo => :bar, 1 => 2}

What is the SSIS package and what does it do?

For Latest Info About SSIS >

From the above referenced site:

Microsoft Integration Services is a platform for building enterprise-level data integration and data transformations solutions. Use Integration Services to solve complex business problems by copying or downloading files, loading data warehouses, cleansing and mining data, and managing SQL Server objects and data.

Integration Services can extract and transform data from a wide variety of sources such as XML data files, flat files, and relational data sources, and then load the data into one or more destinations.

Integration Services includes a rich set of built-in tasks and transformations, graphical tools for building packages, and the Integration Services Catalog database, where you store, run, and manage packages.

You can use the graphical Integration Services tools to create solutions without writing a single line of code. You can also program the extensive Integration Services object model to create packages programmatically and code custom tasks and other package objects.

Getting Started with SSIS -

If you are Integration Services Information Worker -

If you are Integration Services Administrator -

If you are Integration Services Developer -

If you are Integration Services Architect -

Overview of SSIS -

Integration Services How-to Topics -

Numpy AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'exp'

You convert type, T) to float32 like this:

z=np.array(, T),dtype=np.float32)

def sigmoid(X, T):
    return (1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-z)))

Hopefully it will finally work!

Box shadow for bottom side only

-webkit-box-shadow: 0 3px 5px -3px #000;
-moz-box-shadow: 0 3px 5px -3px #000;
box-shadow: 0 3px 5px -3px #000;

axios post request to send form data

2020 ES6 way of doing

Having the form in html I binded in data like so:


form: {
   name: 'Joan Cap de porc',
   email: '[email protected]',
   phone: 2323,
   query: 'cap d\ou'
   file: null,
   legal: false


async submitForm() {
  const formData = new FormData()
  Object.keys(this.form).forEach((key) => {
    formData.append(key, this.form[key])

  try {
    await this.$'/ajax/contact/contact-us', formData)
  } catch (err) {

How can I rollback a git repository to a specific commit?

In github, the easy way is to delete the remote branch in the github UI, under branches tab. You have to make sure remove following settings to make the branch deletable:

  1. Not a default branch
  2. No opening poll requests.
  3. The branch is not protected.

Now recreate it in your local repository to point to the previous commit point. and add it back to remote repo.

git checkout -b master 734c2b9b   # replace with your commit point

Then push the local branch to remote

git push -u origin master

Add back the default branch and branch protection, etc.

Switch focus between editor and integrated terminal in Visual Studio Code

It's not exactly what is asked, but I found it very useful and related.

If someone wants to change from one terminal to another terminal also open in the integrate terminal panel of Visual Studio, you can search for:

Terminal: Focus Next Terminal

Or add the following key shortcut and do it faster with keyboard combination.

    "key": "alt+cmd+right",
    "command": "workbench.action.terminal.focusNext",
    "when": "terminalFocus"
    "key": "alt+cmd+left",
    "command": "workbench.action.terminal.focusPrevious",
    "when": "terminalFocus"

Which MySQL datatype to use for an IP address?

For IPv4 addresses, you can use VARCHAR to store them as strings, but also look into storing them as long integesrs INT(11) UNSIGNED. You can use MySQL's INET_ATON() function to convert them to integer representation. The benefit of this is it allows you to do easy comparisons on them, like BETWEEN queries

INET_ATON() MySQL function

Simulation of CONNECT BY PRIOR of Oracle in SQL Server

The SQL standard way to implement recursive queries, as implemented e.g. by IBM DB2 and SQL Server, is the WITH clause. See this article for one example of translating a CONNECT BY into a WITH (technically a recursive CTE) -- the example is for DB2 but I believe it will work on SQL Server as well.

Edit: apparently the original querant requires a specific example, here's one from the IBM site whose URL I already gave. Given a table:

                 name   VARCHAR(10),
                 salary DECIMAL(9, 2),
                 mgrid  INTEGER);

where mgrid references an employee's manager's empid, the task is, get the names of everybody who reports directly or indirectly to Joan. In Oracle, that's a simple CONNECT:

SELECT name 
  FROM emp
  START WITH name = 'Joan'
  CONNECT BY PRIOR empid = mgrid

In SQL Server, IBM DB2, or PostgreSQL 8.4 (as well as in the SQL standard, for what that's worth;-), the perfectly equivalent solution is instead a recursive query (more complex syntax, but, actually, even more power and flexibility):

WITH n(empid, name) AS 
   (SELECT empid, name 
    FROM emp
    WHERE name = 'Joan'
        UNION ALL
    SELECT nplus1.empid, 
    FROM emp as nplus1, n
    WHERE n.empid = nplus1.mgrid)

Oracle's START WITH clause becomes the first nested SELECT, the base case of the recursion, to be UNIONed with the recursive part which is just another SELECT.

SQL Server's specific flavor of WITH is of course documented on MSDN, which also gives guidelines and limitations for using this keyword, as well as several examples.

Dump all documents of Elasticsearch

We can use elasticdump to take the backup and restore it, We can move data from one server/cluster to another server/cluster.

1. Commands to move one index data from one server/cluster to another using elasticdump.

# Copy an index from production to staging with analyzer and mapping:
elasticdump \
  --input= \
  --output= \
elasticdump \
  --input= \
  --output= \
elasticdump \
  --input= \
  --output= \

2. Commands to move all indices data from one server/cluster to another using multielasticdump.


multielasticdump \
  --direction=dump \
  --match='^.*$' \
  --limit=10000 \
  --input= \


multielasticdump \
  --direction=load \
  --match='^.*$' \
  --limit=10000 \
  --input=/tmp \


  • If the --direction is dump, which is the default, --input MUST be a URL for the base location of an ElasticSearch server (i.e. http://localhost:9200) and --output MUST be a directory. Each index that does match will have a data, mapping, and analyzer file created.

  • For loading files that you have dumped from multi-elasticsearch, --direction should be set to load, --input MUST be a directory of a multielasticsearch dump and --output MUST be a Elasticsearch server URL.

  • The 2nd command will take a backup of settings, mappings, template and data itself as JSON files.

  • The --limit should not be more than 10000 otherwise, it will give an exception.

  • Get more details here.

What is a loop invariant?

The meaning of invariant is never change

Here the loop invariant means "The change which happen to variable in the loop(increment or decrement) is not changing the loop condition i.e the condition is satisfying " so that the loop invariant concept has came

How do I create ColorStateList programmatically?

if you use the resource the Colors.xml

int[] colors = new int[] {


ColorStateList csl = new ColorStateList(new int[][]{new int[0]}, new int[]{colors[0]}); 


How to use NSURLConnection to connect with SSL for an untrusted cert?

