Programs & Examples On #Cglib

CGLib(Code Generation Library) is a run time code generation library for the Java platform licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. Cglib is no longer under active development. (See:

After Spring Boot 2.0 migration: jdbcUrl is required with driverClassName

Others have answered so I'll add my 2-cents.

You can either use autoconfiguration (i.e. don't use a @Configuration to create a datasource) or java configuration.


define your datasource type then set the type properties. E.g.


Java configuration:

Choose a prefix and define your data source


Create your datasource bean:

@Bean(name = { "dataSource", "mysystemDataSource" })
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.mysystem.datasource")
public DataSource dataSource() {
    return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();

You can leave the datasource type out, but then you risk spring guessing what datasource type to use.

Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/exc/InvalidDefinitionException

Try to use the latest com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-databind. I upgraded it to 2.9.4 and it works now.

<!-- -->

org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 400 Bad Request

This is what worked for me. Issue is earlier I didn't set Content Type(header) when I used exchange method.

MultiValueMap<String, String> map = new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String>();
map.add("param1", "123");
map.add("param2", "456");
map.add("param3", "789");
map.add("param4", "123");
map.add("param5", "456");

HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();

final HttpEntity<MultiValueMap<String, String>> entity = new HttpEntity<MultiValueMap<String, String>>(map ,
JSONObject jsonObject = null;

try {
    RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
    ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity =
            "https://url", HttpMethod.POST, entity,

    if (responseEntity.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.CREATED) {
        try {
            jsonObject = new JSONObject(responseEntity.getBody());
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("JSONException occurred");
  } catch (final HttpClientErrorException httpClientErrorException) {
        throw new ExternalCallBadRequestException();
  } catch (HttpServerErrorException httpServerErrorException) {
        throw new ExternalCallServerErrorException(httpServerErrorException);
  } catch (Exception exception) {
        throw new ExternalCallServerErrorException(exception);

ExternalCallBadRequestException and ExternalCallServerErrorException are the custom exceptions here.

Note: Remember HttpClientErrorException is thrown when a 4xx error is received. So if the request you send is wrong either setting header or sending wrong data, you could receive this exception.

JPA Hibernate Persistence exception [PersistenceUnit: default] Unable to build Hibernate SessionFactory

I found some issue about that kind of error

  1. Database username or password not match in the mysql or other other database. Please set like this


# =============================== # = DATA SOURCE # =============================== # Set here configurations for the database connection # Connection url for the database please let me know "[email protected]" spring.datasource.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bookstoreapiabc # Username and secret spring.datasource.username = root spring.datasource.password = # Keep the connection alive if idle for a long time (needed in production) spring.datasource.testWhileIdle = true spring.datasource.validationQuery = SELECT 1 # =============================== # = JPA / HIBERNATE # =============================== # Use* for Hibernate native properties (the prefix is # stripped before adding them to the entity manager). # Show or not log for each sql query = true # Hibernate ddl auto (create, create-drop, update): with "update" the database # schema will be automatically updated accordingly to java entities found in # the project spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto = update # Allows Hibernate to generate SQL optimized for a particular DBMS = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect

Issue no 2.

Your local server has two database server and those database server conflict. this conflict like this mysql server & xampp or lampp or wamp server. Please one of the database like mysql server because xampp or lampp server automatically install mysql server on this machine

HikariCP - connection is not available

From stack trace:

HikariPool: Timeout failure pool HikariPool-0 stats (total=20, active=20, idle=0, waiting=0) Means pool reached maximum connections limit set in configuration.

The next line: HikariPool-0 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 30000ms. Means pool waited 30000ms for free connection but your application not returned any connection meanwhile.

Mostly it is connection leak (connection is not closed after borrowing from pool), set leakDetectionThreshold to the maximum value that you expect SQL query would take to execute.

otherwise, your maximum connections 'at a time' requirement is higher than 20 !

UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory'

Well, you're getting a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError. In your pom.xml, hibernate-core version is 3.3.2.GA and declared after hibernate-entitymanager, so it prevails. You can remove that dependency, since will be inherited version 3.6.7.Final from hibernate-entitymanager.

You're using spring-boot as parent, so no need to declare version of some dependencies, since they are managed by spring-boot.

Also, hibernate-commons-annotations is inherited from hibernate-entitymanager and hibernate-annotations is an old version of hibernate-commons-annotations, you can remove both.

Finally, your pom.xml can look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""



        <!-- Spring -->



        <!-- Hibernate -->


        <!-- MySQL -->






Let me know if you have a problem.

Spring Boot: Unable to start EmbeddedWebApplicationContext due to missing EmbeddedServletContainerFactory bean

In my case we added the @Profile annotation newly in order to ignore the TestApplication class in production mode and the Application class in test mode.

Unfortunately, we forgot to add the following line into the files:

Without these config no profile was loaded which caused the not-so-much saying Spring Error.

How to resolve "could not execute statement; SQL [n/a]; constraint [numbering];"?

Future readers.

I have had the best luck figuring out these issues....using this method:

private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyDaoObject.class);

public void save(MyObject item) {

    try {
         /* this is whatever code you have already...this is just an example */
    catch(Exception ex)
        /* below works in conjunction with concrete logging framework */
        logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
        throw ex;

Now, slf4j is just a fascade (interfaces, adapter)..... you need a concrete.

When picking log4j2, you want to persist the


So you are not flying blind, you can see %throwable at the below URL (on how you defined %throwable so it shows up in the logging. If you're not using log4j2 as the concrete, you'll have to figure out your logging framework's version of %throwable)

That %throwable, when logged, will have the actual SQL exception in it.

if throwable is giving you a fuss, you can do this (the below is NOT great since it does recursive log calls)

public void save(MyObject item) {

    try {
         /* this is whatever code you have already...this is just an example */
    catch(Exception ex)
        logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
        //throw ex;
        Throwable thr = ex;
        /* recursive logging warning !!! could perform very poorly, not for production....alternate idea is to use Stringbuilder and log the stringbuilder result */
        while (null != thr) {
            logger.error(thr.getMessage(), thr);
            thr = thr.getCause();

UnexpectedRollbackException: Transaction rolled back because it has been marked as rollback-only

This is the normal behavior and the reason is that your sqlCommandHandlerService.persist method needs a TX when being executed (because it is marked with @Transactional annotation). But when it is called inside processNextRegistrationMessage, because there is a TX available, the container doesn't create a new one and uses existing TX. So if any exception occurs in sqlCommandHandlerService.persist method, it causes TX to be set to rollBackOnly (even if you catch the exception in the caller and ignore it).

To overcome this you can use propagation levels for transactions. Have a look at this to find out which propagation best suits your requirements.

Update; Read this!

Well after a colleague came to me with a couple of questions about a similar situation, I feel this needs a bit of clarification.
Although propagations solve such issues, you should be VERY careful about using them and do not use them unless you ABSOLUTELY understand what they mean and how they work. You may end up persisting some data and rolling back some others where you don't expect them to work that way and things can go horribly wrong.

EDIT Link to current version of the documentation

Transaction marked as rollback only: How do I find the cause

disable the transactionmanager in your Bean.xml

<tx:annotation-driven proxy-target-class="true" transaction-manager="transactionManager"/>
    <bean id="transactionManager"
        <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"></property>

comment out these lines, and you'll see the exception causing the rollback ;)

Maven Java EE Configuration Marker with Java Server Faces 1.2

The m2e plugin generate project configuration every time when you update project (Maven->Update Project ... That action overrides facets setting configured manually in Eclipse. Therefore you have to configure it on pom level. By setting properties in pom file you can tell m2e plugin what to do.

Enable/Disable the JAX-RS/JPA/JSF Configurators at the pom.xml level The optional JAX-RS, JPA and JSF configurators can be enabled or disabled at a workspace level from Window > Preferences > Maven > Java EE Integration. Now, you can have a finer grain control on these configurators directly from your pom.xml properties :

Adding false in your pom properties section will disable the JAX-RS configurator Adding false in your pom properties section will disable the JPA configurator Adding false in your pom properties section will disable the JSF configurator The pom settings always override the workspace preferences. So if you have, for instance the JPA configurator disabled at the workspace level, using true will enable it on your project anyway. (

Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect)

Just in case someone checked this thread and had the same issue as mine...

Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect)

I'm using NHibernate, I receive same error, during creating an object...

I was passing the key manually, and also specified a GUID generator in mapping, so hibernate generate same exact error for me, so once I removed the GUID, and left the field empty, everything went just fine.

this answer may not help you, but will help someone like me, who just your thread becasue of same error

Maven2: Missing artifact but jars are in place

If nothing else works which was the case for me, in the problems view, right click and copy the errors and paste it in a text editor. And scroll down to see if there are other errors besides just the missing artifact.

Eclipse problems view only shows about 100 errors and the errors that are not visible might be the ones that's causing all the other missing artifact errors.

Once I saw all the errors, I was able to figure out what the issue was and fixed it.

Eclipse error: "The import XXX cannot be resolved"

Or in you, add:

requires org.hibernate;

Error : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter.<init>(I)V

The NoSuchMethodError javadoc says this:

Thrown if an application tries to call a specified method of a class (either static or instance), and that class no longer has a definition of that method.

Normally, this error is caught by the compiler; this error can only occur at run time if the definition of a class has incompatibly changed.

In your case, this Error is a strong indication that your webapp is using the wrong version of the JAR defining the org.objectweb.asm.* classes.

Java: recommended solution for deep cloning/copying an instance

Use XStream toXML/fromXML in memory. Extremely fast and has been around for a long time and is going strong. Objects don't need to be Serializable and you don't have use reflection (although XStream does). XStream can discern variables that point to the same object and not accidentally make two full copies of the instance. A lot of details like that have been hammered out over the years. I've used it for a number of years and it is a go to. It's about as easy to use as you can imagine.

new XStream().toXML(myObj)


new XStream().fromXML(myXML)

To clone,

new XStream().fromXML(new XStream().toXML(myObj))

More succinctly:

XStream x = new XStream();
Object myClone = x.fromXML(x.toXML(myObj));

Spring 3.0: Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler for XML schema namespace

Make sure you have all dependencies solved

I run into this problem in my first attempt at AOP, following a spring tutorial. My problem was not having spring-aop.jar in my classpath. The tutorial listed all other dependencies I had to add, namely:

  • aspectjrt.jar
  • aspectjweaver.jar
  • aspectj.jar
  • aopalliance.jar

But the one was missing. Just one more problem that can contribute to that symptom in the original question.

I am using Eclipse (neon), Java SE 8, beans 3.0, spring AOP 3.0, Spring 4.3.4. The problem showed in the Java view --not JEE--, and while trying to just run the application with Right button menu -> Run As -> Java Application.

When to use EntityManager.find() vs EntityManager.getReference() with JPA

I disagree with the selected answer, and as davidxxx correctly pointed out, getReference does not provide such behaviour of dynamic updations without select. I asked a question concerning the validity of this answer, see here - cannot update without issuing select on using setter after getReference() of hibernate JPA.

I quite honestly haven't seen anybody who's actually used that functionality. ANYWHERE. And i don't understand why it's so upvoted.

Now first of all, no matter what you call on a hibernate proxy object, a setter or a getter, an SQL is fired and the object is loaded.

But then i thought, so what if JPA getReference() proxy doesn't provide that functionality. I can just write my own proxy.

Now, we can all argue that selects on primary keys are as fast as a query can get and it's not really something to go to great lengths to avoid. But for those of us who can't handle it due to one reason or another, below is an implementation of such a proxy. But before i you see the implementation, see it's usage and how simple it is to use.


Order example = ProxyHandler.getReference(Order.class, 3);

And this would fire the following query -

UPDATE Order SET type = 'ABCD' and cost = 10 WHERE id = 3;

and even if you want to insert, you can still do Order("a", 2)); and it would fire an insert as it should.


Add this to your pom.xml -


Make this class to create dynamic proxy -

public class ProxyHandler {

public static <T> T getReference(Class<T> classType, Object id) {
    if (!classType.isAnnotationPresent(Entity.class)) {
        throw new ProxyInstantiationException("This is not an entity!");

    try {
        Enhancer enhancer = new Enhancer();
        enhancer.setCallback(new ProxyMethodInterceptor(classType, id));
        enhancer.setInterfaces((new Class<?>[]{EnhancedProxy.class}));
        return (T) enhancer.create();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ProxyInstantiationException("Error creating proxy, cause :" + e.getCause());

Make an interface with all the methods -

public interface EnhancedProxy {
    public String getJPQLUpdate();
    public HashMap<String, Object> getModifiedFields();

Now, make an interceptor which will allow you to implement these methods on your proxy -

import javafx.util.Pair;
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodInterceptor;
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy;

import javax.persistence.Id;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.*;
* @author Anil Kumar
public class ProxyMethodInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor, EnhancedProxy {

private Object target;
private Object proxy;
private Class classType;
private Pair<String, Object> primaryKey;
private static HashSet<String> enhancedMethods;

ProxyMethodInterceptor(Class classType, Object id) throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException {
    this.classType = classType; = classType.newInstance();
    this.primaryKey = new Pair<>(getPrimaryKeyField().getName(), id);

static {
    enhancedMethods = new HashSet<>();
    for (Method method : EnhancedProxy.class.getDeclaredMethods()) {

public Object intercept(Object obj, Method method, Object[] args, MethodProxy proxy) throws Throwable {
    //intercept enhanced methods
    if (enhancedMethods.contains(method.getName())) {
        this.proxy = obj;
        return method.invoke(this, args);
    //else invoke super class method
        return proxy.invokeSuper(obj, args);

public HashMap<String, Object> getModifiedFields() {
    HashMap<String, Object> modifiedFields = new HashMap<>();
    try {
        for (Field field : classType.getDeclaredFields()) {


            Object initialValue = field.get(target);
            Object finalValue = field.get(proxy);

            //put if modified
            if (!Objects.equals(initialValue, finalValue)) {
                modifiedFields.put(field.getName(), finalValue);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;
    return modifiedFields;

public String getJPQLUpdate() {
    HashMap<String, Object> modifiedFields = getModifiedFields();
    if (modifiedFields == null || modifiedFields.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    StringBuilder fieldsToSet = new StringBuilder();
    for (String field : modifiedFields.keySet()) {
        fieldsToSet.append(field).append(" = :").append(field).append(" and ");
    fieldsToSet.setLength(fieldsToSet.length() - 4);
    return "UPDATE "
            + classType.getSimpleName()
            + " SET "
            + fieldsToSet
            + "WHERE "
            + primaryKey.getKey() + " = " + primaryKey.getValue();

private Field getPrimaryKeyField() throws ProxyInstantiationException {
    for (Field field : classType.getDeclaredFields()) {
        if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Id.class))
            return field;
    throw new ProxyInstantiationException("Entity class doesn't have a primary key!");

And the exception class -

public class ProxyInstantiationException extends RuntimeException {
public ProxyInstantiationException(String message) {

A service to save using this proxy -

public class PersistenceService {

private EntityManager em;

private void save(Object entity) {
    // update entity for proxies
    if (entity instanceof EnhancedProxy) {
        EnhancedProxy proxy = (EnhancedProxy) entity;
        Query updateQuery = em.createQuery(proxy.getJPQLUpdate());
        for (Entry<String, Object> entry : proxy.getModifiedFields().entrySet()) {
            updateQuery.setParameter(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
    // insert otherwise
    } else {


Total size of the contents of all the files in a directory

For Win32 DOS, you can:

c:> dir /s c:\directory\you\want

and the penultimate line will tell you how many bytes the files take up.

