You can fix this by upgrading your project to .NET Framework 4.7.2. This was answered by Alex Ghiondea - MSFT. Please go upvote him as he truly deserves it!
This is documented as a known issue in .NET Framework 4.7.1.
As a workaround you can add these targets to your project. They will remove the DesignFacadesToFilter from the list of references passed to SGEN (and add them back once SGEN is done)
<Target Name="RemoveDesignTimeFacadesBeforeSGen" BeforeTargets="GenerateSerializationAssemblies"> <ItemGroup> <DesignFacadesToFilter Include="System.IO.Compression.ZipFile" /> <_FilterOutFromReferencePath Include="@(_DesignTimeFacadeAssemblies_Names->'%(OriginalIdentity)')" Condition="'@(DesignFacadesToFilter)' == '@(_DesignTimeFacadeAssemblies_Names)' and '%(Identity)' != ''" /> <ReferencePath Remove="@(_FilterOutFromReferencePath)" /> </ItemGroup> <Message Importance="normal" Text="Removing DesignTimeFacades from ReferencePath before running SGen." /> </Target> <Target Name="ReAddDesignTimeFacadesBeforeSGen" AfterTargets="GenerateSerializationAssemblies"> <ItemGroup> <ReferencePath Include="@(_FilterOutFromReferencePath)" /> </ItemGroup> <Message Importance="normal" Text="Adding back DesignTimeFacades from ReferencePath now that SGen has ran." /> </Target>
Another option (machine wide) is to add the following binding redirect to sgen.exe.config:
<runtime> <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"> <dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity name="System.IO.Compression.ZipFile" publicKeyToken="b77a5c561934e089" culture="neutral" /> <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" /> </dependentAssembly> </assemblyBinding> </runtime> This will only work on machines with .NET Framework 4.7.1. installed. Once .NET Framework 4.7.2 is installed on that machine, this workaround should be removed.