Programs & Examples On #Internet explorer 6

Internet Explorer 6 (IE6) is an old version of Internet Explorer. It was shipped with Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. Internet Explorer 6 is no longer supported by Microsoft.

Remove border from IFrame

After going mad trying to remove the border in IE7, I found that the frameBorder attribute is case sensitive.

You have to set the frameBorder attribute with a capital B.

<iframe frameBorder="0"></iframe>

How to preserve aspect ratio when scaling image using one (CSS) dimension in IE6?

Well, I can think of a CSS hack that will resolve this issue.

You could add the following line in your CSS file:

* html .blog_list div.postbody img { width:75px; height: SpecifyHeightHere; } 

The above code will only be seen by IE6. The aspect ratio won't be perfect, but you could make it look somewhat normal. If you really wanted to make it perfect, you would need to write some javascript that would read the original picture width, and set the ratio accordingly to specify a height.

Javascript Image Resize

okay it solved, here is my final code

if($(this).width() > $(this).height()) { 
} else {

Thanks guys

Force Internet Explorer to use a specific Java Runtime Environment install?

I'd give all the responses here a try first. But I wanted to just throw in what I do, just in case these do not work for you.

I've tried to solve the same problem you're having before, and in the end, what I decided on doing is to have only one JRE installed on my system at a given time. I do have about 10 different JDKs (1.3 through 1.6, and from various vendors - Sun, Oracle, IBM), since I do need it for development, but only one standalone JRE.

This has worked for me on my Windows 2000 + IE 6 computer at home, as well as my Windows XP + Multiple IE computer at work.

IE6/IE7 css border on select element

Using ONLY css is impossbile. In fact, all form elements are impossible to customize to look in the same way on all browsers only with css. You can try niceforms though ;)

Running Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7, and Internet Explorer 8 on the same machine

I wouldn't do it. Use virtual PCs instead. It might take a little setup, but you'll thank yourself in the long run. In my experience, you can't really get them cleanly installed side by side and unless they are standalone installs you can't really verify that it is 100% true-to-browser rendering.

Update: Looks like one of the better ways to accomplish this (if running Windows 7) is using Windows XP mode to set up multiple virtual machines: Testing Multiple Versions of IE on one PC at the IEBlog.

Update 2: (11/2014) There are new solutions since this was last updated. Microsoft now provides VMs for any environment to test multiple versions of IE: Modern.IE

Error Importing SSL certificate : Not an X.509 Certificate

This seems like an old thread, but I'll add my experience here. I tried to install a cert as well and got that error. I then opened the cer file with a txt editor, and noticed that there is an extra space (character) at the end of each line. Removing those lines allowed me to import the cert.

Hope this is worth something to someone else.

Integration Testing POSTing an entire object to Spring MVC controller

One of the main purposes of integration testing with MockMvc is to verify that model objects are correclty populated with form data.

In order to do it you have to pass form data as they're passed from actual form (using .param()). If you use some automatic conversion from NewObject to from data, your test won't cover particular class of possible problems (modifications of NewObject incompatible with actual form).

Getting unix timestamp from Date()

Use SimpleDateFormat class. Take a look on its javadoc: it explains how to use format switches.

AngularJS access parent scope from child controller

When you are using as syntax, like ParentController as parentCtrl, to define a controller then to access parent scope variable in child controller use following :

var id = $;

Where parentCtrl is name of parent controller using as syntax and id is a variable defined in same controller.

Pip - Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"'

D:\Python36\Scripts>pip3 -V
Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"'

D:\Python36\Scripts>python3 -m pip freeze
You are using pip version 8.1.2, however version 9.0.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'python -m pip install --upgrade pip' comm

D:\Python36\Scripts>python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

D:\Python36\Scripts>pip3 -V
pip 9.0.1 from d:\python36\lib\site-packages (python 3.6)

Trim a string in C

This made me want to write my own - I didn't like the ones that had been provided. Seems to me there should be 3 functions.

char *ltrim(char *s)
    while(isspace(*s)) s++;
    return s;

char *rtrim(char *s)
    char* back = s + strlen(s);
    *(back+1) = '\0';
    return s;

char *trim(char *s)
    return rtrim(ltrim(s)); 

Hive: Filtering Data between Specified Dates when Date is a String

Just like SQL, Hive supports BETWEEN operator for more concise statement:

  FROM your_table
  WHERE your_date_column BETWEEN '2010-09-01' AND '2013-08-31';

Flash CS4 refuses to let go

Try deleting your ASO files.

ASO files are cached compiled versions of your class files. Although the IDE is a lot better at letting go of old caches when changes are made, sometimes you have to manually delete them. To delete ASO files: Control>Delete ASO Files.

This is also the cause of the "I-am-not-seeing-my-changes-so-let-me-add-a-trace-now-everything-works" bug that was introduced in CS3.

Unable to call the built in mb_internal_encoding method?

For OpenSUse (zypper package manager):

zypper install php5-mbstring


zyper install php7-mbstring

In the other hand, you can search them through YaST Software manager.

Note that, you must restart apache http server:

systemctl restart apache2.service

sql insert into table with select case values

If FName and LName contain NULL values, then you will need special handling to avoid unnecessary extra preceeding, trailing, and middle spaces. Also, if Address1 contains NULL values, then you need to have special handling to prevent adding unnecessary ', ' at the beginning of your address string.

If you are using SQL Server 2012, then you can use CONCAT (NULLs are automatically treated as empty strings) and IIF:

INSERT INTO TblStuff (FullName, Address, City, Zip)
SELECT FullName = REPLACE(RTRIM(LTRIM(CONCAT(FName, ' ', Middle, ' ', LName))), '  ', ' ')
    , Address = CONCAT(Address1, IIF(Address2 IS NOT NULL, CONCAT(', ', Address2), ''))
    , City
    , Zip
FROM tblImport (NOLOCK);

Otherwise, this will work:

INSERT INTO TblStuff (FullName, Address, City, Zip)
SELECT FullName = REPLACE(RTRIM(LTRIM(ISNULL(FName, '') + ' ' + ISNULL(Middle, '') + ' ' + ISNULL(LName, ''))), '  ', ' ')
    , Address = ISNULL(Address1, '') + CASE
        WHEN Address2 IS NOT NULL THEN ', ' + Address2
        ELSE '' END
    , City
    , Zip
FROM tblImport (NOLOCK);

Why is my Git Submodule HEAD detached from master?

As other people have said, the reason this happens is that the parent repo only contains a reference to (the SHA1 of) a specific commit in the submodule – it doesn't know anything about branches. This is how it should work: the branch that was at that commit may have moved forward (or backwards), and if the parent repo had referenced the branch then it could easily break when that happens.

However, especially if you are actively developing in both the parent repo and the submodule, detached HEAD state can be confusing and potentially dangerous. If you make commits in the submodule while it's in detached HEAD state, these become dangling and you can easily lose your work. (Dangling commits can usually be rescued using git reflog, but it's much better to avoid them in the first place.)

If you're like me, then most of the time if there is a branch in the submodule that points to the commit being checked out, you would rather check out that branch than be in detached HEAD state at the same commit. You can do this by adding the following alias to your gitconfig file:

    submodule-checkout-branch = "!f() { git submodule -q foreach 'branch=$(git branch --no-column --format=\"%(refname:short)\" --points-at `git rev-parse HEAD` | grep -v \"HEAD detached\" | head -1); if [[ ! -z $branch && -z `git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD` ]]; then git checkout -q \"$branch\"; fi'; }; f"

Now, after doing git submodule update you just need to call git submodule-checkout-branch, and any submodule that is checked out at a commit which has a branch pointing to it will check out that branch. If you don't often have multiple local branches all pointing to the same commit, then this will usually do what you want; if not, then at least it will ensure that any commits you do make go onto an actual branch instead of being left dangling.

Furthermore, if you have set up git to automatically update submodules on checkout (using git config --global submodule.recurse true, see this answer), you can make a post-checkout hook that calls this alias automatically:

$ cat .git/hooks/post-checkout 
git submodule-checkout-branch

Then you don't need to call either git submodule update or git submodule-checkout-branch, just doing git checkout will update all submodules to their respective commits and check out the corresponding branches (if they exist).

Difference between Pragma and Cache-Control headers?

Pragma is the HTTP/1.0 implementation and cache-control is the HTTP/1.1 implementation of the same concept. They both are meant to prevent the client from caching the response. Older clients may not support HTTP/1.1 which is why that header is still in use.

Do a "git export" (like "svn export")?

The option 1 sounds not too efficient. What if there is no space in the client to do a clone and then remove the .git folder?

Today I found myself trying to do this, where the client is a Raspberry Pi with almost no space left. Furthermore, I also want to exclude some heavy folder from the repository.

Option 2 and others answers here do not help in this scenario. Neither git archive (because require to commit a .gitattributes file, and I don't want to save this exclusion in the repository).

Here I share my solution, similar to option 3, but without the need of git clone:

git ls-tree --name-only -r HEAD > $tmp
rsync -avz --files-from=$tmp --exclude='fonts/*' . raspberry:

Changing the rsync line for an equivalent line for compress will also work as a git archive but with a sort of exclusion option (as is asked here).

Launch Minecraft from command line - username and password as prefix

To run Minecraft with Forge (change C:\Users\nov11\AppData\Roaming/.minecraft/to your MineCraft path :) [Just for people who are a bit too lazy to search on Google...] Special thanks to ammarx for his TagAPI_3 (Github) which was used to create this command. Arguments are separated line by line to make it easier to find useful ones.


Just when other solutions don't work. accessToken and uuid can be acquired from Mojang Servers, check other anwsers for details.

Edit (26.11.2018): I've also created Launcher Framework in C# (.NET Framework 3.5), which you can also check to see how launcher should work Available Here

Oracle "ORA-01008: not all variables bound" Error w/ Parameters

You might also consider removing the need for duplicated parameter names in your Sql by changing your Sql to

table.Variable2 LIKE '%' || :VarB || '%'

and then getting your client to provide '%' for any value of VarB instead of null. In some ways I think this is more natural.

You could also change the Sql to

table.Variable2 LIKE '%' || IfNull(:VarB, '%') || '%'

jQuery has deprecated synchronous XMLHTTPRequest

No one of the previous answers (which all are correct) was suited to my situation: I don't use the async parameter in jQuery.ajax() and I don't include a script tag as part of the content that was being returned like:

<script src="/scripts/script.js"></script> 

My situation is that I am calling two AJAX requests consecutively with the aim to update two divs at the same time:

function f1() {
     $.ajax(...); // XMLHTTP request to url_1 and append result to div_1

function f2() {
     $.ajax(...); // XMLHTTP request to url_2 and append result to div_2

function anchor_f1(){

function anchor_f2(){

// the listener of anchor 3 the source of problem
function anchor_problem(){


When I click on a.anchor3, it raises the warning flag.I resolved the issue by replacing f2 invoking by click() function:

function anchor_problem(){

How to download file from database/folder using php

I have changed to your code with little modification will works well. Here is the code:


$file = "logo_ldg.png"; //Let say If I put the file name Bang.png
echo "<a href='download1.php?nama=".$file."'>download</a> ";


$name= $_GET['nama'];

    header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
    header('Content-Type: application/force-download');
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . basename($name) . "\";");
    header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
    header('Expires: 0');
    header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
    header('Pragma: public');
    header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($name));
    readfile("your_file_path/".$name); //showing the path to the server where the file is to be download

Here you need to show the path from where the file to be download. i.e. will just give the file name but need to give the file path for reading that file. So, it should be replaced by I have tested by using your code and modifying also will works.

Difference between rake db:migrate db:reset and db:schema:load

As far as I understand, it is going to drop your database and re-create it based on your db/schema.rb file. That is why you need to make sure that your schema.rb file is always up to date and under version control.

Java8: HashMap<X, Y> to HashMap<X, Z> using Stream / Map-Reduce / Collector

Guava's function Maps.transformValues is what you are looking for, and it works nicely with lambda expressions:

Maps.transformValues(originalMap, val -> ...)

Executing periodic actions in Python

Surprised to not find a solution using a generator for timing. I just designed this one for my own purposes.

This solution: single threaded, no object instantiation each period, uses generator for times, rock solid on timing down to precision of the time module (unlike several of the solutions I've tried from stack exchange).

Note: for Python 2.x, replace next(g) below with

import time

def do_every(period,f,*args):
    def g_tick():
        t = time.time()
        while True:
            t += period
            yield max(t - time.time(),0)
    g = g_tick()
    while True:

def hello(s):
    print('hello {} ({:.4f})'.format(s,time.time()))


Results in, for example:

hello foo (1421705487.5811)
hello foo (1421705488.5811)
hello foo (1421705489.5809)
hello foo (1421705490.5830)
hello foo (1421705491.5803)
hello foo (1421705492.5808)
hello foo (1421705493.5811)
hello foo (1421705494.5811)
hello foo (1421705495.5810)
hello foo (1421705496.5811)
hello foo (1421705497.5810)
hello foo (1421705498.5810)
hello foo (1421705499.5809)
hello foo (1421705500.5811)
hello foo (1421705501.5811)
hello foo (1421705502.5811)
hello foo (1421705503.5810)

Note that this example includes a simulation of the cpu doing something else for .3 seconds each period. If you changed it to be random each time it wouldn't matter. The max in the yield line serves to protect sleep from negative numbers in case the function being called takes longer than the period specified. In that case it would execute immediately and make up the lost time in the timing of the next execution.

How to use UTF-8 in resource properties with ResourceBundle

We create a resources.utf8 file that contains the resources in UTF-8 and have a rule to run the following:

native2ascii -encoding utf8 resources.utf8

LINQ order by null column where order is ascending and nulls should be last

I have another option in this situation. My list is objList, and I have to order but nulls must be in the end. my decision:

var newList = objList.Where(m=>m.Column != null)
                     .OrderBy(m => m.Column)
                     .Concat(objList.where(m=>m.Column == null));

PHP file_get_contents() returns "failed to open stream: HTTP request failed!"

$query=file_get_contents('http://###.##.##.##/mp/get?' . http_build_query(array('mpsrc' => ' format=flv')));

Make an html number input always display 2 decimal places

Look into toFixed for Javascript numbers. You could write an onChange function for your number field that calls toFixed on the input and sets the new value.

How to download Visual Studio Community Edition 2015 (not 2017)

You can use these links to download Visual Studio 2015

Community Edition:

And for anyone in the future who might be looking for the other editions here are the links for them as well:

Professional Edition:

Enterprise Edition:

Measuring text height to be drawn on Canvas ( Android )

@bramp's answer is correct - partially, in that it does not mention that the calculated boundaries will be the minimum rectangle that contains the text fully with implicit start coordinates of 0, 0.

This means, that the height of, for example "Py" will be different from the height of "py" or "hi" or "oi" or "aw" because pixel-wise they require different heights.

This by no means is an equivalent to FontMetrics in classic java.

While width of a text is not much of a pain, height is.

