Programs & Examples On #Durable services

SQL Query to fetch data from the last 30 days?

Try this : Using this you can select data from last 30 days

    purchase_date > DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)

Converting URL to String and back again

Swift 3 version code:

let urlString = "file:///Users/Documents/Book/Note.txt"
let pathURL = URL(string: urlString)!
print("the url = " + pathURL.path)

Why does visual studio 2012 not find my tests?

Since none of these answers deal with the cause I encountered, for this problem, I will add my answer here as well.

In my case, it was a copy pasting code problem. We had a TestProjectA where there are specific type of tests that we want to pull out to its own test project - TestProjectB. The problem now was that, while tests in TestProjectA continue to show up just fine, the tests in the new TestProjectB aren't showing up in VS Test Explorer - unless you specifically build TestProjectB or manually right click on a test there and run it.

The cause was that in copy pasting the code over, some namespaces didn't get updated:

  • There is a TestMethodA() in TestClassA in namespace TestProjectA.ModuleA with filepath \TestProjectA\TestClassA.cs
  • As well as a TestMethodA() in TestClassB in namespace TestProjectA.ModuleA with filepath \TestProjectB\TestClassB.cs

So visual Studio prints out a message in Output window that the TestId for these two are the same, and proceeds to show TestProjectA and not TestProjectB in Test Explorer due to the TestId clashing between the two projects. Correcting the namespace to TestProjectB.ModuleB for \TestProjectB\TestClassB.cs fixed the issue.

Use of Custom Data Types in VBA

It looks like you want to define Truck as a Class with properties NumberOfAxles, AxleWeights & AxleSpacings.

This can be defined in a CLASS MODULE (here named clsTrucks)

Option Explicit

Private tID As String
Private tNumberOfAxles As Double
Private tAxleSpacings As Double

Public Property Get truckID() As String
    truckID = tID
End Property

Public Property Let truckID(value As String)
    tID = value
End Property

Public Property Get truckNumberOfAxles() As Double
    truckNumberOfAxles = tNumberOfAxles
End Property

Public Property Let truckNumberOfAxles(value As Double)
    tNumberOfAxles = value
End Property

Public Property Get truckAxleSpacings() As Double
    truckAxleSpacings = tAxleSpacings
End Property

Public Property Let truckAxleSpacings(value As Double)
    tAxleSpacings = value
End Property

then in a MODULE the following defines a new truck and it's properties and adds it to a collection of trucks and then retrieves the collection.

Option Explicit

Public TruckCollection As New Collection

Sub DefineNewTruck()
Dim tempTruck As clsTrucks
Dim i As Long

    'Add 5 trucks
    For i = 1 To 5
        Set tempTruck = New clsTrucks
        'Random data
        tempTruck.truckID = "Truck" & i
        tempTruck.truckAxleSpacings = 13.5 + i
        tempTruck.truckNumberOfAxles = 20.5 + i

        'tempTruck.truckID is the collection key
        TruckCollection.Add tempTruck, tempTruck.truckID
    Next i

    'retrieve 5 trucks
    For i = 1 To 5
        'retrieve by collection index
        Debug.Print TruckCollection(i).truckAxleSpacings
        'retrieve by key
        Debug.Print TruckCollection("Truck" & i).truckAxleSpacings

    Next i

End Sub

There are several ways of doing this so it really depends on how you intend to use the data as to whether an a class/collection is the best setup or arrays/dictionaries etc.

Configuration System Failed to Initialize

I just had this and it was because I had a <configuration> element nested inside of a <configuration> element.

How can I make a list of installed packages in a certain virtualenv?

If you are using pip 19.0.3 and python 3.7.4. Then go for pip list command in your virtualenv. It will show all the installed packages with respective versions.

How to convert the time from AM/PM to 24 hour format in PHP?

We can use Carbon

 $time = '09:15 PM';
 echo $military_time =$s->format('G:i');

Performance of FOR vs FOREACH in PHP

I'm not sure this is so surprising. Most people who code in PHP are not well versed in what PHP is actually doing at the bare metal. I'll state a few things, which will be true most of the time:

  1. If you're not modifying the variable, by-value is faster in PHP. This is because it's reference counted anyway and by-value gives it less to do. It knows the second you modify that ZVAL (PHP's internal data structure for most types), it will have to break it off in a straightforward way (copy it and forget about the other ZVAL). But you never modify it, so it doesn't matter. References make that more complicated with more bookkeeping it has to do to know what to do when you modify the variable. So if you're read-only, paradoxically it's better not the point that out with the &. I know, it's counter intuitive, but it's also true.

  2. Foreach isn't slow. And for simple iteration, the condition it's testing against — "am I at the end of this array" — is done using native code, not PHP opcodes. Even if it's APC cached opcodes, it's still slower than a bunch of native operations done at the bare metal.

  3. Using a for loop "for ($i=0; $i < count($x); $i++) is slow because of the count(), and the lack of PHP's ability (or really any interpreted language) to evaluate at parse time whether anything modifies the array. This prevents it from evaluating the count once.

  4. But even once you fix it with "$c=count($x); for ($i=0; $i<$c; $i++) the $i<$c is a bunch of Zend opcodes at best, as is the $i++. In the course of 100000 iterations, this can matter. Foreach knows at the native level what to do. No PHP opcodes needed to test the "am I at the end of this array" condition.

  5. What about the old school "while(list(" stuff? Well, using each(), current(), etc. are all going to involve at least 1 function call, which isn't slow, but not free. Yes, those are PHP opcodes again! So while + list + each has its costs as well.

For these reasons foreach is understandably the best option for simple iteration.

And don't forget, it's also the easiest to read, so it's win-win.

Remove characters from a String in Java

This will safely remove only if token is at end of string.

StringUtils.removeEnd(string, ".xml");

Apache StringUtils functions are null-, empty-, and no match- safe

Package doesn't exist error in intelliJ

None of the 13 existing answers worked for me. However, I could resolve the issue by first removing all modules:

  1. open File > Project Structure...,
  2. go to Modules tab,
  3. select all modules and press the remove button,

then removing all remaining Maven modules from Maven tool window:

  1. select all modules,
  2. right click on them,
  3. press Remove projects,

and then adding them again in Project tool window:

  1. right click on root pom.xml,
  2. press Add as Maven project,

now unignoring any ignored modules from Maven tool window:

  1. select all ignored (grey) Maven modules,
  2. right click on them,
  3. press Unignore,

and finally rebuilding using Build > Rebuild project. This assumes that a mvn clean install already happened.

What is the difference between char * const and const char *?

// Some more complex constant variable/pointer declaration.
// Observing cases when we get error and warning would help
// understanding it better.

int main(void)
  char ca1[10]= "aaaa"; // char array 1
  char ca2[10]= "bbbb"; // char array 2

  char *pca1= ca1;
  char *pca2= ca2;

  char const *ccs= pca1;
  char * const csc= pca2;
  ccs[1]='m';  // Bad - error: assignment of read-only location ‘*(ccs + 1u)’
  ccs= csc;    // Good

  csc[1]='n';  // Good
  csc= ccs;    // Bad - error: assignment of read-only variable ‘csc’

  char const **ccss= &ccs;     // Good
  char const **ccss1= &csc;    // Bad - warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type

  char * const *cscs= &csc;    // Good
  char * const *cscs1= &ccs;   // Bad - warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type

  char ** const cssc=   &pca1; // Good
  char ** const cssc1=  &ccs;  // Bad - warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
  char ** const cssc2=  &csc;  // Bad - warning: initialization discards ‘const’
                               //                qualifier from pointer target type

  *ccss[1]= 'x'; // Bad - error: assignment of read-only location ‘**(ccss + 8u)’
  *ccss= ccs;    // Good
  *ccss= csc;    // Good
  ccss= ccss1;   // Good
  ccss= cscs;    // Bad - warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type

  *cscs[1]= 'y'; // Good
  *cscs= ccs;    // Bad - error: assignment of read-only location ‘*cscs’
  *cscs= csc;    // Bad - error: assignment of read-only location ‘*cscs’
  cscs= cscs1;   // Good
  cscs= cssc;    // Good

  *cssc[1]= 'z'; // Good
  *cssc= ccs;    // Bad - warning: assignment discards ‘const’
                 //                qualifier from pointer target type
  *cssc= csc;    // Good
  *cssc= pca2;   // Good
  cssc= ccss;    // Bad - error: assignment of read-only variable ‘cssc’
  cssc= cscs;    // Bad - error: assignment of read-only variable ‘cssc’
  cssc= cssc1;   // Bad - error: assignment of read-only variable ‘cssc’

Android : How to read file in bytes?

Following is the working solution to read the entire file in chunks and its efficient solution to read the large files using a scanner class.

   try {
        FileInputStream fiStream = new FileInputStream(inputFile_name);
        Scanner sc = null;
        try {
            sc = new Scanner(fiStream);
            while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
                String line = sc.nextLine();
                byte[] buf = line.getBytes();
        } finally {
            if (fiStream != null) {

            if (sc != null) {
    }catch (Exception e){
        Log.e(TAG, "Exception: " + e.toString());

What does the 'static' keyword do in a class?

The static keyword means that something (a field, method or nested class) is related to the type rather than any particular instance of the type. So for example, one calls Math.sin(...) without any instance of the Math class, and indeed you can't create an instance of the Math class.

For more information, see the relevant bit of Oracle's Java Tutorial.


Java unfortunately allows you to access static members as if they were instance members, e.g.

// Bad code!

That makes it look as if sleep is an instance method, but it's actually a static method - it always makes the current thread sleep. It's better practice to make this clear in the calling code:

// Clearer

google map API zoom range

Available Zoom Levels

Zoom level 0 is the most zoomed out zoom level available and each integer step in zoom level halves the X and Y extents of the view and doubles the linear resolution.

Google Maps was built on a 256x256 pixel tile system where zoom level 0 was a 256x256 pixel image of the whole earth. A 256x256 tile for zoom level 1 enlarges a 128x128 pixel region from zoom level 0.

As correctly stated by bkaid, the available zoom range depends on where you are looking and the kind of map you are using:

  • Road maps - seem to go up to zoom level 22 everywhere
  • Hybrid and satellite maps - the max available zoom levels depend on location. Here are some examples:
  • Remote regions of Antarctica: 13
  • Gobi Desert: 17
  • Much of the U.S. and Europe: 21
  • "Deep zoom" locations: 22-23 (see bkaid's link)

Note that these values are for the Google Static Maps API which seems to give one more zoom level than the Javascript API. It appears that the extra zoom level available for Static Maps is just an upsampled version of the max-resolution image from the Javascript API.

Map Scale at Various Zoom Levels

Google Maps uses a Mercator projection so the scale varies substantially with latitude. A formula for calculating the correct scale based on latitude is:

meters_per_pixel = 156543.03392 * Math.cos( * Math.PI / 180) / Math.pow(2, zoom)

Formula is from Chris Broadfoot's comment.

Google Maps basics

Zoom Level - zoom

0 - 19

0 lowest zoom (whole world)

19 highest zoom (individual buildings, if available) Retrieve current zoom level using mapObject.getZoom()

What you're looking for are the scales for each zoom level. Use these:

20 : 1128.497220
19 : 2256.994440
18 : 4513.988880
17 : 9027.977761
16 : 18055.955520
15 : 36111.911040
14 : 72223.822090
13 : 144447.644200
12 : 288895.288400
11 : 577790.576700
10 : 1155581.153000
9  : 2311162.307000
8  : 4622324.614000
7  : 9244649.227000
6  : 18489298.450000
5  : 36978596.910000
4  : 73957193.820000
3  : 147914387.600000
2  : 295828775.300000
1  : 591657550.500000

JS regex: replace all digits in string

You forgot to add the global operator. Use this:

var s = "04.07.2012";_x000D_
alert(s.replace(new RegExp("[0-9]","g"), "X")); 

T-SQL: Using a CASE in an UPDATE statement to update certain columns depending on a condition

I know this is a very old question and the problem is marked as fixed. However, if someone with a case like mine where the table have trigger for data logging on update events, this will cause problem. Both the columns will get the update and log will make useless entries. The way I did

    UPDATE table SET columnx = 25
    UPDATE table SET columny = 25

Now this have another benefit that it does not have unnecessary writes on the table like the above solutions.

How to reset AUTO_INCREMENT in MySQL?

I googled and found this question, but the answer I am really looking for fulfils two criteria:

  1. using purely MySQL queries
  2. reset an existing table auto-increment to max(id) + 1

Since I couldn't find exactly what I want here, I have cobbled the answer from various answers and sharing it here.

Few things to note:

  1. the table in question is InnoDB
  2. the table uses the field id with type as int as primary key
  3. the only way to do this purely in MySQL is to use stored procedure
  4. my images below are using SequelPro as the GUI. You should be able to adapt it based on your preferred MySQL editor
  5. I have tested this on MySQL Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.61, for debian-linux-gnu

Step 1: Create Stored Procedure

create a stored procedure like this:

CREATE PROCEDURE reset_autoincrement(IN tablename varchar(200))

      SET @get_next_inc = CONCAT('SELECT @next_inc := max(id) + 1 FROM ',tablename,';');
      PREPARE stmt FROM @get_next_inc; 
      EXECUTE stmt; 
      SELECT @next_inc AS result;

      set @alter_statement = concat('ALTER TABLE ', tablename, ' AUTO_INCREMENT = ', @next_inc, ';');
      PREPARE stmt FROM @alter_statement;
      EXECUTE stmt;
END //

Then run it.

Before run, it looks like this when you look under Stored Procedures in your database.

enter image description here

When I run, I simply select the stored procedure and press Run Selection

enter image description here

Note: the delimiters part are crucial. Hence if you copy and paste from the top selected answers in this question, they tend not to work for this reason.