I know this reads all files and directories, but works faster in some situations.

SQL Server 100% CPU Utilization - One database shows high CPU usage than others

You can see some reports in SSMS:

Right-click the instance name / reports / standard / top sessions

You can see top CPU consuming sessions. This may shed some light on what SQL processes are using resources. There are a few other CPU related reports if you look around. I was going to point to some more DMVs but if you've looked into that already I'll skip it.

You can use sp_BlitzCache to find the top CPU consuming queries. You can also sort by IO and other things as well. This is using DMV info which accumulates between restarts.

This article looks promising.

Some stackoverflow goodness from Mr. Ozar.

edit: A little more advice... A query running for 'only' 5 seconds can be a problem. It could be using all your cores and really running 8 cores times 5 seconds - 40 seconds of 'virtual' time. I like to use some DMVs to see how many executions have happened for that code to see what that 5 seconds adds up to.

How to get base url in CodeIgniter 2.*

You need to add url helper in config/autoload

$autoload['helper'] = array('form', 'url', 'file', 'html'); <-- Like This

Then you can use base_url or any kind of url.

Custom li list-style with font-awesome icon

Now that the ::marker element is available in evergreen browsers, this is how you could use it, including using :hover to change the marker. As you can see, now you can use any Unicode character you want as a list item marker and even use custom counters.

@charset "UTF-8";
@counter-style fancy {
  system: fixed;
  symbols:   ;
  suffix: " ";

p {
  margin-left: 8em;

p.note {
  display: list-item;
  counter-increment: note-counter;

p.note::marker {
  content: "Note " counter(note-counter) ":";

ol {
  margin-left: 8em;
  padding-left: 0;

ol li {
  list-style-type: lower-roman;

ol li::marker {
  color: blue;
  font-weight: bold;

ul {
  margin-left: 8em;
  padding-left: 0;

ul.happy li::marker {
  content: "";

ul.happy li:hover {
  color: blue;

ul.happy li:hover::marker {
  content: "";

ul.fancy {
  list-style: fancy;
<p>This is the first paragraph in this document.</p>
<p class="note">This is a very short document.</p>
  <li>This is the first item.
    <li>This is the second item.
      <li>This is the third item.
<p>This is the end.</p>

<ul class="happy">
  <li>Item 1</li>
  <li>Item 2</li>
  <li>Item 3</li>

<ul class="fancy">
  <li>Item 1</li>
  <li>Item 2</li>
  <li>Item 3</li>

Insert ellipsis (...) into HTML tag if content too wide

A more flexible jQuery plugin enabling you to keep a element after the ellipsis (for example a "read-more" button) and update onWindowResize. It also works around text with markup:

What's the best way to build a string of delimited items in Java?

If you are using Spring MVC then you can try following steps.

import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;

List<String> groupIds = new List<String>;   

String csv = StringUtils.arrayToCommaDelimitedString(groupIds.toArray());

It will result to a,b,c

Multiple conditions in WHILE loop

If your code, if the user enters 'X' (for instance), when you reach the while condition evaluation it will determine that 'X' is differente from 'n' (nChar != 'n') which will make your loop condition true and execute the code inside of your loop. The second condition is not even evaluated.

How to create/make rounded corner buttons in WPF?

You can use attached properties for setting button border radius (also the same will work for textboxes).

Create class for attached property

public class CornerRadiusSetter
    public static CornerRadius GetCornerRadius(DependencyObject obj) => (CornerRadius)obj.GetValue(CornerRadiusProperty);

    public static void SetCornerRadius(DependencyObject obj, CornerRadius value) => obj.SetValue(CornerRadiusProperty, value);

    public static readonly DependencyProperty CornerRadiusProperty =
        DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(nameof(Border.CornerRadius), typeof(CornerRadius),
            typeof(CornerRadiusSetter), new UIPropertyMetadata(new CornerRadius(), CornerRadiusChangedCallback));

    public static void CornerRadiusChangedCallback(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        Control control = sender as Control;

        if (control == null) return;

        control.Loaded -= Control_Loaded;
        control.Loaded += Control_Loaded;

    private static void Control_Loaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Control control = sender as Control;

        if (control == null || control.Template == null) return;


        Border border = control.Template.FindName("border", control) as Border;

        if (border == null) return;

        border.CornerRadius = GetCornerRadius(control);

Then you can use attached property syntax for multiple buttons without style duplicates:

<Button local:CornerRadiusSetter.CornerRadius="10">Click me!</Button>
<Button local:CornerRadiusSetter.CornerRadius="5, 0, 0, 5">Click me!</Button>
<Button local:CornerRadiusSetter.CornerRadius="3, 20, 8, 15">Click me!</Button>

How different is Scrum practice from Agile Practice?

As is mentioned, Agile is a methodology, and there are various ways to define what agile is. To a large extent, if it involves constant unit testing and the ability to quickly adapt when the business needs change then it is probably agile. The opposite is the waterfall method.

There are various implementations that are codified by consultants, such as Xtremem Programming, Scrum and RUP (Rational Unified Process).

So, if you are using Scrum then you can switch between agile and scrum depending on if you are talking about the methodology or your implementation. You will want to see if the terms are being used correctly, by the context.

For example, if I am talking about the 15 min standup as part of my agile process, that is not necessarily needed to be agile, but scrum almost requires it, so when you interchange the terms, it is important to differentiate between the two concepts.

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xd1 in position 2: ordinal not in range(128)

Just add this lines to your codes :

import sys

Explanation on Integer.MAX_VALUE and Integer.MIN_VALUE to find min and max value in an array

but as for this method, I don't understand the purpose of Integer.MAX_VALUE and Integer.MIN_VALUE.

By starting out with smallest set to Integer.MAX_VALUE and largest set to Integer.MIN_VALUE, they don't have to worry later about the special case where smallest and largest don't have a value yet. If the data I'm looking through has a 10 as the first value, then numbers[i]<smallest will be true (because 10 is < Integer.MAX_VALUE) and we'll update smallest to be 10. Similarly, numbers[i]>largest will be true because 10 is > Integer.MIN_VALUE and we'll update largest. And so on.

Of course, when doing this, you must ensure that you have at least one value in the data you're looking at. Otherwise, you end up with apocryphal numbers in smallest and largest.

Note the point Onome Sotu makes in the comments:

...if the first item in the array is larger than the rest, then the largest item will always be Integer.MIN_VALUE because of the else-if statement.

Which is true; here's a simpler example demonstrating the problem (live copy):

public class Example
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        int[] values = {5, 1, 2};
        int smallest = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int largest  = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        for (int value : values) {
            if (value < smallest) {
                smallest = value;
            } else if (value > largest) {
                largest = value;
        System.out.println(smallest + ", " + largest); // 1, 2 -- WRONG

To fix it, either:

  1. Don't use else, or

  2. Start with smallest and largest equal to the first element, and then loop the remaining elements, keeping the else if.

Here's an example of that second one (live copy):

public class Example
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        int[] values = {5, 1, 2};
        int smallest = values[0];
        int largest  = values[0];
        for (int n = 1; n < values.length; ++n) {
            int value = values[n];
            if (value < smallest) {
                smallest = value;
            } else if (value > largest) {
                largest = value;
        System.out.println(smallest + ", " + largest); // 1, 5

Java and SSL -

Try instead of the latter isn't mentioned in the JSSE ref guide.

The algorithms you mention should be there by default using the default security providers. NoSuchAlgorithmExceptions are often cause by other underlying exceptions (file not found, wrong password, wrong keystore type, ...). It's useful to look at the full stack trace.

You could also use, or at least,keymanager, to get more debugging information, if the information in the stack trace isn't sufficient.

Nginx 403 error: directory index of [folder] is forbidden

You need execute permission on your static files directory. Also they need to be chown'ed by your nginx user and group.

Reading entire html file to String?

You should use a StringBuilder:

StringBuilder contentBuilder = new StringBuilder();
try {
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("mypage.html"));
    String str;
    while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
String content = contentBuilder.toString();

Hard reset of a single file

Since Git 2.23 (August 2019) you can use restore (more info):

git restore pathTo/MyFile

The above will restore MyFile on HEAD (the last commit) on the current branch.

If you want to get the changes from other commit you can go backwards on the commit history. The below command will get MyFile two commits previous to the last one. You need now the -s (--source) option since now you use master~2 and not master (the default) as you restore source:

git restore -s master~2 pathTo/MyFile

You can also get the file from other branch!

git restore -s my-feature-branch pathTo/MyFile

Maintain image aspect ratio when changing height

This behavior is expected. flex container will stretch all its children by default. Image have no exception. (ie, parent will have align-items: stretch property )

To keep the aspect ratio we've two solutions:

  1. Either replace default align-items: stretch property to align-items: flex-start or align-self: center etc,


  1. Set align property exclusively to the child itself: like, align-self: center or align-self: flex-start etc.

Cause of No suitable driver found for

I think your HSQL URL is wrong. It should also include the database name,

so something like


if mydatabase is the name of your DB (file). Not including this can (I'm not sure if it is the case here) confuse the parsing of the URL, which may lead to the DriverManagerDS thinking that your driver is not suitable (it is found, but it thinks it is not a good one)

How to get single value from this multi-dimensional PHP array

Look at the keys and indentation in your print_r:

echo $myarray[0]['email'];

echo $myarray[0]['gender'];


ERROR: permission denied for relation tablename on Postgres while trying a SELECT as a readonly user

You should execute the next query:

GRANT ALL ON TABLE mytable TO myuser;

Or if your error is in a view then maybe the table does not have permission, so you should execute the next query:

GRANT ALL ON TABLE tbm_grupo TO myuser;

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()

mysql_* functions have been removed in PHP 7.

You probably have PHP 7 in XAMPP. You now have two alternatives: MySQLi and PDO.

Additionally, here is a nice wiki page about PDO.

How to iterate over associative arrays in Bash

You can access the keys with ${!array[@]}:

bash-4.0$ echo "${!array[@]}"
foo bar

Then, iterating over the key/value pairs is easy:

for i in "${!array[@]}"
  echo "key :" $i
  echo "value:" ${array[$i]}

How to get the browser viewport dimensions?

I know this has an acceptable answer, but I ran into a situation where clientWidth didn't work, as iPhone (at least mine) returned 980, not 320, so I used window.screen.width. I was working on existing site, being made "responsive" and needed to force larger browsers to use a different meta-viewport.

Hope this helps someone, it may not be perfect, but it works in my testing on iOs and Android.

//sweet hack to set meta viewport for desktop sites squeezing down to mobile that are big and have a fixed width 
  //first see if they have window.screen.width avail
  (function() {
    if (window.screen.width)
      var setViewport = {
        //smaller devices
        phone: 'width=device-width,initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no',
        //bigger ones, be sure to set width to the needed and likely hardcoded width of your site at large breakpoints  
        other: 'width=1045,user-scalable=yes',
        //current browser width
        widthDevice: window.screen.width,
        //your css breakpoint for mobile, etc. non-mobile first
        widthMin: 560,
        //add the tag based on above vars and environment 
        setMeta: function () {
          var params = (this.widthDevice <= this.widthMin) ? : this.other; 
          var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
          var viewport = document.createElement('meta');
      //call it 

HTML input - name vs. id

Adding some actual references to W3 docs that authoritatively explain the role of the 'name' attribute on form elements. (For what it's worth, I arrived here while exploring exactly how Stripe.js works to implement safe interaction with payment gateway Stripe. In particular, what causes a form input element to get submitted back to the server, or prevents it from being submitted?)

The following W3 docs are relevent:

HTML 4: Section 17.2 Controls

HTML 5: and Section Constructing the form data set.

As explained therein, an input element will be submitted by the browser if and only if it has a valid 'name' attribute.

As others have noted, the 'id' attribute uniquely identifies DOM elements, but is not involved in normal form submission. (Though 'id' or other attributes can of course be used by javascript to obtain form values, which javascript could then use for AJAX submissions and so on.)

One oddity regarding previous answers/commenters concern about id's values and name's values being in the same namespace. So far as I can tell from the specs, this applied to some deprecated uses of the name attribute (not on form elements). For example

"Authors should not specify the name attribute on a elements. If the attribute is present, its value must not be the empty string and must neither be equal to the value of any of the IDs in the element's home subtree other than the element's own ID, if any, nor be equal to the value of any of the other name attributes on a elements in the element's home subtree. If this attribute is present and the element has an ID, then the attribute's value must be equal to the element's ID. In earlier versions of the language, this attribute was intended as a way to specify possible targets for fragment identifiers in URLs. The id attribute should be used instead."

Clearly in this special case there's some overlap between id and name values for 'a' tags. But this seems to be a peculiarity of processing for fragment ids, not due to general sharing of namespace of ids and names.

bash: Bad Substitution

I had the same problem. Make sure your script didnt have


at the top of your script. Instead, you should add


Reliable method to get machine's MAC address in C#

Really hate to dig up this old post but I feel the question deserves another answer specific to windows 8-10.

Using NetworkInformation from the Windows.Networking.Connectivity namespace, you can get the Id of the network adapter windows is using. Then you can get the interface MAC Address from the previously mentioned GetAllNetworkInterfaces().

This will not work in Windows Store Apps as NetworkInterface in System.Net.NetworkInformation does not expose GetAllNetworkInterfaces.

string GetMacAddress()
    var connectionProfile = NetworkInformation.GetInternetConnectionProfile();
    if (connectionProfile == null) return "";

    var inUseId = connectionProfile.NetworkAdapter.NetworkAdapterId.ToString("B").ToUpperInvariant();
    if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inUseId)) return "";

    var mac = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()
        .Where(n => inUseId == n.Id)
        .Select(n => n.GetPhysicalAddress().GetAddressBytes().Select(b=>b.ToString("X2")))
        .Select(macBytes => string.Join(" ", macBytes))

    return mac;

Windows batch - concatenate multiple text files into one

At its most basic, concatenating files from a batch file is done with 'copy'.

copy file1.txt + file2.txt + file3.txt concattedfile.txt

Column count doesn't match value count at row 1

You should also look at new triggers.

MySQL doesn't show the table name in the error, so you're really left in a lurch. Here's a working example:

use test;
create table blah (id int primary key AUTO_INCREMENT, data varchar(100));
create table audit_blah (audit_id int primary key AUTO_INCREMENT, action enum('INSERT','UPDATE','DELETE'), id int, data varchar(100) null);
insert into audit_blah(action, id, data) values ('INSERT', 1, 'a');
select * from blah;
select * from audit_blah;
truncate table audit_blah;

delimiter //
/* I've commented out "id" below, so the insert fails with an ambiguous error: */
create trigger ai_blah after insert on blah for each row 
  insert into audit_blah (action, /*id,*/ data) values ('INSERT', /*,*/;

/* This insert is valid, but you'll get an exception from the trigger: */
insert into blah (data) values ('data1');

Add one day to date in javascript

use this i think it is useful for you

var endDate=startDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() + 1);

django: TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable

You're missing comma (,) inbetween:

>>> ((1,2) (2,3))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable

Put comma:

>>> ((1,2), (2,3))
((1, 2), (2, 3))

Global Events in Angular

We implemented a ngModelChange observable directive that sends all model changes through an event emitter that you instantiate in your own component. You simply have to bind your event emitter to the directive.


