Programs & Examples On #Chuck

ChucK is a strongly timed music programming language with deterministic multithreading.

JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1

If you look at the output you receive from print() and also in your Traceback, you'll see the value you get back is not a string, it's a bytes object (prefixed by b):

b'{\n  "note":"This file    .....

If you fetch the URL using a tool such as curl -v, you will see that the content type is

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

So it's JSON, encoded as UTF-8, and Python is considering it a byte stream, not a simple string. In order to parse this, you need to convert it into a string first.

Change the last line of code to this:

info = json.loads(js.decode("utf-8"))

Outlets cannot be connected to repeating content iOS

If you're using a table view to display Settings and other options (like the built-in Settings app does), then you can set your Table View Content to Static Cells under the Attributes Inspector. Also, to do this, you must embedded your Table View in a UITableViewController instance.

TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

The python error says that wordInput is not an iterable -> it is of NoneType.

If you print wordInput before the offending line, you will see that wordInput is None.

Since wordInput is None, that means that the argument passed to the function is also None. In this case word. You assign the result of pickEasy to word.

The problem is that your pickEasy function does not return anything. In Python, a method that didn't return anything returns a NoneType.

I think you wanted to return a word, so this will suffice:

def pickEasy():
    word = random.choice(easyWords)
    word = str(word)
    for i in range(1, len(word) + 1):
    return word

python: changing row index of pandas data frame

you can do

followers_df.index = range(20)

Parsing JSON objects for HTML table

I spent a lot of time developing various reports. So, now I have an idea - create a web framework for building web reports. I have started here:

Now it is an angular 4 module. You can pass your json data to TableLayoutComponent and get a HTML table as result. Table already has fixed header. Also you can fix some your columns by default or by click. More there, you can customize table properties like background-color, font-color, row-height etc.

If you are interested you can join me in this project and help.

Using GregorianCalendar with SimpleDateFormat

Why such complications?

public static GregorianCalendar convertFromDMY(String dd_mm_yy) throws ParseException 
    SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy");
    Date date = fmt.parse(dd_mm_yy);
    GregorianCalendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();
    return cal;

Why does HTML think “chucknorris” is a color?

Most browsers will simply ignore any NON-hex values in your color string, substituting non-hex digits with zeros.

ChuCknorris translates to c00c0000000. At this point, the browser will divide the string into three equal sections, indicating Red, Green and Blue values: c00c 0000 0000. Extra bits in each section will be ignored, which makes the final result #c00000 which is a reddish color.

Note, this does not apply to CSS color parsing, which follow the CSS standard.

<p><font color='chucknorris'>Redish</font></p>_x000D_
<p><font color='#c00000'>Same as above</font></p>_x000D_
<p><span style="color: chucknorris">Black</span></p>

django MultiValueDictKeyError error, how do I deal with it

Use the MultiValueDict's get method. This is also present on standard dicts and is a way to fetch a value while providing a default if it does not exist.

is_private = request.POST.get('is_private', False)


my_var = dict.get(<key>, <default>)

SyntaxError: Unexpected Identifier in Chrome's Javascript console

Write it as below

<script language="javascript">
var visitorName = 'Chuck';
var myOldString = 'Hello username. I hope you enjoy your stay username.';

var myNewString = myOldString.replace('username', visitorName);

document.write('Old String = ' + myOldString);
document.write('<br/>New string = ' + myNewString);

Sieve of Eratosthenes - Finding Primes Python

My implementation:

import math
n = 100
marked = {}
for i in range(2, int(math.sqrt(n))):
    if not marked.get(i):
        for x in range(i * i, n, i):
            marked[x] = True

for i in range(2, n):
    if not marked.get(i):
        print i

Check status of one port on remote host

For scripting purposes, I've found that curl command can do it, for example:

$ curl -s localhost:80 >/dev/null && echo Connected. || echo Fail.
$ curl -s localhost:123 >/dev/null && echo Connected. || echo Fail.

Possibly it may not won't work for all services, as curl can return different error codes in some cases (as per comment), so adding the following condition could work in reliable way:

[ "$(curl -sm5 localhost:8080 >/dev/null; echo $?)" != 7 ] && echo OK || echo FAIL

Note: Added -m5 to set maximum connect timeout of 5 seconds.

If you would like to check also whether host is valid, you need to check for 6 exit code as well:

$ curl -m5 foo:123; [ $? != 6 -a $? != 7 ] && echo OK || echo FAIL
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: foo

To troubleshoot the returned error code, simply run: curl host:port, e.g.:

$ curl localhost:80
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 80: Connection refused

See: man curl for full list of exit codes.

How do I escape a reserved word in Oracle?

Oracle does use double-quotes, but you most likely need to place the object name in upper case, e.g. "TABLE". By default, if you create an object without double quotes, e.g.


Oracle would create the object as upper case. However, the referencing is not case sensitive unless you use double-quotes!

Change default date time format on a single database in SQL Server


select * from mytest
EXEC sp_rename 'mytest.eid', 'id', 'COLUMN'
alter table mytest add id int not null identity(1,1)
update mytset set eid=id

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[yourtablename] ADD DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [yourfieldname]

It's working 100%.

Language Books/Tutorials for popular languages

  • C - The C Programming Language - Obviously I had to reference K&R, one of the best programming books out there full stop.
  • C++ - Accelerated C++ - This clear, well written introduction to C++ goes straight to using the STL and gives nice, clear, practical examples. Lives up to its name.
  • C# - Pro C# 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform - Bit of a mouthful but wonderfully written and huge depth.
  • F# - Expert F# - Designed to take experienced programmers from zero to expert in F#. Very well written, one of the author's invented F# so you can't go far wrong!
  • Scheme - The Little Schemer - Really unique approach to teaching a programming language done really well.
  • Ruby - Programming Ruby - Affectionately known as the 'pick axe' book, this is THE defacto introduction to Ruby. Very well written, clear and detailed.

How to create a SQL Server function to "join" multiple rows from a subquery into a single delimited field?

VERSION NOTE: You must be using SQL Server 2005 or greater with Compatibility Level set to 90 or greater for this solution.

See this MSDN article for the first example of creating a user-defined aggregate function that concatenates a set of string values taken from a column in a table.

My humble recommendation would be to leave out the appended comma so you can use your own ad-hoc delimiter, if any.

Referring to the C# version of Example 1:

change:  this.intermediateResult.Append(value.Value).Append(',');
    to:  this.intermediateResult.Append(value.Value);


change:  output = this.intermediateResult.ToString(0, this.intermediateResult.Length - 1);
    to:  output = this.intermediateResult.ToString();

That way when you use your custom aggregate, you can opt to use your own delimiter, or none at all, such as:

SELECT dbo.CONCATENATE(column1 + '|') from table1

NOTE: Be careful about the amount of the data you attempt to process in your aggregate. If you try to concatenate thousands of rows or many very large datatypes you may get a .NET Framework error stating "[t]he buffer is insufficient."

What is a good pattern for using a Global Mutex in C#?

A global Mutex is not only to ensure to have only one instance of an application. I personally prefer using Microsoft.VisualBasic to ensure single instance application like described in What is the correct way to create a single-instance WPF application? (Dale Ragan answer)... I found that's easier to pass arguments received on new application startup to the initial single instance application.

But regarding some previous code in this thread, I would prefer to not create a Mutex each time I want to have a lock on it. It could be fine for a single instance application but in other usage it appears to me has overkill.

That's why I suggest this implementation instead:


static MutexGlobal _globalMutex = null;
static MutexGlobal GlobalMutexAccessEMTP
        if (_globalMutex == null)
            _globalMutex = new MutexGlobal();
        return _globalMutex;

using (GlobalMutexAccessEMTP.GetAwaiter())

Mutex Global Wrapper:

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.AccessControl;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Threading;

namespace HQ.Util.General.Threading
    public class MutexGlobal : IDisposable
        // ************************************************************************
        public string Name { get; private set; }
        internal Mutex Mutex { get; private set; }
        public int DefaultTimeOut { get; set; }
        public Func<int, bool> FuncTimeOutRetry { get; set; }

        // ************************************************************************
        public static MutexGlobal GetApplicationMutex(int defaultTimeOut = Timeout.Infinite)
            return new MutexGlobal(defaultTimeOut, ((GuidAttribute)Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(GuidAttribute), false).GetValue(0)).Value);

        // ************************************************************************
        public MutexGlobal(int defaultTimeOut = Timeout.Infinite, string specificName = null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(specificName))
                    Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    Name = specificName;

                Name = string.Format("Global\\{{{0}}}", Name);

                DefaultTimeOut = defaultTimeOut;

                FuncTimeOutRetry = DefaultFuncTimeOutRetry;

                var allowEveryoneRule = new MutexAccessRule(new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.WorldSid, null), MutexRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow);
                var securitySettings = new MutexSecurity();

                Mutex = new Mutex(false, Name, out bool createdNew, securitySettings);

                if (Mutex == null)
                    throw new Exception($"Unable to create mutex: {Name}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Log.Instance.AddEntry(Log.LogType.LogException, $"Unable to create Mutex: {Name}", ex);

        // ************************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeOut"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MutexGlobalAwaiter GetAwaiter(int timeOut)
            return new MutexGlobalAwaiter(this, timeOut);

        // ************************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeOut"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MutexGlobalAwaiter GetAwaiter()
            return new MutexGlobalAwaiter(this, DefaultTimeOut);

        // ************************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// This method could either throw any user specific exception or return 
        /// true to retry. Otherwise, retruning false will let the thread continue
        /// and you should verify the state of MutexGlobalAwaiter.HasTimedOut to 
        /// take proper action depending on timeout or not. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeOutUsed"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool DefaultFuncTimeOutRetry(int timeOutUsed)
            // throw new TimeoutException($"Mutex {Name} timed out {timeOutUsed}.");

            Log.Log.Instance.AddEntry(Log.LogType.LogWarning, $"Mutex {Name} timeout: {timeOutUsed}.");
            return true; // retry

        // ************************************************************************
        public void Dispose()
            if (Mutex != null)

        // ************************************************************************



using System;

namespace HQ.Util.General.Threading
    public class MutexGlobalAwaiter : IDisposable
        MutexGlobal _mutexGlobal = null;

        public bool HasTimedOut { get; set; } = false;

        internal MutexGlobalAwaiter(MutexGlobal mutexEx, int timeOut)
            _mutexGlobal = mutexEx;

                HasTimedOut = !_mutexGlobal.Mutex.WaitOne(timeOut, false);
                if (! HasTimedOut) // Signal received
            } while (_mutexGlobal.FuncTimeOutRetry(timeOut));

        #region IDisposable Support
        private bool disposedValue = false; // To detect redundant calls

        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (!disposedValue)
                if (disposing)

                // TODO: free unmanaged resources (unmanaged objects) and override a finalizer below.
                // TODO: set large fields to null.

                disposedValue = true;
        // TODO: override a finalizer only if Dispose(bool disposing) above has code to free unmanaged resources.
        // ~MutexExAwaiter()
        // {
        //   // Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(bool disposing) above.
        //   Dispose(false);
        // }

        // This code added to correctly implement the disposable pattern.
        public void Dispose()
            // Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(bool disposing) above.
            // TODO: uncomment the following line if the finalizer is overridden above.
            // GC.SuppressFinalize(this);

Where is web.xml in Eclipse Dynamic Web Project

I think you are creating a project in the wrong way,I am going to post here in step by step

Step 1: File>>New>>Project>>Web>>Dynamic Web Project

Step 2: Enter Project Name>>Next>>Next>>

Step 3: Check the checkbox for Generate web.xml deployment descriptor

Step 4: Finish

Please follow this way you will get you web.xml file under WEB-INF folder

Javascript how to parse JSON array

Something more to the point for me..

var jsontext = '{"firstname":"Jesper","surname":"Aaberg","phone":["555-0100","555-0120"]}';  
var contact = JSON.parse(jsontext);  
document.write(contact.surname + ", " + contact.firstname);  
// Output:  
// Aaberg, Jesper  
// 555-0100


Save string to the NSUserDefaults?

For saving use this :

[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]setObject:@"YES" forKey:@"KTerminated"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]synchronize];

For Retriveing use this :

[[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]stringForKey:@"KTerminated"] isEqualToString:@"YES"];

What is the default Precision and Scale for a Number in Oracle?

I expand on spectra‘s answer so people don’t have to try it for themselves.

This was done on Oracle Database 11g Express Edition Release - Production.


select column_name, data_type, nullable, data_length, data_precision, data_scale
from user_tab_columns where table_name ='CUSTOMERS'; 

Which yields

CUSTOMER_ID      NUMBER     N        22        
FOO              FLOAT      N        22          126    
JOIN_DATE        DATE       N        7        
CUSTOMER_STATUS  VARCHAR2   N        8        
CUSTOMER_NAME    VARCHAR2   N        20        
CREDITRATING     VARCHAR2   Y        10    

Count the number of occurrences of a character in a string in Javascript

I have found that the best approach to search for a character in a very large string (that is 1 000 000 characters long, for example) is to use the replace() method.

window.count_replace = function (str, schar) {
    return str.length - str.replace(RegExp(schar), '').length;

You can see yet another JSPerf suite to test this method along with other methods of finding a character in a string.

Python - Using regex to find multiple matches and print them out

Do not use regular expressions to parse HTML.

But if you ever need to find all regexp matches in a string, use the findall function.

import re
line = 'bla bla bla<form>Form 1</form> some text...<form>Form 2</form> more text?'
matches = re.findall('<form>(.*?)</form>', line, re.DOTALL)

# Output: ['Form 1', 'Form 2']

Understanding Spring @Autowired usage


The @Autowired annotation spares you the need to do the wiring by yourself in the XML file (or any other way) and just finds for you what needs to be injected where and does that for you.

Full explanation

The @Autowired annotation allows you to skip configurations elsewhere of what to inject and just does it for you. Assuming your package is com.mycompany.movies you have to put this tag in your XML (application context file):

<context:component-scan base-package="com.mycompany.movies" />

This tag will do an auto-scanning. Assuming each class that has to become a bean is annotated with a correct annotation like @Component (for simple bean) or @Controller (for a servlet control) or @Repository (for DAO classes) and these classes are somewhere under the package com.mycompany.movies, Spring will find all of these and create a bean for each one. This is done in 2 scans of the classes - the first time it just searches for classes that need to become a bean and maps the injections it needs to be doing, and on the second scan it injects the beans. Of course, you can define your beans in the more traditional XML file or with an @Configuration class (or any combination of the three).

The @Autowired annotation tells Spring where an injection needs to occur. If you put it on a method setMovieFinder it understands (by the prefix set + the @Autowired annotation) that a bean needs to be injected. In the second scan, Spring searches for a bean of type MovieFinder, and if it finds such bean, it injects it to this method. If it finds two such beans you will get an Exception. To avoid the Exception, you can use the @Qualifier annotation and tell it which of the two beans to inject in the following manner:

class Red implements Color {
   // Class code here

class Blue implements Color {
   // Class code here

Or if you prefer to declare the beans in your XML, it would look something like this:

<bean id="redBean" class="com.mycompany.movies.Red"/>

<bean id="blueBean" class="com.mycompany.movies.Blue"/>

In the @Autowired declaration, you need to also add the @Qualifier to tell which of the two color beans to inject:

public void setColor(Color color) {
  this.color = color;

If you don't want to use two annotations (the @Autowired and @Qualifier) you can use @Resource to combine these two:

public void setColor(Color color) {
  this.color = color;

The @Resource (you can read some extra data about it in the first comment on this answer) spares you the use of two annotations and instead, you only use one.

I'll just add two more comments:

  1. Good practice would be to use @Inject instead of @Autowired because it is not Spring-specific and is part of the JSR-330 standard.
  2. Another good practice would be to put the @Inject / @Autowired on a constructor instead of a method. If you put it on a constructor, you can validate that the injected beans are not null and fail fast when you try to start the application and avoid a NullPointerException when you need to actually use the bean.

Update: To complete the picture, I created a new question about the @Configuration class.

How do I automatically scroll to the bottom of a multiline text box?

Try to add the suggested code to the TextChanged event:

private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
  textBox1.SelectionStart = textBox1.Text.Length;

Simple way to transpose columns and rows in SQL?

There are several ways that you can transform this data. In your original post, you stated that PIVOT seems too complex for this scenario, but it can be applied very easily using both the UNPIVOT and PIVOT functions in SQL Server.