After I run, I should see the stored procedure

enter image description here

If you need to change the stored procedure, you need to delete the stored procedure, then select to run again.

Step 2: Call the stored procedure

This time you can simply use normal MySQL queries.

call reset_autoincrement('products');

Originally from my own SQL queries notes in and adapted for StackOverflow

Is there any way to start with a POST request using Selenium?

If you are using Python selenium bindings, nowadays, there is an extension to selenium - selenium-requests:

Extends Selenium WebDriver classes to include the request function from the Requests library, while doing all the needed cookie and request headers handling.


from seleniumrequests import Firefox

webdriver = Firefox()
response = webdriver.request('POST', 'url here', data={"param1": "value1"})

How to sort an array of objects by multiple fields?

Here's a generic multidimensional sort, allowing for reversing and/or mapping on each level.

Written in Typescript. For Javascript, check out this JSFiddle

The Code

type itemMap = (n: any) => any;

interface SortConfig<T> {
  key: keyof T;
  reverse?: boolean;
  map?: itemMap;

export function byObjectValues<T extends object>(keys: ((keyof T) | SortConfig<T>)[]): (a: T, b: T) => 0 | 1 | -1 {
  return function(a: T, b: T) {
    const firstKey: keyof T | SortConfig<T> = keys[0];
    const isSimple = typeof firstKey === 'string';
    const key: keyof T = isSimple ? (firstKey as keyof T) : (firstKey as SortConfig<T>).key;
    const reverse: boolean = isSimple ? false : !!(firstKey as SortConfig<T>).reverse;
    const map: itemMap | null = isSimple ? null : (firstKey as SortConfig<T>).map || null;

    const valA = map ? map(a[key]) : a[key];
    const valB = map ? map(b[key]) : b[key];
    if (valA === valB) {
      if (keys.length === 1) {
        return 0;
      return byObjectValues<T>(keys.slice(1))(a, b);
    if (reverse) {
      return valA > valB ? -1 : 1;
    return valA > valB ? 1 : -1;

Usage Examples

Sorting a people array by last name, then first name:

interface Person {
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;


Sort language codes by their name, not their language code (see map), then by descending version (see reverse).

interface Language {
  code: string;
  version: number;

// languageCodeToName(code) is defined elsewhere in code

    key: 'code',
    map(code:string) => languageCodeToName(code),
    key: 'version',
    reverse: true,

How to call another controller Action From a controller in Mvc

This is exactly what I was looking for after finding that RedirectToAction() would not pass complex class objects.

As an example, I want to call the IndexComparison method in the LifeCycleEffectsResults controller and pass it a complex class object named model.

Here is the code that failed:

return RedirectToAction("IndexComparison", "LifeCycleEffectsResults", model);

Worth noting is that Strings, integers, etc were surviving the trip to this controller method, but generic list objects were suffering from what was reminiscent of C memory leaks.

As recommended above, here's the code I replaced it with:

var controller = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<LifeCycleEffectsResultsController>();

var result = controller.IndexComparison(model);
return result;

All is working as intended now. Thank you for leading the way.

How to remove jar file from local maven repository which was added with install:install-file?

Delete every things (jar, pom.xml, etc) under your local ~/.m2/repository/phonegap/1.1.0/ directory if you are using a linux OS.

UILabel text margin

I solved this by subclassing UILabel and overriding drawTextInRect: like this:

- (void)drawTextInRect:(CGRect)rect {
    UIEdgeInsets insets = {0, 5, 0, 5};
    [super drawTextInRect:UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(rect, insets)];

Swift 3.1:

override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) {
    let insets = UIEdgeInsets.init(top: 0, left: 5, bottom: 0, right: 5)
    super.drawText(in: UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(rect, insets))

Swift 4.2.1:

override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) {
    let insets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 5, bottom: 0, right: 5)
    super.drawText(in: rect.inset(by: insets))

As you might have gathered, this is an adaptation of tc.'s answer. It has two advantages over that one:

  1. there's no need to trigger it by sending a sizeToFit message
  2. it leaves the label frame alone - handy if your label has a background and you don't want that to shrink

Saving timestamp in mysql table using php

Check field type in table just save time stamp value in datatype like bigint etc.

Not datetime type

C++: Converting Hexadecimal to Decimal

I use this:

template <typename T>
bool fromHex(const std::string& hexValue, T& result)
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << std::hex << hexValue;
    ss >> result;

    return !;

Creating a chart in Excel that ignores #N/A or blank cells

You can use the function "=IF(ISERROR(A1);0;A1)" this will show zero if the cell A1 contains an errore or the real value if it doesn't.

How to send a html email with the bash command "sendmail"?

The following works:

echo "From: ${from}";
echo "To: ${to}";
echo "Subject: ${subject}";
echo "Content-Type: text/html";
echo "MIME-Version: 1.0";
echo "";
echo "${message}";
) | sendmail -t

For troubleshooting msmtp, which is compatible with sendmail, see:

How to subtract n days from current date in java?

for future use find day of the week ,deduct day and display the deducted day using date.

public static void main(String args[]) throws ParseException {

String[] days = { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
        "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" };
SimpleDateFormat format1 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
Date dt1 = format1.parse("20/10/2013");

Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
int dayOfWeek = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
long diff = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime() ;

switch (dayOfWeek) {

case 6:
    System.out.println(days[dayOfWeek - 1]);
case 5:

    System.out.println(days[dayOfWeek - 1]);
case 4:
    System.out.println(days[dayOfWeek - 1]);
case 3:

    System.out.println(days[dayOfWeek - 1]);
case 2:
    System.out.println(days[dayOfWeek - 1]);
case 1:

    System.out.println(days[dayOfWeek - 1]);

     diff = diff -(dt1.getTime()- 3 );
     long valuebefore = dt1.getTime();
     long valueafetr = dt1.getTime()-2;
     System.out.println("DATE IS befor subtraction :"+valuebefore);
     System.out.println("DATE IS after subtraction :"+valueafetr);

     long x= dt1.getTime()-(2 * 24 * 3600 * 1000);
     System.out.println("Deducted date to find firday is - 2 days form Sunday :"+new Date((dt1.getTime()-(2*24*3600*1000))));
     System.out.println("DIffrence from now on is :"+diff);
        if(diff > 0) {

            diff = diff / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
            System.out.println("Date is Expired!"+(dt1.getTime() -(long)2));


Shell script to send email

Yes it works fine and is commonly used:

$ echo "hello world" | mail -s "a subject" [email protected]

How to remove square brackets from list in Python?

You could convert it to a string instead of printing the list directly:

print(", ".join(LIST))

If the elements in the list aren't strings, you can convert them to string using either repr (if you want quotes around strings) or str (if you don't), like so:

LIST = [1, "foo", 3.5, { "hello": "bye" }]
print( ", ".join( repr(e) for e in LIST ) )

Which gives the output:

1, 'foo', 3.5, {'hello': 'bye'}

How to remove all callbacks from a Handler?

If you don't have the Runnable references, on the first callback, get the obj of the message, and use removeCallbacksAndMessages() to remove all related callbacks.

JPA OneToMany and ManyToOne throw: Repeated column in mapping for entity column (should be mapped with insert="false" update="false")

I am not really sure about your question (the meaning of "empty table" etc, or how mappedBy and JoinColumn were not working).

I think you were trying to do a bi-directional relationships.

First, you need to decide which side "owns" the relationship. Hibernate is going to setup the relationship base on that side. For example, assume I make the Post side own the relationship (I am simplifying your example, just to keep things in point), the mapping will look like:

(Wish the syntax is correct. I am writing them just by memory. However the idea should be fine)

public class User{
    @OneToMany(fetch=FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy="user")
    private List<Post> posts;

public class Post {
    private User user;

By doing so, the table for Post will have a column user_id which store the relationship. Hibernate is getting the relationship by the user in Post (Instead of posts in User. You will notice the difference if you have Post's user but missing User's posts).

You have mentioned mappedBy and JoinColumn is not working. However, I believe this is in fact the correct way. Please tell if this approach is not working for you, and give us a bit more info on the problem. I believe the problem is due to something else.


Just a bit extra information on the use of mappedBy as it is usually confusing at first. In mappedBy, we put the "property name" in the opposite side of the bidirectional relationship, not table column name.

What is Hash and Range Primary Key?

"Hash and Range Primary Key" means that a single row in DynamoDB has a unique primary key made up of both the hash and the range key. For example with a hash key of X and range key of Y, your primary key is effectively XY. You can also have multiple range keys for the same hash key but the combination must be unique, like XZ and XA. Let's use their examples for each type of table:

Hash Primary Key – The primary key is made of one attribute, a hash attribute. For example, a ProductCatalog table can have ProductID as its primary key. DynamoDB builds an unordered hash index on this primary key attribute.

This means that every row is keyed off of this value. Every row in DynamoDB will have a required, unique value for this attribute. Unordered hash index means what is says - the data is not ordered and you are not given any guarantees into how the data is stored. You won't be able to make queries on an unordered index such as Get me all rows that have a ProductID greater than X. You write and fetch items based on the hash key. For example, Get me the row from that table that has ProductID X. You are making a query against an unordered index so your gets against it are basically key-value lookups, are very fast, and use very little throughput.

Hash and Range Primary Key – The primary key is made of two attributes. The first attribute is the hash attribute and the second attribute is the range attribute. For example, the forum Thread table can have ForumName and Subject as its primary key, where ForumName is the hash attribute and Subject is the range attribute. DynamoDB builds an unordered hash index on the hash attribute and a sorted range index on the range attribute.

This means that every row's primary key is the combination of the hash and range key. You can make direct gets on single rows if you have both the hash and range key, or you can make a query against the sorted range index. For example, get Get me all rows from the table with Hash key X that have range keys greater than Y, or other queries to that affect. They have better performance and less capacity usage compared to Scans and Queries against fields that are not indexed. From their documentation:

Query results are always sorted by the range key. If the data type of the range key is Number, the results are returned in numeric order; otherwise, the results are returned in order of ASCII character code values. By default, the sort order is ascending. To reverse the order, set the ScanIndexForward parameter to false

I probably missed some things as I typed this out and I only scratched the surface. There are a lot more aspects to take into consideration when working with DynamoDB tables (throughput, consistency, capacity, other indices, key distribution, etc.). You should take a look at the sample tables and data page for examples.

std::string formatting like sprintf

_return.desc = (boost::format("fail to detect. cv_result = %d") % st_result).str();


While you are switching, switch to PDO instead of mysqli, It helps you write database agnositc code and have better features for prepared statements.

Bindparam for PDO:

$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE field1 = :value1 && field2 = :value2");
$sth->bindParam(':value1', 'foo');
$sth->bindParam(':value2', 'bar');


$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE field1 = ? && field2 = ?");
$sth->bindParam(1, 'foo');
$sth->bindParam(2, 'bar');

or execute with the parameters as an array:

$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE field1 = :value1 && field2 = :value2");
$sth->execute(array(':value1' => 'foo' , ':value2' => 'bar'));

It will be easier for you if you would like your application to be able to run on different databases in the future.

I also think you should invest some time in using some of the classes from Zend Framwework whilst working with PDO. Check out their Zend_Db and more specifically [Zend_Db_Factory][2]. You do not have to use all of the framework or convert your application to the MVC pattern, but using the framework and reading up on it is time well spent.

MySQL and GROUP_CONCAT() maximum length

CREATE TABLE some_table (
  field1 int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  field2 varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  field3 varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`field1`)

INSERT INTO `some_table` (field1, field2, field3) VALUES
(1, 'text one', 'foo'),
(2, 'text two', 'bar'),
(3, 'text three', 'data'),
(4, 'text four', 'magic');

This query is a bit strange but it does not need another query to initialize the variable; and it can be embedded in a more complex query. It returns all the 'field2's separated by a semicolon.

SELECT result
FROM   (SELECT @result := '',
               (SELECT result
                FROM   (SELECT @result := CONCAT_WS(';', @result, field2) AS result,
                               LENGTH(@result)                            AS blength
                        FROM   some_table
                        ORDER  BY blength DESC
                        LIMIT  1) AS sub1) AS result) AS sub2; 

git - Server host key not cached

I have tried all the methods above but none of them could fix the same issue on my laptop. Finally instead of pushing the branch to origin in git bash, I trun to use TortoiseGit's push option to do the pushing, then a window pops-up to ask me to add the new host key to cache, after clicking the yes button, everything goes fine now.

Hope it helps to you all.

Count the number of occurrences of each letter in string

Like this:

int counts[26];
memset(counts, 0, sizeof(counts));
char *p = string;
while (*p) {
    counts[tolower(*p++) - 'a']++;

This code assumes that the string is null-terminated, and that it contains only characters a through z or A through Z, inclusive.

To understand how this works, recall that after conversion tolower each letter has a code between a and z, and that the codes are consecutive. As the result, tolower(*p) - 'a' evaluates to a number from 0 to 25, inclusive, representing the letter's sequential number in the alphabet.

This code combines ++ and *p to shorten the program.

Could not install Gradle distribution from ''

1 Close Android Studio (AS)

2 Delete the folder in C:\Users.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-2.1-all

3 Run AS as admin

4 Sync your project files

Laravel: Using try...catch with DB::transaction()

In the case you need to manually 'exit' a transaction through code (be it through an exception or simply checking an error state) you shouldn't use DB::transaction() but instead wrap your code in DB::beginTransaction and DB::commit/DB::rollback():


try {

    // all good
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // something went wrong

See the transaction docs.

Java JRE 64-bit download for Windows?

I believe the link below will always give you the latest version of the 64-bit JRE

How to know if a Fragment is Visible?