In particular, if you need to vertically center-align the drawn text, try getting the boundaries of the text "a" (without quotes), instead of using the text you intend to draw. Works for me...

Here's what I mean:

Paint paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG | Paint.LINEAR_TEXT_FLAG);


Rect bounds = new Rect();
paint.getTextBounds("a", 0, 1, bounds);

buffer.drawText(this.myText, canvasWidth >> 1, (canvasHeight + bounds.height()) >> 1, paint);
// remember x >> 1 is equivalent to x / 2, but works much much faster

Vertically center aligning the text means vertically center align the bounding rectangle - which is different for different texts (caps, long letters etc). But what we actually want to do is to also align the baselines of rendered texts, such that they did not appear elevated or grooved. So, as long as we know the center of the smallest letter ("a" for example) we then can reuse its alignment for the rest of the texts. This will center align all the texts as well as baseline-align them.

Deleting an element from an array in PHP

Use the following code:

$arr = array('orange', 'banana', 'apple', 'raspberry');
$result = array_pop($arr);

Can Keras with Tensorflow backend be forced to use CPU or GPU at will?

If you want to force Keras to use CPU

Way 1

import os
os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"] = "PCI_BUS_ID"   # see issue #152
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = ""

before Keras / Tensorflow is imported.

Way 2

Run your script as


See also


Script Tag - async & defer

async and defer will download the file during HTML parsing. Both will not interrupt the parser.

  • The script with async attribute will be executed once it is downloaded. While the script with defer attribute will be executed after completing the DOM parsing.

  • The scripts loaded with async doesn't guarantee any order. While the scripts loaded with defer attribute maintains the order in which they appear on the DOM.

Use <script async> when the script does not rely on anything. when the script depends use <script defer>.

Best solution would be add the <script> at the bottom of the body. There will be no issue with blocking or rendering.

MySQL SELECT statement for the "length" of the field is greater than 1

select * from [tbl] where [link] is not null and len([link]) > 1

For MySQL user:

LENGTH([link]) > 1

Exit codes in Python

Exit codes in many programming languages are up to programmers. So you have to look at your program source code (or manual). Zero usually means "everything went fine".

How to style HTML5 range input to have different color before and after slider?

If you use first answer, there is a problem with thumb. In chrome if you want the thumb to be larger than the track, then the box shadow overlaps the track with the height of the thumb.

Just sumup all these answers and wrote normally working slider with larger slider thumb: jsfiddle

const slider = document.getElementById("myinput")
const min = slider.min
const max = slider.max
const value = slider.value = `linear-gradient(to right, red 0%, red ${(value-min)/(max-min)*100}%, #DEE2E6 ${(value-min)/(max-min)*100}%, #DEE2E6 100%)`

slider.oninput = function() { = `linear-gradient(to right, red 0%, red ${(this.value-this.min)/(this.max-this.min)*100}%, #DEE2E6 ${(this.value-this.min)/(this.max-this.min)*100}%, #DEE2E6 100%)`
#myinput {
  border-radius: 8px;
  height: 4px;
  width: 150px;
  outline: none;
  -webkit-appearance: none;

input[type='range']::-webkit-slider-thumb {
  width: 6px;
  -webkit-appearance: none;
  height: 12px;
  background: black;
  border-radius: 2px;
<div class="chrome">
  <input id="myinput" type="range" min="0" value="25" max="200" />

Error using eclipse for Android - No resource found that matches the given name

I think the issue is that you have


and you don't have any string with the id, to refer to the array, you need to use @array

test this or put a screen of your log please

How to copy text to the client's clipboard using jQuery?

Copying to the clipboard is a tricky task to do in Javascript in terms of browser compatibility. The best way to do it is using a small flash. It will work on every browser. You can check it in this article.

Here's how to do it for Internet Explorer:

function copy (str)
    //for IE ONLY!

What is the default maximum heap size for Sun's JVM from Java SE 6?

To answer this question it's critical whether the Java VM is in CLIENT or SERVER mode. You can specify "-client" or "-server" options. Otherwise java uses internal rules; basically win32 is always client and Linux is always server, but see the table here:

Sun/Oracle jre6u18 doc says re client: the VM gets 1/2 of physical memory if machine has <= 192MB; 1/4 of memory if machine has <= 1Gb; max 256Mb. In my test on a 32bit WindowsXP system with 2Gb phys mem, Java allocated 256Mb, which agrees with the doc.

Sun/Oracle jre6u18 doc says re server: same as client, then adds confusing language: for 32bit JVM the default max is 1Gb, and for 64 bit JVM the default is 32Gb. In my test on a 64bit linux machine with 8Gb physical, Java allocates 2Gb, which is 1/4 of physical; on a 64bit linux machine with 128Gb physical Java allocates 32Gb, again 1/4 of physical.

Thanks to this SO post for guiding me:

Definition of server-class machine changed recently?

How to find my realm file?

Under Tools -> Android Device Monitor

And under File Explorer. Search for the apps. And the file is under data/data.

gitbash command quick reference

You should accept Mike Gossland's answer, but it can be improved a little. Try this in Git Bash:

 ls -1F /bin | grep '\*$' | grep -v '\.dll\*$' | sed 's/\*$\|\.exe//g'


List on 1 line, decorated with trailing * for executables, all files in bin. Keep only those with the trailing *s, but NOT ending with .dll*, then replace all ending asterisks or ".exe" with nothing.

This gives you a clean list of all the GitBash commands.

Why is enum class preferred over plain enum?

Because, as said in other answers, class enum are not implicitly convertible to int/bool, it also helps to avoid buggy code like:

enum MyEnum {
if (var == Value1 || Value2) // Should be "var == Value2" no error/warning

How to receive POST data in django

You should have access to the POST dictionary on the request object.

Generate random numbers following a normal distribution in C/C++


C++11 offers std::normal_distribution, which is the way I would go today.

C or older C++

Here are some solutions in order of ascending complexity:

  1. Add 12 uniform random numbers from 0 to 1 and subtract 6. This will match mean and standard deviation of a normal variable. An obvious drawback is that the range is limited to ±6 – unlike a true normal distribution.

  2. The Box-Muller transform. This is listed above, and is relatively simple to implement. If you need very precise samples, however, be aware that the Box-Muller transform combined with some uniform generators suffers from an anomaly called Neave Effect1.

  3. For best precision, I suggest drawing uniforms and applying the inverse cumulative normal distribution to arrive at normally distributed variates. Here is a very good algorithm for inverse cumulative normal distributions.

1. H. R. Neave, “On using the Box-Muller transformation with multiplicative congruential pseudorandom number generators,” Applied Statistics, 22, 92-97, 1973 AAPT2 error: check logs for details

I had exactly the same issue: After updating to Android Studio 3.1.2 my project wouldn't compile with an AAPT2 error telling me some of my drawables which are referenced by styles.xml could not be found. Disabling AAPT2 isn't a solution anymore, since the setting is deprecated and will be removed at the end of 2018.

Culprit was an empty line just before the xml decleration in a totally unrelated layout.xml file... So the layout.xml file started like this:

//empty line//
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Removed the empty line and everything worked like a charm again. Unbelievable and unlikely, but true.

Android Studio actually gave a warning because the file didn't start with the xml decleration (because of the empty line). But the warning is only visible when the file is opened in the editor.

How to upgrade pip3?

To upgrade your pip3, try running:

sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade pip3

To upgrade pip as well, you can follow it by:

sudo -H pip2 install --upgrade pip

How do I set <table> border width with CSS?

Like this:

border: 1px solid black;

Why it didn't work? because:

Always declare the border-style (solid in my example) property before the border-width property. An element must have borders before you can change the color.

'router-outlet' is not a known element

This issue was with me also. Simple trick for it.

  imports: [
 declarations: [

 providers: [...],
 bootstrap: [...]

use it as in above order.first imports then declarations.It worked for me.

Array of char* should end at '\0' or "\0"?

Well, technically '\0' is a character while "\0" is a string, so if you're checking for the null termination character the former is correct. However, as Chris Lutz points out in his answer, your comparison won't work in it's current form.

Simple UDP example to send and receive data from same socket

I'll try to keep this short, I've done this a few months ago for a game I was trying to build, it does a UDP "Client-Server" connection that acts like TCP, you can send (message) (message + object) using this. I've done some testing with it and it works just fine, feel free to modify it if needed.

Efficient way to Handle ResultSet in Java

RHT pretty much has it. Or you could use a RowSetDynaClass and let someone else do all the work :)

How to display line numbers in 'less' (GNU)

You can set an enviroment variable to always have these options apply to all less'd file:

export LESS='-RS#3NM~g'

CS0234: Mvc does not exist in the System.Web namespace

I had the same problem and I had solved it with:

1.Right click to solution and click 'Clean Solution'

2.Click 'References' folder in solution explorer and select the problem reference (in your case it seems System.Web.Mvc) and then right click and click 'Properties'.

3.In the properties window, make sure that the 'Copy Local' property is set to 'True'

This worked for me. Hope it works for someone else

Helpful Note: As it has mentioned in comments by @Vlad:

If it is already set to True:

  1. Set it False
  2. Set it True again
  3. Rebuild

can you add HTTPS functionality to a python flask web server?

For a quick n' dirty self-signed cert, you can also use flask run --cert adhoc or set the FLASK_RUN_CERT env var.

$ export FLASK_APP=""
$ export FLASK_ENV=development
$ export FLASK_RUN_CERT=adhoc

$ flask run
 * Serving Flask app "" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: development
 * Debug mode: on
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
 * Restarting with stat
 * Debugger is active!
 * Debugger PIN: 329-665-000

The adhoc option isn't well documented (for good reason, never do this in production), but it's mentioned in the source code.

There's a thorough explanation of this by Miguel Grinberg at Running Your Flask Application Over HTTPS.

Command to escape a string in bash

Pure Bash, use parameter substitution:

string="Hello\ world"
echo ${string//\\/\\\\} | someprog

Best way to parse RSS/Atom feeds with PHP

I've always used the SimpleXML functions built in to PHP to parse XML documents. It's one of the few generic parsers out there that has an intuitive structure to it, which makes it extremely easy to build a meaningful class for something specific like an RSS feed. Additionally, it will detect XML warnings and errors, and upon finding any you could simply run the source through something like HTML Tidy (as ceejayoz mentioned) to clean it up and attempt it again.

Consider this very rough, simple class using SimpleXML:

class BlogPost
    var $date;
    var $ts;
    var $link;

    var $title;
    var $text;

class BlogFeed
    var $posts = array();

    function __construct($file_or_url)
        $file_or_url = $this->resolveFile($file_or_url);
        if (!($x = simplexml_load_file($file_or_url)))

        foreach ($x->channel->item as $item)
            $post = new BlogPost();
            $post->date  = (string) $item->pubDate;
            $post->ts    = strtotime($item->pubDate);
            $post->link  = (string) $item->link;
            $post->title = (string) $item->title;
            $post->text  = (string) $item->description;

            // Create summary as a shortened body and remove images, 
            // extraneous line breaks, etc.
            $post->summary = $this->summarizeText($post->text);

            $this->posts[] = $post;

    private function resolveFile($file_or_url) {
        if (!preg_match('|^https?:|', $file_or_url))
            $feed_uri = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .'/shared/xml/'. $file_or_url;
            $feed_uri = $file_or_url;

        return $feed_uri;

    private function summarizeText($summary) {
        $summary = strip_tags($summary);

        // Truncate summary line to 100 characters
        $max_len = 100;
        if (strlen($summary) > $max_len)
            $summary = substr($summary, 0, $max_len) . '...';

        return $summary;

How to remove trailing whitespace in code, using another script?

fileinput seems to be for multiple input streams. This is what I would do:

with open("test.txt") as file:
    for line in file:
        line = line.rstrip()
        if line:

How can I build multiple submit buttons django form?

It's an old question now, nevertheless I had the same issue and found a solution that works for me: I wrote MultiRedirectMixin.

from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect

class MultiRedirectMixin(object):
    A mixin that supports submit-specific success redirection.
     Either specify one success_url, or provide dict with names of 
     submit actions given in template as keys
       In template:
         <input type="submit" name="create_new" value="Create"/>
         <input type="submit" name="delete" value="Delete"/>
         MyMultiSubmitView(MultiRedirectMixin, forms.FormView):
             success_urls = {"create_new": reverse_lazy('create'),
                               "delete": reverse_lazy('delete')}
    success_urls = {}  

    def form_valid(self, form):
        """ Form is valid: Pick the url and redirect.

        for name in self.success_urls:
            if name in
                self.success_url = self.success_urls[name]

        return HttpResponseRedirect(self.get_success_url())

    def get_success_url(self):
        Returns the supplied success URL.
        if self.success_url:
            # Forcing possible reverse_lazy evaluation
            url = force_text(self.success_url)
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                _("No URL to redirect to. Provide a success_url."))
        return url

HTML/CSS - Adding an Icon to a button

Here's what you can do using font-awesome library.

button.btn.add::before {_x000D_
  font-family: fontAwesome;_x000D_
  content: "\f067\00a0";_x000D_
button.btn.edit::before {_x000D_
  font-family: fontAwesome;_x000D_
  content: "\f044\00a0";_x000D_
_x000D_ {_x000D_
  font-family: fontAwesome;_x000D_
  content: "\f00c\00a0";_x000D_
button.btn.cancel::before {_x000D_
  font-family: fontAwesome;_x000D_
  content: "\f00d\00a0";_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<!--FA unicodes here:>_x000D_
<h4>Buttons with text</h4>_x000D_
<button class="btn cancel btn-default">Close</button>_x000D_
<button class="btn add btn-primary">Add</button>_x000D_
<button class="btn add btn-success">Insert</button>_x000D_
<button class="btn save btn-primary">Save</button>_x000D_
<button class="btn save btn-warning">Submit Changes</button>_x000D_
<button class="btn cancel btn-link">Delete</button>_x000D_
<button class="btn edit btn-info">Edit</button>_x000D_
<button class="btn edit btn-danger">Modify</button>_x000D_
<h4>Buttons without text</h4>_x000D_
<button class="btn edit btn-primary" />_x000D_
<button class="btn cancel btn-danger" />_x000D_
<button class="btn add btn-info" />_x000D_
<button class="btn save btn-success" />_x000D_
<button class="btn edit btn-link"/>_x000D_
<button class="btn cancel btn-link"/>

Fiddle here.

Pycharm and sys.argv arguments

It works in the edu version for me. It was not necessary for me to specify a -s option in the interpreter options.

Pycharm parameters for running with command line

Making LaTeX tables smaller?

If you want a smaller table (e.g. if your table extends beyond the area that can be displayed) you can simply change:

\usepackage[paper=a4paper]{geometry} to \usepackage[paper=a3paper]{geometry}.

Note that this only helps if you don't plan on printing your table out, as it will appear way too small, then.

Show a div as a modal pop up

A simple modal pop up div or dialog box can be done by CSS properties and little bit of jQuery.The basic idea is simple:

  • 1. Create a div with semi transparent background & show it on top of your content page on click.
  • 2. Show your pop up div or alert div on top of the semi transparent dimming/hiding div.
  • So we need three divs:

  • content(main content of the site).
  • hider(To dim the content).
  • popup_box(the modal div to display).