In html, bind your event emitter (countryChanged in this example):

<input [(ngModel)]=""
       name="country" id="country"></input>

In your typescript component, do some async operations on the EventEmitter:

import ...
import {ModelChangeObservable} from './model-change-observable.directive'

    selector: 'my-component',
    directives: [ModelChangeObservable],
    providers: [],
    templateUrl: 'my-component.html'

export class MyComponent {

    country: Country

    countries:Country[] = <Country[]>[]
    countryChanged:EventEmitter<string> = new EventEmitter<string>()

    constructor() {

            .filter((text:string) => text.length > 2)
            .subscribe((countryName:string) => {
                let query = new RegExp(countryName, 'ig')
                this.selectedCountries = this.countries.filter((country:Country) => {
                    return query.test(

How to execute a Windows command on a remote PC?

You can use native win command:

WMIC /node:ComputerName process call create “cmd.exe /c start.exe”

The WMIC is part of wbem win folder: C:\Windows\System32\wbem

Batch script to delete files

You need to escape the % with another...

del "D:\TEST\TEST 100%%\Archive*.TXT"

Convert blob URL to normal URL

Found this answer here and wanted to reference it as it appear much cleaner than the accepted answer:

function blobToDataURL(blob, callback) {
  var fileReader = new FileReader();
  fileReader.onload = function(e) {callback(;}

Pointers in C: when to use the ampersand and the asterisk?

When you are declaring a pointer variable or function parameter, use the *:

int *x = NULL;
int *y = malloc(sizeof(int)), *z = NULL;
int* f(int *x) {

NB: each declared variable needs its own *.

When you want to take the address of a value, use &. When you want to read or write the value in a pointer, use *.

int a;
int *b;
b = f(&a);
a = *b;

a = *f(&a);

Arrays are usually just treated like pointers. When you declare an array parameter in a function, you can just as easily declare it is a pointer (it means the same thing). When you pass an array to a function, you are actually passing a pointer to the first element.

Function pointers are the only things that don't quite follow the rules. You can take the address of a function without using &, and you can call a function pointer without using *.

How to modify list entries during for loop?

One more for loop variant, looks cleaner to me than one with enumerate():

for idx in range(len(list)):
    list[idx]=... # set a new value
    # some other code which doesn't let you use a list comprehension

How to access nested elements of json object using getJSONArray method

I suggest you to use Gson library. It allows to parse JSON string into object data model. Please, see my example:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;


public class GsonProgram {

    public static void main(String... args) {
        String response = "{\"result\":{\"map\":{\"entry\":[{\"key\":{\"@xsi.type\":\"xs:string\",\"$\":\"ContentA\"},\"value\":\"fsdf\"},{\"key\":{\"@xsi.type\":\"xs:string\",\"$\":\"ContentB\"},\"value\":\"dfdf\"}]}}}";

        Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().serializeNulls().create();
        Response res = gson.fromJson(response, Response.class);

        System.out.println("Entries: " + res.getResult().getMap().getEntry());

class Response {

    private Result result;

    public Result getResult() {
        return result;

    public void setResult(Result result) {
        this.result = result;

    public String toString() {
        return result.toString();

class Result {

    private MapNode map;

    public MapNode getMap() {
        return map;

    public void setMap(MapNode map) { = map;

    public String toString() {
        return map.toString();

class MapNode {

    List<Entry> entry = new ArrayList<Entry>();

    public List<Entry> getEntry() {
        return entry;

    public void setEntry(List<Entry> entry) {
        this.entry = entry;

    public String toString() {
        return Arrays.toString(entry.toArray());

class Entry {

    private Key key;
    private String value;

    public String getValue() {
        return value;

    public void setValue(String value) {
        this.value = value;

    public Key getKey() {
        return key;

    public void setKey(Key key) {
        this.key = key;

    public String toString() {
        return "[key=" + key + ", value=" + value + "]";

class Key {

    private String value;

    private String type;

    public String getValue() {
        return value;

    public void setValue(String value) {
        this.value = value;

    public String getType() {
        return type;

    public void setType(String type) {
        this.type = type;

    public String toString() {
        return "[value=" + value + ", type=" + type + "]";

Program output:

Entries: [[key=[value=ContentA, type=xs:string], value=fsdf], [key=[value=ContentB, type=xs:string], value=dfdf]]

If you not familiar with this library, then you can find a lot of informations in "Gson User Guide".

What is the difference between a cer, pvk, and pfx file?

In Windows platform, these file types are used for certificate information. Normally used for SSL certificate and Public Key Infrastructure (X.509).

  • CER files: CER file is used to store X.509 certificate. Normally used for SSL certification to verify and identify web servers security. The file contains information about certificate owner and public key. A CER file can be in binary (ASN.1 DER) or encoded with Base-64 with header and footer included (PEM), Windows will recognize either of these layout.
  • PVK files: Stands for Private Key. Windows uses PVK files to store private keys for code signing in various Microsoft products. PVK is proprietary format.
  • PFX files Personal Exchange Format, is a PKCS12 file. This contains a variety of cryptographic information, such as certificates, root authority certificates, certificate chains and private keys. It’s cryptographically protected with passwords to keep private keys private and preserve the integrity of the root certificates. The PFX file is also used in various Microsoft products, such as IIS.

for more information visit:Certificate Files: .Cer x .Pvk x .Pfx

Best way to check if a Data Table has a null value in it

You can null/blank/space Etc value using LinQ Use Following Query

   var BlankValueRows = (from dr1 in Dt.AsEnumerable()
                                  where dr1["Columnname"].ToString() == ""
                                  || dr1["Columnname"].ToString() == ""
                                   || dr1["Columnname"].ToString() == ""
                                  select Columnname);

Here Replace Columnname with table column name and "" your search item in above code we looking null value.

Error With Port 8080 already in use

The solution to this issue is:

Step 1: Stop Tomcat(By service or by .bat/.sh what ever the case may be ).

Step 2: Delete the already configured Apache Tomcat on eclipse.

Step 3: Now reconfigure the apache on the eclipse and start the server using UI as provided by eclipse.

I have the same issue and it has worked.

How do I install Maven with Yum?

Do you need to install it with yum? There's plenty other possibilities:

  • Grab the binary from and put it in your /usr/bn
  • If you are using Eclipse you can get the m2eclipse plugin ( which bundles a version of maven

HTML input field hint

If you mean like a text in the background, I'd say you use a label with the input field and position it on the input using CSS, of course. With JS, you fade out the label when the input receives values and fade it in when the input is empty. In this way, it is not possible for the user to submit the description, whether by accident or intent.

jQuery get value of select onChange

This is helped for me.

For select:

$('select_tags').on('change', function() {
    alert( $(this).find(":selected").val() );

For radio/checkbox:

$('radio_tags').on('change', function() {
    alert( $(this).find(":checked").val() );

How to find index of STRING array in Java from a given value?

Refactoring the above methods and showing with the use:

private String[] languages = {"pt", "en", "es"};
private Integer indexOf(String[] arr, String str){
   for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
      if(arr[i].equals(str)) return i;
   return -1;
indexOf(languages, "en")

Default instance name of SQL Server Express

You're right, it's localhost\SQLEXPRESS (just no $) and yes, it's the same for both 2005 and 2008 express versions.

Converting string to integer

The function you need is CInt.

ie CInt(PrinterLabel)

See Type Conversion Functions (Visual Basic) on MSDN

Edit: Be aware that CInt and its relatives behave differently in and VBScript. For example, in, CInt casts to a 32-bit integer, but in VBScript, CInt casts to a 16-bit integer. Be on the lookout for potential overflows!

Hiding the scroll bar on an HTML page

Copy this CSS code to the customer code for hiding the scroll bar:


    ::-webkit-scrollbar {
       display: none;

    #element::-webkit-scrollbar {
       display: none;


Determining if Swift dictionary contains key and obtaining any of its values

Looks like you got what you need from @matt, but if you want a quick way to get a value for a key, or just the first value if that key doesn’t exist:

extension Dictionary {
    func keyedOrFirstValue(key: Key) -> Value? {
        // if key not found, replace the nil with 
        // the first element of the values collection
        return self[key] ?? first(self.values)
        // note, this is still an optional (because the
        // dictionary could be empty)

let d = ["one":"red", "two":"blue"]

d.keyedOrFirstValue("one")  // {Some "red"}
d.keyedOrFirstValue("two")  // {Some "blue"}
d.keyedOrFirstValue("three")  // {Some "red”}

Note, no guarantees what you'll actually get as the first value, it just happens in this case to return “red”.

How to access JSON decoded array in PHP

As you're passing true as the second parameter to json_decode, in the above example you can retrieve data doing something similar to:

$myArray = json_decode($data, true);
echo $myArray[0]['id']; // Fetches the first ID
echo $myArray[0]['c_name']; // Fetches the first c_name
// ...
echo $myArray[2]['id']; // Fetches the third ID
// etc..

If you do NOT pass true as the second parameter to json_decode it would instead return it as an object:

echo $myArray[0]->id;

Is there a way to define a min and max value for EditText in Android?

please check this code

    String pass = EditText.getText().toString(); 
    if(TextUtils.isEmpty(pass) || pass.length < [YOUR MIN LENGTH]) 
       EditText.setError("You must have x characters in your txt"); 

    //continue processing

edittext.setOnFocusChangeListener( new OnFocusChangeListener() {

       public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) {
          if(hasFocus) {
           // USE your code here 

USe the below link for more details about edittext and the edittextfilteres with text watcher..

React.createElement: type is invalid -- expected a string

I just spent 30 minutes trying to solve this BASIC basic issue.

My problem was I was importing react native elements

eg import React, { Text, Image, Component } from 'react';

And trying to use them, which caused me to receive this error.

Once I switch from <Text> to <p> and <Image> to <img> everything worked as expected.

Save the plots into a PDF

If someone ends up here from google, looking to convert a single figure to a .pdf (that was what I was looking for):

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

f = plt.figure()
plt.plot(range(10), range(10), "o")

f.savefig("foo.pdf", bbox_inches='tight')

cannot import name patterns

patterns module is not supported.. mine worked with this.

from django.conf.urls import *
from django.contrib import admin

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^admin/', include(,
    # ... your url patterns

C++ Best way to get integer division and remainder

On x86 the remainder is a by-product of the division itself so any half-decent compiler should be able to just use it (and not perform a div again). This is probably done on other architectures too.

Instruction: DIV src

Note: Unsigned division. Divides accumulator (AX) by "src". If divisor is a byte value, result is put to AL and remainder to AH. If divisor is a word value, then DX:AX is divided by "src" and result is stored in AX and remainder is stored in DX.

int c = (int)a / b;
int d = a % b; /* Likely uses the result of the division. */

Spring configure @ResponseBody JSON format

In spring3.2, new solution is introduced by: , the below is my example:

     ??<bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter">
       ???<property name="objectMapper">
           ?????<property name="featuresToEnable">
               ???????<util:constant static-field="com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_SINGLE_QUOTES" />

How to convert a JSON string to a dictionary?


  • Xcode Version 10.3 (10G8), Swift 5


import Foundation

// MARK: - CastingError

struct CastingError: Error {
    let fromType: Any.Type
    let toType: Any.Type
    init<FromType, ToType>(fromType: FromType.Type, toType: ToType.Type) {
        self.fromType = fromType
        self.toType = toType

extension CastingError: LocalizedError {
    var localizedDescription: String { return "Can not cast from \(fromType) to \(toType)" }

extension CastingError: CustomStringConvertible { var description: String { return localizedDescription } }

// MARK: - Data cast extensions

extension Data {
    func toDictionary(options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions = []) throws -> [String: Any] {
        return try to(type: [String: Any].self, options: options)

    func to<T>(type: T.Type, options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions = []) throws -> T {
        guard let result = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: self, options: options) as? T else {
            throw CastingError(fromType: type, toType: T.self)
        return result

// MARK: - String cast extensions

extension String {
    func asJSON<T>(to type: T.Type, using encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8) throws -> T {
        guard let data = data(using: encoding) else { throw CastingError(fromType: type, toType: T.self) }
        return try T.self)

    func asJSONToDictionary(using encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8) throws -> [String: Any] {
        return try asJSON(to: [String: Any].self, using: encoding)

// MARK: - Dictionary cast extensions

extension Dictionary {
    func toData(options: JSONSerialization.WritingOptions = []) throws -> Data {
        return try self, options: options)


let value1 = try? data.toDictionary()
let value2 = try? [String: Any].self)
let value3 = try? [String: String].self)
let value4 = try? string.asJSONToDictionary()
let value5 = try? string.asJSON(to: [String: String].self)

Test sample

Do not forget to paste the solution code here

func testDescriber(text: String, value: Any) {
    print("-- \(text)\n\n  type: \(type(of: value))\n  value: \(value)")

let json1: [String: Any] = ["key1" : 1, "key2": true, "key3" : ["a": 1, "b": 2], "key4": [1,2,3]]
var jsonData = try? json1.toData()
testDescriber(text: "Sample test of func toDictionary()", value: json1)
if let data = jsonData {
    print("  Result: \(String(describing: try? data.toDictionary()))")

testDescriber(text: "Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String: Any]", value: json1)
if let data = jsonData {
    print("  Result: \(String(describing: try? [String: Any].self)))")

testDescriber(text: "Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String] with cast error", value: json1)
if let data = jsonData {
    do {
        print("  Result: \(String(describing: try [String].self)))")
    } catch {
        print("  ERROR: \(error)")

let array = [1,4,5,6]
testDescriber(text: "Sample test of func to<T>() -> [Int]", value: array)
if let data = try? array) {
    print("  Result: \(String(describing: try? [Int].self)))")

let json2 = ["key1": "a", "key2": "b"]
testDescriber(text: "Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String: String]", value: json2)
if let data = try? json2) {
    print("  Result: \(String(describing: try? [String: String].self)))")

let jsonString = "{\"key1\": \"a\", \"key2\": \"b\"}"
testDescriber(text: "Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String: String]", value: jsonString)
print("  Result: \(String(describing: try? jsonString.asJSON(to: [String: String].self)))")

testDescriber(text: "Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String: String]", value: jsonString)
print("  Result: \(String(describing: try? jsonString.asJSONToDictionary()))")

let wrongJsonString = "{\"key1\": \"a\", \"key2\":}"
testDescriber(text: "Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String: String] with JSONSerialization error", value: jsonString)
do {
    let json = try wrongJsonString.asJSON(to: [String: String].self)
    print("  Result: \(String(describing: json))")
} catch {
    print("  ERROR: \(error)")

Test log

-- Sample test of func toDictionary()

  type: Dictionary<String, Any>
  value: ["key4": [1, 2, 3], "key2": true, "key3": ["a": 1, "b": 2], "key1": 1]
  Result: Optional(["key4": <__NSArrayI 0x600002a35380>(
, "key2": 1, "key3": {
    a = 1;
    b = 2;
}, "key1": 1])

-- Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String: Any]

  type: Dictionary<String, Any>
  value: ["key4": [1, 2, 3], "key2": true, "key3": ["a": 1, "b": 2], "key1": 1]
  Result: Optional(["key4": <__NSArrayI 0x600002a254d0>(
, "key2": 1, "key1": 1, "key3": {
    a = 1;
    b = 2;

-- Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String] with cast error

  type: Dictionary<String, Any>
  value: ["key4": [1, 2, 3], "key2": true, "key3": ["a": 1, "b": 2], "key1": 1]
  ERROR: Can not cast from Array<String> to Array<String>

-- Sample test of func to<T>() -> [Int]

  type: Array<Int>
  value: [1, 4, 5, 6]
  Result: Optional([1, 4, 5, 6])

-- Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String: String]

  type: Dictionary<String, String>
  value: ["key1": "a", "key2": "b"]
  Result: Optional(["key1": "a", "key2": "b"])

-- Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String: String]

  type: String
  value: {"key1": "a", "key2": "b"}
  Result: Optional(["key1": "a", "key2": "b"])

-- Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String: String]

  type: String
  value: {"key1": "a", "key2": "b"}
  Result: Optional(["key1": a, "key2": b])

-- Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String: String] with JSONSerialization error

  type: String
  value: {"key1": "a", "key2": "b"}
  ERROR: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "Invalid value around character 21." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Invalid value around character 21.}

How to make blinking/flashing text with CSS 3

        font-family:Bauhaus 93;
        border:outset blue;
        box-shadow:10px 10px green;
        font-family:Bauhaus 93;
        border:outset blue;
        box-shadow:10px 10px green;
<script src="jquery-3.js"></script>
    $(document).ready(function () {
        var flag = true;

        function blink() {
                flag = false;
                if ($('#div1').hasClass('class2'))
                flag = true;
        window.setInterval(blink, 1000);

what exactly is device pixel ratio?