However, if you do not have access to those functions this can be replicated using UNION ALL to UNPIVOT and then an aggregate function with a CASE statement to PIVOT:

Create Table:

CREATE TABLE yourTable([color] varchar(5), [Paul] int, [John] int, [Tim] int, [Eric] int);

    ([color], [Paul], [John], [Tim], [Eric])
    ('Red', 1, 5, 1, 3),
    ('Green', 8, 4, 3, 5),
    ('Blue', 2, 2, 9, 1);

Union All, Aggregate and CASE Version:

select name,
  sum(case when color = 'Red' then value else 0 end) Red,
  sum(case when color = 'Green' then value else 0 end) Green,
  sum(case when color = 'Blue' then value else 0 end) Blue
  select color, Paul value, 'Paul' name
  from yourTable
  union all
  select color, John value, 'John' name
  from yourTable
  union all
  select color, Tim value, 'Tim' name
  from yourTable
  union all
  select color, Eric value, 'Eric' name
  from yourTable
) src
group by name

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

The UNION ALL performs the UNPIVOT of the data by transforming the columns Paul, John, Tim, Eric into separate rows. Then you apply the aggregate function sum() with the case statement to get the new columns for each color.

Unpivot and Pivot Static Version:

Both the UNPIVOT and PIVOT functions in SQL server make this transformation much easier. If you know all of the values that you want to transform, you can hard-code them into a static version to get the result:

select name, [Red], [Green], [Blue]
  select color, name, value
  from yourtable
    value for name in (Paul, John, Tim, Eric)
  ) unpiv
) src
  for color in ([Red], [Green], [Blue])
) piv

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

The inner query with the UNPIVOT performs the same function as the UNION ALL. It takes the list of columns and turns it into rows, the PIVOT then performs the final transformation into columns.

Dynamic Pivot Version:

If you have an unknown number of columns (Paul, John, Tim, Eric in your example) and then an unknown number of colors to transform you can use dynamic sql to generate the list to UNPIVOT and then PIVOT:

    @query  AS NVARCHAR(MAX),
    @colsPivot as  NVARCHAR(MAX)

select @colsUnpivot = stuff((select ','+quotename(
         from sys.columns as C
         where C.object_id = object_id('yourtable') and
      <> 'color'
         for xml path('')), 1, 1, '')

select @colsPivot = STUFF((SELECT  ',' 
                      + quotename(color)
                    from yourtable t
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 

set @query 
  = 'select name, '+@colsPivot+'
        select color, name, value
        from yourtable
          value for name in ('+@colsUnpivot+')
        ) unpiv
      ) src
        for color in ('+@colsPivot+')
      ) piv'


See SQL Fiddle with Demo

The dynamic version queries both yourtable and then the sys.columns table to generate the list of items to UNPIVOT and PIVOT. This is then added to a query string to be executed. The plus of the dynamic version is if you have a changing list of colors and/or names this will generate the list at run-time.

All three queries will produce the same result:

| Eric |   3 |     5 |    1 |
| John |   5 |     4 |    2 |
| Paul |   1 |     8 |    2 |
|  Tim |   1 |     3 |    9 |

SQL Server 2008: how do I grant privileges to a username?

If you really want them to have ALL rights:

use YourDatabase
exec sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', 'UserName'

What is the perfect counterpart in Python for "while not EOF"

You can use below code snippet to read line by line, till end of file

line = obj.readline()
while(line != ''):

    # Do Something

    line = obj.readline()

SQL Logic Operator Precedence: And and Or

And has precedence over Or, so, even if a <=> a1 Or a2

Where a And b 

is not the same as

Where a1 Or a2 And b,

because that would be Executed as

Where a1 Or (a2 And b)

and what you want, to make them the same, is the following (using parentheses to override rules of precedence):

 Where (a1 Or a2) And b

Here's an example to illustrate:

Declare @x tinyInt = 1
Declare @y tinyInt = 0
Declare @z tinyInt = 0

Select Case When @x=1 OR @y=1 And @z=1 Then 'T' Else 'F' End -- outputs T
Select Case When (@x=1 OR @y=1) And @z=1 Then 'T' Else 'F' End -- outputs F

For those who like to consult references (in alphabetic order):

Check if a time is between two times (time DataType)

Let us consider a table which stores the shift details

enter image description here

Please check the SQL queries to generate table and finding the schedule based on an input(time)

Declaring the Table variable

declare @MyShiftTable table(MyShift int,StartTime time,EndTime time)

Adding values to Table variable

insert into @MyShiftTable select 1,'01:17:40.3530000','02:17:40.3530000'
insert into @MyShiftTable select 2,'09:17:40.3530000','03:17:40.3530000'
insert into @MyShiftTable select 3,'10:17:40.3530000','18:17:40.3530000'

Creating another table variable with an additional field named "Flag"

declare @Temp table(MyShift int,StartTime time,EndTime time,Flag int)

Adding values to temporary table with swapping the start and end time

insert into @Temp select MyShift,case when (StartTime>EndTime) then EndTime else StartTime end,case when (StartTime>EndTime) then StartTime else EndTime end,case when (StartTime>EndTime) then 1 else 0 end from @MyShiftTable

Creating input variable to find the Shift

declare @time time=convert(time,'10:12:40.3530000')

Query to find the shift corresponding to the time supplied

select myShift from @Temp where
(@time between StartTime and EndTime and Flag=0) or (@time not between StartTime and EndTime and Flag=1)

Why do I need to configure the SQL dialect of a data source?

Short answer

hibernate.dialect property makes Hibernate to generate the appropriate SQL statements for the chosen database.

How can I change the remote/target repository URL on Windows?

One more way to do this is:

git config remote.origin.url

To see the existing URL just do:

git config remote.origin.url

Get the time of a datetime using T-SQL?

In case of SQL Server, this should work


iOS: Multi-line UILabel in Auto Layout


Intrinsic Content Size of Multi-Line Text

The intrinsic content size of UILabel and NSTextField is ambiguous for multi-line text. The height of the text depends on the width of the lines, which is yet to be determined when solving the constraints. In order to solve this problem, both classes have a new property called preferredMaxLayoutWidth, which specifies the maximum line width for calculating the intrinsic content size.

Since we usually don’t know this value in advance, we need to take a two-step approach to get this right. First we let Auto Layout do its work, and then we use the resulting frame in the layout pass to update the preferred maximum width and trigger layout again.

- (void)layoutSubviews
    [super layoutSubviews];
    myLabel.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = myLabel.frame.size.width;
    [super layoutSubviews];

The first call to [super layoutSubviews] is necessary for the label to get its frame set, while the second call is necessary to update the layout after the change. If we omit the second call we get a NSInternalInconsistencyException error, because we’ve made changes in the layout pass which require updating the constraints, but we didn’t trigger layout again.

We can also do this in a label subclass itself:

@implementation MyLabel
- (void)layoutSubviews
    self.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = self.frame.size.width;
    [super layoutSubviews];

In this case, we don’t need to call [super layoutSubviews] first, because when layoutSubviews gets called, we already have a frame on the label itself.

To make this adjustment from the view controller level, we hook into viewDidLayoutSubviews. At this point the frames of the first Auto Layout pass are already set and we can use them to set the preferred maximum width.

- (void)viewDidLayoutSubviews
    [super viewDidLayoutSubviews];
    myLabel.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = myLabel.frame.size.width;
    [self.view layoutIfNeeded];

Lastly, make sure that you don’t have an explicit height constraint on the label that has a higher priority than the label’s content compression resistance priority. Otherwise it will trump the calculated height of the content. Make sure to check all the constraints that can affect label's height.

Sending and Parsing JSON Objects in Android

you just need to import this

   import org.json.JSONObject;

  constructing the String that you want to send

 JSONObject param=new JSONObject();
 JSONObject post=new JSONObject();

im using two object because you can have an jsonObject within another

post.put("username(here i write the key)","someusername"(here i put the value);
post.put("message","this is a sweet message");
post.put("time":  "present time");

then i put the post json inside another like this


this is the method that i use to make a request


public JSONObject makeRequest(String param)

setting the connection

        urlConnection = new URL("your url");
        connection = (HttpURLConnection) urlConnection.openConnection();
        connection.setRequestProperty("Content-type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8");

setting the outputstream

        dataOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream());

i use this to see in the logcat what i am sending

        Log.d("OUTPUT STREAM  " ,param);

        InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(connection.getInputStream());
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
        result = new StringBuilder();
        String line;

here the string is constructed

        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)

i use this log to see what its comming in the response

         Log.d("INPUTSTREAM: ",result.toString());

instancing a json with the String that contains the server response

        jResponse=new JSONObject(result.toString());

    catch (IOException e) {
        return jResponse=null;
    } catch (JSONException e)
        return jResponse=null;
    return jResponse;

SQL Delete Records within a specific Range

if you use Sql Server

delete from Table where id between 79 and 296

After your edit : you now clarified that you want :

ID (>79 AND < 296)

So use this :

delete from Table where id > 79 and id < 296

How to convert a string of bytes into an int?

In Python 2.x, you could use the format specifiers <B for unsigned bytes, and <b for signed bytes with struct.unpack/struct.pack.


Let x = '\xff\x10\x11'

data_ints = struct.unpack('<' + 'B'*len(x), x) # [255, 16, 17]


data_bytes = struct.pack('<' + 'B'*len(data_ints), *data_ints) # '\xff\x10\x11'

That * is required!

See for a list of the format specifiers.

Using XPATH to search text containing &nbsp;

Try using the decimal entity &#160; instead of the named entity. If that doesn't work, you should be able to simply use the unicode character for a non-breaking space instead of the &nbsp; entity.

(Note: I did not try this in XPather, but I did try it in Oxygen.)

Does dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{...}); wait until done?

No, it won't wait.

You could use performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:.

Data binding in React

There are actually people wanting to write with two-way binding, but React does not work in that way.

That's true, there are people who want to write with two-way data binding. And there's nothing fundamentally wrong with React preventing them from doing so. I wouldn't recommend them to use deprecated React mixin for that, though. Because it looks so much better with some third-party packages.

import { LinkedComponent } from 'valuelink'

class Test extends LinkedComponent {
    state = { a : "Hi there! I'm databinding demo!" };

        // Bind all state members...
        const { a } = this.linkAll();

        // Then, go ahead. As easy as that.
        return (
             <input type="text" ...a.props />

The thing is that the two-way data binding is the design pattern in React. Here's my article with a 5-minute explanation on how it works

Ant task to run an Ant target only if a file exists?

This might make a little more sense from a coding perspective (available with ant-contrib:

<target name="someTarget">
        <available file="abc.txt"/>

Clicking the back button twice to exit an activity

Here, I have generalized write the code for N tap counts. The code is similarly written for the Enable Developer option in android device phone. Even you can use this to enable features while developer testing the app.

 private Handler tapHandler;
 private Runnable tapRunnable;
 private int mTapCount = 0;
 private int milSecDealy = 2000;

tapHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());


Call askToExit() on backpress or logout option.

private void askToExit() {
   if (mTapCount >= 2) {
    /* ========= Exit = TRUE  =========  */


  /* Check with null to avoid create multiple instances of the runnable */
  private void validateTapCount() {
   if (tapRunnable == null) {
    tapRunnable = new Runnable() {
     public void run() {
      /* ========= Exit = FALSE  =========  */
    tapHandler.postDelayed(tapRunnable, milSecDealy);

  private void releaseTapValues() {
   /* Relase the value  */
   if (tapHandler != null) {
    tapRunnable = null; /* release the object */
    mTapCount = 0; /* release the value */

  protected void onDestroy() {

Timeout jQuery effects

Great hack by @strager. Implement it into jQuery like this:

jQuery.fn.wait = function (MiliSeconds) {
    $(this).animate({ opacity: '+=0' }, MiliSeconds);
    return this;

And then use it as:


How can I get the current PowerShell executing file?

Try the following

$path =  $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition 

This may not give you the actual path typed in but it will give you a valid path to the file.

Declaring an enum within a class

Nowadays - using C++11 - you can use enum class for this:

enum class Color { RED, BLUE, WHITE };

AFAII this does exactly what you want.

Node.js create folder or use existing

create dynamic name directory for each user... use this code

***suppose email contain user mail address***

var filessystem = require('fs');
var dir = './public/uploads/'+email;

if (!filessystem.existsSync(dir)){

    console.log("Directory already exist");

Convert a char to upper case using regular expressions (EditPad Pro)

Just an another ussage example for Notepad++ (regular expression search mode)

Find: (g|c|u|d)(et|reate|pdate|elete)_(.)([^\s (]+)
Replace: \U\1\E$2\U\3\E$4


get_user -> GetUser
create_user -> CreateUser
update_user -> UpdateUser
delete_user -> DeleteUser

Using NotNull Annotation in method argument

SO @NotNull just is a tag...If you want to validate it, then you must use something like hibernate validator jsr 303

ValidatorFactory validatorFactory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory();
Validator validator = validatorFactory.getValidator();
 Set<ConstraintViolation<List<Searching>> violations = validator.validate(searchingList);

How to change proxy settings in Android (especially in Chrome)

Found one solution for WIFI (works for Android 4.3, 4.4):

  1. Connect to WIFI network (e.g. 'Alex')
  2. Settings->WIFI
  3. Long tap on connected network's name (e.g. on 'Alex')
  4. Modify network config-> Show advanced options
  5. Set proxy settings

How to check if a JavaScript variable is NOT undefined?

var lastname = "Hi";

if(typeof lastname !== "undefined")
  alert("Hi. Variable is defined.");

How to count the occurrence of certain item in an ndarray?

Personally, I'd go for: (y == 0).sum() and (y == 1).sum()


import numpy as np
y = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])
num_zeros = (y == 0).sum()
num_ones = (y == 1).sum()

Qt Creator color scheme

My Dark Color scheme for QtCreator is at:

To use with Vim (dark) scheme.

Hope it is useful for someone.

Converting byte array to string in javascript

Even if I'm a bit late, I thought it would be interesting for future users to share some one-liners implementations I did using ES6.

One thing that I consider important depending on your environment or/and what you will do with with the data is to preserve the full byte value. For example, (5).toString(2) will give you 101, but the complete binary conversion is in reality 00000101, and that's why you might need to create a leftPad implementation to fill the string byte with leading zeros. But you may not need it at all, like other answers demonstrated.

If you run the below code snippet, you'll see the first output being the conversion of the abc string to a byte array and right after that the re-transformation of said array to it's corresponding string.

// For each byte in our array, retrieve the char code value of the binary value_x000D_
const binArrayToString = array => => String.fromCharCode(parseInt(byte, 2))).join('')_x000D_
// Basic left pad implementation to ensure string is on 8 bits_x000D_
const leftPad = str => str.length < 8 ? (Array(8).join('0') + str).slice(-8) : str_x000D_
// For each char of the string, get the int code and convert it to binary. Ensure 8 bits._x000D_
const stringToBinArray = str => str.split('').map(c => leftPad(c.charCodeAt().toString(2)))_x000D_
const array = stringToBinArray('abc')_x000D_

HTML5 <video> element on Android

Roman's answer worked fine for me - or at least, it gave me what I was expecting. Opening the video in the phone's native application is exactly the same as what the iPhone does.

It's probably worth adjusting your viewpoint and expect video to be played fullscreen in its own application, and coding for that. It's frustrating that clicking the video isn't sufficient to get it playing in the same way as the iPhone does, but seeing as it only takes an onclick attribute to launch it, it's not the end of the world.

My advice, FWIW, is to use a poster image, and make it obvious that it will play the video. I'm working on a project at the moment that does precisely that, and the clients are happy with it - and also that they're getting the Android version of a web app for free, of course, because the contract was only for an iPhone web app.

Just for illustration, a working Android video tag is below. Nice and simple.

<video src="video/placeholder.m4v" poster="video/placeholder.jpg" onclick=";"/>

Matplotlib scatter plot legend

2D scatter plot

Using the scatter method of the matplotlib.pyplot module should work (at least with matplotlib 1.2.1 with Python 2.7.5), as in the example code below. Also, if you are using scatter plots, use scatterpoints=1 rather than numpoints=1 in the legend call to have only one point for each legend entry.

In the code below I've used random values rather than plotting the same range over and over, making all the plots visible (i.e. not overlapping each other).