None of the above solutions worked for me. The following however works like a charm:-

override fun setUserVisibleHint(isVisibleToUser: Boolean)

Execute jQuery function after another function completes

You should use a callback parameter:

function Typer(callback)
    var srcText = 'EXAMPLE ';
    var i = 0;
    var result = srcText[i];
    var interval = setInterval(function() {
        if(i == srcText.length - 1) {
        result += srcText[i].replace("\n", "<br />");
    return true;


function playBGM () {
    alert("Play BGM function");

Typer(function () {

// or one-liner: Typer(playBGM);

So, you pass a function as parameter (callback) that will be called in that if before return.

Also, this is a good article about callbacks.

function Typer(callback)_x000D_
    var srcText = 'EXAMPLE ';_x000D_
    var i = 0;_x000D_
    var result = srcText[i];_x000D_
    var interval = setInterval(function() {_x000D_
        if(i == srcText.length - 1) {_x000D_
        result += srcText[i].replace("\n", "<br />");_x000D_
    return true;_x000D_
function playBGM () {_x000D_
    alert("Play BGM function");_x000D_
Typer(function () {_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="message">_x000D_
<audio id="bgm" src="">_x000D_


How to edit the legend entry of a chart in Excel?

Left Click on chart. «PivotTable Field List» will appear on right. On the right down quarter of PivotTable Field List (S Values), you see the names of the legends. Left Click on the legend name. Left Click on the «Value field settings». At the top there is «Source Name». You can’t change it. Below there is «Custom Name». Change the Custom Name as you wish. Now the legend name on the chart has the new name you gave.

Multiple conditions in a C 'for' loop

The comma operator evaluates all its operands and yields the value of the last one. So basically whichever condition you write first, it will be disregarded, and the second one will be significant only.

for (i = 0; j >= 0, i <= 5; i++)

is thus equivalent with

for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)

which may or may not be what the author of the code intended, depending on his intents - I hope this is not production code, because if the programmer having written this wanted to express an AND relation between the conditions, then this is incorrect and the && operator should have been used instead.

How to fix 'android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException'?

Use this in Your Activity

    btnsub.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            new Thread(new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

                    //Initialize soap request + add parameters
                    SoapObject request = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, METHOD_NAME1);

                    //Use this to add parameters
                    request.addProperty("pincode", txtpincode.getText().toString());
                    request.addProperty("bg", bloodgroup.getSelectedItem().toString());

                    //Declare the version of the SOAP request
                    SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);

                    envelope.dotNet = true;

                    try {
                        HttpTransportSE androidHttpTransport = new HttpTransportSE(URL);

                        //this is the actual part that will call the webservice
              , envelope);

                        // Get the SoapResult from the envelope body.
                        SoapObject result = (SoapObject) envelope.getResponse();
                        Log.e("result data", "data" + result);
                        SoapObject root = (SoapObject) result.getProperty(0);
                        // SoapObject s_deals = (SoapObject) root.getProperty(0);
                        // SoapObject s_deals_1 = (SoapObject) s_deals.getProperty(0);

                        System.out.println("********Count : " + root.getPropertyCount());

                        value = new ArrayList<Detailinfo>();

                        for (int i = 0; i < root.getPropertyCount(); i++) {
                            SoapObject s_deals = (SoapObject) root.getProperty(i);
                            Detailinfo info = new Detailinfo();


                    } catch (Exception e) {
                    Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), ComposeMail.class);
                    //intent.putParcelableArrayListExtra("valuesList", value);


ssh server connect to host xxx port 22: Connection timed out on linux-ubuntu

I had this error when trying to SSH into my Raspberry pi from my MBP via bash terminal. My RPI was connected to the network via wifi/wlan0 and this IP had been changed upon restart by my routers DHCP.

Check IP being used to login via SSH is correct. Re-check IP of device being SSH'd into (in my case the RPI), which can be checked using hostname -I

Confirm/amend SSH login credentials on "guest" device (in my case the MBP) and it worked fine in my attempt.

Is there a way since (iOS 7's release) to get the UDID without using iTunes on a PC/Mac?

Hope this would help:

  1. Connect iPhone to your MAC(I didn't try this with windows)
  2. Click on Apple’s logo on the top left corner > select About This Mac
  3. In Overview tab > System Report
  4. Hardware in the left column > USB >
  5. then on right pane select iPhone
  6. in bottom pane -> "Serial number

-> And that serial number is UDID

What is the OR operator in an IF statement

Or is ||

And is &&

Update for changed question:

You need to specify what you are comparing against in each logical section of the if statement.

if (title == "User greeting" || title == "User name") 
    // do stuff

How do I get an apk file from an Android device?

The procedures outlined here do not work for Android 7 (Nougat) [and possibly Android 6, but I'm unable to verify]. You can't pull the .apk files directly under Nougat (unless in root mode, but that requires a rooted phone). But, you can copy the .apk to an alternate path (say /sdcard/Download) on the phone using adb shell, then you can do an adb pull from the alternate path.

DTO pattern: Best way to copy properties between two objects

You can use reflection to find all the get methods in your DAO objects and call the equivalent set method in the DTO. This will only work if all such methods exist. It should be easy to find example code for this.

Extract Data from PDF and Add to Worksheet

Since I do not prefer to rely on external libraries and/or other programs, I have extended your solution so that it works. The actual change here is using the GetFromClipboard function instead of Paste which is mainly used to paste a range of cells. Of course, the downside is that the user must not change focus or intervene during the whole process.

Dim pathPDF As String, textPDF As String
Dim openPDF As Object
Dim objPDF As MsForms.DataObject

pathPDF = "C:\some\path\data.pdf"
Set openPDF = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
openPDF.Open (pathPDF)
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:2")
SendKeys "^a"
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:2")
SendKeys "^c"
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:1")

AppActivate ActiveWorkbook.Windows(1).Caption
textPDF = objPDF.GetText(1)
MsgBox textPDF

If you're interested see my project in github.

scroll up and down a div on button click using jquery

scrollBottom is not a method in jQuery.


Try this:

   $("#upClick").on("click" ,function(){
          scrollTop:  scrolled

Django auto_now and auto_now_add

You can use for created and auto_now for modified:

from django.utils import timezone
class User(models.Model):
    created = models.DateTimeField(
    modified = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)

If you are using a custom primary key instead of the default auto- increment int, auto_now_add will lead to a bug.

Here is the code of Django's default DateTimeField.pre_save withauto_now and auto_now_add:

def pre_save(self, model_instance, add):
    if self.auto_now or (self.auto_now_add and add):
        value =
        setattr(model_instance, self.attname, value)
        return value
        return super(DateTimeField, self).pre_save(model_instance, add)

I am not sure what the parameter add is. I hope it will some thing like:

add = True if getattr(model_instance, 'id') else False

The new record will not have attr id, so getattr(model_instance, 'id') will return False will lead to not setting any value in the field.

How to add Tomcat Server in eclipse

There are different eclipse plugins available to manage Tomcat server and create war file.

For example you can use tomcatPlugin. It permits to start/stop and build the war simply. You can read this tutorial.

Store text file content line by line into array

I would recommend using an ArrayList, which handles dynamic sizing, whereas an array will require a defined size up front, which you may not know. You can always turn the list back into an array.

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("path/of/text"));
String str;

List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
while((str = in.readLine()) != null){

String[] stringArr = list.toArray(new String[0]);

How do you create a Distinct query in HQL

You can you the distinct keyword in you criteria builder like this.

CriteriaBuilder builder = session.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Orders> query = builder.createQuery(Orders.class);
Root<Orders> root = query.from(Orders.class);

And create the field constructor in your model class.

Start redis-server with config file

I think that you should make the reference to your config file

26399:C 16 Jan 08:51:13.413 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use ./redis-server /path/to/redis.conf

you can try to start your redis server like

./redis-server /path/to/redis-stable/redis.conf

Find (and kill) process locking port 3000 on Mac

This single command line is easy to remember:

npx kill-port 3000

For a more powerful tool with search:

npx fkill-cli

PS: They use third party javascript packages. npx comes built in with Node.js.

Sources: tweet | github

How to check python anaconda version installed on Windows 10 PC?

If you want to check the python version in a particular cond environment you can also use conda list python

How to align td elements in center

Give a style inside the td element or in your scss file, like this:


PHP list of specific files in a directory

You can extend the RecursiveFilterIterator class like this:

class ExtensionFilter extends RecursiveFilterIterator
  * Hold the extensions pass to the class constructor 
  protected $extensions;

   * ExtensionFilter constructor.
   * @param RecursiveIterator $iterator
   * @param string|array $extensions Extension to filter as an array ['php'] or
   * as string with commas in between 'php, exe, ini'
  public function __construct(RecursiveIterator $iterator, $extensions)
     $this->extensions = is_array($extensions) ? $extensions :  array_map('trim', explode(',', $extensions));

  public function accept()
      if ($this->hasChildren()) {
         return true;

      return $this->current()->isFile() &&
         in_array(strtolower($this->current()->getExtension()), $this->extensions);

  public function getChildren()
     return new self($this->getInnerIterator()->getChildren(), $this->extensions);

Now you can instantiate RecursiveDirectoryIterator with path as an argument like this:

 $iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('\path\to\dir');
 $iterator = new ExtensionFilter($iterator, 'xml, php, ini');

 foreach($iterator as $file)
   echo $file . '<br />';

This will list files under the current folder only.

To get the files in subdirectories also, pass the $iterator ( ExtensionFIlter Iterator) to RecursiveIteratorIterator as argument:

$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($iterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);

Now run the foreach loop on this iterator. You will get the files with specified extension

Note:-- Also make sure to run the ExtensionFilter before RecursiveIteratorIterator, otherwise you will get all the files

How to troubleshoot an "AttributeError: __exit__" in multiproccesing in Python?

It is not the asker's problem in this instance but the first troubleshooting step for a generic "AttributeError: __exit__" should be making sure the brackets are there, e.g.

with SomeContextManager() as foo:
    #works because a new object is referenced...


with SomeContextManager as foo:
    #AttributeError because the class is referenced

Catches me out from time to time and I end up here -__-

Proper way to assert type of variable in Python

Doing type('') is effectively equivalent to str and types.StringType

so type('') == str == types.StringType will evaluate to "True"

Note that Unicode strings which only contain ASCII will fail if checking types in this way, so you may want to do something like assert type(s) in (str, unicode) or assert isinstance(obj, basestring), the latter of which was suggested in the comments by 007Brendan and is probably preferred.

isinstance() is useful if you want to ask whether an object is an instance of a class, e.g:

class MyClass: pass

print isinstance(MyClass(), MyClass) # -> True
print isinstance(MyClass, MyClass()) # -> TypeError exception

But for basic types, e.g. str, unicode, int, float, long etc asking type(var) == TYPE will work OK.

Auto submit form on page load

Add the following to Body tag,

<body onload="document.forms['member_signup'].submit()">

and give name attribute to your Form.

<form method="POST" action="" name="member_signup">

How to import a JSON file in ECMAScript 6?

For NodeJS v12 and above, --experimental-json-modules would do the trick, without any help from babel.

But it is imported in commonjs form, so import { a, b } from 'c.json' is not yet supported.

But you can do:

import c from 'c.json';
const { a, b } = c;

Get skin path in Magento?

The way that Magento themes handle actual url's is as such (in view partials - phtml files):

echo $this->getSkinUrl('images/logo.png');

If you need the actual base path on disk to the image directory use:

echo Mage::getBaseDir('skin');

Some more base directory types are available in this great blog post:

convert month from name to number

With PHP 5.4, you can turn Matthew's answer into a one-liner:

$date = sprintf('%d-%d-01', $year, date_parse('may')['month']);

Adb Devices can't find my phone

Try doing this:

  • Unplug the device
  • Execute adb kill-server && adb start-server(that restarts adb)
  • Re-plug the device

Also you can try to edit an adb config file .android/adb_usb.ini and add a line 04e8 after the header. Restart adb required for changes to take effect.

Iterating through a list to render multiple widgets in Flutter?

For googler, I wrote a simple Stateless Widget containing 3 method mentioned in this SO. Hope this make it easier to understand.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class ListAndFP extends StatelessWidget {
  final List<String> items = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'lemon'];

  //  for in (require dart 2.2.2 SDK or later)
  Widget method1() {
    return Column(
      children: <Widget>[
        Text('You can put other Widgets here'),
        for (var item in items) Text(item),

  // map() + toList() + Spread Property
  Widget method2() {
    return Column(
      children: <Widget>[
        Text('You can put other Widgets here'), => Text(item)).toList(),

  // map() + toList()
  Widget method3() {
    return Column(
      // Text('You CANNOT put other Widgets here'),
      children: => Text(item)).toList(),

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: method1(),

How do I turn off PHP Notices?

I believe commenting out display_errors in php.ini won't work because the default is On. You must set it to 'Off' instead.

Don't forget to restart Apache to apply configuration changes.

Also note that while you can set display_errors at runtime, changing it here does not affect FATAL errors.

As noted by others, ideally during development you should run with error_reporting at the highest level possible and display_errors enabled. While annoying when you first start out, these errors, warnings, notices and strict coding advice all add up and enable you to becoem a better coder.

How to output messages to the Eclipse console when developing for Android

Log.v("blah", "blah blah");

You need to add the android Log view in eclipse to see them. There are also other methods depending on the severity of the message (error, verbose, warning, etc..).

Delete last commit in bitbucket

If you are not working with others (or are happy to cause them significant annoyance), then it is possible to remove commits from bitbucket branches.