With AFNetworking I have successfully consumed https webservice with below code,

NSString *aStrServerUrl = WS_URL;

// Initialize AFHTTPRequestOperationManager...
AFHTTPRequestOperationManager *manager = [AFHTTPRequestOperationManager manager];
manager.requestSerializer = [AFJSONRequestSerializer serializer];
manager.responseSerializer = [AFJSONResponseSerializer serializer];

[manager.requestSerializer setValue:@"application/json" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Content-Type"];
manager.securityPolicy.allowInvalidCertificates = YES; 
[manager POST:aStrServerUrl parameters:parameters success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject)
    successBlock(operation, responseObject);

} failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error)
    errorBlock(operation, error);

Laravel: PDOException: could not find driver

You need to enable these extensions in the php.ini file





It is advisable that you also activate the fileinfo extension, many packages require this.

How to assign execute permission to a .sh file in windows to be executed in linux

This is possible using the Info-Zip open-source Zip utilities. If unzip is run with the -X parameter, it will attempt to preserve the original permissions. If the source filesystem was NTFS and the destination is a Unix one, it will attempt to translate from one to the other. I do not have a Windows system available right now to test the translation, so you will have to experiment with which group needs to be awarded execute permissions. It'll be something like "Users" or "Any user"

In python, what is the difference between random.uniform() and random.random()?

According to the documentation on random.uniform:

Return a random floating point number N such that a <= N <= b for a <= b and b <= N <= a for b < a.

while random.random:

Return the next random floating point number in the range [0.0, 1.0).

I.e. with random.uniform you specify a range you draw pseudo-random numbers from, e.g. between 3 and 10. With random.random you get a number between 0 and 1.

Could not load file or assembly "System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"

The above bind-redirect did not work for me so I commented out the reference to System.Net.Http in web.config. Everything seems to work OK without it.

    <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.7.2">
        <!--<add assembly="System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B03F5F7F11D50A3A" />-->
        <add assembly="System.ComponentModel.Composition, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089" />
    <customErrors mode="Off" />
    <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.7.2" />

How to force IE10 to render page in IE9 document mode

there are many ways can do this:

add X-UA-Compatible tag to head http response header

using IE tools F12

change windows Registry

Capturing window.onbeforeunload

you just cant do alert() in onbeforeunload, anything else works

How to get a list of current open windows/process with Java?

This might be useful for apps with a bundled JRE: I scan for the folder name that i'm running the application from: so if you're application is executing from:


then you can find if it's already running in J9, by:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    AtomicBoolean isRunning = new AtomicBoolean(false);
            .filter(ph -> &&"SomeJavaApp"))
            .forEach((process) -> {
    if (isRunning.get()) System.out.println("SomeJavaApp is running already");

How do I convert struct System.Byte byte[] to a System.IO.Stream object in C#?

You're looking for the MemoryStream.Write method.

For example, the following code will write the contents of a byte[] array into a memory stream:

byte[] myByteArray = new byte[10];
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
stream.Write(myByteArray, 0, myByteArray.Length);

Alternatively, you could create a new, non-resizable MemoryStream object based on the byte array:

byte[] myByteArray = new byte[10];
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(myByteArray);

css selector to match an element without attribute x

Just wanted to add to this, you can have the :not selector in oldIE using selectivizr:

Can HTTP POST be limitless?

Different IIS web servers can process different amounts of data in the 'header', according to this (now deleted) article;;

Note that there is no limit on the number of FORM elements you can pass via POST, but only on the aggregate size of all name/value pairs. While GET is limited to as low as 1024 characters, POST data is limited to 2 MB on IIS 4.0, and 128 KB on IIS 5.0. Each name/value is limited to 1024 characters, as imposed by the SGML spec. Of course this does not apply to files uploaded using enctype='multipart/form-data' ... I have had no problems uploading files in the 90 - 100 MB range using IIS 5.0, aside from having to increase the server.scriptTimeout value as well as my patience!

Is there a way to get the git root directory in one command?

I wanted to expand upon Daniel Brockman's excellent comment.

Defining git config --global alias.exec '!exec ' allows you to do things like git exec make because, as man git-config states:

If the alias expansion is prefixed with an exclamation point, it will be treated as a shell command. [...] Note that shell commands will be executed from the top-level directory of a repository, which may not necessarily be the current directory.

It's also handy to know that $GIT_PREFIX will be the path to the current directory relative to the top-level directory of a repository. But, knowing it is only half the battle™. Shell variable expansion makes it rather hard to use. So I suggest using bash -c like so:

git exec bash -c 'ls -l $GIT_PREFIX'

other commands include:

git exec pwd
git exec make

Why should I use IHttpActionResult instead of HttpResponseMessage?

You might decide not to use IHttpActionResult because your existing code builds a HttpResponseMessage that doesn't fit one of the canned responses. You can however adapt HttpResponseMessage to IHttpActionResult using the canned response of ResponseMessage. It took me a while to figure this out, so I wanted to post it showing that you don't necesarily have to choose one or the other:

public IHttpActionResult SomeAction()
   IHttpActionResult response;
   //we want a 303 with the ability to set location
   HttpResponseMessage responseMsg = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.RedirectMethod);
   responseMsg.Headers.Location = new Uri("http://customLocation.blah");
   response = ResponseMessage(responseMsg);
   return response;

Note, ResponseMessage is a method of the base class ApiController that your controller should inherit from.

SOAP client in .NET - references or examples?

You're looking in the wrong place. You should look up Windows Communication Framework.

WCF is used both on the client and on the server.

How to gracefully handle the SIGKILL signal in Java

I would expect that the JVM gracefully interrupts (thread.interrupt()) all the running threads created by the application, at least for signals SIGINT (kill -2) and SIGTERM (kill -15).

This way, the signal will be forwarded to them, allowing a gracefully thread cancellation and resource finalization in the standard ways.

But this is not the case (at least in my JVM implementation: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_25-b17), Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.25-b02, mixed mode).

As other users commented, the usage of shutdown hooks seems mandatory.

So, how do I would handle it?

Well first, I do not care about it in all programs, only in those where I want to keep track of user cancellations and unexpected ends. For example, imagine that your java program is a process managed by other. You may want to differentiate whether it has been terminated gracefully (SIGTERM from the manager process) or a shutdown has occurred (in order to relaunch automatically the job on startup).

As a basis, I always make my long-running threads periodically aware of interrupted status and throw an InterruptedException if they interrupted. This enables execution finalization in way controlled by the developer (also producing the same outcome as standard blocking operations). Then, at the top level of the thread stack, InterruptedException is captured and appropriate clean-up performed. These threads are coded to known how to respond to an interruption request. High cohesion design.