    First let us define the CSS:

            top: 0%;
            left: 0%;
            margin-top: -800px; /*set to a negative number 1/2 of your height*/
            margin-left: -500px; /*set to a negative number 1/2 of your width*/
            z- index must be lower than pop up box
            z-index: 99;
           //for transparency
            top: 50%;
            left: 50%;
            margin-top: -5em; /*set to a negative number 1/2 of your height*/
            margin-left: -5em; /*set to a negative number 1/2 of your width*/
            border: 1px solid #ccc;
            border:  2px solid black;

    It is important that we set our hider div's z-index lower than pop_up box as we want to show popup_box on top.
    Here comes the java Script:

            $(document).ready(function () {
            //hide hider and popup_box
            //on click show the hider div and the message
            $("#showpopup").click(function () {
            //on click hide the message and the
            $("#buttonClose").click(function () {

    And finally the HTML:

    <div id="hider"></div>
    <div id="popup_box">
        Message<br />
        <a id="buttonClose">Close</a>
    <div id="content">
        Page's main content.<br />
        <a id="showpopup">ClickMe</a>

    I have used jquery-1.4.1.min.js and tested the code in Firefox. Hope this helps.

  • How to solve PHP error 'Notice: Array to string conversion in...'

    Array to string conversion in latest versions of php 7.x is error, rather than notice, and prevents further code execution.

    Using print, echo on array is not an option anymore.

    Suppressing errors and notices is not a good practice, especially when in development environment and still debugging code.

    Use var_dump,print_r, iterate through input value using foreach or for to output input data for names that are declared as input arrays ('name[]')

    Most common practice to catch errors is using try/catch blocks, that helps us prevent interruption of code execution that might cause possible errors wrapped within try block.

      try{  //wrap around possible cause of error or notice
            echo $_POST['C'];
      }catch(Exception $e){
        //handle the error message $e->getMessage();

    What is the difference between Integer and int in Java?

    Integer refers to wrapper type in Java whereas int is a primitive type. Everything except primitive data types in Java is implemented just as objects that implies Java is a highly qualified pure object-oriented programming language. If you need, all primitives types are also available as wrapper types in Java. You can have some performance benefit with primitive types, and hence wrapper types should be used only when it is necessary.

    In your example as below.

    Integer n = 9;

    the constant 9 is being auto-boxed (auto-boxing and unboxing occurs automatically from java 5 onwards) to Integer and therefore you can use the statement like that and also Integer n = new Integer(9). This is actually achieved through the statement Integer.valueOf(9).intValue();

    IE11 prevents ActiveX from running

    We started finding some machines with IE 11 not playing video (via flash) after we set the emulation mode of our app (web browser control) to 110001. Adding the meta tag to our htm files worked for us.

    Javascript Debugging line by line using Google Chrome

    Assuming you're running on a Windows machine...

    1. Hit the F12 key
    2. Select the Scripts, or Sources, tab in the developer tools
    3. Click the little folder icon in the top level
    4. Select your JavaScript file
    5. Add a breakpoint by clicking on the line number on the left (adds a little blue marker)
    6. Execute your JavaScript

    Then during execution debugging you can do a handful of stepping motions...

    • F8 Continue: Will continue until the next breakpoint
    • F10 Step over: Steps over next function call (won't enter the library)
    • F11 Step into: Steps into the next function call (will enter the library)
    • Shift + F11 Step out: Steps out of the current function


    After reading your updated post; to debug your code I would recommend temporarily using the jQuery Development Source Code. Although this doesn't directly solve your problem, it will allow you to debug more easily. For what you're trying to achieve I believe you'll need to step-in to the library, so hopefully the production code should help you decipher what's happening.

    jsPDF multi page PDF with HTML renderer

    I have the same working issue. Searching in MrRio github I found this:

    Basically, you have to check the actual page size always before adding new content

    doc = new jsPdf();
    pageHeight= doc.internal.pageSize.height;
    // Before adding new content
    y = 500 // Height position of new content
    if (y >= pageHeight)
      y = 0 // Restart height position
    doc.text(x, y, "value");

    CodeIgniter Active Record not equal

    This should work (which you have tried)

    $this->db->where_not_in('emailsToCampaigns.campaignId', $campaignId);

    How do I format axis number format to thousands with a comma in matplotlib?

    Use , as format specifier:

    >>> format(10000.21, ',')

    Alternatively you can also use str.format instead of format:

    >>> '{:,}'.format(10000.21)

    With matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter:

        matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: format(int(x), ',')))
        matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: format(int(x), ',')))

    enter image description here

    Javascript Cookie with no expiration date

    You can make a cookie never end by setting it to whatever date plus one more than the current year like this :

    var d = new Date();    
    document.cookie = "username=John Doe; expires=Thu, 18 Dec " + (d.getFullYear() + 1) + " 12:00:00 UTC";

    Good NumericUpDown equivalent in WPF?

    add a textbox and scrollbar

    in VB

    Private Sub Textbox1_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs(Of System.Double)) Handles Textbox1.ValueChanged
         If e.OldValue > e.NewValue Then
             Textbox1.Text = (Textbox1.Text + 1)
             Textbox1.Text = (Textbox1.Text - 1)
         End If
    End Sub

    How to get twitter bootstrap modal to close (after initial launch)

    I had the same problem in the iphone or desktop, didnt manage to close the dialog when pressing the close button.

    i found out that The <button> tag defines a clickable button and is needed to specify the type attribute for a element as follow:

    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>

    check the example code for bootstrap modals at : BootStrap javascript Page

    AWS S3 - How to fix 'The request signature we calculated does not match the signature' error?

    My AccessKey had some special characters in that were not properly escaped.

    I didn't check for special characters when I did the copy/paste of the keys. Tripped me up for a few mins.

    A simple backslash fixed it. Example (not my real access key obviously):

    secretAccessKey: 'Gk/JCK77STMU6VWGrVYa1rmZiq+Mn98OdpJRNV614tM'


    secretAccessKey: 'Gk\/JCK77STMU6VWGrVYa1rmZiq\+Mn98OdpJRNV614tM'

    Bootstrap 3 Slide in Menu / Navbar on Mobile

    Without Plugin, we can do this; bootstrap multi-level responsive menu for mobile phone with slide toggle for mobile:

    $('[data-toggle="slide-collapse"]').on('click', function() {_x000D_
      $navMenuCont = $($(this).data('target'));_x000D_
        'width': 'toggle'_x000D_
      }, 350);_x000D_
    $(".menu-overlay").click(function(event) {_x000D_
    // if ($(window).width() >= 767) {_x000D_
    //     $('ul.nav li.dropdown').hover(function() {_x000D_
    //         $(this).find('>.dropdown-menu').stop(true, true).delay(200).fadeIn(500);_x000D_
    //     }, function() {_x000D_
    //         $(this).find('>.dropdown-menu').stop(true, true).delay(200).fadeOut(500);_x000D_
    //     });_x000D_
    //     $('ul.nav li.dropdown-submenu').hover(function() {_x000D_
    //         $(this).find('>.dropdown-menu').stop(true, true).delay(200).fadeIn(500);_x000D_
    //     }, function() {_x000D_
    //         $(this).find('>.dropdown-menu').stop(true, true).delay(200).fadeOut(500);_x000D_
    //     });_x000D_
    //     $('ul.dropdown-menu [data-toggle=dropdown]').on('click', function(event) {_x000D_
    //         event.preventDefault();_x000D_
    //         event.stopPropagation();_x000D_
    //         $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('open');_x000D_
    //         $(this).parent().toggleClass('open');_x000D_
    //         $('b', this).toggleClass("caret caret-up");_x000D_
    //     });_x000D_
    // }_x000D_
    // $(window).resize(function() {_x000D_
    //     if( $(this).width() >= 767) {_x000D_
    //         $('ul.nav li.dropdown').hover(function() {_x000D_
    //             $(this).find('>.dropdown-menu').stop(true, true).delay(200).fadeIn(500);_x000D_
    //         }, function() {_x000D_
    //             $(this).find('>.dropdown-menu').stop(true, true).delay(200).fadeOut(500);_x000D_
    //         });_x000D_
    //     }_x000D_
    // });_x000D_
    var windowWidth = $(window).width();_x000D_
    if (windowWidth > 767) {_x000D_
      // $('ul.dropdown-menu [data-toggle=dropdown]').on('click', function(event) {_x000D_
      //     event.preventDefault();_x000D_
      //     event.stopPropagation();_x000D_
      //     $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('open');_x000D_
      //     $(this).parent().toggleClass('open');_x000D_
      //     $('b', this).toggleClass("caret caret-up");_x000D_
      // });_x000D_
      $('ul.nav li.dropdown').hover(function() {_x000D_
        $(this).find('>.dropdown-menu').stop(true, true).delay(200).fadeIn(500);_x000D_
      }, function() {_x000D_
        $(this).find('>.dropdown-menu').stop(true, true).delay(200).fadeOut(500);_x000D_
      $('ul.nav li.dropdown-submenu').hover(function() {_x000D_
        $(this).find('>.dropdown-menu').stop(true, true).delay(200).fadeIn(500);_x000D_
      }, function() {_x000D_
        $(this).find('>.dropdown-menu').stop(true, true).delay(200).fadeOut(500);_x000D_
      $('ul.dropdown-menu [data-toggle=dropdown]').on('click', function(event) {_x000D_
        // $('b', this).toggleClass("caret caret-up");_x000D_
    if (windowWidth < 767) {_x000D_
      $('ul.dropdown-menu [data-toggle=dropdown]').on('click', function(event) {_x000D_
        // $('b', this).toggleClass("caret caret-up");_x000D_
    // $('.dropdown a').append('Some text');
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {_x000D_
      #slide-navbar-collapse {_x000D_
        position: fixed;_x000D_
        top: 0;_x000D_
        left: 15px;_x000D_
        z-index: 999999;_x000D_
        width: 280px;_x000D_
        height: 100%;_x000D_
        background-color: #f9f9f9;_x000D_
        overflow: auto;_x000D_
        bottom: 0;_x000D_
        max-height: inherit;_x000D_
      .menu-overlay {_x000D_
        display: none;_x000D_
        background-color: #000;_x000D_
        bottom: 0;_x000D_
        left: 0;_x000D_
        opacity: 0.5;_x000D_
        filter: alpha(opacity=50);_x000D_
        /* IE7 & 8 */_x000D_
        position: fixed;_x000D_
        right: 0;_x000D_
        top: 0;_x000D_
        z-index: 49;_x000D_
      .navbar-fixed-top {_x000D_
        position: initial !important;_x000D_
      .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu {_x000D_
        background-color: #ffffff;_x000D_
      ul.nav.navbar-nav li {_x000D_
        border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;_x000D_
      .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu .dropdown-header,_x000D_
      .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu>li>a {_x000D_
        padding: 10px 20px 10px 15px;_x000D_
    .dropdown-submenu {_x000D_
      position: relative;_x000D_
    .dropdown-submenu .dropdown-menu {_x000D_
      top: 0;_x000D_
      left: 100%;_x000D_
      margin-top: -1px;_x000D_
    li.dropdown a {_x000D_
      display: block;_x000D_
      position: relative;_x000D_
    li.dropdown>a:before {_x000D_
      content: "\f107";_x000D_
      font-family: FontAwesome;_x000D_
      position: absolute;_x000D_
      right: 6px;_x000D_
      top: 5px;_x000D_
      font-size: 15px;_x000D_
    li.dropdown-submenu>a:before {_x000D_
      content: "\f107";_x000D_
      font-family: FontAwesome;_x000D_
      position: absolute;_x000D_
      right: 6px;_x000D_
      top: 10px;_x000D_
      font-size: 15px;_x000D_
    ul.dropdown-menu li {_x000D_
      border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;_x000D_
    .dropdown-menu {_x000D_
      padding: 0px;_x000D_
      margin: 0px;_x000D_
      border: none !important;_x000D_
    _x000D_ {_x000D_
      border-bottom: 0px !important;_x000D_
    _x000D_ {_x000D_
      border-bottom: 0px !important;_x000D_
    li.dropdown-submenu>a {_x000D_
      font-weight: bold !important;_x000D_
    li.dropdown>a {_x000D_
      font-weight: bold !important;_x000D_
    .navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a {_x000D_
      font-weight: bold !important;_x000D_
      padding: 10px 20px 10px 15px;_x000D_
    li.dropdown>a:before {_x000D_
      content: "\f107";_x000D_
      font-family: FontAwesome;_x000D_
      position: absolute;_x000D_
      right: 6px;_x000D_
      top: 9px;_x000D_
      font-size: 15px;_x000D_
    @media (min-width: 767px) {_x000D_
      li.dropdown-submenu>a {_x000D_
        padding: 10px 20px 10px 15px;_x000D_
      li.dropdown>a:before {_x000D_
        content: "\f107";_x000D_
        font-family: FontAwesome;_x000D_
        position: absolute;_x000D_
        right: 3px;_x000D_
        top: 12px;_x000D_
        font-size: 15px;_x000D_
    <!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
    <html lang="en">_x000D_
        <title>Bootstrap Example</title>_x000D_
        <meta charset="utf-8">_x000D_
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">_x000D_
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
        <script src=""></script>_x000D_
        <script src=""></script>_x000D_
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
        <nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top">_x000D_
          <div class="container-fluid">_x000D_
            <!-- Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display -->_x000D_
            <div class="navbar-header">_x000D_
              <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="slide-collapse" data-target="#slide-navbar-collapse" aria-expanded="false">_x000D_
                        <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>_x000D_
                        <span class="icon-bar"></span>_x000D_
                        <span class="icon-bar"></span>_x000D_
                        <span class="icon-bar"></span>_x000D_
              <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Brand</a>_x000D_
            <!-- Collect the nav links, forms, and other content for toggling -->_x000D_
            <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="slide-navbar-collapse">_x000D_
              <ul class="nav navbar-nav">_x000D_
                <li><a href="#">Link <span class="sr-only">(current)</span></a></li>_x000D_
                <li><a href="#">Link</a></li>_x000D_
                <li class="dropdown">_x000D_
                  <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Dropdown</span></a>_x000D_
                  <ul class="dropdown-menu">_x000D_
                    <li><a href="#">Action</a></li>_x000D_
                    <li><a href="#">Another action</a></li>_x000D_
                    <li><a href="#">Something else here</a></li>_x000D_
                    <li><a href="#">Separated link</a></li>_x000D_
                    <li><a href="#">One more separated link</a></li>_x000D_
                    <li class="dropdown-submenu">_x000D_
                      <a href="#" data-toggle="dropdown">SubMenu 1</span></a>_x000D_
                      <ul class="dropdown-menu">_x000D_
                        <li><a href="#">3rd level dropdown</a></li>_x000D_
                        <li><a href="#">3rd level dropdown</a></li>_x000D_
                        <li><a href="#">3rd level dropdown</a></li>_x000D_
                        <li><a href="#">3rd level dropdown</a></li>_x000D_
                        <li><a href="#">3rd level dropdown</a></li>_x000D_
                        <li class="dropdown-submenu">_x000D_
                          <a href="#" data-toggle="dropdown">SubMenu 2</span></a>_x000D_
                          <ul class="dropdown-menu">_x000D_
                            <li><a href="#">3rd level dropdown</a></li>_x000D_
                            <li><a href="#">3rd level dropdown</a></li>_x000D_
                            <li><a href="#">3rd level dropdown</a></li>_x000D_
                            <li><a href="#">3rd level dropdown</a></li>_x000D_
                            <li><a href="#">3rd level dropdown</a></li>_x000D_
                <li><a href="#">Link</a></li>_x000D_
              <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">_x000D_
                <li><a href="#">Link</a></li>_x000D_
                <li class="dropdown">_x000D_
                  <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Dropdown</span></a>_x000D_
                  <ul class="dropdown-menu">_x000D_
                    <li><a href="#">Action</a></li>_x000D_
                    <li><a href="#">Another action</a></li>_x000D_
                    <li><a href="#">Something else here</a></li>_x000D_
                    <li><a href="#">Separated link</a></li>_x000D_
            <!-- /.navbar-collapse -->_x000D_
          <!-- /.container-fluid -->_x000D_
        <div class="menu-overlay"></div>_x000D_
        <div class="col-md-12">_x000D_
          <h1>Resize the window to see the result</h1>_x000D_
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus non bibendum sem, et sodales massa. Proin quis velit vel nisl imperdiet rhoncus vitae id tortor. Praesent blandit tellus in enim sollicitudin rutrum. Integer ullamcorper, augue ut tristique_x000D_
            ultrices, augue magna placerat ex, ac varius mauris ante sed dui. Fusce ullamcorper vulputate magna, a malesuada nunc pellentesque sit amet. Donec posuere placerat erat, sed ornare enim aliquam vitae. Nullam pellentesque auctor augue, vel commodo_x000D_
            dolor porta ac. Sed libero eros, fringilla ac lorem in, blandit scelerisque lorem. Suspendisse iaculis justo velit, sit amet fringilla velit ornare a. Sed consectetur quam eget ipsum luctus bibendum. Ut nisi lectus, viverra vitae ipsum sit amet,_x000D_
            condimentum condimentum neque. In maximus suscipit eros ut eleifend. Donec venenatis mauris nulla, ac bibendum metus bibendum vel._x000D_
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus non bibendum sem, et sodales massa. Proin quis velit vel nisl imperdiet rhoncus vitae id tortor. Praesent blandit tellus in enim sollicitudin rutrum. Integer ullamcorper, augue ut tristique_x000D_
            ultrices, augue magna placerat ex, ac varius mauris ante sed dui. Fusce ullamcorper vulputate magna, a malesuada nunc pellentesque sit amet. Donec posuere placerat erat, sed ornare enim aliquam vitae. Nullam pellentesque auctor augue, vel commodo_x000D_
            dolor porta ac. Sed libero eros, fringilla ac lorem in, blandit scelerisque lorem. Suspendisse iaculis justo velit, sit amet fringilla velit ornare a. Sed consectetur quam eget ipsum luctus bibendum. Ut nisi lectus, viverra vitae ipsum sit amet,_x000D_
            condimentum condimentum neque. In maximus suscipit eros ut eleifend. Donec venenatis mauris nulla, ac bibendum metus bibendum vel._x000D_
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus non bibendum sem, et sodales massa. Proin quis velit vel nisl imperdiet rhoncus vitae id tortor. Praesent blandit tellus in enim sollicitudin rutrum. Integer ullamcorper, augue ut tristique_x000D_
            ultrices, augue magna placerat ex, ac varius mauris ante sed dui. Fusce ullamcorper vulputate magna, a malesuada nunc pellentesque sit amet. Donec posuere placerat erat, sed ornare enim aliquam vitae. Nullam pellentesque auctor augue, vel commodo_x000D_
            dolor porta ac. Sed libero eros, fringilla ac lorem in, blandit scelerisque lorem. Suspendisse iaculis justo velit, sit amet fringilla velit ornare a. Sed consectetur quam eget ipsum luctus bibendum. Ut nisi lectus, viverra vitae ipsum sit amet,_x000D_
            condimentum condimentum neque. In maximus suscipit eros ut eleifend. Donec venenatis mauris nulla, ac bibendum metus bibendum vel._x000D_
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus non bibendum sem, et sodales massa. Proin quis velit vel nisl imperdiet rhoncus vitae id tortor. Praesent blandit tellus in enim sollicitudin rutrum. Integer ullamcorper, augue ut tristique_x000D_
            ultrices, augue magna placerat ex, ac varius mauris ante sed dui. Fusce ullamcorper vulputate magna, a malesuada nunc pellentesque sit amet. Donec posuere placerat erat, sed ornare enim aliquam vitae. Nullam pellentesque auctor augue, vel commodo_x000D_
            dolor porta ac. Sed libero eros, fringilla ac lorem in, blandit scelerisque lorem. Suspendisse iaculis justo velit, sit amet fringilla velit ornare a. Sed consectetur quam eget ipsum luctus bibendum. Ut nisi lectus, viverra vitae ipsum sit amet,_x000D_
            condimentum condimentum neque. In maximus suscipit eros ut eleifend. Donec venenatis mauris nulla, ac bibendum metus bibendum vel._x000D_
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus non bibendum sem, et sodales massa. Proin quis velit vel nisl imperdiet rhoncus vitae id tortor. Praesent blandit tellus in enim sollicitudin rutrum. Integer ullamcorper, augue ut tristique_x000D_
            ultrices, augue magna placerat ex, ac varius mauris ante sed dui. Fusce ullamcorper vulputate magna, a malesuada nunc pellentesque sit amet. Donec posuere placerat erat, sed ornare enim aliquam vitae. Nullam pellentesque auctor augue, vel commodo_x000D_
            dolor porta ac. Sed libero eros, fringilla ac lorem in, blandit scelerisque lorem. Suspendisse iaculis justo velit, sit amet fringilla velit ornare a. Sed consectetur quam eget ipsum luctus bibendum. Ut nisi lectus, viverra vitae ipsum sit amet,_x000D_
            condimentum condimentum neque. In maximus suscipit eros ut eleifend. Donec venenatis mauris nulla, ac bibendum metus bibendum vel._x000D_