Gives the number of device pixels per CSS pixel.

this is almost self-explaining. the number describes the ratio of how much "real" pixels (physical pixerls of the screen) are used to display one "virtual" pixel (size set in CSS).

How can I shuffle the lines of a text file on the Unix command line or in a shell script?

here's an awk script

awk 'BEGIN{srand() }
{ lines[++d]=$0 }
    while (1){
    if (e==d) {break}
        RANDOM = int(1 + rand() * d)
        if ( RANDOM in lines  ){
            print lines[RANDOM]
            delete lines[RANDOM]
}' file


$ cat file

$ ./

What size should TabBar images be?

According to my practice, I use the 40 x 40 for standard iPad tab bar item icon, 80 X 80 for retina.

From the Apple reference.

If you want to create a bar icon that looks like it's related to the iOS 7 icon family, use a very thin stroke to draw it. Specifically, a 2-pixel stroke (high resolution) works well for detailed icons and a 3-pixel stroke works well for less detailed icons.

Regardless of the icon’s visual style, create a toolbar or navigation bar icon in the following sizes:

About 44 x 44 pixels About 22 x 22 pixels (standard resolution) Regardless of the icon’s visual style, create a tab bar icon in the following sizes:

About 50 x 50 pixels (96 x 64 pixels maximum) About 25 x 25 pixels (48 x 32 pixels maximum) for standard resolution

How to load image to WPF in runtime?

In WPF an image is typically loaded from a Stream or an Uri.

BitmapImage supports both and an Uri can even be passed as constructor argument:

var uri = new Uri("http://...");
var bitmap = new BitmapImage(uri);

If the image file is located in a local folder, you would have to use a file:// Uri. You could create such a Uri from a path like this:

var path = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Bilder", "sas.png");
var uri = new Uri(path);

If the image file is an assembly resource, the Uri must follow the the Pack Uri scheme:

var uri = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Bilder/sas.png");

In this case the Visual Studio Build Action for sas.png would have to be Resource.

Once you have created a BitmapImage and also have an Image control like in this XAML

<Image Name="image1" />

you would simply assign the BitmapImage to the Source property of that Image control:

image1.Source = bitmap;

document.all vs. document.getElementById

document.all() is a non-standard way of accessing DOM elements. It's been deprecated from a few browsers. It gives you access to all sub elements on your document.

document.getElementById() is a standard and fully supported. Each element have a unique id on the document.

If you have:

<div id="testing"></div>



Will have access to that specific div.

Generating random numbers in C

int *generate_randomnumbers(int start, int end){
    int *res = malloc(sizeof(int)*(end-start));
    for (int i= 0; i < (end -start)+1; i++){
        int r = rand()%end + start;
        int dup = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < (end -start)+1; j++){
            if (res[j] == r){
                dup = 1;
        if (!dup)
            res[i] = r;
    return res;

SSRS Field Expression to change the background color of the Cell


Also need to convert to upper case for comparision is binary test.

How can I reference a dll in the GAC from Visual Studio?

In VS2010, from the Add Rerences window you can click 'Browse' and navigate to C:\Windows\Assembly and add references to the assemblies that you want. Please note that the files may be grouped under different folders like GAC, GAC_32, GAC_64, GAC_MSIL etc.

rewrite a folder name using .htaccess


RewriteRule ^/apple(.*)?$ /folder1$1 [NC]

Where the folder you want to appear in the url is in the first part of the statement - this is what it will match against and the second part 'rewrites' it to your existing folder. the [NC] flag means that it will ignore case differences eg Apple/ will still forward.

See here for a tutorial:

There is also a nice test utility for windows you can download from here: Just to note for the tester you need to leave out the domain name - so the test would be against /folder1/login.php

to redirect from /folder1 to /apple try this:

RewriteRule ^/folder1(.*)?$ /apple$1 [R]

to redirect and then rewrite just combine the above in the htaccess file:

RewriteRule ^/folder1(.*)?$ /apple$1 [R]
RewriteRule ^/apple(.*)?$ /folder1$1 [NC]

How to get the PID of a process by giving the process name in Mac OS X ?

Why don't you run TOP and use the options to sort by other metrics, other than PID? Like, highest used PID from the CPU/MEM?

top -o cpu <---sorts all processes by CPU Usage

Batch file FOR /f tokens

for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%f in (myfile) do

This reads a file line-by-line, removing leading spaces (thanks, jeb).

set line=%%f

sets then the line variable to the line just read and

call :procesToken

calls a subroutine that does something with the line


is the start of the subroutine mentioned above.

for /f "tokens=1* delims=/" %%a in ("%line%") do

will then split the line at /, but stopping tokenization after the first token.

echo Got one token: %%a

will output that first token and

set line=%%b

will set the line variable to the rest of the line.

if not "%line%" == "" goto :processToken

And if line isn't yet empty (i.e. all tokens processed), it returns to the start, continuing with the rest of the line.

C++ preprocessor __VA_ARGS__ number of arguments

Boost Preprocessor actually has this as of Boost 1.49, as BOOST_PP_VARIADIC_SIZE(...). It works up to size 64.

Under the hood, it's basically the same as Kornel Kisielewicz's answer.

Is this the proper way to do boolean test in SQL?

PostgreSQL supports boolean types, so your SQL query would work perfectly in PostgreSQL.

Get the current displaying UIViewController on the screen in AppDelegate.m

Why not just handle the push notification code in the app delegate? Is it directly related to a view?

You can check if a UIViewController's view is currently visible by checking if it's view's window property has a value. See more here.

Creating a new empty branch for a new project

You can create a branch as an orphan:

git checkout --orphan <branchname>

This will create a new branch with no parents. Then, you can clear the working directory with:

git rm --cached -r .

and add the documentation files, commit them and push them up to github.

A pull or fetch will always update the local information about all the remote branches. If you only want to pull/fetch the information for a single remote branch, you need to specify it.

Linking static libraries to other static libraries

On Linux or MingW, with GNU toolchain:

ar -M <<EOM
    CREATE libab.a
    ADDLIB liba.a
    ADDLIB libb.a
ranlib libab.a

Of if you do not delete liba.a and libb.a, you can make a "thin archive":

ar crsT libab.a liba.a libb.a

On Windows, with MSVC toolchain:

lib.exe /OUT:libab.lib liba.lib libb.lib

Convert data.frame column format from character to factor

If you want to change all character variables in your data.frame to factors after you've already loaded your data, you can do it like this, to a data.frame called dat:

character_vars <- lapply(dat, class) == "character"
dat[, character_vars] <- lapply(dat[, character_vars], as.factor)

This creates a vector identifying which columns are of class character, then applies as.factor to those columns.

Sample data:

dat <- data.frame(var1 = c("a", "b"),
                  var2 = c("hi", "low"),
                  var3 = c(0, 0.1),
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

How to empty a redis database?

You have two options:

  • FLUSHDB - clears currently active database
  • FLUSHALL - clears all the existing databases

Make $JAVA_HOME easily changable in Ubuntu

After making changes to .profile, you need to execute the file, in order for the changes to take effect.

root@masternode# . ~/.profile

Once this is done, the echo command will work.

Check whether there is an Internet connection available on Flutter app

I found that just using the connectivity package was not enough to tell if the internet was available or not. In Android it only checks if there is WIFI or if mobile data is turned on, it does not check for an actual internet connection . During my testing, even with no mobile signal would return true.

With IOS my testing found that the connectivity plugin does correctly detect if there is an internet connection when the phone has no signal, the issue was only with Android.

The solution I found was to use the data_connection_checker package along with the connectivity package. This just makes sure there is an internet connection by making requests to a few reliable addresses, the default timeout for the check is around 10 seconds.

My finished isInternet function looked a bit like this:

  Future<bool> isInternet() async {
    var connectivityResult = await (Connectivity().checkConnectivity());
    if (connectivityResult == {
      // I am connected to a mobile network, make sure there is actually a net connection.
      if (await DataConnectionChecker().hasConnection) {
        // Mobile data detected & internet connection confirmed.
        return true;
      } else {
        // Mobile data detected but no internet connection found.
        return false;
    } else if (connectivityResult == ConnectivityResult.wifi) {
      // I am connected to a WIFI network, make sure there is actually a net connection.
      if (await DataConnectionChecker().hasConnection) {
        // Wifi detected & internet connection confirmed.
        return true;
      } else {
        // Wifi detected but no internet connection found.
        return false;
    } else {
      // Neither mobile data or WIFI detected, not internet connection found.
      return false;

The if (await DataConnectionChecker().hasConnection) part is the same for both mobile and wifi connections and should probably be moved to a separate function. I've not done that here to leave it more readable.

This is my first Stack Overflow answer, hope it helps someone.

What is the basic difference between the Factory and Abstract Factory Design Patterns?

Factory pattern: The factory produces IProduct-implementations

Abstract Factory Pattern: A factory-factory produces IFactories, which in turn produces IProducts :)

[Update according to the comments]
What I wrote earlier is not correct according to Wikipedia at least. An abstract factory is simply a factory interface. With it, you can switch your factories at runtime, to allow different factories in different contexts. Examples could be different factories for different OS'es, SQL providers, middleware-drivers etc..

count of entries in data frame in R

DPLYR makes this really easy.


If you wanted to count by a group; for instance, how many males v females believe, just add a group_by:


git - Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit

I resolved this by just running a simple:

git pull

Nothing more. Now it's showing:

# On branch master
nothing to commit, working directory clean

Removing object from array in Swift 3

This is what I've used (Swift 5)...

    extension Array where Element:Equatable
        mutating func removeFirst(_ item:Any ) -> Any? {
            for index in 0..<self.count {
                if(item as? Element == self[index]) {
                    return self.remove(at: index)
            return nil
        mutating func removeLast(_ item:Any ) -> Any? {
            var index = self.count-1
            while index >= 0 {
                if(item as? Element == self[index]) {
                    return self.remove(at: index)
                index -= 1
            return nil

    var arrContacts:[String] = ["A","B","D","C","B","D"]
    var contacts: [Any] = ["B","D"]
    var index = 1
    index = 0


   ["A", "B", "D", "C", "B", "D"]
   ["A", "B", "C", "B", "D"]
   ["A", "B", "C", "D"]

Important: The array from which you remove items must contain Equatable elements (such as objects, strings, number, etc.)

Custom seekbar (thumb size, color and background)

  • First at all, use android:splitTrack="false" for the transparency problem of your thumb.

  • For the seekbar.png, you have to use a 9 patch. It would be good for the rounded border and the shadow of your image.

Difference between File.separator and slash in paths

If you are trying to create a File from some ready path (saved in database, per example) using Linux separator, what should I do?

Maybe just use the path do create the file:

new File("/shared/folder/file.jpg");

But Windows use a different separator (\). So, is the alternative convert the slash separator to platform independent? Like:

new File(convertPathToPlatformIndependent("/shared/folder"));

This method convertPathToPlatformIndependent probably will have some kind of split by "/" and join with File.separator.

Well, for me, that's not nice for a language that is platform independent (right?) and Java already support the use of / on Windows or Linux. But if you are working with paths and need to remember to this conversion every single time this will be a nightmare and you won't have any real gain for the application on the future (maybe in the universe that @Pointy described).

Git Clone - Repository not found

On github you can have the main repository and subfolders. Make sure that the URL that you are using is that of the main repository and not that of a folder. The former will succeed and the latter will produce the repository not found error. If you have a doubt you are in a subfolder, navigate up the repository chain till you find a page which actually specified the https URL and use that.

How do I add a newline using printf?

To write a newline use \n not /n the latter is just a slash and a n

Importing data from a JSON file into R

If the URL is https, like used for Amazon S3, then use getURL

json <- fromJSON(getURL(''))

git returns http error 407 from proxy after CONNECT

This config works in my setup:

    proxy = <your proxy>
[https] proxy = <your proxy>
    sslVerify = false
    sslVerify = false   
    helper = wincred 

Why is there no SortedList in Java?

For any newcomers, as of April 2015, Android now has a SortedList class in the support library, designed specifically to work with RecyclerView. Here's the blog post about it.

Is it possible to create static classes in PHP (like in C#)?

You can have static classes in PHP but they don't call the constructor automatically (if you try and call self::__construct() you'll get an error).

Therefore you'd have to create an initialize() function and call it in each method:


class Hello
    private static $greeting = 'Hello';
    private static $initialized = false;

    private static function initialize()
        if (self::$initialized)

        self::$greeting .= ' There!';
        self::$initialized = true;

    public static function greet()
        echo self::$greeting;

Hello::greet(); // Hello There!


Bootstrap 3 offset on right not left

You need to combine multiple classes (col-*-offset-* for left-margin and col-*-pull-* to pull it right)

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <div class="row">_x000D_
    <div class="col-xs-3 col-xs-offset-9">_x000D_
      I'm a right column_x000D_
    <div class="col-xs-3">_x000D_
    <div class="col-xs-3">_x000D_
      four columns_x000D_
    <div class="col-xs-3">_x000D_
      using the_x000D_
    <div class="col-xs-3">_x000D_
      whole row_x000D_
    <div class="col-xs-3 col-xs-offset-9 col-xs-pull-9">_x000D_
      I'm a left column_x000D_
    <div class="col-xs-3">_x000D_
    <div class="col-xs-3">_x000D_
      four columns_x000D_
    <div class="col-xs-3">_x000D_
      using the_x000D_
    <div class="col-xs-3">_x000D_
      whole row_x000D_

So you don't need to separate it manually into different rows.