If you're trying to change a non-master branch:

git reset HEAD^               # remove the last commit from the branch history
git push origin :branch_name  # delete the branch from bitbucket
git push origin branch_name   # push the branch back up again, without the last commit

if you're trying to change the master branch

In git generally, the master branch is not special - it's just a convention. However, bitbucket and github and similar sites usually require there to be a main branch (presumably because it's easier than writing more code to handle the event that a repository has no branches - not sure). So you need to create a new branch, and make that the main branch:

# on master:
git checkout -b master_temp  
git reset HEAD^              # undo the bad commit on master_temp
git push origin master_temp  # push the new master to Bitbucket

On Bitbucket, go to the repository settings, and change the "Main branch" to master_temp (on Github, change the "Default branch").

git push origin :master     # delete the original master branch from Bitbucket
git checkout master
git reset master_temp       # reset master to master_temp (removing the bad commit)
git push origin master      # re-upload master to bitbucket

Now go to Bitbucket, and you should see the history that you want. You can now go to the settings page and change the Main branch back to master.

This process will also work with any other history changes (e.g. git filter-branch). You just have to make sure to reset to appropriate commits, before the new history split off from the old.

edit: apparently you don't need to go to all this hassle on github, as you can force-push a reset branch.

Dealing with annoyed collaborators

Next time anyone tries to pull from your repository, (if they've already pulled the bad commit), the pull will fail. They will manually have to reset to a commit before the changed history, and then pull again.

git reset HEAD^
git pull

If they have pulled the bad commit, and committed on top of it, then they will have to reset, and then git cherry-pick the good commits that they want to create, effectively re-creating the whole branch without the bad commit.

If they never pulled the bad commit, then this whole process won't affect them, and they can pull as normal.

How to use a variable for the database name in T-SQL?

You can also use sqlcmd mode for this (enable this on the "Query" menu in Management Studio).

:setvar dbname "TEST" 



Check this MSDN article to set parameters via the SQLCMD tool.

Hex-encoded String to Byte Array

I think what the questioner is after is converting the string representation of a hexadecimal value to a byte array representing that hexadecimal value.

The apache commons-codec has a class for that, Hex.

String s = "9B7D2C34A366BF890C730641E6CECF6F";    
byte[] bytes = Hex.decodeHex(s.toCharArray());

What is the best way to extract the first word from a string in Java?

You should be doing this

String input = "hello world, this is a line of text";

int i = input.indexOf(' ');
String word = input.substring(0, i);
String rest = input.substring(i);

The above is the fastest way of doing this task.

Printf long long int in C with GCC?

For portable code, the macros in inttypes.h may be used. They expand to the correct ones for the platform.

E.g. for 64 bit integer, the macro PRId64 can be used.

int64_t n = 7;
printf("n is %" PRId64 "\n", n);

How do I fix the indentation of selected lines in Visual Studio

I like Ctrl+K, Ctrl+D, which indents the whole document.

Calculate the center point of multiple latitude/longitude coordinate pairs

The simple approach of just averaging them has weird edge cases with angles when they wrap from 359' back to 0'.

A much earlier question on SO asked about finding the average of a set of compass angles.

An expansion of the approach recommended there for spherical coordinates would be:

  • Convert each lat/long pair into a unit-length 3D vector.
  • Sum each of those vectors
  • Normalise the resulting vector
  • Convert back to spherical coordinates

How to parse a JSON Input stream

If you like to use Jackson Databind (which Spring uses by default for its HttpMessageConverters), then you may use the ObjectMapper.readTree(InputStream) API. For example,

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode json = mapper.readTree(myInputStream);

PHP passing $_GET in linux command prompt

-- Option 1: php-cgi --

Use 'php-cgi' in place of 'php' to run your script. This is the simplest way as you won't need to specially modify your php code to work with it:

php-cgi -f /my/script/file.php a=1 b=2 c=3

-- Option 2: if you have a web server --

If the php file is on a web server you can use 'wget' on the command line:

wget 'http://localhost/my/script/file.php?a=1&b=2&c=3'


wget -q -O - "http://localhost/my/script/file.php?a=1&b=2&c=3"

-- Accessing the variables in php --

In both option 1 & 2 you access these parameters like this:

$a = $_GET["a"];
$b = $_GET["b"];
$c = $_GET["c"];

How to read strings from a Scanner in a Java console application?

You are entering a null value to nextInt, it will fail if you give a null value...

i have added a null check to the piece of code

Try this code:

import java.util.Scanner;
class MyClass
     public static void main(String args[]){

                Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
                int eid,sid;
                String ename;
                System.out.println("Enter Employeeid:");
                System.out.println("Enter EmployeeName:");
                System.out.println("Enter SupervisiorId:");
                    if(scanner.nextLine()!=null&&scanner.nextLine()!=""){//null check
                     }//null check

Checking if a string array contains a value, and if so, getting its position

string[] strArray = { "text1", "text2", "text3", "text4" };
string value = "text3";

if(Array.contains(strArray , value))
    // Do something if the value is available in Array.

jQuery Find and List all LI elements within a UL within a specific DIV

Are you thinking about something like this?

$('ul li').each(function(i)
   $(this).attr('rel'); // This is your rel value

adding text to an existing text element in javascript via DOM

var t = document.getElementById("p").textContent;
var y = document.createTextNode("This just got added");

<p id="p">This is some text</p>

Apache HttpClient Android (Gradle)

I don't know why but (for now) httpclient can be compiled only as a jar into the libs directory in your project. HttpCore works fine when it is included from mvn like that:

dependencies {
      compile 'org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.4.3'

Xcode 10: A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found

I had the case where my app would deploy to my iPhone but not my watch. Deploying to the watch would give the "A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found." error. This is with XCode Version 11.2.1 and using the free developer account.

Here is what I did to get it deployed to my watch:

1) I deleted my provisioning profile in XCode. I did this by going to Window -> Devices And Simulators. Then right Click on the iPhone name and choose "Show Provisioning Profiles". From there I could delete the file

2) In The Devices and Simulators screen I also deleted my app from the "Installed Apps" section.

3) Did a "clean build folder" (Product -> Clean Build Folder)

4) In the "Build Settings" -> "Signing section" I made sure each target (iPhone, Tests and Watch) had the same settings (development team, code signing style, provisioning profile was set to automatic etc).

build settings details

5) Ensured the ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles directory was empty.

6) Unplugged phone from computer

7) Rebooted computer, phone and watch

8) Plugged phone back into computer, and went through the "trust this machine" prompts on phone and watch.

9) Ran app. It worked!

How can I install Visual Studio Code extensions offline?

Now you can download an extension directly in the "Resources" section, there's a "Download extension" link, I hope this information is still useful.

Check if checkbox is checked with jQuery

You can try this:

function checkAllCheckBox(value)
   $(".check_").attr ( "checked" ,"checked" );


<input type="checkbox" name="chkbox" id="select_all_" value="1" />

<input type="checkbox" name="chkbox" class="check_" value="Apples" />
<input type="checkbox" name="chkbox" class="check_" value="Bananas" />
<input type="checkbox" name="chkbox" class="check_" value="Apples" />
<input type="checkbox" name="chkbox" class="check_" value="Bananas" />

How to send an HTTPS GET Request in C#

Simple Get Request using HttpClient Class

using System.Net.Http;

class Program
   static void Main(string[] args)
        HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
        var result = httpClient.GetAsync("").Result;


How to convert DateTime to/from specific string format (both ways, e.g. given Format is "yyyyMMdd")?

You can try these codes

claimantAuxillaryRecord.TPOCDate2  = Convert.ToDateTime(tpoc2[0]).ToString("yyyyMMdd"); 


claimantAuxillaryRecord.TPOCDate2 = Convert.ToDateTime(tpoc2[0]).ToString("yyyyMMdd hh:mm:ss"); 

Node.js - Maximum call stack size exceeded

Regarding increasing the max stack size, on 32 bit and 64 bit machines V8's memory allocation defaults are, respectively, 700 MB and 1400 MB. In newer versions of V8, memory limits on 64 bit systems are no longer set by V8, theoretically indicating no limit. However, the OS (Operating System) on which Node is running can always limit the amount of memory V8 can take, so the true limit of any given process cannot be generally stated.

Though V8 makes available the --max_old_space_size option, which allows control over the amount of memory available to a process, accepting a value in MB. Should you need to increase memory allocation, simply pass this option the desired value when spawning a Node process.

It is often an excellent strategy to reduce the available memory allocation for a given Node instance, especially when running many instances. As with stack limits, consider whether massive memory needs are better delegated to a dedicated storage layer, such as an in-memory database or similar.

How do I remove all non alphanumeric characters from a string except dash?

You can try:

string s1 = Regex.Replace(s, "[^A-Za-z0-9 -]", "");

Where s is your string.

How to find if div with specific id exists in jQuery?

if ( $( "#myDiv" ).length ) {
    // if ( "#myDiv" ) is exist this will perform
    $( "#myDiv" ).show();


Another shorthand way:

    $( "#myDiv" ).length && $( "#myDiv" ).show();

How do you clear Apache Maven's cache?

So there are some commands which you can use for cleaning

 1. mvn clean cache   
 2. mvn clean install 
 3. mvn clean install -Pclean-database

also deleting repository folder from .m2 can help.

Save multiple sheets to .pdf

I recommend adding the following line after the export to PDF:


(where eg. Sheet1 is the single sheet you want to be active afterwards)

Leaving multiple sheets in a selected state may cause problems executing some code. (eg. unprotect doesn't function properly when multiple sheets are actively selected.)

Convert int to string?

None of the answers mentioned that the ToString() method can be applied to integer expressions


even to integer literals


Although integer literals like this are often considered to be bad coding style (magic numbers) there may be cases where this feature is useful...

How to generate JAXB classes from XSD?

1) You can use standard java utility xjc - ([your java home dir]\bin\xjc.exe). But you need to create .bat (or .sh) script for using it.

e.g. generate.bat:

[your java home dir]\bin\xjc.exe %1 %2 %3

e.g. test-scheme.xsd:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xs:schema version="1.0"
    <xs:element name="employee" type="PersonInfoType"/>

    <xs:complexType name="PersonInfoType">
            <xs:element name="firstname" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:element name="lastname" type="xs:string"/>

Run .bat file with parameters: generate.bat test-scheme.xsd -d [your src dir]

For more info use this documentation -

and this -

2) JAXB (xjc utility) is installed together with JDK6 by default.

How to fix "containing working copy admin area is missing" in SVN?

I added a directory to svn, then I accidentally deleted the .svn folder within.

I used

svn delete --keep-local folderName

to fix my problem.

How to disable right-click context-menu in JavaScript

If your page really relies on the fact that people won't be able to see that menu, you should know that modern browsers (for example Firefox) let the user decide if he really wants to disable it or not. So you have no guarantee at all that the menu would be really disabled.

Using a cursor with dynamic SQL in a stored procedure

Another option in SQL Server is to do all of your dynamic querying into table variable in a stored proc, then use a cursor to query and process that. As to the dreaded cursor debate :), I have seen studies that show that in some situations, a cursor can actually be faster if properly set up. I use them myself when the required query is too complex, or just not humanly (for me ;) ) possible.

Remove a cookie

$cookie_name = "my cookie";
$cookie_value = "my value";
$cookie_new_value = "my new value";

// Create a cookie,
setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value , time() + (86400 * 30), "/"); //86400 = 24 hours in seconds

// Get value in a cookie,
$cookie_value = $_COOKIE[$cookie_name];

// Update a cookie,
setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_new_value , time() + (86400 * 30), "/");

// Delete a cookie,
setcookie($cookie_name, '' , time() - 3600, "/"); //  time() - 3600 means, set the cookie expiration date to the past hour.

Create a directory if it does not exist and then create the files in that directory as well


// Create Directory if not exist then Copy a file.

public static void copyFile_Directory(String origin, String destDir, String destination) throws IOException {

    Path FROM = Paths.get(origin);
    Path TO = Paths.get(destination);
    File directory = new File(String.valueOf(destDir));

    if (!directory.exists()) {
        //overwrite the destination file if it exists, and copy
        // the file attributes, including the rwx permissions
     CopyOption[] options = new CopyOption[]{

        Files.copy(FROM, TO, options);


How to put a horizontal divisor line between edit text's in a activity

For only one line, you need

<View android:id="@+id/primerdivisor"
android:background="#ffffff" /> 

Node.js console.log() not logging anything

Using modern --inspect with node the console.log is captured and relayed to the browser.

node --inspect myApp.js

or to capture early logging --inspect-brk can be used to stop the program on the first line of the first module...

node --inspect-brk myApp.js

How to set image in imageview in android?

1> You can add image from layout itself:

                android:padding="2dp" />


2> Programmatically in java class:

ImageView ivYouImage= (ImageView)findViewById(;

OR for fragments:

View rowView= inflater.inflate(R.layout.your_layout, null, true);

ImageView ivYouImage= (ImageView) rowView.findViewById(;

What are the differences between JSON and JSONP?

JSONP stands for “JSON with Padding” and it is a workaround for loading data from different domains. It loads the script into the head of the DOM and thus you can access the information as if it were loaded on your own domain, thus by-passing the cross domain issue.

            "siteName": "JQUERY4U",
            "domainName": "",
            "description": "#1 jQuery Blog for your Daily News, Plugins, Tuts/Tips &amp; Code Snippets."
            "siteName": "BLOGOOLA",
            "domainName": "",
            "description": "Expose your blog to millions and increase your audience."
            "siteName": "PHPSCRIPTS4U",
            "domainName": "",
            "description": "The Blog of Enthusiastic PHP Scripters"

(function($) {
var url = '';

   type: 'GET',
    url: url,
    async: false,
    jsonpCallback: 'jsonCallback',
    contentType: "application/json",
    dataType: 'jsonp',
    success: function(json) {
    error: function(e) {


Now we can request the JSON via AJAX using JSONP and the callback function we created around the JSON content. The output should be the JSON as an object which we can then use the data for whatever we want without restrictions.

