Since seangwright's solution (Edit 3) appears to be very useful, I also found it a pain to pack this feature into base component, and hint other project teammates to remember to call super() on ngOnDestroy to activate this feature.
This answer provide a way to set free from super call, and make "componentDestroyed$" a core of base component.
class BaseClass {
protected componentDestroyed$: Subject<void> = new Subject<void>();
constructor() {
/// wrap the ngOnDestroy to be an Observable. and set free from calling super() on ngOnDestroy.
let _$ = this.ngOnDestroy;
this.ngOnDestroy = () => {
/// placeholder of ngOnDestroy. no need to do super() call of extended class.
ngOnDestroy() {}
And then you can use this feature freely for example:
selector: 'my-thing',
templateUrl: './my-thing.component.html'
export class MyThingComponent extends BaseClass implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
private myThingService: MyThingService,
) { super(); }
ngOnInit() {
.subscribe(things => console.log(things));
/// optional. not a requirement to implement OnDestroy
ngOnDestroy() {
console.log('everything works as intended with or without super call');