Only using @JsonIgnore during serialization, but not deserialization

In order to accomplish this, all that we need is two annotations:

  1. @JsonIgnore
  2. @JsonProperty

Use @JsonIgnore on the class member and its getter, and @JsonProperty on its setter. A sample illustration would help to do this:

class User {

    // More fields here
    private String password;

    public String getPassword() {
        return password;

    public void setPassword(final String password) {
        this.password = password;

inserting characters at the start and end of a string

For completeness along with the other answers:

yourstring = "L%sLL" % yourstring

Or, more forward compatible with Python 3.x:

yourstring = "L{0}LL".format(yourstring)

Implementing SearchView in action bar

It took a while to put together a solution for this, but have found this is the easiest way to get it to work in the way that you describe. There could be better ways to do this, but since you haven't posted your activity code I will have to improvise and assume you have a list like this at the start of your activity:

private List<String> items = db.getItems();

private List<String> items;

private Menu menu;

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {

    getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu); = menu;


        SearchManager manager = (SearchManager) getSystemService(Context.SEARCH_SERVICE);

        SearchView search = (SearchView) menu.findItem(;


        search.setOnQueryTextListener(new OnQueryTextListener() { 

            public boolean onQueryTextChange(String query) {


                return true; 




    return true;


// History
private void loadHistory(String query) {


        // Cursor
        String[] columns = new String[] { "_id", "text" };
        Object[] temp = new Object[] { 0, "default" };

        MatrixCursor cursor = new MatrixCursor(columns);

        for(int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {

            temp[0] = i;
            temp[1] = items.get(i);



        // SearchView
        SearchManager manager = (SearchManager) getSystemService(Context.SEARCH_SERVICE);

        final SearchView search = (SearchView) menu.findItem(;

        search.setSuggestionsAdapter(new ExampleAdapter(this, cursor, items));



Now you need to create an adapter extended from CursorAdapter:

public class ExampleAdapter extends CursorAdapter {

    private List<String> items;

    private TextView text;

    public ExampleAdapter(Context context, Cursor cursor, List<String> items) {

        super(context, cursor, false);

        this.items = items;


    public void bindView(View view, Context context, Cursor cursor) {



    public View newView(Context context, Cursor cursor, ViewGroup parent) {

        LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);

        View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.item, parent, false);

        text = (TextView) view.findViewById(;

        return view;



A better way to do this is if your list data is from a database, you can pass the Cursor returned by database functions directly to ExampleAdapter and use the relevant column selector to display the column text in the TextView referenced in the adapter.

Please note: when you import CursorAdapter don't import the Android support version, import the standard android.widget.CursorAdapter instead.

The adapter will also require a custom layout:


<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""

        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />


You can now customize list items by adding additional text or image views to the layout and populating them with data in the adapter.

This should be all, but if you haven't done this already you need a SearchView menu item:


<menu xmlns:android="">

        android:actionViewClass="android.widget.SearchView" />


Then create a searchable configuration:


<searchable xmlns:android=""
    android:hint="@string/search" >

Finally add this inside the relevant activity tag in the manifest file:


    <action android:name="android.intent.action.SEARCH" />

    android:value="com.example.ExampleActivity" />
    android:resource="@xml/searchable" />

Please note: The @string/search string used in the examples should be defined in values/strings.xml, also don't forget to update the reference to com.example for your project.

How can I format my grep output to show line numbers at the end of the line, and also the hit count?

Or use awk instead:

awk '/null/ { counter++; printf("%s%s%i\n",$0, " - Line number: ", NR)} END {print "Total null count: " counter}' file

How to change UINavigationBar background color from the AppDelegate


self.navigationController?.navigationBar.barTintColor =
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.isTranslucent = false

Which regular expression operator means 'Don't' match this character?

^ used at the beginning of a character range, or negative lookahead/lookbehind assertions.

>>> re.match('[^f]', 'foo')
>>> re.match('[^f]', 'bar')
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x7f8b102ad6b0>
>>> re.match('(?!foo)...', 'foo')
>>> re.match('(?!foo)...', 'bar')
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x7f8b0fe70780>

Best way to do multi-row insert in Oracle?

Whenever I need to do this I build a simple PL/SQL block with a local procedure like this:

   procedure ins
      (p_exch_wh_key INTEGER, 
       p_exch_nat_key INTEGER, 
       p_exch_date DATE, exch_rate NUMBER, 
       p_from_curcy_cd VARCHAR2, 
       p_to_curcy_cd VARCHAR2, 
       p_exch_eff_date DATE, 
       p_exch_eff_end_date DATE, 
       p_exch_last_updated_date DATE);
      insert into tmp_dim_exch_rt 
       exch_date, exch_rate, 
       p_exch_date, exch_rate, 
   ins (1, 1, '28-AUG-2008', 109.49, 'USD', 'JPY', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008'),
   ins (2, 1, '28-AUG-2008', .54, 'USD', 'GBP', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008'),
   ins (3, 1, '28-AUG-2008', 1.05, 'USD', 'CAD', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008'),
   ins (4, 1, '28-AUG-2008', .68, 'USD', 'EUR', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008'),
   ins (5, 1, '28-AUG-2008', 1.16, 'USD', 'AUD', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008'),
   ins (6, 1, '28-AUG-2008', 7.81, 'USD', 'HKD', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008');

Retrieve version from maven pom.xml in code

There is also the method described in Easy way to display your apps version number using Maven:

Add this to pom.xml


Then use this:


I have found this method to be simpler.

Convert a list to a string in C#

If you want something slightly more complex than a simple join you can use LINQ e.g.

var result = myList.Aggregate((total, part) => total + "(" + part.ToLower() + ")");

Will take ["A", "B", "C"] and produce "(a)(b)(c)"

"The following SDK components were not installed: sys-img-x86-addon-google_apis-google-22 and addon-google_apis-google-22"

I am having the same issue when trying to upgrade Android Studio from 1.1 to 1.2 on Mac OS 10.10. I solved the problem by selecting custom installation instead of standard. Also we need to select the Android SDK Platform (Lollipop 5.1).

store return json value in input hidden field

You can store it in a hidden field, OR store it in a javascript object (my preference) as the likely access will be via javascript.

NOTE: since you have an array, this would then be accessed as myvariable[0] for the first element (as you have it).

EDIT show example:

            success: function(msg)

var myvariable ="";

function LoadProviders(jdata)
  myvariable = jdata;
alert(myvariable[0].id);// shows "15aea3fa" in the alert

EDIT: Created this page: to demonstrate the above. This example makes the assumption that you have already properly returned your named string values in the array and simply need to store it per OP question. In the example, I also put the values of the first array returned (per OP example) into a div as text.

I am not sure why this has been viewed as "complex" as I see no simpler way to handle these strings in this array.

implement time delay in c

There are no sleep() functions in the pre-C11 C Standard Library, but POSIX does provide a few options.

The POSIX function sleep() (unistd.h) takes an unsigned int argument for the number of seconds desired to sleep. Although this is not a Standard Library function, it is widely available, and glibc appears to support it even when compiling with stricter settings like --std=c11.

The POSIX function nanosleep() (time.h) takes two pointers to timespec structures as arguments, and provides finer control over the sleep duration. The first argument specifies the delay duration. If the second argument is not a null pointer, it holds the time remaining if the call is interrupted by a signal handler.

Programs that use the nanosleep() function may need to include a feature test macro in order to compile. The following code sample will not compile on my linux system without a feature test macro when I use a typical compiler invocation of gcc -std=c11 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic.

POSIX once had a usleep() function (unistd.h) that took a useconds_t argument to specify sleep duration in microseconds. This function also required a feature test macro when used with strict compiler settings. Alas, usleep() was made obsolete with POSIX.1-2001 and should no longer be used. It is recommended that nanosleep() be used now instead of usleep().

#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE  199309L     // feature test macro for nanosleep()

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>    // for sleep()
#include <time.h>      // for nanosleep()

int main(void)
    // use unsigned sleep(unsigned seconds)
    puts("Wait 5 sec...");

    // use int nanosleep(const struct timespec *req, struct timespec *rem);
    puts("Wait 2.5 sec...");
    struct timespec ts = { .tv_sec = 2,          // seconds to wait
                           .tv_nsec = 5e8 };     // additional nanoseconds
    nanosleep(&ts, NULL);

    return 0;


C11 does have the header threads.h providing thrd_sleep(), which works identically to nanosleep(). GCC did not support threads.h until 2018, with the release of glibc 2.28. It has been difficult in general to find implementations with support for threads.h (Clang did not support it for a long time, but I'm not sure about the current state of affairs there). You will have to use this option with care.

File count from a folder

.NET methods Directory.GetFiles(dir) or DirectoryInfo.GetFiles() are not very fast for just getting a total file count. If you use this file count method very heavily, consider using WinAPI directly, which saves about 50% of time.

Here's the WinAPI approach where I encapsulate WinAPI calls to a C# method:

int GetFileCount(string dir, bool includeSubdirectories = false)

Complete code:

[Serializable, StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
private struct WIN32_FIND_DATA
    public int dwFileAttributes;
    public int ftCreationTime_dwLowDateTime;
    public int ftCreationTime_dwHighDateTime;
    public int ftLastAccessTime_dwLowDateTime;
    public int ftLastAccessTime_dwHighDateTime;
    public int ftLastWriteTime_dwLowDateTime;
    public int ftLastWriteTime_dwHighDateTime;
    public int nFileSizeHigh;
    public int nFileSizeLow;
    public int dwReserved0;
    public int dwReserved1;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 260)]
    public string cFileName;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 14)]
    public string cAlternateFileName;

private static extern IntPtr FindFirstFile(string pFileName, ref WIN32_FIND_DATA pFindFileData);
private static extern bool FindNextFile(IntPtr hFindFile, ref WIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData);
private static extern bool FindClose(IntPtr hFindFile);

private static readonly IntPtr INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = new IntPtr(-1);
private const int FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY = 16;

private int GetFileCount(string dir, bool includeSubdirectories = false)
    string searchPattern = Path.Combine(dir, "*");

    var findFileData = new WIN32_FIND_DATA();
    IntPtr hFindFile = FindFirstFile(searchPattern, ref findFileData);
    if (hFindFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        throw new Exception("Directory not found: " + dir);

    int fileCount = 0;
        if (findFileData.dwFileAttributes != FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)

        if (includeSubdirectories && findFileData.cFileName != "." && findFileData.cFileName != "..")
            string subDir = Path.Combine(dir, findFileData.cFileName);
            fileCount += GetFileCount(subDir, true);
    while (FindNextFile(hFindFile, ref findFileData));


    return fileCount;

When I search in a folder with 13000 files on my computer - Average: 110ms

int fileCount = GetFileCount(searchDir, true); // using WinAPI

.NET built-in method: Directory.GetFiles(dir) - Average: 230ms

int fileCount = Directory.GetFiles(searchDir, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Length;

Note: first run of either of the methods will be 60% - 100% slower respectively because the hard drive takes a little longer to locate the sectors. Subsequent calls will be semi-cached by Windows, I guess.

Background image jumps when address bar hides iOS/Android/Mobile Chrome

I found that Jason's answer wasn't quite working for me and I was still getting a jump. The Javascript ensured there was no gap at the top of the page but the background was still jumping whenever the address bar disappeared/reappeared. So as well as the Javascript fix, I applied transition: height 999999s to the div. This creates a transition with a duration so long that it virtually freezes the element.

Why can't I display a pound (£) symbol in HTML?

You could try using &pound; or &#163; instead of embedding the character directly; if you embed it directly, you're more likely to run into encoding issues in which your editor saves the file is ISO-8859-1 but it's interpreted as UTF-8, or vice versa.

If you want to embed it (or other Unicode characters) directly, make sure you actually save your file as UTF-8, and set the encoding as you did with the Content-Type header. Make sure when you get the file from the server that the header is present and correct, and that the file hasn't been transcoded by the web server.

How to sort two lists (which reference each other) in the exact same way

Another approach to retaining the order of a string list when sorting against another list is as follows:

list1 = [3,2,4,1, 1]
list2 = ['three', 'two', 'four', 'one', 'one2']

# sort on list1 while retaining order of string list
sorted_list1 = [y for _,y in sorted(zip(list1,list2),key=lambda x: x[0])]
sorted_list2 = sorted(list1)



['one', 'one2', 'two', 'three', 'four']
[1, 1, 2, 3, 4]

How can I delete one element from an array by value

I'm not sure if anyone has stated this, but Array.delete() and -= value will delete every instance of the value passed to it within the Array. In order to delete the first instance of the particular element you could do something like

arr = [1,3,2,44,5]

#=> [1,3,2,5]

There could be a simpler way. I'm not saying this is best practice, but it is something that should be recognized.

What is the difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT in a Dockerfile?

Comments on EntryPoint function in code

// ENTRYPOINT /usr/sbin/nginx.

// Set the entrypoint (which defaults to sh -c) to /usr/sbin/nginx.

// Will accept the CMD as the arguments to /usr/sbin/nginx.

Another reference from documents

You can use the exec form of ENTRYPOINT to set fairly stable default commands and arguments and then use CMD to set additional defaults that are more likely to be changed.


FROM ubuntu:14.04.3
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/ping"]
CMD ["localhost", "-c", "2"]

Build: sudo docker build -t ent_cmd .

CMD arguments are easy to override.

NO argument (sudo docker -it ent_cmd)                :  ping localhost 
argument    (sudo docker run -it ent_cmd :  ping


To override EntryPoint argument, you need to supply entrypoint
sudo docker run -it --entrypoint="/bin/bash" ent_cmdd

p.s: In presence of EntryPoint, CMD will hold arguments to fed to EntryPoint. In absense of EntryPoint, CMD will be the command which will be run.

Java 8: merge lists with stream API

Already answered above, but here's another approach you could take. I can't find the original post I adapted this from, but here's the code for the sake of your question. As noted above, the flatMap() function is what you'd be looking to utilize with Java 8. You can throw it in a utility class and just call "RandomUtils.combine(list1, list2, ...);" and you'd get a single List with all values. Just be careful with the wildcard - you could change this if you want a less generic method. You can also modify it for Sets - you just have to take care when using flatMap() on Sets to avoid data loss from equals/hashCode methods due to the nature of the Set interface.

Edit - If you use a generic method like this for the Set interface, and you happen to use Lombok, make sure you understand how Lombok handles equals/hashCode generation.

    * Combines multiple lists into a single list containing all elements of
    * every list.
    * @param <T> - The type of the lists.
    * @param lists - The group of List implementations to combine
    * @return a single List<?> containing all elements of the passed in lists.
   public static <T> List<?> combine(final List<?>... lists) {
      return Stream.of(lists).flatMap(List::stream).collect(Collectors.toList());

Detect merged cells in VBA Excel with MergeArea

While working with selected cells as shown by @tbur can be useful, it's also not the only option available.

You can use Range() like so:

If Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").MergeCells Then
  Do something
  Do something else
End If


If Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:C1").MergeCells Then
  Do something
  Do something else
End If

Alternately, you can use Cells():

If Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 1).MergeCells Then
  Do something
  Do something else
End If

unix sort descending order

To list files based on size in asending order.

find ./ -size +1000M -exec ls -tlrh {} \; |awk -F" " '{print $5,$9}'  | sort -n\

MongoDB vs. Cassandra

I've used MongoDB extensively (for the past 6 months), building a hierarchical data management system, and I can vouch for both the ease of setup (install it, run it, use it!) and the speed. As long as you think about indexes carefully, it can absolutely scream along, speed-wise.