So, in these cases, I add a shutdown hook, that does what I think the JVM should do by default: interrupt all the non-daemon threads created by my application that are still running:

Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
    public void run() {
        System.out.println("Interrupting threads");
        Set<Thread> runningThreads = Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet();
        for (Thread th : runningThreads) {
            if (th != Thread.currentThread() 
                && !th.isDaemon() 
                && th.getClass().getName().startsWith("org.brutusin")) {
                System.out.println("Interrupting '" + th.getClass() + "' termination");
        for (Thread th : runningThreads) {
            try {
                if (th != Thread.currentThread() 
                && !th.isDaemon() 
                && th.isInterrupted()) {
                    System.out.println("Waiting '" + th.getName() + "' termination");
            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                System.out.println("Shutdown interrupted");
        System.out.println("Shutdown finished");

Complete test application at github:

How to write log file in c#?

if(!File.Exists(filename)) //No File? Create
    fs = File.Create(filename);
if(File.ReadAllBytes().Length >= 100*1024*1024) // (100mB) File to big? Create new
    string filenamebase = "myLogFile"; //Insert the base form of the log file, the same as the 1st filename without .log at the end
    if(filename.contains("-")) //Check if older log contained -x
         int lognumber = Int32.Parse(filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf("-")+1, filename.Length-4); //Get old number, Can cause exception if the last digits aren't numbers
         lognumber++; //Increment lognumber by 1
         filename = filenamebase + "-" + lognumber + ".log"; //Override filename
         filename = filenamebase + "-1.log"; //Override filename
    fs = File.Create(filename);

Refer link:

How can I pass a parameter to a setTimeout() callback?

@Jiri Vetyska thanks for the post, but there is something wrong in your example. I needed to pass the target which is hovered out (this) to a timed out function and I tried your approach. Tested in IE9 - does not work. I also made some research and it appears that as pointed here the third parameter is the script language being used. No mention about additional parameters.

So, I followed @meder's answer and solved my issue with this code:

$('.targetItemClass').hover(ItemHoverIn, ItemHoverOut);

function ItemHoverIn() {
 //some code here

function ItemHoverOut() {
    var THIS = this;
        function () { ItemHoverOut_timeout(THIS); },
function ItemHoverOut_timeout(target) {
    //do something with target which is hovered out

Hope, this is usefull for someone else.

How do I add an element to a list in Groovy?

From the documentation:

We can add to a list in many ways:

assert [1,2] + 3 + [4,5] + 6 == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
assert [1,2].plus(3).plus([4,5]).plus(6) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
    //equivalent method for +
def a= [1,2,3]; a += 4; a += [5,6]; assert a == [1,2,3,4,5,6]
assert [1, *[222, 333], 456] == [1, 222, 333, 456]
assert [ *[1,2,3] ] == [1,2,3]
assert [ 1, [2,3,[4,5],6], 7, [8,9] ].flatten() == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

def list= [1,2]
list.add(3) //alternative method name
list.addAll([5,4]) //alternative method name
assert list == [1,2,3,5,4]

list= [1,2]
list.add(1,3) //add 3 just before index 1
assert list == [1,3,2]
list.addAll(2,[5,4]) //add [5,4] just before index 2
assert list == [1,3,5,4,2]

list = ['a', 'b', 'z', 'e', 'u', 'v', 'g']
list[8] = 'x'
assert list == ['a', 'b', 'z', 'e', 'u', 'v', 'g', null, 'x']

You can also do:

def myNewList = myList << "fifth"

Rails 3 execute custom sql query without a model

I'd recommend using ActiveRecord::Base.connection.exec_query instead of ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute which returns a ActiveRecord::Result (available in rails 3.1+) which is a bit easier to work with.

Then you can access it in various the result in various ways like .rows, .each, or .to_hash

From the docs:

result = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.exec_query('SELECT id, title, body FROM posts')
result # => #<ActiveRecord::Result:0xdeadbeef>

# Get the column names of the result:
# => ["id", "title", "body"]

# Get the record values of the result:
# => [[1, "title_1", "body_1"],
      [2, "title_2", "body_2"],

# Get an array of hashes representing the result (column => value):
# => [{"id" => 1, "title" => "title_1", "body" => "body_1"},
      {"id" => 2, "title" => "title_2", "body" => "body_2"},

# ActiveRecord::Result also includes Enumerable.
result.each do |row|
  puts row['title'] + " " + row['body']

note: copied my answer from here

python: changing row index of pandas data frame

When you are not sure of the number of rows, then you can do it this way:

followers_df.index = range(len(followers_df))

What is the difference between 'SAME' and 'VALID' padding in tf.nn.max_pool of tensorflow?

When stride is 1 (more typical with convolution than pooling), we can think of the following distinction:

  • "SAME": output size is the same as input size. This requires the filter window to slip outside input map, hence the need to pad.
  • "VALID": Filter window stays at valid position inside input map, so output size shrinks by filter_size - 1. No padding occurs.

How to force garbage collection in Java?

If you need to force garbage collection, perhaps you should consider how you're managing resources. Are you creating large objects that persist in memory? Are you creating large objects (e.g., graphics classes) that have a Disposable interface and not calling dispose() when done with it? Are you declaring something at a class level that you only need within a single method?

why windows 7 task scheduler task fails with error 2147942667

For me, this was due to the user PATH environment variable, which didn't seem to work even though the user was correct, so I needed to put the entire executable path into the program field.

Is it possible to have empty RequestParam values use the defaultValue?

You can keep primitive type by setting default value, in the your case just add "required = false" property:

@RequestParam(value = "i", required = false, defaultValue = "10") int i

P.S. This page from Spring documentation might be useful: Annotation Type RequestParam

Getting the encoding of a Postgres database

A programmatic solution:

SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) FROM pg_database WHERE datname = 'yourdb';

make: Nothing to be done for `all'

Make is behaving correctly. hello already exists and is not older than the .c files, and therefore there is no more work to be done. There are four scenarios in which make will need to (re)build:

  • If you modify one of your .c files, then it will be newer than hello, and then it will have to rebuild when you run make.
  • If you delete hello, then it will obviously have to rebuild it
  • You can force make to rebuild everything with the -B option. make -B all
  • make clean all will delete hello and require a rebuild. (I suggest you look at @Mat's comment about rm -f *.o hello

How to install python-dateutil on Windows?

It is a little tricky for people who is not used to command prompt. All you have to do is open the directory where python is installed (C:\Python27 by default) and open the command prompt there (shift + right click and select open command window here) and then type :

python -m pip install python-dateutil

Hope that helps.

Swift - Split string over multiple lines

You can using unicode equals for enter or \n and implement them inside you string. For example: \u{0085}.

Append text to input field

If you are planning to use appending more then once, you might want to write a function:

//Append text to input element
function jQ_append(id_of_input, text){
    var input_id = '#'+id_of_input;
    $(input_id).val($(input_id).val() + text);

After you can just call it:

jQ_append('my_input_id', 'add this text');

How can I use a Python script in the command line without cd-ing to its directory? Is it the PYTHONPATH?

I think you're mixed up between PATH and PYTHONPATH. All you have to do to run a 'script' is have it's parental directory appended to your PATH variable. You can test this by running


Also, if depends on custom modules, their parental directories must also be added to the PYTHONPATH variable. Unfortunately, because the designers of python were clearly on drugs, testing your imports in the repl with the following will not guarantee that your PYTHONPATH is set properly for use in a script. This part of python programming is magic and can't be answered appropriately on stackoverflow.

Python 2.7.8 blahblahblah
>from mymodule.submodule import ClassName
>test = ClassName()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 5, in <module>
    from mymodule.submodule import ClassName
  File "/path/to/", line 5, in <module>
    from mymodule.submodule import ClassName
ImportError: No module named submodule

How can I get relative path of the folders in my android project?