    Reference JS fiddle

    Log4net does not write the log in the log file

    As @AndreasPaulsson suggested, we need to configure it. I am doing the configuration in AssemblyInfo file. I specify the configuration file name here.

    // Log4Net Configuration.
    [assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(ConfigFile = "log4net.config", Watch = true)]

    How to Right-align flex item?

    A more flex approach would be to use an auto left margin (flex items treat auto margins a bit differently than when used in a block formatting context).

    .c {
        margin-left: auto;

    Updated fiddle:

    .main { display: flex; }_x000D_
    .a, .b, .c { background: #efefef; border: 1px solid #999; }_x000D_
    .b { flex: 1; text-align: center; }_x000D_
    .c {margin-left: auto;}
    <h2>With title</h2>_x000D_
    <div class="main">_x000D_
        <div class="a"><a href="#">Home</a></div>_x000D_
        <div class="b"><a href="#">Some title centered</a></div>_x000D_
        <div class="c"><a href="#">Contact</a></div>_x000D_
    <h2>Without title</h2>_x000D_
    <div class="main">_x000D_
        <div class="a"><a href="#">Home</a></div>_x000D_
        <!--<div class="b"><a href="#">Some title centered</a></div>-->_x000D_
        <div class="c"><a href="#">Contact</a></div>_x000D_
    <p>Is there a more flexbox-ish way to right align "Contact" than to use position absolute?</p>

    How do I make the scrollbar on a div only visible when necessary?

    I found that there is height of div still showing, when it have text or not. So you can use this for best results.

    <div style=" overflow:auto;max-height:300px; max-width:300px;"></div>

    Writing to a file in a for loop

    The main problem was that you were opening/closing files repeatedly inside your loop.

    Try this approach:

    with open('new.txt') as text_file, open('xyz.txt', 'w') as myfile:  
        for line in text_file:
            var1, var2 = line.split(",");

    We open both files at once and because we are using with they will be automatically closed when we are done (or an exception occurs). Previously your output file was repeatedly openend inside your loop.

    We are also processing the file line-by-line, rather than reading all of it into memory at once (which can be a problem when you deal with really big files).

    Note that write() doesn't append a newline ('\n') so you'll have to do that yourself if you need it (I replaced your writelines() with write() as you are writing a single item, not a list of items).

    When opening a file for rread, the 'r' is optional since it's the default mode.

    Why is “while ( !feof (file) )” always wrong?

    It's wrong because (in the absence of a read error) it enters the loop one more time than the author expects. If there is a read error, the loop never terminates.

    Consider the following code:

    /* WARNING: demonstration of bad coding technique!! */
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    FILE *Fopen(const char *path, const char *mode);
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
        FILE *in;
        unsigned count;
        in = argc > 1 ? Fopen(argv[1], "r") : stdin;
        count = 0;
        /* WARNING: this is a bug */
        while( !feof(in) ) {  /* This is WRONG! */
        printf("Number of characters read: %u\n", count);
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    FILE * Fopen(const char *path, const char *mode)
        FILE *f = fopen(path, mode);
        if( f == NULL ) {
        return f;

    This program will consistently print one greater than the number of characters in the input stream (assuming no read errors). Consider the case where the input stream is empty:

    $ ./a.out < /dev/null
    Number of characters read: 1

    In this case, feof() is called before any data has been read, so it returns false. The loop is entered, fgetc() is called (and returns EOF), and count is incremented. Then feof() is called and returns true, causing the loop to abort.

    This happens in all such cases. feof() does not return true until after a read on the stream encounters the end of file. The purpose of feof() is NOT to check if the next read will reach the end of file. The purpose of feof() is to determine the status of a previous read function and distinguish between an error condition and the end of the data stream. If fread() returns 0, you must use feof/ferror to decide whether an error occurred or if all of the data was consumed. Similarly if fgetc returns EOF. feof() is only useful after fread has returned zero or fgetc has returned EOF. Before that happens, feof() will always return 0.

    It is always necessary to check the return value of a read (either an fread(), or an fscanf(), or an fgetc()) before calling feof().

    Even worse, consider the case where a read error occurs. In that case, fgetc() returns EOF, feof() returns false, and the loop never terminates. In all cases where while(!feof(p)) is used, there must be at least a check inside the loop for ferror(), or at the very least the while condition should be replaced with while(!feof(p) && !ferror(p)) or there is a very real possibility of an infinite loop, probably spewing all sorts of garbage as invalid data is being processed.

    So, in summary, although I cannot state with certainty that there is never a situation in which it may be semantically correct to write "while(!feof(f))" (although there must be another check inside the loop with a break to avoid a infinite loop on a read error), it is the case that it is almost certainly always wrong. And even if a case ever arose where it would be correct, it is so idiomatically wrong that it would not be the right way to write the code. Anyone seeing that code should immediately hesitate and say, "that's a bug". And possibly slap the author (unless the author is your boss in which case discretion is advised.)

    Check if Internet Connection Exists with jQuery?

    5 years later-version:

    Today, there are JS libraries for you, if you don't want to get into the nitty gritty of the different methods described on this page.

    On of these is It checks for the connectivity of a pre-defined URI, by default your favicon. It automatically detects when the user's connectivity has been reestablished and provides neat events like up and down, which you can bind to in order to update your UI.

    Excel error HRESULT: 0x800A03EC while trying to get range with cell's name

    I ran to a similar error running Excel in VBA, what I've learned is that when I pull data from MSSQL, and then using get_range and .Value2 apply it's out of the range, any value that was of type uniqueidentifier (GUID) resulted in this error. Only when I cast the value to nvarcahr(max) it worked.

    Find a file in python

    I used a version of os.walk and on a larger directory got times around 3.5 sec. I tried two random solutions with no great improvement, then just did:

    paths = [line[2:] for line in subprocess.check_output("find . -iname '*.txt'", shell=True).splitlines()]

    While it's POSIX-only, I got 0.25 sec.

    From this, I believe it's entirely possible to optimise whole searching a lot in a platform-independent way, but this is where I stopped the research.

    printing a two dimensional array in python


    where mat is variable refering to your matrix object

    How does Java handle integer underflows and overflows and how would you check for it?

    Well, as far as primitive integer types go, Java doesnt handle Over/Underflow at all (for float and double the behaviour is different, it will flush to +/- infinity just as IEEE-754 mandates).

    When adding two int's, you will get no indication when an overflow occurs. A simple method to check for overflow is to use the next bigger type to actually perform the operation and check if the result is still in range for the source type:

    public int addWithOverflowCheck(int a, int b) {
        // the cast of a is required, to make the + work with long precision,
        // if we just added (a + b) the addition would use int precision and
        // the result would be cast to long afterwards!
        long result = ((long) a) + b;
        if (result > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
             throw new RuntimeException("Overflow occured");
        } else if (result < Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
             throw new RuntimeException("Underflow occured");
        // at this point we can safely cast back to int, we checked before
        // that the value will be withing int's limits
        return (int) result;

    What you would do in place of the throw clauses, depends on your applications requirements (throw, flush to min/max or just log whatever). If you want to detect overflow on long operations, you're out of luck with primitives, use BigInteger instead.

    Edit (2014-05-21): Since this question seems to be referred to quite frequently and I had to solve the same problem myself, its quite easy to evaluate the overflow condition by the same method a CPU would calculate its V flag.

    Its basically a boolean expression that involves the sign of both operands as well as the result:

     * Add two int's with overflow detection (r = s + d)
    public static int add(final int s, final int d) throws ArithmeticException {
        int r = s + d;
        if (((s & d & ~r) | (~s & ~d & r)) < 0)
            throw new ArithmeticException("int overflow add(" + s + ", " + d + ")");    
        return r;

    In java its simpler to apply the expression (in the if) to the entire 32 bits, and check the result using < 0 (this will effectively test the sign bit). The principle works exactly the same for all integer primitive types, changing all declarations in above method to long makes it work for long.

    For smaller types, due to the implicit conversion to int (see the JLS for bitwise operations for details), instead of checking < 0, the check needs to mask the sign bit explicitly (0x8000 for short operands, 0x80 for byte operands, adjust casts and parameter declaration appropiately):

     * Subtract two short's with overflow detection (r = d - s)
    public static short sub(final short d, final short s) throws ArithmeticException {
        int r = d - s;
        if ((((~s & d & ~r) | (s & ~d & r)) & 0x8000) != 0)
            throw new ArithmeticException("short overflow sub(" + s + ", " + d + ")");
        return (short) r;

    (Note that above example uses the expression need for subtract overflow detection)

    So how/why do these boolean expressions work? First, some logical thinking reveals that an overflow can only occur if the signs of both arguments are the same. Because, if one argument is negative and one positive, the result (of add) must be closer to zero, or in the extreme case one argument is zero, the same as the other argument. Since the arguments by themselves can't create an overflow condition, their sum can't create an overflow either.