Form Validation With Bootstrap (jQuery)

Check this library, it's completable with booth bootstrap 3 and bootstrap 4


    <div class="form-group">
        <input class="form-control" data-validator="required|min:4|max:10">


$(document).on('blur', '[data-validator]', function () {
    new Validator($(this));

How to trim leading and trailing white spaces of a string?

@peterSO has correct answer. I am adding more examples here:

package main

import (
    strings "strings"

func main() { 
    test := "\t pdftk 2.0.2  \n"
    result := strings.TrimSpace(test)
    fmt.Printf("Length of %q is %d\n", test, len(test))
    fmt.Printf("Length of %q is %d\n\n", result, len(result))

    test = "\n\r pdftk 2.0.2 \n\r"
    result = strings.TrimSpace(test)
    fmt.Printf("Length of %q is %d\n", test, len(test))
    fmt.Printf("Length of %q is %d\n\n", result, len(result))

    test = "\n\r\n\r pdftk 2.0.2 \n\r\n\r"
    result = strings.TrimSpace(test)
    fmt.Printf("Length of %q is %d\n", test, len(test))
    fmt.Printf("Length of %q is %d\n\n", result, len(result))

    test = "\r pdftk 2.0.2 \r"
    result = strings.TrimSpace(test)
    fmt.Printf("Length of %q is %d\n", test, len(test))
    fmt.Printf("Length of %q is %d\n\n", result, len(result))   

You can find this in Go lang playground too.

variable is not declared it may be inaccessible due to its protection level

I had a similar issue to this. I solved it by making all the projects within my solution target the same .NET Framework 4 Client Profile and then rebuilding the entire solution.

How to build an APK file in Eclipse?

No one mentioned this, but in conjunction to the other responses, you can also get the apk file from your bin directory to your phone or tablet by putting it on a web site and just downloading it.

Your device will complain about installing it after you download it. Your device will advise you or a risk of installing programs from unknown sources and give you the option to bypass the advice.

Your question is very specific. You don't have to pull it from your emulator, just grab the apk file from the bin folder in your project and place it on your real device.

Most people are giving you valuable information for the next step (signing and publishing your apk), you are not required to do that step to get it on your real device.

Downloading it to your real device is a simple method.

How to determine if a decimal/double is an integer?

If upper and lower bound of Int32 matters:

public bool IsInt32(double value)
    return  value >= int.MinValue && value <= int.MaxValue && value == (int)value;

How to get first and last day of previous month (with timestamp) in SQL Server


Why is 22 the default port number for SFTP?

Why is 21 the default port for FTP? Or 80 the default for HTTP? It is a convention.

history.replaceState() example?

The second argument Title does not mean Title of the page - It is more of a definition/information for the state of that page

But we can still change the title using onpopstate event, and passing the title name not from the second argument, but as an attribute from the first parameter passed as object


HAX kernel module is not installed

First you need to turn on virtualization on your machine. To do that, restart your machine. Press F2. Goto BIOS. Make Virtualization Enabled. Press F10. Start windows. Now, goto Extras folder of Android installation folder and find intel-haxm-android.exe. Run it. Start Android Studio. Now, it should allow you to run your program using emulator.

How to check whether a Storage item is set?

You should check for the type of the item in the localStorage

if(localStorage.token !== null) {
   // this will only work if the token is set in the localStorage

if(typeof localStorage.token !== 'undefined') {
  // do something with token

if(typeof localStorage.token === 'undefined') {
  // token doesn't exist in the localStorage, maybe set it?

VBA EXCEL Multiple Nested FOR Loops that Set two variable for expression

I can't get to your google docs file at the moment but there are some issues with your code that I will try to address while answering

Sub stituterangersNEW()
Dim t As Range
Dim x As Range
Dim dify As Boolean
Dim difx As Boolean
Dim time2 As Date
Dim time1 As Date

    'You said time1 doesn't change, so I left it in a singe cell.
    'If that is not correct, you will have to play with this some more.
    time1 = Range("A6").Value

    'Looping through each of our output cells.
    For Each t In Range("B7:E9") 'Change these to match your real ranges.

        'Looping through each departure date/time.
        '(Only one row in your example. This can be adjusted if needed.)
        For Each x In Range("B2:E2") 'Change these to match your real ranges.
            'Check to see if our dep time corresponds to
            'the matching column in our output
            If t.Column = x.Column Then
                'If it does, then check to see what our time value is
                If x > 0 Then
                    time2 = x.Value
                    'Apply the change to the output cell.
                    t.Value = time1 - time2
                    'Exit out of this loop and move to the next output cell.
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
            'If the columns don't match, or the x value is not a time
            'then we'll move to the next dep time (x)
        Next x
    Next t

End Sub


I changed you worksheet to play with (see above for the new Sub). This probably does not suite your needs directly, but hopefully it will demonstrate the conept behind what I think you want to do. Please keep in mind that this code does not follow all the coding best preactices I would recommend (e.g. validating the time is actually a TIME and not some random other data type).

     A                      B                   C                   D                  E
1    LOAD_NUMBER            1                   2                   3                  4
2    DEPARTURE_TIME_DATE    11/12/2011 19:30    11/12/2011 19:30    11/12/2011 19:30    11/12/2011 20:00                
4    Dry_Refrig 7585.1  0   10099.8 16700
6    1/4/2012 19:30

Using the sub I got this output:

    A           B             C             D             E
7   Friday      1272:00:00    1272:00:00    1272:00:00    1271:30:00
8   Saturday    1272:00:00    1272:00:00    1272:00:00    1271:30:00
9   Thursday    1272:00:00    1272:00:00    1272:00:00    1271:30:00

How to get box-shadow on left & right sides only

In some situations you can hide the shadow by another container. Eg, if there is a DIV above and below the DIV with the shadow, you can use position: relative; z-index: 1; on the surrounding DIVs.

How to call an action after click() in Jquery?

If I've understood your question correctly, then you are looking for the mouseup event, rather than the click event:

$("#message_link").mouseup(function() {
    //Do stuff here

The mouseup event fires when the mouse button is released, and does not take into account whether the mouse button was pressed on that element, whereas click takes into account both mousedown and mouseup.

However, click should work fine, because it won't actually fire until the mouse button is released.

Build the full path filename in Python

If you are fortunate enough to be running Python 3.4+, you can use pathlib:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> dirname = '/home/reports'
>>> filename = 'daily'
>>> suffix = '.pdf'
>>> Path(dirname, filename).with_suffix(suffix)

Extracting Ajax return data in jQuery

Change the .find to .filter...

matplotlib: Group boxplots

Here's a function I wrote that takes Molly's code and some other code I've found on the internet to make slightly fancier grouped boxplots:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def custom_legend(colors, labels, linestyles=None):
    """ Creates a list of matplotlib Patch objects that can be passed to the legend(...) function to create a custom

    :param colors: A list of colors, one for each entry in the legend. You can also include a linestyle, for example: 'k--'
    :param labels:  A list of labels, one for each entry in the legend.

    if linestyles is not None:
        assert len(linestyles) == len(colors), "Length of linestyles must match length of colors."

    h = list()
    for k,(c,l) in enumerate(zip(colors, labels)):
        clr = c
        ls = 'solid'
        if linestyles is not None:
            ls = linestyles[k]
        patch = patches.Patch(color=clr, label=l, linestyle=ls)
    return h

def grouped_boxplot(data, group_names=None, subgroup_names=None, ax=None, subgroup_colors=None,
                    box_width=0.6, box_spacing=1.0):
    """ Draws a grouped boxplot. The data should be organized in a hierarchy, where there are multiple
        subgroups for each main group.

    :param data: A dictionary of length equal to the number of the groups. The key should be the
                group name, the value should be a list of arrays. The length of the list should be
                equal to the number of subgroups.
    :param group_names: (Optional) The group names, should be the same as data.keys(), but can be ordered.
    :param subgroup_names: (Optional) Names of the subgroups.
    :param subgroup_colors: A list specifying the plot color for each subgroup.
    :param ax: (Optional) The axis to plot on.

    if group_names is None:
        group_names = data.keys()

    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    nsubgroups = np.array([len(v) for v in data.values()])
    assert len(np.unique(nsubgroups)) == 1, "Number of subgroups for each property differ!"
    nsubgroups = nsubgroups[0]

    if subgroup_colors is None:
        subgroup_colors = list()
        for k in range(nsubgroups):
        assert len(subgroup_colors) == nsubgroups, "subgroup_colors length must match number of subgroups (%d)" % nsubgroups

    def _decorate_box(_bp, _d):
        plt.setp(_bp['boxes'], lw=0, color='k')
        plt.setp(_bp['whiskers'], lw=3.0, color='k')

        # fill in each box with a color
        assert len(_bp['boxes']) == nsubgroups
        for _k,_box in enumerate(_bp['boxes']):
            _boxX = list()
            _boxY = list()
            for _j in range(5):
            _boxCoords = zip(_boxX, _boxY)
            _boxPolygon = plt.Polygon(_boxCoords, facecolor=subgroup_colors[_k])

        # draw a black line for the median
        for _k,_med in enumerate(_bp['medians']):
            _medianX = list()
            _medianY = list()
            for _j in range(2):
                plt.plot(_medianX, _medianY, 'k', linewidth=3.0)

            # draw a black asterisk for the mean
            plt.plot([np.mean(_med.get_xdata())], [np.mean(_d[_k])], color='w', marker='*',
                      markeredgecolor='k', markersize=12)

    cpos = 1
    label_pos = list()
    for k in group_names:
        d = data[k]
        nsubgroups = len(d)
        pos = np.arange(nsubgroups) + cpos
        bp = plt.boxplot(d, positions=pos, widths=box_width)
        _decorate_box(bp, d)
        cpos += nsubgroups + box_spacing

    plt.xlim(0, cpos-1)
    plt.xticks(label_pos, group_names)

    if subgroup_names is not None:
        leg = custom_legend(subgroup_colors, subgroup_names)

You can use the function(s) like this:

data = { 'A':[np.random.randn(100), np.random.randn(100) + 5],
         'B':[np.random.randn(100)+1, np.random.randn(100) + 9],
         'C':[np.random.randn(100)-3, np.random.randn(100) -5]

grouped_boxplot(data, group_names=['A', 'B', 'C'], subgroup_names=['Apples', 'Oranges'], subgroup_colors=['#D02D2E', '#D67700'])

Is a new line = \n OR \r\n?

If you are programming in PHP, it is useful to split lines by \n and then trim() each line (provided you don't care about whitespace) to give you a "clean" line regardless.

foreach($line in explode("\n", $data))
    $line = trim($line);

How to make a programme continue to run after log out from ssh?

Assuming that you have a program running in the foreground, press ctrl-Z, then:

[1]+  Stopped                 myprogram
$ disown -h %1
$ bg 1
[1]+ myprogram &
$ logout

If there is only one job, then you don't need to specify the job number. Just use disown -h and bg.

Explanation of the above steps:

You press ctrl-Z. The system suspends the running program, displays a job number and a "Stopped" message and returns you to a bash prompt.

You type the disown -h %1 command (here, I've used a 1, but you'd use the job number that was displayed in the Stopped message) which marks the job so it ignores the SIGHUP signal (it will not be stopped by logging out).

Next, type the bg command using the same job number; this resumes the running of the program in the background and a message is displayed confirming that.

You can now log out and it will continue running..

Laravel - Session store not set on request

If you are using CSRF enter 'before'=>'csrf'

In your case Route::get('auth/login', ['before'=>'csrf','uses' => 'Auth\AuthController@getLogin', 'as' => 'login']);

For more details view Laravel 5 Documentation Security Protecting Routes

Bootstrap: 'TypeError undefined is not a function'/'has no method 'tab'' when using bootstrap-tabs

We can try by using latest jQuery library. I got the same issue. I used jQuery-1.4.2.min before and getting the error. After that I used version 1.9.1 and it works. Thanks

How can I parse JSON with C#?

You can use following extentions

public static class JsonExtensions
    public static T ToObject<T>(this string jsonText)
        return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(jsonText);

    public static string ToJson<T>(this T obj)
        return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj);

how to get yesterday's date in C#

DateTime.Today as it implies is todays date and you need to get the Date a day before so you subtract one day using AddDays(-1);

There are sufficient options available in DateTime to get the formatting like ToShortDateString depending on your culture and you have no need to concatenate them individually.

Also you can have a desirable format in the .ToString() version of the DateTime instance

Parsing CSV / tab-delimited txt file with Python

If the file is large, you may not want to load it entirely into memory at once. This approach avoids that. (Of course, making a dict out of it could still take up some RAM, but it's guaranteed to be smaller than the original file.)

my_dict = {}
for i, line in enumerate(file):
    if (i - 8) % 7:
    k, v = line.split("\t")[:3:2]
    my_dict[k] = v

Edit: Not sure where I got extend from before. I meant update

use jQuery to get values of selected checkboxes

In jQuery just use an attribute selector like


to select all checked inputs with name "locationthemes"



$('input[name="locationthemes"]:checked').each(function() {


In VanillaJS

[]'input[name="locationthemes"]:checked'), function(cb) {


In ES6/spread operator

   .forEach((cb) => console.log(cb.value));


How can I check if a command exists in a shell script?

In general, that depends on your shell, but if you use bash, zsh, ksh or sh (as provided by dash), the following should work:

if ! type "$foobar_command_name" > /dev/null; then
  # install foobar here

For a real installation script, you'd probably want to be sure that type doesn't return successfully in the case when there is an alias foobar. In bash you could do something like this:

if ! foobar_loc="$(type -p "$foobar_command_name")" || [[ -z $foobar_loc ]]; then
  # install foobar here

Is it possible to use raw SQL within a Spring Repository

we can use createNativeQuery("Here Nagitive SQL Query ");

for Example :

Query q = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT a.firstname, a.lastname FROM Author a");
List<Object[]> authors = q.getResultList();

How to duplicate a git repository? (without forking)

I have noticed some of the other answers here use a bare clone and then mirror push to the new repository, however this does not work for me and when I open the new repository after that, the files look mixed up and not as I expect.