With this I found my project path:

new File("").getAbsolutePath();

this return "c:\Projects\SampleProject"

header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); not doing anything

You could try specifying an HTTP response code using an optional parameter:

header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found', true, 404);

MATLAB - multiple return values from a function?

Matlab allows you to return multiple values as well as receive them inline.

When you call it, receive individual variables inline:

[array, listp, freep] = initialize(size)

Excluding Maven dependencies

Global exclusions look like they're being worked on, but until then...

From the Sonatype maven reference (bottom of the page):

Dependency management in a top-level POM is different from just defining a dependency on a widely shared parent POM. For starters, all dependencies are inherited. If mysql-connector-java were listed as a dependency of the top-level parent project, every single project in the hierarchy would have a reference to this dependency. Instead of adding in unnecessary dependencies, using dependencyManagement allows you to consolidate and centralize the management of dependency versions without adding dependencies which are inherited by all children. In other words, the dependencyManagement element is equivalent to an environment variable which allows you to declare a dependency anywhere below a project without specifying a version number.

As an example:


It doesn't make the code less verbose overall, but it does make it less verbose where it counts. If you still want it less verbose you can follow these tips also from the Sonatype reference.

How do I create dynamic variable names inside a loop?

I agree it is generally preferable to use an Array for this.

However, this can also be accomplished in JavaScript by simply adding properties to the current scope (the global scope, if top-level code; the function scope, if within a function) by simply using this – which always refers to the current scope.

for (var i = 0; i < coords.length; ++i) {
    this["marker"+i] = "some stuff";

You can later retrieve the stored values (if you are within the same scope as when they were set):

var foo = this.marker0;
console.log(foo); // "some stuff"

This slightly odd feature of JavaScript is rarely used (with good reason), but in certain situations it can be useful.

Get scroll position using jquery

Older IE and Firefox browsers attach the scrollbar to the documentElement, or what would be the <html> tag in HTML.

All other browsers attach the scrollbar to document.body, or what would be the <body> tag in HTML.

The correct solution would be to check which one to use, depending on browser

var doc = document.documentElement.clientHeight ? document.documentElement : document.body;
var s   = $(doc).scrollTop();

jQuery does make this a little easier, when passing in either window or document jQuery's scrollTop does a similar check and figures it out, so either of these should work cross-browser

var s = $(document).scrollTop();


var s = $(window).scrollTop();

jQuery scrollTop() docs

Description: Get the current vertical position of the scroll bar for the first element in the set of matched elements or set the vertical position of the scroll bar for every matched element.

...nothing that works for my div, just the full page

If it's for a DIV, you'd have to target the element that has the scrollbar attached, to get the scrolled amount


If you need to get the elements distance from the top of the document, you can also do


How can I catch an error caused by mail()?

also using will not help you out, because mail() does not emmit its errors into this function.

Only way seems to be using a proper mailer, like already suggested above.

Getting Exception(org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exception - no content type [M1.13]) when reading xlsx file using Apache POI?

I get the same exception for .xls file, but after I open the file and save it as xlsx file , the below code works:

 try(InputStream is =file.getInputStream()){
      XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(is);

How to center align the ActionBar title in Android?

This code will not hide back button, Same time will align the title in centre.

call this method in oncreate


myActionBar.setIcon(new ColorDrawable(Color.TRANSPARENT));

private void centerActionBarTitle() {
    int titleId = 0;
        titleId = getResources().getIdentifier("action_bar_title", "id", "android");
    } else {
        // This is the id is from your app's generated R class when 
        // ActionBarActivity is used for SupportActionBar
        titleId =;

    // Final check for non-zero invalid id
    if (titleId > 0) {
        TextView titleTextView = (TextView) findViewById(titleId);
        DisplayMetrics metrics = getResources().getDisplayMetrics();

        // Fetch layout parameters of titleTextView 
        // (LinearLayout.LayoutParams : Info from HierarchyViewer)
        LinearLayout.LayoutParams txvPars = (LayoutParams) titleTextView.getLayoutParams();
        txvPars.gravity = Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL;
        txvPars.width = metrics.widthPixels;

asp:TextBox ReadOnly=true or Enabled=false?

If a control is disabled it cannot be edited and its content is excluded when the form is submitted.

If a control is readonly it cannot be edited, but its content (if any) is still included with the submission.

CONVERT Image url to Base64

let baseImage = new Image;
baseImage.setAttribute('crossOrigin', 'anonymous');
baseImage.src = your image url

var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
  canvas.width = baseImage.width;
  canvas.height = baseImage.height;
  var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
  ctx.drawImage(baseImage, 0, 0);
  var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");

Additional information about "CORS enabled images": MDN Documentation

Top 1 with a left join


SELECT, mbg.marker_value 
FROM dps_user u
    (SELECT TOP 1 m.marker_value, um.profile_id
     FROM dps_usr_markers um (NOLOCK)
         INNER JOIN dps_markers m (NOLOCK) 
             ON m.marker_id= um.marker_id AND 
                m.marker_key = 'moneyBackGuaranteeLength'
     ORDER BY m.creation_date
    ) AS MBG
WHERE = 'u162231993';

Unlike JOIN, APPLY allows you to reference the inside the inner query.

Have a fixed position div that needs to scroll if content overflows

Here are both fixes.

First, regarding the fixed sidebar, you need to give it a height for it to overflow:

HTML Code:

<div id="sidebar">Menu</div>
<div id="content">Text</div>

CSS Code:

body {font:76%/150% Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#666; width:100%; height:100%;}
#sidebar {position:fixed; top:0; left:0; width:20%; height:100%; background:#EEE; overflow:auto;}
#content {width:80%; padding-left:20%;}

@media screen and (max-height:200px){
    #sidebar {color:blue; font-size:50%;}

Live example:

It's impossible NOT to get a scroll bar if your content overflows the height of the div. That's why I've added a media query for screen height. Maybe you can adjust your styles for short screen sizes so the scroll doesn't need to appear.

Cheers, Ignacio

equals vs Arrays.equals in Java

It's an infamous problem: .equals() for arrays is badly broken, just don't use it, ever.

That said, it's not "broken" as in "someone has done it in a really wrong way" — it's just doing what's defined and not what's usually expected. So for purists: it's perfectly fine, and that also means, don't use it, ever.

Now the expected behaviour for equals is to compare data. The default behaviour is to compare the identity, as Object does not have any data (for purists: yes it has, but it's not the point); assumption is, if you need equals in subclasses, you'll implement it. In arrays, there's no implementation for you, so you're not supposed to use it.

So the difference is, Arrays.equals(array1, array2) works as you would expect (i.e. compares content), array1.equals(array2) falls back to Object.equals implementation, which in turn compares identity, and thus better replaced by == (for purists: yes I know about null).

Problem is, even Arrays.equals(array1, array2) will bite you hard if elements of array do not implement equals properly. It's a very naive statement, I know, but there's a very important less-than-obvious case: consider a 2D array.