    So what happens if both arguments have the same sign? Lets take a look at the case both are positive: adding two arguments that create a sum larger than the types MAX_VALUE, will always yield a negative value, so an overflow occurs if arg1 + arg2 > MAX_VALUE. Now the maximum value that could result would be MAX_VALUE + MAX_VALUE (the extreme case both arguments are MAX_VALUE). For a byte (example) that would mean 127 + 127 = 254. Looking at the bit representations of all values that can result from adding two positive values, one finds that those that overflow (128 to 254) all have bit 7 set, while all that do not overflow (0 to 127) have bit 7 (topmost, sign) cleared. Thats exactly what the first (right) part of the expression checks:

    if (((s & d & ~r) | (~s & ~d & r)) < 0)

    (~s & ~d & r) becomes true, only if, both operands (s, d) are positive and the result (r) is negative (the expression works on all 32 bits, but the only bit we're interested in is the topmost (sign) bit, which is checked against by the < 0).

    Now if both arguments are negative, their sum can never be closer to zero than any of the arguments, the sum must be closer to minus infinity. The most extreme value we can produce is MIN_VALUE + MIN_VALUE, which (again for byte example) shows that for any in range value (-1 to -128) the sign bit is set, while any possible overflowing value (-129 to -256) has the sign bit cleared. So the sign of the result again reveals the overflow condition. Thats what the left half (s & d & ~r) checks for the case where both arguments (s, d) are negative and a result that is positive. The logic is largely equivalent to the positive case; all bit patterns that can result from adding two negative values will have the sign bit cleared if and only if an underflow occured.

    Auto-click button element on page load using jQuery

    JavaScript Pure:

    <script type="text/javascript">


    <script type="text/javascript">


    <script type="text/javascript">

    cannot import name patterns

    As of Django 1.10, the patterns module has been removed (it had been deprecated since 1.8).

    Luckily, it should be a simple edit to remove the offending code, since the urlpatterns should now be stored in a plain-old list:

    urlpatterns = [
        url(r'^admin/', include(,
        # ... your url patterns

    How can you profile a Python script?

    The terminal-only (and simplest) solution, in case all those fancy UI's fail to install or to run:
    ignore cProfile completely and replace it with pyinstrument, that will collect and display the tree of calls right after execution.


    $ pip install pyinstrument

    Profile and display result:

    $ python -m pyinstrument ./

    Works with python2 and 3.

    [EDIT] The documentation of the API, for profiling only a part of the code, can be found here.

    How to override during production in Spring-Boot?

    I am not sure you can dynamically change profiles.

    Why not just have an internal properties file with the spring.config.location property set to your desired outside location, and the properties file at that location (outside the jar) have the property set?

    Better yet, have an internal properties file, specific to dev profile (has and leave it like that, and when you want to deploy in production, specify a new location for your properties file, which has

    java -jar myjar.jar --spring.config.location=D:\wherever\

    Load view from an external xib file in storyboard

    My full example is here, but I will provide a summary below.


    Add a .swift and .xib file each with the same name to your project. The .xib file contains your custom view layout (using auto layout constraints preferably).

    Make the swift file the xib file's owner.

    enter image description here Code

    Add the following code to the .swift file and hook up the outlets and actions from the .xib file.

    import UIKit
    class ResuableCustomView: UIView {
        let nibName = "ReusableCustomView"
        var contentView: UIView?
        @IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel!
        @IBAction func buttonTap(_ sender: UIButton) {
            label.text = "Hi"
        required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
            super.init(coder: aDecoder)
            guard let view = loadViewFromNib() else { return }
            view.frame = self.bounds
            contentView = view
        func loadViewFromNib() -> UIView? {
            let bundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self))
            let nib = UINib(nibName: nibName, bundle: bundle)
            return nib.instantiate(withOwner: self, options: nil).first as? UIView

    Use it

    Use your custom view anywhere in your storyboard. Just add a UIView and set the class name to your custom class name.

    enter image description here

    For a while Christopher Swasey's approach was the best approach I had found. I asked a couple of the senior devs on my team about it and one of them had the perfect solution! It satisfies every one of the concerns that Christopher Swasey so eloquently addressed and it doesn't require boilerplate subclass code(my main concern with his approach). There is one gotcha, but other than that it is fairly intuitive and easy to implement.

    1. Create a custom UIView class in a .swift file to control your xib. i.e. MyCustomClass.swift
    2. Create a .xib file and style it as you want. i.e. MyCustomClass.xib
    3. Set the File's Owner of the .xib file to be your custom class (MyCustomClass)
    4. GOTCHA: leave the class value (under the identity Inspector) for your custom view in the .xib file blank. So your custom view will have no specified class, but it will have a specified File's Owner.
    5. Hook up your outlets as you normally would using the Assistant Editor.
      • NOTE: If you look at the Connections Inspector you will notice that your Referencing Outlets do not reference your custom class (i.e. MyCustomClass), but rather reference File's Owner. Since File's Owner is specified to be your custom class, the outlets will hook up and work propery.
    6. Make sure your custom class has @IBDesignable before the class statement.
    7. Make your custom class conform to the NibLoadable protocol referenced below.
      • NOTE: If your custom class .swift file name is different from your .xib file name, then set the nibName property to be the name of your .xib file.
    8. Implement required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) and override init(frame: CGRect) to call setupFromNib() like the example below.
    9. Add a UIView to your desired storyboard and set the class to be your custom class name (i.e. MyCustomClass).
    10. Watch IBDesignable in action as it draws your .xib in the storyboard with all of it's awe and wonder.

    Here is the protocol you will want to reference:

    public protocol NibLoadable {
        static var nibName: String { get }
    public extension NibLoadable where Self: UIView {
        public static var nibName: String {
            return String(describing: Self.self) // defaults to the name of the class implementing this protocol.
        public static var nib: UINib {
            let bundle = Bundle(for: Self.self)
            return UINib(nibName: Self.nibName, bundle: bundle)
        func setupFromNib() {
            guard let view = Self.nib.instantiate(withOwner: self, options: nil).first as? UIView else { fatalError("Error loading \(self) from nib") }
            view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
            view.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.safeAreaLayoutGuide.leadingAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true
            view.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.safeAreaLayoutGuide.topAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true
            view.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.safeAreaLayoutGuide.trailingAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true
            view.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.safeAreaLayoutGuide.bottomAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true

    And here is an example of MyCustomClass that implements the protocol (with the .xib file being named MyCustomClass.xib):

    class MyCustomClass: UIView, NibLoadable {
        @IBOutlet weak var myLabel: UILabel!
        required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
            super.init(coder: aDecoder)
        override init(frame: CGRect) {
            super.init(frame: frame)

    NOTE: If you miss the Gotcha and set the class value inside your .xib file to be your custom class, then it will not draw in the storyboard and you will get a EXC_BAD_ACCESS error when you run the app because it gets stuck in an infinite loop of trying to initialize the class from the nib using the init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) method which then calls Self.nib.instantiate and calls the init again.

    Bootstrap 3 breakpoints and media queries

    for bootstrap 3 I have the following code in my navbar component

     * Navbar styling.
    @mobile:          ~"screen and (max-width: @{screen-xs-max})";
    @tablet:          ~"screen and (min-width: @{screen-sm-min})";
    @normal:          ~"screen and (min-width: @{screen-md-min})";
    @wide:            ~"screen and (min-width: @{screen-lg-min})";
    @grid-breakpoint: ~"screen and (min-width: @{grid-float-breakpoint})";

    then you can use something like

    @media wide { selector: style }

    This uses whatever value you have the variables set to.

    Escaping allows you to use any arbitrary string as property or variable value. Anything inside ~"anything" or ~'anything' is used as is with no changes except interpolation.

    How do I convert 2018-04-10T04:00:00.000Z string to DateTime?

    Using Date pattern yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' and Java 8 you could do

    String string = "2018-04-10T04:00:00.000Z";
    DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'", Locale.ENGLISH);
    LocalDate date = LocalDate.parse(string, formatter);

    Update: For pre 26 use Joda time

    String string = "2018-04-10T04:00:00.000Z";
    DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'");
    LocalDate date = org.joda.time.LocalDate.parse(string, formatter);

    In app/build.gradle file, add like this-

    dependencies {    
        compile 'joda-time:joda-time:2.9.4'

    Use of document.getElementById in JavaScript

    Here in your code demo is id where you want to display your result after click event has occur and just nothing.

    You can take anything

    <p id="demo">


    <div id="demo"> 

    It is just node in a document where you just want to display your result.

    Can I have an IF block in DOS batch file?

    Instead of this goto mess, try using the ampersand & or double ampersand && (conditional to errorlevel 0) as command separators.

    I fixed a script snippet with this trick, to summarize, I have three batch files, one which calls the other two after having found which letters the external backup drives have been assigned. I leave the first file on the primary external drive so the calls to its backup routine worked fine, but the calls to the second one required an active drive change. The code below shows how I fixed it:

    for %%b in (d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) DO (
    if exist "%%b:\Backup.cmd" %%b: & CALL "%%b:\Backup.cmd"

    AWS ssh access 'Permission denied (publickey)' issue

    In my case (Mac OS X), the problem was the file's break type. Try this:

    1.- Open the .pem file with TextWrangler

    2.- At Bottom of app, verify if the Break Type is "Windows(CRLF)".

    Given a URL to a text file, what is the simplest way to read the contents of the text file?

    For me, none of the above responses worked straight ahead. Instead, I had to do the following (Python 3):

    from urllib.request import urlopen
    data = urlopen("[your url goes here]").read().decode('utf-8')
    # Do what you need to do with the data.

    How can I recover the return value of a function passed to multiprocessing.Process?

    I modified vartec's answer a bit since I needed to get the error codes from the function. (Thanks vertec!!! its an awesome trick)

    This can also be done with a manager.list but I think is better to have it in a dict and store a list within it. That way, way we keep the function and the results since we can't be sure of the order in which the list will be populated.

    from multiprocessing import Process
    import time
    import datetime
    import multiprocessing
    def func1(fn, m_list):
        print 'func1: starting'
        m_list[fn] = "this is the first function"
        print 'func1: finishing'
        # return "func1"  # no need for return since Multiprocess doesnt return it =(
    def func2(fn, m_list):
        print 'func2: starting'
        m_list[fn] = "this is function 2"
        print 'func2: finishing'
        # return "func2"
    def func3(fn, m_list):
        print 'func3: starting'
        # if fail wont join the rest because it never populate the dict
        # or do a try/except to get something in return.
        raise ValueError("failed here")
        # if we want to get the error in the manager dict we can catch the error
            raise ValueError("failed here")
            m_list[fn] = "this is third"
            m_list[fn] = "this is third and it fail horrible"
            # print 'func3: finishing'
            # return "func3"
    def runInParallel(*fns):  # * is to accept any input in list
        start_time =
        proc = []
        manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
        m_list = manager.dict()
        for fn in fns:
            # print fn
            # print dir(fn)
            p = Process(target=fn, name=fn.func_name, args=(fn, m_list))
        for p in proc:
            p.join()  # 5 is the time out
        print - start_time
        return m_list, proc
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        manager, proc = runInParallel(func1, func2, func3)
        # print dir(proc[0])
        # print proc[0]._name
        # print proc[0].name
        # print proc[0].exitcode
        # here you can check what did fail
        for i in proc:
            print, i.exitcode  # name was set up in the Process line 53
        # here will only show the function that worked and where able to populate the 
        # manager dict
        for i, j in manager.items():
            print dir(i)  # things you can do to the function
            print i, j

    Multiple arguments to function called by pthread_create()?

    main() has it's own thread and stack variables. either allocate memory for 'args' in the heap or make it global:

    struct arg_struct {
        int arg1;
        int arg2;
    //declares args as global out of main()

    Then of course change the references from args->arg1 to args.arg1 etc..

    How to calculate UILabel height dynamically?

    If you are using a UILabel with attributes, you can try the method textRect(forBounds:limitedToNumberOfLines).

    This is my example:

    let label = UILabel(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 30))
    label.numberOfLines = 0
    label.text = "Learn how to use RxSwift and RxCocoa to write applications that can react to changes in your underlying data without you telling it to do so."
    let rectOfLabel = label.textRect(forBounds: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude), limitedToNumberOfLines: 0)
    let rectOfLabelOneLine = label.textRect(forBounds: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude), limitedToNumberOfLines: 1)
    let heightOfLabel = rectOfLabel.height
    let heightOfLine = rectOfLabelOneLine.height
    let numberOfLines = Int(heightOfLabel / heightOfLine)

    And my results on the Playground:

    enter image description here

    How to use a variable from a cursor in the select statement of another cursor in pl/sql

    You can certainly do something like

    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  begin
      2    for d in (select * from dept)
      3    loop
      4      for e in (select * from emp where deptno=d.deptno)
      5      loop
      6        dbms_output.put_line( 'Employee ' || e.ename ||
      7                              ' in department ' || d.dname );
      8      end loop;
      9    end loop;
     10* end;
    SQL> /
    Employee CLARK in department ACCOUNTING
    Employee KING in department ACCOUNTING
    Employee MILLER in department ACCOUNTING
    Employee smith in department RESEARCH
    Employee JONES in department RESEARCH
    Employee SCOTT in department RESEARCH
    Employee ADAMS in department RESEARCH
    Employee FORD in department RESEARCH
    Employee ALLEN in department SALES
    Employee WARD in department SALES
    Employee MARTIN in department SALES
    Employee BLAKE in department SALES
    Employee TURNER in department SALES
    Employee JAMES in department SALES
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    Or something equivalent using explicit cursors.

    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  declare
      2    cursor dept_cur
      3        is select *
      4             from dept;
      5    d dept_cur%rowtype;
      6    cursor emp_cur( p_deptno IN dept.deptno%type )
      7        is select *
      8             from emp
      9            where deptno = p_deptno;
     10    e emp_cur%rowtype;
     11  begin
     12    open dept_cur;
     13    loop
     14      fetch dept_cur into d;
     15      exit when dept_cur%notfound;
     16      open emp_cur( d.deptno );
     17      loop
     18        fetch emp_cur into e;
     19        exit when emp_cur%notfound;
     20        dbms_output.put_line( 'Employee ' || e.ename ||
     21                              ' in department ' || d.dname );
     22      end loop;
     23      close emp_cur;
     24    end loop;
     25    close dept_cur;
     26* end;
     27  /
    Employee CLARK in department ACCOUNTING
    Employee KING in department ACCOUNTING
    Employee MILLER in department ACCOUNTING
    Employee smith in department RESEARCH
    Employee JONES in department RESEARCH
    Employee SCOTT in department RESEARCH
    Employee ADAMS in department RESEARCH
    Employee FORD in department RESEARCH
    Employee ALLEN in department SALES
    Employee WARD in department SALES
    Employee MARTIN in department SALES
    Employee BLAKE in department SALES
    Employee TURNER in department SALES
    Employee JAMES in department SALES
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    However, if you find yourself using nested cursor FOR loops, it is almost always more efficient to let the database join the two results for you. After all, relational databases are really, really good at joining. I'm guessing here at what your tables look like and how they relate based on the code you posted but something along the lines of

    FOR x IN (SELECT *
                FROM all_users,
               WHERE length(all_users.username) = 3
                 AND all_users.username = org.username )
      <<do something>>

    How to hide image broken Icon using only CSS/HTML?