Here is a solution that definitely works for copying the files, although it does not preserve the original repository's revision history.

  1. git clone the repository onto your local machine.
  2. cd into the project directory and then run rm -rf .git to remove all the old git metadata including commit history, etc.
  3. Initialize a fresh git repository by running git init.
  4. Run git add . ; git commit -am "Initial commit" - Of course you can call this commit what you want.
  5. Set the origin to your new repository git remote add origin (replace the url with the url to your new repository)
  6. Push it to your new repository with git push origin master.

git status shows fatal: bad object HEAD

In my case the error came out of nowhere, but didn't let me push to the remote branch.

git fetch origin

And that solved it.

I agree this may not solve the issue for everyone, but before trying a more complex approach give it a shot at this one, nothing to loose.

How to get nth jQuery element

If you want to fetch particular element/node or tag in loop for e.g.

<p class="weekday" data-today="monday">Monday</p>
<p class="weekday" data-today="tuesday">Tuesday</p>
<p class="weekday" data-today="wednesday">Wednesday</p>
<p class="weekday" data-today="thursday">Thursday</p>

So, from above code loop is executed and we want particular field to select for that we have to use jQuery selection that can select only expecting element from above loop so, code will be




as well as by other method


but first method is more efficient when HTML <tag> has unique class name.

NOTE:Second method is use when their is no class name in target element or node.

for more follow

TypeError: 'list' object is not callable in python

find out what you have assigned to 'list' by displaying it

>>> print(list)

if it has content, you have to clean it with

>>> del list

now display 'list' again and expect this

<class 'list'>

Once you see this, you can proceed with your copy.

QUERY syntax using cell reference

none of the above answers worked for me. This one did:

=QUERY(Copy!A1:AP, "select AP, E, F, AO where AP="&E1&" ",1)

Finding longest string in array

I provide a functional+recursive approach. See comments to understand how it works:

const input1 = ['a', 'aa', 'aaa']_x000D_
const input2 = ['asdf', 'qwer', 'zxcv']_x000D_
const input3 = ['asdfasdf fdasdf a sd f', ' asdfsdf', 'asdfasdfds', 'asdfsdf', 'asdfsdaf']_x000D_
const input4 = ['ddd', 'dddddddd', 'dddd', 'ddddd', 'ddd', 'dd', 'd', 'd', 'dddddddddddd']_x000D_
// Outputs which words has the greater length_x000D_
// greatestWord :: String -> String -> String_x000D_
const greatestWord = x => y => _x000D_
      x.length > y.length ? x : y_x000D_
// Recursively outputs the first longest word in a series_x000D_
// longestRec :: String -> [String] -> String_x000D_
const longestRec = longestWord => ([ nextWord, ...words ]) =>_x000D_
      //                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^_x000D_
      // Destructuring lets us get the next word, and remaining ones!_x000D_
      nextWord // <-- If next word is undefined, then it won't recurse._x000D_
        ? longestRec (greatestWord (nextWord) (longestWord)) (words) _x000D_
        : longestWord_x000D_
// Outputs the first longest word in a series_x000D_
// longest :: [String] -> String_x000D_
const longest = longestRec ('')_x000D_
const output1 = longest (input1)_x000D_
const output2 = longest (input2) _x000D_
const output3 = longest (input3)_x000D_
const output4 = longest (input4)_x000D_
console.log ('output1: ', output1)_x000D_
console.log ('output2: ', output2)_x000D_
console.log ('output3: ', output3)_x000D_
console.log ('output4: ', output4)

Quotation marks inside a string

You can do this using Escape Sequence.


So you will have to write something like this :

String name = "\"john\"";

You can learn about Escape Sequences from here.

What is the purpose of the var keyword and when should I use it (or omit it)?

Saying it's the difference between "local and global" isn't entirely accurate.

It might be better to think of it as the difference between "local and nearest". The nearest can surely be global, but that won't always be the case.

/* global scope */
var local = true;
var global = true;

function outer() {
    /* local scope */
    var local = true;
    var global = false;

    /* nearest scope = outer */
    local = !global;

    function inner() {
        /* nearest scope = outer */
        local = false;
        global = false;

        /* nearest scope = undefined */
        /* defaults to defining a global */
        public = global;

How do I correctly clone a JavaScript object?

I'm providing an answer to this question, because I do not see any native, recursive implementations here that resolve the problem of DOM elements.

The problem there is that <element> has parent and child attributes, that link to other elements with parent and child values, which point back to the original <element>, causing either an infinite recursive or cyclic redundancy.

If your object is something safe and simple like


...then any other answer here will probably work.

But if you have...


...then you need something like this:

    // cloneVariable() : Clone variable, return null for elements or components.
var cloneVariable = function (args) {
    const variable = args.variable;

    if(variable === null) {
            return null;

    if(typeof(variable) === 'object') {
            if(variable instanceof HTMLElement || variable.nodeType > 0) {
                    return null;

            if(Array.isArray(variable)) {
                    var arrayclone = [];

                    variable.forEach((element) => {

                    return arrayclone;

            var objectclone = {};

            Object.keys(variable).forEach((field) => {
                    objectclone[field] = cloneVariable({'variable':variable[field]});

            return objectclone;

    return variable;

How can I convert an image into a Base64 string?

Instead of using Bitmap, you can also do this through a trivial InputStream. Well, I am not sure, but I think it's a bit efficient.

InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(fileName); // You can get an inputStream using any I/O API
byte[] bytes;
byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
int bytesRead;
ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

try {
    while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
        output.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
catch (IOException e) {

bytes = output.toByteArray();
String encodedString = Base64.encodeToString(bytes, Base64.DEFAULT);

Bootstrap 4: responsive sidebar menu to top navbar

If this isn't a good solution for any reason, please let me know. It worked fine for me.

What I did is to hide the Sidebar and then make appear the navbar with breakpoints

@media screen and (max-width: 771px) {
    #fixed-sidebar {
        display: none;
    #navbar-superior {
        display: block !important;

What is difference between monolithic and micro kernel?

Monolithic kernel has all kernel services along with kernel core part, thus are heavy and has negative impact on speed and performance. On the other hand micro kernel is lightweight causing increase in performance and speed.
I answered same question at wordpress site. For the difference between monolithic, microkernel and exokernel in tabular form, you can visit here

.map() a Javascript ES6 Map?

You should just use Spread operator:

var myMap = new Map([["thing1", 1], ["thing2", 2], ["thing3", 3]]);_x000D_
var newArr = [...myMap].map(value => value[1] + 1);_x000D_
console.log(newArr); //[2, 3, 4]_x000D_
var newArr2 = [for(value of myMap) value = value[1] + 1];_x000D_
console.log(newArr2); //[2, 3, 4]

removing new line character from incoming stream using sed

This might work for you:

printf "{new\nto\nlinux}" | paste -sd' '            
{new to linux}


printf "{new\nto\nlinux}" | tr '\n' ' '            
{new to linux}


printf "{new\nto\nlinux}" |sed -e ':a' -e '$!{' -e 'N' -e 'ba' -e '}' -e 's/\n/ /g'
{new to linux}

How can I prevent the TypeError: list indices must be integers, not tuple when copying a python list to a numpy array?

Seriously this took my much valuable time but not found solution. Basically if you are taking data from sql then you are converting then you can follow these steps.

rows = cursor.fetchall()---- only tried on single column
for x in rows:

How to check if a file exists in the Documents directory in Swift?

Swift 4.2

extension URL    {
    func checkFileExist() -> Bool {
        let path = self.path
        if (FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: path))   {
            print("FILE AVAILABLE")
            return true
        }else        {
            print("FILE NOT AVAILABLE")
            return false;

Using: -

if fileUrl.checkFileExist()
      // Do Something

TypeScript: Property does not exist on type '{}'

        contextParamers : {
            param1: any,
            param2: string
            param3: string          
          contextParamers.param1 = contextParamers.param1+ 'canChange';
          //contextParamers.param4 = "CannotChange";
          var contextParamers2 : any = contextParamers;// lost the typescript on the new object of type any
          contextParamers2.param4 =  'canChange';
          return contextParamers2;

MySQL Query to select data from last week?

Simplified form:

Last week data:


WEEK (date) = WEEK( current_date ) - 1 AND YEAR( date) = YEAR( current_date );

2 weeks ago data:


WEEK (date) = WEEK( current_date ) - 2 AND YEAR( date) = YEAR( current_date );

SQL Fiddle!8/6fa6e/2

What is the difference between function and procedure in PL/SQL?

  1. we can call a stored procedure inside stored Procedure,Function within function ,StoredProcedure within function but we can not call function within stored procedure.
  2. we can call function inside select statement.
  3. We can return value from function without passing output parameter as a parameter to the stored procedure.

This is what the difference i found. Please let me know if any .

How do I invert BooleanToVisibilityConverter?

Or the real lazy mans way, just make use of what is there already and flip it:

public class InverseBooleanToVisibilityConverter : IValueConverter
    private BooleanToVisibilityConverter _converter = new BooleanToVisibilityConverter();

    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        var result = _converter.Convert(value, targetType, parameter, culture) as Visibility?;
        return result == Visibility.Collapsed ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        var result = _converter.ConvertBack(value, targetType, parameter, culture) as bool?;
        return result == true ? false : true;

SQLiteDatabase.query method

        new String[] { TABLE_ROW_ID, TABLE_ROW_ONE, TABLE_ROW_TWO },
        TABLE_ROW_ID + "=" + rowID,
        null, null, null, null, null

TABLE_ROW_ID + "=" + rowID, here = is the where clause. To select all values you will have to give all column names:

or you can use a raw query like this 
db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM permissions_table WHERE name = 'Comics' ", null);

and here is a good tutorial for database.

R - argument is of length zero in if statement

The argument is of length zero takes places when you get an output as an integer of length 0 and not a NULL output.i.e., integer(0).

You can further verify my point by finding the class of your output- >class(output) "integer"

Python 3 ImportError: No module named 'ConfigParser'

pip install configparser
sudo cp /usr/lib/python3.6/ /usr/lib/python3.6/

Then try to install the MYSQL-python again. That Worked for me

Reading data from XML

as per @Jon Skeet 's comment, you should use a XmlReader only if your file is very big. Here's how to use it. Assuming you have a Book class

public class Book {
    public string Title {get; set;}
    public string Author {get; set;}

you can read the XML file line by line with a small memory footprint, like this:

public static class XmlHelper {
    public static IEnumerable<Book> StreamBooks(string uri) {
        using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(uri)) {
            string title = null;
            string author = null;

            while (reader.Read()) {
                if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element
                    && reader.Name == "Book") {
                    while (reader.Read()) {
                        if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element &&
                            reader.Name == "Title") {
                            title = reader.ReadString();
                    while (reader.Read()) {
                        if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element &&
                            reader.Name == "Author") {
                            author =reader.ReadString();
                    yield return new Book() {Title = title, Author = author};

Example of usage:

string uri = @"c:\test.xml"; // your big XML file

foreach (var book in XmlHelper.StreamBooks(uri)) {
    Console.WriteLine("Title, Author: {0}, {1}", book.Title, book.Author);  

reStructuredText tool support

Salvaging (and extending) the list from an old version of the Wikipedia page:



Although the reference implementation of reStructuredText is written in Python, there are reStructuredText parsers in other languages too.

Python - Docutils

The main distribution of reStructuredText is the Python Docutils package. It contains several conversion tools:

  • rst2html - from reStructuredText to HTML
  • rst2xml - from reStructuredText to XML
  • rst2latex - from reStructuredText to LaTeX
  • rst2odt - from reStructuredText to ODF Text (word processor) document.
  • rst2s5 - from reStructuredText to S5, a Simple Standards-based Slide Show System
  • rst2man - from reStructuredText to Man page

Haskell - Pandoc

Pandoc is a Haskell library for converting from one markup format to another, and a command-line tool that uses this library. It can read Markdown and (subsets of) reStructuredText, HTML, and LaTeX, and it can write Markdown, reStructuredText, HTML, LaTeX, ConTeXt, PDF, RTF, DocBook XML, OpenDocument XML, ODT, GNU Texinfo, MediaWiki markup, groff man pages, and S5 HTML slide shows.

There is an Pandoc online tool (POT) to try this library. Unfortunately, compared to the reStructuredText online renderer (ROR),

  • POT truncates input rather more shortly. The POT user must render input in chunks that could be rendered whole by the ROR.
  • POT output lacks the helpful error messages displayed by the ROR (and generated by docutils)

Java - JRst

JRst is a Java reStructuredText parser. It can currently output HTML, XHTML, DocBook xdoc and PDF, BUT seems to have serious problems: neither PDF or (X)HTML generation works using the current full download, result pages in (X)HTML are empty and PDF generation fails on IO problems with XSL files (not bundled??). Note that the original JRst has been removed from the website; a fork is found on GitHub.

Scala - Laika

Laika is a new library for transforming markup languages to other output formats. Currently it supports input from Markdown and reStructuredText and produce HTML output. The library is written in Scala but should be also usable from Java.





The Nim compiler features the commands rst2htmland rst2tex which transform reStructuredText files to HTML and TeX files. The standard library provides the following modules (used by the compiler) to handle reStructuredText files programmatically:

  • rst - implements a reStructuredText parser
  • rstast - implements an AST for the reStructuredText parser
  • rstgen - implements a generator of HTML/Latex from reStructuredText

Other 3rd party converters

Most (but not all) of these tools are based on Docutils (see above) and provide conversion to or from formats that might not be supported by the main distribution.