2D array in Java is an array of arrays, and arrays' equals is broken (or useless if you prefer), so Arrays.equals(array1, array2) will not work as you expect on 2D arrays.

Hope that helps.

Is there a way to get element by XPath using JavaScript in Selenium WebDriver?

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

System.setProperty("", "path of your chrome exe");
        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();


How to obtain Signing certificate fingerprint (SHA1) for OAuth 2.0 on Android?

For those on mac looking for keytool. follow these steps:

Firstly make sure to install Java JDK

Then type this into command prompt:

/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.7

it will spit out something like:


keytool is located in the same directory as javac. ie:


From bin directory you can use the keytool.

MySQL 1062 - Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY'


How can I reverse a NSArray in Objective-C?

Try this:

for (int i = 0; i < [arr count]; i++)
    NSString *str1 = [arr objectAtIndex:[arr count]-1];
    [arr insertObject:str1 atIndex:i];
    [arr removeObjectAtIndex:[arr count]-1];

Run ScrollTop with offset of element by ID

No magic involved, just subtract from the offset top of the element

$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $('#contact').offset().top -100 }, 'slow');

Is it possible to set ENV variables for rails development environment in my code?

The way I am trying to do this in my question actually works!

# environment/development.rb

ENV['admin_password'] = "secret" 

I just had to restart the server. I thought running reload! in rails console would be enough but I also had to restart the web server.

I am picking my own answer because I feel this is a better place to put and set the ENV variables

Powershell: count members of a AD group

$users = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity 'Client Services' -Recursive ; $users.count

The above one-liner gives a clean count of recursive members found. Simple, easy, and one line.

What is pluginManagement in Maven's pom.xml?

So if i understood well, i would say that <pluginManagement> just like <dependencyManagement> are both used to share only the configuration between a parent and it's sub-modules.

For that we define the dependencie's and plugin's common configurations in the parent project and then we only have to declare the dependency/plugin in the sub-modules to use it, without having to define a configuration for it (i.e version or execution, goals, etc). Though this does not prevent us from overriding the configuration in the submodule.

In contrast <dependencies> and <plugins> are inherited along with their configurations and should not be redeclared in the sub-modules, otherwise a conflict would occur.

is that right ?

How to calculate a mod b in Python?

There's the % sign. It's not just for the remainder, it is the modulo operation.

Purpose of Activator.CreateInstance with example?

Well i can give you an example why to use something like that. Think of a game where you want to store your level and enemies in an XML file. When you parse this file, you might have an element like this.

<Enemy X="10" Y="100" Type="MyGame.OrcGuard"/>

what you can do now is, create dynamically the objects found in your level file.

foreach(XmlNode node in doc)
   var enemy = Activator.CreateInstance(null, node.Attributes["Type"]);

This is very useful, for building dynamic enviroments. Of course its also possible to use this for Plugin or addin scenarios and alot more.

Remove leading zeros from a number in Javascript


"014".replace(/^0+/, '')

Can I limit the length of an array in JavaScript?

You're not using splice correctly:

arr.splice(4, 1)

this will remove 1 item at index 4. see here

I think you want to use slice:


this will return elements in position 0 through 4.

This assumes all the rest of your code (cookies etc) works correctly

Using Helvetica Neue in a Website

I'd recommend this article on CSS Tricks by Chris Coyier entitled Better Helvetica:

He basically recommends the following declaration for covering all the bases:

body {
    font-family: "HelveticaNeue-Light", "Helvetica Neue Light", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, "Lucida Grande", sans-serif; 
    font-weight: 300;

How to find indices of all occurrences of one string in another in JavaScript?

var str = "I learned to play the Ukulele in Lebanon."
var regex = /le/gi, result, indices = [];
while ( (result = regex.exec(str)) ) {


I failed to spot in the original question that the search string needs to be a variable. I've written another version to deal with this case that uses indexOf, so you're back to where you started. As pointed out by Wrikken in the comments, to do this for the general case with regular expressions you would need to escape special regex characters, at which point I think the regex solution becomes more of a headache than it's worth.

function getIndicesOf(searchStr, str, caseSensitive) {_x000D_
    var searchStrLen = searchStr.length;_x000D_
    if (searchStrLen == 0) {_x000D_
        return [];_x000D_
    var startIndex = 0, index, indices = [];_x000D_
    if (!caseSensitive) {_x000D_
        str = str.toLowerCase();_x000D_
        searchStr = searchStr.toLowerCase();_x000D_
    while ((index = str.indexOf(searchStr, startIndex)) > -1) {_x000D_
        startIndex = index + searchStrLen;_x000D_
    return indices;_x000D_
var indices = getIndicesOf("le", "I learned to play the Ukulele in Lebanon.");_x000D_
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = indices + "";
<div id="output"></div>

How can I change the default Django date template format?

{{yourDate|date:'*Prefered Format*'}}


{{yourDate|date:'F d, Y'}}

For preferred format:

Reverse a string without using reversed() or [::-1]?

We can first convert string into a list and then reverse the string after that use ".join" method to again convert list to single string.


It will first convert "youknowwhoiam" into ['Y', 'o', 'u', 'k', 'n', 'o', 'w', 'w', 'h', 'o', 'i', 'a', 'm']

After it will reverse the list into ['m', 'a', 'i', 'o', 'h', 'w', 'w', 'o', 'n', 'k', 'u', 'o', 'Y']

In last it will convert list into single word "maiohwwonkuoY "

For more explanation in brief just run this code:-

print (lst)

MS SQL 2008 - get all table names and their row counts in a DB

SELECT +'.'+ TableName
 ,SUM(pa.rows) RowCnt
 FROM sys.tables ta
 INNER JOIN sys.partitions pa
 INNER JOIN sys.schemas sc
 ON ta.schema_id = sc.schema_id
 WHERE ta.is_ms_shipped = 0 AND pa.index_id IN (1,0)

See this:

What is the difference between 'git pull' and 'git fetch'?

I like to have some visual representation of the situation to grasp these things. Maybe other developers would like to see it too, so here's my addition. I'm not totally sure that it all is correct, so please comment if you find any mistakes.

                                         LOCAL SYSTEM
                  . =====================================================    
================= . =================  ===================  =============
(ORIGIN)          . (CACHED)           
for example,      . mirror of the      
a github repo.    . remote repo
Can also be       .
multiple repo's   .
FETCH  *------------------>*
Your local cache of the remote is updated with the origin (or multiple
external sources, that is git's distributed nature)
PULL   *-------------------------------------------------------->*
changes are merged directly into your local copy. when conflicts occur, 
you are asked for decisions.
COMMIT            .                             *<---------------*
When coming from, for example, subversion, you might think that a commit
will update the origin. In git, a commit is only done to your local repo.
PUSH   *<---------------------------------------*
Synchronizes your changes back into the origin.