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.random import random

colors = ['b', 'c', 'y', 'm', 'r']

lo = plt.scatter(random(10), random(10), marker='x', color=colors[0])
ll = plt.scatter(random(10), random(10), marker='o', color=colors[0])
l  = plt.scatter(random(10), random(10), marker='o', color=colors[1])
a  = plt.scatter(random(10), random(10), marker='o', color=colors[2])
h  = plt.scatter(random(10), random(10), marker='o', color=colors[3])
hh = plt.scatter(random(10), random(10), marker='o', color=colors[4])
ho = plt.scatter(random(10), random(10), marker='x', color=colors[4])

plt.legend((lo, ll, l, a, h, hh, ho),
           ('Low Outlier', 'LoLo', 'Lo', 'Average', 'Hi', 'HiHi', 'High Outlier'),
           loc='lower left',

enter image description here

3D scatter plot

To plot a scatter in 3D, use the plot method, as the legend does not support Patch3DCollection as is returned by the scatter method of an Axes3D instance. To specify the markerstyle you can include this as a positional argument in the method call, as seen in the example below. Optionally one can include argument to both the linestyle and marker parameters.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.random import random
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

colors=['b', 'c', 'y', 'm', 'r']

ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='3d')

ax.plot(random(10), random(10), random(10), 'x', color=colors[0], label='Low Outlier')
ax.plot(random(10), random(10), random(10), 'o', color=colors[0], label='LoLo')
ax.plot(random(10), random(10), random(10), 'o', color=colors[1], label='Lo')
ax.plot(random(10), random(10), random(10), 'o', color=colors[2], label='Average')
ax.plot(random(10), random(10), random(10), 'o', color=colors[3], label='Hi')
ax.plot(random(10), random(10), random(10), 'o', color=colors[4], label='HiHi')
ax.plot(random(10), random(10), random(10), 'x', color=colors[4], label='High Outlier')

plt.legend(loc='upper left', numpoints=1, ncol=3, fontsize=8, bbox_to_anchor=(0, 0))

enter image description here

Javascript Src Path

As your clock.js is in the root, put your code as this to call your javascript in the index.html found in the folders you mentioned.

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="../clock.js"></SCRIPT>

This will call the clock.js which you put in the root of your web site.

How to alias a table in Laravel Eloquent queries (or using Query Builder)?

To use in Eloquent. Add on top of your model

protected $table = 'table_name as alias'

//table_name should be exact as in your database

..then use in your query like


Check if a value is in an array (C#)

Not very clear what your issue is, but it sounds like you want something like this:

    List<string> printer = new List<string>( new [] { "jupiter", "neptune", "pangea", "mercury", "sonic" } );

    if( printer.Exists( p => p.Equals( "jupiter" ) ) )

Split comma-separated input box values into array in jquery, and loop through it

var array = searchTerms.split(",");

for (var i in array){

How to generate Class Diagram (UML) on Android Studio (IntelliJ Idea)

You can use the simple program StarUML. The trial version is unlimited and can do almost anything.

Onced installed you can use it to generate great number of uml digrams just by pasting the source code. Class diagram is just one type of it. (It understands not only Java language but C#, C++ and other)

P.S. The program is great for drawing architectural diagrams before you start to code the program.

How to remove foreign key constraint in sql server?

Alternatively, you can also delete a Foreign Key Constraint from the SQL Server Management Studio itself. You can try it if the commands do not work.

  1. Expand your database view.
  2. Right Click on Table which has foreign key constraint. Choose Design. A tab with the information about table columns will open.
  3. Right click on the column which has the foreign key reference. Or you can right click on any column. Choose Relationships.
  4. A list of relationships will appear (if you have one) in a pop up window.
  5. From there you can delete the foreign key constraint.

I hope that helps

Java string split with "." (dot)

You need to escape the dot if you want to split on a literal dot:

String extensionRemoved = filename.split("\\.")[0];

Otherwise you are splitting on the regex ., which means "any character".
Note the double backslash needed to create a single backslash in the regex.

You're getting an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException because your input string is just a dot, ie ".", which is an edge case that produces an empty array when split on dot; split(regex) removes all trailing blanks from the result, but since splitting a dot on a dot leaves only two blanks, after trailing blanks are removed you're left with an empty array.

To avoid getting an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for this edge case, use the overloaded version of split(regex, limit), which has a second parameter that is the size limit for the resulting array. When limit is negative, the behaviour of removing trailing blanks from the resulting array is disabled:

".".split("\\.", -1) // returns an array of two blanks, ie ["", ""]

ie, when filename is just a dot ".", calling filename.split("\\.", -1)[0] will return a blank, but calling filename.split("\\.")[0] will throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.

How can I get the sha1 hash of a string in node.js?

Please read and strongly consider my advice in the comments of your post. That being said, if you still have a good reason to do this, check out this list of crypto modules for Node. It has modules for dealing with both sha1 and base64.

Insert Data Into Tables Linked by Foreign Key

Use stored procedures.

And even assuming you would want not to use stored procedures - there is at most 3 commands to be run, not 4. Second getting id is useless, as you can do "INSERT INTO ... RETURNING".

linking jquery in html

Seeing the answers I have nothing else to add but one more thing:

in your test.html file you have written

link rel="stylesheet" type="css/text" href="test.css"/

see where you have written


there you need to change into


so it will look like that

link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="test.css"/

and in this case the CSS file will be linked to HTML file

BEGIN - END block atomic transactions in PL/SQL

BEGIN-END blocks are the building blocks of PL/SQL, and each PL/SQL unit is contained within at least one such block. Nesting BEGIN-END blocks within PL/SQL blocks is usually done to trap certain exceptions and handle that special exception and then raise unrelated exceptions. Nevertheless, in PL/SQL you (the client) must always issue a commit or rollback for the transaction.

If you wish to have atomic transactions within a PL/SQL containing transaction, you need to declare a PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION in the declaration block. This will ensure that any DML within that block can be committed or rolledback independently of the containing transaction.

However, you cannot declare this pragma for nested blocks. You can only declare this for:

  • Top-level (not nested) anonymous PL/SQL blocks
  • List item
  • Local, standalone, and packaged functions and procedures
  • Methods of a SQL object type
  • Database triggers

Reference: Oracle

How to use multiple databases in Laravel

Actually, DB::connection('name')->select(..) doesnt work for me, because 'name' has to be in double quotes: "name"

Still, the select query is executed on my default connection. Still trying to figure out, how to convince Laravel to work the way it is intended: change the connection.

Edit: I figured it out. After debugging Laravels DatabaseManager it turned out my database.php (config file) (inside $this->app) was wrong. In the section "connections" I had stuff like "database" with values of the one i copied it from. In clear terms, instead of

env('DB_DATABASE', 'name')

I needed to place something like


since all connections were listed with the same values for the database, username, password, etc. which of course makes little sense if I want to access at least another database name

Therefore, every time I wanted to select something from another database I always ended up in my default database

call a function in success of datatable ajax call

Try Following Code.

       var oTable = $('#app-config').dataTable(
            "bAutoWidth": false,                                                
            "bProcessing" : true,
            "bServerSide" : true,
            "sPaginationType" : "full_numbers",
            "sAjaxSource" : url,                    
            "fnServerData" : function(sSource, aoData, fnCallback) {
                alert("sSource"+ sSource);
                alert("aoData"+ aoData);
                    "dataType" : 'json',
                    "type" : "GET",
                    "url" : sSource,
                    "data" : aoData,
                    "success" : fnCallback
                }).success( function(){  alert("This Function will execute after data table loaded");   });

How to kill all processes with a given partial name?

If you do not want to take headache of finding process id, use regexp to kill process by name. For example, to kill chrome following code will do the trick.

killall -r chrome

is there any way to force copy? copy without overwrite prompt, using windows?

MOVE /-Y Source Destination

Note:/-y will make the announcement of yes/no for overwrite

What is the difference between the | and || or operators?

One is a "bitwise or".

10011b | 01000b => 11011b

The other is a logic or.

true or false => true

Animate text change in UILabel

This is a C# UIView extension method that's based on @SwiftArchitect's code. When auto layout is involved and controls need to move depending on the label's text, this calling code uses the Superview of the label as the transition view instead of the label itself. I added a lambda expression for the action to make it more encapsulated.

public static void FadeTransition( this UIView AView, double ADuration, Action AAction )
  CATransition transition = new CATransition();

  transition.Duration = ADuration;
  transition.TimingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction.FromName( CAMediaTimingFunction.Linear );
  transition.Type = CATransition.TransitionFade;

  AView.Layer.AddAnimation( transition, transition.Type );

Calling code:

  labelSuperview.FadeTransition( 0.5d, () =>
    if ( condition )
      label.Text = "Value 1";
      label.Text = "Value 2";
  } );

how to hide <li> bullets in navigation menu and footer links BUT show them for listing items

when bullet have to hide then use:

li { list-style: none;}

when bullet have to list show, then use:

li { list-style: initial;}

How do I pass a class as a parameter in Java?

As you said GWT does not support reflection. You should use deferred binding instead of reflection, or third party library such as gwt-ent for reflection suppport at gwt layer.

Convert JSON format to CSV format for MS Excel

I created a JsFiddle here based on the answer given by Zachary. It provides a more accessible user interface and also escapes double quotes within strings properly.

What is the reason for having '//' in Python?

// is unconditionally "flooring division", e.g:

>>> 4.0//1.5

As you see, even though both operands are floats, // still floors -- so you always know securely what it's going to do.

Single / may or may not floor depending on Python release, future imports, and even flags on which Python's run, e.g.:

$ python2.6 -Qold -c 'print 2/3'
$ python2.6 -Qnew -c 'print 2/3'

As you see, single / may floor, or it may return a float, based on completely non-local issues, up to and including the value of the -Q flag...;-).

So, if and when you know you want flooring, always use //, which guarantees it. If and when you know you don't want flooring, slap a float() around other operand and use /. Any other combination, and you're at the mercy of version, imports, and flags!-)

Update one MySQL table with values from another

UPDATE tobeupdated
INNER JOIN original ON (tobeupdated.value = original.value)

That should do it, and really its doing exactly what yours is. However, I prefer 'JOIN' syntax for joins rather than multiple 'WHERE' conditions, I think its easier to read

As for running slow, how large are the tables? You should have indexes on tobeupdated.value and original.value

EDIT: we can also simplify the query

UPDATE tobeupdated
INNER JOIN original USING (value)

USING is shorthand when both tables of a join have an identical named key such as id. ie an equi-join -

Git pull till a particular commit

I've found the updated answer from this video, the accepted answer didn't work for me.

First clone the latest repo from git (if haven't) using git clone <HTTPs link of the project> (or using SSH) then go to the desire branch using git checkout <branch name> .

Use the command

git log

to check the latest commits. Copy the shal of the particular commit. Then use the command

git fetch origin <Copy paste the shal here>

After pressing enter key. Now use the command

git checkout FETCH_HEAD

Now the particular commit will be available to your local. Change anything and push the code using git push origin <branch name> . That's all. Check the video for reference.

How to convert BigDecimal to Double in Java?

You need to use the doubleValue() method to get the double value from a BigDecimal object.

BigDecimal bd; // the value you get
double d = bd.doubleValue(); // The double you want

Node JS Promise.all and forEach

I had through the same situation. I solved using two Promise.All().

I think was really good solution, so I published it on npm:

I think your code will be something like this

var promiseForeach = require('promise-foreach')
var jsonItems = [];
    [function (jsonItems){
        return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
            if(jsonItems.type === 'file'){
                jsonItems.getFile().then(function(file){ //or promise.all?
    function (result, current) {
        return {
            type: current.type,
            size: jsonItems.result[0]
    function (err, newList) {
        if (err) {
        console.log('new jsonItems : ', newList)

how to get the last part of a string before a certain character?

You are looking for str.rsplit(), with a limit:

print x.rsplit('-', 1)[0]

.rsplit() searches for the splitting string from the end of input string, and the second argument limits how many times it'll split to just once.

Another option is to use str.rpartition(), which will only ever split just once:

print x.rpartition('-')[0]

For splitting just once, str.rpartition() is the faster method as well; if you need to split more than once you can only use str.rsplit().


>>> x = ''
>>> print x.rsplit('-', 1)[0]
>>> 'something-with-a-lot-of-dashes'.rsplit('-', 1)[0]

and the same with str.rpartition()

>>> print x.rpartition('-')[0]
>>> 'something-with-a-lot-of-dashes'.rpartition('-')[0]

How to pass the -D System properties while testing on Eclipse?

You can use java, for using them from eclipse you could:

  1. Add -Dlabel="label_value" in the VM arguments of the test Run Configuration like this:


  1. Then run the test:

    import org.junit.Test;
    import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
    public class Main {
        public void test(){
            assertEquals("label_value", System.getProperty("label"));
  2. Finally it should pass the test and output this in the console:


CSS How to set div height 100% minus nPx

In this example you can identify different areas:

#divContainer {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
#divHeader {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0px;
    top: 0px;
    right: 0px;
    height: 28px;
#divContentArea {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0px;
    top: 30px;
    right: 0px;
    bottom: 30px;
#divContentLeft {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0px;
    left: 0px;
    width: 200px;
    bottom: 0px;
#divContentCenter {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0px;
    left: 200px;
    bottom: 0px;
#divContentRight {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0px;
    right: 0px;
    bottom: 0px;
#divFooter {
    position: absolute;
    height: 28px;
    left: 0px;
    bottom: 0px;
    right: 0px;
<body >

<div id="divContainer">
    <div id="divHeader"> top
    <div id="divContentArea">
        <div id="divContentLeft">left
        <div id="divContentCenter">center
        <div id="divContentRight">right
    <div id="divFooter">bottom


How to open/run .jar file (double-click not working)?

Short trick: after I only REMOVED SPACES from names of the folders, where the .jar file was, double-clicked worked and the file executed.

What's wrong with nullable columns in composite primary keys?

The answer by Tony Andrews is a decent one. But the real answer is that this has been a convention used by relational database community and is NOT a necessity. Maybe it is a good convention, maybe not.

Comparing anything to NULL results in UNKNOWN (3rd truth value). So as has been suggested with nulls all traditional wisdom concerning equality goes out the window. Well that's how it seems at first glance.

But I don't think this is necessarily so and even SQL databases don't think that NULL destroys all possibility for comparison.


What you see is just one tuple with one attribute that has the value NULL. So the union recognized here the two NULL values as equal.

When comparing a composite key that has 3 components to a tuple with 3 attributes (1, 3, NULL) = (1, 3, NULL) <=> 1 = 1 AND 3 = 3 AND NULL = NULL The result of this is UNKNOWN.

But we could define a new kind of comparison operator eg. ==. X == Y <=> X = Y OR (X IS NULL AND Y IS NULL)

Having this kind of equality operator would make composite keys with null components or non-composite key with null value unproblematic.

how to fix java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException

You want to get an element from an empty array. That's why the Size: 0 from the exception

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0

So you cant do lstpp.get(0) until you fill the array.

How to change button text in Swift Xcode 6?

It is now this For swift 3,

    let button = (sender as AnyObject)
    button.setTitle("Your text", for: .normal)

(The constant declaration of the variable is not necessary just make sure you use the sender from the button like this) :

    (sender as AnyObject).setTitle("Your text", for: .normal)

Remember this is used inside the IBAction of your button.

The declared package does not match the expected package ""

Make sure that You have created a correct package.You might get a chance to create folder instead of package

How do I implement charts in Bootstrap?

I would like to suggest you to use HighCharts. It's just awesome and easy to integrate.