From reStructuredText

  • restview - This pip-installable python package requires docutils, which does the actual rendering. restview's major ease-of-use feature is that, when you save changes to your document(s), it automagically re-renders and re-displays them. restview
    1. starts a small web server
    2. calls docutils to render your document(s) to HTML
    3. calls your device's browser to display the output HTML.
  • rst2pdf - from reStructuredText to PDF
  • rst2odp - from reStructuredText to ODF Presentation
  • rst2beamer - from reStructuredText to LaTeX beamer Presentation class
  • Wikir - from reStructuredText to a Google (and possibly other) Wiki formats
  • rst2qhc - Convert a collection of reStructuredText files into a Qt (toolkit) Help file and (optional) a Qt Help Project file

To reStructuredText

  • xml2rst is an XSLT script to convert Docutils internal XML representation (back) to reStructuredText
  • Pandoc (see above) can also convert from Markdown, HTML and LaTeX to reStructuredText
  • db2rst is a simple and limited DocBook to reStructuredText translator
  • pod2rst - convert .pod files to reStructuredText files


Some projects use reStructuredText as a baseline to build on, or provide extra functionality extending the utility of the reStructuredText tools.


The Sphinx documentation generator translates a set of reStructuredText source files into various output formats, automatically producing cross-references, indices etc.


rest2web is a simple tool that lets you build your website from a single template (or as many as you want), and keep the contents in reStructuredText.


Pygments is a generic syntax highlighter for general use in all kinds of software such as forum systems, Wikis or other applications that need to prettify source code. See Using Pygments in reStructuredText documents.

Free Editors

While any plain text editor is suitable to write reStructuredText documents, some editors have better support than others.


The Emacs support via rst-mode comes as part of the Docutils package under /docutils/tools/editors/emacs/rst.el


The vim-common package for that comes with most GNU/Linux distributions has reStructuredText syntax highlight and indentation support of reStructuredText out of the box:


There is a rst mode for the Jed programmers editor.


gedit, the official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment. There is a gedit reStructuredText plugin.


Geany, a small and lightweight Integrated Development Environment include support for reStructuredText from version 0.12 (October 10, 2007).


Leo, an outlining editor for programmers, supports reStructuredText via rst-plugin or via "@auto-rst" nodes (it's not well-documented, but @auto-rst nodes allow editing rst files directly, parsing the structure into the Leo outline).

It also provides a way to preview the resulting HTML, in a "viewrendered" pane.


The FTE Folding Text Editor - a free (licensed under the GNU GPL) text editor for developers. FTE has a mode for reStructuredText support. It provides color highlighting of basic RSTX elements and special menu that provide easy way to insert most popular RSTX elements to a document.


PyK is a successor of PyEdit and reStInPeace, written in Python with the help of the Qt4 toolkit.


The Eclipse IDE with the ReST Editor plug-in provides support for editing reStructuredText files.


NoTex is a browser based (general purpose) text editor, with integrated project management and syntax highlighting. Plus it enables to write books, reports, articles etc. using rST and convert them to LaTex, PDF or HTML. The PDF files are of high publication quality and are produced via Sphinx with the Texlive LaTex suite.


Notepad++ is a general purpose text editor for Windows. It has syntax highlighting for many languages built-in and support for reStructuredText via a user defined language for reStructuredText.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a general purpose text editor for Windows/macOS/Linux. It has syntax highlighting for many languages built-in and supports reStructuredText via an extension from LeXtudio.

Dedicated reStructuredText Editors

Proprietary editors

Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a completely customizable and extensible source code editor available for Windows, OS X, and Linux. Registration is required for long-term use, but all functions are available in the unregistered version, with occasional reminders to purchase a license. Versions 2 and 3 (currently in beta) support reStructuredText syntax highlighting by default, and several plugins are available through the package manager Package Control to provide snippets and code completion, additional syntax highlighting, conversion to/from RST and other formats, and HTML preview in the browser.

BBEdit / TextWrangler

BBEdit (and its free variant TextWrangler) for Mac can syntax-highlight reStructuredText using this codeless language module.


TextMate, a proprietary general-purpose GUI text editor for Mac OS X, has a bundle for reStructuredText.


Intype is a proprietary text editor for Windows, that support reStructuredText out of the box.

E Text Editor

E is a proprietary Text Editor licensed under the "Open Company License". It supports TextMate's bundles, so it should support reStructuredText the same way TextMate does.


PyCharm (and other IntelliJ platform IDEs?) has ReST/Sphinx support (syntax highlighting, autocomplete and preview).instant preview)


here are some Wiki programs that support the reStructuredText markup as the native markup syntax, or as an add-on:


MediaWiki reStructuredText extension allows for reStructuredText markup in MediaWiki surrounded by <rst> and </rst>.


MoinMoin is an advanced, easy to use and extensible WikiEngine with a large community of users. Said in a few words, it is about collaboration on easily editable web pages.

There is a reStructuredText Parser for MoinMoin.


Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects. There is a reStructuredText Support in Trac.

This Wiki

This Wiki is a Webware for Python Wiki written by Ian Bicking. This wiki uses ReStructuredText for its markup.


rstiki is a minimalist single-file personal wiki using reStructuredText syntax (via docutils) inspired by pwyky. It does not support authorship indication, versioning, hierarchy, chrome/framing/templating or styling. It leverages docutils/reStructuredText as the wiki syntax. As such, it's under 200 lines of code, and in a single file. You put it in a directory and it runs.


Ikiwiki is a wiki compiler. It converts wiki pages into HTML pages suitable for publishing on a website. Ikiwiki stores pages and history in a revision control system such as Subversion or Git. There are many other features, including support for blogging, as well as a large array of plugins. It's reStructuredText plugin, however is somewhat limited and is not recommended as its' main markup language at this time.

Web Services


An Online reStructuredText editor can be used to play with the markup and see the results immediately.

Blogging frameworks


WordPreSt reStructuredText plugin for WordPress. (PHP)


reStructuredText parser plugin for Zine (will become obsolete in version 0.2 when Zine is scheduled to get a native reStructuredText support). Zine is discontinued. (Python)


Pelican is a static blog generator that supports writing articles in ReST. (Python)


Hyde is a static website generator that supports ReST. (Python)


Acrylamid is a static blog generator that supports writing articles in ReST. (Python)


Nikola is a Static Site and Blog Generator that supports ReST. (Python)

ipsum genera

Ipsum genera is a static blog generator written in Nim.


Yozuch is a static blog generator written in Python.


Remove characters after specific character in string, then remove substring?

I second Hightechrider: there is a specialized Url class already built for you.

I must also point out, however, that the PHP's replaceAll uses regular expressions for search pattern, which you can do in .NET as well - look at the RegEx class.

Why is JavaFX is not included in OpenJDK 8 on Ubuntu Wily (15.10)?

I use ubuntu 16.04 and because I already had openJDK installed, this command have solved the problem. Don't forget that JavaFX is part of OpenJDK.

sudo apt-get install openjfx

What is jQuery Unobtrusive Validation?

jQuery Validation Unobtrusive Native is a collection of ASP.Net MVC HTML helper extensions. These make use of jQuery Validation's native support for validation driven by HTML 5 data attributes. Microsoft shipped jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js back with MVC 3. It provided a way to apply data model validations to the client side using a combination of jQuery Validation and HTML 5 data attributes (that's the "unobtrusive" part).

How can I add an item to a SelectList in MVC

I don't if anybody else has a better option...

<% if (Model.VariableName == "" || Model.VariableName== null) { %>
   <%= html.DropDpwnList("ListName", ((SelectList) ViewData["viewName"], "", 
        new{stlye=" "})%>
<% } else{ %>
<%= html.DropDpwnList("ListName", ((SelectList) ViewData["viewName"], 
        Model.VariableName, new{stlye=" "})%>
<% }>

Excel Date Conversion from yyyymmdd to mm/dd/yyyy

for converting dd/mm/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy


Color different parts of a RichTextBox string

Here is an extension method that overloads the AppendText method with a color parameter:

public static class RichTextBoxExtensions
    public static void AppendText(this RichTextBox box, string text, Color color)
        box.SelectionStart = box.TextLength;
        box.SelectionLength = 0;

        box.SelectionColor = color;
        box.SelectionColor = box.ForeColor;

And this is how you would use it:

var userid = "USER0001";
var message = "Access denied";
var box = new RichTextBox
                  Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
                  Font = new Font("Courier New", 10)

box.AppendText("[" + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + "]", Color.Red);
box.AppendText(" ");
box.AppendText(userid, Color.Green);
box.AppendText(": ");
box.AppendText(message, Color.Blue);

new Form {Controls = {box}}.ShowDialog();

Note that you may notice some flickering if you're outputting a lot of messages. See this C# Corner article for ideas on how to reduce RichTextBox flicker.

Clearing Magento Log Data

you can disable or set date and time for log setting.

System > Configuration > Advanced > System > Log Cleaning

Using python's eval() vs. ast.literal_eval()?

Python's eager in its evaluation, so eval(input(...)) (Python 3) will evaluate the user's input as soon as it hits the eval, regardless of what you do with the data afterwards. Therefore, this is not safe, especially when you eval user input.

Use ast.literal_eval.

As an example, entering this at the prompt could be very bad for you:

__import__('os').system('rm -rf /a-path-you-really-care-about')

Fragment onCreateView and onActivityCreated called twice

I have had the same problem with a simple Activity carrying only one fragment (which would get replaced sometimes). I then realized I use onSaveInstanceState only in the fragment (and onCreateView to check for savedInstanceState), not in the activity.

On device turn the activity containing the fragments gets restarted and onCreated is called. There I did attach the required fragment (which is correct on the first start).

On the device turn Android first re-created the fragment that was visible and then called onCreate of the containing activity where my fragment was attached, thus replacing the original visible one.

To avoid that I simply changed my activity to check for savedInstanceState:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

if (savedInstanceState != null) {
/**making sure you are not attaching the fragments again as they have 
 *already added
  // following code to attach fragment initially


I did not even Overwrite onSaveInstanceState of the activity.

Remove git mapping in Visual Studio 2015

Removing .git hidden folder worked for me.

How to insert Records in Database using C# language?

You should form the command with the contents of the textboxes:

sql = "insert into Main (Firt Name, Last Name) values(" + textbox2.Text + 
"," + textbox3.Text+ ")";

This, of course, provided that you manage to open the connection correctly.

It would be helpful to know what is happening with your current code. If you are getting some error displayed in that message box, it would be great to know what it's saying.

You should also validate the inputs before actually running the command (i.e. make sure they don't contain malicious code).

How to use an output parameter in Java?

Thank you. I use passing in an object as a parameter. My Android code is below

    String oPerson= null;
    if (CheckAddress("5556", oPerson))
                "It's Match! " + oPerson,                   

    private boolean CheckAddress(String iAddress, String oPerson)
    Cursor cAddress = mDbHelper.getAllContacts();
    String address = "";        
    if (cAddress.getCount() > 0) {
        while (cAddress.isAfterLast() == false) {
            address = cAddress.getString(2).toString();
            oPerson = cAddress.getString(1).toString(); 
            if(iAddress.indexOf(address) != -1)
                        "Person : " + oPerson,                  
                return true;                    
            else cAddress.moveToNext();
    return false;

The result is

Person : John

It's Match! null

Actually, "It's Match! John"

Please check my mistake.

Adjust UILabel height depending on the text

sizeWithFont constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode: is the method to use. An example of how to use it is below:

//Calculate the expected size based on the font and linebreak mode of your label
// FLT_MAX here simply means no constraint in height
CGSize maximumLabelSize = CGSizeMake(296, FLT_MAX);

CGSize expectedLabelSize = [yourString sizeWithFont:yourLabel.font constrainedToSize:maximumLabelSize lineBreakMode:yourLabel.lineBreakMode];   

//adjust the label the the new height.
CGRect newFrame = yourLabel.frame;
newFrame.size.height = expectedLabelSize.height;
yourLabel.frame = newFrame;

Git pull till a particular commit

I've found the updated answer from this video, the accepted answer didn't work for me.

First clone the latest repo from git (if haven't) using git clone <HTTPs link of the project> (or using SSH) then go to the desire branch using git checkout <branch name> .

Use the command

git log

to check the latest commits. Copy the shal of the particular commit. Then use the command

git fetch origin <Copy paste the shal here>

After pressing enter key. Now use the command

git checkout FETCH_HEAD

Now the particular commit will be available to your local. Change anything and push the code using git push origin <branch name> . That's all. Check the video for reference.

Create the perfect JPA entity

My 2 cents addition to the answers here are:

  1. With reference to Field or Property access (away from performance considerations) both are legitimately accessed by means of getters and setters, thus, my model logic can set/get them in the same manner. The difference comes to play when the persistence runtime provider (Hibernate, EclipseLink or else) needs to persist/set some record in Table A which has a foreign key referring to some column in Table B. In case of a Property access type, the persistence runtime system uses my coded setter method to assign the cell in Table B column a new value. In case of a Field access type, the persistence runtime system sets the cell in Table B column directly. This difference is not of importance in the context of a uni-directional relationship, yet it is a MUST to use my own coded setter method (Property access type) for a bi-directional relationship provided the setter method is well designed to account for consistency. Consistency is a critical issue for bi-directional relationships refer to this link for a simple example for a well-designed setter.

  2. With reference to Equals/hashCode: It is impossible to use the Eclipse auto-generated Equals/hashCode methods for entities participating in a bi-directional relationship, otherwise they will have a circular reference resulting in a stackoverflow Exception. Once you try a bidirectional relationship (say OneToOne) and auto-generate Equals() or hashCode() or even toString() you will get caught in this stackoverflow exception.