    Use the object tag. Add alternative text between the tags like this:

    <object data="img/failedToLoad.png" type="image/png">Alternative Text</object>

    jquery onclick change css background image

    I think this should be:

    $('.home').click(function() {
         $(this).css('background', 'url(images/tabs3.png)');

    and remove this:

    <div class="home" onclick="function()">
         //-----------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^---------no need for this

    You have to make sure you have a correct path to your image.

    iPhone 5 CSS media query

    None of the response works for me targeting a phonegapp App.

    As the following link points, the solution below works.

    @media screen and (device-height: 568px) and (orientation: portrait) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
        // css here

    How to Troubleshoot Intermittent SQL Timeout Errors

    Run SQL trace of long running queries and deadlocks. This shows no deadlocks at the times of the problems, and long running queries all coincide with our timeout errors, but look to be a side effect, and not the cause. Queries that are very basic that typically return instantly end up taking 30, 60 or 120 seconds to run at times. This happens for a few minutes then everything picks up and works fine after that.

    It looks like some queries/transaction lock your database till they are done. You have to find out which queries are blocking and rewrite them/run them at an other time to avoid blocking other processes. At this moment the waiting queries just timeout.

    An extra point to dig into is the auto increment size of your transaction log and database. Set them on a fixed size instead of a percentage of the current files. If files are getting taller the time it takes to allocate enough space will eventually longer as your transaction timeout. And your db comes to a halt.

    All combinations of a list of lists

    from itertools import product 
    list_vals = [['Brand Acronym:CBIQ', 'Brand Acronym :KMEFIC'],['Brand Country:DXB','Brand Country:BH']]


    [('Brand Acronym:CBIQ', 'Brand Country :DXB'),
    ('Brand Acronym:CBIQ', 'Brand Country:BH'),
    ('Brand Acronym :KMEFIC', 'Brand Country :DXB'),
    ('Brand Acronym :KMEFIC', 'Brand Country:BH')]

    JMS Topic vs Queues

    Queue is JMS managed object used for holding messages waiting for subscribers to consume. When all subscribers consumed the message , message will be removed from queue.

    Topic is that all subscribers to a topic receive the same message when the message is published.

    Unable to connect with remote debugger

    In my case the issue was that the emulator was making a request to:

    instead of:

    http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui and the request was failing.

    To solve the issue: Before enabling remote debugging on your emulator, open http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui in chrome. Then enable remote debugging and go back to the chrome page where you should see your console logs.

    Error Code: 1406. Data too long for column - MySQL

    MySQL will truncate any insert value that exceeds the specified column width.

    to make this without error try switch your SQL mode to not use STRICT.

    Mysql reference manual


    To change the mode

    This can be done in two ways:

    1. Open your my.ini (Windows) or my.cnf (Unix) file within the MySQL installation directory, and look for the text "sql-mode".



    # Set the SQL mode to strict 

    Replace with:


    # Set the SQL mode to strict 


    1. You can run an SQL query within your database management tool, such as phpMyAdmin:


    SET @@global.sql_mode= '';

    How to get index of object by its property in JavaScript?

    a prototypical way

      if (!Array.prototype.indexOfPropertyValue){
        Array.prototype.indexOfPropertyValue = function(prop,value){
          for (var index = 0; index < this.length; index++){
            if (this[index][prop]){
              if (this[index][prop] == value){
                return index;
          return -1;
     // usage:
     var Data = [
     {id_list:1, name:'Nick',token:'312312'},{id_list:2,name:'John',token:'123123'}];
     Data.indexOfPropertyValue('name','John'); // returns 1 (index of array);
     Data.indexOfPropertyValue('name','Invalid name') // returns -1 (no result);
     var indexOfArray = Data.indexOfPropertyValue('name','John');
     Data[indexOfArray] // returns desired object.

    What's the bad magic number error?

    I just faced the same issue with Fedora26 where many tools such as dnf were broken due to bad magic number for six. For an unknown reason i've got a file /usr/bin/six.pyc, with the unexpected magic number. Deleting this file fix the problem

    How do you change the datatype of a column in SQL Server?

    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[TableName]

    sweet-alert display HTML code in text

    A feature to allow HTML for title and text parameters has been added with a recent merge into the master branch on GitHub

    Simply use JSON configuration and set 'html' to true, eg:

    swal({ html:true, title:'<i>TITLE</i>', text:'<b>TEXT</b>'});

    This was merged less than a week ago and is hinted at in the (html is set to false in one of the examples although not explicitly described) however it is not yet documented on the marketing page

    what is the use of fflush(stdin) in c programming

    it clears stdin buffer before reading. From the man page:

    For output streams, fflush() forces a write of all user-space buffered data for the given output or update stream via the stream's underlying write function. For input streams, fflush() discards any buffered data that has been fetched from the underlying file, but has not been consumed by the application.

    Note: This is Linux-specific, using fflush() on input streams is undefined by the standard, however, most implementations behave the same as in Linux.

    how to get current month and year

    using System.Globalization;
    LblMonth.Text = DateTime.Now.Month.ToString();
    DateTimeFormatInfo dinfo = new DateTimeFormatInfo();
    int month = Convert.ToInt16(LblMonth.Text);
    LblMonth.Text = dinfo.GetMonthName(month);

    How to programmatically set the ForeColor of a label to its default?


    if (lblExample.ForeColor != System.Drawing.Color.Red)
        lblExample.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
        lblExample.ForeColor = new System.Drawing.Color();

    How to do error logging in CodeIgniter (PHP)

    In config.php add or edit the following lines to this:
    $config['log_threshold'] = 4; // (1/2/3)
    $config['log_path'] = '/home/path/to/application/logs/';
    Run this command in the terminal:
    sudo chmod -R 777 /home/path/to/application/logs/

    adding comment in .properties files

    Writing the properties file with multiple comments is not supported. Why ?

    public class PropertyFile extends Task {
        /* ========================================================================
         * Instance variables.
        // Use this to prepend a message to the properties file
        private String              comment;
        private Properties          properties;

    The ant property file task is backed by a java.util.Properties class which stores comments using the store() method. Only one comment is taken from the task and that is passed on to the Properties class to save into the file.

    The way to get around this is to write your own task that is backed by commons properties instead of java.util.Properties. The commons properties file is backed by a property layout which allows settings comments for individual keys in the properties file. Save the properties file with the save() method and modify the new task to accept multiple comments through <comment> elements.

    How can I give an imageview click effect like a button on Android?

    You could try with android:background="@android:drawable/list_selector_background" to get the same effect as the "Add alarm" in the default "Alarm Clock" (now Desk Clock).

    How to copy static files to build directory with Webpack?

    You can write bash in your package.json:

    # package.json
      "name": ...,
      "version": ...,
      "scripts": {
        "build": "NODE_ENV=production npm run webpack && cp -v <this> <that> && echo ok",

    How do you log all events fired by an element in jQuery?

    STEP 1: Check the events for an HTML element on the developer console:

    enter image description here

    STEP 2: Listen to the events we want to capture:

    $(document).on('ch-ui-container-closed ch-ui-container-opened', function(evt){

    Good Luck...

    I can pass a variable from a JSP scriptlet to JSTL but not from JSTL to a JSP scriptlet without an error

    Scripts are raw java embedded in the page code, and if you declare variables in your scripts, then they become local variables embedded in the page.

    In contrast, JSTL works entirely with scoped attributes, either at page, request or session scope. You need to rework your scriptlet to fish test out as an attribute:

    <c:set var="test" value="test1"/>
      String resp = "abc";
      String test = pageContext.getAttribute("test");
      resp = resp + test;
      pageContext.setAttribute("resp", resp);
    <c:out value="${resp}"/>

    If you look at the docs for <c:set>, you'll see you can specify scope as page, request or session, and it defaults to page.

    Better yet, don't use scriptlets at all: they make the baby jesus cry.

    How can I write variables inside the tasks file in ansible

    I know, it is long ago, but since the easiest answer was not yet posted I will do so for other user that might step by.

    Just move the var inside the "name" block:

    - name: Download apache
        url: czxcxz
      shell: wget {{url}} 

    Differences between time complexity and space complexity?

    Sometimes yes they are related, and sometimes no they are not related, actually we sometimes use more space to get faster algorithms as in dynamic programming dynamic programming uses memoization or bottom-up, the first technique use the memory to remember the repeated solutions so the algorithm needs not to recompute it rather just get them from a list of solutions. and the bottom-up approach start with the small solutions and build upon to reach the final solution. Here two simple examples, one shows relation between time and space, and the other show no relation: suppose we want to find the summation of all integers from 1 to a given n integer: code1:

    for i=1 to n
    print sum

    This code used only 6 bytes from memory i=>2,n=>2 and sum=>2 bytes therefore time complexity is O(n), while space complexity is O(1) code2:

    array a[n]
    for i=2 to n
    print a[n]

    This code used at least n*2 bytes from the memory for the array therefore space complexity is O(n) and time complexity is also O(n)

    Display date in dd/mm/yyyy format in

    Dim formattedDate As String = Date.Today.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")

    Check link below

    CSS Transition doesn't work with top, bottom, left, right

    In my case div position was fixed , adding left position was not enough it started working only after adding display block

    left:0; display:block;

    How to disable HTML links

    Got the fix in css.

    td.disabledAnchor a{
           pointer-events: none !important;
           cursor: default;

    Above css when applied to the anchor tag will disable the click event.

    For details checkout this link

    How can I create an observable with a delay

    import * as Rx from 'rxjs/Rx';

    We should add the above import to make the blow code to work

    Let obs = Rx.Observable
    obs.subscribe(value => console.log('Subscriber: ' + value));

    Where can I find WcfTestClient.exe (part of Visual Studio)

    Mine was here: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE"

    Eclipse error: R cannot be resolved to a variable

    Try to delete the import line import, then, any resource calls such as mView= (View) mView.findViewById(; will highlight the 'R' with an error, a 'Quick fix' will prompt you to import R, and there will be at least two options:

    • android.R

    Select the R corresponding to your package name, and you should be good to go. Hope that helps.

    Chrome Dev Tools - Modify javascript and reload

    The Resource Override extension allows you to do exactly that:

    • create a file rule for the url you want to replace
    • edit the js/css/etc in the extension
    • reload as often as you want :)

    Trim to remove white space

    jQuery.trim() capital Q?

    or $.trim()

    Restore the mysql database from .frm files

    I just copy pasted the database folders to data folder in MySQL, i.e. If you have a database called alto then find the folder alto in your MySQL -> Data folder in your backup and copy the entire alto folder and past it to newly installed MySQL -> data folder, restart the MySQL and this works perfect.

    "Could not find the main class" error when running jar exported by Eclipse

    Ok, so I finally got it to work. If I use the JRE 6 instead of 7 everything works great. No idea why, but it works.

    How to check if ZooKeeper is running or up from command prompt?

    I did some test:

    When it's running:

    $ /usr/lib/zookeeper/bin/ status
    JMX enabled by default
    Using config: /usr/lib/zookeeper/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
    Mode: follower

    When it's stopped:

    $ zkServer status                                                                                                                                
    JMX enabled by default
    Using config: /usr/local/etc/zookeeper/zoo.cfg
    Error contacting service. It is probably not running.

    I'm not running on the same machine, but you get the idea.

    C# Encoding a text string with line breaks

    Try this :

    string myStr = ...
    myStr = myStr.Replace("\n", Environment.NewLine)

    Is it possible to run .php files on my local computer?

    Sure you just need to setup a local web server. Check out XAMPP:

    That will get you up and running in about 10 minutes.

    There is now a way to run php locally without installing a server:

    Yes but the files need to be processed. For example you can install test servers like mamp / lamp / wamp depending on your plateform.

    Basically you need apache / php running.

    How to create module-wide variables in Python?

    Steveha's answer was helpful to me, but omits an important point (one that I think wisty was getting at). The global keyword is not necessary if you only access but do not assign the variable in the function.

    If you assign the variable without the global keyword then Python creates a new local var -- the module variable's value will now be hidden inside the function. Use the global keyword to assign the module var inside a function.

    Pylint 1.3.1 under Python 2.7 enforces NOT using global if you don't assign the var.

    module_var = '/dev/hello'
    def readonly_access():
    def readwrite_access():
        global module_var
        module_var = '/dev/hello2'

    plotting different colors in matplotlib

    @tcaswell already answered, but I was in the middle of typing my answer up, so I'll go ahead and post it...

    There are a number of different ways you could do this. To begin with, matplotlib will automatically cycle through colors. By default, it cycles through blue, green, red, cyan, magenta, yellow, black:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    x = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)
    for i in range(1, 6):
        plt.plot(x, i * x + i, label='$y = {i}x + {i}$'.format(i=i))

    enter image description here

    If you want to control which colors matplotlib cycles through, use ax.set_color_cycle:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    x = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.set_color_cycle(['red', 'black', 'yellow'])
    for i in range(1, 6):
        plt.plot(x, i * x + i, label='$y = {i}x + {i}$'.format(i=i))

    enter image description here

    If you'd like to explicitly specify the colors that will be used, just pass it to the color kwarg (html colors names are accepted, as are rgb tuples and hex strings):

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    x = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)
    for i, color in enumerate(['red', 'black', 'blue', 'brown', 'green'], start=1):
        plt.plot(x, i * x + i, color=color, label='$y = {i}x + {i}$'.format(i=i))

    enter image description here

    Finally, if you'd like to automatically select a specified number of colors from an existing colormap:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    x = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)
    number = 5
    cmap = plt.get_cmap('gnuplot')
    colors = [cmap(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 1, number)]
    for i, color in enumerate(colors, start=1):
        plt.plot(x, i * x + i, color=color, label='$y = {i}x + {i}$'.format(i=i))

    enter image description here

    Using jquery to delete all elements with a given id

    As already said, only one element can have a specific ID. Use classes instead. Here is jQuery-free version to remove the nodes:

    var form = document.getElementById('your-form-id');
    var spans = form.getElementsByTagName('span');
    for(var i = spans.length; i--;) {
        var span = spans[i];
        if(span.className.match(/\btheclass\b/)) {

    getElementsByTagName is the most cross-browser-compatible method that can be used here. getElementsByClassName would be much better, but is not supported by Internet Explorer <= IE 8.

    Working Demo

    Bootstrap throws Uncaught Error: Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery

    If this occurs IE intranet only, check compatibility settings and uncheck "Display intranet sites in Compatibility mode" .


    enter image description here

    "insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment " message in eclipse

    Your application (Eclipse) needs more memory and JVM is not allocating enough.You can increase the amount of memory JVM allocates by following the answers given here

    install beautiful soup using pip

    The easy method that will work even in corrupted setup environment is :

    To download and run it using command line



    Extracting in c:\uu\uu\appdata\local\temp\tmpjxvil3 Now working in c:\u\u\appdata\local\temp\tmpjxvil3\setuptools-5.6 Installing Setuptools


    pip install beautifulsoup4


    Downloading/unpacking beautifulsoup4 Running ... egg_info for package Installing collected packages: beautifulsoup4 Running install for beautifulsoup4 Successfully installed beautifulsoup4 Cleaning up...

    Bam ! |Done¬

    Close Window from ViewModel

    My proffered way is Declare event in ViewModel and use blend InvokeMethodAction as below.

    Sample ViewModel

    public class MainWindowViewModel : BindableBase, ICloseable
        public DelegateCommand SomeCommand { get; private set; }
        #region ICloseable Implementation
        public event EventHandler CloseRequested;        
        public void RaiseCloseNotification()
            var handler = CloseRequested;
            if (handler != null)
                handler.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
        public MainWindowViewModel()
            SomeCommand = new DelegateCommand(() =>
                //when you decide to close window

    I Closeable interface is as below but don't require to perform this action. ICloseable will help in creating generic view service, so if you construct view and ViewModel by dependency injection then what you can do is

    internal interface ICloseable
        event EventHandler CloseRequested;

    Use of ICloseable

    var viewModel = new MainWindowViewModel();
            // As service is generic and don't know whether it can request close event
            var window = new Window() { Content = new MainView() };
            var closeable = viewModel as ICloseable;
            if (closeable != null)
                closeable.CloseRequested += (s, e) => window.Close();

    And Below is Xaml, You can use this xaml even if you don't implement interface, it will only need your view model to raise CloseRquested.

    <Window xmlns=""
    xmlns:ViewModels="clr-namespace:WPFRx.ViewModels" x:Name="window" x:Class="WPFRx.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525" 
    d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance {x:Type ViewModels:MainWindowViewModel}}">
        <i:EventTrigger SourceObject="{Binding Mode=OneWay}" EventName="CloseRequested" >
            <ei:CallMethodAction TargetObject="{Binding ElementName=window}" MethodName="Close"/>
        <Button Content="Some Content" Command="{Binding SomeCommand}" Width="100" Height="25"/>

    How can I represent an infinite number in Python?

    Another, less convenient, way to do it is to use Decimal class:

    from decimal import Decimal
    pos_inf = Decimal('Infinity')
    neg_inf = Decimal('-Infinity')

    How to change Status Bar text color in iOS

    extension UIApplication {
        var statusBarView: UIView? {
            return value(forKey: "statusBar") as? UIView

    Setting values of input fields with Angular 6

    You should use the following:

           <td><input id="priceInput-{{}}" type="number" [(ngModel)]="orderLine.price"></td>

    You will need to add the FormsModule to your app.module in the inputs section as follows:

    import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
      declarations: [
      imports: [

    The use of the brackets around the ngModel are as follows:

    • The [] show that it is taking an input from your TS file. This input should be a public member variable. A one way binding from TS to HTML.

    • The () show that it is taking output from your HTML file to a variable in the TS file. A one way binding from HTML to TS.

    • The [()] are both (e.g. a two way binding)

    See here for more information:

    I would also suggest replacing id="priceInput-{{}}" with something like this [id]="getElementId(orderLine)" where getElementId(orderLine) returns the element Id in the TS file and can be used anywere you need to reference the element (to avoid simple bugs like calling it priceInput1 in one place and priceInput-1 in another. (if you still need to access the input by it's Id somewhere else)

    How to change xampp localhost to another folder ( outside xampp folder)?

    Please follow @Sourav's advice.

    If after restarting the server you get errors, you may need to set your directory options as well. This is done in the <Directory> tag in httpd.conf. Make sure the final config looks like this:

    DocumentRoot "C:\alan"
    <Directory "C:\alan">
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

    Not able to change TextField Border Color

    The code in which you change the color of the primaryColor andprimaryColorDark does not change the color inicial of the border, only after tap the color stay black

    The attribute that must be changed is hintColor

    BorderSide should not be used for this, you need to change Theme.

    To make the red color default to put the theme in MaterialApp(theme: ...) and to change the theme of a specific widget, such as changing the default red color to the yellow color of the widget, surrounds the widget with:

    new Theme(
      data: new ThemeData(
        hintColor: Colors.yellow
      child: ...

    Below is the code and gif:

    Note that if we define the primaryColor color as black, by tapping the widget it is selected with the color black

    But to change the label and text inside the widget, we need to set the theme to InputDecorationTheme

    The widget that starts with the yellow color has its own theme and the widget that starts with the red color has the default theme defined with the function buildTheme()

    enter image description here

    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    void main() => runApp(new MyApp());
    ThemeData buildTheme() {
      final ThemeData base = ThemeData();
      return base.copyWith(
        inputDecorationTheme: InputDecorationTheme(
          hintStyle: TextStyle(
          labelStyle: TextStyle(
    class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return new MaterialApp(
          theme: buildTheme(),
          home: new HomePage(),
    class HomePage extends StatefulWidget {
      _HomePageState createState() => new _HomePageState();
    class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage> {
      String xp = '0';
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return new Scaffold(
          appBar: new AppBar(),
          body: new Container(
            padding: new EdgeInsets.only(top: 16.0),
            child: new ListView(
              children: <Widget>[
                new InkWell(
                  onTap: () {},
                  child: new Theme(
                    data: new ThemeData(
                      hintColor: Colors.yellow
                    child: new TextField(
                      decoration: new InputDecoration(
                          border: new OutlineInputBorder(),
                          hintText: 'Tell us about yourself',
                          helperText: 'Keep it short, this is just a demo.',
                          labelText: 'Life story',
                          prefixIcon: const Icon(Icons.person, color:,),
                          prefixText: ' ',
                          suffixText: 'USD',
                          suffixStyle: const TextStyle(color:,
                new InkWell(
                  onTap: () {},                
                  child: new TextField(
                    decoration: new InputDecoration(
                        border: new OutlineInputBorder(
                          borderSide: new BorderSide(color: Colors.teal)
                        hintText: 'Tell us about yourself',
                        helperText: 'Keep it short, this is just a demo.',
                        labelText: 'Life story',
                        prefixIcon: const Icon(Icons.person, color:,),
                        prefixText: ' ',
                        suffixText: 'USD',
                        suffixStyle: const TextStyle(color:,

    Arrays.fill with multidimensional array in Java

    how can I fill a multidimensional array in Java without using a loop?

    Multidimensional arrays are just arrays of arrays and fill(...) doesn't check the type of the array and the value you pass in (this responsibility is upon the developer).

    Thus you can't fill a multidimensional array reasonably well without using a loop.

    Be aware of the fact that, unlike languages like C or C++, Java arrays are objects and in multidimensional arrays all but the last level contain references to other Array objects. I'm not 100% sure about this, but most likely they are distributed in memory, thus you can't just fill a contiguous block without a loop, like C/C++ would allow you to do.

    Can I pass a JavaScript variable to another browser window?

    For me the following doesn't work

    var A = {foo:'bar'};
    var w ="");
    w.B = A;
    // in new window
    var B = window.opener.B;

    But this works(note the variable name)

    var B = {foo:'bar'};
    var w ="");
    w.B = B;
    // in new window
    var B = window.opener.B;

    Also var B should be global.

    How to do this using jQuery - document.getElementById("selectlist").value

    It can be done by three different ways,though all them are nearly the same

    Javascript way


    Jquery way


    How to JOIN three tables in Codeigniter

    try this

    In your model

    If u want get all album data use

      function get_all_album_data() {
        $this->db->select ( '*' ); 
        $this->db->from ( 'Album' );
        $this->db->join ( 'Category', 'Category.cat_id = Album.cat_id' , 'left' );
        $this->db->join ( 'Soundtrack', 'Soundtrack.album_id = Album.album_id' , 'left' );
        $query = $this->db->get ();
        return $query->result ();

    if u want to get specific album data use

      function get_album_data($album_id) {
        $this->db->select ( '*' ); 
        $this->db->from ( 'Album' );
        $this->db->join ( 'Category', 'Category.cat_id = Album.cat_id' , 'left' );
        $this->db->join ( 'Soundtrack', 'Soundtrack.album_id = Album.album_id' , 'left' );
        $this->db->where ( 'Album.album_id', $album_id);
        $query = $this->db->get ();
        return $query->result ();

    Excel: How to check if a cell is empty with VBA?

    IsEmpty() would be the quickest way to check for that.

    IsNull() would seem like a similar solution, but keep in mind Null has to be assigned to the cell; it's not inherently created in the cell.

    Also, you can check the cell by:



    Len(range("BCell").Value) = 0

    How to delete from a table where ID is in a list of IDs?

    delete from t
    where id in (1, 4, 6, 7)

    How to uninstall a windows service and delete its files without rebooting

    Should it be necessary to manually remove a service:

    1. Run Regedit or regedt32.
    2. Find the registry key entry for your service under the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services
    3. Delete the Registry Key

    You will have to reboot before the list gets updated in services

    Angularjs: Error: [ng:areq] Argument 'HomeController' is not a function, got undefined

    Obviously that previous posts are useful, but any of above are not helpful in my case. The reason was in wrong sequence of loading scripts. For example, in my case, controller editCtrl.js depends on (uses) ui-bootstrap-tpls.js, so it should be loaded first. This caused an error:

    <script src="scripts/app/station/editCtrl.js"></script>
    <script src="scripts/angular-ui/ui-bootstrap-tpls.js"></script>

    This is right, works:

    <script src="scripts/angular-ui/ui-bootstrap-tpls.js"></script>
    <script src="scripts/app/station/editCtrl.js"></script>

    So, to fix the error you need first declare all scripts without dependencies, and then scripts that depends on previously declared.

    How do I create a local database inside of Microsoft SQL Server 2014?

    install Local DB from following link then connect to the local db using windows authentication. (localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB

    Comments in .gitignore?

    Yes, you may put comments in there. They however must start at the beginning of a line.


    The rules for the patterns you can put in the .gitignore file are as follows:
    - Blank lines or lines starting with # are ignored.

    The comment character is #, example:

    # no .a files

    Case insensitive comparison of strings in shell script

    For korn shell, I use typeset built-in command (-l for lower-case and -u for upper-case).

    typeset -l var
    if [[ $var == "true" ]]; then
        print "match"

    height style property doesn't work in div elements

    Position absolute fixes it for me. I suggest also adding a semi-colon if you haven't already.

    .container {
        width: 22.5%;
        size: 22.5% 22.5%;
        margin-top: 0%;
        border-radius: 10px;
        background-color: floralwhite;
        min-height: 20%;
        position: absolute;
        height: 50%;

    vertical-align with Bootstrap 3

    I just did this and it does what I want it to do.

    .align-middle {
      margin-top: 25%;
      margin-bottom: 25%;

    And now my page looks like

    <div class='container-fluid align-middle'>
     |                                |
     |  +--------------------------+  |
     |  |                          |  |
     |  |                          |  |
     |  |                          |  |
     |  |                          |  |
     |  |                          |  |
     |  +--------------------------+  |
     |                                |

    How to pretty print nested dictionaries?

    Here's a function I wrote based on what sth's comment. It's works the same as json.dumps with indent, but I'm using tabs instead of space for indents. In Python 3.2+ you can specify indent to be a '\t' directly, but not in 2.7.

    def pretty_dict(d):
        def pretty(d, indent):
            for i, (key, value) in enumerate(d.iteritems()):
                if isinstance(value, dict):
                    print '{0}"{1}": {{'.format( '\t' * indent, str(key))
                    pretty(value, indent+1)
                    if i == len(d)-1:
                        print '{0}}}'.format( '\t' * indent)
                        print '{0}}},'.format( '\t' * indent)
                    if i == len(d)-1:
                        print '{0}"{1}": "{2}"'.format( '\t' * indent, str(key), value)
                        print '{0}"{1}": "{2}",'.format( '\t' * indent, str(key), value)
        print '{'
        print '}'


    >>> dict_var = {'a':2, 'b':{'x':3, 'y':{'t1': 4, 't2':5}}}
    >>> pretty_dict(dict_var)
        "a": "2",
        "b": {
            "y": {
                "t2": "5",
                "t1": "4"
            "x": "3"

    Counting the number of elements with the values of x in a vector

    I would probably do something like this


    But really, a better way is


    Why does adb return offline after the device string?

     adb kill-server
     adb start-server

    that solved my problem

    Converting from signed char to unsigned char and back again?

    I'm not 100% sure that I understand your question, so tell me if I'm wrong.

    If I got it right, you are reading jbytes that are technically signed chars, but really pixel values ranging from 0 to 255, and you're wondering how you should handle them without corrupting the values in the process.

    Then, you should do the following:

    • convert jbytes to unsigned char before doing anything else, this will definetly restore the pixel values you are trying to manipulate

    • use a larger signed integer type, such as int while doing intermediate calculations, this to make sure that over- and underflows can be detected and dealt with (in particular, not casting to a signed type could force to compiler to promote every type to an unsigned type in which case you wouldn't be able to detect underflows later on)

    • when assigning back to a jbyte, you'll want to clamp your value to the 0-255 range, convert to unsigned char and then convert again to signed char: I'm not certain the first conversion is strictly necessary, but you just can't be wrong if you do both

    For example:

    inline int fromJByte(jbyte pixel) {
        // cast to unsigned char re-interprets values as 0-255
        // cast to int will make intermediate calculations safer
        return static_cast<int>(static_cast<unsigned char>(pixel));
    inline jbyte fromInt(int pixel) {
        if(pixel < 0)
            pixel = 0;
        if(pixel > 255)
            pixel = 255;
        return static_cast<jbyte>(static_cast<unsigned char>(pixel));
    jbyte in = ...
    int intermediate = fromJByte(in) + 30;
    jbyte out = fromInt(intermediate);

    Java math function to convert positive int to negative and negative to positive?

    What about x *= -1; ? Do you really want a library function for this?

    What is the difference between square brackets and parentheses in a regex?

    Your team's advice is almost right, except for the mistake that was made. Once you find out why, you will never forget it. Take a look at this mistake.


    What this does:

    • ^ and $ denotes anchored matches, which asserts that the subpattern in between these anchors are the entire match. The string will only match if the subpattern matches the entirety of it, not just a section.
    • () denotes a capturing group.
    • 7|8|9 denotes matching either of 7, 8, or 9. It does this with alternations, which is what the pipe operator | does — alternating between alternations. This backtracks between alternations: If the first alternation is not matched, the engine has to return before the pointer location moved during the match of the alternation, to continue matching the next alternation; Whereas the character class can advance sequentially. See this match on a regex engine with optimizations disabled:
    Pattern: (r|f)at
    Match string: carat


    Pattern: [rf]at
    Match string: carat


    • \d{9} matches nine digits. \d is a shorthanded metacharacter, which matches any digits.

