Came here with the additional requirement, that also parameter/return types should vary. Following Ben Supnik this would be for some type T
typedef T(*binary_T_op)(T, T);
instead of
typedef int(*binary_int_op)(int, int);
The solution here is to put the function type definition and the function template into a surrounding struct template.
template <typename T> struct BinOp
typedef T(*binary_T_op )(T, T); // signature for all valid template params
template<binary_T_op op>
T do_op(T a, T b)
return op(a,b);
double mulDouble(double a, double b)
return a * b;
BinOp<double> doubleBinOp;
double res = doubleBinOp.do_op<&mulDouble>(4, 5);
Alternatively BinOp could be a class with static method template do_op(...), then called as
double res = BinOp<double>::do_op<&mulDouble>(4, 5);