Angular/RxJs When should I unsubscribe from `Subscription`

In my case I am using a variation of the solution proposed by @seanwright:

It's a file used in the ngx-rocket / starter-kit project. You can access it here until-destroyed.ts

The component would look like so

 * RxJS operator that unsubscribe from observables on destory.
 * Code forked from
 * IMPORTANT: Add the `untilDestroyed` operator as the last one to
 * prevent leaks with intermediate observables in the
 * operator chain.
 * @param instance The parent Angular component or object instance.
 * @param destroyMethodName The method to hook on (default: 'ngOnDestroy').
import { untilDestroyed } from '../../core/until-destroyed';

  selector: 'app-example',
  templateUrl: './example.component.html'
export class ExampleComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {

  ngOnInit() {
        .subscribe(val => console.log(val));

    // ...

  // This method must be present, even if empty.
  ngOnDestroy() {
    // To protect you, an error will be thrown if it doesn't exist.

Powershell script to check if service is started, if not then start it

Trying to do things as smooth as possible - I here suggest modifying GuyWhoLikesPowershell's suggestion slightly.

I replaced the if and until with one while - and I check for "Stopped", since I don't want to start if status is "starting" or " Stopping".

$Service = 'ServiceName'
while ((Get-Service $Service).Status -eq 'Stopped') 
    Start-Service $Service -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Start-Sleep 10
Return "$($Service) has STARTED"

How do I format currencies in a Vue component?

I have created a filter. The filter can be used in any page.

Vue.filter('toCurrency', function (value) {
    if (typeof value !== "number") {
        return value;
    var formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
        style: 'currency',
        currency: 'USD',
        minimumFractionDigits: 0
    return formatter.format(value);

Then I can use this filter like this:

        <td class="text-right">
            {{ invoice.fees | toCurrency }}

I used these related answers to help with the implementation of the filter:

What's onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) gets called and savedInstanceState will be non-null if your Activity and it was terminated in a scenario(visual view) described above. Your app can then grab (catch) the data from savedInstanceState and regenerate your Activity

What version of javac built my jar?

Developers and administrators running Bash may find these convenience functions helpful:

jar_jdk_version() {
  [[ -n "$1" && -x "`command -v javap`" ]] && javap -classpath "$1" -verbose $(jar -tf "$1" | grep '.class' | head -n1 | sed -e 's/\.class$//') | grep 'major version' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]\{1,\}//'

print_jar_jdk_version() {
  local version
  version=$(jar_jdk_version "$1")
  case $version in 49) version=1.5;; 50) version=1.6;; 51) version=1.7;; 52) version=1.8;; esac
  [[ -n "$version" ]] && echo "`basename "$1"` contains classes compiled with JDK version $version."

You can paste them in for one-time usage or add them to ~/.bash_aliases or ~/.bashrc. The results look something like:

$ jar_jdk_version poi-ooxml-3.5-FINAL.jar


$ print_jar_jdk_version poi-ooxml-3.5-FINAL.jar
poi-ooxml-3.5-FINAL.jar contains classes compiled with JDK version 1.5.

EDIT As jackrabbit points out, you can't 100% rely on the manifest to tell you anything useful. If it was, then you could pull it out in your favorite UNIX shell with unzip:

$ unzip -pa poi-ooxml-3.5-FINAL.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.1
Created-By: 11.3-b02 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Built-By: yegor
Specification-Title: Apache POI
Specification-Version: 3.5-FINAL-20090928
Specification-Vendor: Apache
Implementation-Title: Apache POI
Implementation-Version: 3.5-FINAL-20090928
Implementation-Vendor: Apache

This .jar doesn't have anything useful in the manifest about the contained classes.

How to list branches that contain a given commit?

You may run:

git log <SHA1>..HEAD --ancestry-path --merges

From comment of last commit in the output you may find original branch name


       c---e---g--- feature
      /         \
-a---b---d---f---h---j--- master

git log e..master --ancestry-path --merges

commit h
Merge: g f
Author: Eugen Konkov <>
Date:   Sat Oct 1 00:54:18 2016 +0300

    Merge branch 'feature' into master

Is calculating an MD5 hash less CPU intensive than SHA family functions?

Yes, MD5 is somewhat less CPU-intensive. On my Intel x86 (Core2 Quad Q6600, 2.4 GHz, using one core), I get this in 32-bit mode:

MD5       411
SHA-1     218
SHA-256   118
SHA-512    46

and this in 64-bit mode:

MD5       407
SHA-1     312
SHA-256   148
SHA-512   189

Figures are in megabytes per second, for a "long" message (this is what you get for messages longer than 8 kB). This is with sphlib, a library of hash function implementations in C (and Java). All implementations are from the same author (me) and were made with comparable efforts at optimizations; thus the speed differences can be considered as really intrinsic to the functions.

As a point of comparison, consider that a recent hard disk will run at about 100 MB/s, and anything over USB will top below 60 MB/s. Even though SHA-256 appears "slow" here, it is fast enough for most purposes.

Note that OpenSSL includes a 32-bit implementation of SHA-512 which is quite faster than my code (but not as fast as the 64-bit SHA-512), because the OpenSSL implementation is in assembly and uses SSE2 registers, something which cannot be done in plain C. SHA-512 is the only function among those four which benefits from a SSE2 implementation.

Edit: on this page (archive), one can find a report on the speed of many hash functions (click on the "Telechargez maintenant" link). The report is in French, but it is mostly full of tables and numbers, and numbers are international. The implemented hash functions do not include the SHA-3 candidates (except SHABAL) but I am working on it.

What to do on TransactionTooLargeException

Issue is resolved by:

 Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
  bundle.putSerializable("data", bigdata);
  Intent intent = new Intent(mActivity, AActivity.class);
  startActivity(intent, bb);// do not put data to intent.

In Activity:
   protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Bundle bundle = CacheHelper.getInstance().loadState(Constants.DATA);
        if (bundle != null){
            Intent intent = getIntent();
    protected void onDestroy() {

public class CacheHelper {

    public static void saveState(Bundle savedInstanceState, String name) {
        Bundle saved = (Bundle) savedInstanceState.clone();
        save(name, saved);
    public Bundle loadState(String name) {

        Object object = load(name);
        if (object != null) {
            Bundle bundle = (Bundle) object;
            return bundle;
        return null;
    private static void save(String fileName, Bundle object) {
        try {
            String path = StorageUtils.getFullPath(fileName);
            File file = new File(path);
            if (file.exists()) {
            FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(path, false);

            Parcel p = Parcel.obtain(); //creating empty parcel object
            object.writeToParcel(p, 0); //saving bundle as parcel
            fos.write(p.marshall()); //writing parcel to file


        } catch (Exception e) {
    private static Bundle load(String fileName) {
        try {
            String path = StorageUtils.getFullPath(fileName);
            FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(path);

            byte[] array = new byte[(int) fis.getChannel().size()];
  , 0, array.length);

            Parcel parcel = Parcel.obtain(); //creating empty parcel object
            parcel.unmarshall(array, 0, array.length);
            Bundle out = parcel.readBundle();

            return out;
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;
public static void clearState(Activity ac) {
    String name = ac.getClass().getName();
    String path = StorageUtils.getFullPath(name);
    File file = new File(path);
    if (file.exists()) {

How to find good looking font color if background color is known?

Have you considered letting the user of your application select their own color scheme? Without fail you won't be able to please all of your users with your selection but you can allow them to find what pleases them.

How to disable the ability to select in a DataGridView?

Enabled property to false


this.dataGridView1.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = this.dataGridView1.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor;
this.dataGridView1.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionForeColor = this.dataGridView1.DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor;

Can I animate absolute positioned element with CSS transition?

You forgot to define the default value for left so it doesn't know how to animate.

.test {
    left: 0;
    transition:left 1s linear;

See here:

logger configuration to log to file and print to stdout

logging.basicConfig() can take a keyword argument handlers since Python 3.3, which simplifies logging setup a lot, especially when setting up multiple handlers with the same formatter:

handlers – If specified, this should be an iterable of already created handlers to add to the root logger. Any handlers which don’t already have a formatter set will be assigned the default formatter created in this function.

The whole setup can therefore be done with a single call like this:

import logging

    format="%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s",

(Or with import sys + StreamHandler(sys.stdout) per original question's requirements – the default for StreamHandler is to write to stderr. Look at LogRecord attributes if you want to customize the log format and add things like filename/line, thread info etc.)

The setup above needs to be done only once near the beginning of the script. You can use the logging from all other places in the codebase later like this:'Useful message')
logging.error('Something bad happened')

Note: If it doesn't work, someone else has probably already initialized the logging system differently. Comments suggest doing logging.root.handlers = [] before the call to basicConfig().

How do I programmatically get the GUID of an application in .NET 2.0

There wasn't any luck here with the other answers, but I managed to work it out with this nice one-liner:

((GuidAttribute)(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainManager.EntryAssembly).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(GuidAttribute), true)[0]).Value

passing object by reference in C++

Passing by reference in the above case is just an alias for the actual object.

You'll be referring to the actual object just with a different name.

There are many advantages which references offer compared to pointer references.

react-router - pass props to handler component

You can also combine es6 and stateless functions to get a much cleaner result:

import Dashboard from './Dashboard';
import Comments from './Comments';

let dashboardWrapper = () => <Dashboard {...props} />,
    commentsWrapper = () => <Comments {...props} />,
    index = () => <div>
        <header>Some header</header>
        <RouteHandler />

routes = {
    component: index,
    path: '/',
    childRoutes: [
        path: 'comments',
        component: dashboardWrapper
      }, {
        path: 'dashboard',
        component: commentsWrapper

Wrapping long text without white space inside of a div

You can't wrap that text as it's unbroken without any spaces. You need a JavaScript or server side solution which splits the string after a few characters.


You need to add this property in CSS.

word-wrap: break-word;

When to use NSInteger vs. int

You should use NSIntegers if you need to compare them against constant values such as NSNotFound or NSIntegerMax, as these values will differ on 32-bit and 64-bit systems, so index values, counts and the like: use NSInteger or NSUInteger.

It doesn't hurt to use NSInteger in most circumstances, excepting that it takes up twice as much memory. The memory impact is very small, but if you have a huge amount of numbers floating around at any one time, it might make a difference to use ints.

If you DO use NSInteger or NSUInteger, you will want to cast them into long integers or unsigned long integers when using format strings, as new Xcode feature returns a warning if you try and log out an NSInteger as if it had a known length. You should similarly be careful when sending them to variables or arguments that are typed as ints, since you may lose some precision in the process.

On the whole, if you're not expecting to have hundreds of thousands of them in memory at once, it's easier to use NSInteger than constantly worry about the difference between the two.

How do I check to see if my array includes an object?

Array's include?method accepts any object, not just a string. This should work:

@suggested_horses = [] 
@suggested_horses << Horse.first(:offset => rand(Horse.count)) 
while @suggested_horses.length < 8 
  horse = Horse.first(:offset => rand(Horse.count)) 
  @suggested_horses << horse unless @suggested_horses.include?(horse)

Convert pyQt UI to python

You can use pyuic4 command on shell: pyuic4 input.ui -o

Java String to Date object of the format "yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss"

its work for me SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); sdf.format(new Date));

Converting of Uri to String

String to Uri

Uri myUri = Uri.parse("");

Uri to String

Uri uri;
String stringUri = uri.toString();

Change WPF window background image in C# code

The problem is the way you are using it in code. Just try the below code

public partial class MainView : Window
    public MainView()

        ImageBrush myBrush = new ImageBrush();
        myBrush.ImageSource =
            new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/icon.jpg", UriKind.Absolute));
        this.Background = myBrush;

You can find more details regarding this in

How can I decrease the size of Ratingbar?


What's the difference between Visual Studio Community and other, paid versions?

There are 2 major differences.

  1. Technical
  2. Licensing

Technical, there are 3 major differences:

First and foremost, Community doesn't have TFS support.
You'll just have to use git (arguable whether this constitutes a disadvantage or whether this actually is a good thing).
Note: This is what MS wrote. Actually, you can check-in&out with TFS as normal, if you have a TFS server in the network. You just cannot use Visual Studio as TFS SERVER.

Second, VS Community is severely limited in its testing capability.
Only unit tests. No Performance tests, no load tests, no performance profiling.

Third, VS Community's ability to create Virtual Environments has been severely cut.

On the other hand, syntax highlighting, IntelliSense, Step-Through debugging, GoTo-Definition, Git-Integration and Build/Publish are really all the features I need, and I guess that applies to a lot of developers.

For all other things, there are tools that do the same job faster, better and cheaper.

If you, like me, anyway use git, do unit testing with NUnit, and use Java-Tools to do Load-Testing on Linux plus TeamCity for CI, VS Community is more than sufficient, technically speaking.


A) If you're an individual developer (no enterprise, no organization), no difference (AFAIK), you can use CommunityEdition like you'd use the paid edition (as long as you don't do subcontracting)
B) You can use CommunityEdition freely for OpenSource (OSI) projects
C) If you're an educational insitution, you can use CommunityEdition freely (for education/classroom use)
D) If you're an enterprise with 250 PCs or users or more than one million US dollars in revenue (including subsidiaries), you are NOT ALLOWED to use CommunityEdition.
E) If you're not an enterprise as defined above, and don't do OSI or education, but are an "enterprise"/organization, with 5 or less concurrent (VS) developers, you can use VS Community freely (but only if you're the owner of the software and sell it, not if you're a subcontractor creating software for a larger enterprise, software which in the end the enterprise will own), otherwise you need a paid edition.

The above does not consitute legal advise.
See also:

Export DataBase with MySQL Workbench with INSERT statements

You can do it using mysqldump tool in command-line:

mysqldump your_database_name > script.sql

This creates a file with database create statements together with insert statements.

More info about options for mysql dump: