[sql-server] How to Execute SQL Server Stored Procedure in SQL Developer?

I've been given a user account to a SQL Server database that only has privileges to execute a stored procedure. I added the JTDS SQL Server JDBC jar file to SQL Developer and added it as a Third Party JDBC driver. I can successfully log in to the SQL Server database. I was given this syntax for running the procedure:

EXEC proc_name 'paramValue1' 'paramValue2'

When I run this as either a statement or a script, I get this error:

Error starting at line 1 in command:
EXEC proc_name 'paramValue1' 'paramValue2'
Error report:
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'BEGIN'.

I tried wrapping the statement in BEGIN/END, but get the same error. Is it possible to call the procedure from SQL Developer? If so, what syntax do I need to use?

This question is related to sql-server stored-procedures oracle-sqldeveloper

The answer is

Select * from Table name ..i.e(are you save table name in sql(TEST) k.

Select * from TEST then you will execute your project.

If you simply need to excute your stored procedure proc_name 'paramValue1' , 'paramValue2'... at the same time you are executing more than one query like one select query and stored procedure you have to add select * from tableName EXEC proc_name paramValue1 , paramValue2...

You are missing ,

EXEC proc_name 'paramValue1','paramValue2'

EXEC proc_name @paramValue1 = 0, @paramValue2 = 'some text';

If the Stored Procedure objective is to perform an INSERT on a table that has an Identity field declared, then the field, in this scenario @paramValue1, should be declared and just pass the value 0, because it will be auto-increment.

I know this is the old one. But this may help others.

I have added SP calling function between BEGIN/END. Here is a working script.

ALTER Proc [dbo].[DepartmentAddOrEdit]
@Id int,
@Code varchar(100),
@Name varchar(100),
@IsActive bit ,
@LocationId int,
@CreatedBy int,
@UpdatedBy int
    IF(@Id = 0)

    INSERT INTO Department (Code,Name,IsActive,LocationId,CreatedBy,UpdatedBy,CreatedAt)

    EXEC dbo.LogAdd @CreatedBy,'DEPARTMENT',@Name


    UPDATE Department SET
        Code = @Code,
        Name = @Name,
        IsActive = @IsActive,
        LocationId = @LocationId,
        CreatedBy = @CreatedBy,
        UpdatedBy = @UpdatedBy,
        UpdatedAt =  CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 
    where Id = @Id 

You need to do this:

    exec procName 
    @parameter_1_Name = 'parameter_1_Value', 
    @parameter_2_name = 'parameter_2_value',
    @parameter_z_name = 'parameter_z_value'

The stored procedures can be run in sql developer tool using the below syntax

BEGIN procedurename(); END;

If there are any parameters then it has to be passed.

    EXECUTE [or EXEC] procedure_name
  @parameter_1_Name = 'parameter_1_Value', 
    @parameter_2_name = 'parameter_2_value',
    @parameter_z_name = 'parameter_z_value'

You need to add a ',' between the paramValue1 and paramValue2. You missed it.

EXEC proc_name 'paramValue1','paramValue2'

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