Some major advantages for having a fetched mirror of the remote are:

  • Performance (scroll through all commits and messages without trying to squeeze it through the network)
  • Feedback about the state of your local repo (for example, I use Atlassian's SourceTree, which will give me a bulb indicating if I'm commits ahead or behind compared to the origin. This information can be updated with a GIT FETCH).

jQuery .scrollTop(); + animation

you can use both CSS class or HTML id, for keeping it symmetric I always use CSS class for example

<a class="btn btn-full js--scroll-to-plans" href="#">I’m hungry</a> 
<section class="section-plans js--section-plans clearfix">

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('.js--scroll-to-plans').click(function () {
            scrollTop: $('.js--section-plans').offset().top
        }, 1000);
        return false;})

How to find event listeners on a DOM node when debugging or from the JavaScript code?

I was recently working with events and wanted to view/control all events in a page. Having looked at possible solutions, I've decided to go my own way and create a custom system to monitor events. So, I did three things.

First, I needed a container for all the event listeners in the page: that's theEventListeners object. It has three useful methods: add(), remove(), and get().

Next, I created an EventListener object to hold the necessary information for the event, i.e.: target, type, callback, options, useCapture, wantsUntrusted, and added a method remove() to remove the listener.

Lastly, I extended the native addEventListener() and removeEventListener() methods to make them work with the objects I've created (EventListener and EventListeners).


var bodyClickEvent = document.body.addEventListener("click", function () {
    console.log("body click");

// bodyClickEvent.remove();

addEventListener() creates an EventListener object, adds it to EventListeners and returns the EventListener object, so it can be removed later.

EventListeners.get() can be used to view the listeners in the page. It accepts an EventTarget or a string (event type).

// EventListeners.get(document.body);
// EventListeners.get("click");


Let's say we want to know every event listener in this current page. We can do that (assuming you're using a script manager extension, Tampermonkey in this case). Following script does this:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         New Userscript
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  try to take over the world!
// @author       You
// @include*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
        .then(function (response) {
            return response.text();
        .then(function (text) {
            window.EventListeners = EventListeners;

And when we list all the listeners, it says there are 299 event listeners. There "seems" to be some duplicates, but I don't know if they're really duplicates. Not every event type is duplicated, so all those "duplicates" might be an individual listener.

screenshot of console listing all event listeners in this page

Code can be found at my repository. I didn't want to post it here because it's rather long.

Update: This doesn't seem to work with jQuery. When I examine the EventListener, I see that the callback is

function(b){return"undefined"!=typeof r&&r.event.triggered!==b.type?r.event.dispatch.apply(a,arguments):void 0}

I believe this belongs to jQuery, and is not the actual callback. jQuery stores the actual callback in the properties of the EventTarget:

$(document.body).click(function () {
    console.log("jquery click");

enter image description here

To remove an event listener, the actual callback needs to be passed to the removeEventListener() method. So in order to make this work with jQuery, it needs further modification. I might fix that in the future.

How can I mark a foreign key constraint using Hibernate annotations?

@JoinColumn(name="reference_column_name") annotation can be used above that property or field of class that is being referenced from some other entity.

Android Gradle Could not reserve enough space for object heap

For Android Studio 1.3 : (Method 1)

Step 1 : Open file in your Android Studio project.

Step 2 : Add this line at the end of the file

org.gradle.jvmargs=-XX\:MaxHeapSize\=256m -Xmx256m

Above methods seems to work but if in case it won't then do this (Method 2)

Step 1 : Start Android studio and close any open project (File > Close Project).

Step 2 : On Welcome window, Go to Configure > Settings.

Step 3 : Go to Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler

Step 4 : Change Build process heap size (Mbytes) to 1024 and Additional build process to VM Options to -Xmx512m.

Step 5 : Close or Restart Android Studio.

SOLVED - Andriod Studio 1.3 Gradle Could not reserve enough space for object heap Issue

ASP.NET Core Dependency Injection error: Unable to resolve service for type while attempting to activate

To break down the error message:

Unable to resolve service for type 'WebApplication1.Data.BloggerRepository' while attempting to activate 'WebApplication1.Controllers.BlogController'.

That is saying that your application is trying to create an instance of BlogController but it doesn't know how to create an instance of BloggerRepository to pass into the constructor.

Now look at your startup:

services.AddScoped<IBloggerRepository, BloggerRepository>();

That is saying whenever a IBloggerRepository is required, create a BloggerRepository and pass that in.

However, your controller class is asking for the concrete class BloggerRepository and the dependency injection container doesn't know what to do when asked for that directly.

I'm guessing you just made a typo, but a fairly common one. So the simple fix is to change your controller to accept something that the DI container does know how to process, in this case, the interface:

public BlogController(IBloggerRepository repository)
//                    ^
//                    Add this!
    _repository = repository;

Convert boolean to int in Java

boolean b = ....; 
int i = -("false".indexOf("" + b));

Loop through each row of a range in Excel

Dim a As Range, b As Range

Set a = Selection

For Each b In a.Rows
    MsgBox b.Address

Creating a ZIP archive in memory using System.IO.Compression

You need to finish writing the memory stream then read the buffer back.

        using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
            using (var archive = new ZipArchive(memoryStream, ZipArchiveMode.Create))
                var demoFile = archive.CreateEntry("foo.txt");

                using (var entryStream = demoFile.Open())
                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(entryStream))

            using (var fileStream = new FileStream(@"C:\Temp\", FileMode.Create))
                var bytes = memoryStream.GetBuffer();
                fileStream.Write(bytes,0,bytes.Length );

Combining C++ and C - how does #ifdef __cplusplus work?

It's about the ABI, in order to let both C and C++ application use C interfaces without any issue.

Since C language is very easy, code generation was stable for many years for different compilers, such as GCC, Borland C\C++, MSVC etc.

While C++ becomes more and more popular, a lot things must be added into the new C++ domain (for example finally the Cfront was abandoned at AT&T because C could not cover all the features it needs). Such as template feature, and compilation-time code generation, from the past, the different compiler vendors actually did the actual implementation of C++ compiler and linker separately, the actual ABIs are not compatible at all to the C++ program at different platforms.

People might still like to implement the actual program in C++ but still keep the old C interface and ABI as usual, the header file has to declare extern "C" {}, it tells the compiler generate compatible/old/simple/easy C ABI for the interface functions if the compiler is C compiler not C++ compiler.

How do I capture the output into a variable from an external process in PowerShell?

Another real-life example:

$result = & "$env:cust_tls_store\Tools\WDK\x64\devcon.exe" enable $strHwid 2>&1 | Out-String

Notice that this example includes a path (which begins with an environment variable). Notice that the quotes must surround the path and the EXE file, but not the parameters!

Note: Don't forget the & character in front of the command, but outside of the quotes.

The error output is also collected.

It took me a while to get this combination working, so I thought that I would share it.

How to find file accessed/created just few minutes ago

To find files accessed 1, 2, or 3 minutes ago use -3

find . -cmin -3

How to do a for loop in windows command line?

You might also consider adding ".

For example for %i in (*.wav) do opusenc "%~ni.wav" "%~ni.opus" is very good idea.

String replace a Backslash

This will replace backslashes with forward slashes in the string:

source = source.replace('\\','/');

How to round up with excel VBA round()?