I gather that Cassandra, due to its use with large-scale projects like Twitter, has better scaling functionality, although the MongoDB team is working on parity there. I should point out that I've not used Cassandra beyond the trial-run stage, so I can't speak for the detail.

The real swinger for me, when we were assessing NoSQL databases, was the querying - Cassandra is basically just a giant key/value store, and querying is a bit fiddly (at least compared to MongoDB), so for performance you'd have to duplicate quite a lot of data as a sort of manual index. MongoDB, on the other hand, uses a "query by example" model.

For example, say you've got a Collection (MongoDB parlance for the equivalent to a RDMS table) containing Users. MongoDB stores records as Documents, which are basically binary JSON objects. e.g:

   FirstName: "John",
   LastName: "Smith",
   Email: "[email protected]",
   Groups: ["Admin", "User", "SuperUser"]

If you wanted to find all of the users called Smith who have Admin rights, you'd just create a new document (at the admin console using Javascript, or in production using the language of your choice):

   LastName: "Smith",
   Groups: "Admin"

...and then run the query. That's it. There are added operators for comparisons, RegEx filtering etc, but it's all pretty simple, and the Wiki-based documentation is pretty good.

How can I change the text color with jQuery?

Place the following in your jQuery mouseover event handler:

$(this).css('color', 'red');

To set both color and size at the same time:

$(this).css({ 'color': 'red', 'font-size': '150%' });

You can set any CSS attribute using the .css() jQuery function.

Running a command in a new Mac OS X Terminal window

A colleague asked me how to open A LOT of ssh sessions at once. I used cobbal's answer to write this script:

tmpdir=$( mktemp -d )
trap '$DEBUG rm -rf $tmpdir ' EXIT

ssh user1@host1
ssh user2@host2
} | while read command
  index=$(( index + 1 ))
  echo $command > $COMMAND_FILE
  chmod +x  $COMMAND_FILE
sleep 60

By updating the list of commands ( they don't have to be ssh invocations ), you will get an additional open window for every command executed. The sleep 60 at the end is there to keep the .command files around while they are being executed. Otherwise, the shell completes too quickly, executing the trap to delete the temp directory ( created by mktemp ) before the launched sessions have an opportunity to read the files.

c++ exception : throwing std::string

A few principles:

  1. you have a std::exception base class, you should have your exceptions derive from it. That way general exception handler still have some information.

  2. Don't throw pointers but object, that way memory is handled for you.


struct MyException : public std::exception
   std::string s;
   MyException(std::string ss) : s(ss) {}
   ~MyException() throw () {} // Updated
   const char* what() const throw() { return s.c_str(); }

And then use it in your code:

void Foo::Bar(){
    throw MyException("it's the end of the world!");

void Foo::Caller(){
    this->Bar();// should throw
  }catch(MyException& caught){
    std::cout<<"Got "<<caught.what()<<std::endl;

Displaying Image in Java

If you want to load/process/display images I suggest you use an image processing framework. Using Marvin, for instance, you can do that easily with just a few lines of source code.

Source code:

public class Example extends JFrame{

    MarvinImagePlugin prewitt           = MarvinPluginLoader.loadImagePlugin("org.marvinproject.image.edge.prewitt");
    MarvinImagePlugin errorDiffusion    = MarvinPluginLoader.loadImagePlugin("org.marvinproject.image.halftone.errorDiffusion");
    MarvinImagePlugin emboss            = MarvinPluginLoader.loadImagePlugin("org.marvinproject.image.color.emboss");

    public Example(){

        // Layout
        setLayout(new GridLayout(2,2));

        // Load images
        MarvinImage img1 = MarvinImageIO.loadImage("./res/car.jpg");
        MarvinImage img2 = new MarvinImage(img1.getWidth(), img1.getHeight());
        MarvinImage img3 = new MarvinImage(img1.getWidth(), img1.getHeight());
        MarvinImage img4 = new MarvinImage(img1.getWidth(), img1.getHeight());

        // Image Processing plug-ins
        errorDiffusion.process(img1, img2);
        prewitt.process(img1, img3);
        emboss.process(img1, img4);

        // Set panels


    public void addPanel(MarvinImage image){
        MarvinImagePanel imagePanel = new MarvinImagePanel();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new Example().setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);


enter image description here

Mockito - difference between doReturn() and when()

The two syntaxes for stubbing are roughly equivalent. However, you can always use doReturn/when for stubbing; but there are cases where you can't use when/thenReturn. Stubbing void methods is one such. Others include use with Mockito spies, and stubbing the same method more than once.

One thing that when/thenReturn gives you, that doReturn/when doesn't, is type-checking of the value that you're returning, at compile time. However, I believe this is of almost no value - if you've got the type wrong, you'll find out as soon as you run your test.

I strongly recommend only using doReturn/when. There is no point in learning two syntaxes when one will do.

You may wish to refer to my answer at Forming Mockito "grammars" - a more detailed answer to a very closely related question.

"insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment " message in eclipse

If you are using Virtual Machine (VM), allocate more RAM to your VM and your problem will be solved.

What is the list of supported languages/locales on Android?

If you're using Android Studio you can:

  1. Right click a directory on your project > New > Android Resource File
  2. In the Available qualifiers section select Locale and click >>

You will see a list of all Languages and if you choose them you will see Specific Regions for each. You can also type in the list to filter languages.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Recover from git reset --hard?

 git reset HEAD@{4}

4 is changes before 4 steps ago. if you select a correct step, it should show the list of files that you removed from hard. then do:

$ git reflog show

it's going to show you local commit history we've already created. now do:

$ git reset --hard 8c4d112

8c4d112 is a code you want to reset your hard there. let's look at to get more information.

MultipartException: Current request is not a multipart request

in ARC (advanced rest client) - specify as below to make it work Content-Type multipart/form-data (this is header name and header value) this allows you to add form data as key and values you can specify you field name now as per your REST specification and select your file to upload from file selector.

Pass a variable to a PHP script running from the command line

Save this code in file myfile.php and run as php myfile.php type=daily

$a = $argv;
$b = array();
if (count($a) === 1) exit;
foreach ($a as $key => $arg) {
    if ($key > 0) {
        list($x,$y) = explode('=', $arg);
        $b["$x"] = $y;  

If you add var_dump($b); before the ?> tag, you will see that the array $b contains type => daily.

WAMP won't turn green. And the VCRUNTIME140.dll error

As Oriol said, you need the following redistributables before installing WAMP.

From the readme.txt

BEFORE proceeding with the installation of Wampserver, you must ensure that certain elements are installed on your system, otherwise Wampserver will absolutely not run, and in addition, the installation will be faulty and you need to remove Wampserver BEFORE installing the elements that were missing.

Make sure you are "up to date" in the redistributable packages VC9, VC10, VC11, VC13 and VC14 Even if you think you are up to date, install each package as administrator and if message "Already installed", validate Repair.

The following packages (VC9, VC10, VC11) are imperatively required to Wampserver 2.4, 2.5 and 3.0, even if you use only Apache and PHP versions VC11 and VC14 is required for PHP 7 and Apache 2.4.17

Convert string to float?

String s = "3.14";
float f = Float.parseFloat(s);

Difference between `Optional.orElse()` and `Optional.orElseGet()`

Considering the following code:

import java.util.Optional;

// one class needs to have a main() method
public class Test
  public String orelesMethod() {
    System.out.println("in the Method");
    return "hello";

  public void test() {
    String value;
    value = Optional.<String>ofNullable("test").orElseGet(this::orelesMethod);

    value = Optional.<String>ofNullable("test").orElse(orelesMethod());

  // arguments are passed using the text field below this editor
  public static void main(String[] args)
    Test test = new Test();


if we get value in this way: Optional.<String>ofNullable(null), there is no difference between orElseGet() and orElse(), but if we get value in this way: Optional.<String>ofNullable("test"), orelesMethod() in orElseGet() will not be called but in orElse() it will be called

Trees in Twitter Bootstrap

Another great Treeview jquery plugin is

For an advance view you should check jquery-treetable

Search for a particular string in Oracle clob column

select *  
where dbms_lob.instr(COLUMNNAME,'searchtext') > 0;

Querying DynamoDB by date

You can have multiple identical hash keys; but only if you have a range key that varies. Think of it like file formats; you can have 2 files with the same name in the same folder as long as their format is different. If their format is the same, their name must be different. The same concept applies to DynamoDB's hash/range keys; just think of the hash as the name and the range as the format.

Also, I don't recall if they had these at the time of the OP (I don't believe they did), but they now offer Local Secondary Indexes.

My understanding of these is that it should now allow you to perform the desired queries without having to do a full scan. The downside is that these indexes have to be specified at table creation, and also (I believe) cannot be blank when creating an item. In addition, they require additional throughput (though typically not as much as a scan) and storage, so it's not a perfect solution, but a viable alternative, for some.

I do still recommend Mike Brant's answer as the preferred method of using DynamoDB, though; and use that method myself. In my case, I just have a central table with only a hash key as my ID, then secondary tables that have a hash and range that can be queried, then the item points the code to the central table's "item of interest", directly.

Additional data regarding the secondary indexes can be found in Amazon's DynamoDB documentation here for those interested.

Anyway, hopefully this will help anyone else that happens upon this thread.

Equal sized table cells to fill the entire width of the containing table

Using table-layout: fixed as a property for table and width: calc(100%/3); for td (assuming there are 3 td's). With these two properties set, the table cells will be equal in size.

Refer to the demo.

React.js: Identifying different inputs with one onChange handler

@Vigril Disgr4ce

When it comes to multi field forms, it makes sense to use React's key feature: components.

In my projects, I create TextField components, that take a value prop at minimum, and it takes care of handling common behaviors of an input text field. This way you don't have to worry about keeping track of field names when updating the value state.


handleChange: function(event) {
render: function() {
  var value = this.state.value;
  return <input type="text" value={value} onChange={this.handleChange} />;


Import existing source code to GitHub

I had a bit of trouble with merging when trying to do Pete's steps. These are the steps I ended up with.

  1. Use your OS to delete the .git folder inside of the project folder that you want to commit. This will give you a clean slate to work with. This is also a good time to make a .gitignore file inside the project folder. This can be a copy of the .gitignore created when you created the repository on Doing this copy will avoid deleting it when you update the repository.

  2. Open Git Bash and navigate to the folder you just deleted the .git folder from.

  3. Run git init. This sets up a local repository in the folder you're in.

  4. Run git remote add [alias][gitUserName]/[RepoName].git. [alias] can be anything you want. The [alias] is meant to tie to the local repository, so the machine name works well for an [alias]. The URL can be found on, along the top ensure that the HTTP button out of HTTP|SSH|Git Read-Only is clicked. The git:// URL didn't work for me.

  5. Run git pull [alias] master. This will update your local repository and avoid some merging conflicts.

  6. Run git add .

  7. Run git commit -m 'first code commit'

  8. Run git push [alias] master

Python: How to remove empty lists from a list?

A few options:

filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, list1)  # Doesn't work with number types
filter(None, list1)  # Filters out int(0)
filter(lambda x: x==0 or x, list1) # Retains int(0)

sample session:

Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Nov 27 2010, 17:19:03) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> list1 = [[], [], [], [], [], 'text', 'text2', [], 'moreText']
>>> filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, list1)
['text', 'text2', 'moreText']
>>> list2 = [[], [], [], [], [], 'text', 'text2', [], 'moreText', 0.5, 1, -1, 0]
>>> filter(lambda x: x==0 or x, list2)
['text', 'text2', 'moreText', 0.5, 1, -1, 0]
>>> filter(None, list2)
['text', 'text2', 'moreText', 0.5, 1, -1]

Auto Generate Database Diagram MySQL

Try MySQL Workbench, formerly DBDesigner 4:

This has a "Reverse Engineer Database" mode:

Database -> Reverse Engineer

enter image description here

How to get the last five characters of a string using Substring() in C#?

Here is a quick extension method you can use that mimics PHP syntax. Include AssemblyName.Extensions to the code file you are using the extension in.

Then you could call:

input.SubstringReverse(-5) and it will return "Three".

namespace AssemblyName.Extensions {

    public static class StringExtensions
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes a negative integer - counts back from the end of the string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="str"></param>
        /// <param name="length"></param>
        public static string SubstringReverse(this string str, int length)
            if (length > 0) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Length must be less than zero.");

            if (str.Length < Math.Abs(length))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Length cannot be greater than the length of the string.");

            return str.Substring((str.Length + length), Math.Abs(length));

How can I obfuscate (protect) JavaScript?

If you use a JavaScript library, consider Dojo Toolkit which is compatible (after minor modifications) with the Closure Compiler's Advanced mode compilation.

Dojo – The Only JavaScript Library Compatible with The Closure Compiler

Code compiled with Closure Advanced mode is almost impossible to reverse-engineer, even passing through a beautifier, as the entire code base (includinhg the library) is obfuscated. It is also 25% small on average.

JavaScript code that is merely minified (YUI Compressor, Uglify etc.) is easy to reverse-engineer after passing through a beautifier.

Conditional operator in Python?

simple is the best and works in every version.

if a>10: 

Duplicate headers received from server

This ones a little old but was high in the google ranking so I thought I would throw in the answer I found from Chrome, pdf display, Duplicate headers received from the server

Basically my problem also was that the filename contained commas. Do a replace on commas to remove them and you should be fine. My function to make a valid filename is below.

    public static string MakeValidFileName(string name)
        string invalidChars = Regex.Escape(new string(System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()));
        string invalidReStr = string.Format(@"[{0}]+", invalidChars);
        string replace = Regex.Replace(name, invalidReStr, "_").Replace(";", "").Replace(",", "");
        return replace;

Twitter Bootstrap Responsive Background-Image inside Div

Try this (apply to a class you image is in (not img itself), e.g.

.myimage {
  background: transparent url("yourimage.png") no-repeat top center fixed;
  -webkit-background-size: cover;
  -moz-background-size: cover;
  -o-background-size: cover;
  background-size: 100%;
  height: 500px;
} Android License Status Unknown

If you use homebrew cask, you can do

brew cask install android-sdk
mkdir ~/Library/Android/sdk/tools
ln -s /usr/local/bin/ ~/Library/Android/sdk/tools/bin
flutter doctor --android-licenses

How to activate a specific worksheet in Excel?

An alternative way to (not dynamically) link a text to activate a worksheet without macros is to make the selected string an actual link. You can do this by selecting the cell that contains the text and press CTRL+K then select the option/tab 'Place in this document' and select the tab you want to activate. If you would click the text (that is now a link) the configured sheet will become active/selected.

Pass connection string to code-first DbContext

from here

 protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)

note you may need to add Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer

Implement paging (skip / take) functionality with this query

In SQL Server 2012 it is very very easy

SELECT col1, col2, ...
 FROM ...
 WHERE ... 
 ORDER BY -- this is a MUST there must be ORDER BY statement
-- the paging comes here
OFFSET     10 ROWS       -- skip 10 rows
FETCH NEXT 10 ROWS ONLY; -- take 10 rows

If we want to skip ORDER BY we can use

SELECT col1, col2, ...
OFFSET     10 ROWS       -- skip 10 rows
FETCH NEXT 10 ROWS ONLY; -- take 10 rows

(I'd rather mark that as a hack - but it's used, e.g. by NHibernate. To use a wisely picked up column as ORDER BY is preferred way)

to answer the question:

        ( SELECT PostId, MAX (Datemade) as LastDate
            from dbForumEntry 
            group by PostId 
        ) SubQueryAlias
 order by LastDate desc
OFFSET 10 ROWS -- skip 10 rows
FETCH NEXT 10 ROWS ONLY; -- take 10 rows

New key words offset and fetch next (just following SQL standards) were introduced.