<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div id="container" style="min-width: 310px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div>


$(function () {
            chart: {
                type: 'column'
            title: {
                text: 'Monthly Average Rainfall'
            subtitle: {
                text: 'Source:'
            xAxis: {
                categories: [
            yAxis: {
                min: 0,
                title: {
                    text: 'Rainfall (mm)'
            tooltip: {
                headerFormat: '<span style="font-size:10px">{point.key}</span><table>',
                pointFormat: '<tr><td style="color:{series.color};padding:0">{}: </td>' +
                    '<td style="padding:0"><b>{point.y:.1f} mm</b></td></tr>',
                footerFormat: '</table>',
                shared: true,
                useHTML: true
            plotOptions: {
                column: {
                    pointPadding: 0.2,
                    borderWidth: 0
            series: [{
                name: 'Tokyo',
                data: [49.9, 71.5, 106.4, 129.2, 144.0, 176.0, 135.6, 148.5, 216.4, 194.1, 95.6, 54.4]

            }, {
                name: 'New York',
                data: [83.6, 78.8, 98.5, 93.4, 106.0, 84.5, 105.0, 104.3, 91.2, 83.5, 106.6, 92.3]

            }, {
                name: 'London',
                data: [48.9, 38.8, 39.3, 41.4, 47.0, 48.3, 59.0, 59.6, 52.4, 65.2, 59.3, 51.2]

            }, {
                name: 'Berlin',
                data: [42.4, 33.2, 34.5, 39.7, 52.6, 75.5, 57.4, 60.4, 47.6, 39.1, 46.8, 51.1]


And here is the fiddle .

How to get browser width using JavaScript code?

Update for 2017

My original answer was written in 2009. While it still works, I'd like to update it for 2017. Browsers can still behave differently. I trust the jQuery team to do a great job at maintaining cross-browser consistency. However, it's not necessary to include the entire library. In the jQuery source, the relevant portion is found on line 37 of dimensions.js. Here it is extracted and modified to work standalone:

function getWidth() {_x000D_
  return Math.max(_x000D_
function getHeight() {_x000D_
  return Math.max(_x000D_
console.log('Width:  ' +  getWidth() );_x000D_
console.log('Height: ' + getHeight() );

Original Answer

Since all browsers behave differently, you'll need to test for values first, and then use the correct one. Here's a function that does this for you:

function getWidth() {
  if (self.innerWidth) {
    return self.innerWidth;

  if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) {
    return document.documentElement.clientWidth;

  if (document.body) {
    return document.body.clientWidth;

and similarly for height:

function getHeight() {
  if (self.innerHeight) {
    return self.innerHeight;

  if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) {
    return document.documentElement.clientHeight;

  if (document.body) {
    return document.body.clientHeight;

Call both of these in your scripts using getWidth() or getHeight(). If none of the browser's native properties are defined, it will return undefined.

What are the ascii values of up down left right?

There is no real ascii codes for these keys as such, you will need to check out the scan codes for these keys, known as Make and Break key codes as per helppc's information. The reason the codes sounds 'ascii' is because the key codes are handled by the old BIOS interrupt 0x16 and keyboard interrupt 0x9.

                 Normal Mode            Num lock on
                 Make    Break        Make          Break
Down arrow       E0 50   E0 D0     E0 2A E0 50   E0 D0 E0 AA
Left arrow       E0 4B   E0 CB     E0 2A E0 4B   E0 CB E0 AA
Right arrow      E0 4D   E0 CD     E0 2A E0 4D   E0 CD E0 AA
Up arrow         E0 48   E0 C8     E0 2A E0 48   E0 C8 E0 AA

Hence by looking at the codes following E0 for the Make key code, such as 0x50, 0x4B, 0x4D, 0x48 respectively, that is where the confusion arise from looking at key-codes and treating them as 'ascii'... the answer is don't as the platform varies, the OS varies, under Windows it would have virtual key code corresponding to those keys, not necessarily the same as the BIOS codes, VK_UP, VK_DOWN, VK_LEFT, VK_RIGHT.. this will be found in your C++'s header file windows.h, as I recall in the SDK's include folder.

Do not rely on the key-codes to have the same 'identical ascii' codes shown here as the Operating system will reprogram the entire BIOS code in whatever the OS sees fit, naturally that would be expected because since the BIOS code is 16bit, and the OS (nowadays are 32bit protected mode), of course those codes from the BIOS will no longer be valid.

Hence the original keyboard interrupt 0x9 and BIOS interrupt 0x16 would be wiped from the memory after the BIOS loads it and when the protected mode OS starts loading, it would overwrite that area of memory and replace it with their own 32 bit protected mode handlers to deal with those keyboard scan codes.

Here is a code sample from the old days of DOS programming, using Borland C v3:

#include <bios.h>
int getKey(void){
    int key, lo, hi;
    key = bioskey(0);
    lo = key & 0x00FF;
    hi = (key & 0xFF00) >> 8;
    return (lo == 0) ? hi + 256 : lo;

This routine actually, returned the codes for up, down is 328 and 336 respectively, (I do not have the code for left and right actually, this is in my old cook book!) The actual scancode is found in the lo variable. Keys other than the A-Z,0-9, had a scan code of 0 via the bioskey routine.... the reason 256 is added, because variable lo has code of 0 and the hi variable would have the scan code and adds 256 on to it in order not to confuse with the 'ascii' codes...

jQuery Clone table row

Your problem is that your insertAfter:


inserts after every .tr_clone:

the matched set of elements will be inserted after the element(s) specified by this parameter.

You probably just want to use after on the row you're duplicating. And a little .find(':text').val('') will clear the cloned text inputs; something like this:

var $tr    = $(this).closest('.tr_clone');
var $clone = $tr.clone();

Demo: or for a modern jQuery:

I'm not sure which input should end up with the focus so I've left that alone.

font size in html code

Don't need to quote css attributes and you should specify an unit. (You should use an external css file too..!)

Determine project root from a running node.js application


This is a very old question but it seems to still hit the nerve in 2020 as in 2012. I've checked all of the other answers and could not find a technique (note that this has its limitations, but all of the others are not applicable in every situation as well).

GIT + child process

If you are using GIT as your version control system, the problem of determining the project root can be reduced to (which I would consider the proper root of the project - after all, you would want your VCS to have the fullest visibility scope possible):

retrieve repository root path

Since you have to run a CLI command to do that, we will need to spawn a child process. Additionally, as project root is highly unlikely to change mid-runtime, we can use the synchronous version of the child_process module APIs at startup.

I found spawnSync() to be the most suitable for the job. As for the actual command to run, git worktree (with a --porcelain option for ease of parsing) is all we need to retrieve the absolute root path.

In the sample, I opted to return an array of paths because there might be more than one worktree (although they are likely to have common paths) just to be sure. Note that as we utilize a CLI command, shell option should be set to true (security shouldn't be an issue as there is no untrusted input).

Approach comparison and fallbacks

Understanding that a situation where VCS can be inaccessible is possible, I've included a couple of fallbacks after analyzing docs and other answers. To sum up, the solutions proposed boil down to (excluding third-party modules & package-specific):

| Solution                 | Advantage               | Main Problem                     |
| ------------------------ | ----------------------- | -------------------------------- |
| `__filename`             | points to module file   | relative to module               |
| `__dirname`              | points to module dir    | same as `__filename`             |
| `node_modules` tree walk | nearly guaranteed root  | complex tree walking if nested   |
| `path.resolve(".")`      | root if CWD is root     | same as `process.cwd()`          |
| `process.argv[1]`        | same as `__filename`    | same as `__filename`             |
| `process.env.INIT_CWD`   | points to `npm run` dir | requires `npm` && CLI launch     |
| `process.env.PWD`        | points to current dir   | relative to (is the) launch dir  |
| `process.cwd()`          | same as `env.PWD`       | `process.chdir(path)` at runtime |
| `require.main.filename`  | root if `=== module`    | fails on `require`d modules      |

From the comparison table above, the most universal are two approaches:

  • require.main.filename as an easy way to get root if require.main === module is met
  • node_modules tree walk proposed recently uses another assumption:

if the directory of the module has node_modules dir inside, it is likely to be the root

For the main app, it will get the app root and for the module - its project root.

Fallback 1. Tree walk

My implementation uses a more lax approach by stopping once a target directory is found as for a given module its root is its project root. One can chain the calls or extend it to make search depth configurable:

 * @summary gets root by walking up node_modules
 * @param {import("fs")} fs
 * @param {import("path")} pt
const getRootFromNodeModules = (fs, pt) =>

     * @param {string} [startPath]
     * @returns {string[]}
    (startPath = __dirname) => {

        //avoid loop if reached root path
        if (startPath === pt.parse(startPath).root) {
            return [startPath];

        const isRoot = fs.existsSync(pt.join(startPath, "node_modules"));

        if (isRoot) {
            return [startPath];

        return getRootFromNodeModules(fs, pt)(pt.dirname(startPath));

Fallback 2. Main module

The second implementation is trivial

 * @summary gets app entry point if run directly
 * @param {import("path")} pt
const getAppEntryPoint = (pt) =>

     * @returns {string[]}
    () => {

        const { main } = require;

        const { filename } = main;

        return main === module ?
            [pt.parse(filename).dir] :


I would suggest use the tree walker as fallback because it is more versatile:

const { spawnSync } = require("child_process");
const pt = require('path');
const fs = require("fs");

 * @summary returns worktree root path(s)
 * @param {function : string[] } [fallback]
 * @returns {string[]}
const getProjectRoot = (fallback) => {

    const { error, stdout } = spawnSync(
        `git worktree list --porcelain`,
            encoding: "utf8",
            shell: true

    if (!stdout) {
        console.warn(`Could not use GIT to find root:\n\n${error}`);
        return fallback ? fallback() : [];

    return stdout
        .map(line => {
            const [key, value] = line.split(/\s+/) || [];
            return key === "worktree" ? value : "";


The most obvious is having GIT installed and initialized which might be undesirable / implausible (side note: having GIT installed on production servers is not uncommon, nor is it unsafe, though). Can be mediated by fallbacks as described above.


  1. A couple of ideas for further extension of approach 1:
  • introduce config as a function parameter
  • export the function to make it a module
  • check if GIT is installed and / or initialized


  1. git worktree reference
  2. spawnSync reference
  3. require.main reference
  4. path.dirname() reference

Windows Batch: How to add Host-Entries?

Here is my modification of @rashy above. The script does the following:

  • it verifies you have access, if not, requests it
  • allows you to enter in multiple hosts in a list
  • loops through the list
  • It finds the line containing the the domain name and removes it, then re-adds it (incase the ip has changed since the last time the script was run).
  • if the domain isn't there, it just adds it.

This is the script:

@echo off
TITLE Modifying your HOSTS file

:: BatchGotAdmin
REM  --> Check for permissions
>nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system"

REM --> If error flag set, we do not have admin.
if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' (
    echo Requesting administrative privileges...
    goto UACPrompt
) else ( goto gotAdmin )

    echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
    set params = %*:"="
    echo UAC.ShellExecute "cmd.exe", "/c %~s0 %params%", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"

    del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
    exit /B

    pushd "%CD%"
    CD /D "%~dp0"

SET Choice=
SET /P Choice="Do you want to modify HOSTS file ? (Y/N)"

IF NOT '%Choice%'=='' SET Choice=%Choice:~0,1%

IF /I '%Choice%'=='Y' GOTO ACCEPTED
IF /I '%Choice%'=='N' GOTO REJECTED
ECHO Please type Y (for Yes) or N (for No) to proceed!

ECHO Your HOSTS file was left unchanged>>%systemroot%\Temp\hostFileUpdate.log
ECHO Finished.

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
::Create your list of host domains
set LIST=(diqc.oca wiki.oca)
::Set the ip of the domains you set in the list above
set diqc.oca=
set wiki.oca=
:: deletes the parentheses from LIST
set _list=%LIST:~1,-1%
::ECHO %WINDIR%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts > tmp.txt
for  %%G in (%_list%) do (
    set  _name=%%G
    set  _value=!%%G!
    SET NEWLINE=^& echo.
    ECHO Carrying out requested modifications to your HOSTS file
    ::strip out this specific line and store in tmp file
    type %WINDIR%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts | findstr /v !_name! > tmp.txt
    ::re-add the line to it
    ECHO %NEWLINE%^!_value! !_name!>>tmp.txt
    ::overwrite host file
    copy /b/v/y tmp.txt %WINDIR%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
    del tmp.txt
ipconfig /flushdns
ECHO Finished, you may close this window now.
ECHO You should now open Chrome and go to "chrome://net-internals/#dns" (without quotes)
ECHO     then click the "clear host cache" button

ping -n 11 > nul

Make an image follow mouse pointer

by using jquery to register .mousemove to document to change the image .css left and top to event.pageX and event.pageY.

example as below

$(document).mousemove(function(e) {
    left: e.pageX,
    top: e.pageY
#follow {
  position: absolute;
  text-align: center;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="follow"><img src="" /><br>Kitteh</br>

updated to follow slowly

for the orientation , you need to get the current css left and css top and compare with event.pageX and event.pageY , then set the image orientation with

-webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg); 
-moz-transform: rotate(-90deg); 

for the speed , you can set the jquery .animation duration to certain amount.

How to call Oracle MD5 hash function?

To calculate MD5 hash of CLOB content field with my desired encoding without implicitly recoding content to AL32UTF8, I've used this code:

create or replace function clob2blob(AClob CLOB) return BLOB is
  Result BLOB;
  o1 integer;
  o2 integer;
  c integer;
  w integer;
  o1 := 1;
  o2 := 1;
  c := 0;
  w := 0;
  DBMS_LOB.CreateTemporary(Result, true);
  DBMS_LOB.ConvertToBlob(Result, AClob, length(AClob), o1, o2, 0, c, w);
end clob2blob;

update my_table t set t.hash = (rawtohex(DBMS_CRYPTO.Hash(clob2blob(t.content),2)));

How to access property of anonymous type in C#?

The accepted answer correctly describes how the list should be declared and is highly recommended for most scenarios.

But I came across a different scenario, which also covers the question asked. What if you have to use an existing object list, like ViewData["htmlAttributes"] in MVC? How can you access its properties (they are usually created via new { @style="width: 100px", ... })?

For this slightly different scenario I want to share with you what I found out. In the solutions below, I am assuming the following declaration for nodes:

List<object> nodes = new List<object>();

    Checked = false,
    depth = 1,
    id = "div_1" 

1. Solution with dynamic

In C# 4.0 and higher versions, you can simply cast to dynamic and write:

if (nodes.Any(n => ((dynamic)n).Checked == false))
    Console.WriteLine("found a  not checked  element!");

Note: This is using late binding, which means it will recognize only at runtime if the object doesn't have a Checked property and throws a RuntimeBinderException in this case - so if you try to use a non-existing Checked2 property you would get the following message at runtime: "'<>f__AnonymousType0<bool,int,string>' does not contain a definition for 'Checked2'".

2. Solution with reflection

The solution with reflection works both with old and new C# compiler versions. For old C# versions please regard the hint at the end of this answer.


As a starting point, I found a good answer here. The idea is to convert the anonymous data type into a dictionary by using reflection. The dictionary makes it easy to access the properties, since their names are stored as keys (you can access them like myDict["myProperty"]).

Inspired by the code in the link above, I created an extension class providing GetProp, UnanonymizeProperties and UnanonymizeListItems as extension methods, which simplify access to anonymous properties. With this class you can simply do the query as follows:

if (nodes.UnanonymizeListItems().Any(n => (bool)n["Checked"] == false))
    Console.WriteLine("found a  not checked  element!");

or you can use the expression nodes.UnanonymizeListItems(x => (bool)x["Checked"] == false).Any() as if condition, which filters implicitly and then checks if there are any elements returned.

To get the first object containing "Checked" property and return its property "depth", you can use:

var depth = nodes.UnanonymizeListItems()
             ?.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Contains("Checked")).GetProp("depth");

or shorter: nodes.UnanonymizeListItems()?.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Contains("Checked"))?["depth"];

Note: If you have a list of objects which don't necessarily contain all properties (for example, some do not contain the "Checked" property), and you still want to build up a query based on "Checked" values, you can do this:

if (nodes.UnanonymizeListItems(x => { var y = ((bool?)x.GetProp("Checked", true)); 
                                      return y.HasValue && y.Value == false;}).Any())
    Console.WriteLine("found a  not checked   element!");

This prevents, that a KeyNotFoundException occurs if the "Checked" property does not exist.

