[git] How to duplicate a git repository? (without forking)

I have two repositories, and I need to copy whole of one onto the other empty one which has different access levels from the first one. The copy and the mother repository should not be linked together.

I am new to git and it would be awesome if someone could help me with this.

This question is related to git github

The answer is

See https://help.github.com/articles/duplicating-a-repository

Short version:

In order to make an exact duplicate, you need to perform both a bare-clone and a mirror-push:

mkdir foo; cd foo 
# move to a scratch dir

git clone --bare https://github.com/exampleuser/old-repository.git
# Make a bare clone of the repository

cd old-repository.git
git push --mirror https://github.com/exampleuser/new-repository.git
# Mirror-push to the new repository

cd ..
rm -rf old-repository.git  
# Remove our temporary local repository

NOTE: the above will work fine with any remote git repo, the instructions are not specific to github

The above creates a new remote copy of the repo. Then clone it down to your working machine.

I have noticed some of the other answers here use a bare clone and then mirror push to the new repository, however this does not work for me and when I open the new repository after that, the files look mixed up and not as I expect.

Here is a solution that definitely works for copying the files, although it does not preserve the original repository's revision history.

  1. git clone the repository onto your local machine.
  2. cd into the project directory and then run rm -rf .git to remove all the old git metadata including commit history, etc.
  3. Initialize a fresh git repository by running git init.
  4. Run git add . ; git commit -am "Initial commit" - Of course you can call this commit what you want.
  5. Set the origin to your new repository git remote add origin https://github.com/user/repo-name (replace the url with the url to your new repository)
  6. Push it to your new repository with git push origin master.

Open Terminal.

Create a bare clone of the repository.

git clone --bare https://github.com/exampleuser/old-repository.git

Mirror-push to the new repository.

cd old-repository.git

git push --mirror https://github.com/exampleuser/new-repository.git

If you are copying to GitHub, you may use the GitHub Importer to do that for you. The original repo can even be from other version control systems.

If you just want to create a new repository using all or most of the files from an existing one (i.e., as a kind of template), I find the easiest approach is to make a new repo with the desired name etc, clone it to your desktop, then just add the files and folders you want in it.

You don't get all the history etc, but you probably don't want that in this case.

You can also use git-copy.

Install it with Gem,

gem install git-copy


git copy https://github.com/exampleuser/old-repository.git \