But I guess, that you are not using SQL Server 2012, right? In previous version it is a bit (little bit) difficult. Here is comparison and examples for all SQL server versions: here

So, this could work in SQL Server 2008:

-- SQL SERVER 2008
SELECT @Start = 10,@End = 20;

 ( SELECT PostId, MAX (Datemade) as LastDate
   ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY PostId) AS RowNumber
   from dbForumEntry 
   group by PostId 
SELECT PostId, LastDate
WHERE RowNumber > @Start AND RowNumber <= @End

Setting a windows batch file variable to the day of the week

Another spin on this topic. The below script displays a few days around the current, with day-of-week prefix.

At the core is the standalone :dpack routine that encodes the date into a value whose modulo 7 reveals the day-of-week per ISO 8601 standards (Mon == 0). Also provided is :dunpk which is the inverse function:

@echo off& setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
rem 10/23/2018 daydate.bat: Most recent version at
rem Example of date manipulation within a .BAT file.
rem This is accomplished by first packing the date into a single number.
rem This demo .bat displays dates surrounding the current date, prefixed
rem with the day-of-week.

set days=0Mon1Tue2Wed3Thu4Fri5Sat6Sun
call :dgetl y m d
call :dpack p %y% %m% %d%
for /l %%o in (-3,1,3) do (
  set /a od=p+%%o
  call :dunpk y m d !od!
  set /a dow=od%%7
  for %%d in (!dow!) do set day=!days:*%%d=!& set day=!day:~,3!
  echo !day! !y! !m! !d!
exit /b

rem gets local date returning year month day as separate variables
rem in: %1 %2 %3=var names for returned year month day
setlocal& set "z="
for /f "skip=1" %%a in ('wmic os get localdatetime') do set z=!z!%%a
set /a y=%z:~0,4%, m=1%z:~4,2% %%100, d=1%z:~6,2% %%100
endlocal& set /a %1=%y%, %2=%m%, %3=%d%& exit /b

rem packs date (y,m,d) into count of days since 1/1/1 (0..n)
rem in: %1=return var name, %2= y (1..n), %3=m (1..12), %4=d (1..31)
rem out: set %1= days since 1/1/1 (modulo 7 is weekday, Mon= 0)
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set mtb=xxx  0 31 59 90120151181212243273304334& set /a r=%3*3
set /a t=%2-(12-%3)/10, r=365*(%2-1)+%4+!mtb:~%r%,3!+t/4-(t/100-t/400)-1
endlocal& set %1=%r%& exit /b

rem inverse of date packer
rem in: %1 %2 %3=var names for returned year month day
rem %4= packed date (large decimal number, eg 736989)
setlocal& set /a y=%4+366, y+=y/146097*3+(y%%146097-60)/36524
set /a y+=y/1461*3+(y%%1461-60)/365, d=y%%366+1, y/=366
set e=31 60 91 121 152 182 213 244 274 305 335
set m=1& for %%x in (%e%) do if %d% gtr %%x set /a m+=1, d=%d%-%%x
endlocal& set /a %1=%y%, %2=%m%, %3=%d%& exit /b

How do I tell what type of value is in a Perl variable?

A scalar always holds a single element. Whatever is in a scalar variable is always a scalar. A reference is a scalar value.

If you want to know if it is a reference, you can use ref. If you want to know the reference type, you can use the reftype routine from Scalar::Util.

If you want to know if it is an object, you can use the blessed routine from Scalar::Util. You should never care what the blessed package is, though. UNIVERSAL has some methods to tell you about an object: if you want to check that it has the method you want to call, use can; if you want to see that it inherits from something, use isa; and if you want to see it the object handles a role, use DOES.

If you want to know if that scalar is actually just acting like a scalar but tied to a class, try tied. If you get an object, continue your checks.

If you want to know if it looks like a number, you can use looks_like_number from Scalar::Util. If it doesn't look like a number and it's not a reference, it's a string. However, all simple values can be strings.

If you need to do something more fancy, you can use a module such as Params::Validate.

Unknown Column In Where Clause

Just had this problem.

Make sure there is no space in the name of the entity in the database.

e.g. ' user_name' instead of 'user_name'

IPython/Jupyter Problems saving notebook as PDF

For Ubuntu users, an answer can be found here. I also quote it:

The most probable cause, is that you have not installed the appropriate dependencies. Your Ubuntu system has to have some packages installed regarding conversion of LaTeX and XeTeX files, in order to save your notebook as PDF. You can install them by:

sudo apt-get install texlive texlive-xetex texlive-generic-extra texlive-generic-recommended pandoc

Also, nbconvert is another dependency that is usually automatically installed with jupyter. But you can install it just to be sure, while having your virtual environment activated:

pip install -U nbconvert

How do I check my gcc C++ compiler version for my Eclipse?

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

  printf("gcc version: %d.%d.%d\n",__GNUC__,__GNUC_MINOR__,__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__);
  return 0;

AES vs Blowfish for file encryption

Probably AES. Blowfish was the direct predecessor to Twofish. Twofish was Bruce Schneier's entry into the competition that produced AES. It was judged as inferior to an entry named Rijndael, which was what became AES.

Interesting aside: at one point in the competition, all the entrants were asked to give their opinion of how the ciphers ranked. It's probably no surprise that each team picked its own entry as the best -- but every other team picked Rijndael as the second best.

That said, there are some basic differences in the basic goals of Blowfish vs. AES that can (arguably) favor Blowfish in terms of absolute security. In particular, Blowfish attempts to make a brute-force (key-exhaustion) attack difficult by making the initial key setup a fairly slow operation. For a normal user, this is of little consequence (it's still less than a millisecond) but if you're trying out millions of keys per second to break it, the difference is quite substantial.

In the end, I don't see that as a major advantage, however. I'd generally recommend AES. My next choices would probably be Serpent, MARS and Twofish in that order. Blowfish would come somewhere after those (though there are a couple of others that I'd probably recommend ahead of Blowfish).

how to change php version in htaccess in server

Try this to switch to php4:

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php4 .php

Upd. Looks like I didn't understand your question correctly. This will not help if you have only php 4 on your server.

Sorting an Array of int using BubbleSort

Standard Bubble Sort implementation in Java:

//Time complexity: O(n^2)
public static int[] bubbleSort(int[] arr) {

    if (arr == null || arr.length <= 1) {
        return arr;

    for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        for (int j = 1; j < arr.length - i; j++) {
            if (arr[j - 1] > arr[j]) {
                arr[j] = arr[j] + arr[j - 1];
                arr[j - 1] = arr[j] - arr[j - 1];
                arr[j] = arr[j] - arr[j - 1];

    return arr;

How to get current route

_x000D_ => {_x000D_
      if (e instanceof NavigationEnd) {_x000D_
        this.currentUrl = e.url;_x000D_

What does it mean "No Launcher activity found!"

just add this to your aplication tag in AndroidManifest.xml file

<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

and also edit the uses-sdk tag from android:targetSdkVersion="16" to 17

    android:targetSdkVersion="17" />

Screenshot sizes for publishing android app on Google Play

  • We require 2 screenshots.
  • Use: Displayed on the details page for your application in Google Play.
  • You may upload up to 8 screenshots each for phone, 7” tablet and 10” tablet.
  • Specs: Minimum dimension: 320 pixels. Maximum dimension: 3840 pixels. The maximum dimension of your screenshot cannot be more than twice as long as the minimum dimension. You may use 24 bit PNG or JPEG image (no alpha). Full bleed, no border in art.
  • We recommend adding screenshots of your app running on a 7" and 10" tablet. Go to ‘Store listing’ page in your Developer Console to add tablet apps screenshots.

Wait for async task to finish

This will never work, because the JS VM has moved on from that async_call and returned the value, which you haven't set yet.

Don't try to fight what is natural and built-in the language behaviour. You should use a callback technique or a promise.

function f(input, callback) {
    var value;

    // Assume the async call always succeed
    async_call(input, function(result) { callback(result) };


The other option is to use a promise, have a look at Q. This way you return a promise, and then you attach a then listener to it, which is basically the same as a callback. When the promise resolves, the then will trigger.

Can I avoid the native fullscreen video player with HTML5 on iPhone or android?

I don't know about android, but Safari on the iPhone or iPod touch will play all videos full screen because of the small screen size. On the iPad it will play the video on the page but allow the user to make it full screen.

removeEventListener on anonymous functions in JavaScript

A version of Otto Nascarella's solution that works in strict mode is:

button.addEventListener('click', function handler() {
      ///this will execute only once
      alert('only once!');
      this.removeEventListener('click', handler);

Calculate a MD5 hash from a string

You can use Convert.ToBase64String to convert 16 byte output of MD5 to a ~24 char string. A little bit better without reducing security. (j9JIbSY8HuT89/pwdC8jlw== for your example)

Node.js for() loop returning the same values at each loop

  for(var i = 0; i < BoardMessages.length;i++){
            console.log("Loading message %d".green, j);
            htmlMessageboardString += MessageToHTMLString(BoardMessages[j]);

That should work; however, you should never create a function in a loop. Therefore,

  for(var i = 0; i < BoardMessages.length;i++){

  function composeMessage(message){
      console.log("Loading message %d".green, message);
      htmlMessageboardString += MessageToHTMLString(message);

How do I set the default Java installation/runtime (Windows)?

I have patched the behaviour of my eclipse startup shortcut in the properties dialogue


"E:\Program Files\eclipse\eclipse.exe"


"E:\Program Files\eclipse\eclipse.exe" -vm "E:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_30\bin"

as described in the Eclipse documentation

It is a patch only, as it depends on the shortcut to fix things...

The alternative is to set the parameter permanently in the eclipse initialisation file.

Why am I getting 'Assembly '*.dll' must be strong signed in order to be marked as a prerequisite.'?

I also bump into kind of problem, all I just had to do is delete the .dll (can be found in reference) that causing the error and add it again.

Works like a charm.

E11000 duplicate key error index in mongodb mongoose

Check indexes of that collection in MongoDB compass and remove those indexes which are not related to it or for try remove all indexes(Not from code but in db).

Convert an array to string

You probably want something like this overload of String.Join:

String.Join<T> Method (String, IEnumerable<T>)


In your example, you'd use

String.Join("", Client);

Remove trailing zeros

Trying to do more friendly solution of DecimalToString (

private static decimal Trim(this decimal value)
    var s = value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
    return s.Contains(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator)
        ? Decimal.Parse(s.TrimEnd('0'), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
        : value;

private static decimal? Trim(this decimal? value)
    return value.HasValue ? (decimal?) value.Value.Trim() : null;

private static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.WriteLine("=>{0}", 1.0000m.Trim());
    Console.WriteLine("=>{0}", 1.000000023000m.Trim());
    Console.WriteLine("=>{0}", ((decimal?) 1.000000023000m).Trim());
    Console.WriteLine("=>{0}", ((decimal?) null).Trim());



Javascript: Easier way to format numbers?

Also try dojo.number which has built-in localization support. It is a much closer analog to Java's NumberFormat/DecimalFormat

How do I set the proxy to be used by the JVM

Combining Sorter's and javabrett/Leonel's answers:

java -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 -Dhttp.proxyUser=username -Dhttp.proxyPassword=password -jar myJar.jar

How do a LDAP search/authenticate against this LDAP in Java

Another approach is using UnboundID. Its api is very readable and shorter

Create a Ldap Connection

public static LDAPConnection getConnection() throws LDAPException {
    // host, port, username and password
    return new LDAPConnection("com.example.local", 389, "[email protected]", "admin");

Get filter result

public static List<SearchResultEntry> getResults(LDAPConnection connection, String baseDN, String filter) throws LDAPSearchException {
    SearchResult searchResult;

    if (connection.isConnected()) {
        searchResult =, SearchScope.ONE, filter);

        return searchResult.getSearchEntries();

    return null;

Get all Oragnization Units and Containers

String baseDN = "DC=com,DC=example,DC=local";
String filter = "(&(|(objectClass=organizationalUnit)(objectClass=container)))";

LDAPConnection connection = getConnection();        
List<SearchResultEntry> results = getResults(connection, baseDN, filter);

Get a specific Organization Unit

String baseDN = "DC=com,DC=example,DC=local";
String dn = "CN=Users,DC=com,DC=example,DC=local";

String filterFormat = "(&(|(objectClass=organizationalUnit)(objectClass=container))(distinguishedName=%s))";
String filter = String.format(filterFormat, dn);

LDAPConnection connection =  getConnection();

List<SearchResultEntry> results = getResults(connection, baseDN, filter);

Get all users under an Organizational Unit

String baseDN = "CN=Users,DC=com,DC=example,DC=local";
String filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(!(objectCategory=computer)))";

LDAPConnection connection =  getConnection();       
List<SearchResultEntry> results = getResults(connection, baseDN, filter);

Get a specific user under an Organization Unit

String baseDN = "CN=Users,DC=com,DC=example,DC=local";
String userDN = "CN=abc,CN=Users,DC=com,DC=example,DC=local";

String filterFormat = "(&(objectClass=user)(distinguishedName=%s))";
String filter = String.format(filterFormat, userDN);

LDAPConnection connection =  getConnection();
List<SearchResultEntry> results = getResults(connection, baseDN, filter);

Display result

for (SearchResultEntry e : results) {
    System.out.println("name: " + e.getAttributeValue("name"));

Enums in Javascript with ES6

Update 11.05.2020:
Modified to include static fields and methods to closer replicate "true" enum behavior.

If you're planning on updating I would recommend trying to use what I call an "Enum Class" (barring any browser or runtime env limitations you can't accept). It's basically a very simple and clean class that uses private fields and limited accessors to simulate the behavior of an enum. This is something I sometimes do in C# when I want to build more functionality into an enum.

I realize private class fields are still experimental at this point but it seems to work for the purposes of creating a class with immutable fields/properties. Browser support is decent as well. The only "major" browsers that don't support it are Firefox (which I'm sure they will soon) and IE (who cares).

I am not a developer. I just put this together to solve the limitations of nonexistent enums in JS when I was working on a personal project.

Sample Class

class Colors {
    // Private Fields
    static #_RED = 0;
    static #_GREEN = 1;
    static #_BLUE = 2;

    // Accessors for "get" functions only (no "set" functions)
    static get RED() { return this.#_RED; }
    static get GREEN() { return this.#_GREEN; }
    static get BLUE() { return this.#_BLUE; }

You should now be able to call your enums directly.

Colors.RED; // 0
Colors.GREEN; // 1
Colors.BLUE; // 2

The combination of using private fields and limited accessors means that the existing enum values are well protected (they're essentially constants now).

Colors.RED = 10 // Colors.RED is still 0
Colors._RED = 10 // Colors.RED is still 0
Colors.#_RED = 10 // Colors.RED is still 0

Correct way to delete cookies server-side

Sending the same cookie value with ; expires appended will not destroy the cookie.