The class below contains the following extension methods:

  • UnanonymizeProperties: Is used to de-anonymize the properties contained in an object. This method uses reflection. It converts the object into a dictionary containing the properties and its values.
  • UnanonymizeListItems: Is used to convert a list of objects into a list of dictionaries containing the properties. It may optionally contain a lambda expression to filter beforehand.
  • GetProp: Is used to return a single value matching the given property name. Allows to treat not-existing properties as null values (true) rather than as KeyNotFoundException (false)

For the examples above, all that is required is that you add the extension class below:

public static class AnonymousTypeExtensions
    // makes properties of object accessible 
    public static IDictionary UnanonymizeProperties(this object obj)
        Type type = obj?.GetType();
        var properties = type?.GetProperties()
               ?.Select(n => n.Name)
               ?.ToDictionary(k => k, k => type.GetProperty(k).GetValue(obj, null));
        return properties;
    // converts object list into list of properties that meet the filterCriteria
    public static List<IDictionary> UnanonymizeListItems(this List<object> objectList, 
                    Func<IDictionary<string, object>, bool> filterCriteria=default)
        var accessibleList = new List<IDictionary>();
        foreach (object obj in objectList)
            var props = obj.UnanonymizeProperties();
            if (filterCriteria == default
               || filterCriteria((IDictionary<string, object>)props) == true)
            { accessibleList.Add(props); }
        return accessibleList;

    // returns specific property, i.e. obj.GetProp(propertyName)
    // requires prior usage of AccessListItems and selection of one element, because
    // object needs to be a IDictionary<string, object>
    public static object GetProp(this object obj, string propertyName, 
                                 bool treatNotFoundAsNull = false)
            return ((System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, object>)obj)
        catch (KeyNotFoundException)
            if (treatNotFoundAsNull) return default(object); else throw;

Hint: The code above is using the null-conditional operators, available since C# version 6.0 - if you're working with older C# compilers (e.g. C# 3.0), simply replace ?. by . and ?[ by [ everywhere (and do the null-handling traditionally by using if statements or catch NullReferenceExceptions), e.g.

var depth = nodes.UnanonymizeListItems()
            .FirstOrDefault(n => n.Contains("Checked"))["depth"];

As you can see, the null-handling without the null-conditional operators would be cumbersome here, because everywhere you removed them you have to add a null check - or use catch statements where it is not so easy to find the root cause of the exception resulting in much more - and hard to read - code.

If you're not forced to use an older C# compiler, keep it as is, because using null-conditionals makes null handling much easier.

Note: Like the other solution with dynamic, this solution is also using late binding, but in this case you're not getting an exception - it will simply not find the element if you're referring to a non-existing property, as long as you keep the null-conditional operators.

What might be useful for some applications is that the property is referred to via a string in solution 2, hence it can be parameterized.

Python Pandas iterate over rows and access column names

This was not as straightforward as I would have hoped. You need to use enumerate to keep track of how many columns you have. Then use that counter to look up the name of the column. The accepted answer does not show you how to access the column names dynamically.

for row in df.itertuples(index=False, name=None):
    for k,v in enumerate(row):
        print("column: {0}".format(df.columns.values[k]))
        print("value: {0}".format(v)

How to link 2 cell of excel sheet?

I Found Solution Of You Question But In Stack Not Allow to Upload Video See the link below it show better explain

How to link two (multiple) workbooks and cells in Excel...

MVC web api: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource

It may be because of the installation of Cors nuget packages.

If you facing the problem after installing and enabaling cors from nuget , then you may try reinstalling web Api.

From the package manager, run Update-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi -reinstall

How do I pipe a subprocess call to a text file?

The options for popen can be used in call


So...["/home/myuser/", "/tmp/ad_xml",  "/tmp/video_xml"], stdout=myoutput)

Then you can do what you want with myoutput (which would need to be a file btw).

Also, you can do something closer to a piped output like this.

dmesg | grep hda

would be:

p1 = Popen(["dmesg"], stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(["grep", "hda"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
output = p2.communicate()[0]

There's plenty of lovely, useful info on the python manual page.

latex large division sign in a math formula

A possible soluttion that requires tweaking, but is very flexible is to use one of \big, \Big, \bigg,\Bigg in front of your division sign - these will make it progressively larger. For your formula, I think

  $\frac{a_1}{a_2} \Big/ \frac{b_1}{b_2}$

looks nicer than \middle\ which is automatically sized and IMHO is a bit too large.

MySQL server has gone away - in exactly 60 seconds

It happens if the connection was open for quite sometime but no action was done in the MySQL server. In that case, connection timeout occurs with the error "MySQL server has gone away". The answers above may work and may not work. Even the accepted answer did not work for me. So I tried a trick and it worked fine for me. Logically, in order to avoid this error, we have to keep the MySQL connection running or in short, keep it alive. Assume that we are trying to Bulk insert 250k records. Generally it takes time to create parse data from somewhere and make Bulk query and then insert. In this scenario, most of us use a loop to create the SQL string. So let's count the iteration number and make a dummy database call after a certain iteration. It will keep the connection alive.

for(int i = 0, size = somedatalist.length; i < size; ++i){

     // build the Bulk insert query string

         // make a dummy call like `SELECT * FROM log LIMIT 1`
         // it will keep the connection alive
// Execute bulk insert

Best timing method in C?

I think this should work:

#include <time.h>

clock_t start = clock(), diff;
diff = clock() - start;

int msec = diff * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("Time taken %d seconds %d milliseconds", msec/1000, msec%1000);

How to convert "0" and "1" to false and true

If you don't want to convert.Just use;

 bool _status = status == "1" ? true : false;

Perhaps you will return the values as you want.

PHP: merge two arrays while keeping keys instead of reindexing?

Hello year 2010 question.

The OP.'s requirement is preserve keys (keep keys) and not overlap (I think overwrite). In some case such as numeric keys it is possible but if string keys it seems to be not possible.

If you use array_merge() the numeric keys will always re-index or renumbered.
If you use array_replace(), array_replace_recursive() it will be overlap or overwrite from the right to the left. The value with the same key on first array will be replaced with second array.
If you use $array1 + $array2 as the comment was mentioned, if the keys are same then it will keep the value from first array but drop the second array.

Custom function.

Here is my function that I just wrote to work on the same requirements. You are free to use for any purpose.

 * Array custom merge. Preserve indexed array key (numbers) but overwrite string key (same as PHP's `array_merge()` function).
 * If the another array key is string, it will be overwrite the first array.<br>
 * If the another array key is integer, it will be add to first array depend on duplicated key or not. 
 * If it is not duplicate key with the first, the key will be preserve and add to the first array.
 * If it is duplicated then it will be re-index the number append to the first array.
 * @param array $array1 The first array is main array.
 * @param array ...$arrays The another arrays to merge with the first.
 * @return array Return merged array.
function arrayCustomMerge(array $array1, array ...$arrays): array
    foreach ($arrays as $additionalArray) {
        foreach ($additionalArray as $key => $item) {
            if (is_string($key)) {
                // if associative array.
                // item on the right will always overwrite on the left.
                $array1[$key] = $item;
            } elseif (is_int($key) && !array_key_exists($key, $array1)) {
                // if key is number. this should be indexed array.
                // and if array 1 is not already has this key.
                // add this array with the key preserved to array 1.
                $array1[$key] = $item;
            } else {
                // if anything else...
                // get all keys from array 1 (numbers only).
                $array1Keys = array_filter(array_keys($array1), 'is_int');
                // next key index = get max array key number + 1.
                $nextKeyIndex = (intval(max($array1Keys)) + 1);
                // set array with the next key index.
                $array1[$nextKeyIndex] = $item;
        }// endforeach; $additionalArray
        unset($item, $key);
    }// endforeach;

    return $array1;
}// arrayCustomMerge


$array1 = [
    'fruitred' => 'apple',
    3.1 => 'dog',
    null => 'null',
$array2 = [
    1 => 'polar bear',
    20 => 'monkey',
    'fruitred' => 'strawberry',
    'fruityellow' => 'banana',
    null => 'another null',

// require `arrayCustomMerge()` function here.

function printDebug($message)
    echo '<pre>';
    echo '</pre>' . PHP_EOL;

echo 'array1: <br>';
echo 'array2: <br>';

echo PHP_EOL . '<hr>' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;

echo 'arrayCustomMerge:<br>';
$merged = arrayCustomMerge($array1, $array2);

assert($merged[0] == 'cat', 'array key 0 should be \'cat\'');
assert($merged[1] == 'bear', 'array key 1 should be \'bear\'');
assert($merged['fruitred'] == 'strawberry', 'array key \'fruitred\' should be \'strawberry\'');
assert($merged[3] == 'dog', 'array key 3 should be \'dog\'');
assert(array_search('another null', $merged) !== false, '\'another null\' should be merged.');
assert(array_search('polar bear', $merged) !== false, '\'polar bear\' should be merged.');
assert($merged[20] == 'monkey', 'array key 20 should be \'monkey\'');
assert($merged['fruityellow'] == 'banana', 'array key \'fruityellow\' should be \'banana\'');
The results.

    [0] => cat
    [1] => bear
    [fruitred] => apple
    [3] => dog
    [] => null


    [1] => polar bear
    [20] => monkey
    [fruitred] => strawberry
    [fruityellow] => banana
    [] => another null


    [0] => cat
    [1] => bear
    [fruitred] => strawberry
    [3] => dog
    [] => another null
    [4] => polar bear
    [20] => monkey
    [fruityellow] => banana

How to open generated pdf using jspdf in new window

this code will help you to open generated pdf in new tab with required title

 let pdf = new jsPDF();
          title: "Report"

How to display list of repositories from subversion server

Doesn't your access to SVN work just like a Web service? When I access the top directory of my SVN server, I get a page that's essentially a Table Of Contents of the whole works. It's an Unordered List that I can simply scan through.

EDIT: Here's how I would do it from the command line:

wget http://user:password@svn-url/ -O - | grep \<li\>

How do I set a checkbox in razor view?

I had the same issue, luckily I found the below code

@Html.CheckBoxFor(model => model.As, htmlAttributes: new { @checked = true} )

Check Box Checked By Default - Razor Solution

disable viewport zooming iOS 10+ safari?

In my particular case, I am using Babylon.js to create a 3D scene and my whole page consists of one full screen canvas. The 3D engine has its own zooming functionality but on iOS the pinch-to-zoom interferes with that. I updated the the @Joseph answer to overcome my problem. To disable it, I figured out that I need to pass the {passive: false} as an option to the event listener. The following code works for me:

    function(event) {
        if (event.scale !== 1) {
    { passive: false }

How can I change the size of a Bootstrap checkbox?

Or you can style it with pixels.

 .big-checkbox {width: 30px; height: 30px;}

JQuery find first parent element with specific class prefix

Jquery later allowed you to to find the parents with the .parents() method.

Hence I recommend using:

var $div = $('#divid').parents('div[class^="div-a"]');

This gives all parent nodes matching the selector. To get the first parent matching the selector use:

var $div = $('#divid').parents('div[class^="div-a"]').eq(0);

For other such DOM traversal queries, check out the documentation on traversing the DOM.

Location of WSDL.exe

If you have Windows 10 and VS2015, below you can see the Location of WSDL.exe

Path in your pc C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.7 Tools

WCF named pipe minimal example

Check out my highly simplified Echo example: It is designed to use basic HTTP communication, but it can easily be modified to use named pipes by editing the app.config files for the client and server. Make the following changes:

Edit the server's app.config file, removing or commenting out the http baseAddress entry and adding a new baseAddress entry for the named pipe (called net.pipe). Also, if you don't intend on using HTTP for a communication protocol, make sure the serviceMetadata and serviceDebug is either commented out or deleted:

            <service name="">
                        <add baseAddress="net.pipe://localhost/EchoService"/>

Edit the client's app.config file so that the basicHttpBinding is either commented out or deleted and a netNamedPipeBinding entry is added. You will also need to change the endpoint entry to use the pipe:

                <binding name="NetNamedPipeBinding_IEchoService"/>
            <endpoint address              = "net.pipe://localhost/EchoService"
                      binding              = "netNamedPipeBinding"
                      bindingConfiguration = "NetNamedPipeBinding_IEchoService"
                      contract             = "EchoServiceReference.IEchoService"
                      name                 = "NetNamedPipeBinding_IEchoService"/>

The above example will only run with named pipes, but nothing is stopping you from using multiple protocols to run your service. AFAIK, you should be able to have a server run a service using both named pipes and HTTP (as well as other protocols).

Also, the binding in the client's app.config file is highly simplified. There are many different parameters you can adjust, aside from just specifying the baseAddress...

Making WPF applications look Metro-styled, even in Windows 7? (Window Chrome / Theming / Theme)

The solution I ended up choosing was MahApps.Metro (github), which (after using it on two pieces of software now) I consider an excellent UI kit (credit to Oliver Vogel for the suggestion).

Window style

It skins the application with very little effort required, and has adaptations of the standard Windows 8 controls. It's very robust.

Text box watermark

A version is available on Nuget:

You can install MahApps.Metro via Nuget using the GUI (right click on your project, Manage Nuget References, search for ‘MahApps.Metro’) or via the console:

PM> Install-Package MahApps.Metro

It's also free -- even for commercial use.

Update 10-29-2013:

I discovered that the Github version of MahApps.Metro is packed with controls and styles that aren't available in the current nuget version, including:


enter image description here

Clean Window:

enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here

The github repository is very active with quite a bit of user contributions. I recommend checking it out.

How to increase the distance between table columns in HTML?

There isn't any need for fake <td>s. Make use of border-spacing instead. Apply it like this:


    <td>First Column</td>
    <td>Second Column</td>
    <td>Third Column</td>


table {
  border-collapse: separate;
  border-spacing: 50px 0;

td {
  padding: 10px 0;

See it in action.

How to reload current page in ReactJS?

This is my code .This works for me

            response => {
        .catch(error => {


window.location.reload(); I think this thing is not good for react js

Programmatically obtain the phone number of the Android phone

As posted in my earlier answer

Use below code :

TelephonyManager tMgr = (TelephonyManager)mAppContext.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
String mPhoneNumber = tMgr.getLine1Number();

In AndroidManifest.xml, give the following permission:

 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/> 

But remember, this code does not always work, since Cell phone number is dependent on the SIM Card and the Network operator / Cell phone carrier.

Also, try checking in Phone--> Settings --> About --> Phone Identity, If you are able to view the Number there, the probability of getting the phone number from above code is higher. If you are not able to view the phone number in the settings, then you won't be able to get via this code!

Suggested Workaround:

  1. Get the user's phone number as manual input from the user.
  2. Send a code to the user's mobile number via SMS.
  3. Ask user to enter the code to confirm the phone number.
  4. Save the number in sharedpreference.

Do the above 4 steps as one time activity during the app's first launch. Later on, whenever phone number is required, use the value available in shared preference.

ReactJS - How to use comments?

JSX Comments Syntax: You can use

  your comment 
  in multiple lines
  for documentation 


  your comment 
  in multiple lines

for multiple lines comment. And also,

  //your comment 

for single line comment.

Note: The syntax:

{ //your comment } 

doesn't work. You need to type braces in new lines.

Curly braces are used to distinguish between JSX and JavaScript in a React component. Inside curly braces, we use JavaScript comment syntax.

Reference: click here

Adding Google Translate to a web site

<div id="google_translate_element"></div><script type="text/javascript">
function googleTranslateElementInit() {
  new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'ko', layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE}, 'google_translate_element');
</script><script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

Best way to list files in Java, sorted by Date Modified?

If the files you are sorting can be modified or updated at the same time the sort is being performed:

Java 8+

private static List<Path> listFilesOldestFirst(final String directoryPath) throws IOException {
    try (final Stream<Path> fileStream = Files.list(Paths.get(directoryPath))) {
        return fileStream
            .collect(Collectors.toMap(Function.identity(), File::lastModified))
//            .sorted(Collections.reverseOrder(Map.Entry.comparingByValue()))  // replace the previous line with this line if you would prefer files listed newest first
            .map(File::toPath)  // remove this line if you would rather work with a List<File> instead of List<Path>

Java 7

private static List<File> listFilesOldestFirst(final String directoryPath) throws IOException {
    final List<File> files = Arrays.asList(new File(directoryPath).listFiles());
    final Map<File, Long> constantLastModifiedTimes = new HashMap<File,Long>();
    for (final File f : files) {
        constantLastModifiedTimes.put(f, f.lastModified());
    Collections.sort(files, new Comparator<File>() {
        public int compare(final File f1, final File f2) {
            return constantLastModifiedTimes.get(f1).compareTo(constantLastModifiedTimes.get(f2));
    return files;

Both of these solutions create a temporary map data structure to save off a constant last modified time for each file in the directory. The reason we need to do this is that if your files are being updated or modified while your sort is being performed then your comparator will be violating the transitivity requirement of the comparator interface's general contract because the last modified times may be changing during the comparison.

If, on the other hand, you know the files will not be updated or modified during your sort, you can get away with pretty much any other answer submitted to this question, of which I'm partial to:

Java 8+ (No concurrent modifications during sort)

private static List<Path> listFilesOldestFirst(final String directoryPath) throws IOException {
    try (final Stream<Path> fileStream = Files.list(Paths.get(directoryPath))) {
        return fileStream
            .map(File::toPath)  // remove this line if you would rather work with a List<File> instead of List<Path>

Note: I know you can avoid the translation to and from File objects in the above example by using Files::getLastModifiedTime api in the sorted stream operation, however, then you need to deal with checked IO exceptions inside your lambda which is always a pain. I'd say if performance is critical enough that the translation is unacceptable then I'd either deal with the checked IOException in the lambda by propagating it as an UncheckedIOException or I'd forego the Files api altogether and deal only with File objects:

final List<File> sorted = Arrays.asList(new File(directoryPathString).listFiles());

A field initializer cannot reference the nonstatic field, method, or property

You need to put that code into the constructor of your class:

private Reminders reminder = new Reminders();
private dynamic defaultReminder;

public YourClass()
    defaultReminder = reminder.TimeSpanText[TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15)];

The reason is that you can't use one instance variable to initialize another one using a field initializer.

How to change the ROOT application?

According to the Apache Tomcat docs, you can change the application by creating a ROOT.xml file. See this for more info:

"The default web application may be defined by using a file called ROOT.xml."

JQuery Event for user pressing enter in a textbox?

If your input is search, you also can use on 'search' event. Example

<input type="search" placeholder="Search" id="searchTextBox">


$("#searchPostTextBox").on('search', function () {
    alert("search value: "+$(this).val());

How do I put text on ProgressBar?

I wold create a control named for example InfoProgresBar, that provide this functionality with a label or two (Main Job, Current Job) and ProgressBar and use it instead of that ProgressBar.

How to use a SQL SELECT statement with Access VBA

Access 2007 can lose the CurrentDb: see, so in the event of getting "Object Invalid or no longer set" with the examples, use:

Dim db as Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDB
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM myTable")

Reset select value to default

You can make use of the defaultSelected property of an option element:

Contains the initial value of the selected HTML attribute, indicating whether the option is selected by default or not.

So, the DOM interface already keeps track which option was selected initially.

$("#reset").on("click", function () {
    $('#my_select option').prop('selected', function() {
        return this.defaultSelected;


This would even work for multi-select elements.

If you don't want to iterate over all options, but "break" after you found the originally selected one, you can use .each instead:

$('#my_select option').each(function () {
    if (this.defaultSelected) {
        this.selected = true;
        return false;

Without jQuery:

var options = document.querySelectorAll('#my_select option');
for (var i = 0, l = options.length; i < l; i++) {
    options[i].selected = options[i].defaultSelected;

Why is "throws Exception" necessary when calling a function?

void show() throws Exception
    throw new Exception("my.own.Exception");

As there is checked exception in show() method , which is not being handled in that method so we use throws keyword for propagating the Exception.

void show2() throws Exception //Why throws is necessary here ?

Since you are using the show() method in show2() method and you have propagated the exception atleast you should be handling here. If you are not handling the Exception here , then you are using throws keyword. So that is the reason for using throws keyword at the method signature.

What is the difference between functional and non-functional requirements?

FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS the activities the system must perform

  • business uses functions the users carry out
  • use cases example if you are developing a payroll system required functions
  • generate electronic fund transfers
  • calculation commission amounts
  • calculate payroll taxes
  • report tax deduction to the IRS

Modify table: How to change 'Allow Nulls' attribute from not null to allow null

ALTER TABLE public.contract_termination_requests
ALTER COLUMN management_company_id DROP NOT NULL;

ActiveRecord OR query

An updated version of Rails/ActiveRecord may support this syntax natively. It would look similar to:

Foo.where(foo: 'bar').or.where(bar: 'bar')

As noted in this pull request

For now, simply sticking with the following works great:

Foo.where('foo= ? OR bar= ?', 'bar', 'bar')

Update: According to the or feature will be available in Rails 5

Update: Feature has been merged to Rails 5 branch

Inverse dictionary lookup in Python

Make a reverse dictionary

reverse_dictionary = {v:k for k,v in dictionary.items()} 

If you have a lot of reverse lookups to do

Give column name when read csv file pandas

I'd do it like this:

colnames=['TIME', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'] 
user1 = pd.read_csv('dataset/1.csv', names=colnames, header=None)

How can I calculate the number of lines changed between two commits in Git?

If you want to check the number of insertions, deletions & commits, between two branches or commits.

using commit id's:

git log <commit-id>..<commit-id> --numstat --pretty="%H" --author="<author-name>" | awk 'NF==3 {added+=$1; deleted+=$2} NF==1 {commit++} END {printf("total lines added: +%d\ntotal lines deleted: -%d\ntotal commits: %d\n", added, deleted, commit)}'

using branches:

git log <parent-branch>..<child-branch> --numstat --pretty="%H" --author="<author-name>" | awk 'NF==3 {added+=$1; deleted+=$2} NF==1 {commit++} END {printf("total lines added: +%d\ntotal lines deleted: -%d\ntotal commits: %d\n", added, deleted, commit)}'

Inserting line breaks into PDF

I have simply replaced the "\n" with "<br>" tag. Worked fine. It seems TCPDF render the text as HTML

$strText = str_replace("\n","<br>",$strText);
$pdf->MultiCell($width, $height,$strText, 0, 'J', 0, 1, '', '', true, null, true);

Large Numbers in Java

You can use the BigInteger class for integers and BigDecimal for numbers with decimal digits. Both classes are defined in java.math package.


BigInteger reallyBig = new BigInteger("1234567890123456890");
BigInteger notSoBig = new BigInteger("2743561234");
reallyBig = reallyBig.add(notSoBig);

When should I use GET or POST method? What's the difference between them?

The reason for using POST when making changes to data:

  • A web accelerator like Google Web Accelerator will click all (GET) links on a page and cache them. This is very bad if the links make changes to things.
  • A browser caches GET requests so even if the user clicks the link it may not send a request to the server to execute the change.
  • To protect your site/application against CSRF you must use POST. To completely secure your app you must then also generate a unique identifier on the server and send that along in the request.

Also, don't put sensitive information in the query string (only option with GET) because it shows up in the address bar, bookmarks and server logs.

Hopefully this explains why people say POST is 'secure'. If you are transmitting sensitive data you must use SSL.

Twig for loop for arrays with keys

I found the answer :

{% for key,value in array_path %}
    Key : {{ key }}
    Value : {{ value }}
{% endfor %}

How do I test a single file using Jest?

To run an individual test:

npm test -t ValidationUtil # `ValidationUtil` is my module `ValidationUtil.spec.js`

-t - after it, put a regular expression containing the test name.

Passing headers with axios POST request

To set headers in an Axios POST request, pass the third object to the call.

const token = '..your token..', {
}, {
  headers: {
    'Authorization': `Basic ${token}` 

To set headers in an Axios GET request, pass a second object to the axios.get() call.

const token = '..your token..' 

axios.get(url, {
  headers: {
    'Authorization': `Basic ${token}`

Cheers!! Read Simple Write Simple

Set the value of a variable with the result of a command in a Windows batch file

The only way I've seen it done is if you do this:

for /f "delims=" %a in ('ver') do @set foobar=%a

ver is the version command for Windows and on my system it produces:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6001]


IIS7 Permissions Overview - ApplicationPoolIdentity

Top Answer from Jon Adams

Here is how to implement this for the PowerShell folks

$IncommingPath = "F:\WebContent"
$Acl = Get-Acl $IncommingPath
$Ar = New-Object"IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool","FullControl","ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
Set-Acl $IncommingPath $Acl

How to uninstall Apache with command line

On Windows 8.1 I had to run cmd.exe as administrator (even though I was logged in as admin). Otherwise I got an error when trying to execute: httpd.exe -k uninstall

Error: C:\Program Files\Apache\bin>(OS 5)Access is denied. : AH00373: Apache2.4: OpenS ervice failed

Trim leading and trailing spaces from a string in awk

If you want to trim all spaces, only in lines that have a comma, and use awk, then the following will work for you:

awk -F, '/,/{gsub(/ /, "", $0); print} ' input.txt

If you only want to remove spaces in the second column, change the expression to

awk -F, '/,/{gsub(/ /, "", $2); print$1","$2} ' input.txt

Note that gsub substitutes the character in // with the second expression, in the variable that is the third parameter - and does so in-place - in other words, when it's done, the $0 (or $2) has been modified.

Full explanation:

-F,            use comma as field separator 
               (so the thing before the first comma is $1, etc)
/,/            operate only on lines with a comma 
               (this means empty lines are skipped)
gsub(a,b,c)    match the regular expression a, replace it with b, 
               and do all this with the contents of c
print$1","$2   print the contents of field 1, a comma, then field 2
input.txt      use input.txt as the source of lines to process

EDIT I want to point out that @BMW's solution is better, as it actually trims only leading and trailing spaces with two successive gsub commands. Whilst giving credit I will give an explanation of how it works.

gsub(/^[ \t]+/,"",$2);    - starting at the beginning (^) replace all (+ = zero or more, greedy)
                             consecutive tabs and spaces with an empty string
gsub(/[ \t]+$/,"",$2)}    - do the same, but now for all space up to the end of string ($)
1                         - ="true". Shorthand for "use default action", which is print $0
                          - that is, print the entire (modified) line

Calculate date/time difference in java

Here is my code.

import java.util.Date;

// to calculate difference between two days
public class DateDifference {

// to calculate difference between two dates in milliseconds
public long getDateDiffInMsec(Date da, Date db) {
    long diffMSec = 0;
    diffMSec = db.getTime() - da.getTime();
    return diffMSec;

// to convert Milliseconds into DD HH:MM:SS format.
public String getDateFromMsec(long diffMSec) {
    int left = 0;
    int ss = 0;
    int mm = 0;
    int hh = 0;
    int dd = 0;
    left = (int) (diffMSec / 1000);
    ss = left % 60;
    left = (int) left / 60;
    if (left > 0) {
        mm = left % 60;
        left = (int) left / 60;
        if (left > 0) {
            hh = left % 24;
            left = (int) left / 24;
            if (left > 0) {
                dd = left;
    String diff = Integer.toString(dd) + " " + Integer.toString(hh) + ":"
            + Integer.toString(mm) + ":" + Integer.toString(ss);
    return diff;


Update int column in table with unique incrementing values

simple query would be, just set a variable to some number you want. then update the column you need by incrementing 1 from that number. for all the rows it'll update each row id by incrementing 1

SET @a  = 50000835 ;  
UPDATE `civicrm_contact` SET external_identifier = @a:=@a+1 
WHERE external_identifier IS NULL;

Google Maps how to Show city or an Area outline

I have try twitter geo api, failed.

Google map api, failed, so far, no way you can get city limit by any api.

twitter api geo endpoint will NOT give you city boundary,

what they provide you is ONLY bounding box with 5 point(lat, long)

this is what I get from twitter api geo for San Francisco enter image description here

Android: I am unable to have ViewPager WRAP_CONTENT

I have a similar (but more complex scenario). I have a dialog, which contains a ViewPager.
One of the child pages is short, with a static height.
Another child page should always be as tall as possible.
Another child page contains a ScrollView, and the page (and thus the entire dialog) should WRAP_CONTENT if the ScrollView contents don't need the full height available to the dialog.

None of the existing answers worked completely for this specific scenario. Hold on- it's a bumpy ride.

void setupView() {
    final ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener pageChangeListener = new ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener() {
        public void onPageSelected(int position) {
            currentPagePosition = position;

            // Update the viewPager height for the current view

            Borrowed from
            Gather the height of the "decor" views, since this height isn't included
            when measuring each page's view height.
            int decorHeight = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < viewPager.getChildCount(); i++) {
                View child = viewPager.getChildAt(i);
                ViewPager.LayoutParams lp = (ViewPager.LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
                if (lp != null && lp.isDecor) {
                    int vgrav = lp.gravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK;
                    boolean consumeVertical = vgrav == Gravity.TOP || vgrav == Gravity.BOTTOM;
                    if (consumeVertical) {
                        decorHeight += child.getMeasuredHeight();

            int newHeight = decorHeight;

            switch (position) {
                    newHeight += measureViewHeight(thePageView1);
                case PAGE_TO_FILL_PARENT:
                    newHeight = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;
                case PAGE_TO_WRAP_CONTENT:
//                  newHeight = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; // Works same as MATCH_PARENT because...reasons...
//                  newHeight += measureViewHeight(thePageView2); // Doesn't allow scrolling when sideways and height is clipped

                    Only option that allows the ScrollView content to scroll fully.
                    Just doing this might be way too tall, especially on tablets.
                    (Will shrink it down below)
                    newHeight = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;

            // Update the height
            ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams = viewPager.getLayoutParams();
            layoutParams.height = newHeight;

            if (position == PAGE_TO_WRAP_CONTENT) {
                // This page should wrap content

                // Measure height of the scrollview child
                View scrollViewChild = ...; // (generally this is a LinearLayout)
                int scrollViewChildHeight = scrollViewChild.getHeight(); // full height (even portion which can't be shown)
                // ^ doesn't need measureViewHeight() because... reasons...

                if (viewPager.getHeight() > scrollViewChildHeight) { // View pager too tall?
                    // Wrap view pager height down to child height
                    newHeight = scrollViewChildHeight + decorHeight;

                    ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams2 = viewPager.getLayoutParams();
                    layoutParams2.height = newHeight;

            // Bonus goodies :)
            // Show or hide the keyboard as appropriate. (Some pages have EditTexts, some don't)
            switch (position) {
                // This case takes a little bit more aggressive code than usual

                if (position needs keyboard shown){
                } else if {


            new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
                public void onGlobalLayout() {
                    // Do things which require the views to have their height populated here
                    pageChangeListener.onPageSelected(currentPagePosition); // fix the height of the first page

                    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {
                    } else {



private void showKeyboardForEditText() {
    // Make the keyboard appear.
    getDialog().getWindow().clearFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM);
    getDialog().getWindow().setSoftInputMode(WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_VISIBLE | WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_PAN);


    InputMethodManager inputMethodManager =
            (InputMethodManager) getActivity().getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
            InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT, 0);


 * Hide the keyboard -
private void hideKeyboard() {
    InputMethodManager inputManager = (InputMethodManager) getActivity().getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);

    inputManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(inputBibleBookStart.getWindowToken(), InputMethodManager.HIDE_NOT_ALWAYS);


private int measureViewHeight(View view) {
    view.measure(ViewGroup.getChildMeasureSpec(-1, -1, view.getLayoutParams().width), View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED));
    return view.getMeasuredHeight();

Much thanks to @Raanan for the code to measure views and measure the decor height. I ran into problems with his library- the animation stuttered, and I think my ScrollView wouldn't scroll when the height of the dialog was short enough to require it.

Efficient way to rotate a list in python

A collections.deque is optimized for pulling and pushing on both ends. They even have a dedicated rotate() method.

from collections import deque
items = deque([1, 2])
items.append(3)        # deque == [1, 2, 3]
items.rotate(1)        # The deque is now: [3, 1, 2]
items.rotate(-1)       # Returns deque to original state: [1, 2, 3]
item = items.popleft() # deque == [2, 3]

Align text to the bottom of a div

Flex Solution

It is perfectly fine if you want to go with the display: table-cell solution. But instead of hacking it out, we have a better way to accomplish the same using display: flex;. flex is something which has a decent support.

.wrap {_x000D_
  height: 200px;_x000D_
  width: 200px;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #aaa;_x000D_
  margin: 10px;_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
.wrap span {_x000D_
  align-self: flex-end;_x000D_
<div class="wrap">_x000D_
  <span>Align me to the bottom</span>_x000D_

In the above example, we first set the parent element to display: flex; and later, we use align-self to flex-end. This helps you push the item to the end of the flex parent.

Old Solution (Valid if you are not willing to use flex)

If you want to align the text to the bottom, you don't have to write so many properties for that, using display: table-cell; with vertical-align: bottom; is enough

div {_x000D_
  display: table-cell;_x000D_
  vertical-align: bottom;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #f00;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  width: 100px;_x000D_

(Or JSFiddle)

Is there a way to programmatically minimize a window


NORMALIZE this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;

this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;

Get difference between two dates in months using Java

You can use Joda time library for Java. It would be much easier to calculate time-diff between dates with it.

Sample snippet for time-diff:

Days d = Days.daysBetween(startDate, endDate);
int days = d.getDays();

TSQL - Cast string to integer or return default value

I know it's not pretty but it is simple. Try this:

declare @AlpaNumber nvarchar(50) = 'ABC'
declare @MyNumber int = 0
begin Try
select @MyNumber = case when ISNUMERIC(@AlpaNumber) = 1 then cast(@AlpaNumber as int) else 0 end
End Try
Begin Catch
    -- Do nothing
End Catch 

if exists(select * from mytable where mynumber = @MyNumber)
print 'Found'
 print 'Not Found'

<input type="file"> limit selectable files by extensions

Honestly, the best way to limit files is on the server side. People can spoof file type on the client so taking in the full file name at server transfer time, parsing out the file type, and then returning a message is usually the best bet.

Reading an Excel file in PHP

Read XLSX (Excel 97-2003)

if ( $xls = SimpleXLS::parse('book.xls') ) {
    print_r( $xls->rows() );
} else {
    echo SimpleXLS::parseError();

Read XLSX (Excel 2003+)

if ( $xlsx = SimpleXLSX::parse('book.xlsx') ) {
    print_r( $xlsx->rows() );
} else {
    echo SimpleXLSX::parseError();


Array (
    [0] => Array
            [0] => ISBN
            [1] => title
            [2] => author
            [3] => publisher
            [4] => ctry
    [1] => Array
            [0] => 618260307
            [1] => The Hobbit
            [2] => J. R. R. Tolkien
            [3] => Houghton Mifflin
            [4] => USA


CSV php reader

dpi value of default "large", "medium" and "small" text views android

To put it in another way, can we replicate the appearance of these text views without using the android:textAppearance attribute?

Like biegleux already said:

  • small represents 14sp
  • medium represents 18sp
  • large represents 22sp

If you want to use the small, medium or large value on any text in your Android app, you can just create a dimens.xml file in your values folder and define the text size there with the following 3 lines:

<dimen name="text_size_small">14sp</dimen>
<dimen name="text_size_medium">18sp</dimen>
<dimen name="text_size_large">22sp</dimen>

Here is an example for a TextView with large text from the dimens.xml file:

  android:text="hello world"

Get text of the selected option with jQuery

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('select#select_2').change(function() {
        var selectedText = $(this).find('option:selected').text();


How to send PUT, DELETE HTTP request in HttpURLConnection?

UrlConnection is an awkward API to work with. HttpClient is by far the better API and it'll spare you from loosing time searching how to achieve certain things like this stackoverflow question illustrates perfectly. I write this after having used the jdk HttpUrlConnection in several REST clients. Furthermore when it comes to scalability features (like threadpools, connection pools etc.) HttpClient is superior

What is the purpose of the "final" keyword in C++11 for functions?

Supplement to Mario Knezovic 's answer:

class IA
  virtual int getNum() const = 0;

class BaseA : public IA
 inline virtual int getNum() const final {return ...};

class ImplA : public BaseA {...};

IA* pa = ...;
ImplA* impla = static_cast<ImplA*>(pa);

//the following line should cause compiler to use the inlined function BaseA::getNum(), 
//instead of dynamic binding (via vtable or something).
//any class/subclass of BaseA will benefit from it

int n = impla->getNum();

The above code shows the theory, but not actually tested on real compilers. Much appreciated if anyone paste a disassembled output.

Implement Validation for WPF TextBoxes

When it comes to DiSaSteR's answer, I noticed a different behavior. textBox.Text shows the text in the TextBox as it was before the user entered a new character, while e.Text shows the single character the user just entered. One challenge is that this character might not get appended to the end, but it will be inserted at the carret position:

private void salary_texbox_PreviewTextInput(object sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e){
  Regex regex = new Regex ( "[^0-9]+" );

  string text;
  if (textBox.CaretIndex==textBox.Text.Length) {
    text = textBox.Text + e.Text;
  } else {
    text = textBox.Text.Substring(0, textBox.CaretIndex)  + e.Text + textBox.Text.Substring(textBox.CaretIndex);


Case statement with multiple values in each 'when' block

In a case statement, a , is the equivalent of || in an if statement.

case car
   when 'toyota', 'lexus'
      # code

Some other things you can do with a Ruby case statement

Installing SQL Server 2012 - Error: Prior Visual Studio 2010 instances requiring update

Only install the Service Pack (VS10sp1-KB983509.msp) wasn't enough to me.

I had to uninstall the Visual Studio Team Explorer 2010 to continue the installation :)

Regular expression to match numbers with or without commas and decimals in text

Here is another construction which starts with the simplest number format and then, in a non-overlapping way, progressively adds more complex number formats:

Java regep:


As a Java String (note the extra \ needed to escape to \ and . since \ and . have special meaning in a regexp when on their own):

String myregexp="(\\d)|([1-9]\\d+)|(\\.\\d+)|(\\d\\.\\d*)|([1-9]\\d+\\.\\d*)|([1-9]\\d{0,2}(,\\d{3})+(\\.\\d*)?)";   


  1. This regexp has the form A|B|C|D|E|F where A,B,C,D,E,F are themselves regexps that do not overlap. Generally, I find it easier to start with the simplest possible matches, A. If A misses matches you want, then create a B that is a minor modification of A and includes a bit more of what you want. Then, based on B, create a C that catches more, etc. I also find it easier to create regexps that don't overlap; it is easier to understand a regexp with 20 simple non-overlapping regexps connected with ORs rather than a few regexps with more complex matching. But, each to their own!

  2. A is (\d) and matches exactly one of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 which can't be simpler!

  3. B is ([1-9]\d+) and only matches numbers with 2 or more digits, the first excluding 0 . B matches exactly one of 10,11,12,... B does not overlap A but is a small modification of A.

  4. C is (.\d+) and only matches a decimal followed by one or more digits. C matches exactly one of .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .00 .01 .02 ... . .23000 ... C allows trailing eros on the right which I prefer: if this is measurement data, the number of trailing zeros indicates the level of precision. If you don't want the trailing zeros on the right, change (.\d+) to (.\d*[1-9]) but this also excludes .0 which I think should be allowed. C is also a small modification of A.

  5. D is (\d.\d*) which is A plus decimals with trailing zeros on the right. D only matches a single digit, followed by a decimal, followed by zero or more digits. D matches 0. 0.0 0.1 0.2 ....0.01000...9. 9.0 9.1..0.0230000 .... 9.9999999999... If you want to exclude "0." then change D to (\d.\d+). If you want to exclude trailing zeros on the right, change D to (\d.\d*[1-9]) but this excludes 2.0 which I think should be included. D does not overlap A,B,or C.

  6. E is ([1-9]\d+.\d*) which is B plus decimals with trailing zeros on the right. If you want to exclude "13.", for example, then change E to ([1-9]\d+.\d+). E does not overlap A,B,C or D. E matches 10. 10.0 10.0100 .... 99.9999999999... Trailing zeros can be handled as in 4. and 5.

  7. F is ([1-9]\d{0,2}(,\d{3})+(.\d*)?) and only matches numbers with commas and possibly decimals allowing trailing zeros on the right. The first group ([1-9]\d{0,2}) matches a non-zero digit followed zero, one or two more digits. The second group (,\d{3})+ matches a 4 character group (a comma followed by exactly three digits) and this group can match one or more times (no matches means no commas!). Finally, (.\d*)? matches nothing, or matches . by itself, or matches a decimal . followed by any number of digits, possibly none. Again, to exclude things like "1,111.", change (.\d*) to (.\d+). Trailing zeros can be handled as in 4. or 5. F does not overlap A,B,C,D, or E. I couldn't think of an easier regexp for F.

Let me know if you are interested and I can edit above to handle the trailing zeros on the right as desired.

Here is what matches regexp and what does not:

02 <- invalid
003 <- invalid
030 <- invalid
033 <- invalid
0004 <- invalid
0040 <- invalid
0400 <- invalid
0044 <- invalid
0404 <- invalid
0440 <- invalid
0444 <- invalid
00005 <- invalid
00050 <- invalid
00500 <- invalid
05000 <- invalid
00055 <- invalid
00505 <- invalid
00550 <- invalid
05050 <- invalid
05500 <- invalid
00555 <- invalid
05055 <- invalid
05505 <- invalid
05550 <- invalid
. <- invalid
.. <- invalid
00. <- invalid
02. <- invalid
00.0 <- invalid
000. <- invalid
00.3 <- invalid
003. <- invalid
03.0 <- invalid
030. <- invalid
03.3 <- invalid
033. <- invalid
00.00 <- invalid
000.0 <- invalid
0000. <- invalid
00.04 <- invalid
000.4 <- invalid
0004. <- invalid
00.44 <- invalid
004.4 <- invalid
0044. <- invalid
04.04 <- invalid
040.4 <- invalid
0404. <- invalid
04.44 <- invalid
044.4 <- invalid
0444. <- invalid
00.000 <- invalid
000.00 <- invalid
0000.0 <- invalid
00000. <- invalid
00.005 <- invalid
000.05 <- invalid
0000.5 <- invalid
00005. <- invalid
00.055 <- invalid
000.55 <- invalid
0005.5 <- invalid
00055. <- invalid
00.505 <- invalid
005.05 <- invalid
0050.5 <- invalid
00505. <- invalid
00.550 <- invalid
005.50 <- invalid
0055.0 <- invalid
00550. <- invalid
05.050 <- invalid
050.50 <- invalid
0505.0 <- invalid
05050. <- invalid
05.500 <- invalid
055.00 <- invalid
0550.0 <- invalid
05500. <- invalid
00.555 <- invalid
005.55 <- invalid
0055.5 <- invalid
00555. <- invalid
05.055 <- invalid
050.55 <- invalid
0505.5 <- invalid
05055. <- invalid
05.505 <- invalid
055.05 <- invalid
0550.5 <- invalid
05505. <- invalid
05.550 <- invalid
055.50 <- invalid
0555.0 <- invalid
05550. <- invalid
05.555 <- invalid
055.55 <- invalid
0555.5 <- invalid
05555. <- invalid
, <- invalid
,, <- invalid
1, <- invalid
,1 <- invalid
22, <- invalid
2,2 <- invalid
,22 <- invalid
2,2, <- invalid
2,2, <- invalid
,22, <- invalid
333, <- invalid
33,3 <- invalid
3,33 <- invalid
,333 <- invalid
3,33, <- invalid
3,3,3 <- invalid
3,,33 <- invalid
,,333 <- invalid
4444, <- invalid
444,4 <- invalid
44,44 <- invalid
,4444 <- invalid
55555, <- invalid
5555,5 <- invalid
555,55 <- invalid
5,5555 <- invalid
,55555 <- invalid
666666, <- invalid
66666,6 <- invalid
6666,66 <- invalid
66,6666 <- invalid
6,66666 <- invalid
66,66,66 <- invalid
6,66,666 <- invalid
,666,666 <- invalid
01,111.110 <- invalid
0,111.100 <- invalid
11,11. <- invalid
1,111,.11 <- invalid
1111.1,10 <- invalid
01111.11,0 <- invalid
0111.100, <- invalid
01,111,111.110 <- invalid
0,111,111.100 <- invalid
1,1111,11.11 <- invalid
11,111,11.110 <- invalid
01,11,1111.110 <- invalid
0,111111.100 <- invalid
0002,22.2230 <- invalid
.,5.,., <- invalid
2.0,345,345 <- invalid
2.334.456 <- invalid

Passing data through intent using Serializable

Create your custom object and implement Serializable. Next, you can use intent.putExtra("", <your-serializable-object>).

In the second activity, you read it using getIntent().getSerializableExtra("")

Otherwise, follow this and this page.

Is there a way to provide named parameters in a function call in JavaScript?

There is another way. If you're passing an object by reference, that object's properties will appear in the function's local scope. I know this works for Safari (haven't checked other browsers) and I don't know if this feature has a name, but the below example illustrates its use.

Although in practice I don't think that this offers any functional value beyond the technique you're already using, it's a little cleaner semantically. And it still requires passing a object reference or an object literal.

function sum({ a:a, b:b}) {
    if(a==undefined) a=0;
    if(b==undefined) b=0;
    return (a+b);

// will work (returns 9 and 3 respectively)

// will not work (returns 0)

How do I remove blank pages coming between two chapters in Appendix?

One thing I discovered is that using the \include command will often insert and extra blank page. Riffing on the previous trick with the \let command, I inserted \let\include\input near the beginning of the document, and that got rid of most of the excessive blank pages.

Angular 2 / 4 / 5 not working in IE11

The latest version of angular is only setup for evergreen browsers by default...

The current setup is for so-called "evergreen" browsers; the last versions of browsers that automatically update themselves. This includes Safari >= 10, Chrome >= 55 (including Opera), Edge >= 13 on the desktop, and iOS 10 and Chrome on mobile.
This also includes firefox, although not mentioned.

See here for more information on browser support along with a list of suggested polyfills for specific browsers.

This means that you manually have to enable the correct polyfills to get Angular working in IE11 and below.

To achieve this, go into polyfills.ts (in the src folder by default) and just uncomment the following imports:


/** IE9, IE10 and IE11 requires all of the following polyfills. **/
 import 'core-js/es6/symbol';
 import 'core-js/es6/object';
 import 'core-js/es6/function';
 import 'core-js/es6/parse-int';
 import 'core-js/es6/parse-float';
 import 'core-js/es6/number';
 import 'core-js/es6/math';
 import 'core-js/es6/string';
 import 'core-js/es6/date';
 import 'core-js/es6/array';
 import 'core-js/es6/regexp';
 import 'core-js/es6/map';
 import 'core-js/es6/set';

Note that the comment is literally in the file, so this is easy to find.

If you are still having issues, you can downgrade the target property to es5 in tsconfig.json as @MikeDub suggested. What this does is change the compilation output of any es6 definitions to es5 definitions. For example, fat arrow functions (()=>{}) will be compiled to anonymous functions (function(){}). You can find a list of es6 supported browsers here.


• I was asked in the comments by @jackOfAll whether IE11 polyfills are loaded even if the user is in an evergreen browser which doesn't need them. The answer is, yes they are! The inclusion of the IE11 polyfills will take your polyfill file from ~162KB to ~258KB as of Aug 8 '17. I have invested in trying to solve this however it does not seem possible at this time.

• If you are getting errors in IE10 and below, go into you package.json and downgrade webpack-dev-server to 2.7.1 specifically. Versions higher than this no longer support "older" IE versions.

WARNING: Can't verify CSRF token authenticity rails

I'm using Rails 4.2.4 and couldn't work out why I was getting:

Can't verify CSRF token authenticity

I have in the layout:

<%= csrf_meta_tags %>

In the controller:

protect_from_forgery with: :exception

Invoking tcpdump -A -s 999 -i lo port 3000 was showing the header being set ( despite not needing to set the headers with ajaxSetup - it was done already):

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
DNT: 1
Content-Length: 125

In the end it was failing because I had cookies switched off. CSRF doesn't work without cookies being enabled, so this is another possible cause if you're seeing this error.

Call function with setInterval in jQuery?

setInterval(function() {
}, 2000);

function updatechat() {
    alert('hello world');

Change the class from factor to numeric of many columns in a data frame

Based on @SDahm's answer, this was an "optimal" solution for my tibble:

data %<>% lapply(type.convert) %>%

This requires dplyr and magrittr.

ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions

The reason why you get your error is because a "1 by n" matrix is different from an array of length n.

I recommend using hstack() and vstack() instead. Like this:

import numpy as np
a = np.arange(32).reshape(4,8) # 4 rows 8 columns matrix.
b = a[:,-1:]                    # last column of that matrix.

result = np.hstack((a,b))       # stack them horizontally like this:
#array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  7],
#       [ 8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15],
#       [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 23],
#       [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 31]])

Notice the repeated "7, 15, 23, 31" column. Also, notice that I used a[:,-1:] instead of a[:,-1]. My version generates a column:


Instead of a row array([7,15,23,31])

Edit: append() is much slower. Read this answer.