    Look at what it does:

    • ^ and $ denotes anchored matches as well.
    • [7|8|9] is a character class. Any characters from the list 7, |, 8, |, or 9 can be matched, thus the | was added in incorrectly. This matches without backtracking.
    • [\d] is a character class that inhabits the metacharacter \d. The combination of the use of a character class and a single metacharacter is a bad idea, by the way, since the layer of abstraction can slow down the match, but this is only an implementation detail and only applies to a few of regex implementations. JavaScript is not one, but it does make the subpattern slightly longer.
    • {9} indicates the previous single construct is repeated nine times in total.

    The optimal regex is /^[789]\d{9}$/, because /^(7|8|9)\d{9}$/ captures unnecessarily which imposes a performance decrease on most regex implementations ( happens to be one, considering the question uses keyword var in code, this probably is JavaScript). The use of which runs on PCRE for preg matching will optimize away the lack of backtracking, however we're not in PHP either, so using classes [] instead of alternations | gives performance bonus as the match does not backtrack, and therefore both matches and fails faster than using your previous regular expression.

    Use :hover to modify the css of another class?

    You can do it by making the following CSS. you can put here the css you need to affect child class in case of hover on the root

    .root:hover    .child {_x000D_

    How to picture "for" loop in block representation of algorithm

    Here's a flow chart that illustrates a for loop:

    Flow Chart For Loop

    The equivalent C code would be

    for(i = 2; i <= 6; i = i + 2) {
        printf("%d\t", i + 1);

    I found this and several other examples on one of Tenouk's C Laboratory practice worksheets.

    jQuery hide and show toggle div with plus and minus icon

    Toggle the text Show and Hide and move your backgroundPosition Y axis


    $(function(){ // DOM READY shorthand
        $('.show_hide').click(function( e ){
            // e.preventDefault(); // If you use anchors
            var SH = this.SH^=1; // "Simple toggler"
                   .css({backgroundPosition:'0 '+ (SH?-18:0) +'px'})


      background:url(plusminus.png) no-repeat;

    What do the icons in Eclipse mean?

    This is a fairly comprehensive list from the Eclipse documentation. If anyone knows of another list — maybe with more details, or just the most common icons — feel free to add it.

    Latest: JDT Icons

    2019-06: JDT Icons

    2019-03: JDT Icons

    2018-12: JDT Icons

    2018-09: JDT Icons

    Photon: JDT Icons

    Oxygen: JDT Icons

    Neon: JDT Icons

    Mars: JDT Icons

    Luna: JDT Icons

    Kepler: JDT Icons

    Juno: JDT Icons

    Indigo: JDT Icons

    Helios: JDT Icons

    There are also some CDT icons at the bottom of this help page.

    If you're a Subversion user, the icons you're looking for may actually belong to Subclipse; see this excellent answer for more on those.

    Trying to use INNER JOIN and GROUP BY SQL with SUM Function, Not Working

    Use subquery


    C program to check little vs. big endian

    This is big endian test from a configure script:

    #include <inttypes.h>
    int main(int argc, char ** argv){
        volatile uint32_t i=0x01234567;
        // return 0 for big endian, 1 for little endian.
        return (*((uint8_t*)(&i))) == 0x67;

    Using Oracle to_date function for date string with milliseconds

    You have to change date class to timestamp.

    String s=df.format(c.getTime());
    java.util.Date parsedUtilDate = df.parse(s);  
    java.sql.Timestamp timestamp = new java.sql.Timestamp(parsedUtilDate.getTime());

    What is the difference between ApplicationContext and WebApplicationContext in Spring MVC?

    The accepted answer is through but there is official explanation on this:

    The WebApplicationContext is an extension of the plain ApplicationContext that has some extra features necessary for web applications. It differs from a normal ApplicationContext in that it is capable of resolving themes (see Using themes), and that it knows which Servlet it is associated with (by having a link to the ServletContext). The WebApplicationContext is bound in the ServletContext, and by using static methods on the RequestContextUtils class you can always look up the WebApplicationContext if you need access to it.

    Cited from Spring web framework reference

    By the way servlet and root context are both webApplicationContext:

    Typical context hierarchy in Spring Web MVC

    c# open a new form then close the current form?

    You weren't specific, but it looks like you were trying to do what I do in my Win Forms apps: start with a Login form, then after successful login, close that form and put focus on a Main form. Here's how I do it:

    1. make frmMain the startup form; this is what my Program.cs looks like:

      static void Main()
          Application.Run(new frmMain());
    2. in my frmLogin, create a public property that gets initialized to false and set to true only if a successful login occurs:

      public bool IsLoggedIn { get; set; }
    3. my frmMain looks like this:

      private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
          frmLogin frm = new frmLogin();
          frm.IsLoggedIn = false;
          if (!frm.IsLoggedIn)

    No successful login? Exit the application. Otherwise, carry on with frmMain. Since it's the startup form, when it closes, the application ends.

    Difference between del, remove, and pop on lists

    Remove basically works on the value . Delete and pop work on the index

    Remove basically removes the first matching value. Delete deletes the item from a specific index Pop basically takes an index and returns the value at that index. Next time you print the list the value doesnt appear.


    How to get selected option using Selenium WebDriver with Java

    On the following option:

    WebElement option = select.getFirstSelectedOption();

    If from the method getText() you get a blank, you can get the string from the value of the option using the method getAttribute:

    WebElement option = select.getFirstSelectedOption();

    Regarding Java switch statements - using return and omitting breaks in each case

    Best case for human logic to computer generated bytecode would be to utilize code like the following:

    private double translateSlider(int sliderVal) {
      float retval = 1.0;
      switch (sliderVal) {
        case 1: retval = 0.9; break;
        case 2: retval = 0.8; break;
        case 3: retval = 0.7; break;
        case 4: retval = 0.6; break;
        case 0:
        default: break;
      return retval;

    Thus eliminating multiple exits from the method and utilizing the language logically. (ie while sliderVal is an integer range of 1-4 change float value else if sliderVal is 0 and all other values, retval stays the same float value of 1.0)

    However something like this with each integer value of sliderVal being (n-(n/10)) one really could just do a lambda and get a faster results:

    private double translateSlider = (int sliderVal) -> (1.0-(siderVal/10));

    Edit: A modulus of 4 may be in order to keep logic (ie (n-(n/10))%4))

    Wamp Server not goes to green color

    I would prefer using the most easiest method.

    Right click on the Wamp icon and go to

    Tools > Use a port other than 8080 >

    Set a different port, lets say 8081 and that's it. Problem resolved.

    You are most welcome.

    What is the memory consumption of an object in Java?

    I've gotten very good results from the java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation approach mentioned in another answer. For good examples of its use, see the entry, Instrumentation Memory Counter from the JavaSpecialists' Newsletter and the java.sizeOf library on SourceForge.

    How to clone ArrayList and also clone its contents?

    for you objects override clone() method

    class You_class {
        int a;
        public You_class clone() {
            You_class you_class = new You_class();
            you_class.a = this.a;
            return you_class;

    and call .clone() for Vector obj or ArraiList obj....

    How to find list of possible words from a letter matrix [Boggle Solver]

    I have solved this in C#, using a DFA algorithm. You can check out my code at

    In addition to finding words in a matrix, my algorithm saves the actual paths for the words, so for designing a word finder game, you can check wether there is a word on an actual path.

    Where to install Android SDK on Mac OS X?

    You can install android-sdk in different ways

    1. homebrew
      Install brew using command from

      /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"  

      Install android-sdk using

      brew install android-sdk

      Now android-sdk will be installed in /usr/local/opt/android-sdk

      export ANDROID_HOME=/usr/local/opt/android-sdk
    2. If you installed android studio following the website,
      android-sdk will be installed in ~/Library/Android/sdk

      export ANDROID_HOME=~/Library/Android/sdk

    I think these defaults make sense and its better to stick to it

    Adding machineKey to web.config on web-farm sites

    If you are using IIS 7.5 or later you can generate the machine key from IIS and save it directly to your web.config, within the web farm you then just copy the new web.config to each server.

    1. Open IIS manager.
    2. If you need to generate and save the MachineKey for all your applications select the server name in the left pane, in that case you will be modifying the root web.config file (which is placed in the .NET framework folder). If your intention is to create MachineKey for a specific web site/application then select the web site / application from the left pane. In that case you will be modifying the web.config file of your application.
    3. Double-click the Machine Key icon in ASP.NET settings in the middle pane:
    4. MachineKey section will be read from your configuration file and be shown in the UI. If you did not configure a specific MachineKey and it is generated automatically you will see the following options:
    5. Now you can click Generate Keys on the right pane to generate random MachineKeys. When you click Apply, all settings will be saved in the web.config file.

    Full Details can be seen @ Easiest way to generate MachineKey – Tips and tricks: ASP.NET, IIS and .NET development…

    How do you make a div follow as you scroll?

    You can either use the css property Fixed, or if you need something more fine-tuned then you need to use javascript and track the scrollTop property which defines where the user agent's scrollbar location is (0 being at the top ... and x being at the bottom)

        position: fixed;
        top: 20px;

    or with jQuery:

    $('#ParentContainer').scroll(function() { 
        $('#FixedDiv').css('top', $(this).scrollTop());

    How to list the files in current directory?

    Try this,to retrieve all files inside folder and sub-folder

    public static void main(String[]args)
            File curDir = new File(".");
        private static void getAllFiles(File curDir) {
            File[] filesList = curDir.listFiles();
            for(File f : filesList){

    To retrieve files/folder only

    public static void main(String[]args)
            File curDir = new File(".");
        private static void getAllFiles(File curDir) {
            File[] filesList = curDir.listFiles();
            for(File f : filesList){

    Tools: replace not replacing in Android manifest

    I was receiving a similar error on a project I was importing:

    Multiple entries with same key: android:icon=REPLACE and tools:icon=REPLACE

    Fixed after changing the below line within the application tag:

    tools:replace="icon, label, theme"


    tools:replace="android:icon, android:label, android:theme"

    Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in

    Controller (Example: User.php)

    defined('BASEPATH') or exit('No direct script access allowed');
    class Users extends CI_controller
        // Table
        protected  $table = 'users';
        function index()
            $data['users'] = $this->model->ra_object($this->table);
            $this->load->view('users_list', $data);

    View (Example: users_list.php)

            <?php foreach($users as $user) : ?>
                <td><?php echo $user->name; ?></td>
                <td><?php echo $user->surname; ?></th>
            <?php endforeach; ?>
    <!-- // User table -->

    Facebook Graph API error code list

    I have also found some more error subcodes, in case of OAuth exception. Copied from the facebook bugtracker, without any garantee (maybe contain deprecated, wrong and discontinued ones):

      * (Date: 30.01.2013)
      * case 1: - "An error occured while creating the share (publishing to wall)"
      *         - "An unknown error has occurred."
      * case 2:    "An unexpected error has occurred. Please retry your request later."
      * case 3:    App must be on whitelist        
      * case 4:    Application request limit reached
      * case 5:    Unauthorized source IP address        
      * case 200:  Requires extended permissions
      * case 240:  Requires a valid user is specified (either via the session or via the API parameter for specifying the user."
      * case 1500: The url you supplied is invalid
      * case 200:
      * case 210:  - Subject must be a page
      *            - User not visible
      * Error Code 100 several issus:
      * - "Specifying multiple ids with a post method is not supported" (http status 400)
      * - "Error finding the requested story" but it is available via GET
      * - "Invalid post_id"
      * - "Code was invalid or expired. Session is invalid."
      * Error Code 2: 
      * - Service temporarily unavailable

    Set port for php artisan.php serve

    you can also add host as well with same command like :

    php artisan serve --host= --port=8080

    How to see if a directory exists or not in Perl?

    Use -d (full list of file tests)

    if (-d "cgi-bin") {
        # directory called cgi-bin exists
    elsif (-e "cgi-bin") {
        # cgi-bin exists but is not a directory
    else {
        # nothing called cgi-bin exists

    As a note, -e doesn't distinguish between files and directories. To check if something exists and is a plain file, use -f.

    How to convert hex to rgb using Java?

    Actually, there's an easier (built in) way of doing this:


    How do I import modules or install extensions in PostgreSQL 9.1+?

    In addition to the extensions which are maintained and provided by the core PostgreSQL development team, there are extensions available from third parties. Notably, there is a site dedicated to that purpose:

    How to use Bootstrap in an Angular project?

    Provided you use the Angular-CLI to generate new projects, there's another way to make bootstrap accessible in Angular 2/4.

    1. Via command line interface navigate to the project folder. Then use npm to install bootstrap:
      $ npm install --save bootstrap. The --save option will make bootstrap appear in the dependencies.
    2. Edit the .angular-cli.json file, which configures your project. It's inside the project directory. Add a reference to the "styles" array. The reference has to be the relative path to the bootstrap file downloaded with npm. In my case it's: "../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css",

    My example .angular-cli.json:

      "$schema": "./node_modules/@angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json",
      "project": {
        "name": "bootstrap-test"
      "apps": [
          "root": "src",
          "outDir": "dist",
          "assets": [
          "index": "index.html",
          "main": "main.ts",
          "polyfills": "polyfills.ts",
          "test": "test.ts",
          "tsconfig": "",
          "testTsconfig": "tsconfig.spec.json",
          "prefix": "app",
          "styles": [
          "scripts": [],
          "environmentSource": "environments/environment.ts",
          "environments": {
            "dev": "environments/environment.ts",
            "prod": "environments/"
      "e2e": {
        "protractor": {
          "config": "./protractor.conf.js"
      "lint": [
          "project": "src/"
          "project": "src/tsconfig.spec.json"
          "project": "e2e/tsconfig.e2e.json"
      "test": {
        "karma": {
          "config": "./karma.conf.js"
      "defaults": {
        "styleExt": "css",
        "component": {}

    Now bootstrap should be part of your default settings.

    Regular expression include and exclude special characters


    This would do the matching, if you only want to allow that just wrap it in ^$ or any other delimiters that you see appropriate, if you do this no specific disallow logic is needed.

    Select element by exact match of its content

    No, there's no jQuery (or CSS) selector that does that.

    You can readily use filter:

    $("p").filter(function() {
        return $(this).text() === "hello";
    }).css("font-weight", "bold");

    It's not a selector, but it does the job. :-)

    If you want to handle whitespace before or after the "hello", you might throw a $.trim in there:

    return $.trim($(this).text()) === "hello";

    For the premature optimizers out there, if you don't care that it doesn't match <p><span>hello</span></p> and similar, you can avoid the calls to $ and text by using innerHTML directly:

    return this.innerHTML === "hello";

    ...but you'd have to have a lot of paragraphs for it to matter, so many that you'd probably have other issues first. :-)

    How to control the line spacing in UILabel

    Here is a class that subclass UILabel to have line-height property :