Invalidate the cookie by setting an empty value and include an expires field as well:

Set-Cookie: token=deleted; path=/; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT

Note that you cannot force all browsers to delete a cookie. The client can configure the browser in such a way that the cookie persists, even if it's expired. Setting the value as described above would solve this problem.

What is the Maximum Size that an Array can hold?

I think if you don't consider the VM, it is Integer.MaxValue

Loop through a comma-separated shell variable


for i in $(echo $TESTSTR | tr ',' '\n')
echo $i

I prefer to use tr instead of sed, becouse sed have problems with special chars like \r \n in some cases.

other solution is to set IFS to certain separator

The project was not built since its build path is incomplete

Here is what made the error disappear for me:

Close eclipse, open up a terminal window and run:

$ mvn clean eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse

Are you using Maven? If so,

  1. Right-click on the project, Build Path and go to Configure Build Path
  2. Click the libraries tab. If Maven dependencies are not in the list, you need to add it.
  3. Close the dialog.

To add it: Right-click on the project, Maven → Disable Maven Nature Right-click on the project, Configure → Convert to Maven Project.

And then clean

Edit 1:

If that doesn't resolve the issue try right-clicking on your project and select properties. Select Java Build Path → Library tab. Look for a JVM. If it's not there, click to add Library and add the default JVM. If VM is there, click edit and select the default JVM. Hopefully, that works.

Edit 2:

You can also try going into the folder where you have all your projects and delete the .metadata for eclipse (be aware that you'll have to re-import all the projects afterwards! Also all the environment settings you've set would also have to be redone). After it was deleted just import the project again, and hopefully, it works.

How to use Git for Unity3D source control?

In Unity 4.3 you also had to enable External option from preferences, but since Unity 4.5 they dropped option for that, so full setup process looks like:

  1. Switch to Visible Meta Files in Editor ? Project Settings ? Editor ? Version Control Mode
  2. Switch to Force Text in Editor ? Project Settings ? Editor ? Asset Serialization Mode
  3. Save scene and project from File menu

Also our team is using a bit more extended .gitignore file:

# =============== #
# Unity generated #
# =============== #

# ===================================== #
# Visual Studio / MonoDevelop generated #
# ===================================== #

# ============ #
# OS generated #
# ============ #

Note that the only folders you need to keep under source control are Assets and ProjectSettings.

More information about keeping Unity Project under source control you can find in this post.

Is it possible to cherry-pick a commit from another git repository?

Yes. Fetch the repository and then cherry-pick from the remote branch.

CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER set to true doesnt work on hosting server

If it works fine on your local environment, probably your remote server's IP is being blocked by the server at the target URL you've set for cURL to use. You need to verify that your remote server is allowed to access the URL you've set for CURLOPT_URL.

How to get anchor text/href on click using jQuery?

Edited to reflect update to question

$(document).ready(function() {
    $(".res a").click(function() {

Why is my element value not getting changed? Am I using the wrong function?

It's document.getElementById, not document.getElementsByID

I'm assuming you have <input id="Tue" ...> somewhere in your markup.

In .NET, which loop runs faster, 'for' or 'foreach'?

for has more simple logic to implement so it's faster than foreach.

Getting the error "Missing $ inserted" in LaTeX

I had this problem too. I solved it by removing the unnecessary blank line between equation tags. This gives the error:

P(\underline{\hat{X}} | \underline{Y}) = ...


while this code compiles succesfully:

P(\underline{\hat{X}} | \underline{Y}) = ...

ASP.NET MVC Return Json Result?

It should be :

public async Task<ActionResult> GetSomeJsonData()
    var model = // ... get data or build model etc.

    return Json(new { Data = model }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); 

or more simply:

return Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); 

I did notice that you are calling GetResources() from another ActionResult which wont work. If you are looking to get JSON back, you should be calling GetResources() from ajax directly...

Replace deprecated preg_replace /e with preg_replace_callback

You can use an anonymous function to pass the matches to your function:

$result = preg_replace_callback(
    function($m) { return CallFunction($m[1], $m[2], $m[3], $m[4], $m[5]); },

Apart from being faster, this will also properly handle double quotes in your string. Your current code using /e would convert a double quote " into \".

Save string to the NSUserDefaults?

In Swift 4.0.3 Xcode 9

============set  Data in UserDefaults =========

  UserDefaults.standard.set(userName, forKey: "userName")

============Get Data in UserDefaults =========

  let userName = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "userName")
  print(userName ?? "Gera")

  userNameTextField.text = ""+userName!

Using Gulp to Concatenate and Uglify files

Jun 10 2015: Note from the author of gulp-uglifyjs:

DEPRECATED: This plugin has been blacklisted as it relies on Uglify to concat the files instead of using gulp-concat, which breaks the "It should do one thing" paradigm. When I created this plugin, there was no way to get source maps to work with gulp, however now there is a gulp-sourcemaps plugin that achieves the same goal. gulp-uglifyjs still works great and gives very granular control over the Uglify execution, I'm just giving you a heads up that other options now exist.

Feb 18 2015: gulp-uglify and gulp-concat both work nicely with gulp-sourcemaps now. Just make sure to set the newLine option correctly for gulp-concat; I recommend \n;.

Original Answer (Dec 2014): Use gulp-uglifyjs instead. gulp-concat isn't necessarily safe; it needs to handle trailing semi-colons correctly. gulp-uglify also doesn't support source maps. Here's a snippet from a project I'm working on:

gulp.task('scripts', function () {
            output: {
                beautify: false
            outSourceMap: true,
            basePath: 'www',
            sourceRoot: '/'

How to install/start Postman native v4.10.3 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64-bit?

Don't forget to add sudo otherwise you will get postman.tar.gz: Permission denied error. And unlink postman if you get error like failed to create symbolic link /usr/bin/postman: File exists. So below is the full code:

sudo wget -O postman.tar.gz
sudo tar -xzf postman.tar.gz -C /opt
sudo rm postman.tar.gz

sudo unlink /usr/bin/postman
sudo ln -s /opt/Postman/Postman /usr/bin/postman

Then just run postman in the terminal.

Get the current time in C



#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    time_t current_time;
    char* c_time_string;

    /* Obtain current time. */
    current_time = time(NULL);

    if (current_time == ((time_t)-1))
        (void) fprintf(stderr, "Failure to obtain the current time.\n");

    /* Convert to local time format. */
    c_time_string = ctime(&current_time);

    if (c_time_string == NULL)
        (void) fprintf(stderr, "Failure to convert the current time.\n");

    /* Print to stdout. ctime() has already added a terminating newline character. */
    (void) printf("Current time is %s", c_time_string);

The output is:

Current time is Thu Sep 15 21:18:23 2016


#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    time_t current_time;
    printf("%s", ctime(&current_time));

The output is:

Current time is Thu Jan 28 15:22:31 2021

Tomcat: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid character found in method name. HTTP method names must be tokens

You are calling local server with http://localhost:8080/foo/bar. Call it with https://localhost:8080/foo/bar. This solves the problem

Excel VBA - Sum up a column

I think you are misinterpreting the source of the error; rExternalTotal appears to be equal to a single cell. rReportData.offset(0,0) is equal to rReportData
rReportData.offset(261,0).end(xlUp) is likely also equal to rReportData, as you offset by 261 rows and then use the .end(xlUp) function which selects the top of a contiguous data range.
If you are interested in the sum of just a column, you can just refer to the whole column:

dExternalTotal = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(columns("A:A"))


dExternalTotal = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(columns((rReportData.column))

The worksheet function sum will correctly ignore blank spaces.

Let me know if this helps!

How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file?

The old versions of JavaScript had no import, include, or require, so many different approaches to this problem have been developed.

But since 2015 (ES6), JavaScript has had the ES6 modules standard to import modules in Node.js, which is also supported by most modern browsers.

For compatibility with older browsers, build tools like Webpack and Rollup and/or transpilation tools like Babel can be used.

ES6 Modules

ECMAScript (ES6) modules have been supported in Node.js since v8.5, with the --experimental-modules flag, and since at least Node.js v13.8.0 without the flag. To enable "ESM" (vs. Node.js's previous CommonJS-style module system ["CJS"]) you either use "type": "module" in package.json or give the files the extension .mjs. (Similarly, modules written with Node.js's previous CJS module can be named .cjs if your default is ESM.)

Using package.json:

    "type": "module"

Then module.js:

export function hello() {
  return "Hello";

Then main.js:

import { hello } from './module.js';
let val = hello();  // val is "Hello";

Using .mjs, you'd have module.mjs:

export function hello() {
  return "Hello";

Then main.mjs:

import { hello } from './module.mjs';
let val = hello();  // val is "Hello";

ECMAScript modules in browsers

Browsers have had support for loading ECMAScript modules directly (no tools like Webpack required) since Safari 10.1, Chrome 61, Firefox 60, and Edge 16. Check the current support at caniuse. There is no need to use Node.js' .mjs extension; browsers completely ignore file extensions on modules/scripts.

<script type="module">
  import { hello } from './hello.mjs'; // Or it could be simply `hello.js`
// hello.mjs -- or it could be simply `hello.js`
export function hello(text) {
  const div = document.createElement('div');
  div.textContent = `Hello ${text}`;


Dynamic imports in browsers

Dynamic imports let the script load other scripts as needed:

<script type="module">
  import('hello.mjs').then(module => {


Node.js require

The older CJS module style, still widely used in Node.js, is the module.exports/require system.

// mymodule.js
module.exports = {
   hello: function() {
      return "Hello";
// server.js
const myModule = require('./mymodule');
let val = myModule.hello(); // val is "Hello"   

There are other ways for JavaScript to include external JavaScript contents in browsers that do not require preprocessing.

AJAX Loading

You could load an additional script with an AJAX call and then use eval to run it. This is the most straightforward way, but it is limited to your domain because of the JavaScript sandbox security model. Using eval also opens the door to bugs, hacks and security issues.

Fetch Loading

Like Dynamic Imports you can load one or many scripts with a fetch call using promises to control order of execution for script dependencies using the Fetch Inject library:

]).then(() => {
  console.log(`Finish in less than ${moment().endOf('year').fromNow(true)}`)

jQuery Loading

The jQuery library provides loading functionality in one line:

$.getScript("my_lovely_script.js", function() {
   alert("Script loaded but not necessarily executed.");

Dynamic Script Loading

You could add a script tag with the script URL into the HTML. To avoid the overhead of jQuery, this is an ideal solution.

The script can even reside on a different server. Furthermore, the browser evaluates the code. The <script> tag can be injected into either the web page <head>, or inserted just before the closing </body> tag.

Here is an example of how this could work:

function dynamicallyLoadScript(url) {
    var script = document.createElement("script");  // create a script DOM node
    script.src = url;  // set its src to the provided URL

    document.head.appendChild(script);  // add it to the end of the head section of the page (could change 'head' to 'body' to add it to the end of the body section instead)

This function will add a new <script> tag to the end of the head section of the page, where the src attribute is set to the URL which is given to the function as the first parameter.

Both of these solutions are discussed and illustrated in JavaScript Madness: Dynamic Script Loading.

Detecting when the script has been executed

Now, there is a big issue you must know about. Doing that implies that you remotely load the code. Modern web browsers will load the file and keep executing your current script because they load everything asynchronously to improve performance. (This applies to both the jQuery method and the manual dynamic script loading method.)

It means that if you use these tricks directly, you won't be able to use your newly loaded code the next line after you asked it to be loaded, because it will be still loading.

For example: my_lovely_script.js contains MySuperObject:

var js = document.createElement("script");

js.type = "text/javascript";
js.src = jsFilePath;


var s = new MySuperObject();

Error : MySuperObject is undefined

Then you reload the page hitting F5. And it works! Confusing...

So what to do about it ?

Well, you can use the hack the author suggests in the link I gave you. In summary, for people in a hurry, he uses an event to run a callback function when the script is loaded. So you can put all the code using the remote library in the callback function. For example:

function loadScript(url, callback)
    // Adding the script tag to the head as suggested before
    var head = document.head;
    var script = document.createElement('script');
    script.type = 'text/javascript';
    script.src = url;

    // Then bind the event to the callback function.
    // There are several events for cross browser compatibility.
    script.onreadystatechange = callback;
    script.onload = callback;

    // Fire the loading

Then you write the code you want to use AFTER the script is loaded in a lambda function:

var myPrettyCode = function() {
   // Here, do whatever you want

Then you run all that:

loadScript("my_lovely_script.js", myPrettyCode);

Note that the script may execute after the DOM has loaded, or before, depending on the browser and whether you included the line script.async = false;. There's a great article on Javascript loading in general which discusses this.

Source Code Merge/Preprocessing

As mentioned at the top of this answer, many developers use build/transpilation tool(s) like Parcel, Webpack, or Babel in their projects, allowing them to use upcoming JavaScript syntax, provide backward compatibility for older browsers, combine files, minify, perform code splitting etc.

Assign an initial value to radio button as checked

If you are using react-redux for your application and if you want to show data which is in the redux store, you can set "checked" option as below.


   defaultChecked={this.props.gender == "0"}

   defaultChecked={this.props.gender == "1"}

How to check what user php is running as?

In my setup I want to check if the current process has permission to create folders, subfolders and files before I begin a process and suggest a solution if it looks like I can't. I wanted to run stat(<file>) on various things to ensure the permissions match those of the running process (I'm using php-fpm so it varies depending on the pool).
The posix based solution Mario gave above, seems perfect, however it seems the posix extension is --disabled so I couldn't do the above and as I want to compare the results with the response from running stat() running whoami in a separate shell isn't helpful either (I need the uid and gid not the username).

However I found a useful hint, I could stat(/proc/self) and stat(/proc/self/attr) and see the uid and gid of the file.

Hope that helps someone else

What is the difference between \r and \n?

\r used for carriage return. (ASCII value is 13) \n used for new line. (ASCII value is 10)

groovy: safely find a key in a map and return its value

Groovy maps can be used with the property property, so you can just do:

def x = mymap.likes

If the key you are looking for (for example 'likes.key') contains a dot itself, then you can use the syntax:

def x = mymap.'likes.key'

Producing a new line in XSLT

I couldn't just use the <xsl:text>&#xa;</xsl:text> approach because if I format the XML file using XSLT the entity will disappear. So I had to use a slightly more round about approach using variables

<xsl:variable name="nl" select="'&#10;'"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:value-of select="$nl" disable-output-escaping="no"/>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>

Creating dummy variables in pandas for python

Handling categorical features scikit-learn expects all features to be numeric. So how do we include a categorical feature in our model?

Ordered categories: transform them to sensible numeric values (example: small=1, medium=2, large=3) Unordered categories: use dummy encoding (0/1) What are the categorical features in our dataset?

Ordered categories: weather (already encoded with sensible numeric values) Unordered categories: season (needs dummy encoding), holiday (already dummy encoded), workingday (already dummy encoded) For season, we can't simply leave the encoding as 1 = spring, 2 = summer, 3 = fall, and 4 = winter, because that would imply an ordered relationship. Instead, we create multiple dummy variables:

# An utility function to create dummy variable
`def create_dummies( df, colname ):
col_dummies = pd.get_dummies(df[colname], prefix=colname)
col_dummies.drop(col_dummies.columns[0], axis=1, inplace=True)
df = pd.concat([df, col_dummies], axis=1)
df.drop( colname, axis = 1, inplace = True )
return df`