Try this function, it's ok to round up a double

'---------------Start -------------
Function Round_Up(ByVal d As Double) As Integer
    Dim result As Integer
    result = Math.Round(d)
    If result >= d Then
        Round_Up = result
        Round_Up = result + 1
    End If
End Function

How do I return a proper success/error message for JQuery .ajax() using PHP?

Some people recommend using HTTP status codes, but I rather despise that practice. e.g. If you're doing a search engine and the provided keywords have no results, the suggestion would be to return a 404 error.

However, I consider that wrong. HTTP status codes apply to the actual browser<->server connection. Everything about the connect went perfectly. The browser made a request, the server invoked your handler script. The script returned 'no rows'. Nothing in that signifies "404 page not found" - the page WAS found.

Instead, I favor divorcing the HTTP layer from the status of your server-side operations. Instead of simply returning some text in a json string, I always return a JSON data structure which encapsulates request status and request results.

e.g. in PHP you'd have

$results = array(
   'error' => false,
   'error_msg' => 'Everything A-OK',
   'data' => array(....results of request here ...)
echo json_encode($results);

Then in your client-side code you'd have

if (!data.error) {
   ... got data, do something with it ...
} else {
   ... invoke error handler ...

How to replicate vector in c?

Vector and list aren't conceptually tied to C++. Similar structures can be implemented in C, just the syntax (and error handling) would look different. For example LodePNG implements a dynamic array with functionality very similar to that of std::vector. A sample usage looks like:

uivector v = {};
uivector_push_back(&v, 1);
uivector_push_back(&v, 42);
for(size_t i = 0; i < v.size; ++i)

As can be seen the usage is somewhat verbose and the code needs to be duplicated to support different types.

nothings/stb gives a simpler implementation that works with any types, but compiles only in C:

double *v = 0;
sb_push(v, 1.0);
sb_push(v, 42.0);
for(int i = 0; i < sb_count(v); ++i)
    printf("%g\n", v[i]);

A lot of C code, however, resorts to managing the memory directly with realloc:

void* newMem = realloc(oldMem, newSize);
if(!newMem) {
    // handle error
oldMem = newMem;

Note that realloc returns null in case of failure, yet the old memory is still valid. In such situation this common (and incorrect) usage leaks memory:

oldMem = realloc(oldMem, newSize);
if(!oldMem) {
    // handle error

Compared to std::vector and the C equivalents from above, the simple realloc method does not provide O(1) amortized guarantee, even though realloc may sometimes be more efficient if it happens to avoid moving the memory around.

Reference - What does this regex mean?

The Stack Overflow Regular Expressions FAQ

See also a lot of general hints and useful links at the tag details page.

Online tutorials


Character Classes

Escape Sequences


(Also see "Flavor-Specific Information ? Java ? The functions in Matcher")





Common Tasks

Advanced Regex-Fu

Flavor-Specific Information

(Except for those marked with *, this section contains non-Stack Overflow links.)

General information

(Links marked with * are non-Stack Overflow links.)

Examples of regex that can cause regex engine to fail

Tools: Testers and Explainers

(This section contains non-Stack Overflow links.)

How to make a launcher

Just develop a normal app and then add a couple of lines to the app's manifest file.

First you need to add the following attribute to your activity:


Then add two categories to the intent filter :

            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.HOME" />

The result could look something like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <manifest xmlns:android=""
        android:versionName="1.0" >

            android:targetSdkVersion="19" />

            android:theme="@style/AppTheme" >
                android:label="@string/app_name" >
                    <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                    <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
                    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                    <category android:name="android.intent.category.HOME" />


It's that simple!

How to change JDK version for an Eclipse project

Click on the Window tab in Eclipse, go to Preferences and when that window comes up, go to Java ? Installed JREs ? Execution Environment and choose JavaSE-1.5. You then have to go to Compiler and set the Compiler compliance level.

Changing JRE

Enter image description here

Verifying that a string contains only letters in C#

You can loop on the chars of string and check using the Char Method IsLetter but you can also do a trick using String method IndexOfAny to search other charaters that are not suppose to be in the string.

ImportError: No module named 'MySQL'

I was facing the similar issue. My env details - Python 2.7.11 pip 9.0.1 CentOS release 5.11 (Final)

Error on python interpreter -

>>> import mysql.connector
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named mysql.connector

Use pip to search the available module -

$ pip search mysql-connector | grep --color mysql-connector-python

mysql-connector-python-rf (2.2.2)        - MySQL driver written in Python
mysql-connector-python (2.0.4)           - MySQL driver written in Python

Install the mysql-connector-python-rf -

$ pip install mysql-connector-python-rf


$ python
Python 2.7.11 (default, Apr 26 2016, 13:18:56)
[GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-54)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import mysql.connector

Thanks =)

For python3 and later use the next command: $ pip3 install mysql-connector-python-rf

Attaching a Sass/SCSS to HTML docs

You can not "attach" a SASS/SCSS file to an HTML document.

SASS/SCSS is a CSS preprocessor that runs on the server and compiles to CSS code that your browser understands.

There are client-side alternatives to SASS that can be compiled in the browser using javascript such as LESS CSS, though I advise you compile to CSS for production use.

It's as simple as adding 2 lines of code to your HTML file.

<link rel="stylesheet/less" type="text/css" href="styles.less" />
<script src="less.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

check if a number already exist in a list in python

You could probably use a set object instead. Just add numbers to the set. They inherently do not replicate.

Example of multipart/form-data

EDIT: I am maintaining a similar, but more in-depth answer at:

To see exactly what is happening, use nc -l or an ECHO server and an user agent like a browser or cURL.

Save the form to an .html file:

<form action="http://localhost:8000" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <p><input type="text" name="text" value="text default">
  <p><input type="file" name="file1">
  <p><input type="file" name="file2">
  <p><button type="submit">Submit</button>

Create files to upload:

echo 'Content of a.txt.' > a.txt
echo '<!DOCTYPE html><title>Content of a.html.</title>' > a.html


nc -l localhost 8000

Open the HTML on your browser, select the files and click on submit and check the terminal.

nc prints the request received. Firefox sent:

Host: localhost:8000
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/29.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Cookie: __atuvc=34%7C7; permanent=0; _gitlab_session=226ad8a0be43681acf38c2fab9497240; __profilin=p%3Dt; request_method=GET
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------9051914041544843365972754266
Content-Length: 554

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="text"

text default
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file1"; filename="a.txt"
Content-Type: text/plain

Content of a.txt.

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file2"; filename="a.html"
Content-Type: text/html

<!DOCTYPE html><title>Content of a.html.</title>


Aternativelly, cURL should send the same POST request as your a browser form:

nc -l localhost 8000
curl -F "text=default" -F "[email protected]" -F "[email protected]" localhost:8000

You can do multiple tests with:

while true; do printf '' | nc -l localhost 8000; done

How to pass parameters in GET requests with jQuery

Use data option of ajax. You can send data object to server by data option in ajax and the type which defines how you are sending it (either POST or GET). The default type is GET method

Try this

  url: "ajax.aspx",
  type: "get", //send it through get method
  data: { 
    ajaxid: 4, 
    UserID: UserID, 
    EmailAddress: EmailAddress
  success: function(response) {
    //Do Something
  error: function(xhr) {
    //Do Something to handle error

And you can get the data by (if you are using PHP)

 $_GET['ajaxid'] //gives 4
 $_GET['UserID'] //gives you the sent userid

In aspx, I believe it is (might be wrong)


Stop UIWebView from "bouncing" vertically?