.attr("disabled", "disabled") issue

Thank you all for your contribution! I found the problem:


My code works. I have asked the PHP Dev to change the input types hidden in to input type text. The disabled feature works. But the firebug console does not update this status!

you can test out this firebug bug by your self here Thx to aSeptik for the example page.

update: 2. June 2012: Firebug in FF11 still has this bug.

How do I break a string in YAML over multiple lines?

In case you're using YAML and Twig for translations in Symfony, and want to use multi-line translations in Javascript, a carriage return is added right after the translation. So even the following code:

var javascriptVariable = "{{- 'key'|trans -}}";

Which has the following yml translation:

key: >
    This is a
    multi line 

Will still result into the following code in html:

var javascriptVariable = "This is a multi line translation.

So, the minus sign in Twig does not solve this. The solution is to add this minus sign after the greater than sign in yml:

key: >-
    This is a
    multi line 

Will have the proper result, multi line translation on one line in Twig:

var javascriptVariable = "This is a multi line translation.";

How do I get the value of a textbox using jQuery?

There's a .val() method:

If you've got an input with an id of txtEmail you can use the following code to access the value of the text box:


You can also use the val(string) method to set that value:


how to assign a block of html code to a javascript variable

Modern Javascript implementations with the template syntax using backticks are also an easy way to assign an HTML block of code to a variable:

    const firstName = 'Sam';
    const fullName = 'Sam Smith';
    const htmlString = `<h1>Hello ${fullName}!</h1><p>This is some content \
        that will display. You can even inject your first name, ${firstName}, \
        in the code.</p><p><a href="">Search</a> for \
        stuff on the Google website.</p>`;

how to run a winform from console application?

It´s very simple to do:

Just add following attribute and code to your Main-method:

void Main(string[] args])
   //Do some stuff...
       Application.DoEvents(); //Now if you call "form.Show()" your form won´t be frozen
       //Do your stuff

Now you´re fully able to show WinForms :)

input() error - NameError: name '...' is not defined

You can change which python you're using with your IDE, if you've already downloaded python 3.x it shouldn't be too hard to switch. But your script works fine on python 3.x, I would just change

print ("your name is" + input_variable)


print ("your name is", input_variable)

Because with the comma it prints with a whitespace in between your name is and whatever the user inputted. AND: if you're using 2.7 just use raw_input instead of input.

How to turn off INFO logging in Spark?

For PySpark, you can also set the log level in your scripts with sc.setLogLevel("FATAL"). From the docs:

Control our logLevel. This overrides any user-defined log settings. Valid log levels include: ALL, DEBUG, ERROR, FATAL, INFO, OFF, TRACE, WARN

Ignoring NaNs with str.contains

I'm not 100% on why (actually came here to search for the answer), but this also works, and doesn't require replacing all nan values.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame([["foo1"], ["foo2"], ["bar"], [np.nan]], columns=['a'])

newdf = df.loc[df['a'].str.contains('foo') == True]

Works with or without .loc.

I have no idea why this works, as I understand it when you're indexing with brackets pandas evaluates whatever's inside the bracket as either True or False. I can't tell why making the phrase inside the brackets 'extra boolean' has any effect at all.

How do I redirect to another webpage?

Original question: "How to redirect using jQuery?", hence the answer implements jQuery >> Complimentary usage case.

To just redirect to a page with JavaScript:

window.location.href = "/contact/";

Or if you need a delay:

setTimeout(function () {
  window.location.href = "/contact/";
}, 2000);   // Time in milliseconds

jQuery allows you to select elements from a web page with ease. You can find anything you want on a page and then use jQuery to add special effects, react to user actions, or show and hide content inside or outside the element you have selected. All these tasks start with knowing how to select an element or an event.

    opacity: 0 //Put some CSS animation here
  }, 500);
    // OK, finished jQuery staff, let's go redirect
    window.location.href = "/contact/";

Imagine someone wrote a script/plugin with 10000 lines of code. With jQuery you can connect to this code with just a line or two.

Byte Array in Python

Just use a bytearray (Python 2.6 and later) which represents a mutable sequence of bytes

>>> key = bytearray([0x13, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00])
>>> key

Indexing get and sets the individual bytes

>>> key[0]
>>> key[1]=0xff
>>> key

and if you need it as a str (or bytes in Python 3), it's as simple as

>>> bytes(key)

GridView must be placed inside a form tag with runat="server" even after the GridView is within a form tag

You are calling GridView.RenderControl(htmlTextWriter), hence the page raises an exception that a Server-Control was rendered outside of a Form.

You could avoid this execption by overriding VerifyRenderingInServerForm

public override void VerifyRenderingInServerForm(Control control)
  /* Confirms that an HtmlForm control is rendered for the specified ASP.NET
     server control at run time. */

See here and here.

Change the color of glyphicons to blue in some- but not at all places using Bootstrap 2

Yes, you can set the icons to the white color. here is how it worked for me.

Bootstrap <3


<i class="icon-ok icon-white"></i>

This would make your icon appear white.

Script parameters in Bash

I needed to make sure that my scripts are entirely portable between various machines, shells and even cygwin versions. Further, my colleagues who were the ones I had to write the scripts for, are programmers, so I ended up using this:

for ((i=1;i<=$#;i++)); 

    if [ ${!i} = "-s" ] 
    then ((i++)) 

    elif [ ${!i} = "-log" ];
    then ((i++)) 

    elif [ ${!i} = "-x" ];
    then ((i++)) 

    elif [ ${!i} = "-p" ]; 
    then ((i++)) 

    elif [ ${!i} = "-b" ];
    then ((i++)) 

    elif [ ${!i} = "-l" ];
    then ((i++)) 

    elif [ ${!i} = "-a" ];
    then ((i++)) 


Rationale: I included a script as well, since the whole operation had several steps which were quasi independent on each other (I'm saying "quasi", because even though each script could be run on its own, they were usually all run together), and in two days I found out, that about half of my colleagues, being programmers and all, were too good to be using the launcher file, follow the "usage", or read the HELP which was displayed every time they did something wrong and they were making a mess of the whole thing, running scripts with arguments in the wrong order and complaining that the scripts didn't work properly. Being the choleric I am I decided to overhaul all my scripts to make sure that they are colleague-proof. The code segment above was the first thing.

return string with first match Regex

If you only need the first match, then use instead of re.findall:

>>> m ='\d+', 'aa33bbb44')
>>> m ='\d+', 'aazzzbbb')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#281>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'

Then you can use m as a checking condition as:

>>> m ='\d+', 'aa33bbb44')
>>> if m:
        print('First number found = {}'.format(
        print('Not Found')

First number found = 33

In MVC, how do I return a string result?

There Are 2 ways to return a string from the controller to the view:


You could return only the string, but it will not be included in your .cshtml file. it will be just a string appearing in your browser.


You could return a string as the Model object of View Result.

Here is the code sample to do this:

public class HomeController : Controller
    // GET: Home
    // this will return just a string, not html
    public string index()
        return "URL to show";

    public ViewResult AutoProperty()
        string s = "this is a string ";
        // name of view , object you will pass
        return View("Result", s);


In the view file to run AutoProperty, It will redirect you to the Result view and will send s
code to the view

<!--this will make this file accept string as it's model-->
@model string

    Layout = null;

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
    <!--this will represent the string -->

I run this at http://localhost:60227/Home/AutoProperty.

make *** no targets specified and no makefile found. stop

Delete your source tree that was gunzipped or gzipped and extracted to folder and reextract again. Supply your options again

./configure --with-option=/path/etc ...

Then if all libs are present, your make should succeed.

When using Trusted_Connection=true and SQL Server authentication, will this affect performance?

If your web application is configured to impersonate a client, then using a trusted connection will potentially have a negative performance impact. This is because each client must use a different connection pool (with the client's credentials).

Most web applications don't use impersonation / delegation, and hence don't have this problem.

See this MSDN article for more information.

Checking if type == list in python

This seems to work for me:

>>>a = ['x', 'y', 'z']
<class 'list'>
>>>isinstance(a, list)

Can I use complex HTML with Twitter Bootstrap's Tooltip?

set "html" option to true if you want to have html into tooltip. Actual html is determined by option "title" (link's title attribute shouldn't be set)

$('#example1').tooltip({placement: 'bottom', title: '<p class="testtooltip">par</p>', html: true});

Live sample

Run JavaScript when an element loses focus

You want to use the onblur event.

<input type="text" name="name" value="value" onblur="alert(1);"/>

Error pushing to GitHub - insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database

 user@M063:/var/www/html/app/.git/objects$ sudo chmod 777 -R .git/objects
 user@M063:/var/www/html/app/.git/objects$ sudo chown -R user:user .git/objects/

JList add/remove Item

The problem is


you may be adding an element and immediatly removing it since both add and remove operations are on the same listModel.


private void aggiungiTitolareButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                                       

    DefaultListModel lm2 = (DefaultListModel) listaTitolari.getModel();
    DefaultListModel lm1  = (DefaultListModel) listaRosa.getModel();
    if(lm2 == null)
        lm2 = new DefaultListModel();

Print content of JavaScript object?

You can use json.js from to change json data to string data.

Resize Google Maps marker icon image

If the original size is 100 x 100 and you want to scale it to 50 x 50, use scaledSize instead of Size.

var icon = {
    url: "../res/sit_marron.png", // url
    scaledSize: new google.maps.Size(50, 50), // scaled size
    origin: new google.maps.Point(0,0), // origin
    anchor: new google.maps.Point(0, 0) // anchor

var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng),
    map: map,
    icon: icon

Why std::cout instead of simply cout?

"std" is a namespace used for STL (Standard Template Library). Please refer to

You can either write using namespace std; before using any stl functions, variables or just insert std:: before them.

When to use IList and when to use List

There's an important thing that people always seem to overlook:

You can pass a plain array to something which accepts an IList<T> parameter, and then you can call IList.Add() and will receive a runtime exception:

Unhandled Exception: System.NotSupportedException: Collection was of a fixed size.

For example, consider the following code:

private void test(IList<int> list)

If you call that as follows, you will get a runtime exception:

int[] array = new int[0];

This happens because using plain arrays with IList<T> violates the Liskov substitution principle.

For this reason, if you are calling IList<T>.Add() you may want to consider requiring a List<T> instead of an IList<T>.

Div table-cell vertical align not working

An element styled as follows will be aligned vertically to middle:

     -webkit-transform: translateY(-50%);
     -ms-transform: translateY(-50%);
     transform: translateY(-50%);

However, the parent element must have a fixed height. See this fiddle:

What is a pre-revprop-change hook in SVN, and how do I create it?

If you want to save the changes on the log messages, use the batch script from the answer above from @patmortech (,
who copied the script from,
and add these lines between if "%bIsEmpty%" == "true" goto ERROR_EMPTY and goto :eofbefore:

set outputFile=%repos%\log-change-history.txt

echo User '%user%' changes log message in rev %rev% on %date% %time%.>>%outputFile%
echo ----- Old message: ----->>%outputFile%
svnlook propget --revprop %repos% svn:log -r %rev% >>%outputFile%
echo ----- New message: ----->>%outputFile%
for /f "tokens=*" %%g in ('find /V ""') do (echo %%g >>%outputFile%)
echo ---------->>%outputFile%

It will create a text file log-change-history.txt in the repo folder on the server and append each log change notification.

ffmpeg - Converting MOV files to MP4

The command to just stream it to a new container (mp4) needed by some applications like Adobe Premiere Pro without encoding (fast) is:

ffmpeg -i -qscale 0 output.mp4

Alternative as mentioned in the comments, which re-encodes with best quaility (-qscale 0):

ffmpeg -i -q:v 0 output.mp4

Reference alias (calculated in SELECT) in WHERE clause

You can do this using cross apply

SELECT c.BalanceDue AS BalanceDue
FROM Invoices
cross apply (select (InvoiceTotal - PaymentTotal - CreditTotal) as BalanceDue) as c
WHERE  c.BalanceDue  > 0;

Is there a way to remove the separator line from a UITableView?

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    [self.tableView setSeparatorStyle:UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleNone];

How can you use optional parameters in C#?

For a larger number of optional parameters, a single parameter of Dictionary could be used with the ContainsKey method. I like this approach because it allows me to pass a List or a T individually without having to create a whole other method (nice if parameters are to be used as filters, for example).

Example (new Dictionary<string,Object>() would be passed if no optional parameters are desired):

public bool Method(string ParamA, Dictionary<string,Object> AddlParams) {
    if(ParamA == "Alpha" && (AddlParams.ContainsKey("foo") || AddlParams.ContainsKey("bar"))) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

http to https through .htaccess

I try all of above code but any code is not working for my website.then i try this code and This code is running perfect for my website. You can use the following Rule in htaccess :

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On

//Redirect http to https
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?example\.com
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]

//Redirect non-www to www
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301]


Change with your domain name and sorry for my poor english.

How should I deal with "package 'xxx' is not available (for R version x.y.z)" warning?

It almost always works for me when I use bioconductor as source and then invoke biocLite. Example:


jQuery onclick toggle class name

jQuery has a toggleClass function:

<button class="switch">Click me</button>

<div class="text-block collapsed pressed">some text</div>

    $('.switch').on('click', function(e) {
      $('.text-block').toggleClass("collapsed pressed"); //you can list several class names 

Is it possible to pull just one file in Git?

You can fetch and then check out only one file in this way:

git fetch
git checkout -m <revision> <yourfilepath>
git add <yourfilepath>
git commit

Regarding the git checkout command:

  • <revision> -- a branch name, i.e. origin/master
  • <yourfilepath> does not include the repository name (that you can get from clicking copy path button on a file page on GitHub), i.e.

HTML "overlay" which allows clicks to fall through to elements behind it

In case anyone else is running in to the same problem, the only solution I could find that satisfied me was to have the canvas cover everything and then to raise the Z-index of all clickable elements. You can't draw on them, but at least they are clickable...

How to fix curl: (60) SSL certificate: Invalid certificate chain

NOTE: This answer obviously defeats the purpose of SSL and should be used sparingly as a last resort.

For those having issues with scripts that download scripts that download scripts and want a quick fix, create a file called ~/.curlrc

With the contents


This will cause curl to ignore SSL certificate problems by default.

Make sure you delete the file when done.


12 days later I got notified of an upvote on this answer, which made me go "Hmmm, did I follow my own advice remember to delete that .curlrc?", and discovered I hadn't. So that really underscores how easy it is to leave your curl insecure by following this method.

Excel VBA select range at last row and column

Is this what you are trying? I have commented the code so that you will not have any problem understanding it.

Sub Sample()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim lRow As Long, lCol As Long
    Dim rng As Range

    '~~> Set this to the relevant worksheet
    Set ws = [Sheet1]

    With ws
        '~~> Get the last row and last column
        lRow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
        lCol = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

        '~~> Set the range
        Set rng = .Range(.Cells(lRow, 1), .Cells(lRow, lCol))

        With rng
            Debug.Print .Address
            '~~> What ever you want to do with the address
        End With
    End With
End Sub

BTW I am assuming that LastRow is the same for all rows and same goes for the columns. If that is not the case then you will have use .Find to find the Last Row and the Last Column. You might want to see THIS

What is the difference between Unidirectional and Bidirectional JPA and Hibernate associations?

In terms of coding, a bidirectional relationship is more complex to implement because the application is responsible for keeping both sides in synch according to JPA specification 5 (on page 42). Unfortunately the example given in the specification does not give more details, so it does not give an idea of the level of complexity.

When not using a second level cache it is usually not a problem to do not have the relationship methods correctly implemented because the instances get discarded at the end of the transaction.

When using second level cache, if anything gets corrupted because of wrongly implemented relationship handling methods, this means that other transactions will also see the corrupted elements (the second level cache is global).

A correctly implemented bi-directional relationship can make queries and the code simpler, but should not be used if it does not really make sense in terms of business logic.

Error: The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed

For PHP, put this line of code before you start printing your XML:

while(ob_get_level()) ob_end_clean();

jQuery change method on input type="file"

I could not get IE8+ to work by adding a jQuery event handler to the file input type. I had to go old-school and add the the onchange="" attribute to the input tag:

<input type='file' onchange='getFilename(this)'/>

function getFileName(elm) {
   var fn = $(elm).val();


function getFileName(elm) {
   var fn = $(elm).val();
   var filename = fn.match(/[^\\/]*$/)[0]; // remove C:\fakename