[sql] What is the difference between function and procedure in PL/SQL?

What is the difference between function and procedure in PL/SQL ?

This question is related to sql stored-procedures function plsql

The answer is

  1. we can call a stored procedure inside stored Procedure,Function within function ,StoredProcedure within function but we can not call function within stored procedure.
  2. we can call function inside select statement.
  3. We can return value from function without passing output parameter as a parameter to the stored procedure.

This is what the difference i found. Please let me know if any .

A function can be in-lined into a SQL statement, e.g.

select foo
      ,fn_bar (foo)
  from foobar

Which cannot be done with a stored procedure. The architecture of the query optimiser limits what can be done with functions in this context, requiring that they are pure (i.e. the same inputs always produce the same output). This restricts what can be done in the function, but allows it to be used in-line in the query if it is defined to be "pure".

Otherwise, a function (not necessarily deterministic) can return a variable or a result set. In the case of a function returning a result set, you can join it against some other selection in a query. However, you cannot use a non-deterministic function like this in a correlated subquery as the optimiser cannot predict what sort of result set will be returned (this is computationally intractable, like the halting problem).

The following are the major differences between procedure and function,

  1. Procedure is named PL/SQL block which performs one or more tasks. where function is named PL/SQL block which performs a specific action.
  2. Procedure may or may not return value where as function should return one value.
  3. we can call functions in select statement where as procedure we cant.

Both stored procedures and functions are named blocks that reside in the database and can be executed as and when required.

The major differences are:

  1. A stored procedure can optionally return values using out parameters, but can also be written in a manner without returning a value. But, a function must return a value.

  2. A stored procedure cannot be used in a SELECT statement whereas a function can be used in a SELECT statement.

Practically speaking, I would go for a stored procedure for a specific group of requirements and a function for a common requirement that could be shared across multiple scenarios. For example: comparing between two strings, or trimming them or taking the last portion, if we have a function for that, we could globally use it for any application that we have.

In dead simple way it makes this meaning.

Functions :

These subprograms return a single value; mainly used to compute and return a value.

Procedure :

These subprograms do not return a value directly; mainly used to perform an action.

Example Program:



dbms_output.put_line('Hello World!');


Executing a Standalone Procedure :

A standalone procedure can be called in two ways:

• Using the EXECUTE keyword • Calling the name of procedure from a PL/SQL block

The procedure can also be called from another PL/SQL block:



RETURN number IS
total number(3) := 0;
SELECT count(*) into total 
FROM employees;
RETURN total; 

Following program calls the function totalCustomers from an another block

c number(3);
c := totalEmployees();
dbms_output.put_line('Total no. of Employees: ' || c);

In the few words - function returns something. You can use function in SQL query. Procedure is part of code to do something with data but you can not invoke procedure from query, you have to run it in PL/SQL block.

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