Programs & Examples On #Head.js

Head.js is a tiny script that speeds up, simplifies and modernizes your site.

Bootstrap Carousel Full Screen

You can do it without forcing html and body to me 100% height. Use view port height instead. And with mouse wheel control too.

function debounce(func, wait, immediate) {_x000D_
  var timeout;_x000D_
  return function() {_x000D_
    var context = this,_x000D_
      args = arguments;_x000D_
    var later = function() {_x000D_
      timeout = null;_x000D_
      if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);_x000D_
    var callNow = immediate && !timeout;_x000D_
    timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);_x000D_
    if (callNow) func.apply(context, args);_x000D_
var slider = document.getElementById("demo");_x000D_
var onScroll = debounce(function(direction) {_x000D_
  if (direction == false) {_x000D_
  } else {_x000D_
}, 100, true);_x000D_
slider.addEventListener("wheel", function(e) {_x000D_
  var delta;_x000D_
  if (event.wheelDelta) {_x000D_
    delta = event.wheelDelta;_x000D_
  } else {_x000D_
    delta = -1 * event.deltaY;_x000D_
  onScroll(delta >= 0);_x000D_
.carousel-item {_x000D_
  height: 100vh;_x000D_
  background: #212121;_x000D_
.carousel-control-prev {_x000D_
  width: 8% !important;_x000D_
.carousel-item-right {_x000D_
  display: flex !important;_x000D_
  justify-content: center;_x000D_
  align-items: center;_x000D_
.carousel-item h1 {_x000D_
    color: #fff;_x000D_
    font-size: 72px;_x000D_
    padding: 0 10%;_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="demo" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel" data-interval="false">_x000D_
  <!-- The slideshow -->_x000D_
  <div class="carousel-inner">_x000D_
    <div class="carousel-item active">_x000D_
      <h1 class="display-1 text-center">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet adipisicing</h1>_x000D_
    <div class="carousel-item">_x000D_
      <h1 class="display-1 text-center">Inventore omnis odio, dolore culpa atque?</h1>_x000D_
    <div class="carousel-item">_x000D_
     <h1 class="display-1 text-center">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</h1>_x000D_
  <!-- Left and right controls -->_x000D_
  <a class="carousel-control-prev" href="#demo" data-slide="prev">_x000D_
    <span class="carousel-control-prev-icon"></span>_x000D_
  <a class="carousel-control-next" href="#demo" data-slide="next">_x000D_
    <span class="carousel-control-next-icon"></span>_x000D_

Twitter Bootstrap button click to toggle expand/collapse text section above button


<h4 data-toggle-selector="#me">toggle</h4>
<div id="me">content here</div>


$(function () {
    $('[data-toggle-selector]').on('click',function () {

Use "ENTER" key on softkeyboard instead of clicking button

this is a sample of one of my app how i handle

 //searching for the Edit Text in the view    
    final EditText myEditText =(EditText)view.findViewById(;
        myEditText.setOnKeyListener(new View.OnKeyListener() {
            public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
                 if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN)
                      if ((keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER) ||
                             (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER)) {
                                //do something
                                //true because you handle the event
                                return true;
                       return false;

What is the best way to know if all the variables in a Class are null?

If you want this for unit testing I just use the hasNoNullFieldsOrProperties() method from assertj


Python - AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'append'

append on an ndarray is ambiguous; to which axis do you want to append the data? Without knowing precisely what your data looks like, I can only provide an example using numpy.concatenate that I hope will help:

import numpy as np

pixels = np.array([[3,3]])
pix = [4,4]
pixels = np.concatenate((pixels,[pix]),axis=0)

# [[3 3]
#  [4 4]]

SQL Server : error converting data type varchar to numeric

There's no guarantee that SQL Server won't attempt to perform the CONVERT to numeric(20,0) before it runs the filter in the WHERE clause.

And, even if it did, ISNUMERIC isn't adequate, since it recognises £ and 1d4 as being numeric, neither of which can be converted to numeric(20,0).(*)

Split it into two separate queries, the first of which filters the results and places them in a temp table or table variable, the second of which performs the conversion. (Subqueries and CTEs are inadequate to prevent the optimizer from attempting the conversion before the filter)

For your filter, probably use account_code not like '%[^0-9]%' instead of ISNUMERIC.

(*) ISNUMERIC answers the question that no-one (so far as I'm aware) has ever wanted to ask - "can this string be converted to any of the numeric datatypes - I don't care which?" - when obviously, what most people want to ask is "can this string be converted to x?" where x is a specific target datatype.

How do I programmatically get the GUID of an application in .NET 2.0

You should be able to read the GUID attribute of the assembly via reflection. This will get the GUID for the current assembly

Assembly asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
var attribs = (asm.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(GuidAttribute), true));
Console.WriteLine((attribs[0] as GuidAttribute).Value);

You can replace the GuidAttribute with other attributes as well, if you want to read things like AssemblyTitle, AssemblyVersion, etc.

You can also load another assembly (Assembly.LoadFrom and all) instead of getting the current assembly - if you need to read these attributes of external assemblies (for example, when loading a plugin).

Mapping over values in a python dictionary

There is no such function; the easiest way to do this is to use a dict comprehension:

my_dictionary = {k: f(v) for k, v in my_dictionary.items()}

In python 2.7, use the .iteritems() method instead of .items() to save memory. The dict comprehension syntax wasn't introduced until python 2.7.

Note that there is no such method on lists either; you'd have to use a list comprehension or the map() function.

As such, you could use the map() function for processing your dict as well:

my_dictionary = dict(map(lambda kv: (kv[0], f(kv[1])), my_dictionary.iteritems()))

but that's not that readable, really.

Moment JS - check if a date is today or in the future

function isTodayOrFuture(date){
  date = stripTime(date);
  return date.diff(stripTime( >= 0;

function stripTime(date){
  date = moment(date);
  return date;

And then just use it line this :


Spring RestTemplate - how to enable full debugging/logging of requests/responses?

Refer the Q/A for logging the request and response for the rest template by enabling the multiple reads on the HttpInputStream

Why my custom ClientHttpRequestInterceptor with empty response

seek() function?

When you open a file, the system points to the beginning of the file. Any read or write you do will happen from the beginning. A seek() operation moves that pointer to some other part of the file so you can read or write at that place.

So, if you want to read the whole file but skip the first 20 bytes, open the file, seek(20) to move to where you want to start reading, then continue with reading the file.

Or say you want to read every 10th byte, you could write a loop that does seek(9, 1) (moves 9 bytes forward relative to the current positions), read(1) (reads one byte), repeat.

Can I pass a JavaScript variable to another browser window?

One can pass a message from the 'parent' window to the 'child' window:

in the 'parent window' open the child

    var win =<window.location.href>, '_blank');    

the to be replaced according to the context

In the 'child'

    window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
        /* do what you want with */

The if test must be changed according to the context

How to handle the new window in Selenium WebDriver using Java?

i was having some issues with windowhandle and tried this one. this one works good for me.

String parentWindowHandler = driver.getWindowHandle(); 
String subWindowHandler = null;

Set<String> handles = driver.getWindowHandles();
Iterator<String> iterator = handles.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()){
    subWindowHandler =;



#include errors detected in vscode

For Windows:

  1. Please add this directory to your environment variable(Path):


  1. For Include errors detected, mention the path of your include folder into

"includePath": [ "C:/mingw-w64/x86_64-8.1.0-win32-seh-rt_v6-rev0/mingw64/include/" ]

, as this is the path from where the compiler fetches the library to be included in your program. :connection timed out: connect?

If you're pointing the config at a domain (eg, do an NSLOOKUP to ensure all the responding IPs are valid, and can be connected to on port 389:


Test-NetConnection <IP returned from NSLOOKUP> -port 389

How to apply a low-pass or high-pass filter to an array in Matlab?

Look at the filter function.

If you just need a 1-pole low-pass filter, it's

xfilt = filter(a, [1 a-1], x);

where a = T/τ, T = the time between samples, and τ (tau) is the filter time constant.

Here's the corresponding high-pass filter:

xfilt = filter([1-a a-1],[1 a-1], x);

If you need to design a filter, and have a license for the Signal Processing Toolbox, there's a bunch of functions, look at fvtool and fdatool.

String concatenation with Groovy

Reproducing tim_yates answer on current hardware and adding leftShift() and concat() method to check the finding:

  'String leftShift' {
    foo << bar << baz
  'String concat' {

The outcome shows concat() to be the faster solution for a pure String, but if you can handle GString somewhere else, GString template is still ahead, while honorable mention should go to leftShift() (bitwise operator) and StringBuffer() with initial allocation:

* Groovy: 2.4.8
* JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (25.191-b12, Oracle Corporation)
    * JRE: 1.8.0_191
    * Total Memory: 238 MB
    * Maximum Memory: 3504 MB
* OS: Linux (4.19.13-300.fc29.x86_64, amd64)

* Warm Up: Auto (- 60 sec)
* CPU Time Measurement: On

                                    user  system  cpu  real

String adder                         453       7  460   469
String leftShift                     287       2  289   295
String concat                        169       1  170   173
GString template                      24       0   24    24
Readable GString template             32       0   32    32
GString template toString            400       0  400   406
Readable GString template toString   412       0  412   419
StringBuilder                        325       3  328   334
StringBuffer                         390       1  391   398
StringBuffer with Allocation         259       1  260   265

phpmyadmin #1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server. after installing mysql command line client

Since the username and password is added in, you need to change:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';


$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';

And save the file.

You will then need to restart WAMP after making the above changes.

Flash CS4 refuses to let go

Use a grep analog to find the strings oldnamespace and Jenine inside the files in your whole project folder. Then you'd know what step to do next.

Aligning textviews on the left and right edges in Android layout

It can be done with LinearLayout (less overhead and more control than the Relative Layout option). Give the second view the remaining space so gravity can work. Tested back to API 16.



        android:text="Aligned left" />

        android:text="Aligned right" />

If you want to limit the size of the first text view, do this:

Adjust weights as required. Relative layout won't allow you to set a percentage weight like this, only a fixed dp of one of the views

Proof 2


        android:text="Aligned left but too long and would squash the other view" />

        android:text="Aligned right" />

How to convert .crt to .pem

I found the OpenSSL answer given above didn't work for me, but the following did, working with a CRT file sourced from windows.

openssl x509 -inform DER -in yourdownloaded.crt -out outcert.pem -text

Format Date output in JSF

If you use OmniFaces you can also use it's EL functions like of:formatDate() to format Date objects. You would use it like this:

<h:outputText value="#{of:formatDate(someBean.dateField, 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm')}" />

This way you can not only use it for output but also to pass it on to other JSF components.

"cannot be used as a function error"

You can't pass a function as a parameter. Simply remove it from estimatedPopulation() and replace it with 'float growthRate'. use this in your calculation instead of calling the function:

int estimatedPopulation (int currentPopulation, float growthRate)
    return (currentPopulation + currentPopulation * growthRate / 100);

and call it as:

int foo = estimatedPopulation (currentPopulation, growthRate (birthRate, deathRate));

How to change the icon of an Android app in Eclipse?

In your AndroidManifest.xml file

        android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher"  <--------
        android:theme="@style/AppTheme" >

How to insert a new line in strings in Android

I use <br> in a CDATA tag. As an example, my strings.xml file contains an item like this:

<item><![CDATA[<b>My name is John</b><br>Nice to meet you]]></item>

and prints

My name is John
Nice to meet you

Open Facebook Page in Facebook App (if installed) on Android

"fb://page/ does not work with newer versions of the FB app. You should use fb://facewebmodal/f?href= for newer versions.