I tried a slightly different approach to prevent UIWebView objects from scrolling and bouncing: adding a gesture recognizer to override other gestures.

It seems, UIWebView or its scroller subview uses its own pan gesture recognizer to detect user scrolling. But according to Apple's documentation there is a legitimate way of overriding one gesture recognizer with another. UIGestureRecognizerDelegate protocol has a method gestureRecognizer:shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer: - which allows to control the behavior of any colliding gesture recognizers.

So, what I did was

in the view controller's viewDidLoad method:

// Install a pan gesture recognizer                                                                                        // We ignore all the touches except the first and try to prevent other pan gestures                                                     
// by registering this object as the recognizer's delegate                                                                                        
UIPanGestureRecognizer *recognizer;                                                                                                               
recognizer = [[UIPanGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(handlePanFrom:)];                                                   
recognizer.delegate = self;                                                                                                                       
recognizer.maximumNumberOfTouches = 1;                                                                                                            
[self.view addGestureRecognizer:recognizer];                                                                                                          
self.panGestureFixer = recognizer;                                                                                                                  
[recognizer release]; 

then, the gesture override method:

// Control gestures precedence                                                                                                                            
- (BOOL)gestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer                                                                                        
        shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)otherGestureRecognizer                                                  
        // Prevent all panning gestures (which do nothing but scroll webViews, something we want to disable in                                          
        // the most painless way)                                                                                                                         
        if ([otherGestureRecognizer isKindOfClass:[UIPanGestureRecognizer class]])                                                                        
            // Just disable every other pan gesture recognizer right away                                                                             
            otherGestureRecognizer.enabled = FALSE;
        return NO;                                                                                                                                        

Of course, this delegate method can me more complex in a real application - we may disable other recognizers selectively, analyzing otherGestureRecognizer.view and making decision based on what view it is.

And, finally, for the sake of completeness, the method we registered as a pan handler:

- (void)handlePanFrom:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)recognizer 
    // do nothing as of yet

it can be empty if all we want is to cancel web views' scrolling and bouncing, or it can contain our own code to implement the kind of pan motions and animations we really want...

So far I'm just experimenting with all this stuff, and it seems to be working more or less as I want it. I haven't tried to submit any apps to iStore yet, though. But I believe I haven't used anything undocumented so far... If anyone finds it otherwise, please inform me.

How can I completely remove TFS Bindings

Old post, so just adding to the answers of @Matt Frear and @Johan Buret. Both work.

But in Matt's case, you also need to set these (VS 2012) in Notepad/text editor:

SccProjectName = ""
SccAuxPath = ""
SccLocalPath = ""
SccProvider = ""

To each project in the solution file (.sln).

@Johan's answer effectively does this....

How to output messages to the Eclipse console when developing for Android

Rather than trying to output to the console, Log will output to LogCat which you can find in Eclipse by going to: Window->Show View->Other…->Android->LogCat

Have a look at the reference for Log.

The benefits of using LogCat are that you can print different colours depending on your log type, e.g.: Log.d prints blue, Log.e prints orange. Also you can filter by log tag, log message, process id and/or by application name. This is really useful when you just want to see your app's logs and keep the other system stuff separate.

What is hashCode used for? Is it unique?

GetHashCode() is used to help support using the object as a key for hash tables. (A similar thing exists in Java etc). The goal is for every object to return a distinct hash code, but this often can't be absolutely guaranteed. It is required though that two logically equal objects return the same hash code.

A typical hash table implementation starts with the hashCode value, takes a modulus (thus constraining the value within a range) and uses it as an index to an array of "buckets".

iOS 9 not opening Instagram app with URL SCHEME

Assuming two apps TestA and TestB. TestB wants to query if TestA is installed. "TestA" defines the following URL scheme in its info.plist file:


The second app "TestB" tries to find out if "TestA" is installed by calling:

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"TestA://"]];

But this will normally return NO in iOS9 because "TestA" needs to be added to the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes entry in TestB's info.plist file. This is done by adding the following code to TestB's info.plist file:


A working implementation can be found here:

How do I get the width and height of a HTML5 canvas?

I had a problem because my canvas was inside of a container without ID so I used this jquery code below

$('.cropArea canvas').width()

JAVA - using FOR, WHILE and DO WHILE loops to sum 1 through 100

- First to me Iterating and Looping are 2 different things.

Eg: Increment a variable till 5 is Looping.

    int count = 0;

    for (int i=0 ; i<5 ; i++){

        count = count + 1;


Eg: Iterate over the Array to print out its values, is about Iteration

    int[] arr = {5,10,15,20,25};

    for (int i=0 ; i<arr.length ; i++){



Now about all the Loops:

- Its always better to use For-Loop when you know the exact nos of time you gonna Loop, and if you are not sure of it go for While-Loop. Yes out there many geniuses can say that it can be done gracefully with both of them and i don't deny with them...but these are few things which makes me execute my program flawlessly...

For Loop :

int sum = 0; 

for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {

  sum += i; 


 System.out.println("The sum is " + sum);

The Difference between While and Do-While is as Follows :

- While is a Entry Control Loop, Condition is checked in the Beginning before entering the loop.

- Do-While is a Exit Control Loop, Atleast once the block is always executed then the Condition is checked.

While Loop :

int sum = 0; 
int i = 0;       // i is 0 Here

    while (i<100) {

      sum += i; 


  System.out.println("The sum is " + sum);

do-While :

int sum = 0; 
int i = 0;      // i is 0 Here


      sum += i; 
    }while(i < 100; );

     System.out.println("The sum is " + sum);

From Java 5 we also have For-Each Loop to iterate over the Collections, even its handy with Arrays.

ArrayList<String> arr = new ArrayList<String>();


for (String str : arr){         // str represents the value in each index of arr



Android: how to make keyboard enter button say "Search" and handle its click?

Hide keyboard when user clicks search. Addition to Robby Pond answer

private void performSearch() {
    InputMethodManager in = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
    in.hideSoftInputFromWindow(editText.getWindowToken(), 0);
    //...perform search

SSL "Peer Not Authenticated" error with HttpClient 4.1

If the server's certificate is self-signed, then this is working as designed and you will have to import the server's certificate into your keystore.

Assuming the server certificate is signed by a well-known CA, this is happening because the set of CA certificates available to a modern browser is much larger than the limited set that is shipped with the JDK/JRE.

The EasySSL solution given in one of the posts you mention just buries the error, and you won't know if the server has a valid certificate.

You must import the proper Root CA into your keystore to validate the certificate. There's a reason you can't get around this with the stock SSL code, and that's to prevent you from writing programs that behave as if they are secure but are not.