This is a full fledged working code currently live in one of my apps:

public static String FACEBOOK_URL = "";
public static String FACEBOOK_PAGE_ID = "YourPageName";

//method to get the right URL to use in the intent
public String getFacebookPageURL(Context context) {
        PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
        try {
            int versionCode = packageManager.getPackageInfo("com.facebook.katana", 0).versionCode;
            if (versionCode >= 3002850) { //newer versions of fb app
                return "fb://facewebmodal/f?href=" + FACEBOOK_URL;
            } else { //older versions of fb app
                return "fb://page/" + FACEBOOK_PAGE_ID;
        } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
            return FACEBOOK_URL; //normal web url

This method will return the correct url for app if installed or web url if app is not installed.

Then start an intent as follows:

Intent facebookIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
String facebookUrl = getFacebookPageURL(this);

That's all you need.

What exactly is Python's file.flush() doing?

There's typically two levels of buffering involved:

  1. Internal buffers
  2. Operating system buffers

The internal buffers are buffers created by the runtime/library/language that you're programming against and is meant to speed things up by avoiding system calls for every write. Instead, when you write to a file object, you write into its buffer, and whenever the buffer fills up, the data is written to the actual file using system calls.

However, due to the operating system buffers, this might not mean that the data is written to disk. It may just mean that the data is copied from the buffers maintained by your runtime into the buffers maintained by the operating system.

If you write something, and it ends up in the buffer (only), and the power is cut to your machine, that data is not on disk when the machine turns off.

So, in order to help with that you have the flush and fsync methods, on their respective objects.

The first, flush, will simply write out any data that lingers in a program buffer to the actual file. Typically this means that the data will be copied from the program buffer to the operating system buffer.

Specifically what this means is that if another process has that same file open for reading, it will be able to access the data you just flushed to the file. However, it does not necessarily mean it has been "permanently" stored on disk.

To do that, you need to call the os.fsync method which ensures all operating system buffers are synchronized with the storage devices they're for, in other words, that method will copy data from the operating system buffers to the disk.

Typically you don't need to bother with either method, but if you're in a scenario where paranoia about what actually ends up on disk is a good thing, you should make both calls as instructed.

Addendum in 2018.

Note that disks with cache mechanisms is now much more common than back in 2013, so now there are even more levels of caching and buffers involved. I assume these buffers will be handled by the sync/flush calls as well, but I don't really know.

Using CMake with GNU Make: How can I see the exact commands?

I was trying something similar to ensure the -ggdb flag was present.

Call make in a clean directory and grep the flag you are looking for. Looking for debug rather than ggdb I would just write.

make VERBOSE=1 | grep debug

The -ggdb flag was obscure enough that only the compile commands popped up.

When is it acceptable to call GC.Collect?

In your example, I think that calling GC.Collect isn't the issue, but rather there is a design issue.

If you are going to wake up at intervals, (set times) then your program should be crafted for a single execution (perform the task once) and then terminate. Then, you set the program up as a scheduled task to run at the scheduled intervals.

This way, you don't have to concern yourself with calling GC.Collect, (which you should rarely if ever, have to do).

That being said, Rico Mariani has a great blog post on this subject, which can be found here:

Android getResources().getDrawable() deprecated API 22

For some who still got this issue to solve even after applying the suggestion of this thread(i used to be one like that) add this line on your Application class, onCreate() method


As suggested here and here sometimes this is required to access vectors from resources especially when you're dealing with menu items, etc

laravel 5.5 The page has expired due to inactivity. Please refresh and try again

In my case, there was 'space' before <?php in one of my config file. This solved my issue.

How to get device make and model on iOS?

Swift 4 or later

extension UIDevice {
    var modelName: String {
        if let modelName = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["SIMULATOR_MODEL_IDENTIFIER"] { return modelName }
        var info = utsname()
        return String(String.UnicodeScalarView(
                   Mirror(reflecting: info.machine)
                    .compactMap {
                        guard let value = $0.value as? Int8 else { return nil }
                        let unicode = UnicodeScalar(UInt8(value))
                        return unicode.isASCII ? unicode : nil

UIDevice.current.modelName   // "iPad6,4"

Formatting html email for Outlook

You should definitely check out the MSDN on what Outlook will support in regards to css and html. The link is here: If you do not have at least office 2007 you really need to upgrade as there are major differences between 2007 and previous editions. Also try saving the resulting email to file and examine it with firefox you will see what is being changed by outlook and possibly have a more specific question to ask. You can use Word to view the email as a sort of preview as well (but you won't get info on what styles are/are not being applied.

Merge two objects with ES6

Another aproach is:

let result = { ...item, location : { ...response } }

But Object spread isn't yet standardized.

May also be helpful:

How can I use the $index inside a ng-repeat to enable a class and show a DIV?

As johnnyynnoj mentioned ng-repeat creates a new scope. I would in fact use a function to set the value. See plunker


$scope.setSelected = function(selected) {
  $scope.selected = selected;


{{ selected }}

  <li ng-class="{current: selected == 100}">
     <a href ng:click="setSelected(100)">ABC</a>
  <li ng-class="{current: selected == 101}">
     <a href ng:click="setSelected(101)">DEF</a>
  <li ng-class="{current: selected == $index }" 
      ng-repeat="x in [4,5,6,7]">
     <a href ng:click="setSelected($index)">A{{$index}}</a>

  ng:show="selected == 100">
  ng:show="selected == 101">
<div ng-repeat="x in [4,5,6,7]" 
  ng:show="selected == $index">
  {{ $index }}        

ERROR: permission denied for relation tablename on Postgres while trying a SELECT as a readonly user

Here is the complete solution for PostgreSQL 9+, updated recently.

GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public to readonly;

-- repeat code below for each database:

\c foo
ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA public GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO readonly; --- this grants privileges on new tables generated in new database "foo"
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public to readonly; 

Thanks to for several important aspects

If anyone find shorter code, and preferably one that is able to perform this for all existing databases, extra kudos.

anaconda update all possible packages?

I solved this problem with conda and pip.

Firstly, I run:

conda uninstall qt and conda uninstall matplotlib and conda uninstall PyQt5

After that, I opened the cmd and run this code that

pip uninstall qt , pip uninstall matplotlib , pip uninstall PyQt5

Lastly, You should install matplotlib in pip by this code that pip install matplotlib

:first-child not working as expected

For that particular case you can use:

.detail_container > ul + h1{ 
    color: blue; 

But if you need that same selector on many cases, you should have a class for those, like BoltClock said.

Switching a DIV background image with jQuery

This is a fairly simple response changes the background of the site with a list of items

function randomToN(maxVal) {
    var randVal = Math.random() * maxVal;
    return typeof 0 == 'undefined' ? Math.round(randVal) : randVal.toFixed(0);
var list = [ "IMG0.EXT", "IMG2.EXT","IMG3.EXT" ], // Images
    ram = list[parseFloat(randomToN(list.length))], // Random 1 to n
    img = ram == undefined || ram == null ? list[0] : ram; // Detect null
$("div#ID").css("backgroundImage", "url(" + img + ")"); // push de background

Decrypt password created with htpasswd

.htpasswd entries are HASHES. They are not encrypted passwords. Hashes are designed not to be decryptable. Hence there is no way (unless you bruteforce for a loooong time) to get the password from the .htpasswd file.

What you need to do is apply the same hash algorithm to the password provided to you and compare it to the hash in the .htpasswd file. If the user and hash are the same then you're a go.

PHP & MySQL: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given

$dbc is returning false. Your query has an error in it:

SELECT users.*, profile.* --You do not join with profile anywhere.
                                 FROM users 
                                 INNER JOIN contact_info 
                                 ON contact_info.user_id = users.user_id 
                                 WHERE users.user_id=3");

The fix for this in general has been described by Raveren.

C++ templates that accept only certain types

As far as I know this isn't currently possible in C++. However, there are plans to add a feature called "concepts" in the new C++0x standard that provide the functionality that you're looking for. This Wikipedia article about C++ Concepts will explain it in more detail.

I know this doesn't fix your immediate problem but there are some C++ compilers that have already started to add features from the new standard, so it might be possible to find a compiler that has already implemented the concepts feature.

socket.error:[errno 99] cannot assign requested address and namespace in python

when you bind localhost or, it means you can only connect to your service from local.

you cannot bind because it not belong to you, you can only bind ip owned by your computer

you can bind because it means all ip on your computer, so any ip can connect to your service if they can connect to any of your ip

How to fix SSL certificate error when running Npm on Windows?

I am having the same issue, I overcome using

npm config set proxy
npm config set https-proxy

Additionally info at node-doc

How to [recursively] Zip a directory in PHP?

Great solution but for my Windows I need make a modifications. Below the modify code

function Zip($source, $destination){

if (!extension_loaded('zip') || !file_exists($source)) {
    return false;

$zip = new ZipArchive();
if (!$zip->open($destination, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE)) {
    return false;

$source = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($source));

if (is_dir($source) === true)
    $files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($source), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);

    foreach ($files as $file)
        $file = str_replace('\\', '/', $file);

        // Ignore "." and ".." folders
        if( in_array(substr($file, strrpos($file, '/')+1), array('.', '..')) )

        if (is_dir($file) === true)
            $zip->addEmptyDir(str_replace($source . '/', '', $file));
        else if (is_file($file) === true)

            $str1 = str_replace($source . '/', '', '/'.$file);
            $zip->addFromString($str1, file_get_contents($file));

else if (is_file($source) === true)
    $zip->addFromString(basename($source), file_get_contents($source));

return $zip->close();

Numpy AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'exp'

You convert type, T) to float32 like this:

z=np.array(, T),dtype=np.float32)

def sigmoid(X, T):
    return (1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-z)))

Hopefully it will finally work!

Is it necessary to assign a string to a variable before comparing it to another?

Brian, also worth throwing in here - the others are of course correct that you don't need to declare a string variable. However, next time you want to declare a string you don't need to do the following:

NSString *myString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"SomeText"];

Although the above does work, it provides a retained NSString variable which you will then need to explicitly release after you've finished using it.

Next time you want a string variable you can use the "@" symbol in a much more convenient way:

NSString *myString = @"SomeText";

This will be autoreleased when you've finished with it so you'll avoid memory leaks too...

Hope that helps!

How to assign pointer address manually in C programming language?

let's say you want a pointer to point at the address 0x28ff4402, the usual way is

uint32_t *ptr;
ptr = (uint32_t*) 0x28ff4402 //type-casting the address value to uint32_t pointer
*ptr |= (1<<13) | (1<<10); //access the address how ever you want

So the short way is to use a MACRO,

#define ptr *(uint32_t *) (0x28ff4402)

Get yesterday's date using Date

You can do following:

private Date getMeYesterday(){
     return new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()-24*60*60*1000);

Note: if you want further backward date multiply number of day with 24*60*60*1000 for example:

private Date getPreviousWeekDate(){
     return new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()-7*24*60*60*1000);

Similarly, you can get future date by adding the value to System.currentTimeMillis(), for example:

private Date getMeTomorrow(){
     return new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()+24*60*60*1000);

UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in position 3-6: invalid data

Just in case of someone has the same problem. I'am using vim with YouCompleteMe, failed to start ycmd with this error message, what I did is: export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8", the problem is gone.

jQuery counting elements by class - what is the best way to implement this?


    <img src='' class='class' />
    <img src='' class='class' />
    <img src='' class='class' />



var numItems = $('.class').length; 

Fiddle demo for inside only div

How do I download code using SVN/Tortoise from Google Code?

After you install Tortoise (separate SVN client not required), create a new empty folder for the project somewhere and right click it in Windows. There should be an option for SVN Checkout. Choosing that option will open a dialog box. Paste the URL you posted above in the first textbox of that dialog box and click "OK".

ArrayList filter

In , they introduced the method removeIf which takes a Predicate as parameter.

So it will be easy as:

List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("How are you",
                                                  "How you doing",
list.removeIf(s -> !s.contains("How"));

How to make div follow scrolling smoothly with jQuery?

Here is mine solution (hope it is plug-n-play enough too):

  1. Copy JS code part
  2. Add 'slide-along-scroll' class to element you want
  3. Make pixel-perfect corrections in JS-code
  4. Hope you will enjoy it!

// SlideAlongScroll_x000D_
var SlideAlongScroll = function(el) {_x000D_
  var _this = this;_x000D_
  this.el = el;_x000D_
  // elements original position_x000D_
  this.elpos_original = el.parent().offset().top;  _x000D_
  // scroller timeout_x000D_
  // scroller calculate function_x000D_
  this.scroll = function() {_x000D_
    // 20px gap for beauty_x000D_
    var windowpos = $(window).scrollTop() + 20;_x000D_
    // targeted destination_x000D_
    var finaldestination = windowpos - this.elpos_original;_x000D_
    // define stopper object and correction amount_x000D_
    var stopper = ($('.footer').offset().top); // $(window).height() if you dont need it_x000D_
    var stophere = stopper - el.outerHeight() - this.elpos_original - 20;_x000D_
    // decide what to do_x000D_
    var realdestination = 0;_x000D_
    if(windowpos > this.elpos_original) {_x000D_
      if(finaldestination >= stophere) {_x000D_
        realdestination = stophere;_x000D_
      } else {_x000D_
        realdestination = finaldestination;_x000D_
    el.css({'top': realdestination });_x000D_
  // scroll listener_x000D_
  $(window).on('scroll', function() {_x000D_
    // debounce it_x000D_
    // set scroll calculation timeout_x000D_
    _this.scroller_timeout = setTimeout(function() { _this.scroll(); }, 300);_x000D_
  // initial position (in case page is pre-scrolled by browser after load)_x000D_
// init action, little timeout for smoothness_x000D_
$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
  $('.slide-along-scroll').each(function(i, el) {_x000D_
    setTimeout(function(el) { new SlideAlongScroll(el); }, 300, $(el));_x000D_
/* part you need */_x000D_
.slide-along-scroll {_x000D_
  padding: 20px;_x000D_
  background-color: #CCCCCC;_x000D_
 transition: top 300ms ease-out;_x000D_
 position: relative;_x000D_
/* just demo */_x000D_
div {  _x000D_
  box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
.side-column {_x000D_
  float: left;_x000D_
  width: 20%;    _x000D_
.main-column {_x000D_
  padding: 20px;_x000D_
  float: right;_x000D_
  width: 75%;_x000D_
  min-height: 1200px;_x000D_
  background-color: #EEEEEE;_x000D_
.body {  _x000D_
  padding: 20px 0;  _x000D_
.body:after {_x000D_
  content: ' ';_x000D_
  clear: both;_x000D_
  display: table;_x000D_
.header {_x000D_
  padding: 20px;_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
  border-bottom: 2px solid #CCCCCC;  _x000D_
.footer {_x000D_
  padding: 20px;_x000D_
  border-top: 2px solid #CCCCCC;_x000D_
  min-height: 300px;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <div class="header">_x000D_
      <h1>Your super-duper website</h1>_x000D_
  <div class="body">  _x000D_
    <div class="side-column">_x000D_
        <!-- part you need -->_x000D_
        <div class="slide-along-scroll">_x000D_
            Side menu content_x000D_
               <li>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.</li>_x000D_
               <li>Aliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus.</li>_x000D_
               <li>Vestibulum auctor dapibus neque.</li>_x000D_
            </ul>         _x000D_
    <div class="main-column">_x000D_
        Main content area (1200px)_x000D_
  <div class="footer">_x000D_
      Footer (slide along is limited by it)_x000D_

XPath contains(text(),'some string') doesn't work when used with node with more than one Text subnode

It took me a little while but finally figured out. Custom xpath that contains some text below worked perfectly for me.


Can I pass parameters in computed properties in Vue.Js

computed: {
  fullName: (app)=> (salut)=> {
      return salut + ' ' + this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName    

when you want use

<p>{{fullName('your salut')}}</p>

How to send 100,000 emails weekly?

Here is what I did recently in PHP on one of my bigger systems:

  1. User inputs newsletter text and selects the recipients (which generates a query to retrieve the email addresses for later).

  2. Add the newsletter text and recipients query to a row in mysql table called *email_queue*

    • (The table email_queue has the columns "to" "subject" "body" "priority")
  3. I created another script, which runs every minute as a cron job. It uses the SwiftMailer class. This script simply:

    • during business hours, sends all email with priority == 0

    • after hours, send other emails by priority

Depending on the hosts settings, I can now have it throttle using standard swiftmailers plugins like antiflood and throttle...

$mailer->registerPlugin(new Swift_Plugins_AntiFloodPlugin(50, 30));


$mailer->registerPlugin(new Swift_Plugins_ThrottlerPlugin( 100, Swift_Plugins_ThrottlerPlugin::MESSAGES_PER_MINUTE ));

etc, etc..

I have expanded it way beyond this pseudocode, with attachments, and many other configurable settings, but it works very well as long as your server is setup correctly to send email. (Probably wont work on shared hosting, but in theory it should...) Swiftmailer even has a setting


Which I now use to track bounces...

Happy Trails! (Happy Emails?)

Laravel: getting a a single value from a MySQL query

[EDIT] The expected output of the pluck function has changed from Laravel 5.1 to 5.2. Hence why it is marked as deprecated in 5.1

In Laravel 5.1, pluck gets a single column's value from the first result of a query.

In Laravel 5.2, pluck gets an array with the values of a given column. So it's no longer deprecated, but it no longer do what it used to.

So short answer is use the value function if you want one column from the first row and you are using Laravel 5.1 or above.

Thanks to Tomas Buteler for pointing this out in the comments.

[ORIGINAL] For anyone coming across this question who is using Laravel 5.1, pluck() has been deprecated and will be removed completely in Laravel 5.2.

Consider future proofing your code by using value() instead.

return DB::table('users')->where('username', $username)->value('groupName');

How to erase the file contents of text file in Python?

When using with open("myfile.txt", "r+") as my_file:, I get strange zeros in myfile.txt, especially since I am reading the file first. For it to work, I had to first change the pointer of my_file to the beginning of the file with Then I could do my_file.truncate() to clear the file.

if...else within JSP or JSTL

simple way :

<c:if test="${condition}">
<c:if test="${!condition}">

Form inline inside a form horizontal in twitter bootstrap?

This uses twitter bootstrap 3.x with one css class to get labels to sit on top of the inputs. Here's a fiddle link, make sure to expand results panel wide enough to see effect.


  <div class="row myform">
     <div class="col-md-12">
        <form name="myform" role="form" novalidate>
           <div class="form-group">
              <label class="control-label" for="fullName">Address Line</label>
              <input required type="text" name="addr" id="addr" class="form-control" placeholder="Address"/>

           <div class="form-inline">
              <div class="form-group">
                 <input required type="text" name="state" id="state" class="form-control" placeholder="State"/>

              <div class="form-group">
                 <input required type="text" name="zip" id="zip" class="form-control" placeholder="Zip"/>

           <div class="form-group">
              <label class="control-label" for="country">Country</label>
              <input required type="text" name="country" id="country" class="form-control" placeholder="country"/>


.myform input.form-control {
   display: block;  /* allows labels to sit on input when inline */
   margin-bottom: 15px; /* gives padding to bottom of inline inputs */

Postgresql - unable to drop database because of some auto connections to DB

1. Shut down Pg server
enter image description here
2. It will disconnect all active connection
3. Restart Pg Server
4. Try your command

Right query to get the current number of connections in a PostgreSQL DB

From looking at the source code, it seems like the pg_stat_database query gives you the number of connections to the current database for all users. On the other hand, the pg_stat_activity query gives the number of connections to the current database for the querying user only.

Copy tables from one database to another in SQL Server

  1. Script the create table in management studio, run that script in bar to create the table. (Right click table in object explorer, script table as, create to...)

  2. INSERT bar.[schema].table SELECT * FROM foo.[schema].table

Passing an array to a query using a WHERE clause

BEWARE! This answer contains a severe SQL injection vulnerability. Do NOT use the code samples as presented here, without making sure that any external input is sanitized.

$ids = join("','",$galleries);   
$sql = "SELECT * FROM galleries WHERE id IN ('$ids')";

How does it work - requestLocationUpdates() + LocationRequest/Listener

I use this one:

LocationManager.requestLocationUpdates(String provider, long minTime, float minDistance, LocationListener listener)

For example, using a 1s interval:


the time is in milliseconds, the distance is in meters.

This automatically calls:

public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
    //Code here, location.getAccuracy(), location.getLongitude() etc...

I also had these included in the script but didnt actually use them:

public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) {}
public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) {}
public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) {}

In short:

public class GPSClass implements LocationListener {

    public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
        // Called when a new location is found by the network location provider.
        Log.i("Message: ","Location changed, " + location.getAccuracy() + " , " + location.getLatitude()+ "," + location.getLongitude());

    public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) {}
    public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) {}
    public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) {}

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        locationManager = (LocationManager)getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);

Which Protocols are used for PING?

ICMP means Internet Control Message Protocol and is always coupled with the IP protocol (There's 2 ICMP variants one for IPv4 and one for IPv6.)

echo request and echo response are the two operation codes of ICMP used to implement ping.

Besides the original ping program, ping might simply mean the action of checking if a remote node is responding, this might be done on several layers in a protocol stack - e.g. ARP ping for testing hosts on a local network. The term ping might be used on higher protocol layers and APIs as well, e.g. the act of checking if a database is up, done at the database layer protocol.

ICMP sits on top of IP. What you have below depends on the network you're on, and are not in themselves relevant to the operation of ping.

CSS customized scroll bar in div

.className::-webkit-scrollbar {
  width: 10px;
  background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);

.className::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
  background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
  border-radius: 5px;

gave me a nice mobile/osx like one.

Removing numbers from string

Say st is your unformatted string, then run

st_nodigits=''.join(i for i in st if i.isalpha())

as mentioned above. But my guess that you need something very simple so say s is your string and st_res is a string without digits, then here is your code

l = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']
for ch in s:
 if ch not in l:



CREATE TABLE apps_user(
  username character varying(30),
  userpass character varying(50),
  created_on DATE

CREATE TABLE apps_profile(
    firstname VARCHAR(30),
    lastname VARCHAR(50),
    dob DATE

How to pass text in a textbox to JavaScript function?

You could either access the element’s value by its name:

document.getElementsByName("textbox1"); // returns a list of elements with name="textbox1"
document.getElementsByName("textbox1")[0] // returns the first element in DOM with name="textbox1"


<input name="buttonExecute" onclick="execute(document.getElementsByName('textbox1')[0].value)" type="button" value="Execute" />

Or you assign an ID to the element that then identifies it and you can access it with getElementById:

<input name="textbox1" id="textbox1" type="text" />
<input name="buttonExecute" onclick="execute(document.getElementById('textbox1').value)" type="button" value="Execute" />

javascript date to string

You will need to pad with "0" if its a single digit & note getMonth returns 0..11 not 1..12

function printDate() {
    var temp = new Date();
    var dateStr = padStr(temp.getFullYear()) +
                  padStr(1 + temp.getMonth()) +
                  padStr(temp.getDate()) +
                  padStr(temp.getHours()) +
                  padStr(temp.getMinutes()) +
    debug (dateStr );

function padStr(i) {
    return (i < 10) ? "0" + i : "" + i;

What is a stored procedure?

Stored procedures in SQL Server can accept input parameters and return multiple values of output parameters; in SQL Server, stored procedures program statements to perform operations in the database and return a status value to a calling procedure or batch.

The benefits of using stored procedures in SQL Server

They allow modular programming. They allow faster execution. They can reduce network traffic. They can be used as a security mechanism.

Here is an example of a stored procedure that takes a parameter, executes a query and return a result. Specifically, the stored procedure accepts the BusinessEntityID as a parameter and uses this to match the primary key of the HumanResources.Employee table to return the requested employee.

> create procedure HumanResources.uspFindEmployee    `*<<<---Store procedure name`*
@businessEntityID                                     `<<<----parameter`
Select businessEntityId,              <<<----select statement to return one employee row
From HumanResources.Employee
where businessEntityId =@businessEntityId     <<<---parameter used as criteria

I learned this from is very useful.

How to sum data.frame column values?

You can just use sum(people$Weight).

sum sums up a vector, and people$Weight retrieves the weight column from your data frame.

Note - you can get built-in help by using ?sum, ?colSums, etc. (by the way, colSums will give you the sum for each column).

JSON, REST, SOAP, WSDL, and SOA: How do they all link together

Imagine you are developing a web-application and you decide to decouple the functionality from the presentation of the application, because it affords greater freedom.

You create an API and let others implement their own front-ends over it as well. What you just did here is implement an SOA methodology, i.e. using web-services.

Web services make functional building-blocks accessible over standard Internet protocols independent of platforms and programming languages.

So, you design an interchange mechanism between the back-end (web-service) that does the processing and generation of something useful, and the front-end (which consumes the data), which could be anything. (A web, mobile, or desktop application, or another web-service). The only limitation here is that the front-end and back-end must "speak" the same "language".

That's where SOAP and REST come in. They are standard ways you'd pick communicate with the web-service.


SOAP internally uses XML to send data back and forth. SOAP messages have rigid structure and the response XML then needs to be parsed. WSDL is a specification of what requests can be made, with which parameters, and what they will return. It is a complete specification of your API.


REST is a design concept.

The World Wide Web represents the largest implementation of a system conforming to the REST architectural style.

It isn't as rigid as SOAP. RESTful web-services use standard URIs and methods to make calls to the webservice. When you request a URI, it returns the representation of an object, that you can then perform operations upon (e.g. GET, PUT, POST, DELETE). You are not limited to picking XML to represent data, you could pick anything really (JSON included)

Flickr's REST API goes further and lets you return images as well.

JSON and XML, are functionally equivalent, and common choices. There are also RPC-based frameworks like GRPC based on Protobufs, and Apache Thrift that can be used for communication between the API producers and consumers. The most common format used by web APIs is JSON because of it is easy to use and parse in every language.

How to make a gui in python

For a start I would recommend wxglade. It is a rather easy to use tool that helps you build wxPython applications. wx is already cross platform and can be packaged with tools like py2exe or py2app.

How to change maven java home

If you are dealing with multiple projects needing different Java versions to build, there is no need to set a new JAVA_HOME environment variable value for each build. Instead execute Maven like:

JAVA_HOME=/path/to/your/jdk mvn clean install

It will build using the specified JDK, but it won't change your environment variable.


$ mvn -v
Apache Maven 3.6.0
Maven home: /usr/share/maven
Java version: 11.0.6, vendor: Ubuntu, runtime: /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "4.15.0-72-generic", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"

$ JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.8.0_201 mvn -v
Apache Maven 3.6.0
Maven home: /usr/share/maven
Java version: 1.8.0_201, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: /opt/jdk1.8.0_201/jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "4.15.0-72-generic", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"

$ export | grep JAVA_HOME
declare -x JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64"

C++: How to round a double to an int?

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int main()
    double x=54.999999999999943157;
    int y=ceil(x);//The ceil() function returns the smallest integer no less than x
    return 0;

Boolean checking in the 'if' condition

My personal feeling when it comes to reading

if(!status) : if not status

if(status == false) : if status is false

if you are not used to !status reading. I see no harm doing as the second way.

if you use "active" instead of status I thing if(!active) is more readable

Line Break in XML formatting?

Here is what I use when I don't have access to the source string, e.g. for downloaded HTML:

// replace newlines with <br>
public static String replaceNewlinesWithBreaks(String source) {
    return source != null ? source.replaceAll("(?:\n|\r\n)","<br>") : "";

For XML you should probably edit that to replace with <br/> instead.

Example of its use in a function (additional calls removed for clarity):

// remove HTML tags but preserve supported HTML text styling (if there is any)
public static CharSequence getStyledTextFromHtml(String source) {
    return android.text.Html.fromHtml(replaceNewlinesWithBreaks(source));

...and a further example:


Oracle (ORA-02270) : no matching unique or primary key for this column-list error

If primary key is not already defined on parent table then this issue may arise. Please try to define the primary key on existing table. For eg:

ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD PRIMARY KEY (the_column_which_is_primary_key);

Display current date and time without punctuation

Interesting/funny way to do this using parameter expansion (requires bash 4.4 or newer):

${parameter@operator} - P operator

The expansion is a string that is the result of expanding the value of parameter as if it were a prompt string.

$ show_time() { local format='\D{%Y%m%d%H%M%S}'; echo "${format@P}"; }
$ show_time

CodeIgniter: 404 Page Not Found on Live Server

Solved the issue. Change your class name to make only the first letter capitalized. so if you got something like 'MyClass' change it to 'Myclass'. apply it to both the file name and class name.

Left/Right float button inside div

You can use justify-content: space-between in .test like so:

.test {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  justify-content: space-between;_x000D_
  width: 20rem;_x000D_
  border: .1rem red solid;_x000D_
<div class="test">_x000D_

For those who want to use Bootstrap 4 can use justify-content-between:

div {_x000D_
  width: 20rem;_x000D_
  border: .1rem red solid;_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />_x000D_
<div class="d-flex justify-content-between">_x000D_

Login failed for user 'IIS APPPOOL\ASP.NET v4.0'

Setting the identity only makes this work in my pages.

How to use the divide function in the query?

Try something like this

select Cast((SPGI09_EARLY_OVER_T – (SPGI09_OVER_WK_EARLY_ADJUST_T) / (SPGI09_EARLY_OVER_T + SPGR99_LATE_CM_T  + SPGR99_ON_TIME_Q)) as varchar(20) + '%' as percentageAmount

I presume the value is a representation in percentage - if not convert it to a valid percentage total, then add the % sign and convert the column to varchar.

Convert xlsx to csv in Linux with command line

You can do this with LibreOffice:

libreoffice --headless --convert-to csv $filename --outdir $outdir

For reasons not clear to me, you might need to run this with sudo. You can make LibreOffice work with sudo without requiring a password by adding this line to you sudoers file:

users ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: libreoffice

Angular 4: How to include Bootstrap?

If you are using Sass/Scss, then follow this,

Do npm install

npm install bootstrap --save

and add import statement to your sass/scss file,

@import '~bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css'

How do I delete from multiple tables using INNER JOIN in SQL server

As Aaron has already pointed out, you can set delete behaviour to CASCADE and that will delete children records when a parent record is deleted. Unless you want some sort of other magic to happen (in which case points 2, 3 of Aaron's reply would be useful), I don't see why would you need to delete with inner joins.

Cannot refer to a non-final variable inside an inner class defined in a different method

Can you make lastPrice, priceObject, and price fields of the anonymous inner class?

Plotting time-series with Date labels on x-axis

1) Since the times are dates be sure to use "Date" class, not "POSIXct" or "POSIXlt". See R News 4/1 for advice and try this where Lines is defined in the Note at the end. No packages are used here.

dm <- read.table(text = Lines, header = TRUE)
dm$Date <- as.Date(dm$Date, "%m/%d/%Y")
plot(Visits ~ Date, dm, xaxt = "n", type = "l")
axis(1, dm$Date, format(dm$Date, "%b %d"), cex.axis = .7)

The use of text = Lines is just to keep the example self-contained and in reality it would be replaced with something like "myfile.dat" . (continued after image)


2) Since this is a time series you may wish to use a time series representation giving slightly simpler code:


z <- read.zoo(text = Lines, header = TRUE, format = "%m/%d/%Y")
plot(z, xaxt = "n")
axis(1, dm$Date, format(dm$Date, "%b %d"), cex.axis = .7)

Depending on what you want the plot to look like it may be sufficient just to use plot(Visits ~ Date, dm) in the first case or plot(z) in the second case suppressing the axis command entirely. It could also be done using xyplot.zoo


or autoplot.zoo:



Lines <- "Date            Visits
11/1/2010   696537
11/2/2010   718748
11/3/2010   799355
11/4/2010   805800
11/5/2010   701262
11/6/2010   531579
11/7/2010   690068
11/8/2010   756947
11/9/2010   718757
11/10/2010  701768
11/11/2010  820113
11/12/2010  645259"

size of NumPy array

Yes numpy has a size function, and shape and size are not quite the same.


import numpy as np
data = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]
arrData = np.array(data)



[[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]

8 # size

(2, 4) # shape

How do you clone a Git repository into a specific folder?

If you are in the directory you want the contents of the git repository dumped to, run:

git clone [email protected]:origin .

The "." at the end specifies the current folder as the checkout folder.

How to commit and rollback transaction in sql server?

As per

@@ERROR: Returns the error number for the last Transact-SQL statement executed.

You will have to check after each statement in order to perform the rollback and return.

Commit can be at the end.


sql server convert date to string MM/DD/YYYY

select convert(varchar(10), fmdate, 101) from sery

101 is a style argument.

Rest of 'em can be found here.

T-SQL Cast / Convert date to string

How do I use Maven through a proxy?

Those are caused most likely by 2 issues:

  1. You need to add proxy configuration to your settings.xml. Here's a trick in your username field. Make sure it looks like domain\username. Setting domain there and putting this exact slash is important '\'. You might want to use <![CDATA[]]> tag if your password contains non xml-friendly characters.
  2. I've noticed maven 2.2.0 does not work sometimes through a proxy at all, where 2.2.1 works perfectly fine.

If some of those are omitted - maven could fail with random error messages.

Just hope I've saved somebody from googling around this issue for 6 hours, like I did.

How to read XML using XPath in Java

This shows you how to

  1. Read in an XML file to a DOM
  2. Filter out a set of Nodes with XPath
  3. Perform a certain action on each of the extracted Nodes.

We will call the code with the following statement

processFilteredXml(xmlIn, xpathExpr,(node) -> {/*Do something...*/;});

In our case we want to print some creatorNames from a book.xml using "//book/creators/creator/creatorName" as xpath to perform a printNode action on each Node that matches the XPath.

Full code

public void printXml() {
    try (InputStream in = readFile("book.xml")) {
        processFilteredXml(in, "//book/creators/creator/creatorName", (node) -> {
            printNode(node, System.out);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

private InputStream readFile(String yourSampleFile) {
    return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(yourSampleFile);

private void processFilteredXml(InputStream in, String xpath, Consumer<Node> process) {
    Document doc = readXml(in);
    NodeList list = filterNodesByXPath(doc, xpath);
    for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
        Node node = list.item(i);

public Document readXml(InputStream xmlin) {
    try {
        DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
        return db.parse(xmlin);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

private NodeList filterNodesByXPath(Document doc, String xpathExpr) {
    try {
        XPathFactory xPathFactory = XPathFactory.newInstance();
        XPath xpath = xPathFactory.newXPath();
        XPathExpression expr = xpath.compile(xpathExpr);
        Object eval = expr.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);
        return (NodeList) eval;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

private void printNode(Node node, PrintStream out) {
    try {
        Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
        transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
        transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes");
        transformer.setOutputProperty("{}indent-amount", "2");
        StreamResult result = new StreamResult(new StringWriter());
        DOMSource source = new DOMSource(node);
        transformer.transform(source, result);
        String xmlString = result.getWriter().toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);


<creatorName>Fosmire, Michael</creatorName>

<creatorName>Wertz, Ruth</creatorName>

<creatorName>Purzer, Senay</creatorName>

For book.xml

      <creatorName>Fosmire, Michael</creatorName>
      <creatorName>Wertz, Ruth</creatorName>
      <creatorName>Purzer, Senay</creatorName>
    <title>Critical Engineering Literacy Test (CELT)</title>

Concatenating strings in Razor

You can use:

@foreach (var item in Model)
  @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.address + " " + 

Reducing video size with same format and reducing frame size

If you want to keep same screen size, you can consider using crf factor:

Here is the command which works for me: (on mac you need to add -strict -2 to be able to use aac audio codec.

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -crf 24 -b:v 1M -c:a aac output.mp4

Select query with date condition

Be careful, you're unwittingly asking "where the date is greater than one divided by nine, divided by two thousand and eight".

Put # signs around the date, like this #1/09/2008#

How can I make a jQuery UI 'draggable()' div draggable for touchscreen?

After wasting many hours, I came across this!


It translates tap events as click events. Remember to load the script after jquery.

I got this working on the iPad and iPhone

$('#movable').draggable({containment: "parent"});

How much should a function trust another function

If it is in the same class it is fine to trust the method.

It is very common to do this. It is good practice to check null values in constructor's and method's arguments to make sure that nobody is passing null values into them (if it is not allowed). Then if you implement your methods in a way that they never set the "start" graph to null, don't check for nulls there.

It is also good practice to implement unit tests for your methods and make sure that they are correctly implemented, so you can trust them.

React-Router open Link in new tab

We can use the following options:-

 // first option is:-
    <Link to="myRoute" params={myParams} target="_blank">

 // second option is:-
    var href = this.props.history.createHref('myRoute', myParams);
    <a href={href} target="_blank">

 //third option is:-
    var href = '/myRoute/' + + '/' +;
    <a href={href} target="_blank">

We can use either of three option to open in new tab by react routing.

How do I get Month and Date of JavaScript in 2 digit format?

if u want getDate() function to return the date as 01 instead of 1, here is the code for it.... Lets assume Today's date is 01-11-2018

var today = new Date();
today = today.getFullYear()+ "-" + (today.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + today.getDate();      
console.log(today);       //Output: 2018-11-1

today = today.getFullYear()+ "-" + (today.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + ((today.getDate() < 10 ? '0' : '') + today.getDate());
console.log(today);        //Output: 2018-11-01

(grep) Regex to match non-ASCII characters?

To Validate Text Box Accept Ascii Only use this Pattern


New features in java 7

The following list contains links to the the enhancements pages in the Java SE 7.

IO and New IO
Concurrency Utilities
Rich Internet Applications (RIA)/Deployment
    Requesting and Customizing Applet Decoration in Dragg able Applets
    Embedding JNLP File in Applet Tag
    Deploying without Codebase
    Handling Applet Initialization Status with Event Handlers
Java 2D
java.lang Package
    Multithreaded Custom Class Loaders in Java SE 7
Java Programming Language
    Binary Literals
    Strings in switch Statements
    The try-with-resources Statement
    Catching Multiple Exception Types and Rethrowing Exceptions with Improved Type Checking
    Underscores in Numeric Literals
    Type Inference for Generic Instance Creation
    Improved Compiler Warnings and Errors When Using Non-Reifiable Formal Parameters with Varargs Methods
Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
    Java Virtual Machine Support for Non-Java Languages
    Garbage-First Collector
    Java HotSpot Virtual Machine Performance Enhancements

Reference 1 Reference 2

Class is not abstract and does not override abstract method

Both classes Rectangle and Ellipse need to override both of the abstract methods.

To work around this, you have 3 options:

  • Add the two methods
  • Make each class that extends Shape abstract
  • Have a single method that does the function of the classes that will extend Shape, and override that method in Rectangle and Ellipse, for example:

    abstract class Shape {
        // ...
        void draw(Graphics g);


    class Rectangle extends Shape {
        void draw(Graphics g) {
            // ...


    class Ellipse extends Shape {
        void draw(Graphics g) {
            // ...

And you can switch in between them, like so:

    Shape shape = new Ellipse();
    shape.draw(/* ... */);

    shape = new Rectangle();
    shape.draw(/* ... */);

Again, just an example.

Redefine tab as 4 spaces

I copied and pasted this into my .vimrc file:

" size of a hard tabstop
set tabstop=4

" always uses spaces instead of tab characters
set expandtab

" size of an "indent"
set shiftwidth=4

The first 2 settings mean that when I press Tab I get 4 spaces. The third setting means that when I do V> (i.e. visual and indent) I also get 4 spaces.

Not as comprehensive as the accepted answer but it might help people who just want something to copy and paste.

jQuery AJAX form data serialize using PHP

try it , but first be sure what is you response console.log(response) on ajax success from server

<script src=""></script>
var form=$("#myForm");

        success: function(response){
        if(response === 1){
            //load chech.php file  
        }  else {
            //show error

How to fit Windows Form to any screen resolution?

If you want to set the form size programmatically, set the form's StartPosition property to Manual. Otherwise the form's own positioning and sizing algorithm will interfere with yours. This is why you are experiencing the problems mentioned in your question.

Example: Here is how I resize the form to a size half-way between its original size and the size of the screen's working area. I also center the form in the working area:

public MainView()

    // StartPosition was set to FormStartPosition.Manual in the properties window.
    Rectangle screen = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea;
    int w = Width >= screen.Width ? screen.Width : (screen.Width + Width) / 2;
    int h = Height >= screen.Height ? screen.Height : (screen.Height + Height) / 2;
    this.Location = new Point((screen.Width - w) / 2, (screen.Height - h) / 2);
    this.Size = new Size(w, h);

Note that setting WindowState to FormWindowState.Maximized alone does not change the size of the restored window. So the window might look good as long as it is maximized, but when restored, the window size and location can still be wrong. So I suggest setting size and location even when you intend to open the window as maximized.

Aggregate multiple columns at once

We can use the formula method of aggregate. The variables on the 'rhs' of ~ are the grouping variables while the . represents all other variables in the 'df1' (from the example, we assume that we need the mean for all the columns except the grouping), specify the dataset and the function (mean).

aggregate(.~id1+id2, df1, mean)

Or we can use summarise_each from dplyr after grouping (group_by)

df1 %>%
    group_by(id1, id2) %>% 

Or using summarise with across (dplyr devel version - ‘’)

df1 %>% 
    group_by(id1, id2) %>%
    summarise(across(starts_with('val'), mean))

Or another option is data.table. We convert the 'data.frame' to 'data.table' (setDT(df1), grouped by 'id1' and 'id2', we loop through the subset of data.table (.SD) and get the mean.

setDT(df1)[, lapply(.SD, mean), by = .(id1, id2)] 


df1 <- structure(list(id1 = c("a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b", 
"b", "b"
), id2 = c("x", "x", "y", "y", "x", "y", "x", "y"), 
val1 = c(1L, 
2L, 3L, 4L, 1L, 4L, 3L, 2L), val2 = c(9L, 4L, 5L, 9L, 7L, 4L, 
9L, 8L)), .Names = c("id1", "id2", "val1", "val2"), 
class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1", 
"2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"))

ClassCastException, casting Integer to Double

Well the code you've shown doesn't actually include adding any Integers to the ArrayList - but if you do know that you've got integers, you can use:

sum = (double) ((Integer) marks.get(i)).intValue();

That will convert it to an int, which can then be converted to double. You can't just cast directly between the boxed classes.

Note that if you can possibly use generics for your ArrayList, your code will be clearer.

#pragma mark in Swift?

Pragma mark - [SOME TEXT HERE] was used in Objective-C to group several function together by line separating.

In Swift you can achieve this using MARK, TODO OR FIXME

i. MARK : //MARK: viewDidLoad

This will create a horizontal line with functions grouped under viewDidLoad(shown in screenshot 1)

Screenshot 1

ii. TODO : //TODO: - viewDidLoad

This will group function under TODO: - viewDidLoad category (shown in screenshot 2)

Screenshot 2

iii. FIXME : //FIXME - viewDidLoad

This will group function under FIXME: - viewDidLoad category (shown in screenshot 3)

Screenshot 3

Check this apple documentation for details.

How to convert an array to object in PHP?

The one I use (it is a class member):

const MAX_LEVEL = 5; // change it as needed

public function arrayToObject($a, $level=0)

    if(!is_array($a)) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Type %s cannot be cast, array expected', gettype($a)));

    if($level > self::MAX_LEVEL) {
        throw new OverflowException(sprintf('%s stack overflow: %d exceeds max recursion level', __METHOD__, $level));

    $o = new stdClass();
    foreach($a as $key => $value) {
        if(is_array($value)) { // convert value recursively
            $value = $this->arrayToObject($value, $level+1);
        $o->{$key} = $value;
    return $o;

Check if a column contains text using SQL

Leaving database modeling issues aside. I think you can try


But ISNUMERIC returns 1 for any value that seems numeric including things like -1.0e5

If you want to exclude digit-only studentids, try something like


When to use dynamic vs. static libraries

Static libraries are archives that contain the object code for the library, when linked into an application that code is compiled into the executable. Shared libraries are different in that they aren't compiled into the executable. Instead the dynamic linker searches some directories looking for the library(s) it needs, then loads that into memory. More then one executable can use the same shared library at the same time, thus reducing memory usage and executable size. However, there are then more files to distribute with the executable. You need to make sure that the library is installed onto the uses system somewhere where the linker can find it, static linking eliminates this problem but results in a larger executable file.

jQuery object equality

If you still don't know, you can get back the original object by:

alert($("#deviceTypeRoot")[0] == $("#deviceTypeRoot")[0]); //True
alert($("#deviceTypeRoot")[0] === $("#deviceTypeRoot")[0]);//True

because $("#deviceTypeRoot") also returns an array of objects which the selector has selected.

What is the best way to dump entire objects to a log in C#?

I'm certain there are better ways of doing this, but I have in the past used a method something like the following to serialize an object into a string that I can log:

  private string ObjectToXml(object output)
     string objectAsXmlString;

     System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer xs = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(output.GetType());
     using (System.IO.StringWriter sw = new System.IO.StringWriter())
           xs.Serialize(sw, output);
           objectAsXmlString = sw.ToString();
        catch (Exception ex)
           objectAsXmlString = ex.ToString();

     return objectAsXmlString;

You'll see that the method might also return the exception rather than the serialized object, so you'll want to ensure that the objects you want to log are serializable.

How to Completely Uninstall Xcode and Clear All Settings

This answer should be more of a comment against Dawn Song's comment earlier, but since I don't have enough reputation, I'm going to write it as an answer.

According to the forum page

"In general, you should never just delete the CoreSimulator/Devices directory yourself. If you really absolutely must, you need to make sure that the service is not runnign while you do that. eg:"

# Quit,, etc
sudo killall -9
rm -rf ~/Library/*/CoreSimulator

I definitely ran into this issue after deleting and reinstalling Xcode.

You might encounter a problem trying to connect the build to a simulator device. The thread also answers what to do in that case,

gem install snapshot
fastlane snapshot reset_simulators

What is the simplest way to write the contents of a StringBuilder to a text file in .NET 1.1?

I know this is an old post and that it wants an answer for .NET 1.1 but there's already a very good answer for that. I thought it would be good to have an answer for those people who land on this post that may have a more recent version of the .Net framework, such as myself when I went looking for an answer to the same question.

In those cases there is an even simpler way to write the contents of a StringBuilder to a text file. It can be done with one line of code. It may not be the most efficient but that wasn't really the question now was it.


How to do date/time comparison

Recent protocols prefer usage of RFC3339 per golang time package documentation.

In general RFC1123Z should be used instead of RFC1123 for servers that insist on that format, and RFC3339 should be preferred for new protocols. RFC822, RFC822Z, RFC1123, and RFC1123Z are useful for formatting; when used with time.Parse they do not accept all the time formats permitted by the RFCs.

cutOffTime, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2017-08-30T13:35:00Z")
// POSTDATE is a date time field in DB (datastore)
query := datastore.NewQuery("db").Filter("POSTDATE >=", cutOffTime).

Style disabled button with CSS

To apply grey button CSS for a disabled button.

button[disabled]:active, button[disabled],
input[type="submit"][disabled] ,
  border: 2px outset ButtonFace;
  color: GrayText;
  cursor: inherit;
  background-color: #ddd;
  background: #ddd;

Why should hash functions use a prime number modulus?

It depends on the choice of hash function.

Many hash functions combine the various elements in the data by multiplying them with some factors modulo the power of two corresponding to the word size of the machine (that modulus is free by just letting the calculation overflow).

You don't want any common factor between a multiplier for a data element and the size of the hash table, because then it could happen that varying the data element doesn't spread the data over the whole table. If you choose a prime for the size of the table such a common factor is highly unlikely.

On the other hand, those factors are usually made up from odd primes, so you should also be safe using powers of two for your hash table (e.g. Eclipse uses 31 when it generates the Java hashCode() method).

How to check if a word is an English word with Python?

For (much) more power and flexibility, use a dedicated spellchecking library like PyEnchant. There's a tutorial, or you could just dive straight in:

>>> import enchant
>>> d = enchant.Dict("en_US")
>>> d.check("Hello")
>>> d.check("Helo")
>>> d.suggest("Helo")
['He lo', 'He-lo', 'Hello', 'Helot', 'Help', 'Halo', 'Hell', 'Held', 'Helm', 'Hero', "He'll"]

PyEnchant comes with a few dictionaries (en_GB, en_US, de_DE, fr_FR), but can use any of the OpenOffice ones if you want more languages.

There appears to be a pluralisation library called inflect, but I've no idea whether it's any good.

Ruby: How to get the first character of a string

For completeness sake, since Ruby 1.9 String#chr returns the first character of a string. Its still available in 2.0 and 2.1.

"Smith".chr    #=> "S"

CSS3 100vh not constant in mobile browser

Here's a work around I used for my React app.

iPhone 11 Pro & iPhone Pro Max - 120px

iPhone 8 - 80px

max-height: calc(100vh - 120px);

It's a compromise but relatively simple fix

Saving and loading objects and using pickle

You're forgetting to read it as binary too.

In your write part you have:

open(b"Fruits.obj","wb") # Note the wb part (Write Binary)

In the read part you have:

file = open("Fruits.obj",'r') # Note the r part, there should be a b too

So replace it with:

file = open("Fruits.obj",'rb')

And it will work :)

As for your second error, it is most likely cause by not closing/syncing the file properly.

Try this bit of code to write:

>>> import pickle
>>> filehandler = open(b"Fruits.obj","wb")
>>> pickle.dump(banana,filehandler)
>>> filehandler.close()

And this (unchanged) to read:

>>> import pickle
>>> file = open("Fruits.obj",'rb')
>>> object_file = pickle.load(file)

A neater version would be using the with statement.

For writing:

>>> import pickle
>>> with open('Fruits.obj', 'wb') as fp:
>>>     pickle.dump(banana, fp)

For reading:

>>> import pickle
>>> with open('Fruits.obj', 'rb') as fp:
>>>     banana = pickle.load(fp)

how to inherit Constructor from super class to sub class

Read about the super keyword (Scroll down the Subclass Constructors). If I understand your question, you probably want to call a superclass constructor?

It is worth noting that the Java compiler will automatically put in a no-arg constructor call to the superclass if you do not explicitly invoke a superclass constructor.

How can I force component to re-render with hooks in React?

You can simply define the useState like that:

const [, forceUpdate] = React.useState(0);

And usage: forceUpdate(n => !n)

Hope this help !

Python Selenium accessing HTML source

With Selenium2Library you can use get_source()

import Selenium2Library
s = Selenium2Library.Selenium2Library()
s.open_browser("localhost:7080", "firefox")
source = s.get_source()

I have Python on my Ubuntu system, but gcc can't find Python.h

You have to use #include "python2.7/Python.h" instead of #include "Python.h".

Difference between chr(13) and chr(10)

Chr(10) is the Line Feed character and Chr(13) is the Carriage Return character.

You probably won't notice a difference if you use only one or the other, but you might find yourself in a situation where the output doesn't show properly with only one or the other. So it's safer to include both.

Historically, Line Feed would move down a line but not return to column 1:


Similarly Carriage Return would return to column 1 but not move down a line:


Paste this into a text editor and then choose to "show all characters", and you'll see both characters present at the end of each line. Better safe than sorry.

How to center HTML5 Videos?

@snowBlind In the first example you gave, your style rules should go in a <style> tag, not a <script> tag:

<style type="text/css">
  .center {
    margin: 0 auto;

Also, I tried the changes that were mentioned in this answer (see results at, but they still don't appear to work.

You can surround the video with a div and apply width and auto margins to the div to center the video (along with specifying width attribute for video, see results at

But that doesn't seem like the simplest solution...shouldn't we be able to center a video without having to wrap it in a container div?

Why does JPA have a @Transient annotation?

Purpose is different:

The transient keyword and @Transient annotation have two different purposes: one deals with serialization and one deals with persistence. As programmers, we often marry these two concepts into one, but this is not accurate in general. Persistence refers to the characteristic of state that outlives the process that created it. Serialization in Java refers to the process of encoding/decoding an object's state as a byte stream.

The transient keyword is a stronger condition than @Transient:

If a field uses the transient keyword, that field will not be serialized when the object is converted to a byte stream. Furthermore, since JPA treats fields marked with the transient keyword as having the @Transient annotation, the field will not be persisted by JPA either.

On the other hand, fields annotated @Transient alone will be converted to a byte stream when the object is serialized, but it will not be persisted by JPA. Therefore, the transient keyword is a stronger condition than the @Transient annotation.


This begs the question: Why would anyone want to serialize a field that is not persisted to the application's database? The reality is that serialization is used for more than just persistence. In an Enterprise Java application there needs to be a mechanism to exchange objects between distributed components; serialization provides a common communication protocol to handle this. Thus, a field may hold critical information for the purpose of inter-component communication; but that same field may have no value from a persistence perspective.

For example, suppose an optimization algorithm is run on a server, and suppose this algorithm takes several hours to complete. To a client, having the most up-to-date set of solutions is important. So, a client can subscribe to the server and receive periodic updates during the algorithm's execution phase. These updates are provided using the ProgressReport object:

public class ProgressReport implements Serializable{

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    long estimatedMinutesRemaining;
    String statusMessage;
    Solution currentBestSolution;


The Solution class might look like this:

public class Solution implements Serializable{

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    double[][] dataArray;
    Properties properties;

The server persists each ProgressReport to its database. The server does not care to persist estimatedMinutesRemaining, but the client certainly cares about this information. Therefore, the estimatedMinutesRemaining is annotated using @Transient. When the final Solution is located by the algorithm, it is persisted by JPA directly without using a ProgressReport.

Math.random() versus Random.nextInt(int)

According to this example Random.nextInt(n) has less predictable output then Math.random() * n. According to [sorted array faster than an unsorted array][1] I think we can say Random.nextInt(n) is hard to predict.

usingRandomClass : time:328 milesecond.

usingMathsRandom : time:187 milesecond.

package javaFuction;
import java.util.Random;
public class RandomFuction 
    static int array[] = new int[9999];
    static long sum = 0;
    public static void usingMathsRandom() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 9999; i++) {
         array[i] = (int) (Math.random() * 256);

        for (int i = 0; i < 9999; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 9999; j++) {
                if (array[j] >= 128) {
                    sum += array[j];

    public static void usingRandomClass() {
        Random random = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < 9999; i++) {
            array[i] = random.nextInt(256);

        for (int i = 0; i < 9999; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 9999; j++) {
                if (array[j] >= 128) {
                    sum += array[j];



    public static void main(String[] args) {
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("usingRandomClass " + (end - start));
        start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("usingMathsRandom " + (end - start));



Convert Array to Object

It is easy to use javascript reduce:

["a", "b", "c", "d"].reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue, index) { 
   previousValue[index] = currentValue; 
   return previousValue;

You can take a look at Array.prototype.reduce(),

Split array into two parts without for loop in java


This does what you want without you having to create a new array as it returns a new array.

int[] original = new int[300000];
int[] firstHalf = Arrays.copyOfRange(original, 0, original.length/2);

How to select and change value of table cell with jQuery?

Using eq() you can target the third cell in the table:

$('#table_header td').eq(2).html('new content');

If you wanted to target every third cell in each row, use the nth-child-selector:

$('#table_header td:nth-child(3)').html('new content');

How to check if a text field is empty or not in swift

As now in swift 3 / xcode 8 text property is optional you can do it like this:

if ((textField.text ?? "").isEmpty) {
    // is empty


if (textField.text?.isEmpty ?? true) {
    // is empty

Alternatively you could make an extenstion such as below and use it instead:

extension UITextField {
    var isEmpty: Bool {
        return text?.isEmpty ?? true


if (textField.isEmpty) {
    // is empty

<meta charset="utf-8"> vs <meta http-equiv="Content-Type">

Another reason to go with the short one is that it matches other instances where you might specify a character set in markup. For example:

<script type="javascript" charset="UTF-8" src="/script.js"></script>

<p><a charset="UTF-8" href="">Example Site</a></p>

Consistency helps to reduce errors and make code more readable.

Note that the charset attribute is case-insensitive. You can use UTF-8 or utf-8, however UTF-8 is clearer, more readable, more accurate.

Also, there is absolutely no reason at all to use any value other than UTF-8 in the meta charset attribute or page header. UTF-8 is the default encoding for Web documents since HTML4 in 1999 and the only practical way to make modern Web pages.

Also you should not use HTML entities in UTF-8. Characters like the copyright symbol should be typed directly. The only entities you should use are for the 5 reserved markup characters: less than, greater than, ampersand, prime, double prime. Entities need an HTML parser, which you may not always want to use going forward, they introduce errors, make your code less readable, increase your file sizes, and sometimes decode incorrectly in various browsers depending on which entities you used. Learn how to type/insert copyright, trademark, open quote, close quote, apostrophe, em dash, en dash, bullet, Euro, and any other characters you encounter in your content, and use those actual characters in your code. The Mac has a Character Viewer that you can turn on in the Keyboard System Preference, and you can find and then drag and drop the characters you need, or use the matching Keyboard Viewer to see which keys to type. For example, trademark is Option+2. UTF-8 contains all of the characters and symbols from every written human language. So there is no excuse for using -- instead of an em dash. It is not a bad idea to learn the rules of punctuation and typography also ... for example, knowing that a period goes inside a close quote, not outside.

Using a tag for something like content-type and encoding is highly ironic, since without knowing those things, you couldn't parse the file to get the value of the meta tag.

No, that is not true. The browser starts out parsing the file as the browser's default encoding, either UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1. Since US-ASCII is a subset of both ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8, the browser can read just fine either way ... it is the same. When the browser encounters the meta charset tag, if the encoding is different than what the browser is already using, the browser reloads the page in the specified encoding. That is why we put the meta charset tag at the top, right after the head tag, before anything else, even the title. That way you can use UTF-8 characters in your title.

You must save your file(s) in UTF-8 encoding without BOM

That is not strictly true. If you only have US-ASCII characters in your document, you can Save it as US-ASCII and serve it as UTF-8, because it is a subset. But if there are Unicode characters, you are correct, you must Save as UTF-8 without BOM.

If you want a good text editor that will save your files in UTF-8, I recommend Notepad++.

On the Mac, use Bare Bones TextWrangler (free) from Mac App Store, or Bare Bones BBEdit which is at Mac App Store for $39.99 ... very cheap for such a great tool. In either app, there is a menu at the bottom of the document window where you specify the document encoding and you can easily choose "UTF-8 no BOM". And of course you can set that as the default for new documents in Preferences.

But if your Webserver serves the encoding in the HTTP header, which is recommended, both [meta tags] are needless.

That is incorrect. You should of course set the encoding in the HTTP header, but you should also set it in the meta charset attribute so that the page can be Saved by the user, out of the browser onto local storage and then Opened again later, in which case the only indication of the encoding that will be present is the meta charset attribute. You should also set a base tag for the same reason ... on the server, the base tag is unnecessary, but when opened from local storage, the base tag enables the page to work as if it is on the server, with all the assets in place and so on, no broken links.

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

Or you can just change the encoding of particular file types like so:

AddType text/html;charset=utf-8 html

A tip for serving both UTF-8 and Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) files is to give the UTF-8 files a "text" extension and Latin-1 files "txt."

AddType text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1 txt
AddType text/plain;charset=utf-8 text

Finally, consider Saving your documents with Unix line endings, not legacy DOS or (classic) Mac line endings, which don't help and may hurt, especially down the line as we get further and further from those legacy systems. An HTML document with valid HTML5, UTF-8 encoding, and Unix line endings is a job well done. You can share and edit and store and read and recover and rely on that document in many contexts. It's lingua franca. It's digital paper.

How to use onSavedInstanceState example please

One major note that all new Android developers should know is that any information in Widgets (TextView, Buttons, etc.) will be persisted automatically by Android as long as you assign an ID to them. So that means most of the UI state is taken care of without issue. Only when you need to store other data does this become an issue.

From Android Docs:

The only work required by you is to provide a unique ID (with the android:id attribute) for each widget you want to save its state. If a widget does not have an ID, then it cannot save its state

Table with 100% width with equal size columns



<table id="my-table"><tr>
<td> CELL 1 With a lot of text in it</td>
<td> CELL 2 </td>
<td> CELL 3 </td>
<td> CELL 4 With a lot of text in it </td>
<td> CELL 5 </td>


#my-table{width:100%;} /*or whatever width you want*/
#my-table td{width:2000px;} /*something big*/

if you have th you need to set it too like this:

#my-table th{width:2000px;}

How to Batch Rename Files in a macOS Terminal?

try this

for i in *.png ; do mv "$i" "${i/remove_me*.png/.png}" ; done

Here is another way:

for file in Name*.png; do mv "$file" "01_$file"; done

Java method to sum any number of ints

 public static void main(String args[])
 System.out.println(SumofAll(12,13,14,15));//Insert your number here.
      public static int SumofAll(int...sum)//Call this method in main method.
          int total=0;//Declare a variable which will hold the total value.
            for(int x:sum)
  return total;//And return the total variable.

Process list on Linux via Python

You can use a third party library, such as PSI:

PSI is a Python package providing real-time access to processes and other miscellaneous system information such as architecture, boottime and filesystems. It has a pythonic API which is consistent accross all supported platforms but also exposes platform-specific details where desirable.

How can I make SMTP authenticated in C#

Set the Credentials property before sending the message.

Adding Http Headers to HttpClient

Create a HttpRequestMessage, set the Method to GET, set your headers and then use SendAsync instead of GetAsync.

var client = new HttpClient();
var request = new HttpRequestMessage() {
    RequestUri = new Uri(""),
    Method = HttpMethod.Get,
request.Headers.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("text/plain"));
var task = client.SendAsync(request)
    .ContinueWith((taskwithmsg) =>
        var response = taskwithmsg.Result;

        var jsonTask = response.Content.ReadAsAsync<JsonObject>();
        var jsonObject = jsonTask.Result;

SQL to Entity Framework Count Group-By

Edit: EF Core 2.1 finally supports GroupBy

But always look out in the console / log for messages. If you see a notification that your query could not be converted to SQL and will be evaluated locally then you may need to rewrite it.

Entity Framework 7 (now renamed to Entity Framework Core 1.0 / 2.0) does not yet support GroupBy() for translation to GROUP BY in generated SQL (even in the final 1.0 release it won't). Any grouping logic will run on the client side, which could cause a lot of data to be loaded.

Eventually code written like this will automagically start using GROUP BY, but for now you need to be very cautious if loading your whole un-grouped dataset into memory will cause performance issues.

For scenarios where this is a deal-breaker you will have to write the SQL by hand and execute it through EF.

If in doubt fire up Sql Profiler and see what is generated - which you should probably be doing anyway.

Display Bootstrap Modal using javascript onClick

I was looking for the onClick option to set the title and body of the modal based on the item in a list. T145's answer helped a lot, so I wanted to share how I used it.

Make sure the tag containing the JavaScript function is of type text/javascript to avoid conflicts:

<script type="text/javascript"> function showMyModalSetTitle(myTitle, myBodyHtml) {

    * '#myModayTitle' and '#myModalBody' refer to the 'id' of the HTML tags in
    * the modal HTML code that hold the title and body respectively. These id's
    * can be named anything, just make sure they are added as necessary.



This function can now be called in the onClick method from inside an element such as a button:

<button type="button" onClick="javascript:showMyModalSetTitle('Some Title', 'Some body txt')"> Click Me! </button>

How do I print the elements of a C++ vector in GDB?

With GCC 4.1.2, to print the whole of a std::vector<int> called myVector, do the following:

print *(myVector._M_impl._M_start)@myVector.size()

To print only the first N elements, do:

print *(myVector._M_impl._M_start)@N


This is probably heavily dependent on your compiler version, but for GCC 4.1.2, the pointer to the internal array is:


And the GDB command to print N elements of an array starting at pointer P is:

print P@N

Or, in a short form (for a standard .gdbinit):

p P@N

Node.js - Maximum call stack size exceeded

Please check that the function you are importing and the one that you have declared in the same file do not have the same name.

I will give you an example for this error. In express JS (using ES6), consider the following scenario:

import {getAllCall} from '../../services/calls';

let getAllCall = () => {
   return getAllCall().then(res => {
      //do something here
module.exports = {

The above scenario will cause infamous RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded error because the function keeps calling itself so many times that it runs out of maximum call stack.

Most of the times the error is in code (like the one above). Other way of resolving is manually increasing the call stack. Well, this works for certain extreme cases, but it is not recommended.

Hope my answer helped you.

Pipe output and capture exit status in Bash

There's an array that gives you the exit status of each command in a pipe.

$ cat x| sed 's///'
cat: x: No such file or directory
$ echo $?
$ cat x| sed 's///'
cat: x: No such file or directory
$ echo ${PIPESTATUS[*]}
1 0
$ touch x
$ cat x| sed 's'
sed: 1: "s": substitute pattern can not be delimited by newline or backslash
$ echo ${PIPESTATUS[*]}
0 1

Python non-greedy regexes

To start with, I do not suggest using "*" in regexes. Yes, I know, it is the most used multi-character delimiter, but it is nevertheless a bad idea. This is because, while it does match any amount of repetition for that character, "any" includes 0, which is usually something you want to throw a syntax error for, not accept. Instead, I suggest using the + sign, which matches any repetition of length > 1. What's more, from what I can see, you are dealing with fixed-length parenthesized expressions. As a result, you can probably use the {x, y} syntax to specifically specify the desired length.

However, if you really do need non-greedy repetition, I suggest consulting the all-powerful ?. This, when placed after at the end of any regex repetition specifier, will force that part of the regex to find the least amount of text possible.

That being said, I would be very careful with the ? as it, like the Sonic Screwdriver in Dr. Who, has a tendency to do, how should I put it, "slightly" undesired things if not carefully calibrated. For example, to use your example input, it would identify ((1) (note the lack of a second rparen) as a match.

Install pip in docker

This command worked fine for me:

RUN apt-get -y install python3-pip

Using if-else in JSP

It's almost always advisable to not use scriptlets in your JSP. They're considered bad form. Instead, try using JSTL (JSP Standard Tag Library) combined with EL (Expression Language) to run the conditional logic you're trying to do. As an added benefit, JSTL also includes other important features like looping.

Instead of:

<%String user=request.getParameter("user"); %>
<%if(user == null || user.length() == 0){
    out.print("I see! You don't have a name.. well.. Hello no name");   
else {%>
    <%@ include file="response.jsp" %>
<% } %>


    <c:when test="${empty user}">
        I see!  You don't have a name.. well.. Hello no name
        <%@ include file="response.jsp" %>

Also, unless you plan on using response.jsp somewhere else in your code, it might be easier to just include the html in your otherwise statement:


Also of note. To use the core tag, you must import it as follows:

 <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>

You want to make it so the user will receive a message when the user submits a username. The easiest way to do this is to not print a message at all when the "user" param is null. You can do some validation to give an error message when the user submits null. This is a more standard approach to your problem. To accomplish this:

In scriptlet:

<% String user = request.getParameter("user");
   if( user != null && user.length() > 0 ) {
       <%@ include file="response.jsp" %>

In jstl:

<c:if test="${not empty user}">
    <%@ include file="response.jsp" %>

How to find duplicate records in PostgreSQL

From "Find duplicate rows with PostgreSQL" here's smart solution:

select * from (
  SELECT id,
  ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY column1, column2 ORDER BY id asc) AS Row
  FROM tbl
) dups
dups.Row > 1

Alternative to iFrames with HTML5

An iframe is still the best way to download cross-domain visual content. With AJAX you can certainly download the HTML from a web page and stick it in a div (as others have mentioned) however the bigger problem is security. With iframes you'll be able to load the cross domain content but won't be able to manipulate it since the content doesn't actually belong to you. On the other hand with AJAX you can certainly manipulate any content you are able to download but the other domain's server needs to be setup in such a way that will allow you to download it to begin with. A lot of times you won't have access to the other domain's configuration and even if you do, unless you do that kind of configuration all the time, it can be a headache. In which case the iframe can be the MUCH easier alternative.

As others have mentioned you can also use the embed tag and the object tag but that's not necessarily more advanced or newer than the iframe.

HTML5 has gone more in the direction of adopting web APIs to get information from cross domains. Usually web APIs just return data though and not HTML.

Can't update data-attribute value

Had similar problem and in the end I had to set both



And after this'myvar') == obj.attr('data-myvar')

Hope this helps.

editing PATH variable on mac

Edit /etc/paths. Then close the terminal and reopen it.

$ sudo vi /etc/paths

Note: each entry is seperated by line breaks.

/sbin using a form to insert data into an sql server table

Simple, make a simple asp page with the designer (just for the beginning) Lets say the body is something like this:

    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
        <br />
        <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
        <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" />

Great, now every asp object IS an object. So you can access it in the asp's CS code. The asp's CS code is triggered by events (mostly). The class will probably inherit from System.Web.UI.Page

If you go to the cs file of the asp page, you'll see a protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) ... That's the load event, you can use that to populate data into your objects when the page loads.

Now, go to the button in your designer (Button1) and look at its properties, you can design it, or add events from there. Just change to the events view, and create a method for the event.

The button is a web control Button Add a Click event to the button call it Button1Click:

void Button1Click(Object sender,EventArgs e) { }

Now when you click the button, this method will be called. Because ASP is object oriented, you can think of the page as the actual class, and the objects will hold the actual current data.

So if for example you want to access the text in TextBox1 you just need to call that object in the C# code:

String firstBox = TextBox1.Text;

In the same way you can populate the objects when event occur.

Now that you have the data the user posted in the textboxes , you can use regular C# SQL connections to add the data to your database.

How to use concerns in Rails 4

It's worth to mention that using concerns is considered bad idea by many.

  1. like this guy
  2. and this one

Some reasons:

  1. There is some dark magic happening behind the scenes - Concern is patching include method, there is a whole dependency handling system - way too much complexity for something that's trivial good old Ruby mixin pattern.
  2. Your classes are no less dry. If you stuff 50 public methods in various modules and include them, your class still has 50 public methods, it's just that you hide that code smell, sort of put your garbage in the drawers.
  3. Codebase is actually harder to navigate with all those concerns around.
  4. Are you sure all members of your team have same understanding what should really substitute concern?

Concerns are easy way to shoot yourself in the leg, be careful with them.

JSF(Primefaces) ajax update of several elements by ID's

If the to-be-updated component is not inside the same NamingContainer component (ui:repeat, h:form, h:dataTable, etc), then you need to specify the "absolute" client ID. Prefix with : (the default NamingContainer separator character) to start from root.

<p:ajax process="@this" update="count :subTotal"/>

To be sure, check the client ID of the subTotal component in the generated HTML for the actual value. If it's inside for example a h:form as well, then it's prefixed with its client ID as well and you would need to fix it accordingly.

<p:ajax process="@this" update="count :formId:subTotal"/>

Space separation of IDs is more recommended as <f:ajax> doesn't support comma separation and starters would otherwise get confused.

selecting unique values from a column



so MySQL removes duplicates

BTW: using explicit column names in SELECT uses less resources in PHP when you're getting a large result from MySQL

List of lists into numpy array

>>> numpy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) 
array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])

CSS selectors ul li a {...} vs ul > li > a {...}

ul>li selects all li that are a direct child of ul whereas ul li selects all li that are anywhere within (descending as deep as you like) a ul


  <li><span><a href='#'>Something</a></span></li>
  <li><a href='#'>or Other</a></li>

And CSS:

li a{ color: green; }
li>a{ color: red; }

The colour of Something will remain green but or Other will be red

Part 2, you should write the rule to be appropriate to the situation, I think the speed difference would be incredibly small, and probably overshadowed by the extra characters involved in writing more code, and definitely overshadowed by the time taken by the developer to think about it.

However, as a rule of thumb, the more specific you are with your rules, the faster the CSS engines can locate the DOM elements you want to apply it to, so I expect li>a is faster than li a as the DOM search can be cut short earlier. It also means that nested anchors are not styled with that rule, is that what you want? <~~ much more pertinent question.

Get size of an Iterable in Java

You can cast your iterable to a list then use .size() on it.


For the sake of clarity, the above method will require the following import:


Linux command to check if a shell script is running or not

Check this

ps -ef | grep

You can also find your running process in

ps -ef

How to loop through all but the last item of a list?

for x in y[:-1]

If y is a generator, then the above will not work.

How to sort a list/tuple of lists/tuples by the element at a given index?

Without lambda:

def sec_elem(s):
    return s[1]

sorted(data, key=sec_elem)

How to make FileFilter in java?

You are going wrong here:

int retval = chooser.showOpenDialog(null); 
public boolean accept(File directory, String fileName) {`
return fileName.endsWith(".txt");`

You first show the file chooser dialog and then apply the filter! This wont work. First apply the filter and then show the dialog:

public boolean accept(File directory, String fileName) {
        return fileName.endsWith(".txt");
int retval = chooser.showOpenDialog(null);

How to pass in parameters when use resource service?

I suggest you to use provider. Provide is good when you want to configure it first before to use (against Service/Factory)

Something like:

.provider('Magazines', function() {

    this.url = '/';
    this.urlArray = '/';
    this.organId = 'Default';

    this.$get = function() {
        var url = this.url;
        var urlArray = this.urlArray;
        var organId = this.organId;

        return {
            invoke: function() {
                return ......

    this.setUrl  = function(url) {
        this.url = url;

   this.setUrlArray  = function(urlArray) {
        this.urlArray = urlArray;

    this.setOrganId  = function(organId) {
        this.organId = organId;


And now controller:

function MyCtrl($scope, Magazines) {        




Python Unicode Encode Error

I wrote the following to fix the nuisance non-ascii quotes and force conversion to something usable.

unicodeToAsciiMap = {u'\u2019':"'", u'\u2018':"`", }

def unicodeToAscii(inStr):
        return str(inStr)
    outStr = ""
    for i in inStr:
            outStr = outStr + str(i)
            if unicodeToAsciiMap.has_key(i):
                outStr = outStr + unicodeToAsciiMap[i]
                    print "unicodeToAscii: add to map:", i, repr(i), "(encoded as _)"
                    print "unicodeToAscii: unknown code (encoded as _)", repr(i)
                outStr = outStr + "_"
    return outStr

How to maintain a Unique List in Java?

You could just use a HashSet<String> to maintain a collection of unique objects. If the Integer values in your map are important, then you can instead use the containsKey method of maps to test whether your key is already in the map.

how to remove the bold from a headline?

Try font-weight:normal;

h1 {
    font-weight: normal;

Skip download if files exist in wget?

When running Wget with -r or -p, but without -N, -nd, or -nc, re-downloading a file will result in the new copy simply overwriting the old.

So adding -nc will prevent this behavior, instead causing the original version to be preserved and any newer copies on the server to be ignored.

See more info at GNU.

Javascript change Div style

Using jQuery:


Live example

Interface naming in Java

Is this a broader naming convention in any real sense? I'm more on the C++ side, and not really up on Java and descendants. How many language communities use the I convention?

If you have a language-independent shop standard naming convention here, use it. If not, go with the language naming convention.

Examples for string find in Python

I'm not sure what you're looking for, do you mean find()?

>>> x = "Hello World"
>>> x.find('World')
>>> x.find('Aloha');

rand() returns the same number each time the program is run

You need to change the seed.

int main() {

    cout << (rand() % 101);
    return 0;

the srand seeding thing is true also for a c language code.

See also:

Setting a system environment variable from a Windows batch file?

If you set a variable via SETX, you cannot use this variable or its changes immediately. You have to restart the processes that want to use it.

Use the following sequence to directly set it in the setting process too (works for me perfectly in scripts that do some init stuff after setting global variables):

SET XYZ=test

Get Folder Size from Windows Command Line

If you have git installed in your computer (getting more and more common) just open MINGW32 and type: du folder

Appending to list in Python dictionary

Is there a more elegant way to write this code?

Use collections.defaultdict:

from collections import defaultdict

dates_dict = defaultdict(list)
for key, date in cur:

Java Timestamp - How can I create a Timestamp with the date 23/09/2007?

According to the API the constructor which would accept year, month, and so on is deprecated. Instead you should use the Constructor which accepts a long. You could use a Calendar implementation to construct the date you want and access the time-representation as a long, for example with the getTimeInMillis method.

Count indexes using "for" in Python

In additon to other answers - very often, you do not have to iterate using the index but you can simply use a for-each expression:

my_list = ['a', 'b', 'c']
for item in my_list:
    print item

Bootstrap 3.0 - Fluid Grid that includes Fixed Column Sizes

UPDATE 2014-11-14: The solution below is too old, I recommend using flex box layout method. Here is a overview:

My solution


<li class="grid-list-header row-cw row-cw-msg-list ...">
  <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-name">
  <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-keyword">
  <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-reply">
  <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-action">

<li class="grid-list-item row-cw row-cw-msg-list ...">
  <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-name">
  <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-keyword">
  <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-reply">
  <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-action">


.row-cw {
  position: relative;

.col-cw {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;

.ir-msg-list {

  $col-reply-width: 140px;
  $col-action-width: 130px;

  .row-cw-msg-list {
    padding-right: $col-reply-width + $col-action-width;

  .col-cw-name {
    width: 50%;

  .col-cw-keyword {
    width: 50%;

  .col-cw-reply {
    width: $col-reply-width;
    right: $col-action-width;

  .col-cw-action {
    width: $col-action-width;
    right: 0;

Without modify too much bootstrap layout code.

Update (not from OP): adding code snippet below to facilitate understanding of this answer. But it doesn't seem to work as expected.

ul {_x000D_
  list-style: none;_x000D_
.row-cw {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  height: 20px;_x000D_
.col-cw {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  background-color: rgba(150, 150, 150, .5);_x000D_
.row-cw-msg-list {_x000D_
  padding-right: 270px;_x000D_
.col-cw-name {_x000D_
  width: 50%;_x000D_
  background-color: rgba(150, 0, 0, .5);_x000D_
.col-cw-keyword {_x000D_
  width: 50%;_x000D_
  background-color: rgba(0, 150, 0, .5);_x000D_
.col-cw-reply {_x000D_
  width: 140px;_x000D_
  right: 130px;_x000D_
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 150, .5);_x000D_
.col-cw-action {_x000D_
  width: 130px;_x000D_
  right: 0;_x000D_
  background-color: rgba(150, 150, 0, .5);_x000D_
<ul class="ir-msg-list">_x000D_
  <li class="grid-list-header row-cw row-cw-msg-list">_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-name">name</div>_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-keyword">keyword</div>_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-reply">reply</div>_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-action">action</div>_x000D_
  <li class="grid-list-item row-cw row-cw-msg-list">_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-name">name</div>_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-keyword">keyword</div>_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-reply">reply</div>_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-action">action</div>_x000D_

WordPress query single post by slug

a less expensive and reusable method

function get_post_id_by_name( $post_name, $post_type = 'post' )
    $post_ids = get_posts(array
        'post_name'   => $post_name,
        'post_type'   => $post_type,
        'numberposts' => 1,
        'fields' => 'ids'

    return array_shift( $post_ids );

php, mysql - Too many connections to database error

The error SQLSTATE[HY000] [1040] Too many connections is an SQL error, and has to do with the sql server. There could be other applications connecting to the server. The server has a maximum available connections number.

If you have phpmyadmin, you can use the 'variables' tab to check what the setting is.

You can also query the status table like so:

show status like '%onn%';

Or some variance on that. check the manual for what variables there are

(be aware, 'connections' is not the current connections, check that link :) )

What's the best UI for entering date of birth?

I would prefer a datepicker (and a input box with documented format as a fall-back) for an international site.

Date formats vary and are sometimes hard to read if you are now used to them. Too bad many people aren't comfortable with ISO 8601. :-(

How do I undo 'git add' before commit?

There is also interactive mode:

git add -i

Choose option 3 to un add files. In my case I often want to add more than one file, and with interactive mode you can use numbers like this to add files. This will take all but 4: 1, 2, 3, and 5

To choose a sequence, just type 1-5 to take all from 1 to 5.

Git staging files

JSON to string variable dump

Yes, JSON.stringify, can be found here, it's included in Firefox 3.5.4 and above.

A JSON stringifier goes in the opposite direction, converting JavaScript data structures into JSON text. JSON does not support cyclic data structures, so be careful to not give cyclical structures to the JSON stringifier.

var myJSONText = JSON.stringify(myObject, replacer);

How to stop/shut down an elasticsearch node?

Just in case you want to find PID of the instance and kill the process, assuming that the node is listening to port 9300 (the default port) you can run the following command :

kill -9  $(netstat -nlpt | grep 9200 | cut -d ' ' -f 58 | cut -d '/' -f 1)

You may have to play with the numbers in the above-mentioned code such as 58 and 1

Compiling problems: cannot find crt1.o

After reading the that jeremiah posted, i found the gcc flag that works without the symlink:

gcc -B/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu hello.c

So, you can just add -B/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu to the CFLAGS variable in your Makefile.

JQuery Error: cannot call methods on dialog prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'close'

I had a similar problem and in my case, the issue was different (I am using Django templates).

The order of JS was different (I know that's the first thing you check but I was almost sure that that was not the case, but it was). The js calling the dialog was called before jqueryUI library was called.

I am using Django, so was inheriting a template and using {{super.block}} to inherit code from the block as well to the template. I had to move {{super.block}} at the end of the block which solved the issue. The js calling the dialog was declared in the Media class in Django's I spent more than an hour to figure it out. Hope this helps someone.

Vertical align middle with Bootstrap responsive grid

Add !important rule to display: table of your .v-center class.

.v-center {
    display:table !important;
    border:2px solid gray;

Your display property is being overridden by bootstrap to display: block.


How do you use https / SSL on localhost?

This question is really old, but I came across this page when I was looking for the easiest and quickest way to do this. Using Webpack is much simpler:

install webpack-dev-server

npm i -g webpack-dev-server

start webpack-dev-server with https

webpack-dev-server --https

Update one MySQL table with values from another

It depends what is a use of those tables, but you might consider putting trigger on original table on insert and update. When insert or update is done, update the second table based on only one item from the original table. It will be quicker.

How to reload a div without reloading the entire page?

write a button tag and on click function

var x = document.getElementById('codeRefer').innerHTML;
  document.getElementById('codeRefer').innerHTML = x;

write this all in onclick function

Excel VBA: function to turn activecell to bold

I use

            chartRange = xlWorkSheet.Rows[1];
            chartRange.Font.Bold = true;

to turn the first-row-cells-font into bold. And it works, and I am using also Excel 2007.

You can call in VBA directly

            ActiveCell.Font.Bold = True

With this code I create a timestamp in the active cell, with bold font and yellow background

           Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
               ActiveCell.Value = Now()
               ActiveCell.Font.Bold = True
               ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
           End Sub